Home Orthopedics What family and school teach. What does family and school teach us? The high cost of private schools

What family and school teach. What does family and school teach us? The high cost of private schools

After determining one of the disability groups, the medical and rehabilitation expert commission determines its cause.

When determining the cause of disability, the MREC is based on clinical data, medical and other documentation. MREC establishes the following legal causes of disability:

    general disease

    Occupational Illness,

    work injury,

    disability since childhood,

    disability since childhood due to injury, concussion or injury associated with combat operations during the Second World War (or with the consequences of military actions),

    disability since childhood associated with a disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant,

    war trauma,

    the disease was acquired while performing military service duties in connection with the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (during emergencies at other nuclear facilities, during testing of nuclear weapons),

    the disease was acquired during military service,

    illness (injury) caused by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Determination of disability group

Disability is a social insufficiency caused by a health disorder (disease, injury, anatomical defect) with a persistent disorder of body functions, leading to limitation of life activity and the need for social protection.

Life activity is everyday activity, the ability of the body to carry out activities in a manner and within the framework usual for a person.

Disability is the inability to perform daily activities in a manner and to the extent usual for a person, which creates barriers in the person’s environment and puts them at a disadvantage compared to healthy people and leads to social disability.

Categories (criteria) of life activity are the ability for self-service, movement, orientation, control of one’s behavior, communication, learning, fulfillment labor activity:

1. ability to move – the ability to move effectively in your environment (walk, run, overcome obstacles, use personal and public transport).

Assessment parameters are the nature of the gait, the pace of movement, the distance covered by the patient, the ability to independently use transport, the need for help from others when moving.

2. self-care ability – the ability to effectively perform daily household activities and meet needs without the help of others.

Assessment parameters - time intervals at which the need for help arises: episodic help (less than once a month), regular (several times a month), constant help(several times a week - regulated or several times a day - unregulated assistance).

3. ability to orient – ​​the ability to independently navigate in space and time, to have awareness of surrounding objects. The main orientation systems are vision and hearing. The ability to navigate here is assessed under the condition of a normal state of mental activity and speech.

4. ability to communicate (communicative ability) – the ability to establish contacts with other people and maintain familiar social relationships (communication disorders associated with mental disorders are not considered here).

The main means of communication are oral speech, auxiliary means are reading, writing, non-verbal speech (gesture, sign).

Assessment parameters - characteristics of the circle of people with whom it is possible to maintain contacts, as well as the need for help from other people in the process of learning and work.

5. the ability to control one’s behavior – the ability to behave in accordance with the moral, ethical and legal standards of the environment.

6. ability to learn – the ability to perceive, assimilate and accumulate knowledge, to develop skills and abilities (everyday, cultural, professional and others) in a purposeful learning process: ability to vocational training – the ability to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities of a specific profession.

Assessment parameters - the possibility of training in regular or specially created conditions (special educational institution or group, homeschooling, etc.); volume of the program, terms and mode of training; the opportunity to master professions of various qualification levels or only certain types of work; the need to use special training tools and attract help from others (except the manager).

7. ability to work - the totality of a person’s physical and spiritual capabilities, determined by the state of health, allowing him to engage in various types of work activities. Professional work ability is a person’s ability to perform high-quality work required by a specific profession, which allows employment in a certain area of ​​production in accordance with the requirements for the content and volume of the production load, the established work schedule and the conditions of the production environment.

8. impairment of professional ability to work – the most common reason social insufficiency may occur primarily when other categories of life activity are not impaired or secondary, based on limitation of life activity. The ability to work in a specific profession for disabled people with limitations in other aspects of life can be preserved in full or in part, or restored through professional rehabilitation measures, and they can work in regular or specially created conditions with full or part-time working hours.

At first school year, returning to their teams after the summer holidays, many children fall ill, most often with ARVI, after barely one or two weeks of schooling. This happens, firstly, because the risk of infection in closed groups is high, and secondly, starting classes for a child is stressful. Even an adult finds it difficult to get back into work mode after a vacation, and studying is still work. Parents have a slight runny nose or complaints about headache They react as if to a simulation: a pill for breakfast and off to school. Otherwise, they say, you’ll miss classes and then you won’t be able to catch up. The load is growing, and general fatigue and fatigue of the most vulnerable organs and systems are accumulating. It is believed that only 10 percent of children graduate from school healthy, 40 percent with a borderline condition, 50 percent with a bunch of chronic diseases.

