Home Children's dentistry Staphylococcus aureus in mother's milk treatment. Reasons for the appearance of staphylococcus in breast milk and methods of combating it

Staphylococcus aureus in mother's milk treatment. Reasons for the appearance of staphylococcus in breast milk and methods of combating it

There is nothing more nutritious and beneficial for a baby than mother's milk. There is no product of this composition in nature. Unfortunately, during lactation, mothers sometimes suffer from infectious diseases. Does the infection get into women's milk? In order to discover in it causing disease microorganisms and decide on the advisability of continuing breastfeeding, the doctor recommends that the woman have her breast milk tested.

The healthiest food for a baby is its mother's milk.

How sterile is human milk?

Contrary to popular belief about the sterility of human milk, recent research by scientists has proven that it is quite natural and normal for this biological fluid the presence of certain microorganisms.

In the body of any person live various representatives of opportunistic microbes, which do not make themselves felt and do not bother their carrier.

They begin to actively reproduce and provoke disease only under certain conditions, such as:

  • improper or insufficient nutrition;
  • decrease in the body’s overall resistance to infections due to serious illness;
  • impaired intestinal absorption;
  • weakening of the body due to heavy physical or mental labor;
  • stressful situations, significant moral experiences.

The most dangerous of microbes is Staphylococcus aureus

What “insidious pests” do laboratory technicians most often find? Among them there are both almost harmless and dangerous enemies:

  • coli;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • enterococci;
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • Klebsiella;
  • streptococcus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus.

What is the harm from microbes from breast milk?

Infection with Staphylococcus aureus can cause a lot of suffering for both mother and her baby. This pest is armed with a microcapsule that helps it easily penetrate living tissues while maintaining its structure, as well as several types of poisons that destroy healthy cells.

Staphylococcus aureus provokes skin rashes

Staphylococcus aureus, which enters the baby's stomach through breast milk, can cause the following diseases:

  • purulent inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, such as multiple furunculosis;
  • illnesses respiratory tract(sinusitis, pleurisy, tonsillitis);
  • inflammation of the middle and inner ear(otitis);
  • digestive disorders (stomach pain, flatulence, frequent diarrhea, repeated vomiting).

In a nursing woman, a staphylococcal infection that has entered the mammary gland can cause purulent mastitis. With this disease, breastfeeding is absolutely impossible, and the child has to be transferred to artificial feeding.

You should know that staphylococcus living in breast milk, is highly resistant to a variety of species external influence and is destroyed only by certain antibacterial drugs. To completely get rid of it, you need to stock up on considerable patience and perseverance.

Infection through milk with Klebsiella, yeast-like fungi or coli will also not bring pleasure to the baby. As a result of their fermentation of lactose, gas is released in large quantities, causing the baby to suffer from frequent loose stools and bloating.

How does the infection enter milk?

Typically, pathogenic bacteria enter the ducts of the mammary gland, and then into the milk, through cracks in the epidermis of the nipples. Cracks appear when:

  • they remove the breast from the baby’s mouth with too sudden a movement;
  • the mother feeds the baby in an awkward position;
  • the mother allows the baby to nurse for a long time after he has had enough;
  • the nipples were not prepared for feeding the baby during pregnancy.

Detailed microbiological analysis Breast milk is useful not only because it can show the presence or absence of pathogens, but also because it makes it possible to determine for the identified microorganisms their resistance to certain antibiotics. All breastfeeding mothers, without exception, do not necessarily need to test breast milk for sterility. The doctor refers only those women who have a suspicion of mastitis and whose children suffer from analysis of the sterility of breast milk gastrointestinal disorders or skin diseases.

If a woman has signs of mastitis, the doctor will order a breast milk test.

If you have hyperemia and swelling of the gland, heat- these are sure signs of mastitis. Most likely, the test will find staphylococcus in her.

A woman should be wary and have her breast milk tested for staphylococcus if her baby has incessant diarrhea with greens and mucus, or uncontrollable vomiting. Or his skin is completely covered with pustules.

How to properly collect milk for analysis?

To collect milk for analysis, follow these recommendations:

  1. Prepare two glass or plastic disposable jars for analyzing breast milk - there should be separate containers for the left and right breasts.
  2. Boil glass jars with lids for 10 - 12 minutes; just wash plastic ones with warm water.
  3. Make a mark on each container for the left and right breast.
  4. Wash your hands and breasts with warm water and baby soap.
  5. The first milk supply is not suitable for culture, so first express 10 ml from each breast into the sink and rinse the breasts again.
  6. Dry your breasts with a clean cloth.
  7. After this, express 10–15 ml from each gland into prepared jars and close them with lids.
  8. Very quickly deliver or take the jars of milk to the laboratory. Breast milk analysis should be done no later than 3 hours from the moment of expression.

