Home Gums Treatment of paw pad inflammation in dogs. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in dogs: pododermatitis, flea, acral, Malassezia, seborrheic

Treatment of paw pad inflammation in dogs. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in dogs: pododermatitis, flea, acral, Malassezia, seborrheic

Experience shows that only those dogs that take long walks every day remain healthy and in excellent health. The only trouble is that there are diseases in nature that prevent the owner and his pet from spending time in the fresh air.

In this article we will tell you what pododermatitis in dogs is, the dangers of this disease and how it is treated.

What is it about

Prodermatitis is what veterinarians call inflammation of the paw pads in dogs. Most often it develops against the background of:

  • infections;
  • hormonal balance disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • oncological diseases.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. He will ask you to tell him the following:

  • clinical signs (constantly present or only in a certain season);
  • habitat (city, village);
  • the presence of lesions on the paws or other parts of the body;
  • previously taken treatment measures;
  • diet;
  • recent travels with a pet;
  • the presence of other chronic diseases.

All this will allow the veterinarian to form an anamnesis and prescribe adequate therapy.


According to experts, the following infections most often provoke pododermatitis in dogs:

  • Proteus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • blastomycosis.

In addition, many pathogenic fungal infections cause pododermatitis.

The autoimmune form occurs against the background of:

  • vasculitis;
  • erythema;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • epidermal necrolysis.

Enough rare view pathology - plasmacytic pododermatitis, however, it most often affects cats.

Hormonal reasons are as follows:

  • Cushing's disease (hypercortisolism);
  • hypothyroidism

Dysfunctional liver disorders also lead to pododermatitis.

From oncological diseases The pathology in question is caused by:

  • exocrine adenocarcinoma;
  • melanoma;
  • inverted papilloma.

External factors of a negative nature are mainly limited to contact with chemicals, used in winter to destroy ice. In addition, jogging on asphalt is also harmful to dog paws.


Symptoms differ depending on the etymology. The infectious form is accompanied by:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • inflammation;
  • papules;
  • ulcerations;
  • ulcers.

In advanced forms, baldness of the legs is noted.

Allergic pododermatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • redness (without local increase in temperature);
  • severe itching.

The autoimmune form is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on the entire surface of the paws.

Hormonal pododermatitis manifests itself in the same way as infectious ones.

How to treat

If the lesions are isolated, then it is usually not difficult to cope with them with the help of antiseptic drugs.

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Streptocide ointment;
  • Tetracycline.

Antibiotics if there is interdigital pododermatitis in mild form, are not assigned. Paws should be washed regularly with warm water and soap.

Multiple lesions require a different approach. First of all, it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease. Here antibacterial therapy is advisable. Moreover, the drugs are taken until all symptoms disappear and for another 14 days after that. IN mandatory Clean the skin between the fingers several times a day.

It will take a lot of time to cure a dog. It is worth understanding that sometimes there is a risk of relapse. As a rule, the progression of the disease is observed more often in winter due to the fact that the paws for a long time remain moist, this creates an ideal environment for microbes.

At home, veterinarians advise applying compresses of antiseptic herbal mixtures to sore paws - this helps relieve itching and pain.


  • your pet’s claws must be trimmed regularly (long ones can injure surrounding soft tissues when walking);
  • remove hair growing directly between the toes with scissors;
  • carry out systematic sanitary treatment in the enclosure or booth;
  • all dishes from which the pet eats and drinks must be washed daily;
  • After a walk, paws should be rinsed with warm water and wiped dry.

Pododermatitis in dogs is quite common. Owners notice that the dog licks its paws especially hard. The skin between the toes and paw pads is red, lumpy, and moist. Over time, ulcers and ulcers appear. In most cases, pododermatitis is not an independent disease. This is usually a symptom of a general malaise in the body. Pododermatitis occurs when atopic dermatitis, demodicosis, oncology, fungal infections, endocrinopathy (hypothyroidism), injuries and much more. These diseases weaken the skin’s immune system, and microorganisms begin to rapidly multiply.

Pododermatitis is much more common in some breeds than in others. “Lucky” in this regard are German shepherds, bulldogs, Pekingese, dachshunds, chow-chows, Shar-Peis, and Labradors. Dogs with an excitable nervous system (Dobermans, Dalmatians), especially those that are left to their own devices for a long time, find a “fascinating” activity - licking their paws. Constant irritation of the skin of the paws with the tongue and saliva causes pododermatitis. In advanced cases, the skin on all four paws becomes inflamed, and the dog begins to limp.

