Home Bad breath How long can a dog be in heat? How long does estrus last in dogs - signs, symptoms and rules of care during this period

How long can a dog be in heat? How long does estrus last in dogs - signs, symptoms and rules of care during this period

Estrus in dogs is a natural process that indicates the female’s puberty. The first estrus appears at 6-12 months, less often - up to 2 years.

If the dog has not passed its first heat at the age of 2, a veterinarian consultation is necessary. Frequency – 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more frequently, there is still a risk hormonal disorders.

Dogs in heat

Estrus lasts for dogs for 3 weeks, in some cases up to a month.

The occurrence of estrus in dogs depends on the breed of the animal. Take a closer look at your pet to understand its characteristics and ease the dog’s estrus period.

How does the estrus process work in dogs?

Determining the onset of estrus in a dog is not difficult. Symptoms of the onset of estrus in dogs - the animal begins to urinate more often, spotting, behavior changes, interest in the female increases. Before estrus, shedding begins.

The first heat in dogs is an important stage. Goes away after changing teeth, but exact time impossible to predict. Estrus in small breed dogs usually begins at 6-10 months, the signs are clearly visible. The timing shows a greater range - from 6 to 13 months. The first heat is inactive: the discharge of blood is small, the males practically do not pay attention. But there is no need to let your guard down.

If the owner intends to breed a dog in the future, it is important to accurately track the time of the start of the first and subsequent heats: mating usually begins on the third cycle!

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 cycles:

  • First cycle. Proestrus, or pre-gesture, lasts approximately 7-10 days.

The first signs of the dog's heat appear - blood flow to the genitals increases, the vulva swells, and the first bloody discharge appears (in a small volume). It is advisable to purchase special underpants for your pet.

Ovulation does not occur: the dog is not ready for mating. The dog's behavior changes noticeably during heat - sometimes excitable, sometimes playful, sometimes disobedient. During walks, he actively explores the territory, constantly making marks with urine. Flirts with male dogs.

  • Second cycle. Estrus, or rut, is direct sexual hunting.

Ovulation occurs (in the first two days from the beginning of the cycle), but the female is capable of allowing males to mate for a number of days. Occurs 10 days after the first bleeding appears. The pet agrees to let the opposite sex approach. To obtain a breed litter, after mating with a male, the bitch is protected from the encroachments of males.

Discharges at the specified time different breeds dogs vary. Normally, sexual heat and readiness for mating occurs when the discharge becomes light pink or completely stops, and the vulva swells greatly. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to let the males in: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, moves her tail for convenience and freezes.

There is a period when dogs come to the end of their heat. The reddish discharge goes away, the loop decreases in size, the female stops allowing male dogs, who continue to experience increased interest in the dog. The duration of the period is 10 days.

If there is no pregnancy, the body gradually returns to a state of rest. Simultaneously in the metaestrus cycle in dogs increased level the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred. False pregnancies occur in dogs.

  • Fourth cycle. Anestrus, or sexual rest, duration is 100-150 days.

Estrus in dogs varies in frequency: in domestic animals - often twice a year, in autumn and late winter, less often - only once. In yard bitches and northern dogs, mainly once a year, in early spring: puppies are born in warm time year.

How many days does the empty space last?

Occurs twice a year, duration is 20 - 28 days, approximately 3-4 weeks. Owners should consider the number and frequency of empty spaces. If your pet goes into heat 3-4 times a year, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. Frequent processes indicate hormonal disorders in the animal’s body.

However, differences are determined by the body weight and size of the dog. In representatives of the Laika breed, pustovka occurs once a year. In older dogs, periods of rest begin to increase, and the number of empty nests per year decreases. Signs of estrus become mild and unnoticeable. old dog quite capable of still being able to attract a male dog, mate and become pregnant.

If a dog's estrus lasts a month, and the periods of rest are approximately six months, then the schedule must be followed for a long time. If the owners notice that the discharge has become more frequent, the discharge has become pronounced and profuse, immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

The main responsibility of the dog owner is strict control over upcoming estrus. Moreover, control is carried out regardless of the matings carried out or not. Knowledge will help you react in time if the emptying is delayed. If the moment has arrived, make sure the period does not go unnoticed.

When there is no heat at all, you should immediately take your dog to see a veterinarian.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

If the owners know the subtleties of the dog’s habitual behavior, it will be easy to determine the period of the onset of empty nesting. The pet's behavior will change dramatically. When the period passes, the dog will return to the same behavior after the heat.

The pet becomes disobedient, active and playful. Hormones “boil” and, subject to ancient instinct, the female becomes cheeky in behavior.

The main signs of the onset of estrus:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Increased interest in members of the opposite sex.
  3. Bloody discharge in the dog's resting area.

