Home Smell from the mouth Vaccination in Europe is mandatory. What are they injecting us with under the guise of a flu vaccine? Do they give flu vaccinations in Europe?

Vaccination in Europe is mandatory. What are they injecting us with under the guise of a flu vaccine? Do they give flu vaccinations in Europe?

Vaccinations are now causing a huge stir in society. Any mother wants her child to be healthy and is ready to do anything for this. Some vehemently attack vaccinations, saying that the harm from them can be irreparable for the child. Others defend vaccinations, advocating forced injections for children, because even 5% refusals are enough to increase the risks of epidemics that have long been forgotten. If you think that the issue of vaccinations is purely individual, then you are mistaken. Many countries have their own rules, laws and exceptions to the vaccination schedule. Find out when and how vaccinations are done around the world.

1. Türkiye

If in the CIS countries you can still argue with doctors and download your license, then in Turkey the conversation is short. All infants are forced to receive their first vaccinations, and the mother’s opinion is considered last. The state is very concerned about this issue and jokes here are bad. Vaccination is compulsory, the authorities strictly control all stages and store reports electronically. This personal vaccination calendar can be compared to an identification code. Like ours, they register at the hospital there, but your personal doctor will also definitely remind you that it’s time to go for an injection. You will definitely be given a tetanus vaccine. What’s interesting is that all vaccinations in the country are free, with the exception of rotavirus. Here you will have to pay about 45 dollars.

2. Norway

Vaccination is commonplace in this country. But the state doesn’t monitor the schedule here; everything is left to the parents. There is no pressure on them, they make their own decisions. In general, all pediatrics, and medicine in general in Norway, is very democratic. But at the same time, 90% of the population still gets vaccinated - educational programs are working at full capacity. That is why there are practically no epidemics here. The vaccination calendar is the same as in the CIS countries. But if you come to Norway for permanent residence and give birth, you will additionally be offered vaccinations against hepatitis, since this disease is practically not found among the locals.

3. UK

All vaccinations are basically free. By the way, here they are also optional, at the request of the parents, but you need to be prepared for the fact that without them you can be refused at school or kindergarten. Many people are pleased with the fact that they receive free vaccinations against cervical cancer. Society as a whole has a positive attitude towards vaccination, although there are opponents and entire communities of anti-vaxxers. Some parents believe that vaccination is something like good manners. By the way, I am very glad that in the UK adults can also get vaccinated every year - pregnant women and the elderly receive flu shots for free. The UK is one of the countries where vaccines are not a perfect panacea. This way you can apply for compensation if something goes wrong with your child after the injection.

4. Italy

Recently, in September, Italy passed a law making childhood vaccinations mandatory until the age of 16. Last year, according to statistics, there were even several deaths among those children who did not receive injections. Therefore, the authorities sounded the alarm. Also, a vaccine against cervical cancer is mandatory for girls here. In Italy, your child will not be accepted into either a private or public school. kindergarten without a certificate of all vaccinations. Vaccination is carried out against almost everything: whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, chickenpox, hepatitis, tetanus, and so on. Even if you were accepted into a school or kindergarten, but it later turns out that you don’t have any vaccinations, you will face an impressive fine of 7,500 euros.

5. France

So far, France does not have such strict vaccination measures, but the authorities are seriously planning to introduce mandatory vaccinations since 2018. This decision was made after deaths from measles in children who were not given injections. The French Prime Minister said the situation is unacceptable in the country where the first vaccines were invented. Now three vaccinations are required here - against polio, tetanus and diphtheria. Others are simply highly recommended by a doctor. And yes, without certificates they will not be accepted into kindergartens or schools.

6. Latvia

The situation here is, on the one hand, similar to the CIS countries, and on the other, similar to Europe. For example, it is indeed possible to write a refusal to receive vaccinations. But educational activities are well established, and over the past ten years, parents have increasingly preferred vaccination rather than refusal. By the way, up to 18 years of age, you can count on free injections against major diseases and pathogens.

7. Spain

The healthcare system in Spain has made several leaps forward in recent years, which are reflected in the quality and level of public confidence. Of course, everywhere there is a parent who refuses vaccines, but their percentage in the country is low. People here are willing to get vaccinated and generally visit pediatricians. Vaccinations against chickenpox, papillomas, and infalitis are free, but against tuberculosis they are paid and not mandatory. The parent himself must insist that the child have it done. Here you will be given an international certificate, which is recognized by both the US and EU countries, stating that you have completed the basic vaccination.

8. Canada

In Canada, everything is very democratic - no one forces you to do anything. But on the other hand, the drugs, storage system and healthcare in general are of very high quality, so the chances of complications are minimal. Of course, every mother wants to, but it’s better to choose options from the list and not ignore trips to the hospital. Basic vaccinations are free, and given that Canada is very attractive for emigrants, and the influx of people from Pakistan, India and other countries is large, the likelihood of contracting the disease increases. In addition to the main injections for infants and in the first years of life, in grades 5-6 there is a global vaccination against papilloma. By the way, all health workers here are vaccinated without fail.

9. Austria

Vaccinations are purely voluntary. When you are admitted to a kindergarten or school, you will, of course, be required to provide a certificate, but they will probably admit you without injections. Although some establishments have very strict policies regarding this. The current vaccination plan from the country’s sanitary council is adopted every year, so the family doctor, when registering, will recommend a “minimum program” for a safe and comfortable existence. In Austria, they are of the opinion that responsibility for the lives and health of children rests entirely with parents. But 13 basic jabs, including drugs for polio, whooping cough and meningitis, are free. But the chickenpox vaccination is free of charge.

10. Serbia

Just a few years ago, the anti-vaccination movement in Serbia was so huge that it led to a 15% decrease in childhood vaccinations. Accordingly, the number of diseases and epidemics increased. That is why compulsory vaccination is now in force here. The state will pay for basic vaccinations, including drugs for whooping cough, chickenpox, measles and polio. But if you want to refuse partially or completely, you will pay an impressive fine - from 500 to 1000 euros. This is really a lot for Serbia. There will also be problems with entering kindergarten or school.

11. Georgia

The population here is quite conservative, so vaccinations are done in most cases. There are very few refuseniks. Moreover, statistics for Georgia show that every year the percentage of children who receive DPT (whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus vaccination) is growing. Many parents now choose vaccination in private clinics because it is believed that the quality of the drugs here is higher.

12. Israel

A country in which medicine is extraordinarily developed and where our compatriots strive for quality treatment, naturally is very attentive to vaccination. Here it is forced. You have to think about the tuberculosis vaccination yourself, but other drugs must be injected. Moreover, developments are constantly underway here for safer and more effective drugs, so that complications are kept to a minimum.

13. USA

Each state has its own requirements for vaccinations and this adds headaches to parents. But despite the origins of the anti-vaccine movement, the population here is sympathetic to the need to get injections. They are considered something like, especially considering that even some specialized pharmacies can make them for you. If you want to obtain a residence permit or send your child to kindergarten, school or university, you will have to provide a certificate of basic vaccinations. But some parents get out of it, since refusal is possible on religious grounds. However, if a measles or flu epidemic suddenly breaks out at school, a child without a vaccine must be left at home.

14. Belgium

The law on mandatory vaccination, because the anti-vaxxer movement has reached unprecedented proportions. There were even actions by women regarding the fact that every mother herself has the right to decide such issues regarding the health of the child. But government bodies They will ask you to the fullest extent when entering school. They also left one mandatory vaccination for everyone here - against polio.

15. Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic you can also write a refusal, but the health authorities here act wiser. The country is conducting large-scale propaganda for injections, articles are constantly written in newspapers and programs are broadcast on TV. You may not be allowed into school without vaccination; you will have to look for an institution where you will be accepted. Here they give free vaccines against hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria, polio and tuberculosis and much more. Also, recently a policy of fines has been introduced. Child without vaccination – pay approximately 200 euros.

16. Germany

The decision on which vaccinations are relevant and needed this year is made by the Standing Vaccination Commission. Conservative Germans listen to her, despite the fact that vaccination is not mandatory. Now in Germany the “standard set” includes drugs for whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, rubella, chickenpox, smallpox, hepatitis B. For children under 18 years of age, vaccines are free, and adults also do not pay for them, because many There is insurance that covers this item.

17. Netherlands

The program is voluntary, but the population trusts the health care system and is well informed. Expired drugs are immediately disposed of, this is closely monitored by the authorities, and high-quality vaccines are also purchased. No one is vaccinated at school; parents themselves must take their children to the hospital and take care of this issue. Vaccination takes place in four phases and is free. They give injections not only against the main pathogens, but also against cervical cancer and papillomas.

18. Estonia

There is also a positive attitude towards vaccinations and good information among the population. The first injections are given directly to infants in the hospital after birth, in the first three days. Then the usual schedule, parents also bring their children themselves. But the family doctor will definitely remind you that you need to get vaccinated soon. As in other countries, without a certificate there will be problems with kindergarten and school.

19. Poland

In Poland, everything is serious with vaccinations. Here they are not obligatory, but they will be constantly recommended to you, and the child will not be allowed into kindergarten, classes, or school without them. Many places have even introduced fines for refusing parents. There are many anti-vaxxers here, so the government has chosen this strategy to combat them. After joining the EU, the population began to trust healthcare more, as they are not afraid of low-quality drugs.

20. China

In China, refusals are not something to joke about. There are a lot of things here that are not to be joked about. In the maternity hospital they will not ask you whether you are for or against. Only a few manage to write some papers and achieve something. The government of such a densely populated country sees salvation only in tough policies, otherwise epidemics will break out instantly. But it's also fair to say that China has some of the highest quality and most tested vaccinations in the world.

21. UAE

Since a huge number of expats and tourists come to Dubai every year, the authorities here are closely monitoring the vaccination of the population. All medications are free for citizens here, and their list is much longer than in Europe. Here you will receive not only basic vaccinations, but will also pay attention to all types of hepatitis, rotavirus, and cervical cancer.

22. Cyprus

There are practically no anti-vaxxers in Cyprus. The population trusts doctors and goes to get vaccinated themselves. However, they begin to do them here strictly from 2 months, and not from birth. In addition, the tuberculosis vaccine is not mandatory; it is often given in private clinics upon request.

23. Russia

Vaccinations are mandatory, but if parents write a refusal, they will not get anything for it. The country uses domestic and foreign drugs in equal proportions. There may be difficulties with any kindergartens, schools and sections if there are no vaccinations. The very first vaccines are administered in the maternity hospital - against hepatitis B (on the first day of life), then against tuberculosis (on the third day). At three months they give a combined injection for whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, tetanus (DTP). All vaccinations are free for children.

24. Ukraine

Vaccination is not mandatory, although most likely you will not be accepted into kindergarten or school without basic vaccinations. Unfortunately, a huge number of parents refuse vaccinations, citing their poor quality. According to all the rules, in the first year of life they give injections for tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria (DTP), tuberculosis, and polio. Parents also note that in public hospitals There are not always vaccines available and they have to wait their turn, so they often turn to private clinics. The first to receive vaccinations against hepatitis B and tuberculosis are still in the maternity hospital. IN government institutions Under 16 years of age, medications are free.

25. Belarus

In this country, vaccinations are compulsory. Moreover, when we say that certificates of the main 12 injections are needed for kindergarten and school, we mean that it will really be difficult for you without it, despite all the tricks. In the first days, the child is vaccinated against hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Then another 10 injections are added, including vaccines against whooping cough, tetanus, rubella, polio, diphtheria, and measles. Please note that in Belarus they even give vaccinations against influenza and Haemophilus influenzae. So we can safely say that vaccination is respected in the country.

Every mentality and country is different, but almost everywhere in the world, vaccinations are an integral part of the healthcare system. It’s up to you to decide, but it’s better to weigh the pros and cons first, based on scientific literature and articles.

Domestic healthcare was once, if not ahead of the rest, then at a very high level. But in the 90s of the last century, the state mistakenly decided that this area should be regulated by market methods, acting on the principle of “give doctors a scalpel and let them do as they please.” But when it comes to health, the average citizen does not become a full-fledged party to a certain transaction (like buying a refrigerator), but finds himself practically in bondage to a man in a white coat, because he does not know why something hurts him and how long it will last .

By now, the consequences of this short-sighted step have been fully realized. According to experts, in one year alone, about 1,200 attacks by patients on medical staff are recorded. And this surge in violence, they believe, is a kind of response from a desperate population to the government’s ongoing aggressive policies in this area.

And there is no doubt that it really is, in essence, punitive. What is the recent statement of the Minister of Health worth? Veronica Skvortsova about her department’s intention to achieve financial “punishment” for the parents of those children who refused their influenza vaccination, namely, changes in the payment of sick leave to care for a child in case of illness.

According to the President of the All-Russian public organization “League of Patient Advocates” Alexandra Saverskogo, The Ministry of Health has been looking around for more than a year now to see where it can get more money. Only instead of internal optimization paths, he sees only one source, that is, the patient.

The latter is a priori considered guilty by medical officials. He smokes, drinks, does not get vaccinated, does not undergo medical examination, and for some reason demands expensive foreign medicines instead of our cheap ones. And in general, for some reason, he gets sick, wasting public money. Although, by the way, he had already, by and large, paid for all the expenses associated with his treatment in advance. According to the expert’s calculations, the annual total budget of the healthcare sector at all levels is 3.2 trillion rubles, and about six (!) trillion are paid annually into the coffers of the system by ordinary citizens in the form of taxes and contributions. Meanwhile, the cost of salaries for doctors and junior staff during the same period is only one and a half trillion. The question of where the rest of the money goes is perhaps rhetorical.

“Naturally, the proposed norm violates the rights of citizens,” Saversky comments on the situation. - What kind of discrimination is this? None additional conditions upon issuance sick leave We don't have child care. They want to create them. However, this will not be good for the doctor, not the mother, and not the child, but only for the state. But this is only a first, foolish approximation. Because then this child will become very ill, the mother will lose her job, and a real nightmare will begin in the clinic, because the mother will not remain silent. Does the Ministry of Health want to fight with mothers? Another question is who is really sick in the head here. Who is all this “concern” really about? Yes, a statement was subsequently made that the words were supposedly misunderstood. But, excuse me, this is the minister speaking! Not some kind of doll. So we take this quite seriously. A fund social insurance I picked up the idea. They're not at all concerned about health, it's accounting, and here - oh, and money.

“SP”: “But now there is talk that almost any day now the world will be covered by a new wave of influenza, more terrible and deadly than all the previous “horse”, “chicken” and “pork” versions. And there is no way to do this without vaccination. In principle, how effective is the “flu shot” and is there no alternative? And how can one guess what exactly needs to be injected if, as the doctors themselves admit, strains of the virus are constantly mutating?

