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39th week of pregnancy what month. Best posts on this topic

The 39th week may be the last week of pregnancy, or maybe not the last - it is quite difficult to predict the due date, and there is no point. For the expectant mother, something else is more important now - monitoring her well-being, counting the baby’s movements and getting proper rest.

Size, appearance and position of the fetus

The weight of the fetus at week 39 reaches 3.5 kg (but can be either 3 or 4 kg), height is 51-52 cm. The baby has a fairly large head, wide shoulders, a convex tummy, a narrow pelvis and legs, which may seem short compared to the body and arms. Folds and constrictions have already appeared on the baby’s arms and legs, and the larger the baby’s mass, the more pronounced these constrictions are. There is still a little protective lubricant left in the folds, but on the body it is practically gone. In the same way, vellus hair has disappeared from the baby’s body (a small amount of it can only remain on the shoulders). The skin has lost its redness and wrinkles. The marigolds completely covered the nail beds on the fingers. That is, the baby is now no different from a newborn.

At the 39th week of the prenatal period, the expectant mother may notice that the baby seems to have become calmer, and the stomach has stopped shaking. There is no need to worry about this. The baby simply does not have enough space and all he can do is lightly push his mother with his elbow, knee or heel. But what is very important is that a woman must feel these movements; the “rule of 10 movements” has not been canceled. If the tremors disappear, you should immediately consult a doctor.. Helps assess the baby's condition ultrasonography and cardiotocography (CTG).

By week 39, the fetus has already taken the position in the uterus in which it will be born. Normally, it should be longitudinal, head down, with the back of the head towards the internal os of the cervix. But in some cases the baby is located completely differently:

  • transverse;
  • obliquely;
  • or legs;
  • throws back the head and turns the forehead or face to the internal os of the cervix.

Most of these baby positions are indications for cesarean section.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The fundus of the uterus has dropped down a little, so it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe and eat at 39 weeks (the stomach and lungs are no longer supported by the uterus). And here bladder On the contrary, she now feels the highest pressure of her entire pregnancy, so she has to write almost every hour.

In general, the woman’s well-being remains consistently satisfactory - it cannot be called good, since preparation for the approaching birth makes itself felt constantly:

  • the pelvis diverges;
  • legs go numb and hurt;
  • the stool becomes liquefied.

At week 39, when she steps on the scale, the expectant mother may notice a weight loss of 1 or even 1.5 kg. This is absolutely normal. The body, in preparation for childbirth, tries to get rid of excess fluid and toxins that have accumulated in the intestines. That is why a pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often, “big” and “small”.

Placenta at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At week 39, the placenta begins to age - its thickness decreases, calcium deposits appear in the tissues, and blood flow in the vessels worsens. Of course, these changes affect the blood supply and provision of the baby with all the necessary substances, but not critically. Doctors believe that such stressful training is even useful for the baby before childbirth, during which there are always periods when the fetus begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. However, it happens that the baby's place begins to age prematurely and by the 39th week they almost completely lose all their functionality. In such conditions, the baby stops gaining weight and is constantly in a state of oxygen starvation.

It is possible to determine that the baby is unwell inside the uterus using CTG and Dopplerography. In addition, both the obstetrician-gynecologist, having listened to the fetal heart, and the expectant mother, monitoring the movements of her baby, may suspect something is wrong. Therefore, you should not ignore going to the antenatal clinic and monitoring physical activity baby in the last weeks of pregnancy.

There is another important point - aging of the placenta leads to the fact that it ceases to fulfill its barrier function. Now the baby can get pathogens, toxins, harmful chemical compounds etc. Therefore, the expectant mother should not forget about vigilance for a minute:

  • no self-medication;
  • no visiting crowded places where you can “pick up” something;
  • no experiments with food;
  • no general cleaning using strong household chemicals and home repairs.

Precursors of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother has most likely already become acquainted with the harbingers of childbirth, but if not, let us remind them:

  • Prolapse of the abdomen (the stomach begins to sag slightly downward).
  • The release of a lump of mucus from the vagina is a mucus plug that “clogs” the cervix throughout pregnancy and protects the baby from outside world.
  • Frequent training contractions.
  • Selection. It could have been released before, but not so abundantly.
  • The desire to “build a nest for your chick.”
  • Reducing body weight.

The appearance of any of specified symptoms does not mean that you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital. This is only evidence that labor will begin very soon (perhaps in a few days), so it is advisable for the expectant mother to carefully listen to her body.

Necessary examinations

At week 39, you should visit an observing gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Now this is more important than ever, since only a doctor can determine whether everything is fine with the baby and whether there is a reason for hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

During this visit, the doctor will do the following:

  • Ask about your well-being and complaints.
  • Will evaluate the results, which should be taken in advance.
  • Measures the patient's blood pressure, weight and abdominal parameters.
  • Listen to the fetal heart.
  • He feels the stomach to determine whether the baby is positioned correctly and whether his head has dropped into the mother’s pelvic area.
  • Check the woman's legs for swelling.
  • He will give a direction for CTG, if there are indications.

If a woman cannot give birth on her own (for example, if there are several scars on the uterus, if there is a narrow pelvis), at 39 weeks she will most likely be hospitalized and undergo a planned procedure.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

The peak of experiences for the expectant mother usually occurs at the end of pregnancy. How to understand that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital is one of the most exciting questions. To reassure themselves and their loved ones, some pregnant women turn to medical institution in advance and already there they wait for the start of labor. In fact, you can wait for the birth at home - there is nothing difficult or dangerous about it.

For the expectant mother At 39 weeks of pregnancy, you need to focus on several important points:

Also, the expectant mother needs to know about situations in which it is better to immediately call ambulance or go to the hospital on your own, without waiting for contractions to appear, the intervals between them to shorten, or amniotic fluid to leak out. Such situations include:

  • Severe pain - as if the uterus cannot completely relax between contractions.
  • A change in the nature of the baby’s movements - if the fetus has stopped moving altogether or has become very active.
  • Promotion blood pressure. It is advisable to check it if the expectant mother has a severe headache or blurred vision or “spots” appear.
  • The onset of labor in a woman with a multiple pregnancy.
  • Permanent and expectant mother.

When going to the maternity hospital, the main thing is not to panic! Important: do not forget to take documents with you (passport, exchange card, certificate issued antenatal clinic) and a prepared bag of things (it should already be in the room, packed, for at least 2 weeks).

At week 39, the stomach becomes hard, it becomes difficult to even take two steps, the lower back is so tight. For many mothers, the 39th week of pregnancy generally becomes the last week before giving birth; more precisely, it is at this stage that the main miracle occurs - the birth of a baby.

Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal movements

A very important self-diagnosis parameter at 39 weeks of pregnancy is fetal movements. Traditionally, about ten movements per day are considered the norm, and if the number of movements increases or decreases sharply, you should immediately call the doctor, perhaps something is wrong, and the baby is very uncomfortable, but he cannot tell about it.

39 weeks of pregnancy - harbingers of labor

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor make themselves felt to almost everyone, even if the actual birth of the baby occurs only in a few days. In any case, you need to be prepared and pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance, warn relatives about what to do and what to do, and not go out without an exchange card. Even to the bakery.

39 weeks of pregnancy - the stomach turns to stone

Some mothers can be very annoyed by the so-called training contractions, which the first time they just want to mistake them for real ones. But they are very easily distinguished from childbirth - false contractions are painless and irregular, they are accompanied only by slight discomfort in the abdomen and back. But if, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower back is pulled so that there is no strength to endure, the stomach turns to stone, and it seems that contractions become painful and regular, then this is already a sign of the process that has begun.

39 weeks pregnant

  • Your condition
  • your child
  • Feel
  • Discharge
  • Complaints
  • Stomach
  • Harbingers of childbirth
  • Video guide

Your condition

Anxious, difficult time, last month gestation is coming to an end. The 39th week of pregnancy for many has already been marked by a long-awaited meeting with their child, but some are still in a state of anticipation. This period is completely normal for childbirth, it will be called urgent and it can begin at any day and hour.

Do not go on long trips alone, even within hometown, and always have an exchange card and the necessary documents with you, especially if you are about to have a second or third birth, which always proceeds faster. If they start suddenly, only having the appropriate documents in hand guarantees you hospitalization in a pre-selected maternity hospital.

If you have a planned caesarean section, you should already be in the hospital.

