Home Hygiene How many times per night does a 5 month old baby wake up? Night sleep disturbances in a five-month-old baby

How many times per night does a 5 month old baby wake up? Night sleep disturbances in a five-month-old baby

Every caring mother is interested in the question: at 5 months?" There are generally accepted norms, but do not forget that each child is unique, individual, including the body, physiology and psychology. It is also important to be able to distinguish between day and night. Their duration varies markedly .

Baby at 5 months

By this time, the child already weighs about 6.8 kg with a height of about 66 cm. Every day the baby begins to gain less and less weight, as he leads a more active lifestyle.

Boys and girls at this age develop almost identically. At 5 months, the baby should not only pronounce individual sounds, but also begin to gradually form simple syllables, hum melodiously, looking at his favorite toys or listening to music.

At this age, kids already show interest in colorful pictures and books. TO strangers They treat their parents with caution and restraint, with special trepidation and love that can be read in their eyes.

By this point, the child should independently entertain himself with toys for up to 10 minutes, pick up and throw small objects, roll over on his stomach, try to sit up, lean on straightened arms.

at 5 months

Generally accepted standards do not suit every child. So how much should babies sleep at 5 months? Daily norm an infant is between 15 and 16 hours. At 4 months, the child could sleep for 18 hours. Now it is gradually beginning to predominate.

In fact, a child’s routine at this age should consist of three processes: eating, sleeping and being awake. The other two directly depend on each of them. How long should 5 month olds sleep during the day? At this time of day, rest for up to 6 hours is allowed. It turns out that between feedings the baby can only dream for 1-1.5 hours. The rest of the time should be taken up with walks, gymnastics and games.

To the question “how long should children sleep at 5 months at night,” pediatricians still cannot give a unanimous answer. Some believe that a baby can sleep for up to 12 hours. However, the majority insists on a norm of 9-10 hours.

An important nuance have a nice rest is the bedtime. It must be no later than 22.00 hours. Otherwise, the dream will not give the expected effect. The shifted mode entails a violation psychological state baby.

Why sleep is so important

This process is extremely important for children under 3 years of age. Full sleep allows you to avoid overwork and mental breakdown based on hyperfatigue. Thanks to this process, the baby’s brain activity and all his internal systems, happens accelerated growth cells.

It has been proven that if a child does not sleep well for 5 months, his mood noticeably worsens and his behavior becomes unpredictable. Scientists have also found that sleep duration directly depends on age criteria. The older a person is, the less he should sleep. Therefore, a child’s body needs good, long sleep.

No wonder newborns sleep for days on end. For one-year-old children, the norm is about 13 hours of rest. And for an adult, the optimal duration of sleep is almost two times less.

Determination of sleep norms

An individual day and night routine should be established for each child. For some, one time will be enough for optimal rest, while others will need twice as much. Therefore, you should pay attention to the child’s behavior and various additional aspects.

If a 5-month-old child sleeps little, is very capricious, is easily irritated, cannot concentrate, often thinks or looks at one point, then most likely he has a serious lack of sleep. Such children are recommended to be in a more sleepy state.

If a 5-month-old baby sleeps a lot, optimally gains weight and height, is alert, active and attentive to details, then he gets his share of rest. IN in this case There is no need to worry - the mode is selected correctly.

If a 5-month-old baby sleeps poorly, often wakes up, and while awake constantly yawns and rubs his eyes, you should radically change your daily routine. The cause of the problems is that the baby’s body does not have time to recover during rest.

Causes of poor night sleep

One of the main sources of insomnia is the baby’s character. If he is hyperactive while awake, then his sleep will be weak and light. Such children are easy to wake up.

How much does a 5 month old child diagnosed with hyperactivity sleep? On average, such children need an hour more than the generally accepted norm for optimal rest. The fact is that the body requires a longer time to recover, since during the waking period it exhausts its entire supply of vital energy.

Another common cause of restless sleep is illness. How much does a 5 month old baby sleep at night if he has colds? It all depends on the presence and degree of complications of acute respiratory infections. Fever and chills can be relieved with medications, but getting rid of a runny nose is almost impossible. In this case, the baby will be forced to suffer all night from a stuffy nose. Therefore, during a cold, a child can only sleep for a few hours with long breaks.

