Home Hygiene Glycerin for oral administration instructions for use. Glycerin - what is it, composition, beneficial properties in cosmetology and medicine

Glycerin for oral administration instructions for use. Glycerin - what is it, composition, beneficial properties in cosmetology and medicine

Instructions for use of the liquid form of glycerin is a medical document that displays chemical composition substance, its belonging to a specific pharmacological group, indications for use in medicine, cosmetology.

The properties of glycerin, side effects and contraindications for use in relation to people with concomitant diseases or individual intolerance to polyhydric alcohol are described.

Instructions for use inorganic matter- liquid glycerin says that it is one of the simplest trihydric alcohols, which is denoted by the formula C3H5(OH)3.

Due to its polyhydric nature, glycerin differs from ordinary alcohol compounds. It has a sweetish taste and its consistency is very thick. It dissolves well in water, acids, and hydrogen-based substances.

How to obtain liquid glycerin

For the first time, the chemical compound glycerol was derived and designated by a formula by the German scientist Karl Scheele (1779), as a by-product of the saponification of fats with lead oxides.

Modern methods for the synthesis of glycerin are based on the thermal decomposition of propylene. This substance is subjected to extensive chlorination at temperatures of +500 °C. As a result of the chemical reaction, an intermediate substance is obtained - allyl chloride.

After this, hypochlorous acid is added to it, producing chlorohydrin. The final step in the synthesis of glycerol is the saponification of chlorohydrin with alkali compounds. This method is considered the least expensive from a material point of view, and also allows you to obtain polyhydric alcohol High Quality with minimal admixtures of other chemicals.

Glycerin can also be extracted from wood flour, corn or potato starch, and monosaccharides. To do this, they use the technique of glycol fermentation, during which sugars undergo chemical hydrogenation.

In addition, there is a known method by which glycerin is extracted by oxidizing propylene to obtain the substance acrolein (it is characterized by increased toxicity, has carcinogenic properties, and causes oncology).

After this, the finished acrolein and isopropyl vapor are passed through a catalyst containing magnesium and zinc oxides. The intermediate product of the chemical reaction is allylic alcohol. Under temperature conditions from 190 to 270 degrees Celsius when interacting with hydrogen peroxide, Chemical substance converted to liquid glycerin.

Description of release form

Liquid glycerin, the instructions for use of which state that it is a syrupy substance that does not have a distinct color or odor, and is completely transparent. It is considered a hygroscopic chemical.

The pharmacological form of glycerin is a cutaneous solution for external use. In pharmacy chains it can be found in glass vials with a capacity of 50 ml or plastic tubes of the same volume.

pharmachologic effect

Glycerin is a chemical substance whose main pharmacological action is to have a softening effect on epithelial tissue. Polyhydric alcohol has also found wide use as a cheap solvent for organic compounds such as protargol, boric acid, and tannin.

When interacting with the skin surface, glycerin does not exhibit an active chemical reaction, saturating only its surface layer. At the same moment, the drug is able to penetrate the mucous membranes of the human body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Liquid glycerin, the instructions for use of which state that the pharmacodynamics of the chemical substance lies in its neutral action in relation to the skin surface, is a good solvent.

It is able to moisturize the epithelium, preventing the formation of cracks, as well as excessive dryness of the skin. It is used as an excipient in some gels and creams. The pharmacokinetics of glycerin has not currently been studied, and there are no data on clinical studies in this direction.

Indications and scope

Liquid glycerin is widely used in the medical, industrial, and cosmetology industries.

Glycerin in cosmetology

In the modern cosmetic industry, glycerin is used as an integral part of the nutritional base to provide the skin with sufficient hydration. Polyhydric alcohol is recommended for use in nourishing creams for the face, hands and feet, if you need to achieve the following cosmetic effect:

Liquid glycerin contained in the cosmetic product, which is applied in a room with dry and hot air, has a lifting effect. If the task is to achieve moisturization of the epithelial surface, then the microclimate of the room should be warm, as well as with air humidity of at least 70%.

Glycerol in neurology

Liquid glycerin, the instructions for use of which say that it has no direct indications for use in neurology, is used as a means of symptomatic or permanent therapy. Some neurologists prescribe this polyhydric alcohol to their patients as an adjuvant in combination with other medications.

Glycerin is used in neurology in the presence of the following diseases:

  • brain stroke- used as a means to reduce swelling of the brain and shorten the rehabilitation period;
  • intracranial pressure- it is believed that the substance improves blood circulation and prevents stagnation of venous blood;
  • traumatic brain injuries- it has been proven that small doses of glycerin accelerate the recovery period of damaged tissues, minimizing the negative consequences of the disease.

Unauthorized treatment neurological diseases preparations based on glycerin are unacceptable. The medication should be prescribed exclusively by a specialized specialist. Especially when it comes to pathologies such as stroke or traumatic brain injury.

Glycerin in general medicine

Liquid glycerin, the instructions for use of which state that in general medicine the substance is used as a solvent or auxiliary base for ointments, creams, medicinal gels, indicated in the presence of the following diseases:

Despite the fact that glycerin is actively used in general medicine, other active components of drugs are chemical compounds, having a more powerful pharmacological formula.


Polyhydric alcohol is not a particularly harmful chemical, but still, like any other drug, it has a number of contraindications.

They consist in following restrictions to the use of glycerin, both in medicine and for cosmetic purposes:

Depending on the type of disease, as well as the condition of the skin, the doctor prescribing treatment may discover other factors that exclude the possibility of using glycerin for therapeutic purposes.

Side effects

The manufacturer does not provide a separate list specific reactions organisms that could be classified as side properties. The drug is well tolerated even by patients who have an individual tendency to allergic dermatitis.

