Home Children's dentistry I had a chill. Why is it shaking inside?

I had a chill. Why is it shaking inside?

Almost every person has ever felt cold, muscle spasms, trembling in the body, or “goosebumps.” Often chills without fever cause these symptoms. This condition is due to various reasons.

Hypothermia - reason number 1

Most often, chills without fever occur due to hypothermia. In this case, doctors recommend doing breathing exercises and drinking such sedatives, as a tincture of motherwort and valerian. Chills with high blood pressure indicate the presence of such dangerous disease like hypertension. This disease can even result in a stroke. If chills are accompanied by headache, weakness, loss of appetite, then most likely you have malaria. Usually this disease occurs after visiting exotic countries.

Diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism - reason No. 2

Persistent chills that occur in women may be caused by climacteric syndrome. A gynecologist knows how to alleviate the condition in this situation. However, experts state that similar symptoms appear with hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, if the above symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Digestive system - reason number 3

In case of indigestion, nausea and chills appear. It should be noted that each body reacts differently. Some feel nauseous and feverish, others feel slightly dizzy, and some experience virtually no discomfort. Therefore, if an intestinal infection enters the body, you should visit a doctor, since chills without fever are not always a manifestation of a disorder of the digestive system.

Thyroid gland - reason number 4

Persistent chills may occur if function declines thyroid gland. A healthy thyroid gland secretes hormones involved in thermoregulation of the body. As its function decreases, the amount of hormones released decreases, and the person begins to experience a constant feeling of cold. In this case, doctors recommend:

Infection - reason number 5

Most often, chills appear when an infection enters the body. As a result, substances are formed that promote the transition of blood inside the vessels to a hot state. Subsequently, chills without fever transform into fever with high body temperature.

Raynaud's disease - cause number 6

Most often, chills are associated with a disease such as Raynaud's disease. This disease manifests itself in the form of periodic spasms of blood vessels in the hands. In this case you should:

  1. Protect your hands from the cold by keeping them warm at all times.
  2. Use special thermoelements. For example, heat these available products in the microwave and put them in mittens.
  3. Perform Botox injections.

Since chills without fever are a sign of numerous serious illnesses, if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The feeling of chilliness and cold becomes especially unpleasant. This painful condition most often occurs with fever, but sometimes it develops on its own against the background of seemingly complete health. And today we will talk about why chills occur without fever; we will look at the reasons for this phenomenon in men and women.

The desire to “curl up into a ball”;

Various types of food poisoning (intestinal infections);

Inflammatory damage to the urinary tract;

10 main causes of chills without fever in children and adults

Colds, painful experiences, injuries, age-related changes, diseases varying degrees severity, all these factors differ from each other to a greater or lesser extent. What they have in common is that they are often accompanied by chills, the causes of which and recommendations for elimination will be discussed below.

Chills with a cold

A cold does not come alone, but with a whole bunch of unpleasant symptomatic experiences. Of these, the most noticeable is chills, in which the body shakes with small spasms in the muscles, and teeth involuntarily click against each other. What further manifestations of this symptom could there be?

When a cold begins to be accompanied by chills, this indicates that the person has begun to fight the virus that has crippled him from the cold.

When in external environment the temperature drops, the level of heat in the internal organs also decreases, in order to somehow compensate for this, the muscles contract finely, producing heat. This is, perhaps, an isolated case when muscles contract not from the load on them, but to release heat. When we have a cold, we feel chills precisely because of the lack of heat.

Chills due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Digestive diseases are a very common reason for visiting a doctor today. The prevalence of these ailments is due to the fact that a large number of organs are involved in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, and the digestion process itself is overloaded and almost without interruption. It is not surprising that digestive problems are the scourge of our time and can be symptomatically accompanied by chills.

Nausea and chilliness, in themselves, do not clearly indicate diseases of the digestive system. Chilliness is mainly a sign of severe intoxication caused by taking medications, pregnancy, food poisoning, nervousness and manifests itself along with nausea.

Chills with significant changes in blood pressure

Chilliness in the absence of elevated temperature is an abnormal phenomenon in itself, and requires serious attention. So, along with chilliness, there is pain, a desire to lie down, and weakness.

In people with the disease vascular system Often there is a feeling of “goosebumps running away” under the skin, chilliness. This is due to circulatory disorders accompanied by changes in blood pressure.

Chills occur during a period of strong jump in blood pressure. When the pressure returns to normal, the chills will go away on their own.

Chilliness in endocrine diseases

Impaired thermoregulation due to thyroid disease common reason chills. The whole point is that thyroid produces hormones involved in the regulation of heat exchange.

During menopause, women often feel chilly. This is due to age-related changes, during which the usual hormonal levels decrease. During this period, in order to avoid chills, you need to choose a course of taking the missing hormones together with your doctor, which will have a positive effect on the stability of your well-being.

Chills in stressful situations and during nervous overexertion

Trouble at work or in your personal life is usually accompanied by more or less noticeable chills. This has nothing to do with temperature, but activation occurs protective systems to an external stimulus in the form of stress.

People with constantly cold extremities have decreased vascular tone. They often have a desire to warm up, but this can be difficult to do. Contrasting water treatments, dousing, hardening, visiting a bathhouse - all this helps not to feel cold and gives the vessels the necessary tone.

Chills as a result of infection

You can get rid of chills caused by an infection after identifying it and choosing a course of treatment.

The harmful components released by viruses will also add nausea to the chills.

Chills after prolonged stress caused by cold

The nature of the occurrence of chills during hypothermia is associated with the reaction of blood vessels to cold. Thus, when exposed to the cold for a long time, the blood vessels cool down, and they narrow, blood flow is disrupted, and chilliness appears.

Basically, the fight against chills begins at the stage early prevention all kinds of diseases. Systematic medical examinations.

Freezes during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections

When the body temperature rises to 37 degrees, you should not bring it down with antipyretic drugs. Fever and chills that shake the body are indicators of immune activation, and the body is just beginning to fight pathogenic viruses. It is necessary to ring the bell when the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. The fact is that such a temperature burns the body, and not just the virus, so antipyretics are taken.

