Home Removal Eye cat. List of eye diseases in cats and their causes

Eye cat. List of eye diseases in cats and their causes

Eye diseases in cats are common. This is a serious condition that requires consultation with a veterinarian. In the absence of adequate or untimely treatment, the pet may develop irreversible effects and even blindness. Therefore, as soon as any problems with the organs of vision appear, you should not expect them to go away on their own, but immediately seek qualified help.

Third eyelid prolapse

There are several of them. By type of process there are:

  • Inflammatory. These include keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, iritis (the iris is damaged), inflammation of the lacrimal canal, etc.
  • Not inflammatory. Injuries, bruises, foreign bodies entering the eye, entropion of the eyelids, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.

According to the course of the process, the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. In the subacute process, the symptoms do not disappear completely, but only subside slightly, while the danger of vision deterioration remains. This course is no less dangerous than acute or chronic, although it seems that the animal has gotten better.

They are divided into:

  • Primary – eye problem – this is the underlying disease.
  • Secondary - the organ of vision reacted in response to concomitant pathology. For example, when a cat is infected with bacteria, in addition to other organs, the eyes are also affected, which manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis. In this case, it is necessary to identify the disease that caused this condition and treat the animal comprehensively, and not just deal with the symptoms.


Veterinary experts distinguish 2 main categories of causes of eye diseases:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of protective organs and the eyeball itself. These include various injuries and burns, inversions and inversions of the eyelids, fusion and drooping of the eyelids, eye loss, blepharitis, neoplasms;
  • Pathology of the organ of vision itself. These are: glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, panophthalmitis, uveitis, etc.

They all require urgent veterinary care, since they can go to chronic form, which is either very difficult to treat or incurable, and the organ will have to be removed.

Symptoms of diseases

Among the most common are the following diseases.


It is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eyelids. One of the most common in cats.

There are several types: catarrhal, purulent, ulcerative, follicular. It arises as a result various reasons: ingress of foreign bodies, injuries, as a result of many infectious processes. For example, banal.

This pathology is manifested by redness of one or both eyelids, their swelling and lacrimation. This picture is typical for the catarrhal type, with purulent symptoms the same, but more pronounced and, in addition to the copious secretion of tear fluid, purulent discharge appears. The swelling can be so severe that the eyelids hardly open, and they also stick together, making it difficult for the cat to open them.

With an advanced process or reduced immunity, a rise in local or general symptoms is possible. With follicular conjunctivitis, in addition to the described symptoms, regional The lymph nodes located in the inner corner of the eyes.


Characterized by clouding of the lens. Older animals are more susceptible to this disease, but young animals can also develop it as a result of infection.

Main symptom: decreased vision. The pet becomes slower and more careful, loses orientation in an unknown environment, and crashes into everything.


Inflammation of the lacrimal sac. It is divided into acquired and congenital. This disease develops as a complication after others, such as injuries or infections.

All age categories of pets are susceptible to it.

The main symptoms are: swelling of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, redness in the corners of the eyes, the lacrimal sac increases in size, temperature rise, and pus is released when pressed. The cat becomes restless due to severe pain that develops with this disease.

Manifestation of keratitis

This is an inflammation of the cornea. It occurs as a result of other pathologies: conjunctivitis, thermal burns, infections, allergic reactions, vitamin deficiency, injuries and congenital predisposition.

It is characterized by clouding of the cornea and swelling upper eyelid. Blood vessels become noticeable in the form of red veins, pus accumulates in the corners of the eyes. The cat stops liking the light, begins to squint and hide in dark places.

Corneal ulcers occur for a number of reasons: chemical burn cleaning and disinfection products, ingrown eyelashes, injuries, damage by viruses and bacteria. Breeds with flat faces and protruding eyes are more susceptible.

Symptoms: the organs of vision become red and “cloudy”, copious discharge, the pet constantly scratches his eyelids, trying to relieve the itching and squints, bright light becomes unpleasant to him.

Third eyelid (loss)

Characterized by an increase in eye pressure.

There are types:

  • closed-coal;
  • congenital;
  • open-coal.

Among the main symptoms are: pupil dilation, burst vessels on the conjunctiva and the eye itself, an increase in the size of the organ and it becomes hard (felt when pressed lightly). Normally, the eyeball is quite elastic and, with light pressure, springs a little under the finger, but with glaucoma it becomes as if it were made of stone. This happens due to sharp increase pressure inside.

