Home Coated tongue Mental neuroses, panic attacks, treatment. How to cure neurosis, VSD and panic attacks - my working method

Mental neuroses, panic attacks, treatment. How to cure neurosis, VSD and panic attacks - my working method

Many people who are overcome neurosis, panic attacks and VSD, are interested in how they will feel after the problem disappears. And won't she come back again? Therefore, we decided to devote a separate article to this topic.

How to behave after neurosis, panic attacks and VSD have disappeared

So, let's talk about the human condition, about his well-being and sensations. After he was able to get rid of his fears, neurosis, panic attacks and other manifestations of anxiety. That if you work on yourself correctly and follow all the recommendations of specialists, then neurosis, panic attacks, VSD will disappear forever and will never return.

Using the example of a man who had a severe neurosis, panic attacks with very strong agoraphobia, let’s consider a step-by-step solution to the problem that has arisen. The man was depressed and depressed. He was constantly overpowered intrusive thoughts and phobias - fear of harming someone, tormented by fear of losing control, fear of death, fear of some kind of disease. On top of everything else, he also suffered from cardiophobia - a condition in which a person constantly listens to his heart, checks his pulse, and limits himself in terms of physical activity, reduces any load.

And it seemed to the person that life would never be the same as it was before. He was afraid to leave home even for short distances. Long-distance travel was out of the question.

When did this man get rid of those who tormented him? neurosis, panic attacks and phobias, he received complete freedom of action - he began to make a large number of trips, plane flights, and move freely from city to city. After he got rid of a neurotic disorder, anxiety-phobic neurosis, panic attacks. He married successfully and his family already has two wonderful children. His life became diverse, without any restrictions. He had no fears left. Now he can easily move wherever he wants, whenever he wants. With someone in company or completely alone.

Neurosis, panic attacks and VSD: how the process occurs deliverance

When a person is just starting and others psychological problems, he needs to understand that he shouldn’t expect quick results. For these problems in his life did not appear in one day and, perhaps, not in one year, and therefore they do not go away immediately. He must tune himself to the fact that in order to completely get rid of neurosis and panic attacks need time. Fears will go away gradually. First, tension goes away, agoraphobia decreases and disappears (when a person is afraid of open doors, open space, he develops a fear of crowds of people).

If agoraphobia is strong enough, then every time a person leaves the house, the person is haunted by the following thoughts: “What if I suddenly feel bad on the street?” And then this person, leaving the house, takes pills with him just in case. But how he wants to start living in peace, without thinking that he will feel bad on the street, or have a panic attack, and so that every time they leave the house is not accompanied by such disturbing thoughts! Sometimes the patient even begins to feel that he will never be able to get rid of this condition. But that's not true. As soon as he begins to get rid of anxious manifestations neurosis, panic attacks and other phobias, these thoughts will disappear by themselves, automatically.

It's hard to believe

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true, anxious thoughts simply disappear. A person stops thinking about how he will suddenly feel ill. If, after getting rid of phobias, he begins to think and imagine that he might become ill, then it will seem funny and stupid to him. AND neurosis, panic attacks And obsessive states also gradually disappear. Thoughts of harming someone or yourself disappear, anxiety and all symptoms go away. Of course, when certain problems arise, such as illnesses of relatives or children, anxiety may arise, but it is quite weak compared to what it was before the neurotic disorder.

After a person gets rid of neurosis, panic attacks and VSD, his life becomes full and completely free from any obsessive fears. He already stops avoiding what he avoided before, for example, traveling on public transport, visiting hairdressers, cafes. He can do whatever he wants, and at the same time he no longer has obsessive thoughts. Perhaps, at first, such thoughts may sometimes visit a person and frighten him, but you should not fixate and focus on them, you should not let them control you. A person must convince himself that he is free from this.

During the first six months, disturbing thoughts about something may sometimes appear, but in the future they will definitely go away on their own. And you need to meet these thoughts with a smile, to understand that these are just thoughts that have nothing to do with reality. When unpleasant symptoms you also need to behave in a similar way and in no case should you immediately come up with the idea that this is some kind of disease. And then the symptoms neurosis and panic attacks will gradually go away, and life will become freer and more comfortable.

How after getting rid of neurosis and panic attacks regain your self-confidence again?