Instructions for use of glycerin, dosage

The procedure for using liquid glycerin as a primary or auxiliary drug depends on the age category of the patient, as well as the intended use of polyhydric alcohol.

Glycerin for adults

There are several methods for treating the skin surface using glycerin. If the drug is used in pure form, and not as part of creams, ointments or gels, then during its application the following dosage rules must be observed.

Type of therapy Procedure and dose
Epithelial surface treatmentDilute the drug in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3, and then distribute evenly over the treated area of ​​skin. For dermatitis or excessive dryness of the epithelial layer, this therapeutic procedure is performed 2 times a day for 10 days.
Mucous membraneMoisturizing and bactericidal applications are performed. For this, a 30% glycerin solution is used, which is used to lubricate the damaged area of ​​the mucosa. Most often used as an adjuvant in the treatment of inflammatory processes.

Glycerin for children

According to the instructions for the use of glycerin, the safety and effectiveness of the drug in children has not been clinically established. Despite this, some pediatricians recommend that parents use polyhydric alcohol as a preventative and antibacterial agent, lubricating the child’s nostrils before going outside during the cold season.

Glycerin for newborns

The chemical is not used as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of newborn children. Clinical researches have not been carried out, so the manufacturer of the drug does not have this information.

According to the instructions, in many cosmetics contains liquid glycerin, even in baby creams.

Glycerin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, polyhydric alcohol compounds are used only in cases where the benefit of the drug is greater than the potential for harm to the developing child.

In most cases, glycerin is not used by pregnant women. It is believed that polyhydric alcohol molecules can enter the mother’s bloodstream, and therefore penetrate into the fetal tissue.


In the entire history of the use of glycerin as a primary or auxiliary drug, not a single case of overdose has been found.

This is due to the fact that the drug is practically not absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. When treating the mucous membrane, an overdose is also excluded, since the medication is applied to a limited area of ​​tissue.


The result of interaction with other drugs is unknown, since clinical trials were not carried out.
The fact that glycerin is included in most moisturizing creams, ointments and gels indicates the low chemical activity of the substance.

Terms of sale

To purchase a bottle of glycerin, you do not need a doctor's prescription or reach a certain age limit. The drug is freely available and does not belong to the category of narcotic substances or precursors. The medicine can be found in retail pharmacy chains even in small localities.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored in a dark and cool place, out of reach of children.

IN mandatory temperature conditions are observed, which should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Higher rates can shorten the shelf life of the drug and also lead to the loss of its pharmacological properties. If glycerin is stored at home, then a refrigerator with a separate shelf inside will be best suited for these purposes.

Best before date

The recommended storage period for a bottle of glycerin, during which it does not lose its properties therapeutic properties, is 5 years. The manufacturer guarantees that if all the rules for storing the drug have been followed, then during the specified period of time its components will not be subject to chemical decomposition.

special instructions

There are no direct medical contraindications, but the drug should still be used with caution by people with the following pathologies:

Despite the fact that glycerin is a polyhydric alcohol, its use as a medicine does not entail a decrease in reaction or concentration. Therefore, the drug is approved for the treatment of vehicle drivers, as well as machine and equipment operators.

Price, where to buy glycerin in liquid form

Liquid glycerin, which comes with detailed instructions according to application, sold in pharmacies. Until the 40s of the last century, this product could be found in beauty salons and perfume stores.

Currently, it is a medicine that is indirectly related to cosmetics. Also, the liquid form of glycerin is used as a base for refilling electronic cigarettes.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about glycerin

How to use glycerin for beauty:

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    Galichfarm, PJSC, Lvov, Ukraine

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    Medicines of various chemical groups



About the drug:

Solution for external use. Used for dry skin and mucous membranes.

Indications and dosage:

    Glycerin for external use is prescribed for various states as a skin and mucous membrane softener.

    Also used as a basis for the manufacture of liniments and ointments; as a laxative for constipation.

Used externally in the form of applications for dry, cracked skin in adults. As a laxative, it is prescribed in enemas (2–5 ml).

Glycerin for constipation

Suppositories with glycerin are used for constipation of various origins (habitual, age-related, in people with limited mobility, etc.). Glycerin for constipation when introduced into the rectum has a slight irritant effect on the mucous membrane and reflexively stimulate defecation (bowel emptying). In addition, glycerin softens stool.

Rules for using glycerin for constipation

For constipation, glycerin is administered one suppository once a day, preferably 15-20 minutes after breakfast.

Glycerin for intercostal neuralgia

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia at home is possible when the patient is absolutely sure of his diagnosis. Intercostal neuralgia may resemble heart disease in its symptoms, so if you are encountering this problem for the first time, you should visit a doctor.

Intercostal neuralgia- one of the most common diseases nervous system, which makes itself felt by pain in chest. Often, with intercostal neuralgia, people clutch their hearts and even “diagnose” themselves as having a heart attack. Indeed, sometimes the pain is so intense that the patient cannot even move. In such cases, even a slight cough or deep sigh causes severe pain in the chest.

A mixture of glycerin and iodine will help relieve pain from intercostal neuralgia..

To prepare a mixture with glycerin at pain syndrome required:

  • Take one part of each substance and shake well in a small dark bottle.
  • Moisten a swab with this mixture and lubricate (do not rub!) your back, without touching the spine area.
  • Then put on cotton underwear and go to bed.

Treatment for intercostal neuralgia a mixture of glycerin and iodine. It is recommended to repeat 12-15 times every other day.

Glycerin for burns

Glycerin mixture used for chemical burns.