Glaucoma in a cat

In the open-angle form of the disease, clouding of the cornea occurs and its sensitivity decreases. The development of glaucoma leads to decreased vision and causes suffering to the pet due to incessant pain in the eye, due to which the pet becomes restless, sleeps poorly and meows a lot. Therefore, if you notice the symptoms described above, you should urgently contact a veterinarian to prescribe adequate treatment.

Sometimes glaucoma requires urgent surgery, for example, when the lens is dislocated, which is the cause of the disease.

A very common pathology among cats. It is very easy to notice - an area of ​​turbidity or whitening appears on the cornea. It can occur as a result of injury, infectious process or untreated during cataract. This disease causes vision impairment in 90% of cases.

Cat's thorn

There are a number of other symptoms:

  • in 50% of cases strabismus develops;
  • the cornea is red, swollen;
  • eyes fester;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • the animal has a negative attitude towards the owner’s attempt to wash his eyes.

Sometimes an eyesore leads to the development of glaucoma, in which case they resort to radical measures and remove the eye, while the eyelids are sutured.


It is carried out by a veterinarian in a specialized clinic, as it requires special tools. It is carried out in several stages. First, the organ is examined and the following parameters are assessed:

  • preservation of vision;
  • appearance organ: the size and shape of the pupils, their symmetry; the same parameters are used to evaluate the eyelids and their condition;
  • condition of the eye: its size, shape, position relative to the orbit, absence or presence of injuries.

After an external examination of the organ, the doctor begins research using additional equipment: examines the fundus of the animal, measures intraocular pressure, prescribes general clinical and biochemical tests blood and urine, takes a smear to identify pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics, etc.


Most eye diseases are treated conservatively. To do this, use various drops and ointments with antibacterial agents in the composition. Before placing or instilling them, wash the animal’s eyes with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

The most popular are products based on Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Erythromycin and Levomycetin.

They try not to use Albucid to treat pets, as it burns strongly and the animal will not allow it to be instilled anymore.

After applying the ointment or drops, you should hold the cat in your arms for a while, otherwise it will wipe off all the medicine with its paw.

If there was an injury, Solcoseryl ointment (Actoveginovaya) helps well for healing; it is applied to the inside of the eyelid.

In advanced stages, antibiotics are administered, it depends on the condition of the animal and the tolerability of the procedure.

In order to exclude allergies to injected drugs, a course of antihistamines, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil, is prescribed.

They try to resort to surgical treatment in extreme cases or when it is not possible to preserve the organ of vision. For example, with panophthalmitis, this is often the only treatment option.


The owner of the animal must be attentive to his well-being and behavior, and notice any changes in this.

If a cat rubs its eyes and shows anxiety, it is worth examining it, the cause may be a foreign body. If so, you need to remove it and rinse the eye with plenty of clean water, furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then drip any eye drops. After this, you need to take your pet to a veterinarian for a more thorough examination.

For preventive purposes, it is worth wiping your pet’s eyes daily with boiled water or chamomile decoction. Animals don't really like it hygiene procedures, and therefore it is necessary to accustom them to this from childhood.

If crusts, discharge, or any changes in the pet’s behavior are detected, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Pets are just as susceptible to eye diseases as humans. Mechanical injuries are often the cause of eye diseases. But the further development of the disease directly depends on the immunity and general health of your pet, as well as on how quickly he receives qualified assistance.

What eye diseases can a cat have?

Eye diseases in cats can be divided into two large groups:

  • accompanied by inflammatory processes of the eye organs:
    • conjunctivitis,
    • keratitis,
    • keratoconjunctevitis,
    • iritis,
    • inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct,
    • blepharitis,
    • panophthalmitis.
  • non-infectious:
    • cataract,
    • glaucoma,
    • prolapse of the eyeball,
    • turn of the century,
    • eye injury,
    • hit foreign body.

Diseases may occur against the background of other infectious disease or be the main cause of health problems in the animal; acute and chronic forms of their course are possible.

Video: eye diseases in cats

Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye

The mucous membrane covers eyeball and the inner surface of the eyelids, and the causes of its inflammation can be any health disorder: viral infection, allergies, mechanical damage. Depending on the degree of damage to the eye organs, there are several types of conjunctivitis:

For complete cure it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease so that the disease does not become chronic or lead to more severe consequences. The course of treatment begins with cleansing the eye mucosa from discharge and pathogenic microflora. To do this, you can use a solution of furatsilin (0.1 g per two glasses of water) or an infusion of calendula. But the main treatment is prescribed by a qualified veterinary clinic specialist.