In different regions of Russia, the prevalence of certain diseases that children acquire at school is different. Moreover, even in St. Petersburg, studies conducted by reputable medical universities, are different. For example, according to the Pediatric Academy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are most common in our city, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are in second place, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are in third place. endocrine disorders, including obesity, on the fourth - blood diseases. And according to MAPO data, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (postural disorders) are in the lead among schoolchildren, ophthalmological diseases are in second place, problems with gastrointestinal tract. However, in any case, the most noticeable difference between “our” morbidity and other regions is the frequency chronic pathologies musculoskeletal system, in this disreputable ranking in other cities they do not occupy the top lines.

The health of children depends 50 percent on their lifestyle, a significant part of which they spend at school, and many also live by the principle: “Drama club, photo club, I also want to sing...”. Result: According to the health committee, based on annual medical examinations, for every St. Petersburg teenager aged 15-17 years, on average there are three chronic diseases.

Until recently, doctors called pediatrics an optimistic specialty: unlike patients in “adult” medicine, children with congenital anomalies development, can get rid of them in the process of growth and formation of the body, if conditions are created for this. Today, on the contrary, more often than not, congenital health problems worsen with age. And all because, pediatricians are sure, that it is good to work with children, it is much more difficult to work with parents, from whom children during school hours most often only hear: “Have you learned your lessons?” and “Get away from the computer (option: TV)!”

And in order to not even maintain 100% health, but at least not to aggravate existing problems, you need to carve out only 1-2 weeks of summer vacation, preferably before classes and visit an ophthalmologist, orthopedist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, dentist, so that, firstly, , find out if there is a weak link in the child’s condition, and secondly, start correcting it in a timely manner. Since it’s difficult to choose between education and health, you need to do basic things outside of school. For example, check your eyesight, which is not easy to do during classes (it is impossible to read and write for several days), have your teeth treated, and if you need to correct your bite, it is better to install braces before September 1, so that there is time to get used to them.

On the eve of the start of the school year and in its first weeks, you need to take care of strengthening your immune system. Parents often think that this is all they did in the summer, including “vitaminizing” the body, thanks to the abundance of fruits and vegetables. This is a myth; it is impossible to stock up on vitamins for future use, and in conditions of adaptation failure, which is caused by a change in lifestyle in the first days of school, the body needs them more than usual.

If at the beginning of the school year you are concerned about the condition of the spine: conduct a massage course, work out physical therapy, purchase a subscription to the pool, in short, follow the individual recommendations of an orthopedist or neurologist to strengthen muscle corset, the loads at your desk and at the computer will no longer be threatening. This is especially important for first-graders and at the turn of primary and secondary school: ages 6-7 years and 11-13 for girls, 7-9, 13-15 years for boys - these are periods of rapid growth, when muscles and ligaments do not keep up rapid growth spine and it is difficult for them to keep it in a physiological position. Therefore, it is better to go even to a school fair after a medical examination and consultation with a doctor who will tell you what the child needs and why. How many parents know that younger schoolchildren Is a backpack required, and its weight should not be more than 10 percent of body weight (in high school, a bag is allowed, weight - 15 percent)? It should not be higher than the shoulders and not lower than the buttocks, and you cannot buy it for growth. From the right choice table and chair, table lamp and even a pillow depend not only on maintaining vision and healthy posture, but also on academic success - it’s not worth talking about if the child doesn’t see anything from the board and spins around at his desk because his back is uncomfortable.

Irina Baglikova

Doctor Peter

Having a lesson outside of school will soon become commonplace.
Photo by Grigory Tambulov (NG photo)

Information has appeared about how our education will be reformed further. Authors of the new concept (Higher School of Economics (NRU GU), Public Chamber RF) within the framework of “Strategy 2020” invite the teaching community to discuss scenarios for the development of our “New School”. In their opinion, educational policy today reaches “the forks between the scenarios offered to society.” And given resource and political constraints, it is better to start by using elements of all scenarios.

So, according to the authors of the document, the first fork implies a decision to complete what has been started institutional changes(modernization scenario) or a return to the Soviet education model. The second fork is related to the possibility of limiting ourselves to a stabilization scenario or offering answers to current and future challenges for the education system. The third fork (in case of going beyond the stabilization scenario) is associated with the choice of a priority object of transformation and investment to respond to the challenges of “tomorrow”. What to do: invest effort and money in your usual and clear system schools and kindergartens or “enter” the field of open education, using new resources and opportunities?