Chemical burns occur upon contact with acids, alkalis and salts heavy metals. Different substances can affect the skin and mucous membranes in different ways:

  • alkalis are more dangerous because they dissolve the protein component of epithelial cells, deeply affect tissues and cause wet necrosis;
  • acids do not penetrate into deep tissues, because cause the formation of a dry scab, which prevents the spread of the agent.

Before treating a burn, remove the chemical from the affected area. A 15-minute rinse is best for this. cold water. However, if the burn was caused by quicklime or sulfuric acid, you should not use water: it will only worsen the damage.

Each chemical is neutralized in its own way: for lime, a 20% sugar solution is suitable, carbolic acid is removed with glycerol or milk of lime; Borohydride compounds should be treated ammonia; phosphorus is removed mechanically by applying a bandage with a 5% solution of copper sulfate on top; It is customary to remove alkalis with a 1% solution acetic acid.

Glycerin in cosmetology

Glycerin is used as an emollient for dry skin of the face, hands, feet, and body. Glycerin is included in nourishing creams and masks.


Recipe 1

Calendula flower oil extract 1:10 - 50 g, beeswax - 15 g, corn oil - 25 g, glycerin - 10g.

  • Melt the wax in a water bath
  • add corn oil and pre-prepared calendula flower extract while stirring;
  • Add glycerin piece by piece to the half-cooled mixture and mix thoroughly until cool.

Recipe 2

Infusion of flowers: chamomile 1:5 - 20 g, infusion of calendula flowers 1:10 - 20 g, cream margarine - 20g, glycerin - 40 g.

  • Melt glycerin along with margarine in a water bath and add a mixture of infusion and tincture to the still liquid melt while stirring,
  • stir until cooled.

Glycernin in gynecology

Vaginal suppositories with glycerin

To make the candle easier to insert and dissolve easily, add glycerol and natural fats. Therefore, it is better to use candles before bed, and it is not scary if they partially “leak out” in the morning: all the active substances will already have time to be absorbed by that time.

In some cases, if the local effect (on the vagina) is not so important, rectal administration of gynecological suppositories is recommended - for example, with adnexitis (inflammation of the ovarian appendages). Indeed, in this case, it is more important that the substance is absorbed as quickly as possible, and through the blood vessels of the rectum, drugs are better absorbed into the blood. In this case, the approach should be different: it is desirable that the melted suppositories do not leak out, so that bacteria from the anus do not enter the vagina.


Not observed.

Side effects:

No side effects were found for external use. If any unusual reactions occur, be sure to consult your doctor regarding further use of the drug.


  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Presence of skin damage (cracks, open wounds).


Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Treatment with glycerin for hemorrhoids during pregnancy must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be treated with very gentle methods, since a pregnant woman is not recommended to take certain medications for hemorrhoids.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol:

Not described.

Composition and properties:

1 g of liquid contains glycerol (glycerol) 0.85 g.

Excipients: purified water.

Release form:

    In bottles of 25 g

Pharmachologic effect:

Glycerin has a softening effect on the skin, as in the form of a 30% aqueous solution, and when using it as a basis for liniments and ointments containing mineral or organic matter, soluble in water and glycerin.

Glycerin is used as a solvent for boric acid, borax, protargol, tannin, used mainly externally.

Storage conditions:

Store out of the reach of children, in a carefully sealed container.

ATX code

**** *ECOLAB, CJSC* *Ecoline, LLC* Antibiotiche S.A. Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory, JSC IODINE TECHNOLOGIES AND MARKETING, LLC Kevelt, JSC KRASNODAR PHARM. FACTORY JSC Nizhpharm JSC NEFIS COSMETICS Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory, JSC Samaramedprom, JSC TVERSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY, OJSC Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, LLC Pharm. factory of St. Petersburg, JSC FITOFARM-NN EKOlab (JSC) Es.C.Europharm Es.A.

Country of origin

Russia Romania

Product group

Digestive tract and metabolism

Laxative for local application

Release forms

  • 25ml dark glass bottles 5 - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs. 6 pcs. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs. Solution for external use, bottles of 25 ml pack of 10 suppository bottle 40 ml bottle 25 ml bottle of dark glass 40 grams glass bottles of 25, 40 and 50 g

Description of the dosage form

  • transparent, colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid. Transparent, colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid. Hygroscopic. Transparent, colorless, syrupy liquid with a sweet taste and odorless. Hygroscopic Solution for external and local use Solution for external use Rectal suppositories Rectal suppositories are torpedo-shaped, translucent, almost colorless, with a faint yellowish tint, with an oily smooth surface, with a weak characteristic odor.

pharmachologic effect

Laxative for local use. It has a slight irritant effect on the rectal mucosa and reflexively stimulates peristalsis. Helps soften stool. When applied externally, it has a dermatoprotective effect, softens the skin and mucous membranes

Special conditions

With prolonged use, glycerin can cause burning and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. Effect on ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms No information.


  • glycerol 1 supp. glycerol 1405 mg Excipients: sodium stearate 95 mg, purified water 80 mg. 1 sup. glycerol 2100 mg Excipients: sodium stearate 140 mg, purified water 120 mg. glycerin distil PK-94 1kg; Auxiliary ingredients: purified water - to obtain glycerol with a density of 1.223-1.233 Glycerol (in terms of 100%) substance -860.0 g; Auxiliary ingredients: purified water - up to 1 kg. glycerol 1.24 g glycerol in terms of 100% substance 860 g, purified water up to 1 kg. The preparation contains: distilled glycerin and purified water in a ratio providing a density of 1.223-1.233.

Glycerin indications for use

  • Constipation of various etiologies: functional (habitual), psychogenic, senile, constipation in sedentary patients, as well as constipation associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of the rectum.

