Home Pulpitis Why do I dream that my friend was killed? Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do I dream that my friend was killed? Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

See in a dream strangers portends that in reality you will experience fear, fright or fear. Seeing a significant crowd of people, a large crowd of people means that instead of taking decisive and active measures to resolve an urgent issue, you will have to act on the orders of your superiors, who are completely out of control of the situation.

Seeing naked people in a dream means that you will become an object of ridicule and slander. Bearded people - in reality show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - you will receive bad news. People who are kind to the point of generosity - receive timely help and support from friends.

People sitting in silence portend pleasant fun. If people sit in a noisy group at a table with drinks and snacks, this means good income. Cheerful, cheerful people with a sense of humor foretell good health. People with a boring, gloomy expression on their face mean that you will perceive someone else’s misfortune as your own and rush to help those in need. Seeing happy, contented people means wealth and prosperity.

If you see armed people in a dream, you will experience great joy. If people with spears attack you, this is a sign of an impending threat to your interests.

If you dreamed of cross-eyed people, in reality you will be irritated by the company of arrogant upstarts. If in a dream you see beautiful people around you, you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Seeing people sleeping means that in reality your friends will slander you. People hiding their faces under masks - in real life you will try to deceive a person who is friendly towards you.

Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream foretells events in which you will play a primary role. People who drink heavily, use foul language and fight - you should be wary of losing the favor of the person on whom your success depends.

To dream of people being carried away by a flood foretells bereavement and reflection that will make life a gloomy and dull existence.

To meet people in a dream who know you, but you do not have them or cannot remember when, where and under what circumstances you met them - such a dream means a change for the good if you manage to recognize them; if these people remain mysterious strangers to you, then such a dream does not bode well for you.

To see people on a desert island, where they, like you in your dream, ended up as a result of a shipwreck - this foreshadows a severe struggle for the right to take the place of the boss you fully deserve.

If you dream that you are communicating with outwardly friendly and amiable people, about whom you are told that they are two-faced and cunning, you will be pleasantly surprised at how well your business will start, and discouraged by its unexpected collapse.

To see in a dream a certain group of people as official representatives of government or public interests as part of a commission, jury, etc., who make decisions on a particular issue or give their assessment of something - such a dream foretells you dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Dreams about murders are unpleasant, but their interpretations are surprising in their unexpectedness. It is important to take into account the details of a bad dream.

Family dream book

Duel with fatal enemy - your competitors will be defeated.

You had to kill in a dream while fighting in battle - you will overcome all obstacles and solve what is necessary.

A thief in your house is killed by you - you have to protect your relatives from external attacks.

We dealt with the attacking bandit and killed him - fast career, respect from colleagues.

You shot a person - you have to be careful. There is a risk of meeting with a dishonest person.

A man was stabbed to death, there was no blood - your enemies will have reasons to rejoice.

The stabbed person was bleeding - to a quarrel with blood relatives.

Why dream of killing when the murder weapon becomes a heavy object? Blows of fate are coming. Not everyone can withstand them.

Unintentional murder - envious people will set up intrigues and make your life miserable.

To hit a passerby with a car to death - sudden interference will arise, plans will not be realized.

Poison with poison - the harm from your anger will soon be felt by those around you.

Hanging someone is a solution important issues will drag on for a long time.

Any dream about murder is an alarming sign. Every action and word can be turned against you.

Dream interpretation erotic

Attempts to kill you - soon you will have to end partnerships that have become dull.

Trying to stab someone with a knife - sexual attraction on your part will be reciprocated.

Choking a person in a dream is a signal for the need for novelty in a relationship.

Shoot someone - intimate problems will be solved in the near future.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream about murder - remorse haunts you. The evil you once caused now troubles you.

Someone was killed in a dream in front of you - you will suffer from someone’s evil intentions.

You deprived a person of life - you cannot avoid shame due to wrong actions.

Destroying an attacking person or animal means rapid progress in business and career growth.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

They killed you in a dream - to great happiness.

You are a killer - to prosperity and success in business.

Stabbing yourself with a knife means a prosperous life and good luck.

Killing and seeing blood on clothes means making a big profit.

Stabbing someone with a knife many times means expecting great joy.

Cutting people with a saber is an unfortunate future.

To witness a murder is to find your happiness.

Why dream of killing a sheep yourself? Health problems are expected.

Killing a leopard, leopard or tiger is career advancement.

Killing a bull and eating meat means becoming rich.

Vedic dream book

In this dream book, killing a person is interpreted as a warning against the possibility of committing a crime in the near future.