Since society is not ready to fully accept any of the proposed scenarios (modernization, stabilization, innovation), a reasonable combination of all of them, according to the authors of the concept, will allow us to begin new stage in the development of domestic education. In short, everyone used to think more about how to improve the infrastructure. Because after the 90s, schools lay in “ruins”: outdated equipment, furniture, manuals, textbooks, etc. And today, when computers and interactive whiteboards Mostly imported, schools partially renovated, Internet installed, it’s time to think “about the eternal.” About how to teach and what to teach.

The authors themselves believe that achieving high-quality results can come not only through updating the content of the school itself, but also through updating the extracurricular sphere of education and socialization. This requires going beyond the system into the sphere of non-formal (open) education. It is this that provides prospects for the use of new resources and opportunities.

It is clear that the school is busy with its own problems and the prospects discussed for it are speculative. Therefore, the authors of the concept believe that the innovative scenario can be implemented based on the interest of families in developing the potential of their own children.

According to the rector of the Higher School of Economics (NRU State University) Yaroslav Kuzminov, some kind of parental activity is observed during elementary school, then it fades away. And only closer to graduation from school do parents begin to pay attention to school again. In order to encourage such parents to constantly engage in the development of their children, the authors of the new document believe, it is necessary to provide incentives for their activity and investment in the sphere of non-formal education and socialization. At the same time, investments should be understood not only as finances, but also as intangible resources (attention, personal time, activity). For example, by launching mechanisms of competition between families for the child’s success (participation in competitions, student’s portfolio, etc.)

The innovative scenario can be based, the authors of the project further write, on the potential accumulated in the media sphere, the children's goods industry, non-formal education and socialization organizations, best schools, implementing not only educational, but also modern educational practices. Of course, this development of the non-formal education sector also needs to be stimulated somehow. For example, through public-private mechanisms (support for children's industries, media projects) and social partnerships, support (tax incentives, grants) for public and private initiatives, etc.

The authors believe that the non-formal education system should be decentralized. That is, no government licensing or accreditation instruments. To avoid the danger of being taught the wrong way, it is proposed to rely on self-regulatory mechanisms (associations of service providers and consumers).

In addition to all this, additional incentives for municipal policy are important. In order to create interest local authorities in creating an infrastructure for socialization and leisure of children and adolescents at their place of residence. For media and social projects that solve the problem of forming social attitudes of the younger generation (Internet, cinema, TV), government assistance is naturally needed. Today there are practically no channels interested in such projects. Moreover, the big screen today serves to degrade the younger generation.

Any attempts to create an alternative system of educational services come down to the issue of money. Therefore, the authors especially note that stimulating the development of the non-formal education sector and socialization will not lead to universal tuition fees for education, but will help improve accessibility and quality paid services. For large and needy families, money problems will be solved by the same certificates that allow you to pay for non-formal education services.

The proposals of the new reformers sound tempting. But... today the institution of family in the Russian Federation is undergoing a deep crisis. Almost half of children under the age of 5 live in single-parent families, and almost 30% of children are born out of wedlock. Almost 85% of young families with children from rural areas and small towns live in extreme poverty. Theoretical justifications for the topic of family participation in education are good, only real life turns out to be much more complicated...

In Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “Police Protocol” there are the lines: Now allow me a few words off the record.What does family and school teach us?

My helpful memory sometimes brings out from the depths of my consciousness something like: What kind of offspring will be produced by crossing a polled homozygous cow with a red heterozygous bull? This is from a school biology curriculum taken in the 70s of the last century. But really, what kind of offspring will you get? Until I was fifty, I didn’t care at all, because after school I became a career military man, not a livestock breeder.

Until recently, I did not know why a person needs a spleen and where it is located. The fact is that in high school at that time the topic of human anatomy was secretly considered somewhat indecent. Komsomol members were supposed to think about building a bright future, and not about functions digestive system, or, God forbid, the reproductive system.

It’s okay, we didn’t get into this anatomy. They trusted the Party and the Government and knew that everything would be as it should, and you serve the Motherland and don’t worry about anything. By the way, I learned that the liver is located on the right side under the ribs when I started boxing. But I remembered for the rest of my life that a good blow to the liver knocks a person out on the spot.