  • Fruit weight: 3288 g on average
  • Fetal height: 50.7 cm on average


Hemoglobin level: 110-140 g/l

Obstetric examination:

  • VDM 35-38 cm
  • Abdominal circumference 98-100 cm
  • CTG 8-10 points

Ultrasound data:

  • Biparietal size: 93 mm
  • Fronto-occipital size 119 mm
  • Head circumference 335 cm
  • Abdominal circumference 342 mm
  • Length humerus 64 mm
  • Thigh length 74 mm
  • Circle chest 92 mm
  • IAZh 64-255
  • Placenta thickness 27.1-45.3 mm
  • Degree of placenta maturity 3

your child

The baby is at full term at 39 weeks of pregnancy, and is just waiting in the wings. His movements subside day by day, since every day there is less and less amniotic fluid, they decrease under the influence of hormones. Little water means little room to move. Almost all babies at this stage have already chosen their starting position for birth.

A breech position that has persisted until this period has almost no chance of correction (3-5% of children remain in the wrong position before childbirth). Your baby is now the same as he will be after birth. He has all the same reflexes as a normal newborn: his senses are developed, nervous system fully formed. Now even the rhythm of his life is approximately the same as it will be after childbirth: sleep and wakefulness replace each other, during periods of activity the baby sucks on everything and actively reacts to stimuli.

A loud sound, bright light, touching his mother’s belly makes him shudder, wince, and wave his arms (although there is little space and all his movements are felt like jolts). Overly active tremors, in the 9th month, mean a lack of oxygen or nutrients for the baby, you should tell your doctor about this.


The last weeks of pregnancy are, in fact, the most difficult days for the expectant mother, unless, of course, she had too much trouble at the beginning of her journey due to toxicosis. Maximum weight, belly size, various pains and inconveniences prevent her from even sleeping; insomnia is common. In general, all complaints of expectant mothers can be divided into those that are normal for this stage of pregnancy, and those that require special attention.


During this period, the discharge intensifies and changes its character. At the end of the pregnancy period, this indicates a change in hormonal levels and softening and maturation of the cervix - it is the main source of discharge.

Normally there are:

  • mucous membranes are transparent, light, whitish or yellowish discharge, not accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals. They do not irritate the skin or cause discomfort.
  • brown or bloody mucous discharge is possible. Blood is present in the form of small veins mixed with mucus. This is when the plug comes off before giving birth, which means you are almost ready for it.

Possible complaints and problems

The most frequent symptoms at 39 weeks of pregnancy (% of women surveyed):

  • Leg cramps 55%
  • Back and lower back pain 77%
  • Uterine contractions 60%

You need to see a doctor urgently if you have:

  • abundant bleeding or bleeding begins (call an ambulance)
  • if there is discharge bad smell, they are itchy, they are greenish or yellow.
  • white discharge, cheesy in appearance, accompanied by itching of the genitals, redness, is a symptom of thrush. Thrush at 39 weeks of pregnancy, just before birth, requires urgent treatment.
  • watery discharge that worsens with movement. It is quite possible that water is leaking.
Search by calendar: 1st trimester 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12 2nd trimester 13, 14, 15, 16 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 3rd trimester 26, 27, 28, 29 30, 31, 32, 33 34, 35, 36, 37 38, 39, 40


In most pregnant women, the belly has dropped by this time, however, if a second birth is coming, it may still be high. This happens because the muscles in the front abdominal wall, in multiparous women, are no longer so strong, so the baby’s head is not so easy to press against the pelvic bones.

The uterus is actively preparing for the upcoming work. The cramps you feel are called Braxton-Higgs or false, training contractions. The abdomen, at the same time, is hard, because “at the peak of the contraction” the tone of the uterus increases. False contractions are almost painless. They are not regular and go away almost immediately. If your stomach turns to stone with suspicious regularity, it aches and hurts, so that you can’t even think about anything else - these are most likely already harbingers of labor.

Other discomfort- maximum load on the spine, and it is completely natural that the back and lower back hurt. Gymnastics for pregnant women and a bandage are the usual recommendations for such pain; you can also try to take the knee-elbow position more often. This not only relieves your long-suffering back, but also improves blood circulation in the placenta and in your kidneys.

If you are worried about heartburn and nausea, the “fetal position” after eating will relieve discomfort, allowing the stomach to empty and food to pass on. Of course, you don’t always feel sick just because of pregnancy; if you have a stomach ache, vomiting, fever, you could be sick; if in doubt, don’t hesitate to visit a doctor.

The drooping of the child’s head disrupts the functioning of the intestines, serious constipation may appear, and hemorrhoids may worsen or manifest themselves for the first time. Constipation is not currently treated with medications; in most cases, a diet, daily consumption of fresh kefir and bran (sold at the pharmacy) is sufficient. It is quite difficult to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women; after childbirth, everything will be even more difficult; if this problem arises, consult a doctor.

Swelling, headaches, increased blood pressure are manifestations of late toxicosis. This may even cause labor to be induced. If you have such complaints, do not refuse prenatal hospitalization, as complications are possible with gestosis, both for you and for the child.

Harbingers of childbirth

Loss of appetite, intestinal upset (diarrhea), regularity and painful contractions indicate the onset of labor. During real contractions, the lower back and lower abdomen are pulled, tightened in a ring, like a hoop. The pain is dull and increases, and then subsides, disappearing. If this is your first birth, you don’t have to rush to the maternity hospital until the contractions become regular: lasting up to 40 seconds, one minute and with a frequency of up to 5 per hour. If your water breaks, you should try to get to the hospital as soon as possible. The second pregnancy is also a reason to hurry up, because repeated births usually develop much faster than the first.

39 week pregnancy video

This week's video is presented by the diaper company, watch "39 weeks of pregnancy, video guide." How to behave during childbirth, pain relief during labor, contractions.


Everything will happen soon)))) everything I dreamed about can happen at any moment!!!)))

Today we have:

Day of last menstruation

Estimated due date

Your baby is already

8 months 4 weeks 1 day 11 hours 45 minutes

Time left until expected due date

6 days 13 hours 14 minutes

Baby's height is approximately

Baby's weight is approximately

Your difficult path has been passed

39 weeks pregnant

The child changed his position, he pressed his knees to his chin and was ready to be born. He is completely immobilized, his body weight continues to increase. All vital organs function the same as in an adult, but he is still very weak. The umbilical cord still passes to the baby useful material, but at this stage there may be a danger if the umbilical cord twists into a strong knot around the baby’s neck and cuts off his oxygen. As a rule, this happens quite often and does not have serious consequences.

The woman does not feel significant changes in her health, but the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Nervousness increases and emotions go off scale, but this is not related to the physiology of the body, but depends only on your fear of childbirth. The cervix regularly narrows and dilates, and over time, the mucous plug that protected the child disappears. Because of this, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, there is nothing to worry about. Over time, the fetus descends lower and lower, so the woman’s breathing improves and digestion speeds up, which can cause stool liquefaction. If you feel like the child is going downhill high speed, and your breathing suddenly becomes easier, it is quite possible that labor will occur very soon.

Ultrasound pictures at 39 weeks39 week of fetal development in the photo

Fetus at 39 weeks of gestation

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and labor is expected to begin any day now. And your baby can’t wait to be born. At week 39, the baby’s lungs are fully formed and ready to accept the first portion of air, the pancreas produces enzymes for full functioning digestive system. But beneficial bacteria will populate the still sterile intestinal environment only after the first portion of colostrum.

At this stage, the baby’s active movements slow down. This is due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid; its renewal still occurs every 3 hours, but there is no longer enough room for movement and, as a rule, the starting position for the baby’s appearance has already been chosen. The most basic reflex is sucking, which is now developing most actively. After the first feedings, a chewing reflex will form.

At week 39, the baby’s rhythm of life is already approximately the same as it will be after childbirth. He actively reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes between flickers, loud sounds and touches to the mother’s belly. Focusing your gaze at a short distance will become possible from the first days of life; do not forget to thank your baby for his efforts with your smile.

The development of the central nervous system is a long process and will continue after childbirth, monitor your emotional state, stress and anxiety are transmitted to the baby and negatively affect small organism. Take care of your psyche, stay calm and avoid negative information.

Your weight gain at this stage is not at all necessary, but the baby continues to grow. His height and weight are now very individual, but often already exceed 50 cm and 3500 kg. Subcutaneous fat gradually smoothes out wrinkles, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a pleasant shade.


Pregnancy at 39 weeks is a difficult and tiring experience for a woman. Every movement of the baby is felt with special force. About 10 kilograms of weight constantly puts pressure on the bladder, causing a chronic desire to go to the toilet. The pressure on the pelvic bones increases, and aching pain in the lumbar region increases. The pain often radiates to the legs, making walking difficult.

To ensure that your baby feels comfortable and does not experience additional stress, provide him with a sufficient amount of oxygen; walks in the fresh air should be daily and long.

Physical ailment, weakness and fatigue during this period help a woman overcome the “nesting” syndrome. Expectant mothers with frantic zeal strive to restore order in the house, preparing a new environment for the long-awaited family member.