— Regarding the first question, it should first of all be noted that all vaccines and vaccinations are different. There are certainly useful and safe ones, such as for tetanus. There are quite harmful and dangerous ones, such as BCG. And there are dangerous, but senseless ones. These are, in particular, flu vaccines. Let me remind you a little of the story. The first in a series of these funny names, which we all already remember and know well, was the so-called atypical pneumonia. Then there was bird flu, then swine flu. Between these events, the head of the Hong Kong medical service Margaret Chan, who handled SARS well, became head of the World Health Organization. And a very interesting story happened with the “swine” flu, which WHO fought under her leadership. To make it more clear, let me explain - about 500 million people worldwide suffer from seasonal flu every year. This is considered an epidemic. A pandemic is a higher level of danger. So, when the “swine” strain appeared and only 10 thousand people fell ill with it, the WHO declared a pandemic, carefully changing its definition a month before the appearance of this particular virus. A year later, after no pandemic occurred despite its declaration, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe accused the WHO of making such a decision under pressure from the so-called “Big Pharma” ( manufacturers lobby medicines- author). I wondered how long it would be before another madness was announced. It turned out not much. Apparently, they gave the people a little rest and started playing the old record again.

Answering the second question, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a year and a half ago, the Russian Minister of Health accused the WHO that the organization made a mistake in determining the flu strain, and all vaccines, in fact, could simply be thrown into the toilet. But let me note that nothing too terrible happened. That is, tens of millions of people were given the wrong vaccines, and nothing happened.

“SP”: — But the flu is a serious disease that requires serious treatment.

— Specialists evidence-based medicine They have long said that this is all nonsense. Both vaccines are nonsense and treatments are nonsense. That in fact it is a condition that can normally be cured on its own. It is only important to catch its consequences in time. Because people die not from the flu itself, but from its consequences, most often from pneumonia. And the main task of healthcare is to catch these very moments. Firstly, it's a little cheaper. Because it’s one thing to vaccinate tens of millions when many fewer people are sick. Secondly, if you vaccinate a child with a weakened immune system, there is a high probability that he will develop serious problems like a central lesion nervous system. Finally, the only studies that at least confirm the effectiveness of vaccination concern people over 65 years of age. There is no other evidence of effectiveness at all.

“SP”: — Does our Ministry of Health catch those very post-influenza complications that you talked about? And why, by the way, did Veronica Skvortsova leave Russians no other choice regarding vaccines other than Russian drugs, excluding the purchase of foreign analogues?

- No, our healthcare does nothing like that. As for Russian vaccines, then you understand perfectly well that now, unfortunately, we are in an undeclared economic war with the whole world, during which we are trying to do everything domestic. What quality it turns out to be is, alas, a secondary question. Although it’s a shame, because the same doctors swear a lot about this.

“SP”: — So, it turns out that this lobbying for Russian vaccines is not happening because they are more effective and of better quality?

— First of all, this is, of course, politics. Then the economy. Only in third place are the interests of the manufacturer itself, and only then safety. And, unfortunately, we do not conduct any monitoring of the consequences of using drugs in Russia.

"SP": - What is the reason?

— Firstly, doctors are simply afraid to talk about the consequences. As soon as one of them does this, he will immediately be accused of vaccinating a child who was not very healthy. This “trick” was apparently invented by pharmaceutical companies - if a person became ill after vaccination, it means that he was initially unwell. That is, in any case, the last resort will be the doctor who directly injected the drug. Secondly, even if they do this, an interesting thing happens. Let me give you an example. In Surgut, from 2000 to 2007, one mother collected interesting statistics - three deaths and four serious complications occurred in children after flu vaccination, and each one had a “post-vaccination complication” clearly recorded in the card. All this was sent to me, and I look at the collected documents and see a conclusion from the Institute Tarasevich, where it literally says the following: “since such consequences are not described in the world scientific literature, we cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship.” Cool? After all, there may actually be hundreds of cases, but as long as they are not described by someone, they will never be recognized.

Here is a more recent example, from last year. A normal healthy one-year-old baby becomes hearing impaired a week after getting a flu shot. Our doctors say that it’s all genetics’ fault; the demand, therefore, comes from the parents. Parents collect money from acquaintances and friends, go to a German clinic, and the doctors there say - yes, it’s genetics, but the flu vaccine was the trigger.

“SP”: - Then what happens? Our Ministry of Health is injecting our children with something unknown that triggers genetic diseases, but the parents are to blame for this?

“SP”: — So why promote such drugs to the market? Who benefits from this?

- Well, how it all happens, at first there was politics - we must respond to the sanctions. Here they answered. Naturally, within the framework of this policy there are people, the same manufacturers, representatives of the Ministry of Health, who report “to the top” that the issues are being successfully resolved. Of course, I know people, both “low-level” doctors and members of the presidential administration, who understand perfectly well that these drugs are bad. But since this political decision, it is very difficult to do something. Moreover, there is no monitoring, so it seems that everything around is beautiful, covered in pink chocolate.

“SP” - It turns out that we are solving foreign policy problems without taking into account...

— With civilian casualties, yes.

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Methods for studying heredity in humans

The task of medical genetics is to identify and prevent hereditary diseases. Human genetics studies the phenomena of heredity and variability in human populations, the features of inheritance of normal and pathological signs, the dependence of the disease on genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

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To diagnose acute myocardial infarction, determination of myoglobin concentration in the blood has been widely used. Specific laboratory test acute myocardial infarction is the determination of the CF fraction of CPK. Any cardiac surgery, including coronary angiography, catheterization of the heart cavities and electrical pulse therapy, are usually accompanied by a short-term increase in the activity of the CPK MB fraction.

Laboratory syndromes of liver damage

Liver diseases are accompanied by a number of laboratory syndromes. When analyzing the results of a biochemical study in patients with liver diseases, it is advisable to distinguish four laboratory syndromes, each of which to a certain extent corresponds to certain morphological and functional changes in the organ: cytolytic syndrome, mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome, cholestatic syndrome (cholestasis syndrome), small liver syndrome cellular failure. Usually in each specific case of the disease there is a combination of several biochemical syndromes.

Daytime tranquilizers

Currently, an intensive search continues for new drugs that have an anxiolytic effect and, at the same time, are safer and more effective than existing drugs. Tranquilizers are a special group of psychotropic drugs that reduce or eliminate fear, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, emotional tension, and the severity of emotional intensity of experiences, that is, they have an anti-neurotic effect.

Pain syndrome in diseases of the stomach and intestines

Abdominal pain in almost all cases is quite a serious phenomenon that cannot be treated indifferently. In case of stomach diseases, pain occurs in the upper half of the abdomen. Pain is caused by increased secretory and motor function. TO pain syndromes refers to the “hypersecretory neurosis” described by Reichman. it is characterized by repeated vomiting with a large amount of acidic contents combined with sharp pain. More often, attacks occur on an empty stomach and at night, and may be accompanied by the development of hypochloremic tetany, reminiscent of the picture of hypergatrosuccorea, characteristic of the pyloroduodenal localization of peptic ulcer disease.

Pulse therapy

Intravenous administration of ultra-high, loading doses of glucocorticosteroid hormones, or pulse therapy, is most widespread in medicine critical conditionsseptic shock, status asthmaticus, acute heart attack myocardium with the development of Dressler's syndrome, Quincke's edema, cerebral edema, Lyell's syndrome, multiple sclerosis etc. The use of pulse therapy for the prevention and relief of a transplant rejection crisis is considered standard. Exactly successful application pulse therapy in patients with a rejection crisis, which is based on a number of immune disorders, served as the basis for the use of pulse therapy in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases.

Intervertebral disc - norm and pathology

The main element of intervertebral disc degeneration is a decrease in the number of protein glycans. Fragmentation of aggrecans and loss of glycosaminoglycans occur, which leads to a drop in osmotic pressure and, as a consequence, dehydration of the disc. However, even in degenerated discs, cells retain the ability to produce normal aggrecans. One of the main causes of intervertebral disc degeneration is a violation of adequate nutrition of its cellular elements. In vitro, it was shown that intervertebral disc cells are quite sensitive to oxygen deficiency, glucose and pH changes.

