Home Children's dentistry Symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in children. Allergic cough: how it develops, signs and course, diagnosis, basics of therapy Cough from allergies in a child

Symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in children. Allergic cough: how it develops, signs and course, diagnosis, basics of therapy Cough from allergies in a child

Every conscious parent knows that the child’s health must be carefully monitored from birth. Due to a weak immune system, children often develop various diseases. After all, the immune system needs some time and special conditions to get stronger. Cough is very common among children. Many coughs in children are correlated with colds. But, in most cases, this symptom indicates the presence of an allergy. It is an allergic cough that manifests itself first in a child. And if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the allergy will begin to progress and become chronic.

Symptoms of allergic cough in a child

It is very difficult to distinguish an allergic cough in children from a sign of acute respiratory infections. But, nevertheless, there are some features and symptoms that will help to recognize the cause of the disease. The first feature is the onset of cough unaccompanied by elevated body temperature. In general, the baby feels fine.

After some time, the symptoms intensify. General lethargy of the body occurs, the child becomes irritable and restless. Sleep patterns are disrupted. Allergic cough in children is accompanied by a runny nose and bouts of sneezing. The symptoms and characteristics of cough caused by allergies are as follows:

  • The cough is barking in nature;
  • Occurs unexpectedly and in attacks;
  • Mostly dry;
  • Lasts more than two weeks;
  • Attacks occur mainly at night.

Symptoms include severe itching in the nasal cavity and throat. The larynx is severely irritated. The trachea suffers greatly from coughing. Frequent spasms cause the child’s muscle corset to ache.

Causes of allergic cough in children

The first symptoms of an allergy, namely a cough, often occur against the background of hay fever. Simply put, it is an allergy to pollen from flowering plants. The disease manifests itself in the spring and summer, with the first flowering of trees. Symptoms may be aggravated by a rash on the body, itching and burning, conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis. A child’s cough gets worse when walking outside near plants. It is important to recognize the problem promptly and begin treatment.

No less rarely, an allergic cough in a child occurs due to the impact of pet hair on the mucous membranes of the body. I would like to clarify that allergies do not arise from the cat’s fur itself. A certain protein is produced in the pet’s body, which is distributed through the animal’s saliva and urine. Thus, the pathogenic component settles on wool, clothing, dishes, carpets, and furniture. It is this that, when inhaled, causes irritation to the throat, which leads to an allergic cough. And even modern hairless cat breeds will not protect your child from illness. This type of allergy can be recognized by observing the baby’s body in the company of an animal and without it.

Children often develop a cough due to the presence of household dust. Due to frequent exposure to dusty rooms, allergies develop. At the same time, a cough can also appear from long-term accumulation of dust in household items (pillows, sofas, beds). In its composition, dust is nothing more than a collection of dead skin cells, hair, microscopic mites, fur, food debris, and dirt. When this is inhaled, allergic rhinitis occurs, followed by coughing. The little one suffers first of all, since the little person’s body has not yet developed all its protective functions. It is important to keep an eye on the room and bed linen baby, and choose the right toys. Dust accumulates over the years in the following things:

  • Home library;
  • Thick curtains and curtains;
  • Carpeting;
  • Cushioned furniture;
  • Small interior items;
  • Stuffed Toys.

A child may suffer from an allergic cough due to intolerance to certain foods. It is in childhood that food allergies occur. Over time, at an older age, the problem goes away. Eating certain foods causes a cough in a child. If left untreated, angioedema may develop, which leads to an increase in the size of the larynx, throat, tongue, or palate. Because of this, oxygen does not enter the lungs and the baby risks suffocation. It is necessary to completely eliminate the allergen product and all possible other variations of it (additives, essential oils, creams and more). Foods that put your baby at risk include:

  • Citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries;
  • Cow's milk, chicken eggs;
  • Sweets and baked goods;
  • Food additives, seasonings and spices;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Tomatoes, beets, carrots;
  • All types of nuts.

Cough is provoked by various medications. These include most antibiotics, hormonal drugs. Herbal remedies also cause allergic cough attacks in babies. The cause may also be molds inhaled by the child.

Treatment methods for allergic cough

First of all, treatment of this type of cough is aimed at eliminating the body’s sensitivity to the allergen. For this purpose, antihistamines are used in medicine. All of them block the production of histamine. Three generations have been developed antihistamines. The first includes those that have a number of contraindications and possible adverse reactions. Due to their rapid elimination from the body, these medications need to be taken much more often than others.

The third generation, on the contrary, has a minimal list side effects. They stay in the body for a long time, so their effect lasts throughout the day. Among all antihistamines against allergic cough, the following are noted:

Zyrtec The drug belongs to to the last generation. Treatment with Zyrtec does not cause any adverse reactions. Relieves attacks of allergic cough, rhinitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema. You can treat with Zyrtec tablets from the age of six, and drops - from two months.
Tavegil Can be used by a child from one year old. The drug effectively fights any allergy symptoms. May cause dizziness and nausea.
Pipolfen Allergies in children can be treated with tablets or injections. intramuscular injection this drug. A child is allowed to take it in tablet form no earlier than the age of six. Injections are used from two months.
Diprazine Treatment of a child with this drug can begin from the age of two months. The product relieves allergic cough, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and urticaria.
Suprastin An effective remedy, treatment with it is aimed at relieving allergy symptoms: runny nose, wheezing in the throat, redness of the eyes and skin, angioedema. Children can take it from infancy.

Most effective treatment allergic cough is achieved through immunotherapy. Treatment involves the systematic administration of a small dose of a diluted allergen. Thus, the child’s body gradually gets used to the influence of the pathogenic component. The immune system begins to react correctly and produce antibodies to the allergen. The disadvantages of the method include the length of time (about 1.5 years). Also, injections are carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, and the child must be taken to the clinic several times a week.

To treat a child’s cough and reduce the frequency of attacks, it is necessary to use expectorants in the form of tablets and syrups. Almost all syrups are approved for use by infants. Alteika is such an effective remedy for children. Available in the form of syrup. Used after meals. Treatment with this remedy lasts for two weeks.

Thermopsol is considered a strong expectorant. The product is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Tablets are prescribed for severe attacks of allergic cough and bronchial asthma. The course of treatment for children is no more than five days. You can use various herbal infusions that are sold in every pharmacy.

Prevention of allergic cough

To prevent allergic cough in a child, parents need to do hard work. First, you need to monitor what your baby is eating. It is very important to carry out daily wet cleaning in your living space. It would be better to get rid of items such as carpets, thick curtains, and soft toys. The ideal floor covering would be simply linoleum or laminate. You can lay loose tracks for the floor.

The largest dust collector is stuffed toys. Very often they do not undergo any processing. Young children often put everything in their mouth. Toys should be such that they can be washed under running water every day. Experts recommend using humidifiers if you have a child at home.

