Home Dental treatment Is it possible to drop boric acid into the eyes? Boric acid - instructions for use at home

Is it possible to drop boric acid into the eyes? Boric acid - instructions for use at home

Tsareva Elena Vladimirovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


Conjunctivitis – enough unpleasant disease, having characteristic symptoms. Treatment of inflammation is usually complex. Depending on the type of conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes antibacterial or viral drops, eye ointments, rinsing solutions. But even at home, you can use time-tested folk remedies for treatment that help eliminate negative symptoms, which will be discussed in this article.


Various folk remedies have been used to treat conjunctivitis in adults for a long time. The components in their composition may have antiseptic, antibacterial, antiallergic properties, so you can choose effective remedy regardless of the nature of the disease. The right prescription makes it possible to speed up the treatment process and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Unlike traditional medications Traditional recipes are less likely to cause side effects. They are based only on natural products and are harmless to the human body. The only possible negative consequence is an allergic reaction to one or another component.

Can it replace traditional medication methods?

Experts recommend using traditional methods treatment as an adjuvant rather than primary therapy. They are more aimed at relieving the symptoms of conjunctivitis, rather than eliminating the disease. At the same time, they can speed up the healing process and strengthen the body. But don't limit yourself only traditional treatment despite its effectiveness.

Very often people ask: how and with what can you quickly cure conjunctivitis at home? To do this, you need to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by a specialist. All drugs must be used in the dosage indicated. Before using folk remedies, you should also consult your doctor.

Tools Overview

A large number are known folk recipes that help in the treatment of conjunctivitis. It is necessary to select funds taking into account the type and nature of the disease. Most common following methods, which we will discuss below.


Popular folk remedy for conjunctivitis - Kalanchoe juice. It needs to be squeezed out of fresh leaves of the plant, diluted with warm boiled water in equal proportions. A cotton swab or disk is moistened in the resulting solution, with the help of which lotions are made on the inflamed organs of vision. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat it 4-5 times a day.


Chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. But is it possible and how to wash your eyes with chamomile? Definitely yes, since lotions based on it can be used for all types of conjunctivitis. The plant helps soothe inflamed eyesight and relieve itching. You need to use it as follows:

  1. A tablespoon of chamomile flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let the product sit for half an hour.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting decoction and apply it to the eye.
  4. The procedure is repeated five times a day.

Every day you need to prepare a new decoction.

Tea brewing

Now let's look at the question: how to wash your eyes with tea? Using tea helps relieve swelling and inflammation. You need to use loose leaf black or green tea without flavoring. It must be poured with boiling water and strained, then used to wipe the eyelids up to five times a day.

This method can even be used by pregnant women and children.

Tea bags

An easier way is to use tea bags. The bags must first be brewed, and then applied warm to closed eyelids for 15 minutes. The benefit of tea for the eyes lies in the presence of tannic components and tannic acid, which has antiseptic properties.

Bay leaf

Good for conjunctivitis Bay leaf. 3-4 fresh or dried leaves must be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. The infusion can be used to wash eyes and lotions. It is also allowed to use it internally.

Boric acid

Boric acid It relieves redness, burning, and dryness well. It helps relieve irritation and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is necessary to prepare a solution by adding 5 grams of boric acid in a cup boiled water. It can be used for compresses and for rinsing the eyes.


Soda is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis to relieve inflammation. A quarter of a teaspoon should be dissolved in 100 ml of water and used for compresses and lotions.

Rose hip

How do you feel about traditional methods of treating conjunctivitis?

Rose hips can be used to treat infectious pathologies of the organs of vision. It helps to remove unpleasant symptoms and cope with the pathogen.

You need to prepare a decoction by chopping 2 teaspoons of berries and boiling them in a glass of water. After boiling, the liquid should remain on the fire for a couple of minutes. It needs to be cooled and used for washing.


Dill is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it for conjunctivitis as follows:

  1. 200 grams of fresh herbs need to be washed and juice squeezed out of it.
  2. A cotton swab is soaked in the resulting liquid and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily 4-7 times a day.

Another method involves using dry seeds:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave the product to sit for an hour.
  3. Use for lotions in the same way.


You can make compresses using raw potatoes. 3-4 potatoes must be grated, mixed with the whites of two eggs and mixed thoroughly. The compress is applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 3-6 times a day.

