Home Children's dentistry How often can a dog be treated for fleas? How to properly treat your dog for ticks

How often can a dog be treated for fleas? How to properly treat your dog for ticks

Irina Vidus, 04/10/2016
posted with the personal permission of the author

I treat it like this: at the beginning of the season, usually from the first days of April to November, I wash the dog with a special shampoo and exactly 4 days later I apply the drops directly to the skin, carefully spreading the fur. In this case, I place 1/3 of the pipette on the withers area, and the remaining 2/3 along the entire ridge, pointwise at regular intervals, all the way to the tail. If you have carried out the treatment correctly, there should be practically no noticeable dark and damp spots on the top of the coat. I immediately mark the processing date on the calendar and paste a sticker into the veterinary passport indicating the processing time. 3 days before treatment, the dog cannot be washed; the fat layer is washed off, in which the protective agent should actually be distributed.
And you should also not bathe a day after treatment, because the protective agent must be distributed throughout the fatty layer covering the dog’s fur, and this takes time.
For exactly three days after this, the dog cannot be washed and it is advisable that it does not get caught in the rain or bathe. You should also not let her into bed with small children. Exactly a week later I put on the collar. Before putting it on for the first time, I cut off the excess tape, pull the collar by the ends and snap my fingers around the circle to activate active substance- this is what I will do monthly. The collar lasts for the whole season and cannot be removed even at home; with Foresto you can also swim in open waters. The flea and tick collar must be worn tightly - so that you cannot put more than 1-2 fingers under it and is located at a distance of 2 cm from the usual one, and not under it! Drops also cannot be combined with leather collars. I always dig up the drops before the time specified in the instructions; if it says 28 days, then I process it on the 24th day, and if I swam a lot, then even earlier - on the 21st day. The effect of the collars also ends earlier than the specified period, for example, for the Kiltix and Scalibur collars - 4-5 months, for the Foresto collar - no more than 6 months.

Before a trip to the country, as well as a walk in the forest, field or river, after swimming - I additionally use a spray, always on dry wool.
The spray is applied as follows: you should spray not on top of the fur, but on the skin and base of the hair, moving the fur in the direction opposite to its growth. The wool should become slightly damp; additionally iron it with your hands or a comb so that the product is distributed evenly. It is advisable to do all this while wearing rubber gloves, otherwise the dose of spray intended for the dog will be absorbed into your hands.
Consistently treat the entire body, do not forget about the stomach, groin, paws and tail. The head also needs to be treated, but do not spray the dog “in the face”, spray it on your hands (with gloves) and gently spread the product on the face, cheeks, forehead, ears.
Despite the fact that the packaging usually says that the first treatment lasts for at least a month, I spray more often, at least once every three weeks. If the stated period is even shorter, then it is accordingly better to process more often. Because By the end of the treatment period, the concentration of the drug on the animal is already low. It is also better to “refresh” the treatment with a spray before walking in heavily tick-infested areas and after swimming in the river, and in general any strong wetness.
Apply a few sprays to the paws, belly, and groin. Do not use the spray more than once a week!

Starting from the 15th day of using the drops, when their effect begins to weaken, I additionally use a spray to cover and enhance the effect, but not more than once a week. I also use the spray after swimming in ponds, after the dog is dry. And I plan to wash it with special shampoo and soap before the next treatment and wash it three days before applying the drops. The same “Bars” drops are recommended to be added on the 14th day, but most drops only last for 21 days. Drops and spray do not begin to act immediately, no matter what is written in the annotation. Usually the drops reach full protection for 2-3 days and maintain the maximum degree until day 15, and then their effect weakens and after 21 days the drops are only 70% effective. The spray reaches its maximum concentration 4 hours after application and lasts for about a week, but it is not moisture resistant.
The treatment scheme must be changed; during the peak months (May - early June and late August - September) try to protect the dog as fully as possible, the rest of the time you can limit yourself to one or two different forms of protection and only protect in front of the forest in the same way as in the peak month.