A woman needs to be extremely careful when collecting milk for sowing. Bacteria from skin or clothing should not enter it.

In the laboratory, milk samples are sown on nutrient soil, where microorganisms grow rapidly. Simultaneously with determining the type and number of bacteria, their resistance to antibiotics is determined.

Expressing milk for testing

What could be the result of the analysis?

The test result is usually ready within a week. With this result woman walking to the doctor, who, if necessary, prescribes her a course of treatment.

Options for the development of events:

  1. Culture did not reveal the growth of microorganisms, that is, there are practically signs of sterility of breast milk. This is a rare case of result.
  2. The growth of epidermal staphylococcus or enterococcus in small quantities was detected. This result is the most common and indicates that there is no danger to the health of the mother and child, since these representatives of the microflora can exist in a healthy human body. You can safely continue breastfeeding.
  3. A nursing mother needs serious treatment if during culture, Staphylococcus aureus, yeast-like fungi or Klebsiella are found in breast milk.

A little about treatment

Evgeny Komarovsky in his videos says that if staphylococcus is detected in breast milk, but the woman has no symptoms of mastitis, then there is no need to stop breastfeeding. In this case, the woman is prescribed treatment with antiseptic drugs, which are not prohibited during lactation, and the baby is prescribed a course of lacto- and bifidobacteria to prevent digestive disorders.

If the mother has all the signs of purulent mastitis caused by staphylococcal infection, breastfeeding should be stopped until full recovery mother.

Milk still needs to be expressed regularly so that it does not go to waste, as well as to prevent complications. For mastitis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. If the baby managed to become infected with staphylococcus from his mother, then he is also given appropriate treatment.

Staphylococcus can appear in breast milk at any time during feeding. If a woman finds out about him, then she should not immediately panic. Self-medication will also not give the desired result. Only a doctor qualified in this matter will be able to outline the further course of treatment and advise on all issues of interest. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms in time and begin to eliminate them.

Features of the disease

The cocci group of bacteria includes spherical cells that are harmful to the body. When they multiply, you can see the connection between themselves and the union into clusters. The following cocci can have a negative effect on the human body: aureus, saprophytic and epidermal. The first of them is considered the most dangerous. Unfortunately, Staphylococcus aureus is found quite often in breast milk.

Features of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus:

  • This type infection cannot be damaged by exposure external factors. Bacteria continue to exist and multiply in the sun. Even drying out cannot lead to their death. It has been scientifically established that staphylococcus dies only when the air temperature increases to 150 degrees. Even alcohol and hydrogen peroxide cannot destroy it.
  • The microbe dies only under the influence of coagulase. This enzyme acts on the bacterium and causes it to clot, along with the blood surrounding it. Unfortunately, such a formation can travel throughout the body and cause purulent formation in any organ or a blood clot. Scientists were able to establish that it is under the influence of staphylococcus that a woman develops purulent mastitis.
  • For a nursing mother, the situation is dangerous due to the appearance of a large amount of poison in the body. This can subsequently lead to skin diseases in the baby. It becomes covered with large blisters that look like burns.
  • The bacterium is difficult to destroy because it can develop resistance to antibiotics.
  • For a woman, the most dangerous infection is one that was acquired in a hospital. This option is difficult to treat, so you will have to undergo a long course.
  • Transmission of the bacterium occurs not only through contact, but also through airborne droplets. The baby remains at risk of becoming infected while still in the womb.
  • The body of a healthy person easily copes with Staphylococcus aureus on its own. It can be found on the skin 80% healthy people. A weakened immune system poses a danger. A woman’s body is weakened after childbirth, so the microbe can easily begin to spread and multiply. The likelihood of infection spreading increases due to malnutrition and poor sleep patterns.

Staphylococcus aureus bacterium under a microscope

It is important for a woman to be attentive to herself. In this case, staphylococcus will not be detected in breast milk. That is why you need to do everything to quickly get yourself back into shape.

Research and diagnosis of staphylococcus

If the child or mother has no complaints, then there is also no reason to get tested. To correctly collect all the necessary information, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors. It should be noted that even during hand washing, harmful bacteria cannot be completely destroyed.