Treatment for pododermatitis is long-term, and relapses often occur. It is important to eliminate the root cause, because pododermatitis is one of the symptoms. Don't delay your visit to the doctor if you notice redness between your pet's toes. Some dog breeds (poodles, Pekingese) require constant paw care. This includes cutting the hair between the fingers and trimming the claws in a timely manner. After a walk, especially in rainy and slushy times, you need to thoroughly rinse your paws with warm water and dry with a towel. Interdigital dermatitis worsens during the off-season. Dogs especially suffer in winter slush, when a reagent is added to the dampness on the roads that irritates their paws. In dogs prone to pododermatitis, during periods between exacerbations, talc-based deodorizing powders can be used to dry the skin between the toes.

Dogs are the most active pets. A few four-legged animals do not like to jump and run on any terrain, even if there are fragments of bottles, large stones and others. dangerous items. This lifestyle often leads to limb injuries. As a rule, the owner is not bothered by a slight lameness, because everything on the dog heals quickly and imperceptibly. However, in some cases, pain in the paws can lead to serious illness. Therefore, if the dog begins to limp, the owner needs to analyze the symptoms and determine the danger of the disease. At the first sign of paw disease in dogs, you should contact your veterinarian for specialized assistance. Read below about the symptoms and treatment of these diseases.

Paw diseases in dogs: symptoms and treatment

First of all, obvious symptoms appear that clearly indicate that the paw is not in order. This:

  • lameness;
  • the desire to move less and lie more;
  • clumsy walking, the pet whines, stepping on the damaged paw;
  • the dog's attempts to strain the sore paw as little as possible.

Then other symptoms appear, which depend on the characteristics of the disease. For example, the owner notices that the dog begins to chew its paw. This may be caused by:

  • poor hygiene and condition of nails;
  • joint pain;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • allergies, itching or tick bites;
  • fungal diseases.

The desire to move less and lie more is one of the signs of an unhealthy dog

Paw diseases in dogs: causes

Scroll possible reasons extensive Paw diseases can be caused by:

Treatment is carried out by a veterinarian. In the most complicated cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

How to treat bumps on paws?

A lump on a paw most often signals a splinter or bruise, so the first thing you need to do is carefully examine your pet’s limb. If there is a splinter, remove it and treat the wound. It is more difficult if the splinter got deep under the skin and brought dirt there. Inflammation appears at the site, for the treatment of which a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Sometimes a lump on a paw can indicate much more serious problems ah, their treatment will be much more difficult. The most common dog diseases are presented below.

Interdigital cyst: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the most dangerous inflammatory diseases considered to be an interdigital cyst. If left untreated, it can lead to amputation of limbs. Doctors say the main reasons are:

  • injury to the ventral interdigital ligament;
  • anatomical pathologies of the paws, congenital or acquired;
  • the dog’s bad habit of constantly licking its paws;
  • spread of infection;
  • predisposition of the animal to increased keratinization.

Interdigital cyst is one of the most dangerous inflammatory diseases


The main symptom is the appearance of a tumor-like formation between the fingers. It has red or pink color, soft to the touch, in advanced cases acquires bad smell. Most often it has the shape of a small ball.

A dog that has an interdigital cyst will constantly lick or bite the sore paw and will not be able to walk normally. She constantly lies in one place and whines, demanding her owner's attention.

Diagnosis and treatment

Statistically, ulcers form between the 4th and 5th toes, but can still appear anywhere. If cysts are detected, you should immediately go to the veterinarian. The doctor will conduct full examination infected area and will find out the root cause, which needs to be eliminated immediately (allergies, wet environment, rubbing paws). After the causes are identified and corrected, work begins on the cyst itself.

Treatment principles:

The drug "Prednisone"

If steroid therapy is successful, but a secondary infection occurs, it may be prescribed drug treatment until the end of life. The cyst becomes chronic.

Attention! Postoperative period is an important part of recovery. You need to take your dog for checkups regularly. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment with a manganese solution to stop the process of infection of the animal. During this period, you should add porridge or dry food soaked in warm water to the dog’s diet.

Pododermatitis in dogs: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pododermatitis is an inflammation that develops on the pads of the paws or between the toes (in places that come into contact with the ground while walking). It is a consequence that signals the development of a more serious disorder in the body.