At the peak of ticks - May/June and the end of August-September, I use a mixture of essential oils in water (drop by drop into water: geranium, wormwood, citronella, cloves, citrus oils - sprayed through a spray bottle on the stomach and paws) or sprayed on the neck bandana and the usual children's repellents - "Gardex" and "Maskitol".
Here is another recipe for natural protection against ticks, mosquitoes and midges: 20 ml. alcohol (can be added to vodka) added 3 drops of 100% natural lavender essential oil (suitable for repelling ticks, mosquitoes and black flies) and 3 drops of 100% natural oil cedar (suitable for repelling fleas), then added 200 ml. water, poured into a container with a spray bottle. You can also add 2 drops of natural clove essential oil (this is also against mosquitoes), but first only to vodka or alcohol, otherwise, since the oil does not mix with water, essential oil will float in the form of a thin film on the surface of the water (I haven’t added it yet and limited myself to two oils). I used this spray to treat my dog ​​and myself (clothes) before walking in the forest and other places where there are already areas of increased tick risk. Smell - ? And most importantly - no chemicals. I will make a reservation that you should not treat the area around the eyes with this spray. The dog treated him well, no side effects And allergic reactions her body didn’t betray him. I processed it like this: for my dog’s weight of 34 kg. I did 5-6 “puffs” (back, neck, tail, belly, paws, neck, groin). We walk for hours in the forest, in the undergrowth, etc., where relatively high grass. Result: not a single tick or flea was found on the pet after a thorough examination, although local dog breeders are signaling with all their might that increased tick danger has already begun in full swing. I liked this tool!

I recently read a taiga recipe for midges, mosquitoes and ticks:
take vanillin (necessarily pure, not vanilla sugar) + 50 ml of vodka + 200 ml of water - mix, spray through a spray bottle on the stomach, sides, paws.

For the entire tick period, it is necessary to combine drops with a collar and additionally use a spray during the peak months or after swimming, before going to the country and going to the forest. Try to select protection so that the active ingredients are different (fipronil, propoxur, permethrin, pyriprol) and with different mechanisms of action: contact - acting when the tick comes into contact with the dog’s skin and hair and having a nerve-paralytic effect, repellents - repelling insects and insectoacaricides, killing a tick after a bite.
Choose active ingredients and a reputable manufacturer. I will only say that for myself, I see this combination as the most acceptable: permethrin + fipronil or pyriprole, as an addition to propoxur if necessary.
I personally like the drops: “Prak-tik” and “Vectra 3 D”, “Frontlay combo”, “Hart”, “Bars” from collars - “Kiltiks”, “Scalibor” and “Foresto”.
I use different sprays - Bolfo (most often), Greenford, Rolf Club, Bars Forte.

For small dogs and puppies, it is best to use drops based on fipronil; it is the most gentle - these are, first of all, drops "Frontline Combo" or "Rolf Club 3 D", but the latter, according to reviews, breaks through. Frontline combo drops are best combined with the Kiltix collar. For those who often go to the country and to the forest - "Bars" drops, in combination with "Bolfo" spray. But “Leopard” itself is a rather harsh drug and is not recommended for small puppies and weakened animals, with liver and pancreas problems, as well as for severe allergies. It is important that all forms of protection are different in their mechanism of action and contain different active ingredients. On this moment There are no repellents with a proven effect on ixodid ticks, so the main means of protection remain drugs that combine contact and insectoacaricidal mechanisms. In the first case, the tick simply crawls on the skin and receives a dose of poison through its legs, which significantly weakens its activity and partially paralyzes it. The most effective acaricides are those that block GABA-dependent receptors and paralyze the respiratory center of the tick, which leads to death.

