Home Dental treatment What does an abdominal x-ray show in adults? X-ray of abdominal organs

What does an abdominal x-ray show in adults? X-ray of abdominal organs

There are a large number of diseases that affect organs abdominal cavity. Unfortunately, people are often not prepared for such illnesses and only learn about their presence when it is already too late. For this reason, experts recommend diagnosing internal organs constantly (for preventive purposes). And if you have any symptoms, then an x-ray of the abdominal cavity will be simply an indispensable study that will help on early stage identify the problem and overcome it. Let's look at the main questions regarding this diagnostic procedure.

What is an abdominal x-ray?

First, let's look at it ourselves medical term to understand the principle of operation of X-ray machines and the essence of the procedure itself. It is worth mentioning right away that an x-ray of the abdominal organs is the use of special rays to obtain an accurate projection of all organs located in a given area. Founded this procedure on the property of the body that x-ray radiation is reflected differently from different organs, tissues, and other things. When the patient is immobilized, the beam gun of the procedure machine sends beams that pass through only one obstacle - the human body.

Please pay Special attention Although various parenchymal organs are visualized much worse, this is due to low reflectivity. And among tissues with good reflective ability, it is worth highlighting bone. In order for the projection of such organs (with poor visualization) to be clearer and more understandable, for the study of such organs the procedure must be carried out with contrast. Contrast allows you not only to make the image clearer, but also to “highlight” those organs that a regular x-ray does not show.

The abdominal examination procedure is simple and safe.

Types of abdominal x-ray

This diagnostic procedure is divided into types precisely on this basis - according to how it is made ( X-ray examination without contrast or with it) and what it shows in the end. Let's take a closer look at both types, which can affect not only humans, but also dogs and cats.

Survey study

A survey study is usually called a procedure that diagnoses only the most obvious illnesses associated with organs located in the abdominal cavity. This method can be called fast, easy to carry out, and most importantly, cheap. It is worth noting that a survey study can only be considered an indicative method, despite the fact that it helps to map almost all organs and their condition. Thus, it is concluded that this radiograph will allow us to draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of various nonspecific changes, or rather, quite gross disorders and pathologies. In some situations, the method can simply help find the answer to the question of in which organ the problem should be looked for.

The presence of fluid or gas in the abdominal cavity can be seen on an abdominal examination.

As for the installation accurate diagnosis, then for this it is recommended to give preference to any other methods. For example, in some situations, it will be indispensable to conduct an additional ultrasound, which will help determine a specific problem, and not just its presence.

Contrast study

The contrasting option deserves special attention. this study, most often X-rays are performed with barium, and not only people can be examined this way, because dogs and cats also tolerate this process well. X-rays using contrast will help to identify any pathological narrowings, as well as expansions, to detect even small tumors and perforations located precisely in hollow organs, which can only be seen when contrast is used, that is, with barium. It is worth noting that this substance does not dissolve in various liquids, located in the body, but it perfectly absorbs the rays of the X-ray machine.

Let us immediately mention that barium must be consumed before the start of the study, and only after that control images are taken, then time is waited and images are taken again. A similar process is repeated until the desired result is obtained, and this will happen when the barium reaches the required point in the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible allergy to contrast agent.

Indications and contraindications

In order to understand the diagnoses that can be made using this study, it is worth considering the main indications that are the reason for a specialist to prescribe such a study. As for the most common indication for the procedure, it is worth highlighting various emergency surgical pathologies that require urgent diagnosis. It is worth noting such options as wounds or even internal bleeding. Among the more common pathologies, we highlight intestinal obstruction and abscess formation.

Also this method effective for diagnosing any ailments associated with the appearance of dense structures. We are talking about the presence of kidney stones, as well as in gallbladder or even in the bladder. Sometimes specialists are able to identify tumor processes. Dogs and cats have similar indications for x-rays, so keep an eye on your pets’ health!

Such research is not recommended for women during pregnancy.

As for contraindications, it is worth noting that this diagnostic method has very few of them. Let us mention that the study is not recommended for those women who are pregnant, and the period of fetal development in such situations does not matter at all. As an alternative, in such a situation, the specialist will most likely offer an ultrasound. We also note that sometimes the procedure is not recommended for children who are too young.