Breastfeeding milk can also be collected using a breast pump. However, at home it is impossible to completely destroy harmful bacteria even by boiling. The disease can also be transmitted to the baby through direct contact with the nipple. Staphylococcus constantly lives on the skin and can penetrate the milk at any time. It should be noted that if a bacterium was found in a lactation product, this does not mean that it lives inside the breast. To take tests, you must strictly adhere to a certain scheme.

Bacteria can be transmitted to the baby through cracks in the nipples

Staphylococcus during lactation

To date, there is no consensus on whether it is possible to breastfeed if Staphylococcus aureus is present. It all depends on individual characteristics the body of mother and child. Most often, there is no need for special treatment. It is important to monitor the baby's reaction. If no sign appears, then feeding can be safely continued. The condition of the baby is the main guideline.

Only in rare cases does a staphylococcal test show a high concentration. Breast milk is still considered the best food for a baby. No artificial composition can replace it. Lactation allows the baby to develop immunity to a large number of diseases. In the future they will protect his body from external negative factors and diseases.

To prevent the development of allergies and problems at work digestive system and other diseases, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast in the first minutes of life and feed milk. Breastfeeding specialists advise minimizing supplementary feeding and supplemental feeding in the first months of life. In this case, a healthy and strong baby is guaranteed to grow up, who will delight his parents throughout his life.

To treat dysbiosis in infants, “phages” are used. While taking them, it is not at all necessary to give up breast milk. Treatment of the mother also involves taking medications that are fully compatible with lactation. Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of remedies that will quickly restore health. Only in some cases is it necessary to express. In this case, it remains possible to continue feeding after the end of the treatment period.

IN medical practice There have been cases where a child received infection directly through milk. However, in such a situation, the baby was guaranteed to experience a decrease in the level of immunity. A newborn can introduce infection into the body through the umbilical cord. Also, a situation may arise if the rules are not followed during birth process. The likelihood of infection spreading increases even with mild heat rash.

Treatment of the disease

Not in all cases of illness can obvious signs be recorded. clinical manifestations. Testing breast milk for staphylococcus will reveal the concentration of bacteria and make a decision on the advisability of treatment.

If there are cracks on the chest, attention must be paid to their removal. In this case, children are guaranteed not to receive bacteria when feeding. Cracks facilitate the rapid penetration of staphylococcus into the body. If the breast is completely healthy, then the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero.

If mastitis is present, its treatment should be carried out in a timely manner. To select antibiotics, an antibiotic sensitivity test should be performed. In this case, it will be possible to choose the most effective drug. Only in case of an abscess will it be necessary to stop for a while breast-feeding.

In a woman, mastitis goes away with the following symptoms:

For treatment, drugs are used that are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. You should know the basic admission rules in advance. For example, Bromocriptine should not be taken for more than four days. Otherwise, you will have to stop breastfeeding for a while. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. A preliminary culture test is carried out to determine the body's sensitivity to them.

Chlorophyllipt helps to achieve quick results. It can be used in almost all possible bacterial locations. It is allowed to drink only after a doctor's prescription. Before this in mandatory a check is carried out for the presence of allergies to individual components of the drug.

Medicines, such as Bromocriptine, are used only as prescribed by a doctor.


The norm in a woman’s condition can be achieved by using the recipes of our grandmothers:

  • To eliminate cracked nipples, you can use a paste of apples and butter.
  • It is allowed to smear the cracks with celandine. With its help, healing will take place within just a few days.
  • You can also mix tangerine peel with licorice. This decoction is used for external lotions.

Today there are a large number of stamps of Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteria regularly modify and become resistant to antibiotics. That is why it is recommended that all relatives visit the woman in the hospital. In this case, it will be possible to prepare the baby’s body for discharge. Only in some departments it is not allowed to visit them. If bacteria are introduced in small quantities, then the organisms of the baby and mother are gradually prepared to face an aggressive environment.

All surfaces in the maternity hospital are regularly disinfected. This prevents the development of intrauterine infections. This process is called washing. That is why the woman is recommended to go to the department, which should soon be closed to carry out the process.

Staphylococcus aureus is constantly present in human life. It cannot have a negative impact if you lead a correct lifestyle and comply with all the requirements of hygiene and breastfeeding. In this case, the mother and child will not be in any danger.

Being the most suitable food for a newborn baby, mother's milk can contain various bacteria. Thus, Staphylococcus aureus in breast milk is Lately the phenomenon is not rare. It turns out that its inhabitants can be various microorganisms, including not very useful ones. You can identify them using special analysis. However, the presence of staphylococcus in milk does not always indicate the need therapeutic measures and stopping breastfeeding. There are not many good reasons for this.