Glycerin contraindications

  • Acute anal fissures, hemorrhoids in the acute stage, inflammation of the rectal mucosa, rectal tumors. Method of administration and dosage: Having previously freed the suppository from the contour packaging, insert it deep into the anus after a cleansing enema or spontaneous release of the intestines, one suppository per day, preferably 15-20 minutes after breakfast

In a bottle Glycerin solution for external and topical use contains 25 grams distilled glycerin () .

Composed of one rectal glycerin suppository includes 1.44/2.46 grams glycerol as active substance and auxiliary ingredients: Polyethylene glycol(polyethylene glycol) in an amount sufficient to prepare one suppository weighing 1.53-1.69/2.61-2.89 grams; Аcidum stearicum(stearic acid); Sodium carbonate decahydrate(sodium carbonate decahydrate).

Description of release form

Medical glycerol has two dosage forms:

  • rectal suppositories;
  • solution intended for local and external use.

Suppositories have a pointed torpedo-shaped shape, their color is close to white. Children's candles are produced weighing 1.53-1.69 grams, candles for adults weigh from 2.61 to 2.89 grams.

The liquid form of the drug is a syrupy, transparent, colorless liquid of viscous consistency, odorless and with a sweetish taste. The medium of an aqueous solution of glycerol is neutral.

pharmachologic effect

Rectal glycerin suppositories belong to a group of medicines that are used to treat constipation.

Solution belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group of dermatological agents that have a softening and protective effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

In its pure form, glycerol irritates the skin, but this effect completely disappears when the substance is diluted with water, Vaseline or lanolin . Used as a topical agent, glycerol has dermatoprotective effect , softens and restores the skin.

Antiseptic properties glycerol allow it to be used to prevent skin wounds from becoming infected.

Rectal use of glycerol provokes laxative effect . The product softens feces, gently irritates the mucous membranes intestinal tract and stimulates contractility walls of the rectum.

Glycerin (for internal use) allows you to increase osmotic and reduce ocular and intracranial pressure. The use of liquid glycerin internally also helps reduce cerebral edema .

Indications for use

Pharmacy glycerol is indicated:

  • Rectally in the form of microenemas and suppositories - for and.
  • Inside- at intracranial pressure , at , Reye's syndrome (acute hepatic encephalopathy . The drug is recommended for use in combination with other therapeutic measures.
  • Externally in the form of applications - to soften excessively dry skin and mucous membranes.

To prepare facial lotions, glycerol is mixed with herbal decoctions, infusion of lemon zest, and floral cologne. To prepare the acne mixture, mix (20 ml), good cologne (40 ml), water (80 ml) and glycerol (5 ml).

In combination with vitamin C , or, more precisely, with its less stable form, - L-ascorbic acid , glycerol is used to prepare antioxidant serum .

Thanks to the properties ascorbic acid stimulate production collagen in the skin and protect from negative impact UV rays, this serum not only minimizes the number of wrinkles, but also makes existing scars less noticeable.

To prepare this remedy, you need to take equal quantities vitamin C , vegetable glycerin and distilled water and mix them in a dark glass bottle. A thin layer of serum is applied to the face before going to bed and left on it all night.

Glycerin for hair is used in the form of shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. This is due to its ability to effectively moisturize, soften and thicken hair, add shine and stimulate growth.

Shampoos and hair masks with glycerin can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. In addition, having decided to prepare such a cosmetic product at home, you will not have to rack your brains about where to get the ingredients for it: soap base, vitamins, and herbal teas can be found at any pharmacy.

Glycerol is also used for hand care. The simplest pharmacological product is the so-called “stinky hand mash,” which is a mixture of ammonia and glycerol.

At home, glycerin liquid is prepared by mixing glycerol in equal proportions with ammonia . Rubbing this mixture is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for nails - after just a few procedures, the nails acquire a beautiful color and begin to shine.

Glycerin for hands can also be used as part of potato or fermented milk masks. Warm baths with starch and glycerol also improve the condition of the skin of the hands, for the preparation of which take 20 ml of glycerol, 2 tablespoons of starch and 500 ml of warm water. The bath is taken until the water begins to cool.

However, prolonged exposure to the sun, wearing open shoes and things made of synthetic materials, as well as insufficient care of the skin of the feet leads to roughness, peeling and cracking of the heels.

An effective remedy for rough heels is a mixture of glycerin and acetic acid. To prepare it, add glycerin to the bottle to the neck vinegar essence. The mixture in the bottle is shaken and then applied using cotton swab or a cotton sponge on problem areas.

Before using glycerin and vinegar for your heels, it is recommended to first steam the skin of your feet and scrub them with a pedicure brush. After applying the product, put it on your feet. plastic bags, and on top of them are socks. The duration of the procedure is from half an hour to 40 minutes, but it is best to leave the mixture overnight.

No less effective for heels is glycerin and ammonia . The mixture is prepared as simply as described above, only the ingredients for its preparation - ammonia and glycerin - are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Blend with ammonia For feet, it is also recommended to apply to the skin before bed and leave overnight.

Another simple recipe for glycerin for heels is a recipe for a mixture that contains glycerin, a 10% ammonia solution, 95% ethyl alcohol and purified water.

Preserving flowers in glycerin

Answering the question “What is glycerin?”, we can say that this product is to some extent a preservative.

It is often used as a preservative for meat, wheat grains, red blood cells, reindeer antlers, etc. Glycerol is also used for preserving flowers.

There are quite a lot of recommendations on how to preserve flowers in glycerin. It is important to remember that flowers with thin leaves and very delicate petals preserve their appearance much worse with this method of preservation than plants with denser leaves and fleshy stems (that is, this method of preserving a bouquet is more suitable for roses or orchids than for violets or poppies).

