Home Removal Certification work of a nurse in the cardiology office of a clinic. Thesis: Work of a ward nurse of the highest category Certification report of a nurse in a neurological office of a children's clinic

Certification work of a nurse in the cardiology office of a clinic. Thesis: Work of a ward nurse of the highest category Certification report of a nurse in a neurological office of a children's clinic

I. General part Main objectives nurse neurological office are carrying out diagnostic and treatment appointments of a neurologist in the clinic and assisting him in organizing specialized assistance the population living in the area where the Polyclinic operates, as well as workers and employees of attached enterprises. The appointment and dismissal of a nurse in the neurological office is carried out by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with current legislation. The nurse in the neurological office reports directly to the neurologist and works under his supervision. In her work, the nurse in the neurological office is guided by this job description, as well as methodological recommendations for improving the activities of secondary medical personnel outpatient clinics. II.

The work of a nurse in an otolaryngology office

In my work, I pay great attention to: - the culture of relationships with colleagues, doctors and other nurses in the clinic and hospital - the attitude towards one’s own health. I try to maintain the authority and reputation of my profession. I observe the rules of personal hygiene - an integral quality of a person.

I pay due attention to my workplace and do not allow violations of the sanitary and hygienic regime. My work is proactive and creative. In my work, the following are not acceptable: ambition, raised tone, imposition of one’s own opinion, personal hostility. I provide accurate and qualified medical care patients seeking help.
The way I look plays an important role in communicating with subordinates and patients. A snow-white, starched robe is my visual characteristic.

Certification work of a neurological nurse

In my work I am guided by the following orders and regulatory documents:

  • OST 42-21-2-85 “Disinfection and sterilization of products medical purposes».
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 408 dated July 12, 1989 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country.”
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 288 of March 23, 1976 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime of hospitals”).
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 720 dated July 31, 1978 “On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and improving efforts to control hospital-acquired infections.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 345 of November 26, 1997 “On improving measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in obstetric hospitals.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 338 of November 24, 1998

Open library - open library of educational information

There is water supply, but there is no telephone connection. Neurologist's working hours: Neurologist's appointment - 6 hours a day Preventive work- 2 hours a week. Educational program- 4 hours per month. Regulations. In my work I am guided by the following regulatory documents, orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation: Order No. 720 of July 31, 1978.

“Improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections.” Order No. 408 dated July 12, 1989. "On strengthening measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis." Order No. 501 dated July 10, 1987. "On the expansion of activities to combat AIDS in the RSFSR."
Order No. 170 dated August 16, 1994. “On measures to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV infection.” Order No. 288 dated March 23, 1976. "On approval of instructions for the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the hospital." Order No. 770 dated May 30, 1986.

Job description of a neurological nurse

Identified occupational diseases are documented by an occupational pathologist with mandatory referral of patients to Regional center occupational pathology to confirm the diagnosis of an occupational disease. Subsequently, the identified patients are observed by an occupational pathologist and neurologist, and they are given anti-relapse treatment. Results of preventive medical examinations workers employed in hazardous industries for the reporting period are as follows: Indicators / Years 2007 2008 Total accepted 1017 1802 Including: with osteochondrosis 315 469 with peripheral diseases nervous system 44 75 with occupational diseases (vibration disease) 3 4 Dispensary observation of patients.

Increased uniqueness

Assisting during: - pleural - lumbar punctures 12 10 Name of profile 2007 2008 patients treated treated by bed-day patients treated % patients treated treated by bed-day patients treated % Neurological beds 272 119.6 119.3 273 92.9 122 ,4 Neurological with impairment cerebral circulation 143 155.3 178.8 167 128.7 117.6 Cardiology beds 366 80.4 111.9 304 77.2 81.7 Therapeutic beds 324 72.3 98.2 242 87.5 72.7 Total 1105 94, 9 114.5 986 92.4 92.1 Day hospital 401 103.3 127.3 302 76.6 83.9 During my work, I mastered: - the technique of placing IV peripheral catheters - the technique of recording ECG - the technique of applying compresses - collecting blood from a vein for diagnostic studies - collecting urine for tests ( general, amylase, according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, Reberg’s test, bacterial culture). I explain to patients the rules for their collection.

Abstract: acquisition of professional skills

Over the past two years, patients with the following nosological forms were under dispensary observation: Nosological forms / Years 2007 2008 Chronic vascular diseases brain (DEP II) 41 26 Traumatic brain injuries 7 5 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system 48 61 Diseases of the peripheral nervous system 4 4 Vegetative-vascular dystonia 16 10 Occupational diseases 3 1 Epilepsy 8 3 Inflammatory diseases - - Acute cerebrovascular accident 16 9 Total: 143,119 Simultaneously with the medical examination of chronic patients, a short-term medical examination of patients who had acute conditions for the following nosologies: Nosologies / Years 2007 2008 Neuropathy facial nerve 12 10 Neuropathy trigeminal nerve 15 17 Polyneuropathy 9 11 Acute lumbago 59 39 Discirculatory encephalopathy stage I.

Certification work for the highest category of neurological nurse


Started working as a nurse in the urology department of 2nd Dorozhnaya clinical hospital(Chelyabinsk), then worked as a nurse for a neurologist at the Central District polyclinic (Chelyabinsk), as a nurse in an ENT office (medical unit in Bakal), as a nursery teacher, then as a senior nurse kindergarten. Since 1985, she began working at the Central Clinic district hospital G.