Useful video, Komarovsky about chills during ARVI without fever

Diet and chills

Women, and more often girls, follow newfangled recipes for all kinds of diets, calling for them to become slimmer, lose extra pounds, and improve their skin. But such recommendations do not always correspond to healthy eating standards.

As a result of poor nutrition, metabolism may slow down, accompanied by goose bumps and chills. To restore well-being and get rid of chills, we can recommend not to overuse diets and eat foods that are balanced in their composition.

Post-traumatic chills

Injuries are always unpleasant, painful and troublesome. Complex bone fractures are confined to a bed for a long time and are burdened with wearing a cast. Getting injured, in fact, is a test of strength for the nervous system. Together with damaged tissues Nerve endings are also affected, which, for reasons not fully studied by specialists, react to their destruction with chills in the body, sensations of “goose bumps”.

Getting rid of post-traumatic chills occurs after the activation of the body's defenses aimed at healing the injury, and the complete cessation of chilliness occurs in the process of successful treatment.

For adults

For children

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Chills without fever: the cause of malaise. Chills without fever: causes and treatment methods

Chills are a condition in which a person feels unwell, chilly and cold. These symptoms develop due to sudden spasms of small vessels located just under the skin. Chills are not a disease - it is only the body’s reaction to sudden changes in temperature and metabolic disorders. Let's look at the main causes of chills without fever and conditions in which you need to see a doctor.

Chills without fever: main causes

Most often, chills without fever develop for the following reasons:

1. Severe hypothermia. At the same time, a person’s blood vessels narrow greatly and blood circulation slows down. This leads to metabolic disorders. In this state, chills and chills may occur. Eliminating it is simple - just drink a cup of hot tea and warm up.

2. Colds and acute respiratory viral infections. In such conditions, the temperature cannot always rise. Chills are a natural (response) reaction to the virus, which thus protects the person and signals illness.

3. Infectious lesions of the body. In addition to chills, a person may experience nausea, loss of strength and pallor. Before treatment, in this case it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease.

4. Severe emotional stress or stress. In this case, the person’s body temperature will not increase, but he will literally feel “sick.” This is explained by the fact that the body will thus react to irritation in the form of stress, since the nervous system is directly connected to all other “mechanisms” in the body.

5. Allergic reaction. Most often, a person experiences chills in this state after consuming an allergen product. It could be honey, nuts, strawberries, etc.

Allergy symptoms usually include migraines, body rashes, difficulty breathing and weakness.

6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. In people suffering from of this disease, almost always very cold feet and hands. It is difficult for them to warm up because their blood vessels are in poor tone.

To normalize the functioning of these vessels, you should begin to harden and strengthen your immunity.

7. Blood pressure disorders. Chills usually develop when sharp decline or increased blood pressure. Moreover, if a person is diagnosed with hypertension, then this symptom he will feel it regularly, because surges in pressure will become quite frequent.

In this condition, it is very important to monitor blood pressure readings all the time, since if left untreated, hypertension can easily cause a stroke.

8. Endocrine disorders can also cause chills without fever. This is explained by the fact that when a person has diseases of the thyroid gland, the general thermoregulatory process is disrupted. That is, the gland stops producing the necessary hormone, which is directly involved in maintaining heat.

More often this state observed in people with diabetes. In this case, their blood circulation is greatly impaired. Gradually, the affected vessels become thinner and blood circulation is impaired. This leads to a sharp deterioration in thermoregulation.

To get rid of chills due to diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the thyroid gland, first of all, you need to treat its root cause (the disease that provoked the malaise).

9. Climax. During this period, women may also experience chills. It develops as a consequence of a lack of hormones and a general “restructuring” of the body. At the same time, the woman may also feel hot flashes.

The best treatment for this condition is hormone therapy. It must be prescribed by a specialist. These medications should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

10. Menstruation. The fact is that some women during such a period are especially acutely aware of changes in the body. However, they may suffer not only from chills, but also from acute pain in the stomach, nausea, fatigue and headaches. All these symptoms, as a rule, are observed only in the first days of menstruation.

Night chills without fever: causes

Chills that appear at night have their own specifics. Usually it indicates the development of such conditions:

1. Diabetes mellitus.

2. Hyperhidrosis ( heavy sweating). At the same time, chills are a common reaction of the body to cold due to the fact that a person will lie on cold and wet sheets at night.

3. Hemorrhoids, or rather its complications. In this case, the body will react with chills to insufficient treatment of rectal disease.

4. Depression and nervous tension. At the same time, even in a dream a person will be very worried. This can affect his health not only with chills, but also with migraines, neuroses and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, in this condition, it is advisable to immediately contact a neurologist.

Chills without fever: causes and treatment

The most effective methods for treating chills are:

1. If this symptom develops after hypothermia, then you can take a warm bath with essential oils.

2. If chills develop due to a cold, then you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink lemon tea with honey. It is also advisable to drink plenty of fluids so that the body can quickly overcome the infection.

3. If this condition was provoked endocrine disorders, then you need to take a blood test for hormones. If it shows a lack of thyroid hormones, the endocrinologist may prescribe necessary treatment medicines.

4. If the cause of chills is vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you need to take medications to strengthen blood vessels. It is also important to give up bad habits and start eating right.

5. If chills occur due to severe stress or nervous tension, it is recommended to calm down and drink Mint tea. Sour berry decoctions and warm milk with honey will also help.

Chills without fever: causes and prevention

Fortunately, this unpleasant symptom can be prevented. To do this, you just need to follow the following recommendations:

1. Avoid hypothermia (dress appropriately for the weather).

2. Control your psycho-emotional state and pay attention to stress in a timely manner. Signs of stress usually include:

The desire to hide “from the whole world”;

Problems at work.

1. Avoid physical exhaustion.

2. For diabetes mellitus, carry out comprehensive treatment and avoid complications from the disease.

3. If your extremities are constantly cold, consult a doctor and find out the reason for this. If vegetative-vascular dystonia is detected, treat it.