Video: conjunctivitis in animals

Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea

The causes of keratitis can be:

  • mechanical influences;
  • infectious diseases:
    • calcivirus,
    • toxoplasmosis.
  • contact with the eye of chemically caustic substances (lime, acid, alkali);
  • lack of vitamins;
  • pathogenic microflora.

There are two types of keratitis:

  • superficial - only the external one is affected epithelial layer;
  • deep - the process extends to the corneal parenchyma.

Both types can be accompanied by purulent discharge.

The symptoms of the onset of the disease are quite clear:

If keratitis does not have complications, then the transparency of the cornea will be restored, otherwise a thorn will form on the eye.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to rinse the conjunctival sac with a disinfecting solution. To prepare it you can use:

  • boric acid: half a teaspoon of powder is dissolved in one glass of cold boiled water;
  • furatsilin: 0.2 g of powder per liter of warm water;
  • herbal remedies: 1 tsp. chamomile or calendula is brewed with half a glass of boiling water, then cooled.

If there is pus, it must be completely removed from the eyelashes so as not to contribute to the spread of infection. The swab is moistened with a disinfectant solution and applied to the eye to soften the purulent crusts. Then the eyelids are cleaned.

Video: how to put drops in a cat’s eyes

Washing of the conjunctival sac is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the lower eyelid of the animal is slightly retracted;
  • a solution is instilled into the opened cavity;
  • the eyelid is released, the skin under it is lightly massaged;
  • excess moisture is removed with a swab.

After this, you can treat the cornea with eye drops or hydrocortisone ointment. But the full course of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Video: what to do if a kitten’s eye is cloudy

The inner, or third, eyelid is a thin membrane that protects the cornea of ​​the eye from mechanical influences and dirt. In a healthy pet it is almost invisible. If the third eyelid does not fold, this is a sign of pathology. However, the list of diseases that change the condition of this organ is quite large and includes not only eye diseases:

You can read more about the third eyelid in cats in the article ““.

Video: third eyelid with herpes virus infection

Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelid

The first signs of blepharitis disease are redness and thickening of the conjunctiva. Inflammation may be accompanied by the release of pus, mucus, the appearance of bleeding ulcers, and severe lacrimation. Without treatment inflammatory process passes to nearby organs.

The causes of blepharitis are different:

To treat blepharitis, even at the initial stage, it is not enough to relieve the inflammatory process, since it is necessary to determine the initial cause of the disease, and this can only be done by a qualified specialist.

Blepharitis is often confused with conjunctivitis, but it is various diseases, and they require different treatments

Panophthalmitis - general infection of all eye tissues

Panophthalmitis is a rare disease, but when diagnosing it, the question of preserving vision does not arise: the eye is removed so that the inflammatory process does not spread to the brain.

Panophthalmitis develops under the influence of pathogens of purulent infection (staphylococci, streptococci, sometimes - coli), which enter the eye through a wound or perforation of the cornea in the absence of treatment for other eye diseases aggravated by purulent ulcers.

Signs of panophthalmitis:

  • spicy painful sensations in the eye;
  • fear of light;
  • lacrimation;
  • desire to close eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • cloudy and purulent cornea,
  • blurred vision.

At the first signs of panophthalmitis, you should contact veterinary clinic

At further development During the disease, the cornea melts and the eyeball moves forward. The eye loses its mobility. A large amount of pus and exudate is released.

Treatment of panophthalmitis can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic. First, the inflammatory process is relieved by novocaine blockade, then executed surgical removal eyeball. If provided on time surgical intervention there should be no complications, and the animal lives for a long time, remaining active and healthy.

Video: purulent panophthalmitis in a cat

Cataract - clouding of the lens of the eye

Cataracts begin with a slight decrease in the permeability of the lens of the eyeball. This leads to a decrease in the number of light rays hitting the retina. Vision deteriorates, the perceived image loses clarity. As the disease progresses, the clouding increases and vision deteriorates.

Senile cataracts are the most common, but the disease can also appear as a complication of other ailments:

  • after an infectious disease;
  • as a result of intoxication of the body;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the vascular system.