How to avoid waking up at night

Often sleeps poorly due to hunger. That is why laying on night sleep The baby should only be fed on a full stomach. It is important to exclude sweets from the diet, as saccharides negatively affect general state child.

To avoid frequent awakenings, regular bed changes are recommended. Before putting your baby into bed, the sheets and blanket should be warm. Also, a 5-month-old child does not sleep well due to a change in routine. It is not recommended to shift the daily routine by more than 1 hour.

You cannot interrupt your child's sleep. If he wants to sleep a little earlier than expected, then you need to immediately put him to bed. This will eliminate the likelihood of subsequently developing chronic lack of sleep or insomnia.

Before going to bed at night, the baby should be busy with active activities: swimming, crawling, playing, walking. This is necessary for the body to expend a large amount of energy. In this case, the baby will ask to go to bed within a few hours.

At least 4 hours should pass between evening and night sleep. It is not recommended to put your child to bed before 20.00.

Every baby should be sure that his mother will be there when he wakes up. Therefore, when crying, you should immediately go to the crib and calm your child.

In the first seconds, you can try to put the little one to sleep with your voice. If this does not produce results, then you should approach him and let him know that his parents are nearby. It is not recommended to turn on the lights, TV, scream or suddenly lift the child. In most cases, it is enough to simply stroke his back, head, legs and quietly hum a lullaby.

If your baby often wakes up crying, you need to determine the source of the irritation. It could be the light from the window, the creaking of the bed, or malaise. In any case, the baby should be calmed quickly and quietly, otherwise he will completely wake up.

associated with illnesses

If a 5-month-old child does not sleep through the night or often wakes up, he may be worried about pain.

In first place among the most common causes of this type is colic. Abdominal pain can occur in children up to 2 years of age. This is also related to perestroika digestive system, and with a change in nutrition.

Sleep can often be disrupted by teething. This is a very painful process. At 5 months, most children's first baby tooth begins to emerge.

Sometimes bad dream occurs due to acute allergic reaction to salicylates, found in large quantities in aspirin, citrus fruits and some food additives.

Many parents worry that their child is not sleeping enough for his age. It is difficult to determine how many hours a day a baby should be asleep. Many parents consider sleep natural process, so they put their child to bed only when he collapses from fatigue. An established sleep pattern is the key proper development body and calmness of the nervous system. Children are emotionally excitable, active and restless. This leads to rapid fatigue of the child.

Why maintain a sleep schedule?

Benjamin Spock, one of the world's most experienced pediatricians, believes that only until the age of 2, a baby should sleep exactly as much as his body desires. The older the baby gets, the more complex his psyche becomes. Due to overexcitement or frustration, excessive joy or worry, the regime may go astray. The main task of all parents is the correct distribution of hours of wakefulness and rest in a child from the age of two.

The mode is necessary in order to:

  • the child was in high spirits, he had enough energy to play and explore the world around him;
  • the baby looked fresh and cheerful in the morning and throughout the day, was not tired or sleepy;
  • the body had enough strength and energy to develop internal organs and restore strength;
  • parents avoided the whims and hysterics that may arise as a result bad mood child;
  • the psyche was resting from emotional overstrain during the day.

How long should a five year old sleep?

The amount of sleep children get depends on their age. A one-month-old baby can sleep up to 19 hours a day. During the day he falls asleep about five times. The older the child gets, the less his need for daytime naps. Pediatricians are confident that starting from the age of 6-7 years, a child can do without nap, which will not harm his health and emotional stability. Sometimes the need to sleep during the day disappears even more early age. This often applies to children with a calm, easy-going character.

There are three standards for a child of any age:

  • daily norm;
  • night norm;
  • total time.

Certain standards are also established for a 5-year-old child. Total time The amount of sleep a preschooler should have ranges from 10 to 12.5 hours. 2 hours are allotted for daytime sleep, and from 9.5 to 11 for night sleep. Do not forget that each person is an individual. The five-year-old toddler is no exception. If a five-year-old child flatly refuses to go to bed during the day, there is no need to torture him and yourself. In this case, it is important to ensure that the night sleep pattern does not go astray, and the permissible total time is not less than the norm.