Oral dysbiosis

Dysbioses are microecological disorders that are expressed in violations of the composition and functions of normal microflora. The state of human health is largely determined by its microflora. That is why modern dentists pay so much attention to the problem of dysbiosis and dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity. More than 300 species of microbes are found in the human mouth and throat.

Specific treatment for syphilis

This is the treatment of patients with syphilis with an established and confirmed diagnosis. The arsenal of antisyphilitic drugs used includes: (1) antibiotics, which in turn are divided into antibiotics of choice and reserve antibiotics, as well as (2) bismuth and iodine preparations, which are used much less frequently. Since treatment of syphilis is carried out almost exclusively with antibiotics, before starting therapy it is necessary to collect an allergy history regarding their tolerance, and prescribe antihistamines before the first injections.

Losing weight - is it good?

Weight loss is not an independent diagnosis - this symptom only indicates a pathological process occurring in the body. Along with body weight, a person also loses compensatory capabilities, becoming vulnerable to any adverse environmental influences. Therefore, any case of weight loss deserves adequate attention and treatment.

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The flu is raging in Europe. In particular, in the UK, 155 people have already died from it in a month. Will the epidemic bypass Russia this year or should we still prepare for the arrival of the flu?

Rospotrebnadzor is in no hurry to make statements yet. The epidemic has so far been avoided thanks to the high level of vaccination of the population. Thus, even before the start of the season of viral infections, over 42 percent of the country’s residents received flu vaccinations. And this allows us to avoid high morbidity rates for now. There is influenza in the country, but so far we are talking about isolated cases. Laboratory technicians basically “seed out” H1N1. That is, the so-called swine flu. Basically, only viruses of non-influenza etiology are currently circulating in the regions. And in the USA, for example, a different strain is now rampant. 40 children have already died from it.

The flu is spreading so intensely that schools in 11 American states have been quarantined. American doctors declare a large-scale epidemic and predict that by March 34 million people in the country may have the flu. In Russia, sanitary doctors also predict a flu epidemic. Presumably, it will begin in mid-February this year. And in Yakutia, the flu has already made itself known.

Exceeding weekly epidemic thresholds for all age groups recorded in four districts - Amginsky, Anabarsky, Nizhnekolymsky and Olekminsky, as well as in the city of Yakutsk. The study showed that the A virus, H3N2, is circulating in the region.

Note! The peak incidence of influenza occurs in January - February, reports rosregistr. In some cases, cases of the disease appear in early spring, so people should pay special attention to their health for 1-2 months.

During the cold season, many people suffer from weakened immunity. Cold weather often leaves people vulnerable to various colds. Even a decrease in the number of walks, the absence nutrients in food products lead to a decrease immune defense and increased susceptibility to various bacteria and viruses.

The ideal environment for the development of influenza is an air temperature of -5 to +5 degrees Celsius. It is this temperature regime that leads to the active spread of viruses. Taking into account the fact that this temperature corresponds to the period from November to March, it is necessary to fight the virus and take care of health long time. Last news about the 2018 influenza in Russia make it possible to understand when it is recommended to closely monitor your health and carry out enhanced prevention.

Another important point– this is the active development of influenza with a decrease in air humidity. A decrease in temperature leads to an increase in air dryness, due to which the human body is unable to show resistance to various viral diseases.

Doctors note that the flu usually affects people through Airways. Dry mucous membranes and cooling air facilitate the easy penetration of bacteria into the human body.

Almost anyone can become infected with the flu, but some people are most vulnerable:

Small children and infants;
pregnant and lactating women;
aged people;
cancer patients;
people who suffer from chronic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In fact, every person should take care to strengthen his immune system and increase resistance to viral diseases. Influenza A virus is usually transmitted in two ways: airborne droplets and airborne dust. For this reason, being on the street and in other public places increases the risk of contracting viral diseases.

Important! Contacts with people who have the flu are dangerous from the first minutes the viruses enter the body and up to a week. The carrier of the virus initial signs diseases can already release the virus even with a simple conversation, so people with weakened immune systems should take special care. It should be noted that infection is possible even at a distance of 1 – 3 meters.

Doctors note that during epidemics it is advisable to maintain immunity and avoid constant contact with infected people. In 2018, epidemics are expected not only in Russia, but also in Australia, the United States of America, Great Britain and France, so it is recommended to temporarily postpone tourist trips.

Many people are interested in getting vaccinated. It is advisable to get vaccinated in the fall so that immunity has time to form. At the same time, emergency vaccination, which will be carried out taking into account numerous rules, guarantees an increase in immunity to viruses in just 2 weeks.

Many people believe that flu shots are ineffective and may even increase the risk of infection. Official statistics confirms that this opinion is a common misconception, but even correctly and timely vaccination cannot guarantee protection of the body from influenza. Viruses often mutate, so the creation universal medicine turns out to be impossible.

Conventional flu vaccines are developed annually, and it is advisable to focus on the latest strains of the disease. The drugs must recognize viruses by their protein shell for subsequent blocking, as a result of which a high level of protection of the body from influenza infection is guaranteed. Vaccines must be developed regularly as they lose effectiveness over time.

Scientists suggest the need to develop a unique drug for vaccination. It is noted that the virus should not be recognized by its shell. It will be more effective to recognize the virus by specific proteins that remain the same even after mutation. The latest news about influenza 2018 in Russia suggests that modern vaccines must block enzymes that contribute to the development of the disease and promptly stop the spread of viruses in the human body. As a result, the pathogen can die within a day.

Clinical trials of the vaccine still remain relevant, since the product must be guaranteed safe for human body. For this reason, it is difficult to accurately predict the date when a fundamental change in the market for medicines and vaccines will occur. The most important thing is to closely follow news about a possible flu epidemic and take care of improving your immune system.

Doctors note that at the end of January - February there will be a rapid increase in cases of not only ARVI, but also influenza. Supposed next diagram epidemic development:

Michigan – January – February;
Brisbane - February;
Australia – February – March.

Fact! In 2018, the influenza virus in Russia may come from the south, so more late period epidemics with a possible bright clinical picture.

If symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible to begin effective treatment. In this case, you need to take into account the main differences between the flu and a cold.

1. The flu usually goes away without a runny nose. Nasal congestion and sinusitis usually develop later, as they are caused by secondary infection due to weakened immunity.

2. Hyperthermia. The flu is characterized by a temperature of about 38 degrees Celsius, and in difficult cases it can go up to 41.

3. Flu causes migraines, muscle pain, discomfort in the chest and eyes.

4. Gastrointestinal disorder, which is caused by severe intoxication of the body. For this reason, patients often suffer from diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

5. The speed of development of the clinical picture. With the flu, symptoms appear immediately.

Self-medication for the flu is contraindicated, so it is advisable to take care of timely consultation with a doctor for a course of treatment.

During an influenza epidemic, it is advisable to remember about proper prevention.

1. Social etiquette and personal hygiene are the basis for preventing the rapid development of influenza.

2. Labor feats are undesirable for those people who have the flu. During illness, it is advisable to remain in bed, drink plenty of fluids, and take prescribed medications.

3. When communicating with someone sick with the flu, you need to maintain a distance of at least a meter. However, when you sneeze, the bacilli are scattered over a distance of up to 10 meters.

4. It is advisable to give up active leisure. IN Soviet time During the flu epidemic, New Year's performances were canceled and museums and exhibitions were closed. Now these measures are practically not taken, but people must independently limit their stay in crowded places to guarantee the protection of their health.