At first, the dogs do not allow the males to approach. The period of fertilization has not yet arrived. After a week, the discharge changes color, becomes the color of straw, and acquires a mucous consistency. Later the female becomes excitable. Now dogs are able to provoke males to mate. It is expressed in a similar way: the female stands in a pose and moves her tail to the side when she sees a male. The behavior persists for a week, perhaps less. The owner is required to monitor and mark the days of readiness on the calendar, if desired, to breed.

When dogs come into heat, they leave characteristic marks everywhere. bleeding. You should buy special underpants for dogs. Dog handlers recommend forcing your pet to lick the discharge. And this should be done from the time of the first emptying. If you do not want to dress your pet in underpants, it is advisable to roll up the carpets.

First heat

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the dog’s sexual maturity. Most inexperienced owners are baffled by the process: people have little idea when the first heat occurs in dogs - what to do and how to properly care for it.

The names are different: estrus, empty. The first estrus occurs when the animal reaches sexual maturity. In small representatives, the first emptying can begin at 7 months. U large breeds the period of estrus can occur at 1.5 years. Puberty is combined with the process of active molting of the animal; experienced owners already know in advance that the pet will soon begin a period of estrus.

If we talk about the duration of estrus in dogs, the exact dates are not given. As a rule, the first empty space is the shortest in terms of time interval. There may be a weak manifestation, expressed in a small amount of blood, which weakly attracts males. In young females, the first heat may not be real. It can end suddenly, ovulation does not occur. Don't relax: the dog may experience empty-headedness again. The pet will go into hunting with ovulation.

Estrus in representatives of various breeds

The first heat in dogs belonging to small breeds occurs at six months. There are no strict indicators: the animal’s body is individual. Be careful not to let a huge male get close to your pet. This will seriously affect the pet's health.

In large representatives of the species, the time of estrus in dogs occurs after a year. There are no specific deadlines. And at 18 months the onset is considered normal.

The favorable time for mating and conception occurs 15 days after the start of estrus. The dog's excitement reaches its limit; it is recommended to do this with a male dog these days.

What to do during heat: rules for the owner

If the owner’s plans do not include breeding the bitch during heat, it is important to be careful during this period.

Keep your dog on a leash and don't let it off. Calm and well-mannered pets become uncontrollable: they are eager to instantly run away from the owner and not respond to the usual commands.

Keep an eye on your dog and keep it away from males. Remember: if a dog has mounted a bitch, it will be impossible to pull it away. The above applies to purebred and small dogs: A large male who decides to copulate with a small female can cause harm.

During the period of heat, try not to go to exhibitions and festivals: there is a high risk of accidental mating, sudden changes in the pet’s character will cause trouble.

Do not bathe your dog in questionable waters: the possibility of infection of the genital tract during estrus is extremely high.

An open question for owners is whether to sterilize a dog during heat. There is no clear opinion among doctors. There is no difference in the technique of performing the operation during the period of heat and rest; the difficulty arises during anesthesia - easily excitable animals during the rut can painfully endure anesthesia. The owner must decide when to sterilize.

If the birth of your dog's puppies is a long-awaited and happy moment, you should not relax: estrus after birth has its own peculiarities. Dogs come into estrus after giving birth after 4 months; if the litter is large and the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the period extends to six months. When dogs that have recently given birth begin to go into heat: frequent urination, bleeding, licking the noose. Estrus lasts 3-4 weeks. It is important to monitor your dog during walks and keep it on a leash at all times.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Sometimes pet owners are perplexed as to why their dog is not in heat.

Bloodless estrus in dogs does not depend on the breed. The options are different: signs appear: a change in command, a swollen loop, but there is no discharge. Rarely there are no signs of estrus, but the process passes.

If you are planning puppies, laboratory tests will help: a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine whether the pet is in heat.

Bloodless heat - no natural process To avoid problems in the future, get examined by a veterinarian. This will help determine if it is normal hormonal background What is the dog's health?

An alarming situation is when a dog does not stop estrus. A visit to the doctor and tests are simply necessary.

The reasons are different - from hormonal imbalance to vulvovaginitis and tumors. Prolonged estrus indicates serious health problems in adult dogs. In rare cases, young bitches experience “prolonged juvenile proestrus”, the first or second estrus. The dog is cheerful, and tests show no abnormalities.

How to properly control the behavior of a bitch and a dog

What to do and how to properly walk a current dog? First of all, carefully ensure that your pet is always nearby. Try not to let your dog off the leash without a reason and call him constantly. Keep in mind that the dog’s behavior has changed; the dog is weakly able to listen to commands.

A well-mannered pet rarely ignores the owner's commands. If we talk about a male dog, the dog must obey its owners unquestioningly. But on a walk you meet a lot of mongrels.

