Home Gums Cramps the jaw and neck. Jaw cramps when chewing, yawning and talking

Cramps the jaw and neck. Jaw cramps when chewing, yawning and talking

Discomfort in the jaw is most often associated with problems in the temporomandibular joint, formed by the head of the mandible and the tubercle temporal bone, which, together with the articular disc, are enclosed in the articular capsule. The movements in this joint are very complex: they are carried out not only by the masticatory muscle, but also by six other adjacent muscles. The movements of the lower jaw help us not only when eating, but also during conversation, laughter, and coughing.

It is not surprising that the temporomandibular joint, according to medical observations, serves as the center of balance for the entire human body. With a symmetrical position of the lower jaw, the head muscles do not experience tension, and displacement of the lower jaw in any direction leads to an imbalance of the head. Problems in this area affect the muscles of the head, neck, temporomandibular joints, and cranial nerves and cause chronic pain on one side or, less commonly, on both sides of the face and head. Usually this condition has a very depressing effect on the patient; he completely “loses himself” and is unable to think about anything other than eliminating the pain.

Painful sensations may appear in the morning, during the day or in the evening, it depends on different types joint damage and is important for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

To the dentist!

The cause of discomfort may also be due to incorrect position of the teeth. In this case, you will need the help of a maxillofacial dentist who will supply temporary or permanent splints and dentures that correct the incorrect position of the jaw.

A rehabilitation doctor can help if the pain is caused by increased tone or voltage masticatory muscles, limited mobility of the lower jaw, incoordination of contractions of the masticatory muscles, excessive mobility of the head of the lower jaw (sometimes a “clicking” occurs in the temporomandibular joint).

Pain and clicking disappear after normalization of the function of the masticatory muscles and joint, except in cases where deforming arthrosis and inflammatory phenomena in the joint. Then treatment should begin with following the recommendations of a rheumatologist and orthopedist.

Attention - facial expressions!

After complex treatment Patients are advised to use medicated mouth guards at night. They are made individually by the orthodontist. Overlays reduce painful sensations in the joint, an unpleasant feeling of heaviness, fatigue in the masticatory muscles, neck muscles, normalize the opening of the mouth.

In order to prevent this very annoying nuisance from happening again, you need to avoid active conversations while eating, an excited manner of speaking when a person does not notice what is happening with his facial expressions, as well as hypothermia, which can provoke inflammation in the joint, which makes him more prone to to incorrect movements, more vulnerable.

On a note

To normalize the movements of the lower jaw, exercises are used that strengthen certain muscle groups, restore the synchronization of their movement and coordination.

When the lower jaw is displaced to the right

Starting position: lips open, jaw relaxed, left elbow resting on the table surface, left side The chin is located on the left hand. Press with force with your lower jaw left hand, and with your hand, without moving it to the side, on the jaw. Then the tension alternates with the maximum possible relaxation of the muscle: holding your head with your hands, let your jaw “hang freely” for 30 seconds. Exercises for lateral displacement of the lower jaw to the left are the same, but on the other side.

When the lower jaw moves backward

Starting position: place your elbows on the table surface, the lower jaw rests on both hands and moves forward without opening the mouth until slight pain. It is recommended to alternate between slow and fast mouth opening. After 10 such movements, perform exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles. To control, perform the exercise in front of a mirror.

Clicking in a joint

Starting position: lips parted, tongue raised, its tip touching the soft palate. The midline is controlled using a mirror. Move your lower jaw back, without lowering or moving it to the side, as if trying to reach the palate with your lower front teeth. Then, for 20 seconds, perform exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles (starting position - rest your forehead on both palms, elbows on the table surface; the lower jaw “hangs” freely).

The ability to get things done. Experiencing pain in the jaw is a resentment towards life, fate; to be in the mouth of a wild animal - exorbitant ambitions, causing anxiety and fear; heavy ugly jaws - willingness to walk over corpses to satisfy one’s goals; disagreement and painful relationships between friends; tightly clenched jaws and the inability to open them - you will not miss yours; extreme grief due to betrayal.

