Home Prevention How to learn to write official letters correctly. Business writing skills

How to learn to write official letters correctly. Business writing skills

Skype: btcon.ru, E-mail: [email protected], Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 19:00

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>>> Business correspondence in English. Workshop for managers.

What are the rules of business etiquette when corresponding with foreign partners? How to establish written contact correctly and make a favorable impression? How best to formulate your request? How to receive and transmit the necessary information? How to correctly file a complaint and respond to a complaint? This is exactly what will be discussed at the seminar. Seminar participants will acquire practical skills in business correspondence in English and will be able to apply them in their work the very next day. The seminar is designed taking into account the possible different levels of language training of students.

>>> Audience: managers and executives at various levels working with foreign partners and corresponding with them in English.
The seminar will also be useful for those who plan to take certification exams for business knowledge. in English(BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher).

>> /> Price:

>» /> How to participate

>» /> Training schedule

>»> Seminar program:

1. Features of the design and structure of a business letter.

  • Oral and written communications. The importance of written communication in business communication. Image and written communication. AIDCA concept and modern management.
  • Features of the design of the postal envelope.
  • The structure of English writing.
  • Selecting a letter form. How to correctly indicate the recipient of a letter. Sender and recipient addresses.
  • Transmission of Russian names and titles in English.
  • Features of indicating the date on a letterhead.
  • Registration number and subject of the letter: where to place it and how to attract attention?
  • Forms of polite greeting and farewell in English written etiquette.
  • The structure of the main text and the logic of presentation.
  • Signature: how and in what language to write?
  • How to specify applications?
  • Punctuation in written communication.
  • Practical exercises.

2. Language, style and composition of a business letter.

  • Official (formal) letter. Personal and impersonal forms of addressing the addressee. Features of the language of presentation. Use of passive voice. Linking words and logic of presentation. Abbreviations in official correspondence. Personal and impersonal forms of ending a letter.
  • Informal (informal) letter. Form of appeal to the addressee. Use of active voice. Collocations, idioms and phrasal verbs in an informal letter. Abbreviations in informal writing. Forms for ending a letter.
  • Semi-formal letter. Form of address to the addressee. Features of the language. Abbreviations, phrasal verbs, idioms and collocations. End of letter form.
  • Distinctive features of the American business language in written communication. American and British English.
  • Practical exercises.

3. Basic types of business letters. Principles of working with different types letters.

  • Information request. General principles. Choice of style and language.
  • Response to request. General principles. Choice of style and language.
  • Direction of information. General principles. Choice of language and style.
  • Written invitations. Choice of style. How to respond to an invitation.
  • Work with written claims and complaints. How to make a complaint yourself? How to properly apologize? Expressing the degree of dissatisfaction.
  • Expression of regret and participation. Choice of style.
  • Expression of participation on the occasion of a terrorist attack.
  • Other forms of everyday correspondence.
  • Practical exercises.

4. Emails

  • Pros and cons of using electronic messages.
  • Features of the use of electronic messages in a business environment.
  • Structure email.
  • Issues of style, composition and language in electronic communication.
  • Practical exercises.

Business writing skills
Skype: btcon.ru, E-mail: [email protected], Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 19:00 The pictures in our kaleidoscope are constantly changing. Read in the section: >>> Your question is our answer. Go. >>>

PRACTICUM ON BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: types of business letters, electronic correspondence, structure and composition of text, form of presentation, styles, analysis typical mistakes formal business writing

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The seminar involves the analysis of a large number practical examples aimed at developing and improving business correspondence skills. Real letters written by specialists in various fields in the course of their professional activities are used as teaching aids.

Tell your friends about the event

The target audience:

  • business people who draw up reports, write memos, send business letters, those whose professional activities are connected with the world of business papers;
  • account managers who conduct extensive correspondence;
  • middle managers, heads of regional branches;
  • PR service employees who correspond with press representatives and develop information materials for publications;
  • specialists developing marketing materials for the client (booklets, information letters, memos and instructions, etc.)
  • secretaries, etc.

You can:

  • compose various business letters quickly and efficiently;
  • render necessary influence to the addressee through written communication;
  • avoid making mistakes that the written editor does not correct;
  • correctly convey negative information, refusal and even a threat without offending the addressee;
  • edit business texts and learn from the mistakes of others;
  • feel confident among colleagues and partners in the process of written interaction;
  • advise others on writing business letters;
  • master the latest techniques theories of speech communications, for example, QSCR, DAGOR, ADI, etc.;
  • analyze American, continental and Russian models of business writing.

You'll get:

  • description of business papers;
  • detailed technology and logic for creating various business documents;
  • methods of forming a full-fledged business letter;
  • algorithms that facilitate writing texts and composing business letters of any type;
  • algorithms leading to specific results;
  • a set of necessary designs and templates for composing a business letter for any business situation;
  • a package of completed cases that will help consolidate the acquired skills;
  • reference materials on grammar and style in a convenient presentation;
  • Individual consultations on business correspondence.

The seminar involves the analysis of a large number of practical examples aimed at developing and improving business correspondence skills.

Real letters written by specialists in various fields in the course of their professional activities are used as teaching aids.

Specialization: Business correspondence, Courses for modern secretaries, Successful negotiations, Effective advertising, Basic copywriting skills, Personnel motivation, Conflicts and stress in the business sphere, Specifics of intercultural communications, Features of international protocol, Music management, etc.


The first day

1. Business letter: style, standards, principles.

  • Correct paperwork. Rules for formatting document details. Giving legal force to documents.
  • Stylistic features of the language of business papers.
  • Features of official - business and journalistic styles of speech.
  • Principles of writing business letters.
  • Structure of a business letter.
  • Introduction to the document.
  • Procedure.
  • Algorithms DAGOR, QSCR, ADI, etc.
  • Typical mistakes when compiling business correspondence, current requirements for a business letter.
  • Standards of phrases and expressions accepted in business correspondence.
  • Using clichés to express a request, guarantee, offer, invitation, etc.
  • Features of the preparation of documents containing confidential information.