If you are worried about possible unwanted pregnancy, just remain extremely careful. Knowing the duration of the process, owners can control the process and protect the pet from attacks from outside male dogs.

Features of estrus in a dog

True story

The dog owner contacted the site:

“A question arose about mating and estrus. They took the dog for mating to neighboring city. A test was taken in advance to determine readiness for mating (for progesterone). On the 13th day of estrus, mating was successful. That day, the discharge from the loop was light, transparent with a pinkish tint. The dog was sent for mating with a courier; during the trip, the dog apparently caught a cold. The dog pees often. I had to drip Canephron N (40 drops, 3 times a day) for 3 days - 5-7 days after mating. It seems that the situation has improved, my health is good, as is my appetite and stool. But now (20th day of estrus) they are released from the loop dark discharge like a "daub". Is this normal?


After a dog is in heat, a specific discharge appears from the loop. Normally, they are light and transparent. Normal physiological leucorrhoea has no odor. If the dog is hypothermic or ill, the discharge may take on a bloody tint, be mixed with pus, and be sharp. bad smell. Changes in the physiological process indicate the presence of serious disorders in canine “gynecology”, requiring urgent intervention by a veterinarian.

During estrus, a dog's body undergoes changes. This is due to a natural decrease in the animal’s immune response. While walking down the street or interacting with dogs, the pet could “get” an unpleasant surprise.

After the end of the heat, full-fledged bleeding developed and discharge mixed with blood appeared - a sign of the disease. Don't hesitate to visit the veterinarian.

Dark discharge

Often the pathological discharge is yellowish-brown in color or contains an admixture of blood. If symptoms are observed directly during the estrus process, there is no cause for concern. If the heat has already ended, it’s worth thinking about it. A visit to the veterinarian is recommended after detecting an abnormality. The doctor will order examinations.

When the uterus and vagina are infected, blood and pus are released.

The discharge of liquid discharge occurs when the dog stands or lies down. A characteristic sign of deviation is an unpleasant odor. The inflammation is closed, pus and blood accumulate inside the animal’s uterine cavity. It is more difficult to determine the disease; if the diagnosis is delayed, it leads to dire consequences. In this case, the dog exhibits symptoms of malaise - thirst increases, appetite disappears, and the stomach increases in size. At the same time, there is a disturbance in the urinary system, accompanied by increased urination.

If the symptoms are not too severe, it is possible to carry out treatment at home. However, consultation with a veterinarian is highly recommended.

Discharge in a pregnant dog

Did you become pregnant after mating? Watch for leaks. After pregnancy, on the 21st day, the mucous plug with bloody inclusions comes out. This is fine. Unfertilized eggs are rejected: a reason to contact a veterinarian.

If at 3 or 4 weeks the animal develops scarlet bloody discharge from the loop, contact your veterinarian immediately. Required in urgently carry out ultrasound diagnostics to prevent uterine rupture.

  1. Dark discharge indicates fetal death and decomposition of the placenta. Emergency surgery is recommended.
  2. Black discharge indicates a genital tract infection. Perhaps the infection occurred during mating.
  3. When a frozen embryo is rejected, a characteristic dark smudge may appear.

You should worry if the discharge has a strong, unpleasant odor! There is a reason for an emergency visit to the veterinarian!

What to do and how to treat

If the female’s discharge is physiological, no treatment is required. In other cases, treatment methods:

  1. Surgical removal of the uterus.
  2. Plastic surgery of defects of the ureters or vaginal walls.
  3. Treatment antibacterial drugs when identifying signs infectious process(usually determined by seeding, separated from the loop). You should not treat your dog based on information from the Internet. Show the female to the doctor.
  4. Correction of the blood coagulation system in case of disorders.
  5. Chemotherapy in the presence of tumor diseases.

The dog needs careful care, proper hygiene and good nutrition. When accompanying symptoms in an animal veterinarian will prescribe symptomatic therapy for your pet.

Estrus occurs in every healthy bitch, regardless of breed, and lasts a certain number of days. During this period, the dog's behavior or habits may change, especially if the animal is under two - three years. Caring for pets at such times should be especially attentive and follow a number of recommendations.

When does a dog's first heat start?

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the bitch’s readiness for fertilization and further bearing of offspring.

It starts differently for each dog, it all depends on:

  • breeds;
  • hormonal level of the animal;
  • the presence of any diseases.

On average, after the age of 7 months and up to 1.5 years, breeders should wait for their pet to come into heat.

Important: in 50% of cases, the first spotting may last only 3–4 days and be scanty. It is recommended not to mate at this time, as the dog is not ready for mating.

How long does heat last and how often?

If a female pet does not have hormonal imbalances or any health problems, then spotting occurs twice a year.