5. Play sports.

6. Give up bad habits.

7. Watch your diet.

8. In case of sudden pressure surges, constantly monitor these indicators and avoid sudden changes.

Causes of chills without fever or when to see a doctor

Despite its harmlessness, if chills are accompanied by certain additional symptoms, then it is better for the person to consult a doctor. Such manifestations are:

1. A condition in which a person suffers from chills, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This may indicate an acute intestinal infection that requires immediate treatment. In this case, you can seek help from a therapist or gastroenterologist.

2. A rash on the body and difficulty breathing along with chills may indicate the development of an allergy.

3. A runny nose, cough, weakness and body aches can signal a flu or cold. In this condition, it is recommended to consult a therapist.

4. If chills are accompanied by strange symptoms (fever, redness of the skin, large blisters appearing on it, etc.), especially after visiting exotic countries, then you need to contact an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.

5. If chills recur regularly and almost at the same time, then it is advisable to consult a cardiologist. After examination and a series of procedures, the doctor can identify hypertension and prescribe suitable treatment.

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Causes of chills without fever

You think you are perfect healthy person However, sometimes you notice severe chills, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms. Symptoms of this condition do not arise without reason, especially if they begin to recur not only at night, but also during the day. A sign of body temperature, general weakness, aches, and headache may indicate serious problems with the body.


It is necessary first of all to understand that chills in women without an increase in body temperature are a very abnormal symptom. Along with chills, symptoms such as headache, aches, and weakness occur, and this often happens during pregnancy, which is especially dangerous. The causes of chills without an increase in body temperature in a woman during pregnancy and not only can arise as a result of the following factors:

Chills after hypothermia

It is necessary to carefully understand the reason why women or children do not have a fever, but have aches and chills. This phenomenon can be especially dangerous during pregnancy. Chills have the following mechanism of action: under the influence of cold, a narrowing of blood vessels occurs, a strong slowdown in blood flow begins, and a sharp disturbance occurs metabolic processes in the body, there is a feeling of chilliness and pain in the body. After prolonged exposure to a cold place, especially during pregnancy, hot drinks and dry heat are recommended.

Chills with ARVI

During colds, a rise in body temperature may not be observed for some time, but aches, headaches and other symptoms occur, which are a protective reaction of the body. This phenomenon is especially serious during pregnancy, in which case it is recommended to try to warm up in any way so that the symptoms do not develop further. Next, it is recommended to drink a hot infusion of raspberry herbs or tea with honey, currants or strawberries. Then you need to go to bed and try to sleep.

Chills due to infections

Often, the cause of increased body temperature and pain is caused by the presence of an infection in the body. This is especially serious during pregnancy, in which case it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. If nausea is added to the chills, this indicates that the viruses have begun to release harmful substances.

Chills when stressed

During pregnancy, women should not be nervous, as this can lead to chills. The reason for this phenomenon is that the body develops a protective reaction to various stresses, manifested by trembling in the body. If you have suffered stress, you need to try to provide yourself with peace, drink sedatives, and be sure to drink plenty of fluids in the form of sour berry infusions, berry infusions, mousses, and tea with lemon.

Very often it freezes people with a diagnosis such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. They almost always have cold hands and feet, and it is very difficult for them to warm up. This is due to the fact that during the disease the blood vessels have very poor tone. In order for the blood vessels to function correctly, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower, visit the bathhouse and harden yourself. All water procedures should be alternated with cool and cold water. After such a steam room, it is very useful, according to the old Russian tradition, to dive into an ice hole with cold water.

In order to remove all unwanted substances that arise during stressful situations from the body, it is recommended to establish abundant and rapid urine flow from the body using a decoction of lingonberry leaves. And be sure not to overexert yourself and take care of yourself, do not bring your body to the point of nervous exhaustion.

Chills in a child

Chills in a child may occur against a background of high temperature; it may be accompanied by aches, headaches and other symptoms. But in some cases it happens that aches and pains appear when a child, normal temperature bodies. If you notice chills in your child, this indicates a serious illness that cannot be ignored.

The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in overwork, overstrain, lack of sleep, or poor functioning of the thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to put the child to bed, after giving him calming pill. In order for the aches and pain to go away, it will be good if your child gets proper rest. If the chills do not stop, it is recommended to call a doctor without hesitation (especially if Small child) or undergo examination by an endocrinologist.

Chills due to abnormal blood pressure

In the event of a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, the body often reacts with chills. If a person has hypertension, then his blood vessels have already undergone some changes, resulting in a circulatory disorder. Severe chills occur when hypertensive crisis. After the pressure returns to normal, the chills go away on their own.

Chills due to disruption of the endocrine system

If a person has diseases of the thyroid gland, then very often he or she experiences chills without a rise in temperature. This happens as a result of the fact that it is the thyroid gland that is responsible for the process of thermoregulation in the body. The gland produces a special hormone that is directly involved in this work.

A person can often feel cold if he has diabetes. In this case, this phenomenon occurs when blood circulation is impaired. Due to the disease, the blood vessels are often affected, cholesterol plaques appear in them, the vessels of the extremities (especially the lower ones) begin to quickly thin out, especially in the early stages, there is a disturbance in blood flow, and, accordingly, a disturbance in temperature processes in the body. In this case, the recommendations are aimed at treating the main disease.

Women during menopause may also experience chills. This phenomenon is quite popular when, with age, the body experiences a lack of hormones. In order to stabilize the condition, it is necessary to prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

  • emotional stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • physical stress;
  • undergo timely medical examinations to determine the presence of diseases.

In summing up

Today we have looked at the most popular reasons why chills may occur without an accompanying temperature, and we would like to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that such chills can be caused by a variety of diseases that can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate if the chills begin to recur very often; in this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. And only after the appropriate examination has been completed, it will become clear how dangerous these manifestations are.

This often happens to me when I have a cold - on the first day I have a headache and a chill. And already in the second, the temperature rises. If possible, I try to lie down at home right away: tea with lemon, an Influcid tablet and as much rest as possible. Usually I get back to normal within three or four days.

Causes of chills without fever: in women and men, in children

Disorders of the body are not always accompanied by fever and pain. Chills without fever are often a cause for concern and surprise. The reason for this phenomenon, at first glance, is not easy to find out. But an analysis of the events preceding the illness will help you find answers to many questions and free yourself from the obsessive feeling of chilliness.

