Home Children's dentistry The cat vomits yellow foam and does not eat. What should you do if your cat vomits yellow liquid? Treatment of vomiting in a cat at home: if there is no veterinarian

The cat vomits yellow foam and does not eat. What should you do if your cat vomits yellow liquid? Treatment of vomiting in a cat at home: if there is no veterinarian

Vomiting in a cat is a protective mechanism whose task is to rid the animal’s body of foreign substances. Vomit can come out in a wide variety of forms, including yellow liquid. It is not always possible for pet owners to independently determine the cause of vomiting, so best choice In this situation, you will need to contact a veterinarian.


Vomiting can occur in a cat due to a number of factors. Thus, undereating or overeating often leads to digestive disorders. If a cat falls asleep hungry and its stomach remains empty at night, then there is a high probability that the cat will vomit in the morning. Eating too much food will cause your pet's stomach to become full, and the food will not pass into the intestines, even if it goes in the opposite direction. Food poisoning can also provoke vomiting.

A cat's vomit takes on a yellow tint due to the presence of a small amount of bile in the secretions. If your pet's health is fine, bile acids should not be in the stomach. Appearance bile acids in the stomach is usually caused by reverse peristalsis duodenum. Vomiting yellow liquid is quite great danger for the health of the cat, since bile secretions provoke severe irritation of the gastric mucosa, which threatens the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the future.

There may be several reasons for the malaise. So, a cat can swallow a foreign object. If the object is small, then it should be excreted along with the feces, but if its size exceeds the capabilities of the intestines, then in this case the increased production of bile acids will begin in the stomach. Vomiting of yellow foam in a cat may begin after too drastic a change in diet, if the food has become more high-calorie. The liver does not have time to react to new feeding conditions, and in this case undigested food can be found in the vomit, surrounded by a yellow liquid. The activity of helminths can also lead to vomiting of bile: in this way, the cat’s body tries to get rid of the worms.

Vomiting yellow foam may indicate problems with the cat's gallbladder. Another cause of discomfort may be chronic diseases liver or intestines. Infectious diseases are often the cause of vomiting of yellow liquid in a cat, since when foreign bacteria and viruses enter the body, the liver begins to actively cleanse the blood of toxic substances that have penetrated there. As a result, without proper treatment, the intervals between vomiting will be constantly reduced. Vomiting on an empty stomach is also often mixed with yellow liquid. Finally, the most common and, unfortunately, the most serious cause of this ailment is feline distemper. So, the reasons for vomiting bile may be the following:

  • ingestion of a foreign object;
  • change in diet;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic liver and intestinal diseases;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • feline distemper (panleukopenia).

Symptoms of diseases that cause bile vomiting

Symptoms of a number of diseases include vomiting yellow foamy liquid. Thus, with hepatitis, a cat may experience an increase in body temperature, a decrease in appetite up to its complete loss, darkening of urine, yellowness of the mucous membranes, and diarrhea. Vomiting yellow liquid, which has a sharp and unpleasant smell, can be a sign of liver failure, both acute and chronic. In addition to gagging for of this disease characterized by the presence bad smell from the mouth, regular fainting, incessant nausea, yellowing of the sclera. In addition, vomiting yellow foam is a symptom of lipidosis, which can be recognized by the rapid exhaustion of the animal, complete loss of appetite, accumulation of toxic elements in the liver and its subsequent inflammation. Feline distemper (panleukopenia) manifests itself sharp increase temperatures up to 40–41 ̊C, pet apathy, frequent vomiting, diarrhea with a strong odor, lack of appetite and thirst, hunched posture.

First aid

If the cat’s discomfort does not stop, it is necessary to force the cat to drink by any means. more water, since the animal is severely dehydrated. However, drinking plenty of water does not guarantee that vomiting will stop, so if the urge to vomit continues, try giving your pet small portions of water every 30 minutes. At the same time, you should stop giving the cat any food and put it on a fasting regime, which must be maintained for about a day. It is strictly not recommended to treat your cat yourself by giving it antiemetic drugs intended for humans. If the urge to vomit does not go away after 24 hours, you need to take the cat to veterinary clinic, otherwise there is a high risk of losing the animal due to rapid dehydration.

Emptying the stomach through the mouth or nose is quite common in cats. With the help of this complex physiological process, the animal is freed from substances hazardous to health or foreign objects that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the reasons causing vomiting, it can be either a normal manifestation of the normal functioning of the digestive organs or alarming symptom developing pathological conditions.

