Home Prevention A remedy to prevent tooth loosening. What can you do at home if your teeth are loose?

A remedy to prevent tooth loosening. What can you do at home if your teeth are loose?

According to statistics, thinking about how to strengthen a shaky front tooth accounts for the majority of patients in dental clinics. This is the problem that doctors face most often. Thanks to this, many dentists were able to develop treatment technology almost perfectly.

Why are teeth loose?

The condition in which you have to think about strengthening your teeth is called pathological mobility. Its causes can be physiological and pathological. The latter include various diseases, as well as non-compliance with oral care rules. In addition, teeth can become loose due to bad habits.

The second group of reasons usually includes injuries - any that appear as a result of physiological effects.

Is it possible to strengthen a loose tooth?

It all depends on at what stage the problem was identified. If the patient contacted dental clinic in time, he will be able to recover relatively easily. With advanced forms of the disease, the fight takes much longer, is more difficult, and the chances of recovery are too low. More often complex cases pathological mobility, as a rule, end in deletion.

How can you strengthen a tooth if it suddenly starts to become loose?

First you need to determine the cause of mobility. If it is a pathology of the bite, for example, then orthodontic treatment will be mandatory. Teeth that are loose due to periodontal disease need to be restored comprehensively, using special materials to strengthen the gums.

This is the best way to strengthen a loose tooth under a crown. proper nutrition. You should definitely add to your diet:

  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • melons

Other products that contain vitamin A, which the body lacks, will also be useful - it is because of its lack that metabolism deteriorates and enamel deteriorates.

Teeth cannot become loose on their own, without any reason. Painless loosening of teeth usually indicates a serious problem. This problem may be related to some general illness person. Not only in the oral cavity.

We need to take this seriously. You cannot do without going to a dental clinic. The dentist will find out the cause, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Even a very loose tooth can be saved.

Why is the tooth loose?

Why does the tooth begin to loosen even with careful oral care? When, it would seem, there are no prerequisites for this. In fact, there are many reasons for loose teeth. Of all the causes known to dentists, only one is associated with oral disease.

Periodontal disease

The main and most common disease of the oral cavity, leading to loosening of teeth. With this disease, atrophic processes occur in the tissues located next to the tooth. Periodontal disease is accompanied unpleasant smell from mouth. The gums feel sore. If left untreated, the roots of the tooth begin to become exposed, the tooth becomes loose and eventually falls out.


Acute inflammatory disease. With periodontitis, inflammation of the peri-root tissue occurs. In the future, the patient will experience death of the nerve and inflammation of the bone tissue near the root of the tooth. The disease is dangerous because it causes complications in other organs - the kidneys and joints. This disease occurs in an acute, unpleasant form. The patient has an enlargement of the cheeks, less often – lips and bad smell from mouth. A tooth affected by periodontitis must be removed. As a rule, it is not restored.


A benign formation located near the root of the tooth. As the cyst grows, the tooth becomes loose and falls out. You can get rid of a cyst only with the help of surgical removal, the cyst itself does not resolve. The disease is insidious in that it initial stages can only be detected using x-rays. Only when the tooth cyst reaches a noticeable size - 3-4 cm, does it begin to manifest itself. A person experiences swelling of the face and a rise in body temperature.

A cyst with complications is called a granuloma

With a granuloma, the cyst cavity is no longer filled with liquid, but with pus. Dangerous disease, flowing in acute form. It is fraught with complications for the whole body. With acute granuloma, there is a risk of infection of the kidneys and joints. Treat exclusively surgically followed by antibiotics.


Represents a purulent inflammation periosteum. It is characterized by acute toothache, swelling, and sometimes fever. Flux occurs, most often, due to untreated caries. May be caused by injury. If flux occurs, you should immediately consult a dentist. He will remove the abscess and prescribe antibiotic treatment. Treat flux dangerously with home remedies. Even if the pain subsides and swelling will subside, the flux problem does not end there.


It happens that pregnant women have loose teeth. IN in this case, they do not go to the dentist, but to a gynecologist. The woman is advised to reconsider her diet and is prescribed additional vitamins and calcium supplements.

Other reasons

How to save loose teeth?

It is impossible to cope with this problem on your own.