If the level of heat in the internal organs changes, the muscles try to release it, so they begin to contract finely. Then a person notices the appearance of goose bumps and trembling - sometimes so strong that his teeth chatter. This process often causes a sharp restructuring of the hypothalamus to maintain a higher body temperature in the event of an infection entering the blood. But this is not the only reason for chills, because sometimes you feel chills without fever. So, let's figure out why heat exchange is disrupted even when there is no hyperthermia.

Where does the “mysterious cold” come from?

The feeling of cold and trembling in the muscles is a completely predictable reaction of the human body to the following factors.

  • A long stay in an unheated room, outside in cold weather, or, conversely, overheating

The lack of heat in the external environment leads to the fact that the body tries to warm up on its own, so chills are inevitable. And overheating of the body disrupts thermoregulation.

  • Stress, fear, strong emotions, anxiety, overwork

Protective systems are activated in response to the influence of an external stimulus in the form of an extraordinary situation or prolonged work.

The thyroid gland produces hormones necessary for the heat exchange process. Impaired functioning of this organ makes normal thermoregulation impossible.

Damage to the hematopoietic organs in this pathology is fraught with thinning and clogging of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow worsens and temperature internal organs decreases.

When blood pressure drops, blood circulation is invariably disrupted - insufficient blood supply to organs provokes their hypothermia.

  • Poisoning, diseases of the digestive system, food allergy, metabolic disorders

The entry of toxins or allergens into the body, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and improper metabolism are certainly associated with the activation of the protective function.

During a serious injury, in addition to tissue and bones, nerve endings are damaged. Due to a mechanism not fully understood by doctors, they cause a feeling of freezing.

If a person is hypothermic or infected with the influenza virus, it is not necessary to immediately develop a fever: the first sign of infection may be chills. Also, infection is not accompanied by high fever when immunity is too low.

This is what is called increased sweating. It can also bother you at night. Naturally, a sick person has to rest on a wet sheet and freeze.

Separately, it should be said for what reasons severe chills without fever appear. After all, this condition is very frightening and makes you go through many unpleasant minutes. Severe chills with:

  1. Raynaud's syndrome - due to vascular spasms;
  2. malaria - as a result of penetration of an exotic virus into the blood.

Chills without fever may have special causes in women. Fluctuations in hormonal levels, causing disruptions in heat exchange, are not uncommon among representatives of the fair half of humanity during the period:

  1. menses;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. menopause (age-related changes are the main cause of chills without fever in women at night).

Also, women often get “freezing” due to a deterioration in metabolism when they violate the rules of healthy eating while trying to lose weight using any diet that is not approved by doctors.

If chills without fever occur in men, except common reasons, one can suspect a negative impact:

  1. heavy physical work;
  2. excessive sports training;
  3. male climacteric syndrome.

What are the most likely causes if a child develops chills without fever? Children are characterized by:

  1. overwork due to hyperactivity;
  2. overstrain due to an abundance of new impressions, emotions, mental stress;
  3. lack of sleep;
  4. problems with the thyroid gland.

How to get rid of chilliness?

If you start to shiver after hypothermia, the following will help you warm up:

  • plaid or woolen clothing;
  • warm heating pad;
  • drinks: hot tea or coffee, some red wine.

The effects of overheating can be eliminated by going to a cool room. At emotional overstrain or if you are overtired, take a sedative herbal medicine and go to bed. In case of intoxication caused by poisoning, absorbents are needed to remove toxic substances from the body; in case of allergies, you will have to take an antihistamine.

The intervention of a doctor is required, who will explain how to treat and what to take if you feel chills due to:

  • injuries;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • hypertension;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased sweating;
  • Raynaud's syndrome.

Do not under any circumstances delay contacting a medical facility if you begin to feel very cold after returning from a long trip, because it could be malaria - dangerous disease. When chills bother you during menopause, consult your doctor about which homeopathic or hormonal medicine will alleviate your condition. It happens that a child complains of an unreasonable feeling of cold - give him a sedative pill and put him to bed. And if these measures turn out to be useless, call the pediatrician and make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

To prevent heat exchange disturbances from making themselves felt in the future, regularly undergo preventive examinations at the clinic and do not allow:

  • prolonged exposure to cold or heat;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity.

Chills without an accompanying high temperature have their own explanation. This condition most often occurs due to too cold or hot weather, emotional experiences, tedious activities. But the list of reasons is not complete, so do not treat chills with carelessness. If they recur frequently, consult a doctor, as this may be a manifestation of a serious illness.

  • Medicinal plants (249)
  • Aromatherapy (26)
  • Modern Treatment (1838)
  • Folk remedies (259)
  • Medicines from the pharmacy (605)

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Causes of chills without fever and methods of its treatment

Weakness and lethargy, a feeling of cold throughout the body, but no increase in temperature - this condition is familiar to almost everyone. Chills without fever occur for many reasons, but it always brings with it discomfort, disrupts the usual rhythm of life, and makes you expect the worst.

Signs of chills without fever

A feeling of impending illness, discomfort, coldness throughout the body, frozen hands and icy feet (they are cold to the touch), often sweating, sometimes even chattering teeth - all these are signs of chills. In such cases, despite severe chills, body temperature does not increase, and sometimes even decreases slightly.

When chills occur fast fatiguability, desire to lie down. Unpleasant symptoms cause a feeling of illness, and people say about this condition: “chilling”, “freezing”, “chilly”.

If a child has a chill, the baby will be lethargic, pale, children’s teeth often chatter, their arms and legs are cold, there are signs of illness, but there is no temperature, they are capricious, cry, and go to bed at an inopportune time.

These symptoms occur for many reasons, but their nature is similar - it is a spasm of the blood vessels that are located under the skin. The narrowing of their lumen results in muscle spasm (which is why teeth often chatter).

Although chills are not a disease, but only a symptom of a disease, it is precisely this that often forces one to pay attention to the state of health.

Causes of chilliness

Chills without fever occur for many reasons. Among them will be both psychological and medical. Sometimes chilliness occurs only at a certain time - at night and then they talk about night chills, and in other cases it becomes a constant companion or occurs once, only as a consequence of certain obvious reasons. In the first two cases, chilliness will signal a complex disease that will require drug treatment. In isolated cases of chilliness, warming procedures will be enough to remove the unpleasant sensations.