1 Jaws by Russian dream book

Loyal, trusted friend

1 Jaws by Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Jaws in a dream - If in a dream you cannot unclench your jaws, you will be greatly distressed by the betrayal of a friend. For a woman, such a dream promises an insult that her friends will involuntarily inflict on her. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal is a sign that ill-wishers are preparing to harm you.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Jaws by Eastern dream book

Jaws in a dream means:

Ugly jaws dream of problems in relationships with friends. If you dreamed that you became a victim of a wild animal and landed in its jaws, know: the machinations of your enemies can destroy your happiness. A dream in which your jaw is cramped warns of a health hazard.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Jaw sleep meaning:

You had a dream about Jaws - you see heavy scary jaws in a dream - friction will arise in your relationships with friends; perhaps the treachery of friends. It’s as if your jaw hurts - in all likelihood, you are being advised to change the climate. It’s as if you can’t unclench your jaw - someone will betray you. You dream of an animal’s jaws - get ready for trouble at work.

1 Jaws by Esoteric dream book

False jaws - you face punishment for gossip and rumors that you spread. "Bite your tongue off."

Animal jaws - your enemies are not asleep. There may be an attempt on your life, literally and figuratively.

Pain or injury to the jaw is the treachery of people from whom you least expect it.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild animal who wakes up when we sleep...


1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What do false jaws mean in a dream - A big quarrel with your best friend, possibly due to betrayal. Imagine that the one whose jaws you saw inserted real teeth into himself (or they grew on him by themselves). The jaws are no longer needed and are thrown away or burned.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation of Health

Jaws in a dream mean:

Seeing jaws - to dental problems; Faces with clenched jaws - a strong-willed decision is required.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation of Health

If a girl dreams of jaws, it means:

Casual conversation with friends.

If your jaw is clenched, then it’s time to become more open and sociable.

Notation. Boredom. Green melancholy.

A square jaw implies strength and rigidity.

Conversations; chatter.

1 Jaws according to the Online Dream Book

Why do women dream about jaws?

Ugly jaws are a hint that your communication with others will not be well established.

The pain in them, according to the dream book, is a reflection of your excessive susceptibility to external stimuli.

A blow to this part of the body is a sign that you believe in someone who is inclined to betray everyone and everything.

A dream in which you had a broken jaw warns of possible losses, material damage; if you are not careful, you can lose almost everything.

If in a dream you have dentures, try not to go against your conscience, wanting to hurt someone, you will only harm yourself, and besides, you will be very worried about it. Most importantly, keep your mouth shut and don't talk bad about anyone.

If you dreamed that your dentures fell out, you may experience big problems and even, at first glance, unbearable difficulties, when coping with which you risk forgetting not only your pride, but also your feelings self-esteem, besides, your efforts may be fruitless.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Why do women dream about jaws?

What does Jaw mean in a dream - making a firm decision. A broken jaw is someone's ingratitude towards you.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing jaws in a dream means:

Try to make a firm decision; to break - to receive ingratitude.

1 Jaws by Tsvetkov's dream book

Jaws in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

Property; damaged - loss of property.

1 Jaws by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Jaws in a dream means:

Jaw - they say all sorts of nasty things about you.

1 Jaws by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Jaw sleep meaning:

Jaw - household property, or close relatives (interpreted based on appearance and sensations).

1 Jaws by Dream book alphabetically

What does it mean if a woman dreams of jaws:

A dream in which your entire jaw is torn apart due to a bad tooth foreshadows groundless accusations against you from your former supporters, and now irreconcilable opponents.

Seeing in a dream the terrible jaws of a shark or crocodile trying to grab you - foretells an illness in the family and large expenses for treatment.

A skeleton clattering its jaws in a dream is a sign of inexorable retribution.

The bared jaws of a vampire, red from the blood of the victim, are a harbinger of trouble in love relationships.

A blow to the jaw means betrayal by a person you completely trusted.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Jaws according to Miller's dream book

What jaws can mean in dreams:

Seeing heavy, ugly jaws in a dream means disagreement and painful relationships between friends.

It happens that after severe moral shock, an unsuccessful yawn or an injury in the area, a person’s jaw cramps. The symptom is not dangerous to health unless it is a harbinger of a serious dental or other systemic disease.

In this article we will look at the reasons why the jaw cramps, we will figure out when to sound the alarm, and when it is enough to alleviate the syndrome at home.

An unpleasant sensation in the jaw area indicates dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Like all joints, this one has its own capsule (bag), in which quite complex movements of several muscles occur. And this is not surprising, because the jaw is involved in many life processes: chewing and biting, communication, yawning, coughing, laughter, etc.

