Home Hygiene Why does my breath stink so bad? What causes bad breath: causes in adults

Why does my breath stink so bad? What causes bad breath: causes in adults

Bad breath is called halitosis. Depending on when and how intensely chronic bad breath occurs, its causes may vary. Bad smelling breath can appear from time to time or bother a person constantly.

Depending on the nature of the symptoms, there are several types of halitosis:

  • True. Bad smell objectively felt by others. Its causes lie in the peculiarities of human physiology or are a symptom of pathologies.
  • Pseudohalitosis. It is diagnosed if a person has a slight unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. It is felt upon close contact with a person. In most cases, people exaggerate the extent of their problem.

  • Halitophobia. This is the fear of chronic bad odor spreading from the mouth.

In most cases the appearance is abrupt unpleasant odor associated precisely with true halitosis.

What to pay attention to

The patient may complain of chronic morning bad breath, when a bad odor appears on an empty stomach. This phenomenon is often associated with some physiological characteristics human body:

Firstly, During life, plaque and tartar are formed on the teeth and tongue. Plaque includes pathogenic microorganisms and food debris. During sleep, they decompose and form an unpleasant odor. Bad breath in this case is easily eliminated after brushing the teeth, especially if the person removes plaque from the tongue.

Secondly, During sleep, a person's saliva production decreases. Under these conditions, microorganisms significantly intensify their activity, releasing products with an unpleasant odor. It is felt in the exhaled air.

Alcohol consumed the day before also contributes to changes in the composition of saliva, which provokes the appearance of a bad odor. In addition, during and after intoxication, a certain amount of alcohol vapor is present in the exhaled air. They lead to the appearance of the characteristic bad smell of fumes.

U smoking people There is a presence of chronic bad odor, which appears due to the presence of combustion products of tobacco and their decomposition in the oral cavity and on the teeth. A person may have an unpleasant odor from the mouth due to the consumption of onions or garlic.

Chronic staleness of exhaled air manifests itself as a symptom of diseases of the oral cavity, digestive tract, kidneys, liver, and respiratory organs.

In a healthy person, chronically bad breath appears due to physiological reasons and goes away quickly after brushing or applying chewing gum. But these actions will be useless if he suffers from certain pathologies.

The main reasons associated with oral pathologies and leading to the appearance of an unpleasant odor are:

  • the presence of foci of caries on the teeth;
  • accumulation of plaque on teeth and gums;
  • formation of tartar as a result of gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • pathological eruption of the wisdom tooth and the formation of a “hood” of gum tissue over it;
  • stomatitis;

  • pathological conditions salivary glands, due to which the viscosity of saliva and its quantity change;
  • Sjögren's syndrome, in which, as a result of an autoimmune process, the salivary gland is damaged with almost complete absence her secret;
  • language pathologies;
  • the presence of crowns, dentures and other orthopedic structures in the oral cavity;
  • atrophic changes in the tissues of teeth and gums.

Temporary bad breath occurs due to the use of certain antibiotics and antihistamines. One of side effects such medications – changes in the composition and amount of saliva.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

The causes of bad breath are pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • ulcerative processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum);
  • disruption of food digestion processes;
  • disruption of the muscular apparatus of the esophagus and stomach, which causes gastric contents to be thrown back;
  • development of putrefactive and fermentative processes in the stomach and intestines (a person feels a sharp putrefactive smell and “aroma” rotten eggs);
  • pathologies of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder;
  • oncological pathologies.

This process is the cause of the development of halitosis. An equally common cause is a change in the acidity of stomach juice. In addition to bad breath, a person experiences a metallic or acidic taste in the mouth.

Respiratory pathologies

Chronic bad odor can spread in the exhaled air and due to the development of respiratory diseases. The most common pathologies in which a person is bothered by bad breath:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • frontal sinusitis, sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • influenza and acute viral respiratory diseases.

In rare cases, a person is not bothered by the constant and very sharp unpleasant odor of exhaled air. He does not feel it due to the progressive atrophy of the olfactory receptors. This is how ozena manifests itself - a foul runny nose.


In diabetes mellitus, the appearance of chronic bad odor from the mouth refers to early symptoms this the most dangerous disease. The leading pathogenetic factor of this process is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

Due to the fact that cells and tissues do not receive enough glucose, they begin to function under different conditions, breaking down fat. This process leads to the formation of ketone bodies.

The appearance of ketone bodies in the blood leads to the fact that the patient begins to emit a characteristic odor of acetone. This is a signal that cells are experiencing an acute glucose deficiency under conditions of increased concentration of acetone in the blood (hyperglycemia). This condition is extremely dangerous for the patient’s life, because it can lead to the development of hyperglycemic coma.