If the cause of an allergic cough in a child is hay fever, try to go outside less in the spring and summer. Walking should be done in the evening, or after rain. Do not walk with your child near flowering plants. After going outside, be sure to wash your child thoroughly. It is also worth clearing the nasal cavity and gargling. When you get home, change your baby into new, clean clothes for the house. By following all the rules, you will be able to protect your baby and not treat him with multiple medications.

Allergic cough in children is a sign of the presence of some type of allergy, and is its main symptom. A characteristic cough occurs due to the effect of the pathogen on the respiratory system and bronchi. Inflammatory foci may occur in the bronchi, but body temperature is normal.

How to understand and identify the fact that a child has an allergic cough is a difficult task that only a specialist can solve.

Dry allergic cough has a paroxysmal nature and may bother the child long time about 3 weeks. Allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion are easily added to this manifestation. In most cases, attacks occur at night or during close contact with an allergen.

It should be remembered that an allergic cough is a fairly common disease, but distinguishing an allergic cough from a cold is not so easy. Such signs of allergies are characteristic of children who suffer from of this disease. How can you tell if your child has an allergic cough?

The features of this process are the following points:
  1. In a baby who suffers from diathesis, a characteristic cough appears much more often.
  2. Failure to follow all the rules of complementary feeding is a fairly common problem that exposes the unformed body to attack by allergens.
  3. Seasonal manifestations allergies can come and go without any control.

An allergist is a specialist who is able to give the child proper treatment, as well as carry out the necessary correction and prevention. Possible cases acute manifestation of this symptom, in this case you should immediately seek help. Only by identifying and eliminating the allergen can you get effective treatment and a speedy recovery. Specialist with the necessary diagnostic techniques can collect all the necessary data to produce an accurate result.

Allergy is a disease that worries not only adults, but can also be detected in newborns. A specialist will tell you how to recognize and how to cure this condition.

A dry cough in a child can be the main symptom of an allergy and its manifestation. But determine the nature of this characteristic quite a difficult task, because it is not a cold and has a different nature.

Such a reaction can occur under the influence of a specific allergen, but this phenomenon is considered an individual symptom.

Allergy cough in children has the following symptoms:
  1. A cough can occur suddenly, last quite a long time, and be barking and intrusive.
  2. Attacks occur mainly at night; there may be no manifestations in the morning or during the day.
  3. In most cases, it is a dry cough, moist cough also appears, but much less frequently and has a small amount of sputum.
  4. The cough may be accompanied by itching of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion, and lacrimation.

For small child Such symptoms bring a lot of trouble to the usual way of life. Tearfulness, irritability, anxiety occur, and serious complications may occur that require correction by a specialist. It should be remembered that allergies manifest themselves completely differently in each person, therefore cough has a variety of symptoms. The symptoms of an allergic cough are pronounced and cannot go unnoticed, so only identifying the main causes and eliminating allergens is the right path to recovery.

Ignoring symptoms can lead to aggravation of the situation and, as a result, new diseases such as bronchial asthma appear.

With the development of the modern world, a large number of hidden factors have appeared that imperceptibly affect the general condition of a person, and also contribute to the occurrence of various diseases.

Experts recommend paying attention to the following possible reasons allergic manifestations:

  1. In the life of every person there is a large amount of household chemicals, including personal hygiene products that contain dyes and chemical additives. This theory is confirmed by many scientists, because the influence of such cosmetics cannot pass without leaving a trace.
  2. The active use of medications, as well as antibiotics, makes adjustments to human defense mechanisms. This kind of intervention is especially dangerous for children in the first year of life, who have not developed the immune system can lead to various failures and complications.
  3. The chemical content of most foods also leads to food allergies. Most food products are susceptible to various additives, vegetables and fruits are processed chemical compounds and fertilizers.
  4. Genetic predisposition: if parents suffer from allergies, then the risk of developing a negative reaction in the child increases significantly.

The reasons can be very different and not common occurrences, which are sometimes quite difficult to determine. The deterioration of the environment is making adjustments to the usual way of life of every person; allergic manifestations have begun to occur quite often in both adults and children.

Allergy symptoms and treatment are individual manifestations, and correction methods must take into account the entire clinical picture of the patient.

Today there is no exact theory of the origin of allergies, because with the development of civilization dangerous pathogens is getting bigger.

Therefore, how to determine the true irritant is a rather difficult task.

The following are the most common allergens that can cause symptoms:

  • plant pollen;
  • the result of animal activity;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • medications;
  • food irritants.

It should be remembered that if a child has any allergy, then any other type of disease may occur. Coughing can be a harbinger not only of a cold, but also of a negative reaction of the body to an irritant. It is quite difficult for a child to explain everything that worries him, so sometimes a lot of attention is needed to determine the signs of a disease. The occurrence of an allergenic cough is a normal reaction of the body to the action of an irritant. An allergen can be absolutely any factor, even from a person’s usual life.

The allergy trigger acts as a hidden agent that can cause a negative response in the body.

Differences between a cold and an allergic cough

How to distinguish an allergic cough, an important and difficult aspect, what to do in such a situation? Just seek professional help, an allergist will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. Colds also often bother children, so they can manifest themselves in the form of a characteristic cough.

The following characteristic differences can be distinguished:
  1. With allergies, the cough is dry, and may have attacks of suffocation and lack of air.
  2. During a respiratory illness, the body temperature rises and fever begins.
  3. Allergies can be noticed during seasonal exacerbations, as well as upon contact with an obvious allergen.
  4. At night, the attacks only intensify, having some dynamics.

During an allergy, a small amount of sputum may be present, which has no color. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat leads to attacks of dry cough, which are quite difficult to stop, especially small child. Before the onset of such an attack, breathing difficulties, panic, and fear are possible.

With allergies, as with colds, cough is not the only symptom. In most cases, a number of specific signs occur that indicate the development of the disease.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the true condition of the patient based on the results of all examinations.

Treatment of allergic cough in a child is a complex process that has a whole range of procedures and directions. Medicine for allergic cough for children should, of course, be prescribed only by a specialist who is familiar with clinical picture general condition child. Relieving the symptoms of an allergic cough in a child is the primary task for the doctor. You need to take the pills strictly according to a schedule that is created individually.

How to treat, what to treat this state- these are important aspects for every parent, so as not to aggravate the situation. Before starting therapy, it is important to carry out all the necessary diagnostic minimum. This item is mandatory in therapeutic therapy. An allergic cough can be cured only with a correctly identified allergen and after it has been excluded from the child’s life. Medicinal properties Many drugs and folk remedies have it, but you should not self-medicate.

You can treat an allergic cough in a child in the following ways:

  • elimination of the allergen;
  • reduction of symptoms;
  • treating the underlying cause;
  • taking medications.