Let me remind you that infection does not occur immediately at the time of the bite, but usually within 2-3 days; the least chance of contracting babesiosis is in the first 24 hours. The tick first attaches itself, anesthetizes the bite site and then injects a special substance that licks the wound, then it sucks in the blood and only after a while releases excess blood and saliva with babesias into the wound, according to the principle of a reverse piston. Therefore, you have time to find and remove the tick, and the drug has time to work. The most dangerous are ticks that have already sucked, with a swollen abdomen; try to regularly inspect and comb out in order to remove the tick as early as possible! You need to understand that fipronils and many other drugs act precisely after the bite, preventing the tick from infecting the dog with Babesia. Therefore, the very fact of a tick suction does not constitute penetration; this is how all insectoacaricides work. Having found a tick, you need to remove it, treat the wound with an antiseptic and carefully monitor the pet’s condition for 21 days.

The most effective means of protection at the moment are drops; they can be combined with both a collar and a spray. The method and scheme of protection directly depend on the age of the animal, its health and walking conditions. So for kids and dogs, who rarely go out into the forest, just drops are enough. To travel to country cottage area and walks on the lawn - drops and collars. For hunters and those who like to wander in the forest - before forays, in addition to drops and a collar, you need to use a spray, but not more than once a week!

Prohibition on combination different forms(drops, collar, spray) is unfortunately outdated and is due to the fact that most of the drugs are made in Europe, there are practically no ixodid ticks there and the disease itself is not so widespread. The situation is like we had 10 years ago, when naturally 1 means was enough, the same Bars behind the scenes. Manufacturers include a ban in the annotation, since no studies have been carried out on combinations different groups drugs. We have them and this general practice, but the data was obtained empirically and cannot be recommended by the manufacturers themselves. Unfortunately, good old fipronil has begun to break through, so it must be combined with other substances, such as permethrin or propoxur. Attention! Permethrin is dangerous for cats!!
You also need to be wary of counterfeits, the same “Frontline” is the leader in the number of counterfeit drugs, do not go after cheap prices, buy from large chains and trusted places.
Drops "Advocate" and "Stronghold" DO NOT EFFECT on ixodid ticks, drops "Advantix" have been used for the second year in a row, according to reviews from various forums.

I have three favorite patterns. During puppyhood and outside the peak months, I use Frontline Combo drops, Scalibur collar and before the forest and dacha Bolfo spray; that year we used a different scheme: Prak-tik drops, Kiltix collar and spray "Bolfo" or "Canina", this season I'm testing a new scheme: "Vectra 3 D" drops, "Foresto" collar and "Bolfo" spray. I'm happy with all the schemes, not a single one has broken through, although we are not getting out of the woods. I removed the ticks, sometimes embedded, but the dog didn’t get sick and that’s the main thing! I highly recommend buying a “Rolf Club” or “Trixie” tick removal device.

Regarding other means of protection. I consider anti-tick vaccinations for dogs to be unjustified; they often fail, do not act on all types of ticks, and are very toxic. Then it’s easier to introduce “Piro-Stop” for prevention; I keep it on hand at the dacha, but I prefer classic treatment schemes. I don’t plan to use the tablets (“Bravecto”\“Nexgard”) for at least 2-3 years, there are no long-term forecasts yet and while the review data is alarming in its ambiguity. I don’t really believe in the ultrasonic key fob, but I know those who use it, in combination with the second method of protection - drops or spray in front of the forest. If you buy, then expensive Italian - TickLess.

Why are treatments not always effective?

1) 3 days before treatment, the dog should not be washed, not bathed, namely washed, with detergents. Why? Because the fatty layer, in which the protective agent should actually be distributed, is washed off
2) You cannot bathe for 2 days after treatment. Why? Because the protective agent must be distributed throughout the fatty layer covering the dog’s fur, and this takes time.
3) Drops should be applied to the skin (not to the fur), pointwise! Do not pour the entire pipette in one place, but distribute it drop by drop along the back, starting from the back of the dog’s head to the middle of the lower back.
4) Drops must be stored correctly - in a dark place, at a temperature from 0 to 35 degrees. Therefore, it is very important to buy drugs in trusted places where storage conditions are met and where there is no chance of purchasing a counterfeit.
5) Write down processing times! You cannot rely on memory; even one missed day can be fatal. Frontline Spot drops last for 3 weeks if the dog bathes regularly or 4 weeks if the dog does not bathe. Follow these deadlines!
6) After each walk, inspect the dog and remove crawling ticks from it. Drops of ticks do not repel ticks, they seem to “make the dog not tasty.” Therefore, there is time to collect them and destroy them.