Chronic unpleasant odor of exhaled air appears as a result of progression of diabetes complications:

  • kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy);
  • liver disorders;
  • inflammatory phenomena in the oral cavity developing against the background of chronically elevated sugar levels.

Diabetic patient cannot smell acetone due to lesion nervous system. Ketoacidosis (increased levels of blood acetone) can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • acute feeling of thirst;
  • severe hunger;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased urination;
  • irritability.

Kidney diseases

Chronic bad odor of exhaled air appears in humans as a result of infectious inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys. This most often occurs with nephritis or pyelonephritis. This is due to the fact that microbial waste products enter the bloodstream. They spread throughout the body and penetrate into the lungs, and from there into the exhaled air. After subsiding inflammatory process the bad “aroma” goes away.

The appearance of an ammonia odor in the exhaled air is dangerous symptom and indicates development chronic failure kidney As they become increasingly unable to remove waste products, urea accumulates in the blood. When it breaks down, ammonia is formed, a substance toxic to humans.

Constant bad breath from the mouth in chronic kidney failure indicates the development of uremia in the patient - severe urea intoxication.


When there is insufficient fluid intake into the body, the amount of saliva and its chemical composition. Losing even 1% of water in the body causes a feeling of thirst. When the body loses 5% of fluid, a person develops disorientation, increased excitability and panic. All this is complemented by the spread of a sharp unpleasant odor from the oral cavity due to disruption of the salivary glands and damage to the mucous membrane.

Insufficient consumption clean water and replacing it with coffee, tea, sweet soda, beer and other “drinks” leads to the development of chronic dehydration. At the same time, a person may not feel thirsty. However, this does not mean that the body has a sufficient supply of moisture. Due to its deficiency, the composition of saliva changes, inflammatory processes develop in the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by the spread of a stale odor in the exhaled air.

With some pathologies of the hypothalamus, a person may not feel thirst even with severe dehydration. This condition is dangerous to health and is always accompanied by a strong bad odor coming from the mouth.


Drinking alcoholic beverages contributes to the spread of alcoholic stench in the exhaled air. It disappears after the ethanol is completely processed by the liver. A violent feast always leads to an extremely bad breath odor the next day, which does not disappear even after brushing your teeth and chewing gum. This is explained by the excretion of ethanol through the lungs and the disorder of the digestive system, overloaded with a large number of products, often completely incompatible.

Long-term consumption of alcohol in large quantities leads to damage to the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Pathologies developing against the background of alcohol abuse provoke the development of gastritis, duodenitis, alcoholic liver damage. All this contributes to the permanent spread disgusting smell.

Tobacco addiction

Smoking is the cause of dental damage and associated bad breath. Among other things, the ingress of tobacco combustion products into the oral cavity provokes a constant characteristic smoker's odor. It comes not only from the mouth, but also from the fingers, hair and the whole body.

The only way to restore the freshness of exhaled air and restore attractiveness is to completely give up cigarettes.

Video about possible causes of bad breath

The main causes of bad breath, what diseases and pathologies can provoke it, how you can understand that your breath smells bad and what treatment methods are available, you will learn from this video.

If a person is concerned about the spread of a disgusting odor from the mouth, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon:

  • If there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, kidneys, liver, you should undergo diagnostics and begin appropriate treatment.
  • If the smell is associated with alcohol consumption, you should stop drinking alcohol.
  • You should constantly monitor your oral hygiene and brush your teeth 2 times a day. To remove food debris, use toothpicks. Dental floss helps clean your teeth and tongue.

Surely, at least once in their life, any adult has suffered from bad breath. Doctors call this phenomenon halitosis , and it happens varying degrees severity, therefore there are quite a lot of manifestations of pathology. This is due to the fact that bad breath can be caused by the most for various reasons- starting with obvious bad habits or interference with the body’s normal functioning, and ending with the first manifestations of diseases of vital organs.

Determining the problem in an adult

If a person is bothered by bad breath in the morning, then this is quite normal phenomenon, which occurs as a result of drying out of the oral cavity, as well as processes occurring at the base of the tongue, around it, between the teeth and in the gum pockets. This can be corrected by thorough cleaning. oral cavity or a check-up with a dentist.


The exact opposite is chronic bad breath. This indicates a pathology that cannot be ignored. We will talk in detail about the symptoms, causes and methods of combating in this material.

Ways to independently identify pathology in yourself

Before diagnosing yourself, you should make sure that the problem really exists, and that it bothers you all the time, and not just in the morning. If you are ashamed to ask your loved ones about this, then there are several ways when you can determine the severity of this pathology yourself. The fact is that by exhaling and inhaling you cannot always feel the full purity of your own breath, so there is a so-called bad breath test.

