Home Prosthetics and implantation What happens if you do not operate on an ovarian cyst? Removal of ovarian cysts: types of operations, how they are performed, consequences, doctor’s recommendations

What happens if you do not operate on an ovarian cyst? Removal of ovarian cysts: types of operations, how they are performed, consequences, doctor’s recommendations

Ovarian cyst is one of the most common diagnoses in gynecology. An ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm that does not always require surgical intervention.


The cyst may have different character. There are follicular, endometrioid, dermoid, cystadenoma, cyst corpus luteum.

  • Follicular. A follicular cyst is characterized by the fact that its size depends on the time of the cycle. Most often it disappears after the onset of menstruation. Some hormonal disorders may cause it to remain and grow in size. A follicular ovarian cyst appears during ovulation.

As it increases in size, it can rupture - this is called ovarian apoplexy. Typically, apoplexy occurs during follicle rupture, or during ovulation.

The question of whether an ovarian cyst needs to be removed is decided after diagnosis. If there are several days left until the next period, the doctor usually decides to wait for it and give it a few days for the cyst to resolve. If this does not happen, a decision is made to delete. Such cysts can reach 3 cm in size. They are usually treated with medication. The phenomenon of polycystic disease is also possible, when 3-5 small cysts of small size are formed.

  • Corpus luteum cyst. This ovarian cyst is formed from the corpus luteum. When the follicle ruptures during ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed to produce hormones. When menstruation occurs, the corpus luteum disappears.

In pathological cases, it may not disappear, but fill with fluid, which is called a cyst. Danger of this education is that symptoms appear only if it has already increased and is compressing neighboring organs. Dimensions reach 3-5 cm.

  • Dermoid. This ovarian cyst most often occurs in women of reproductive age. It refers to benign neoplasms, and inside they can meet connective tissues of different nature.

A complication can occur if she has a thin pedicle causing ovarian torsion. In this case, surgery to remove the ovarian cyst is required. Sizes from 1 to 3 cm.

  • Endometrioid. This disease is a consequence of endometriosis. Foci of inflammation, widespread not only in reproductive organs, but also on the outer walls of the intestine, are accompanied by prolonged pain and can cause a tumor measuring three to four centimeters in size. In this case, surgery is performed to remove the cyst to prevent further spread of endometriosis.


The symptoms of a cyst depend on its origin. Some don't show themselves for a long time, and pain appears only after the tumor grows in size.

Usually a woman feels that the ovary hurts, some twitching in the ovary is possible. The disease is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities.

With apoplexy or torsion of the leg, it is felt sharp pain in the lower abdomen, spreading to the entire pelvic area. At the same time, heat often rises to the patient’s face.

Some neoplasms can cause bleeding in the middle of the cycle, or cause the existing duration of menstruation to drag on for several days longer. At the first such symptoms, you should immediately seek help.

With such discharge, the blood takes on a brown tint, and blood clots or white streaks are possible. If you experience spotting in the middle of your cycle Brown within 3-4 days, it is advisable to seek help as early as possible.


The reasons for the development of cysts are systematic irregularities in the menstrual cycle, the onset of the first menstruation very early - at 11 years of age or earlier. It is possible that cysts have already been removed before or that treatment was carried out incorrectly after removal of an ovarian cyst.

The presence of problems with endocrine organs, as well as the prevention or treatment of infertility, also causes the formation of cysts. Other reasons include poor diet, bad habits, promiscuity.

Diagnostics by ultrasound

Before the operation, mandatory monitoring of the condition of the ovary is carried out. this moment. Ultrasound can be performed through the abdominal wall or transvaginally. The first study is carried out with a full bladder, the second does not require filling Bladder Therefore, when prescribing an ultrasound, you need to check with your doctor about the recommended type of examination.

Diagnostics by laparoscope

Laparoscopy is not only a method surgical intervention, but also a fairly informative diagnostic method. Laparoscopic examination allows you to obtain the most full information about the condition of the abdominal organs, while it is possible to simultaneously cure the detected ailment.