I once asked my daughter, who was finishing school, about her knowledge of human anatomy. I realized that in more than thirty years nothing has changed much, and at school they still do not teach knowledge about the structure and functions human body. But the overwhelming majority of representatives of the generation of the 90s consider fast food quite acceptable healthy nutrition, and the best drink to quench your thirst is called Cola.

I had no examples in my childhood healthy eating. My dad, having survived his hungry adolescence, could easily eat six eggs in lard for dinner at nine o’clock in the evening, eating it with half a white loaf, and then gulp down a couple of mugs of ice-cold compote. My wonderful mother wonderfully cooked fried and boiled potatoes, fried chicken, cutlets, dumplings, pancakes, pancakes. It was difficult not to eat all this, and even more difficult (or rather, impossible) to understand that such a way of eating, to put it mildly, was unhealthy.

However, there was no one to tell us, because all our relatives and friends ate this way, this is how we were fed in kindergarten, at school and in different canteens. And this was considered quite correct, because it looked like a diverse good nutrition, well, maybe in a somewhat excessive volume. What saved me from obesity was that there was no Internet (that’s how!), there was nothing to watch on the only TV channel, so active entertainment on fresh air allowed us to maintain energy balance all year round. And if in our environment, be it a yard or a school, there really was someone overweight, then he was one out of a hundred, and the reason for this was a real illness, and not a bad thing. eating behavior. On the military medical commission I weighed 78 kg with a height of 178 cm.

Within the walls of the military school, we - future officers - were not burdened with the study of human anatomy and physiology. Some useful information about the body could be gleaned from classes on hand-to-hand combat and guard training: where and how to strike with a butt, bayonet-knife, foot or fist, so that once is enough. Also informative regarding the structure of the body were classes on chemical warfare agents and the basics of medical training.

At military school no one told me about the need to drink plain water in an amount of at least 2.5 liters per day. On the contrary, it was believed that drinking excess water means sweating and peeing a lot, and a real warrior should not pee, but joyfully endure the hardships and deprivations of military service.

It still amazes me how in the school cafeteria it was possible to prepare the healthiest pearl barley in such a way that just the thought of it would make you sick. Or stewed cabbage - bigus. Now I can cook vegetable stew, hummus or puree soup so that you won’t be able to pull it away from the plate by your ears, but why couldn’t those cooks cook properly? Probably, this is again from the series that in war “you won’t be offered delicacies.”

The connection between overeating and speed dial The weight somehow didn’t appear. Even when I couldn’t button up my overcoat at the end of the winter holiday in which my beloved and I got married, I thought that the overcoat had shrunk after not being worn for two weeks.

I dreamed that as soon as I left the walls of the military school, as soon as I got the opportunity to cook on my own, I would definitely eat what I missed so much during my studies: potatoes fried in lard, pork kebab, beef stroganoff, goulash, dumplings with sour cream, sausage, ham, Olivier salad, chicken in all forms. In the end, cheese on white bread with butter (as thick as a finger)… At the same time, vegetable salads, whole grain porridges, vegetable stews, water soups and fruits were ignored as tasteless and useless.

Postulates such as “bread is the head of everything”, “without meat there will be no strength”, “milk is the guarantor strong bones“were and still are unshakable in the minds of most of our compatriots who are now over forty.

All this formed strong instincts for “proper” nutrition and the understanding that if weight increases, it is necessary to increase sports activities. However, youth took its toll, and the Armed Forces (thanks to them!) carefully planned and regularly checked our physical fitness, so we trained all the time between checks. My weight was about 83 kg with a height of 180 cm. This was the beginning of adult life and officer service in a military unit near the Arctic Circle.

There is a month left before the start of the new school year. There are many parents in Russia who are not satisfied with the standard school education. They want to educate their children on their own and join together in organizations such as the Family School Club and the Association for the Advancement of Family Education to provide children with an alternative to public education. Telegraph talked to school teachers, the director of a private school and parents who decided to teach their children on their own.

Useless storage lockers

Svetlana Marzeeva is one of those parents who believes public education is useless. She homeschooled her daughter for four years. Then the child himself decided to go to school. However, the short school experience did not satisfy either mother or daughter, so Svetlana decided to found a school herself together with like-minded people.