A boost of vivacity largely mutes discomfort and allows you to remember the end of pregnancy in the best colors and emotions. But remember that it will be much more useful for you and your baby if you take on the role of organizer, and the future dad and relatives do all the work for you. Your strength will be needed during childbirth, take care of it!
At this stage, the cervix shortens significantly and begins to open. The baby's head may drop slightly and put pressure on the pelvic bones.

It is very important that your movements are not accompanied by prolonged painful sensations, short discomfort and tingling are acceptable. Try to choose comfortable positions for sleeping and sitting still, respond to the baby’s anxious pushes, he may already be able to tell you about his worries and worries.


During this period of pregnancy, the stomach may drop several weeks before birth, mainly in primiparous women, it can drop right the day before, most often in multiparous women, or it may not drop at all. Slightly constrained, but clear movements of the child up to 10 times in 12 hours already indicate the baby’s readiness to be born. Its head, with proper diligence, gradually enters the pelvic area, the tone of the press noticeably decreases, and the fundus of the uterus deviates anteriorly.

The size of your belly now seems especially huge to you. The skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, a pigment stripe appears, and itching and flaking may cause concern. These symptoms can be alleviated with the help of special remedies, and after childbirth they disappear on their own.

The uterus begins active training; with false contractions and peak tone, the stomach can become hard. Peace will help relieve such tension.

Your previously active baby is gradually becoming calmer; in the last weeks, his movements should be felt by the mother more clearly, but the visual swaying of the abdomen from side to side is usually no longer so clearly observed.

Weight at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The preparatory period planned by nature before childbirth is actively expressed in helping the expectant mother become more mobile and flexible. Your weight loss may reach 1-2 kilograms, but do not be alarmed, this will not affect the child’s weight in any way; most often, excess fluid is intensively removed from your body. The normal total weight gain by the 39th week of pregnancy will be 11-16 kilograms, however, individual characteristics of the body can lead to significant deviations in this indicator. If you regularly weigh yourself and record your weight, then suddenly lost kilograms may be the first bell of an approaching birth.

Some women notice a decrease in appetite or a more frequent urge to have bowel movements before giving birth, but not everyone experiences these symptoms.


For a long time, doctors were clearly against sex in the last weeks of pregnancy. This was justified by the stimulation of premature labor after contraction of the uterus during orgasm in the expectant mother. To date, this theory has been refuted. In this matter, you need to focus solely on your well-being and the needs of your body. If fatigue and discomfort do not allow you to relax as much as possible and feel attracted to your spouse, there is no need to force yourself.

But if you feel the need to be close to your husband, feel the need for his warmth and affection, sex will become a gentle preparation for childbirth. Moreover, the hormones released in the female body during orgasm can serve as a mild pain reliever, and the prostaglandin contained in male secretions will help increase the elasticity of the uterus and prepare it for the upcoming birth. Orgasm also promotes active training of the uterus, stimulates productive labor.

Despite the fact that the baby is securely covered with protective layers, having sex in late pregnancy should be as careful as possible. If pain occurs, sexual intercourse should be stopped, also avoid uncomfortable positions and any pressure on the abdomen, it is best if it is in a free position.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Pain at the 39th week of pregnancy becomes especially pronounced and is chronic. Aching pain in the lower abdomen appears as a result of fetal pressure on the pelvic floor. Pain in the sacrum and lower back occurs due to the discrepancy of the pelvic bones. The entire combination of these harbingers of childbirth can intensify significantly, sometimes developing into stabbing and sharp forms. It is very important to learn how to relieve pain with breathing exercises and simple techniques relaxation, these skills will help you during childbirth itself.

False contractions become more pronounced and can also cause a lot of pain; training contractions of the uterus are an important stage in preparing the body for childbirth, you cannot avoid them. But you can avoid aggravating the condition of the body with unnecessary stress. Rest will be yours best assistant in overcoming pain - change your body position, find a comfortable position.

Chest pain at 39 weeks will indicate the beginning of colostrum production, because after some time you will have to feed your baby.


If in the last weeks of pregnancy you begin to notice breast swelling and the formation of the first colostrum, discharge may appear from the breasts. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, continue to maintain hygiene and protect your breasts from hypothermia and injury.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​blocked by a protective mucous plug; in the last weeks it may come off in parts, in the form of slight thick discharge. stringy mucus yellowish, white or cream in color. Rare streaks of blood in very small quantities are also considered normal.

The detachment of the plug does not yet indicate the onset of labor and there is no need to rush to the hospital. However, remember that the absence of a plug makes the cervix vulnerable to infections, which means you should avoid sex and swimming in ponds with standing water. Copious reddish spots bloody discharge will indicate the imminent onset of labor, within a few hours.

If mucus discharge begins to be accompanied by bleeding, then you should go to the hospital immediately, this is a symptom of premature placental abruption.

Discharge in the form of a clear liquid may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid; leakage can be observed long time. Sometimes the bubble bursts immediately, the water flows out in a strong stream, this harbinger of labor cannot be missed.

You will not feel any pain; this can happen at any time. There is no need to wait for contractions after the water has leaked; you need to get ready and arrive at the hospital in a very short time; labor will begin soon. But it often happens the other way around: regular contractions occur without the water breaking or even leaking, there is no need to worry about this - puncture of the amniotic sac is an absolutely safe and harmless procedure.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the article we have already mentioned various precursors of childbirth more than once. Let's summarize them. Firstly, there is increased pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and perineum. Secondly, frequent urge to empty the stomach and intestines. Thirdly, decreased appetite and slight weight loss. And fourthly, the lowering of the abdomen, and in connection with this, easier breathing.

It is necessary to know and remember about the warning signs, but rest assured that you will never sleep through labor: real contractions are quite painful and are growing all the time, and it is difficult not to notice the leakage of amniotic fluid. Tune in to a positive mood, relax and try to rest as much as possible in between contractions, save up your strength. A pre-assembled bag with all the necessary things for you and the baby will greatly help at this stage; there will be no need for fuss and unnecessary movement around the rooms.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy

So, labor began. Now it is very important to focus on your well-being and carefully monitor your breathing and body position. Remember. Now not only you, but also your child needs help, listen to him and strictly follow all the doctors’ recommendations.

Lying down and sitting during contractions is not recommended; try to stay on your feet as long as possible. As contractions intensify, remember the exercises. breathing exercises– deep and calm breaths will help save energy for subsequent labor stages.

The second stage of labor will begin with the appearance of pushing. Initially, they can be confused with pressure on the intestines and we want to empty ourselves. But pushing without a doctor’s command is not recommended, it takes a lot of strength. But after you take a comfortable position on the birthing chair, and your body is completely ready for productive pushing after the uterus is fully dilated, listen to the doctor’s advice and push. Try to direct the flow of your breath down the abdomen, use the diaphragm as much as possible, it is the one that can significantly help the baby move forward. At the doctor's request, pushing should be stopped, use this time to rest and relax all muscles, and restore lost strength.

Forget about pain and fears, all your thoughts should be aimed at helping the child, believe me: he is trying no less than you, and birth will take a lot of effort from your baby. Now it will be important to gather yourself and remember everything you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. Much will depend on your emotional state– don’t panic, nature has taken care of everything.

Childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy is physiological, the baby is ready to be born, just help him with this.

After the birth of the child, the third stage will begin - the birth of the placenta. While your baby will be examined by neonatologists, and the obstetrician will cut the already non-pulsating umbilical cord, your body will continue labor activity - the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate, the fetal membrane and the remains of the umbilical cord will come out. In the first half hour after birth, your baby will be put to the breast - this exciting moment will remain in your memory for the rest of your life. The first colostrum is extremely necessary for the final completion of childbirth, because it is the strength, health and immunity of the baby. Very important point The baby will be placed on your chest, with your warmth you will have to warm him up and give him a little time to adapt to an unfamiliar world.


At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, prenatal depression is possible. The woman has a mass discomfort, she often runs to the toilet. The unknown worries her. At such times, the support of your husband and loved ones is very important.

It's ok if you have enough transparent discharge and real contractions may already begin, which differ from the preparatory ones in that they occur at regular intervals.

Visit stores for babies and expectant mothers with your husband or loved ones. Buy the necessary underwear and something pleasant for the soul. You will do it better than your husband after giving birth. In addition, shopping always improves your mood, and this is very important in last days before childbirth.


What moms write - 39 weeks - Pregnancy calendar - Babyblog.ru

Such are the things. At night I got up to go to the toilet, some strange sensation arose, I don’t even know, sudden, like a click, but not it. It was as if a hole had been poked through a water balloon with a needle. Or a hole appeared in the inflatable ring, something like that. I thought: is it water? But I didn’t really notice anything. In the morning I got up, went to the toilet, just a lot of mucus streaked with blood, then the same amount, probably 2 full tablespoons.

I don’t know when to wait now, my stomach is pulling at the bottom this hour, but if there are contractions as such, then the workouts seem to be tense, but not much and not painful.