Laboratory research

Laboratory testing includes a hormonal blood test to detect possible violations hormonal background of a woman. Also for rent general analysis urine and blood test for tumor markers. There are only 3 main blood tests: tumor marker, biochemistry and general.

Laboratory tests simultaneously provide information about the functioning of the liver and kidneys, allowing timely identification of possible complications and implementation of appropriate therapy.


The method involves performing a puncture to determine the contents of the pouch of Douglas. Usually, when a cyst ruptures, its contents flow into the pouch of Douglas, so puncture allows you to accurately determine its contents and correct it further tactics treatment.

When surgery is not needed

Sometimes the attending physician may postpone surgery if the cyst does not increase in size and does not interfere with the functioning of neighboring organs. A cyst can be treated with hormonal drugs and drugs for resolving the cyst, if its nature and nature are accurately determined.

Some cysts go away on their own within a cycle or two, requiring only accompanying therapy. If this does not happen, subsequent removal of the ovarian cyst is prescribed.

Surgical removal methods

An ovarian cyst is surgically removed in two ways: surgically and laparoscopically. In general, laparoscopy is also a type of surgical intervention, but in in this case Surgical means traditional intervention using a fairly large incision with a scalpel.

Laparoscopy is a more modern and gentle method of removal; more and more hospitals are trying to use it. However, not all medical institutions can afford special equipment, so sometimes removal is carried out traditionally surgically. Sometimes, for one reason or another, a doctor’s recommendations may still be directed towards traditional intervention.

Removal laparoscopically

Laparoscopy, the purpose of which is diagnosis and simultaneous treatment, is performed under general anesthesia. Laparoscopy requires special equipment and skill from the surgeon.

First, the abdominal cavity is filled with gas, usually carbon dioxide. To carry out the entire operation, four incisions of no more than two centimeters are made. After one, the gas supply is introduced - filled abdominal cavity the gas will lift the wall and make the organs more accessible for examination and removal of the ovarian cyst.

Through the second puncture, a video camera is inserted to examine the condition of the organs - the image from the camera is fed to a monitor near the operating chair.

For surgical actions, instruments are inserted into the remaining two punctures. The instrument is not inserted directly but requires a metal tube to prevent the instruments from touching the skin.

After the surgeon detects the cyst, its surface is punctured and emptied. Once the contents of the cyst are released, it can be easily removed.


Since the operation is carried out under general anesthesia Before undergoing cyst excision, preparation is required - exactly the same as before surgery.

  • To do this, not only a laboratory test is carried out, but also an additional blood clotting test.
  • An ECG will be required.
  • Before starting the procedure, you should not eat anything for eight hours.

After operation

Recommendations in postoperative period will depend on how the patient underwent the operation and how easy it was. Typically, the postoperative period is much easier than if the operation was performed using the traditional surgical method.

The ovary should practically not hurt after removal of the cyst. The wounds themselves do not hurt too much, since they are quite small. Recovery from ovarian cyst removal involves taking pain medications three times a day, as well as antibiotics to prevent infection.

The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers independently. They will depend on whether the patient is allowed to use antibiotics, and whether this threatens dysbacteriosis in a particular case.

By the evening in the postoperative period, the patient can get up and move independently. Such a movement may even be specifically recommended so that the abdominal muscles do not lose the habit of working independently.

The dressing is performed within a week. It involves changing the bandage and treating the wound with an antiseptic. A bleeding suture must be examined by a doctor. The question of what you can eat and how best to behave for a speedy recovery should still be discussed with your doctor.

Benefits of laparoscopy

Among the greatest advantages of laparoscopy is less trauma for female body. During laparoscopy, the incisions are made very small and do not require strong restorative forces from the body, as with a standard incision.