Routes of infection

Staphylococcus belongs to the group of opportunistic microorganisms. They can live in the intestines, mucous membranes and skin surface without harm to humans. But when favorable conditions appear, they begin to actively reproduce and contribute to the development of some dangerous diseases.

Thus, activation of pathogenic microflora can be caused by exposure to factors such as:

  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • surgical intervention.


The result of the proliferation of staphylococcus is poisoning of the body with toxins. This manifests itself in the development of purulent inflammatory processes on mucous membranes, on the skin and in internal organs. Exacerbation staphylococcal infection can cause very dangerous diseases to health, such as pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis.

However, these unsafe conditions are caused by staphylococcus aureus. This pathogenic microorganism is highly resistant to various influences.

Staphylococcus enters mother's milk through cracks that form on the nipples. Damage may not always be visible. Sometimes a woman does not even suspect their presence, since they do not give her discomfort. Therefore, any, even microscopic, damage to the nipple should be treated with an antiseptic or aniline solutions. This could be methylene blue, brilliant green, Fukortsin. It is believed that staphylococcus is very sensitive to them.

Staphylococcus can enter breast milk through dry skin from the nipple. This happens when, before each feeding, the mother washes the nipples with soap and water with special care. It is highly undesirable to do this.

You can also protect your baby from getting staphylococcus through breast milk using special pads. They are put on the chest and then begin feeding.


You can recognize the presence of a staphylococcal infection in a mother by the following signs:

  • the appearance of cracks that are painful;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the nipples, accompanied by throbbing chest pain;
  • discharge of pus from the nipple.

If a woman observes at least one of listed signs, then she is recommended to test her breast milk for staphylococcus. To collect milk for analysis, you will need two sterile jars. First you need to thoroughly wash your hands and wipe your nipples. Then express the milk from each breast into a separate jar.

You cannot mix milk from different breasts. It will be enough for analysis to express 10 ml into each container. Expressed milk cannot be stored for a long time for analysis; it is necessary to deliver the material to the laboratory within 3 hours. The result will be known in 1 week.

In addition to identifying pathogenic microflora, the analysis will determine the sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to antibiotics. This is necessary for the correct selection of medications for treatment.

To check whether a staphylococcal infection has entered the baby’s body, you can have his stool analyzed for microflora. Material for analysis should be collected after the child has had a natural bowel movement without the use of any laxatives. Samples of the material are delivered to the laboratory in a sterile container. This must also be done within 3 hours. The result can be obtained in a few days.

Is treatment necessary?

The presence of staphylococcus in breast milk can lead to weight loss unpleasant consequences for a child. In most cases, this happens when the baby’s body is weakened and cannot resist an active infection.

Even if staphylococcus was detected in milk, this does not indicate that one or another should be taken medications for treatment. This applies to those cases when the presence of opportunistic microflora does not in any way affect the health and well-being of the child.

If such a need nevertheless arises, the pediatrician will select medications approved for use during lactation that will not affect the body of the mother and child. negative impact. Therefore, you should not stop breastfeeding during treatment. The exception is purulent mastitis.

It must be taken into account that unilateral treatment will not have any effect. In the presence of obvious signs staphylococcal infection medications should be received by mother and child at the same time.

Drug therapy includes the reception of such medicines:

  1. Probiotics. Maintains normal intestinal microflora of the child and mother.
  2. Antibiotics. Used to suppress infection. Selected and prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Antiseptics. They are used to treat the mammary glands to prevent further entry of pathogenic microorganisms into breast milk.

In addition to these measures, a woman who is breastfeeding is recommended to strengthen immune system, monitor hormonal levels, take vitamins and avoid exposure to factors that provoke reinfection.

As a preventive measure, a nursing woman is advised to avoid sweets and baked goods during breastfeeding, since these products create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. If the skin on the nipples is prone to cracks, then it is advisable to lubricate them with vitamin solutions. This will prevent trauma to delicate skin, improving its elasticity.


A child and staphylococcus - consultation with Dr. Komarovsky in our video.

Although breastfeeding is considered the most suitable for the baby, there may be some problems associated with it. For example, staphylococcus is sometimes found in breast milk. It is useful for the mother to know what to do in this case, whether it is possible to continue feeding the baby and how to avoid infection.

Where does staphylococcus come from?