Do not confuse the characteristics of the body with the whims of your child. His reluctance to sleep during the day can be influenced by many factors: a loose tooth or a new toy he bought that beckons him to spend the whole day with it. The task of parents is to monitor the behavior of their son or daughter. If you notice that your baby is irritable and chronically tired, he should sleep more. The calmer your temperament, the fewer hours you need to sleep.

How to change your sleep mode?

The correct daily routine is a guarantee physical development and emotional stability. Having figured out how much your baby should sleep, you need to figure out when he needs to go to bed and when to wake up. It happens that at the age of 5, a child sleeps for 3 hours during the day, and the night’s sleep is not strong. Other children are used to falling asleep very early and waking up at 5 am. Another problem is going to bed too late. This can permanently disrupt your daily routine, which will lead to insomnia in the future. This will negatively affect the quality of training and lead to low performance.

In order for a 5-year-old child to fall asleep at lunchtime, he must be thoroughly exhausted in the first half of the day. More games on fresh air, visits to playgrounds and play centers. As lunch approaches, games should move from active to calming. Invite your child to draw, read his favorite fairy tale, or play pleasant, calm music in the background. If he is passionate about some kind of game, do not interrupt him, but tell him how many minutes are left until bedtime. Then he can tune in.

Never use naps as punishment. This can permanently damage the baby's psyche.

If a preschooler cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, reduce the time of daytime sleep or completely abandon this ritual. Send him to bed half an hour earlier than usual every day. If he's used to going to bed at 11 o'clock, you won't be able to get him to bed at 8 no matter how hard you try. Before bed, read a book to your child, tell a story, or let him watch TV. The main condition is not to start arguing and not to impose your ideas on the child. If today he only wants TV, don't resist. Make sure that the cartoon does not contain scary scenes or sharp, frightening sounds.

If your baby has a nightmare, be sure to calm him down by gently stroking his back or head. Under no circumstances ask what exactly he saw in his dream. The next morning he may not remember the night's incident.

Everyone's task young parent– care for and develop your child. A properly regulated daily routine is the key good health, balance and high intellectual abilities. Listen to the advice of pediatricians, but do not torture your baby. Only you can determine exactly how much time per day you need to sleep.

18 July 2018

Lazy Mom Heading: no comments

Baby's daily routine at 5 months

Children at the age of five months are characterized by increasing activity, they study their surroundings with interest, and are more active and intelligent than a month ago. Basically, a child’s daily routine at 5 months differs little from that, but due to the fact that babies are cutting milk teeth, sometimes disruptions occur in the established daily schedule, and the parents’ task is to restore normal rhythm baby's life.

Baby's daily routine at 5 months

Despite the fact that the daily routine of a five-month-old baby remains almost unchanged, the baby himself grows and at the same time various functions of his body improve. It increases significantly physical activity– he can lie on his tummy for a long time, makes attempts to sit down, pulling up his head and arms, rests his straight legs on the floor if he is supported. Gradually, skills are formed that will help him learn to crawl.

Five-month-old babies can hold toys with one hand, turn their heads towards sounds of interest, pronounce individual syllables, and explore the world by grabbing and pushing different objects. They get emotional when they see loved one, and distinguish his face.

In this regard, the wakefulness of infants gradually increases to one and a half hours a day - now communication is very important for them, which occurs not only during bathing, exercise and massage, but also during joint games with their parents, which undoubtedly influence their development.

By this age, a certain scheme is already used, according to which mom and dad feed, put to bed and walk with the child. If there is no such thing, then it’s time to create a schedule by the hour; a table with an approximate indication of the time and necessary tasks for caring for the baby can become a guide for a well-designed schedule that is useful for the whole family.

It remains to consider in detail what a baby at five months needs most in order to create the most comfortable conditions for him.

What should a baby's sleep be like at five months?