Egg white

To eliminate itching and burning, you can use egg white. It must be separated from the yolk and mixed with 100 ml clean water. The liquid is used to wash the organs of vision using a sterile bandage.


Calendula has antibacterial and antiviral effects, which is why it helps to cope with the causative agent of conjunctivitis. And its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve swelling and irritation of the eyes.

Pour two teaspoons of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. The mixture is used for compresses and for washing the eyes.


To treat conjunctivitis, you can use the following: medicinal plant like aloe. You need to squeeze the juice from the fresh leaves of the plant and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Ready product Place one drop in the eyes once a day.

You can make lotions based on aloe. Several leaves of the plant must be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. Then you need to defrost the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. Next, a cotton-gauze disc is moistened in it and applied so that a small amount of the composition gets on the mucous membrane. The procedure lasts 15 minutes and must be repeated twice a day.


Thanks to beneficial properties honey it can be used to treat conjunctivitis. The following options for its use are popular:

Have you ever treated conjunctivitis with honey?


  • Honey ointment. Heat 100 grams of honey in a water bath, add 3-5 grams of propolis extract and cook the mixture for at least two hours, stirring regularly. Then the product must be filtered and cooled. The ointment is used twice a day after washing the organs of vision.
  • Honey drops. A drop of honey should be dissolved in 10 drops of boiled water. Use the resulting liquid for instillation twice a day. The amount of water in the recipe must be reduced regularly until the ratio of honey to liquid reaches 1:3. The course lasts approximately four months. You can also use this tool for.


Propolis demonstrates good results in the treatment of inflammation of the conjunctiva of various etiologies. It needs to be crushed to a powder and prepared from it water solution 20%. The liquid is passed through a filter. It should be used for eye drops three times a day in the amount of two drops.


Eyebright - useful medicinal plant, helping in the treatment of conjunctivitis, as well as blepharitis, keratitis, iritis. Pour boiling water over three teaspoons of the herb, let it boil and leave on the fire for another five minutes. After half an hour, the liquid is filtered. Then you can use it for eye washes or compresses.


Carrots contain vitamin A, which helps maintain vision and strengthens the immune system, which is important for the treatment of conjunctivitis. It is recommended to consume the vegetable daily in an amount of at least 150 g, refueling it vegetable oil or yogurt.

Lotions made from carrots and herbs are useful. You need to take 4 tablespoons of carrot juice, mix with a tablespoon of a mixture of chopped parsley and celery and apply the product to the organs of vision for 20 minutes. The resulting juice can also be consumed orally half an hour before meals.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is beneficial for. It can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form liquid solution. The product is instilled into the lacrimal sac in the amount of 1-2 drops. The procedure must be applied four times a day. Colloidal silver can be used indefinitely until the disease is completely cured.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is rich in phytoncides that help fight pathogenic microorganisms. For inflammation of the conjunctiva, it is useful to prepare a water infusion by pouring two tablespoons of the raw material with a glass of boiling water. The product must infuse for eight hours. Then it should be used for lotions.

Tea mushroom

Infusion kombucha can be used as lotions or taken orally to strengthen the immune system. The product is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare green, black or Herb tea, taking two teaspoons of tea leaves, a liter of water and five large spoons of sugar. The composition should brew for 15 minutes, then it should be strained and cooled.
  2. The mushroom is placed in a jar of tea, covered with gauze and placed in a dark, warm place.
  3. After 5-10 days, the infusion will be ready. The mushroom can be washed and placed in another jar of prepared tea.

Rose petals

Dry rose petals have antiseptic properties and eliminate purulent discharge from the eyes. Based on them, you can prepare an infusion, for which you need to take a tablespoon of petals and a glass of water.

The petals need to be crushed and pour a glass of boiling water over them. The liquid should infuse for 2-3 hours, then you need to soak cotton pads in the broth and apply them to your eyelids.

Useful videos

We invite you to learn tips from the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Also check out the following video about traditional methods of treatment:


People know many recipes for the treatment of conjunctivitis. They are easy to use and based on natural and affordable products. You need to understand that traditional methods are an addition traditional treatment, and not its replacement. They can be used as part of complex treatment to speed it up and increase efficiency.