Chebarkul as a nurse in a neurological office. Worked with the doctor at the reception; due to operational needs, she combined the work of a nurse in the treatment room and in the therapeutic area. In January 1993, she transferred to work in the medical and sanitary unit (MSU) of OJSC "Ural Forge" as a nurse for a neurologist. Since 2007, I have been working at the Medical and Preventive Center LLC until now as a neurological reception nurse.
On the medical and protective regime in medical and preventive institutions."
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 110 dated February 12, 1997 “On the procedure for prescribing medicines, medical devices and specialized products therapeutic nutrition».
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 dated November 13, 1996 “On approval of requirements for organizing storage in pharmacy organizations various groups medicines and medical products."
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 of 08/05/2003 “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in health care facilities of the Russian Federation.”
  • SANPIN 2.11.728-99 “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in health care facilities.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 455 of 05.08.2003 “On measures to improve the activities of health authorities and institutions for the prevention of diseases in the Russian Federation.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the ChP No. 450 dated November 28, 2006


Name 2005 2006 1 conversations 102 112 3 Saenbulletins 3 4 4 memos 11 21 Various topics of conversation: · prevention of smoking and alcoholism · fight against drug addiction · prevention of osteochondrosis · healthy lifestyle · physiotherapy· hardening · prevention of osteochondrosis · neuroses Sub-bulletins on the topics: · “Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents · “Osteochondrosis · “ Ischemic stroke"Physiotherapy" " Massotherapy“I have my own individual style of work and master the art of having a positive impact on colleagues and patients. The ability to communicate is developed only with constant improvement of one’s skills. professional knowledge and skills, your cultural level. Mercy, patience, politeness are elements of a good work style.

Patience and restraint always accompany my work, but this is a big emotional burden.

MSU " City Hospital No. 4" is a multidisciplinary, open-type medical institution, category 2, organized on 01/01/1998 through the reorganization of the "Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 92". MSU "City Hospital No. 4" serves the population of the northern part of the city of Miass in the amount of 44,800 people, of which adults - 36,943, children - 7,857..

The hospital includes:

1. Adult clinic for 850 visits per shift with 18 territorial sites.

2. Women's consultation with 6 obstetric and gynecological departments and a specialized reception for cervical pathology.

3. Children's clinic for 300 visits per shift with 9 pediatric areas.

4. Dental clinic for 100 visits per shift

5. Outpatient clinic in Novoandreevka village, first aid stations in Tyelga village, Novotagilka village; health centers in professional lyceum No. 89 and MEMT.

6. Hospital with 264 beds:

— Surgical department with 54 beds.

Therapeutic department for 56 beds.

— Obstetric department of pregnancy pathology with 43 beds.

— Infectious children's department for 60 beds.

— Children's somatic department with 51 beds.

In addition, the department of anesthesiology and intensive care with resuscitation and intensive care wards No. 1 with 6 beds, incl. children's infectious diseases – 3 beds;

In addition, the department of anesthesiology and intensive care with resuscitation and intensive care wards No. 2 with 6 beds, incl. for infants – 3 beds.

In addition, there is an operating unit emergency department, transfusiology room, catering unit, disinfection chamber, autoclave room for 2 autoclaves, laundry room, garage.

7. Treatment and diagnostic service:

— Department radiology diagnostics

— Department functional diagnostics and endoscopy.

— Physiotherapeutic department with physical therapy and massage room.

— Clinical diagnostic laboratory (clinical, biochemical, serological).

— Bacteriological laboratory

Characteristics of the therapeutic department.

The department has 56 beds, of which 43 are 24-hour and 13 beds day stay. Bed profile:

  1. Therapeutic beds – 15 beds, including 3 day stay beds.
  2. Cardiological – 18 beds, including 5 day care beds.
  3. Neurological – 16 beds, including 5 day care beds.
  4. Neurological beds for patients with stroke - 7 beds.

The department has one day post and two round-the-clock posts, there are 2 treatment rooms, the office of the head of the department, the office of the head nurse, a resident's room, the office of the hostess, an enema room, an ECG and ECHO - encephalodiagnostic room, a dispensing room, a utility room, and two bathrooms.

The department is equipped with:

  • Single-channel electrocardiograph "Axion" EK1T-ON
  • Portable electric suction device.
  • Pulse defibrillator ID-66 No. 100.
  • Stationary bactericidal lamps.
  • Echoencephaloscope.
  • Ultrasonic inhaler “Rotor”
  • Nebulizer OMRON CX
  • A gurney with a tray for dispensing medications.
  • Syringe infusion pump SHIN20 "Unicum".
  • Cardiac monitor – defibrillator “Axion”
  • Wheel chair.
  • Gurney for transporting patients
  • Medical scales.
  • Centrifuge, racks
  • Peak flow meter, Ambu bag.
  • Negotoscope.

Number of middle and junior staff


According to staffing schedule


% staffing

Head nurse
Ward nurse
Procedure nurse

Junior medical staff

Sister mistress
Ward nurse and cleaner
Treatment room nurse


Nurse to accompany patients



Main sections of work .

I am working procedure nurse therapeutic department.

My working day starts at 8.00 o'clock. I arrive at 7.45, before starting work I check the condition of the treatment room, equipment, the presence of an individual first aid kit for prevention in emergency situations, a set of medications for providing emergency assistance at emergency conditions, I take a number of medications. I check the availability of medical documentation, which is stored and located in the treatment room.

My responsibilities include:

1. Carrying out medical prescriptions:

— intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous drip administration of medicinal substances.

— I assist the doctor with:

a) determination of blood group.

b) transfusion of blood products, blood substitutes.

c) performing pleural, lumbar and sternal punctures.

— I spend it once every 7 days general cleaning office

— I wet-clean the office twice a day.

- quartz cabinet according to current instructions.

— I disinfect used syringes, needles, droppers, gloves, cotton balls

- I set a sterile table every day,

— I ensure that the office has the required amount of instruments, dressings, and medications, in accordance with the established storage periods.

- I monitor the expiration dates of medicines in first aid kits emergency care.

— I have a constant supply of sterile material and provide it to the ward nurses.

— I monitor the expiration and storage dates of individual solutions and other medications.