Causes of vomiting in cats

With mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes of the palate or pharynx, vomiting has a reflex origin. Vomiting of nervous, or central, origin develops when toxins entering the bloodstream due to certain diseases helminthic infestation, as a result of poisoning, affect those in medulla oblongata vomiting center

Which in turn causes antiperistaltic movements of the esophagus. Thus, vomiting helps remove foreign bodies, excess food, and toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract and is a protective reaction of the body.

Fasting or overeating

The most harmless is nutritional vomiting associated with wrong mode cat nutrition and is not a symptom serious pathology. Hunger vomiting occurs in cats that receive food once or twice a day. This frequency of food intake is not suitable for small predators, who are prescribed by nature to eat little by little, but often do not experience prolonged starvation.

This is interesting! Vomit in case of malnutrition is scanty, consisting mainly of mucous gastric secretion and foam. The urge goes away almost immediately after the cat manages to eat.

Vomiting also occurs due to overeating, when the animal seeks to get rid of excess food masses pressing on the diaphragm. In this case, the vomit contains undigested large pieces of food. This problem can be solved quite simply: the owner should reduce the frequency of feeding the pet and/or the amount of food in one serving.

Vomiting fur

An unappetizing “sausage” of matted wool and remnants of stomach contents, rejected by vomiting, is considered a normal physiological act if it occurs from time to time. Well-known clean cats, while grooming themselves, swallow dead hairs, which then bunch up into a lump, irritating the gastric mucosa. Therefore, animals independently get rid of such “ballast” by causing themselves to vomit.

Unsuccessful vomiting indicates that the bezoar - a hairball - is so large that the cat cannot vomit it on its own. This phenomenon can often be observed during the molting period, especially among representatives long-haired breeds. To help the animal, you need to give it Vaseline oil or a special zoo paste designed to remove hair from the gastrointestinal tract. In the future, you should groom your pet more carefully, combing out its coat.

Frequent vomiting of fur is observed in the following cases.

In domestic cats, which are often capricious during taste preferences, poisoning from spoiled food is very rare. The main causes of serious intoxication are harmful and toxic substances that are stored in the public domain and inadvertently got into the food or onto the animal’s fur:

  • hygiene and household chemicals;
  • medicines;
  • pesticides;
  • antifreeze;
  • poisoned rodent baits.

Important! Vomiting in case of poisoning is a response of the body that allows at least part of the toxic substance to be removed from the stomach. Therefore, antiemetics should not be used!

Sometimes the cause of poisoning is cats eating leaves and stems of domestic plants that are toxic to them. The nature of the vomit depends on which particular toxin caused the poisoning.


Although official veterinary medicine considers the issue of toxicosis during pregnancy in animals controversial, many breeders and cat owners claim that the expectation of offspring in their furry pets often occurs with symptoms of intoxication. There can be many reasons for this - from the quality of the diet to the genetic characteristics of the breed.

In general, toxicosis is normal physiological phenomenon when hormonal levels change and does not have a negative prognosis for the health of the mother and offspring. Typically, symptoms of toxicosis are observed in the first trimester of pregnancy (second to fourth weeks), are short-term (last no more than 10 days) and do not require treatment. One such sign is morning vomiting.

In a mild, calm form of the disease, the vomit is light, without inclusions of bile or blood, consists of undigested food and contains a small amount of foam. The owner should be concerned clinical picture when vomiting and nausea are constant, last more than two weeks and are accompanied by diarrhea, a significant decrease in body temperature, and dehydration.

Important! This may be signs of an acutely developing pathological condition with fatal consequences for the mother and offspring.

Having noticed profuse vomiting in combination with other symptoms of intoxication, the pet owner should provide immediate veterinary care without resorting to independent drug treatment. The first steps in in this case There will be detoxification measures that can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic.


Vomiting is part of the symptomatic complex of the most life-threatening infectious and systemic diseases of the animal.

  • Panleukopenia() - a severe and acute infection requiring immediate veterinary care. An animal suffering from distemper vomits greenish liquid.
  • Coronavirus enteritis - dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the epithelium small intestine. Uncontrollable vomiting, often mixed with blood or bile, is one of the main signs of the disease.
  • Calcivirosis(cat flu) - especially dangerous for kittens that have not been vaccinated. Vomiting is observed in the initial stage of the disease.
  • Hyperthyroidism- pathology endocrine system associated with impaired synthesis of the hormone thyroxine. When the disease occurs, cats experience noticeable emaciation along with increased appetite. After almost every meal, the animal begins to vomit with further rejection of undigested food.
  • Hypocorticism- a disease of the adrenal glands in which these glands do not produce the hormone cortisone in sufficient quantities. A cat suffering from this disease usually vomits in masses with the inclusion of white foam.

