Home Oral cavity Hay stick for rabbits is a reliable protection against diseases. Vetom drug for the prevention and treatment of rabbits Beton 1.1 powder for animals

Hay stick for rabbits is a reliable protection against diseases. Vetom drug for the prevention and treatment of rabbits Beton 1.1 powder for animals

If an animal has gastrointestinal pathologies accompanied by diarrhea and poor digestion of food, then veterinarians often prescribe the drug Vetom 1.1. It can be used for dysbiosis, infectious diseases, slow growth and development of the cubs. The product is inexpensive and is sold in every veterinary pharmacy.

Description of the drug

Vetom 1.1 belongs to the category of probiotics. It is produced in the form of a fine-grained, odorless, white powder. It dissolves well in water, forming a translucent suspension similar to diluted milk. Pharmacies sell bags of 5 grams and plastic tubes weighing 50 grams. There are also packaging options of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 kg - such large packages are suitable for treating large cattle or purchases from veterinary clinics. The manufacturer of the drug is NPF Research Center LLC (Russia).

The package is enough for a full course of treatment for a cat - the product contains about 20 doses

The main component of Vetom 1.1 is the bacteria Bacillus subtilis (one gram of the drug contains 1×10 6 colony-forming units of living microbial cells). These microorganisms have antagonistic activity, destroying infectious pathogens. Bacillus subtilis is also needed to combat dysbiosis - due to the secreted enzymes, active breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber occurs. As a result, food absorption improves, microflora is normalized, diarrhea and vomiting are eliminated.

Additional substances in Vetom 1.1 are corn syrup sublimate, starch and powdered sugar. Medicinal properties these components do not have and are added to the drug solely to maintain the viability of healing bacteria.

Store the product in an unopened bag at room temperature. Shelf life - 4 years from the date of production. Opened bagged packaging can only be stored for 14 days. The prepared solution must be consumed immediately; leaving it to give to the patient the next day is prohibited.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of dysbiosis of various origins, normalization of digestion, and elimination of symptoms such as vomiting. It can be given to small kittens whose digestive tract has not yet “learned” to properly absorb nutrients from food (as a result of treatment with Vetom 1.1, the growth of babies is accelerated).

Vetom 1.1 allows for more active weight gain in frail kittens

The medicine copes well with intestinal infections and can be included in the course of treatment for dysentery, coccidiosis, salmonellosis, and escherichiosis. Normalizing the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract helps strengthen the immune system.

Vetom 1.1 is also used as a prophylactic agent for the correction of immunodeficiency states - it is given to animals when increased risk infectious infection. For example, it is actively used in veterinary medicine to prevent purulent-septic complications in the postoperative period.

Prescribed by Vetom 1.1 in any case of difficult digestion. It will be useful for old cats whose intestinal motor function is reduced due to age-related reasons. Recommended by Vet after completing a course of antibiotics and steroids (the drug will protect against possible dysbacteriosis).

The product is also used in cases of gastrointestinal failure psychogenic reasons- after experiencing stress (due to moving, visiting an exhibition, the appearance of other animals in the house, etc.). Vetom 1.1 will be useful for normalizing digestion after or during feeding with food with an increased amount of carbohydrates/proteins (such food often provokes diarrhea, constipation, increased gas formation, bloating, colitis - with these intestinal problems and the drug helps to cope).

Features of treatment for cats

Vetom 1.1 is effective only when correct use. It is important to observe the dosage, adhere to the required dosage regimen and complete the full course of treatment. Before you start giving your cat the drug, consult your veterinarian. You need to know exactly the cause of the animal’s illness in order to understand whether the powder will be useful or whether the cat needs stronger medications.

What dosage of Vetom 1.1 does cats need?

A single dose for cats is determined according to a simple scheme: 50 mg of the drug for each kilogram of the animal’s weight. Example: to treat an adult cat weighing 5 kg, 0.25 grams of Vetom 1.1 is required. (1/20 of the volume of a five-gram package - for accurate calculation It is better to use a special measuring spoon for medicines). For severe diarrhea, you can give an increased dose (75 mg per 1 kg of weight) - but only once, then switch to the standard dosage.