3. As prescribed by the doctor, I supervise complications associated with medical procedures.

4. I strictly follow all the rules of asepsis when performing procedures.

5. I carry out the necessary information in the prescribed form medical documentation.

6. At the end of the shift, I leave the treatment room in proper sanitary and hygienic condition.

Treatment room documentation:

  • Journal of medical prescriptions
  • Logbook for monitoring the completeness of ANTI-AIDS first aid kits
  • Logbook for recording and monitoring the operation of the bactericidal installation
  • Logbook for monitoring the operation of air steam sterilizers (autoclave)
  • Logbook for recording the amount of pre-sterilization treatment
  • Logbook for general cleaning
  • Refrigerator temperature log
  • Emergency log.
  • Book of registration of medicines and medical medical equipment at the procedural nurse

Indicators of the amount of work completed

Profile name

patients treated

treated by bed-day

% of patients treated

patients treated

treated by bed-day

% of patients treated

Neurological beds
Neurological with cerebrovascular accident
Cardiology beds
Therapy beds
Day hospital

During my work I mastered:

— technique for placing IV peripheral catheters

— ECG recording technology

- compress technique

- drawing blood from a vein for diagnostic studies

— urine collection for tests (general, amylase, Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, Rehberg test, bacterial culture). I explain to patients the rules for their collection.

- technique of stool sampling for caprology, occult blood, dysbacteriosis, disseeding

- sputum collection technique general analysis VC.

- measurement technology blood pressure.

— technique for performing cleansing enema and microenemas

- gastric lavage technique for therapeutic purposes in the process of preparing the patient for instrumental methods research.

Organization of catering in the department.

Based on the summary, the nurse on duty draws up a portion requirement in accordance with the diet prescribed by the doctor, which is signed by the head nurse and the head of the department.

The portion requirement is transferred to the nutrition department to the dietary nurse.

There is a refrigerator for storing perishable food temperature conditions monitored by the ward nurse.

Diet options used in the department.

Diet option

Earlier note diets

1 The main version of the standard diet

1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, 10,12,13,14,15

2 Diet option with mechanical and chemical sparing (gentle diet).
3 Diet option with increased amounts of protein (high protein diet)

4a, 4d, 5p, 7c, 7g, 9, 10b, 11

4 Diet option with reduced protein content (low protein diet)
5 Reduced calorie diet option (low calorie diet)

8, 8a, 8b,9a, 10

In our department, we mainly use the basic version of the standard diet (STD).

I can provide first aid at:

hypertensive crisis

- myocardial infarction

- anaphylactic shock

- blood transfusion shock

bronchial asthma

- fainting

For provision in the treatment room there are first aid kits with a set of medicines and for medical conditions:

- anaphylactic shock

- blood transfusion shock

— emergency prevention HIV infection

Regulatory documents regulating the main sections of work.

In my work I am guided by the following orders and regulatory documents:

  • OST 42-21-2-85 “Disinfection and sterilization of medical devices.”
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 408 dated July 12, 1989 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country.”
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 288 of March 23, 1976 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime of hospitals”).
  • Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 720 of July 31, 1978 “On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and improving measures to combat nosocomial infections.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 345 of November 26, 1997 “On improving measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in obstetric hospitals.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 338 of November 24, 1998 “On introducing amendments and additions to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 26, 1997 No. 345.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 342 of November 26, 1998 “On strengthening measures to prevent typhus and combat lice.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170 of August 16, 1994 “On measures to improve, prevent and treat HIV infection in the country.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 295 of October 30, 1995 “On the introduction of rules for conducting compulsory medical examination for HIV and a list of workers in certain professions who undergo mandatory examination for HIV.”
  • Order of GUZO, ULONO, FOMS No. 171/91/2108 dated June 19, 2000. “On the organization of substantive and quantitative accounting of medicines and medical products in health care facilities of the Chelyabinsk region.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 1204 of November 16, 1987 “On the medical and protective regime in medical and preventive institutions.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 110 of February 12, 1997 “On the procedure for prescribing medicines, medical products and specialized medical nutrition products.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 of November 13, 1996 “On approval of requirements for organizing storage in pharmacies of various groups of medicines and medical products.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 of 08/05/2003 “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in health care facilities of the Russian Federation.”
  • SANPIN 2.11.728-99 “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in health care facilities.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 455 of 05.08.2003 “On measures to improve the activities of health authorities and institutions for the prevention of diseases in the Russian Federation.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region No. 450 dated November 28, 2006 “System for ensuring biological safety in medical institutions of the Chelyabinsk region. Prevention of occupational infections medical workers. Case Investigation Approaches occupational disease».
  • Mu 287-113 dated 12/30/1998 Guidelines on disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices.
  • MU 2313-08 of 2008 requirements for disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes.

Sanitary and epidemiological regime in the workplace

The department uses disposable instruments and medical products that are subject to only disinfection and disposal.

For disinfection, disinfectants are used in accordance with the instructions for their use and certificate:

  • Peroximed 3%
  • Lysofin 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%
  • Javelin 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.015%
  • Chlormisept 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.015%

I process reusable instruments in three stages.

  1. Disinfection.
  2. Pre-sterilization cleaning.
  3. Sterilization.

I check the quality of pre-sterilization treatment by conducting a daily azopyram test for the presence of blood and detergents on instruments.

Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning is carried out by the head nurse once a week, and by the chief nurse once a month. 1% of processed instruments of one type, but not less than 3-5 units of products, are subject to control.

Quality control of pre-sterilization processing of instruments.

Conclusion: pre-sterilization treatment is carried out with high quality, which prevents the occurrence of various complications during invasive procedures and spread of nosocomial infections.

Results of examination by the bacteriological laboratory in the treatment room.

Conclusion: During the reporting year 2008, the result of bacteriological examination improved due to better provision disinfectants. The test was passed to the head nurse and unscheduled general cleaning was carried out.