  1. If the problem is periodontal disease, treatment is prescribed by a periodontologist. He will take all necessary measures. Perhaps the cause of periodontal disease is not only poor oral hygiene. Periodontal disease can also be caused by endocrine diseases. Then treatment should begin with an endocrinologist. The process of strengthening a tooth itself is multi-layered. First, the tartar is removed, and an incision in the gum may be necessary. The upper gum flap is removed, the root is cleaned and the flap is reattached. This way, removing gum pockets is the cause of loose teeth.
  2. If the cause is a cyst, then after removing the cyst and part of the tooth, the defect is covered with a crown. Sometimes the tooth can be saved intact. Then only the root canal is cleaned, the contents of the cyst are removed, and the cavities are filled with paste.
  3. In case of minor injury, it is enough to wait for the natural strengthening of the tooth. During this period, you should abstain from solid foods. In case of severe injury, dental splinting will be necessary.

Sometimes, it is enough to just take vitamins and calcium supplements. But this applies to people with healthy gums. For example, women during pregnancy or people who have suffered a serious illness with long-term treatment.

It should be remembered that successful saving of a loose tooth is only possible if you consult a doctor in a timely manner.

When teeth begin to loosen, this means that not everything is in order with the body. The oral cavity reacts to general state organs and problems, and therefore at the slightest deviation the teeth also suffer. The shaky position of the teeth does not always indicate diseases of the oral cavity; sometimes the gums need strengthening. Sometimes during this situation they can help medications And folk remedies. If your teeth are loose long time You should seek help from a dentist and find out the real reason.

Teeth and gums gently sense the general state of health and the influence of irritants on it. Weakening of gums and teeth can be associated with the following reasons:

Occasionally, a tooth begins to loosen suddenly; often this phenomenon is preceded by symptoms. Bleeding gums begin, painful sensations when pressing on the tooth and discomfort when eating food.

Why are my front teeth loose?

In recent periods, instability occurs specifically in the area of ​​the front teeth. The reasons for this deviation include:

  • the presence of negative habits, especially smoking, destroys teeth. Nicotine contributes to the development of dental instability, namely in the area of ​​the front teeth. TO bad habits This also includes the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • poor hygiene or her complete absence. Excessively pressing the brush is quite harmful, it leads to injury to the gums and loose teeth;
  • malocclusion. Only an experienced doctor can help solve the problem.

Not many people know what to do if a molar tooth is loose, much less suspect the causes of the disease and possible pathologies. To strengthen your gums and teeth, there are several main directions to follow:

  1. Changing or completely eliminating some habits. It is necessary to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoke, as well as narcotic substances. These addictions negatively affect the general condition oral cavity and provoke inflammation and slowdown in the healing of ulcers and wounds.
  2. Measured meals. A properly formulated diet is half the way to strong teeth and healthy area gums
  3. Increased care for the hygiene of teeth and gums. Dentists strongly recommend using toothpastes specifically designed to strengthen enamel, rinses, and gels that strengthen teeth. All drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy at a low price.

Before starting any treatment, you must first go to the dentist to find out the real cause of the unpleasant symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with malocclusion, self-treatment It will not be possible to carry it out, nor will it be possible to achieve a positive result.

It is necessary to follow all the rules of prevention, but it is also comprehensively treated, since quitting smoking and toothpaste- unable to completely rid a person of the problem of loose teeth. Don't forget about proper diet nutrition.

Strengthening methods at home

Strengthen tooth enamel and gums can be done at home without much difficulty. There are many recipes for this traditional medicine which show particular effectiveness. If the disease worsens, it is best to visit a specialist, as further instability will lead to tooth loss.