It is possible to treat a cyst in this way more effectively, since the body will direct all its forces to healing the scar, and not to healing skin wounds. The postoperative period is significantly reduced, and the number of consequences after removal of an ovarian cyst is noticeably less. From a cosmetic point of view, this method is also more acceptable.

Ovarian tumors involve the presence of cysts containing thick fabrics. The cyst itself is a neoplasm characterized by pronounced swelling. The cyst is located on the surface or inside the ovary.

What types of ovarian tumors are there?

Ovarian cysts and tumors are usually divided into three types:




Benign cysts more common in young women. Women suffering from endometriosis and various menstrual irregularities are predisposed to the development of benign cysts.

Borderline ovarian tumors more common in women over 30 years of age. The tumor may consist of cancer cells, however, its course is completely similar to that of benign tumors. It is not aggressive and does not metastasize.

Malignant ovarian tumors(ovarian cancer) most often develop in women after menopause.

How are ovarian tumors diagnosed?

Most often, a woman with an ovarian tumor visits a gynecologist with complaints of pain in the ovarian area. Sometimes these pains are periodic, sometimes constant. Also, about 30% of all cases of tumors are discovered completely by chance, during preventive ultrasound examinations.

What markers are there to diagnose ovarian cancer?

The marker most often used for diagnosing malignant ovarian tumors is CA-125. Particularly accurate diagnosis occurs when combined with ultrasound data.

Do I need to remove all identified cysts?

No, not all identified cysts require removal. Some of them are formed during the menstrual cycle and go away on their own after 1-2 menstrual cycles. Such cysts require only periodic observation by a gynecologist.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (a large number of small cysts) does not require treatment if the disease does not cause infertility or menstrual irregularities. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a fairly common anomaly that is present in 20% of completely healthy women.

What is the main purpose of surgery to remove a cyst?

Removal of a cyst is of great diagnostic interest (most often, a cyst is removed primarily for the purpose of accurate diagnosis), since only after removal is it possible to accurately determine whether the cyst is benign or malignant. All preoperative diagnostic methods are approximate and cannot answer the question of the benignity or malignancy of a neoplasm with 100% certainty.

Is it necessary to remove the ovary on which the cyst has formed?

This question can only be answered taking into account the nature of the cyst, the woman’s age and her condition, as well as based on other factors. If we talk about benign cysts, not big size(endometrioma, adenocystoma, etc.), then the ovary can be saved by removing only the cyst with the capsule. However, when malignant neoplasms The entire ovary along with the cyst is removed to prevent further progression and spread of cancer.

Can a woman with one ovary removed get pregnant?

Yes, if the second ovary fully performs its functions, the menstrual cycle is maintained, then the chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child for such a woman is very high, almost the same as for women with two ovaries.

How is surgery to remove a cyst performed?

If the cyst is small (less than 8 cm in diameter) and there is no suspicion of a malignant nature of the cyst, then the operation is performed laparoscopically (excellent cosmetic effect - an invisible scar of only 2 cm). If the cyst is large, then the operation is performed through a large incision.

Is it possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery?

Ovarian cysts can only be removed; no treatment is effective therapeutic effect. There is a misconception that hormonal drugs They help the cyst to resolve, but in practice, taking hormones only worsens the patient’s condition and stimulates the progression of the disease. All this does not concern functional cysts, which go away on their own without treatment 1-2 menstrual cycles after their appearance.

Which doctor decides to remove a cyst?

A referral to a consultation with an operating gynecologist is issued by your attending gynecologist. In the future, the decision on the need for an operation is made either by the operating gynecologist or by a council of several specialists (with mandatory participation operating gynecologist).

We described in more detail about the treatment of ovarian cysts and tumors in the article

An ovarian cyst discovered as a result of a competent diagnosis is not a disaster in a woman’s life. Modern methods studies can detect this disease early stages, and thanks to the latest equipment installed in almost every clinic, the operation to remove this tumor is gentle and almost painless.