Important: in a female dog after 8 years of age, discharge is reduced to once a year or may occur for fewer days.

For any breed, everything lasts on average from 21 to 24 days and takes place in 3 stages:


It is the first stage, its beginning is indicated by the appearance of bloody discharge, which is abundant throughout the entire period.

Proestrus lasts up to 8–9 days and is characterized by the following characteristic features:

  • more aggressive behavior of the dog;
  • swelling of the vulva;
  • frequent urination.

The maturation of eggs occurs in the pet's body; the bitch is not ready for mating.

Note: approximately 80% of all dogs in proestrus do not allow male dogs to approach them and try to attack them.


It is the second stage and lasts from 7 to 10 days. Features of the period include:

  • the appearance of discharge is pale - pink color and not as abundant as before;
  • calmer behavior of the animal.

It is for this period that breeders organize mating; it is noted that the best time is the 2nd – 4th day of estrus.


The final stage and can last from 7 to 20 days.

Important: often signals the beginning of the final stage aggressive behavior females in relation to other male dogs.

For last stage characteristic:

  • complete cessation of bleeding;
  • The dog stops trying to lick itself:
  • urination is observed less frequently;
  • the animal's behavior becomes familiar to its breeder.

Important: in each stage, time intervals can fluctuate by 2–3 days, up or down. Veterinarians consider this a normal phenomenon that does not require examination of the animal or concern on the part of its owner.

In small breeds

Small breeds are distinguished by the early onset of their first heat, compared to large animals. On average, breeders observe bloody discharge between 6 and 8 months.

Note: Yorkshire terriers are exceptions; their first discharge can be traced closer to a year.

In the future, in small breeds everything proceeds regularly and is distinguished by characteristic features:

  1. Pets become overly restless the day before.
  2. They begin to bark for a long time, especially in the evening.
  3. Show aggression or wariness towards other animals.

Important: some females of small breeds can mark their territory.

In terms of time, everything lasts 20 – 22 days, most often the dog is ready for mating in exactly one week.

Advice: breeders should always be vigilant while walking and make sure that a male dog, especially a large breed, does not approach the pet.


For medium-sized breeds, the first bloody discharge appears at the age of 11 to 14 months. Subsequently, in these pets everything lasts 20–22 days and occurs twice a year (in 90% of huskies once a year).

Advice: dog handlers note that it is optimal to choose 8–9 days for mating.

As a rule, medium-sized pets are not prone to aggression during any stage of estrus.

The process of estrus in dogs

These bitches are characterized by:

  • refusal to execute commands;
  • constant attempts getting off the leash in the street;
  • increased playfulness.

Advice: when walking, hold a medium breed dog as tightly as possible, and do not remove the collar and leash from them.


In large breed bitches, the first heat may not come until 13–18 months. In the future, everything lasts from 22 to 24 days and is observed 2 times a year.

Note: best time for mating it is considered 10 - 12 days.

Large pets are distinguished during this period by more violent behavior, and sometimes by pronounced aggression even towards their owner.

Signs and symptoms of a dog in heat

Before the appearance of discharge in dogs, any breeder notes changes in behavior; this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

The main signs of estrus are:

  1. Aggressive state of the pet.
  2. Refusal of usual food or, on the contrary, increased appetite.
  3. Poor execution of commands and disobedience.
  4. Playfulness, especially on walks.
  5. Standing on your hind legs.
  6. Raising the tail regularly.

Dog handlers point out that one of the main signs is increased interest on the part of male dogs. Male dogs begin to chase the bitch, surround her on the street, try to get close, and so on.

During each heat, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increased urination. Note: the animal asks to go outside 5–6 times, and may also involuntarily wet itself at home.
  2. Pupil dilation. Note: typical for large breeds.
  3. Constant licking of the vulva.
  4. Bloody discharge from the genitals.

Important: in the first 7–10 days they are most abundant, later they become viscous and transparent, and by the end of the third stage they completely stop.

A veterinarian can accurately determine the approach of estrus after examining and feeling the bitch’s belly.

Rules of care on such days

During this period the dog needs proper care. Dog handlers recommend:

  1. Buy specialized underpants for your pet. Advice: the main thing is to choose them the right size so that the animal does not experience discomfort or difficulty moving while wearing it.
  2. Reduce the duration of walks by half.
  3. Always wear a collar and keep your pet on a leash when outdoors. Advice: For large dogs wear muzzles.
  4. Try to choose places for walks where the likelihood of meeting other dogs, especially homeless ones, is minimized.
  5. It is better not to walk small breeds, but to teach them to go to the litter box.
  6. Encourage the animal to lick itself.