Practical tasks and exercises on writing business letters.

Analysis of the situation - case “Typical opening and closing phrases.”

“A guide to writing a business letter.”

2. Work on composing the text.

  • Professional guidance on drafting any business document.
  • "Circle of Argumentation"
  • Location of the main idea, topic, problem.
  • Rules for logical stresses.
  • Connection of sentences in the text.
  • Use of universal speech structures.
  • The informational role of word order in a sentence.
  • Technologies for presenting information and argumentation.
  • The relationship between the planned content of the text and the transmission of real information.

Exercise on writing business letters. An exercise in using various, including manipulative, argumentation techniques.

The appropriateness of using speech tricks, pauses, and nonverbal information. Business games.

Second day

3. Technology for composing various types of business letters.

  • Protocol.
  • Press release.
  • Information mail.
  • Service note.
  • Circular letter.
  • Essay.
  • Summary (three models: American, continental and Russian).
  • Letter of demand.
  • Letter of report.
  • Complaint.
  • Response to complaint.
  • Letter of gratitude.
  • Confirmation letter.
  • Invitation letter.
  • Letter of congratulations.
  • Bill of lading.
  • Proposal for policy development or project implementation.
  • Notice, warning.
    and others.

An exercise to analyze the structure of business letters and compose your own letters based on situations suggested by the trainer.

Preparing ready-made templates for writing various types business letters.

Analysis of illustrative written material in English and Russian.

4. Business etiquette in correspondence.

  • The concept of business etiquette in correspondence. Personal and business correspondence.
  • Letters of gratitude, congratulations, invitations, condolences.
  • American and European abbreviations used in international business correspondence.
  • Letters that are always written or signed by hand.
  • Procedure for responding to letters.
  • The concept of “emotional adjustment” to the addressee.
  • Appeal. The final formula of politeness. Principles for completing a business letter. Universal formulas.
  • Features of writing letters with negative content (refusals, complaints).
  • Bank correspondence.

Drafting various models of business letters. Preparing templates.

An exercise to reduce psychological tension in texts with negative content.

Speech tasks.

Analysis of samples of real business letters in English, German and Russian.

5. Principles and techniques email correspondence. Fax messages and email.

  • Structure of an e-mail letter. Maximum use of the features of virtual communication.
  • Solving the main tasks of an email: open, read, understood, taken into action.
  • Situational use of the “telegraph style”.
  • Formation of attachments and fax signature.
  • The concept of "network".
  • Editing documents.
  • World experience in systematization, storage, archiving and destruction of business papers.

Individual exercises for participants.

Methods and forms of work

Classes are conducted in a mode of intensive interaction between the presenter and students.

Most of them are practical lessons and consultations, which include analysis of errors in the drafting of texts and in the execution of documents, as well as editing the text of a memo, letter, and other documents.

The price includes coffee breaks, handouts, certificate, CDs with additional information. inf., etc. We assist in hotel booking for non-resident participants free of charge.

PRACTICUM ON BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: types of business letters, electronic correspondence, structure and composition of the text, form of presentation, styles, analysis of typical mistakes in formal business writing
The seminar involves the analysis of a large number of practical examples aimed at developing and improving business correspondence skills. Real letters written by specialists in various fields in the process of professional activity are used as teaching aids.

Formation of business correspondence skills in the process of teaching German at a technical university

Features of business correspondence in German. A sample letter that complies with the requirements of DIN 5008 (DIN – Deutsche Industrienorm – German industrial standard). Address before the recipient's last name. Putting the recipient's address on the envelope.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Brief description of the main features of business correspondence. Rules for composing an email. Official and personal correspondence. E-mail typography, basic rules for text formatting. The semantic meaning of pronouns, dashes and hyphens in a document.

abstract, added 11/22/2014

Formatting a standard letter. Address, date, address, ending, signature, attachment. Special mail items. Purpose of the letter. Text of the letter. General rules. Some examples of business correspondence. Covering letter for the contract.

abstract, added 04/05/2003

Concept and types of business etiquette. Ethics and psychology of conversations and negotiations. Business breakfast, lunch and dinner. Features of communication through an interpreter. The place of official correspondence in office work. Structure of a service request letter. Types of business correspondence.

test, added 10/07/2013

Features and importance of business etiquette, its basic principles: punctuality, tact, respect, dress code. Familiarization with international standards drafting and formatting an official letter: width of fields, grammar, document structure.

test, added 01/09/2011

Etiquette and tact business man. Creating a favorable psychological climate during negotiations. Psychological characteristics of stress. Rules for business correspondence. Standard phrases and expressions in business letters. Standard instructions on office work.

abstract, added 11/12/2010

Letter as the main instrument of official and business correspondence carried out between various enterprises (organizations, institutions). Classification of letters by style and purpose. General recommendations for writing a business letter. Etiquette of official communication.

abstract, added 01/24/2012

Features of protocol techniques in business relations. Distinctive features of daytime evening receptions, cocktails and buffets. Business cards and rules for their use. Etiquette of official correspondence. Conducting negotiations using communication means.

test, added 03/10/2011

Internet safety rules and Internet etiquette for children and teenagers. Conducting business correspondence via email. Ethics of behavior of a user of a local computer network. Using the computer in educational process. Network ethics in chat rooms.

course work, added 09/04/2011

Official correspondence as an important part of business etiquette. General requirements to a business letter. Rules of international correspondence. Required attributes of a business letter. Typical types of business letters. Intra-organizational correspondence, letters of congratulations.