The benefits and harms of glycerol

It is believed that glycerol used in for cosmetic purposes, is harmful to the skin. The following statements are only partly true.

The hygroscopic properties of this substance allow it to absorb moisture from the environment and retain it where it is used. As a result, a thin moist film is formed on the skin, thanks to which the same moisturizing effect is felt.

However, studies have shown that in cases where air humidity does not exceed 65%, glycerol “sucks” water from the deep layers of the skin (instead of taking moisture from the air) and retains it on the surface of the skin.

That is, the harm of vegetable glycerin is that dry skin dries out even more, since water from young healthy cells is sucked out to moisturize dead cells of the surface layer of the skin.

Thus, in cosmetology, the use of glycerol is recommended only with sufficient air humidity.


Glycerin is contraindicated for:

  • in the acute stage;
  • cracks in the anus ;
  • inflammatory and tumor diseases of the rectum ;
  • bleeding ;
  • hypersensitivity to glycerol.

Taking glycerol orally is contraindicated for people with liver and/or kidney disease, and cardiovascular disorders.

Side effects

Glycerol, used in large quantities, provokes tissue dehydration. In addition, solutions of this product can cause allergic reactions , expressed in the form of burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Long-term use rectal suppositories can lead to irritation rectum (to eliminate it, 10-15 ml of heated vegetable oil, for example, olive or sunflower, should be injected into the intestine) and disruption of the physiological process of defecation. In rare cases, it is possible to develop catarrhal proctitis .

Taking glycerol solution orally can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, thirst, and hyperglycemic coma . Long-term use leads to dehydration.

Instructions for use of Glycerin (dosage regimen)

Glycerin suppositories: instructions for use

For elimination suppositories with glycerin should be inserted into the rectum once a day. The optimal time for administering a rectal suppository is 15-20 minutes after breakfast. According to the instructions on glycerin suppositories, their use is stopped after intestinal motility is normalized. In this case, the treatment is considered successful. For children, children's dosage is used.

How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to start working? In about 10 minutes.

Liquid Glycerin: instructions for use

How laxative Liquid glycerin is used both in pure form and in the form of concentrated solutions; it is also sometimes used in the form of a microenema with glycerin-soda water.

The product is taken orally in diluted form, mixed in equal proportions with water. The dosage is determined based on the patient’s weight: for each kilogram of his body weight, it is recommended to take 2-3 ml of solution, which is equivalent to 1-1.5 grams of the drug in its pure form.

With subsequent doses of the drug, its dosage should be halved. To improve taste, the glycerin solution is taken chilled.

Externally, liquid glycerin is used in the form of an 84-88% solution, treating the affected areas of the skin with it as necessary.

How to use borax with glycerin

Many people are interested in what borax with glycerin is. Sodium tetraborate or, as it is also popularly called, borax is an anesthetic with antibacterial properties, which is a salt of a strong base and a weak boric acid . The instructions for a solution of borax in glycerin recommend the use of this product for the treatment of:

  • candidiasis ;
  • bedsores ;
  • stomatitis (including in newborn babies);
  • cracks in the skin and mucous membranes;
  • bacterial lesions of the mucous membrane and skin.

Borax in glycerin for thrush is especially effective if the disease is at an early stage. In this case, treatment may not even require the use of other medications.

Borax is used quite simply: the product is applied to a cotton swab and then lubricated with it on the vaginal walls.

Borax in glycerin with stomatitis used externally for rinsing oral cavity, treatment of affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as for douching. The dose is determined by the attending physician, the course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.


Overdose develops when systematic application glycerol . Its symptoms include dizziness, confusion, increased dryness in the mouth, a sharp increase in the feeling of thirst, pronounced body dehydration , arrhythmias , renal failure .


Drug interactions glycerol is not described.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2 to 25 °C.

Best before date

For liquid Glycerin - 5 years from the date of manufacture.

For rectal suppositories - 2 years.

Glycerin for children

According to the instructions, it is recommended to use glycerin suppositories for children over 6 years of age in the amount of 1 suppository weighing 1.53-1.69 grams or 2 suppositories weighing from 2.61 to 2.89 grams per day.

Suppositories with glycerin for children aged 2 to 6 years are prescribed 1 suppository weighing 1.53-1.69 grams per day.

Glycerin for newborns

Can glycerin suppositories be used by newborns? It is recommended to use them no earlier than the child turns 3 months old, and special baby glycerin suppositories will be needed.

However, in cases where it is really necessary, suppositories with glycerin are also prescribed for newborns.

The product is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on the body as a whole. However, with unsystematic use in unlimited quantities, disturbances of physiological peristalsis and defecation , enterocolitis , drug diarrhea , intestinal obstruction .

Glycerin during pregnancy

During pregnancy, suppositories with glycerin are one of the safest and effective means to cope with constipation . Glycerol is non-toxic, so the composition of the suppositories does not harm the health of the mother and child.

By the way, according to reviews, glycerin suppositories are effective during pregnancy, after childbirth, and during breastfeeding. They are used for constipation caused by:

  • change intestinal peristalsis due to hormonal changes and stress suffered during childbirth;
  • hemorrhoids ;
  • segmental spasm of the large intestine ;
  • psychological fear act of defecation (especially with ruptures of the birth canal).

A 10% solution is also approved for pregnant women. Boers in glycerin, which is used to eliminate fungus and treat candidiasis .

Moreover, its use is allowed even on early stages pregnancy, when the use of most other medications is highly undesirable or completely prohibited.

special instructions

Glycerin - what is it?

Glycerin is organic compound, which belongs to the class of substances polyhydric alcohols .