For each specific case, specific therapy is prescribed, which includes all the features. How to relieve a night attack, important question for parents. In this case, giving the child everything necessary medications from an allergic cough, you can take care of his health. The doctor will give all the necessary recommendations on how to take the medicine, with the help of which we relieve night attacks and others. For coughing they give not only medicines, but folk healing decoctions can also be an excellent alternative. The main thing is to consult with a specialist before starting use. This issue is dealt with by an allergist who determines appropriate therapy and treatment.

Treatment of allergic cough in children is a long process that takes a certain period. At this time, it is important to apply all the specialist’s prescriptions and follow his recommendations.

The number of children suffering from allergies increases every year. And it is very difficult to avoid it, since the main causes of its appearance (hereditary factors, surrounding ecology) are almost impossible to influence. Allergies are characterized by many symptoms that significantly worsen the baby’s quality of life, and sometimes even lead to disability. One of its most important signs is the allergic cough reflex.

How to recognize an allergic cough

The first symptoms of an increased allergic reaction of a child’s body may appear before the child is one year old. The predisposition and accompanying cough are determined in the child by heredity, as well as diathesis suffered in infancy. An allergic cough reflex is observed in children mainly 1.5-7 years old. Among adults, only 2% have allergy symptoms.

An allergic cough in a child can also occur as a result of eating an allergenic food product. Additionally, there is a burning sensation, a sore throat, swelling of the oral mucosa, and rashes throughout the body.

It is most difficult to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold when the child is an infant. The main symptoms of an allergenic cough reflex in children include:

  • seasonal increase in attacks;
  • strengthening them in contact with animals or down products;
  • The cough is dry and subsides after taking antiallergic medications.

For frequently recurring coughing attacks in children (especially if it is a newborn), you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to recognize an allergic cough reflex and also help prevent negative consequences from occurring.

Signs of an allergic cough in a child

An allergic cough in a child is characterized by a certain set of symptoms and requires complex treatment. The main manifestations of cough due to allergies in a baby:

  • dry, wavy;
  • no signs of a cold: high fever, headache, chills;
  • before the onset of each attack, suffocation is noticeable;
  • itching of the throat and nose, redness of the latter;
  • sneezing and rhinitis are periodically added;
  • worsens at night, as well as in the morning;
  • duration up to several weeks;
  • sputum is absent or clear, in small quantities;
  • begins suddenly;
  • taking expectorants and cough medicines does not bring relief;
  • disappears after taking antihistamines.

Causes of allergic cough

Many substances are allergens. They can appear in the body and provoke the development of pathology. different ways. There are several main factors in the occurrence of the allergic cough reflex:

1. Heredity (40-80%).

2. Allergens:

  • food (fruits, sweets, milk, nuts, spices);
  • household (dust, feathers, animal fluff and hair, cosmetics);
  • pollen (color of alder, linden, poplar, maple, meadow grasses).

3. Environmental factors (the influence of passive smoking, polluted air, taking certain medications).

Allergic coughs in children can occur at any time of the year. However, if its cause is plant pollen, then attacks occur in the spring, autumn, and also in early summer. In case of intolerance house dust, allergy symptoms may be more common during the cold season, since this is when the rooms are not ventilated very often.

Based on the test results, the doctor decides how to treat the child’s allergic cough (which antihistamines to prescribe). And if you pay maximum attention to therapy and approach the implementation of the doctor’s recommendations responsibly, then you can overcome the disease without allowing the occurrence of obstructive bronchitis. But within 2–3 years it can be complicated by bronchial asthma, requiring lifelong use of special medications.

Diagnosis of the pathological condition

Allergic cough in children is treated only after all examinations have been completed.

Determining the allergen is also necessary, since only an accurate diagnosis will make it possible to select an effective course of therapy.

First, the doctor examines the baby to see if he has any symptoms of other diseases. respiratory tract that can cause coughing. If they are not there, then tests are prescribed to identify the allergen. Basic tests:

  1. Allergy test - several small cuts are made on the skin of the shoulder with a scarifier, then solutions with allergens are instilled there. If an inflammatory process is noted, then the cause of the cough has been discovered (there may be several of them). Using multitests, leading and minor allergens are identified. However, this diagnostic method is prohibited for children under 3 years of age.
  2. Determining the amount of immunoglobulins in the blood - an increase in IgE titers indicates an allergic reaction.

When examining children also in mandatory are appointed additional tests: a nasal swab, sputum and blood, if necessary, also a stool test for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs.

Drug therapy for allergic manifestations

Only the doctor decides how to treat an allergic cough. It is highly desirable to eliminate the cause of respiratory tract irritation from the baby’s environment. However, it is not always possible to exclude the provoking factor. Therefore, treatment is aimed at mitigating the reaction that occurs after encountering an allergen, as well as preventing consequences for the child.

Modern therapy involves the use of third-generation antihistamines (Zyrtec, Cetrin, Telfast). They differ from their predecessors of the first (Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin, Ketotifen) and second (Fenistil, Claritin, Semprex) generations in the absence of side effects: drowsiness and negative influence on the heart.

These drugs can stay in the child’s body for a long time, protecting him from allergies. They can be prescribed to children from one year of age.

Absorbents are also used. Most often, the doctor recommends activated white or black carbon, Enterosgel or Polysorb. Absorbents effectively block the absorption of allergens from the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxic substances. However, they neutralize the effect of other medications, including antihistamines. Under the influence of activated carbon, the immune system is strengthened and the normal composition of the blood is restored. In order to strengthen the immune system, immunomodulators and vitamins can also be prescribed.

A good method of treatment is inhalation procedures using a nebulizer. They are used at the first signs of cough, which helps alleviate the symptoms of the pathological process.

Inhalation with saline solution or mineral water(Borjomi) perfectly moisturize and cleanse the mucous membranes, relieve the feeling of soreness and dryness in the throat.

The duration of the procedure in children is 1-3 minutes, recommended 1-2 times a day. If inhalations are done regularly, the manifestation of a pathological cough will be less painful.

Minimizing provoking factors around the child increases the effectiveness of treatment:

  1. It is advisable to remove carpets from rooms and store books in closed cabinets.
  2. You need to do wet cleaning of the room several times a week.
  3. It is recommended to use curtains from a material that is suitable for frequent washing and quick-drying.
  4. It is better to choose wallpaper with a smooth texture, without relief in which dust accumulates.
  5. It is safer to replace soft toys with rubber and plastic ones.
  6. It may be necessary to get rid of indoor plants and pets.
  7. It is imperative to regularly ventilate the premises, especially the child’s bedroom.
  8. Rinsing and rinsing the mouth and nose with a saline solution helps get rid of some allergens. Recommended several times a day.

Following a special diet is recommended for all allergy sufferers, even if the cause is not food. After all, cross-reactions may occur, provoking another attack of pathological cough. Whole cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, seafood, nuts, strawberries, citrus fruits, chicken eggs, and chocolate are excluded.