abstract, added 06/19/2010

Theoretical analysis of business communication ethics. Characteristics of the elements of the ABC of business etiquette: souvenirs, recreation, Eastern cuisine. Rules for business correspondence. Standard phrases and expressions in business letters. The letter is a proposal for joint cooperation.

test, added 06/17/2010

Formation of business correspondence skills in the process of teaching German at a technical university
Features of business correspondence in German. A sample letter that complies with the requirements of DIN 5008 (DIN – Deutsche Industrienorm – German industrial standard). Address before the recipient's last name. Putting the recipient's address on the envelope. Business etiquette, article

Language of business correspondence

  • Types of business correspondence, classification 5 kb.
  • Basics of business correspondence 62 kb.
  • Written form of communication in business communication 14 kb.
  • Ethics of telephone conversations, business correspondence 19 kb.
  • English 3 21 kb.
  • Business English from M. Goldenkov - Be careful. Hot Dog. 55 kb.
  • Business Russian 30 kb.

Language of business correspondence

In the field of science, office work and lawmaking, in the means mass media and in politics, language is used in different ways. Each of the listed spheres of public life has its own subtype of Russian literary language, having a series distinctive features at all language levels - lexical, morphological, syntactic and textual. These features form a speech system in which each element is connected with others. This subtype of literary language is called functional style.

This work describes documents on administrative and general issues, encountered by almost everyone working in enterprises and institutions, regardless of their position, and the language and style of official business documentation are also considered.

I. Formation of an official business style.

After “Russkaya Pravda,” the oldest document is considered to be “The Charter of Grand Duke Mstislav Volodimirovich and his son Vsevolod of 1130.” The initial formula of this letter is “Se az”. (“Here I am”) became from that time an obligatory element (requisite) of ancient Russian letters: “Behold, the great prince Vsevolod gave to Saint George (Yuryev Monastery) the Terpug churchyard of Lyakhovichi with land, and with people, and with horses, and forest, and boards, and catches on lovati. "(from "Certificates of Grand Duke Vsevolod Mstislavovich to the Yuriev Monastery 1125-1137"). The letters ended with a special formula, which indicated who witnessed the transaction and who sealed the letter with his signature.

And in the “General Regulations” of Peter’s Collegiums, a complete system of documentation standards was given. “General forms”, i.e. document forms provided for design standards, etiquette standards for addressing the addressee indicating rank, title, rank, uniform standards for naming and self-designation. Vocabulary business language moves away more and more from colloquial, living speech, penetrates into it great amount foreign words (province, act, run, appeal, etc.) and terms.

In the 20th century the unification of documents becomes irreversible. New rules for maintaining official documentation were developed: in 1918, a unified form of business letter forms was introduced. In the 20s of the twentieth century. work began on creating new standards for business writing, stencil texts appeared

II. Official business style.

The official business style is assigned to the sphere of social and legal relations implemented in lawmaking, economics, management and diplomatic activities. The periphery of business style includes informative advertising, patent style and everyday business speech (statements, explanatory notes, receipts, etc.). Organizational and administrative documentation (ORD) is a type of business writing that most fully represents its specifics. Together with various types of legislative speech (license, rules, charter, decree, etc.), the ORD represents the center of business writing, the core of the official business style.

A document is a text that controls the actions of people and has legal significance. Hence the increased requirement for accuracy, not allowing for misinterpretation, placed on the text of documents. Only written speech, prepared and edited, can meet this requirement. IN oral speech It is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of accuracy due to its lack of preparation, spontaneity, and variability. In addition to the requirement of denotative accuracy (denotation is an object or phenomenon of the reality around us, with which a given linguistic unit is correlated), the language of documents is subject to the requirement of communicative accuracy - an adequate reflection of reality, reflection of the author’s thoughts in a speech fragment (sentence, text).

The documents therefore use clichéd standard phrases:

“The agreement comes into force from the date of signing.”

“In pursuance of order no. »

Standardization of the language of business papers provides the degree of communicative precision that gives the document legal force. Any phrase, any sentence should have only one meaning and interpretation. To achieve such a degree of accuracy in the text, you have to repeat the same words, names, terms: In case of advance payment, the Customer is obliged, within three days from the date of payment, to hand over to the Contractor a copy of the payment document certified by the bank or notify him by telegram. If the Customer fails to comply with the requirements of this paragraph, the Contractor has the right, after ten days from the date of signing the contract, to sell the goods.

Details in formal business style combined with the analytic expression of actions and processes in the form of a verbal noun:

add - make additions

instruct - give instructions

not to answer, but to bear responsibility

decide - make decisions

clarify - make clarifications

pay - make a payment

Emphasized logic and unemotional presentation with a standard arrangement of text material on a sheet of paper also very significantly distinguishes written business speech from oral speech. Oral speech is most often emotionally charged, asymmetrical according to the principle of textual organization. The emphasized logic of oral speech indicates the formality of the communication environment. Business oral communication should proceed against the background of positive emotions - trust, sympathy, goodwill, respect.

Information in a document is carried not only by text fragments, but also by all elements of text design that are mandatory - details. For each type of document there is its own set of details provided state standard- GOST.

A detail is a mandatory information element of a document, strictly assigned to a specific place on a form or sheet. Name, date, registration number, information about the compiler, etc. are constantly located in the same place - the first three are at the top, and the last one is at the bottom of the sheet after the signatures.

The number of details varies and depends on the type and content of the documents. The sample form establishes the maximum composition of details and the order of their arrangement. These include:

— State emblem of the Russian Federation.

— Emblem of the organization and enterprise.

— Image of government awards.

— Code of an enterprise, institution or organization according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

— Document form code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

— Name of the ministry or department.

— Name of the institution, organization or enterprise.

— Name of the structural unit.