Since the compound has 3 hydroxyl groups (-OH), it is a trihydric alcohol or, in other words, a triol (compounds with 2 hydroxyl groups - for example, ethylene glycol - are called dihydric alcohols or diols).

Being the simplest representative of the group of trihydric alcohols, the compound is characterized by chemical properties typical of the latter.

The name of the substance in Latin is Glycerinum. Product name (European Pharmacopoeia) - Glycamed.

His structural formula has the following form:

CH2 - CH - CH2

Chemical molecular formula substances: HOCH2-CH(OH)-CH2OH.

Molar mass - 92.094 g/mol.

In nature, the compound is widely distributed in the form glycerides (or acylglycerols ), which are esters formed by organic or mineral acids and glycerol.

Glycerides in turn, they are a key component of oils and fats of natural origin.

For example, one of the most common long-chain triglycerides, all three chains of which contain residues oleic acid , is glycerol trioleate. Its natural sources are peanut, corn, olive, soybean, and sunflower oils.

Homologues are butanetriol-1,2,4 and pentantriol-1,3,5.

Obtaining glycerin

Industrial glycerin is obtained as a by-product of saponification of edible fats, which in the presence of various catalysts (enzymes, acids, alkalis) are broken down into glycerol and aliphatic carboxylic (fatty) acids.

To obtain glycerol and soap, saponification reactions of glycerol tristearate (glycerol ester of stearic acid) with sodium hydroxide are used.

In industry, synthetic methods for producing the substance are increasingly used, one of which is chlorohydrin.

The method of synthesizing glycerol by oxidation is also used. propene (propylene) in the simplest unsaturated aldehyde propenal (acrolein) .

Other ways to obtain the substance are:

  • method of glycol fermentation of sugar;
  • hydrolysis of starch.

Distilled glycerol is obtained in accordance with GOST 6824-96

Physical properties

In its pure form, glycerol is transparent, odorless, tastes sweet, and is hygroscopic (that is, it is capable of absorbing water vapor from the air up to 40% by weight). It is soluble in water: the substance mixes well with water in various proportions, which is accompanied by the release of heat and a decrease in volume (contraction).

Wikipedia states that glycerol is highly soluble in water, alcohols, moderately soluble in ether and ethyl acetate, and insoluble in most hydrocarbons, ethers and chloroform.

Melting point of a substance at normal pressure- 17.8 degrees C, boiling point - 290 degrees C (with slight decomposition). The density of glycerol is 1.26 g/cm³.

The viscosity of glycerol is determined dynamic coefficient viscosity, which varies with temperature. Thus, the viscosity index at 0°C is 12100 mPa*s, at 40°C - 330 mPa*s, and at a temperature of 200°C - 0.22 mPa*s.

Chemical properties of Glycerin, what does glycerin react with?

Despite the fact that it is the simplest trihydric alcohol, glycerol enters chemical reactions, which are characteristic of monohydric alcohols.

Glycerol is capable of interacting with a large number of organic and inorganic compounds, resulting in the formation of complex, simple (aliphatic and aromatic) esters, as well as metal acylglycerols.

Glycerol reacts with sodium, which replaces all three hydrogen atoms in the -OH hydroxyl groups.

The substance has the ability to form azeotropic mixtures with naphthalene, its individual derivatives and a number of other substances.

Glycerol forms 3 series of metal derivatives - glycerates. Moreover, they are formed even when the substance interacts with heavy metal oxides. This is evidence that the properties that characterize acids are more pronounced in it than in monohydric alcohols.

The substance is also capable of reacting with hydrogen halides and interacting with nitric acid. The result of interaction with hydrohalic acids and halides are mono- or dihalohydrins, and with nitric acid - trinitroglycerin (a heavy oily substance with explosive and, to some extent, medicinal properties).

The reaction of glycerol with copper hydroxide produces a blue solution. When polyhydric alcohols react with Cu(OH)2 in the presence of an alkali, the hydroxide dissolves, and the reaction product is a transparent blue liquid.

This is a qualitative reaction for glycerol, which is used not only for the detection of glycerol, but also for the detection of other polyhydric alcohols containing hydroxyl groups (-COOH) at adjacent carbon atoms.

When interacting with inorganic and carboxylic acids, esters (complete and incomplete) are formed; as a result of dehydration of glycerol, acrolein is obtained.

Like other alcohols, glycerol undergoes oxidation. Depending on what substance is used as an oxidizing agent, as a result of this reaction one can obtain: glyceraldehyde, glyceric, mesoxalic or tartronic acid, dihydroxyacetone.

Under the influence of potassium permanganate or potassium dichromate, glycerol is oxidized to carbon CO2 and hydrogen H2O.

Reacting with bromine water, glycerol is oxidized to dihydroxyacetone. This is the Denizhe reaction, which is one of the methods of qualitative and quantification glycerin. The resulting dihydroxyacetone is reduced using Nessler's reagent and Fehling's solution.

How to recognize glycerin?

To recognize glycerol, the reagent is copper hydroxide. The formula of the reagent for recognizing glycerol is Cu(OH)2.

To recognize the substance, you need to take CuSo4 and NaOh. Their interaction produces freshly precipitated copper hydroxide, which, when reacting with polyhydric alcohols, forms clear solution of blue color.

What is glycerin used for?

Glycerol industry, paint and varnish industry, electrical and radio engineering, tobacco and military industries, agriculture. In addition, the product is used for blackening rubber with your own hands.

Glycerol monostearate is a high quality food emulsifier. In addition, it has the properties of a dispersant and stabilizer. Having a rejuvenating effect, it helps maintain the freshness of products, stabilizes and improves the structure of fats.