Types of vomiting in cats

Often, vomiting in a cat is a direct signal to the owner that veterinary care is needed. You need to be able to determine the nature of the vomit so that the doctor, when examining the animal, can draw up the most complete symptomatic picture.

Cat vomiting bile

During a cat's gag reflex, the sphincter of the stomach through which pancreatic and other fluids enter it digestive enzymes, should normally be closed. Therefore, the bile produced by the liver does not enter the rejected stomach contents. However, there are reasons that cause yellowing of vomit:

  • animals eating artificial casings from meat products, chicken and fish bones, fragments of which remain in the stomach for a long time;
  • poisoning;
  • extensive helminthic infestations;
  • long fasting.

In all these cases, a powerful release of bile occurs, irritating the gastric mucosa and causing profuse vomiting. A cause for concern is vomiting of thick mucus with extensive inclusions of bile, even in cases where the pet has not eaten or drunk anything before, has undergone deworming, and the entry of toxic substances into the gastrointestinal tract is excluded.

This is interesting! The danger of such a pathology is as follows. Bile is a powerful, aggressive chemical.

Getting into an empty stomach, it literally eats away unprotected mucous membranes, which leads to the development peptic ulcer and gastritis. The signal is especially alarming if concentrated bile vomiting contains abundant blood clots. Such symptoms may be signs of intestinal volvulus, gastric perforation due to an ulcer, tumor process in the intestinal tract.

Vomiting food

Vomiting, which is the rejection of undigested pieces of food mixed with gastric juice, most often due to too rapid absorption of food. Animal, long time when hungry, it strives to eat as much food as possible, greedily swallowing large pieces.

The solution to the problem will be standardized portions of food, the components of which are cut into medium-sized pieces. Cats living in the same house behave similarly when eating if there is competition between them. In this case, the animals need to be fed separately so that they do not feel threatened by other brothers and eat without rushing.

This is interesting! In nursing cats, like many carnivores, the gag reflex has another unique use. With its help, the mother regurgitates undigested food to feed her suckling kittens.

Thus gastrointestinal tract babies gradually adapt to the consumption of meat, their future constant food. Another cause of food vomiting can be poor quality food with low protein content. For normal food fermentation, and therefore good digestion, a cat’s diet must contain large quantities of protein.

With a lack of this nutrient, complete digestion of food does not occur, therefore, through vomiting, the animal seeks to free the gastrointestinal tract from undigested food. Rejection of recently eaten, undigested food is often an individual reaction to individual food ingredients or additives. The cause of regurgitation is determined and eliminated by carefully reviewing the animal’s diet.

Whole milk can cause vomiting after eating. The body of adult cats produces a limited amount of an enzyme that breaks down lactose contained in cow's milk. When milk sugar is not digested properly, your cat will experience digestive problems, including vomiting.

Vomiting foam

Vomiting of this nature is most often observed in kittens that have recently switched to solid food.. During the period of rapid growth, they constantly need to absorb large amounts of food. The gag reflex is self-activated full stomach. In this case, attacks of vomiting can be severe and prolonged - until the secretion of the mucous membrane (foam) mixed with gastric juice begins to come out.

The same picture is observed in cats that have abruptly switched to a new diet: changes in the feeding system often themselves cause vomiting, but can also stimulate overeating with corresponding consequences. Therefore, the transition to another food, for example, from dry to wet, must be done gradually, in small portions.

Vomiting blood

There are two types of vomiting blood (hematemesis) in cats. Brownish mass resembling coffee grounds, is a symptom of bleeding, the source of which is in the stomach or duodenum. This is evidenced by dark brown clots - red blood cells destroyed as a result of exposure to gastric juice.

Important! If the vomit contains scarlet inclusions, bleeding is suspected, the source of which is in the mouth or esophagus. Frequent causes of this phenomenon are injury to tissue or poultry.

Vomit of a uniform brown hue may indicate a tumor process in the stomach, exacerbation of gastritis, or peptic ulcer. The range of reasons that cause a cat to vomit with blood clots also includes taking medications that corrode the gastric mucosa.