The choice of treatment tactics for a patient with an ovarian cyst depends on the form and stage of the disease, the size of the tumor, the presence concomitant diseases, oncological prognosis. Each time, the doctor makes a decision individually, being guided by the possibility of the most gentle treatment option, preserving the organ itself and its functionality.

Conservative treatment is indicated for functional forms. If after 2-3 menstrual cycles If it is not possible to achieve positive dynamics of regression (resorption, disappearance) of the cyst, then surgical treatment is strongly recommended to the patient.

Methods of surgical treatment:

Operations are divided into urgent (urgent) and planned.

Indications for urgent surgery are:

  • twisting of the cyst stalk;
  • cyst rupture;
  • suppuration of liquid contents.

Such complications are accompanied by the phenomena “ acute abdomen» - intense sharp pains in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the legs or anus, fever to febrile levels (above 38°C), nausea and vomiting, fainting, bloody issues from the vagina. With such clinical picture consultation with an urgent surgeon is necessary for differential diagnosis with acute pathologies of the abdominal organs.

Most often, operations are carried out as planned.

Cyst puncture

Used relatively infrequently when not large sizes cysts (up to 10 cm), as well as the absence of signs of inflammation or malignant degeneration.

The technique of the operation is that, under ultrasound control (ultrasound), a transvaginal (through the vagina) puncture of the cyst cavity is performed with a special nozzle. The contents are removed and sent for cytological analysis to exclude the presence of malignant cells. A small amount (10-15 ml) is injected into the cavity ethyl alcohol, which has a sclerotizing effect (the cavity collapses, a scar is formed within a short time without the risk of suppuration or other long-term complications).

Removal of an ovarian cyst during laparoscopy

This kind surgical treatment is the most gentle, causing minimal trauma to the organ. It is easily tolerated by patients, complications are rare, and the postoperative prognosis is favorable. To remove an endometrioid ovarian cyst, laparoscopy is the only option.

Operation technique:

  1. Three small incisions (about 1 cm) are made on the anterior abdominal wall; through one access the surgeon inserts an optical cable with a video camera connected to it, and through the other two - operating instruments. In some cases, an additional fourth access may be necessary to insert instruments.
  2. The cyst itself is removed (cystectomy, cystectomy). The ovary itself either remains completely intact, or its partial resection (removal of a fragment) is performed. In cases where the cyst has reached a large size and the ovarian tissue is almost completely damaged, as well as when high risk malignant degeneration, an oophorectomy is performed (complete removal of the ovary).

When removing a cyst, the surgeon tries to remove it without opening the cavity so that the liquid contents do not spill into the abdominal cavity. This is important for all types of cysts (mucinous, dermoid, cystadenoma), but Special attention during laparoscopy, removal of the endometrioid ovarian cyst is performed, where it is impossible to do without a thorough revision (examination) of the entire ovary and resection (removal) of all suspicious tissue areas. If some part of the cyst remains untouched, then a relapse is possible and the tumor will develop again.

Laparoscopic surgery has a significant advantage - optical observation through a laparoscope allows you to increase the surgeon’s field of view up to 40 times. Even the smallest tissue fragments become available for him to review; the operation is performed absolutely accurately, without damaging healthy tissue, eliminating the possibility of bleeding. This is especially important if malignant degeneration of a cyst or large cavity is suspected.

Sometimes laparoscopic cyst removal must be combined with other operations that are performed in parallel - separation of adhesions, removal of fibroids, checking the patency of the fallopian tubes, etc.

There are two ways to remove a cyst:

  • electrocoagulation of tumor tissue;
  • removal using laser.

The second option is safer and more gentle, but the final choice of method always remains only with the surgeon. Electrocoagulation threatens that it can subsequently lead to complete sclerosis (death) of the ovary, while with laser removal this risk is minimized.

Abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Previously was the only possible way surgical treatment of cysts. Currently used relatively rarely. The main indications for abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst are reasonable suspicions of malignant degeneration and/or intense bleeding that occurs during laparoscopy.