Ophthalmic diseases cause physical and psychological discomfort. Most of them require complex treatment. Zinc sulfate drops are prescribed for ailments that are associated with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Drugs of this type are used when necessary: ​​self-medication is unacceptable! Zinc sulfate eye drops are used to treat ophthalmic diseases that arise from exposure to microbes (adenoviral conjunctivitis). The medicine protects against inflammation if a grain of sand or larger particles gets into the eye. foreign body.

Pharmacological action and group

Zinc eye drops have an antiseptic effect. Zinc in combination with a small amount of boric acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. This component is an antiseptic. Zinc sulfate is obtained by processing sulfuric acid and zinc. To create eye drops, you need to obtain a certain concentration of the active substance.

In the production of the drug, a hydrolysis reaction is used. Zinc sulfate interacts with proteins; the result is the formation of albumin. Such reactions make it possible to enhance the drying, astringent, and antiseptic effect. The coagulation process leads to the fact that the proteins of microorganisms coagulate and subsequently die.

Pharmacological group of drops - ophthalmic agents. Doctors recommend local application these drops. To enhance the effect of this drug, you need to combine it with boric acid. The dosage of boric acid is also prescribed by the doctor.

Indications and contraindications for use

The drug is used to treat conjunctivitis caused by microbes. Zinc sulfate drops are recommended for blepharitis.

Your doctor may prescribe zinc drops:

with anterior marginal blepharitis(if this disease progresses, the eyelids become inflamed at the edges); with posterior marginal blepharitis (the disease is accompanied by damage to the meibomian glands located in the eyelid, the pathological reaction involves the cornea and conjunctiva); with the progression of blepharitis caused by fungi; if this disease occurs due to farsightedness; if there are scales between the eyelashes; when yellowish crusts form on the eyelid; when swelling is detected upper eyelid.

Medicinal drops of zinc sulfate are prescribed for symptoms of conjunctivitis. The medicine helps if there is:

lacrimation; sensation of a foreign body near the cornea; hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye; photophobia; purulent process.

As noted, zinc sulfate is prescribed when a foreign body gets into the eye. Let's consider the testimony.

Contact with the mucous membrane of the eye by plastic particles. This problem does not lead to illness: plastic is relatively safe for the eyes. Penetration of iron particles into the mucosa. Here things are different: iron becomes the cause of ophthalmic toxic diseases. There are cases when inflammation becomes chronic. Visual acuity decreases; the result may be functional death of the eye. The medicine zinc sulfate is prescribed if a copper particle gets into the eye. Untimely treatment in this case leads to toxic damage. Getting a foreign body into the eye is fraught with consequences. Siderosis and chalcosis may develop. It happens that not only the cornea, but also the retina is exposed to toxic effects. Treatment in in this case strictly professional. Zinc sulfate drops are prescribed for 5-6 days.

The medicine is poured into the eyeball 1-2 drops, depending on the doctor’s recommendations. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease; On average, therapy lasts 7 days. When an ophthalmologist prescribes drops, he takes into account their properties. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

Before using the medicine, you need to remove the cap from the package. Using scissors, you should carefully cut off the membrane, which is located on the neck of the housing. The threaded part must remain intact. Next, you need to turn the dropper body over: the neck is at the bottom. Zinc sulfate drops are made in such a way that they can be used without a pipette. You need to press gently on the body of the dropper. After use, the tube is turned over again and the dropper is closed with a cap. It is worth making sure that the cannula and tube do not come into contact with the eyelashes and the eyeball itself. This will avoid irritation.

Let's consider the contraindications:

Zinc sulfate is not recommended for people who are allergic to zinc salts. The use of contact lenses is contraindicated. If without of this medicine If you can't do it, you need to give up lenses for a while (replace with glasses). Some people are hypersensitive to the components of zinc sulfate. In this case, the product is replaced with another. The drug is not prescribed to patients with impaired renal and liver function. Dry eye syndrome is also a contraindication.

The drug is not allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

For small children

Possible complications caused by the drug

Side effects occur when the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor are not followed. Negative consequences often associated with overdose. Zinc sulfate drops can cause nausea, fever, and tissue swelling. These symptoms indicate poisoning (if the disease appears, separate treatment is required). If the patient exhibits at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the drug. If the body reacts sharply to the introduction of boric acid, pain appears in the abdomen. Possible nausea and diarrhea. Boric acid intolerance appears as a rash on the mucous membranes.

