Home Pulpitis Mantoux reaction: contraindications. Are there any contraindications to the Mantoux reaction test? Contraindication to tuberculin test Mantoux reaction indications and contraindications

Mantoux reaction: contraindications. Are there any contraindications to the Mantoux reaction test? Contraindication to tuberculin test Mantoux reaction indications and contraindications

For decades, almost all schoolchildren have been exposed to the Mantoux test. Analyzing the “button”, the doctor concludes that the risk of infection is very severe and dangerous disease– tuberculosis. The procedure is repeated annually. However, many parents do not fully understand how necessary this event is and whether it is harmful.

The benefit of Mantoux is that it is a kind of indicator of the presence of the tuberculosis pathogen in the body. Given that the number of people infected with tuberculosis is increasing every year, all newborns should be vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). Mantoux allows you to monitor the effect of vaccination in order to promptly identify the disease and begin therapy.

Despite the fact that Mantoux is the main method of preventive examination of children for tuberculosis, the test has a number of contraindications

Mantoux test - benefit or harm?

IN Lately The number of tuberculosis patients is rapidly increasing. One of the most affordable and simple remedies identify this infection- carry out a tuberculin test. Mantoux is not a vaccination, but a test for the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body. The main condition is a preliminary examination by a general practitioner, who should exclude an increase in body temperature, any skin diseases, impaired immune function, and also assess the likelihood of allergies.

From 1 year to 15 years Mantoux is considered mandatory procedure once a year. A small amount of neutralized enzymes of tuberculosis bacteria, which are thermally treated, is injected subcutaneously into the forearm area. By analyzing the child’s body’s reaction to the “button,” the doctor can assess the process of developing immunity against tuberculosis and the child’s chances of resisting this dangerous disease.

Despite the fact that Manta has been used for diagnostic purposes for quite a long time, doctors have divided opinions regarding its safety. Some experts believe that the test is not a vaccination, so it does not have any effect on the immune system. And others believe that unexpected things are possible Negative consequences, since the mechanism of interaction between tuberculin and immunity is still unknown exactly, and the composition of tuberculin, which is administered to a child, includes many harmful substances.

Tuberculin is a heterogeneous mixture of organic matter of varying complexity, which are obtained from mycobacteria. It does not contain the Koch bacillus itself, but only its metabolic products. In addition, the drug contains sodium chloride, Tween-80 stabilizer, salts of phosphate buffer solution and phenol, which acts as a preservative. Traces of ballast impurities may also be present.

After the introduction of tuberculin, the body does not produce specific antibodies, so it cannot be called an antigen. It is also not a toxin. Most experts classify it as a group of incomplete antigens.

Normal reaction to Mantoux

The reaction can be analyzed when three days have passed, but not more than a week after the test. It is during this period that you can see a specific papule, which is denser and differs in redness against the background of the rest of the skin. To measure its diameter, doctors use a transparent millimeter ruler, which is placed across the forearm. In cases where the papule is not visible, the hyperemic area of ​​skin is of no diagnostic value.

The result is considered negative if there are no changes at the site of the Mantoux test, and if a papule is present and there is redness of the skin, then positive (more details in the article:). The diameter of the papule directly depends on the number of pathogens present - the more of them there are in the child’s body, the larger the diameter of the “button” will be. The diagnostic results are recorded in the medical record.

Temporary contraindications

Mantoux is allowed to be given to a child only if he is absolutely healthy at the time of testing and has not been sick with anything during the previous 30 days, including colds. Otherwise, the result may be distorted.

The following conditions are contraindications to the Mantoux test:

  • skin rash of any nature;
  • allergy;
  • chronic and acute infectious diseases;
  • any colds.

Another contraindication is to vaccinate and Mantoux in the same period, because the latter greatly weakens the immune system, which can cause an incorrect reaction to the test. The break between procedures ranges from several weeks to two months, depending on the type of vaccine. A TB doctor may insist on temporarily refusing to carry out the test if the child has recently had complex infection or suffers from persistent allergies. This period can last up to six months. If quarantine is declared in the group that the child attends, the test can be done only after the quarantine is lifted.

Absolute contraindications

To avoid the development of complications associated with the test, it is necessary to understand under what conditions the procedure is unacceptable. A certain category of children cannot be tested due to existing diseases. This includes children suffering from:

  • dermatitis;
  • chronic forms of infectious diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • various neurological diseases.