Temporomandibular joint

Many scientists believe that this joint also serves as the center of balance in the body. If the jaw is symmetrical natural position, then other muscles of the face and head generally do not experience increased stress and discomfort.

If the joint moves to either side, then the center of gravity of the head also changes, which affects not only it, but also the neck. Cranial nerves may also become pinched, causing the patient to experience chronic spasms.

Pain, discomfort and others unpleasant symptoms may develop during the day or intensify at night, and also depend on the psychological comfort of the patient. Any stress or lack of sleep can lead to increased pain.

Before dealing with the manifestations of the disease, the doctor should reliably know the cause. Then he will be able to determine tactics to influence the area in order to prevent future relapses.

Let's consider the main causes of pathology:

  • regular stress, nervousness and panic attacks forcing the patient to react violently to the situation;
  • bruxism (a person has the habit of grinding his teeth);
  • spasm and tension of muscle fibers in the area, which may be due to uneven distribution of the load;
  • dental diseases and anatomical pathologies;
  • physiology of yawning;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the cervical vertebrae, neuralgia, etc.

If you did not find your cause in this list, then most likely, spasms in the temples or jaw area are caused by everyday activities:

  • routine work that requires you to sit for a long time, especially in a room with a computer and without access to fresh air;
  • frequent headaches and migraines;
  • physical fatigue;
  • stress, increased nervousness;
  • previously suffered injuries to the jaw or vertebrae.

These causes do not require medical intervention or targeted treatment. If your jaw is cramped, take a break, stretch and breathe some air, and to relieve spasm and discomfort, do acupressure jaw or temples, apply a cool compress.

When the jaw cramps from below

Means for the treatment of the nervous system PERSEN

Most common reasons downward displacement, neuralgia appears in the head area. As a rule, the disease is caused by injury or pinching trigeminal nerve which is accompanied sharp pains, which can radiate to the teeth or various parts of the face. The pain lasts up to half an hour, then subsides.

Also, such pain and jaw displacement can cause malignant formations. I, arose in my head and oral cavity, nasopharynx in particular. In this case, you should immediately contact the clinic for full diagnostics using MRI, CT, radiotherapy and biopsy. Diagnosing yourself with cancer, much less starting treatment, is strictly prohibited.

The therapist is often asked what to do if the jaw cramps in sleep. And here we are again dealing with neuroses and stress. During sleep, the body relaxes, and muscle tension after suffering stress can lead to changes in the position of the jaw. Doctors advise, first of all, to calm the nervous system with the help of drugs such as Persen.

Your goal is not only to relieve stress, but also to remove spasms, so the chosen drug should contain antispasmodics.

Before purchasing tablets or drops, consult a neurologist who will draw up an adequate course of treatment and identify the connection between neuralgia and the problem of jaw reduction.

Effect of mechanical damage and bruzyme

It's no secret that surgical interventions in the jaw area, as well as severe blows, bruises, dislocations and fractures in the neck and face leave lifelong consequences.

Some people regularly experience dental defects, others suffer from prolapse of the jaw joint from the capsule, and still others notice periodic reduction of this joint.

Bruxism causes increased stress on the joint

First of all, pay attention to whether “old wounds” make themselves felt by some swelling in the area, swelling or pain when pressed.

Diseases such as bruxism also cause increased stress on the joint., exposing it to unscheduled work, wearing out tissue and muscles. A person closes his jaws tightly, clatters them or grinds his teeth, which leads to damage to teeth and crowns and a change in their stability. In advanced cases, temporomandibular joint dysfunction may develop.

The disease is accompanied by spasmodic pain, which appear in the morning immediately after getting up. Pain can be observed in the jaw area or the entire head. The patient’s jaw also regularly cramps, which indicates overstrain of the joint.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

Arthritis is a common disease in older people. Its manifestations are especially characteristic after 60 years.

The disease can affect not only the joints of the limbs, but also the face, including the temporomandibular joint. It wears out, becomes deformed, cannot withstand the usual load and, as a result, does not fully perform the functions intended by nature.

The patient begins to feel aching pain during communication, yawning, laughing, coughing and eating. When the area relaxes (resting state), the discomfort and pain, as well as the reduction of the joint, goes away.