How to check your breath odor:

  1. The usual sharp exhalation into the palms - Almost everyone does this to determine the presence of bad breath;
  2. Run your tongue along your wrist, wait a few seconds and smell your saliva. Often, bad breath will be several times stronger than saliva from the tip of the tongue, where the processes that cause the development of bad breath are inhibited by saliva. As mentioned above, problem areas are located under the tongue, at the far walls of the inside of the cheek, in the gum area and between the teeth;
  3. Lick the spoon or even place it under your tongue - then by smell it will be possible to more accurately determine the degree of pathology.

To identify signs of halitosis, it is worth taking a closer look at the more serious manifestations of the disease. They will help make sure that it is necessary to start fighting the disease.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • White or yellow color in the mouth and on the tongue;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Burning sensation in the mouth;
  • When rinsing the cavity there is an unpleasant taste;
  • Chronic metallic taste in the mouth (sour, sweet and bitter taste).

The main causes of bad odor

Breathing problems bother many people, but the causes of halitosis can vary widely. In some cases, bad breath can signal the presence of more serious illnesses.

Can be shared causes of bad breath in adults into two conditional categories:

  • Internal factors;
  • External factors.

TO internal factors can be attributed to all deviations in the functioning of the body - that is, illnesses . External ones include direct interference with the functioning of the body - that is, bad habits , excessive consumption harmful products, and sometimes vice versa - reducing the use of vital substances. In addition, this category includes violation of hygiene rules . Let's look at these factors in more detail.

Disease - as a cause of bad breath

Most serious reasons Bad breath is due to third-party diseases, which result in breathing problems. In most cases, the cause of halitosis is diseases of gums and teeth . Less rarely, halitosis can be caused by diseases of the ENT organs. In these cases, the culprit is a favorable atmosphere for the proliferation and spread of bacteria and microorganisms. Patients who delay treatment for a long time almost always develop dryness and bad breath.

In other cases, patients whose bad breath is a symptom go to the doctor. diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, respiratory system, thyroid gland .

What diseases can cause bad breath:

  • Gingivitis;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Caries;
  • Tartar;
  • Glossitis;
  • Deviations in the functioning of the salivary glands;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Nephrosis;
  • Kidney dystrophy;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Gastritis;
  • Ulcer;
  • Enteritis;
  • Colitis;
  • Hyperthyroid crisis;
  • Diabetes.

Bad breath disease gets worse as it gets worse general state, which is why it is so important not to ignore this symptom, but to immediately get checked for diseases by professionals.

Causes of halitosis in a healthy person

What can cause bad breath if we are not talking about diseases? Causes of bad breath in adults healthy people are determined by several external factors- that is, interference in the work of the body from the outside.

Use of medications

Some medications (antihistamines, diuretics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and substances designed to normalize blood pressure) have side effects defiant dehydration of tissues in the oral cavity . Dryness itself causes an unpleasant odor: the less saliva in the mouth, the less the cavity is cleared of food debris, dead cells and plaque. As a result, decomposition processes in the mouth cause halitosis.

Tobacco use

As a result of smoking or chewing tobacco products chemical substances eat into the mucous membrane and soft fabrics oral cavity, remain on the teeth and almost never leave the smoker’s breath - that is, they are the cause of chronic halitosis. Among other things, smoking provokes dehydration of the oral cavity - another harbinger of bad breath.


If a person with dentures has problems with an unpleasant odor, it means that they are not cleaning them well enough, and bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the dental structure cause a strong odor. You can find out how unpleasant breathing is by conducting a small experiment: You should leave the denture in a closed container overnight. The smell that has accumulated there overnight will show how advanced the halitosis is.

Diet, fasting

Strict diets or even fasting have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire body, and bad breath is just one of the symptoms that its functioning is impaired. Doctors advise switching to proper regular nutrition and a balanced diet.

Types of unpleasant odor

What kind of bad breath can there be, and what is this or that “aroma” associated with? What you should pay attention to when bad breath appears is its distinctive feature. It is the smell that can tell what exactly the patient’s problem is.


If the patient pays attention to breathing and feels bad taste ammonia, perhaps this is a signal from the body indicating kidney problems.


Breath with a sour taste warns of problems caused by increased stomach acidity. If the unpleasant odor is accompanied by attacks of heartburn or nausea, then this symptom of gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and many other diseases in this area.

Rotten eggs

This unpleasant smell warns of pathologies of the digestive tract accompanied by low acidity. Sometimes this breathing can be a sign food poisoning.


Breath that tastes like acetone often indicates serious pathologies of the pancreas, including diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism. Sometimes this bad breath warns of malfunctions. kidneys, liver and stomach.


Breath with a hint of putrefaction appears when diseases of teeth, gums, salivary glands, diseases of the respiratory system. Sometimes this odor can be caused by problems with the digestive system.