Glycerin in cosmetics ensures the binding of free water, thus eliminating the need to add synthetic preservatives to the latter and providing products with a shelf life long enough for their use.

In addition, it allows the effective ingredients of a cosmetic product to be transported directly to the skin so that they can reveal their beneficial features where necessary.

Glycerol has found application in everyday life. It helps remove “difficult” stains from clothes, is used as a polish for furniture, mirrors and parquet, as well as for restoring appearance leather products.

Tourists use glycerin and potassium permanganate to start a fire: put a little potassium permanganate on the easily flammable material and then add one or two drops of the substance. After about 15 seconds, smoke appears and spontaneous combustion occurs.

Glycerol is used to moisten hookah tobacco. At the same time, it is better to add a product intended for smoke machines to the hookah, since it is originally intended for evaporation. Adding glycerol to tobacco allows you to:

  • increase its smokiness;
  • revive old and dried out tobacco.

Glycerol is used to give the required density to the solution for soap bubbles.

There is a great amount resources telling you how to make a good soap solution at home for a children's party. One of the most popular recipes for soap bubbles is a recipe that involves mixing ⅔ cup of dishwashing liquid (preferably with the least amount of impurities) with 4 cups of boiled or distilled water and 40-60 ml of glycerol.

Many people are interested in what can replace glycerol at home. Regular sugar has similar properties to this substance. It also increases the density of the finished solution and improves the quality of the bubbles.

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in online pharmacy website: from 19

Some facts

Insufficient bowel movement occurs as a result of impaired motility digestive organ or pelvic floor dysfunction. Organic changes in the body and problems with peristalsis can lead to disorder.

There are several types of constipation. Difficult bowel movements lasting less than 12 hours are classified as episodic. A prolonged absence of the process of excreting feces from the digestive tract (more than two days) is diagnosed as chronic constipation.

There are several reasons for problems with cleansing the intestines ─ eating large amounts of white bread, potatoes, rice, tea, dental and gastrointestinal diseases, and improper diet. In older people, constipation may be associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Also, a diet on pureed food can cause a disorder. Insufficient defecation is also diagnosed in patients with inflammatory disease of the gallbladder, kidneys, as well as when a defect has formed in the wall of the stomach.

Problems with bowel movements can also be recognized by secondary signs. Studies have shown that patients develop an unpleasant taste in the mouth and decrease appetite. The skin color takes on a brownish tint. Test results usually show vitamin deficiencies and anemia.

To eliminate these symptoms, diet, vitamins, pharmacological agents. Glycerin is considered to be a cosmetic substance. The product actually has moisturizing properties. Helps make skin soft and smooth. The research results also confirmed the laxative properties of trihydric alcohol.

Pharmacological companies include glycerol in medications to reduce irritant effects. The component absorbs a large amount of water, thereby ridding the human body of excess fluid. But still, drugs containing glycerin can cause irritation, itching and other side effects. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Pharmacological properties

The drug, according to the instructions, has a complex effect. Studies have confirmed the ability of the drug to enhance peristalsis of the large intestine and slow down the reabsorption of water. The substance effectively removes excess fluid from the body and gently softens the skin.

Proven influence active substance to increase excess hydrostatic pressure, due to which the medication promotes the transport of fluid into the plasma. The drug can be administered orally or parenterally. Has the property of lowering intracranial pressure. This effect was recorded within 1.5 hours after application. The fluid pressure inside the eye normalizes on average ten minutes after the introduction of a hygroscopic substance into the body.

The drug can be used for excessive fluid accumulation in the head, spinal cord or intercellular space. As a rule, a remedy is prescribed if such a condition was provoked by acute poisoning.

In ophthalmology, trihydric alcohol is used before and after surgical intervention, as well as during exacerbation of glaucoma. After rectal administration, the active substance irritates the rectal mucosa and stimulates intestinal motility. Softening the stool and removing it takes an average of fifteen to thirty minutes.

Glycerol is used as an active or excipient in the preparation of ointments and other forms of medicine. Clinical studies have shown that the component is easily absorbed by mucous membranes. When administered orally, it is quickly absorbed. Metabolized in the liver. Leaves the body with urine. From seven to fourteen percent of the medication is excreted in unchanged form. The pharmacokinetics of Glycerin in the form of suppositories has not been studied.

Composition and release form

One gram of solution contains 85% of the active substance. As active component the manufacturer uses trihydric alcohol. Also contains purified water.

The suppository contains a similar active ingredient in a dosage of 2.11 or 1.24 grams. It also contains auxiliary components.

Pharmacological companies offer two forms of release - in the form of a solution and suppositories. There are several types of packaging. The solution is sold in dosages from 25 to 150 grams. There are also larger containers - canisters from five to twenty kilograms. Liquid form The drug can be purchased in a bottle or dark glass bottle, as well as in a polyethylene canister.

Five suppositories are placed in a cellular polymer package. The kit includes instructions for use, as well as two blisters.

Side effects

Cases of allergic reactions to the administration of suppositories have been recorded. Undesirable consequences of using the solution manifested themselves in the form of itching, burning and excessive overflow of blood in the vessels of the circulatory system. Prolonged use of hard suppositories can affect the physiological process of defecation, as well as provoke acute inflammatory disease colon.

Indications for use


Storage Features

Alcohol compatibility

Drug interactions

Glycerin can be used in combination with other drugs. It has been proven that the use of diuretics increases with the simultaneous use of propanetriol.

Indications for use

Glycerin is prescribed to patients of various age categories in the following cases:

  • For obstipation (regardless of the origin of the pathologies). Helps get rid of constipation caused by an unbalanced diet, limited mobility, taking certain medicines, dehydration and so on.
  • For external use, the solution will be needed in case of extreme dryness. skin and mucous membranes.
  • As a base or auxiliary substance in the preparation of liniment and ointments.