How to give the powder, how long does the course last?

The solution is prepared simply: the powder is poured with warm water in a ratio of 1:10, mixed thoroughly and poured into the cat’s mouth using a syringe without a needle or pipette. Can be mixed into food. The duration of the course depends on the purpose of using Vetom 1.1:

  • Prophylactic course (for example, to prevent or treat dysbiosis after antibiotics) - 1 time per day for 20–22 days.
  • To increase natural resistance, eliminate indigestibility of food, increase weight gain in small kittens - 1 time per day for 10–15 days.
  • To correct immunodeficiency conditions - 1–2 times a day for 5–10 days.
  • For the treatment of intestinal infections, it is allowed either to switch to an increased dose, or to administer the standard dosage up to 4 times a day with an interval of 6 hours (give the drug until the symptoms of the disease completely cease).

Cats don’t like the taste of the drug, they won’t drink it on their own - you’ll have to mix it into food or inject it with a syringe without a needle.

If oral infusion is not advisable due to vomiting in a cat (when all the medicine comes out with the vomit without having time to be absorbed into the blood through the stomach and intestines), then rectal administration of Vetom 1.1 is allowed. The drug is diluted with warm boiled water and administered using an enema.

Can Vetom 1.1 be combined with other medications?

It is useless to give Vetom 1.1 to cats undergoing a course of antibiotics - antimicrobial agent will destroy all beneficial bacteria of the drug. First you need to complete the main therapy and only then start giving a probiotic.

Precautions when working with the drug

An overdose of the drug is not a threat to the life or health of the cat. But the dose should still be carefully measured, since due to the active work of too many beneficial bacteria, diarrhea may worsen. After 1–2 hours, the diarrhea will go away on its own, but you still shouldn’t cause such discomfort to your pet.

Is Vetom 1.1 allowed for pregnant kittens?

The medicine can be given throughout the cat’s pregnancy - the medicine will not cause any harm to the mother’s body or fetus. The drug is also approved for small kittens, including newborns. For babies, the product will help normalize digestion and promote more intense weight gain.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

There are no strict prohibitions on taking Vetom 1.1. In cats with hypersensitivity In rare cases, a negative reaction may occur to beneficial bacteria in the form of increased diarrhea. Since a similar side effect occurs with an overdose, first make sure that you are measuring the right amount of the drug correctly. If everything is fine with the dosage, then the matter is a slight intolerance to Vetom 1.1. Usually this is fixable - the animal’s body just needs time to adapt to the probiotic. For the first three days, give a reduced dose (¼-½ of the recommended dose), and then gradually increase to the required dose.

If after infusion of Vetom 1.1 the cat’s diarrhea does not go away, but only intensifies, it means the animal is intolerant to the medicine or you gave too much dosage

What medications can replace Vetom 1.1

Not Vetom 1.1 unique means. If necessary, it can be replaced with other drugs containing beneficial bacteria to normalize digestion, eliminate symptoms of dysbiosis, protect against intestinal infections and strengthen the immune system.

Table with characteristics of the main “competitors” of Vetom 1.1

Comparing Vetom 1.1 with other drugs, we can highlight a couple of minor disadvantages. First of all, people who treat their pets with this remedy complain about the inconvenience when measuring the required amount (the drug does not include a measuring spoon). The medicine also has a rather unpleasant taste for the animal, which makes infusion difficult. The cat will try in every possible way to spit out the drug, so when Vetom 1.1 is administered, the cat must be held firmly until it is forced to swallow the solution.

The disadvantages of Vetom 1.1 are compensated by its advantages. The main advantage is efficiency and safety. The product has passed all the necessary tests for the absence of pathogenic, toxic and carcinogenic effects. It has a minimal number of contraindications and a reduced risk of side effects. Another important advantage- affordable price. A five-gram package of the drug costs only 15–20 rubles. A 50 g package can be purchased for 145–150 rubles, which is 3–4 times cheaper than analogues(taking into account the consumption of medicine).