The smell of feces from the mouth often indicates serious problems at work. intestines.

Sweet, metallic

Breathing of this type is observed in patients suffering from diabetes. diabetes or vitamin deficiency.

Methods to combat bad breath

How to get rid of this problem? First of all, any doctor will say that it is necessary to accurately identify the cause, and then deal with the elimination of the effect. We have the power to deal with the problem comprehensively, without missing any details.

What to do to get rid of bad breath?

Having accepted the problem, you should know how you can cope with it on your own. Let's consider in detail, how to deal with bad breath.


First of all, you should pay attention Special attention oral hygiene , as bacteria and decaying food particles cause bad breath. When cleaning, be sure to pay attention to all tongue surface . In addition to regular teeth brushing, experts advise using dental floss for cleaning hard-to-reach spaces between teeth.

Visit doctor

If such problems are identified, you should definitely take a general tests and visit dentist, gastroenterologist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist or pulmonologist . But if, in addition to unpleasant breathing, there is also pain, burning, discomfort in a specific area of ​​the body, this is what you should pay attention to first.

How to deal with the disease at home

An adult suffering from halitosis faces a lot of difficulties in Everyday life related to communication, work, personal life. In addition to the methods listed above, there are also emergency but proven ways to eliminate bad breath, which will be useful for those who have just begun to fight the pathology.

Bad breath can be removed with simple remedies that can be found in every home.

Herbal infusions

Methods of combating halitosis tested by our ancestors are rinsing the mouth with infusions of medicinal herbs. Cumin is suitable for these purposes, peppermint, wormwood and succession.

Vegetable oil

Take a tablespoon of oil into your mouth and rinse your mouth for 10 minutes. After this, the liquid must be spat out. During the rinsing process, decomposition products will dissolve and be washed out of hard-to-reach places. If after the procedure the oil becomes cloudy, it means that it has completed its task.

Special solution

Bad breath can be removed using a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and drinking water in a 1:1 ratio. Experts advise using this method after meals.

Cosmetic concealers

More obvious, but short-lived, remedies are fresheners, rinses and mouth sprays. Many people use lollipops and chewing gum, but these products only help for a very short time.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today the topic of our conversation will be bad breath, causes and treatment. Therapist Ilona Valerievna Ganshina will tell us about this. I give her the floor.

The modern world is impossible without direct communications between people. Any business or social meeting can be marred by bad breath (halitosis), which makes close-range communication unpleasant. This problem causes particular discomfort to young people, whose bad breath causes many complexes.

The cause of this situation may be poor nutrition, carious teeth, as well as some diseases of organs and systems. In order to understand why bad breath occurs without visible reasons, and to know how to eliminate it, you need to familiarize yourself with the main causes of this phenomenon.

What can cause bad breath

Bad breath in the morning and at other times of the day can occur for a number of reasons. You can get rid of this problem only by eliminating the root cause.

The smell of iron

A metallic odor from the mouth may indicate the development of the following problems:

  • Lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis). This problem is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the body experiences an acute lack of vitamins. In addition to the metallic smell from the mouth, hypovitaminosis is indicated by general fatigue, irritability and insomnia.
  • Diseases of the digestive system. Diseases of the liver, intestines, gall bladder and stomach can cause this problem. A person may experience stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. When hemoglobin decreases, a person experiences a metallic odor from the mouth. In addition to this symptom, the development of anemia is indicated by symptoms such as dry and pale skin, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased drowsiness and weakness, impaired sense of smell and dry mouth. Iron deficiency is a serious condition that requires medical attention.
  • Reception of some medicines. The problem often occurs when taking drugs such as Metronidazole, Tetracycline and Lansporazole.

Very often, bad breath develops after tooth extraction, which goes away over time if you follow medical recommendations.

Smell of acetone

If a person smells ammonia from the mouth, then this condition may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  1. Thyrotoxicosis. This disease is characterized by increased production of thyroid hormones. In addition to bad breath, a person is worried about stool disorder (diarrhea), as well as a constant feeling of thirst.
  2. Diabetes. With the development of diabetes mellitus, a person’s urine and sweat acquire a pronounced odor of acetone.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors can provoke the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child and an adult:

  • digestive disorders;
  • eating predominantly protein foods;
  • violation functional state liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of an infectious nature.

The smell of bile

This symptom often indicates abnormalities in the liver and gallbladder.

Important! If the smell of bile is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, yellow lumps on the tongue and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, the person is advised to immediately consult a medical specialist.

A similar symptom may indicate the presence of one or more stones in the gallbladder, as well as the development of the inflammatory process (cholecystitis).

Putrid odor from the mouth

This symptom is characteristic of pathologies of the digestive system. Fetid putrid smell from the mouth with gastritis is a very common problem.