As mentioned earlier, the survey method cannot show the entire structure of hollow organs, so experts recommend using contrast, and such a study also acquires new contraindications. It is prohibited to resort to a method involving the use of contrast in situations where the patient is allergic to barium or another substance that will be used. It is important to understand in advance that you really will not have allergic reaction to components. Be sure to check this in all situations, except for those when the clock is ticking and you can’t hesitate.

Preparatory process

Preparation is an incredibly important part, on which the success of the procedure itself greatly depends. But as for the review option, in such a situation this process will be easy, since the only thing you should do is visit the toilet before conducting the study, and also get rid of all metal things on your body. For example, a belt plaque or jewelry should be removed. The fact is that any thing made of metal can cause serious interference during the procedure.

As for the contrast study, in this case everything is a little more complicated, since you will even need to follow a special diet for some time before the procedure itself. It is important not to limit yourself, but simply to exclude foods that can somehow cause gas. Examples include legumes and black bread. And here are the rest important points which includes preparation for research using contrast:

Preparation is important not only for humans, but also, for example, for a cat that needs to be diagnosed on the advice of a veterinarian. It is worth noting that experts often advise patients to use any medications to get rid of accumulations in the intestines. For example, a pharmacy may offer you Fortrans; it can be used for this purpose.

Important! X-ray of organs located in the abdominal cavity is a very important study for both humans and cats or any other animal. If a specialist prescribes it for you, then under no circumstances should you refuse it without significant reasons. There are situations when X-rays with contrast even helped save lives!

Carrying out the procedure

Let us immediately mention that preparation should also include what you will need to take correct posture, and when using contrast, you will have to lie (or stand) in it for quite a long time. Sometimes you need to take pictures sequentially, changing positions, you just need to listen to a radiologist. As for the review procedure, it can be completed even in a few minutes, but the one for which contrast is used takes much longer, since the contrast does not immediately reach the necessary organs. You will have to wait some time before it passes through part of the gastrointestinal tract. To clarify this situation, you should simply consult with a specialist; he will tell you in advance about the entire diagnostic process.

The x-ray is performed lying down and does not take more than 10 minutes.

What can you see in the photographs?

It is worth considering the last question, its essence concerns the description of the images. It is immediately worth mentioning that all results should be assessed only by a professional radiologist. First, specialists check the patient's images for any ruptures of the hollow organs, which may be indicated by the presence of gas where there should not be any. Experts are also able to identify:

As for the contrast procedure, it can also reveal more subtle details, for example, determine the patency characteristic of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also possible to analyze the condition of all the walls and draw conclusions about the presence or absence of neoplasms, but this is not always effective, since they can only be identified if they compress the walls of the intestines or even the stomach.

Note! The examination should not end there; be sure to take the conclusion to the attending physician, who will prescribe further treatment!

The abdominal cavity contains many vital organs, problems with which require complex diagnostics. One of the effective and affordable methods for detecting diseases of the abdominal organs is x-ray.

What is an abdominal x-ray?

Abdominal X-ray is a non-invasive, completely painless method medical research using X-rays. Modern X-rays allow you to project images of internal organs clearly and with the least harm to the body. An X-ray of the abdominal cavity shows the position of the internal organs, as well as their structure and tone. The study is carried out by a radiologist who monitors the correctness of the process. He also gives the patient a conclusion with the diagnostic results, which then must be shown to the doctor. Despite the high information content of modern x-ray research methods, a correct diagnosis requires a doctor’s examination, tests, etc. As a rule, x-rays are the final stage in drawing up a complete clinical picture.

Types of abdominal x-ray

The close arrangement of organs in the abdominal region causes difficulties during examination, which forced the improvement of diagnostic methods. Modern radiography of the abdominal cavity can be performed in two ways, each of which has indications and advantages.

Survey study

This is standard diagnostic method, the most accessible and simple. Plain X-ray of the abdomen shows what is causing unpleasant symptoms And feeling unwell: Excess gas or fluid, bleeding, or foreign objects (such as kidney stones or small objects swallowed). Also, a survey radiography of the abdominal organs allows you to see damage caused by various reasons: from inflammation to injury.

Contrast study

Contrast x-ray of the abdominal organs is an improved research method that allows you to obtain a more detailed description of the condition of any organ. As a contrast agent in in this case barium sulfate is used, which colors the inside blood vessels and makes the drawing of internal organs clearer.