Moscow journalist, author of the portal “Alternative Education in Russia,” one of the founders of ARSO (Association for the Development of Family Education) and organizer of the Family Schools Club, Svetlana Marzeeva, is not satisfied with outdated federal educational standards, the content of educational programs and the quality of textbooks.

“For some reason, almost all of the textbooks are written in lame language, which is also incomprehensible and boring. Schools, like kindergartens, effectively perform only the function of storage rooms. Children are overloaded, and this has a catastrophic effect on their health. In addition, ordinary schoolchildren are dependent and helpless in everyday life; they cannot cook their own lunch, iron or wash their own things, and they have practically no responsibilities at home. They get tired and that's it free time They are busy with homework. They constantly have to be forced,” says Svetlana.

Sergei Ivanov, director of the private Anne Frank Educational Center, agrees that education in public schools is not the best right now. He attributes this to the introduction of new educational standards and the Unified State Examination, according to which schoolchildren at the end of the 11th grade must know the program that previous students mastered by the 8th-9th grade.

“The children were deprived of all literature and mathematics. It turns out that modern schoolchildren, except those who take specialized Unified State Exams in mathematics and literature, do not need to know integrals, and only need to read one book,” says Ivanov.

In his opinion, educated person must have knowledge of literature and mathematics at least to the extent of the Soviet high school, although he considers the classical gymnasium education of the times to be the best example Russian Empire. Children entered there from the age of ten, and by this age they had to be able to read, write, count and speak at least two languages.

Among other shortcomings of public schools, Ivanov named large classes, the need for the child to spend a lot of time with people he did not choose, and the random selection of teachers.

Legal alternative

The main advantage Russian system Svetlana Marzeeva thinks the federal law“On Education”, which gives parents greater opportunities for choice. It spells out various legal forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, family, and even distance learning. Parents and children can choose whether and how often to attend school. At the same time, they may, for example, not go to classes, but attend school events. It turns out that the law does not even oblige you to undergo mandatory certifications, only to take the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

“From a legal point of view, there are no obstacles to combining training in different educational organizations taking into account the interests of the child. The state itself is interested in this. In the law, an entire article is devoted to network forms of implementation of educational programs, where it is discussed how it is possible to ensure that students can master the program using the resources of several organizations,” says Svetlana.

Sergei Ivanov also believes that, at least in primary school If possible, children should not be given away. “Every parent can teach to read and write. This program can be completed in two years. And for socialization of a child at this age they will be suitable sport sections and artistic and music schools and mugs,” he says.

In his opinion, now the number of parents who do not want to send their children to school is really growing, but they are still preparing to receive a certificate through the Unified State Exam. Quite a lot of such children are among those who receive education abroad. At the same time, they study with tutors during the holidays or remotely for passing the OGE and Unified State Exam.

Alternative education is also chosen by children who are seriously involved in sports or art. In addition, there are disabled people and children with chronic diseases who can choose home schooling. “Parents, of course, are at first worried about what the child will do at home? And then they realize that maybe this is better than going to school,” Ivanov shares his experience.

The high cost of private schools

Parents are also not satisfied with traditional private schools. According to Svetlana Marzeeva, they now teach there in approximately the same way as in state schools, according to the same programs, with the same shortcomings. The only advantage of private schools is smaller class sizes, but this is not worth the money they charge for tuition.

According to Sergei Ivanov, in St. Petersburg private schools are divided into three price categories: 20-25 thousand rubles, 30-40 thousand rubles and 60-70 thousand rubles per month. However, only a few of them offer education that differs from the standard one and alternative systems of education and development. In addition, the state is now increasingly interfering with the work of private schools, which is why many of them are closing, although new ones are opening in their place.

According to Ivanov, the heyday of private schools came in the 90s, when many innovative pedagogical methods appeared in the country, but the most effective of them require highly qualified teachers and parents who are willing to pay for it. Therefore, the best private schools tend to have a team of like-minded teachers.

According to parliamentary deputy Maxim Reznik, former teacher history in a private school, they really differ from public schools mainly in small classes and the best system safety for schoolchildren. Children, in their abilities and behavior, differ little from their peers from public schools.

Family education is not always an alternative

Even parents who are not happy traditional education, do not believe that their children only need to be raised in a family. Svetlana Marzeeva paid for tutors and classes for her daughter, and now, together with like-minded parents, she organizes private lessons with teachers and teachers. In her opinion, it is important that children are taught by enthusiastic, bright and charismatic individuals.