An allergy to boric acid leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system. Some people experience seizures and kidney damage. Extreme caution should be used when using this substance. You should not be treated with boric acid if there is at least one of the contraindications.

Depending on the complexity of the ophthalmic disease, zinc sulfate drops may not have the desired effect, then the doctor will prescribe others.

If, when using the product, the disease worsens (added to new symptoms), you need to urgently contact the clinic! Boric acid should not come into contact with large areas of the skin. The substance is also contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. Even in the absence of contraindications, boric acid can cause eye irritation, so you need to be extremely careful when using it.

Cyclopentolate eye drops

Everything about Hilo-Komod eye drops is described in this article.

Laser vision correction using the PRK method: pros and cons http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lazernaya-korrekciya/na-glaza-frk.html



Zinc drops are quite a powerful medicine. If you notice redness or watery eyes, do not rush into treatment. Contact an ophthalmologist! Each disease has a characteristic clinical picture. You need to be treated only with the medications prescribed by the doctor. Tearfulness, redness and itching can indicate various ailments. Selecting medications at your own discretion is unacceptable: this leads to dangerous consequences.

Also read about the effectiveness of Tobradex and Oko-plus.

Boric acid and zinc sulfate – solution eye drops with antiseptic and astringent properties. It is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of conjunctivitis and blepharitis, and is prescribed to prevent bacterial infection when foreign bodies enter the conjunctival cavity.

Composition and release form

Boric acid and zinc sulfate – colorless transparent solution of eye drops, contains:

Active components: zinc sulfate – 2.5 g, boric acid – 20 g. Additional elements: sterile water.

Packaging: glass or plastic dropper bottles of 5 and 10 ml in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological properties

The eye drop solution has a combined composition, which determines its properties. Zinc sulfate has a drying, astringent, antiseptic, and local anti-inflammatory effect. Boric acid is also an antiseptic. Capable of accumulating in tissues.

Indications for use

Blepharitis. Conjunctivitis. Prevention of bacterial infection in case of foreign bodies entering the conjunctival cavity.

Directions for use and doses


Individual hypersensitivity. Dry eye syndrome. Impaired liver and kidney function. Pregnancy and lactation period. Age up to 18 years.

Side effects

Allergic reactions with irritation and pain in the eyes.


When used in doses that significantly exceed therapeutic ones, the development of chronic intoxication with nausea, fever, and local tissue edema is possible. Application medicine in this case, you should cancel and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

No data.

special instructions

Contact lenses must be removed before using the drug.

After instilling this solution, you must be careful when working with moving mechanisms and do not drive.

Boric acid is a white crystalline substance used in medicine for washing and rinsing.

The hydrated molecule undergoes reversible enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins and peptides.

Alcohol solutions are prepared at 70% ethyl alcohol. This is a weak substance; the degree of saturation of positively charged ions in the solution is very low. Therefore, the product does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

The effect of boric acid on the mucous membrane of the eye

The acid has a bacteriostatic effect - prevents the proliferation of bacteria, bactericidal - leads to the death of microorganisms, antifungal - has specific activity against pathogenic fungi. Has an insecticidal effect. Easily penetrates soft fabrics, accumulating in neither X . The substance is released slowly.

Indications for eye rinsing with boric acid

The properties of the crystalline substance make it possible to use it to eliminate inflammatory process visual organs. Used in the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

It can be used to treat eyelids with blepharitis and eyes. Prescribed for any eye diseases, but should be used after approval from an ophthalmologist.

Preparing the rinsing solution

For cooking medicinal composition you will need powder, a bottle, a funnel, a cosmetic sponge, a stand and a measuring cup for hot water. It is necessary to rinse the mucous membranes of the eyes with a weak solution.. The instructions must be strictly followed. Exceeding the dosage will not have a positive effect, but on the contrary, will bring a lot of trouble.

Cooking method:

  1. Distilled water is boiled and cooled to 40 degrees. This is the only way the crystals will completely dissolve.
  2. Rinse the cylinder or measuring cup clean water and measure out 120 ml of chilled water.
  3. Place it in a stand to prevent it from falling. Add 2.4 g of crystallized powder.
  4. Shake thoroughly. Strain the medicine, pour into a clean jar and close with a tight lid.