Before performing the Mantoux test, the doctor is obliged to clarify whether the child has temporary or absolute contraindications

Testing this category of children may lead to a severe allergic reaction and give a distorted result. That is why the TB doctor is provided with the entire medical history of the child to prevent adverse reaction. Only a doctor can decide whether the test can be performed on the baby or whether there are contraindications.

Side effects and complications in a child

Many parents are concerned about the question: can Mantoux cause complications? Official medicine claims that the risk of complications is minimal, but in pediatric practice a slightly different picture is observed. It has been established that Mantoux vaccination can cause the following side effects:

  • violations by housing and communal services;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • temperature increase;
  • vomit;
  • skin rash;
  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • a week after the test, the child may begin to cough.

In children with weak immunity and allergy sufferers, the Mantoux test can cause side effects similar to symptoms of intoxication

The symptoms after the test are quite similar to the manifestation of the body’s reaction when interacting with toxic substances. This suggests that Mantoux still contains toxins (phenol), albeit a small part, so it can cause side effects in particularly sensitive children prone to allergies. Symptoms usually go away on their own after 1-3 days. With significantly pronounced side symptoms symptoms that last more than 3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If the doctor did not check for a runny nose in the child before performing Mantoux, then the body’s reaction may be unpredictable. Your child may tolerate the test without any unusual symptoms, or the runny nose may worsen and develop into chronic form. Thus, carrying out the test is advisable only if the child is absolutely healthy and the doctor has not seen any hidden pathologies.

Are there alternative methods of testing for tuberculosis?

In most cases, the Mantoux test is used to diagnose tuberculosis, which is carried out once a year. However, for a certain category of children this method is unacceptable, so doctors use alternative options for testing the body’s reaction to Koch’s wand. The most popular of them:

  • immunogram;
  • Suslov method;
  • Diaskintest;
  • interferon test.


To perform an immunogram, blood is taken from a child's vein, which is then examined for the number of cells produced to fight mycobacteria. The indicator allows you to analyze the ability of the child’s immunity to resist the disease.

Suslov method

Suslov's method is based on studying a drop of venous blood with the addition of a certain amount of tuberculin. Through a microscope, a specialist examines the characteristic pattern of blood cells. The reliability of this method is only 50%. Such diagnostics are always carried out in combination with additional measures, the list of which depends on the age of the baby (x-ray of the lungs, fluorography, tomography, etc.).


Diaskintest is an intradermal test high sensitivity, with which you can completely safely test a child for carriage and infection with tuberculosis. The principle of interaction is the same as with Mantoux: a specific protein that is part of the administered drug causes a reaction, based on the intensity of the interaction the probability of the disease is calculated.

Most of the contraindications for Mantoux remain with Diaskintest (temperature, sharp forms diseases, vaccinations and allergic reactions). The combination of Mantoux and Diaskintest makes it possible to give the baby an accurate diagnosis.

Interferon test

A modern development in the field of tuberculosis research is the interferon test (quantiferon). It is based on the analysis of specific interferon, which is produced by T-lymphocytes that have contact with a vaccinated or infected mycobacterium. The advantage of this test is that it has no contraindications and side effects, is well tolerated even when the baby is ill.

The accuracy of this diagnosis is the highest, it is not affected by external factors, and distortion of the results is minimized. The only drawback is that the result of infection and disease is not distinguishable.

If we consider the cost of these methods, the Mantoux test remains the most affordable method today, but conducting a quantiferon test will cost the most. Early diagnosis disease is very important, therefore, even if the Mantoux test is contraindicated for a child, it is worth using any alternative options.

The Mantoux test has nothing to do with vaccination. This is a kind of skin allergy test that has specific patterns depending on whether the body is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or not.

When performing a test, Mantoux is administered tuberculin . Tuberculin was prepared and used by Robert Koch back in 1890. Koch, however, thought that he could cure tuberculosis with this very tuberculin, but it didn’t work out...

Tuberculin - a mixture of organic substances varying degrees complexity derived from mycobacteria.

There are two tuberculin preparations.

1. Old Koch tuberculin (alttuberculin, ATK) is an extract from mycobacteria neutralized by heating. The main disadvantage of old tuberculin is the large number of impurities, so it is not always possible to understand what the body is actually reacting to: to mycobacterial antigens or to the remnants of the nutrient medium in which the mycobacteria were grown.

2. Purified standard tuberculin (Purified Prolein Derivative, PPD) - a drug purified from protein impurities of the nutrient medium.

