Home Pulpitis Immunity and allergies in severe diseases: HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, brucellosis, tularemia; tuberculin test and recombinant tuberculin. Allergy to tuberculin symptoms If allergy to manta ray

Immunity and allergies in severe diseases: HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, brucellosis, tularemia; tuberculin test and recombinant tuberculin. Allergy to tuberculin symptoms If allergy to manta ray

There are many aspects that can trigger an allergy to Mantoux, so there is no need to worry at first.

Allergy to Mantoux in a child- a common phenomenon. As a rule, an allergic reaction in only 10% of cases indicates the presence of a disease; in the remaining 90%, such a reaction is due to individual characteristics the child's body.

To understand primary cause that provokes such a reaction, you need to consider everything possible factors causing an allergic reaction. In addition, you need to know how to eliminate by-effect vaccinations independently or with the help of medical professionals.

In the first days of life, each child is given an injection called a BCG vaccine. The injection acts as a prejudicial factor and prevents tuberculosis from developing in the future. But, even with vaccination carried out according to all the rules, there is a high risk factor for the presence of tubercle bacilli in the child’s body. She is in the stage of suspended animation and does not bother the baby.

But is there an allergy to Mantoux?

Children have quite a violent reaction to similar factors and if the tuberculosis bacillus begins its aggressive activity, it will certainly manifest itself in the near future. But a special test, called the Mantoux reaction, allows you to determine whether there is a tuberculosis bacillus in the child’s body, and in what condition it is.

The Mantoux reaction refers to the injection of tuberculin under the skin. As a result, a small pimple forms at the injection site, from which the child’s condition is subsequently determined. The pimple requires appropriate care; contact with water is strictly prohibited; the injection site should not be touched. Otherwise, you may not get reliable data.

An allergic reaction to Mantoux occurs as a result of non-compliance with contraindications or individual intolerance to the active components.

The results of the examination are entered into the individual medical card patient. In an adult, they are present in the database. The pimple is measured and based on its size, doctors confirm or deny the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body.

It is worth noting that when the diagnosis is confirmed, the injection site becomes dark colors, the papule increases in size. Children feel unwell and may develop an infectious or viral disease.

Can there be an allergy disguised as a cold?

It cannot be said unequivocally that such a reaction to a Mantoux injection indicates that a tuberculin bacillus is present in the body.

As a rule, these are the first signs of intolerance to the vaccine, namely an allergy to the Mantoux test. In children, allergies to injected tuberculin manifest themselves personally, characteristic symptoms may not match. In one case, it could be heat, otherwise – cough. To verify the results of the Mantoux reaction, you need to undergo examination by a specialist.

Moreover, the vaccination has contraindications, in which an allergic reaction occurs on the skin. For example, it is prohibited to give an injection during incubation period infectious disease, etc. There are other restrictions that apply based on the patient's condition.

Manifestations of an allergic reaction

As a rule, allergies occur on the day of the injection, 6-12 hours after the vaccination. If the size of the pimple does not exceed the norm (5-7 mm) and there was no contact with water, and contraindications were observed, this is definitely a manifestation allergic reaction.

The first signs of allergies in children are disturbances in sleep and appetite.

What to do in this case?

You need to independently measure the size of the papule and clarify whether there was contact with water or infected people. If there has been no contact with potential pathogens, these are the initial signs of an allergic reaction. Mantoux should not be used for allergies; this may result in a chain reaction of disorders in the baby’s body.

Contraindications include intolerance to individual components of the administered substance, usually phenol. It is to this component of the vaccine that a post-vaccination allergy usually occurs, manifested by a rash on the skin.

In children, symptoms occur unexpectedly and are easily confused with a cold or infectious disease.

Especially high risk the development of an allergic reaction, provided that the child has only suffered from a cold or other pathology, and the pathogens introduced into the body provoked a relapse past illness. Post-vaccination allergies provoke bronchitis and sore throat.

It is also necessary to note a number of main manifestations of allergies that occur in almost any vaccinated child:

  • rash after Mantoux on the arms, back and buttocks;
  • high body temperature that lasts for several days;
  • lack of appetite, severe thirst;
  • the surest manifestation is drying out skin, appears severe itching at the injection site and surrounding area;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • malaise, any physical exercise deprives the baby of strength;
  • there is no opportunity to coordinate on one subject, mental activity is partially impaired;
  • Discomfort and noise in the head may occur.