How can a person become confident that in the future neurosis, panic attacks, all fears and phobias will not return to him again? The advice is simple - he needs to learn to live through his anxious states correctly. Initially, he has a lot of work to do on himself in order to completely remove alarming manifestations, anxiety disorders. It is necessary not only to learn to live through anxiety, it is necessary to remove all the prerequisites for its occurrence. You need to change your worldview, work on your thinking. Confidence that neurosis, panic attacks and phobias will not return, arises because a person becomes more resistant to stress, less suspicious, less anxious and impressionable. He will no longer be inclined to make “out of molehills.”

When a person gets rid of an anxiety disorder, he must understand what he did, what steps he took in order to get rid of it. He didn’t just take pills, such as antidepressants, which helped him for a while, and even then they didn’t help everyone and not always. And after treatment with pills neurosis, panic attacks and the VSD are back again. Why did this happen? Because the person did not understand how they disappeared and why they disappeared. That is, the person did not understand the very mechanism of getting rid of his problem, did not understand what kept him in this state.

If a person is fully aware...

In the event that a person fully understands what he is doing wrong, when he follows all the rules and moves in the right direction, he deeply understands the essence of what is happening to him or was happening when neurosis, panic attacks, then naturally he will not be afraid that this state will ever return again. He will calmly listen to stories about such things as heart attacks, strokes, oncological diseases. This information will be easily perceived by him, because the person will deeply believe and understand that this will never happen to him.

That is, a person will have a clear understanding of why exactly he was experiencing an anxious state, what actions kept him in this state. The person will understand that in order to neurosis, panic attacks and VSD did not return, these actions can no longer be repeated. And even if he suddenly experiences great stress, which completely unsettles him, the person will no longer follow the same vicious circle, which will again lead him to the same problems.

Distinctive feature panic neurosis, clinically related to a large group of obsessive-compulsive neuroses, is the appearance panic attack, which represents panic attack, expressed by unreasonable fear and increased anxiety. Many people experience, due to circumstances, fear or anxiety that arises in isolated cases, when panic neurosis panic attack and unreasonable fear, similar to the symptoms of a heart attack, occur repeatedly, appearing again and again, significantly reducing the quality of life. Panic attack at panic neurosis usually lasts about 10 minutes, but in some cases it can last up to 30 minutes, and during this period the person has difficulty breathing and is overcome by the fear of death from cardiac arrest or lack of air. Often panic neurosis accompanied by phobic disorders. If you have symptoms of this disease, you should start actively treat panic neurosis. Like any other type of healing, treatment of panic neurosis begins with making a diagnosis, as well as identifying the causes and symptoms of this attack.

Symptoms of panic neurosis

At risk of developing panic neurosis people with an anxious and suspicious character and representatives of the weaker sex get caught (3 times more often), especially if they are in a state of continuous nervous overstrain , quite capable of causing such a condition. Prone to panic neurosis and people who have high self-control and know how to hide and hide their negative feelings and emotions, which after a certain period of time, even if it was quite long, can break out in the form of a strong panic attack, accompanied by characteristic a symptom of panic neurosis pain in the heart or feeling of discomfort. In addition, when panic neurosis There are other symptoms similar to those of a heart attack: cardiopalmus , internal trembling, dizziness, vasospasm, numbness of extremities, profuse sweating, rise fear and anxiety , which may be accompanied claustrophobic(fear of closed spaces) or agoraphobia(fear of open space).

The appearance of a sudden panic attack primarily due to the release of a high amount of adrenaline into the blood, which results in disturbances in the functioning of the heart, breathing, heat transfer, etc.

Treatment of panic neurosis

Significant role in treatment of panic neurosis have psychotherapeutic methods:

  1. cognitive-behavioral (along with an explanation of the causes and mechanism of occurrence panic attacks, training in breathing techniques is mandatory, meditation and visualization);
  2. body-oriented, allowing to reduce the threshold of fear and anxiety, including the use various techniques relaxation;
  3. hypnosis with the help of which a person can learn techniques for overcoming fear
  4. psychoanalysis, which allows us to identify the internal conflict that provokes panic attacks;
  5. family, aimed at working with loved ones and relatives on teaching behavior and ways to support the patient during a panic attack.