Dream Book of David Loff

Killed by you stranger– struggling with one’s own shortcomings, trying to become better. Aggression suppressed in communication manifests itself in dreams.

Slavic dream book

If someone has become a victim of murder before your eyes, you will have to prepare yourself to overcome the vicissitudes of fate.

Modern dream book

According to this dream book, killing someone in self-defense is a symbol of quick success and victories over ill-wishers.

Ordering someone's murder means meeting deceitful people. They will try to use your honest intentions for their own purposes.

A woman dreams of an offer for a contract murder - unworthy suitors will appear in her environment.

Killing someone weak with your own hands means waiting for trouble and sad days.

Dream book of health

Why might you dream of killing someone? This is a warning about dangerous situation, which you will soon find yourself in.

In a dream, you threaten someone with violence - it’s time to get rid of excessive mental stress.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The very fact of murder in a dream is a symbol of the end of some important stage in life. This is necessarily connected with establishing harmony with oneself. Everything started will have a successful ending.

They killed you - your achievements will receive universal recognition and respect.

Go for suicide - cherished desires will come true soon. Health problems will go away.

Witnessing a murder means trying to forget about recently emerging good intentions.

To kill a predator is to put an end to unnecessary worries. Everything will work out on its own.

Killing birds means unpleasant events.

Someone has been poisoned by you - to attempts to restore a very dear, but already ended relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

In this dream book, killing someone who has already died means not letting go of the situation for a long time. It's time to leave sad thoughts and start a new life.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

They killed someone - it’s worth ending communication that has become obsolete. The time for change is upon us.

Witnessed a murder - sign excessive hobby violent sexual fantasies. You should take more into account your partner's wishes.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you killed enemies in a dream and got dirty with blood - success is already very close. Your patience will be rewarded. Considerable cash flows should be expected.

Esoteric dream book

You were lucky to remain alive after the murder attempt - any danger will be avoided if you continue to firmly defend your position.

The dream was interrupted when someone killed you - unreasonable fears prevent you from enjoying life and moving on.

They killed in front of you - a warning about a possible attack on your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Have you ever had to kill in a dream? There will be disputes with the authorities. It is important not to cross the line of what is permitted.

Not all dreams in our lives are pleasant and joyful; some of them cause inner fear and even horror. Naturally, most dreamers, after such a vision, begin to analyze it, looking for a solution to why this could happen. And if a person understands in the morning: “I dreamed that I was killed,” anxiety arises by itself. After all, this is a rather frightening and frightening picture, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste and a desire to figure out why this could have happened.

Dreams about death

When a person is attacked in real life, it causes difficult feelings and fear. In the case of dreams, the opposite is true. According to most dream books, dreams where a person realizes: “I dreamed that I was killed” predict the beginning of a new, happy life in which a person will receive a promising and prosperous business.

But there are also interpretations that do not exclude a negative turn. After such a dream, problems in communicating with people, conflicts, and even separation from a loved one may arise. The main thing in such visions is to remember all the details, because it depends on them exactly how to interpret such a message from the subconscious.

Death by animal

In many ways, the interpretation of what the dream means (I was killed in a dream - one of the most terrible night dreams) depends on who did it. If the killers are animals who, with bloodthirstiness, try to kill the sleeping person, this speaks about the society where he is located. Such a vision suggests that the dreamer is surrounded by people who care exclusively about their own benefits. They have no personal enmity towards him and do not wish harm, it’s just their character. Even unknowingly standing in the way of these people, a person immediately becomes a victim, a worst enemy whom no one will spare.

Dream books advise you to seriously think about whether it is worth communicating with such people and analyze your surroundings and the advisability of continuing the relationship. If a person realized: “I dreamed that animals killed me and the matter had already been completed,” then such a dream is interpreted as a hopeless situation. That is, the people around have already firmly decided that they will ruin your life, and the dreamer no longer has any options to correct the current situation or stop communicating with them.

If you were shot in a dream

Dreams in which a person is hunted by a professional killer with a weapon are interpreted as warnings about the strong impact on the life of the sleeper from people he knows. Dream books say that a person has practically lost his “I” by fulfilling the wishes of other people. You have already been made a puppet, and the fear of losing this leadership is already embedded in the subconscious of the sleeper.

Also, a dream where professionals kill me can be interpreted as decision change your life radically, start all over again. The comparison with the phoenix works here: the killer destroys a person’s past, allowing him to be reborn from the ashes renewed, free from the burden of the past. In this case, dream books advise not to hesitate and implement your plans, since the time has come. No matter what you decide to erase from your life, a person or a circumstance, it’s time to act.