The main reason for its occurrence is weakened immunity. Due to the decline protective function the organism begins to reproduce pathogenic microflora on the skin.

Diagnosis and treatment

When found the slightest sign Pododermatitis should go to the doctor. He will conduct a series of examinations and interview the owner. The sick dog will submit material for a biopsy, blood and urine tests, cytological studies. The doctor will take samples for antibiotic susceptibility and allergic reactions. After identifying the severity of the disease, treatment is prescribed. The types of pathologies and their severity are presented in the table.

Table 1. Types of pododermatitis

Aseptic pododermatitisCaused by injuries to the limbs that damage the skin. Calls:

- inflammation of the pads;
- pain when walking;
- increase in body temperature

Purulent pododermatitis (superficial)Surface damage skin, characterized by redness
Purulent pododermatitis (deep)Purulent pathogens get under the skin, and the paw begins to fester. The dog's temperature is rising, his paw hurts a lot
Interdigital dermatitisAffects all layers of the epidermis. It is caused by allergies due to contact with the reagent, injury, bacterial infections. The cause may also be psychogenic factors: stress due to moving or a quarrel with the owner

If the lesion is single, treatment with Chlorhexidine is prescribed. Improvement will come gradually antibacterial treatment can be avoided. With multiple lesions of the paws, the main cause of pododermatitis is initially identified and treated.

For pododermatitis, treatment with Chlorhexidine is prescribed.

Treatment principles:

  1. Systemic antibacterial therapy with Ceftriaxone or similar drugs is prescribed. Treatment continues until recovery and another 2 weeks after to avoid relapse.
  2. The animal's paws are treated with antiseptics and antibiotic solutions. Daily baths with Chlorhexidine and magnesium sulfate will be effective.
  3. Some patients are prescribed therapy with Enrofloxacin and a group of corticosteroid drugs, including Prednisolone.

If there are ingrown hairs, the ruptured follicles are removed. In rare cases, when therapy does not help and the dog's condition worsens, surgery is performed to remove the skin between the toes and join the toes on the paw.

Attention! Pododermatitis requires long and persistent treatment. However, even after complete external recovery there is a risk of relapse.

Video - Interdigital dermatitis in dogs

Ingrown claws

This disease usually affects small indoor dogs that are constantly in the apartment. They don't have enough space to run, and they don't go for walks. The claws do not sharpen, like other dogs, and grow a lot. Long nails bend and stick into the pads of the paws. Purulent inflammation begins, which causes pain and a lot of inconvenience.

Table 2. What to do if the claw is ingrown?

The claw stuck in shallowlyThe claw went deep into the pad
How to help your pet?If the claw is not deeply embedded in the pad, it can be removed independently, provided that the owner already has experience in trimming claws. Its structure contains living tissue with vessels, and if you touch it with forceps, bleeding will beginIf the claw has grown too much and is stuck deep into the paw, a veterinarian will help. The owner will not be able to trim the claw without touching the pulp. Also, he will not be able to easily reach the claw: as it penetrates deeper and deeper under the skin, it touches more living tissue and gets stuck
Features of the procedure and careBefore the procedure, the entrance site is generously watered with Chlorhexidine, and the owner’s hands are wiped with it. Then carefully separate the tip of the stuck claw with forceps, leaving a part outside which can be used to remove the foreign body with your fingers. The claw is removed and the wound is treated with Chlorhexidine and iodineAfter the doctor removes the claw, treatment of the wound is prescribed. It is regularly lubricated with antiseptic and healing ointments. If the dog tries to lick the sore paw, a loose bandage is applied. There is no need to stop the dog from playing and frolicking: the dog must be active. It is enough to regularly check the cleanliness of the wound and treat it regularly.

Inflammation of the crown of the claw

The disease appears as a result of bruises complicated by various infections. The dog is limping severely, the toes on the paw are swollen and may turn purple. It can also result from purulent inflammation, which progresses and spreads to deep tissues. The animal refuses to eat and whines, its claws lose their shine, become loose and fall out.