Indications for the study

An abdominal x-ray is a serious examination that is prescribed by a doctor only if necessary. If there are certain indications and the results of other studies, radiography will help confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis.

Pain in the abdomen (acute abdomen syndrome) and lower back pain

Pain in the abdomen and lower back can be a symptom of many diseases: inflammation of the appendix, cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy etc. X-ray of the abdominal cavity, which shows the structure of the internal organs, allows you to identify the inflamed or damaged organ that is the cause of the syndrome acute abdomen. Typically, an X-ray of the abdominal cavity for acute abdominal syndrome is prescribed in particularly difficult cases, when making a diagnosis is difficult due to related problems with health.


Typically, bloating occurs due to wrong mode nutrition, however, if it is observed constantly, an x-ray of the abdominal cavity may be prescribed, which shows disturbances in the structure of the organs. The cause of bloating may be inflammatory diseases internal organs, as well as neoplasms and edema. All these problems are clearly visible on a contrast radiograph.

Abdominal injuries

An X-ray of the abdominal cavity is indicated if internal injuries are suspected, since violation of the integrity of any organ can lead to disastrous consequences. Damage is indicated by free gas, which is visible on x-rays. varying degrees, depending on the organ. Plain radiography also allows you to see bleeding or hematomas.

Retroperitoneal abscess

A retroperitoneal abscess is the appearance of purulent formations on internal organs. This disease can occur due to injury, abdominal operations, organ perforation, proliferation of metastases. The consequence of a retroperitoneal abscess can be sepsis and, as a consequence, death. An X-ray of the abdominal cavity can reveal the position of the abscess and its size. As a rule, it is prescribed after an ultrasound if necessary.

Acute intestinal obstruction

Since in acute intestinal obstruction, areas of the intestine with liquid and gas are visible in horizontal position The patient is given an X-ray of the abdominal cavity while lying down. The shape and size of these areas determines which part of the intestine the obstruction is located in. The most effective in this case is a contrast X-ray of the abdominal cavity. Acute intestinal obstruction can lead to fatal outcome in the absence of treatment, therefore correct diagnosis in this case it is extremely important.


The cause of the development of acute intestinal obstruction can be intussusception - the introduction of one section of the intestine into another. Pathology can have consequences in the form of the development of inflammatory and tumor processes. The causes of intussusception are very diverse, and it helps to understand them X-ray examination. For this purpose, a survey radiography of the abdominal cavity or a more informative one, contrast, is used. In particular difficult case may additionally be assigned CT scan, which is also one of the types radiology diagnostics.

Preparing for an abdominal x-ray

Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity does not require any preparation. However, for a contrast X-ray of the abdominal cavity, preparation is required, since if there are remains of food, liquids or gases inside the organs, their condition will be difficult to determine. 2-3 days before the test you will need to follow a diet, giving preference to foods that are not causing gas formation. 12 hours before the x-ray you will need to stop eating solid food; it is advisable to cleanse your intestines two hours before. Also, a few hours before the test, the patient is given a solution of barium sulfate to drink to stain the organs.

How is an X-ray performed?

Immediately before the test, your doctor will ask you to remove items from your pockets that may interfere with the image being displayed on the screen. An x-ray of the abdominal cavity is taken in both vertical and horizontal positions. In some cases, it may be necessary to scan the body in two projections in order to better see the condition and structure of the internal organs. The patient takes a standing or lying position. In order for the pictures to be of high quality, it is necessary to remain still.

Contraindications to X-rays

Contrast and plain radiography of the abdominal cavity is a relatively safe method of examination, but has contraindications. Radiation diagnostics is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age and pregnant women; obstacles may also arise if the patient’s condition is inadequate or severe, when it is impossible to remain still. In general, thanks to radioprotection methods, modern radiation is harmless to humans even when carried out regularly.

Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity is a radiodiagnostic technique that allows you to assess the condition of organs in a given location, detect signs of pathologies and emergency conditions requiring medical intervention. The survey study does not involve the use of a contrast agent, so it is a preliminary, “screening” diagnostic method.

Plain radiography is a relatively uninformative diagnostic method and in most cases requires additional research(, contrast radiography).

In most cases, it serves as a study of the first level of diagnostics, giving general information about the patient’s condition and allowing quick diagnosis preliminary diagnosis. In addition, this particular technique is used as a screening for preventive examination of a large number of people.