A loved one kills

A dream where death is brought by a loved one, whom the dreamer trusts and loves with all his soul, undoubtedly raises many questions. There are many options for how you can consider dream interpretation. I was killed - a shocking realization after waking up, and it requires solving. Many dream books say that such a dream warns about the culprit of problems in the sleeper’s life. It is the killer who may be to blame for all the troubles happening in his life. Therefore, it is worth seriously analyzing your relationship with this person and understanding that perhaps there is something in them that you have not noticed before.

If the killer feels pleasure at the time of committing the crime and does it with a smile, it is worth seriously thinking about it. Such a dream is interpreted as a warning that a relative has been preparing a trap for the sleeping person for quite some time, and the moment is already close when the dreamer will find himself in it. It’s worth seriously thinking about what’s happening and understanding how you could have offended the person you dreamed about.

Suicide in a dream

If a person independently commits suicide in a dream, then this subconscious mind calls on the sleeper to remember his conscience. Such a dream speaks of a mistake made in the past, for which the sleeper still blames himself. Many dream books say that a dream foretells the coming of a moment when the situation can be corrected. If nothing can be changed, then you should let go of the situation, mentally apologize, and stop blaming yourself for what happened.

Reaction to death

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream that I was killed, it is also important to note the reaction of others to death in a dream. If the killer does not hide the fact that he is glad about what he has done, laughs and rejoices, then he is the culprit of the sleeper’s troubles. The dream warns that in real life this person puts a spoke in your wheels and watches with pleasure as your life collapses, taking direct part in it.

If in a dream the killer was frightened by his action, began to cry or apologize to you, it means that in real life this person is very angry with you, but soon this will pass, he will forgive you and begin to regret what he wanted or did to you.

If a person sees in a dream that his death does not concern people passing by, and it does not matter whether they are relatives or acquaintances, it means that he is not taken seriously in the present. In this situation, dream books advise you to defend your position more firmly, express your opinion more confidently and not give up.

If you wake up and realize that I dreamed that I was killed, and people passing by sympathized with you, then the interpretation of such a dream is that there is a person nearby who cares about you. He is sincerely concerned about your condition and is ready to support you in difficult times.


The interpretation of a dream where the dreamer is sacrificed suggests that not everything is in order in his life. The people he surrounds himself with may not be honest with him, and his actions may lead to problems in the future. Also, some dream books interpret such a vision as a warning that the sleeper spends too much effort and energy on others, completely forgetting about his own needs. It is worth seriously considering whether such sacrificial behavior is really necessary. Helping loved ones is good, but sometimes you should still say no. People can cope with many troubles on their own.

If you were stabbed to death in a dream

In dreams, where death occurs after being wounded with a knife, it has many interpretations. It all depends on the details of the dream. If the wound is fatal, then this is a warning about a possible illness. If a sleeper's hand is cut, this means that he may have trouble at work. Cuts on the leg warn of an imminent loss of strength and the appearance of malaise. Abdominal cuts mean indigestion. If the blow was to the heart, back or head, then the dream foreshadows problems with these parts of the body. Death from electric shock in a dream warns of the likelihood of a heart attack.

Positive interpretation

In some dream books, the dream: they want to kill me is interpreted positively. It means a new round of life, an opportunity to change everything for the better. The main thing is not to make the same mistakes and be ready to start all over again. Once you leave worries and worries in the past, all the factors that worsen the dreamer’s life will be left behind. Development and success lie ahead. The main thing is to tune in to positive development and strive for a better life.

Death is always scary. But death in reality is inevitable.

Why do we dream of murdered people? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream of murdered people - the main interpretation

Murdered people often dream of the end of one process in a person’s life and the beginning of a new period. On the one hand, such a dream may seem frightening, but it can upset you and deprive you of sleep for a long time, but on the other hand, it can reassure you that not everything is lost and a period of renewal will soon begin.

In order to fully interpret the dream, it is worth paying attention to the following details:

Do you know the killed people?

Have you communicated with them;

What or who killed them;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you see a dream in which there is a war and people are dying one after another, it foretells you a rather difficult period in life, when you will be responsible for other people’s actions and other people’s troubles. Memories will come flooding back to you like an avalanche, and you will be constantly stressed. The dream book advises to prepare in advance for such a difficult and difficult period in life.

Do not start new things if killed people come to you in a dream. Such a dream can portend a lot of troubles and troubles for you. You can for a long time experience stress and crisis, you may even lose faith in yourself. The dream book advises in this case to activate all your forces and find a compromise solution to the current problem.