There are also cases of congenital cataracts. It is assumed that lens pathology in kittens occurs as a result of a pregnant female suffering from severe poisoning or helminth infestation.

The main symptom of the onset of the disease is deterioration of vision: the cat begins to navigate in space, relying on hearing and smell, rather than on vision. Taking a close look at your pet's eyes, you can see the beginning of clouding of the lens, lack of clarity in vision, and a possible change in the color of the pupil. All these signs indicate the presence of a disease and the need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Even at the initial stage, cataracts can be determined by carefully examining the cat's eyes.

After diagnosing the cause of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes a course of treatment that stops the process of pupil degradation. It is impossible to completely restore vision with cataracts, but complete blindness will not occur. If left untreated, the cat will not only become completely blind in that eye, but will also be at risk of developing an inflammation of the eye tissue.

In very advanced cases, the eyeball is removed to prevent death.

Video: cataracts in cats

Glaucoma - an increase in the size of the eyeball

In glaucoma, deformation in the tissues of the eye occurs due to increased intraocular pressure. This differs from dropsy, in which the eyeball enlarges as a result of an infectious process.

Symptoms of glaucoma:

  • enlarged pupil (mydriasis);
  • increased amount of discharge from the eyes;
  • bending of the cornea and its clouding;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • photophobia.

Mydriasis is one of the first signs of glaucoma

There are quite a few reasons that contribute to glaucoma:

  • congenital defects in the structure of the drainage structure of the eye;
  • eye diseases that have become chronic: conjunctivitis, uveitis ( common name inflammatory processes of various eye tissues), tumors;
  • mechanical damage to the organs of vision or head;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • aging.

The disease has genetic predisposition. The offspring of cats suffering from glaucoma develop this disease several times more often.

Some breeds of domestic cats get sick more often, these include:

  • Siamese;
  • Persian;
  • Burmese;
  • European shorthair.

Outbred pets are the most resistant to the disease.

If you suspect glaucoma, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The disease is well diagnosed modern methods ophthalmological examination, including measuring intraocular pressure (IOP).

Application medicines is aimed at stabilizing IOP and relieving deformations that have arisen in the tissues of the eye. There is a practice of effective laser treatment, but this method is very expensive and not all clinics have the appropriate equipment. Techniques are possible surgical treatment- creation of tubular drainage to ensure the outflow of intraocular fluid.

In extreme cases, if there is no possibility of restoring vision, the eyeball is removed.

Entropion and eversion of eyelids

An inversion is the rotation of the outer edge of the eyelid and eyelashes towards the cornea; an inversion is opposite action: The edge of the eyelid turns outward.

Volvulus creates discomfort for a pet, since the eyelashes constantly touch the cornea of ​​the eye

The reasons for such deformities are the same: tightening of the skin of the eyelids during the formation of scar tissue after healing of injuries, burns, and surgery. Inflammatory processes of the eye, conjunctivitis and simply aging of the body can also lead to this disease.

The disease is accompanied by severe lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva.

Treatment often boils down to a small plastic surgery. If the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes, then first drug treatment. With absence medical care the disease can lead to chronic keratoconjunctivitis.

Video: Maine Coon's eyelids are turned upside down

Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts

One of the causes of excessive lacrimation in a cat is stenosis - obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.

The causes of this pathology may be different;

  • a foreign body that has entered the canal and clogged it;
  • conjunctivitis or other inflammatory processes in which the released pus can close the nasolacrimal duct;
  • tear duct injuries;
  • congenital insufficiency of the width of the mouth or neck of the lacrimal ducts.

Some cat breeds are predisposed to developing this disease, including:

  • Scottish and British cats;
  • exotics;
  • Persians.

Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct is determined using special test. Before starting the procedure, the animal's eyes are thoroughly washed with an antibiotic solution. complete removal pus and other secretions. 1-2 drops of an organic dye solution (fluorescein) are instilled into the eye. During normal channel operation, after two minutes internal cavity The pet's nose and mouth will become greenish. If this effect is obtained after ten minutes, then a partial blockage is diagnosed. Complete absence staining indicates stenosis.

The course of treatment depends on the cause of the disease. First, the inflammatory process is relieved. If after this the functioning of the tear ducts is not restored, bougienage is performed - prompt removal of the plug blocking the duct.