The quality and duration of sleep for a five-month-old baby are determined by everyday activities such as feeding, hygiene procedures, walks and the level of mobility during wakefulness. Since the physiology, and, consequently, the sleep of each child is individual, we can only talk about an approximate schedule, which includes the main periods of rest for the baby during the day:

  1. On average, children need about 15 hours of sleep, of which 10 hours occur at night. But this is only if they do not oversleep during the daytime.
  2. During the day, the time of the first rest should occur in the period following the morning procedures, feeding and active activities and educational games.
  3. The second time the baby is put to bed in the afternoon. You can do this by combining sleep with a walk in the fresh air.
  4. Towards the evening at 17-18 hours, another bedtime is recommended, the main thing is to observe intervals between rests of 1.5-2 hours.

Feeding at night can still occur, since the child is still small, but, in most cases, children quickly fall asleep after this and do not wake up until the morning awakening. Of course, if they start having problems with rest at night, there are many ways to alleviate the child’s condition. This also applies to other reasons that prevent children from resting peacefully.

These include:

  1. Painful condition of the baby. A cold or injury can be very stressful for a baby, which will immediately affect his well-being. Attentive parents can pay attention to the fact that the baby is acting restless, crying or capricious - Small child This is his way of showing that he feels bad. This means you’ll have to find out what’s wrong and see a doctor – the best idea.
  2. If during the day the baby eats well, but moves little, this can become a prerequisite for anxiety, lethargy and insomnia. High-quality nutrition must be combined with active games while awake; such a balance is necessary to avoid problems.
  3. If the cause is pain due to teething, then parents need to use special cooling gels, ointments, teethers made of natural rubber, or just ice to reduce the feeling of pain.
  4. Often, disruption of normal sleep is associated with the start of complementary feeding. Not only may the baby not like this or that unfamiliar dish, but due to excessive dosages or non-compliance with other rules of this process, he may experience discomfort and discomfort.
  5. The situation in one’s own family is an important factor influencing the child. If she is nervous, then the baby feels restless and uncomfortable.
  6. Of course, you shouldn’t miss out on pure physical conditions created for babies. He needs a comfortable mattress, clean clothes and bed linen, fresh humidified air, a clean and ventilated room.

Make sure that the child has all the conditions for comfortable sleep, and you will not suffer from night insomnia.

Features of feeding

Due to the fact that babies at 5 months are extremely restless, children’s meals are breastfeeding may be frequently interrupted and short in duration. This situation can lead to the fact that the child may not receive enough valuable nutritional components for his body. At 2-3 months, experts recommend feeding so that the baby falls asleep with his mother's breast, but at 5 months it is time to wean him off this habit.

It is also believed that eating natural food, the baby does not yet need complementary feeding, and this can be waited up to six months. Although children are already beginning to show a keen interest in the dishes that their mother eats. If a woman gets used to it and eats at the same time as the child, then in the process she can let him lick this or that piece to which he is drawn, but this should limit his acquaintance with the new product.

Some problems may be due to the fact that the baby is teething, and in some cases sucking causes unpleasant, painful sensations. In such cases, parents need to make sure to purchase a gel with a cooling effect for their child.

A child's daily routine associated with feeding at 5 months remains virtually unchanged, contrary to the belief that once teeth appear, breastfeeding should be abandoned altogether. Firstly, the baby correct position during feeding, he is simply not able to bite, since his tongue rests on his lower teeth, and secondly, an accidental bite can occur when his nose is blocked, and the mother needs to constantly monitor this aspect.

The baby can drink 1 liter or more of mother's milk per day, eating five times a day, but it is allowed to feed one more time at night if the baby is hungry.

Complementary feeding is allowed when there are medical indications:

  • retardation in physical and mental development;
  • a small amount of milk produced, which is why the baby remains hungry;
  • hypovitaminosis, deficiency of important minerals and trace elements;
  • serious deviations from the norm in body weight.

But it is much easier for parents to understand whether their baby is ready for the introduction of new products, based on some signs:

  • the baby opens his mouth at the sight of food brought to him, which adults eat, and shows readiness to eat it;
  • the child sits independently;
  • does not push the spoon out of its mouth with its tongue, which means its ability to swallow coarser food.