If you dream that murdered people are stretching out their hands to you in a dream, then in reality you will be faced with problems that close people will bring into your life. You shouldn’t trust everyone so actively and worry about other people’s well-being, it’s better to go about your life and solve issues related to own life and health.

A dream in which you choose the murdered person from several possible interlocutors at the table speaks of your urgent need return mentally to the past and complete all the things you started. Perhaps you promised someone something, or perhaps you did not complete the promised task at all.

Now it’s eating you up and preventing you from moving forward in life. You withdraw more and more into yourself and try to defend your own point of view. If you dream that someone is pushing you in the back, you turn your head and see a murdered person - the dream means that debts from the past will overtake you.

The dream book warns you if you promised someone something, had to take care of some matter and never did it - now you will have to answer for all this. The dream book advises you to gather your strength and courageously survive this stage of life. By paying off the debts of the past, bringing everything you started to an end, you will clear the way for everything new, everything that will allow you to confidently move forward.

If you dream that you are wandering among the corpses of murdered people, in reality you will try in vain to prove that you are right. Your arguments have long been no longer valid; the dream book advises you to stop defending your point of view and start engaging in self-education. You should think about your future, not about other people and their upcoming events. Learn to value yourself.

If you dream that you are examining the clothes of a murdered person, such a dream means that you will try to take a closer look at your enemy. For a long time you could not understand why you had annoyed him so much. Now this understanding will come to you, and you will be horrified. In fact, the reason for everything is simple envy and meanness. No objective reason the actions of your ill-wisher do not.

A dream in which you see yourself taking off clothes from a murdered person and trying them on yourself means that you yourself will begin to envy the other person. You will be downright indignant if everything works out for him and you don’t. The dream book advises treating everyone more responsibly possible manifestations your emotions. Try not to be biased towards anyone. If this doesn’t work out for you, try to be more active in developing your own life.

A dream in which murdered people come to life means that old acquaintances who were once your friends will appear in your life, but now they have become more enemies for you and every now and then they try to gain your trust and harm you .

A dream in which you choose from several doors those behind which murdered people are buried speaks of your insecurity. making the right choice in life. Perhaps you are used to heavy life situations, and you constantly create such around you. The dream book advises you to reconsider your tactics and strategy and choose only easy paths for yourself.

If in a dream you see someone killing you, you can change your life for the better. Such a dream does not necessarily promise you problems and misunderstandings. Most likely, you will soon find your way, find something that you really like, what you have long dreamed of being passionate about. Now you have a wonderful chance to do it.

Try to be more attentive to other people’s needs - this will allow you to resolve all your questions soon after such a dream. A dream in which a man kills you speaks of your distrust of the opposite sex, although you sincerely desire happiness and love.

Why do we dream of murdered people according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that murdered people are dreamed of as a symbol of unfinished business, the collapse of hopes in their personal lives. If a lonely woman dreams that there are many killed people around her, their blood is flowing - such a dream means that most of the plans and hopes that she had for a new relationship will collapse.

A dream in which a woman finds someone alive among killed people means that she has a real chance to build her own happy life. This dream also means that due to her own modesty, she missed a lot of opportunities to defend personal happiness in family life. Now she has to try again to build a relationship, but with a different partner.

A dream in which a pregnant woman sees killed people portends huge troubles related to her health. The dream book does not advise her to visit places with large crowds of people, because she may get additional stress and this can harm her and the child.

Seeing dead people resurrected in a dream means the resumption of previous relationships. Even if it seems to you that everything has long been lost and you can no longer have anything in common, the dream book advises you to make every effort and take advantage of the new chance to restore the once lost relationship.

Why do we dream of murdered people according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that killing people in a dream is clearly a negative sign. If you kill these people in a dream, get ready to repent, get ready to experience quite difficult stage in your life and don’t even try to resist. With your own hands you have closed the possibilities for yourself to change the situation.

A dream in which you see someone shooting people means that you will be offended by a careless word. You won't even be able to counter anything to your opponent's arguments. You will have to accept his point of view.

A dream in which you see someone else killing people and trying to harm your health suggests that in the near future you cannot take sides. Try to maintain neutrality and avoid bias in your statements and actions. Your enemies are watching you closely.

Why do you dream about people being killed in an explosion? Such a dream may foreshadow terrible events that you cannot avoid. Try not to worry about what you will soon have to experience. These will be temporary difficulties.

Why do you dream of murdered people according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that murdered people are dreamed of as a symbol of impermanence and fears. Perhaps you are afraid for your life and health, and this fear is justified. You may be worried about other life events you are about to experience. The dream book advises discarding unfounded worries and live only with trust in your heart.