Often, all symptoms manifest themselves if contraindications are not followed. After vaccination, the child experiences severe discomfort and begins to scratch the vaccination site. This should not be allowed, since the size of the pimple will change, and this factor will prevent a reliable diagnosis.

What to do if you have an allergic reaction?

As soon as the first signs of an allergy to the Mantoux test make themselves felt, you need to carry out comprehensive examination, which allows us to establish signs of tuberculosis bacilli in the child’s body. The treating specialist suggests different ways confirming or refuting the diagnosis, but does it secretly so that the child does not feel sick.

It is necessary to emphasize that general symptoms, signaling an allergic reaction to Mantoux, may be individual in nature (migraines, weakness, insomnia, etc.). It is these symptoms that become dangerous to the life and health of the child.

If a child suddenly develops an allergy, there is no need to panic.

Follow your healthcare professional's instructions regarding:

  1. Give your child an antiallergic drug to eliminate the main symptoms;
  2. As the phenomenon progresses, breathing difficulties may occur. If there is an inhaler in the house, you need to let the child breathe for a few minutes;
  3. At further development symptoms and deterioration of the child’s condition, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited!

What to do to prevent an allergic reaction to the Mantoux test, how to deal with allergies?

It is advisable to carry out a series preventive measures. To eliminate the risk factor for such violent symptoms, it is enough to strengthen immune protection child.

In the future, allergies will manifest themselves, but not so violently. It is enough to consume vitamins (preferably in natural form - vegetables and fruits), harden and try to treat colds with a minimum medicines to prevent such an incident.

Medicines are required only to eliminate aggressive symptoms, with residual phenomenon, children's body I have to handle it myself.

The Mantoux test is carried out every year in the autumn (in October or November). If a child often exhibits allergic reactions, and the accompanying symptoms tend to progress for the worse, it is advisable to refuse vaccination and replace the sample with other testing methods. This way you can prevent the development of a serious allergic reaction, which over time becomes chronic.


Mantoux vaccination is not a vaccine, but tuberculin test, allowing to detect tuberculosis on early stage. The vaccine does not protect against the disease, but its role cannot be underestimated, given how dangerous tuberculosis is. The vaccination itself is not dangerous, except in cases where children are allergic to Mantoux.

The tuberculin test often causes a reaction in young children, but it quickly passes and does not appear again. Sometimes it happens differently - the vaccine is well tolerated in early age, but causes allergies in the student. Possible reasons that provoke a negative reaction:

  • close contact of a child with a carrier of tuberculosis;
  • The vaccine was given against the background of ARVI and any inflammatory processes respiratory organs;
  • poor hygiene after the Mantoux test;
  • long-term treatment with medications that weaken the immune system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • An allergy to Mantoux in a child manifests itself due to interaction with phenol contained in tuberculin. Phenol is different high level toxicity, and may well be a factor provoking allergic symptoms to Manta.

How does an allergy to the Mantoux test manifest itself?

Negative symptoms can be not only locally at the Mantoux site, but throughout the body

Parents often mistake allergies after a tuberculin test for manifestations, which is due to similar symptoms. Some signs will be different, which helps differentiate these conditions. An allergic reaction to Mantoux manifests itself as follows:

  1. rashes all over the body;
  2. weakness, fatigue;
  3. increased sweating;
  4. sudden weight loss due to loss of appetite;
  5. enlarged lymph nodes;
  6. There is a burning sensation, itching, pain at the injection site;
  7. papule at the vaccination site is more than 17 mm.

Negative symptoms can occur not only locally at the Mantoux site, but throughout the body. This is due to the fact that the reaction is systemic, the immune system responds to the stimulus with an increase in lymphocytes and other manifestations.

Who should not do Mantoux

There are a number of conditions in which vaccination is contraindicated

The tuberculin test should be done under sterile conditions, observing the necessary conditions. Before performing the procedure, the doctor should ask the child’s parents whether there are chronic or acute diseases whether you have had any allergic reactions to anything in the past.