Based on San PIN of 1999 “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from healthcare facilities” in the department waste is collected into groups:

Class A - Non-hazardous waste from healthcare facilities: - construction material, food waste, collected in white bags.

Class B - Hazardous waste from healthcare facilities: - materials and instruments after disinfection are collected in yellow bags. After filling the bag ¾ full, remove the air from it and secure it with ties.

Collection of sharp instruments (needles, feathers) that have undergone disinfection, I collect separately from other types of waste in disposable solid packaging, 2/3 of the volume.

I mark disposable containers (bags, buckets) with class B waste with the inscription “Hazardous waste. Class B" indicating the department code of the healthcare facility, the name of the institution, the date and name of the person responsible for waste collection.

Class D – Waste from healthcare facilities close to industrial waste: mercury thermometers, bactericidal lamps, fluorescent lamps, expired medications.

Waste is stored in a separate room. Disposal of class A waste is carried out under an agreement with Eco-service daily, class B waste is removed under an agreement with Ural-vtorresurs once a month.

Class G waste (mercury and silver-containing - bactericidal lamps and fluorescent lamps) under an agreement with the Mirriz company, Chelyabinsk.

Infection safety of a medical worker in the workplace.

When working with patients, you don’t always know about their infection status, so I take precautions before performing invasive procedures.

I work in accordance with the orders: Ministry of Health dated November 24, 1998 “On introducing amendments and additions to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 345 dated November 26, 1997.”, Ministry of Health ChO No. 450 dated November 28, 2006 “System for ensuring biological safety in health care facilities of the Chelyabinsk region. Prevention of occupational infections of medical workers. Approaches to investigating a case of occupational disease." By doing various manipulations I take precautions: I wear a closed gown, rubber gloves, a mask, and standard goggles that provide protection from splashing biological fluid.

When emergency situation The treatment room is equipped with an Anti-AIDS first aid kit, and there is an algorithm for the action of a medical worker, approved by the chief physician of the hospital.

Based on the order of Moscow State University City Hospital No. 4 No. 134 dated November 17, 2007, “Prevention of HIV infections in City Hospital No. 4, the department maintains an “Emergency Situations Log.”

Conclusion: During the reporting year 2008, no emergency situations were registered in the department.

Hygienic education of the population.

For the purpose of hygienic education of the population and disease prevention, in accordance with Order No. 455 of September 23, 2003 “On improving the activities of health authorities and institutions for the prevention of diseases in the Russian Federation,” I carry out sanitary educational work with patients in the form of conversations.

During the reporting year 2008, the following interviews were conducted:

Topic of conversation

Number of conversations

Number of listeners

1 Healthy lifestyle
2 Prevention of HIV infections
3 Prevention tick-borne encephalitis
4 Hypertensive crisis. Prevention. Diet.
5 Viral hepatitis. Prevention measures.
6 ONMK. Nursing

I am constantly engaged in self-education, to improve my professional level, I attend hospital conferences and read medical literature. In 2008 I mastered following methods research: inhalation through a nebulizer, ECG technique, peak flowmetry.

Attended hospital and departmental conferences on the following topics:

— Sanitary and epidemiological regime

— Prevention of nosocomial infections

— Accounting and storage of medicines

— Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis

— Prevention of influenza

— Prevention of HIV infection

— Transfusion of blood products and blood substitutes.

— Preparing patients for instrumental research methods.

Conclusions on the certification work.

  1. The therapeutic department is fully operational, patients receive all types of qualified medical care.
  2. The number of patients with severe concomitant pathology, the growth of complicated forms of diseases is different.
  3. Insufficient staffing of junior medical staff increases the workload of the nurse.
  4. There were no post-injection complications during the reporting year, because all manipulations carried out in the treatment room are carried out in accordance with orders and instructions.
  5. Interchangeability and mutual understanding in the department contributes to improving labor discipline.

Future challenges:

  1. Further improvement of theoretical and practical skills.
  2. Prepare and conduct a conversation with nursing staff on the topic: “Sanitary and epidemiological regime in the therapeutic department”

To assign or confirm your qualification category. To undergo this procedure, you must have completed the last year of practical activity at your main place of work. For specialists with higher education the report must reflect activities over the last 3 years.

The report of a specialist applying for assignment or confirmation of a qualification category is work that reflects comparative analysis labor activity medical worker over the past year.

You should not approach writing certification report formally and expect that the certification commission will not go into a detailed study of it. IN Lately the number is growing nurses, whose reports are returned for revision. The lack of uniform reporting requirements approved at the federal level is not a reason for frivolity in this work. Nurses applying for the first, and even more so, the highest qualification category should take a particularly serious approach to compiling a report.

Let's consider nurse certification report by sections. Typically, when compiling a report, medical professionals are guided by recommendations developed and proposed by specialists in a particular region. However, approximately nurse's report for certification meets the same rules of compilation and design.

1. Introduction

  • milestones of the labor path;
  • information about improvements;
  • information about previous certifications (if the nurse is not certified for the first time).

1.2 a brief description of medical institution:

  • material and technical base;
  • number of divisions;
  • total number of hospital beds;
  • staffing;
  • staffing and other information.

1.3 Unit characteristics:

  • number of hospital beds;
  • material and technical equipment;
  • staffing;
  • personnel composition;
  • features of the unit.

2. Main part of the report

2.1 Patient population:

  • gender, age, nosological forms of diseases;
  • features of patient care in the unit;
  • a description of the creation of a safe hospital environment and a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere for patients of the unit;
  • description of examples difficult situations with patients from their own nursing practice.

2.2 Scope of work performed:

  • description of the workplace and job responsibilities;
  • description of preparation for work medical equipment, medical instruments available and used in the unit;
  • description of the preparation of patients for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and manipulations;
  • description of the rules for collecting biomaterial for laboratory research;
  • a description of the patient care process, as well as care items, including new ones;
  • description of the rules for accounting, storage and issuance medicines in the department indicating the advantages of using new drugs;
  • description of the maintenance of medical records in the unit;
  • description of assistance in emergency conditions, give examples from practice.