In the moment panic attack, a person suffering panic neurosis It is important to learn techniques for stopping a panic attack. First of all, the attitude to stop it as soon as possible is important, as is the ability to control your breathing (exhale deeper than inhale; it is especially effective to breathe into a paper bag, which reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, and hence the release of adrenaline). Good effect for suspension panic attack give meditation techniques, washing or showering with cool water, performing simple physical exercise or a light jog.

IN treatment of panic neurosis do not prescribe medicines sedative effect, but resort to softer, non-causing side effects herbal preparations or decoctions medicinal herbs: chamomile flowers , leaves lemon balm And mint, Linden blossom, oregano herb And motherwort, root valerian officinalis, which have a mild sedative effect and have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system.

In the moment panic attack, sudden fear and anxiety, prepare decoctions or infusions medicinal plants is not always convenient, so people suffering panic neurosis It is recommended to take herbal preparations Valeriana P(based on valerian officinalis) or Motherwort P(based on motherwort herb), which also contains vitamin C, which enhances the effect of medicinal raw materials. Preparations Valerian P and Motherwort P allow you to calm down, restore normal heartbeat and pulse, and relieve spasms. muscles and blood vessels, which helps reduce the severity of manifestations symptoms of panic neurosis.

In addition, when panic neurosis it is necessary to exclude the use of psychotropic drugs and alcoholic beverages, refuse to watch various types of television programs or films that cause strong feelings and psycho-emotional shock, avoid stress And conflict situations, avoid sleep disorders and increased mental stress, which are factors that increase the frequency panic attacks.

To restore sleep disorders replace sleeping pills should be softer herbal preparations, not addictive or dependent. Biological complex Nervo-Vit containing blue cyanosis, sedative And anxiolytic e the effect of which is 10 times higher than that of valerian, motherwort and lemon balm, which allow to accelerate the onset of sedative action, and valerian officinalis, which has the property of prolonging the effect of other sedative herbs in the collection. Vitamin C, which is part of Nervo-Vit, not only enhances the effect of medicinal plants in its composition, but also allows you to increase the body’s protective capabilities and stress resistance , which helps reduce the impact of stress on the body. Nervo-Vit, recognized as one from 100 best products 2012, produced in tablet form using technology cryominding at low temperatures, which does not destroy the action biologically active substances plant raw materials, which cannot be achieved in the manufacture of medicinal herbal remedies using high temperature processing. The biologically active complex Nervo-Vit is recommended for treatment various types depression, neuroses And insomnia in all its manifestations.

Improve mood and overall body tone, work of cardio-vascular system, reduce stress levels from increased mental And physical activity a vitamin complex will help

Anxiety disorders are very similar to each other in their manifestations. So half of the people who contact Professor Malygin’s center about the symptoms of panic attacks suffer from another anxiety disorder.

This article discusses how to differentiate panic attacks from other anxiety disorders.

Why is it so important to put accurate diagnosis? Various anxiety disorders are caused by for various reasons and therefore are treated differently. Due to this prerequisite selection effective treatment is to make an accurate diagnosis.

The table shows characteristics of anxiety that help make a diagnosis.

A feature of psychiatry is that in most cases, metabolic changes underlying anxiety disorders are so subtle that they are not recorded by diagnostic methods such as EEG, MRI, CT, and REG. Therefore, the main diagnostic method in psychiatry to this day is to identify the patient’s characteristics of the manifestations of the disease, symptoms specific to certain anxiety disorders.


panic disorder


alarming endogenous depression

reactive depression (depressive neurosis)

organic disorder and neurasthenia

anxious character traits and neurotic personality development

alarm duration

circumscribed seizures 1-3 minutes

when in an agoraphobic situation

"spilled" anxiety

0.5 - several hours

up to several hours

up to several hours

constant anxiety, tension, increased control

what causes anxiety

without external cause or due to an agoraphobic situation agoraphobic situation without external reason acute stressful situations or worries about a chronic stressful situation physical and

psychological stress (including moderate);

weather changes (especially heat and stuffiness)

any, incl. minor stressful situations

change in anxiety during the day



By the evening:

more often a decrease
sometimes agitated

may intensify in the evening

worsens in the evening

no or increasing

combination of anxiety with autonomic symptoms

Strongly expressed:

general weakness
increase in pressure


general weakness
heart beat


increase in pressure
constipation and bowel disorders

May be:

  • general weakness
  • more often a decrease in pressure
  • stool disorders


general weakness
more often a decrease in pressure


  • pressure fluctuations
  • heartbeat

Characteristics of major anxiety disorders

Endogenous anxious depressionhereditary disease, often occurring without an external cause as a result of a temporary metabolic disorder (serotonin, dopamine) in the brain.