After assessing your health, your doctor may recommend taking Mantoux. There are a number of conditions in which vaccination is contraindicated. This the following diseases and pathologies:

  • any dermatological problems of chronic or acute nature. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in each individual case;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the tuberculin test;
  • pathology;
  • manifestations of rheumatism in acute form;
  • exacerbation of asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious processes occurring in the body in acute form.

How is a tuberculin test performed correctly?

Tuberculin is administered to children aged 1-18 years, thus creating some protection against possible infection

The child’s well-being after Mantoux depends on many factors, including what technique is used and how much high quality tuberculin. If the drug was stored and transported incorrectly, this may distort the results.

Also, an allergy to Mantoux can occur during contact with any allergens (wool, etc.), as well as when menstrual cycle girls in adolescence. Can distort the result physical impact at the vaccination site.

In order not to worry about whether a child may have an allergy after Mantoux, parents should be aware of the rules for vaccination. There is a certain sequence of implementation, dictated by the vaccination schedule approved by the Ministry of Health.

These are the following rules:

  1. once a year, Mantu is given to healthy children who have not had contact with people potentially infected with the tuberculosis bacillus;
  2. if the child has been in contact with a patient with tuberculosis, the test is carried out once every six months;
  3. if a child is in constant contact with a patient with tuberculosis, a tuberculin test is done once a quarter, or more often if necessary.

Usually, children attending preschool and school institutions are tested according to the plan, in accordance with the vaccination schedule. IN educational institution doctors and nurses who are authorized to perform Mantoux arrive.

The procedure is performed on all children unless there are contraindications. Parents, if desired, can familiarize themselves with the rules of the procedure and subsequent care of the vaccination site.

Tuberculin is administered to children aged 1-18 years, thus creating some protection against possible infection and ensuring early diagnosis of tuberculosis. Mantu is given to adults at will or as prescribed by a doctor.

The reaction to Mantoux can be negative, positive and doubtful, as well as false positive and false negative. The reaction to tuberculin is checked 3 days after the injection. If you check earlier or later, there is a possibility of misinterpretation.

What to do if you are allergic to Mantoux?

If after the Mantoux test it is detected positive reaction, you need to consult a phthisiatrician

If a positive reaction is detected after the Mantoux test, you should consult a phthisiatrician. As a rule, in such situations a detailed examination is indicated in the form laboratory tests and x-ray. After determining the cause of the reaction, the doctor prescribes treatment.

As a rule, there is no cure for an allergic reaction to Mantoux, antihistamines do not have the desired effect, which is due to the minimal presence of histamines from group 4. If you are very concerned about the reaction on the skin, itching, ointments that relieve inflammation are prescribed, as well as solutions of Dimexide and Delaskin. Allergic signs may also indicate the presence of an infection in the body, which requires consultation with specialists.

In the future, parents should warn doctors that the child has a reaction to Mantoux and other vaccinations (if it occurs). This will eliminate possible complications.

The Mantoux reaction or tuberculin test does not always cause an unambiguous opinion on the part of parents. On the one hand, this is not a vaccine, so the main concerns of “anti-vaxxers” should not apply to it. On the other hand, this children's test for tuberculosis cannot be called completely harmless, since in order to do it, substances are introduced into the body from the outside - even if only inside the skin.

This is a special diagnostic drug tuberculin, which contains neutralized mycobacterium tuberculosis, with the addition of the detergent (cleaning agent) Tween-80 and phenol, a toxic substance that acts as an antiseptic in a small dosage. An allergy to manta ray can be triggered by each of these components.

Planned and adverse reactions

In fact, an allergy to manta ray is any positive result this sample, for the purpose of assessing which it is carried out. The papule that appears at the injection site on the second or third day is the so-called. “button” is a local manifestation of an allergy to tuberculin; it can be more or less pronounced, depending on whether the organism had contact with the tuberculosis bacillus and how close it was.

The mechanism of this is as follows: tuberculin introduced into the skin attracts specific lymphocytes from nearby blood vessels. These are lymphocytes that already have experience of “communication” with this pathogen. If the body has not previously encountered tuberculosis (even in the form of a BCG vaccination), there will be no such lymphocytes, and the reaction to the test will be negative - the injection site is clean, and the more lymphocytes react, the wider, brighter and denser the button will be. If we are talking about immunity after vaccination, the papule is fuzzy and has a pale pink color, and after infection the seal will be heavily colored and acquire pronounced contours.