The combination of pregnancy and ovarian cyst requires a special approach to patient management, but the woman should not panic. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the body produces an increased amount of progesterone, the life cycle of the corpus luteum is shortened, which can lead to the formation of a luteal cyst. It usually resolves spontaneously by the 12th week of pregnancy. Development follicular cyst completely excluded. This is prevented by the production of prolactin during this period. All other types of cysts require careful monitoring, and if there is a risk of complications, planned removal of the cyst during pregnancy is indicated.

There are two main risks of combining a cyst and pregnancy:

  • large tumor formation can lead to miscarriage even in later stages;
  • an enlarged uterus can provoke rupture of the cyst with the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity and the development of an “acute abdomen”, which will require emergency abdominal surgery.

Therefore, constant monitoring of the health of a pregnant woman by a gynecologist is necessary and, if an ovarian cyst is suspected, a decision is made on the need for laparoscopic surgery.

Ovarian cyst removal price

The cost of removing an ovarian cyst during laparoscopy is determined individually each time. It depends on several factors:

  • surgeon's qualifications;
  • type of tumor and stage of development;
  • selected method of operation;
  • anesthesiologist services;
  • the scope of necessary laboratory and instrumental preoperative examination;
  • the need for consultations with other specialists.


In most cases, ovarian cysts occur in women of reproductive age, but are sometimes observed in the postmenopausal period. This is a benign formation containing fluid inside. The cause of the pathology is hormonal disbalance when the process of releasing an unfertilized egg from the body does not occur correctly.

When is surgery necessary to remove an ovarian cyst?

Surgery for an ovarian cyst is recommended if it is constantly growing and does not disappear after several menstrual cycles. IN mandatory removal is prescribed at the slightest suspicion of cancer. Ovarian resection does not always mean cutting off the organ completely. In most cases, a cystectomy of the ovarian cyst is performed - a surgical intervention that preserves as much as possible healthy tissue.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove the cyst along with the ovary. In this case, oophorectomy is prescribed - the most inexpensive. The second ovary remains intact and fully functioning. When there is a risk of conversion benign tumor malignant, a hysterectomy is required. During this operation, both ovaries are excised along with the fallopian tube or uterus. Access to the abdominal cavity is achieved either through surgical incisions or laparoscopic punctures. Removal of an ovarian cyst is required if:

  • suspicion of cancer;
  • there is constant pain;
  • polycystic disease;
  • no signs of regression;
  • internal bleeding due to cyst rupture;
  • an overgrown tumor disrupts blood flow to the organ;
  • the cyst puts pressure on other organs.


The simplest and easy surgery today it is ovarian laparoscopy. Its essence lies in the fact that 3 small punctures are created in the lower abdominal cavity, through which a video camera and surgeon’s instruments are inserted. In the modern medical world, laparoscopy is considered the most painless, because abdominal surgery is accompanied by tissue trauma, to which the body reacts very sharply.

The advantage of this intervention is that the surgeon, using a video camera equipped with powerful lenses, sees everything very clearly, which increases the accuracy of the work. Laparoscopy is performed under local or general anesthesia, so the woman does not feel anything. First, carbon dioxide is injected into the abdominal cavity so that it straightens and the organs are better visible. Then the surgeon removes the formation without damaging healthy tissue, and at the end, after releasing the gas, cosmetic sutures and bandages are applied to the incisions.


The operation to remove a cystic ovarian formation with a laser is even faster and more accurate than with laparoscopy. These two methods are very similar, only the resection instrument is not the surgeon’s scalpel, but laser ray. At this method excision of an ovarian cyst, the likelihood of bleeding is minimized, since the laser simultaneously cauterizes the blood at the site of excision of the tumor.


In this surgical procedure, incisions are made in the woman's abdomen through which the surgeon removes the cyst or ovary, depending on the indication. Laparotomy is considered to be an abdominal operation, and it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • purulent processes;
  • large cyst;
  • rupture or torsion;
  • adhesions;
  • oncological formations.

