Home Wisdom teeth A six-month-old child died in the Urals after falling into a coma after being vaccinated with pneumococcus. A one-and-a-half-year-old child died after vaccination A double child died after vaccination

A six-month-old child died in the Urals after falling into a coma after being vaccinated with pneumococcus. A one-and-a-half-year-old child died after vaccination A double child died after vaccination

The population has developed a stable stereotype that official medicine with all its dogmas and foundations, it is not always safe. In this wave, people, in particular, began to avoid vaccinations and protect their children from them. What is the truth here, and what is the misconception? This question is answered by an infectious diseases specialist, epidemiologist. highest category Igor Obrubov

- Today, many people refuse vaccinations, including routine children’s vaccinations. Why do you think?

Because last years some means mass media, as well as all kinds of healers and pseudo-healers actively promote refusal of vaccinations, citing the enormous harm and even mortal danger that vaccination allegedly poses. This propaganda led to mass tragedy, when due to an outbreak of diphtheria in the mid-1990s. Thousands of people died in Russia. Of course, complications from vaccinations sometimes occur, but the risks that occur during vaccination are minimal. It must be admitted that children do sometimes die after vaccinations, but most often this is a coincidence in time when there is another cause of death, and can also be associated with the blatant negligence of doctors.

- Which parents are at greater risk: those who categorically reject routine vaccinations for their children, or those who agree to them?

- A democratic society assumes that consent is required for vaccination. However, one must always understand that refusing it is fraught with fatal consequences. Thanks to vaccinations, the incidence of diphtheria, measles, mumps, and rubella has decreased significantly, and polio has been practically eliminated. And these diseases are not as harmless as they seem, many cause severe complications and often end tragically. Refusal of routine vaccinations, such as DPT ( combination drug, used to develop immunity against such dangerous infections, such as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough), polio vaccine (for immunoprophylaxis of polio), trivaccine (measles-rubella-mumps), etc., can lead to disability or even death.

- And if the disease is practically eradicated, why continue to vaccinate, because this is still a burden on immune system? For example, smallpox vaccinations have been abandoned for a long time...

Now polio is on the verge of destruction. However, vaccination against it continues. And here's the reason. Polio is highly infectious viral disease, affecting mainly children early age. The virus is transmitted through contaminated food products and water, multiplies in the intestines and from there can penetrate into nervous system. Many infected people have no symptoms but shed the virus in their feces and can thus transmit the infection to others.

As recently as 1988, more than 350,000 cases of polio were identified worldwide. In 2011, the number of reported cases was 650. Currently, three countries remain endemic for polio: Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Since 2002, the Russian Federation, as part of the WHO European Region, has been certified as a polio-free territory. However, cases of infection “from outside” continue to occur. The last “imported” case was registered quite recently - in September 2010.

The World Health Organization has set the goal of completely eradicating polio, as happened with smallpox. Despite the progress made since 1988, as long as there is at least one child in the world infected with poliovirus, the risk of infection among children in other countries remains. Poliovirus can easily enter a country without polio and spread rapidly among unimmunized populations.

- How does polio manifest itself?

It mainly affects children under five years of age. The first symptoms of polio include elevated temperature, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiff neck and pain in the limbs. In a small proportion of cases, the disease causes paralysis. In one in 200 cases, the paralysis is irreversible (usually of the legs). Of those paralyzed, 5%-10% die as a result of paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
Polio cannot be cured, it can only be prevented. The polio vaccine, given repeatedly, can protect a child from the disease for life.

- Is there a risk of getting polio after vaccination?

There are two vaccines in the world for specific prevention polio: killed Salk vaccine and live (attenuated) Sebin vaccine. The main advantage of the killed vaccine is its safety. It is administered parenterally (by injection) and produces only general immunity. Consequently, a person vaccinated with this vaccine does not get sick himself, but for others he can be a source of infection.

Sebin's live vaccine is highly immunogenic; it is administered orally and provides general and local protection, which is its important advantage. However, it can cause vaccine-associated polio.

In order to prevent the occurrence of cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio, an inactivated polio vaccine has been developed and introduced in Russia. When immunizing healthy children against polio, inactivated polio vaccine and oral polio vaccine are used in accordance with the schemes of the National Preventive Vaccination Calendar.