Preparation for the procedure


A few days before the test you need to go on a special diet. The patient should not strictly limit himself in nutrition; it is only necessary to slightly adjust the diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of the following products:

The diet is recommended to consist of simple dishes - porridge with water, soups, salads. It is important to stay hydrated and drink enough liquid every day. This will normalize peristalsis and prevent constipation and flatulence. If these symptoms are present, the information value of the study is significantly reduced, so following a diet is an important component of preparation. However, if a patient is admitted to the hospital urgently with any acute condition, the study can be carried out without special preparation.

Cleansing enema

Before the procedure, it is advisable to do a cleansing enema (see cleansing or). Emptying the intestines also increases the likelihood of a reliable test result. The enema is performed as usual, the evening before the x-ray. It is advisable to repeat the cleansing in the morning immediately before going to the doctor.


Instead of an enema, patients can use.

Most effective drug from this group is, which is available in powder form in paper bags. One portion of powder should be diluted in 1 liter of water. For a woman of average weight, you need to prepare 3 liters of solution, for a man - about 4 liters. The patient should slowly drink the resulting liquid, 1 liter per hour. A significant water load allows you to cleanse the intestines and remove water that may interfere with radiography.

The patient should use the drug Fortrans in mandatory agree with your doctor. The drug has a number of contraindications; it is not recommended to be prescribed to debilitated and elderly patients. Increased water load is also undesirable for patients with pathologies of cardio-vascular system or with kidney disease.

Direct preparation for the study

It is recommended to stop eating solid food approximately 12 hours in advance (from the evening of the previous day), as it can be visualized in the intestines and make diagnosis difficult. Immediately before the examination it is necessary to empty bladder. In the doctor's office, you must remove all jewelry and other metal objects; you do not need to undress.

Fluoroscopy is the most popular method of radiation diagnostics in medicine for the study of human internal organs. It is based on the discovery in 1895 by the German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen of X-rays, later called X-rays. These rays are able to pass through tissue human body, leaving an image of illuminated objects in the image. Modern X-ray machines use free isotopes of krypton as a radiation source. X-ray is a fast, reliable and inexpensive technique for diagnosing many diseases, including identifying diseases of the abdominal organs.

Types of X-ray

Internal organs located in the peritoneum are divided into hollow and parenchymatous, consisting of parenchyma - tissue formed from cells that carry the main functional load. The kidney parenchyma consists of renal tissue, the liver - of hepatic tissue. These cells are held together and protected by the stroma - a kind of framework that forms a shell filled with parenchyma. For hollow and parenchymal organs they are used different types X-ray - contrast and survey. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  • Contrast radiography is used to study the hollow organs of the peritoneum - the esophagus in its lower third, the stomach and intestines. The method is able to detect pathological narrowing or expansion of the organ, disruption of patency and normal functioning. It has this name because it uses contrast agents. Typically, the contrast is a milky-white liquid, which is an aqueous suspension of barium sulfate. This substance has a high ability to absorb X-rays, and against its background all defects become easily replaced. It does not dissolve in water, acid or alkali, is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, does not enter the bloodstream, and after some time is excreted from the body naturally.
  • A survey image of the abdominal organs is taken to study the parenchymal tissues of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas. Their fairly dense structure is itself capable of absorbing X-ray radiation, so it is possible to examine these organs without the use of contrast. It is called a survey radiograph because it provides approximate information about the condition of the organ. The images shown by a plain radiography of the abdominal cavity allow us to judge whether there are any nonspecific changes in the structure of the organs that should be paid attention to.

The main advantage of survey radiography is its breadth of coverage. However, it does not always make it possible to determine what exactly the recorded deviations from the norm are, therefore it is often only the first stage of instrumental diagnostics.

Indications and contraindications

The list of diseases for which a doctor may prescribe an X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity is quite extensive:

  • pathologies of the esophagus – gastroduodenitis;
  • pathologies of the stomach - gastritis, ulcers, polyps and other neoplasms;
  • pathology duodenum– peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction, inflammatory lesions of the intestinal walls;
  • diseases of the kidneys and pelvic organs - bladder, ureter, rectum;
  • pathologies of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts;
  • blunt abdominal trauma;
  • penetrating abdominal wounds;
  • Availability foreign bodies in the peritoneum.