2.3 Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the nurse’s work for the reporting period:

  • name and number of nursing procedures performed in the form of tables.

2.4 Development and implementation of new modern nursing technologies, rationalization work:

  • description of the benefits of using new nursing technologies in care, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation;
  • description of achieving a therapeutic and diagnostic effect from the use of innovative nursing technologies and techniques.

2.5 Compliance with measures to prevent occupational diseases:

  • use of funds personal protection employees of the unit in the workplace;
  • timely completion of medical examinations;
  • immunization of personnel through vaccination (mandatory vaccinations).

3. Infection control

3.1 System infection control:

  • compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, the use of modern and sterilization in the unit;
  • main quality indicators for the reporting period:
  • the number of sanitary and bacteriological complications when performing manipulations and using medical equipment;
  • infection of patients after procedures;
  • infectious safety of medical personnel of the unit;
  • cases of nosocomial infection, timeliness of their analysis.

All indicators should be presented in comparison with indicators throughout medical institution, and also (preferably) by district, region (region). It is necessary to analyze the specialist’s performance for the reporting period, determine the causes of complications and show ways to prevent their occurrence. An analytical explanation of digital data will demonstrate the ability of the certified specialist to evaluate his own activities, as well as the activities of the unit in which he works and the medical institution as a whole.

4. Participation in the activities of professional Associations, pedagogical and health education work, professional development

4.1 Social activities:

  • participation in the work of professional Associations.

4.2 Pedagogical activities:

  • control and guidance when working with junior medical staff (for senior nurses and with nursing staff);
  • training in nursing procedures and emergency aid techniques for students medical colleges and schools;
  • conducting technical classes with young nursing professionals;
  • exchange of experience with colleagues from other departments and medical organizations.

4.3 Sanitary education work:

  • participation in the work of patient schools for various nosological forms of diseases;
  • providing nursing care to patients;
  • thematic conversations with patients, their relatives and visitors;
  • issuing sanitary bulletins;
  • participation in the organization and work of schools to promote healthy image life.

4.4 Issues of medical ethics and:

  • knowledge of the Russian Nurse Ethics Code;
  • knowledge of the Russian Nurses' Charter;
  • the importance of observing the principles of medical ethics and deontology using a practical example.

5. Conclusions, tasks for the future, proposals

5.1 Conclusions:

  • summing up the results of the reporting year;
  • identification of problems and ways to solve them;
  • generalizing the results and drawing conclusions based on the data provided.

5.2 Future challenges:

5.3 Offers:

  • Based on the analytical studies carried out, recommendations are offered to improve the work process.

6. Literature

6.1 Specialist’s own publications:

  • list of publications or photocopies of articles;
  • titles of reports, presentations that the specialist gave at conferences, symposiums and other forums.

6.2 Literature used to compile the report:

7. Applications

  • Tables, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings.

We hope that compiled in the manner described nurse certification report will allow you to pass an important professional test with dignity.

This children's clinic provides all types of outpatient treatment and preventive care to children up to 17 years of age inclusive, maintaining continuity in work with treatment and preventive institutions of the city and region - dispensaries, adolescent clinics, hospitals, preschool and school institutions, as well as with educational authorities and other departments . In the area where it operates, the clinic operates a complex preventive measures, provides legal protection for children.

The children's clinic works closely with the children's department and, in the area of ​​its activity, provides medical care to children at home and in the clinic, gives referrals for treatment to hospitals, sanatoriums and other children's health institutions.

The children's clinic is a structural subdivision of.... the central district hospital. The children's clinic is designed for 300 visits per shift.

The children's clinic is located in a three-story building. On the ground floor there is:

· reception, filter and box isolator, clinical laboratory, sterilization room, treatment room, physiotherapy room, inhalation room, herbal room, wardrobe, room for storing cleaning equipment.

On the second floor of our clinic there is a pediatric service, as well as offices:

· head of the children's clinic, head nurse, adolescent, infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist, surgical, clinical examination of children affected by the Chernobyl accident, physical therapy room.

On the third floor of the clinic there are rooms:

· cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, vision protection, massage, vaccination, medical statistics, immunoprophylaxis, education healthy child.

In the classroom on raising a healthy child, parents will be taught techniques physiological massage and gymnastics, they will tell,how to properly carry out hardening procedures.

In the classroom for raising a healthy child, they will teach parents the techniques of physiological massage and gymnastics, and tellhow to properly carry out hardening procedures.

In my work I am guided by:

Instruction No. 10 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated August 15, 2008 “Epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of viral hepatitis.”

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 351 of December 16, 1998 “On the revision of departmental regulations regulating issues related to HIV/AIDS”;

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus No. 71 dated July 11, 2003 “On the approval and implementation of sanitary rules”;

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 of November 25, 2002 “On disinfection and sterilization by healthcare institutions”;

Instruction of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 40-9003 dated March 23, 1999 “Performing injections and intravenous infusions in conditionsmedical and preventive institutions and at home";

Order No. 477 of August 29, 2005 “On strengthening measures to prevent epidemic typhus and combat lice”;

Order No. 275 of September 1, 1999 “On further improvement of the professional vaccination calendar and basic provisions, on the organization of their implementation”;

Order No. 913 of December 5, 2006 “On improving the organization of preventive vaccinations”;

Resolution No. 88 On approval Sanitary rules and standards “Organization and implementation of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures for the prevention of purulent-septic infections in surgical departments (offices).

I work at the fifth pediatric site. The site consists of a private sector and residential high-rise buildings. Its length is about 7 km. The main street of the M. Bogdanovich site starting from house No. 81 and above,124 and above. This street is adjacent to: st. 1 lane M. Bogdanovich, Builders,March 8, Zarechnaya, Pugacheva, 9 v/g, Art. Novodvortsy, Vostochnaya, 1 Krasny, 2 Red, 3 Trudovaya, Plieva.