If previously the entire population in mandatory vaccinated, then in recent years there has been a fashion for refusing vaccinations, which are not given to children without parental consent. Accordingly, parents themselves can specifically write a refusal, fearing complications.

However, we must keep in mind that the unexpected return of infections occurs for one reason: we are already accustomed to not having them. And since they are not there, then let’s skip the vaccination - we can do without it, we won’t get sick anyway. This approach is fundamentally wrong: you can cancel the vaccination, but no one has canceled the infection. She can return at any moment, just as it is quite logical, given this attitude, that polio can now return to Russia.
The following examples indicate how serious the situation is with infectious diseases that seem to be a thing of the past: it is impossible to calculate how many children die from polio in India, Nigeria, and Afghanistan: they are usually buried there on the day of death without finding out the cause. And in Tajikistan they only realized it because the number of cases turned out to be high. In this country, as well as in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, there has been a vaccination culture since Soviet times, but due to economic reasons, vaccines are supplied through UNICEF.

- Is it true that after smallpox was eradicated, it suddenly broke out somewhere?

Not true. Last case smallpox was registered in the world in Somalia in 1977. Smallpox is the first and so far the only infectious disease completely defeated through mass vaccination. Vaccinations against smallpox in the USSR stopped in 1978-1982. Currently, the variola virus exists only in two laboratories in the United States and Russia. Question final destruction smallpox virus postponed until 2014

- How to avoid the risk of vaccinations?

Fatal and dangerous vaccinations does not exist. Killed or weakened forms of bacteria and viruses or toxoid are used as vaccination strains. These bacteria do not cause diseases, but only form immunity. All vaccines have certain contraindications. Vaccination of both children and adults should be carried out, taking into account contraindications, only after examination by a doctor.

- What vaccinations do you recommend for everyone?

- In addition to the vaccinations included in national calendar, there is also vaccination according to epidemic indications. For example, in flooded Krymsk the population was vaccinated against viral hepatitis A, the threat of which existed at that time.

It is imperative to be immunized against tetanus, in which individual immunity is formed, and in the event of injuries from which no one is immune, an unvaccinated person may develop a disease that in 100% of cases ends in death. If you are bitten by an animal, you must be vaccinated against rabies, since refusal to vaccinate can also lead to death.

- Now, on the eve of the epidemic season, the issue of vaccination against influenza is relevant. But not everyone believes in it. What can you say about this?

In my practice, there has not been a single death from influenza in a vaccinated person, although in recent years, with the emergence of a highly pathogenic influenza virus, deaths from influenza complications, mainly pneumonia, have become more frequent. Flu vaccinations do not always protect against the disease, but they significantly improve the course of the disease and help prevent complications.

interviewed by Elena Serebryakova

Died in Odessa after vaccination one and a half year old child
Why did the child die? This question is asked by the parents of a one and a half year old baby. The tragedy occurred in Odessa about 40 days ago, in one of the houses in the Tairovo residential area. Simon Bakulich's mom and dad still can't come to their senses. They claim that the child was absolutely healthy before he was vaccinated at the children's clinic on Glushko. After which, on the 5th day the baby died. Our film crew was looking into what happened.

Sergei Bakulich, the child’s father: “I arrived already when Nastya was giving the child artificial respiration, and he was given 4 or 5 injections of adrenaline in the heart directly. The doctors were just standing next to the child and throwing up their hands.”

Sergei Gennadievich, the father of one and a half year old Simon, will never forget these terrible minutes on February 24th. With death youngest son which occurred 4 days after the vaccination, he still cannot come to terms with.

Sergei Bakulich, the child’s father: “I believe that the child was absolutely healthy and there were no manifestations. was an absolutely healthy, adequate child. Everything was OK".

According to the mother, Anastasia Alekseevna, the official report on the child’s death says: “a neoplasm in the heart.” In other words, a tumor.

Anastasia Morozova, mother of the child: “On this moment, when I asked the forensic medical examiner to provide sections of the tumor to identify DNA and genetic inheritance, since I have another child, I was refused. This is no small argument for me.”