Treated with antidepressants, psychotherapy is secondary. Occurs more often in spring and autumn. Sometimes triggered by stressful events

Possible (but not obligatory!) symptoms:

  • Unreasonable states of anxiety lasting up to several hours (most often occur at the same time of day)
  • By evening the condition usually improves
  • There may be a persistent slowing in the pace of movement and thinking
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Early awakenings
  • Anhedonia (inability to enjoy life)
  • Persistent disturbance of appetite, libido, taste of food, perception of smells

Important! There are common cases of a combination of endogenous depression and panic disorder, in which both symptoms of endogenous depression and panic attacks are present.

Reactive depression (depressive neurosis)- a state of depression that occurs as a result of a reaction to a stressful situation. Passes along with the resolution of the situation or a change in attitude towards it. Psychotherapy facilitates this. Antidepressants are ineffective.


  • Anxious experiences are closely related to the stressful situation that caused reactive depression
  • By evening the condition worsens
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Anhedonia is not common
  • Appetite and libido are not affected or are normalized as anxiety goes away
  • The taste of food and the perception of smells are not impaired

Why it is sometimes difficult to separate endogenous and reactive depression:

  1. People tend to “psychologize” their condition - to find psychological reasons their uncomfortable state of health, therefore patients with endogenous depression, as a rule, find a psychological explanation for their condition
  2. Endoreactive depression is endogenous depression, the onset of which is triggered by a stressful event.
  3. Sometimes reactive depression acquires signs of endogenous depression over time. Then the use of antidepressants is necessary.

Neurasthenia– exhaustion nervous system(overwork), resulting from prolonged exposure to unexpressed stress. The basis of treatment is nootropics.


  • “irritable weakness” - combination fatigue(memory, attention, speed of thinking) and high sensitivity to stress – people react to a minor stressful event with despair or aggression.
  • Tearfulness, touchiness, vulnerability
  • anxiety over small things
  • sensitivity to loud sounds, bright lights
  • sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep)
  • autonomic disorders (sweating, palpitations, fluctuations blood pressure- more often downward, disruption of the intestines, stomach)

Organic brain disorders- a group of diseases with damage to brain tissue resulting from:

  • pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth
  • severe infections in childhood
  • concussions
  • disorders of the blood supply to the brain (including atherosclerosis and hypertonic disease in older people)
  • consequences of alcohol and drug use


  • Anxiety (lasting up to several hours)
  • Fatigue
  • Autonomic symptoms – sweating, blood pressure fluctuations
  • Poor tolerance to heat, stuffiness
  • Weather sensitivity (response to weather changes)
  • Motion sickness in transport
  • Sometimes - sleepwalking, sleep talking

Disturbing personality traits - increased anxiety, tension for any, even the most insignificant reasons. To cope with anxiety, people with an anxious character try to clearly plan everything, control every nuance, double-check what they have done many times, but get lost when the situation changes or in a situation of uncertainty. Characterized by an exaggeration of the significance of stress, “winding up” oneself, increased worries about past events (including conversations, one’s behavior) and upcoming events. Anxious character traits appear from childhood and are present throughout life. People with an anxious character are predisposed to reactive depression (depressive neurosis) and neurasthenia. Corrected by psychotherapy.

Neurotic personality development- the appearance of anxious features of a hacker during a long-term course of anxiety disorder. Anxiety, self-doubt, and obsessive doubts appear.

In addition to the anxiety disorders indicated in the table, mixed anxiety and depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. These 2 diseases may be based on both anxious endogenous depression and reactive depression ( anxiety neurosis). This can be determined, incl. using the symptoms indicated in the table. It is very important to determine what is hidden behind these 2 disorders, because... The tactics of their treatment depend on this.

Every neurosis has roots mental nature. Most often, in 95% of cases, these roots lie deep in childhood. It was there that it began to emerge neurosis called panic attack.