For children on artificial feeding complementary feeding is already a familiar process, but if up to 5 months it consists more of purees and juices based on vegetables and fruits, then now is the time to add purees from dietary meats - rabbit, turkey - to their diet. You can also expand the range of cereals, give new fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, and soups consisting of two components to try.

To avoid mistakes when expanding the menu, the mother should still consult a pediatrician who, based on the child’s physiology, will be more likely to figure out what the baby especially needs and what foods to give him early.

Developmental activities with a child

This is an aspect that requires parents to communicate closely with their child, play games and activities together, which help accelerate the formation of many skills and good habits.
To do this, the child needs different toys that are interesting to him, bright, equipped with sound and light effects, optimal for this age - interactive toys in the form of animals, nesting dolls, soft squeakers, children's musical instruments, rattles, finger puppets. You can read more about suitable toys for this age in.

Activities and games may include:

  • adults reciting nursery rhymes, poems, reading books, while looking at colorful images;
  • a tour of different parts of the apartment, where the child will get acquainted with unusual objects, touch them, learn the names of unfamiliar things;
  • for sensory development, you can train your baby to grab rattles from different shapes pens, transfer them from hand to hand;
  • For games, you can give your baby not only toys, but also all kinds of scraps of wool, velvet, corduroy or chintz, and when he takes hold of the fabric with his fingers, slowly pull it towards him, stimulating holding.

It is extremely important to pay attention to all existing deviations in the child’s development and to know characteristic features such violations:

  • the baby has no interest in toys and bright objects, he is lethargic, apathetic and lacks normal positive emotions when he sees mom and dad;
  • the child does not know how to independently;
  • at 5 months healthy baby is already trying to pronounce consonants and join them into syllables - if he continues to drone and stretch out the vowels, this may mean he is falling behind.

Lack of emotions - serious symptom, indicating the likelihood of a disease of the nervous system and brain, but also at this age adults need to monitor work muscular system, since infants often experience such pathologies as hypertonicity, and in simple words– increased muscle tension. In this case you will need physiotherapy and massage, since this phenomenon can negatively affect the formation of gait, posture, motor function, coordination and even the development of speech.

Gymnastics and walking

In addition to daily hygiene procedures, already familiar to the baby from previous months, and which are prerequisite their health, for five-month-old children, gymnastics is beginning to be of increasing value.

This is an important part of a baby’s life, helping him understand how to control his arms, legs, and body. Now this is a whole range of different exercises, but training can be done at any time when the child is awake.

Basic exercises:

  • flexion and extension of the limbs at the elbows and knees;
  • stimulation of crawling with accompanying massage of the feet, legs and arms;
  • dancing to music in a standing position with the support of an adult;
  • sitting down and lifting up;
  • exercises using a fitball.

It’s not bad if parents teach their baby to swim - for this there are special children’s trainers who work with children in the pool.

Walking still takes up a significant portion of a baby's daytime schedule, but spending time outside largely depends on the season and weather, so parents should make sure children are dressed appropriately. Some pediatricians recommend walking with your baby when he is not sleeping - this way he can receive information about outside world, and mom appears free time for your business.

If from the moment of birth the baby is free to swim, and his actions are not limited in any way, one can imagine what chaos is happening in such a family. Parents should urgently think about making serious amendments, because a clearly planned daily routine for a child at 5 months allows him to properly raise and develop the baby, makes him active and teaches the basics of discipline - this important concept that significantly affects all aspects of adult life.

The daily routine of a 5-month-old child is almost identical to the one to which all regime moments of his life in the previous month. The duration of periods of sleep and wakefulness, the number of feedings remain the same, only the baby himself changes: day by day he becomes more active, stronger and more inquisitive.

Table with an approximate daily routine

  • 6:00-8:00 Waking up the baby, morning feeding followed by mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths, light massage, communication with mom;
  • 8:00-10:00 First sleep combined with a walk in the fresh air;
  • 10:00-12:30 Second feeding, doing gymnastics, massage, active wakefulness.
  • 12:30-14:30 Daytime sleep.
  • 14:30-17:00 Third meal, active leisure time filled with educational games and physical exercises.
  • 17:00-19:00 Sleeping in the fresh air.
  • 19:00-21:30 Fourth feeding, developing leisure time, communication with family members, bathing the baby.
  • 22:30 Last meal.
  • 23:00-6:00 Sleep until morning.