A 2% solution of boric acid can be used to wash the eyes and cleanse the face of acne. The medicine cannot be stored. Prepare the liquid before cleansing. It is not allowed to use yesterday's solution.

Washing instructions

Healing remedy used for rinsing, baths and as eye drops. The latter are used if a speck, dust or other foreign body gets into the eyes, causingher significant discomfort. Drop the solution into the conjunctival sac, 1 drop 2 times a day.

Carrying out baths:

  1. Pour the prepared liquid into a small container, large enough to fit your face, but deep.
  2. Remove from face cosmetical tools, wash your eyelids well.
  3. Place your face in the container and blink several times.
  4. Do not dry with a towel immediately. Doctors advise doing a few simple exercises that will help the solution to be better distributed over the surface. For example, circular movements eyeballs or light massage with closed eyelids.
  5. Dry your face and eyes with a paper towel. Use a clean towel for each procedure.

How to wash your child's eyes

Dilute the solution for infants and adult children in the same way as for adults. It is allowed to use liquid for rinsing. Instillations and drops into the eyes are unpleasant for children.

Mode of application:

  1. A cosmetic sponge is moistened in a 2% aqueous solution of boric acid.
  2. The newborn's eye is washed from the outer edge to the inner corner. This will remove pus and tear discharge.
  3. Use a separate cosmetic sponge for each organ of vision.

Before he conductsWhen treating a child, you should make sure that the baby is not allergic to active substance . A small amount of the solution is applied to the inner elbow. If after half an hour there are no signs of allergy, then the use of the liquid is possible.

How often and for how long to rinse

The duration of treatment is determined by the treating doctor. The ophthalmologist determines the duration of therapy, focusing on general state the patient, the degree of the disease, and how long the patient has been using the aqueous solution.

Therapy depends on the nature of the pathology. Usually, treatment with boric acid is not prescribed for more than 7 days.

Side effects

In case of overdose after exposure medicinal composition on open wounds or injured mucous membranes, the patient may experience chronic intoxication. It is manifested by nausea, eruption of stomach contents, swelling of the moving skin and surrounding tissues of the face, and increased body temperature.

At allergic reaction A rash appears in response to boric acid. Several cases of changes in the central nervous system, cramps and pain inside. They appear when the medication is used for a long time and the regimen established by the ophthalmologist is ignored.


The use of boric acid is prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It cannot be used for chronic mesotympanitis with little changed or normal mucous membrane.

It is not recommended to use the solution for children under 18 years of age.. Contraindicated for use in case of any damage to the mucous membrane - ulcers, penetrating wounds, scratches.

Useful video

Vision is restored up to 90%

Poor eyesight significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is. Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

Pink eyes or conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the top layer of the eye that covers white part the eye is called the sclera. This outer layer helps lubricate the eyes by producing tears and mucus, and also helps prevent germs from entering the eyes. When the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, it means that it has become irritated and infected. Many people do not even treat this infection because it goes away on its own within 7-10 days without any treatment. On the other hand, this reflects that the immune system is weakened.
Types of conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis, which is highly contagious, is caused by a virus; in particular adenovirus. This is a general respiratory viral disease, which can also lead to sore throat and some areas of the upper respiratory tract. The herpes virus can also cause viral conjunctivitis, which can last up to 3 weeks and become chronic. There is no cure, it will resolve on its own after 5 to 7 days. For some viruses that cause viral conjunctivitis there is no specific treatment, but the problem is that it can spread easily.

Bacterial conjunctivitis, caused by bacteria, is highly contagious and also spreads quickly. This occurs when bacteria enters the eye or area around the eyes. Common infections such as staphylococcus, feline diseases, gonorrhea and Haemophilus type influenza B can cause bacterial conjunctivitis of the eye. Bacterial infections last up to 10 days.

Allergic conjunctivitis is an infection caused by pollen, dust or animal dander. These allergies may be seasonal (such as pollen), and although this type of eye conjunctivitis is not infectious disease, it can be a very unpleasant moment...