Caring for a dog during heat

Since during this period bloody drops remain everywhere after the dog, all breeders are advised to:

  • remove carpets at home; Important: Bloody discharge from bitches is difficult to wash off in the future, and for a long time emit a specific smell.
  • Do wet cleaning at least 2 – 3 times a week;
  • Keep your pet's area clean and change bedding when necessary.

You also need to change it more often drinking water in a bowl and pay more attention to the animal’s diet so that it has all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other components.

It's in heat normal phenomenon, characteristic of all female dogs. During this period, most pets’ behavior changes, and in addition, on such days they need to be given increased attention and properly cared for.

  • if the bitch is more than 18 months old and has not had a single heat, then contact a veterinarian;
  • if during this period your pet begins to shiver, the temperature rises and other uncharacteristic symptoms are observed, you should immediately call a specialist to your home;
  • always record the beginning and end of allocations in the calendar;
  • do not organize matings earlier than 7–9 days from the onset of the first bloody discharge;
  • on the eve of estrus, prepare everything in advance: purchase special underpants for animals, remove carpets, etc.

Traditionally, they prefer to take female dogs into city apartments as they are calmer and more obedient animals. But there is one rather painful topic for owners - estrus and related phenomena. What is estrus and at what age does it start?

Estrus is a natural process, developed over thousands of years of evolution, characteristic of most mammals. It is one of the indispensable components of the conception procedure in animals.

The hormonal surge dramatically affects the behavior and condition of the dog.

Owners note that bitches begin to have problems with obedience, activity and playfulness increase several times, coupled with obvious anxiety. The animal begins to flirt with people, begging for affection. The animal's mood and character changes, and an ordinary walk turns into a serious test of nerves.

How long does it last?

The main signs of the onset of estrus are considered to be:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • drops of blood along the dog's path;
  • persistent interest in uncastrated males.

How long does a dog's heat last? On average, it lasts about three weeks from the moment the light pink discharge appears until the manifestation of dissatisfaction at the sight of male dogs.

Frequency depends on individual characteristics dog, its breed and season, but Most often, estrus occurs twice a year (less often - once every 8 months).

Throughout the entire period The bitch should be protected from:

  • drafts, cold (reduce walks in autumn and winter);
  • colds of the appendages caused by lying on cold ground or wet grass;
  • meeting other dogs.

How does estrus proceed?

The whole process is usually divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metaestrus (diestrus);
  • anestrus.

The proestrus stage lasts 9 days on average.

The beginning of hormone production precedes the appearance of ovulation and prepares the body for mating and subsequent mating. The animal's vulva swells due to the rush of blood to the genitals, and the first light blood discharge appears.

During this period, the dog is extremely excitable and uncontrollable, as it is very difficult for him to concentrate. Walks are characterized by prowling, exploring the territory and constantly trying to sit down and urinate for marks.

How many days is a dog in heat? there's blood coming out? There will be obvious discharge until the end of the “proestrus” stage, which lasts an average of 9 days.

During this period, she is playful towards male dogs, makes good contact even with strangers, but does not let any of the dogs get close, driving them away with a growl.

The estrus stage lasts 9 days on average.

The rut (sexual heat) begins. In the first two days after the start of the stage - the time of ovulation. For owners the signal will be:

  • severe swelling of the vulva;
  • almost complete cessation of discharge (or its lightening);
  • the characteristic pose of a dog with a raised pelvis and a tail pulled to the side.

At this stage, the dog does not scare off the “gentlemen”, and mating can last several days. Fertilization of the egg will begin

The “metaestrus” (“diestrus”) stage takes several days.

The end of estrus also takes several days. The discharge stops completely, the bitch begins to drive away the males again.

At this stage, many dogs experience false pregnancy.

It is characterized by swelling of the nipple and enlargement of the abdomen and occurs due to an excess of the hormone progesterone in the body. But more often than not, the animal’s hormonal levels immediately return to normal.

The anestrus stage usually lasts from four to six months.

The time of sexual rest, during which the bitch’s body accumulates strength for a new cycle.

In most cases, the process of estrus in puppy dogs resumes after four months. For bitches with a large litter (from 8 puppies), the recovery period can take up to six months.

Possible problems

There are two main problems that concern owners of “girls”.

  1. Bloodless heat- most often found among representatives. Apart from the absence of discharge, all other signs remain unchanged. To successfully plan puppies in such a situation, it is worth using laboratory research(a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine the level of the hormone and the time of ovulation).
  2. Prolonged heatdangerous pathology, caused by both hormonal imbalance and the appearance malignant tumor. Most often, prolonged estrus with purulent discharge observed in dogs fed hormonal drugs, suppressing desire.

In young individuals, the first or second estrus may take longer physiological reasons, but the dog itself will be cheerful and active.