  1. First aid. Warm baths are used for 10-15 minutes with a solution of manganese and “Rivanol” 0.2%. Then penicillin ointment, “Xeroform” or “Streptocide” is applied.
  2. Treatment. Alcohol and alcohol-ichthyol compresses are recommended to warm up inflammation. Therapy is also carried out in the form of a circular novocaine-penicillin block.
  3. Operation. If the disease is severe and treatment does not have an effect, the finger must be removed. The intervention takes place under local anesthesia. 3-5 ml of Novocaine 0.25-0.5% is injected under the skin between the fingers. An incision is then made down to the bone, which is cut with bone forceps. The finger is removed, the wound is sutured and a bandage is applied.

The drug "Xeroform"

Cracks or broken claws

The problem appears if, after an injury to the paws or claws, the dog is not given timely help. The dog limps and whines when examined, and there is suppuration or a nail falling off in the paw. To avoid its complete loss, softening compresses with oil are made, and the claw is treated with antiseptics.


It is eliminated by removing the cutting end of the nail or crack with a sharp knife, then the cut area is covered with epoxy resin. This way you can save your pet's claw. If the base of the claw is damaged, it is treated with an antiseptic, then dried and coated with iodine. Then the burrs and broken claws are cut off with scissors and coated with streptocide or a mixture of manganese and boric acid. Aerosols are also suitable - “Ungutil” or “Kubatol”. After treatment, a protective bandage is applied to the paw.

Aerosol "Kubatol"

Bruises and wounds of paw pads in dogs

Typical for hunting and service dogs. Occurs due to a long run over rough terrain, frozen ground, icy snow, or a road with coarse sand. Symptoms include the dog’s refusal to move; when walking, the animal does not want to lean on a limb. Abrasions, wounds and scratches are noticeable on the pads; burns are possible due to contact with lime, boiling water, acid or alkali. Severe cases are characterized by skin sloughing and non-healing ulcers.


The dog needs complete rest. Before treatment, the paw is examined for the presence of foreign bodies - large splinters, pieces of glass or wire. Foreign bodies are removed, and the wound is surgically cleaned of infection. Then an antiseptic bandage is applied.

If the cause of the disease is abrasions, treatment with antiseptic aerosols - Chronicilin and Kubatol - is prescribed. Treatment with Streptocide or Xeroform under a protective bandage is possible. In cases of severe pain, a cold compress is applied to the paw.

Inflammation of the tissues of the arch and interdigital space in dogs

Occurs for the same reasons as the previous disease. It often develops in dogs with naturally wide-spread paws and flat feet. Another reason is the dog’s hypothermia due to being tied for a long time on damp soil or a wet cement floor. Symptoms: noticeable lameness, redness, swelling, in case of complications - purulent inflammation, ulcers, eczema.


The treatment is antiseptic in nature, similar to the treatment of inflammation of the corolla of the claw. If the damage is significant, bandages with an antiseptic are placed on the paw or special protective shoes are worn.

Video - Skin diseases in dogs

Eczema in dogs

Characteristic for hunting dogs. Appears on skin irritated by thorns, pine needles, and nettles. Due to damage, inflammation develops on the outer layers of the skin and a rash forms. Symptoms: a rash first appears in the form of blisters, which, when opened, form wet eczema. The inflammatory process can drag on for a long time. The dog has difficulty walking and his paw hurts.


Before treatment, the hair on the affected area is cut off. If the wound is dirty, it should be washed with a decoction of burdock, chamomile, oak, Chlorhexidine or a weak solution of manganese. Local treatment is a treatment with an eczema cream or spray that has:

  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • drying effects.

Weeping eczema is treated with a course of antibiotic injections or tablets. It is recommended to combine: start treatment with injections and end with tablets. Appointed:

  • "Sinulox" 250: 12.5 mg/kg every 12 hours for 14 days;
  • “Ciprofloxacin” 500: up to 2 tablets daily for 2 weeks, the dose depends on the complexity of the inflammation;
  • "Amoxicillin", solution 15%: 1 ml/kg every 24 hours for 7 days or tablets - 15 mg/kg;
  • "Erythromycin": 15-20 mg/kg every 24 hours for 14 days.

Ciprofloxacin tablets (dosage 500 mg)

To speed up wound healing for wet eczema and to renew the skin surface for dry eczema, vitamin and metabolic preparations are used:

  • ascorbic acid, “Retinol” and “Tocopherol” 5% alternately 1 ml., one drug is given every day;
  • “Vitam”: 3-5 ml/10 kg twice a week, leave for 30 days;
  • “Gamavit”: 0.5 ml/kg 2-3 times weekly, also for a month; “Katozal”: from 2.5 to 5 ml., the dose depends on the condition of the dog.