Reasons why a cat vomits yellow liquid, can be varied. If an animal vomits once, but its mood and behavior have not changed, then most likely the problem is related to poor quality nutrition. But when a kitten or adult cat regurgitates bile constantly, and the vomit has bad smell, you need to urgently show your pet to a veterinarian, as this may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Main reasons

Yellow vomit in a cat - pathological condition, indicating that the pet has bile in its stomach, which normally should not be there. The liquid negatively affects the state of the digestive organ and irritates it. Sometimes the cat spits up stomach acid and yellow mucus after eating low-quality, appropriately colored food. This is a common cause of the problem. After removing such foods from the diet, the condition returns to normal, nausea and vomiting cease to bother.

Owners should be concerned if vomiting of bile occurs constantly or periodically. Veterinarians clarify that this condition does not occur on its own. Often it indicates that there is a disease in the body that negatively affects the functioning of the body. internal organs and systems.

If the symptom is provoked by liver failure of the animal, then yellowing of the sclera can also be detected.

The reasons why an animal burps yellow liquid are:

A kitten or adult cat may vomit a lot of yellowish liquid as the following diseases progress:

Symptoms can appear in animals whose owners independently give them drugs of certain groups.
  • plague;
  • hepatitis;
  • lipidosis;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • uncontrolled treatment of a cat with self-prescription of antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If your kitten is vomiting white liquid in the morning, it may be due to hunger vomiting. At night the animal does not eat anything, and in the morning unpleasant cramps appear. It is enough to give the cat something to eat, after which the condition will return to normal. A dangerous condition is when a cat vomits bile, but the vomit also contains dark brown or black inclusions. This is a sign of heavy internal bleeding, which can be caused by gastritis or a stomach ulcer. If an animal vomits yellow-green liquid, this may be a symptom of an infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes the animal vomits hair where bile impurities are present. This condition does not pose a threat to health and is the norm. It is not uncommon for a pet to burp after sterilization. Shouldn't offer antiemetic, since vomiting is defense mechanism, allowing the anesthetic to be removed from the body.

Other symptoms

With pathological internal disorders, in addition to the fact that the cat burps yellow liquid with foam, other symptoms may appear, for example:

Additional feature internal pathology in an animal may be its apathy.
  • increased body temperature;
  • refusal to eat;
  • weight loss;
  • the presence of mucus and blood particles in the stool, the urine becomes dark;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • cachexia;
  • yellowing of the mucous membranes of the mouth, whites of the eyes;
  • tachycardia;
  • apathy, weakness, fainting.

The animal looks sad and depressed. If he feels very bad, in addition to refusing food, the cat stops drinking water. As a result, the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted, which in turn leads to chronic renal failure(CRF). If you do nothing and don’t help your pet at this stage, he may die from intoxication and complications.

When a pregnant cat vomits yellow liquid on an empty stomach but generally behaves as usual, this is most likely a symptom of toxicosis. It is important to constantly monitor the cat and change the diet to include easily digestible, fortified food. But if during pregnancy the animal vomits a clear liquid with yellow, green and red inclusions, you should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian.

What treatment is prescribed?

The pet must be shown to a specialist if the owner did not help him on his own.

If your cat is vomiting bile and the condition does not improve after first aid, you should urgently take your pet to the doctor. After initial examination and collecting anamnesis, the doctor will give directions for passing a series of diagnostic procedures, which will help you find out why the cat is burping. When the diagnosis becomes known, a comprehensive treatment regimen is prescribed aimed at eliminating the original source of the problem.

Sorbents will help remove toxins from the body, and to prevent the cat from vomiting again, antispasmodics and antiemetics are prescribed. During therapy, food intake should be limited; it is better if the cat fasts for a day. It is necessary to ensure that the animal drinks plenty of liquid. Water will help remove toxins from the body faster, making treatment more effective. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to give the cat a solution of Regidron. If the animal's condition is satisfactory, it can be treated at home, but be constantly in touch with the doctor. When a cat vomits yellow liquid and contains brown, red or black inclusions, hospitalization is required.

Vomiting in any form is a serious reason to consult a veterinarian, please do not delay. The causes of the gag reflex can be judged by the type and shade of the vomit. Let's consider various options. First of all, you need to decide appearance, composition and color of the vomit.

Vomiting white foam

This phenomenon is common in young kittens that have recently been introduced to solid food. The cause of the gag reflex is an overfilled stomach. The vomiting attack is strong and prolonged. Foam white- This is a mixture of gastric juice with the secretion of the mucous membrane. Similar vomiting also occurs in adult animals when changing food. For example, if you give your pet canned food instead of dry food, he will eat it with pleasure.

The cause of vomiting in this case is banal overeating.