For the first time

Although the exact time of the onset of estrus is difficult to guess, veterinarians advise owners to take a close look at the animal from the moment they change teeth and the first active molt (with the exception of). When do dogs go into their first heat? Most often it goes away between 6 and 12 months of age.(much depends on the breed of the dog, for example, the body needs time to grow and mature).

How long does a dog go into heat for the first time? Sometimes it goes unnoticed by both the owner and the dog (the discharge is too small or has a weak odor) and it ends very quickly - in two to three days.

In half the cases, this lighter version will soon be followed by another, with full ovulation, during which the dog will be in the grip of the rut.

To ensure that estrus is painless for the animal, the owner should remember a few simple rules:

  • prohibit swimming in open water to avoid infection;
  • keep her on a leash, not leaving her for a minute;
  • protect from accidental encounters with male dogs.

Additionally, check out the video about the physiology of estrus in dogs and at what age it begins:

Estrus in dogs is a natural, psychophysiological process that is characteristic of most female mammals. The presence of estrus indicates that the female is ready to mate and bear offspring.

How long does a dog's heat last (duration)? How does a dog behave during heat, before and after it, does the animal’s behavior change? What should the owner do if the dog is in frequent heat or long heat? How to determine? Is it possible to use panties for dogs when they are in heat? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

All dog owners, without exception, have to deal with the phenomenon of estrus (other names: estrus, estrus). Owners of female dogs face this directly, and owners of male dogs, so to speak, indirectly, since their pets come into contact with the opposite sex during walks.

In bitches, puberty occurs at the age of approximately 7 months - 1.5 years (depending on whether the dog is small or large breed), and is expressed by the fact that the bitch begins to shed heavily.

The first heat, unlike the next ones, is the shortest. Often only a weak manifestation of it is noted, the so-called hidden empty space is a slight discharge of blood, which attracts little male dogs.

Young bitches who are close to puberty are more likely to develop false estrus, in this regard, allowing mating, estrus can suddenly be interrupted without ovulation. But after a few days, the bitch can go into heat again and this time with ovulation. Signs of a female dog being in heat are bloody discharge from the loop, which makes her attractive to male dogs.

Estrus in small breed dogs

Estrus begins after about 6 months of life. Usually the first heat occurs between 6-12 months, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier begins to heat about a year.

But there is no strict rule. Each animal is individual. At this time, owners of small dogs on walks need to be especially vigilant so that a huge male does not “drive up” to the bitch, otherwise this can cause serious damage to health.

Estrus in large breed dogs

Estrus in large breed dogs usually begins between 12 and 18 months of age. But the time of onset of estrus is purely individual and there is no specific deadline.

The favorable time for conception in large breed dogs is considered to be 10-15 days of estrus. The female's sexual arousal during this period is at its maximum level and it is at this time that it is recommended to pair her with a male.

Signs, symptoms, dog in heat

How to determine if a dog is in heat? Dog behavior changes during heat. The dog becomes more active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. Estrus can be determined by the following signs:

  • At this time, the dog begins to urinate much more often;
  • attention from male dogs increases significantly;
  • on the bedding or floor you can notice blood droplets coming out of the loop;
  • females periodically lick the loop.

At this time, females do not allow males, since they are not ready for the fertilization process.

As a rule, by days 9-15, the discharge becomes mucous and straw-colored. This is the period of so-called “unfavorable” days. The females experience maximum sexual arousal at this time, when they notice males, move their tail to the side and take a stance. The loop swells greatly.

This period lasts approximately 5-7 days. The owner, if he wants to breed a dog, is obliged to mark these days. Depending on the breed, the favorable time for fertilization may occur on days 9-17, for some even on day 21.

To prevent your pet from leaving characteristic red droplets in the house, you can use special underpants for dogs in heat. However, most dog trainers advise teaching her to lick herself from the very first heat. Be that as it may, it is recommended to wrap the carpets during emptying.


Estrus occurs in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 – proestrusminor bleeding, but traces remain wherever the dog was. For this purpose, special absorbent panties are used;
  • Stage 2 – estrus– begins 10 days after the first signs of bleeding. At this time, the bitch allows the male to come to her for fertilization. This stage continues for 7 days. To obtain purebred puppies, after fertilization, it is better to protect the bitch from other males;
  • Stage 3 – diestrusfinal stage, at this time the bitch still attracts males, but does not allow them to approach. The period lasts up to 10 days, after the end of the stage, estrus occurs only after six months.

By taking a blood test for progesterone levels, you can avoid mistakes. If there was no heat, you need to look for the reason for the interruption of the cycle. If necessary, the veterinarian can induce estrus artificially.

How many days does it last and how many times does a dog go into heat (frequency)?