Solution for injections "Gamavit"

Important! These drugs are contraindicated in cases where the underlying cause is allergic reaction. They can aggravate the patient's condition.

Radial nerve palsy in dogs

This disease is the most common in comparison with lesions of other nerves in the extremities. Occurs due to bruises muscle strain. After mechanical injury radial nerve the triceps brachii muscle stops functioning, and that’s it distal joints appear bent. Symptoms: straightened shoulder joint, drooping ulna and flexed wrist. The dog cannot lean on the limb due to its unnatural position.


Daily massages can alleviate the patient's condition. Galvanization with iontophoresis, heating, and exposure to UV lamps are also prescribed. Darsonvalization of the radial nerve and daily injections with vitamins B1 and B2, Dibazol and Proserin are performed in alternation. The course of injections is 1 month.

Paw diseases in large breed dogs

For large, heavy dogs, paw disease is not uncommon. Due to their heavy weight, their joints often hurt. The cause can be not only acquired diseases, but also congenital ones. The most common are:

Children often experience hip dysplasia, a disease that is inherited. It is diagnosed in dogs during intensive growth– from 4 to 10 months. It becomes difficult for puppies to get up after sleep; they limp for a long time. If left untreated, the symptoms intensify, and the four-legged animal faces complete immobilization.


It will not be possible to completely rid your pet of dysplasia, but you can alleviate his condition. Treatment can be conservative or surgical.

For conservative treatment, medications are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory (“Rimadyl”, “Quadrisol-5”, “Deracoxib”);
  • painkillers (“No-spa”, “Phenylbutazone”, “Ibuprofen”, “Acetylsalicylic acid”);
  • chondroprotectors (“Pentosan”, “Chondrolone”, “Stride”, “Adequan”);
  • supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes with chondroitin and glucosamine.

Dosages are prescribed depending on the degree of neglect of the disease and the condition of the animal. Physiotherapy also helps well - massage, ozokerite, laser and paraffin therapy.

Surgery is necessary when the disease progresses and the dog gets worse. The operation involves adjusting the shape femoral head: it is made to fit the size of the acetabulum. Depending on the complexity of the case, partial removal of the cartilage or replacement of the damaged area with a titanium prosthesis is performed.

After surgery with proper care Maybe full recovery joint, the dog will be able to move independently.


When arthritis occurs in a dog's joints, inflammatory process which interferes with normal walking and causes severe pain. Most often it affects the elbow or hip joint. Due to illness, the dog moves little, limps, and does not want to go outside. Therapy is prescribed only after examination and identification of the cause of the pathology. The veterinarian takes an x-ray of the affected area, and in rare cases, an analysis of fluid from the diseased joint is required.


The basis is treatment with medications in the following areas:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic: “Onsior”, “Metacam”, “Rimadyl”. Relieve pain and inhibit the spread of inflammation. In the absence of these drugs, aspirin is suitable, but only for short-term therapy.
  2. Antibiotics in cases where the root cause of the disease is pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Chondroprotectors (Chondrocan, Chondroitin complex, Chondartron, Chondrolon) to restore damaged cartilage, strengthen and protect against infection.


Joint disease, often leading to chronic form and not having an inflammatory nature. It is characterized by deformation of the joints and can be diagnosed by the crunching of bones that is heard when walking.


As treatment, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. They are used as intramuscular or intraarticular injections. This:

  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Gamavit";
  • "Voltaren";
  • "Vedaprofen";
  • "Quadrisol-5".

For quick recovery cartilage in joints and increasing resistance to infections, chondroprotectors with glucosamine and chondroitin are prescribed. Relieve the condition initial stage Arthrosis can be treated with cold salt lotions, warming compresses with paraffin and ozokerite, and wraps with herbal decoctions. But such therapy cannot replace full-fledged treatment.

Hygroma of the elbow

Represents the collection of liquid in elbow joint. IN chronic stage the disease becomes serous. The size of the elbow increases significantly. A sinus filled with fluid can grow to the size chicken egg. Usually the disease does not cause any painful sensations, only discomfort.