The choice of technique depends on the type of organ (hollow and parenchymal), the expected pathology and a number of other factors. In some cases, any form of examination may be prohibited. Contraindications to x-rays include:

  • high dose of radiation received earlier in the year;
  • pregnancy for early stages– first 12 weeks;
  • internal bleeding;
  • perforation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • the patient's serious condition is loss of consciousness.

An allergy to the contrast agent may be a contraindication for contrast X-rays. It is also excluded that it will be carried out in early ageSmall child cannot fully prepare for this type of examination. During pregnancy, it is carried out if the risk of maternal pathology is high enough, requires urgent diagnosis and significantly exceeds the danger that the radiation dose from an abdominal x-ray may pose to the fetus. When urgent need, if the patient's condition requires it, x-rays are taken when there is a risk of exceeding the radiation dosage.

If X-rays are absolutely unacceptable, it is used to clarify the diagnosis of pathologies of the abdominal organs. ultrasonography, computed and/or magnetic resonance imaging.

Preparation for the procedure

In preparation for a routine abdominal x-ray, the patient needs to empty the bladder and bowels. It is preferable to carry out the examination on an empty stomach. No other preparations are required before the procedure.

Preparing for an abdominal x-ray using a contrast agent is more difficult.

  1. 24 hours before the procedure, you need to exclude from your diet foods that cause increased gas formation: vegetables, fruits, legumes, dairy, rye bread.
  2. When there are 12 hours left before the x-ray, only liquids are allowed - solid and thick foods are completely excluded.
  3. A complete cleansing of the intestines is necessary. To do this, you should take the drug Fortrans the night before. A dose of powder is dissolved in a liter of cool water, boiled or mineral water without gas. Take at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 20 kg of weight, i.e., if a person weighs 60 kg, he should drink 3 liters. The norm should be taken within 3-4 hours, drinking 250 g every 15 minutes. Two to three hours before the procedure, the patient must receive an enema.

On the day of the fluoroscopy, you should not eat, drink or take anything. medications. Gastrointestinal tract before a contrast x-ray it must be absolutely clean - only in this case the diagnosis will be as accurate as possible.

Carrying out the procedure

Digital contrast radiography

X-ray examination using contrast takes place in several stages and takes a fairly long period of time. First, the patient is placed on a table in front of the machine, then he must take about 600 ml of barium suspension. If you need an x-ray of the stomach or small intestine, barium should be drunk in small sips; when examining the large intestine, it is administered using an enema. For better distribution of the contrast liquid in the internal cavity, the abdomen must be lightly massaged.

How the patient will be positioned on the table - sitting, lying on his back/side, or standing - depends on the projection in which the shooting is supposed to be carried out. In the horizontal position, the laterography method is used, in which the X-ray beam is also directed horizontally. Pictures are taken separately at each position at intervals of 5 to 30 minutes. During the photographs and in the pauses between them, the patient should remain motionless.

Decoding the results x-ray examination should be carried out within several days after it is carried out. It is performed by qualified specialists. Data from detailed descriptions are attached to the patient's medical history or given to him.

If an x-ray is carried out on the direction of a doctor in a public medical institution, its cost is paid from the mandatory fund health insurance, and the procedure is free for the patient. In case of receiving a paid medical services, the price of an abdominal x-ray depends on many indicators: the region where it was performed, the status of the clinic, the qualification level of the employees conducting the examination, and the class of equipment. The type and scope of the examination, as well as the time of its implementation, matters: in night period The load on the equipment is less, the pictures are cheaper.

Unlike the classic X-ray survey radiography is a more informative study. A diagnostician evaluates the condition of not only the liver or kidneys, but all organs at once abdominal cavity. It is possible to evaluate the individual nuances of the location of organs and recognize existing pathological processes.

Computed tomography is based on the same principles as x-ray: by using ionizing radiation Various areas of the human body are scanned. Dignity plain radiography is that the method accurately visualizes bone tissue and is safer for health due to minimal radiation exposure to the body. In addition, X-ray diagnostics are cheaper and accessible to most patients.

Indications for x-ray of the peritoneal organs

Survey radiography carried out in the following cases:

    Injuries, injuries and wounds in the abdominal area.

    Acute pain V abdominal cavity.

    Urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

    Alarming symptoms, characteristic of appendicitis.