Just like people, they can suffer from various disorders of the intestines. When functionality normal microflora the intestines are disrupted, and harmful bacteria begin to dominate over opportunistic bacteria, problems appear: diarrhea, rash, weakened immunity, etc. To eliminate such symptoms, scientists developed Vetom 1.1. In this article we will talk about the properties of this pharmaceutical product, instructions for use for various birds (, etc.), dogs, cats, etc., as well as side effects and contraindications.

Composition and pharmacological properties

This white fine powdery substance contains a bacterial mass (strain of Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus subtilis). It is these bacteria that are the basis of this pharmaceutical substance.

Auxiliary nutrients are starch and crushed sugar. Content of carcinogenic and harmful substances in the drug "Vetom 1.1" does not exceed the standards specified in the legislation.

1 g of fine powder contains about a million active bacteria that can activate the synthesis of interferon.

Important!According to GOST, Vetom 1.1 belongs to hazard class 4 (low-hazard substances).

Pharmacological properties of this pharmaceutical product are based on the active action of the above strain. The bacterial mass of the drug "Vetom 1.1" is capable of activating the processes of synthesis of alpha-2 interferon, which improves almost all processes in the body of animals.

Due to an increase in the amount of interferon, the body’s defenses increase, and animals are less exposed to various diseases. In addition, the bacterial strain improves the functioning of the intestinal microflora and promotes the normal digestion process.

Any inflammatory processes The gastrointestinal tract will disappear after a therapeutic course of Vetom 1.1. Moreover, this pharmaceutical product They are also actively used by people involved in breeding sheep, cattle, etc.

This drug helps normalize metabolism, as a result of which meat animals gain weight faster and are less susceptible to various diseases.

Due to the fact that the metabolic processes of all vital micro- and macroelements are being established, animal meat products will be characterized high level quality.

Who is it suitable for?

Vetom 1.1 was originally developed as a drug for the treatment of human gastrointestinal diseases. But due to the fact that the company-inventor did not have sufficient financial resources, the drug was made for use in veterinary medicine.

For the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, Vetom 1.1 is used for the following types of animals:

  • Pets, ornamental, family pets (, Guinea pigs, cats, parrots, dogs, raccoons, etc.).
  • Farm and productive animals (pigs, chickens, sheep, nutria, etc.). Moreover, this product is suitable for both adults and young animals (the only difference is in dosages).
  • Wild animals (squirrels, foxes, etc.).

Although Vetom 1.1 is considered a veterinary drug, many people use it to treat human intestinal disorders.

The product is absolutely safe and may cause only minor adverse reactions in the presence of individual intolerance to the strain by the body.

Release form

This product is packaged in polyethylene waterproof containers in the form of cans or elastic bags. The packaging is different, depending on the weight (5 g, 10 g, 50 g, 100 g, 200 g, 300 g and 500 g).

This drug is also available in more reliable bags (with an internal polyethylene coating) of 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg. Each package contains all the necessary data, according to GOST. In addition, any form of release of Vetom 1.1 is accompanied by instructions for use for animals.

Indications for use

Vetom 1.1 is used for a wide variety of infectious and bacterial lesions of the intestines. This pharmaceutical product will become an indispensable assistant for parvovirus enteritis, salmonellosis, coccidiosis, colitis, etc.

It is actively used by veterinarians to stimulate the immune system of animals for various infectious diseases (parainfluenza, plague, hepatitis, etc.).

Thanks to a strain of bacteria that causes an increase in the body's defenses, Vetom 1.1 is regularly used as a prophylaxis various lesions animal body.

Did you know?Bacillus subtilis (base of Vetom 1.1) was first described by Ehrenberg in 1835.

As a preventive measure, as well as to stimulate animal growth (used as a dietary supplement), Vetom 1.1 is used:
  • To normalize metabolic processes and metabolism in the intestines.
  • To restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after suffering severe infectious and bacterial lesions.
  • To stimulate the growth of young animals kept as beef cattle (also for rapid growth, etc.).
  • For general strengthening animal body in order to prevent various diseases.

The drug is very effective and useful on large farms, agricultural lands, where the number of heads of various livestock exceeds one thousand.

On large farms, Vetom 1.1 is regularly used for preventive purposes to prevent all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms from consistently infecting animals (herd damage).