Table 3. Treatment of elbow hygroma

Conservative treatmentSurgical treatment
TroubleshootingFor simple hygroma, the problem is solved by sucking out the fluid from the cavity, after which a corticosteroid is injected into the “bag” on the olecranon process. This could be Diprospan 2-4 mg with 1-2 ml of Lidocaine 2% solutionWith more difficult cases The affected cavity is drained using glove or passive drainage. To prevent the infection from spreading, for the first 5 days after surgery, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are prescribed and the cavity is disinfected with Dioxidin 1% daily for a week
RecoveryIf the dog's condition improves, it is enough to give 1-3 injections with an interval of 18-60 days. In case of relapse, a repeat course of Diprospan is prescribed.If after drainage there are purulent discharge, the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics depending on the color and consistency of the discharge. After 1-1.5 months, the drainage is completely removed

Hind leg failure in dogs

The hind legs fail in case of complications of diseases. These may be the consequences of arthritis, arthrosis, tumors, intervertebral hernia. Reasons may also be neurological diseases, injuries, problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The pet's hind legs may fail due to radiculitis and pyelonephritis. If hind legs If the dogs begin to function poorly, you should go to the veterinarian. Timely therapy will help restore mobility. Otherwise, everything may end in complete paralysis of the paws.


After examination and identification of the root cause, therapy is prescribed. It could be:

  1. The use of painkillers for acute pain syndrome.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Quadrisol, Rimadyl. They are applied to the inflamed area after pain has been relieved or reduced.
  3. A course of B vitamins to restore the transmission of nerve impulses. Contraindicated in the presence of tumors.
  4. The drug "Proserin" for recovery muscle tone and conductivity nervous system.
  5. Preparations "Fervistim", "Fervital" for concomitant lesions gastrointestinal tract. Eliminate constipation, restore bowel and bladder functions.
  6. Acupuncture and massages help for return motor activity. These methods are used only in the absence of pain.
  7. Surgical intervention in cases where the legs fail due to compression of the vertebrae by a hernia or tumor.

Release form of the drug "Rimadyl"

Limb amputation in dogs

The paw has to be amputated after severe injuries resulting in tissue crushing. Also carried out due to developed gangrene or osteomyelitis. The dog's paw is amputated under anesthesia, and a tourniquet is applied above the incision site. The skin and muscles are cut with a circular incision. After this, the tissues are separated from the bone, moved downwards and isolated with sterile dressings.

The bone itself is cut with a surgical saw after the periosteum is removed. A small part bone marrow removed, then the bleeding vessels are treated. A stump is formed, after which a bandage is placed on it.

Pododermatitis is a disease of the soft tissues on a dog's paws. It is difficult to confuse it with other diseases, since the pads become inflamed and turn red. This causes unbearable pain for your beloved pet, so treatment and any elimination of this manifestation cannot be delayed.

Spread of pododermatitis and risk groups

All pets that have pads on their paws are susceptible to pododermatitis, but dogs suffer from the pathology most often. According to statistics, this is 80% of cases of visiting a veterinarian. Most often, owners of small and medium-sized dog breeds turn to the veterinary service. At the same time, the size and weight of the animal itself does not matter big role, the main thing is the pet’s lifestyle. As a rule, miniature dogs that walk on the street in handbags, shoes, or have no contact with external environment who for some reason have taken their first steps become the main candidates for an appointment with a veterinarian.

It’s not for nothing that dogs also belong to the class of mammals; their body is built to a large extent in the same way as a human’s. They also have immune system, which protects them from many diseases. Their immunity, like ours, is capable of being renewed and strengthened every time. To do this, he must encounter various viruses, allergens, bacteria, and where do they come from in most cases in women's handbags?

Hence the main idea: a dog is an animal that originally lived in wild conditions and adapted to them, and excessive care can harm them.

Pododermatitis most often appears in dogs of the following breeds: Pekingese, Pug, Chihuahua, Papillon, Toy Fox Terrier, Spitz, Beagle and other decorative breeds. At the same time, it would be a mistake to think that only they can have this disease. It often affects large animals, working dogs, hounds, hunting, boxing breeds - such as Labrador, retriever, bullmastiff, Dalmatian, collie, German Shepherd(less often) etc.

Causes of pododermatitis in dogs

There are many various reasons, because of which everyone’s beloved pets suffer from this disease.

All of them cause multiple lesions, while isolated ones provoke injury or the presence of a foreign body in the body.

The dog's paws turning red and the following list of signs indicate pododermatitis:

  • sores on the paw pads;
  • blood blisters on the paws;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • lameness;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes;

In this case, the pet is anxious, passive, will whine, bite itself, lick its paws, and, as a rule, refuse to eat.