What symptoms can we expect from various types conjunctivitis?
Symptoms of viral infection:
Swelling of the eyelids
Redness in the white of the eye
Lots of blood vessel ruptures
Swollen areas in front of the ears
Burning sensation in eyelids
Your eyes turn a little sour

There is no medicine that can treat viral conjunctivitis of the eyes, so home remedies are the best solution. Although it is very frustrating that people cannot return to work or school, it is usually 3 to 5 days until symptoms begin to leave you.
Symptoms of bacterial infection:
Redness in the whites of the eye
Moderate pain
The eyes turn sour with a gray or yellow mass
Eyelashes may stick together due to dryness
Swelling of the upper eyelid
A bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics and people can return to kindergarten, at work or school, even 24 hours after antibiotic treatment.
Symptoms of allergic infection:
Runny nose and stuffiness
Burning sensation in eyelids
The eyes are slightly sour

As a rule, it is possible to find medications against allergic eye damage, but sometimes treatment must be preventive.
What to do when pink eyes appear?

Although many choose antibiotics as medications, we should not forget that there are natural ways treatment of these infections.

Baking soda

Soda is able to fight the development of microflora not only in oral cavity, due to which it can also be used in the fight against ailments such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis. In this case, the mucous membranes are washed several times a day by instilling a few drops of a soda solution in warm water. Can also be washed.

The solution is prepared 0.5-1 teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water

Hydrogen peroxide

Treatment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide. To wash the nasal cavity and mucous membranes of the eyes, use a 0.5-1% solution of hydrogen peroxide. At acute course disease course can range from three to seven days of three times a day. To prepare a 0.5% peroxide solution, you need to dilute regular pharmacy peroxide 6 times with warm boiled water. Use immediately after use. If a 1% solution is needed, dilute it three times accordingly. But it's better to start with the weaker one.

Castor oil

Place one drop in your eyes three times a day.



Soak a piece of cloth with aloe juice and place it over your eyes. Can also be used as an eye wash.

Boric acid

This acid is used as an antiseptic for minor burns and cuts. As an antibacterial compound, it is common for the treatment of acne, ear infections, and athlete's foot. For the eyes, boric acid mixed with water is an excellent eye wash.

To treat conjunctivitis, use a 2% boric acid solution. Preparations: Take 5 g of dry powder (level teaspoon) and dilute with a glass of boiled water. Treat the eyelid with the resulting solution.


Prepare an extract (infusion) of 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder per glass of boiled water. Use as a warm compress.


Honey is a powerful "doctor" due to its antibacterial and antibiotic properties. When mixed with water or milk, it can be a very effective remedy for conjunctivitis. Make an eye wash - 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 cups of warm boiled water. Mix and use it as an eye wash several times a day. You can replace water with milk in the same way. Warm milk can also be used as a lotion or compress.


You can use raw potatoes, cut them and place them on your eyes several times a day. When used frequently, potatoes can reduce swelling due to their astringent properties.


This perennial plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and astringent properties. Goldenseal also contains berberine, which fights infection and kills bacteria that cause pink eye. To make a warm solution you need 2 teaspoons of goldenseal and a cup of boiling water. For eye drops, mix chamomile, comfrey, 1/8 teaspoon hydrastis, and a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 15 minutes. After straining, use it as eye drops.


Black and green tea contain bioflavonoids that fight against viral and bacterial infections and reduce inflammation. Applying a wet sachet to the affected eye for a few minutes, 3-4 times daily, will help relieve symptoms. If possible, use black tea, due to the presence of Tannis, it can reduce inflammation faster. To wash the eyes, use a weak tea solution.


Probiotics are powerful because they fight and kill the “bad” bacteria that cause the infection, thereby increasing the number of “good” bacteria in the infected area. Popular probiotics are colostrum and kefir. Hot compresses can help with drainage and dry secretions. To do this, take a washcloth, run it under warm water and apply it to your eyes for 5 minutes. A cold compress will help relieve itching, swelling and burning. Sterile gauze soaked in water is placed in the freezer for 30 minutes, it will have an incredible soothing effect.
Ways to prevent conjunctivitis:

Avoid rubbing and touching your eyes
Wash your hands often
Never give anyone personal washcloths, wipes, or hand towels.

The use of boric acid for otitis media makes sense. But with conjunctivitis...