In short, I urgently finish things and go into standby mode.

Just yesterday I wrote a post about the fact that all my deadlines have passed, and I have lost the sense of reality that there is a child inside and someday he can be born, well, at least someday. And here again the sign “from above”, so as not to relax)

She kissed the child before kindergarten like that, just 5 days in advance. At 1 B. I didn’t feel anything, or maybe I didn’t notice, I was rummaging around the apartment in the dark so as not to wake up my husband. But the traffic jam definitely didn’t happen in advance, except during labor during specific contractions. In general, everything is not very similar this time. So I don't know what to expect now.

Many people write that the plug goes away days, weeks before giving birth. For some reason I think it’s counting on the clock. But I’m such a predictor: ask Lena what she thinks - and this definitely won’t happen))

Now I know what a traffic jam looks like. Like thick snot with blood from the nose. Same thing, just from a different place)

Well, that's all for now. I ironed my clothes so that if I went to the maternity hospital. I slept well, I'm glad. When it is cut down, it is difficult to give birth. And here I’m just full of energy.

Well, that’s all, so far there are no thoughts, no contractions as such. But everything feels vague. I need another 2-3 hours from my body.

Here. Write.


39 weeks of pregnancy (3rd trimester). Pregnancy calendar on 7ya.ru

1 week pregnant

What happens in 1 week of pregnancy? If pregnancy takes place, it will happen in about two weeks, but now it’s worth checking whether the expectant mother and father are ready for a successful conception.

2 weeks pregnant

What happens at 2 weeks of pregnancy? This week, the egg matures in the mother’s body and ovulation occurs. The body signals this by increasing rectal temperature.

3 weeks pregnant

What happens at 3 weeks of pregnancy? Conception has taken place! The formation of a new life begins imperceptibly, and it is very important that nothing disturbs the mechanism worked out by nature.

4 weeks pregnant

What happens at 4 weeks of pregnancy? A tiny creature, for now called a blastocyst, is fixed in the uterus, and the female body begins the restructuring necessary to support a new life.

5th week of pregnancy

What happens at 5 weeks of pregnancy? All the most important organs begin to form in the Baby’s body - the brain and spinal cord, heart, liver, and Mom can notice the first signs of pregnancy.

6th week of pregnancy

What happens at 6 weeks of pregnancy? In order for the development of the Baby’s nervous system to occur successfully, the Mother, who already knows about pregnancy, should make her diet healthy and safe.

7 weeks pregnant

What happens at 7 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's heart beats, his stomach and kidneys work, his respiratory organs and endocrine glands are formed. It is important for Mom to accept the appearance of the Baby and make sure that nothing in her lifestyle harms him.

8 weeks pregnant

What happens at 8 weeks of pregnancy? Baby's milk teeth - those that will erupt six months after birth - are starting to form now! And even the mother’s unpleasant sensations - drowsiness, nausea, fatigue - help the development of a new life.

9th week of pregnancy

What happens at 9 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's fingers appear and the umbilical cord begins to form, which will soon connect him to the placenta. And Mom has to realize that all her feelings are amazingly transmitted to the Baby.

10th week of pregnancy

What happens at 10 weeks of pregnancy? The baby is already actively moving, and there are growths in his scalp. hair follicles. I wonder whose hair he will inherit? There is a lot of stress in Mom’s life right now. How to understand whether they are dangerous for the Baby or not?

11th week of pregnancy

What happens at 11 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's height is 5 cm! It floats in amniotic fluid, which the mother needs to “renew” in a timely manner. The best way to do this is to drink clean water as needed.

12th week of pregnancy

What happens at 12 weeks of pregnancy? The baby is sensitive to touch, as well as to the mother’s nutrition - it is important that she does not deprive the baby of important nutrients.

13th week of pregnancy

What happens at 13 weeks of pregnancy? The baby gradually learns to distinguish between smell and taste, and gets used to the taste of amniotic fluid. If Mom doesn’t radically change her diet after giving birth, he will recognize her by the taste and smell of milk.

14th week of pregnancy

What happens at 14 weeks of pregnancy? Features of resemblance to mom and dad appear on the Baby’s face. Of course, they cannot be noticed with the first ultrasound, which is usually performed at this stage. But it allows us to establish that everything is fine with the Kid.

15th week of pregnancy

What happens at 15 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's brain includes a male or female behavior program. Mom can contribute to the natural development of events if she tries to avoid stress during this period.

16th week of pregnancy

What happens at 16 weeks of pregnancy? The baby's external genitalia are beginning to form, but so far the boy and girl are indistinguishable in appearance. Mom's care - immunity, prevention colds and feasible hardening.

17th week of pregnancy

What happens at 17 weeks of pregnancy? Now the Baby is the size of your fist. Your good mood for the Kid is a guarantee that he came into this world not in vain. How to help yourself not to be discouraged?

18th week of pregnancy

What happens at 18 weeks of pregnancy? The baby can grab the other with one hand. Perhaps Mom is about to feel his movements for the first time.

19th week of pregnancy

What happens at 19 weeks of pregnancy? Every hour the Kid makes several dozen movements. His life is simple - unlike the life of mom and dad, who are getting used to their new situation.

20 week of pregnancy

What happens at 20 weeks of pregnancy? The baby becomes receptive to the speech of others and, first of all, the Mother. Advocates for prenatal development can begin targeted daily activities with your baby.

21 weeks pregnant

What happens at 21 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's body gradually begins to become covered with vernix. But are they useful to him? intimate relationships dads and moms?

22 weeks pregnant

What happens at 22 weeks of pregnancy? The baby reacts to communication with mom and dad. He perceives the sounds of the outside world as muffled, but his mother’s voice is not only heard, but also perceived by the whole body as a vibration.

23 weeks pregnant

What happens at 23 weeks of pregnancy? The baby has reached a weight of 500 g and continues to grow, and Mom feels pleasure from pregnancy, including when driving a car.

24 weeks pregnant

What happens at 24 weeks of pregnancy? Both Mom and Baby contribute to development vestibular apparatus crumbs: Mom - with active and varied movements, Baby - learning to control his body.

25 week of pregnancy

What happens at 25 weeks of pregnancy? This gestational age is good time For active rest, communication with nature, familiarization with beauty, feasible physical activity, especially swimming.

26 weeks pregnant

What happens at 26 weeks of pregnancy? Should you go on holiday abroad? Decide with your doctor, remembering that the Baby will not benefit from Mom’s dehydration, her experiments with food and extreme loads and types of sports.

27 weeks pregnant

What happens at 27 weeks of pregnancy? The formation of sense organs is very active: the Baby is already able to distinguish some smells, has a sense of taste, and if there is light outside the wall of the mother’s belly, the Baby will notice this.

28 weeks pregnant

What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy? Are all habits healthy eating did you inoculate yourself? Let's check: eat little, fresh food, don't go hungry and experience positive emotions during the meal.

29 weeks pregnant

What happens at 29 weeks of pregnancy? At this stage of pregnancy, you can listen to the Baby's heartbeat using a stethoscope. And what does Mom’s heart tell her - at what thoughts about the Baby does it begin to beat faster? Test yourself with a test.

30 weeks pregnant

What happens at 30 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby has periods of sleep and wakefulness, and Mom and Dad have a need to voice their feelings towards each other.

31 weeks pregnant

What happens at 31 weeks of pregnancy? Baby is building up muscle mass And fat layer, and the future dad learns to deal with fears.

32 weeks pregnant

What happens at 32 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's head is rapidly growing and getting heavier - this contributes to the fact that he is about to take correct position for birth: head down.

33 weeks pregnant

What happens at 33 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's lungs begin to secrete surfactant - a substance that will help them expand at birth. Children born prematurely are more viable from this period onwards.

34 weeks pregnant

What happens at 34 weeks of pregnancy? The baby lives in a rhythm of variable activity with his mother: when the mother rests or moves less, the baby begins to push and tumble, and vice versa, when the mother is active, he calms down and stops moving.

35 weeks pregnant

What happens at 35 weeks of pregnancy? Have you already formed an image of your Baby? We talk about what it can be like and why mom and dad need it at 35 weeks of pregnancy.

36 weeks pregnant

What happens at 36 weeks of pregnancy? The Baby's nostrils have opened, and he is learning to breathe through his nose, and Dad is learning to build friendly (not competitive) relationships with the Baby.

37 weeks pregnant

What happens at 37 weeks of pregnancy? Baby's nails continue to grow, and some of them continue to grow hair. Mom learns about the Baby’s readiness for birth from the latest ultrasound data.

38 weeks pregnant

What happens at 38 weeks of pregnancy? The baby moves lower and lower into the pelvic area, and Mom masters the science of relaxation, which will be very useful to both of them in the upcoming birth.