Jaw tight from yawning

Therapists hear this complaint most often, because people yawn regularly, and it is during this process that micro-movements unplanned by nature can occur. Opened your mouth too wide and pulled a muscle, the jaw joint experienced increased load, reacting with the reduction familiar to us.

This happens because after a strong stretch, hypertonicity is observed in the muscle, which is the culprit of the pathology.

If you feel discomfort when yawning, immediately apply a cooling bandage.

If reduction occurs during every, even “shallow” yawn, then you should contact a neurologist or traumatologist, especially if the process is accompanied by painful sensations and subsequent mild swelling of the area. Perhaps an old injury or a developing orthopedic (orthodontic) defect in the oral cavity is making itself known. Or maybe a new growth in the area prevents full-fledged yawning.

In any case, if you experience discomfort while yawning, immediately apply a cooling bandage. You should also follow a diet on this day - eat soft, ground food, which will not require any effort to chew, and, therefore, will give the joint time to “rest.”

How to treat the disease

We looked at the main reasons why it reduces lower jaw and in what cases treatment can only be provided by a highly specialized doctor.

If the reduction is accompanied by swelling, swelling, severe pain and discomfort when chewing, hyperthermia, you should immediately contact the clinic. It is quite possible that the disease was caused by a dental disease, accompanied by purulent inflammation, or the trigeminal nerve is inflamed.

If the jaw moves on a certain side face and radiates to the orbital area, then inflammation may well have developed facial artery. Chronic pain during mixing may indicate a tumor.

If the reason was malocclusion or anatomical defects in the structure of the dentition, the dentist will install dentures or splints to avoid reduction in the future.

A physiotherapist will teach you how to relieve hypertonicity after yawning. To do this, he will show exercises to stabilize the load on the masticatory muscles and coordinate their contractions. In some cases, the intervention of an orthopedist will be required, especially if we are talking about previous dislocations and fractures in the area.

Cooling bandages or special applications for the mouth, which can be ordered from an orthodontist, will help you quickly relieve discomfort at home. Such pads will relieve joint spasm, relax the chewing muscles, eliminate discomfort when opening the mouth and a feeling of heaviness.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is one of the reasons why the lower jaw cramps

In the case of bruxism and neuralgia, you can reduce the frequency of information by performing a regular exercise. The patient rests his elbows on a hard surface (table) and places his jaw in his palms. Next, depending on the type of reduction (lateral, frontal, posterior), pull the jaw in the required direction without opening the mouth until you feel tension and slight pain. Then you should relax the muscles - open your mouth and let the joint “hang” for half a minute.

The following exercise is also effective: alternate slow stretching mouth openings with several short and fast ones. After completing the procedure 10 times, relax the muscles again.

These exercises will help alleviate the condition in most cases, especially when it comes to infrequent information.

But remember that neither exercises nor compresses can cure a possible disease, microtrauma or inflammatory process.

If the disease begins to recur regularly, consult a physician, dentist, neurologist or orthopedist for a diagnosis and effective therapy.

Any person can face a situation when. This phenomenon occurs even in young children.

Restriction of lower jaw movement causes spasm chewing muscles. In isolated cases, jamming can be caused by an accident (yawn, blow) and goes away after the joint is returned to its place.

Regular spasms indicate (temporomandibular joint) or the development of maxillary joint pathology ( maxillofacial area). In this case, the help of highly specialized specialists is required.

Reduction or spasm of the jaw can be of several types:

  • - tonic spasm associated with the development of pathology of the mandibular joints;
  • contracture - a reflex contraction of a group of masticatory muscles against the background of pathological conditions of the maxillofacial area;
  • ankylosis - closure of teeth caused by persistent intra-articular deformation.

Regardless of the type of jaw spasm, each of them is associated with TMJ disorders. The exception is periodic cases.

Etiology pathological condition has any kind common reasons. In most cases, doctors are faced with trismus of the masticatory muscles.


  1. Clicking, crunching, grinding when the jaw moves.
  2. Limitation of amplitude when opening the mouth.
  3. Pain when opening the mouth in the joints, cervical region, face.
  4. Difficulty chewing, communicating, breathing.