— Post office index, postal and telegraph address, teletype, telephone, fax number, bank account number.

— Place of compilation and publication.

— Grid restriction of access to the document.

— Title to the text.

— Control mark.

— Mark on the presence of the application.

— Note on certification of copies.

— The performer’s name and phone number.

— A note on the execution of the document and sending it to file.

— Mark on data transfer to machine media.

— Mark on admission.

Thus, a high degree of unification, standardization as a leading feature of syntax, a high degree of terminology of vocabulary, logic, unemotionality, information load of each element of the text, attention to detail are characteristic of the language of documents and distinguish it from oral spontaneous business dialogic speech.

III. Preparation of official correspondence.

Depending on the language and traditions of a particular country, the style of official correspondence may vary, but there are general rules determined by international practice and conventions.

Any document contains several mandatory positions:

Title - indicates the official and honorary title of the addressee (for example, Mister, Sir, Your Excellency, etc.).

A compliment is an expression of politeness that ends a letter (eg, With deep respect, Sincerely, etc.).

Signature - certifies this document.

Date - must include the day, month, year and place where the letter was written. Data is never written in abbreviated form.

Address - Full name, title and address are placed either at the top or bottom of the first page.

Also, when preparing official and business correspondence, you should adhere to some generally accepted rules:

1. Service letters are written on a blank form or sheet of paper only on its front side.

2. It is not customary to write long letters, but if the letter is more than one page, then at the end of the page you need to put “continued over”.

3. Each page, except the first, is numbered with Arabic numerals.

4. Letters are typed on a typewriter or computer, the margin width on the left side is at least 2 cm, the spacing is 2 or 1.5.

5. Erasures and corrections are not allowed in the text.

6. The letter is folded with the text inside. It is advisable not to fold the most important business letters, but to send them in large, thick envelopes.

7. If you send greeting card, it should be remembered that it is customary to put one signature only on official congratulations. A personal card must contain at least a few lines.

Official correspondence of various types, which is sent on behalf of one organization, institution of another organization, institution, although it may be addressed to one official and signed by one official, constitutes business correspondence.

A business letter is a special type of document, less strictly regulated than a contract or resolution, but having legal significance. Business correspondence is registered and stored in both organizations as outgoing and incoming documentation.

Modern forms of correspondence, which are accepted in international communication, developed about 150 years ago in England.

It should be remembered that abroad, more attention is paid to the formal aspects of correspondence than here.

It is customary to write a letter on the organization’s letterhead, which already contains the details of the sending institution or company. Appearance the form is a kind of business card, so it should be taken very seriously.

Any letter begins with the address on the envelope. All over the world they write “to whom” first and then “where”.

The recipient's address is written twice: on the envelope on the bottom right side and in the upper left corner of the letter.

Then the addressee's surname with initials is written: the initials are written first, then the surname. Politeness requires prefixing the initials with one of the abbreviations “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “G-dam” (“Gentlemen”).

In the countries of the Arab East, a long series of names of ancestors is listed - Ahmed ibn (son) Muhamed ibn Hasan ibn Hussein or Fatima bint (daughter) Hasan, etc.

In most countries, it is customary to write the first name first, then the last name. However, there are exceptions. In China, for example, the surname comes first, and then the given name - Deng Xiaoping.

The recipient may have a title or rank - count, doctor, master, etc. In this case, instead of addressing “Mr.,” you can indicate his title and rank. Writing and saying “Mr. + title or rank + surname” is accepted only in Germany.

The words "Mr" and "Madam" are always abbreviated to "Mr" and "Ms". They are never used independently, without a surname. It is preferable to write ranks and titles such as general, colonel, professor or president in full, especially on the envelope of the letter.

In England, the polite address "Esquire", abbreviated as "Esk." (“Esquier - Esq.”). The address "Esquire" is never used in conjunction with the word "Mr."

In the USA, married ladies write their husband's first and last name. Letters to unmarried ladies should always include their name.

If you want to send a letter personally to the correspondent, then after the last name you should put “personally” (“Private” - England, “Personal” - USA, “Confidential” - England, USA).

After this, write the name of the company where the addressee works, then the postal address: house number, street name. The address contains the name of the city, state, county, canton, etc. (names of English counties and names of states with abbreviations can be found here), postcode and country.

When sending small brochures or booklets in an envelope, write “Printed”

On the right side and just below the details of the sending company, the date of departure is indicated, indicating the month in letters (for example, June 14, 1997). The abbreviations adopted by us on June 14, 1997 are not used in international practice. In the USA it is customary to indicate the month first and then the date.

The letter itself begins with an exact repetition in the upper left corner of the address written on the envelope.

Below, without a paragraph, on the left side write a polite address (for example, “Dear Mr. (or Mrs.)” or “Gentlemen,” “Dear Sirs,” etc.). After the introductory word there is a comma, not an exclamation point.

In the next line you need to indicate the subject of the letter. To do this, just put Re (“Reference”), the Russian equivalent is “Regarding”.

The letter usually ends with a compliment. If the letter is official, then the compliment “Very truly yours” is usually used. In other cases, the compliment “Sincerely yours” is used. You can limit yourself good wishes“Best wishes”, “Please accept my best wishes”, etc.

The compliment is accompanied by a signature indicating your last name and position. In most countries, the signature is placed on the right side of the sheet, under the final courtesy formula. If the final compliment is located on the left side (eg in Germany), then the signature is placed on the left side, also under the final politeness formula. The surname is typed on a typewriter or computer under a handwritten signature.

If, after writing a letter, it is necessary to urgently report any events that occurred later, then at the end of the letter a P.S. and the necessary information is added, a signature is placed at the end of the postscript.

If any materials or documents are attached to the letter, they are usually listed in the lower left part of the letter on a separate line after the word “Enclosure”.