39 weeks pregnant

What happens at 39 weeks of pregnancy? It becomes easier for mom to breathe - the fundus of the uterus drops. The baby expects that Mom will feed him with her milk.

40 weeks pregnant

What happens at 40 weeks of pregnancy? Any day now, your Baby's body will give a command to your body that it is time to help him be born.

41 weeks pregnant

What happens at 41 weeks of pregnancy? The normal length of pregnancy is considered to be 37-42 weeks, and if everything is fine with Mom and Baby, they can only wait to meet each other.

42 weeks pregnant

What happens at 42 weeks of pregnancy? Childbirth at 42 weeks of gestation often occurs in women either with a longer monthly cycle (more than 30 days), or with an irregular cycle when the original expected date of birth (EDD) was determined incorrectly.

What happens at 39 weeks of pregnancy? It becomes easier for mom to breathe - the fundus of the uterus drops. The baby expects that Mom will feed him with her milk.

Baby at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At week 39, the Baby’s height is 48-49 cm, and his weight is almost 3200 g. What happens at this time:

  • the Baby's head drops and presses against the entrance to the pelvis;
  • the fundus of the uterus drops lower, and it becomes easier for you to breathe, as the pressure on the diaphragm decreases;
  • The baby’s body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which promotes the final maturation of the lungs. This means that the Baby is prepared for independent breathing;
  • the child has accumulated sufficient subcutaneous fat;
  • The baby's skin is pink.

Mom at 39 weeks pregnant

For some mothers, breastfeeding a baby seems natural and necessary, for others it is unpleasant, and for others it doesn’t even occur to them to think about it before the baby is born. The intention to breastfeed your baby arises gradually and, if you work on it purposefully, becomes strong by the time of birth. Your body obeys the demands of the brain and launches a program for uninterrupted milk production.

How to create an intention? And how to make it gain strength? Concentrate on positive aspects breastfeeding:

  • your milk is the most physiological for the Baby, so you will avoid many problems with stool, diathesis, regurgitation, vomiting, colic, heartbreaking crying, spending on medications, etc., which arise with artificial or mixed feeding;
  • Breastfeeding burns up to 500 (!) kilocalories every day. Those who care about their figure will appreciate it;
  • When breastfeeding, your baby’s immunity is stronger, and the risk of being exposed to a viral attack is much lower. This means that breast milk is reliable protection baby's health;
  • This frees up a colossal amount of time that non-breastfeeding mothers spend on washing bottles and nipples (as well as selecting and purchasing them), sterilization, and preparing food that the Baby may not even like! Then how about yours breast milk he got used to it from the first weeks of his life until birth - however, the role of milk was played by amniotic fluid;
  • It’s better to spend money on meat and fruit for you and Baby than on artificial formula - isn’t it?
  • Your baby’s weight gain will be a special source of your pride: the pediatrician will not blame you for not feeding your son or daughter, nor for overfeeding him/her;
  • In the process of breastfeeding, the Baby develops trust in the world - the basis for the successful development of his psyche and social success in general. In addition, during the process of breastfeeding, the Baby experiences a strong attachment to you, which will soon turn into a feeling of love for life;
  • Breastfeeding forms the correct bite naturally;
  • Mom's milk is always there, whether you and your Baby are visiting grandma, in a clinic, on a country trip, on a walk or in a shopping and entertainment center. Moreover, breast milk does not need to be heated or cooled. Also, you don’t have to worry that the stored quantity may not be enough for your Baby. Breast-feeding- this is your and your Baby’s independence from place and time.

The baby is waiting so much that his first food will be exclusively mother’s milk, and then he will be able to delight you with a smile and good mood, be healthy, sleep soundly and develop quickly.

Weight gain at 39 weeks of pregnancy ranges from 8.8 kg (with a BMI of more than 26) to 14.8 kg (with a BMI of less than 19.8). To calculate your individual weight gain at 39 weeks, use the pregnancy weight gain calculator.

Visiting a doctor monitoring your pregnancy: 1 time per week. Weighing, measuring blood pressure, measuring the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat.

General urine analysis - before each visit to the doctor. Indicates the quality of kidney function.

Dopplerography(a study that allows you to evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and main vessels of the child) - in the last weeks of pregnancy or if the expected date of birth has already passed, according to indications. The study allows you to find out whether the child is getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiotocography(CTG, synchronous recording of fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions) - in the last weeks of pregnancy or if the expected date of birth has already passed, according to indications. The child’s condition is assessed and intrauterine hypoxia is excluded.


39 weeks of pregnancy - hard belly, lower back pain, child development

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, every woman is on the threshold of one of the most important events in her life - the moment of the birth of her first child or another child. All thoughts during this period are aimed at the speedy birth of the long-awaited baby. We will describe in detail below how a future woman in labor should behave, and what “heights” the baby in the belly has reached at this stage.

Woman's feelings

  • An important point is the possible lack of oxygen for the child. To eliminate it, the expectant mother needs to often walk in the fresh air.
  • The weight that a woman has gained by this date ranges from 11-16 kg. A slight decrease is considered normal.
  • The abdomen drops in most cases two, sometimes even four weeks before birth. For women with mother status this moment may happen unnoticed. During this period, the uterus puts more pressure on both the bladder and the perineal area, which is why the expectant mother feels stabbing pain in the latter.
  • Contractions may begin. They can be false and real. The woman herself should understand exactly what they are or, without delay, consult a doctor; the main thing is not to panic.
  • At this stage, the cervix begins to both shorten and dilate.
  • Heartburn attacks appear or continue. To avoid an attack, eat small meals and do not drink water during meals.
  • The mucus plug may come off. It may have brown or red streaks, this is normal. The plug may stand out for several days, or a single clot may appear. The passage of the mucus plug does not mean that labor has begun.

Signs of beginning labor:

  • nagging pain in the lower back or back;
  • abdominal cramps occurring more than 5 times per hour;
  • diarrhea ( loose stool) - in this way the body begins to cleanse itself, while immediately before giving birth, most women still receive an enema in the maternity hospital, despite such natural cleansing;
  • bloody issues;
  • increased appetite. Read more in the article about the onset of labor.

future child

The baby is already a real hero. His height, on average, is 50-52 cm, and his weight is 3-3.5 kg, due to which there is not enough space for active actions and he is mainly in one position. But despite this, there is a possibility that the baby may wrap the umbilical cord around his neck or simply become entangled in it. These entanglements happen infrequently, so do not sound the alarm, but be sure to be sure that everything is fine with your tiny man.

The baby has sufficiently developed vision, sensitivity to contrast and volumetricity, determination of distance and depth, discrimination of colors, and also reactions to flickering and movement.

The child continues to grow. During this period, all organs and their systems have already been formed; the lungs, in turn, are waiting for their time to receive the first oxygen after birth. In the mother's womb, the baby feeds and breathes using the umbilical cord and placenta. It receives the necessary substances through a vein and two arteries intertwined into the umbilical cord.

The child’s activity slows down and he rarely moves. It's all about the cramped space that now shackles the future newborn.

All things needed for the maternity hospital must be collected. The baby's arrival is very close, so tune in to a positive note and gain physical strength.

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39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor, fetal movements, discharge | Forum

39-40 weeks of pregnancy is a responsible and quite difficult time for many women, since most of them become depressed and begin to feel unhappy... you shouldn’t act like a patient at 39 weeks of pregnancy. Remember that pregnancy and childbirth are quite responsible work, which is intended for the woman’s body by nature itself. And believe me, she will help you, and very soon you will be safely relieved of the burden and feel happy.

The 39th week of pregnancy is practically the last steps leading to childbirth. And this week is somewhat different from previous ones.

The main thing a pregnant woman needs to remember is that:

A few days before giving birth (perhaps a little earlier), there will be white discharge, as the mucous plug that previously tightly covered the cervix will come off. It is possible that the mucus plug will have a yellowish or brownish color, and even with bloody streaks, but do not be afraid of this, because such discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy is the norm.

Since the due date is already approaching, the placenta begins to age, it has already exhausted all its resources, and therefore is unable to properly supply the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

The center of gravity in the uterus changes, that is, the child pulls the stomach down, which is why many women have back pain. The woman acutely feels the baby’s kicks, but the movements at 39 weeks of pregnancy are not as constant as they were before. And this is natural, because the child has grown and is cramped in the uterus.

By this time, a pregnant woman mammary glands increased, some even released colostrum.

The breaking of your waters is the first sign of labor and you should go to the maternity hospital immediately.

As mentioned above, the last months of pregnancy are the most difficult period. The load on the body has increased significantly; a pregnant woman’s pulse most often increases, as the body needs to pump blood through placental circle blood circulation, while the cardiovascular system also works in an enhanced mode. Thyroid functions more actively and metabolism changes somewhat.