Another variant:

After familiarizing yourself with this routine, each mother can adjust it to the individual needs of her five-month-old baby.

Parents of a baby should prepare for the fact that at five months he may develop symptoms. This significant event can manifest itself in different ways: for some children it does not cause much suffering, while others react to it with an increase in temperature, constant whims, upset bowel movements and disruption of sleep patterns. For some time, this can cause unpredictable behavior in an unwell baby, which can lead to non-compliance with the usual daily routine.

Fortunately, such periods are quite short-lived. After teething, the mother should take care of returning the baby to her previous routine.


A five-month-old baby's night's sleep is usually sound: a well-fed baby is able to sleep for about ten hours without requiring feeding or disturbing sleeping parents. To achieve this result, the mother must properly organize her baby’s daytime rest, dividing it into three two-hour periods:

  1. The baby needs his first sleep after being awake for two hours in the morning. If the weather conditions are favorable, the mother can go for a walk with him, since it is in the morning hours that sleep in the fresh air will be most favorable for him.
  2. The baby's second nap occurs in the afternoon. In the warm season, it can be combined with a walk.
  3. The third time the child should be put to bed in the evening hours. At this moment, the father who has returned from work can go for a walk with the baby.

Pediatricians consider this type of daytime sleep to be optimal for a child. If the baby has fallen asleep, exceeding the allotted two-hour limit, you should carefully wake him up so as not to get out of the usual daily routine.

We feed

At 5 months, a child should eat at least a liter per day breast milk. During feeding, he no longer dozes, but sucks very actively at the breast. It is at this age that you should gradually wean your baby from the habit of falling asleep exclusively at his mother’s breast. Each period of daytime sleep should now begin not with feeding, but with rocking.

An exception should be made before putting the baby to bed for the night: at this moment, the mother’s breast will be not only a source of nutrition for him. Having quickly calmed down, the baby will sleep especially soundly.

Five-month-old breastfed babies still do not need complementary feeding: they are quite satisfied with those nutrients which are found in breast milk. There are times when the baby does not get enough of his mother’s milk and therefore is often capricious and hardly gains weight. This situation is the basis for his transfer to mixed feeding using dairy-free cereals. After some time, the porridge can be made milky.

If complementary feeding was introduced into the diet of an artificially-fed child already at four months of age, his feeding schedule will look like this:

  • 6:00 Feeding with kefir or milk formula (200 ml).
  • 10:00 Complementary feeding: dairy-free porridge(150 ml), cottage cheese (40 g), vegetable juice (100 ml). Porridge can be rice, buckwheat or corn.
  • 14:00 Feeding with vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, zucchini or cauliflower, seasoned with a drop vegetable oil(150 ml).
  • 19:00 Feeding with formula milk (200 ml).
  • 22:30 Feeding with kefir or mixture (200 ml).

When introducing new foods to your baby’s diet, you should monitor his stool and condition. skin: if rashes appear and the nature of bowel movements changes, they must be discarded immediately.

We're walking

The frequency and duration of walks mainly depend on weather conditions. On cold days, you can walk with your baby for no more than forty minutes, on warm days - up to several hours.

Under ideal circumstances, all periods of daytime rest can be combined with walks, since the active supply of oxygen improves the quality of sleep: it becomes longer and deeper.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

During walks, it is necessary to introduce the baby to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, accompanying everything he sees with simple comments that are understandable to him.

We are developing

At the age of five months, a child masters a whole range of skills. He can:

  • Recognize loved ones and your own reflection in the mirror;
  • React joyfully to the mother's voice;
  • Reach for an object you like, grab it and take it away;
  • Press the keys and buttons of musical instruments;
  • Play with a rattle and a squeaker;
  • Examine the shape and texture of objects, feeling them with your hands;
  • Pull his hands/legs and everything that comes to hand into his mouth;
  • Follow the object with your eyes, turning your head in any direction;
  • On one's own . Turning over in the opposite direction is also not difficult for him;
  • Lie on your tummy for a long time, looking at your surroundings;
  • Leaning on your head and knees, lift your pelvis and torso;
  • Make your first attempts at sitting independently ();
  • Firmly grasping the adult’s fingers, rise and take a vertical position.