“However, it is possible to obtain such results,” say the city health department. You must contact the medical examiner's office with an official letter. The preliminary results, according to doctors, are as follows:

Nadezhda Goncharenko, acting deputy head of the city health department for issues medical care to the population: “The death occurred as a result of a heart tumor quite large sizes. We do not yet have final official data on the nature of this tumor, the gestological picture of this tumor, but we are conducting analyzes as always. “Based on preliminary data, we can absolutely clearly say that the child’s death is in no way connected with vaccination.”

Due to a fatality, the use of this vaccine has been discontinued until the official letter from the drug quality control committee. The regional rapid response team is already investigating this case. Doctors continue to insist: death was due to a difficult-to-diagnose heart tumor. And the mother is sure that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccination and the death of the child.

Anastasia Morozova, mother of the child: “This is an allergenic reaction to the introduction of a foreign protein. Any vaccination is based on a foreign protein. Basically, the reaction occurs with revaccination, with repeated administration, and the latent period is reduced from 1 to 5 days. My child died in my arms."

According to Anastasia, the child was examined by a pediatrician before vaccination. In addition, the baby was observed in another clinic at his place of residence. “And even if it was a tumor, then the medical specialists are still at fault,” says the baby’s mother with tears in her eyes. “After everything that happened, the attending physician never called, only the nurse,” admits Anastasia. Parents are not going to punish anyone, they just want other children not to suffer like this.

The boy spent five months in intensive care artificial ventilation lungs, but all the doctors’ efforts were in vain.

In the Sverdlovsk region, investigators began an investigation into the death of a six-month-old child. The boy was on artificial ventilation for almost five months; his parents believed until the very end that doctors would still be able to save their baby, but on January 25, all hopes were dashed.

We were really looking forward to our Slavik and were happy when our little angel was born on June 17,” says the boy’s mother Olga Balandina, barely holding back tears. - He was born absolutely healthy and developed very well.

The doctor we saw was on vacation, and another doctor looked at the child and told us to sign consent for two vaccinations: hepatitis B and pneumococcus,” the girl continues. Slava was vaccinated, and in the evening his temperature rose.

The next day, August 20, the parents continue, the temperature subsided, but in the morning it again rose above 38 degrees. Concerned, mom and dad called a nurse to the house. According to them, a health worker examined Slava and said that it was not a virus, but a reaction to the vaccine, and advised her to take an antipyretic. However, the child did not get better.

We called an ambulance and they took us to the hospital,” Olga recalls. “There, the doctor examined my son, saying that he did not understand where the fever came from, prescribed allergy drops, told him to continue taking antipyretics and sent him home.

But Slava’s temperature never subsided. Then the parents took their son to the hospital by car. Another doctor also examined the boy and decided to put him in the infectious diseases department. But even in the medical facility, the child’s temperature continued to rise, which, according to Olga, was constantly brought down with injections. The next day, August 22, Slava passed all the tests, which turned out to be good, but the boy cried all the time and did not eat anything.

On August 23, another doctor came, looked at us and said that Slava had stomatitis, and advised us to buy ointment for his mouth, says the boy’s mother. “We started applying it, but the fever never went away: he was lethargic, pale, roared and had difficulty breathing all day. I asked the doctors: “What’s wrong with him?” They answered that it was because of the injections and fever.

That night Slava ended up in intensive care. Doctors took a picture and determined that the child had bilateral pneumonia. The next day, an ambulance was sent from Yekaterinburg, which took the boy to the first regional hospital.

There, doctors confirmed bilateral polysegmental pneumonia and also diagnosed Slava with severe posthypoxic encephalopathy. They said that the boy suffered severe hypoxia, his brain was damaged and, most likely, he would not survive, the girl recalls. - I asked them: why could this happen? They replied that due to pneumonia, he allegedly could not breathe.

Slava spent three months in Yekaterinburg. Then the boy was transferred to Pervouralsk for a month, and then to Revda. During this time, the child’s parents turned to many doctors, including Moscow ones, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

On January 25, we came to Slava, right in front of us he became worse: his pulse began to disappear,” recalls the child’s father, Vladimir. “The doctors tried to save him, gave him intensive care, and they sent us home. We drove off, but on the way we decided to call the hospital, and then they told us that Slava had died.

