Home Oral cavity All about wisdom teeth treatment. Symptoms of wisdom tooth eruption

All about wisdom teeth treatment. Symptoms of wisdom tooth eruption

All elements of the dental series are necessary for the body. A wisdom tooth is no exception; it is necessary to treat or remove it when it is destroyed. To decide whether it is worth filling, you need to weigh the pros and cons. A hasty decision can lead to irreversible consequences.

There is no clear opinion on whether it is worth treating a wisdom tooth. Some dentists believe that the figure eight is as necessary for the body as the appendix, although no important function does not fulfill. Others are confident in its uselessness, considering this tooth an unnecessary rudiment that should be removed, and the sooner the better.

Adherents of the second position say that the process of molar growth is accompanied by problems - strong pain, the temperature rises. In some cases, the gum has to be cut and sometimes the top horizontal layer (hood) covering the figure eight has to be removed to allow the tooth to fully grow.

Many doctors have long removed from the agenda the question of whether wisdom teeth can be treated. Dentists prefer to remove the rudiment for prevention. This is done in order not to disturb the formed dental row and not to expose the teeth to the risk of infection from an affected neighbor. Indeed, often the extreme molar appears destroyed or already affected by caries.

At the site where the problem element appears there are lymph nodes, nerve endings, blood vessels. Inflammation in this area is very painful.

If the tooth has grown, then the indications for removing it are:

  • Tilt towards the cheek. In this position, the dental surface will constantly be in contact with the inner surface of the cheek. This will lead to irritation, wounds, herpes, and the problem of whether to treat the wisdom tooth will lose its relevance. It must be removed.
  • Bias towards language. The consequences are similar to those described above. In both cases, normal chewing of food is disrupted. This leads to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation in the tongue can spread to the throat, leading to the development of laryngitis, pharyngitis and other diseases.
  • Incorrect growth with a tilt towards the adjacent tooth. This can damage the enamel of the seven, which will lead to caries.

  • Caries. The specific location makes it difficult to fully treat a wisdom tooth, since mouth opening is limited. The dentist does not have normal access to the figure eight. Therefore, it is almost impossible to treat/fill the root and tooth; it is easier to remove it immediately.
  • Inflammation of the hood. Often during growth, a space appears between the tooth and the tissue in which food debris accumulates. This leads to the development of pathogenic bacteria. Subsequently, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane develop. This disease is called pericoronitis. If the tooth is not damaged, the doctor may excise the hood. This saves the eight.

Another problem with filling is root curl. It is difficult for a dentist to manipulate such roots. For effective treatment X-ray of the gums is taken from the wisdom tooth. It helps to accurately determine the position of the root. Even so, it is difficult to perform manipulations, since the eight is at the end of the row and access to it is limited.

Chronic inflammation of a tooth can occur without pain and at the same time destroy it to the ground. Due to its distant location, the doctor is not always able to conduct a good examination, which means the lesion will go unnoticed and will develop for a long time.

Pain can be triggered by another disease - a cold, stress, weakened immunity or climate change. An infection from a diseased molar can spread not only to the oral mucosa, but also to the entire body.

Treatment of a wisdom tooth is not carried out if it is affected by caries. After examination, the doctor decides to remove the rudiment.

Dentists do not always strive to remove the extreme molar, but try to treat it. Like any other, it is involved in the process of chewing food. If there is an antagonist (located on the opposite jaw) with which the figure eight comes into contact during biting, chewing occurs more efficiently.

When the figure eight is removed, the usual load on the antagonist will be disrupted, which will lead to its deformation. Consequently - tissue damage is already on the opposite side with all the ensuing consequences– inflammation, caries. If the situation is neglected, the teeth adjacent to the antagonist may be damaged. Therefore, with minor lesions, you should not remove the eight.

Support for prosthesis

If the position of the upper part of the molar is strictly vertical and the tissues are healthy, it can serve as a support for installing a dental prosthesis. With its help you can do without an implant. If there is no seven or six, such an element will be a salvation when installing a bridge prosthesis. In such cases, wisdom teeth are usually treated.

Many doctors consider this point of view controversial, arguing that the probability of an even eight appearing is very small. Therefore, there is no need to fight for it and try to preserve it. In addition, the chances are that by the time the dentures are installed, the molar will remain intact. healthy looking, even less.