In situations where the concentration of allergens becomes very high, blood purification is performed using glucose or saline droppers. Allergen-specific immunotherapy may be effective. This is a treatment method in which an irritant is injected into the body, causing an allergic reaction. The dosage is slowly increased. As a result, the immune system stops responding to the allergen. This treatment option is a fairly long process (3-5 years), but as a result, the problem disappears forever.

Traditional methods of treating allergic cough reflex

The attending physician, after consultation, may allow supplementation drug therapy means of alternative medicine. A certain combination of plants in tinctures and decoctions can soften the cough reflex and reduce its pain. An infant may experience an increased allergic reaction, so treatment with traditional methods in this case it is not carried out. Well-known folk recipes for allergic cough:

  1. Raspberries. 50 g roots and 0.5 l. boil the water for about 40 minutes. The finished chilled decoction is taken 25 ml 2 times a day.
  2. Fresh celery juice. Use 1 tsp. per day to cleanse the body of allergens.
  3. Honey, bay leaves and baking soda. 8-10 leaves are boiled for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water, adding 1 tbsp. honey and soda on the tip of a knife. Take 1/4 cup a day as soon as a coughing attack begins.
  4. Onion milk. Chop 1 medium-sized onion and boil in 200 ml of milk over low heat for several minutes. Drink in 2 doses.
  5. Black radish. Washed thoroughly black radish grind, add honey in a ratio of 2:1. Leave to release the juice for 8-10 hours. Then drain the resulting liquid and drink 20 ml 3 times a day. in a day.
  6. Ginger root. Grate a small piece and boil in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. When a cough begins, take 50 ml.
  7. Calendula. To prepare the decoction, 10 g of dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water. Drink 30 ml several times a day.
  8. Anise. 10 g of seeds pour 200 ml hot water, insist for about an hour. Dosage: 30 ml every day before meals.

A mixture of goat fat and butter is also used as an external remedy in alternative medicine. Children rub it on their chest and back to relieve cough. You can cure nasal congestion due to allergies using potato inhalations.

The child is recommended to breathe in vapors without covering himself with a towel. This procedure can be carried out for about 15 minutes every other day.

Allergies will bother you much less often if you drink fresh birch sap in courses for several weeks every spring. Regular tea can be replaced with a decoction of strawberry leaves. Juices from carrots, apples, cauliflower, cucumbers, beets and fresh greens are useful, which can be taken every day half an hour before meals.

With timely diagnosis of allergies and proper treatment, followed by mandatory adherence to the principles proper nutrition, and excluding allergens from the child’s environment – ​​it is possible to avoid complications and live a full life.

The mysterious disease of the century - allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. One of the most common symptoms of a common allergic disease is cough. It should be understood that allergic cough itself is not a disease, but the body’s reaction to the action of harmless antigens. If the immune system fails, then ordinary pollen from flowering plants or animal hair is perceived by the body as pathogenic. How to distinguish an allergic cough in a child from a cold? There are symptoms by which one can determine its nature.

Signs of illness

Allergens can create serious problems in the child's respiratory system. Moreover, cough can appear at any age. It is associated with inflammatory processes in the trachea, bronchi, and mucous membrane of the throat. Without treatment, the cough becomes more severe and leads to chronic diseases or such dangerous acute conditions as shortness of breath and asthma attacks.


Predisposition to allergies can be transmitted genetically or occur due to incorrect conditions life. Long stays in damp, fungal-infested areas, poor nutrition and unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of a cough.

From this article you can find out how to treat a wet cough in a child.

Allergens enter the body most often through respiratory system. There their first meeting with the cells of the immune system takes place. They must recognize newly arrived substances and transmit information about them to lymphocytes. If a failure occurs in the circuit, the immune system identifies harmless dust as a dangerous element.

Lymphocytes begin to produce immunoglobulin, a protective protein. It is involved in the fight against the allergen. Specific cells begin to produce and release histamine into the blood, which spreads throughout all organs, causing swelling, itching, coughing and suffocation.

The causes of allergic cough depend on the type of allergy. Today there is a popular version that children develop allergies due to their parents’ careful attitude to hygiene. Inna Danilycheva, Researcher Institute of Immunology, believes that excessive cleanliness does not contribute to the formation of immunity in a child. Moderate pollutants, on the contrary, train the immune system.

How to give inhalations to a child with a dry cough is indicated in the article.

Whatever the reasons, the cough must be treated. And this should be done by a specialist. Diagnosis of allergic diseases is carried out in laboratories through tests to identify the allergen, and treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The video explains how to recognize (determine) an allergic cough in a child:

How to distinguish from colds and other types of cough

A cough caused by an allergy may not be productive. It is always dry, sometimes barking, and does not go away until the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

You can learn how to quickly cure a runny nose and cough from the article.

The main signs of allergic cough in children:

  • It starts suddenly.
  • Coughing attacks are prolonged.
  • The condition does not change unless the allergen is eliminated.
  • Attacks worsen in summer and winter, or during mass flowering of plants.
  • At night, cough is most acute, sometimes only during contact with an allergen or immediately after contact with it.
  • The cough is dry, if the sputum is separated, it is transparent, colorless, without pus.
  • The cough is not accompanied by fever or other symptoms of a cold, however, rhinitis, itchy nose, and sneezing may occur.

The video shows the symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in a child, in contrast to other diseases:

Any item, product or substance in modern world may be an allergen. Food allergies most often caused Exotic fruits and vegetables, coffee, smoked meats, food with preservatives, mushrooms, honey, eggs.

Detergents with a pungent odor, for example, Domestos and other chlorine-containing substances, also cause an allergic cough. And also a walk near a highway with active traffic, a trip to a store with strong odors, ingestion of an unusual protein during vaccination, contact with animal fur.

You can learn from this article how cough manifests itself and what are the symptoms of thyroid disease.

However, not only allergies cause a dry cough. The cause may be helminthiasis. During migration, roundworm larvae enter the lung tissue, causing coughing. Therefore, the diagnosis of allergic cough involves excluding helminthiasis.

It is difficult to distinguish a whooping cough from an allergic cough in the early stages. It becomes spasmodic, with a characteristic wheezing breath, only in the third week. Such a cough can turn into an allergic one. Treating this disease on your own is dangerous.

What could be the cause of cough after eating is indicated in this article.

A simple test will help determine the presence of spasm in the bronchi, as one of the symptoms of allergies. To do this, you need to hold a sheet of paper by the edges in front of the child's face. It should blow hard on the paper. If the effort is enough for the sheet to accept horizontal position, then everything is fine with the bronchi; if not, you need to undergo an examination.


If a child begins to have an allergic cough, it must be stopped as quickly as possible to prevent bronchial obstruction. Simple cough syrup won't help here. To stop coughing:

During treatment, herbal preparations should be avoided, as herbs can cause an allergic reaction. Glucocorticosteroids are given to children only in extreme cases. It is better to limit yourself to infusions of glucose and saline. A positive result is obtained by rinsing the nasopharynx with a weak saline solution.