Among the reasons for this condition are the following.

  • Viral diseases (flu, ARVI, intestinal infections). Here, chilliness is the result of general intoxication.
  • Stress, when chills are a reaction to psychological stress.
  • Hypothermia. Here, vasoconstriction is a natural reaction to cold.
  • Hormonal imbalances. In cases where hormones are also responsible for thermoregulation.
  • Vascular spasms as a result of impaired activity circulatory system.

Sometimes chills occur with fever. In such cases, it is caused by vasospasm, but it is much easier to recognize it; you just need to measure the temperature.

Shivers at high temperatures in the case of infectious diseases. Here, chills are always a sign of a viral or bacterial infection.

The main types of causes of chills

All causes of chills can be divided according to the nature of their occurrence. Depending on its nature, the methods by which this unpleasant condition can be eliminated will depend. Some of the most common types of chills include:

One of the signs of the initial stage of a cold is a feeling of chills. If you experience a feeling of cold throughout your body, a feeling of weakness and chilliness, and along with them an unpleasant sore throat, most likely it is a cold or flu.

In a child, chills during a viral cold or flu are even more pronounced; his limbs will be cold, his skin will be pale, and the baby will literally shake and his teeth will chatter.

Treatment of symptoms that occur consists of rest, warm drinks (preferably Herb tea). If you suspect you have a cold, you can take a hot foot bath or a hot shower. This will help keep you warm and activate the body's defenses to fight viruses.

Sometimes severe chills, a feeling of cold inside, chattering teeth, and cold extremities occur as a result of hypothermia. Moreover, chills without fever appear after a person finds himself in a warm room; it is the result of muscle contraction, which in this way tries to restore impaired thermoregulation in the body.

To get rid of chills, you need to drink warm tea with lemon and honey, take a good hot shower or take a hot foot bath. In addition to eliminating discomfort, it will help prevent colds.

Disruption of the circulatory system

If the circulatory system is disrupted, chilliness may also occur. Here, signs of chilliness are a consequence of narrowing of small capillaries. It happens:

  • At sharp changes blood pressure (BP). This is how blood vessels react to this factor. Changes in blood pressure should be suspected in cases where chills occur after physical exertion, excitement, or at a certain time of day.

The cause can be determined by measuring blood pressure and taking appropriate measures to normalize it. In this case, consultation with a cardiologist or neurologist is important.

VSD can be suspected in the presence of dizziness, tinnitus, general weakness and symptoms of chilliness.

To eliminate the state of chills, you will need hardening, contrast showers, a Russian bath or sauna followed by a cold shower, or a swimming pool is good. Treatment by a neurologist may be required.

  • If blood pressure is disturbed as a result of long-term diets. Long-term diets with unbalanced nutrition can provoke disturbances in the body, which will manifest themselves as chills without fever. To eliminate it you will need balanced diet, quitting smoking (provokes vascular spasms), hardening and physical exercise.
  • Among the reasons causing constant chills, there will be chronic stress. In this case, along with cold extremities and a feeling of internal cold, symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, impaired attention and memory will occur.

    Among the short-term feeling of chilliness there will be post-traumatic syndrome. In case of complex accidents, fractures, or other injuries, symptoms of chills may occur. But they will appear after first aid and will be the result of stress and trauma.

    A state of chills occurs with isolated severe stress. Moreover, the feeling of cold appears as if during difficult situation, and after its completion.

    To relieve chills in a stressful situation, you should drink a warm drink with sedative(valerian, mint, chamomile), if possible, lie down better. At chronic stress Treatment by a psychotherapist and a neurologist will be required.

    If a child is shivering after a stressful situation, then to relieve the unpleasant symptom it is enough to provide him with rest (it is better to let him sleep), give him a warm herbal hour with mint, valerian, and cover him warmly.

    A feeling of chills is characteristic of some thyroid diseases. The fact is that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland are also responsible for thermoregulation in the body. If necessary hormones is not produced enough, a feeling of chills occurs. Thus, chilliness is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, goiter, and some forms of tumors.

    Hormonal imbalances during menopause can also provoke a feeling of chills. In this case, chills without a rise in temperature occur during periods of increased physical or emotional activity, with sudden mood swings, often at night.

    Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

    To eliminate discomfort, you will need to consult a gastroenterologist, undergo examination and treatment of the underlying disease. Eliminate itself unpleasant feeling cold and chills will not work.

    For a viral or bacterial infection: ARVI, influenza, sore throat, viral gastroenterocolitis, food poisoning, hepatitis, among the first symptoms will be chills.

    It is freezing here without temperature due to general intoxication of the body. Along with chills, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting will appear, a rash or blisters are possible, general weakness and fatigue are very strong, and increased sweating often occurs. Viruses or bacteria have already launched their activities, but the immune system has not yet begun active actions. When the temperature rises, the chills will stop being so annoying.

    If the cause of chills is infectious, an urgent consultation with an infectious disease specialist, testing and treatment of the infection will be required.

    Causes of night chills

    Chills at night occur for several reasons.

    1. The onset of menopause often causes chills without fever in women.
    2. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can also cause chills in the middle of the night. In this case, the feeling of cold occurs due to wet linen and sheets.
    3. Untreated hemorrhoids provoke an inflammatory process in the rectum, which causes a feeling of chilliness in the middle of the night.
    4. Violation of thermoregulation in diabetes mellitus occurs most often at night.

    To eliminate night chills monitoring of the patient's sleep will be required, as well as several tests (for sugar, for occult blood). Complaints should be addressed to a therapist.

    If chills without fever occur, the cause is always a violation of thermoregulation and spasm of small capillaries directly under the skin. This is only a superficial reason causing these sensations. In order to establish hidden factors, you will need to consult a doctor and conduct some tests.

    Sometimes chilliness is the initial stage inflammatory disease, and its harbinger is chills, and temperature becomes a logical continuation of the disease.

    Get treatment and be healthy!