It is also typical for people suffering from gastroduodenitis and intestinal diseases (dyspepsia, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome). In addition to the bad smell, a person may notice white coating on the tongue, which indicates the development of chronic gastritis.

If the smell of pus occurs due to intestinal diseases, then clinical picture complemented by stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), increased gas formation (flatulence), as well as fatigue and irritability.

Odor during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, many women face such unpleasant problem. This problem during pregnancy occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Violation of the integrity of teeth. In 95% of cases, expectant mothers face the problem of increased calcium consumption in the body. All reserves of a pregnant woman’s body are used to ensure the full development of the fetus. A lack of calcium leads to damage to the integrity of tooth enamel and the appearance of caries.
  2. Eating foods that can cause bad breath (beans, garlic, onions).

Smell due to diet

Many women choose to follow strict diets in order to lose excess weight. A low-carbohydrate diet often leads to bad breath. So-called starvation diets also lead to bad breath.

Other causes of unpleasant odor

Cause the formation of such sensitive issue the following factors may exist:

Prevention of bad breath

If a person has encountered a similar problem and was able to understand how to quickly get rid of it, then it is important for him to adhere to preventive measures that will avoid a relapse of the condition. TO preventive measures can be attributed:

  • Visit the dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and oropharynx;
  • If you have dry mouth, it is recommended to use special moisturizers:
  • Complete smoking cessation;
  • Prevention and timely treatment chronic diseases internal organs and systems;
  • Normalization of lifestyle, revision of the diet in favor of light and plant-based foods;
  • Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, regular brushing of teeth, use of balms and dental floss;
  • Regularly clean the surface of the tongue from accumulated plaque.

Breathing like appearance, is business card every self-respecting person. Every person, regardless of gender and social status, should pay attention to oral health. The cause of the disease determines which doctor treats the problem.

Video - bad breath, Dr. Komarovsky’s school

The following may be able to help in this matter: medical specialists as a gastroenterologist and dentist.

After undergoing diagnostics and identifying the cause, the person will be given recommendations that will help him learn how to get rid of bad breath caused by diseases of the oral cavity and beyond.

Today we learned about how to detect bad breath, the causes and treatment of the disease. If it bothers you, it interferes with your life full life, don’t delay, look for the reason. Wish you good health and a great mood.

Almost every adult faces the problem of bad breath (halitosis) sooner or later. People experiencing such problems begin to feel some discomfort when communicating, which, in turn, leads to isolation, decreased self-esteem, loss of self-confidence and, ultimately, to loneliness.

All this can provoke the occurrence of psychoneurological diseases that develop due to a lack of communication.

Causes of bad breath in adults. Types of halitosis

Sometimes the person himself does not notice or does not want to notice the unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. However, this may be a symptom of quite serious illnesses, therefore, you should not ignore the problem and contact the clinic as soon as possible to find out the cause and make the correct diagnosis.

Types of halitosis

There are two types of halitosis:

  • Physiological. The appearance of bad breath is caused by dietary errors or poor oral hygiene. This type of halitosis can occur with smoking, fasting, and excessive consumption of alcohol and medications.
  • Pathological. Caused by dental diseases (oral halitosis) or pathologies of internal organs (extrooral).

Besides, in scientific world There are also such concepts as pseudohalitosis and halitophobia. Both of these conditions are psychological in nature.

Pseudogalithosis included in the number obsessive states, in which the patient constantly feels that his breath smells bad. In such cases, the help of a psychotherapist is required.

Overly suspicious people often suffer halitophobia- constant fear of the appearance of a bad odor after an illness.

So, before taking any measures to eliminate bad breath, you should find out the reason his emergence. Perhaps the matter is wrong and unbalanced diet or everything is explained poor condition ecology? What if halitosis is caused by pathological changes in internal organs or is it contagious?

Physiological type

There are many reasons that cause bad breath, the main ones being the following.

General oral health. In an adult, as well as in a child, odor can appear due to insufficient oral care. In this case, you should check your teeth and gums.

Dry mouth. In medical circles, this phenomenon is called xerostomia. It usually arises as a result of lengthy conversations. Often, xerostomia affects people whose profession involves constant communication (for example, TV presenters, announcers, etc.).

Wrong diet. Experts have identified a number of products, the consumption of which can provoke halitosis. Mainly fatty food, which provides negative impact on the walls of the stomach and esophagus.

Bad habits. Habits such as smoking and alcohol can cause bad breath. But if everything is more or less clear with the second option (those who have encountered the problem hangover syndrome understands well what we are talking about), then with smoking the situation is somewhat different. This is explained by the fact that a smoker uses cigarettes almost daily, and tobacco smoke provides Negative influence on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The result of this effect is the drying out of the mouth and the creation of favorable conditions for the emergence and development of various types of harmful microorganisms, which will be very problematic to get rid of in the future.