“We teamed up with other parents to pay for the work of such teachers. We suggested that they work out with the kids instead of going to school, and almost everyone we approached supported this idea. We decided to study subjects in school curriculum, since this is necessary for certifications, and also: participate in Olympiads, study psychology, get career guidance, take excursions around Moscow and cities, teach foreign languages, master robotics, dance, play... and do various other things that the guys themselves suggest,” said Svetlana. According to her calculations, such an education will cost her 20 thousand rubles per month, which is still significantly cheaper than in a private school.

In defense of public school

Kirill Aleksandrovich, history and social studies teacher at the St. Petersburg state secondary school, decided to defend public schools in a conversation with Telegraph. He recently graduated from school and is now one of the youngest school teachers in the city. Comparing the school of his studies and his teaching, he notes that it has changed for the better. Despite the simplification of the program, its main content remains. At the same time, new educational standards describe the purpose of public education, including the ability for self-development and independent work.

“The state is paying attention to the amount of information that now exists, to the transition to an information society, for which it is useless to provide a finite set of knowledge,” the teacher believes. Therefore, according to him, there are now more independent work, now this is a mandatory requirement in the lesson so that the student can find information and work with it.

In addition, public schooling is free, fees from parents are a thing of the past, the curriculum has become more accessible, and teachers are held accountable for children. “No matter how little time a teacher has and a lot to do, he is still aware of his own responsibility for the children. At school there is control of behavior, control of knowledge acquisition,” says Kirill Aleksandrovich.

In addition, at school children learn to communicate and solve their conflicts and problems with the help of teachers. For students from prosperous families is an opportunity, not always positive, to find mutual language with less fortunate peers.

“Nobody says that we live in an ideal world and school is not something special. Children are not immune from mental trauma, either in public or private schools, on the street, or on the Internet. No one is immune from children, who can be destructive. social influence, promote unhealthy image life, form groups of abandoned children. The school can't do anything about them if the parents can't handle them. The teacher’s task is not to re-teach children with a stick and not to make the situation worse. If parents don’t want and can’t do anything, the school’s task is to minimize this damage,” the teacher believes.

According to a young school teacher, the state education system in Russia is being criticized in vain. Of course, a lot depends on the team of teachers, but if you want, even in a less prosperous school you can get a quality education, especially if you know how to study independently.

“Of course, a rural school is not equal to a city one, these are the realities in which we live, but if you look at Unified State Exam systemteaching materials the Unified State Examination is available to everyone; anyone who wants to can prepare to take it. I have an example where a person from a provincial town prepared himself, passed the exam and entered,” said Kirill Alexandrovich.

Soldiers of Urfene Dzhus

One of the main complaints against the modern public school is the return of ideology to it. According to Maxim Reznik, now the school is turning from a place where a citizen is trained, into a place where the soldiers of Urfene Dzhus (the wooden army from the book by Sergei Volkov) are trained. However, in a private school, students are also not immune from ideological influence, only it will depend on the owner of the school.

According to social studies and history teacher Kirill Alexandrovich, there is no ideology and no taboo topics at school. During the lesson you can talk about politics, Ukraine or gays. “My job is to give the facts so that children know what it is. It is important to explain to them how certain phenomena are perceived in our culture and why. Why, for example, does the state prohibit the promotion of homosexuality? It is important that children understand the reasons,” says the teacher.

The director of a private school, Sergei Ivanov, notes that the ideological component in any school depends on the director and the specific teacher. However, he also believes that it is better for teachers to stick to facts in the classroom rather than promote any ideology. “The teacher must keep in mind that children are brought up in different families with different political views. The ideological basis of any school, public or private, should be pan-European humanistic values, formulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and uniting people different cultures, religions and political views,” he says.

They choose not the school, but the teachers

As it turned out, both teachers and parents agree on one thing - the quality of education depends on the teacher, so you need to choose him first. Therefore, Svetlana Marzeeva and other parents are ready to pay individual teachers for classes with their children. Sergey Ivanov, first of all, when choosing a school, recommends looking for good teacher and a teacher, and it’s even better to look for a school with an established team of like-minded teachers, and Maxim Reznik advises using “word of mouth” - reviews from parents about schools and teachers. Moreover, in Russia now there are all possibilities, including legislative ones, for choosing the most suitable for the child education, whether public, private or parent school. The main thing is to understand for what purposes your child needs education.

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