Currently, in most countries and in most health care institutions, exclusively purified tuberculin is used.

To carry out mass tuberculin diagnostics, a standard dilution of the drug is used: 0.1 ml of solution contains 2 TU (tuberculin units). 2 TE is the usual dose that is administered intradermally, and this administration is called Mantoux breakdown .

Intradermal administration of tuberculin leads to local allergic reaction. The severity of the reaction depends on whether the body has “experience of communicating” with the tuberculosis bacillus or not. If contact with mycobacterium has taken place, then the consequence of this contact will be the formation of special lymphocytes, and it is these lymphocytes that will cause a local allergic reaction when tuberculin is administered intradermally.

Tuberculin diagnostics happens:

  • mass - is carried out to all children in countries with high level incidence of tuberculosis;
  • individual — performed on individual patients when indicated.

The main tasks of tuberculin diagnostics:

  • timely detection of tuberculosis in children and adolescents;
  • identification of children subject to vaccination and revaccination.

Massive Mantoux testing for children vaccinated with the BCG vaccine is carried out annually, starting at the age of 12 months. For children not vaccinated with BCG, the Mantoux test is performed twice a year. It is also recommended to perform the Mantoux test twice a year for children who have not experienced a local reaction after BCG vaccination.

The Mantoux test is carried out BEFORE preventive vaccinations.

If any vaccination has been carried out, the Mantoux test is carried out no earlier than 1 month after it.

If blood products (immunoglobulins, etc.) were used, then the Mantoux test is performed no earlier than 2 weeks later.

The Mantoux test is performed in the middle third of the inner surface of the forearm.


After intradermal injection of tuberculin this place it is forbidden :

  • rub;
  • scratch;
  • treat with disinfectant solutions;
  • cover with adhesive tape;
  • bandage.

Swim (wet, dive, wash) after the Mantoux test Can .

Accounting for reaction carried out after 72 hours. The reaction to tuberculin is possible in two variants:

  • redness of the skin - hyperemia ;
  • education papules . A papule is a rounded area of ​​increased density (infiltrate) that rises above the skin.

The Mantoux test is a measurement of the size of the papule and an assessment of the severity of hyperemia.

The measurement is carried out in a direction transverse to the axis of the hand, in good lighting conditions, with a transparent ruler. The result is indicated in mm.

Note: It is not the size of the redness that is measured, but the size of the lump!

If there is no papule, indicate the size of the hyperemia.

Reaction options:

  • negative- there are no changes on the skin;
  • dubious- there is redness of any size without a papule or the size of the papule does not exceed 2-4 mm;
  • positive mild- papule diameter 5-9 mm;
  • positive medium intensity- papule diameter 10-14 mm;
  • positive expressed— papule diameter 15-16 mm;
  • excessive (hyperergic)- the diameter of the papule exceeds 17 mm or there are pronounced signs of inflammation (reaction of the lymph nodes, skin ulceration, etc.).

Turn tuberculin test - this is a transition negative reaction Mantoux is positive (not related to previous vaccination) or an increase in the diameter of the papule compared to the result of the previous test by 6 mm or more.

Contraindications for tuberculin diagnostics:

  • skin diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • allergic conditions, rheumatism, bronchial asthma;
  • quarantine in a children's group.

Basic principles for interpreting the results of the Mantoux test:

  • a negative Mantoux test indicates that there are no lymphocytes in the body that have experience of communicating with the tuberculosis bacterium: no infection, no reaction to BCG vaccination;
  • a questionable sample is considered negative;
  • a positive test can be either a consequence of BCG vaccination or a sign of infection;
  • Signs of infection based on tuberculin diagnostic results include:

Virus of tuberculin test;

Hyperergic reaction;

Persistent (more than 4 years) persistent reaction with a papule of 12 mm or more;

Gradual, over several years, increased sensitivity to tuberculin with the formation of an infiltrate measuring 12 mm or more.

The results of the Mantoux test may be influenced by:

  • mode of transportation and storage of tuberculin;
  • technical errors during sample preparation;
  • technical errors in reaction accounting;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual skin sensitivity;
  • skin contact with others allergens (clothing, detergents etc.);
  • ambient temperature and humidity;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • background radiation and other environmental factors;
  • reception medicines etc.


The Mantoux test is an indicative diagnostic test.

The Mantoux test without taking into account many other factors is not a reason for diagnosing tuberculosis and any treatment.