Poor oral hygiene. Bad breath can occur as a result of plaque on the tongue, gums, inside cheeks and even teeth. The appearance of such plaque is usually explained by non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, which results in the active development of bacteria that feed on food debris remaining in the mouth.

Microbes. In some cases, bad breath appears in the morning, seemingly for no apparent reason. In fact, it’s all about microbes that actively grow and multiply almost constantly, especially at night. During sleep, the amount of saliva in a person's mouth decreases, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and development of harmful bacteria. You can get rid of bad breath in a simple way: simply brush your teeth and additionally use a mouth rinse to maintain the effect.

Pathological type

This form of halitosis is characterized by the appearance of the following odors from the mouth:

  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • feces;
  • putrefactive;
  • sour;
  • rotten eggs.

Smell of rotten breath. Most often, the cause of this odor is pathological changes in the respiratory system and dental diseases. In addition, it may appear due to the accumulation of food debris under the denture or in a diseased tooth. Under the influence of harmful microorganisms, amino acids decompose, which determines the nature of this form of halitosis.

The main causes putrid smell from the oral cavity may be the following:

In addition, the smell of rot can be caused by the following factors:

  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract, with a particularly pronounced odor;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene, resulting in the appearance of tartar or plaque.

Ammonia smell. The causes of its appearance are kidney disease and renal failure, in which the level of urea in the blood is greatly exceeded. The body, not being able to fully remove this substance naturally, begins to look for an alternative exit, that is, through the skin and mucous membranes. This explains the appearance of the ammonia smell.

Smell of feces from the mouth. There may be several reasons for its occurrence: intestinal obstruction, poor absorption of food, decreased peristalsis and dysbiosis.

People with bulimia or anorexia may also experience a fecal odor in their mouth. This is also associated with a violation digestive process: food is poorly digested (or not digested at all), rotting and fermentation begins.

In some cases, such an aroma may be caused by infectious lesions of the respiratory system.

Smell of acid. Increased level acidity gastric juice caused by diseases such as pancreatitis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, esophageal diverticulitis or gastritis provokes the appearance of a sour odor from the mouth. The acidic smell may be accompanied by nausea or heartburn.

Rotten egg smell. The main reason for the appearance of such a smell is also disturbances in the functioning of the stomach associated with decreased acidity and gastritis. In this case, a person may experience a feeling of discomfort in the stomach area, and belching appears. Another reason for the smell of rotten eggs in the mouth is food poisoning.

Smell of acetone from the mouth. The most harmless cause of the smell of acetone is ordinary indigestion, but there are several quite serious diseases accompanied by this form of halitosis.

The smell of acetone may indicate diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, diabetes), and also indicate the development of other pathologies, which will be discussed below.

  • Liver diseases. The course of some liver diseases is accompanied by the appearance of acetone in human urine and blood. If the functioning of an organ is disrupted, the task of which is precisely to cleanse the body of all sorts of unnecessary substances, including toxic ones, leads to the accumulation of acetone and, as a result, the appearance of odor from the oral cavity.
  • Diabetes. High blood sugar, characteristic of an advanced form of diabetes, coupled with the release of large amounts of acetone (ketone bodies) into the human blood forces the kidneys to work harder and remove toxic substances from the body. The lungs also take an active part in the process, which explains the appearance of an acetone odor from the patient’s mouth.

When this symptom appears, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in order to conduct a thorough examination and provide immediate assistance. medical care. Otherwise, a diabetic coma is possible.

  • Kidney diseases. The smell of acetone from the mouth can appear with uric acid diathesis, as well as with diseases such as kidney dystrophy, renal failure, nephrosis. These pathologies cause disruption of protein metabolism and its breakdown products begin to accumulate in the blood.

Diagnosis of bad breath

Halitosis is detected in the following ways:

  • Organoleptic method (assessment of the intensity of halitosis by a specialist). In this case, the degree of manifestation of bad breath is assessed on a five-point scale (from 0 to 5). Before the examination, it is recommended to refrain from using odorous cosmetics one day before the procedure, eating spicy food - approximately 48 hours before visiting the doctor. In addition, 12 hours before the start of the assessment, it is advisable to stop using breath fresheners and mouth rinses, and stop brushing your teeth, smoking, eating and drinking.
  • Analysis of the medical history: when exactly does bad breath appear, how long ago has it started, are there any chronic diseases the oral cavity, gums, liver, gastrointestinal tract, paranasal sinuses and the nose itself, is there a connection with food intake, etc.
  • Pharyngoscopy (examination of the larynx).
  • Sulfide monitoring is the use of a special device (halimeter) to measure the degree of sulfur concentration in the air exhaled by the patient.
  • Examination of the nose and nasopharynx using an endoscope.
  • Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist (to identify white or yellowish plaque on the patient’s tongue and teeth).
  • Laryngoscopy.
  • Consultation with a gastroenterologist and pulmonologist (in order to exclude diseases of the lungs and bronchi).
  • Biochemical blood test (sugar levels, liver and kidney enzymes are examined).