Since there is no 100% cure, the main thing is regular and timely inspection and combing of the pet using a comb and a furminator.
Take care of your pets!

When piercing the skin, the flea injects saliva into the wound, which causes:

  • Severe itching, accompanied by redness and swelling;
  • Skin and viral diseases;
  • Hair loss;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Anemia in puppies, which can result in death.

How can you tell if your dog has fleas? It’s not difficult to verify their presence; the main thing is to take a close look at the animal’s behavior.

Removing fleas from dogs is not a complicated process, but it does require some knowledge and patience. The main condition in this struggle is to choose the right remedy, treat the animal and the room in which it is kept. If you find bloodsuckers on things, it is better to wash and iron them with a hot iron, carefully vacuum carpets and soft toys.

To choose a remedy to rid your dog of fleas, you need to consider the features of each of them. It is important to remember that treatment must be immediate and comprehensive.


Flea shampoos for dogs can be based on insecticides and natural herbs. The first option is more toxic, but at the same time it promotes quick and high-quality disposal of bloodsuckers. Side effects of this drug include: allergic reaction, increased salivation and vomiting. Therefore, it is very important that during bathing the foam does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes of the dog. How often you can wash your dog with flea shampoo is indicated in the instructions.


More effective way The fight against bloodsuckers is the application. This is a fairly easy way to remove fleas from a dog. In order to carry out disinfection, it is necessary to spray the drug along the withers of the pet. The entire body can be treated, but given that the dog is able to lick its fur after such a procedure, side effects may occur in the form of malaise, vomiting, frustration, allergic reactions and difficulty breathing.

Fighting fleas in dogs is carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Rubber gloves are a must. The fur of an animal treated with the spray should not be touched by small children for 24 hours. It is also unacceptable for a pet to sleep in the same bed as a person. Flea sprays, Harts or Beaphar, are especially popular.


The number of drops specified in the instructions is applied to the dog’s withers, limiting the animal’s ability to lick the drug from its fur. The active substance, penetrating the skin and blood of the pet, kills insects. It is important during this period to protect the dog from taking water procedures. Typically, the effect of this remedy lasts for a month, after which the treatment is repeated.
Not all are safe; some can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, before purchasing, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Most often, dog owners prefer drugs such as:


A collar is perhaps the most effective remedy for fleas on dogs. Constant action is their main advantage. If you find fleas on your dog, just put it on. The pet is protected from exposure to unsafe active substance inside, has the opportunity to bathe and swim without restrictions. In addition, special treatment and prevention are not required.

However, in addition to many advantages, collars also have disadvantages.

  1. Some such accessories can be toxic and, if worn constantly, are unsafe for the health of the animal.
  2. Age restrictions. The collar is contraindicated for puppies under 6 months and animals over 10 years old.
  3. The flea collar is not recommended for nursing, pregnant or sick animals.
  4. Constant use of the collar can lead to dermatitis.

The best flea collars are from the brands Bars, Hartz, Foresta, or Rolf Club.


You can also poison fleas on dogs using a powder that is prepared on the basis of Butox in a veterinary pharmacy. Its use is safe, but before using the drug it is necessary to do several tests and monitor the dog’s condition to avoid side effects (dermatitis or allergies).

The advantage of flea powder is its low cost. The disadvantages include a long course of treatment (it is possible to get rid of bloodsuckers after 2 weeks).


Chewable ones are less in demand, since they do not completely get rid of bloodsuckers, but only reduce their numbers. The principle of using this remedy is quite simple: you need to put the tablet in your pet’s food. Repeat the procedure according to the instructions. The drug may cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders. You can buy tablets at a veterinary pharmacy. The most popular are Capstar, Sentnel or Comforts.