How to treat a very dry cough can be found in this article.

The use of enterosorbents brings results. Children are given (maximum 2 weeks) activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, milk thistle seeds. Sorbents are used separately from medications.

Plasmapheresis is also used - mechanical purification of blood from allergens and toxins. But the procedure has contraindications and is valid for a limited time.

The video explains how to relieve an allergic cough attack in a child:

Why a sore throat and cough is worth reading this article.

Treatment in an infant

In infants, even a cold cough can pass without sputum production due to insufficient functioning of the bronchi. A long, paroxysmal cough may be a manifestation of an allergy, an asthma attack, or a consequence of a foreign body entering the respiratory tract.

If you suspect an allergy, you need to:

In children under three years of age, cough is most often caused by food allergens. But it is possible that the reaction is associated with toys, feather pillows, plants and animals.

Taking antihistamines in the first year of life makes it difficult to clear sputum. They are used carefully. After all, if it turns out that the cough is not allergic, then the medicine may cause harm.

What to do when you have a sore throat and dry cough, you can learn from the article.

Treatment for preschool children

During treatment, contact with allergens should be minimized. In addition to antihistamine therapy, special exercises can be used. The simplest thing is to inflate balloons.

Finger massage relieves the condition. This is done by lightly tapping the fingers on the back of the child, who is lying on his stomach at the edge of the bed, hanging chest down. Manipulation helps remove mucus from the bronchi.

What to do when you have a prolonged dry cough is indicated in this article.

Treatment for schoolchildren

How will it cure schoolchildren? Schoolchildren suffer from allergic cough most often due to pollen. They are prescribed antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Pipolfen, Diazolin) and treated with Histaglobulin. Effective breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. And only in severe cases are corticosteroids used.

If it is not possible to completely eliminate the effect of allergens, specific hyposensitization can be used at this age. It's called an allergy shot. The therapy is based on the gradual introduction of allergens into the body with a constant increase in dose, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity.

The reason why cough from erespal continues for a long time is indicated in the article.

Treatment for allergic bronchitis

Painful inflammation in the bronchi is treated with medication. The treatment regimen combines specific and nonspecific measures.

  • Long-term specific hyposensitization by the allergen prevents bronchitis from transforming into asthma.
  • If bronchitis is complicated by tracheitis, Histaglobulin therapy is used. Conduct from 2 courses of subcutaneous injections of the drug.
  • To stimulate the body, Metacil, Sodium nucleinate, Pentoxyl are prescribed.
  • Antihistamines are administered intramuscularly, in the form of aerosols or tablets.
  • Electrophoresis is prescribed with solutions of sodium bromide and calcium chloride to normalize sleep.

In the video there is more information about allergic bronchitis in a child, and how to relieve a cough:

Doctor Komarovsky about the essence of the disease

The doctor reminds you that coughing is just a symptom. He claims there is no cure for cough. We need to look for the reason for its appearance. If the causative agent of cough receptors is found, it will be possible to correctly prescribe treatment.

Komarovsky believes that diagnostics should be carried out by a doctor. Without his recommendations, you cannot take cough suppressants, which include Libexin and Glaucine. Uncontrolled use of even the most harmless medications for an allergic cough can only cause harm. This also applies to mucolytics (they are especially dangerous for children under two years of age) and expectorants.

The video explains what to take for an allergic cough in a child:

Without risk to the child’s health, you can take measures such as:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • regular air humidification (especially before bedtime);
  • rinsing the nose and throat.

The doctor recommends stopping a coughing attack with an injection of Suprastin. Its effect will begin within 10 minutes, while the tablets will take effect only after 20 minutes. This is a long-acting drug, its effect lasts about 12 hours. And do not forget that all antihistamines do not cure, but relieve symptoms.

If you are not allergic to honey and Bay leaf, you can prepare a mixture for this type of cough. To do this, boil dry laurel leaves for 5 minutes in a glass of water, cool, add a teaspoon of honey and soda. Take ¼ cup of decoction orally during attacks.

In the video - a remedy for allergic cough for children:

According to the doctor, the main method of combating allergic cough is prevention. To do this, it is enough to monitor the cleanliness of the house, food and avoid contact with animals. It is equally important to support the child’s immunity. Strong healthy body will be able to cope with allergens much better than the most expensive drug.

But if an allergic cough appears, do not self-medicate. After all, a child’s body is just developing. Incorrect diagnosis and ill-prescribed treatment for cough can lead to asthma, bronchitis and other dangerous diseases.

It's always unpleasant when your baby is sick. But it happens that a cough does not go away for several months and appears unexpectedly. Then it’s worth checking your child for allergies and treating an allergic cough before it becomes more severe. serious illness, such as bronchial asthma. Traditional medicine methods will come to the rescue, but you should not forget about examinations and doctors’ recommendations.

How is an allergic cough treated in a child and how to recognize its first symptoms?

A cough can be a manifestation of various diseases, but it does not always indicate a disease, sometimes being a protective reaction of the body from external influences harmful to it. For example, if we are talking about allergies. Young parents often encounter this situation and begin to stuff their child with medications. But before treating a child’s allergic cough, it is urgent to make a diagnosis and understand what exactly caused it. Then eliminate the cause.

What is an allergy?

Allergy in medicine is the reaction of the body's defense system to certain irritants. We can say that it is beneficial, because if the immune system had not reacted to the negative impact, the body might not have been able to cope. And so measures are taken, the impact of the allergen is eliminated, and everything returns to normal.

“How to treat an allergic cough in a child?” is one of the most popular questions that young mothers ask in pediatricians’ offices. The modern generation of children does not have strong immunity, and allergies at a tender age, alas, are a common occurrence.

Who is at risk?

Someone never wonders how to treat an allergic cough in a child. Signs of allergies never make themselves felt. And some people suffer all their lives.

Whether a person is allergic or not, as a rule, becomes clear already in infancy. Children whose bodies react violently to certain foods or other substances with skin rashes are likely to continue to suffer from allergic reactions. Parents of such children need to be on guard all the time.

In addition, the cause of allergies in the future can be diseases suffered in infancy, when immunity is still practically zero. It is difficult for the body to fight the disease, and it fails.

Those children whose close relatives also suffer from allergies are also at risk. Hereditary factor in in this case is of great importance.

Allergy prevention

One of the most worrying conditions for parents is a dry allergic cough in a child. Rather than treat it and stuff your child with drugs, of course, it is better to prevent the disease.

And you should start doing prevention while you are pregnant. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman should walk a lot away from polluted highways and deliberately refuse to eat allergenic products and, of course, cross out all bad habits.

Both before and after the birth of a child, it is necessary to keep the house clean - do wet cleaning, ventilate the room more often. It is better to protect your newborn from contact with animals. At the slightest suspicion of diathesis, the baby should be seen immediately by a doctor.