For complete cure from this disease, the cause needs to be corrected. How to do this, watch the video.

Stories of Panic Attacks

Maxim, neurosis

And for a long time I could not understand that this was a panic attack. I went to doctors for a long time (six months) for VSD. I thought that it was something like a pinched nerve somewhere, or a vertebra, or a vessel... I didn’t drink or smoke for six months (naturally I quit). Some time passed and I started drinking and smoking and after a while it all started again! A friend said that it was like a panic attack and her friend also has one (only a phobia - the fear of being left alone and the fact that no one can help her). I started looking on the Internet and now I think I have a problem. Alcohol has a very strong effect on these attacks, even in small quantities (better, for example, through hypnosis)! You walk all day and can’t relax, you can’t find a place for yourself, you start walking back and forth, your pulse and then your blood pressure increase. Thoughts that something will happen and fear! If you're on the street, you want to go home, if you're at home, you want to go outside! The conditions are simply such that you wouldn’t wish them on your enemy.

Dima, OCD

Without going into details, I’ll tell you a little about myself, although I’m sure that each of us is worthy of a whole book or a drama film with happy ending V leading role with each of us!)

I am 29 years old, I studied and subsequently work in a field where there are a lot of people and responsibility and I often had to be “conscious” (I pay attention to this word - it is key) which allowed me for a long time to stay afloat and get out of these terrible, unbearable conditions that we all know about. In general, as soon as there was a relaxation in my life in the form of a vacation or something similar in time period, I was immediately overwhelmed by “spikes”; there is no point in telling their contents because... This is an “evergreen tree” that will always find something to worry about.

I managed to get out of this state several times over recent years 15 several times two for an interval of 3-4 years. so much so that I completely forgot that I had some kind of “malfunction” in the system. But a year ago I was so overwhelmed that life in a matter of days became hell, the glimmers of light in which were impossible to overlook... and with all this, I had to go to work every day and build a suddenly improved personal life, with a long-awaited lover, fear of disappointment which is trying to attack me today)))) I saw it all, it was difficult to solve..

As usual, I tried to read the book “Me and My OCD Friend” by Jay Kruettner, which I always had printed out in my folder with documents. But in my haste I was unable to apply the “universal truth” and I believed my mind, which said that the “universal truth” would not help in this case because... this case is special and now something is definitely wrong with you)). A month later, after visiting the sites of “suffering” (the usual scenario, whoever knows will understand))) listened to people and made a plan for the week, instilling in myself “Don’t lose your head!” “you are a fighter”, etc.

I drowned myself in sports, several workouts a day. By the evening, I simply had no energy left for sleep, and this suited me for a “satisfactory existence.” I understood that there was no longer that “spike” with which it all began, it was just that severe mental pain and suffering occurred several times during the day, which gave rise to depressive thoughts and fueled anxiety and others, to use the domestic term “obsessive states.” In the presence of a large With the amount of motivating information on the Internet, I became hooked on quotes from Eastern philosophies about overcoming fear, and by reading them I was able to reduce my level of anxiety. But the statement not to identify with the mind was difficult for me to understand. I constantly meditated, took up yoga, jumped into an abyss with a rope, climbed rocks as a climber, all this gave a slight euphoria due to crazy concentration and a dose of adrenaline) but all in vain.. And the reason is subconscious resistance to the mind and not accepting the information that it gave me "pours". After reading the experience of one girl on the OCD website, I and many there were inspired by her methods and tactics.

During the spike, concentrate on breathing, look at thoughts like clouds and run in the rain and enjoy life, but she did not voice the key point, which is described in one of the books she recommended (Book by Eckhard Tolle - The Power of Now, the power of now) describes there such a concept as the “body of pain”, which, regardless of your attitude towards unwanted thoughts, comes and begins to pile up very scary things in your head, feeding them with mental pain somewhere in the chest, it also gives rise to terrible thoughts in the prism of “psychological time” and under pressure This makes you remember that it was once good, but now it’s bad, and how can I continue to live when I have such conditions. And this is resistance, the same fear and guilt that fuels OCD. So this is something that is not under your control - it is a phantom generated by you and your experiences. But no longer subordinate to you!! He gives birth to thoughts, and thoughts feed him