Video: rinsing the nasolacrimal duct

Prevention of ophthalmic diseases in cats is quite simple. It is necessary to cleanse the eyes and fur around them of secretions every day. It is recommended to perform the procedure using a cotton swab moistened with a special lotion. This simple operation will save you and your pet from many health problems and allow you to see in time pathological changes organs of vision. But to be completely confident in the good condition of your pet, an annual examination by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist is recommended.


Despite the fact that almost all animals use other senses more often, cats' vision plays an important role in their lives. A permanently or temporarily blind pet is an additional burden on the owner, since the risk of additional injuries, even in a small apartment, increases significantly. Despite the large number of possible occurrences, eye diseases in cats have some similar symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. That is why the owner must clarify the slightest facts preceding the onset of the development of pathology. In addition, eye disease can be either a primary ailment or a secondary symptom.

What are the types of eye diseases in cats?

Depending on the location, the disease is divided into two types - damage to the eyeball or eyelids. There are quite a few reasons why an animal has lost its sight, and these are just the most common:

Of course, that's not all possible options eye diseases in cats.

Eye diseases transmitted from cats

On our own ophthalmic diseases of cats are not contagious, but it must be remembered that they can be secondary symptoms more serious illnesses. For example, with chlamydia, purulent conjunctivitis is very often diagnosed, which contributes to the transfer of infection to humans.

Despite the large list of eye diseases in cats, their symptoms are largely similar. You should pay attention to any change in the character and appearance of the pet:

    swelling and redness of the eyelids. Most often they are accompanied by itching, which is very worrying for the pet, which can additionally cause an infection by constantly rubbing its face;

    various secretions. Regardless of the frequency of manifestation (daily, spring-summer, after every sleep) and the purity of lacrimation (transparent, cloudy, purulent). Even “morning tears” should be a reason to contact a veterinarian, as they can be one of the indicators of eye disease in cats;

    change in behavior (aggression, lethargy), absence or painful reaction to light;

    any change in the eyeball and lens. Cloudiness, the presence of a film, strabismus without options indicate eye disease;

    physical changes. Enlargement of the eyeball, inability to close or open the eyelids, enlargement of the third eyelid, tear ducts.

Many eye diseases in cats have specific manifestations, but even they have some of the above signs present in the description. The owner’s task is to respond to initial changes in a timely manner.

Treatment of eye diseases in cats

The seriousness of complications and similarities should be remembered clinical picture ophthalmic diseases in cats. That is why it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate for any manifestation of eye disease.

Only veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause and prescribe appropriate treatment

Depending on the diagnosis four-legged friend may be prescribed: regular drops for rinsing; special eye ointments; appointment possible antihistamines; antibiotics; immunomodulators. Some eye diseases in cats may require surgery.

Since diagnosis is sometimes complicated by vague symptoms or chronic course illness, then you should be calm about a possible change in medications. This is especially true for infectious forms of conjunctivitis caused by fungi or viruses.

It is important to remember that the eye is a fragile organ, and improper intervention can only worsen the symptoms. eye diseases in cats, which in turn can lead to complete loss of vision and, in some cases, death.

As a recommendation and preventive measures We can only recommend regular hygiene procedures, which will not only reduce the risk of many forms of the disease, but also promptly notice the beginning symptoms.

Eyes are an indicator of a cat's health. The vital organ reacts sensitively to any external and internal stimuli. Before you get a pet, you need to know what pathologies can manifest in cats throughout their lives. First of all, pay attention to the condition of the eyes. They are covered externally by the upper, lower and third eyelids. Prevalence and type of disease, intensity, length of time that passes before the response appears immune reaction, influence the development of dysfunction of all organs. What eye diseases do cats have? We will talk about this in our article.

Eye diseases in cats: an overview

The causes of the disease may be due to external factors, breed and predisposition to any ophthalmological disease. At any age, the disease requires treatment. Otherwise, the animal may become completely blind: cell decay and protein decomposition begin.

Possible causes of the disease

  1. Metabolic disease.
  2. Problems with intraocular fluid.
  3. Injuries, concussions, blows, varying degrees bruises.
  4. Congenital pathology, if infectious diseases were transmitted to the kitten during birth.
  5. Old age. With age, metabolism slows down and the eye organ becomes less protected from external influences.