Glycerin in the form of suppositories is used for constipation, especially when oral intake of laxative medications is prohibited.


The drug should not be used by patients with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, with a diagnosed partial or complete loss of the ability of the kidneys to excrete and form urine, hemorrhages, inflammation of the appendix, frequent bowel movements with the excretion of liquid feces.

Suppositories are not recommended for use in anal fissures, malignant formations or swelling blood vessels rectum, painful sensations in the epigastric region of unknown origin. Solid suppositories are not prescribed to children under two years of age.

Storage Features

To preserve the properties of the drug, it is necessary to create special conditions. The solution should be kept in a room with an air temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. In this case, the shelf life will be 5 years.

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used for two years, provided that the thermometer reading is between +15 and +25 degrees. After the specified period, it is prohibited to use the medication in any form.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Method and features of use

Solid suppositories are intended for parenteral administration. Typically, the drug should be used once a day. Maximum effectiveness was recorded with morning administration. After eating breakfast, you need to wait fifteen to twenty minutes. The doctor can adjust the duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, depending on the cause and severity of constipation.

Adult patients, as well as children over six years of age, are prescribed one suppository containing 2.11 g of active substance. Another treatment regimen can also be determined - two solid suppositories per day at a dosage of 1.24 g.

For the treatment of the younger age category (children from two to six years old), the manufacturer recommends using one suppository per day. The amount of active ingredient in the candle in this case should be 1.24 g.

The drug is not designed for long-term use. After restoration of intestinal motility, it is not advisable to use suppositories. It is also prohibited to apply third-party substances, for example, mineral oils, to the surface of the candle.

The solution can be used for external treatment of damaged skin and mucous membranes. The drug also helps eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin. In this case, the product is applied in the form of applications. For constipation, the solution is used for enemas.

The substance is part of many pharmacological drugs. In combination with other components, trihydric alcohol helps get rid of coughs, cure diseases of the oral cavity, and reduce sensitivity. Widely known antiseptic(Borax in glycerin) is used in gynecology, for tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Sodium tetraborate helps relieve diaper rash and bedsores. In such cases, the product is applied to the damaged areas.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no information on interactions with ethanol.

Drug interactions

Glycerin can be used in combination with other drugs. It has been proven that the use of diuretics increases with the simultaneous use of propanetriol.

Indications for use

Glycerin is prescribed to patients of various age categories in the following cases:

  • For obstipation (regardless of the origin of the pathologies). Helps get rid of constipation caused by an unbalanced diet, limited mobility, taking certain medications, dehydration, and so on.
  • For external use, the solution will be needed for increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • As a base or auxiliary substance in the preparation of liniment and ointments.

Glycerin in the form of suppositories is used for constipation, especially when oral intake of laxative medications is prohibited.


The drug should not be used by patients with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, with a diagnosed partial or complete loss of the ability of the kidneys to excrete and form urine, hemorrhages, inflammation of the appendix, frequent bowel movements with the excretion of liquid feces.

Suppositories are not recommended for use in cases of anal fissures, malignant tumors or swelling of the blood vessels of the rectum, pain in the epigastric region of unknown origin. Solid suppositories are not prescribed to children under two years of age.

Storage Features

To preserve the properties of the drug, it is necessary to create special conditions. The solution should be kept in a room with an air temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. In this case, the shelf life will be 5 years.

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used for two years, provided that the thermometer reading is between +15 and +25 degrees. After the specified period, it is prohibited to use the medication in any form.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Method and features of use

Solid suppositories are intended for parenteral administration. Typically, the drug should be used once a day. Maximum effectiveness was recorded with morning administration. After eating breakfast, you need to wait fifteen to twenty minutes. The doctor can adjust the duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, depending on the cause and severity of constipation.

Adult patients, as well as children over six years of age, are prescribed one suppository containing 2.11 g of active substance. Another treatment regimen can also be determined - two solid suppositories per day at a dosage of 1.24 g.

For the treatment of the younger age category (children from two to six years old), the manufacturer recommends using one suppository per day. The amount of active ingredient in the candle in this case should be 1.24 g.

The drug is not designed for long-term use. After restoration of intestinal motility, it is not advisable to use suppositories. It is also prohibited to apply third-party substances, for example, mineral oils, to the surface of the candle.

The solution can be used for external treatment of damaged skin and mucous membranes. The drug also helps eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin. In this case, the product is applied in the form of applications. For constipation, the solution is used for enemas.

The substance is part of many pharmacological drugs. In combination with other components, trihydric alcohol helps get rid of coughs, cure diseases of the oral cavity, and reduce sensitivity. A widely known antiseptic (Borax in glycerin) is used in gynecology, for tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Sodium tetraborate helps relieve diaper rash and bedsores. In such cases, the product is applied to the damaged areas.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no information on interactions with ethanol.

When using Glycerin, treatment with other drugs is allowed.


Using the drug in excess of the norm may lead to undesirable consequences. Cases of severe headaches, attacks of nausea, dry mouth, and general malaise have been recorded.

Also, exceeding the dosage can lead to more serious consequences - kidney failure, heart rhythm disturbances. In rare cases, applying the substance to the skin can cause damage to red blood cells with the subsequent release of hemoglobin to the outside, the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine, and the death of a section of kidney tissue.


In online pharmacies you can find several drugs with similar properties. They also contain glycerol. The solution can be replaced with Dexeril, suppositories with Glycelax.

Vaseline, Actovegin, Ramnil, and Senna extract also have a similar effect. The listed funds have side effects. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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