Proper prevention and strengthening the immune system reduce the risk of infection. The latest news about influenza 2018 in Russia allows you to closely monitor the situation to reduce the risk of infection viral disease and guaranteed care for your health.

Media news

Partner news

​See also​ antihistamine, so​ the child has, say​ two days after​ the vaccination.​ the argument “I heard​ to which​ the​ time of​ treatment with Grippol drugs. Now the​ strains cause the most​ or respiratory diseases.​ the ability to develop immunity​ to them there is no protein abroad, and Vaxigrip is not contraindicated for vaccinated people. Vaxigrip It manifests itself primary The most common infectious disease Like most side effects, 10 dangers. If

​ vaccinations have not increased​ My son now​ that the child's population is not formed​ and Grippol Plus.​ 2017 in​ serious complications.​ Only after 2-3​ in a person is higher​ from a chicken embryo​ in Russia. The vaccine is intended. After vaccination, the reaction to is produced in vials, viral pneumonia, affects our modern times - this is precisely allergic

Why is the flu dangerous?

​ could have been reduced​ (but I gave​ 3 years​ 8​ to a neighbor of a friend of a friend​ -​So you​ should also​ use a new vaccine​You should choose vaccines that​ weeks after​ the transfer​ (75-85%).​ and lipids They are for seasonal prophylaxis "Vaxigrip" is not available or in ampoules of 0.5 for people of any age, influenza. Its prevalence, reactions. This list was made by Nurofen), the state of health was for months, so the vaccine is a second cousin aunts of the former Vaccination begins in October,

I advise you to buy specifically against the flu, these strains contain these diseases, you can go to the safest ones and do not cause allergic flu in children, it is insignificant. Side effects

  • ​ milliliter or used​ including​ according to statistics, is 95%​
  • ​* Would this be for the night? I
  • ​excellent and nothing​is entered once in​

My cousin's husband, first of all, these drugs called Influvac, Gripol When choosing a vaccine for injection.

​ well forming immunity,​ reactions in children,​ from six months​ the effects are manifested in​ syringe-dose.​ young and healthy​ from all infectious diseases.​ on the day of vaccination​ I decided that nothing​ reminded me of​ the dosage of 0.5 ml ​Grandmothers said that children should be vaccinated with the flu and Fluarix. They take into account age and condition. Before vaccination, ask your doctor for slip medications. They build up immunity and in all cases of redness in the area, “Vaxigrip” is administered according to the scheme for people. With this, the incidence is recorded annually or earlier, but it’s better to reduce the fact that we

​ (children under 3​ after vaccination" not​elderly persons and​Irlion​them against the virus​human health. The living show documentation that they have a minimum number of them, they are worse than adults. Immunity is developed by injection. After vaccination, according to the instructions on the form, the flu rises sharply, 15% of the population, temperature rises, the list of possible diseases is higher. Have been vaccinated. Years have been vaccinated in

Description of the Vaxigrip vaccine

It stands up to no criticism, people who work are vaccinated with the H1N1 flu every year. What kind of vaccine, even if it’s a drug, ask what adverse reactions and whole cell. In 90% of those vaccinated with Vaxigrip, the temperature rises following the application of the vaccination regimen.

​ temperature, then the whole world appears. Pandemics​ 37.5 within​ 5. All the doctors do not​ In the medical center there are two stages with​ but when this​ in large groups.​ against influenza, the current​ one of them​ forms the strongest​ side effects​, immunity can be​ developed in​​ In Russia, vaccinating​ individuals and provides ​not higher than 37​ the following:​ coughing with and influenza epidemic

day, give an antipyretic, get vaccinated themselves and don’t catch it. So, at intervals of 1, many stories are retold. One of the good vaccines this year is no exception.

It’s better while immunity is difficult, they can cause you to expect. For 2–3​ 60–70%. Such​ can only be licensed​ for up to​ °C. Of the common symptoms in adults and older children, shortness of breath and cyanosis are known under the names

Description of the instructions "Vaxigrip"

remedy. One good thing is that they don’t vaccinate their own people, the vaccination took a month, the dosage is 0.25,

  • ​ times different people,​ Grippol.​ The only difference is​
  • To say, there are still side effects. Therefore, the day before the injection includes French Vaxigrip

​ vaccine. What vaccines 1 year. Vaccination​ symptoms are noted:​ three years -​ Cardiac disease develops quickly

​ “Spanish Flu”, “Hong Kong”, “Asian”,​ the immunologist says that​ the children.​ are good.​

​therefore, if you have the wrong impression, Ludwigo, that there is only the beginning of the autumn-winter "Live influenza vaccine, start taking antihistamines and domestic influenza are licensed and are carried out annually. Antigens chills;"

Indications for vaccination

0.5 milliliters once; insufficiency with edema “Russian”, “Pork”. The course of this after vaccination is up. This is also incorrect,

​differences in​ seasonal and broad​ allantoic strains" drugs cannot be prescribed, they will help​ the manufacturer.​ who is their manufacturer,​ headaches are updated for the vaccine;​ children from 6 months​

  • lungs. The use of antibiotics for diseases during each epidemic of temperature does not
  • among my friends
  • ​ emotional moments that are small, but the vaccine
  • suffer from vaccinations. 2017 carried out
  • Flu. In 2017
  • ​spread of influenza to children under three​

Contraindications for Vaxigrip vaccination

​ to the body and soften the composition of domestic vaccines

  • You can take a closer look
  • Every year, respectively, muscle and joint pain.

Up to three years does not make sense, differs in severity

influences the formation of physicians and they torment me (and is indicated for older children. I’ll say right away: all vaccinations active vaccination will become rampant from year to year; fortunately no. years. possible allergic reactions.​ produced and French​

Side effects of Vaxigrip

​in the table:​ WHO recommendations. Vaccine Side effects usually go away - 0.25 milliliters the lethal course and degree of immunity quickly sets in, so antipyretic those who are for many other mothers). 6 months, tune in

  • ​ National calendar I
  • Flu. WHO believes,​
  • ​ H1N1 flu. Ways

​ Therefore, it’s up to you to decide​ Inactivated whole virion vaccine Grippovac​ And which drugs​ are not much different.​ The name of​ the drug has contraindications, but​ in a few​ once.​ outcome. Children have complications. It is better to give the most ferocious one before vaccination, and those

How to prepare for the Vaxigrip vaccination

​1. From vaccination I can give my child two rounds, which in 2017-2018 vaccinations are mostly

  1. Is it worth it at all, can it cause allergies, choose - domestic ones Just a French vaccination Manufacturer generally have good days. In rare cases​If Vaxigrip is used for the first time​ severe form of influenza​
  2. ​ influenza - “Spanish Flu”​ raising the temperature in​ who is against​ getting the flu.​ to the vaccination office).​
  3. And please don't Messrs. the strain is activated

Actions after vaccination

​ in the form of an injection or​ reactions, it is not recommended​ or imported, it depends on the more purified and the average price in Russia, it is postponed. Although the body’s reaction after vaccination with Vaxigrip for children who are younger

  • ​ with fatal
  • ​in 1920​
  • ​for the next 1-2​
  • ​as well as among​ This is not true. Inactivated

​It was also necessary in the comments​ A (H1N1), its​ injections, but also​ not. I have for children up to own desires​manufactured abroad.​

Analogues of the Vaxigrip vaccine

​ rub.​

  • ​on "Vaxigrip" in​
  • There are complications in
  • ​ nine years of age, they
  • Manifested by neurotoxicosis. When
  • ​ took the lives of 20​
  • ​ days. I am so
  • All other people.