The Mantoux test is Additional Information food for thought for the doctor.

Tuberculin preparations:

Allergen tuberculosis purified liquid in standard breeding(purified tuberculin in standard dilution) — (Biolek CJSC, Ukraine, Immunotex CJSC, Russia).

Purified lyophilized tuberculin (Sanofi Pasteur, France).

Charles Mantoux is a French scientist who proposed the intradermal administration of tuberculin for diagnostic purposes in 1908.

In this article:

For many years, the Mantoux test with tuberculin has been a widely used research method that helps detect the entry of tuberculosis antigens into the body. The reaction is carried out to diagnose pathology, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and also before revaccination with BCG. This type of study is also called a tuberculin test due to the use of an extract from mycobacteria, the causative agents of the disease.

Today, tuberculosis is widespread. Cases of the disease occur in all countries of the world, and the pathogen affects people of all ages. age groups. The pathology can be asymptomatic for a very long time, therefore timely diagnosis very important, especially in children.

Why do the research?

The Mantoux test is performed on children to diagnose tuberculosis, which affects not only the lungs, but also other organs and systems. The study consists of introducing small doses of mycobacterial antigens into the body intradermally into the middle third of the forearm. T-lymphocytes accumulate in this place, forming a small compaction. If it large sizes, this means that the body is actively interacting with the pathogen, and in this case additional clinical examination is required.

Sample schedule

Many parents are interested in whether this is a vaccination or not, because the Mantoux reaction is the introduction of pathogens into the child’s body. Medical professionals say it's a kind of immunological test, which has nothing to do with vaccination. However, due to the introduction of mycobacterial antigens, some experts believe that the Mantoux test can be considered a vaccination, which parents should know everything about, starting with the schedule.

When compiling it, the following factors are taken into account:

  • The first Mantoux reaction is given at 1 year of age, and then every 12 months until the end of adolescence.
  • Be sure to look at the vaccination calendar: an immunological test is carried out before vaccination, or 1-2 months after it. This is explained possible occurrence body responses, as well as incorrect test results.
  • If the child is not vaccinated with BCG, the first Mantoux is given a year, and then every 6 months, taking into account the vaccination schedule.
  • Before carrying out the tuberculin reaction, find out whether there are any contraindications.

The Mantoux test to detect tuberculosis is performed in the clinic. This is done by specially trained medical personnel. Parents must be told about possible side effects, allergies, and what to do if complications arise.

Evaluation of results

The Mantoux test result in children is assessed on the 3rd day (72 hours) after the reaction is established. At the site of tuberculin injection, a compaction is formed, surrounded by redness. Using a transparent ruler, only the papule is measured, but not the hyperemic area. After determining the size of the compaction, the result of the Mantoux test in children is assessed.

When performing Mantoux, the medical professional must explain to the mother what a papule is and how to check its size yourself. This will help parents detect any complications or allergies if they arise.

There is also a twist of the tuberculin test - this appears after the previous ones. It often occurs in children under 5 years of age and indicates infection or a predisposition to pathology.

It is worth noting that the size of the Mantoux in vaccinated children per year is somewhat different from those at an older age. This is explained by the recent introduction of the BCG vaccine and the active production of immunity by the body. Over the years, the size of the papule gradually changes.

The doctor will explain to the mother what the child’s Mantoux should be per year, so that the parents do not have any concerns. Already at 2 years of age, the size of the scar after vaccination does not affect the tuberculin papule. However, it can still remain up to 1–1.5 cm. At 3 years, the size of the seal decreases slightly, and at 5 years it approaches normal, as in adults.

Enlarged papules: possible causes

Having learned what the size of a child’s Mantoux test should be, parents are often interested in what changes in size may indicate. It is worth noting that positive reaction– this is not always a pathology.

The main causes of a large Mantoux papule in a child are:

  • Infection with mycobacteria.
  • Recent immunization with BCG vaccine.
  • The body's predisposition to the development of tuberculosis.
  • Improper care or allergies.
  • Non-compliance medical personnel rules for administering tuberculin, expired drug.

Mantoux test standards show that in some cases the formation of hyperemia without a papule is possible. This result is assessed as negative, requiring revaccination with BCG.

Papule care

It is important for moms and dads to know not only why the Mantoux test is performed, but also how to properly care for the site of tuberculin injection. This has implications for evaluating results.