Symptoms of an allergic cough

So, how is an allergic cough treated in a child whose symptoms are quite specific? Before giving any medications, you should determine for sure that your baby’s cough is due to an allergy. The main signs of an allergic cough are:

Types of allergic cough

Experts identify several types of allergic cough. Among them are:

  • Dry - most often occurs during cold or hot weather.
  • Barking character - accompanied by a hoarse voice. Sounds like the ringing bark of a dog. Breathing is difficult.
  • Night cough lasts a long time (two to three hours). The eyes become watery and clear mucus flows from the nasal passages.

How to distinguish an allergic cough from symptoms of bronchitis or whooping cough?

As noted above, cough can be a manifestation of various diseases, including bronchitis or whooping cough. It is important for parents to correctly assess the baby’s condition in order to take the necessary measures in time. After all, in particular, whooping cough can pose a direct threat to life, and you should not hesitate to seek medical help.

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Competent doctors thoroughly analyze the symptoms before treating a child’s allergic cough. And they make adequate decisions. And the parents, being in anxious state, are not always able to think soberly.

But still, how does cough due to allergies differ from other diseases?

Diagnosis of allergies

How and how to treat an allergic cough in a child, diagnosis will help to say for sure. After all, even if the fact of an allergy is not questioned, it is difficult to determine on your own what exactly caused it.

First of all, the pediatrician examines the baby, listens to him, assesses the nature of the cough, measures the temperature and conducts a conversation with the parents, determining the type of disease. If an allergy is present, it is carried out special test. Small incisions are made on the skin in the forearm area with a scarifier, which are filled with a certain reagent (allergen in small doses). If redness or blisters appear on the skin, itching begins, etc., it means that it is this allergen that causes a reaction in the form of a cough. The cause has been found and treatment can be prescribed. (This type of diagnosis is not carried out in relation to children under three years of age).

Often, when making a diagnosis, a blood test for immunoglobulin levels is also prescribed, which allows one to detect allergic reactions.

What can cause an attack?

Obviously, in search of an answer to the question of how to treat an allergic cough in a child, determining the cause plays a very important role. important role. The list of provoking factors is huge, but the main ones are:

So, how do you treat an allergic cough in a child?

After making a diagnosis and identifying the allergen, the first thing to do is to isolate the child from the irritant or at least minimize contact.

If the incident does occur (the child grabbed the cat and coughed heavily), the attack is relieved with a special drug (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Erius, etc.). But only after the allergen is removed to a safe distance, otherwise there will be no effect. The injections stop the attack within ten minutes. The tablets are somewhat slower - they begin to act in about twenty to thirty minutes.

In cases where the allergen cannot be removed, antiallergic drugs will not help - hormonal drugs are needed. Allergies inevitably cause intoxication of the body, to eliminate which they take white coal, Smecta and similar drugs.

What else is used to treat an allergic cough in a child? For children over three years of age, the “hardening” method may be recommended, when an allergen is injected under the skin, increasing the dose each time, and eventually the body develops immunity. Cough is well eliminated through inhalations that dilate the bronchi.

When treating non-acute allergic cough, doctors often prescribe Gerbion syrup based on plantain. These and some other plants - faithful friends allergy sufferers, which is well known in traditional medicine.

Traditional ways to combat allergic cough

“Whose children have allergic cough, how do you treat it?” - an alarmed mother sometimes asks other parents. And experienced parents share proven folk recipes:

  • drip aloe juice into your nose (it removes phlegm well);
  • mix boiled and crushed bay leaf with a few teaspoons of honey and a pinch of soda - give the remedy during an attack;
  • as a drink during attacks, use the water in which the onions were boiled (several onions per liter);
  • gargle with water (you can add sea ​​salt) after walking.

A favorite of moms and dads, Dr. Komarovsky, who has already become almost a legend, answering the question of how to relieve an attack and how to treat an allergic cough in a child, calls not to panic and approaches the situation with humor. So, for example, he considers the first remedy for allergic cough... to have a dog. Which will “take” parents out for walks with their children. And fresh air for an allergy sufferer is the best medicine.

The doctor also advises humidifying the room (during attacks, you can open the hot water tap in the bathroom to create steam). And another sure remedy is to drink plenty of fluids.

Komarovsky is categorically against total cleanliness, which, in his opinion, leads to allergic reactions in an unhardened organism. But, of course, it is necessary to maintain order, because excess dust and healthy person harmful, and for an allergy sufferer - destructive.

The doctor agrees with his colleagues that the first step should be to eliminate, if possible, the patient’s contact with the allergen (that is, completely eliminate the cause), and then treat the effect. Otherwise there will be no positive result.

Well, naturally physical activity, hardening, quality products, clothes made from natural fabrics and most importantly (as in any business) - a positive attitude!

Allergic cough in children: description, causes, symptoms, treatment

An allergic cough in a child is one of the symptoms of allergies. He appears with various reasons, due to the fact that allergens affect the upper respiratory tract. Cough occurs due to inflammatory process in the trachea, bronchial system, throat. An allergic cough in a child may have a paroxysmal character, he begins to cough.

Description of allergic cough in a child

1. The cough can be sudden, paroxysmal, lasts about a month, the body temperature does not rise, and sometimes a runny nose may appear.

2. Dry cough most often appears at night, and is rare during the day.

3. The sputum is transparent, it does not contain pus, and the child often sneezes and has severe itching in the nose and throat.

Allergy cough is easy to distinguish from other types; it lasts for a month, the temperature does not rise, and a runny nose may occur. Most often, the cough begins to bother the child at night, but during the day it becomes much easier. The cough in some situations is dry, and in others it is wet, while the sputum does not have purulent discharge. With an allergic cough, itching in the nose and throat may appear, and the person begins to sneeze frequently.

Causes of allergic cough in children

Most often, a child’s allergies appear to the color of a plant, dust, foreign type protein, also to medications– vaccine, syrups, antibacterial agents.

Symptoms of an allergic cough

It is very difficult to find out in time what type of cough a child has - allergic or typical. With allergies, symptoms of rhinitis appear, the larynx swells, and anxiety convulsive state. It is important to get rid of the cause that provoked the allergy in time - house dust, animal hair, pollen. To do this, you additionally need to submit everything necessary tests, allergen test.

If the irritant begins to negatively affect the respiratory system, the bronchi and larynx become severely swollen, and the child may feel suffocated. When a child gets rid of irritants, he is tormented by frequent coughing, which is how the body removes the allergen.

Features of the course of allergic cough in children

Most often, the symptom appears in the child who suffered from diathesis as an infant. If a child is predisposed to an allergic reaction, he may develop a cough due to a small amount of allergens. When a child has an unbalanced diet, if he was not vaccinated on time, this causes an allergic reaction, which is manifested by a cough.

Symptoms can be aggravated in winter, summer, winter, if the child does not go outside and constantly stays in a dry room. It is important to consult an immunologist or allergist in time and undergo all necessary tests.