I'll tell you what this can mean when high level acid toxicity. And also why I rarely use boric acid for acne and what other methods of use are there.

Boric acid- a weak, monobasic Lewis acid, often used as an insecticide, antiseptic, fire retardant, neutron absorber, or precursor for other chemical compositions. It has chemical formula H₃BO₃.

In our country, boric acid is sold in every pharmacy. The price is ridiculous - about 15 UAH. (this is 35 rubles, compared to other drugs - pennies).

The bottle is standard for these products - an ordinary glass bottle with a plug and a screw cap. The glass is darkened, but the remainder of the acid in the bottle can be seen in the light.

Concentration – 3%.

Everything else is 95% alcohol and water((

boric acid – 3 g;

ethanol 96% - 65 g;

purified water - the rest up to 100 g.

The smell is appropriate, alcoholic, I did not test the taste - according to the statements of the “experienced” it has no taste.

It dries quickly on the skin without leaving any stickiness. The alcohol dries it out.

Boric acid has antiseptic (disinfecting) activity.

Boric acid...or, more precisely, boric alcohol - has a number of advantages compared to other solutions that are tried to be used in medicine and cosmetology. But it also has a drawback that is inherent in all such products - it is an alcohol base (!)

That is, like all alcohol solutions, it will noticeably dry out the skin at the site of application.

Boric acid is also sold in powder, so you can simply make an aqueous solution - it dissolves quite well in water.


As I said above, boric acid (the one sold in pharmacies) is boric alcohol. And as you know, cosmetologists are now moving away from using products containing alcohol to treat acne.

But this does not in any way detract from the popularity of boric acid and salicylic acid among the people, despite the alcohol in the composition.

Of course, in adolescence wiping your face with a cotton pad soaked in boric alcohol is a piece of cake. But with age, such gestures are an unaffordable luxury. Because the skin can respond completely unexpectedly... and instead of getting rid of acne, you can get severe peeling and double the number of acne. So the maximum is to locally cauterize the inflamed areas.


I read it right there, on AirCommend. But I know that cosmetologists used to prescribe it everywhere.

The most vigorous option:

To make it softer, we replace the chloramphenicol alcohol with tablets, but it will be a little problematic to dissolve them (it is better to initially shake the crushed tablets in a small amount of alcohol, and then mix them with other ingredients).

But, I admit, this chatterbox didn’t catch on with me... alas. No, of course it’s effective, but the hand reaches out to something else ( remembering the dangers of boric acid...). More often I use all the components separately, or a mixture of chloramphenicol and aspirin in mash ( without boric acid).


There is an ointment with boric acid on sale ( like 5%), which is used in the fight against head lice.

I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, fortunately...

**it seems like it didn’t happen) I’ll need to find out the composition of the products that were used to treat my little head before school after the summer holiday)))


Due to the characteristics of boric acid, it is for diaper rash that I use it didn't use it. Even when my son’s skin peeled off in layers. Not this way - especially then(!) Since the penetration of boric acid would increase.

Then I limited myself to furatsilin and a very effective cream with panthenol (but I don’t recommend taking the popular ointment from the same manufacturer - I explained why in the review)


Yes, boric acid even has such unusual indications for use...

A 10% solution in glycerin is used to lubricate affected areas of the skin during diaper rash, as well as colpitis (inflammation of the vagina).

But again, due to contact with the mucous membrane... in case of severe inflammation, I would rather resort to not very convenient gelatin capsules, but I am confident in their effectiveness.

And with a “weaker” thrush, I’ll choose more expensive candles ( for very delicate conditions of the body), or some heavier artillery from the cheap price segment, which I will talk about in the next reviews.


Due to the high penetration of boric acid through mucous membranes, I do not use it this way. There are more safe drugs, the same ointments, etc.

When instilled into the eyes, boric acid can accumulate in the body with greater force...


It’s a force of habit... I know from childhood that otitis media is treated with boric acid. True, in my memory, the ears of adults were treated more often... my mother, for example, has otitis very often, and such that it “blows half my head off,” and a bottle of boric acid is always kept in reserve.

I often “performed” for a sore throat, but my ear hurt several times.

Now, at a conscious age, I resort to boric acid if I urgently need to relieve the beginning symptoms, but I don’t want to run to the pharmacy for drops. I use boric acid only for otitis of the external ear; if the infection gets deeper, I switch to other remedies. Fortunately, now the choice of drops is huge.