Prevention of unpleasant odors

In order to avoid the appearance of bad breath and subsequent problems associated with it, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • First of all, you must carefully adhere to the rules of oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations.
  • Nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.
  • In addition to daily brushing of teeth, it is necessary to use special mouth rinses that help destroy harmful microorganisms and freshen breath. Do not overuse alcohol rinses, as they greatly dry out the mucous membranes.
  • Timely prevention and treatment of pathologies of internal organs, as well as infectious diseases.
  • Regular use fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Whenever you brush your teeth, do not forget about your tongue and be sure to clean it of any plaque that has appeared.
  • Avoidance of alcohol, cigarettes, and healthy image life.
  • Using special moisturizers for dry mouth.

The appearance of bad odor from the oral cavity should not be ignored and you should not try to get rid of it with the help of hygiene products. This can only drown out the problem for a while, but will not destroy it completely. Sometimes even a simple consultation with a specialist gives a good result, and timely treatment will save you from such troubles for a long time.

Bad breath, causes and treatment of this phenomenon bother many adults. This symptom prevents you from freely communicating with others at home, at work, and in public places. It always suggests that there are some health problems. In fact this symptom is characteristic of many diseases of internal systems, but the reasons for its appearance are not always dangerous.

The essence of the problem

Doctors call bad breath with an unpleasant odor from the mouth halitosis. If a person notices such a symptom, he should first figure out what exactly the problem is:

  • True halitosis is the real presence of a fetid odor, noticeable to a person and those around him. The cause is diseases.
  • Pseudohalitosis is a condition in which the foul odor is so weak that only the person himself notices it.
  • Halitophobia - a person thinks that he has a putrid odor from his breath, but even the dentist does not confirm its presence.

To check for a foul odor, you can place a tissue on the back of your tongue and sniff it, or check the scent of a used toothpick. There are special sensitive devices for assessing the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas in the exhaled air, which smells unpleasantly of rot and is formed in the body during illness. If you smell an acidic odor or smell rotten, you should go to a dentist or therapist to find out the causes of the problem.

Causes of halitosis

The causes of bad breath in an adult can be extremely varied, and pathology cannot be determined by this symptom alone. Therefore, you need to take into account other symptoms that occur simultaneously with halitosis:

Possible reasons Character of the smell Associated symptoms
Dental diseases: caries, periodontitis, stomatitis. Fetid odor with a hint of rot, worse in the morning. Pain in the teeth, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, bleeding.
Diseases of the urinary organs: nephrosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Reminds me of ammonia. Lower back pain, fever, discomfort when urinating.
Sjögren's syndrome. Unpleasant smell, like caries. Dry mouth and eyes, photophobia, difficulty swallowing.
Pathologies of the respiratory system: sinusitis, sinusitis, proliferation of adenoids and polyps, pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, tuberculosis. Putrid smell. Pain in the throat or sinuses, mucus secretion, difficulty breathing through the nose, changes in voice and pronunciation of sounds, plaque on the tonsils.
Liver failure. Rotten smell of spoiled meat or eggs. Light-colored feces, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes and skin, bitter taste in the mouth.
Stomach diseases and small intestine: gastritis, ulcer. Sour breath in an adult or child. Stomach pain, heartburn, stomach or intestinal bleeding.
Intestinal dysbiosis. Putrid smell. Digestive disorders, accumulation of intestinal gases, flatulence.
Problems with the pancreas, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Fetid, sour odor mixed with acetone. Persistent thirst, excessive urination, weakness, accumulation of excess weight.

Dental diseases

If the cause of bad breath in an adult lies in dental problems(this happens in 80% of cases), you should consult a dentist. The appearance of a foul odor indicates that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in carious lesions or under tartar, which cause decay processes. Ignoring the situation will lead to tooth loss due to damage to the internal tissues of the tooth or gum.

With stomatitis, bad breath also indicates the activity of bacteria. The infection can cause severe fever and serves as a source of pathogens that can travel through the bloodstream to any other organ. For treatment, the doctor will recommend antibacterial medications and mouth rinses.

Most problems found in dentistry have one cause - failure to comply with hygiene rules. If you skip brushing in the mornings and evenings for two days, your breath already stinks of rot. Bacteria are not eliminated from the surface of the teeth, they begin to multiply more actively, their waste products accumulate and, together with food, form a soft plaque, which then turns into hard tartar. Therefore, you can prevent the appearance of bad breath by following the rules of hygiene.