Pododermatitis is divided into two types: aseptic and purulent. Both are serious causes for concern and require immediate veterinary attention for treatment and prevention.


The diagnosis is made only after a thorough examination of the animal, since there are many types of dermatitis. In addition, the disease is easily confused with a splinter in the paw, which caused severe inflammation, and other diseases. They are similar in characteristics, so for the decision accurate diagnosis a specialist examination is required.

You will need to take a swab for culture and scraping to detect pathogens. They are also used to determine sensitivity to medications, which helps in setting a course of treatment if the pad on the paw is inflamed.


The course of treatment for chronic pododermatitis includes local application ernofloxacin and dimethyl sulfoxide with an interval of 12 hours. Steroids are often added to support a weakened dog's body.

During the first week of the presence of symptoms, in order to prevent the inflammation process from developing, you can apply lotions medicinal herbs. For 15 minutes, treat your pet's paws with the following substances: povidone-iodine (0.4%), chlorhexidine, magnesium sulfate (3%). During treatment, it is necessary to limit walking on rough surfaces so as not to increase tissue destruction by mechanical means.

For autoimmune pododermatitis, veterinarians prescribe injections of Dexafort, which is a glucocorticosteroid. This is a potent medicine that affects the hormonal levels of the animal. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the drug.

After eliminating the main foci of the reaction, treatment continues with prednisolone in tablet form until complete recovery.

Owners are trying to cure paw damage in pets folk remedies, but, unfortunately, such methods do not produce tangible results, since this is only a manifestation of more serious problems that require mandatory medical intervention.

In extremely severe and advanced forms of the disease, you may need surgical intervention. Inflammations are opened surgically and pus is eliminated, as well as the interdigital spaces are removed.

Prevention and precautions

In order to avoid such a problem, pet owners are advised to follow the following rules:

  1. Watch your dog's diet; nutrition should be complete.
  2. If four-legged friend lives in a booth or enclosure, keep them clean.
  3. Trim the hair between the toes so that there is no accumulation of microorganisms there, cut off the nails.
  4. Take your dog regularly preventive examination to the doctor.
  5. Disinfect your pet's paws after every walk.
  6. If your animal is accustomed to wearing shoes, do not break this tradition; it is most likely not ready for barefoot walks.
  7. It is better to wash your paws after a walk to avoid problems.
  8. To be safe, you can lubricate the paw pads with wax; it will prevent bacteria from entering the body.

We are responsible for those we have tamed, which means we must take care that our pets live well near us. But dogs don’t need much: to be healthy and our attention. We can give it to them.

Four-legged pets are eternal children who love Fresh air And active games. Space and movement are necessary for all breeds from small to large, as this provides physical and psychological health animal. One of the significant obstacles to correct rhythm life can become pododermatitis in dogs.

Most often, the skin disease manifests itself in cold conditions with high humidity. This is the end of autumn, winter and beginning of spring, which is characterized by snow and slush, which directly affects the dog's paws. Under the influence of dampness, pododermatitis occurs, covering the areas of the pads and the places between the fingers.

The main danger of the disease is that it is a secondary infection and often indicates the presence of a more serious disease. Thus, inflammatory and necrotic processes in the tissues of the paws can develop against the background of:

In addition, the causes of the development of dermatitis may be mechanical damage caused by excessive walking on paved areas, as well as foreign bodies. Cracks and injuries to the pads combined with dampness and unsanitary conditions environment- ideal conditions for the development of a fungal form of the disease, as well as damage by staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other infectious pathogens.

They are the ones that cause bactericidal pododermatitis in dogs, which is diagnosed in most cases. It is also interesting that sometimes the culprits skin disease are the dogs themselves. Active animals with high level excitability of the nervous system sometimes have bad habit

After the diagnostic results determine the cause and methods of combating the disease, in most cases, treatment of pododermatitis at home is allowed. However, this disease can torment a pet for a long time, since recovery requires eliminating the original source of the disease. For example, inflammation caused by allergies will disappear safely if you follow the diet prescribed by your doctor and also avoid contact with irritants.

The treatment complex includes external treatment of the affected tissues with bactericidal and antiseptic drugs based on sulfonamide and tetracycline.

For mild forms of the disease, the use of chlorhexidine is effective. Fans of natural medicine can supplement their therapy with herbal compresses that have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, this approach requires the approval of a specialist.

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