Directions for use and dosage

This pharmaceutical product is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in different dosages. The most optimal dosage as preventive measures- 1 time per day, 75 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

Preventive courses usually take 5-10 days, depending on the type of animal and the purpose of prevention (for diseases, for weight gain, after illnesses, etc.).

Important!It is prohibited to use Vetom 1.1 during antibiotic treatment. In this case, there will be no effect from either one or the other.

But, according to experienced veterinarians, the effect of the drug will be more effective if it is used 2 times a day, 50 mg. The drug should be given to animals with water an hour before meals (in some cases, the powder can be mixed directly into the food).

If Vetom 1.1 is used as a treatment for intestinal diseases, then the therapeutic course should continue until full recovery.

Below are instructions for using Vetom 1.1 for certain types of animals for the purposes of prevention and treatment:

  • For For treatment purposes, this drug is used in a standard dosage (50 mg per 1 kg of weight, 2 times a day). IN extreme conditions life activity (during epidemics, frequent stressful situations etc.) Vetom 1.1 is used once every three days with a dosage of 75 mg per 1 kg of weight. The entire course will take 9 days, that is, 3 doses of the drug.
  • At serious illnesses in dogs This remedy is used in a standard dosage 4 times a day until complete recovery. As a prophylaxis or for mild illnesses (weakened immune system, diarrhea, etc.), the drug is used for 5-10 days in a standard dosage (1-2 times a day).

  • Breed with Vetom 1.1 For need in food, since they may not drink water, and the effect of therapy will disappear. Dosages are standard, the course of prophylaxis is 5-7 days.
  • the drug is given to stimulate growth. The course of use of the drug lasts 7-9 days and is repeated after 2-3 months. All dosages are standard (50 mg of powder per 1 kg of weight).

  • Precautionary measures

    In the indicated dosages, the product does not cause rash or local irritation. Combines with any food and chemicals(except antibiotics). Use with extreme caution when mixing with water that has not been treated with chlorine.

    The strain of bacteria included in Vetom 1.1 is sensitive to chlorine and some of its compounds, as well as to alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to use boiled, cooled water that is purified from chlorine and its compounds.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Vetom 1.1 is not recommended for use when diabetes mellitus in animals, which is extremely rare. Also, this product should be replaced with an analogue for those animals that have an individual sensitivity of the body to Bacillus subtilis.

    In any case, use this product only after consulting a veterinarian, and you will not have any problems.

    In most cases, there are no side effects from Vetom 1.1. In rare cases, with acute infectious lesions of the intestines, short-term pain syndrome moderate severity.
    Diarrhea and increased gas production may also occur, and the animal may suffer from colic for some time. Multi-millions of bacteria combined with chlorine can cause severe diarrhea and nausea.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    This product should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 30°C in a dry place with normal ventilation, away from direct sunlight.

    The drug should be stored in a place where children cannot reach; in addition, Vetom 1.1 should be stored in sealed original packaging. If all specified standards are followed, the product will be suitable for use for 4 years.

    The depressurized product is suitable for use only for two weeks. At the end of the specified period, the drug must be disposed of, as it will no longer bring any effectiveness during therapy.

    574 times already

Vetom drug for the prevention and treatment of rabbits. What is Bacillus hay??? Bacteria “Bacillus hay” Those of you who keep dogs or cats have probably noticed how these animals, once in nature, look for some species (mainly wheatgrass) among the abundance of herbs and eat them with pleasure. This strange behavior of predators is explained by their natural instinct. And it’s not just about vitamins and other biologically active substances. Animals “know” how beneficial Bacillus subtilis is for their health, the spores of which are found on the back of the leaves of cereal plants. Once it enters the intestines, it is activated, after which it will cure diseases and increase immunity. Currently, preparations containing Bacillus subtilis are successfully used to treat and prevent diseases in many domestic animals, as well as people. WITH scientific point In our opinion, Bacillus subtilis is a beneficial bacterium. Lives in top layer soil and from there migrates to leaves, vegetables and fruits. It is called senna because in the medical industry it is bred in a nutrient medium with hay extract. Once inside the animal’s body, its digestive tract, it immediately begins to search for and destroy ANY infection with which it has become infected.