Digestive problems

Causes of bad breath in adults associated with digestive system, are very dangerous, but not so common: about 10% of cases. They lead to exhaustion of the body, impaired immunity, provoke pain, and the patient’s breath smells sour.

If pathogenic bacteria develop in the intestines, they can enter the respiratory and urinary organs and form new foci of infection.

It is impossible to eliminate the rotten odor in such diseases with toothpaste or mouthwash., you must definitely contact a therapist or gastroenterologist who will prescribe treatment:

Liver diseases

When people try to find out why their breath smells rotten and bad taste, diagnostics often reveal liver dysfunction. This gland secretes bile, which has a bitter taste, which causes a periodic sensation of bitterness when gastric contents enter through the esophagus into the pharynx.

Liver diseases are caused by a variety of reasons: viral hepatitis, poisoning, alcohol intoxication, irregular nutrition. Therefore, treatment is developed individually. Your doctor may recommend:

  • Quitting bad habits.
  • Prescription of drugs – hepatoprotectors.
  • Dieting.
  • Treatment viral diseases antiviral therapy.

Pancreas problems

The presence of a bad odor in a woman or man is always unpleasant, but this symptom sometimes allows us to identify unexpressed diseases in healthy-looking people. This happens when the smell of acetone appears from the mucous membrane of the mouth. When visiting a doctor, patients may unexpectedly discover an increase in blood sugar. The aroma of this substance accompanies the breakdown of large amounts of fat in cells that lack available carbohydrates.

The following measures will help reduce the harm of diabetes to the body and fight halitosis:

  • Constant monitoring of sugar levels and timely use of insulin when it increases.
  • Dieting.
  • Use of hypoglycemic agents.

Halitosis in respiratory diseases

In every tenth patient with complaints of bad breath, the causes of the symptom lie in diseases of the respiratory tract. For infections that provoke sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, it is necessary antibacterial therapy, and it is better to first identify the type of pathogen. To do this, they do bacterial inoculation of the biomaterial.

If pathogenic microorganisms linger and actively multiply due to neoplasms (polyps, adenoids), you may need surgical intervention. But not in all cases doctors consider surgery necessary; the decision is made after full diagnostics, taking into account the likely harm and benefit to the patient.

Simultaneously with treatment of the respiratory system, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity so that the infection does not accumulate on the teeth.

Rare causes of halitosis

The smell of rotten breath, which is caused by problems with the kidneys, other organs or Sjögren's syndrome, is very rare. But the possibility of their occurrence cannot be ruled out. That is why, in the absence of diseases of the digestive, respiratory system and diseases of the oral cavity, you need to continue the search for pathology. To establish where putrid breath comes from, identify the cause and build a treatment regimen, the following examinations may be necessary:

  • Urine tests.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.
  • Diagnosis of the functions of the body glands (salivary, lacrimal).
  • Biopsy of various organs.
  • Immunological examinations.

Temporary halitosis

The causes of putrid breath in adults can be harmless. This is why healthy people may experience temporary halitosis that is not associated with organ diseases:

In these cases, there is no need to worry about bad breath, causes and treatment. But if the symptom does not disappear over time and is accompanied by other abnormalities, you should consult a doctor.

Urgent symptom relief

Any disease that causes sour, rotten breath or the aroma of rotten eggs must be treated. Such diseases cannot be cured overnight; sometimes long-term therapy and special medications are required. But there are situations in life when you need to get rid of the stench urgently, for example, before a date or a business meeting. If your breath stinks, you can:

  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly with mint paste and mouthwash.
  • Chew grains of coffee for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth antibacterial drugs(Chlorhexidine).

All of these methods can only temporarily remove rotten smell from the mouth, the causes of halitosis remain, and after a few hours it returns again. More effective way To get rid of the smell of rot or rotten eggs in the mouth - rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions regularly. For this purpose special pharmaceutical drugs, chamomile decoction. This procedure will not get rid of halitosis immediately, but the effect will be more sustainable.

The causes of bad breath in adults and treatment options for this symptom are incredibly varied. Halitosis can occur in both healthy and sick people, so diagnosis is always necessary. Especially if the aroma is very sharp, purulent, contains impurities of acetone and ammonia, when a bitter taste is added.

If your breath stinks in the morning, it means that a person does not take enough care of his oral cavity. To get rid of the manifestations, you should brush your teeth more thoroughly and use natural and pharmacy mouthwashes more often. For ailments of the internal organs (liver, stomach, pancreas, tonsils, sinuses), you need to carry out full treatment, take prescribed medications and, if necessary, undergo surgery.

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