Implants successfully serve as a supporting element when installing dentures, so the issue of preserving the outermost molar for the sake of future restoration of the dental row is off the agenda.

Dental system element

Another argument for preserving the outermost tooth is that it strengthens the dental arch. In dentistry there is a term – dentoalveolar system. If it is not maintained, the seven may move to the side. If the extreme molar is removed, this will lead to a violation of the density of the entire row. Six will begin to move behind the seven. This process will lead to disruption of the stability of all teeth.

If you choose the latter to treat a wisdom tooth or remove it, gaps will appear between the teeth in which food debris will begin to accumulate. With poor hygiene, this can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the development.

In addition, in the absence of the figure eight, chewing food becomes less thorough. The load on the molars changes, which leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, deformation and disruption of the density of dental tissues, their loosening and loss.

Specifics of removal

The outermost tooth is removed using standard methods. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia. The doctor does a test to determine the body's response to the painkiller. After this, the medicine is injected into the gums. In rare cases, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

  • the patient took painkillers for a long time;
  • there is pus in the gum;
  • the diseased molar was not treated for a long time.

If inflammation is accompanied by purulent infection, the wound is treated with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medications. After removal, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Curvature of the roots leads to the fact that treatment of a wisdom tooth or removal of the entire ligament is difficult, and therefore the wound in the gum remains too large and cannot heal on its own. The surgeon is obliged.

After surgery, the patient cannot eat for three hours. While the gums are stitched, you should avoid hot or cold foods and limit the consumption of solid foods. You must appear at the time appointed by the dentist to remove the sutures.

If you don't get rid of the tooth in time

At the time of the appearance of a molar, the entire bone is occupied by previously formed teeth. There is not enough space left in the jaw for normal growth and development of a new element. He starts, and the deformation occurs according to the “domino” principle. In such a situation, few people treat wisdom teeth.

Those who have straightened their teeth with braces or installed implants are in a particularly difficult position. The eruption of a new element will reduce all efforts to zero, since the entire dental row will begin to move. In order to restore beautiful smile, you will have to re-align. However, in mature age this will be much more difficult to do than in adolescence, when the gums have not yet become stronger.

There are even more dangerous consequences abnormal growth of extreme molars:

  • figure eight roots can grow into maxillary sinuses. If inflammation occurs and the process affects this area, the consequences can be serious;
  • painful eruption can cause the appearance of a gum cyst. This situation will require tooth extraction and treatment of gum tissue;
  • Chronic inflammation in the figure eight area can lead to facial neuralgia.

So what to do

As soon as the gums become inflamed at the site of the supposed figure eight, you need to consult a dentist. The doctor will assess the situation from a professional point of view: he will determine whether there is enough space for the new element, whether an incision needs to be made so that the eruption occurs less traumaticly. An attempt to preserve the eight may lead to the subsequent need to treat the wisdom tooth.

Most people act on the principle - no extreme molar, no problem, and decide to remove it immediately. Highly qualified dentists perform successful treatment wisdom teeth, despite the fact that they are difficult to restore.

What to do after wisdom tooth removal

If you are lucky and the patient gets rid of the problem in time, no difficulties arise. The dental row remains in its position and no adjustment is required. If the operation was carried out after the outermost tooth had time to “harm its neighbors,” the resulting defects are assessed. IN difficult cases you have to treat or remove the seven.

The human jaw is finally formed at the age of 22-27 years. By this time, he should have 32 molars, 16 on top and bottom. Third molars or “eights” erupt much later, from 17-18 years of age. Because of this, they got their well-known name.

What is a wisdom tooth?

All molars have an identical structure and almost the same number of roots. "Eight" wisdom tooth is no exception. It consists of the following elements:

  • roots and root canals;
  • pulp chamber;
  • dentin layer;
  • enamel.

The only difference between the “eight” tooth and standard molars is the period of its eruption. It begins to form at the age of 6-7 years in the jaw cavity. Gradually, the wisdom tooth increases in size (mainly the coronal part and the pulp chamber). By the age of 15-17, roots begin to form, resulting in immediate growth.

How many wisdom teeth does a person have?

92% of the world's population develops 4 third molars, 2 each on the upper and lower jaw. Some people (about 0.1%) have 6 or more “eights”, sometimes they are not formed at all (about 8%). How many wisdom teeth will grow is affected by:

  • race;
  • heredity;
  • jaw sizes.