Do rabbits start getting sick more often??? You may ask, why then do rabbits get sick at all, since they consume grass in large quantities and should always be healthy? The answer is simple, the reason is the unfavorable environment, which is getting worse every year. Acid rain, industrial emissions, pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture and gardens destroy valuable hay bacilli, which means they deprive rabbits of their natural protection. Talk to rabbit breeders who have extensive experience, they will tell you that before, about thirty years ago, there were no problems with rabbit epidemics. Now, in addition to rabbits, it is necessary to vaccinate almost all animals, including birds. Goats lasted the longest with their super-survivability, but they are already having difficulty coping with the load on immune system. In turn, constant vaccination further reduces innate immunity; it disappears as unnecessary. What to do to restore resistance to disease? ● Firstly, harvest grass and hay away from environmentally harmful enterprises, city limits, highways, and agricultural farms. fields and private gardens treated with chemicals. Bacillus hay is still alive there. ● Secondly, periodically add Bacillus subtilis, contained in specially created preparations, to the rabbit’s diet for prevention. One of the most common currently is VETOM. Information about the drug Vetom. The advantage of the drug is its gentle effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora; Bacillus subtilis quickly populates, recognizes and destroys all proteins that are not characteristic of the rabbit’s body (only harmful bacteria and their toxins). Vetom promotes the production of interferon hint Interferon (from the Latin inter – mutually and ferio – to strike) is the formation of a protein that provides antiviral immunity. Interferon is secreted by the cells of vertebrate animals (lymphocytes and macrophages) in response to the action of inducers (when they come into contact with viruses), which, when absorbed into the blood, significantly increases the animal’s immunity. It is very important that the drug does not cause any complications when combined with other vaccinations and, on the contrary, enhances their effectiveness. Although the Bacillus subtilis bacterium can withstand the effects gastric juice animal, however, it is sensitive to a lack of oxygen, so it cannot live permanently in the intestines of animals. It needs to be delivered there periodically. How to use Vetom? The drug "Vettom" ● To treat diseases, the drug is introduced into the rabbit's body with food or water. If the rabbit is sick, then the dose is 50 milligrams per kilogram of the animal’s weight - twice a day (a one-time dose of 75 mg/kg is allowed). You can also use the drug rectally (through the rectum), having previously done an enema, an hour before dispensing the food. To do this, one gram of the drug is diluted with five milligrams of pure water. In acute phases of the disease, I recommend using a combined method of delivering Bacillus subtilis to the rabbit’s body. ● For prophylaxis in extreme conditions, Vetom is administered in the same dose, but not daily, but once every three days for nine days (three times in total). By extreme situations, I mean, for example, epidemics, taking antibiotics that cause dysbiosis, which means diarrhea (diarrhea), stress after weaning rabbits from their mother, switching to another food... Conclusion Dear reader, you probably noticed some discrepancy in the number of basic vaccinations that are given rabbits, a list of the main diseases to which these animals are susceptible. Basically there are two, from myxomatosis and VGBK. Of course, there are many more illnesses. And the vaccinations themselves, unfortunately, do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection from troubles. Either the vaccine is expired or spoiled, or the virus has mutated... Some respected rabbit breeders are already directly calling for the abandonment of traditional vaccinations, and advise sick rabbits to be released into the garden more often. But what “useful” things will they find there now? Mostly residues of pesticides. In order to close the resulting “gaps”, put up an “additional barrier” and significantly increase the survival rate of rabbits in extreme conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions, I advise you to take a closer look at the rabbit breeder’s lifesaver, namely the SHARY STICK or Bacillus subtilis.

Bacillus Subtilis is the basis of the drug Vetom 1.1, widely known in medicine and veterinary medicine, which stimulates the immune system and improves intestinal function.

The above-mentioned bacterium promotes the synthesis of antimicrobial substances that stimulate local immunity and also develop beneficial microflora.

The drug Vetom 1.1 is used to combat diseases not only of humans, but also of animals: cats, birds, chickens, broilers, dogs.

The composition of the drug, in addition to the active substance (microorganisms Bacillus Subtilis), also includes a small amount of filler, which is corn extract, potato starch, sucrose.