What causes spasm:

  • , oral cavity, nasopharynx;
  • dislocations, fractures or injuries of the spine, neck, head, jaw joints;
  • displacement of the cartilage disc (inside the joint between the head and the fossa);
  • changes in the perimaxillary tissues of the skull;
  • viruses - tetanus, meningitis, rabies, osteomyelitis, infectious arthritis,
  • non-infectious diseases - brain tumors, epilepsy, cervical osteochondrosis, pericoronitis, rheumatoid arthrosis, subarachnoid hemorrhages;
  • neurotic states - severe shock, stress, depression, hysteria;
  • fatigue and muscle weakness - develops due to professional activity, with bruxism (grinding of teeth during sleep);
  • medical negligence - poorly placed fillings, braces, unsuitable prosthetics, tooth extraction;
  • anatomical anomalies (occlusion, frenulum, deformation of the palate and teeth);
  • during teething small child, as well as with the appearance of wisdom teeth;
  • hormonal disruptions in adolescents during puberty, in women during menopause or pregnancy.

The reduction of the jaw can occur on one side or symmetrically (right and left at the same time).

Accordingly, unilateral trismus causes a displacement of the chin from the left or from the right side, symmetrical - back.

Only the bottom

A condition in which the lower jaw cramps is often a consequence of dislocation, trauma or damage to the trigeminal nerve (for example, due to neuralgia or an anesthetic blockade).

In this situation, the spasm is characterized by severe half-hour attacks of pain, which are localized anywhere from the teeth to the upper part of the face. The pain syndrome is concentrated in the area of ​​the chin, tongue and lips.

Serious systemic diseases can be triggers for jamming of the mandibular joints:

  • oncology of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, head, facial and neck muscles;
  • ENT diseases (retropharyngeal abscess, paratonsillitis).

When yawning

Since a person yawns every day, complaints about the fact that the jaw cramps when yawning are received most often.

Intense opening of the mouth during yawning leads to severe stretching of the muscles. Due to overstrain, the muscles come into a state of hypertonicity, which is the cause of jamming.

In such a situation, cooling compresses and light meals with a predominance of soft foods for 1-2 days help well.

If every yawn is accompanied by discomfort, pain or swelling in the lower part of the face, this may be the result of an injury, the work of an orthodontist, or deeper problems.

Why the cheekbones are cramped can probably only be determined by qualified doctor- neurologist, surgeon or dentist.

With a headache

A condition in which the cheekbones cramp and at the same time occurs headache, usually arises for completely everyday reasons:

  • overwork, insomnia;
  • passive lifestyle, lack of walks in the fresh air;
  • sedentary work, especially at the computer;
  • residual effects of injuries (jaw, head or spine);
  • in people suffering from migraines.

Doctors note that the most common headaches and cramps in the jaw are due to neuroses or mental disorders. At nervous overstrain teeth may become numb or appear unpleasant feeling that they are in the way.

With blocked ears

Sometimes a condition in which the cheekbones are cramped can be aggravated by the following symptoms:

  • stuffy ears;
  • ringing and buzzing in the head;
  • pain radiates to the ear;
  • tinnitus (noise and ringing in the ears).

The main reasons for a cramped jaw and stuffy ears:

  • pathologies of the larynx, tympanic cavity, tonsillitis;
  • tumors in the brain or ear area;
  • consequences of severe trauma;
  • nervous disorders;
  • against the background of age-related changes.

Clinical symptoms require serious consideration, so at the first sign it is better to immediately make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.

From nerves

When a person nervous system works at the limit, the body instantly reacts to any external factors or internal disturbances.

From a psychosomatic perspective, the appearance of trismus is easily explained. Even in the absence of damage to nerve endings, constant internal tension(stress, feelings of fear, danger, anxiety) will result in a disease in the field of neurology.

Signs that should alert you:

  • brings cheekbones together:
  • dizzy;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • quick change of mood - fear-carelessness, tears-joy.

Dizziness, manifestations of hyper- and hypotension can lead to serious disorders of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

In a dream

Carolini syndrome, odonterism or bruxism, is one condition that is characterized by uncontrolled contraction of the masticatory muscles at night.

The sleeper clenches his jaw so tightly in his sleep that a rather unpleasant grinding of teeth occurs. Human for a long time may not even be aware of this feature.

Causes of odonterism:

  • stress, constant nervous tension;
  • CNS diseases;
  • diseases or pathologies in the field of dentistry;
  • ENT diseases - chronic sinusitis, adenoids;
  • avitaminosis.