Are wisdom teeth necessary?

Progressive dentists have established that the formations in question are vestigial organs. Modern children are increasingly experiencing primary adentia of the third molars - a condition in which both the roots of the wisdom tooth and its crown part are missing. This is due to changes in the diet of mankind. Previously, people had to eat more rough and hard food, which led to increased jaw size. The development of civilization has led to the predominance of softer and processed dishes on the menu that do not require additional chewing surface.

A wisdom tooth is a residual molar that was necessary for primitive people, but has long lost its functions. It is no longer involved in the chewing process, and therefore is not an important part of the jaw apparatus. Theoretically, the “eight” can be useful in prosthetics as a support for fixing an attachment or clasp. More often, the third molar is removed due to the potential danger associated with its growth:

  • inflammatory processes (pericoronitis);
  • cysts and other neoplasms;
  • displacement of the dentition, crowding;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joints;
  • violations;
  • pathologies of the masticatory muscles;
  • neurological disorders and other problems.

The eruption of figure eights occurs individually for each person. All four third molars can grow at the same time, but more often they appear one at a time. If a wisdom tooth is cut, a lot of unpleasant symptoms are felt, many people experience complications in the form of inflammation and suppuration of the gums. Due to the cessation of jaw growth, there is too little space left for the “eights”, so their appearance is accompanied by severe pain.

When do wisdom teeth start to grow?

The standard age at which third molars erupt is 17-18 years. Sometimes only one wisdom tooth grows during this period, and the rest appear later, by the age of 27 at most. Later, the “eights” never erupt. The third molar is often confused with pericoronaritis, which occurs due to damage to the mucous tissue hood above the semi-impacted crown.

How a wisdom tooth grows - symptoms

Teething is accompanied by unpleasant signs that encourage a person to seek help from a dentist. A growing wisdom tooth causes the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain in the jaw, in the cheekbone area, radiating to the temple, throat, neck, ear;
  • increased body temperature;
  • difficulty trying to open your mouth.

If the third molar tooth (“eight”, wisdom) does not erupt completely or incorrectly, dangerous complications arise:

  • pericoronitis (purulent inflammation of the gums);
  • caries;
  • cheek damage;
  • pressure on the roots of the adjacent molar and others.

Why don't my wisdom teeth grow?

Some people have never encountered the problems listed above. There are only two explanations why wisdom teeth do not grow in adults. The first option is edentulous third molars. In this case, the “eights” were simply not formed in childhood. Their complete absence It is extremely rare, mainly in children born after 2000. More often there are only 2 molars (upper or lower).

The second reason why a wisdom tooth has not erupted is absolute or partial impaction. In this situation, the “eights” were finally formed, but could not grow. This occurs due to their incorrect location in the jaw cavity or lack of free space in the dentition. This scenario is considered dangerous, because impacted third molars lead to the destruction of adjacent roots, severe inflammation, and the appearance of tumors in the gums, neurological diseases and other pathologies.

Wisdom tooth hurts - what to do?

Unpleasant sensations when cutting through the “eight” can be conditionally classified into mild and dangerous. If your wisdom tooth hurts, the reasons are as follows:

  • slight inflammation of the gums due to a violation of its integrity;
  • pressure on adjacent teeth;
  • acute purulent pericoronitis.

Wisdom tooth grows and hurts

The described symptom always accompanies the eruption of the third molar due to rupture of the gum tissue. When a figure eight tooth emerges, it swells and turns red, and may appear minor bleeding. If the inflammation is weak and there is no pus, it is easy to cope with the presented problem at home:

  1. Limit the load on the growing wisdom tooth, try not to chew hard food on the side where it erupts.
  2. Rinse in the morning, mid-day and evening oral cavity Chlorhexidine solution for 1 minute.
  3. Immediately after antiseptic treatment, lubricate the gums with gel.
  4. With strong pain syndrome take a non-steroidal analgesic - Nimesil, Ketanov or any similar drug.

Sometimes the recommendations listed do not help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. In such situations, pain can be caused not only mild inflammation gums, but also by “figure eight” pressure on adjacent teeth. If you suspect this problem, you should immediately contact a specialist. Incorrect positioning of the crown of the third molar leads to the destruction of adjacent roots.