Usually, the rules for caring for a papule are explained in the clinic office when the test is performed:

  • The area of ​​the formed seal should not be wetted with water or washed with soap solutions.
  • Lubricating with brilliant green, peroxide, iodine and other means is prohibited.
  • Often, on the second or third day after Mantoux vaccination, children complain that the injection site itches or hurts. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the child does not touch the papule with his hands, as this can lead to serious consequences.
  • You cannot seal the tuberculin injection site with a plaster, even if a crust has formed there.

It is important to remember that due to poor care for Mantoux, the child may experience complications or difficulties in diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations.

Contraindications to vaccination

There are a number of cases when a reaction cannot be given, as there is a risk of irreversible consequences. The following situations are contraindications to the Mantoux test:

  • Presence of pustular lesions skin any localization.
  • If the child gets sick, or any chronic infection worsens.
  • Defeats nervous system, for example, epilepsy.
  • Vaccination completed within the last month.
  • Increased body temperature of unknown etiology.

Mantoux vaccination, if there are contraindications, can cause false deviations from the norm in children. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the child’s health, and if there are symptoms of pathology, postpone the study until they completely disappear.

Should I be afraid of a positive reaction?

Many parents, having heard the phrase “positive reaction,” begin to worry that their baby has tuberculosis. But this is a wrong assumption. Normally, the Mantoux test value in a child should be up to 5 mm. This indicates the absence of infection and predisposition to the disease. If the Mantoux papule in a child reaches 10–15 mm, this may indicate improper care, mistakes medical workers when performing a tuberculin test, a tendency to allergies.

Infection can be suspected when the size of the compaction is more than 1.7-1.8 cm, and the doctor determines how long it takes to repeat Mantoux, which specialists to visit and where to take an x-ray if necessary. But if previous tests were normal, then an increase in compaction is not yet a cause for concern.

Sometimes parents complain that the papule is too small after Mantoux or her complete absence. In this case, revaccination with BCG is prescribed.

Side effects

Often after taking a test, especially if this is the first Mantoux, mothers and fathers are afraid of all sorts of adverse reactions from the child's body. Parents are interested in whether there may be an allergy and how to reduce the risk of its occurrence. Any manifestations occur when the rules for administering tuberculin are not followed, safety precautions are neglected, and contraindications are ignored. Side effects are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • The appearance of rashes, redness, and peeling on the skin.
  • Lethargy, apathy, drowsiness.
  • Decreased appetite.

As a rule, manifestations go away on their own within 1–3 days. However, if there are significant deviations, you should consult a doctor to get the necessary recommendations.

Complications after the test

Having found out what the Mantoux vaccination is, parents need to find out about possible complications: it's playing important role in preserving children's health. Severe consequences arise mainly due to weakness of the body or failure of medical personnel to comply with all norms.

Complications after an immune test include:

  • Allergic reactions, manifested by changes in the skin, difficulty breathing, disruption of the heart.
  • The child feels unwell after the Mantoux test - vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions, fever.
  • Ulceration of the papule, discharge of pus from it.
  • Hemorrhages at the site of tuberculin injection. In this case, the Mantoux reaction can be blue or purple.
  • Tissue necrosis.

It is important for parents to know what a papule should look like after performing the Mantoux test. This is necessary for timely detection of complications and adverse reactions. If any pathological symptoms you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Carrying out an immunological test to detect tuberculosis is an integral part of research into the child’s body. And knowing how to check for pathology using the Mantoux reaction, what the results indicate, and how a papule is measured, helps moms and dads find answers to many questions. All this is important for preserving the health of the child, because a mother who knows all the norms will notice even the slightest deviations in time, taking care of providing timely assistance.

Useful video about mantu sample

One of the very first vaccines that is given to children is worth recalling that at one time this disease claimed the lives of many people. This is why doctors are so insistent on this vaccine. It is given in the first week of the baby’s life, but if the mother refuses such a service, or the child has significant contraindications, then the tuberculosis vaccine can be postponed indefinitely.

After such vaccination, the Mantoux test is carried out annually. It may have contraindications, despite the contrary statement of inexperienced doctors. In this article we'll talk exactly about this. You will find out whether there are any contraindications to the Mantoux reaction test. Also get acquainted with the rules of vaccination.

Mantoux test

This procedure has quite well-known contraindications. They will be discussed a little later. To begin with, it is worth recalling why such a vaccination is done.