    Sometimes a person may feel cold. This condition can occur against the background of an acute respiratory infection, pneumonia or other infectious diseases. But sometimes, in the absence of an obvious reason, “goose bumps” still appear, although it is warm outside and the body temperature is normal. Why does this happen and what to do if it’s freezing?


    One of the common causes of chills is hypothermia. If it's cool outside and a person for a long time was outside a warm room or was not dressed for the weather, then it freezes quite quickly. At such moments, the blood vessels narrow and, accordingly, blood circulation slows down. This is a normal protective reaction of the body, which allows you to prevent the process of damage to the capillaries and prevent frostbite. Almost all the blood accumulates near the internal organs to warm them.

    At first glance, it may seem that nature has provided everything. However, this condition, especially if it lasts long time, leads to a decrease in local immunity and, above all, the upper Airways. That is, there is a huge risk of developing a respiratory disease.

    What to do if you freeze as a result of hypothermia? Once in a warm room, you should warm up with any available means. You can take a warm bath or even a contrast shower. Be sure to drink plenty of warm fluids. It could be tea or milk. You can add spices to the drink to speed up blood circulation: ginger or cinnamon. Feet can be placed in a bath of warm water. If there is no increase in body temperature, you can make applications from mustard plasters. A massage of the whole body and/or legs helps restore normal blood circulation. It is also recommended to eat high-calorie, but easily digestible food, which will help restore expended energy. Alcohol in such cases is not recommended, unless therapeutic doses.

    Dietary unbalanced nutrition

    Almost every person dreams of being slim, but it is not always possible to quickly lose extra pounds. Some people, in pursuit of a slim body, go on strict diets, completely forgetting about their own health.

    First of all, this happens if the diet involves avoiding fat. However, do not forget that they are required for normal thermal regulation of the body. This is especially true for women, since fat in the subcutaneous tissue is also responsible for the functioning of the hormonal system. To confirm this, we can give an example that not only chills torment women on a diet, sooner or later problems with the functioning of the ovaries appear.

    It’s very cold, what should you do if this condition appears during a diet? Naturally, reconsider your diet. Limiting your carbohydrate intake will help you lose weight more than cutting out fat completely.

    Hormonal imbalances

    It is no secret that the thyroid gland, namely thyroid hormones, plays an important role in thermoregulation. If their quantity is insufficient, then the disease is called hypothyroidism. In the presence of pathology, a person experiences weight gain, a constant feeling of weakness and chills.

    Heat metabolism is influenced by sex hormones. This is clearly expressed in women during menstrual cycle when there are chills and hot flashes.

    Freezing can also occur if you have diabetes. Already on last stage diseases when glucose plaques appear in the vessels, normal blood circulation is disrupted. In such cases, the patient often experiences chills in the legs.

    What to do if a person is freezing due to one of the diseases? Naturally, contact an endocrinologist.

    The cardiovascular system

    Sometimes a person fails to warm up because the circulatory system is disrupted. This may be vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which the functioning of nerve cells and blood vessels is disrupted. Another one of possible reasons- anemia or anemia. These diseases are associated with a drop in hemoglobin levels.

    You can often hear complaints that a person feels cold if they have hypertension. Very often, this condition appears at the moment of a sharp jump in blood pressure; after it normalizes, the chills completely disappear.

    What to do if it’s freezing and you know for sure that there are problems with cardiovascular system? Of course, eliminate the root cause. If it is hypertension, then lower the pressure. If you have anemia, you need to increase your hemoglobin level.

    At vegetative-vascular dystonia Hardening procedures will help against chills.

    Gastrointestinal problems

    The digestive process occurs almost continuously, and almost all organs are involved in the process. Today, poor environment and nutrition, abuse of “wrong” foods and alcohol, have forced many people to consult a doctor with diseases of the digestive system. Indeed, gastrointestinal pathologies are the scourge of our time, and they have a wide range of symptoms: from nausea and vomiting to chills. If a person is freezing, it is not necessary that he has gastritis or an ulcer, but this symptom occurs if they are present.

    Very often, chills are a consequence of intoxication, which can be caused by food poisoning, alcohol, or medications. What to do if it’s freezing in such a situation? First of all, you need to take activated charcoal to try to cleanse your body of toxins as much as possible, and then contact medical institution to undergo examination.

    Fast-paced life and the development of scientific and technological progress have led to the fact that city dwellers are almost constantly in a state of stress. There are problems at work, at home too, your feet are trampled in transport, and so on - nervous overstrain. Very often in such situations a person feels a slight chill, which is in no way associated with an increase or decrease in body temperature. This simply involves the activation of protective forces to overcome external stimuli.

    What to do if it’s freezing without fever, and the cause is stress? This condition is associated with a decrease in vascular tone, so a contrast shower, hardening and a visit to the bath will help. Such simple and pleasant procedures will restore vascular tone and make it easier to tolerate nervous tension.

    To quickly recover from stress, it is recommended to take a few deep breaths and drink a glass of cool water. For some time it is recommended to drink soothing teas or decoctions of sage, chamomile or lemon balm.

    What other reasons could there be?

    What to do if it’s very cold and for what other reasons can this condition occur? Chills may be additional confirmation of the presence of a hidden inflammatory process in the body or the onset of hemorrhage. In some cases on initial stages tuberculosis, a similar symptom may be observed, as with the development of malignant or benign neoplasms. Some people feel cold after a fright; women may experience this condition during menopause. Very often, a state of chills is a harbinger of the development of a certain disease.

    As a rule, a person who has a cold experiences a whole bunch of symptomatic experiences. This includes headache, sore throat, runny nose and chills.

    The main question that arises when the temperature is high and freezing is what to do? As they say, there are different temperatures. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, then knocking it down is not recommended. In this way, the body tries to cope with harmful bacteria and activate the immune system. The body gives off heat to environment, so the person freezes.

    If the temperature is too high

    The question becomes more serious when the temperature is 39 and freezing. What to do in such a situation? In this condition, antipyretic drugs will already be required. With such an increase in body temperature, the internal organs overheat. It is necessary to observe bed rest so as not to overload the body with physical and mental activity. Drink warm drinks, for example, one sip every 10 minutes, to prevent dehydration.