Inflamed wisdom tooth

When the growth of the “eight” continues for a very long time and is painful, pericoronitis often begins. This is an acute inflammation of the mucous hood over the third molar, accompanied by the release of a large amount of pus. A diseased wisdom tooth, especially in the presence of caries, can provoke severe consequences, up to sepsis. Pericoronitis can only be treated by a dentist; it cannot be dealt with on your own.

Tooth “eight” – treat or remove?

Doctors' opinions on the issue under consideration were divided. The decision about whether to remove a wisdom tooth in a particular situation rests with the qualified doctor with the consent of the patient, based on the following indicators:

  • location of the figure eight;
  • the impact of the growth of a problematic tooth on the entire jaw row;
  • integrity and general state crowns and roots;
  • the need to preserve the third molar for use in.

Modern doctors, practicing in developed countries of Europe and the USA, answer the question in the negative whether the “eight” tooth is treated. Among progressive dentists, it is customary to immediately pull out third molars immediately after they erupt, often all at the same time under general anesthesia. It is believed that the G8 has more potential threats than its intended benefits.

Wisdom tooth removal

The described procedure is a standard procedure in dental practice. There is a simple and complex removal of the “eight” tooth. View surgical intervention depends on whether the third molar has completely erupted, how long and tortuous its roots are, solid crown. Pulling out lower teeth is always harder than pulling out upper teeth. Such “eights” “sit” more tightly in the jaw and often have curved and intertwined roots.

How is a wisdom tooth removed?

If the procedure is simple, it is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Inspection. The doctor assesses the condition of the third molar, takes an anamnesis for allergic reactions and tolerance to certain medications.
  2. Anesthesia. Using an injection into the gum, the specialist numbs the working area. This is the only moment when a person is in pain; the rest of the time of manipulation the patient does not feel anything. If the lower wisdom tooth is removed, you should wait about a quarter of an hour for the drug to take effect. When removing the upper third molar – 4-5 minutes.
  3. Extraction. Using elevators or forceps, the dentist pulls out the “eight”. The hole is treated with an antiseptic and hemostatic agent, and sometimes closed with a sterile swab.

In the case of a complex procedure, careful preparation is required. How is the removal of the “eight” tooth carried out in the presence of impaction, inflammation or other problems:

  1. X-ray and medical history. Diagnostics are performed to establish the exact location of the third molar, the size, curvature and plexus of its roots.
  2. Anesthesia. In this situation, an increased amount of pain medication is used because the operation can last about 2 hours.
  3. Extraction. In case of complex removal, an incision in the gum and drilling is often necessary. bone tissue. When an impacted wisdom tooth is diagnosed, it is sometimes necessary to extract an adjacent molar to gain free access.
  4. Postoperative treatment. The dentist washes the wound with an antiseptic and sutures it.

The resulting wound requires careful care, detailed recommendations given by a specialist. The gums will heal faster after wisdom tooth removal if you strictly follow the doctor’s advice:

  1. Keep a sterile gauze swab in the hole for 20 minutes to stop bleeding. After the allotted time, it must be removed so that the wound does not become infected.
  2. Do not eat anything for 2-3 hours.
  3. Drink only warm drinks.
  4. Do not take hot baths for several days, do not use warm compresses, this can cause inflammation.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol until the wound begins to heal.
  6. Stop smoking for at least 4-5 hours.
  7. Do not touch the socket with your fingers or any objects, even sterile ones.
  8. Try not to open your mouth wide.
  9. Do not chew on the side of the extracted molar.
  10. Baths and rinses are allowed only if prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, doing them is strictly prohibited. Such procedures can lead to the washing out of the blood clot from the wound, which is necessary for its proper healing.

When the gums and jaw hurt very much after wisdom tooth removal, it is recommended to apply ice compresses to the cheek (change every 10 minutes, 3-4 times). If the cold does not help, you need to take a non-steroidal analgesic:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide and analogs.

The wisdom tooth is the eighth tooth in a row. Unlike the others, they are formed in a person not before birth, but already at the age of four to five years. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 16 and 27, but it happens that they do not appear at all. Dentists consider such cases to be the norm, not a pathology. Scientists believe that the eighth tooth is a vestigial organ, the need for which the body has lost. This is due to the fact that people no longer eat too hard food. As it were, to modern man Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of inconvenience. In what cases it is better to get rid of it, we will tell you in this article.