Many pregnant women have experienced back pain before, because the articulation of the pelvic ring is modified, due to which the fetus grows and develops normally, and will also pass through well in the future. birth canal. Due to the fact that the ligaments relax significantly, the muscles experience additional stress, which is why the stomach and back hurt.

In the last weeks, all pregnant women instinctively walk more carefully, their movements are leisurely and smooth. And naturally, it is very heavy to constantly carry a load of 6-7 kg with you. For example, a child weighs 3-4 kg, 1.5 liters of amniotic fluid, and the placenta and uterus can weigh a kilogram.

Continue to spend more time in the fresh air, at least 2 times a day. Do it easy physical exercise, walk more, in other words, get ready for hard physical work, you will need to help the baby be born! Always be on the move, communicate with other pregnant women, share your experiences with them, visit forums.

For example, the forum http://pregnancy.org.ua/prcalendar/week39.html is intended for pregnant women. We also recommend that you read more; some doctors and psychologists believe that reading develops a child.

Baby in the last weeks of pregnancy

The baby is full term and fully formed. He already has normal intestinal peristalsis, and even meconium accumulates in its lower sections, as original feces are called. It should be noted that the meconium of an unborn child is sterile, but after birth various microorganisms settle in its intestines.

In these last weeks, the baby in the mother’s womb will “stand” on its head as in the photo, unless, of course, there is a breech presentation. Precursors of labor at the 39th week of pregnancy can be in the form of false contractions - these are irregular cramping pains. At this stage, nausea bothers few people; there is mainly severe pain in the lower abdomen and back.

After the article 39 weeks of pregnancy read


The 39th week is the stage of pregnancy when the baby has changed position, pressed its knees to its chin and is ready to be born. He is completely immobilized, his body weight continues to increase. All vital organs function the same as in an adult, but he is still very weak.

The umbilical cord still transmits useful substances to the baby, but at this stage there may be danger if the umbilical cord twists into a strong knot around the baby's neck and cuts off his oxygen. As a rule, this happens quite often and does not have serious consequences.

A woman does not feel significant changes in her health at 39 weeks, especially if this is her second pregnancy and second birth. But the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Nervousness increases and emotions go off scale, but this is not related to the physiology of the body, but depends only on your fear of childbirth. The cervix regularly narrows and dilates, and over time, the mucous plug that protected the child disappears. Because of this, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, there is nothing to worry about.

Over time, the fetus descends lower and lower, so the woman’s breathing improves and digestion speeds up, which can cause stool liquefaction. If you feel that the baby is descending at a high speed, and your breathing suddenly becomes easier, it is quite possible that labor will come very soon.

Fetus at 39 weeks of gestation

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and labor is expected to begin any day now. And your baby can’t wait to be born. At week 39, the baby’s lungs are fully formed and ready to accept the first portion of air, and the pancreas produces enzymes for the full functioning of the digestive system. But beneficial bacteria will populate the still sterile intestinal environment only after the first portion of colostrum.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby no longer moves as actively. This is due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid; its renewal still occurs every 3 hours, but there is no longer enough room for movement and, as a rule, the starting position for the baby’s appearance has already been chosen. The most basic reflex is sucking, which is now developing most actively. After the first feedings, a chewing reflex will form.

At week 39, the baby’s rhythm of life is already approximately the same as it will be after childbirth. He actively reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes between flickers, loud sounds and touches to the mother’s belly. Focusing your gaze at a short distance will become possible from the first days of life; do not forget to thank your baby for his efforts with your smile.

The development of the central nervous system is a long process and will continue after childbirth, monitor your emotional state, stress and anxiety are transmitted to the baby and negatively affect the small body. At the 39th week of pregnancy, at every slightest opportunity, you should not ask constant questions: why and what to do? Take care of your psyche, stay calm and avoid negative information.

Your weight gain at this stage is not at all necessary, but the baby continues to grow. His height and weight are now very individual, but often already exceed 50 cm and 3500 kg. Subcutaneous fat gradually smoothes out wrinkles, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a pleasant shade.

Ultrasound photo at 39 weeks


39 weeks of pregnancy is a difficult and tiring test for a woman, so the expectant mother has thoughts on how to speed up labor or how to give birth faster. The bottom begins to hurt. Any movement of the baby is felt with particular force. About 10 kilograms of weight constantly puts pressure on the bladder, causing a chronic desire to go to the toilet. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, pressure on the pelvic bones increases, pulling the stomach, lower abdomen and lower back. The pressure on the pelvic bones increases, and aching pain in the lumbar region increases. The pain often radiates to the legs, making walking difficult.

To ensure that your baby feels comfortable and does not experience additional stress, provide him with a sufficient amount of oxygen; walks in the fresh air should be daily and long.

Physical ailment, weakness and fatigue during this period help a woman overcome the “nesting” syndrome. Expectant mothers with frantic zeal strive to restore order in the house, preparing a new environment for the long-awaited family member.

A boost of vivacity largely mutes discomfort and allows you to remember the end of pregnancy in the best colors and emotions. But remember that it will be much more useful for you and your baby if you take on the role of organizer, and the future dad and relatives do all the work for you. Your strength will be needed during childbirth, take care of it!

At this stage, the cervix shortens significantly and begins to open. The baby's head may drop slightly and put pressure on the pelvic bones.

It is very important that your movements are not accompanied by prolonged pain; short-term discomfort and tingling are acceptable. Try to choose comfortable positions for sleeping and sitting still, respond to the baby’s anxious pushes, he may already be able to tell you about his worries and worries.

It is generally accepted that normal pressure at the 39th week of pregnancy it should not exceed 140 by 90 and not be lower than 90 by 60. Such pressure does not affect the condition of the mother and her child. Normal in this period is and, it seems to be natural companion at 39 weeks, the woman also often feels sick. This fact is due to the production of large amounts of progesterone. To reduce discomfort, you need to take healthy food, which does not have alkaline properties.


During this period of pregnancy, the stomach may drop several weeks before birth, mainly in primiparous women, it can drop right the day before, most often in multiparous women, or it may not drop at all. Slightly constrained, but clear movements of the baby at 39 weeks of pregnancy, up to 10 times in 12 hours, already indicate the baby’s readiness to be born. Its head, with proper diligence, gradually enters the pelvic area, the tone of the press at 39 weeks noticeably decreases, and the fundus of the uterus deviates forward.

The size of your belly now seems especially huge to you. The skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, a pigment stripe appears, and itching and flaking may cause concern. These symptoms can be alleviated with the help of special remedies, and after childbirth they disappear on their own.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the uterus begins active training; with false contractions and peak tone, the abdomen may become hard. Peace will help relieve such tension.

Your previously active baby is gradually becoming calmer; in the last weeks, his movements should be felt by the mother more clearly, but the visual swaying of the abdomen from side to side is usually no longer so clearly observed.

Photos of bellies at 39 weeks

Weight at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The preparatory period planned by nature before childbirth is actively expressed in helping the expectant mother become more mobile and flexible. Your weight loss may reach 1-2 kilograms, but do not be alarmed, this will not affect the child’s weight in any way; most often, excess fluid is intensively removed from your body. The normal total weight gain by the 39th week of pregnancy will be 11-16 kilograms, however, individual characteristics of the body can lead to significant deviations in this indicator. Edema may also appear at the 39th week of pregnancy. If you regularly weigh yourself and record your weight, then suddenly lost kilograms may be the first bell of an approaching birth.

Some women notice a decrease in appetite or a more frequent urge to have bowel movements before giving birth, but not everyone experiences these symptoms.


For a long time, doctors were clearly against sex in the last weeks of pregnancy. This was justified by the stimulation of premature labor after contraction of the uterus during orgasm in the expectant mother. To date, this theory has been refuted. In this matter, you need to focus solely on your well-being and the needs of your body. If fatigue and discomfort do not allow you to relax as much as possible and feel attracted to your spouse, there is no need to force yourself.

But if you feel the need to be close to your husband, feel the need for his warmth and affection, sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy will be a gentle preparation for childbirth. Moreover, the hormones released in the female body during orgasm can serve as a mild pain reliever, and the prostaglandin contained in male secretions will help increase the elasticity of the uterus and prepare it for the upcoming birth. Orgasm also promotes active training of the uterus and stimulates productive labor.

Despite the fact that the baby is securely covered with protective layers, having sex in late pregnancy should be as careful as possible. If pain occurs, sexual intercourse should be stopped, also avoid uncomfortable positions and any pressure on the abdomen, it is best if it is in a free position.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Pain at the 39th week of pregnancy becomes especially pronounced and is chronic. Aching pain in the lower abdomen appears as a result of fetal pressure on the pelvic floor. and lower back occur due to divergence of the pelvic bones. The entire combination of these harbingers of childbirth can intensify significantly, sometimes developing into stabbing and sharp forms. It is very important to learn how to relieve pain with breathing exercises and simple relaxation techniques; these skills will also help you during childbirth.