Categories: Druzhnaya, Druzhny Ave., Tsvetochnaya, Obukhovicha, Dobroselskaya, Solnechnaya, Dobryanka, Listopadovskaya, Lyubansky Ave., Lyubanskaya, Uspolskaya, Zhitnevaya, Zamozhnyaya, Vyaskovaya.

During the reporting period, the population of the site was:





Total number of children





Number of children under 1 year

Number of unorganized children





Every year in June and December I conduct a door-to-door walkthrough of the site to clarify the number of children in the area. I monitor children of the 1st year of life, as well as children who do not attend child care institutions.

Currently, there are 32 children in the area under 1 year of age;

Health group

Amount of children




I conduct my first visit together with a doctor in the first three days after discharge from maternity hospital. During the first patronage, I pay attention to the material, living, cultural and hygienic living conditions of the family, the psychological climate in the family. Then I carry out observations of children according to health groups in accordance with Order No. 60 of January 19, 1983 and as necessary.

I provide patronage for healthy children who do not attend kindergartens, as well as prenatal care for pregnant women, in accordance with Order No. 60 of January 19, 1983, living on the site.

During the reporting period, preventive and patronage visits were made:







I constantly have conversations with parents about prevention. infectious diseases, about the timing of preventive vaccinations for children, I plan vaccinations and invite children for vaccinations.

I present data on the state of immunization against infectious diseases at the site in the table:





















200 5 ( %)















200 6 (%)















200 7(%)















All children from one to seven years of age who do not attend preschool institutions undergo a Mantoux test once a year. Location onNo patients with tuberculosis pathology were identified.





I work with dispensary patients at the site in accordance with Order No. 77 of May 30, 1986. I visit them at home and invite them to see a doctor. I give everyone directions for laboratory testing in advance.Data on the number of dispensary patients currently registered:

Nosological forms

Consists at the end of the year







Chronic eating disorders

Blood diseases (IDA)

Liver diseases

Bronchial asthma

Acute pneumonia

Stomach diseases

Kidney diseases

Children who are often ill for a long time

Chronical bronchitis

Cystic fibrosis

I keep records and monitor children who arrived from the zone of radioactive contamination and were born to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. I monitor foci of acute intestinal infections and pediculosis. I visit sick children who are being treated on an outpatient basis, I monitor the parents’ compliance with medical appointments doctor I perform medical procedures as prescribed by the doctor. I am fluent in the technique of intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous injections.

During the reporting period I made injections:

Reporting period

Number of injections






In addition to working at the site, every day, together with the doctor, I see children at the clinic. The appointment schedule is rotating. The day set aside for the reception of healthy children is Tuesday. During the reception of healthy children, I conduct educationaltalking with mothers, helping the doctor examine children.

Every day during appointments, as well as when visiting outbreaks, health care centers for healthy children, and dispensary patients, I conduct conversations with parents.

I conducted interviews during the reporting period:

Reporting period

Number of conversations









I participate in the social life of the children's clinic team. I constantly improve my professional skills. I read medical literature: the newspaper “Medical Bulletin”, the magazine “Nurse”.


I have professional skills in accordance with the requirements in the field of “Nursing”.

Theoretical foundations of nursing;

Organization nursing care for patients at the stages of the nursing process;

Psychology of professional communication;

Basics of Dietetics;

Main causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, complications, principles of treatment, prevention of diseases and injuries;

Basic medicinal groups and their indications, contraindications, complications of drugs, regulations regulating the pharmaceutical procedure in medical institutions;

Infection control system, infection safety of patients and staff of a medical institution;

Main types of medical documentation;

Occupational safety and health in medical institutions;

Health insurance system;

Medicine of disasters and emergencies.

I have manipulation and practical skills:

Techniques for preparing disinfectant solutions;

Techniques for disinfecting hands, gloves, covering a sterile table;

Techniques for laying bandages, packing with instruments and dressings; their design;

Disinfection techniques for medical instruments and equipment;

Arrangement of nursing manipulations (intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous, intravenous, intravenous drip infusions);

Placement of cups, mustard plasters, compresses, all types of enemas, vent pipe, heating pads, ice packs, insertion of catheters;

Algorithm for testing the quality of disinfection and pre-sterilization treatment;

Applying an aseptic dressing, splinting;

Application of a plaster splint;

Technique for determining blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, temperature, blood group;

Methods of providing emergency care in emergency situations, poisoning, emergency conditions;

Preparing patients for diagnostic tests;

Organization of patient care according to the stages of nursing;

Treatment and prophylactic and hygienic care for patients, disinfection of care items;

Communication skills.


As already mentioned, I work as a nurse in a neurological clinic. .

POLYCLINIC is a medical and preventive institution that provides outpatient care to the assigned population. Part of the hospital.

The clinic consists of the following divisions: a registry, therapeutic rooms, rooms for the provision of surgical, ophthalmological, neurological, otorhinolaryngological, cardiological and other types of specialized medical care, departments of prevention, rehabilitation treatment, auxiliary treatment and diagnostic services. The number of units and medical staff are determined local authorities healthcare based on the population served, taking into account the network of outpatient clinics operating in the administrative territory.

The clinic is designed for 429 visits, has 30 rooms, and 19 specialists work in the clinic.

Treatment and diagnostic services include a laboratory, an X-ray room; functional diagnostics room.


The office consists of two rooms, which have everything necessary for work.

The office has:

* desk for doctor

* couch for receiving patients

* cabinet with emergency medicine

* table for a nurse; and:

* stationery
* documentation

Cabinet personnel.

33,699 people live in the Novouzensky district.

Urban - 16866 people

Rural - 16833

Children - 6492

In the region, the population is served by a central district hospital with 247 beds, a clinic, an outpatient clinic opened in 1998, three local hospitals, and 29 medical and obstetric stations.