How is a wisdom tooth removed and why?

In fact, the indication for wisdom tooth removal is any inconvenience associated with it, as well as the risk of complications. The presence or absence of a number eight most often has no effect on the beauty of a smile, and in in this case It’s really easier to eliminate the cause than to deal with the consequences. Wisdom teeth also do not bear a functional load on the oral cavity. There are not many contraindications for getting rid of the figure eight: pregnancy, recent heart attack, second or third degree hypertension, or tooth growth in the area malignant formation. It is also possible to remove a wisdom tooth as a preventive measure, especially if the patient has already had problems with other eights. IN municipal dentistry It may be difficult to obtain a referral, but private clinics will be happy to undertake this procedure.

A wisdom tooth definitely needs to be removed in the following cases:

  • Lack of space in the dentition. In this case, when teething, the figure eight will shift neighboring teeth towards the center, which will ultimately lead to their deformation and malocclusion. In addition, if the patient has already been indicated for braces, the space freed up after removal will speed up the return of the teeth to their correct position.
  • The occurrence of caries. Due to the complex arrangement of the eights, they are difficult to clean, and sometimes their enamel is damaged even during teething. Caries can quickly spread to neighboring teeth, so delay medical intervention in this case it's not worth it.
  • Abnormal anatomical position in the row. Sometimes a wisdom tooth can grow at an angle towards the throat, tongue or cheek. This causes severe discomfort and constantly injures the oral cavity. Unhealed wounds can later lead to ulcers, chronic injury buccal mucosa.
  • The need for implants to restore teeth in the chewing area where the bone has atrophied. It happens that the sixth or seventh teeth are destroyed, but the wisdom tooth remains unharmed due to “inaction” or insufficient load.

How is an erupted wisdom tooth removed? Before the procedure, the dentist takes an x-ray to determine the location and structural features of the figure eight. The operation itself takes place under local anesthesia without any painful sensations for the patient. Doctors should definitely ask him about the presence allergic reaction on different drugs. After the painkiller takes effect, the doctor uses special instruments to extract the tooth and, if necessary, apply sutures. Basically, non-absorbable sutures are used for this, which are easily removed a few days after the intervention. On average, this procedure lasts ten minutes. Removal upper tooth wisdom is carried out a little faster than removing the bottom eight. This is due to the fact that the roots upper teeth have a less strong and tortuous structure.

Impacted and dystopic wisdom teeth

In addition to erupted wisdom teeth, patients often have so-called impacted teeth, which are completely hidden under the gum, as well as dystopic ones - with an incorrect location in the dentition, excessively inclined or rotated around its axis. Dystopia can be vertical, horizontal, medial (with a backward tilt), distal (with a forward tilt). Wisdom teeth are most often impacted and dystopic at the same time. In addition, there are also semi-impacted teeth that have not fully emerged from the gums. In cases where only part of the tooth is visible, a small hood pocket is formed between it and the gum. This phenomenon is fraught with the formation purulent inflammation - pericoronitis. In addition to pain in the tooth growth area, pericoronitis can cause migraines and fever. Also, indications for removing an impacted wisdom tooth are:

  • location of the figure eight in the follicular cyst;
  • osteomyelitis - inflammation of the jaw or its parts;
  • constant pain.

Wisdom tooth removal is a complete surgery which usually takes at least an hour. In this case, strong anesthesia is administered, since bone tissue may be affected during the operation. In some cases, intravenous sedation may be necessary. Because most of the wisdom tooth is embedded in bone, the doctor must peel away the gum to expose the bone and then saw the wisdom tooth into several pieces to remove it. Such operations are best performed by experienced surgeons and using piezosurgery, which involves the use of a special ultrasonic surgical knife that accurately and quickly makes incisions and cuts without injuring nearby tissues, the jaw nerve and blood vessels. The hole is washed with an antiseptic, and before suturing, an anti-inflammatory medicine is placed there at the discretion of the doctor. On average, this procedure lasts 60–90 minutes.

Wisdom tooth removal surgery: consequences and risks

After such operations, much attention should be paid to oral hygiene. Often, due to the fear of touching the damaged area, patients are afraid to clean the adjacent seventh teeth. And the accumulation of food debris and plaque near the healing hole often provokes complications during healing.