Preparation for the operation

If a woman is scheduled for removal of an ovarian cyst, then she needs to undergo a series of tests: urine and blood: general, biochemical, group and Rh factor. Also required laboratory research for infectious diseases. A week before the appointment surgical intervention You should follow a special diet, in which you are prohibited from eating fatty meat, brown bread, baked flour products, raw vegetables and fruits, carbonated drinks, in general, those foods that increase gas formation in the intestines.

Immediately before laparoscopy, you need to empty your stomach; to do this, you need to stop eating any foods at least 10 hours before the operation. Last time You can eat at 18:00 and drink until 22:00. The night before, you need to take laxatives and use an enema. In the morning, you need to repeat the procedure for cleansing the intestines using an enema.

How to remove an ovarian cyst with a laparoscope

Removing a cyst using laparoscopy allows you to reduce the burden on the body using regional anesthesia and minimize the consequences of surgery. The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia, but if there is increased risk bleeding may be prescribed general anesthesia. The process begins with a puncture and insertion into bottom part belly 3000 cm3 of nitrous oxide or carbon monoxide. Afterwards, two or three more incisions are made into which the laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted.

The doctor evaluates the condition of the affected ovary and other pelvic organs. A large tumor is removed in two stages: first, the capsule is punctured, after which its contents are aspirated, and only then it is removed. With this approach, it is easy to avoid rupture of the cyst during its excision. The extracted material is sent for histological examination to exclude oncology. Finally, the surgeon rinses the abdominal cavity, installs a drainage tube, and then places single sutures on the puncture sites.

Recovery after laparoscopy

During the postoperative period, the patient may experience nervous discomfort associated with unfounded fears. The doctor prescribes antibiotics and painkillers to avoid inflammation. If the discharge and elevated temperature do not go away in the first hours after the intervention, then additional examination. Sutures are removed one week after laparoscopy. If you follow all the recommendations, recovery takes place without consequences, and after 2-3 weeks your ability to work is fully restored.

How is abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst performed?

Open abdominal surgery is performed by layer-by-layer dissection of the anterior abdominal wall. After that cystic formation removed, if necessary, the adhesions are cut. If the cyst is endometrioid, then the vesicouterine fold, omentum, intestines and peritoneum are visible for the presence of foci. After the operation, layers abdominal wall sutured in reverse order.

Rehabilitation after laparotomy

The patient stays in the hospital for 4-5 days, and fully returns to active life after 1-1.5 months. For women who are planning a pregnancy, doctors try to preserve the uterus and ovaries so that they can become pregnant later. During menopause, the patient has two ovaries removed so that there are no unnecessary consequences, and the woman can safely continue to be sexually active. Possible complications after laparotomy:

  • infectious processes;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • pain syndrome;
  • formation of adhesions.

How long does the operation take?

Laparoscopy is performed, depending on the experience of the surgeon and the type of intervention, from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. With laparotomy, the duration of the operation can be up to 2 hours. If there is a suspicion of a malignant cystic formation, then removal is included fallopian tube, so the doctor may need more time. The surgeon selects the surgical tactics individually each time.

Is it necessary to remove a cyst during pregnancy?

There are many cases where a woman becomes pregnant but develops a dermoid cyst. First, a wait-and-see approach is carried out - the gynecologist monitors the tumor via ultrasound. If traditional treatment does not help, then an urgent operation will be prescribed at any time. How to remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy? Laparoscopy is mainly used. But if the cyst reaches a large size, then the patient will have to undergo laparotomy, at which the cost may be too high, since there are risks for both the mother and the child.


The cost of laparoscopy is not calculated by just one operation. It will not be possible to remove a cyst inexpensively, since the prices for laboratory tests and stay in the ward must be taken into account. The anesthesia used is considered separately, additional tests and care in rehabilitation period. average price for laparoscopy in a state institution varies from 15 to 45 thousand rubles. Abdominal surgery will be more expensive. The price for laparotomy starts from 25 thousand rubles.