You should not force the baby’s development by forcing him to perform actions that the child of a close friend has already mastered. Five-month-old babies develop completely individually: today he can do little, but a week later he can master several skills at once, leaving his “rival” far behind. The key to successful development of the baby is daily activities with the mother.

Games and activities

For the successful development of a baby at five months, you can purchase several bright toys equipped with a set of sound effects. The most useful for him will be:

  • Soft toys with sewn-in squeakers, hard balls, foil inserts;
  • Baby drums and multi-colored rattles;
  • Bright nesting dolls;
  • Puppets for finger theater;
  • Voiced soft animals performing songs and fairy tales;
  • Children's musical instruments (piano, metallophone). Spoons, a saucepan with a lid, etc. can be a complete replacement for such tools.

What should be the content of developmental classes?

A five-month-old baby is very smart and inquisitive. He already understands what it means and reacts correctly to the words: “give”, “on”, “go to mom.” The baby can understand different intonations: when kind treatment he will smile, and in response to a grumpy remark he may cry.

  • You should continue reading books and looking at pictures. You can show your baby photographs of family members and talk about them;
  • When telling your baby poems and nursery rhymes, it is very useful to stroke, knead and rub his tiny fingers: such a massage will help improve blood circulation, activate speech centers and stimulate the functioning of internal organs. To perform a massage, a mother can use a walnut, a ball or a pencil, rolling them between the children’s palms or over outer surface hands;
  • If you want to amuse the baby, you can pick him up and let him fly like an airplane. No less delight will be caused by the opportunity to jump on the lap of someone at home;
  • When walking around the apartment with a baby in your arms, you need to continue to familiarize him with the names of the objects in it;
  • You can introduce your baby not only to the different textures of the material, but also to the difference physical properties by letting him touch a piece of ice or a mug of warm tea;
  • It is necessary to talk to the child as much as possible, trying to pronounce words clearly and correctly, remembering that they are stored in his memory, creating a passive vocabulary.

Gymnastics and physical development

A child’s leisure time should be active, so care must be taken in advance to provide him with a free and safe space to perform physical exercise ().

  • It is very important to teach your baby to crawl. Having laid the child on the floor and placing his palms under his small heels, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to push off and make his first attempts to move forward ();
  • Gymnastic exercises with a large ball are incredibly useful for a baby, improving stretching and strengthening the muscular-ligamentous system ();
  • A baby who has not yet learned to roll over on his own from his back to his tummy should be constantly encouraged to do this by placing a palm under his side or placing a favorite toy near him;
  • We can only welcome the desire of many parents to teach their kids to swim. Regular classes in the pool helps expand the lungs and improve coordination of movements. Children who can swim begin to walk faster. The duration of swimming exercises should be no more than ten minutes. In order for your child to engage with pleasure, it is necessary to turn the process into an exciting game, using bright, voiced toys. After swimming, you need to give your baby a relaxing massage.

Reasons for disruption of daily routine and ways to overcome them

Most often, disruptions in the sleeping and eating patterns of a five-month-old baby are due to:

  1. eruption of the first teeth.
  2. overly active introduction of new complementary foods into the diet.

You can alleviate the condition of a baby who is capricious during the teething period with the help of products designed to massage swollen and itchy gums.

If the cause of children's whims is a violation of the rules for introducing complementary foods, the problematic product should be completely excluded from the baby's diet for a while. After several days, you can try to introduce it again, but in very small portions, carefully looking at the reaction of the child’s body.

Since the baby, who cannot yet speak, reports unmet needs exclusively by crying loudly (), a caring mother should establish and eliminate its cause as quickly as possible (crying can be caused by a lack of attention, a feeling of hunger, or severe overwork).

A well-structured daily routine for a 5-month-old baby guarantees the child’s excellent well-being, disciplines his behavior and stimulates successful physical and intellectual development.