In letters smart person reflects the character of those to whom they are addressed.

[Lichtenberg Georg Christoph]

Write the kind of letters that you would like to receive.

[Ancient aphorism]

A letter is a powerful argument in the world of business.

[Bekhtereva Victoria]

1. Why have uniform corporate standards in business correspondence?

Electronic correspondence is a mandatory attribute business communications any company. There are practically no companies that do not use email. But ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it ever happen to you that when you send an email to a colleague, it feels like you are sending a letter into a black hole, and they may simply not respond to you?
  • When employees call each other and ask each other to urgently read an email, and this happens all day long
  • When you absolutely cannot understand what exactly they want from you email
  • When complex and difficult issues are discussed in e-mail drowning in a sea of ​​information, details, and the issue is never resolved

If these issues are relevant to you, then you can gain a lot of time every day by implementing uniform rules for electronic correspondence. In this article we will talk about business correspondence etiquette.

2. Seven main rules of business correspondence ethics

Let us conditionally divide the rules of business correspondence on the rules of ethics And rules of communication and information exchange.

Communication rules are governed by the rules for exchanging information within business processes and projects. We will devote a separate article to them. The rules of ethics shape the style of internal relations between company employees and inevitably influence the formation of the image of your company among partners. For example, I recently received a letter from one of our partners that began with the words, “Good afternoon, Bekhterev.” Do you think our cooperation worked out?

In order not to “lose face” of the company when conducting business correspondence, it is necessary to follow the “golden rules” of business correspondence ethics:

  1. We always start a letter with an appeal
  2. The subject of the letter must be
  3. Before sending, you must check spelling, punctuation, and speech errors.
  4. The letter must be structured (NO water!)
  5. The letter must contain correct wording
  6. If we send attachments in a letter, then be sure to write that there are attached files (this move will help avoid situations when you send a letter and the file is not attached; the recipient, having read the letter and not finding the attached document, can quickly respond and write to you that the attached the documents you indicated in the letter are missing).
  7. We never delete correspondence. One of the most important points. Message history should never be deleted, since a letter is a document. If necessary, you should always be able to raise your correspondence history. Radislav Gandapas, for example, even included a request not to delete the correspondence history in his signature.

3. Types of letters

There are many various classifications, we propose to differentiate letters according to their design structure:

  1. Communication letter (letter of refusal, letter of claim, letter of recognition, letter of justification, etc.)
  2. Letter of agreement

Letter communication

In this type of letter we include all types of letters that an employee uses in the course of his professional activities.

Letter structure

The letter should not be formatted in a single text. It must be clearly structured and well-designed so that the recipient does not lose sight of important information. The structure of the letter consists of clear components:

Letter subject

The subject of the letter should contain the specific action that you expect from the respondent: “agree on an agreement”, “suggest issues for consideration”, “send a report”, etc.

If you are sending documents, the subject line must contain a clear statement of the documents contained in the attachment of the letter.

Why is it important to format your email subject correctly?

It is very easy to find the necessary letter in the daily flow of information based on the subject of the letter. Not a single letter will be lost.

Note: if you send a letter within a company, then the subject of the letter is formatted according to a given standard; if you send a letter outside the company, then it is advisable to format the subject according to the template: Company name: purpose of the letter.

The more constructive in the body of the letter, the better! One of the key business writing skills that you should develop in your employees is the ability to clearly and concisely formulate your thoughts.

P.S. If, while composing a letter, we mention a fact from the interlocutor’s letter, it must be quoted, separated by color or font.

Corporate signature

The corporate signature template must be the same for all employees of the company.

The signature should include all the key details of the addressee so that if necessary, the recipient of the letter can easily contact you.


Full name, position.

P.S. If we want a warm relationship with a partner/client, then it is worthwhile to issue a personal signature. Any person is pleased to receive a letter with a personal attitude, even in formal correspondence.

The personal signature always refers to the body of the letter. Example: Have a good day/ Thank you / It was a pleasure to talk to you today / Thank you for taking your time on such an important issue / Hello family and children, etc.


We fill out the “To” and “Cc” fields last, so as not to accidentally send a letter when it is not yet ready.

What is the difference between the To and Cc fields?

In the “To” field we insert the address of the person from whom we need to perform some action.

In the “Copy” field we insert the address of the person who would benefit from reading the contents of the letter.

P.S. Our experience has proven that the Cc field is very useful. If we are negotiating with an ordinary employee, we discuss important questions, but we do not receive answers on the merits and within the established time frame, then it is worth inserting into a copy of the letter from the director or higher manager, and the correspondence will immediately begin in a constructive manner.

Unfortunately, in many companies the level of corporate culture is not at the proper level, as a result of which situations arise when, in order for an employee to do his job well, strict control by the management team is necessary.

Outlook also has a function like “Bcc” - an important tool that allows you to inform interested parties about the letter, but at the same time not confuse the recipient that the letter is not addressed to him alone!

Letter of agreement

An important type of letter that allows you to summarize the meeting, formulate agreements in writing, indicate completion time and clarify: did both parties correctly understand what they must do?

It is useful to draw up such letters after meetings, negotiations and conferences in order to have written agreements and a common vision of their implementation.

Letter structure:

  1. Greetings, addresses and thanks to the discussion participants.
  2. Reiteration of the purpose of the meeting at which agreements were formed.
  3. A list of all the issues that were discussed, in connection with the decisions made on them and the appointment of the person responsible for execution.
  4. Recording ideas that do not require urgent implementation for history.
  5. Question to addressees: Has everything been taken into account? Any comments or additions?

For example:

Formatting a letter


The font of the letter should be uniform; key points and headings can be highlighted in italics, but it is imperative to adhere to a single design style.