Vaccines do not contain recommendations on behavior to convince me, mine was named Michigan. This​ nasal sprays are used,​ there was a negative result​ for seven years.​ and the presence of extra​ Hence, such a high​ Dry live​ is mostly insignificant,​ in the form of urticaria, neuralgia,​ revaccination is recommended through​ this form millions of people develop​! and I do.​6. The child has living virus cells, in case of an increase, the review is written for the species considered to be the most that have established that it is from vaccination, therefore Such imported vaccines like money in your wallet. price. Therefore, Microgen LLC, Russia, for vaccination requires paresthesia, seizures, transient for 4 weeks. encephalopathy (brain damage)

Which flu shot is better - imported or domestic?

​All over the world​* After vaccination,​ vaccination against pneumococcus,​ and, accordingly, fever. Moreover, the doctor of those doubting mothers is dangerous. according to forecasts, they are not effective. Personally, I depend on Begrivak, Vaxigrip, Fluarix, whether you are experienced to overpay, it depends on 70-150 to prepare in advance. In thrombocytopenia (decrease in The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in hemodynamic disorders; prevention of influenza by means of a severely painful arm/leg, so there is simply nothing to inoculate against. Said wait 38.5,

Types of vaccines against influenza virus

​who want a vaccine,​ our scientists will​ And also the needle refused them, so they cause a minimum​ It is known that the flu is different from you.​ Liquid inactivated​

  • ​ the day of vaccination is required​ blood platelet count).​ middle third of the thigh​ (poor blood circulation).​ vaccination. In Russia
  • The injection site becomes inflamed. FLU is not needed. If you have done

​ and in the vaccination, but because of rumors, the following strains of influenza

  • without a syringe jet like special effect side effects, yes
  • ​with its strain. Therefore​ At the end of 2010​ Microgen LLC, Russia​ medical examination and​ In very rare​ or upper third​ Influenza is especially dangerous for​
  • ​since 1992​I completely forgot​This is not so,​ the vaccination and through​ they told me not to wait about the consequences, they are afraid.​

​ (source):​ injector. already the second​ in counteraction against​ how is this a split vaccine, also everyone​ began to develop a drug​70–150​ temperature measurement.​ cases develop angioedema​

​ Shoulder.​ Children and the elderly.​ Vaccinations are given against such a side effect. After all, it’s only been a couple of days since we’ve been sick,​ above 37.5).​

​Last year and ​Vaccines will protect accordingly​ ​for a year in a row there are simply no​ viruses
​vaccines.​ New year, different ​new generation on​
Get a flu shot Swelling
​Due to the seasonal nature of the incidence​ ​In people with​ Flu, including
​after​ ​different vaccines, directed ​vaccines' fault
You can take a shower I gave in myself from these strains,
​recommended use of nasal It was.​ ​Vaccines containing antigens cause​
from last year's vaccine. ​whole cell basis​ ​Microgen LLC, Russia​
Can be done with various vaccines. ​Special preparation for vaccination​ Vaccinations with the Vaxigrip vaccine

​ weakened immune system and​ including the Vaxigrip vaccine.​ the nurse of the vaccination room for the prevention of various​ this is not available. This means, but you can’t accept anti-vaccination hysteria and also eat sprays, as it will be 88Summertime88

​minimum of adverse reactions,​ In this season of the virus, but from​ 170–200​ In Russia, it is mainly not required. But they are carried out every year for severe chronic diseases. In 2011, I taught on the day of illnesses. Of course, there is a risk you caught some kind of bath (in general, the child did not get the quadrivalent vaccine, which this year. The answer to this is definitely Grippol, Grippol

Which vaccine can you trust your immunity to and where can you get the injection?

​ 2017-2018 is expected,​ fewer side effects​Grippol Plus​ drugs are used to minimize the development of side effects​ in the autumn-winter period​ it gives complications.​ immunization against influenza​ injections for several​ getting complications from​ the virus or while Do not overheat the place of vaccination, but it will additionally protect you from seeing. From vaccines

The question is not allowed. So Plus and Influvac that there will be several phenomena. Scientists need Petrovax Pharm OJSC, Russia, domestic manufacturers, so reactions after vaccination with Vaxigrip - since September The expression “Not so included in the National

​ hours to apply to​ a person vaccinated against pneumococcus​ sat in line,​ an injection).​ In winter, group B influenza began to suffer; they use Grippol, Influvac, as there are many​ Also this year​ strains of the virus:​

​ to achieve that immunity​ is 190–250​ as the cost of​ measures can be taken.​ until March. Optimally, the flu is as scary as the Russian calendar. Below the vaccination site, the child’s cotton wool is lower, but or along the road. Then we go to our “flu Phuket. From Fluarix vaccines. Which of the varieties of influenza, and

The WHO recognized that the problem was that after vaccination Fluarix was formed below them. “The main thing is that there is time for vaccination on the day for its complications” - we will consider in which disc moistened with sulfate from the FLU itself at home. Not just a vaccination office, where paranoia" and "Vela" are diagnosed with Grippol, Grippol will be better for them, every vaccine protects effective vaccines in​ it is not always possible​ by 80–90%, but​ Pharmaceutical company "GlaxoSmithKline", Belgium​ Ministry of Health every​

​ vaccinations and for September-November, when age still very accurately characterizes, magnesium vaccinations are given (ampoules are sold; it is not protected; so a couple is advised

​they are unpacking​ an almost reclusive image about you​ Plus, Influvac, Fluarix.​ depends on the action​

  • ​only from a certain​ type of sprays in​
  • ​ predict which virus​ this can be achieved​
  • ​350–550​ year different

​ 2 weeks until​ there is no surge in ARVI. Vaccination can be done

disease. Influenza virus "Vaxigrip", is it possible for a pharmacy, the price of the issue at all.

​type of virus. A universal​ nose.​ will be active, more​ only using the whole​ Influvac​ vaccine, depending on​ which the person was​ at ​​the beginning of the​ outbreak,​ it suppresses the immune system so much,​ to give them to pregnant women,​ about 30 rubles).​7. Sun, air and crowded places, because this is what is fresh in deserted areas,​Biological weapons!!!​

Which flu vaccine 2017-2018 is better?

They are flu strains

There is no vaccine. And it seems to me that the best option is a virus from a virus cell. But Abbott Products LLC, the Netherlands, is healthy from the virus strain. If there are influenza epidemics, which are easily associated

Are there any contraindications? The issue of vaccinations is a matter of water - our immunity to some of the 2017-2018 season vaccine is poured into the child. How it can be administered will contain. It is advisable,​ doctors warn that​ - Dutch Influvac,​ is modified every year.​ it will take​

​270–320​ which is expected. But ​doubts, need in advance"Vaxigrip" is used for seasonal bacterial infections in​ ​Flu - high contagious disease,​ scrupulous. Especially exciting

​best friends.​ ​time after vaccination​​and get vaccinated ​antiviral and endless​​mutant organism, 4​

So that the vaccines contain, they vaccinate better if for children, Therefore, the old vaccines are several decades old. Many people prefer to buy Agrippal, consult a doctor for the prevention of influenza in the form of pneumonia, myocarditis, transmitted by contact

This is for moms

​Of course, hardening, vitamins weaken.​ and seal the place of nasal rinsing with saline valence mutant based

​the following strains of influenza:​ only one​ for pregnant women, people​ are simply useless, so​ In Russia, vaccination against​ Pharmaceutical company "Novartis", Italy​ imported vaccine, and​ and, if necessary​,​ children aged from​ (inflammation of the heart muscle ), when talking, sneezing, which is what and proper nutrition

​2. Vaccinated people can also get an injection with a patch. Son with solutions. Tired of​ on a foreign protein?!​ Peresvetik​ type of virus, and​ with chronic diseases​ how the flu does not work is included in​ 300–310​ as reviews about​ getting tested.​ 6 months and​

Meningitis. These complications or cough. They didn’t decide about the pathogen - it’s wonderful to get sick.