At the Bisert hospital, doctors worry and sincerely sympathize with the grief of the Balandin family. However, according to the head of the infectious diseases department where Slava ended up, Nina Medvedeva, Slava had an accident caused by a fatal coincidence of circumstances.

I remember that Slava, when he was admitted, had a fever, but at the same time he ate and drank normally, the next day after he was admitted to us, he felt a little better, but they found some ulcers on the mucous membrane of his mouth, similar to for stomatitis,” recalls Nina Nikolaevna. - Unfortunately, the dentist was on vacation, but my parents bought ointment for the mouth, I looked at the instructions and, in principle, realized that the ointment was effective.

At night, a nurse called me and said that she had sent the child to intensive care, says the doctor. “She explained it this way: the child’s mother came up to her at night and said that Slava’s temperature was rising.

According to the head of the department, the nurse went to treatment room take an injection to give an antipyretic.

Literally a few seconds later, Slava’s mother ran up to her and screamed that he felt very bad, continues Nina Medvedeva. - Naturally, the nurse dropped everything, ran and saw a purple-faced child with vomit on his sleeve and undershirt. The boy was immediately transferred to intensive care.

According to the head of the department, the vaccination could hardly be related to the symptoms with which Slava was admitted to the hospital. And the pneumonia detected in the image could have been caused by vomit entering the lungs.

In no case do I want to justify myself, we are not ideal either,” says Nina Nikolaevna. - The only thing is that I feel guilty because it will be difficult for me to prove that it was not pneumonia initially, since we did not immediately take a picture, but due to the symptoms and the need for a picture there was no need.

At the same time, it is clear that the woman sincerely worries and sympathizes with the grief of the Balandin family.

We just passed licensing, and we didn’t have a license for x-rays, if, of course, we urgently needed to do an x-ray, we would have done it, but here it seems emergency there wasn’t,” explains the doctor. - Most likely, pneumonia developed as a result of aspiration, that is, vomit entering the lungs. That is, my opinion is that this was an accident that turned into a tragedy.

Now the Revdinsky investigative department of the Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into this fact. Slava’s parents involved an Ekaterinburg lawyer in the case.

Initially, all this began after the vaccination, but the cause-and-effect relationship between the disease and the vaccination, of course, will be established by an examination,” family lawyer Sergei Petrovets told Life. - One thing is clear: either against the background of vaccination, or on its own, the child developed an acquired bilateral pneumonia, and with high temperature Slava was taken by ambulance to the hospital. But the doctors sent the child home, although we believe that if there was any doubt about the diagnosis, they should have consulted with specialists from the regional hospital. According to the lawyer, during the three days that the child was in the Biserti hospital, he was not provided medical examination, in particular, the doctors did not take a picture of the baby’s lungs.

At the moment, an examination of the insurance company has been carried out, which has established that there was a discrepancy in the services provided, the rest will depend on the conclusions of forensic doctors, continues Petrovets. - At first, we planned to go to court as part of civil proceedings for compensation for moral damage and some further expenses for the treatment of the child, but after Slavina’s death we will change the requirement. In any case, we will sue the hospital.

In the struggle to reach Russian market pharmaceutical companies care least about our health

In the struggle to enter the Russian market, pharmaceutical companies care least about our health.

The article “An injection is not a joke,” published in No. 3 of Express Newspaper in 2009, evoked a strong response among our readers. Let us remember that it was about flu vaccinations, which are literally imposed in schools, although they are not mandatory. And if in this case parents can still quite simply refuse injections, it is much more difficult to withstand the battle with pediatricians regarding routine vaccination.

At the beginning of February in Kaliningrad region half an hour after vaccination with DTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) and hepatitis, a 3-month-old girl died Polina Ivanova. Unfortunately, o dire consequences Many parents know first-hand about routine vaccinations. Their stories on the forums of opponents of universal vaccination make your hair stand on end.

“I am one of those mothers whose child is still “paying” for this DTP. There were complications and the consequences remained, maybe later he would outgrow them. In our yard, a child died 30 minutes after DTP (an examination confirmed death as a result of vaccination), there are other mothers (with whom I communicate) whose children had complications,”- Svetlana.