I try not to instill, but use cotton “rolls” soaked in boric acid - I twist the cotton pad tightly and insert it into both ears ( this is the principle of treating all paired organs, both an ophthalmologist and an earworm will tell you this)))

Of course, during the day you don’t have such beauty in your ears... and with otitis media, you don’t really have the desire to go out somewhere (((. But, as a last resort, you can do such “compresses” at night.

In addition, any “plugs” will reduce hearing and orientation in space decreases significantly.

Boric acid hardly stings me, much less burns me, but the heat is very noticeable.

The duration of treatment depends on how the symptoms disappear + at least 2 more days to consolidate the results.



Yes, solo is not a particularly effective remedy for sweat... but boric acid is contained in Teymurov’s ointment, which I used on my legs in the summer - there really is an effect.

True, I don’t risk applying such a mixture to my armpits... there is an advertised product that is not entirely safe, but effective.


I will say this - nothing... I applied it immediately after the burn - you see the result in the photo:

Even cockroaches and bedbugs can be poisoned with boric acid... which I’m not at all surprised by ((


Boric acid belongs to toxic acids ... therefore the bottle should be kept out of the reach of small children or animals ( the cat can knock over, break and lick).

Since the penetration of acid through the skin (and, especially, mucous membranes) is very high, it is better not to use it during pregnancy and pregnancy.

Boric acid is especially dangerous for developing embryos. Even a single non-toxic dose entering the mother's body can cause pathological changes fetus

You also need to look at the age of the teenager - perhaps, due to his age, it is also better for him not to come into contact with boric acid.

And under no circumstances should it be used on children. infancy (!)

The journal Pediatrics (No. 6, 1953, Canada) published a report of 102 deaths caused by the use of boric acid. The British Medical Journal (No. 1, 1955) reported 120; "German Medical Journal" (vol. 87, 1962) - about 60, "French Journal of Therapy" (No. 3, 1980) - about 79 cases of death of children. Poisonings occurred as a result of the most seemingly innocent actions of parents and doctors: wiping the mother’s nipples with an acid solution before feeding, sprinkling wet skin surfaces, treating the oral mucosa.

My parents wanted the best, but it turned out...

Yes, at that time there was much less information. And I understand young mothers - with breastfeeding ( even with proper latching of the nipple by the child and increased hygiene) These same nipples are cracking... Not all praised remedies turn out to be effective, but somehow you need to help both yourself and the child. I readily believe that boric acid performed very well, which is why it was so popular among young mothers in the post-war period - it dried it out, helped the nipples heal, and removed diaper rash. But the outcome is sad...

And it’s not for nothing that the USSR Ministry of Health banned boric acid... however, it took many years ((And many poisonings that were not recorded.

The second danger of boric acid is that with regular uncontrolled use and damage to the skin (or application to mucous membranes), it is easy to get an overdose. And she = boric acid poisoning, with all the ensuing consequences that cannot simply be removed with a sorbent...

The lethal dose of boric acid for humans is 5-20 g.

It is worth remembering this... and the worse the kidneys work, which remove acid, the higher the risk of death.

About overdrying skin alcohol (if boric acid is used alcohol), I already said above. Exactly like acid , you should not be afraid of boric acid - it is a “soft”, weak acid.

When I was looking for indicators of the toxicity of boric acid, I came across some very interesting information...

boric acid, according to M. D. Mashkovsky, has an antimicrobial effect in minimum concentration 2%, then potassium permanganate - 0.1, ethacridine - 0.05, furacillin - 0.01, and chlorhexidine - only 0.005%. Consequently, we have (and, in fact, have had for a long time) antiseptics that are 20-400 times more active than acid!

That is, boric acid is in vain elevated to the rank of miracle workers?

It turns out that the same miramistin will show better results in terms of fighting microbes if it, like boric acid, is used to treat the face ( moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin I recommend. But, nevertheless, for the treatment of acne, I would rather resort to salicylic acid and alcohol-free formulations...

To be honest, I give the rating 4* only because of its high effectiveness for otitis media. And so, with all its toxicity and weak disinfectant properties... there is no desire to particularly praise it. But there is a remedy.

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