Sometimes a positive (or pseudo-positive) reaction may have no connection with vaccination or infection. Of course, this becomes clear after doctors rule out the possibility of tuberculosis infection. Why healthy body who does not have post-vaccination immunity (there was no vaccination or it was more than 3 years ago), can still react with an allergy to tuberculin?

Reason No. 1: the child is allergic

Since tuberculin itself is a strong allergen, children who have already been diagnosed with an allergy to something cannot be given a Mantoux test, since the result can be unpredictable (up to angioedema or anaphylactic shock).

The baby may also react to another component of the injected solution - phenol, for example. In some cases, redness in the area where the sample was administered does not mean that an allergy to manta ray has occurred. An allergy to clothing or detergents

Reason No. 2: the sample site was subject to external irritation

The main thing that parents should monitor is that the child does not scratch the tuberculin injection site (and it can itch).

Under no circumstances should the resulting button be processed by any means before assessing the result - this can greatly distort the data! There is no need to seal the sample so as not to provoke sweating. But there are no restrictions on hand washing and bathing. Although nurses

out of habit, they give instructions “not to wet for three days”, this is just an incident in history. The fact is that before the widespread introduction of the Mantoux test into medical practice, the Pirquet test was used for the same purpose. It is done cutaneously, not intradermally, so even drops of water were not allowed to enter. However, when taking a bath with Mantoux, it is still better not to rub it, especially with a washcloth.

or unbalanced diet.

In addition to a local allergic reaction, a general allergic reaction to the Mantoux test is also possible. The alarm should be sounded if on the same day or the next the child has a fever, feels weak in the muscles, refuses to eat, complains of unbearable itching, or a rash appears (regardless of the location). It’s better to see a doctor as soon as possible, and half a tablet of diazolin will help quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, first make sure that you are really dealing with allergies and not the flu or fatigue. Before a planned tuberculin diagnosis in children's institutions, parents are usually notified in advance. If you are not sure that your baby will withstand contact with the allergen and want to prevent

undesirable consequences, the best solution would be to take antihistamines for three days before the procedure.

Tuberculin test

Allergy to Mantoux in a child does not occur too often, but can distort diagnostic results, and in the most severe cases, seriously worsen the child’s condition.

General information

The immune system, encountering one of the components of the Mantoux test, can begin to produce antibodies against it, which activate the production of substances responsible for the symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions.

There are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account in order not to get false positive result associated with an allergic reaction:

  1. Shortly after vaccination with BCG. In the first weeks after BCG, antibodies are extremely sensitive to tuberculin, so the result will be erroneous, and the child will experience symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions.
  2. During the course of any infectious disease or shortly after recovery. The tuberculin test should be performed only a month after recovery, otherwise the weakened immune system will not adequately respond to tuberculin. Also infection which the child had may recur.
  3. This rule should be adhered to especially carefully if the child is very weakened and his illness is severe.

  4. Tuberculin intolerance. If the baby has previously had specific reactions During the tests and after the examination, tuberculin intolerance was revealed; a tuberculin test cannot be performed. It is important for parents to consult with their pediatrician about the advisability of other preventive tests.
  5. During periods of exacerbation, allergies. If a child has hypersensitivity to a large number of allergens or one of these diseases, it is important to consult with a pediatrician before testing.
  6. Epilepsy. In most cases, the Mantoux test cannot be performed on epileptic children.

If, after performing a tuberculin test, a papule has formed in the injection area, this may indicate both positive and false positive reactions, which is a mild form of allergy.

If the papule is necrotic or its diameter is more than 1.5 cm, this indicates the presence hyperergic reaction, which may also indicate both the presence of tuberculosis and the development of a severe allergic reaction.


The main factors that increase the likelihood of a false positive reaction:

The risk of allergies also increases in weakened children with chronic diseases who have repeatedly undergone long courses of antibiotic therapy. It is important for parents of such children to consult with a pediatrician before administering vaccines and a tuberculin test.

In some cases, allergy symptoms are not associated with Mantoux, and a component of some kind could act as an allergen.

Cross shape

Tuberculin is extract of a number of bacteria, most often leading to the occurrence of tuberculosis in humans.