The appearance of foamy vomiting is a symptom of the initial stage of gastritis. If the foam has taken on a yellowish tint, this indicates infection. Intoxication of the body increases, and the liver is involved in the process. Hence the coloring of vomit the color of bile.

If a cat vomits white foam, this may be a symptom of poisoning, for example detergents. In this case, consultation with a specialist is required.

Vomiting clear mucus

The mucous in cat vomit is gastric juice. This phenomenon is typical for invasions, chronic gastritis or gastric erosion. Vomiting with mucus occurs and infectious diseases. It is important to monitor for the presence of impurities and additional inclusions, such as helminth fragments.

Vomiting of gray matter

This is the appearance of partially digested food. There are various reasons: overeating, initial stage pregnancy in cats or regurgitation of hair swallowed during licking. The last case is a variant of the norm. The gag reflex is a protective reaction of the body, a quick removal of everything foreign.

Vomiting green liquid

Causes of green vomit in cats:

  • Food poisoning. The reason for the greenish tint is bile impurity. This is the liver's reaction to intoxication.
  • Infection.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach). This is a serious symptom, and you cannot delay visiting the veterinarian, otherwise the animal will die.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, including cancer.

Vomiting blood or red fluid

Bloody vomiting happens different types. A brownish mass, visually reminiscent of coffee grounds, is a symptom of bleeding: gastric or duodenal. The brown tint is due to the destruction of red blood cells by gastric juice. If the vomit is bright scarlet, then the source is in the esophagus or oral cavity. Common reason This is due to mechanical injury from bird or fish bones.

Uniform reddish-brown coloring of the vomit is a sign of gastric ulcer, inflammation of the mucous membrane or a tumor process. Sometimes this happens when taking medications that corrode the mucous membranes.

Black vomit

The black vomit looks and smells like feces. This is a bad sign, indicating advanced intestinal obstruction. Only the help of an experienced veterinarian can save your pet.

Vomiting yellow liquid

As already mentioned, foamy vomit with a yellowish tint is a sign of invasion. Diseases of the gallbladder and liver are accompanied by vomiting, colored bright yellow. The cause may also be an unbalanced diet ( fatty food) or poisoning.

Liver damage is a common complication infectious diseases or by-effect from medications. In particular, these are antipyretics.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Causes of vomiting in cats include:

  • Swallowing various objects. Foreign body irritates the stomach, and the protective reflex is triggered.
  • Swallowing fur. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Wool balls are not digested and are excreted in vomit.
  • Abundant feeding.
  • Using cheap feed.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Infection.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (from inflammation to neoplasms).
  • Animal injuries.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Excessive loads on vestibular apparatus(motion sickness during transportation).

What to do if your cat starts vomiting

Sometimes nausea and vomiting in a cat is not dangerous and there is no reason to see a doctor. This is vomiting once or twice during the day. The pet's appetite is not impaired, he goes to the toilet normally, and there are no behavioral abnormalities.

This, for example, applies to accidental overeating or regurgitation of fur. Vomiting in pregnant cats is also not dangerous.

This is a variant of the norm, and it goes away quickly.

Signals for immediate contact with a veterinarian:

  • Weakness and signs of dehydration.
  • Frequency of vomiting more than 2 times a day, duration more than 3 days.
  • Impurities of bile or blood in vomit.
  • Fecal smell of vomit.
  • “Home” remedies turned out to be ineffective.
  • Vomiting persisted after correction of diet and eating habits pet.

Analyze the cat’s condition and be prepared to answer the following questions from the doctor:

  • Is there a connection between vomiting and nutrition?
  • Does the reflex occur after a heavy meal?
  • Have you ever had a cat eat stale food?
  • What is the time interval between feeding and gag reflex?
  • Was the animal stressed or anxious?
  • Has the cat had any recent head injuries?
  • Approximate time of onset of vomiting.

Treatment of vomiting in a cat at home: if there is no veterinarian

The first thing to do is to lay your pet down so that its head hangs slightly. This is especially important with continuous vomiting to avoid swallowing the mass.

From medical supplies the most effective is Cerucal. However, it is not always available in home medicine cabinet. An alternative option for Tserukal is No-shpa. The dosage is 0.1 mg per 1 kilogram of animal body weight.

If you know exactly what the reason is feeling unwell- poisoning, then remedies such as Smecta, Atoxil or Enterosgel will help. An injection of Regidron solution helps with dehydration. Slightly salted drinking water also helps cope with water loss.

If the animal vomits, it is better to stop feeding for a while. But a bowl of fresh water is a must: prolonged regurgitation leads to dehydration.