A jaw cyst or dental cyst manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory formation that affects the soft periodontal tissues. This formation is a capsule filled with purulent contents.

The disease develops as a result of infection of damaged areas of the gums.

It was relatively recently that I got rid of jaw cyst It was possible only through tooth extraction surgery. But the development of technologies, including medical ones, does not stand still and today it has become possible cyst treatment without removal.

Tooth cyst: symptoms and causes

A dental cyst has hidden symptoms and practically does not manifest itself at first. However, in most cases the disease can still be diagnosed in a timely manner.

Primary and secondary symptoms

A dental cyst occurs as a result of infection (for example, due to poor-quality dental canal filling) or traumatic exposure. Often the disease develops against the background of recurrent sinusitis and sinusitis. That's why initial stage diseases can only be detected by visiting a clinic and taking an x-ray.

At first the patient only appears discomfort when biting hard foods or chewing food. However, there may be no primary symptoms at all.

After some time, pain occurs in the area of ​​the affected tooth, which is periodic in nature. The tooth becomes very sensitive to everything cold and hot. Pain syndrome also appears when eating solid foods and sweets. However, later the pain disappears and the patient calms down, while the disease progresses to the last acute stage, often requiring surgical intervention.

Signs of the acute stage

The patient experiences acute pain, often due to a weakened immune system. Factors such as relapse can provoke the development of the inflammatory process chronic pathologies internal systems and organs, taking aggressive medicines, as well as transferred infectious diseases.

Among the pronounced characteristic features The following dental cysts are distinguished:

This symptomatology is already typical for last stage cyst development.

Is it possible to identify a dental cyst on your own?

Patients who very rarely visit the dentist's office and do not want to undergo preventive examination every 3-6 months, should more carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity. After all, the development of a cyst can be triggered by poorly treated or untreated caries.

Therefore, to prevent the disease, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Headaches that are periodic;
  • slight displacement of the affected tooth;
  • partial loss of the filling, which is often accompanied by chipping of bone tissue;
  • slight discomfort during chewing (especially hard foods);
  • darkening of the tooth.

Features of the disease associated with its symptoms

Main feature the appearance of a cyst is its slow growth. Therefore, initial signs can appear only after the destruction of the root system of the tooth and jaw tissue has begun. A slight displacement of the tooth and its darkening appear when the size of the formation reaches 2-3 cm. The larger the formation, the more pronounced the symptoms.

Often the patient complains of enlarged lymph nodes, mistakenly believing this to be a sign of some kind of infectious or endocrine disease. Frequent colds, weakness, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue— the presence of these factors, seemingly unrelated to dentistry, should serve as a basis for visiting a dentist. After all external signs diseases - the occurrence of a fistula, gumboil, as well as swelling and suppuration indicate a very large size of the formation.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, do not expect the disease to disappear on its own and do not self-medicate. In this case, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible for timely treatment.


A tooth cyst appears as a result of trauma or infection in the root canals. The development of a cyst may be due to the following reasons:

  • Complication of chronic sinusitis;
  • poor endodontic treatment;
  • complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • chronic inflammatory processes under the crown;
  • consequences infectious diseases, in which harmful microorganisms penetrate the gums along with the bloodstream.

Tooth cyst: treatment

Is it possible to cure a cyst without removing a tooth?

Cyst treatment can be carried out in two ways: therapeutic and surgical. Conservative, that is drug treatment is possible only with timely detection of the disease at an early stage. This method is used for small tumor sizes (up to 8 mm).

Conservative treatment

Therapeutic treatment of cysts consists of procedures such as treatment antiseptics, tooth cleaning and filling. Alternative option conservative treatment is the use of depophoresis. In this case, a copper-calcium suspension, after which the dentist uses a special device to apply electric current to the affected tooth (at low power).