  1. Massage for looseness. This method will help restore blood flow to the gums. To do this, you need to use a thin branch of a fruit tree. It must be chewed carefully and calmly from top to bottom. Initially, this should happen with great care, and it is also necessary to constantly monitor the tooth’s reaction to what is happening. After 14 days, you can add one more exercise. The twig is clamped with the front teeth, the jaws are clenched and gently moved in different directions.
  2. Rinse with propolis and calamus. In two cups you need to mix 30 grams of calamus root and propolis, as well as 10 ml of vodka. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks. After preparation, rinse your mouth with the mixture several times a day. Dilute the mixture with water.
  3. Homemade pasta. Many people do not know how to strengthen their teeth and gums. Traditional healers It is recommended to use tooth powder and calamus root. You need to use 2.5 ml of the mixture per dose. The teeth brushing procedure occurs 3 times a day.
  4. Lotions. A gauze swab is moistened in fir oil. After this, it is applied tightly to the affected gum area. Carry out the procedure once a day for a month. After some time, it is better to repeat the course of treatment again. If a burning sensation occurs, the lotion must be removed.
  5. Yarrow plant. The recipe is perfect for the summer, as the plant must be used fresh. You need to squeeze the juice out of it and rub it on the affected gum several times a day. During the procedure, the juice should under no circumstances enter the stomach, and after use it is advisable to rinse your teeth.
  6. Rinsing. You should rinse your mouth with a propolis solution for several weeks. To make it you need to take a 15% tincture. Add 20 drops of infusion to 200 ml of warm water.
  7. Garlic juice. It is necessary to cut it in such a way that the juice comes out. They rub the gums once a day for 3 weeks. The course is repeated after 1 week.

Proper nutrition to strengthen teeth and gums

Products that are easily accessible to every person are good for teeth; you just need to make a list. correct menu. Into the diet daily nutrition should include citrus products. These include oranges, lemons and grapefruits. All these fruits contain vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of blood vessels. Don't forget about dairy products, they contain vitamin B and calcium, which serves as a supporting material for teeth. Seafood is a particularly important ingredient; in addition, don’t forget about seeds, cucumbers and cabbage. These ingredients contain phosphorus in large quantities, which promotes the proper distribution of calcium in the body. Cottage cheese and dairy products bring vitamin D into the body, due to the absence of which vitamins cannot be fully absorbed in the body.

In the case of the first negative symptoms You must immediately seek help from a doctor, only in this case can you really keep your teeth healthy and intact. Take care of your health and everything will be fine.

If a child’s teeth become loose during the period of replacement of baby teeth permanent, then this is normal physiological phenomenon. If the teeth of an adult are loose, then most often this indicates that the gums and other periodontal tissues are not in order - this condition requires the help of a dentist and long-term treatment.

Why can an adult's teeth become loose?

This condition may be caused by a disorder metabolic processes in the periodontal tissues (periodontal disease), or by their inflammation (periodontitis). A combination of these processes often occurs, when the disease begins with a metabolic disorder, as a result of which immunity is impaired and an inflammatory process is added. Previously, this was generally considered a single disease. Both periodontal disease and periodontitis last a very long time and are an obstacle to any dental prosthetics, as well as to the implantation of titanium tooth roots, on which prosthetics are subsequently carried out.

Periodontium is a complex of tissues surrounding the tooth root and having the same genetic origin. These are the gums, the mucous membrane covering the alveolar part of the jaw, the alveolar bone, and the periodontium (the ligament that holds the tooth in the cell).

The reason why teeth are loose is periodontitis.

Periodontitis is inflammation of periodontal tissue. This disease is characterized by the progressive destruction of periodontal tissue and jaw bones on which the dentition is located.

Periodontitis usually begins with gingivitis - inflammation of the gums. Gradually, tartar is deposited between the tooth and periodontal tissues, resulting in the formation of a pocket or space between the tooth and periodontal tissues. Gradually, food debris, bacteria and their metabolic products accumulate in this pocket, which cause an inflammatory process, destroying the periodontal tissues and loosening the teeth. Over time, the interdental bone walls that hold the teeth in the cells are destroyed, which further weakens the teeth, and they begin to fall out.

The disease usually takes a long time, with exacerbations and remissions. Exacerbations are accompanied by such general disorders as fever and malaise. Acute course The disease almost never occurs, but chronic periodontitis is a fairly common phenomenon, it can be mild, moderate and severe:

Treatment of periodontitis must be comprehensive and strictly individual. In this case, they apply different kinds surgical treatment, aimed at eliminating the periodontal pocket and stimulating restoration processes in the jaw bone. Orthopedic treatment eliminates loose teeth. In addition, all carious teeth are identified and treated, dental deposits are removed, including tartar between the gum and tooth. Treatment takes a long time, and the patient must be trained proper hygiene oral cavity.