When it enters the body, the immune system can react inadequately, which will lead to the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Bacteria injected into a child dead, but are able to activate the production of antibodies.

If a child has tuberculin intolerance, he will have an allergic reaction when receiving the BCG vaccine.

Phenol is added to the Mantoux liquid to slow down changes in it and maintain its quality. It is also present in some vaccines.

Phenol is toxic substance: one gram of it can lead to death. However, in vaccines and material for the Mantoux test, it is contained in minute quantities and is not capable of causing any harm.

Phenol is formed in small quantities during metabolism in the body healthy person, and its amount in the sample is approximately equal to the amount contained in 5 ml of urine. Accordingly, it is not dangerous and will quickly be eliminated naturally.

This substance actively used in production, therefore, a child with hypersensitivity to phenol may experience a reaction upon contact with anything that contains it, including cosmetics, furniture, some foods, clothing, toys, paints, linoleum.

The likelihood of an allergic reaction is especially high if the item containing phenol is heated. His couples, getting into respiratory system, will cause symptoms characteristic of allergies.

Severe allergic reactions upon contact with phenol rarely occur.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Allergy to Mantoux in a child - photo:

An allergic reaction to Mantoux is often similar in symptoms. In rare cases More severe symptoms are observed:

  • body temperature rises very high: up to 39-40 degrees and above;
  • there is a loss of appetite;
  • the child quickly loses weight;
  • skin rash occurs;
  • the child has increased level fatigue, he complains of weakness;
  • increase;
  • In the area where the test is placed, severe itching is felt and pain may occur;
  • there is a large papule.

If your child exhibits the above symptoms, you should call your pediatrician at home.


When a papule appears, the child is referred for research that will help understand what exactly caused the reaction: developing tuberculosis or allergies.

List of studies to identify tuberculosis:

  • clinical blood test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • fluorography (only for teenagers over 15 years old);
  • leukocyte tests;
  • CT scan of the lungs.

Diagnostics allergies:

  • consultation with a pediatric allergist;
  • prick testing;
  • identifying the concentration of immunoglobulin E in the blood.


Basic medications which are prescribed if the child is allergic to the components of the tuberculin test:

If the child does not have any severe symptoms, except for the presence of a papule, no treatment is prescribed.

If the condition worsens, it is important for parents to take the child to the hospital again.


To reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction to a tuberculin test, you should:

  1. Pay close attention to ensure that your child did not test if there were contraindications. It will also be useful to consult with a pediatrician about whether it is possible to perform the Mantoux test on a child who has recently been ill, and when exactly it will be safe.
  2. If a child often has allergic reactions, a few days before the test it is important to give him antihistamine.
  3. Make sure that the child didn't injure the area where the sample was placed and did not wet it.

The tuberculin test is a safe method for diagnosing tuberculosis, but parents should be aware that its components can cause an allergic reaction, especially in weakened children.

If a child develops suspicious symptoms in the first five to six days after the test, you should go to the hospital.

Could it be Allergy to the Mantoux test in a child? Find out about it in the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Tuberculin tests (Mantoux vaccinations) are the most in an exact way identifying a disease in a child such as tuberculosis at an early stage. This procedure is not dangerous in terms of causing infectious processes, however, in rare cases, an allergy to Mantu is noted.

Using this test, you can determine the presence of infection in the patient's body. Vaccination and Mantoux should not be confused. Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out in the maternity hospital and is called BCG. The Mantoux reaction is not able to protect against tuberculosis infection; it only reveals its presence in the body.

Every parent should understand that even BCG cannot 100% protect a child from tuberculosis infection. After it, the tuberculin bacillus remains in the body and, when interacting with the carrier of the disease or accompanying factors, it can be an impetus for the occurrence of tuberculosis.

That is why it is recommended to do the Mantoux test. However, it is absolutely not necessary that a post-vaccination allergy can appear immediately and last a lifetime. In rare cases, it occurs in newborns, but then goes away. But it also happens the other way around: a well-tolerated vaccination in infants can cause a reaction at school age.

Factors that provoke allergies

There are many reasons why an allergy to Mantoux occurs.