TO side effects after removing the figure eight, dentists attribute the growing painful sensations after easing of anesthesia, bleeding from the socket, slight increase body temperature and loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the tongue, cheek or lips. These symptoms are considered completely normal, but if they do not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor again. Note that the recovery process after such an intervention can be significantly facilitated if you follow a number of recommendations.

Oral care after wisdom tooth removal

To unpleasant symptoms after the removal of the wisdom tooth passed as quickly as possible, immediately after the procedure you need to hold a cotton swab in your mouth and hold it for at least half an hour to allow the blood to clot. It should be removed carefully so as not to damage the clot.

It is better not to eat during the first few hours to avoid inflammation of the socket after the removal of the figure eight.

Patients with a low pain threshold should consult with doctors in advance about painkillers. During the healing period of the wound, it is forbidden to use rinses, not counting special solutions prescribed by the doctor, and toothbrush can only be used on the opposite side.

For the first five to seven days after surgery, you should avoid sports and other activities. physical activity, smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as from consuming hot food and drinks.

Price issue

The average cost of a wisdom tooth removal procedure in Moscow is about 4,500 rubles. In order to remove the “complicated” eighth tooth with suppuration and inflammation, as well as to remove impacted and dystopic teeth, doctors will need more time and effort. And this will certainly affect the final cost of the operation: the price of the procedure in such cases will vary from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles. The cost of the operation is influenced not only by the degree of complexity of the intervention, but also by the location of the clinic, as well as its prestige and the qualifications of the specialist. In any case, the cost of the figure eight removal procedure is calculated for each patient individually. Some large clinics also hold various seasonal promotions and provide discount programs for regular customers.

The fear of dentists has been ingrained in most of us since childhood. It is clear that wisdom tooth removal is not the most pleasant process, but, fortunately, small dark offices with gloomy nurses are a thing of the past. Today, the most important component of any business is reputation, and any private clinic is interested in the loyalty of every visitor. To be sure of the quality of a medical institution, you should carefully study its website and read reviews on various Internet sites. You can easily return a defective item back to the store and deal with the consequences improper treatment it will be much more difficult. Health is a person’s main wealth, and you definitely shouldn’t skimp on it.

Which clinic can I go to for wisdom tooth removal?

Deciding to remove a wisdom tooth is not easy, but if the procedure is unavoidable, then, of course, you want it to take place without discomfort. Maxillofacial surgeon Roman Dmitrievich Bespalov talks about how to solve the problem without unnecessary stress:

“Removing a wisdom tooth is still an operation, albeit a simple one, and it should only be trusted to an experienced specialist who has mastered new technologies: 3D diagnostics, ultrasound and laser surgery. Inaccuracy in the actions of the doctor or incorrect recommendations for care can lead to complications. Therefore, the clinic and dentist must be chosen responsibly.

We use the latest equipment for digital diagnosis, planning and implementation surgical procedures, since dental surgery and implantation are the main areas of our activity.

Why are wisdom teeth more often removed than treated? Third molars are rudiments that have long lost their functions. The body gets along quite well without them. On the other hand, they can become a “backup option”, useful when installing a prosthesis.

Do “eights” need to be treated? Yes, definitely necessary. After all, this full tooth, who also suffers from caries and pulpitis. And an infection in the mouth is a danger of infecting the body. But when there is no point or possibility of treatment, removal is prescribed.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

Third molars erupt much later than their neighbors - at 20-26 years. Problems with them arise even at an early stage of growth. The jaw has formed, the teeth have taken their place, so the “eights” have to literally break through the gums, pushing away the neighboring molars.

This creates a number of problems - from excruciating pain and trigeminal neuralgia to malocclusions. Therefore, as a rule, wisdom teeth are removed. In the USA and Canada, they are eliminated immediately after eruption, for all patients, and this is considered the norm.

“Eights” quickly deteriorate due to their location in a hard-to-reach place, where it is difficult to reach with a toothbrush, not to mention floss. Bacterial plaque quickly accumulates on the surface of the enamel and the carious process begins.

It is difficult to treat extreme molars, so it is easier for both the doctor and the patient to remove the culprit of all troubles.