The disease can lead to serious problems with teeth, up to the destruction of crowns.

During eating and chewing

Sometimes jaw spasms occur while eating. Often, when chewing or trying to chew something hard, it ends in dislocation (or subluxation) of the mandibular joints.

If your cheekbones involuntarily cramp from sweet or sour, cold or hot, then this is a reason to choose a new diet for yourself.

After drinking alcoholic beverages

People suffering from alcoholism often experience lockjaw after drinking strong alcohol. Even beer can cause esophageal spasm in hepatitis or cirrhosis.

The only thing that will help in this situation is to limit alcohol to a minimum and switch to drinks that are healthy for the body.

Due to diseases of the mouth and teeth

At an advanced stage of the disease (caries), the inflammatory process gradually penetrates the bone structure, causing trismus.

What diseases in the field of dentistry cause cramps in the cheekbones and jaw:

  • acute, chronic or acute pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal abscess
  • limited osteomyelitis of the jaw.

What to do and how to treat diseases can only be answered by a specialist after the results of the examination.

What can be done to relieve the spasm?

You can relieve jaw spasms yourself at home:

  • with strong pain syndrome- painkillers (ibuprofen, ketorol, ketanov);
  • massage to relax muscles - use light finger movements to massage sore spots;
  • contrast effect - alternately apply cold and hot compresses (if inflammatory processes cooling procedures only);
  • maxillofacial gymnastics - to prevent spasms, exercises for developing the jaw joints are excellent;
  • folk remedies - rinsing the mouth with decoctions of medicinal plants(chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort);
  • daily hygiene procedures- welcome toothpaste With therapeutic effect, brush with medium hardness, floss after meals.

If you regularly experience cramps in your cheekbones, try to see a doctor as soon as possible. You should not let the condition develop to the point of developing ankylosis (immobility) of the jaw.

When exactly should you see a doctor?

For development pathological processes with trismus, the jaws indicate characteristic features, requiring an immediate visit to the dental clinic:

  1. The reduction of the jaw joints is accompanied by low-grade fever, sometimes nausea.
  2. Frequent cramps combined with prolonged pain.
  3. Unilateral spasm with irradiation into the eye on the affected side.
  4. Sudden attacks of throbbing pain when clenching teeth.
  5. Swelling of the face on the affected side.

After the examination, the doctor will write a referral for examination.

You may need to visit specialists of a narrow profile - a neurologist, surgeon, otolaryngologist.

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  • Dream Interpretation "MedCanal"

    This happened several times - relatively early in the morning (at 6-7 o'clock) in dream a spasm suddenly occurs jaws. Sometimes I wake up instantly, after which the spasm goes away almost immediately. Sometimes I understand in dream, what’s happening, but I can’t wake up.2. "It feels like What reduce bone Could this be a pathology? 748. 0. 3. » Is atypical prosopalgia treated against the background cervical osteochondrosis? My shoulders, neck, back of my head hurt, my nose hurts and jaws. 2938. 1. 4. » Why do hands turn blue in the cold?

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  • Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Dream Interpretation Jaws See in dream heavy ugly jaws: predicts disagreements and hostility between friends. If you dreaming, What You're in jaws wild animal: in real life, enemies will try to upset your affairs and interfere with your happiness. This is extremely unfavorable dream If you dreamed, What Yours jaws reduced

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  • Dream Interpretation "dreamseer"

    If in dream You see ugly jaws, then a crack will appear in your relationships with friends. If you dreamed, What You became a victim of a wild animal and ended up in his jaws, then you should be prepared for the fact that the machinations of enemies can destroy your happiness. Dream, in which you feel that your jaws reduced, warns you of a danger that threatens your health.

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  • Dream interpretation "junona"

    If in dream You see ugly jaws, then a crack will appear in your relationships with friends. If you dreamed, What You became a victim of a wild animal and ended up in his jaws, then you should be prepared for the fact that the machinations of enemies can destroy your happiness. Dream, in which you feel that your jaws reduced, warns you of a danger that threatens your health.