If attacks are constant, it is important to consult a doctor in time so that the disease does not develop into bronchial asthma. Most often, attacks can be provoked viral infection, genetic predisposition, ecology, allergen.

First of all, the doctor finds out the reason why the allergic cough appears; after the allergen is detected, it is important to avoid contact with it. A certain course of therapy is also prescribed.

Treatment of allergic cough

Before the course of therapy, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic tests, they can also prescribe computer bronchophonography to find out about allergic processes in the bronchial system.

Children may often be prescribed antihistamines - treatment with suprastin, tavegil, diazolin. Most often, in addition to an allergic cough, strong thick discharge appears from the nose. In this situation, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drugs - instill the nose with galazolin, naphthyzine. The nose may become very red and cause severe itching.

Treatment of allergic cough in a child

It is necessary to use special allergy medications to protect the child from allergens. It is important to constantly support your child with medications that can help boost immunity. Please note that glucocortecosteroids should not be used; these drugs can have a negative effect on the child’s body.

You can relieve a coughing attack with the help of a dropper, for this they use a physical solution, glucose. With the help of medications, you can reduce the child’s exposure to the allergen, so he can recover faster.

Prevention of allergic cough

In no case should you use antibacterial agents for an allergic cough; they can cause the disease to worsen. You can use the following folk remedies for allergic cough:

1. Drink as much warm water as possible.

2. You can get rid of it using this recipe; you will need bay leaf, baking soda, and honey. It is important to take this decoction during a severe coughing attack. 50 ml per day will be enough.

3. The child should not eat food that contains a large number of allergens.

4. Breathe fresh air as much as possible.

5. Monitor the condition of your child’s skin; when you notice a rash, you should immediately consult your doctor.

6. If a child suffers from an allergic cough, you need to constantly clean the house every day and ventilate the room.

7. It is worth giving up dogs, cats, and fish if you know that the child is allergic.

8. You can alleviate the symptoms of an allergic cough with the help of Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil.

Thus, if a child has a frequent allergic cough, you should immediately seek help from an allergist; with his help, you can find out the cause of its occurrence and the allergen. It is important to take action as early as possible; if this is not done, the child may have bronchial asthma. In addition to treating an allergic cough, it is important to properly care for it, pay attention to its diet, daily routine, and the conditions in which it lives. Keep him away from pollen, animals and other allergens.

When a child develops a cough, parents most often think that these are signs of a cold. Not everyone knows that a barking cough that appears suddenly, in attacks, and blocks breathing, can be the result of an allergy. It is important to remember that allergic cough is a very common symptom of an allergic disease.

A child's cough is not always a consequence of a cold.

Responsible parents should take care and find out information about why a child has an allergic cough, what methods of help are available, what medications will help alleviate the symptoms (see also:). It would also be useful to learn about folk remedies for treating allergic cough.

General characteristics of allergic cough

One of the most striking manifestations of allergies is coughing, but it is still not always easy to recognize its nature. It can often be confused with a cold. They are similar, but you can still tell them apart. With colds, coughing is accompanied by a rise in temperature, a reddened throat and nasal discharge. An allergic cough in a child is not a disease, it is either a sign of an allergy, or this is how bronchial asthma manifests itself. Allergens have a negative effect on the upper respiratory tract. Soreness, as an indicator of an allergy, appears due to inflammatory reaction in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the throat, bronchi or trachea.

Combined with a runny nose allergic nature, cough makes breathing very difficult in children. Such signs appear only if an irritating allergen is present in the immediate environment. The task of first aid includes eliminating the pathogen itself, provided that you have found out the root cause of the toddler’s allergy.

For complete treatment, you must first identify the cause of the allergy.


Signs of an allergic cough in a child are as follows:

  • sudden appearance of paroxysmal barking cough;
  • persistent cough for 2-3 weeks, dry, combined runny nose with nasal discharge;
  • no increase in body temperature;
  • the main time for the appearance of an allergic cough is at night, and during the day the manifestations are not so pronounced;
  • night dry cough with possible clear sputum without purulent impurities;
  • itchy sensations in the nasal cavity, dryness and sore throat, the appearance of tears, sneezing, coughing does not give a feeling of comfort;
  • the seizures stop as soon as the baby takes antihistamine"Tavegil", "Suprastin" or "Diazolin".


The cause of an allergy can be absolutely any object or substance:

  • food, this pathogen is especially typical for children of the first three years;
  • household allergens (animal hair, dust, feathers or fluff in pillows, blankets, etc.);
  • pollen of flowers, plants;
  • phosphate washing powders, aerosol chemical composition;

Household chemicals can cause allergies in children
  • common diseases infectious nature, damaging the respiratory system;
  • passive smoking (if adults smoke in the house where the child lives);
  • medicinal syrups, vaccinations, medications that contain an allergen;
  • helminthiases.

One thing can be said with certainty: the sooner you determine the serious nature of your child’s cough, the faster you will be able to cure the disease. The danger of an allergic cough is that it can cause the development of bronchitis, and based on it asthmatic bronchitis, which ultimately leads to the development of bronchial asthma.


A painful cough in infants under one year of age requires careful and detailed diagnosis. The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in a variety of problems: gastrointestinal diseases, infections and other diseases.

To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo a number of tests:

A blood test may be necessary to determine the allergen and cause of the cough.

Such a detailed diagnosis will allow the doctor to collect the most complete information about the disease. All information will help prescribe high-quality and effective treatment.


Having determined the allergic nature of cough in infant, the doctor in most cases prescribes medications to alleviate the general condition and relieve symptoms. Having realized that the unpleasant phenomenon is caused by food, you should be even more careful when choosing foods for your baby and remove strong allergens from the diet.

Baby food should not include chocolate, red berries and fruits, citrus fruits and seafood. As soon as the first allergic reactions appear, treatment should be started immediately. Even during pregnancy, expectant mothers should give up foods that are likely to cause allergies; as a result, the baby born will be less susceptible to them.

Antiallergic tablets, inhalations and others can stop paroxysmal coughs. modern methods. You should not select medications on your own. Entrust this choice to a professional – a doctor.

Inhalation can help relieve an attack, but it must be prescribed by a doctor

The most basic way to alleviate the condition is to remove the allergen from the child’s area. The second thing to do is give an antihistamine.


To relieve unpleasant symptoms that worsen in spring and autumn, you can take the following antiallergic medications: Cetrin, Zodak, Zyrtec, Suprastin. All of the drugs listed have fast action. The positive effect will be noticeable within 20 minutes after their use.

Having identified that the root cause of allergy symptoms is pathogens such as dust, fur or pollen, you can use an antihistamine nasal spray to relieve discomfort. This type of medication will relieve swelling, moisturize the mucous membranes and improve the general condition. After a walk on fresh air It is recommended to rinse your nose and mouth thoroughly with running water. Use the following sprays as antihistamines: Cromohexal, Allergodil and Levocabastine.