Indications for removal

  1. Atypical figure eight height.
  2. When the eighth tooth grows horizontally or at an angle, it puts pressure on the cheek or injures the adjacent tooth. This is called dystopia. It is necessary to remove the growing “eight” as soon as possible, otherwise chronic pain will increase.

  3. Jaw too narrow.
  4. If the patient has a narrow jaw, then there is no room left in the row for the eighth tooth. Chewing molars shift towards the central incisors, causing crowding in the smile area. To prevent this from happening, the “eight” is removed at the eruption stage.

  5. Pericoronitis.
  6. This is an inflammation of the gum hood hanging over the growing wisdom tooth. Accompanied by excruciating pain, swelling of the mucous membrane, accumulation of pus, general malaise and even fever. The doctor has to cut the hood, remove the problematic tooth and stitch the wound.

  7. Deep caries.
  8. If most of the enamel is damaged by caries, there is no longer any point in labor-intensive and expensive treatment. When there is nothing left to save, the destroyed crown must be removed. Moreover, the less healthy tissue left, the more difficult it is for the doctor to remove the remains.

  9. Inability to carry out treatment.
  10. If the tooth has curved roots or impassable channels, requires full treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis and others inflammatory diseases. The only way out of the situation is removal. The doctor makes the decision based on the X-ray readings.

Atypical figure eight height

When is the best time to save a tooth?

If the third molar grows normally, without damaging neighboring teeth or disturbing the bite, it is worth saving it. Firstly, it may be useful in the future as a support for a prosthesis. Secondly, you will not have to go through a complex, unpleasant and dangerous operation.

Missing adjacent 7th or 6th tooth

If the seventh, seventh and sixth teeth are missing, or they are in poor condition, the “eight” is used as a fastener for a bridge or removable denture.

Presence of an antagonist tooth

Antagonist teeth are a pair of closing molars on the upper and lower jaw. If you remove one “figure eight”, for example, on the lower jaw, then the antagonist on the upper row is deprived of the chewing load. It stops participating in chewing food, losing its functional load, and therefore moves out or becomes bent over time.


Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth?

No, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, which relieves pain. Dental surgeons use potent analgesics - a solution of lidocaine, ultracaine, etc. To extract several “eights” at once they use general anesthesia. You will not feel any physical discomfort during treatment “in your sleep”.

Is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth if it doesn’t hurt?

The absence of pain does not mean that the tooth is healthy. For example, chronic caries or cyst formation are practically asymptomatic. Only after a visual inspection and x-ray diagnostics the doctor will make a conclusion.

Why remove wisdom teeth before installing braces?

It is problematic third molars that are often the cause of crowded incisors and other deformities. Orthodontic correction with braces involves moving teeth to align the entire row. Third molars interfere with this process, so they are eliminated. This is common practice.

Is it possible to remove the “eight” during pregnancy?

No you can not. The operation ends in complications in 50% of cases, which is dangerous for the life and health of the baby. Therapeutic treatment is recommended. It is better to do this in the 2nd trimester, when the fetus is reliably protected by the placenta. But in case acute pain, consult a doctor.

How much does removal cost?

  • Regular removal costs 1000-1500 rubles.
  • The price for removing an impacted or dystopic wisdom tooth is 5,000-7,000 rubles.
  • Local anesthesia and x-rays cost another 400-500 rubles.

As you know, wisdom teeth are quite difficult to treat due to their anatomical features. Therefore, many people wonder: should they remove it? Indeed, they are treated long and labor-intensively, and their treatment is usually quite expensive. Moreover, with the appearance of such a tooth, a person may develop some complications. From this article you will learn whether it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth and what problems may arise with its eruption.

Is it worth removing wisdom teeth?

What is a wisdom tooth and why does it have such a name? Why is it customary to remove it? In fact, he is the most common tooth. It has the same structure as the rest of the teeth a person has. Dentists call it the “eight” because it is precisely the outermost one - the eighth in a row on either side of the lower and upper jaw. It follows from this that the maximum number of such eights in a person is four. However, it is not at all necessary that all people develop exactly four eights of wisdom. For some, they do not erupt at all.

What is a wisdom tooth needed for?

The wisdom tooth has such an unusual name because of the late period of eruption. The very first teeth a person has are milk teeth, which erupt between the ages of one and two years. Dairy teeth are replaced by permanent molars from 6 to 12 years, eights are the last to erupt between 18 and 27 years old. After 27 years, they can also erupt, but this happens extremely rarely.