Folk remedies

You can remove fleas from dogs at home using folk remedies. The advantage of this control method is safety, availability and low cost. There are the following folk remedies fleas for dogs:

  • Herbs;
  • Garlic and onion;
  • Pine branches and sawdust;
  • Lemon;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • Laundry soap.


Basic Rule successful treatment dogs for fleas - strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.

Let's reveal a secret: if your dog actively licks the solution applied to the withers, use a special collar and do not remove it until the preparation dries. Typically, drops dry within 8-16 hours.

What kind of fleas do domestic dogs have?

Flea protection in 5 steps

Step 2. Before calling your dog for a drop of the product, open the package of the drug and carefully read the instructions. The number of drops your pet needs is determined based on body weight four-legged friend.

Step 3. Prepare the drug for use: remove the blister from the package and the bottle from the blister. Open the bottle.

Step 4. Part the dog's fur and apply the required number of drops to the pet's skin in the withers area.

Step 5. Ready! If the dog does not try to lick the drug, the procedure is completed. Does your pet want to taste BlochNet? Protect your dog from licking the medication with a collar.

Applying medicinal product for your pet, try to avoid possible mistakes that could lead to ineffective treatment. We will talk about the most common of them below.

Error 1: violation of the dog's processing schedule.

Solution: To prevent fleas from bothering your four-legged friend, repeat the treatment every 42-49 days.

Error 2: processing dog hair.

Solution: In order for the use of BlochNet max to be effective for your pet, apply the solution to the dog’s skin, spreading the fur.

Error 3: bathing your pet for two days after treatment with BlochNet max.

Solution: Do not wash your dog for 48 hours after applying the drops. If your dog's bathing procedure is repeated more than twice a month, reduce the interval between use of the drug to 3 weeks.

Error 4: incorrect definition weight category of the drug with a borderline weight of the dog.

Solution: If you don’t know which weight category of the drug to choose for your pet, treat the dog with a drug for a larger weight.

Please note: only a portion of the flea population is present on a dog at any time. The other part - eggs, pupae, larvae - occupies cracks, rugs, and furnishings in the apartment.

Female fleas lay a large number of eggs, which do not stick to the skin and fur, but fall to the ground, floor, or litter. After a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae that spin cocoons around themselves. The cocoons subsequently develop into pupae. The pupae hatch into adult fleas, which then return to the dog or person.

You must proceed as follows:

After treating your dog for fleas using drops, spray BlochNet spray in places where the animal frequents. The spray is treated with:

  • Bedding;
  • Blankets.
  • Booths;
  • Cells;
  • Gaps in the floor;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Animal care items.

Protecting the animal from reinfection will be provided after 15 full presses of the sprayer per 1 m² of surface.

2 hours after using the spray, ventilate the room and clean the treated surfaces with a vacuum cleaner.

We wish you good health to a pet!

Fleas on a cat or dog: 5 MISTAKES OWNERS MISTAKE WHEN TREATING THE PET WITH A Tick and Flea Preparation

Ticks make themselves felt in the spring, when the first snow melts and the weather rises above zero. Blood-sucking insects infect nervous system humans (encephalitis), and four-legged friends develop the disease circulatory system. Many dog ​​owners think seriously about safety measures, and this is not surprising. Every owner wants to protect his ward from dangerous consequences bite. Let's consider the most effective ways solving the problem.

  1. You can protect your pet with vaccinations. Veterinary clinics provide the Pirodog vaccine from Merial, France. The composition allows you to protect your pet from piroplasmosis.
  2. The effectiveness of the procedure ranges from 75-85%. You can get vaccinated when the puppy is 5 months old. In this case, the pet must be vaccinated against viruses and dewormed.
  3. The vaccination procedure is carried out in 2 stages with a break of 1 month. A repeated course is carried out after a year or six months, depending on the locality.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to combine vaccination and revaccination with vaccinations of other types. The exception is protection against rabies and leptospirosis.
  5. If a dog has previously suffered from piroplasmosis and is a chronic carrier, the virus may break out again. In this case, it is necessary to treat the pet in the standard way, and also treat it with drops.