The medicine appears in the form of a white, odorless, fine powder. It is easily soluble in water and may have a small fine sediment. One gram of the drug contains 1×10 6 CFU (live microbial cells). The powder is packaged in forms of various sizes: from capsules to sachets.

Properties of the drug

Vetom 1.1 is based on a biologically active substance that has a positive effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora. Thus, scientists have proven that taking this drug significantly increases the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Simultaneously with the growth of beneficial microorganisms, the level of pathogenic bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp, Alistipes spp, Betaproteobacterium, decreased.

The drug stimulates the release of food enzymes, which improve and accelerate the breakdown of eaten foods. The bacteria Bacillus Subtilis is even used in industry for the enzymatic treatment of manufactured products.

The probiotic improves the patient's condition after taking antibiotics. Thus, cases of diarrhea when taking Vetom 1.1 account for only about 7% of cases.

Indications for use

The drug Vetom 1.1 has enough wide range actions, so it is used for various purposes.

  • Fight with intestinal infection . Suitable for use as complex therapy against intestinal disorders.
  • Prevention during colds. The medicine should be used to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to respiratory diseases in the off-season.
  • Prevention of intestinal disorders. Taking the drug in a timely manner reduces the risk of contracting an intestinal infection.
  • For digestive disorders. Sometimes during a change in the nutritional system or changes in diet there is a tendency to intestinal disorders. Vetom 1.1 for animals helps solve the problem. Active substance improves the process of food digestion.

Contraindications and negative reactions

On this moment No destructive cases of exposure to the drug have been recorded.

Instructions for use Vetom 1.1 for humans

In accordance with the patient’s condition, instructions for using Vetom 1.1 for humans may be different.

A healthy person can take the medicine as a preventive measure during seasonal colds or to protect against diarrhea after taking antibiotics. In these cases, it is appropriate to take 2-3 doses per day (the dose must be checked in the instructions of the specific manufacturer).

The duration of administration increases significantly for people with chronic illnesses and can be up to 7-10 doses per day.

Diseases for which it is appropriate to take medicine:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • prolonged diarrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  • various types of colitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • for complex therapy of radiation sickness, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, allergies, asthma.

People with cancer should take the drug systematically. The duration of taking the drug for other patients is 10 days.

Vetom 1.1: instructions for use for animals

Very often Vitom 1.1 is used in veterinary medicine. Especially popular for treating dogs.

Instructions for use of Vetom 1.1 for dogs states that the medicine is effective in the fight against respiratory and intestinal diseases, among which are rhinotracheitis, enteritis, dysentery, and various other gastrointestinal diseases.

It is appropriate to use the drug to prevent diseases in puppies during their active growth period. The drug helps with allergies, in the fight against fungi and bacteria.

It is preferable to give the drug one hour before feeding, diluted with boiled water. Can be mixed with your favorite food. The daily dosage should be at least 2 doses per day. A one-time dose is calculated individually, based on the dog’s condition. The calculation formula is simple: 50 mg of drug powder per kg of animal weight. How to properly breed is written in the instructions. The main condition is that the water should not be boiling water or too hot.

Instructions for use of Vetom 1.1 for dogs indicate that the drug is available not only in powder form, but also in capsules or even liquid form. You can choose the option that suits your animal.

After opening the package, the drug can be used for no longer than 15 days.

A natural product of high quality and effectiveness. The preparation contains dried spore biomass of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. The drug is intended for the prevention and treatment pathological conditions and diseases in mammals and birds caused by imbalance beneficial microflora intestines and a decrease in the body's resistance to the effects of various unfavorable factors. The drug is also recommended for use in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and viral infections. There are no side effects when taking the drug, the drug has no contraindications for use, and is well tolerated by animals.

Vetom 1.1 500 g (for animals) restores the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora, has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, increases the body's resistance, promotes good growth and development of the animal. The drug also activates metabolism, improves regeneration processes, and helps increase allergic resistance. The drug allows you to obtain higher weight gain due to the high enzymatic activity of Bacillus subtilis, improving the processes of digestion and assimilation useful substances V gastrointestinal tract animal.