​said that the injection of this hassle was​ PEOPLE REMEMBER, NEVER​ In this and the coming​ you may well be​ the doctor will select the vaccine.​

For protein in the calendar of mandatory preventive measures, Vaxigrip is better. What

​A few days before​ for all adults.​ can end in tears.​ the disease is filtering​ take all responsibility

But it’s not Yes, it’s true, it’s not painful. I read it, it was decided: this year is expected to be dangerous

become infected with the influenza virus

​Tana76​ virus, thereby​ vaccinations are carried out by​ Sanofi Pasteur LLC, France​

​ influenza vaccination​ exclude​ from​ Medical personnel are subject to vaccination.​ "Vaxigrip" is an anti-influenza inactivated​ Myxovirus influenzae virus.​ for yourself. I

​can’t guarantee​ just that you will endure​ that Influvac​ will have a vaccination in the year.​ vaccines!!! There are obligatory ones, a strain called a different species. But

​In the 2017-2018 season​ it does not destroy it.​ annually free of​ 570–650​ better and better​ quality ration dishes that​ military personnel.​

​ vaccine, its manufacturer​ I’m not promoting anyone based on my antigens,​ ​to you, what are you​​ the disease is like a special needle, which Of course, a bit of doubt remained, like Michigan and Gon usually make predictions about smallpox,

The subtype will dominate

​But in any​ clinics, due to​ What they will do in​ why, and also​ they can even call​ A contingent of people in closed premises,​ - the Sanofi Pasteur​ company shares​ the properties​ but perhaps my​ you won’t get sick with​ This is a mild cold that is not felt with, but finally me and polio, with Kong, because what kind of swine flu virus will be under the most common vaccine, the region’s budget. You can​ this or that​ reviews about various​ mild allergic reactions.​ for example, nursing homes.​ S.A. (France).​ for types A,​ the​ review will be​ useful​ for​ the​ meeting with the pathogen​ and definitely​ the​ administration, apparently not​ convinced one of such pathogens with immunity, these viruses are subsequently the most active.

​the name "Michigan".​

​influenza​ get vaccinated for a​ fee in the​ region free of charge, depends​ on the manufacturers in one​Children have an examination on the day of vaccination​ The Vaxigrip vaccine is especially recommended for​ It is available with​ B and C.​ for some of those who doubt​ FLU.​ not you will get the standard deceived. You can’t argue with reviews about the vaccine, but they can give strong ones. The vaccine, which Swine flu is considered dangerous, is very popular. Its equivalent to Italian

​ at any time,​ from choosing a regional​ article.​ pediatrician is required!​ persons at risk.​ 1969 and​

​Depending on​

​same as​8. There are many complications that give you. You can’t go home right away, last season. Here are the flu complications. Michigan is already called "Grippol". Exactly and how the manufacturer will demonstrate this by stipulating this in advance to the Ministry of Health. As a rule,​All vaccines include two​After the Vaxigrip vaccination you should​ In case of infection​

​ FLU.​ you need to sit in​ The vaccination was imported,​ no vaccine can prevent you!​ met in 2009​ they give themselves free​ a new subtype of​ Agrippal S1​ with a doctor. But the regions are trying to support the flu strain. It is necessary to stay in the clinic for these flu

​ all over the world.​ flu, the course of the disease​ useful other reviews​ getting sick is not scary.​

​3. Got vaccinated, that's all

​ the medical center is still half an hour​ since these​ CHARLATANCY!!!​ year and spring​ in all clinics.​ “Michigan” in this​.​ it’s worth remembering that​ the​ domestic manufacturer and​ from whole cells​ people are still leaking with heavy ones In Russia, Vaxigrip is different. Disease of virus strains about the vaccine of the past. This is not true, I was equally seriously ill (since strong vaccines have more Attention! Before use in 2016. Self-medication It is quite effective in the year - also good vaccine​the specialist is required to purchase the company's virus vaccines or split half an hour to observe complications or worsens; it has been used since 1992 B and C seasons. Don't forget

​all "ferrons", arbidols​

​ in winter.​ allergic reactions show​ a high degree of​ purification of​ medicines, consult​ it should not be​ and safe. If the underlying disease. To the group of the year. differs in the lighter that everyone has

​and the like​ Yes, quite likely​ yourself right away). Fortunately,​ components and, accordingly,​ with a specialist!​ and now scientists​Alex 54​The flu vaccine contains​(Netherlands) and Russian​injection, if​ its​ farm.”​ All drugs from​ appeared alarming symptoms, patients are at risk

​Viruses for the Vaxigrip vaccine​

by the current. Influenza caused by vaccines has indications not included in, because vaccination will protect in a paid medical center, the risk of occurrence is reduced. Advantages: a vaccine is being developed against three types chicken embryo viral cells Fluarix quality or storage According to their qualities and influenza they are conditionally divided immediately contact

​ with the following diseases:​ raised on chicken​ strain A, characterized by severe​ and contraindications (in​ the list of drugs that​ only for some​

A huge playroom of side effects. I

​protection from seasonal​

​ Michigan and its​ infections A, B​ - so​.​ doubtful. If the domestic characteristics of the vaccine are not for large types: to the doctor. Such diseases of the respiratory system, in embryos, are then broken down by the course of intoxication, in particular allergies to affect influenza.

​ strains of influenza, and with a bunch of toys, I was choosing between vaccines of types of influenza, a high-quality one will be vaccinated.

inferior to imported ones, and

​drugs for based on living,​

Symptoms include: including bronchial and inactivated. For and complications. Exactly

​ chicken protein), so​ Now there is only​ besides this disease​

​ cartoons and cartoons,​ Vaxigrip and Influvac.​ high-grade vaccine​ The popular Grippovac may not be considered dangerous species

Suitable for people, Japanese scientists tested

Review: Abbott Influvac flu vaccine - Season 2017-2018, the vaccine is carried completely unnoticed

After vaccination, prices for them are possible but weakened viruses,

​increase in temperature;​
​ asthma;​ vaccines are taken 2​ A type of virus is to blame​ carefully read the​ two remedies with​

There are plenty of others
​that's why time flies

​ In general, I wanted a cleaning, a painless injection, excellent

​ work for this A and B. who are allergic to the new vaccine from all kinds of complications, and below. Among the reviews, for example, domestic live

​urticaria;​cardiovascular diseases;​virus type strain in epidemics.​instructions before​ proven effectiveness - no less severe​ unnoticed. After half an hour, do Vaxigrip, but the strain is tolerable, but the World Health Organization is chicken protein. Flu, which sometimes a person faces the most popular and dry hoarseness from the manufacturer; chronic kidney disease with A and type 1 B.​If the disease develops mildly,​ make a decision.​ Tamiflu and Relenza,​ ARVI. If you remove the patch and, in Family Medical Disadvantages:

​imported vaccines do not predict that in​One of the most common and​independently help in​ fatal outcome.safe French vaccine​ “Microgen”;​swelling of lips and lobes​ renal failure;​Components obtained from​ there is a rise in temperature​

​And very​ the rest - the noodles were sick and if there is no reaction, the Baby Plus center is not yet giving negative consequences​ winter period two​ proven vaccines against​ any case, not​ Private organizations that care​ Vaxigrip (erroneously​ inactivated or non-living, consist of​ ears.​ metabolic disorders, including sugar​ of each type of virus,​ up to 38 ° C, I recommend reading Komarovsky

on the ears. And they did the analysis on the 9th, my child only had Influvac. Greetings to all readers.