Staphylococci are bacteria that cause the most various diseases. In small quantities they usually have no effect on the body. But under favorable conditions their concentration increases. As a result, consequences such as abdominal pain, digestive disorders, sore throat, otitis media, pneumonia and other diseases are possible.

Staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous. The bacterium has a golden color, for which it was given its name. It is in a microcapsule, thanks to which it easily penetrates into tissues. In a certain environment, it produces toxic substances and enzymes that have a destructive effect on cells. Immunity to staphylococcus is not developed, so repeated infections cannot be ruled out in the future.

If staphylococcus is found in breast milk, this means that the woman is a carrier of the bacteria. She could have become infected in one of the following ways.

  • Airborne. Often such infection occurs in hospitals, including maternity hospitals. Fight bacteria brought from medical institutions, is quite difficult, since they become resistant to antibiotics. To prevent their spread, these establishments must be properly sanitized.
  • Contact. The pathogen may be on objects common use, on stair railings, on handrails in transport and in other places. Therefore, you should wash your hands with soap on time.

Signs of staphylococcus in breast milk

Staphylococcus enters breast milk from the skin. The risk is especially high for cracked nipples, even microscopic ones, which do not cause painful sensations. A small amount of bacteria will not affect the baby’s body. But under certain conditions the risk of developing diseases increases:

  • if immunity is reduced, for example due to a cold;
  • if the child was born premature, does not gain weight well;
  • if the baby is on mixed feeding.

To determine whether an infection has actually occurred, a breast milk test for staphylococcus is needed. There is no point in taking it prophylactically only if the condition of the child or his mother causes concern.

Let's list possible symptoms development of staphylococcal infection.

  • Enterocolitis. The baby is restless because his tummy hurts. The stool is loose, frequent, and may contain mucus. All this is often accompanied by vomiting and fever.
  • Pemphigus. Are affected skin child, rashes appear on them that resemble bubbles with liquid.
  • . One of the most common signs staphylococcus in breast milk. The child's eyes become red and watery, purulent discharge, eyelids stick together.
  • Abscesses. The baby develops ulcers on his body, the skin around them is reddish. The toddler becomes lethargic and the temperature may rise. An abscess can also develop in a mother's breast affected by bacteria. This is a gradual process, it begins with lactostasis, turning into mastitis. It can be avoided if, during stagnation, you put the baby to the breast more often.

If any of these signs appear, you should take your child to the doctor. He will appoint necessary tests and then treatment.

Staphylococcus test

To determine the presence of staphylococcus in breast milk, you need to get tested. They do it this way. First, prepare the container: sterilize two jars and wipe them with a clean cloth. Then they begin to express. The first milk is poured out, then about 10 ml is collected.

To avoid cracked nipples, you can lubricate your breasts oil solution vitamins A and E. The skin will be more elastic and less prone to injury, which means that staphylococcus will not get into the milk.

It is worth paying attention that each breast is expressed into a separate jar. Liquids must not be mixed. The shelf life of the material is up to three hours, during which time it should be delivered to the laboratory. To prescribe treatment, the concentration of bacteria and their sensitivity to certain drugs will be determined.

Unfortunately, this research is not always informative; the result may be incorrect. After all, it is impossible to make a container completely sterile. If the analysis showed the presence of Staphylococcus epidermidis in breast milk, then the material was probably collected incorrectly. But Staphylococcus aureus in milk usually means infection with bacteria.

A baby may also need treatment. Then a stool microflora analysis will be prescribed. For reliability, the study is carried out several times with an interval of two days.

Is breastfeeding possible?

Although staphylococcus can provoke serious illnesses, its presence in breast milk does not always require cessation of breastfeeding. In fact, such a need arises quite rarely. And it should not be the presence of bacteria itself that causes it, but the state of health of the child and mother. If the baby feels great, the mother does not have any inflammatory processes, then a small amount of bacteria should not be scary.

You need to know what initially gets into milk beneficial bacteria from the intestines, which contribute to the normalization of the baby’s microflora. If a pathogen was detected, it got into the milk from the skin. Even if it moves into the child’s intestines, this does not mean that there will be any consequences. After all, breast milk contains many special substances that protect the baby from infections.

What treatment may be needed

In some situations, treatment cannot be avoided.

  • Staphylococcal mastitis. WHO does not recommend interrupting breastfeeding; therapy includes increasing the number of times the baby is put to the breast. For this disease you need to take antibiotics. The doctor selects those that can be combined with lactation.
  • Manifestation of staphylococcal infection in infants. A decision must be made on an individual basis. If in milk high titer bacteria, then temporary weaning is possible. But you should not just cure the baby, but figure out why his immunity is reduced.