    Optimal conditions must be created in the room where the patient is located; the room should not be stuffy and hot, approximately +20...+22 degrees. The room should be ventilated periodically. The humidity level should not fall below 50%.

    What to do if you have a headache and are freezing, and your body temperature has risen to 40 degrees? In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this state, the patient may even experience convulsions and delirium; often people lose consciousness at this temperature.

    What to do if your child is cold? If the symptoms do not go away within two hours, then you should call a doctor and take some measures. Cover the baby with a blanket and put on warm socks. The child should be constantly given warm drinks, herbal tea or compote. If it is clearly visible that it is a cold, then you should not give acidified liquid with the addition of lemon, this will only increase irritation in the throat. When lowering the temperature, you should not rub down; it is better to use candles or syrups. Under no circumstances should you steam your child’s feet or use an electric blanket or mustard plasters until the temperature subsides.


    When it freezes without a temperature for no reason, what should you do? This issue should be resolved with your doctor. In addition, try to avoid hypothermia and do not allow severe physical strain on the body. Avoid “harmful” foods and eat more fruits and vegetables. If your nervous system is overly excitable, refuse work that is emotionally difficult. Any respiratory disease, even minor, requires serious treatment so that it does not turn into chronic form. Go in for sports, it could be gymnastics or yoga.

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a common disease that everyone has encountered at least once. In yourself, in family members, in friends and acquaintances, common signs of autonomic disorders can sometimes be noticed very easily.

    One of the rare but unpleasant symptoms is tremor (in other words, chills, trembling). How does this manifest itself and why does the whole body shake due to VSD? The reasons for the phenomenon lie in the peculiarities of how disorders of the autonomic nervous system affect the functioning of the body.


    Dystonic tremor manifests itself in different situations. Most often observed internal trembling with VSD of the hypotonic type. Weakness, pallor, insufficient blood flow to the extremities are naturally combined with finely trembling fingers of cold hands.

    People with hypertensive type other symptoms of chills are observed. It can begin with stress, emotional stress, in combination with rapid heartbeat and breathing.

    TO common features, independent of the type of dystonia, include:

    • constant chills not associated with external factors (cold room, emotional shock);
    • increase in body temperature to 38° without other signs of infection or inflammation;
    • cooling of the extremities, trembling in certain muscle groups (musculoskeletal, facial);
    • sensation as if the body is shaking from the inside, without the ability to locally determine the source of the nerve impulse.

    Such sensations can appear either spontaneously or chronically over a long period of time, regardless of the circumstances and time of day.


    In order to understand what is happening, you need to determine the nature of the condition. How much does your body shake? Does it hit with large tremors, rolling in waves, or barely noticeable, at the level of a sheet of paper trembling in your fingers?

    It is worth paying attention to which part of the body is “shaking inside” - the whole body can only catch echoes of nerve impulses activated in one part of it. Depending on the duration of the chill, its nature and accompanying sensations(presence or absence of changes in constant pressure, dizziness, weakness, etc.) the cause of the phenomenon can be diagnosed.

    Chills at night

    Symptoms of dystonia often appear at night, and in some cases a person wakes up precisely from their appearance. So, sudden awakenings can be caused by a panic attack, a feeling of lack of oxygen, heart pain, or severe chills at night.

    Why does the body, while in sleep, instead of relaxing, send signals to the muscles to contract? Responsible for this activity sympathetic division autonomic nervous system. Obviously, when healthy work The ANS is disrupted, the consequences of dysfunction cause the body to wake up, shaking in the night chills.

    Sometimes the symptom appears in the morning - whether the whole body shakes or just the arms and legs does not matter, because this tremor has nothing to do with the chances of freezing under a thin blanket. The sensation can occur not only without hypothermia, but even with elevated temperature patient.

    Chills without fever

    An unpleasant feature of vegetative-vascular dystonia is that its symptoms can often be confused with other common diseases. Thus, a weakened state, when everything inside is shaking with large tremors, and the arms and legs feel like they are made of cotton, can easily be equated to the presence of a high temperature. Indeed, similar sensations arise when it sharp increase(for example, on the first day of the flu), but dystonic tremor can easily occur without any deviations on the thermometer.

    What to do?

    The first logical step when experiencing severe chills without prior symptoms is to actually take your temperature. Don't be surprised if it turns out to be lower. Overwork, loss of strength, and post-stress state become a typical basis for exacerbation of the manifestations of dystonia.

    Being in a warm, comfortable environment, relaxing the body (including trembling muscles) and psychological relaxation are the first three steps with which to begin self-help during a vegetative crisis of this kind.


    When the tremor extends only to lower limbs, remember primarily psychological reasons. “Be afraid until your knees tremble”, “the news made your legs give way” and other stable expressions only emphasize the dependence of the influence of impulses from nerve endings on the muscular frame depending on somatic reactions.

    However, trembling in the legs with VSD is caused not only stressful situation. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can manifest itself in this way in pregnant women, when there is constant additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

    In other cases, weakness and tremors may affect the entire body, but are most noticeable in the legs, as the feeling of a possible fall intensifies. In combination with dizziness, darkening of the eyes and tinnitus, tremors in the limbs can be a sign of an imminent fainting state.


    In order to eliminate an unpleasant symptom or at least alleviate its occurrence in the future, it is necessary to understand the source of the problem. If a person is shaking due to neurosis, it will be pointless to try to warm him up. On the contrary, soothing chamomile tea will not help with local spasmodic cramps.

    The cause of chills, sudden or chronic, can be either physiological or psychological.

    Physical reasons

    At the physiological level, sudden chills can be accompanied by severe pain in the heart and pressure changes. In this case, you need to contact a cardiologist.

    If, along with chills, you feel feverish at the same time, this may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes in organism.

    Painful spasms and slight tremors in the neck may relate to osteochondrosis and problems with the spine.

    Endocrine disorders and menopause also affect the functioning of the autonomic nervous system - and therefore manifest themselves in the symptoms of VSD, including taking the form of tremor.

    One of the most common signs physical nature- trembling hands (especially in the morning) - just means an excess of alcohol or caffeine in the blood. Nicotine addiction, narcotic drugs also become an obvious reason.