False contractions become more pronounced and can also cause a lot of pain; training contractions of the uterus are an important stage in preparing the body for childbirth, you cannot avoid them. But you can avoid aggravating the condition of the body with unnecessary stress. Rest will be your best assistant in overcoming pain - change your body position, find a comfortable position.

Chest pain at 39 weeks will indicate the beginning of production, because after some time you will have to feed your baby.


If in the last weeks of pregnancy you begin to notice breast swelling and the formation of the first colostrum, discharge may appear from the breasts. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, continue to maintain hygiene and protect your breasts from hypothermia and injury. If this is your second birth, then you probably remember these sensations.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​clogged by a mucous protective plug; in the last weeks it can come off in parts, in the form of slight discharge of thick, viscous mucus that is yellowish, white or cream in color. Rare streaks of blood in very small quantities are also considered normal.

The detachment of the plug does not yet indicate the onset of labor and there is no need to rush to the hospital. However, remember that the absence of a plug makes the cervix vulnerable to infections, which means you should avoid sex and swimming in ponds with standing water. Abundant spots of reddish bloody discharge will indicate the imminent onset of labor, within a few hours.

If mucus discharge begins to be accompanied by bleeding, then you should go to the hospital immediately, this is a symptom of premature placental abruption.

Discharge in the form of a clear liquid can be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid; leakage can be observed for a long time. Sometimes the bubble bursts immediately, the water flows out in a strong stream, this harbinger of labor cannot be missed.

You will not feel any pain; this can happen at any time. There is no need to wait for contractions after the water has leaked; you need to get ready and arrive at the hospital in a very short time; labor will begin soon. But it often happens the other way around: regular contractions at the 39th week of pregnancy occur without the water breaking or even leaking, there is no need to worry about this - puncture of the amniotic sac is an absolutely safe and harmless procedure.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the article we have already mentioned various precursors of childbirth more than once. Let's summarize them. Firstly, the stomach hardens, and increased pain appears in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and perineum. Secondly, frequent urge to empty the stomach and intestines. Thirdly, decreased appetite and slight weight loss. And fourthly, the lowering of the abdomen, and in connection with this, easier breathing. One of the signs is also brown discharge. They may indicate that the plug is coming off. And yet, if 39 weeks of pregnancy have passed and the plug comes out, this does not mean that you will give birth right away, even if this is your 2nd, 3rd or 4th pregnancy. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But you should be wary, because there are often cases when childbirth occurs between 38-39 weeks of pregnancy.

By the way, about brown discharge and mucus at 39 weeks of pregnancy. They can be not only the result of a plug coming out, but also after an unsuccessful examination or sexual intercourse. In this case, they will last no more than two days.

If, after 39 weeks of pregnancy, you begin to experience period pain, there is no need to be alarmed. This is considered a variant of the norm. It is necessary to know and remember about the warning signs, but rest assured that you will never sleep through labor: real contractions are quite painful and are growing all the time, and it is difficult not to notice the leakage of amniotic fluid. Tune in to a positive mood, relax and try to rest as much as possible in between contractions, save up your strength. A pre-assembled bag with all the necessary things for you and the baby will greatly help at this stage; there will be no need for fuss and unnecessary movement around the rooms.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy

So, labor began. Now it is very important to focus on your well-being and carefully monitor your breathing and body position. Remember. Now not only you, but also your child needs help, listen to him and strictly follow all the doctors’ recommendations.

Lying down and sitting during contractions is not recommended; try to stay on your feet as long as possible. When contractions intensify, remember breathing exercises - deep and calm breaths will help save energy for subsequent labor stages.

The second stage of labor will begin with the appearance of pushing. Initially, they can be confused with pressure on the intestines and we want to empty ourselves. But pushing without a doctor’s command is not recommended, it takes a lot of strength. But after you take a comfortable position on the birthing chair, and your body is completely ready for productive pushing after the uterus is fully dilated, listen to the doctor’s advice and push. Try to direct the flow of your breath down the abdomen, use the diaphragm as much as possible, it is the one that can significantly help the baby move forward. At the doctor's request, pushing should be stopped, use this time to rest and relax all muscles, and restore lost strength.

Forget about pain and fears, all your thoughts should be aimed at helping the child, believe me: he is trying no less than you, and birth will take a lot of effort from your baby. Now it will be important to gather yourself and remember everything you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. Much will depend on your emotional state - don’t panic, nature has taken care of everything.

During this period, more and more often, a woman asks herself: when will I give birth? In fact, childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy is physiological, the baby is ready to be born, just help him with this. By the way, a planned caesarean section is most often performed just when the pregnancy has passed the 39th week.

After the birth of the child, the third stage will begin - the birth of the placenta. While your baby will be examined by neonatologists, and the obstetrician will cut the already non-pulsating umbilical cord, your body will continue labor activity - the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate, the fetal membrane and the remains of the umbilical cord will come out. In the first half hour after birth, your baby will be put to the breast - this exciting moment will remain in your memory for the rest of your life. The first colostrum is extremely necessary for the final completion of childbirth, because it is the strength, health and immunity of the baby. A very important moment will be placing the baby on your chest; with your warmth you will warm him up and give him a little time to adapt to an unfamiliar world.


  1. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, go for an ultrasound and check the health of your baby.
  2. At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, prenatal depression is possible. The woman has a lot of unpleasant sensations, she often runs to the toilet. The unknown worries her. At such times, the support of your husband and loved ones is very important.
  3. It’s normal if there is a fairly clear discharge and real contractions can begin, which differ from the preparatory ones in that they occur at regular intervals. If you have white discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

Visit stores for babies and expectant mothers with your husband or loved ones. Buy the necessary underwear and something pleasant for the soul. You will do it better than your husband after giving birth. In addition, shopping always improves your mood, and this is very important in the last days before giving birth. Do what you want. If you are at 39 weeks, you can visit our forum and read other useful materials that will help in caring for your baby.

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Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina 95% of multiparous women give birth at 39 weeks of pregnancy, so if you are expecting your second or third child, be prepared! Primiparas have less chance of delivering a pregnancy in the next week - only 20 out of 100. We hasten to console you: wait another 7 days. At 280 days of pregnancy, the chances of giving birth will increase to 35%!

What's happening to the baby

By 38-39 weeks the fetus reaches physiological maturity. It means that:

  • the lungs can open and allow gas exchange;
  • the cardiovascular system is fully functioning, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues;
  • reflexes are developed;
  • The gastrointestinal tract is ready to digest and absorb breast milk.

Due to the fact that the baby is cramped in the uterus, because she has nowhere to stretch further, active “dancing” in the stomach is replaced by more targeted pushes.

The number of movements should be within the range of 10-15 in 12 hours. That is, the norm is approximately one movement every hour. Silence in the abdomen lasting more than 5-6 hours or, conversely, excessively active movements for 1-2 days is not a good signal, indicating that the fetus is suffering.

What's happening to mom

Ideally, the expectant mother now feels only the pressure of the head on the pelvis, notices periodic false contractions and, perhaps, is a little tired of the additional 10-15 kg. Unfortunately, a perfect pregnancy is rare. Therefore, most often at this stage pregnant women note:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacrum;
  • pelvic pain and a feeling of strong pulling in the pubic area;
  • shooting pains in the back of the thigh, reaching to the knee;
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • leakage of colostrum;
  • flattening of the foot;
  • light mucous discharge from the vagina.

This entire complex of symptoms is a variant of the norm. Their complete absence, too.

What's going on inside? The 39th week of pregnancy for the mother’s body is full of troubles: the cervix shortens and softens, the density of the mucous plug decreases, the pituitary gland begins massive production of the hormone oxytocin, the production of estrogen and the conversion of progesterone into estrogen increases.

Thanks to these outwardly imperceptible processes, at some point the plug will soften and come out, contractions will begin, the water will break - labor will begin!

To determine the approach of childbirth, focus on the harbingers. These signs, especially in combination, quite clearly indicate that the body is actively preparing for childbirth. Typical warning signs include:

  • drooping of the abdomen (the fundus of the uterus descends into the pelvic area);
  • training contractions;
  • weight stops growing or begins to slowly decrease;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs.

The harbingers can “visit” the pregnant woman one at a time or follow one after another. Some women do not experience any of the typical precursors until childbirth. But if several are marked at once characteristic features- get ready for delivery within 1-5 days.

By the way, multiparous women have less time to prepare. As a rule, several warning signs that appear in an expectant mother with her second or third baby signal not preparation, but the beginning of labor.