Vetom 1.1 500 g (for animals): composition and release form

The drug "Vetom 1.1" is packaged in a hermetically sealed plastic jar. Weight of the drug is 500g. Attached to the drug detailed instructions on the use, composition and purpose of the drug. The drug "Vetom 1.1" is a white powder with a sweet taste, odorless, which easily dissolves in water. 1 gram of Vetom 1.1 contains at least 1x106 CFU (colony-forming units) of living bacterial spores:
- Bacillus subtilis strain VKPM B-10641 (DSM 24613) modified with a plasmid;

- sugar or powdered sugar;
- starch.

Vetom 1.1, 500 g (for animals) does not contain GMO products!

Vetom 1.1: properties

Bacillus subtilis (bacillus subtilis) is a well-studied species of gram-positive, spore-forming aerobic bacteria from the genus Bacillus. The genus Bacillus includes more than 3,000 different bacteria. The industrial strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis (strain VKPM B 7092) was selected from the variety of bacteria of this species on the basis of its greatest benefit to the animal’s body. The recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis VKPM B 7092 is resistant to digestive juice and enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract of mammals. When they enter the intestines, bacterial spores are converted into vegetative forms and rapidly colonize the gastrointestinal tract.

In the intestine, Bacillus subtilis begins to produce enzymes (amylase, lipase, protease), human leukocyte interferon-2 and other important substances that contribute to the normalization of intestinal microbiocinosis (a set of populations various types microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract), improving metabolism and tissue regeneration processes. Bacillus subtilis has a beneficial effect on the animal's immune system, helps to increase physiological norm phagocytic activity of the blood, increases the amount of endogenous interferon. Thanks to this, the animal’s body’s resistance to negative factors increases. external environment, and the body’s resistance to stress increases, the feed conversion ratio decreases due to the ability of Bacillus subtilis to synthesize various enzymes. Feed conversion is the ratio of the amount of feed consumed to a unit of product obtained, for example, to 1 kg of weight gain or 1 liter of milk.

The lower the conversion ratio, the less feed needs to be spent on livestock production. Bacillus subtilis also protects the animal's body from the appearance of dysbacteriosis, as it is an antagonist of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including salmonella, proteus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, yeast and so on. Bacillus subtilis, due to its high enzymatic activity, helps improve digestion processes and improves absorption nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, and also produces antibiotics and acidifies the environment, which means it inhibits the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Vetom 1.1 500 g (for animals): indications and contraindications

- in the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis;
- to increase the body's resistance;
- in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- in the treatment of viral diseases;
- immunodeficiency states;
- for stimulation good growth young animals;
- to obtain good weight gain;
- to increase the body's resistance to negative factors external environment.

- no contraindications have been established.

Vetom 1.1 500 g (for animals): instructions for use

"Vetom 1.1" application: the drug can be taken by animals individually or in a group, one hour before the intended feeding. The drug is used in its original form or dissolved in clean, non-chlorinated water (50 mg/kg live weight). Animals take Vetom 1.1 once every two days. The recommended course of treatment is 10 days.
Vetom1.1 can also be used rectally after a cleansing enema (50 mg/kg live weight). The drug is dissolved in boiled water and use on the day of preparation.

When treating animals, the drug "Vetom 1.1" is used twice a day with an interval of 12 hours (50 mg/kg body weight) or once a day (75 mg/kg body weight). The drug is used until complete recovery.
In case of weakened immunity and immunodeficiency states, Vetom1.1 is prescribed to animals 1-2 times a day, at a dosage of 50 mg/kg body weight. The course of admission is 5 days.
It is prohibited to take Vetom 1.1 together with antibiotics, sulfonamides and other antimicrobial drugs!

The drug "Vetom 1.1" is stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Keep away from children! Shelf life - two years from the date of manufacture.

Vetom 1.1 500 g (for animals): price and how to buy

You can order Vetom 1.1, 500 g (for animals) on our website, and we will deliver it to you in any city in our country in the very near future. You can place an order using a shopping cart or a phone call.

You can discuss all questions regarding the drug with our managers and receive competent, comprehensive advice; all you need to do is call us. The price of the drug is quite reasonable and corresponds to the quality. Payment is made in any form convenient for you, there are no delays in the delivery of the drug.

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