Dental strength – required condition for normal chewing of food. Patients often ask their dentist for advice when they notice an unpleasant symptom: one or more teeth are loose.

What is the reason for the mobility of dental units? Will gum tissue soon become so loose that teeth will fall out? By visiting a dentist in a timely manner, it is possible to prevent the loss of incisors, canines and molars.

Causes of pathology

There are many diseases and conditions of the body in which mobility of the dentition is noted. Only a dentist will determine the factors that provoked the deterioration of gum strength.

The main causes of the pathology:

  • infection of the oral cavity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • poor care of gums and teeth;
  • diabetes;
  • injuries of hard/soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • jaw overload;
  • poor blood supply to the gums;
  • lack of calcium in the body;
  • candidiasis (thrush) in the mouth;
  • heredity;
  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism;
  • scurvy;

Methods and rules of treatment

The initial stages of periodontal disease are successfully treated, but many patients are in no hurry to see the dentist. Only with severe exposure of bone tissue and noticeable swaying of units do people finally cross the threshold of a dental clinic.

Unfortunately, the disease at the middle/late stage causes serious destruction of periodontal tissue and provokes loose gums. Long-term treatment requires attention from the patient and strict adherence to recommendations. In severe cases, it is impossible to do without splinting teeth or surgery to restore atrophied bone tissue.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will order an x-ray to look at the condition of the bone tissue and detect the presence of neoplasms, purulent cavities, for example, cysts or gumboil. Sometimes required additional examination using a radiovisiograph.

General therapy

  • do not skip hygiene procedures;
  • clean your teeth, mucous membranes, and tongue with high-quality toothpaste with fluoride, calcium, and herbal extracts;
  • use local antibacterial compounds prescribed by your dentist;
  • adjust your diet;
  • stop drinking alcohol and cigarettes;
  • rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • take vitamins, tinctures, tablets to strengthen your immune system.

Folk remedies and recipes

The problem of loose teeth is directly related to the condition of the gum tissue:

  • with caries, dentin is destroyed, with periodontal disease, gums weaken;
  • gradually the quality of the gingival tissue deteriorates so much that neighboring units move freely to a greater or lesser extent;
  • To poor condition gums, bone tissue atrophy is added;
  • Lack of support from the tooth root and main volume of the tooth causes noticeable mobility of one or more units.

Conclusion: strengthen your gums first: risk pathological process will decrease. Good effect give homemade formulations based on natural ingredients, natural products. Traditional methods do not replace a visit to the dentist or application of medicinal gels to the affected areas, but are an excellent addition to therapy.

What to do at home if your teeth are loose? Effective folk recipes:

  • yarrow juice. Apply healing agent every day on soft tissues;
  • herbs to strengthen gums. Rinse your mouth with chamomile infusion. The following combination produces a good effect: calendula + chamomile. Or this composition: sage + chamomile + calendula. Take a teaspoon of all herbs, 300 ml of water, cook for 3 minutes. It is useful to add oak bark to any collection (also 1 tsp), but then boil the collection for 15 minutes;
  • fresh breath product. When putrid smell A refreshing decoction will help. Components of the healing composition - a tablespoon of sage, a teaspoon of mint, half a liter of boiling water;
  • aloe juice Lubricate your gums with freshly squeezed juice, chew the tender pulp a couple of times a day;
  • decoction of aloe leaves. Prepare rinse: two large sheets plus 500 ml water, boil for 3 minutes. Carry out the procedure after eating;
  • honey plus sea salt. Slightly steam 2 tbsp. l. thin honey, add a teaspoon of salt, wait until the crystals dissolve. Every evening, lubricate the weakened areas with a honey-salt mixture, and after 10 minutes, rinse with chamomile infusion.

But what about bone? To strengthen the enamel and dentin, take calcium supplements. Drink milk, eat lean fish, liver, hard cheese, nuts. Fresh fruits, herbs, berries, vegetables, eggs are healthy. A good addition to the diet - fish fat in capsules, multivitamins, nutritional supplements.

Medicinal toothpastes

It is impossible to eliminate the unsteadiness of units without the use of special cleaning compounds. Medicinal pastes contain ingredients that are not found in preventive products.