Typically, estrus occurs twice a year and lasts 20-28 days (3-4 weeks). If its frequency is 3-4 times a year or more, then it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. Most likely the dog has harmonic disturbances.

But there are also differences between dog breeds and their ages. For example, huskies come into heat once a year. In older bitches, the periods between emptyings may lengthen, the signs become less pronounced or remain completely unnoticeable. Even a very old bitch can mate and become pregnant...

Before adopting a female puppy, the owner should think more than once whether he can cope with such a difficult task. Usually, bitches are taken by people experienced in this matter, who are well aware of the peculiarities of the physiology and behavior of animals. If this is an amateur, he needs to find out in advance how many days estrus lasts in dogs, at what age it begins and how it goes. All this important points, which will have to be taken into account so that the pet is healthy and the owner is calm.

When does the first heat start?

In dogs, the first heat can begin at seven months or appear only at two years. Such a large gap in different animals does not mean pathology at all; it all depends on the breed to which the girl belongs. This occurs along with the change of teeth, but the exact timing is too individual for each animal, so it makes no sense to talk about it.

We can only give approximate figures regarding dogs of different sizes:

  • in animals of large breeds - from 10 months to one and a half years;
  • in medium-sized dogs – at 8-15 months;
  • in small, dwarf pets - at 6-10 months.

Of course, these are average statistics, and there are always exceptions that may apply specifically to your dog.

When discussing the question of when dogs go into heat, it should be understood that the breed in this case does not matter much - the difference in puberty depends only on the size of the animal.

First heat, in most cases, is characterized by a small amount of bleeding, as well as a short duration. It is important to know that this process is sometimes false - after several symptoms it is interrupted without the release of an egg, and after 5-6 days it can resume, and the bitch will be ready for full fertilization.

When planning to use a dog for breeding, the owner needs to know at what age the first estrus begins - this will help calculate when to breed to produce healthy offspring. During the first menstruation, owners of small dogs should be especially attentive, because unwanted contact with a large adult dog can end in serious trouble for the tailed bride.

How many times do dogs go into heat in a year? Sexual heat in these animals is usually observed twice a year. True, representatives of some breeds, such as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Husky and Laika, are monocyclic - they have a one-time estrus and this is quite normal.

Characteristic signs of estrus

Many inexperienced dog handlers are interested in how to determine when a dog is in heat. It is enough to observe the animal - changes in habits and behavior will immediately indicate that its hormonal levels are undergoing changes:

  • first the animal begins to shed heavily;
  • the female's loop becomes larger in size, and often its shape does not have a clear outline;
  • bloody discharge appears, which over time may become yellow and turn into mucus - usually this signals the dog’s readiness to conceive;
  • the dog urinates often, but most often this indicates leaving marks for males;
  • Just yesterday, an obedient and calm girl suddenly begins to behave actively, her playfulness borders on aggression;
  • if earlier the fulfillment of commands was an immutable law for the animal, then during the period of estrus the dog behaves uninhibitedly, even arrogantly, and stops obeying;
  • some animals, on the contrary, become overly affectionate, but this depends on personality traits the nature of the beast;
  • During estrus, the animal's taste preferences may change, and appetite may decrease or increase.

At the beginning of the process, females constantly lick themselves and do not allow males to approach them, but after 10-15 days, they already move their tail at the sight of a partner and take a specific stance. This is the most favorable time for mating, which should be noted by owners pursuing the goal of breeding puppies. This phase can last up to a week. True, in some breeds this stage of estrus occurs from 9 to 16 days, and even 20-21 days.

If the dog has health problems, estrus may occur with noticeable changes:

  • heats become too frequent;
  • the dog behaves inappropriately;
  • lethargy, weakness of the animal, and apathetic state are observed;
  • bitch starts to experience constant thirst and refuses food;
  • discharge is abundant, dark in color, mixed with pus;
  • estrus occurs in a latent form, without discharge;
  • body temperature is subject to changes in one direction and the other during the day.

Such symptoms may indicate hormonal imbalance in the dog’s body and require contacting a veterinarian.

In other cases, vaginal discharge may be yellow-brown, have a repulsive smell of rotten meat, and if it lasts more than 28 days, this is a dangerous condition for the animal, threatening diseases such as tumors reproductive organs, vulvovaginitis or endometritis, perhaps even infectious lesions of the uterus. When, after the first menstruation, the bitch does not close at all heavy bleeding, most likely, these are problems with blood clotting.

To understand how estrus occurs in dogs, you should consider all stages of estrus.

How many days does a dog go into heat?

The duration of estrus can be affected by the dog's age, weight, and frequency of mating. Experienced dog breeders believe that the size of the animal and the breed in this sense are not decisive. The main thing is the bitch’s health, genetic predisposition to short or long bleeding, physiological data.