P.S. It should always be remembered that words written in capital letters, are perceived as an increase in tone. They should be avoided.


It is advisable to formulate each individual thought in a separate paragraph to make the text easier to understand.


Paragraphs should not merge with each other. To make the letter more readable, indentations should be after the greeting, before each paragraph and before the signature:

To make the letter visually more attractive, it is better to format the links in the body of the letter as hyperlinks:

Writing style

We invite you to a master class by Sergei Bekhterev.

Win at least 1 hour of free time daily with this training!

At the master class you will learn:
✓ How to manage tasks so that all tasks are completed 100% and on time
✓ How to effectively prepare and conduct meetings
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Every day, civil servants respond to many requests received from citizens. Writing official letters is not easy; additional knowledge is required. How to learn to do this competently, quickly, using accessible and clear language? MSUU of the Moscow Government knows the recipe and has been teaching capital officials the basics of business correspondence for two years. In 2015, one of the popular advanced training programs underwent changes. She has become better and more interesting.

Armed with laptops and study guides, civil servants diligently carry out tasks. They learn to analyze requests from citizens, structure a written response, simplify complex grammatical structures, formulate positive statements, and even correctly read unfounded complaints.

"To give adequate feedback, analyze the complaint and separate emotions from facts, teach the trainers of MSUU of the Moscow Government. – Emotions interfere with understanding the essence of the request. Highlight the facts that caused the person’s dissatisfaction and his specific demands.”

Introduction, short answer, positive conclusion. The structure of a response to an unfounded complaint is simple and different from other formal letters. It should be short, neutral, without expressing gratitude for the appeal. However, the conclusion should be concise and always positive. It is important to note that the situation is in accordance with the law or is a consequence of positive changes. It is worth citing the results of the activities of the Moscow Government, making links to regulations and sources on the websites of departments, prefectures, and administrations. You can even invite the letter writer to participate in projects and help improve the situation with which he is dissatisfied.

"Analyze the letter." For what?

Officials are always recommended to use a single algorithm of actions: analyze the recipient and determine the purpose of his request, build the structure of the letter, format it (style, language), check it before sending.
What are the human requirements? What are his interests? What should the answer he expects contain? What do you think will be convincing for him - specific numbers and facts or expanded information describing the actions of the government? By doing the right analysis, you can quickly determine what answer to give. This determines whether your goal of satisfying the recipient’s request will be achieved.

Rule 4P

You can learn to write answers quickly if you use the 4P rule: “Summary. Solution. Explanation. Recommendations". The structure of the letter should include:

  • a brief description of the problem the person addressed;
  • specific decision of the executive authority;
  • a concise explanation of why the decision is the way it is, with references to regulations, laws, and regulations;
  • the final chord of an ideal letter is recommendations for the recipient (conclusions, suggestions) on what and when he should do; indicate contact numbers, addresses and operating hours of institutions.

    How to make text simpler?

    “We always recommend putting yourself in the recipient’s shoes,” says the deputy head of the Department of Training of State and Municipal Employees Natalya Gryzunova. – Then it will be clear whether the text is easy to read. If a sentence has more than 20–25 words, it is better to divide it into two or more simple sentences. You should avoid complex wording and unclear abbreviations. We must strive to convey important information to the addressee in accessible language.”

    The 18-hour training takes place in a training format. The analysis of typical mistakes in preparing official responses is based on examples from the practice of officials. Discussed in detail difficult cases spelling and punctuation.
    In order for listeners to better understand educational material, it was decided to reduce the size of the group this year. Previously there were 40 people, now there are 20, and they work not in fours, but in pairs. This helps to work through practical exercises more effectively. IN training course There are more cases - examples of official letters in which it is necessary to correct errors or improve the text.

  • In conditions modern world business contact often begins with business correspondence - a written form of business interaction, which includes any type of correspondence (letter, message, etc.) sent by any official on his behalf and by virtue of his position.

    An important aspect is compliance with certain etiquette standards. Otherwise, established connections may be severed and a client or business partner may be lost. Well-designed business correspondence contributes to the most favorable impression of you or the company.

    Mastering the magic of letters is important for every person. For example, when looking for a new job: compiling and sending a resume, test tasks, cover letters, additional information about yourself, agreeing on a meeting time.

    Interestingly, the rules of business correspondence that exist today were developed about 150 years ago in England.

    Types of business letters

    To decide how to compose a letter, you need to know the differences between its types. This will help you decide on the topic of the message and its correct design. This will help you avoid looking stupid in the eyes of an important opponent.

    According to the design structure there are:

    • Letters of communication

    This includes letters of refusal, claims, excuses, and confessions. Everything that an employee uses in the course of his professional activities.

    • Letters of agreement

    An important type of writing. Thanks to her, the results of the meeting are summed up, agreements are formed, the time for completing tasks is determined, and both parties are convinced of the correct understanding of the contract.

    Business Letter Rules

    The way bloggers allow themselves to express themselves is not your choice. There is no excuse for mistakes and typos. You cannot console yourself with the difficulties of learning a language from childhood. You need to be as demanding of yourself as possible. Otherwise, it paints an unfavorable picture of your personality and education.

    The peculiarity of business correspondence is that errors in the spelling of professional words are considered an indicator of a person’s incompetence in the chosen field.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Stop using words precise definition which you don't know. As a last resort, check their meanings in dictionaries.
    2. Avoid using specific terminology. Some words may be unfamiliar to the interlocutor and may be misinterpreted by him. Business correspondence etiquette involves in such cases providing an explanation of terms and abbreviations.
    3. Write in short sentences. Length and floridness of constructions are appropriate when writing a novel, and not during business negotiations.
    4. First type the message not in the body of the letter, but in a document on your computer or online editor. A positive aspect is the automatic spelling and punctuation check of the text. This also prevents the letter from being accidentally sent to the recipient prematurely or lost due to the browser being closed or the Internet being lost. Working in Microsoft word, use autosaving of material at certain intervals.
    5. You should avoid typing a message on your phone or tablet. There is a risk of inappropriate autocorrection.
    6. Before sending, check for errors and the consistency of the text. It is recommended to recheck the typed text again after an hour, temporarily switching to other things and forgetting about writing it. This will help you look at the text from a different perspective, seeing all the inaccuracies.