The most common are:

  • Often an allergic reaction could occur in a child in close contact with a carrier of tuberculosis infection;
  • SARS and all inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. In this case, a weakened immune system is able to react with inflammatory processes;

  • reason negative symptoms there may be non-compliance with the conditions of care after the test;
  • long-term use medications that weaken the immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition to allergies;
  • negative symptoms are detected by the body’s interaction with phenol, which is minimally contained in tuberculin. This component is highly toxic, so it is not surprising that allergic intolerance to phenol can develop. In patients with good immunity the presence of phenol does not cause harm. For those who are predisposed to the disease, a reaction after tuberculin is inevitable.

Quite often, a post-vaccination reaction to Mantoux is mistakenly taken for food allergies. Despite the fact that the symptoms, as a rule, are identical for both types of disease, the reaction to the vaccine still has its own characteristic signs.

Symptoms of the disease

It is quite difficult to determine the symptoms of an allergic reaction to tuberculin. Sometimes it looks like a common cold.

Often, symptoms in a child occur in the following forms:

  • there is a diffuse rash all over the body;
  • the patient feels weakness and fatigue;
  • often symptoms of vaccine allergy are accompanied by hyperthermia;
  • the child experiences loss of appetite, sudden weight loss over a short period of time;
  • allergy to Mantoux is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes;
  • local symptoms are observed at the site of the test, expressed by pain, burning, severe itching;

  • papule exceeds 17 mm.

This symptomatology can occur not only after a test in a typical place (the inner surface of the forearm), where it is recommended to do Mantoux. Negative manifestations can appear throughout the body, since allergy symptoms are a hyperergic (intensified) response of the immune system, caused by an increase in lymphocytes.

Contraindications to performing the Mantoux test

The tuberculin test must be carried out under conditions of complete sterility and strict adherence to all necessary conditions.

In order to eliminate errors, it is important to consider contraindications for injections. It should not be done in the following situations:

  • any problems with the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the solution;
  • pathological processes of an autoimmune nature;
  • It is not recommended to take tuberculin during acute phases of rheumatism;
  • exacerbation of asthmatic syndrome;
  • You can’t do tuberculin for epilepsy;

  • during exacerbation of infectious processes.

In addition, the test result depends on correct technique conduction and quality of tuberculin. Distortion occurs due to improper storage and transportation of the drug. Close contact with allergens (wool) and the menstrual cycle can change the “picture”.

An incorrect result may occur if the site of tuberculin injection was subjected to physical impact.


To prevent the symptoms of an allergic reaction, you should know the rules for its implementation.

  • once a year for healthy children who have not had contact with people infected with tubercle bacilli;
  • once every 6 months a test is carried out for children who have had contact with tuberculosis patients;

  • if the child is in constant contact with people suffering from tuberculosis, Mantoux should be done once every 3-4 months. If necessary, it can be done more often.

For organized children attending child care institutions, tuberculin is given as planned, in accordance with the vaccination schedule. For this purpose, a special team of doctors and paramedics comes to schools and kindergartens. medical personnel with permission to conduct a tuberculin test. The procedure is performed in an organized manner in the absence of contraindications and under completely sterile conditions.

Classification of the Mantoux reaction

Tuberculin is administered to children aged 1 to 18 years. In this way, it is possible to create protection for the child from possible infections. Adult patients undergo the procedure according to at will, as well as on medical advice.

Answers to the Mantoux reaction are:

  • negative;
  • doubtful;
  • positive;
  • false positive;
  • false negative.

The result should be checked no earlier than 3 days after the injection. If these conditions are violated, it may be “read” incorrectly.


Positive symptoms as a result of a tuberculin test become a reason for consultation with a phthisiatrician. The doctor may recommend additional examination in the form of radiography and laboratory tests. After confirming the diagnosis, special treatment is prescribed.

  1. Usually, local treatment not provided. Prescribing antiallergic drugs before Mantoux, as well as after the onset of negative symptoms, is not able to have the desired effect. This is due to the minimal presence of group IV histamines.
  2. At obvious signs You can apply anti-inflammatory ointments with solutions of Delaskin and Dimexide.
  3. Availability allergic signs in a child indicates the presence of tuberculosis infection, which requires consultation with specialists, after which appropriate therapy will be prescribed.

In the future, it is necessary to warn doctors that an allergy to Mantu and a corresponding negative reaction to other vaccinations is possible. This will avoid unwanted complications.

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