Remember - not all drugs are suitable for use in infants, so be sure to consult your doctor first. To relieve the condition of an infant, use a pipette.

Preventive measures to help get rid of allergic cough will only be effective in integrated approach to treatment. The use of antiallergic drugs will not completely solve the problem. Basic therapy should be combined with the use of traditional medicine methods.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem with pills alone - comprehensive measures must be taken

A severe coughing attack can be calmed and stopped by administering a dose of Suprastin. The injection procedure is more effective and will give results within 7-10 minutes, while Suprastin tablets will act more slowly. Visible improvement will occur in about 20 minutes. The average duration of action of the drug is 12 hours, then the substance is excreted from the body along with urine.

Before purchasing the medicine Suprastin, read the instructions for use, finding out the correct method of use and the recommended dose. Don't forget to read the list of contraindications and side effects.


The use of enterosorbents will be very effective, but they should not be taken for more than two weeks, since the sorbents included in their composition reduce the ability to absorb minerals and vitamins. Do not combine their use with other drugs. For use, choose the following medications: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum STI.


The use of plasmapheresis is a mechanical purification of the blood from allergic substances, existing toxins and other harmful components. During therapeutic plasmapheresis, blood is removed from the body and then purified back into the body. The effect of such cleansing will be quite good, but will be only temporary. This procedure has a number of contraindications. For clarity, you can watch a video showing what this method looks like.


The following medications are used in the form of inhalations: Berodual, Pulmicort. Inhalation procedures using a nebulizer provide very good support for coughs of an allergic nature, bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. For allergic cough, inhalation is also appropriate to do:

  • with saline;
  • with an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • with hypertonic saline solution;
  • with mineral water.

The saline solution will make the mucous membranes more moist and cleansed. By giving your child just one inhalation using a nebulizer, you will see that the cough has decreased. Regular procedures will ease the general condition of allergies.


If you have a dry cough, as well as a cough with viscous sputum, it is recommended to inhale Berodual. To do this, the drug is added to a saline solution with a volume of about 3 ml. Inhalation procedures through a nebulizer should be carried out 4 times a day. Under no circumstances should children be treated by diluting Berodual with distilled water.

The drug Berodual shows good results when diluted with saline solution

The action of Berodual involves relieving tension from the bronchial muscles, as well as normalizing the process of mucus production in the lower respiratory tract. Berodual is a non-hormonal medication with a temporary effect. Berodual is allowed to be used by children over 6 years of age (more details in the article:). Before starting inhalations, be sure to consult your doctor.

This hormonal agent is actively used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, as well as other diseases of the upper respiratory tract that lead to difficulty breathing. Pulmicort is a safe medicine for childhood, even when taking long-term use into account. The action of Pulmicort includes the removal of swelling from the bronchi, the prevention of bronchospasms and anti-inflammatory activity.

Indications for the use of Pulmicort: dry allergic cough with difficult to separate sputum. Inhalations are carried out through a nebulizer. Only a doctor has the right to calculate an individual dosage for each child. Before use, the drug Pulmicort is diluted in saline solution.

Any type of inhalation via a nebulizer will be effective and will reduce the effects of allergies. 10 minutes after the procedure, a positive therapeutic effect is observed. In addition, antiallergic medications can be added to inhalation solutions, which will reduce symptoms.

Pulmicort is a hormonal drug and should therefore only be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

To relieve the consequences and improve the general condition of the child, traditional medicine methods are often used. Good effect gives garlic syrup for allergic coughs. It is very easy to prepare. You should chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and combine them with sugar or honey. The syrup will be obtained by infusing the mixture for two weeks. Every day you need to take 1 tablespoon of syrup in the morning. It can also be taken during a coughing attack.

Folk remedies are able to provide a preventive effect, but the first priority, of course, will be medicinal methods treatments that must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Any folk way help may have contraindications, so carefully weigh the pros and cons so as not to aggravate the situation.

Diet for allergic cough

As soon as a child’s allergic cough worsens, the children’s diet is strictly limited to the following products:

  • orange fruits and vegetables;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts;
  • natural cow's milk;
  • mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup;
  • smoked and sausages;
  • honey and all its products;
  • chocolate and sweet pastries;
  • mushrooms;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • products with preservatives.

During the treatment of cough, the child must follow a certain diet

If allergic reactions occur, the child should not be given goose or duck meat. With extreme caution, you can feed your baby turkey or chicken. It is advisable to replace these types of meat with rabbit or beef. Cow's milk should be replaced with goat's milk, but given in small volumes.

When dieting, you can eat green vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, white cabbage, eggplant. You are allowed to eat porridge, cottage cheese, bananas, prunes, green apples, boiled potatoes, and black bread.

By eliminating unpleasant consequences, it is permitted to begin the gradual introduction of excluded products. “Dangerous” vegetables and fruits are introduced gradually. For example, pumpkin or red apple are given in a volume of 30 g in the form of puree. If perception is good, the dose is increased slightly.

Products that can cause an allergic cough are left in the diet in small quantities. This is necessary for the body to get used to dangerous products and stop producing antibodies.


  • Keep an eye on your baby's skin. At the first suspicion of diathesis, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.
  • Do wet cleaning in the house every day. Ventilate the room well.
  • Do not allow animals into the baby's area. It is advisable that they should not be where the baby eats, sleeps or plays.
  • There should be a minimum of soft toys in the baby's room. It is advisable to choose alternative materials, such as rubber.
  • Choose hypoallergenic baby care products.
  • It is better to replace down pillows and blankets with synthetic ones.

Parents should not make personal assumptions about the causes of cough. All diagnostic procedures must be done by a doctor. All treatment methods begin only after they are prescribed by a specialist. Based on the test results and other information received, the doctor will draw a conclusion about the causes of the allergy and help relieve the baby from unpleasant symptoms V as soon as possible. The child will recover faster if adults do not self-medicate.

Komarovsky's opinion

Information taken from Dr. Komarovsky’s book “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life”:

  • Do not under any circumstances use antitussive tablets (Libexin, Broncholitin, Glaucine, Tusuprex) without a doctor’s prescription!
  • Excessive love for a child causes a cough. Mucus from drying out and various irritating substances unpleasantly tickle the mucous surface of the bronchi. This often happens from an abundance of soft toys and carpets (dust), from allergies to pets, chocolate or citrus fruits, as well as to excessively dry and warm air. In this case, you must first remove the original sources of the allergic cough, and only then begin treatment.
  • In the case when the baby woke up at night from a feeling of suffocation, has a hoarse voice and a barking cough, then most likely such consequences are of a viral nature. In case of croup, and this is exactly what it is, you need to let the child breathe moist cool air before the ambulance arrives, bringing him/her to a window or balcony. At the same time, dress the baby warmly and give him something warm to drink.

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