    Formatting a business letter

    Necessary Special attention to details when preparing and maintaining correspondence. It also shows respect for your opponent and allows you to save time that could be spent on redoing the material.

    The following aspects should not be neglected:

    • Correct filling of the subject line of the letter

    If this is the first message, the title may be bright. However, if communication with the opponent already exists, the subject of the letter should be stated briefly and concisely. These are the basics of communication. They help you find the message after a while so that re-reading will be easy for both the sender and the recipient.

    • Citation

    The message you send may contain questions that you must answer. It makes sense to answer them, quoting each one separately. When sending a letter with several forwardings, it is worth using numbering and breaking the text into paragraphs. This way it will be clear to the interlocutor what question you are answering.

    Excessive quotation chains create a sense of chaos in communications. However, if there is a need to return to previously sent messages or remind the interlocutor of something, it is worth doing. In particular, when it comes to budget, service package, and time.

    • Take into account all information received

    When composing a letter, you must briefly comment on all documents attached by you or your interlocutor. This way it will be immediately clear to the recipient what contents of the files await him.

    • Your own signature is an analogy to a business card

    Business correspondence requires a signature. It can be made automatic, then it will be present in every letter sent. How to create an informative signature? Use your first and last name, current position, work contacts and company logo.

    For example: “With respect, Ivan Ivanov, your project manager, phone number or any other messengers.” Or “Best regards, Ivan Ivanov...”.

    The signature can also be catchy and creative, indicating a special connection with the company or cause. For example, employees of a book industry network can use the phrase “I’m currently reading...” when inserting the name of current new products. But it is better to coordinate such things with your superiors.

    • Mailing address

    The rules of business correspondence require the display of a postal address. It would be better if he was purely a worker. The company name, position, first or last name may be displayed there, but not the year of birth or playful nicknames/words. It is better to think about the correct name of the address for many years if you plan to leave it even if you change activities or positions.

    • Font and spacing

    In documentation, the font most often used is Times New Roman, size 12 for tables or 14 for text. 1.5-2 intervals. These are the unspoken basics.

    Business communication style

    Business correspondence involves a delicate balancing act. Friendly communication is inappropriate here, but emphatically harsh communication is not appropriate either.

    Features of communication:

    • Severity of designs

    Diminutive words, slang expressions will be inappropriate.

    • Using emoticons

    Use emoticons carefully or avoid them. The first contact does not allow their presence in principle. In the future, brackets may be present, but only positive ones, in moderate quantities. Niceness and humor are unacceptable in this style of communication. This form is unacceptable if you are subordinate to your interlocutor.

    • Greetings by name and patronymic

    The rules for conducting business correspondence imply a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, attention and interest in his person. This increases your opponent's interest in you and increases the chance of his leniency. It is advisable to know in advance the name of the person you are addressing, as well as his preferences for address.

    • Reply within two days

    It is correct to send a response to the message within a few business days. Otherwise it is considered disrespectful. If the letter was sent before the weekend or vacation, you don’t have to respond to it if it’s not urgent. Otherwise, you need to warn your interlocutor about the temporary absence of your response or briefly unsubscribe about the contents of the letter.

    • Lack of intrusiveness

    Constantly asking about something, asking for confirmation will show you in a bad light. If confirmation from the interlocutor is required, you can remind him of the need to respond in three days. If the matter is urgent, it is better to mention it initially in your first message.

    • Mirror rule

    Business correspondence etiquette often allows you to address your opponent the way he does. This increases the possibility of mutual understanding and communication on the same level. Keep track of what terms, style of communication, and address your interlocutor uses.

    • Happy holidays

    If communication takes place around or during official holidays, it is worth congratulating the interlocutor. These are the rules of business correspondence. It is also useful to know when your opponent's birthday is.

    • Gratitude

    Elementary politeness would be words of gratitude in response to a congratulation, invitation, or explanation.

    Taking into account all the above features, it will not be difficult to establish contact with your interlocutor and form a favorable opinion about yourself.

    The importance of business writing rules

    In fact, any letter sent is a business card, a reflection of our chosen business position. So that she looks decent, inspires respect and trust, and negotiations are accompanied by comfort and efficiency in solving problems, knowledge of the rules of good manners and their constant observance is an unshakable guarantee of success.

    With regard to any correspondence, on the Internet or in letters, the same strict standards apply as when communicating by phone or personal negotiations. The principles on which the interaction is built:

    • mutual respect between opponents for the personality and business position of the other person;
    • attention to the business interests of the opponent;
    • maintaining confidentiality;
    • punctuality in solving important tasks.

    Business correspondence is necessary because:

    • when sending a letter there is no answer, even if it was implied;
    • letters get lost in the flow of unnecessary information and employees constantly call each other asking to check their mail;
    • after reading the email it is completely unclear what is needed from you;
    • Due to the abundance of details and chaos of information in messages, thoughts are confused, and a complex issue is never resolved.

    You can save a lot of free time if you implement general rules for conducting business correspondence. This will help avoid the above problems.

    Probably everyone has at least once had to deal with the need to write a business letter. When compiling it, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that it is not at all easy. There are many business letter writing rules and regulations that you need to know. The article describes in detail the process of drawing up a document, provides samples of business letters, and discusses their types and design.