How to protect your dog from ticks using traditional methods

  1. Geranium. If you keep a pet in a private sector, as a result of which the pet often walks in the yard, proceed as follows. Plant marigolds or geraniums (pink) in the area. The result of such actions will be complete absence ticks. Bloodsuckers are afraid of unpleasant smells. As a supplement, you can dry the plants, make a decoction from them, and rinse the animal's fur.
  2. Tar soap. The product is considered an analogue of anti-tick shampoos. Using soap will not protect your dog for long, but will maintain the results for up to 2 weeks. Lather the animal well, wait 5 minutes, rinse. Prepare in advance for unpleasant smell, which will come from the pet’s fur.
  3. Ethers. Fragrant oils repel ticks, pests will not come even one step closer to the dog. Prepare lemon balm ether tea tree, lavender, geranium, citrus fruits or cloves. Combine the composition with filtered water and vodka, maintaining a ratio of 1:10:1. Transfer the solution to a bottle, spray it over your pet's fur and wait until it dries. Pay due attention to the tail, withers, belly, paws and neck. If you wish, you can spray the collar.

It's not difficult to protect your four-legged friend from ticks if you have some basic knowledge. The most effective means drops and tablets are considered. In second place is the spray, but it is toxic. Shampoo and collar are used as additional protection. Vaccination is carried out to increase the effectiveness of the listed compounds.

Video: how to protect your dog from ticks

Treating dogs against ticks. The most frequently asked questions.

1) Why do dogs need to be treated for ticks? Ticks are carriers of a number of vector-borne diseases, such as piroplasmosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, theileriosis, which can be dangerous for all types of warm-blooded animals, are often difficult to treat. In addition, feeding mites cause anxiety to the animal, and a large number of them on small animals can even lead to anemia (anemia).

2) At what age can puppies be treated for fleas and ticks? Treatment with drops on the withers is possible from the age of two months, since before this period (that is, before the first vaccination), small kittens and puppies are at home and cannot become infected with ticks. Some flea and tick sprays are suitable for use from two days of age. It is extremely important to treat adult dogs and cats living with a puppy or kitten for fleas and ticks.

3) Preparations for ticks and fleas in dogs, how to treat your dog? Frontline, Vectra, Praktik, Advantix - drops on the withers; Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica - tablets for fleas and ticks, Comfortis - tablets only for fleas.

4) Is simultaneous use possible? different means against ticks and fleas on dogs (drops, collars, sprays, key chains, tablets)?

It is possible to use drops on the withers or tablets together with collars, which are repellents, that is, they repel fleas and ticks. 5) How to properly treat a dog for ticks?

Spot-on preparations (drops) are applied behind the ears and down in the neck area from above, that is, in those places from which the dog cannot lick them off. The tablets are given orally without food, undivided. It is important to apply flea and tick medications strictly according to your animal's weight, as a large dose of the drug can be toxic. 6) How to treat a dog for ticks if it weighs less than 2 kg?

Nexgard or Bravecto tablets should not be used in animals weighing less than 2 kg. Such animals should be treated with drops on the withers in a dosage half as much as needed for dogs weighing 2-4 kg, that is, use half a pipette. 7) Treating dogs against ticks before vaccination/castration, are there any special features? Definitely, surgical interventions leave a negative imprint on work immune system

8) Is it possible to treat a dog with anti-tick medications and anti-worm tablets at the same time? Of course it is possible. He also eats complex preparations in the form of drops on the withers, which, when absorbed into the blood, have a detrimental effect on both fleas and ticks and helminths. Such drops are more convenient to use, since treating the animal will take less time, and there is no need to give deworming tablets (this is most important for cats and picky dogs).

9) How often should I treat my dog ​​for ticks and fleas? When using drops on the withers - once a month before frost in the fall and start again in the spring, when the snow begins to melt. If your animal communicates with dogs or cats that may have fleas, then treatment does not need to be stopped even in winter. If the animal is washed more than twice a month, it is recommended to reduce the interval between treatments to 3 weeks. Bravecto tablets are given once every 3 months, Nexgard - once a month, Simparica - once every 5 weeks, Comfortis - once a month.