(Mantoux reaction) is carried out annually. The first prevention is carried out when the child turns exactly one year old. First, the pediatrician and nurse will call you to the clinic for a test. Later prevention can be carried out in preschool and school educational institutions.

Erroneous opinion: “There are no contraindications for such a test as the Mantoux reaction in children!”

This is what inexperienced specialists and laboratory technicians say. They are confident that the Mantoux reaction is not a vaccine and, therefore, cannot cause any harm children's body. According to such experts, a tuberculin test can be done at any time. At the same time, you should not pay attention to the baby’s well-being.

Are there any contraindications to performing a tuberculin test?

Of course, the Mantoux reaction has contraindications. All parents, without exception, should know about them. Only in this case can you protect your child from possible negative reactions and complications. Let's consider what contraindications exist for Mantoux.

Increased body temperature

One of the main reasons why a tuberculin test should be postponed is an increase in body temperature. There are many reasons for this condition in a child. It may be an infectious disease or a viral one. Pathological bacteria can also cause fever. In any case, the test for children with such symptoms should be postponed indefinitely.

Vaccination can be carried out only after full recovery in 2-3 weeks. In this case, you should first take a blood and urine test.


The Mantoux reaction has contraindications in the form of cough. However, it may not always be a cold. If there is a virus, the sample will, of course, be transferred. However, when cough is a symptom bronchial asthma or allergies tuberculin reaction is also postponed.

In this case, vaccination can be done only after the baby has fully recovered. There is no need to wait up to three weeks. The test can be carried out within a week.

Runny nose

The Mantoux reaction also has contraindications. A runny nose is a good reason why the test should be postponed for at least one month. In this case, it does not matter at all what the nature of the existing pathology is. It could be chronic runny nose in the acute stage, cold or allergy. All these conditions must be taken into account, and vaccination is postponed.

In this case, a tuberculin test should be performed only after complete recovery and preliminary tests: bacteriological culture from the nose, blood and urine tests.

Skin diseases

If a child has such contraindications for the Mantoux test, then vaccination should be postponed for about one month. In this case, the test should not be carried out until the symptoms disappear completely. Anyone can cause false result research.

Be sure to tell your doctor about your existing illness, even if it is not visible due to your clothing.

Carrying out other vaccinations before the test

If your baby has recently had any vaccinations, then you should postpone the tuberculin test for up to one and a half months. It is important to remember which vaccine was administered before. If live bacteria and viruses were used, the period of medical withdrawal can be extended to two months.

It is also worth remembering that after the Mantoux reaction you should refrain from various vaccines for about one month, which can cause unexpected complications.

The child has

If your baby is susceptible to allergic reactions, then you should inform a specialist about this. The tuberculin test includes some chemical compounds which, when reacting together, can cause a rash or severe allergies. In this case, the result of the Mantoux reaction will be doubtful or positive.

Digestive disorder

If a child complains of diarrhea, then it is worth postponing the vaccination for several days. Perhaps the baby just ate something stale. The child may also begin intestinal infection similar symptoms. If after a few days the baby feels better, then you can safely get the Mantoux vaccine. Otherwise, you should wait for the body to fully recover.

Neurological problems

In the case where a child has any neurological diagnosis, it is worth consulting with your doctor before performing a tuberculin test. In some cases, a specialist may categorically prohibit such studies or postpone them for some time.

For some diseases, Mantoux vaccination is contraindicated for the baby throughout his life.

Possible complications

If your child has had a test done and the result says: “Mantoux vaccination: normal”, no contraindications for vaccination have been identified. Before vaccination, doctors always carefully examine the child and recommend taking some tests. Only based on the results of the study can permission to conduct a tuberculin test be given.

If Mantoux vaccination was performed for a runny nose, possible reactions organisms can be completely unexpected. Some children tolerate the test in this condition without any complications. Others may become even sicker and develop a chronic runny nose.

What can we say about complications with more serious illnesses. Before performing the Mantoux reaction, you need to make sure that the baby is completely healthy.

Brief summary

Remember that the child's health is in your hands. Hundreds of patients pass through the doctor in one day. That is why the doctor may not take into account any circumstance. Always warn your pediatrician about your baby’s observations and complaints. Perhaps you should postpone the Mantoux reaction for a while.

Take care of your baby's health! Give all your vaccinations wisely.