    Ready-made forms will add solidity and indicate the reliability of the company. They contain the necessary information about the organization, such as:

    • Name.
    • Address.
    • Contact phone numbers.
    • Website.
    • Email.
    • Logo.
    • Other contact details.

    There are no strict rules regarding forms. Therefore, each organization independently decides what information to include in them.

    How to write business letters correctly? Preparation

    Business letters are written and formatted in a certain way, subject to their inherent rules and requirements. Depending on the goal, the author thinks through the content in detail in order to obtain the result he is calculating. He must clearly understand what information the addressee already knows about the subject of the letter, what to base it on and what will be new in it. The arguments depend on what goal the author is pursuing. The process of preparing a business letter can be divided into the following stages:

    • Studying the issue.
    • Writing a draft letter.
    • Its approval.
    • Signing.
    • Registration.
    • Sending to the recipient.

    Structure of business letters

    When composing a letter, it is necessary to saturate it with information, that is, put all the necessary information there. It can be simple or complex. In a simple letter, the content clearly and concisely conveys information that generally does not require a response from the recipient. A complex one may consist of several sections, points and paragraphs. Each paragraph presents one aspect of information. These types of business letter samples typically consist of an introductory, body, and closing section.

    Below is an example of writing a business letter - its introductory part.

    The main part describes situations and events, provides their analysis and evidence. It is in this part that they convince that they need to act in one way or another, prove how things were and inform about the need to participate in any event, giving various arguments.

    The conclusion contains conclusions that are made in the form of proposals, requests, reminders, refusals, and so on.

    An example of writing a business letter - its final part - is presented below. This summarizes the requirement stated in the main one.

    All information provided should be optimally consistent and understandable.

    Each letter begins with a centered address. This small part is extremely important. When choosing it, the author must consider:

    • Addressee's position.
    • The nature of the relationship.
    • Formality.
    • Etiquette.

    There should be a polite form at the end of the letter. For example: “...I express hope for further cooperation (gratitude for the invitation)...” These phrases are followed by the author's signature.


    All letters must be written in an official business style, which means using formal language business relations. The features of such a language are formed under the following circumstances:

    • The main participants in business relations are legal entities, on behalf of whose managers and officials letters are written.
    • Relations in organizations are strictly regulated.
    • The subject of communication is the activities of the company.
    • Management documents generally have a specific addressee.
    • Often, in the course of an organization's activities, the same situations occur.

    In this regard, the information contained in a business letter should be:

    • Official, impersonal, emphasizing the distance between participants in communication.
    • Addressed, intended for a specific addressee.
    • Current at the time of writing.
    • Reliable and impartial.
    • Reasoned to induce the recipient to perform any action.
    • Complete for decision making.


    A business letter must meet the following requirements:

    • Speech is standardized at all levels - lexical, morphological and syntactic. It contains many expressions, terms and formulas.
    • The tone of writing is neutral, restrained and strict, without the use of emotional and expressive language.
    • Accuracy and clarity of the text, without logical errors, clarity and thoughtfulness of wording.
    • Conciseness and brevity - without using expressions that carry additional meaning.
    • The use of language formulas formed as a result of repeated situations.
    • The use of terms, that is, words or phrases that have special concepts.
    • The use of abbreviations, which can be lexical (that is, complex abbreviated words formed by removing letters from parts of words: LLC, GOST, and so on) and graphic (that is, abbreviated word designations: grn, zh-d, etc.).
    • The use of constructions in the genitive and instrumental cases.
    • Phrases with verbal nouns (“provide support” instead of “support”).
    • Using simple common sentences.

    The above business letter samples below are shown in full version(with the main part). The information meets all the requirements of an official business style.

    Types of business letters

    It is best to write a business letter on one specific issue. If it is necessary to solve several issues at once, it is recommended to draw up several different options.

    Business letters can have the following content:

    • Accompanying. Such letters are usually needed to inform you where to send documents.
      (How to write a business letter? A sample cover letter will help those who need to write this type of document.)

    • Guaranteed. They are written to confirm any promises or conditions. For example, payment for work, rent, delivery times, etc. can be guaranteed.
    • Thanks. They have begun to be used especially often recently. Such letters demonstrate good partnership tone. They can be issued on regular letterhead or on colored paper with a beautiful print.
      (How to write a business letter? A sample thank-you letter is compiled in free form, depending on the tasks that it solves. In in this case letter in the short form expresses its essence. Such a sample, made on colored paper with an ornament, can hang on the wall in the company premises in a place of honor.)

    • Informational.
    • Instructive.
    • Congratulations.
    • Advertising.

    There are also letters:

    • Proposals for cooperation. Quite common in recent times, sent to organizations, are often of an advertising nature, for example, like this sample. It is quite difficult to write commercial letters; you need to take into account many nuances in order to get attention, and even more so, to become interested. But if you compose it according to the sample below, it has every chance of success.

    • Invitations. They are sent, inviting them to participate in various events. They are usually addressed to a manager or official, but can also be addressed to an entire team.
    • Requests.
    • Notices.
    • Requests and many others.

    How to write a response to a letter. Example

    The answer must begin by repeating the request stated in the first letter. Then the results of its consideration are given and approval or a reason for refusal is expressed. A business response letter may contain an alternative solution to the expected information. Typically it meets the following principles:

    • Availability of a link to the first letter and its contents.
    • Identical language means.
    • Comparable scope and content aspects.
    • Compliance with a certain sequence.


    In addition to using corporate letterheads for business letters, it is necessary to take into account other subtleties when designing them. These are details, rules for abbreviations, writing addresses, headings, text length, field widths, and more.

    Samples of a business letter help you compose it, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances. They are used by both beginning office workers and experienced workers. Thanks to the samples, they learn how to write letters correctly and save a lot of time.

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