10) Flea and tick tablets for dogs, is it safe? Yes, it's safe. All active ingredients included in the tablets have toxicity class 4, that is, if the dosage is observed, they do not affect internal organs animal and metabolism. At the same time, carefully read the instructions or consult a veterinarian before taking the tablets, since each active ingredient has its own contraindications.

11) If a dog vomits 2 hours/more than 2 hours after taking a flea and tick tablet, does it need to be re-treated with the drug? Yes, I need it. But you need to make sure that vomiting does not appear adverse reaction per tablet (this happens, although it is extremely rare). Perhaps, for re-treatment, you should use drops on the withers, and also examine the dog for the presence of diseases of the stomach or intestines.

12) Is it possible to treat a dog against ticks and fleas with medications for cats? This is not recommended, since the active ingredients and their dosage for dogs and cats are often different. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to treat cats with drops and tablets for dogs, since some of the active ingredients included in their composition can lead to the death of the cat.

13) Side effects anti-tick medications. Poisoning with anti-tick drugs. Side effects and complications in animals when using drops on the withers according to the instructions with correct dosage have not been established. If there is increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and signs of allergic reactions appear, the treatment is stopped, the drug is washed off with water, and given orally antihistamines. When using tablets, individual sensitivity is possible, manifested by vomiting and diarrhea. When using some drugs, autoimmune reactions may occur at the site of application of the drops.

14) What diseases can a tick bite cause in a dog? The most common is piroplasmosis. More difficult to diagnose are borreliosis, theileriosis, ehrlichiosis, and anapasmosis. In any case, all these diseases are extremely dangerous for the health of your pet. Therefore, it is much easier to carry out preventive treatments against ticks than to treat these pathologies

15) The dog was bitten by a tick. Symptoms. When piroplasmosis is observed following symptoms: increased temperature, dark urine, weakness of the pelvic limbs, lethargy, refusal to eat, the animal drinks a lot. On late stages staining of the skin and mucous membranes occurs yellow. Symptoms of other diseases are less specific and may include lameness, lethargy, increased local temperature, vomiting, anemia and diarrhea. Fortunately, not all ticks carry any pathogen. In any case, redness and swelling will form at the site of the bite, which can cause discomfort to the animal, so it is better to remove the tick.

16) My dog ​​was bitten by a tick, what should I do? Contact veterinary clinic. It will remove the tick, and also check the animal for piroplasmosis and other dangerous diseases.

17) When can you wash your dog before and after tick and flea treatment? You can wash it no earlier than 5 days after treatment. It is also advisable not to wash the dog for at least 2-3 days before, since with shampoo we wash away the fatty layer of the skin, to which the active ingredient of the drug is distributed.

18) Is it necessary to re-treat a dog for ticks and fleas if after treatment the animal is exposed to rain? Usually not necessary if at least a few hours have passed since treatment. If the animal is caught in the rain after a few minutes of heavy downpour, and all the drug is washed away, then it should be treated again after 3-5 days.

19) When is it better to cut a dog’s hair before or after treatment for ticks and fleas? In most cases, this does not matter, since the drug is distributed not in the hair, but in the skin. If the dog is covered with too thick hair that it is difficult to apply drops, it is advisable to cut it first and then treat it for fleas.

22) What and how is it better to treat an apartment against fleas and ticks? Solutions of Deltsid or Neostomozan, which are diluted according to the instructions. The apartment is washed, all carpets, blankets and other ivy items, including dog bedding, are washed. You can moisten the door mat with the above solutions. With a strong infestation, owners often cannot cope with fleas on their own, especially if they live on the first floor. In these cases, it is better to use the services of a pest control service.

If it is time for your pet to be treated for fleas and ticks, contact your veterinarian. city ​​clinic"VetState", where the reception is carried out experienced doctors. Veterinarian will help you choose the right product to treat your pet against fleas and ticks and carry out treatment 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Without holidays or weekends, we are glad to see you from 10.00 to 21.00.
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