In some cases, when a cyst develops, antibiotics may be prescribed, but only as a auxiliary method treatment aimed at preventing the development pathological process and its further dissemination. Antibiotics cannot be used as the only independent method treatment, since in principle there is no drug that can completely get rid of the cyst without the participation of a dentist.

A small cyst detected in the early stages can be treated conservatively.

The dentist fills the capsule with a special cement composition, and additional method treatment prescribes antibiotics, which helps stop or prevent the development of a purulent process.

Stages of therapeutic dental treatment:

  • opening the affected tooth and expanding the root canals;
  • channel processing disinfectants and blocking the lesion;
  • etching of cyst tissue with medical means;
  • filling the formation cavity with a special filler;
  • tooth filling.

Surgical treatment: is it possible to remove a cyst?

If therapeutic manipulations do not work desired result and education continues to grow and develop, applied surgery, which cannot be abandoned under any circumstances. Is it possible to remove a cyst while saving the tooth itself?

When the cyst reaches significant size, it must be removed. What is noteworthy is that until relatively recently this was only possible after removing the diseased tooth, however, now there are a number of ways to get rid of the cyst without the use of radical methods.

Due to the fact that cyst removal is carried out under the influence local anesthesia, the patient feels virtually no pain. In case of a complicated course of the inflammatory process (complete destruction of the tooth, down to the root system or germination of dental roots into the cyst), an operation is performed to remove the formation along with the tooth. In other cases, dentists attempt to save the tooth.

There are the following methods surgical removal cysts:

  • cystotomy;
  • cystectomy;
  • hemisection.

The dental surgeon decides which of these methods is suitable for a particular patient.


This method of treating cysts has been used in dentistry for quite a long time. To perform the operation, the doctor carefully removes part of the cyst that is located near the tooth root through the root canal. Since the formation is located deep in the soft tissues, the root canal must be thoroughly cleaned, after which the dental nerve is removed.

Having provided open access to the formation, the dentist pumps out all the liquid from the cavity. This method does not allow you to completely get rid of harmful microorganisms, which makes necessary application antibacterial ointment.

After filling the canal with a special solution, a temporary filling is installed.

After about a week, the patient’s oral cavity is re-examined and the removal of affected cells is checked, after which a diagnosis is made. permanent filling. The use of cystotomy allows you to save the tooth.

However, despite the high effectiveness of this method, there is a risk of remission. This happens in the case of unfinished treatment.


Compared to the previous method, this method is more complex, but no less effective. Such an operation is performed only in case of severe complications, when there is a huge risk of losing a tooth, but there is still a chance to save it.

During cystectomy, along with the removal of affected tissue, part of the tooth root must be removed. After the operation, painkillers and anti-inflammatory therapy are prescribed.

If a fistula is attached, surgery to remove the cyst cannot be performed. Only complete removal of the entire tooth will help here.


Hemisection is prescribed in order to preserve at least part of the tooth with extensive infection of soft tissues.

The method is complete removal cysts of the tooth along with its root. The main condition for using this method is that inflammatory process touched only one tooth.

The affected tooth root is detected using an x-ray. In the absence of contraindications, this is sufficient painful procedure performed under general anesthesia.

The void formed after the removal of the cyst and tooth root must be filled with artificial bone material, otherwise it will become overgrown with gum tissue. Artificial bone material is created based on plasma obtained from the patient's blood. This is done to prevent rejection in the future.

Before the two-hour operation, the dentist, using special surgical instruments, pushes back the gum, the integrity of which is restored at the end of the procedure. Then appointed long-term therapeutic treatment. The tissues and the remaining part of the tooth must take root.

We should also talk about laser treatment. In this case, the formation is removed without any pain and difficulties. In addition, the use laser therapy allows you not only to remove the cyst, but also to disinfect the affected area, which ensures that the growth of harmful bacteria stops and their further spread is prevented.

If symptoms indicating the development of a dental cyst appear, it is necessary contact your dentist urgently for carrying out therapeutic measures. Otherwise, you risk losing a tooth, or even several.

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