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  • Dream Interpretation "krampf"

    It happens, What reduces jaw, and it is not always possible to independently determine the causes of this condition. This condition capable of causing a normal spasm, it can pass without any serious consequences, however, the possibility of serious complications cannot be excluded. The joint is limited in mobility, upon examination of the oral cavity, pain and incorrect position of the joint surfaces are detected, jaws lose mobility. In dream reduces jaw.

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  • Dream book "dream book"

    See that you are in pain reduced jaws in dream– you will react too sharply to climate change, and will also become seriously ill, which will have an extremely negative impact on your income. According to the medium Hasse, if jaws to you dreamed about it, in reality you should try to make a firm decision. Damage or break jaws in dream- They will treat you ungratefully.

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  • Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Clattering jaws skeleton in dream: a sign of inexorable retribution. Baring their teeth jaws vampire, victims red with blood: this is a harbinger of trouble in a love relationship. Kick in jaw: to betrayal by a person whom you completely trusted. This is extremely unfavorable dream. If you dreamed, What Yours jaws reduced from pain: You will be too sensitive to climate changes, and illness will undermine your health and cause your need.

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  • Dream Interpretation "kraszdrav"

    Otherwise they say that jaw reduces. Why does this happen and what to do if such a reaction occurs in the body? The tone of the masticatory muscles increases significantly when yawning. The causes of overexertion may include: various states, causing compression jaws(stress, anxiety), clenching teeth during sleep. Also pain in cervical spine can give to jaw.

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  • Dream Interpretation "medpnz"

    I'm sitting at work, it's 4 o'clock reduces jaw, feeling that something is pressing on the eardrums, dizziness, slight shock, tell me, what could this be? Pre-fainting, possibly low blood pressure, or maybe vice versa. and I have in dream very much reduces jaw, I feel pain, but I can’t wake up. what could it be? This rarely happens, but it is still alarming.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming jaw according to Vanga's dream book? Jaw- a symbol of misunderstanding and complex relationships between people. According to Vanga, this is one of the complex symbols that is difficult to explain when they appear in dream.Therefore Vanga said that if dreamed about it jaw, which hurts very much, then it’s time to move. What does it portend? Another meaning that Vanga gave is when in dream person dreaming, What he can't unclench his jaws.

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  • Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    If in dream You see ugly jaws, then a crack will appear in your relationships with friends. If you dreamed, What You became a victim of a wild animal and ended up in his jaws, then you should be prepared for the fact that the machinations of enemies can destroy your happiness. Dream, in which you feel that your jaws reduced, warns you of a danger that threatens your health.

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  • Dream Interpretation "health.mail"

    Reduces jaws in dream. Good time. For the second week in a row, an unpleasant incident has happened to me - almost every night I wake up because I have reduces jaws and my teeth clench tightly, so tightly that I feel later severe pain in the gums. Apparently, I have been in this state for quite a long time, because when I wake up, I feel numbness in the lower part of my face (cheeks, chin).

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dream Jaws according to the dream book: Jaws- If in dream you can't unclench jaws- you will experience severe grief due to your friend’s betrayal. A woman like this dream promises an insult that her friends will unwittingly inflict on her. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal is a sign that ill-wishers are preparing to harm you. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Jaw, seen by you in dream, Explained by Dream Interpretations as something associated with rumors or gossip. Whose exactly? Jaw visited your dream? Dream Interpretations say - if you have seen your own Jaw, This means that you will become the source of gossip and rumors. Why dreaming?,dreamed What loose tooth on the upper left side jaws I wanted to pull it out, pulling it, I pulled it out right side jaws there was blood on the top, I tried to put it in its place, but it didn’t work... I put it back approximately as it was after that jaw in place of teeth...

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  • Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dream Jaws according to the dream book: Jaws- If you dreamed, What because of a bad tooth everything was different jaw- then this foretells you groundless accusations against you from your former supporters, and now irreconcilable opponents. If you dreamed about it clicking jaws the skeleton is a sign of inexorable retribution. If you saw in dream bared teeth jaws a vampire, the victims red with blood - this is a harbinger of trouble in a love relationship.

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  • Dream Interpretation "snitsyason"

    See in dream heavy ugly jaws- predicts disagreements and hostile relationships between friends. If you dreaming, What You're in jaws wild animal - in real life, enemies will try to upset your affairs and interfere with your happiness. If you dreamed, What Yours jaws reduced from pain - you will be too sensitive to climate changes, and illness will undermine your health and cause your need.

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