In Aesop's dream book It is said that murdered people dream of trouble in your family. Someone may get sick and stop communicating with you. After such a dream, the dream book also advises you to take care of your health and do not treat it negligently. Try to devote more time to your family. Do not reveal your secrets to anyone. If you have been planning to implement something for a long time, do it so that no one can find out about it. Stand your ground, don’t give up on your plans.

A dream in which we dream of a murder can be classified as a nightmare. A person dreams of nightmares during difficult periods of his life, when there is a threat to life, health, financial well-being him or his close people. Why you dream of killing a person can be found out by looking at several authoritative dream interpreters at once.

  • A dream in which you dreamed of a murder is a warning that very soon you will experience grief due to troubles caused to you by strangers.
  • It may happen that you become an eyewitness to someone's violent death;
  • A murder committed by you in a dream may predict that you will soon find yourself taking part in some not very decent event that can discredit your name; In a dream, an attacker attacked you and you killed him - such a dream should be regarded as a positive sign
  • , promising success in financial affairs, a rapid rise in career;

A dream in which you were killed is a warning that your enemies are determined to ruin your life.

  • Be especially careful.
  • Murder of a person in Freud's dream book

You dreamed that you killed a person - this dream should be regarded as a hint: you need to exclude boring relationships from your life. You try to convince yourself that it makes sense to fight for love. But, in reality, the foundation of your relationship has already been thoroughly undermined by the worm of doubt that has crept into your soul. In your thoughts about the future, you do not give any place to the once dear person;

  • In a dream, you witnessed a murder - this may mean that your sexual fantasies are particularly cruel, and you assign too significant a role to them. You may not realize that your partner may not like your too rough caresses. The dream advises you not to be so selfish in bed. The murder of a person in Tsvetkov’s dream book A dream in which you killed an enemy predicts success in business and in the personal sphere.
  • If you get dirty with his blood, expect that he will soon fall at your feet..

Killing a person in the Esoteric Dream Book

  • In a dream, you received news of a murder - this may mean the death of a serviceman while performing his professional duties;
  • A dream in which they tried to kill you, but you survived - means that in reality you manages to avoid danger thanks to your decisive and fearless nature. By developing this positive feature, you can protect yourself and people close to you from misfortunes. This will be completely useful, since you have a sufficient number of enemies;
  • If in a dream you witnessed a murder - this is a warning sign that someone close to you may become a victim of a killer or robber;
  • Waking up at the moment when someone wants to kill you is a warning that you yourself attract misfortunes to yourself, allow fear to take over you. This dream can become reality. Take care of yourself!

Murder of a person in the English dream book

  • In a dream you killed a person - this is a very bad omen. The consequence of your lifestyle may be the commission of a crime and subsequent imprisonment. After such a dream, you need to repent and try to renounce evil, otherwise the consequences can be terrifying: a loved one may deceive you, close people will turn away from you, family life will end in divorce. After such a dream, danger threatens everyone without exception.

The interpretation of dreams about murder contains a sharply negative context - almost all known dream books convince us of this.

Solving the nightmare and understanding why you dream of killing a person means half of the misfortune is averted from yourself.

Dreams that cause horror in a person strongly warn him that it is necessary to immediately solve the existing problem; the time has come for this.

A nightmare that repeats itself night after night should be addressed Special attention. With its help, your subconscious sends you signals. Your dream indicates that you are confused and lost your way. Analyze your real life, take a closer look at your surroundings. Maybe it's time for dramatic changes in your life?

Why dream of killing a person: alternative interpretations

The commission of a mortal sin - murder - in a dream is one of the most specific, ambiguously interpreted omens. Murder itself, as a fact, is an event that is usually interpreted in a negative way, but much also depends on the emotions and impressions of the dreamer himself, as well as the method of murder and who “fell the victim” in this dream.

First of all, you should pay attention to how the dreamer or dreamer felt in the dream after committing the murder.

  • Murder by negligence in a dream, causing the dreamer or dreamer surprise, a feeling of simple-minded innocence with attempts to justify himself by saying that he or she was “accidental”, is a harbinger of a serious conversation about important things. A frank conversation with a lover, family member or close friend can cause a quarrel. The reason for this will be the mistrust and lies of the dreamer or dreamer. IN in this case death - especially if it befalls a potential interlocutor - personifies a “mortal insult.” To avoid scandals and quarrels, the dreamer or dreamer needs to trust others more, try to tell them only the truth and forever abandon the habit of lying, even out of mercy.
  • If in a dream after a murder the dreamer or dreamer remains calm, the ability to reason sensibly and assess the situation, composure or even carelessness, such a dream is a harbinger of material enrichment. The dreamer or dreamer awaits a pleasant surprise in the form of unplanned profits. This could be a lucrative offer at work, an expensive gift, or receiving an inheritance from a wealthy relative. However, it is very important not to give up moral standards and moral principles in the pursuit of money.. Otherwise, you can pay dearly for your unscrupulousness.