How many I'm in heat in small breeds, as well as animals of medium and large sizes? On average, the process takes 20-23 days for both. Estrus in young animals has a stable duration, while in older animals the resting stage increases. Sometimes emptying does not begin due to the pet’s exhaustion, illness, or malnutrition. The use of steroid drugs designed to prevent the onset of estrus.

When determining the duration of estrus in dogs, one should take into account the influence stressful situations, causing profuseness and duration of discharge.

Understand how much days go by blood, we can look at the main stages of the reproductive cycle:

  1. Precursor (proestrus) lasts from 7 to 10 days. This period is characterized by swelling of the genitals, secretion of mucus with a small amount of blood. At this moment, the female has not yet ovulated, which involves the presence of real menstruation when the follicle of the egg ruptures. Therefore, the dog avoids suitors and growls at them. The character of the animal also changes - it ceases to be obedient, makes sudden movements, can run away from the owner, and also marks the street territory.
  2. Rut (estrus) is the main stage of sexual heat, occurring 10-14 days after the first discharge. The dog is ready for fertilization, and now she may become interested in a male dog. Her vulva swells, becomes loose and fully prepared for mating, the blood of the discharge is thick and viscous, dark, even brown.

    Lovers faced with the need for mating ask how to understand that a bitch will definitely become pregnant and choose the right moment for this. It is at this stage that the optimal time for conception.

  3. The final phase is metaestrus, when estrus ends and the swelling of the vagina and labia subsides. This condition lasts up to 11 days. Sexual intercourse between the female and the males ceases, and the animal’s body returns to its previous levels, except in cases of successful fertilization. On this active stage The sexual cycle is over, and the period of anestrus, that is, rest, can reach 100-170 days, that is, the development of a new reproductive cycle is possible after six months.

Raising once again the question of how often estrus occurs, owners of domestic dogs need to know that the frequency of the cycle, reaching three or four times a year, is pathological, associated with various diseases, the cause of which may be disrupted hormonal levels.

How to prevent extrusion

Preventing the onset of menstruation has many reasons, and not necessarily mercantile ones. But this is associated with serious consequences for the dog’s body if the actions taken are illiterate. On at the moment there are only two ways to do this with the help of special hormones, unfortunately, other means in the form of phytotherapeutic and homeopathic medicines, as a rule, do not give the desired result.

  1. Medicines containing sex hormones begin to be given to the animal during the rest period - this is a small amount, administered once a week or a month. As a result, reproductive function is suppressed and menstruation does not occur;
  2. Another option is to use the funds in the first days of estrus, in which case it should be stopped or the timing shifted.

Unfortunately, most existing funds- drugs of synthetic origin, and their use is justified by their high efficiency, unlike drugs on a natural basis. Such steroids include the well-known Stop-Intim, Contrasex, Pilkan, Stop-Sex and others.

Such pharmacological agents have certain advantages for owners - they are effective, easy to use, but this can limit the list of advantages. No security or lack of side effects specified in the instructions is out of the question. And veterinary doctors are well aware of possible consequences:

  • This infectious diseases genitourinary organs;
  • dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and liver;
  • pyometra and endometritis of the uterus with subsequent inability to conceive;
  • fibrous growths of the mammary gland, mastitis;
  • oncology of the ovaries, uterus and other internal organs.

Even short-term use can lead to difficult childbirth, infertility, disruption of the reproductive cycle, infertility and the birth of weak and dead puppies.


In the end, if the owner is not interested in offspring, it is much more humane to remove the animal’s reproductive organs using modern safe methods. Firstly, this will help restore the normal balance of hormones, and secondly, the animal will live longer and happy life, since his body will not wear out as a result of pregnancies and labor activity.

Can a dog be spayed while in heat? It turns out that, theoretically, this is possible, but during the natural cycle it is not recommended. Such radical intervention is necessary when a pathology of the process is observed, and estrus is present in the dog, in fact, constantly. This is a real disease that needs to be treated. And if the veterinarian considers it appropriate to carry out sterilization, it, of course, will be performed during abnormally ongoing menstruation, and will be able to solve this problem.

To maintain your pet's health in perfect condition and regulate it reproductive function, you need to know not only at what age the first heat is, but also many features of this process, which sometimes go beyond the norm. You shouldn’t immediately jump to a conclusion about a deviation, because all dogs are individual in their physiological parameters and genetic program. But, best of all, a veterinarian understands this and will help with different situations, first of all, advising to keep a kind of schedule reflecting each onset of estrus.

By taking into account how many days a dog's heat lasts, the pet owner has the opportunity to plan for or prevent pregnancy, while taking care of the health and psycho-emotional state your pet. Such information is also important for owners of male dogs, who also need to focus on the characteristics of females.

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