My job consists of seeing patients in a clinic

I am conducting additional medical examinations of the population.

My working day starts at eight o'clock.

My main tasks in the neurological office are to carry out diagnostic and treatment appointments of a neurologist in the clinic and assist him in organizing specialized care for the population living in the area where the clinic operates, as well as workers and employees of attached enterprises.

In my work, I am guided by this job description, as well as methodological recommendations for improving the activities of nursing staff in outpatient clinics.

Arriving at the office, I prepare workstations for an outpatient appointment with a neurologist, monitoring the availability of the necessary medical

documentation, equipment, inventory, checking the serviceability of equipment and office equipment.

I prepare and submit patient registration sheets and doctor’s appointment vouchers for the current week to the reception desk.

Before the reception begins, I bring medical records of outpatients, selected by the registrars in accordance with the registration sheets.



1. Patient register

2. Card index

3. Coupons for receiving patients

4. Outpatient cards sick

5. Register of dispensary patients

6. Magazine on health education work

8. Statistical coupons

9. Sanatorium and resort cards

There are 10 neurological beds in the region based on the neurological office. The provision of neurological beds per 10 thousand population is 3.5.

According to nosological forms, patients with diseases prevail cardiovascular pathology - 110/49.8%, and in 2005 - 132/44.6% In 2nd place are patients with the peripheral nervous system - 97 - 43.2%. In 2005, 137 patients – 46.3%

Of these, hemarogic strokes are 5 - 2.3%, and ischemic strokes are 36 - 16.3%.

In total, 6,476 people were admitted together with a neurologist, which is lower than in 2005. - 8363 people. –9508 people, of which –3783 were sick. 2693 people were examined. - these are medical examinations, machine operators, agricultural workers, children.

FVD - 6476. Neurological appointments account for 4.1 of all patients admitted to the clinic - 156,128 people

Also, during the working day, I monitor the timely receipt of research results and paste them into the medical records of outpatients. I regulate the flow of visitors by recording the appropriate time on self-registration sheets for repeat patients and issuing them coupons. I help patients, as directed by the doctor, during an outpatient appointment to prepare for examination and examination.

I inform the registry about all cases of transfer of medical records of outpatients to other offices in order to make an appropriate entry in the replacement card.

I keep records of dispensary patients, participate in dispensary and other preventive examinations.


Recently, stable negative trends have formed in the health of the population - an increase in the prevalence of risk factors for the formation of health and development disorders, an increase in morbidity and disability.

Clinical examination includes :

Carrying out preventive examinations

Additional examination, treatment, and, if necessary, rehabilitation, with identified pathology

Formation of groups at risk of developing various diseases.

The main objectives of medical examination are:

Improving early diagnosis and timely provision of treatment

Prevention and reduction of morbidity and mortality

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the nation.

I help my nurses in the work of the medical examination program, and I actively conduct health education work among the population on a healthy lifestyle.

Novouzenskaya Central District Hospital.

Name of the disease consisted taken removed consists of
Syringomyelia 2 - - 2
Cerebral arachnoiditis 3 - - 3
Brain tumors 6 1 1 6
Vascular diseases 153 6 6 153
Vertebrogenic diseases 42 4 6 40
CNS injuries 3 - - 3
Inflammatory diseases 14 1 3 12
Hereditary diseases 2 - - 2
Polyneuritis 2 - - 2
Epilepsy 16 - - 16
Others 4 - 4
Total: 247 12 16 243

There were 247 people on the D register, 12 people were taken. 16 people removed Three patients were removed from the register due to death. At the end of 2006 there were 243 members, of which 221 people. of working age and registered as 13 medical. workers.


Prevalence of diseases n.s.

The prevalence of CVD is -34.5, which is lower than in 2005. –56.6, The prevalence of PNS diseases is 26.3, lower than in 2005. –31.1 The prevalence of epilepsy is 1.03, which is lower than in 2005. 2.1.

The incidence of CVD per 1000 population is -26.0, which is lower than in 2005. –30.0, which corresponds to the region. numbers. The incidence of PNS is 17.6, which is lower than in 2005. –21.0 and corresponds to the region. numbers. The incidence of epilepsy is 0.2, lower than in 2005. - 0.4.

Structure of primary neurological morbidity according to statistical certificates.

In the structure of primary neurological morbidity, according to statistical certificates, CVD disease is in 1st place - 873 - 2.6%, PNS is in 2nd place - 596 - 1.8%.

Nosological forms 2005 2006
abs % abs %
13.PNS diseases 717 2,1 596 1,8
14. Infectious diseases of the NS - - 1 0,003
15.Multiple sclerosis 2 0,01 1 0,003
16. Vascular diseases of the central nervous system. 1018 3,0 873 2,6
Of which: spicy 9 0,03 6 0,02
Ischemic strokes 39 0,1 25 0,1
Hemorrhagic strokes - - - -
Chronic strokes - - 23 0,1
17. Neoplasms of the central nervous system 2 0,01 1 0,003
18. Traumatic obstructions of the central nervous system 26 0,1 24 0,1
19. Extrapyramidal obstructions: - - - -
Parkinson's b-n. 9 0,03 6 0,02
Torsion dystonia - - - -
20. Infantile celebral palsy 1 0,003 1 0,003
21. Hereditary neuromuscular disorders - -
- Huntington's chorea 1 0,003
-myopathies - -
-myotonia 1 0,003 - -
22.Epilepsy 15 0,04 8 0,02
23.Neuroses 32 0,1 - -
24.Others 4 0,01 18 0,1

Indicators of initial disability

19 people were referred to MSEC, these are 16 patients with cerebro-vascular pathology - 15.0 per 10 tons. population and 1 with PNS diseases – 1.0 per 10 thousand population. Diseases of the nervous system: 2 people – 1.9 per 10 thousand population. In 2005, 50 people were sent to ITU, in 2006 42 people.