Extreme sports people and mestizos are the most susceptible to diseases. Less commonly, eye pathology is observed in the “British” and “Scots”. Isolated cases occur in outbred cats. The main point, from the point of view of differentiating eye diseases, is the factors that determine the presence or absence of infection:

  1. Conditions of detention.
  2. Preventive measures.
  3. Stress levels matter most to cats.
  4. The presence of a source of the pathogen and its concentration in the environment.
  5. Concomitant diseases that cause predisposition to the infectious process.

Taking these factors into account, we can conclude that in inadequate conditions of detention in the absence of preventive measures, when the animal is in a stressful state, there are greater risks of eye infectious diseases.

Types and classification of eye diseases

Eye diseases in cats are a broad and multifaceted group of diseases. Pathologies are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Non-inflammatory (non-infectious) diseases.
  2. Inflammatory (infectious) diseases.

Table. Common eye diseases in cats

The list of inflammatory eye diseases in cats includes types of keratitis: superficial, superficial vascular, deep and purulent. Some cat breeds have a fold on their cheeks that injures the cornea of ​​the eye. Then breed keratitis occurs, which must be prevented and treated.

Video - Eye diseases in cats

Infectious diseases

Cats cause most trouble infectious diseases, occurring in a severe form. A very important and distinctive point of all infectious eye diseases is incubation period from the moment of infection by the pathogen to the appearance of symptoms noticeable to cat owners and veterinarians.

Viruses are capable of mass spread between animals and can be transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person to healthy body. Based on the nature of the pathogens that cause eye diseases, there are several types of microorganisms:

  1. Viral.
  2. Fungal.
  3. Protozoans.
  4. Bacterial.

The most important are the viral and bacterial group of infections.

Clinical symptoms of inflammatory processes

The vast majority of diseases begin with exactly the same signs, when the cat’s condition worsens sharply:

  1. In the acute phase, an increased temperature is observed.
  2. Increased loss of fluid in the body.
  3. Complete lack of appetite.
  4. Lethargy and apathy.

When manifested specific signs pathologies, with the greatest degree of probability we can assume the presence of a certain infection in the eyes. The precursors of eye diseases are the following:

  1. Eyelash growth inward.
  2. Inversions and inversions of the eyelid.
  3. Squinting and photophobia.
  4. The third eyelid extends half the eye or more.
  5. Swelling, redness, or clouding of the fundus of the eye.
  6. Lacrimation, other discharge and discharge from the eyes.

Symptoms are clearly visible on white fur, even if the eyes are treated with a solution. Only in the development of the process can clinical signs characteristic of each individual isolated disease be observed. If eye diseases are not treated promptly effective treatment, the animal's condition worsens.

The most common eye diseases in cats: photos


Intraocular pressure increases. Poor drainage of eye fluid appears. As a result, it is affected optic nerve and complete loss of vision. There are primary and secondary glaucoma. Primary begins unexpectedly due to disruption and improper outflow:

  1. The pupils dilate.
  2. No reaction to light.
  3. The cat begins to squint.
  4. Eyeballs are sunken.
  5. Redness of blood vessels in the whites of the eyes.
  6. The front of the eyes takes on a dark shade.


A fairly common occurrence in cats is when the lens of the eye becomes clouded. The lens is a natural clear lens. Light passes through a clear lens without refraction. The image reaches the retina and is then processed by the brain.

If the natural lens becomes cloudy, the brain cells will not be able to process the image correctly. Bright, shiny eyes indicate the absence of disease. But they, like people, get sick, grow old, and lose their sight. The main symptoms of cataracts are clouding of the eye and a cloudy appearance.

Cataracts are quite common in cats.

Accompanied by an inflammatory process. The cornea of ​​the eye is damaged under the influence of internal and external unfavorable factors. It occurs both as the main disease and as a concomitant with other inflammatory processes. Any impact on the cornea may cause keratitis in a cat.


The membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, the process of inflammation from the inner surface spreads to the eyeball. Conjunctivitis can be acute, purulent, catarrhal. Depending on the diagnosis and form of the disease, treatment is prescribed. Primary conjunctivitis manifests itself as an independent disease. The secondary type accompanies other diseases that appear in cats.

How to treat eye diseases at home?

When treating the eyes, medicinal solutions, drops and ointments are used. First, the eye is washed with furatsilin or weak manganese solution. Then drops are instilled and antibiotic ointment is applied. In particularly severe cases, surgery. To select a treatment method and medications, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Treatment of cataracts in cats

To see the symptoms, you just need to look into your pet's eyes. If instead of a pupil a small one appears White spot, most likely, the first symptom of cataract has appeared. Regardless of age, it is necessary to periodically examine the cat.