The joy of murder in a dream promises involvement in dubious adventures and deals. The dreamer should be as careful as possible, not make new acquaintances, not trust unfamiliar people, and not let anyone in on his plans.

  • Deep sadness from realizing one’s bad deed in a dream - good sign. Such a dream foretells the dreamer or dreamer the onset of a white streak, prosperity and regularity.

Many interpretations also depend on how the murder was committed.

  • Murder with a knife or other sharp object foreshadows an offer that should be refused. Otherwise, the dreamer or dreamer faces losing valuable property.
  • Murder through drowning or burning portends strong physical health . However, he or she should beware of stress, since in the near future, as opposed to excellent physical condition nervous system will be especially exposed to various types of risks.
  • Killing with a pistol in a dream warns against excessive frankness in reality. The dreamer should not show emotions in public, as envious people and ill-wishers can easily take advantage of this, putting him or her in a bad light.
  • Killing a person with a stick, hammer or other blunt object is a harbinger of deception, a kind of warning signal, clearly indicating that the dreamer should not trust his surroundings too much.
  • Murder loved one- bad sign, a harbinger of gossip and evil tongues swarming around the dreamer or dreamer and trying to harm his or her reputation.
  • The murder of a stranger, on the contrary, foreshadows an improvement in relationships with others, especially with your soulmate.

Dreams often frighten us with their realism. If you killed a person in a dream, you may wake up in horror, but do not be alarmed, because this dream is interpreted positively by many dream books. If you dreamed that you killed a person, then this is a sign that money and other material benefits will soon appear in your life.

Many consider a nightmare to be a vision when I dreamed that I was killing a person, but it turned out that I was killing myself. However, such a dream is also interpreted positively. A bright streak will come in your life; suicide in a dream is a harbinger of happiness in real life. However, dream interpreters warn that troubles may await you in the distant future after this dream. Seeing blood from a murder in a dream is a good omen of future wealth.

Some psychologists decipher dreams of murder as unfulfilled desire and unexpressed aggression.

What does it mean to kill a person in a dream?

Try to remember as many details as possible related to the dream in which you killed a person. It is very important to save the emotions you felt and analyze them. If you were afraid that you killed a person in a dream, then in reality you will have an important conversation. Many people say that unpleasant feeling, which accompanies dreams of murder, is a sign of future negative changes.

Why dream of killing a person and experiencing joy at the same time? This is not a good sign that at this stage of time in your life there are unclear relationships, some kind of understatement. In this case, it is recommended to finish all matters and minimize communication that does not bring benefit or pleasure.

Why do you dream of killing a person: Miller’s dream book

Miller warns that if you dreamed that you killed a person, then this means that a difficult time in life is approaching. You will be haunted by shameful events that negatively affect your reputation. Miller says that those people who dream that they killed a person should give up their current lifestyle. Most likely, the subconscious mind warns them of future negative consequences.

How Vanga interprets the dream: kill a person in a dream

The Bulgarian clairvoyant did not like dreams in which one person kills another. She said that if in a dream you killed a person and cried over him for a long time, then expect a long journey. The trip will most likely be related to service; it could be a business trip or a work trip to another city for several days.

It’s very bad if you kill your loved one in a dream. This is a sign that there is a lot of gossip and evil talk in your life. Maybe you yourself like to discuss someone with your friends, or you judge people. Vanga warned that such a dream could be an omen that you would be damaged.

If you kill your beloved girl in a dream, you should go to church and pray for her, because there is a possibility that someone has bewitched her.

Why do you dream of killing a person in different ways?

What does it mean to kill a person in a dream? And does it make a difference what weapon was used? If you dreamed that you killed a person with a knife, then try for the first time after this dream not to agree to dubious deals and offers. Among the people, any knives symbolize evil spirits, demons and Satan. Therefore, dreams with such attributes seem to warn a person that he should be careful not to fall for the tricks of evil spirits.