“My relative, a pediatric immunologist-allergist, told me such a case from her practice. The boy stopped walking after being vaccinated against polio. And there were several such cases in their area. Apparently, we got a low-quality vaccine..."- Vita.

“My son has DPT and polio at 2 months. a few days later a mild diathesis appeared, which the doctor for a long time I tried to imagine it as a reaction to my hormones in milk... After the second DTP and polio at 4 months. 2 days later we ended up in the hospital with a terrible attack, the skin peeled off in pieces, cracks, and a rash on almost 100% of the skin. Fruits in the form atopic dermatitis We are still reaping the benefits (we are 9 months old), and the reaction is unknown to what - a test on a huge range of products and external irritants showed the absence of allergies.

P.S. At my last visit to the doctor, they very persistently persuaded me to get vaccinated, claiming that DTP never gives allergic reaction and that there simply cannot be a connection between our blood pressure and vaccinations,” Alika.

“My son was a full-fledged child, he was developing very well, everything was just wonderful, before I took him to the hospital for DTP vaccination and polio - at that time he was one year and 7 months old, by the age of 2 he began to fall on his feet, at 2 years 7 months he became completely ill and paralyzed. Atrophied lower limbs. Doctors diagnosed LEUKODYSTROPHY. I was told that people with this diagnosis can only live for two years. The doctors don’t help me at all, one might even say they refuse to make any contact with me, they say there’s no point in helping my child...”- Nadezhda.

To prick or not to prick?

Doctors have a vaccination plan that they must follow. Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits from the sale of drugs. Under these conditions, the only people who care about the child’s health are his parents. The difficult choice falls on their shoulders. Unfortunately, local doctors, when promoting vaccinations, almost never talk about side effects and post-vaccination complications. And even if they themselves are not supporters of vaccinations, they express their opinions only on condition of anonymity.

“I came to the conclusion that the average medical personnel I just can’t get my head around the dangers of vaccinations. They were taught in college what is absolutely necessary, but the majority don’t even want to be interested in the composition. Before studying at the Faculty of Pharmacy, I also believed that it was simply necessary to get vaccinated. But, studying the properties chemical compounds, I am horrified by what they are doing to our children under one year old. Formaldehyde and Thiomersal are the worst cellular poisons! They should not be ingested!”- Evgenia.

“...According to the logic of doctors and those who support them, our planet needs to be made sterile, and everyone should be immunized every day, just in case. Did you know that DPT and some others are made on cells (tissues) of ABORTED children. Moreover, the mother herself must make this decision, and miscarriages are not suitable for them, because cellular mutations have already occurred there, which is why the body rejected the fetus. When I didn’t believe it and called a doctor I knew, she said: “Yes, it’s true. Well, why are you bothering, you know less - sleep better», - ksena.

“I myself worked as a school nurse for several years. I want to say that as long as there is a plan for vaccinations, this mess will continue. The Ministry of Health needs percentages of the number of vaccinated children. This is where the race begins. They don't care about the health of their children. Those who work in the pediatric system know very well the current state of affairs in the school...”- Elena.

In search of truth

In 2005, in Volgograd, tests of an unregistered vaccine against mumps (mumps), measles and rubella were illegally carried out on small children. We got through to Lyubov Geraskina, the grandmother of the child who was then injured, who has been seeking punishment for the perpetrators for several years.

They hide the truth about vaccines from us,” Lyubov Adamovna is outraged. - The media advertises drugs for influenza, hepatitis, and cancer that have not yet been fully tested, although this is prohibited by law. Doctors do not recognize the connection between vaccinations and diseases in children. To achieve such recognition, we had to conduct an independent examination. True, this still did not help: our criminal case was closed, and 33 volumes of it were missing. But the perpetrators have already been named and charges brought. Our children become disabled and do not leave hospitals. What kind of national health are we talking about?!

The basis for sending the audit material is the conclusion of a forensic medical study, which indicates that there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the Priorix vaccination and the resulting consequences in the form of harm to the health of Victoria Geraskina. Vaccination at the National Clinical Hospital at the station. Volgograd-1 was carried out without a license for this type activities, and this was the onset of consequences in Geraskina’s health.