Medical and surgical treatment methods are used. The medicinal method used is tissue therapy according to V.P. Filatov with the introduction of aloe extract, antibiotics, vitamin preparations. Retrobulbar blocks are performed according to V.V. Aurorov so that the substances get behind the eyeball.

On a note! Conservative methods do not always lead to a positive effect. It is possible to slow down the development of cataracts in cats, but it is not always possible to completely cure them. The only one effective method The cure for cataracts is surgery.

For the treatment of cataracts, medications are used and surgical methods treatment

Help for eyes with conjunctivitis

It is better not to torture the cat, but to immediately take it to a veterinary clinic. The disease appears as a result of an allergic reaction or a viral, less often bacterial, infection. Effective eye care for conjunctivitis:

  1. Before instillation, the eyes are washed with 0.05% Chlorhexidine (for external use) using a gauze pad or cotton pad.
  2. Eye drops for cats and dogs “Tsiprovet” are instilled into the inner corner of the affected eye - two drops each.
  3. After five minutes, Tobrex eye drops are instilled - two drops each.
  4. After another five minutes, Actipol is dripped.
  5. Tetracycline one percent is used at night eye ointment. Apply along the edges of the affected eyelid.

The instillation procedure is carried out six times a day for five days. If conjunctivitis does not go away, treatment continues for the next 5-9 days, reducing the dose to four times a day. During illness, especially in the cold season, it is not recommended to let your cat go outside.

Help with eye pain and purulent inflammation

Purulent inflammation and lacrimation - pathological condition when due to penetration viral infection eyes stick together. There are a large number of varieties purulent inflammation. One of the most common is panophthalmitis - serious damage to the entire eye.

First aid consists of treating the eyes with Furacilin. The antibiotic “Azenil” is given orally in the form of a suspension (the powder is diluted with 9 ml of water). The medicine is used for a week. If the kitten is small, it is enough to dilute a quarter teaspoon of the suspension with one teaspoon of distilled, mineral or boiled water. Stir thoroughly until smooth.

In addition to oral administration of Azenil, the antibiotic eye ointment Terramycin or syntomycin eye ointment is used. Gently apply a cotton swab to the affected eye two to three times a day.

Drops effectively help with inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drops “Barrier” are instilled two drops 2-3 times a day for a week.

Degenerative processes in the retina of the eye

Cats over five years of age may experience degenerative processes that affect the organ of vision. In case of dystrophy, atrophy, or detachment of the retina in especially severe cases, microsurgical operations are performed on the eyeball to restore vision and improve the health of the pet.

Trauma or foreign object in the eye

If a kitten's eyes protrude from their sockets, this indicates that the eyes are poorly protected and are at additional risk of injury. Most often occurs in the summer when dry grass appears. Especially often with damage visual organ Young pets are brought to see an ophthalmologist. Eye injuries vary in severity:

  1. Bumps and bruises.
  2. Concussion injuries.
  3. Burns of various types.
  4. Internal and external wounds on the cornea of ​​the eye.
  5. Penetration of foreign bodies and blunt objects into the eye.

If your eyes hurt due to mechanical injury, you will need immediate assistance from your doctor. As first aid, wash the eyes clean water room temperature or special ophthalmic antiseptics. It is necessary to monitor the tear flow so that the liquid flows to the nose. A light bandage using sterile gauze is applied to the injured eye. It is slightly moistened with water or an ophthalmic septic tank.

Some household chemicals and home renovation products can cause eye burns. By blocking access to repair work sites, your cat can be protected from various burn injuries. Regarding eye injuries, it is impossible to give advice for all situations. Sometimes it happens hidden damage for concussed animals. Only a surgeon can assess the severity. It is important to follow all subsequent doctor's recommendations.

Prevention of eye diseases in cats

To prevent your cat’s eyes from hurting and always remaining healthy, not watery or festering, preventive maintenance is carried out. Proper care, starts with nutrition. It is necessary to monitor what food your cat eats and how balanced the diet is. The main prohibition is that cats should not be given sweets.