Many people ask, why dream that you are killing a person by setting him on fire? This dream visits only those who have now good health, however, such a vision is a sign that illness or surgery will soon await you. To avoid complex illnesses, we recommend monitoring your psycho-emotional state, avoiding stress and disputes, and not entering into conflicts. A dream in which you killed a person with fire is a sure sign that in a future quarrel you should smooth out the corners, otherwise it may flare up like a fire and bring you more harm.

Killing a person in a dream with a gun is a common vision that may come to you after watching vivid action or action films. It is not surprising that such a dream is interpreted modern dream book, as a sign that ill-wishers have appeared in your life and they are encroaching on family comfort. Subconsciously, you shoot back from them, defend yourself with a pistol or rifle. Be careful, because if you dreamed that you shot a person, it means you should protect your family from external influences and try to sort everything out on your own. Killing someone in a dream with a gun is a sign for a girl who thinks that her boyfriend is cheating on her. This is not true, it’s just that evil tongues are doing their dirty work, but you can’t trust them.

If you dreamed that you killed a person with a blow to the head - with a stick or a hammer, then such a dream can be interpreted as a sign of impending deception on the part of loved ones or business partners. However, do not be upset, the deception will be revealed very soon, and you will not be made a fool.

If you kill a person with a stone in a dream, it means that business will go up, more clients will appear, and for employees, such a dream means a promotion.

Wanderer's Dream Book

There is another interpretation that says that killing another person in a dream is good, as it symbolizes the successful completion of a matter, inner harmony. If a sick person has a dream in which he kills another, then this is the path to recovery. If you dream of a struggle, as a result of which you win, but kill a person, then this symbolizes future recognition from society, success in business, joy in your personal life.

If you don't find the answer here, read about the meanings of other images

Why do you dream about blood - interpretations of different images of blood in a dream

Unfortunately, watching the news and reading newspapers every day, we understand that murders are not very uncommon in life. modern society. What if we dreamed of such a terrible event during sleep? We suggest finding the answer to this question by turning to the most famous and trustworthy dream books for help.

: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets such a terrible dream as a harbinger of sadness, the cause of which will be atrocities committed by other people. It is possible that you may witness a violent death. If you dreamed that you yourself killed a person, then in real life you risk committing some actions that will tarnish your name in the eyes of others. Seeing yourself killed means obsessive attempts on the part of your enemies to ruin your life. If you killed the robber or villain who attacked you, then in the near future you will experience success in business and climb the career ladder.

Freud's dream book: why dream of killing a person

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream in which you kill someone reflects the need to get rid of a burdensome and boring relationship. It's possible that both you and your partner are trying their best to stay together, even though there's nothing truly connecting you anymore. If you dreamed that you witnessed a murder, then probably in your sexual fantasies too much attention is paid to cruelty and rudeness, which may not be to the liking of your partner.

Dream book of health: why dream of killing a person

A dream in which you kill someone can be considered a harbinger of a real danger threatening you. If in a dream you threaten to kill someone, then probably in real life you are overwhelmed with aggression and nervous tension. Try to take control of your emotions, otherwise you can, as they say, “break wood.”

French dream book: what is the purpose of seeing a person killed in a dream?

According to the compilers of this collection of dream interpretations, the murder you see promises you a variety of pleasures. For people experiencing health problems, such a dream predicts a very speedy recovery.

Why do you dream about killing a person?: dream book from A to Z

If you dreamed that a murder was committed before your eyes, then in reality you may have reason to worry about your own health. If someone tried to kill you, then you should exercise maximum caution, especially when getting behind the wheel of a car. A dream in which you yourself committed the murder of a person and at the same time are trying to hide from justice predicts that your “skeleton in the closet” will be found. This will entail serious problems. A dream about suicide symbolizes the likelihood of an accident occurring due to the dreamer’s carelessness and imprudence. If you dreamed that a person was strangled, then in the near future you will face mental anguish and suffering.

Surely you, dear reader, are pretty frightened by the plot of your dream, in which you take the life of some person. Why do you dream about killing a person? The dream book of Miller, Vanga and Freud will give you the answers.

First, you should calm down and stop considering this dream to be something terrible, supernatural. It’s better to remember the details of this dream: were you unarmed, or did you have, for example, a machine gun or a stone in your hands? It is very important to additionally remember who exactly had the unfortunate fate of becoming a follower of heaven.

Obviously, in your dream you felt a whole range of emotions: anger, fear, hatred for the murdered person. It is quite possible that in your dream you were tracking down a victim and could even experience some satisfaction from completing the mission. It is not uncommon to have dreams in which a murder occurs in the midst of self-defense, by accident.