Olga, my nerves gave way

My nerves apparently gave way... as a child, my father’s drinking and scandals made me shake at night. But after the death of my first husband, I was afraid to sleep, to close my eyes when I washed my hair... it seemed that I would open it and see him. Well, then, after a difficult birth, my son and I were in hospitals, there were so many fears for his life, then during pregnancy my second son was diagnosed with a pathology (bilateral cleft with gum removal) so many tears that made my day, so it all started one day , I got up in the morning and feel bad, I’m spinning, suffocating... and somehow neurosis () like thunder among clear skies. And my blood pressure jumped and even my sugar, my vision deteriorated, I felt suffocated all the time, I couldn’t sleep at night and didn’t understand what was wrong with me.

Nikolay, they gave me a pill for PA

I didn’t have much pain in my left chest for about 5 days, and before my next shift I decided to go to the first-aid post and ask what all this nonsense was. Grandma, the doctor, said that your lungs don’t hurt, but if your heart didn’t, you wouldn’t feel so cheerful and let’s take your blood pressure. It was about 140 and my grandmother gave me some kind of pill, and she began to fill out her journal. And then I caught my first onset of neurosis, and even my grandmother praised the panic attack - she began poking me in the eye with ammonia and called an ambulance) Well, in the hospital they checked me, they said that I was like Gagarin - it’s just all

Stas, repeating himself

Hello. To combat obsessions I use protective actions(compulsions). Activities are rituals designed to prevent or minimize fears. Actions such as repeatedly avoiding potential danger (endlessly checking electrical appliances, closing the door, closing the zipper on the fly), repeating words, counting. For example, in order to make sure that the door is closed, I need to pull the handle a certain number of times (while counting the times). After performing the ritual, I experience temporary relief, moving into an “ideal” post-ritual state. However, after some time, everything repeats itself again. I heard about - need advice on what to do?

Sergey, watch for a panic attack

You just need to observe these unpleasant emotions and relax and let them be, as one of the methods of being aware of your breathing. And then after some time it will lose its power and will not come, but of course this will not happen right away, because it, like all living things, wants to live and does not want to be discovered. By the way, this applies to all negative feelings, who are visited more often, fear, anger, etc. etc. and if you understand their nature, then you really begin to understand what the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and the calmness of all monks in general are.

And the OCD thoughts themselves are not fueled by the energy of pain, and, indeed, all thoughts are simply observed when you stop identifying yourself with the mind.

I won’t be clever further, but will send you to the original source - the book by Eckhard Tolle (The Power of the Present and the second book New Earth). I will say in advance, it says that by reading it a revolution of consciousness is already happening to you. So I read it, and the next day I was so overcome by the “body of pain” and I “floated” because... it was sooooo strong and at that moment, as I remember now, I lay down on the floor in the room and smiled from hopelessness, and this moment a “shift” occurred, I felt that this was not me, it was all in me, but not me, I managed to subconsciously accept This state is where the concept of what was said in the book came. There was an indescribable relaxation and calmness. Which is more valuable than any good on Earth when you know its price.

I will give an excerpt from the book, which can indicate the vector of the beginning of the correct movement, but again I strongly recommend everyone to carefully read this book in its entirety!

“By listening to this or that thought, you become aware not only of this thought itself, but also of yourself as its eyewitness. A new level of consciousness opens up for you. Listening to thoughts. You feel your conscious presence - your deep essence hiding behind this thought (or, if you prefer, according to it). As a result, the thought loses power over you and quickly fades away. After all, when you stop identifying yourself with your mind, you stop feeding it with energy. And this is the first step towards freedom from involuntary and obsessive thinking. At such moments, you will feel that the flow of thoughts has been interrupted and a gap of “no mind” has formed in it. At first these gaps will last only a few seconds, but gradually they will increase."

So good luck everyone. And if, with the help of OCD and through suffering, you come to enlightenment and help other people understand this, not necessarily those with OCD, today all of humanity is hostage to its mind and the religions and other forms of nationalism that flow from it. then OCD and suffering can be seen as a great gift - think about it!

The term neurosis refers to a group of diseases of the nervous system, the provocateur of which is prolonged mental stress. One of the manifestations of a neurotic disorder is panic attacks, which are characterized by sudden attacks of anxiety, accompanied by a feeling of fear and severe somatic symptoms. Typically, this type of condition develops as a result of certain situations or due to predisposing factors. However, sometimes a panic attack can bother a patient for no apparent reason.