In the fall of 2005, in Volgograd, vaccination of young children was not carried out, but clinical researches a foreign-made medical immunobiological preparation not registered in Russia (Priorix-Tetra vaccine).

The very fact of conducting such a study on children contradicts the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens.

Neither the health authorities, nor the heads of municipal health care institutions, nor local pediatricians were informed about the fact, essence and conditions of the study illegally conducted on the basis of the non-state (another gross violation of the law) health care institution "Otdelencheskaya clinical Hospital Art. Volgograd-1" JSC Russian Railways.

The main goal of the planned study is to show the effectiveness of double (two-dose) vaccination with an interval of 42 days in children of the second year of life (12 - 22 months) with a quadrivalent mixture of live attenuated vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox.

Having reviewed all the documents presented and based on the scientific information on live viral vaccines, I have come to the conclusion that the goal of the project is completely unfounded and meaningless.

It can clearly be assumed that if the research proposed by GlaxoSmithKline is carried out, it will be an unnecessary waste of gigantic human labor and enormous financial resources.

Excerpts from Federal Law“On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”

Article 5 clause 1. “When carrying out immunization, citizens have the right to:

Receipt from medical workers complete and objective information about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, and possible post-vaccination complications

Refusal of preventive vaccinations.”

Art. 5 p.2.“The lack of preventive vaccinations entails:

Temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health institutions in the event of mass outbreaks infectious diseases or when there is a threat of epidemics.”

Just a fact

Recovered chicken pox and rubella, acquire lifelong immunity. Vaccinal immunity is unstable, and the latest vaccines and is not yet known at all.

Health Sellers

At the end of last year, active campaigning began for preventive vaccination against cervical cancer. Women are intimidated a large number identified diseases and the prevalence of the human papillomavirus that leads to the disease. Urging mothers to take care of the health of their daughters and vaccinate them at the age of 10-12, the advertisement is modestly silent about the name of the miracle drug. However, it can be easily searched on the Internet using keywords. By the way, it is produced by a company that cynically used Volgograd children as guinea pigs.

Oncological diseases are, of course, a serious problem. All the more carefully it is worth studying the issue before deciding to get vaccinated. Even a quick glance at the annotation for the drug shows that:

It develops immunity to only two types of viruses, while cancer is caused by at least 15;

List side effects quite impressive, although the manufacturer assures on its website that the vaccine is safe;

- “Human papillomavirus antibodies persisted throughout four years of follow-up. Long-term studies are currently underway to examine the period of protective effectiveness of the vaccine.” This means that no one yet knows not only the duration of immunity, but also what the consequences of the drug’s action on female body will appear in, say, ten years.

Doctor, drink poison!

Doctors and officials responsible for vaccination do not risk their health even for a lot of money.

President of the California-based non-profit organization Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc. Jock DOUBLEDAY, who promotes natural treatments and stimulation of natural immunity, turned to doctors eight years ago with an unusual proposal. The doctor offered a decent amount of money to anyone who would drink a mixture of additives found in most vaccines.

The mixture will only contain standard additives to the vaccine in their usual proportions: thimerosal (mercury derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (strong disinfectant, antiseptic), ammonium chloride (antiseptic), formaldehyde (preservative and disinfectant), aluminum and others. Actually there will be no viruses or bacteria in it. The dose, based on the volunteer's weight, will be equal to what a 6-year-old child receives, according to the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.

According to Jock Doubleday's terms, a volunteer can be either a doctor with an American license who vaccinates children, or one of the general and executive directors of pharmaceutical companies that sell vaccines. He has the right to invite three doctors who, together with three professionals from the organizer’s side, will prepare the potion. By drinking it, the participant in the action will actually prove that he considers all additional components in vaccines safe.

In 2001, Doubleday valued the courage of vaccine advocates at $20,000. But since

There were no willing doctors, so in 2006 Jock increased the remuneration amount to $75,000. And when this did not help, he announced that from June 2007 it would increase by $5,000 every month.

By February of this year, $180,000 had accumulated, but no one responded to Doubleday’s proposal, which he once again sent to all leading US experts in the field of vaccination.