The Mantoux test is an immunological test that allows you to determine the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body. It is given to children regularly, as they the immune system It is not yet perfect enough and cannot fully repel the attacks of various pathogenic bacteria. Adults should be regularly tested for tuberculosis only if they work in a child care facility, hospital, or food industry. In other cases, such a procedure is mandatory only when there is a suspicion of the development of this lung disease. Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out in the first few days of a child’s life. The body develops maximum resistance to the disease by the age of 1 year. Starting from this age, the Mantoux test is performed. Many people mistakenly believe this procedure harmless and without contraindications, which in reality is not at all the case. There are quite a lot of prohibitions for her, and all of them should certainly be taken into account. Contraindications apply to all age categories.

Composition of the preparation for the Mantoux test

The name of the drug used to detect the presence of tuberculosis bacillus in the body is tuberculin. Its composition is quite complex, consisting of several components. Tuberculin contains:

  • phosphate solution salts;
  • sodium chloride;
  • phenol;
  • preservative Twin-80.

All these substances can be poorly tolerated by the body, and therefore, when the procedure is performed for the first time, the person’s condition should be monitored especially carefully, so that if an allergic reaction develops, help can be provided in a timely manner.

Temporary restriction on performing the Mantoux test

In some cases, the procedure is subject to a temporary ban. The first limitation in carrying out this method diagnostics is undergoing routine vaccinations. In this case, due to severe overload of the body, it is impossible to obtain a reliable result. Between last vaccination and the breakdown must take at least 45 days. The second limitation is quarantine. If a quarantine is declared at the preschool institution that the child attends, or at school, the Mantoux test should be postponed for 1 month. This is necessary due to the high probability that the child is weakened by constant resistance to the pathogens of the disease for which quarantine was declared, and the Mantoux test in such a situation can give a completely incorrect result.

Exceptions in such situations can be made only on the recommendation of a doctor and only if there is a very high probability that the child is infected with tuberculosis.

Contraindications to the Mantoux test

Contraindications to the procedure should be taken into account. If you ignore them, there is a risk of serious consequences for the body. Adults can notify the doctor themselves that they have certain conditions that prohibit diagnosis. Children, especially younger age, they are unlikely to be able to independently notify the nurse performing the procedure. In this case, if she herself does not see obvious contraindications, the injection will be given and, most likely, will lead to complications. Therefore, parents should know exactly when the procedure will be performed and, if necessary, inform doctors that their child should have a Mantoux test performed. this moment it is forbidden. The prohibitions for Mantoux are:

  • elevated body temperature - the procedure is contraindicated even if the increase is very slight, starting from 37.1. This state of the body signals the presence of inflammation or the onset of viral disease, because of which any additional load on the patient’s body is unacceptable. After complete recovery, the Mantoux test can be performed no earlier than 15 days later;
  • cough, whatever its nature, is an allergy, viral infection, injury respiratory tract, - categorically prohibits performing the Mantoux test until the patient has fully recovered. During this period, additional load is harmful to the body, and the Mantoux test itself will not give an accurate result;
  • a runny nose is also a strict contraindication, like a cough, and the reason for refusing the test is the same;
  • skin diseases - if this contraindication is not taken into account, not only will an incorrect Mantoux test result be obtained, but also serious progression of the disease will be provoked;
  • allergies – exacerbation of chronic allergies or acute allergies that occur 2-3 days before the procedure are a strict contraindication. This is due to the fact that in such a situation, an increase in allergies is possible, which will be a response to the administered drug. In case of allergies, the Mantoux test will give an incorrect result and seriously harm the patient’s health;
  • diarrhea - it does not occur in the normal state of the body and always indicates intoxication. Considering this, you should postpone the Mantoux test for at least 1 week from the moment the diarrhea stops. This is required for the patient’s body to fully recover;
  • neurological disorders - all such disorders require special examination before performing the Mantoux test, and only if the procedure cannot aggravate the patient’s condition, it is carried out under special medical supervision.

It is prohibited to ignore these contraindications to the procedure.

What side effects may occur after Mantoux

Even in the absence of contraindications, the Mantoux test may not always be easily tolerated, and sometimes it causes a number of side effects. Sometimes after the procedure the following conditions occur:

  • temperature increase;
  • chills;
  • indigestion;
  • dizziness;
  • acute allergy.

If all contraindications are taken into account, the procedure is tolerated quite easily and rarely causes unpleasant phenomena. If side effect Mantoux is very pronounced; when repeating the procedure, you should inform the doctor and decide together with him whether it is worth performing the Mantoux test again.

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