    Psychological reasons

    Excitement, stress, emotional and mental stress - all this not only “overloads the brain” in the abstract, but also causes quite tangible physical tension in the body. The autonomic nervous system sends signals to our muscles to contract when we are in danger. Fear, anxiety, panic attacks cause tension not only in the arms, legs, back, but also in the smooth walls of internal organs, rapid heartbeat and breathing.

    When stress moves to the level of an unconscious, chronically suppressed process, the active work of the ANS becomes the same, causing overstrain and its consequences, which manifest themselves, among other things, in weakened trembling for no apparent reason.


    Since dystonic tremor is not a disease in itself, its treatment occurs in combination with other measures to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    On the other hand, the presence of these deviations does not mean that only VSD is to blame. It is necessary to seek help from a therapist and identify a number of other symptoms that will help find the root of the problem. The cause of chills may lie in another disease, or be a manifestation of internal pathology.

    As with any other symptoms of dystonia, the help of a qualified neurologist and psychotherapist is important. If the cause is found to be the development of neurosis due to VSD, the effectiveness physical treatment will be closely related to the ongoing psychotherapy and improvement methods psychological state patient.

    How ease state?

    If a person is not shaking from the cold (and first aid in the form of a blanket and a warm drink does not have any effect), it is necessary to help his body relax and relieve the tension that is causing the shaking.

    Drug interventions for these types of problems are limited. Chills with VSD cannot be treated with medications, but sometimes the patient is prescribed sedatives that reduce the level of excitement of the nervous system, which provokes “inappropriate activity.” Physical exercise and soothing herbal preparations also help to cope with the situation.

    Severe chills in a person are provoked by a spasm of blood vessels. The person suddenly becomes very cold and trembles in the muscles. Due to spasms of the skin muscles, “goose bumps” appear. The main cause is a febrile state when the body temperature rises. This condition is typical for infection, injury and other diseases.

    When chills develop, the human body produces a large amount of heat, so the body temperature rises. Once the temperature drops, the chills stop.

    Chills - a syndrome or a disease?

    Some people confuse and describe chills as a disease. There is no need to do this, it is only a symptom. Chills do not always appear only at high body temperatures. It can often occur in excitable people who are very worried about something. Chills may be a consequence of fright. The syndrome is neurotic; it goes away when the person relaxes and calms down.

    Severe chills may be a consequence of stress, low pressure, fatigue. In women, it often appears during menstruation or worries in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Severe chills as a symptom of the disease

    Most often, the symptom occurs due to an infectious disease. When the virus is in human body, it leads to the production of pyrogens. These substances warm the body from the inside, so the body temperature can rise sharply.

    Chills are one of the symptoms of a serious illness. It is possible that a patient with this symptom has an infectious or purulent inflammation, malignant tumor. If severe chills bother you for several days, you should urgently consult a specialist.

    Complaints can often be heard from people with impaired peripheral circulation. Such patients live in areas with a humid and cold climate. Under such conditions, blood circulation decreases, oxygen does not reach the fingers and toes. The skin becomes red, very itchy and swollen. When a person wants to warm up, the itching and swelling increase.

    The extremities can become cold due to obliterating endarteritis - a vascular disease due to which blood circulation is impaired and gangrene can develop. Chills are also common in patients with diabetes.

    Chills and a constant feeling of cold indicate that the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. If everything is normal in a person, the endocrine system provides thermoregulation of the body. When certain hormones are lacking, a person is constantly tormented by cold. Symptoms are most often observed in women over 50 years of age during menopause.

    Please note if you have these symptoms:

    • Hair fall out.
    • You get tired quickly.
    • Mood changes often.
    • You gain weight sharply.
    • The skin became dry.

    If you have at least a few of these symptoms and are experiencing chills, be sure to get tested for your thyroid hormone levels.

    Sudden chills may occur in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such people feel cold even in a hot room. When the disease occurs, thermoregulation is impaired. In this clinical situation, it is necessary to take the following measures:

    • Visit baths and saunas.
    • Take a contrast shower.
    • Pay attention to winter swimming.
    • Take a massage course.

    All the above methods can be used if you have healthy heart!

    If chills are felt in the hands, one may suspect Raynaud's syndrome - periodic vascular spasm in the extremities. In some situations it is strong, the fingers turn white or even turn blue. For preventive purposes, your hands should always be warm; for this, wear mittens, gloves, and give them baths.

    Causes of chills without fever

    Please note that a viral infection often begins without fever, but with chills. This is how the body reacts to the disease. This is a signal that urgent action needs to be taken. Effective preventive method for chills during ARVI, use warm tea with the addition of raspberries, honey and lemon. If you are preparing tea, keep in mind that raspberries are not brewed with boiling water; they are added when the water cools down, otherwise they will lose all their beneficial substances.

    When a person constantly refuses to eat normally and uses different diets, everything can end with chills. Remember that beauty requires sacrifice, but this negatively affects your health. Therefore, review your diet and eliminate harmful products nutrition. You need to eat food often and in small quantities.

    How to get rid of severe chills?

    If the chills are due to excitement, you need to take a deep breath and exhale. This condition is a blood reaction to produced enzymes. Has a positive effect on nervous system Valerian tincture. Often you can’t get carried away with the drug, it is addictive.

    Herbal tea will help relieve chills. For it you can use lemon balm, chamomile, mint, sage. You can add honey or sugar to tea. If the chills are related to the thyroid gland, the patient needs complex treatment You may need to take hormonal medications.

    Remember that chills are a protective reaction of the body; they improve blood circulation. When a symptom is accompanied by high fever, aches, severe headaches, and fatigue, it is necessary to take an antipyretic. You can use complex preparations - Rinzasip with vitamin C, Rinza. They contain a large number of active ingredients that relieve chills, runny nose, weakness, and headache.

    Thus, many are accustomed to the fact that severe chills always accompany high temperature. This is wrong! Chills can provoke more serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this symptom in a timely manner. It is dangerous when chills are a sign of endocrinological disorders, a consequence of stress. There is no need to bring yourself to the point of nervous exhaustion. It is necessary to eat well; your diet should contain foods containing large amounts of vitamins. This will help prevent chills in the future.

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