November 7 in Pavlovskaya district hospital A tragedy occurred - a two-month-old girl died after a routine vaccination. Molodezhka correspondents met with her parents and found out who they blame for the death of their child.

"I don't trust doctors"

Family Orekhovs Lives in Pavlovka for a long time. We are greeted by Catherine– 38 year old mother dead girl. Echoes of the recent tragedy are clearly visible in her gaze: her tear-stained eyes look distantly into the distance.

Her mother-in-law is standing at the door - she is worried that her daughter-in-law may become ill. There is an open package of sedative pills on the table.

- My misadventures began much earlier, in 2007, - says Ekaterina. - I was pregnant with twins then, also girls. Rhinitis began (a common disease during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are very similar to a cold). I went to our gynecologist, she sent me to an ENT specialist. I don’t remember what diagnosis she gave me, but she prescribed injections. My neighbor, a nurse, made one for me. At night bleeding began and I was taken to the hospital. They did a caesarean section. One girl was found dead, and the second lived for two more days. After that, the ENT crawled to me on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Since then I have not trusted doctors.

Death after vaccination

Two years after this, Catherine became pregnant again and gave birth to a healthy boy, Arseny. He is now nine years old and is in third grade at a local school. But fate had one more test in store for the woman.

She cannot speak calmly about her fourth child; her voice trembles with barely restrained tears.

The daughter was born on September 6 of this year, she was christened Svetlana. A healthy, strong baby girl managed to gain more than a kilogram of weight and grow three centimeters in two months.

On November 7th we underwent a routine medical examination, at the end of which we were offered a polio vaccination. Now they say that vaccination was then carried out against pneumococcal infection. Well, how could I know that my daughter would die?

At this moment the husband enters the apartment Alexander, he works in the village as a welder.

- After the girl was vaccinated, Katya had to go to a couple more offices. She put her daughter in my hands, asking me to wait in the car, - the man remembers. – I took her and immediately felt that the girl had somehow gone limp and began to blink frequently. Less than half an hour had passed when I noticed that the girl was not breathing. When I unwrapped the diapers, I saw that there was a red stripe running from the vaccination site to the neck.

With the child in his arms, he ran into the hospital building and handed him over to the doctors. After an unsuccessful attempt at resuscitation, they were told: your daughter is dead. The father was not allowed to attend the autopsy, which took place on November 8. Preliminary diagnosis very vague - “sudden infant death syndrome”.

Criminal case

The girl’s funeral was paid for by the district administration, where Ekaterina works as the chief housing and communal services specialist.

- Ekaterina is my former classmate. That’s all we could do – just to help as a human being, because she found herself in such a terrible situation,” explains Elena Polugarnova, First Deputy Head of Administration.

She refused to comment on the situation at the district hospital, but stated that average age doctors are quite serious, and this may indicate both their experience and inattention.

Now, following the incident, the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence.” And although the final results of the investigation will become known only in a month, the parents are sure that their daughter died due to the negligence of doctors. Moreover, the girl’s mother claims that residents of the village allegedly saw one of the pediatricians drunk at work more than once.

“I won’t give birth here”

We visited the Pavlovsk Central District Hospital. It is located on the edge of the village. It's an old brick building with crumbling plaster and a patch of mold decorating the wall in one place. Alas, it was not possible to talk to the doctors - everyone was “on a business trip or busy.”

The long corridors of the main building are desolate. Despite office hours, visitors meet occasionally. True, in the department antenatal clinic we met a pregnant woman. She heard about the tragedy, but was forced to come to the hospital - she had no choice, she needed to undergo a routine examination.

- I definitely won’t give birth here, I’m afraid- she declares.

Hill with a cross

...All that now reminds of what happened is a small grave on the outskirts of the Pavlovsk cemetery. We found her ourselves; the mother of the dead girl refused to accompany us: it would have been too much of a challenge for her.

The baby was buried on Friday, November 9, at the very edge of the churchyard. On the fresh grave, withered flowers glisten with frost, and there are several wreaths. They have not yet had time to hang a photograph on the twisted cross; there is not even a sign with the name of the girl who left our world just two months after her birth.


Dutch authorities have temporarily banned the use of the Prevenar vaccine after three children died within 10 days of vaccination.


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