    Penetration of foreign objects, presence of intestinal obstruction, volvulus of the cecum or small intestine.

    Complaints about constant bloating abdomen and increased gas formation.

    Ischemic colitis and other pathological conditions.


X-ray the abdominal area is not performed with caution and is performed in the following cases:

1. Women during pregnancy and nursing mothers.

At this time, diagnostics using ionizing radiation are prescribed in exceptional cases. This is due to the fact that the consequences of exposure x-ray on the baby have not been fully studied.

2. Children under 12 years old.

Radiation exposure can negatively affect a child's development. If possible, use alternative methods research.

For patients with a history bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis and other serious pathologies, to make an X-ray only after consultation with your doctor. The presence of piercings, iron implants, or tattoos is not a contraindication to the procedure.

Procedure technique

Before diagnostic manipulation, the patient must remove chains and other metal jewelry from the area being examined. It is necessary to stand straight at the device and follow the instructions of the diagnostician; the device is first adjusted taking into account the patient’s height. The specialist makes the necessary settings and controls the process from a separate office.

When the body is exposed to ionizing radiation, a person must be motionless; only then can the most accurate images be obtained. If necessary, the diagnostician asks you to hold your breath for a couple of seconds. You may need to take pictures in various positions body to images of organs abdominal cavity were in different projections. Lying down radiography carried out for the purpose of optimal review of through defects in the intestines or stomach. The finished radiographs are transferred to the patient or the attending physician.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What does a survey x-ray of the peritoneum show?

A radiologist is able to identify the following pathological diseases:

    tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract;

    acute obstruction intestines, hepatic colic and other pathological processes.

In what cases is an x-ray of the peritoneum performed in children?

    When various objects get inside. X-rays allow you to detect buttons, bolts, coins and other objects.

    If intestinal obstruction is suspected.

    After injuries, if there is a suspicion of a violation of the integrity of internal organs.

    Presence of organ development abnormalities abdominal cavity and various pathological conditions.

How to prepare for research?

No special preparation is needed. When carrying out routine diagnostics, it is better to exclude gas-forming foods from the diet 2-3 days before the procedure, which create shadows and interfere with making a reliable diagnosis. For a while, you should stop eating legumes, sweet pastries, processed foods, kefir, fresh vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, the film will contain a distorted image of the gastrointestinal tract.

On the eve of the study, you should give preference to simple food. Your doctor may prescribe a cleansing enema or laxatives. The use of medications is discussed at a medical consultation.

There is no need to remove clothes, however, some patients are asked to expose the abdominal area, so it is optimal to choose loose T-shirts, sweaters, etc. It is advisable to remove all objects containing metal from the body. During the procedure, you must accurately follow the instructions of the diagnostician, hold your breath for a few seconds, remain still, etc. The finished images are handed out to you.

What organs are being examined?

Abdomen- this is the abdominal area from the diaphragm to iliac bones, it includes important organs of the gastrointestinal tract. To study this area, not only radiography, but also ultrasound, CT, and MRI.

Survey radiography allows you to assess the location of organs relative to the heart, lungs, etc. The resulting images are informative enough to see the existing displacements and the level of extensibility of individual organs and tissues.

How often can a plain X-ray be taken?

The study is recommended to be carried out once a year to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reasons for immediate completion of the procedure are injuries to the peritoneum, ingress of foreign bodies, severe pain and suspicion of appendicitis.

Where can I get an abdominal x-ray in Moscow?

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can take an x-ray of the abdomen in the “Doctor Nearby” network of clinics equipped with the necessary equipment. Qualified specialists work here, modern equipment is used, and prices are quite affordable.

How to interpret the results of the study?

Using X-ray diagnostics, you can see the location of foreign objects. The images show accumulations of gases and air, as well as a violation of the integrity of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of stains can be caused not only by gas, but also by free liquids. The presence of obstruction in the colon area is indicated by the appearance of vertical spots. When horizontal darkening predominates, we can assume the presence of obstruction in the small intestine area. In patients with serious pathologies, obstruction of the large and small intestine may be diagnosed.

Based on the nature of the location of gases and free liquids, an experienced diagnostician can make a conclusion about a possible rupture of the gastrointestinal tract, identify areas of swelling, perforation and other pathological phenomena. The resulting images help the attending physician make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

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