How terrible is it to kill a person in your sleep? You should not feel like a cruel person, much less stop communicating with the “deceased”. According to most dream books, seeing how you managed to kill a person promises wealth and prosperity. However, the dream is about dead person is an unusual case and may be interpreted differently depending on the situation.

Concentrate and remember the events of that night (or, if you turned out to be a brave killer, day).

  1. When you had a dream
  2. Where did the murder take place?
  3. Who exactly did you carry out the sentence on?

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books.

Find your case from the following and find out what the subconscious was trying to warn you about in this dream:

  • Kill an unknown person in a dream. The dream marks deliverance from internal anxieties and torments. But you should show cordiality and patience towards others, talk with friends and relatives, otherwise everything could turn into a scandal;
  • To take the life of a person of the opposite sex. Such a dream brings unexpected love in reality. The process itself also plays a role: killed with a knife in the heart - passionate feelings will come from the person, and not from you. If you stabbed your victim, then the attraction will most likely be unrequited and suggests crazy actions on your part;
  • Send a person to the next world in his home. The dream is interpreted extremely positively if you do not hate the person. In reality, the victim will have a good, prosperous life. And a single representative of the stronger sex, sent by you to heaven in his house, will be able to get a wife and lose the “honorary status” of a bachelor;
  • If in a dream you killed a loved one. The subconscious brings you news about an imminent trip, on a business trip or vacation from work. We advise you to remember your condition, because if you:
  1. If you were sad and grieved for a person who was unlucky enough to die at your hands, then the difficult long journey will bring you laurels and material benefits;
  2. They were sincerely happy and laughing. It is possible that your heart is restless, there are many questions and hidden emotions that you do not give an outlet;

After such a dream, gossip and evil conversations about you are not uncommon, and ill-wishers may also appear.

  • Murder of a man in the garden. Seeing the death of a person at your hands in the garden predicts good luck for that very victim, which acquaintances and friends can only envy;
  • Intentional or accidental murder of a girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream. The dream predicts the emergence of circumstances due to which you will have to part with him (her) for a while;
  • Kill a person in self-defense. Regardless of whether it is a stranger, a friend or an enemy, you will get rid of the fear of him for a long time after you have protected yourself from him in a dream;
  • Strangle a person in a dream. Extols the successful completion of a task, internal harmony. For a sick person, it means an inevitable recovery and relief from the signs of a boring illness.

The method of murder that you used at that fateful moment also plays an important role in the characteristics of the dream. No, now the caliber and model of, for example, the pistol from which you shot the offender is not very interesting. The very fact of firing a pistol is important. So, dear reader, plunge into your dreams again and find exactly your case:

  • A stick or hammer was used. If you dreamed that you killed a person on the head with a stick or a hammer, then this is a clear omen of deception or cunning intentions on the part of friends, work colleagues or a significant other. If you have lost heart, then rejoice - the deception will be revealed very soon, and in no case will you be left a fool;
  • Setting fire to or drowning a person in a dream. Symbolizes good health or recovery. Some dream books advise paying attention and smoothing out rough edges in relationships with specific people before a scandal occurs due to omissions;
  • Kill a man with a pistol. It is quite possible that a gun appeared in your hands after watching an action movie. But, in any case, dream books suggest that a person with a pistol keep passion and strong emotions under control. Your sincerity can be used for selfish purposes and directed against you;
  • The knife acted as a tool. The frantic swinging of the sword at the behest of your consciousness reminds you of unfulfilled dreams. Also this sure sign the fact that in life you are using forces in a completely wrong way.

Did you have a dream yesterday, the day before yesterday or a week ago? It is advisable to remember the day of the week on the night of which your subconscious presented you with an action movie with you in the leading role.

If the dream occurred on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Dreams with the presence of a crime or a fight on this day indicate a wide range of possibilities for the person who had the dream. You have many acquaintances and friends. Dream in one of these three days weeks may portend the conclusion of a very profitable deal;

A dream that you had on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. A dream that came to you on one of these days should be treated with caution, since dreams these days often turn out to be prophetic. It is worth abandoning risky projects and forgetting about adventures. Invest carefully and don't rely on luck.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. Freud, as always, looks at the root and claims that you need to get rid of a boring relationship or job after such a dream. The psychoanalyst also advises to radically change the boring situation, and not to deceive yourself.
  2. Miller's dream book does not bring reassurance at all - you will be involved in a shameful situation or become a victim of an atrocity, as the psychologist predicts.
  3. Vanga speaks surprisingly optimistically about this, because when you kill a person, especially a stranger, you lose your fears and move forward.

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