Indicator - 17.8

I explain to patients the methods and procedures for preparing for laboratory, instrumental and instrumental studies.

I draw up medical documentation under the supervision of a doctor: referrals for consultation and to auxiliary offices, statistical coupons, sanatorium-resort cards, extracts from medical records of outpatients, certificates of temporary incapacity for work, certificates of temporary incapacity for work, referrals for

MSEC, control charts of dispensary observation, work diary

nursing staff, etc. I have no comments on documentation.

I require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic, give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the neurological office;

Sanitary and epidemiological regime

1. Industry standard 42-21-2-85 “Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices”

2. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 720 of July 31, 1978 “On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections.”

3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 408 of July 19, 1989 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country”

4. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3-1-958-00 “Prevention viral hepatitis. General requirements for epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis."

5. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 342 of November 26, 1998 “On strengthening measures to prevent epidemiological typhus and combat lice.”

6. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 36 of 02/03/1997 “On improving measures for the prevention of diphtheria.”

TRAINING . Working as a nurse, I constantly improve my professional level and attend all nursing studies. Annual testing according to orders No. 408, according to OST, nosocomial infections, emergency care, OOI, test tasks for nurses in the infectious diseases department. To educate myself and improve my professional level, I constantly read medical literature

I systematically improve my qualifications by studying relevant literature, participating in conferences and seminars.

I take part in meetings and meetings to discuss the work of the neurological office; I receive the necessary information to perform my functional duties from a neurologist, a senior nurse at a clinic, and a chief nurse at a hospital

I, like all nursing staff, am a direct and active participant in the implementation of tasks solved by the clinic, I ensure the implementation of medical and diagnostic prescriptions of the doctor in the clinic and at home, carrying out preventive and health care. -clearance Works. .Just like nurses working at receptions with doctors of other specialties, the district nurse ensures the organization of medical appointments (preparation of the workplace, instruments and tools, prescription forms, outpatient medical records), and participates in the preparation of medical records. documentation regulates the admission of patients.


As already mentioned, I pay great attention to sanitary and educational work.

I give lectures and give talks. I constantly improve my professional level by attending medical conferences and lectures held at the Novouzenskaya Central District Hospital.

Health education is a set of medical and social activities aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle.

The objectives of health education are: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, rational nutrition, fight against bad habits, introducing the population to disease prevention.

Health education is a mandatory duty of paramedical workers. One of the main tasks of a nurse is to convince a person to consciously adopt a healthy lifestyle and be a personal example for them.

When working with patients, the main form of health education work is: conversation, lecture, posters.

In my work I use literature:

Nurse's Handbook

magazines: “Nursing”, “Nursing”.

Health education is one of the important and effective methods prevention and control of diseases.

Promotion of prevention issues consists of two main components:

Hygienic training and education of the general population

Preventive propaganda (primary prevention).

It is carried out in two directions

A) dissemination of knowledge about prevention among the general population.

It is important that this work is carried out correctly methodically - only in terms of targeted information designed to provide early detection diseases and mass participation of the population in activities aimed at strengthening the body’s defenses;

B) hygienic education of the patient and their family members.

My primary propaganda tasks are:

Explaining to the population ways to significantly reduce and subsequently eliminate the disease in the country

Strengthening measures for the prevention and timely detection of diseases among healthy populations

Extensive outreach to the population regarding the high effectiveness of vaccination

Strengthening work on sanitary and hygienic education of patients and members of their families to instill in them the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Various topics of conversation:

· prevention of smoking and alcoholism

· fight against drug addiction

· prevention of osteochondrosis

· healthy lifestyle

· physiotherapy

· hardening

· prevention of osteochondrosis

· neuroses

Subletters on the topics:

· “Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents

· "Osteochondrosis

· "Ischemic stroke



I have my own individual style of work and master the art of positively influencing colleagues and patients. The ability to communicate is developed only with the constant improvement of one’s professional knowledge and skills, one’s cultural level.

Mercy, patience, politeness are elements of a good work style. Patience and restraint always accompany my work, but this is a big emotional burden. In my work I pay great attention to:

Culture of relationships with colleagues, doctors and other nurses in clinics and hospitals

Attitude towards your own health.

I pay due attention to my workplace and do not allow violations of the sanitary and hygienic regime.

My work is proactive and creative.

In my work, the following are not acceptable: ambition, raised tone, imposition of one’s own opinion, personal hostility. I accurately and skillfully provide medical care to patients who seek help.

The way I look plays an important role in communicating with subordinates and patients. A snow-white, starched robe is

my visual description.

This year, in accordance with the development of the National Health Project, great attention was paid to medical examination. I also did not stand aside

Recently, stable negative trends have formed in the health of the population - an increase in the prevalence of risk factors for the formation of health and development disorders, an increase in morbidity and disability.

The experience of domestic healthcare shows that a solution to this problem is possible only by organizing constant monitoring of the health status of the population based on periodic medical examinations, constant monitoring of patients with health problems, and comprehensive medical, protective and rehabilitation measures.

In order to implement these tasks, medical examination is carried out. I take an active part in this program.

Conclusions and offers

1. Work in the neurology office is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents

2. Modern and high-quality promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

3 High-quality and timely preparation for diagnostic and treatment measures.

4 Technique and quality of manipulations.

6. Monitoring the work of junior staff.

7. Timely improve the professional level of nursing staff through timely retraining.

Personal professional plan.

1. Improve your level through self-education (participate in public events, conferences).

2. Provide professional assistance to young professionals (entering the workforce).

3. Assist the senior nurse in conducting technical training with junior medical staff.

4. Study the ethical code of nurses in Russia and its articles, and use it as the basis for your activities.

5. Explore state program"Nursing in Russia."

6. Carry out mentoring and teaching activities.

7. Pass certification and receive a category.

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