Regardless of the nature of the origin, neurosis and panic attacks respond well to correction and treatment. Modern methods combating the problem can significantly reduce the severity of symptomatic manifestations of the disease, thanks to which the patient can restore the activity of the nervous system and return to a full-fledged lifestyle.

Causes of panic attacks

Almost all people suffering from neuroses and, before the development of this kind neurotic disorders, experienced a state of increased emotional stress. The trigger mechanism could be either a single stressful situation, as well as stress accumulated over time.

Also, the impetus could have been prolonged physical and emotional overload, for example:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • moral exhaustion due to lack of proper rest;
  • hard work;
  • constant cycle of thoughts about problems.

Sometimes a long-experienced experience can act as a provoking factor. psychological trauma, stored in the depths of memory and not making itself felt for a long time, which, under the influence of certain factors, at one moment recalled itself in the form of neurosis and panic attacks.

The fact is that no stress goes away without a trace; any negative emotions trigger internal mechanisms that are not so easy to stop. And even after negative factor stopped working, and the person’s condition returned to normal; the processes running in the brain tissues do not stop. Thus, a gradual accumulation of negativity occurs. Like water in a glass, traces of stress accumulate and at one point spill over the edges. When the vessel overflows, a person encounters neurosis.

Neurosis with panic attacks acts as a release. Accumulated negativity has a detrimental effect on the body, so in the absence of emotional relief, it begins to independently look for ways to get rid of tension. Neurotic reactions in this case become the release that allows you to relieve the nervous system.

Clinical manifestations

In some cases, a feeling of panic occurs for no reason or under the influence of minor events, which can even be loud sounds or ringing silence.

As a rule, a panic attack occurs suddenly and is accompanied by such symptomatic manifestations, How:

  • feeling of severe anxiety;
  • change in heart rate;
  • trembling in the body;
  • increased sweating;
  • increase or decrease in arterial blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • labored breathing;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea and heaviness in the chest area.

Also, symptoms of neurosis with panic attacks can be supplemented by changes in consciousness, manifested by a lack of clarity and clarity of thought. In this state, the patient cannot focus on anything other than his own negative feelings.

The body can also respond to intense emotions with uncontrollable reactions such as:

  • vomiting,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • impaired ability to control bowel movements.

Often, people suffering from a vegetative crisis complain of a feeling of complete emptiness in the head and body. It begins to seem to people that they are leaving the physical shell and feel like sexless beings. These symptoms are reinforced by a strong feeling of fear, causing an overwhelming desire to escape and hide from oneself.

A person can remain in this state from several minutes to one hour. At the end of the attack, the patient’s feelings and sensations gradually stabilize, painful symptoms recede, leaving behind minor muscle pain, depression, and sleep disturbances.

However, each person is individual, so clinical picture neurosis and panic attacks can manifest themselves completely differently in each individual case. Most often, these kinds of symptoms are experienced by people with a special type of nervous system; they are suspicious and anxious in nature, therefore they are more susceptible to emotional shocks than others. The level of stress hormone concentration in the blood of such people is increased.

Watch a useful video about the causes and methods of treating panic attacks:


A panic attack should not be avoided; on the contrary, you need to be prepared for its onset and even desire it, since only the experience of overcoming anxiety state, will allow you to consolidate your skills and provide an opportunity to learn how to control pathology. Only practice will help you stop feeling the fear of a panic attack, and therefore bring the moment of full recovery closer.

The goal of therapeutic measures is to achieve complete remission, that is, complete absence panic attacks, as well as correction psychological state patient. However, the success of treatment largely depends on the person suffering from this type of disease.

Important! Only by setting a clear goal and moving towards it, albeit slowly, can you get maximum results. Do not underestimate your strengths and capabilities, because if desired, a person is capable of much.

You should not fight the problem alone; an illiterate approach to the matter may not only not bring desired results, but also aggravate the situation. Therefore, there is no need to put off going to the doctor. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the faster the recovery will be.

In the presence of anxiety symptoms you can get qualified advice from psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin, who developed his own method for getting rid of various disorders psyche. You can make an appointment by going to

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