Doctors may prescribe the following:

  • probiotics to normalize microflora;
  • to destroy pathogenic bacteria, herbal antiseptics with bacteriophages are recommended, such as “Chlorophyllipt” and “Rotokon” (the course of treatment is up to two weeks);
  • The same means, which are not dangerous for the child, are used to treat the breasts, as there may be cracks on them.

To normalize the condition of mother and child, you need to simultaneously act in different directions:

  • use antibiotics to suppress the infection;
  • strengthen the body's protective properties;
  • tidy up your hormonal levels and metabolism.


To avoid staphylococcal infections, mom should take care of prevention. It includes regular hygiene procedures. Other measures can be taken.

  • If cracks appear on the chest, it is recommended to treat the nipples with an aniline solution, such as brilliant green. These bacteria are quite sensitive to it.
  • For cracks during feeding, you should use special pads. They will allow the nipples to heal, protect against re-injury and protect the baby from infection.
  • You need to take care to learn how to properly attach your baby to the breast. It is because of the incorrect position of the child that cracks most often appear.
  • Don't get carried away and wash your breasts with soap too often. At the same time, the skin becomes dry, microcracks appear, through which pathogenic bacteria enter the milk.
  • Nutrition must be correct. Some products, such as baked goods, help create an environment favorable to pathogenic flora.

So, although staphylococcus is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause serious diseases, its presence in breast milk does not mean immediate refusal of breastfeeding. It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons, the condition of mother and child. At the same time, obvious manifestations of infection cannot be ignored.

Breast milk is the most valuable and nutrient For infant. Milk contains the necessary amount of all vitamins and minerals for the full growth of the child. It is worth understanding that breast milk cannot be sterilized and is used as is. The cause of staphylococcus can be an infection in mother's milk due to poor hygiene, late breastfeeding, introduction of complementary foods and breastfeeding at the same time. Staphylococcal infection may be present in various organs human and not cause any complications or diseases. If the mother good immunity, then staphylococcal bacteria will practically not multiply in milk. And if the immune system is weakened, then the infection spreads quite quickly, poisons the body with toxins, penetrates the mucous organs and causes inflammation.

Symptoms of staphylococcus include redness, swelling or cracks on the chest. If left untreated, infections get there and are then passed on to the child. After giving birth, you should immediately put the baby to the breast, this helps improve blood circulation, the process of colostrum and then milk will proceed as a natural phenomenon. If you do not immediately put the baby to the breast and express milk, this will lead to stagnation of milk, the breast will begin to harden, the milk will leak out on its own and can lead to mastitis. Which can lead to staphylococcal infection.

The baby may have diarrhea, a fever, and general state will get worse. If staphylococcus is detected in breast milk, you must stop breastfeeding and wait until the mother has fully recovered. During this period, the child should be given formula and it is advisable not to alternate with breastfeeding. If a child is infected from the mother, then begin treatment for both mother and child. Sterility should be maintained and not mixed; if milk is strained into one container, it is better to use different jars.

Analysis of breast milk to check for staphylococcus.

If you doubt the quality of your breast milk and have doubts and concerns, then get it tested and checked. To do this, prepare sterile dishes or jars, after boiling them for about 15 minutes. Start straining your breast milk; you don’t need to put the first portions straight into a jar, but somewhere else and pour it out. Then start expressing one breast first into one jar, then the second breast into a second jar and take it to the desired laboratory to check the presence of bacteriological culture and infections. Remember, no more than three hours should pass from the moment of pumping, otherwise the result will not be accurate. Laboratory technicians carefully examine the analysis for the presence of all existing infections and bacteria, if any. Then they issue a certificate indicating the number of bacteria present, and then you go directly to the doctor.

How to treat a nursing mother and child for staphylococcus.

Treatment for both mother and child should be comprehensive and bring benefits and results to both at once. The child's mother is treated with antibiotics and special antibacterial drugs and antiseptics. It is worth considering that it is not limited only to the use of drugs; among other things, you should treat the nipples with a special solution and do this regularly until all symptoms of the disease disappear. During treatment, you can continue to breastfeed, since the drugs themselves are absolutely harmless. As for the child, the doctor prescribes bifidobacteria and lactobacilli to prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis and of course good nutrition mother, which will raise and strengthen the immunity of not only the mother, but also the child. All procedures and treatment methods will be the key to the success of the fight against staphylococcus.

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