From a medical point of view at this age human body stops its development and aging begins. This period coincides with the time of eruption of figure eights, hence the name.

Where did the widespread belief that eights need to be removed come from? They erupt differently for all people: for some quickly, for others it takes a long time and is painful. This is due to the fact that each person has a different jaw structure and size. If the jaw is too small, the wisdom tooth may not erupt at all or will erupt for a very long time and slowly move the remaining teeth away, making room for itself. Thus, teething can take up to several years and will occur with pain and complications.

What is a wisdom tooth for and is it really necessary for a person? Despite the fact that eights are considered “extra”, they still have there are some advantages. Subsequently, they can serve as a support in the case of bridge prosthetics. Moreover, the wisdom tooth will cope perfectly with chewing functions if the neighboring one has to be removed.

Of course, we can talk about advantages only when the figure eight is positioned correctly and has no complications. But as practice shows, in most cases it causes complications and other related problems.

Side effects of teething

Wisdom teeth can cause various complications, the most common of which is inflammation. As a rule, when teething occurs, the tissues located near it become inflamed. In this case, a tubercle covered with mucous membranes appears. Such a tubercle provokes further inflammation due to the gradual proliferation of bacteria. Inflammation can lead to the appearance of pus, resulting in the development of a disease called pericoronitis. Its symptoms:

If such symptoms occur, you should consult a dentist. Before seeing a doctor, you can relieve the pain with an anesthetic - analgin, ketorol and others. To rinse your mouth, you can prepare a cold solution: dissolve one teaspoon each of soda and salt in a glass of cold water.

With such a disease Do not heat the area of ​​inflammation using a heating pad or any other heat, do not rinse your mouth with a warm solution. Any heating accelerates the spread of bacteria. Do not place a painkiller tablet on the inflammation or sore area as this may cause an ulcer. You are unlikely to be able to relieve pain this way.

This disease is treated by cutting and opening the mucous “hood” formed over the figure eight. Next, thoroughly rinse the cavity and schedule an appointment. medical supplies with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. If a lot of pus forms after opening, a course of antibiotics is necessary. If the disease recurs, the tooth will most likely have to be removed.

Another common problem is the occurrence of caries. The reason for this is the inaccessible location of the eights. This prevents them from being thoroughly washed during daily cleaning of the oral cavity.

Sometimes, even when teething, figure eights have initial manifestations of caries and damaged enamel. This is due to the fact that they often erupt very tightly with the others, pressing the neighboring ones. Therefore, existing caries easily spreads to them. In case of caries, treatment by a dentist is mandatory. Only the doctor will decide what is necessary in a particular situation: to treat or remove.

Insufficient space for eruption is the reason for the development of another complication - malocclusion. At the same time, the erupting eights gradually move the adjacent molars, which, in turn, shift all the others to the center. As a result, crowding occurs and disruption of the normal arrangement of all teeth occurs.

In addition, these problems can cause even more serious ones: jaw cyst, inflammation of the branches trigeminal nerve and others. In such situations, the issue of wisdom tooth removal is always resolved in a positive way.

Should wisdom teeth be removed?

Should I keep my wisdom tooth or remove it? If this question bothers you, try listen to your condition. If its eruption does not cause you problems, and subsequently you do not find any of the complications listed above, then you have no need to tear out the figure eight. In any case, the decision about whether it needs to be pulled out will be made by your treating dentist. Therefore, if you have any pain in the area where the figure eight grows, you should immediately contact a specialist.

However, it is worth considering that complications may develop even after removal. As mentioned, treatment and removal almost always occur with some difficulties. Despite the presence of anesthesia, removing the figure eight is quite painful. This depends on a combination of the following factors:

As a rule, after removal, the eruption site takes a long and painful time to heal. Some complications may develop, such as a feeling of numbness in the mouth. This is normal, however, if such sensations do not go away within a week, you should consult a specialist.

Moreover, at the site of tooth extraction alveolitis may develop- inflammation of the socket. To prevent this, do not rinse your mouth after removal, as this can lead to infection and further development complications. If this does happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After the examination, the dentist will decide whether to remove the wisdom tooth. The decision whether to remove the eight will depend on the following factors:

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