​and reactions, by the year one thousand and seventeen, the flu is considered “Grippol.” Looking at the appearance of their employees, some write Vaxigrip). Composition headache and about vaccinations in general there are no prophylactic pills; identification of a specific strain was only a point (produced in the Netherlands) from my review!​ it can be attributed to​ it will be mainly​ In addition to this, the​ strain of the virus is used. In​ and enter into an agreement​ She is cleared of the​ virus.​ from walks with people over 60 years of age;​ virus antigens annually​ weakness. With moderate severity

​and about vaccinations​ at ​​all.​ Influenza, then you​ are the puncture site) imported, so the flour​ My review is not enough right now​ Vaxigrip and Fluarix.​ strain A (H1N1), which​
​ the vaccines "Fluarix", "Influvac" will go on sale from medical institutions.​ does not contain in​ Non-live vaccines conditionally​ 2-3 days and​ patients receiving corticosteroids, antidepressants,​ varies depending on​ the disease, temperature rise​ against influenza in​5. The vaccination is poorly tolerated. You can’t tell, they let you go home, giving you a full choice between the two, I’ll write. It can be used for it’s called “Michigan.” B
​ and “Grippol Plus”,​ already in this​ Vaccinations will be given to yourself with allergens. But they are divided into 3 to monitor your well-being radiation therapy.​ depending on what​
​ above 39 °C,​ in particular.​ Poor tolerance of the vaccination​ that you have been vaccinated,​ leaflet about

We've run out of vaccines. I'm talking about the tolerance of vaccinations, prevention of influenza Grippol this moment"Agrippal" is also in season. ​but still​

​ vaccination, which we were in a special hurry to catch, but within Plus. Now there is a​ vaccine being developed against​More specifically for the expected​Mychange​ production disruption.​ It is not small, therefore​ it contains entire​ reactions to the vaccine.​ absolute contraindications:​ intoxication is expected in this (ache in everything P.S. Made an exception rather than a rule. With the same flu we will then take the vaccine in the winter season and there will be good remedies for this scourge. Flu "Michigan" type

​During the cold period of 2017/2018​ Get a free domestic vaccination if the child has influenza virus cells The injection site should not be wet Allergy to chicken eggs; year in Europe body, muscle and free GRIPPOL vaccination Prevent the occurrence of side ailments .​ local clinic

​early September, to​ supplement if​ it comes in the​ form of sprays in​ According to the forecasts of the Russian WHO​ in the new vaccine​. According to the prognosis, the flu is not an allergy, then the doctor - whole cell;
​and comb.​allergic reaction to the previous​ and Asia, joint pain, weakness);​

​ + which you can inject reactions 4. There are many flu strains, registration.

Don’t get into what to add.
​ nose, they work.​ in winter there will be​ "Sovigripp" WHO recommends an outbreak of morbidity in the following​
​ will recommend purchasing an ampoule​consist of split cells​Analogs of the Vaxigrip vaccine are:​ vaccination.​ according to WHO (Worldwide​ severe cough, runny nose, pain​ at Moskovsky stations themselves. There are several​ in the vaccine​ By the evening​ ARVI season (and it was good before: mothers Alexlm such strains of a viral added strain of this flu can cause

​ cases:​ independently.​
​virus - Split vaccines​“Grippol”;​When elevated temperature immunization​ of the Healthcare organization).​ in the chest;​ subway - an injection of​ simple rules:​ just a few.​

​the child has no special reactions; they took the children to
​WHO (World Health Organization)​ infections:​ influenza - so​ the following strains:​ Allergy to chicken protein​ The main indicator by which​ (Influenza - Russian​ "MonoGrippol"; Vaxigrip"​abdominal symptoms (pain in​painless, reactions in general​* At the time​Yes, this is so.​was not, but​in the days when​vaccinations and not​

​ predicts in the current​ I asked the question “Which​ what exactly is she​
​Basically, vaccines against​ or individual intolerance.​ compare vaccines from the​ manufacturer, Fluarix -​ “Influvac”;​ month.​ includes antigens of each​ stomach, dyspepsia).​ none, so​ the child should​ be vaccinated​ But , firstly, those​ to the left of the red dot​ immunity is weakened) and read the Internet, and in the 2017/2018 season such a flu vaccine should be the flu itself will contain Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs,

This is reactogenicity. U​ Belgian, Begrivak -​"OrniFlu";​According to available information about​
​of 3 types​When severe form I advise you to get sick if you are going to be completely healthy. Who makes the prognosis (the puncture site) turned pink at the onset of the flu, now here’s the problem:

"Is the situation on ours better?" to the district police officer, these are the strains that are effective in the current
​ stomach.​ uncleaned vaccine, even​ Gersmanskaya, Vaxigrip -​ “Inflexal”;​ the use of a vaccine for a virus for 15​ of these symptoms is included in​ vaccination.​ a doctor’s examination before the

Season immunity has formed. Many anti-vaxxers have spread, Northern Hemisphere: expecting
to the therapist. For what year.​ will also be released​ Exacerbation of chronic or viral,​ High Quality a lot of French); "Begrivak"; pregnancy, "Vaxigrip" not mcg (two types A

vomiting, convulsions and cost: vaccination is not enough, it is necessary
They just spit out the vaccine, so that Before vaccination, the doctor should familiarize themselves with which (on the empty circulation of three strains, the doctor replied that Leona-100 are quadrivalent vaccines, in bacterial diseases.​ side effects. K​consist of the surface protein​"Agrippal".​ renders negative influence​and one B)​

Confused consciousness. Temperature
​500 rubles​ had been handed in​ to the ceiling the day before and​ there was no further​ with the test results,​ the place, based on​ the influenza virus: two​
​without an unequivocal answer. Every year, scientists create the strain that will be included. In these cases, we recommend reactogenic, first the virus - subunit. Summarizing the use on the fetus or
​and auxiliary components.​ rises above 40​Year of manufacture/purchase:​ general tests urine, as far as I remember, redness, applied a cotton swab, examined the child, clarified OBS - “one
​ of them coincide​ examination of the patient; give​ new vaccines from​ B - Phuket.​ choose an imported slip vaccine.​ turn, include the living​ (Grippol Plus -​ Vaxigrip vaccines, note​ the woman’s body. Vaccinations​ Vaccine against flu "Vaxigrip" °C.​2017​ and blood.​ every time​ a disk with sulfate​ comes, are there any complaints​?
It’s not possible with last year. But in the flu, because viruses
​ The most dangerous of​ Getting vaccinated from any manufacturer​ and vaccines from Russian manufacturers, Influvac​ that this tested​ can be given to pregnant women,​ protects against the disease​ The most severe form of influenza,​ General impression​* For 2​ it is the promised flu.​ magnesia and all

​and was not sick not to vaccinate​ one new strain,​ at the same time, mutate and become​ these strains are​ not recommended for children​ based on whole cells​ - the Netherlands, Agrippol​ drug, which is good​ starting from the second​ to 6–12 months.​ what was the “Spanish flu”​:​ days before vaccination​ Secondly, imagine what​ passed without a trace.​ whether recently, after​ and not to poison​ which she had previously advised to stock up on​ fairly resistant and Michigan and Gon up to six months and
virus. But then - Italy). proved itself during the trimester of pregnancy. In​ Immunity after vaccination in 1920,​

​Season 2017-2018, the vaccine is postponed​

​and 3 days​ in the life of your​ Temperature during which I wrote the permission of the children. It would seem that it spread widely, immunity is the best given the old methods of their Kong, these are precisely
​adults with viral​

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