From folk remedies help cope with poor health:

  • Flaxseed decoction.
  • Chamomile decoction.

When the acute symptoms pass, you can prepare food for your pet (for example, porridge) using chamomile infusion. Daily dosage medicinal decoctions- from 1 tablespoon to 3, depending on the cat’s body weight.


Vomiting in itself is not a disease. Rather, it is a reaction to various stimuli. That's why, preventive actions relate to the prevention of painful conditions that are accompanied by vomiting.

  • Adjust your pet's diet. It is possible that the food is poorly digested. This applies to inexpensive dry food that irritates the digestive system.
  • The cause of intestinal obstruction is an incorrect diet and a disorderly transition from one food to another. Long-term use of the same type of food is the key to preventing gastrointestinal diseases.
  • If ready-made food does not suit the cat, transfer him to natural nutrition. Boiled chicken or rabbit meat, vegetables and cereals in water or chamomile infusion will quickly restore metabolic processes and normalize the animal’s condition.
  • To prevent hair vomiting, use special food for long-haired breeds with special additives.

Important preventative measure - fractional meals. Feeding your pet small, frequent meals will help prevent “gluttony.”

If your cat is vomiting yellow liquid, it means your pet needs veterinary attention. This is one of the signs of problems with the digestive tract that require treatment.

What causes yellow color

The appearance of vomit yellow color indicates that the cat has bile in its stomach. Normally, it should go directly into the duodenum, and not into the stomach.

Bile is characterized by aggressive properties, leading to irritation of the walls of the stomach.

At first, the animal vomits, after which the vomiting process begins. The color of the vomit may be bright yellow or light with a yellowish tint.

If your cat is vomiting yellow liquid, it may also be due to eating foods that contain industrial dyes. They have a toxic effect, which leads to poisoning of the pet. In this case, the masses have a gray-yellow color and appear mainly after eating.

It is necessary to analyze what the pet ate shortly before the attack in order to establish the cause and provide timely assistance to the animal.

Causes of vomiting bile

If a cat vomits yellow liquid, it is necessary to determine what triggered the development of the disease and begin treatment.

Main reasons:

  1. A foreign body entering the kitten's stomach.
    It cannot pass further into the gastrointestinal tract, so bile is constantly produced. There is a lot of it, it penetrates the stomach and irritates the mucous membrane.
  2. Changing the diet and changing food towards higher calorie content.
    This is due to the fact that the body is not always able to digest so much food. A similar problem arises when eating low-quality or spoiled food.
  3. Problems with gallbladder, liver and duodenal disease.
    They are discovered only after the cat begins to vomit yellow.
  4. Cat hair.
    Pets constantly lick their fur, and along with saliva it ends up in the stomach. When large lumps form, the development of obstruction is possible. This leads to the appearance of a gag reflex. The discharge contains wool, bile, and pieces of undigested food.
  5. Injury.
    When mechanically applied to the liver area, they are often damaged bile ducts and bubble. As a result of reverse peristalsis, bile from the duodenum enters the stomach.

What to do

If you vomit once, even if it was yellow liquid with foam, you don’t need to do anything. It is necessary to monitor the animal so as not to miss a repeat episode.

First aid for an animal

If the animal ate a lot of food before vomiting, especially when it is new, this may be a reaction of the body to the components. Therefore, first of all, you should not let the cat eat for several hours (up to 24 hours). This will allow the body to digest everything on its own. nutrients, and also remove them in the form of feces outside.

To prevent dehydration, be sure to give the animal clean water or chamomile decoction. The liquid should be given a few milliliters once every 15-30 minutes. The liquid will dilute the aggressive bile in the stomach and will not become a provoking factor for vomiting.

Gastric contents will irritate the mucous membrane less, which will reduce the urge to vomit and reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory process further.

When should you take your pet to the vet?

Pet You should take him to a veterinarian if he is vomiting frequently, not eating, or persists for more than 24 hours, or if other symptoms get worse. This indicates complications that are dangerous to the life and health of the animal.

What to pay special attention to when treating an animal

Can't give to a pet drugs intended for humans. This can further worsen the animal's condition.

Treatment of the cat should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian after full examination(blood test, ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, x-ray). First of all, it is necessary to establish the factors that provoked the development of the disease and take measures to eliminate them.

It is necessary to provide the animal with adequate care: dietary food, complete peace. As prescribed by the doctor, give the cat medications (for helminthic infestation - anthelmintics, for poisoning - detoxification therapy).

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