Video guide: baby 5 months

Sleep for a five-month-old baby, as in previous months of life, remains the most important factor growth and development. Babies need to sleep enough hours a day; for this, mothers need to know the sleep standards for their babies.

As you grow older, time children's recreation is shrinking. Exploring the world, communicating with adults and playing games are increasingly occupied by babies. By five months, the child is awake almost 12 hours a day, and night awakenings become less and less. Children's daily routine changes, and mothers have to adapt to the new needs of their children.

At five months, the child actively shows interest in the adult family members around him. In an attempt to imitate the intonations of the elders, the little one hums funny and smiles. A baby’s attention at this age is attracted by rhythmic rhymes, lively songs, and emotional speech. Babies already know how to roll over onto their tummy, do not want to lie still and strive to sit up. They are delighted by noisy games with their parents.

The increased activity of the baby puts a lot of stress on nervous system, the child quickly gets tired and overexcited. Take off nervous tension Sound, healthy sleep helps him.

The daily sleep duration for five-month-old children ranges from 14 to 17 hours. But do not forget that children are different in temperament and need rest of different durations. Some toddlers sleep soundly and are very difficult to wake up, while others are sensitive and anxious.

Here is a table that provides three periods of daytime rest for a child of 5 months.

Day rest Night rest Total time
1st dream 1 hour 10 - 12 o'clock 2 – 5 p.m.
2nd dream 2 hours
3rd dream 1 hour

Daytime nap

According to most pediatricians, at the age of five months, the baby should be awake during the day between periods of rest for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. Next, you should put him in his crib, give him children's body relax and absorb the information received.

In order for a child to sleep the required amount of time during the day, not to be capricious, to be active and cheerful, it is necessary to follow a daily routine. Food, games, walks and sleep - this is what the life of a little person consists of. It is important that this happens at the same time every day.

The first day's rest occurs in the morning, after the second breakfast, and most often does not last long. Lunch rest is the longest, in warm time 1 year old, it is advisable for children to sleep in the fresh air, this improves immunity and strengthens the body. The evening, third, rest gives children the opportunity to unload the nervous system and relax after a day full of impressions.

Mom sleeps with her baby

Sleeping at night

Pediatric doctors advise putting babies to bed at the same time every day, adhering to a daily routine. The optimal time for going to bed is 8 - 10 pm, it depends on child mode and family routine. Before going to bed at night, a five-month-old child should be bathed, fed and calmed down (sing lullabies, turn on quiet music, talk tenderly to the baby).

Excessively active fun greatly excites the nervous system of children, making it difficult for them to calm down and fall asleep. Typically, a five-month-old baby wakes up once at night and sleeps for 10 to 12 hours.

About how children sleep

The sleep of infants, like adults, consists of two phases that replace each other. These are the phases of fast (superficial) and slow (deep) sleep. When you put your baby to bed, you see how the eyelids tremble, grimaces appear on the face, and the arms and legs move. At this moment the child dreams. Scientists believe that babies’ dreams are bright and colorful, in which the child’s brain experiences, comprehends and assimilates what he saw during the day.

What positions do babies sleep in?

  • On the back is the most successful position for children who have been diagnosed with dysplasia hip joints" It is worth paying attention to the fact that children of the first year of life do not need pillows. Their head and shoulders should be in the same plane.
  • On their side - children who burp frequently and profusely need to sleep in this position. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the baby’s hands are in front of his face. In order to avoid accidental scratches when the little one is sleeping, parents should monitor the length of their children's nails.
  • On your stomach is the most dangerous position baby body at night. By turning unsuccessfully, the baby may bury his nose in the mattress, which will cause difficulty breathing.


The duration of sleep for a five-month-old baby is 14 - 17 hours a day, 10 - 12 of which are at night. A five month old baby sleeps three times during the day. Particular attention should be paid to the position in which you sleep infant. Thus, children diagnosed with dysplasia can worsen their condition by lying on their side.

To ensure that children do not have problems falling asleep, it is important to stick to a routine and put the kids to bed at the same time. Deep sleep helps the baby grow and develop.

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