  • President Classic.
  • President Exclusive.
  • Splat ginger.
  • Splat biocalcium.
  • Parodontol Active.
  • Lakalut Active.
  • Lakalut Phytoformula.
  • Parodontax or Parodontax F (with fluoride).
  • Forest balm for bleeding gums.

Strengthening gels and ointments for gums

Regularly use effective formulations with herbal extracts and bee products, and the condition of your gums will improve. The medications are prescribed by the dentist. Self-medication often turns out to be ineffective due to the wrong choice of medicinal gel.

The following drugs for strengthening gums and loose teeth have received positive reviews:

  • Solcoseryl ointment. Indispensable for severe periodontal disease, when exposed dental tissue is visible;
  • Asepta gel. The active ingredient is propolis. The composition prevents development inflammatory processes, relieves pain in the affected areas, minimizes the risk of bacteria spreading. The drug strengthens the gum tissue. On early stages results are noticeable after a couple of weeks of use;
  • Troxevasin gel. The popular remedy improves blood circulation in the gums, prevents capillary fragility, and has a noticeable anti-edematous effect;
  • gels Elgifluor, Elugel. Effective drugs contain chlorhexidine. Medicines ensure active absorption of beneficial components, improve absorption of other drugs into the gums;
  • bioactive medicinal cryogel. The product is recommended for treating periodontal pockets. Modern drug indispensable in the treatment of inflammatory processes, which often complicate periodontal disease. The cryogel contains several useful components: dioxidin, polypefan, sodium chloride, cryostructured starch.

Proper nutrition for healthy oral tissues

It is impossible to strengthen teeth and gums without a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals that support oral health. Pay attention to the list of products that should often appear on your table. Regular use will reduce the risk of hard and soft tissue diseases.

Products to strengthen gums and teeth:

  • vitamin C. Citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn;
  • calcium. Dairy products, fish, hard cheese;
  • phosphorus. Apples, squid, shrimp, lean fish, legumes, pumpkin seeds;
  • vitamin A. Tomatoes, greens, egg yolk, carrots, melon;
  • vitamin K. Greens, cabbage;
  • vitamin D Vegetable oil, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, liver, fish oil.

Splinting mobile teeth

Advanced cases of periodontal disease medicinal paste, gel, rinsing cannot be cured. The neck of the tooth is exposed so much that the unit sways with the slightest pressure on it. The patient's condition is aggravated by increased interdental spaces and partially atrophied gum and bone tissue.

What to do? Dentists suggest strengthening the dentition with effective methodology– splinting teeth.

The essence of the method:

  • movable units (regardless of quantity) with external or inside fastened with a special strip of durable material;
  • a thin aramid, fiberglass or polyethylene thread firmly holds adjacent units;
  • For reliable fastening, grooves are made on the inside of the units. A connecting thread is “laid” in them, a special glue is applied, firmly connecting the dental tissue with the corrective structure;
  • when chewing, cleaning the mouth, sanitizing the gums, the thin strip does not cause discomfort;
  • The procedure helps patients even with highly mobile teeth.

Preventive measures

Tooth mobility causes considerable discomfort and worsens the aesthetics of the dentition. It is easier to monitor the condition of bone and gum tissue than to spend months and a lot of money on therapy. Remember that it is quite difficult to get rid of such a phenomenon as loose teeth.

Preventive measures:

  • timely cleansing of the oral cavity from soft and mineralized plaque;
  • proper nutrition;
  • using toothpaste with beneficial ingredients;
  • cessation of smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • taking calcium supplements in preventive courses;
  • regular use of rinses (ready-made and homemade) to care for gums, enamel, and mucous membranes;
  • regular visits to the dentist. Optimally – every 6 months;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes, fungal diseases of the oral cavity, prevention of bleeding gums, fight against caries;
  • increased attention to hygiene procedures if the parents have bad teeth and weak gums.

The worst thing that many people who have loose teeth do is sit at home and rinse their mouths herbal decoctions and hope that the mobility of units will gradually disappear. A common mistake leads to severe stages periodontal disease, loose gums, loss of teeth after a few years.

A slight departure of gum tissue from the tooth, poor mobility of units, and an increase in interdental spaces should alert you. At the first suspicious symptoms, contact your dentist for treatment.

From the following video you can learn a few more recipes for strengthening teeth and gums:

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