Analyzes and examinations

The doctor is still interested in a urine test, so you will have to take it weekly until delivery. If by this time the last blood tests for HIV and RW have been taken, the pregnant woman can take a break from other examinations. The only exception is Dopplerography and CTG according to indications. These studies are prescribed to expectant mothers with pathologies of pregnancy and fetus, as well as to monitor the child’s well-being during rare or, conversely, overly active movements.

Dangers and complications

All the dangers of the 39th week of pregnancy are associated with hypoxia and the upcoming birth.

Whether the child has enough oxygen and whether he experiences discomfort is determined by the mother and the doctor. Mother - by the number and intensity of fetal movements. Doctor - by heartbeat. The causes of intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) can be:

  • diseases of the pregnant woman (pathologies of cardio-vascular system, poisoning, kidney dysfunction, etc.);
  • diseases of the fetus, for example, intrauterine infections;
  • dysfunction of the umbilical cord and placenta.

Oligohydramnios, breech presentation, entanglement of the umbilical cord and other intrauterine pathologies are fraught with possible complications when a child is born. Knowing about these features of your pregnancy, it is important to take a flexible approach in choosing the method of delivery and discuss labor management tactics with your doctor.

The birth of a child does not always go according to plan, so expect the best, but be prepared to accept stimulation, an emergency caesarean section, and an episiotomy to preserve the health and life of the baby. Familiarize yourself with the basic methods of childbirth in advance, at least superficially, and inform your partner if a partner birth is planned. In a situation where you need to make an urgent decision, being informed helps you maintain common sense and a cool head.

Have an easy birth and a healthy baby!

The gestation period is coming to an end, and the baby can no longer wait to come out. Everything is vital important systems The baby is formed, and the fruit is approximately the size of a watermelon.

Spending time at home while waiting for the birth Expecting a boy
neatness of contraction phase
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Fetal development

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the baby should have the following achievements.

  1. By the end of the term, the weight of the fetus should be about 3 kilograms, and the height should reach 50 centimeters. These indicators are individual and are transmitted from the father and mother of the unborn child.
  2. The digestive, respiratory, immune and other systems of the body are ready to function. The first feces appear in the intestines as a result of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. They are eliminated from the body after birth.
  3. The baby's intestines do not yet have their own beneficial microflora– she will appear with the first portion of mother’s milk.
  4. The central nervous system is not yet fully developed. She will continue to improve after birth.
  5. The baby can already hear everything and feel touches on his stomach. He also distinguishes between light and dark times of the day, and he has developed a stable rhythm of life. He reacts to anxiety and calm state mother. Stress and excessive anxiety have a bad effect on a child's body.
  6. The child's eyes can focus at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.
  7. The fetus began to move less actively, as the space surrounding it became noticeably tighter. At 39 weeks this occurs due to less amniotic fluid. As a rule, the baby has already taken the right position to go outside.
  8. The sucking reflex, necessary for eating immediately after birth, actively develops.
  9. The baby's skin is no longer translucent. It has acquired a white tint, and the folds due to weight gain and subcutaneous fat are gradually smoothed out.

Spending time at home

As a rule, the baby already has hair. Also, a child at 39 weeks of gestation tries to focus his gaze and respond to a color image.

At 39 weeks, the expectant mother is worried about the upcoming birth. Her body and baby are ready for this process. If you follow some recommendations, it will be easier for the mother to wait for the long-awaited moment.

Final preparations By this time, the expectant mother already knows where she will give birth, as well as who will deliver the baby. She must have all the necessary documents, medications, and things for the trip to the maternity hospital. It is worth carefully planning this day: when contractions begin, is it necessary to call an ambulance or will relatives be able to take the woman by private transport. Long trips at week 39 and long flights are also undesirable. Relatives should always be there to encourage the expectant mother if contractions begin.

Nutrition A pregnant woman may suffer from constipation in the last stages, so you should avoid “heavy” foods and give preference to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should you overeat. It is better to eat often, in small portions. You should also continue to take prenatal vitamins during the last trimester.

Emotional state The child is still closely connected with the mother, not only physically, but also emotionally. This connection means that worries and stress, as well as lack of sleep and a nervous state, have a bad effect on the child’s health. Mom needs more positive emotions and to protect herself from worries and stress. When the baby is not yet born, you can afford to go shopping to buy all the things your baby needs.

What happens in the mother's body

The baby is considered full-term and was ready to be born at 38 weeks. Week 39 is the home stretch; the mother is about to give birth and her body is already ready for childbirth.

  1. The expectant mother's cervix becomes shorter in order to be ready to open and release the baby.
  2. The belly drops lower and lower, and the baby is closer to the exit of the uterus.
  3. At week 39, the mother may feel relief: weight loss, pain in the lower abdomen decreases, swelling of the body ceases to bother, and the lower back stops hurting.
  4. The mother may experience “training labor” - the uterus begins to contract, pain appears, as during contractions, but these signs do not lead to the onset of labor.

At 39 weeks, a pregnant woman experiences excitement in anticipation of the long-awaited meeting with her child. She worries about how labor will go at 39 weeks of pregnancy and listens to her body:

  • the expectant mother feels the baby’s kicks less often, the fetus drops closer to the pelvis, which means that labor may begin soon;
  • it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, since the enlarged uterus no longer puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm;
  • discharge mixed with mucus may begin, which means that the mucus plug, protecting the baby from the outside world, has gradually begun to come out;
  • a pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often due to the enormous pressure on the bladder.

In general, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the pregnant woman can only wait for contractions to begin.

In anticipation of childbirth

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be a harbinger of the onset of labor. In order not to miss the long-awaited moment, a woman needs to carefully monitor her feelings. Moreover, discharge now serves as a signal of developmental abnormalities, so at the first alarming symptoms you need to call an ambulance.

  1. Discharge mixed with mucus occurs due to the fact that the mucus plug begins to separate. This is a sign that the baby is already asking to come out. Normally, the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor or be different in color.
  2. Discharge that is yellowish-white in color may be amniotic fluid. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, fluid may begin to leak due to a violation of the integrity of the membranes. This is alarming symptom, since the shell protects the baby, and infection can leak through the gap. Also, the gradual leakage of this fluid can delay labor. If you experience this symptom, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Bloody discharge may indicate that something is wrong. This alarm signal placenta rejection. Also, bleeding at the 39th week of pregnancy can be caused by hypertonicity of the uterus: a feeling as if the stomach is turning to stone, the muscles are tense. To relax them, mom can drink No-shpa. You need to immediately go to a specialist so as not to harm the child and save his life.
Other period features

If a pregnant woman now feels sexual attraction to her partner, then sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is possible. Of course, this applies to those cases when pregnancy proceeds without complications. It is worth remembering that the hormonal and emotional surge achieved during orgasm at 39 weeks can cause the onset of labor. This process is especially likely in multiparous women.

During sex, a woman should not experience pain. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed tightly against the exit of the uterus, so sudden movements should be avoided.

The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is already ready to come out. If this is a woman’s second pregnancy, then at this stage there is a high probability of labor beginning.

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the harbingers of the onset of labor will be as follows:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid: fluid leakage can occur rapidly or little by little during the day, the release of amniotic fluid always means the onset of labor at the 39th week of pregnancy, it is dangerous for the baby to be in the womb without fluid;
  • contractions should occur at intervals of 5-10 minutes: in order not to confuse them with “training” ones, you need to note the time in between them and check the norm; during contractions, in order to relieve pain, the woman is advised not to lie or sit, but to walk slowly;
  • release of the mucus plug: a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder begins with the release of the plug; the woman will understand that labor has begun as soon as she notices abundant mucous discharge of a yellowish-white color.

Usually, by this stage of pregnancy, the “alarm suitcase” has already been collected (if this is a woman’s second birth, then she already knows exactly what needs to be put in it). All you have to do is call an ambulance and wait for the magical moment of meeting your child. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the warning signs of labor can be confused with “training contractions.”

Waiting for a boy

If at 39 weeks of pregnancy a woman feels that her lower abdomen is tight and hurts, then you should not worry too much. This is a normal condition because in anticipation of labor, the uterus drops to make it easier for the baby to come out.

It's another matter if nagging pain do not stop for several hours and radiate to the lower back. It could be contractions. The expectant mother should note the intervals between pain sensations so as not to confuse them with “training contractions.” This is how the uterus prepares itself for childbirth.

If the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a pathological or abnormal condition. The doctor will help save the baby’s life and not harm the mother’s health. Find out if it's normal if .

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, due to family circumstances or health reasons, it may happen that a woman needs to give birth ahead of schedule. There are folk and time-tested methods on how to give birth faster.

  1. Having sex can stimulate labor. Sperm, if released into the vagina, can speed up labor by affecting female hormones. Also, having sex promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs, which can also cause labor.
  2. Active physical activity- another way to speed up labor. Energetic walking, long-term cleaning of the room, and brisk walking up the stairs are suitable. A woman just needs to warn her relatives in advance about her actions.

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