You should pay attention to the appearance of the eyes. It should look like this:

  1. The conjunctiva is pale pink.
  2. There are no additional expirations.
  3. Healthy eyeball, without inflammation.
  4. The eyes are dry, the cornea is shiny and moist.
  5. The eyelids are of normal size, not enlarged and without swelling.

If the cat is not sick, the eyes are healthy and clean, you can get by with a minimal set of eye care products. For prevention purposes, special lotions and saline solutions are used. It is not recommended to use tea, especially bagged tea. Tea leaves can lead to eye inflammation. Instead of tea, it is safer to use herbal infusions. But it should be noted that allergic reactions sometimes occur to some types of herbs.

The eye wash should be at room temperature or lukewarm. The eyes are washed from once a day (at night) to three times in the morning, afternoon and evening. If discharge appears and does not stop within three to five days, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. Self-medication can sometimes make the situation worse.

Some cat breeds have short nasal passages due to their skull structure and tear ducts. Tears do not fall into the nose, but accumulate in the eyes. For this reason, very often, throughout the day, tears accumulate, and the cat seems to be crying. The situation is not critical, but the eyes need to be treated every day. It is better to systematically carry out prevention and proper care than to subsequently treat eye diseases.

Daily care for your pet's eyes

Pet stores have a wide selection of pet eye care products. Most often, special preparations “Ophthalmosan”, “Diamond Eyes” or a regular domestically produced eye cleaning lotion that contains succinic acid are used. They are not designed for treatment, but they help well with mild inflammation, allergic reaction. They are mainly used for eye cleansing, removal of secretions and daily treatment.

The eyes are cleaned and instilled according to the instructions, wiped with a cotton swab with movements towards the inner corner of the eye. The products are used regularly without special prescriptions, clarifications or instructions from a doctor.

  1. Dirt and dry discharge in the eyes are first carefully removed mechanically with clean fingers.
  2. Place two drops of lotion in the inner corner, where there is more discharge, or in the lower eyelid.
  3. Use a cotton pad to wipe the eyes towards the nose, simultaneously removing any remaining moisture.

If it doesn’t work the first time, the procedure is repeated. Your pet's eyes should be monitored regularly to avoid inflammation and wrinkles under the eyes. Inflammatory processes are especially common in smooth breed cats.

Video - How to put drops in a cat's eyes?


At home if it occurs eye disease, the pet is provided emergency assistance. An ophthalmologist is consulted in the following cases:

  1. The cat is constantly scratching its eye.
  2. The most common reason- redness.
  3. Swelling of the eyelids and their increase in size.
  4. The animal reacts to light and has photophobia.
  5. The appearance of outflows. Tears flow from the eye or there is some additional unhealthy discharge.

When detecting the slightest clinical signs damage to the retina or eyeball, you should consult a veterinary ophthalmologist. If frequent mucous membranes and purulent discharge, a foreign body has entered the eye, a neoplasm or redness of the conjunctiva of the eye has appeared, timely provision of assistance will protect your pets from exacerbation of diseases.

Cats have excellent eyesight. But its severity can be influenced by eye diseases. There are many reasons for the development of eye diseases in animals. In veterinary medicine, 2 groups of diseases in cats have been identified. These are diseases of the eyelids and ailments that affect the eyeball.

Eye diseases of cats

To diseases, affecting the eyelids of an animal's eye, include:

  1. Inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis).
  2. Wounds and bruises.
  3. Entropion or inversion of the eyelid.
  4. Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids).
  5. Lagophthalmos (fusion) of the eyelids.
  6. Neoplasms.

Affects the eyeball the following diseases:

  1. Conjunctivitis.
  2. Glaucoma (high blood pressure).
  3. Cataract.
  4. Dermoid (neoplasm in the conjunctiva).
  5. Dislocation of the eyeball.
  6. Corneal ulcers and inflammation.
  7. Keratitis.

Causes and symptoms of eye diseases in cats

The most common diseases in cats are:

Inflammation of the eyelids. With phlegmous inflammation, the eyelid swells and purulent mucus flows from the eye. With normal inflammation, the cat begins to scratch its eyes. The eyelids become red and thickened. The disease appears due to vitamin deficiency, eczema. Phlegmous inflammation develops after strong calculations and deep wounds.

Bruises and wounds. A cat can receive these injuries from a fall or after a fight. The wound can be superficial, deep or through. The main symptom is severe swelling, redness and even bleeding from the eyes.

Turn of the century. The skin turns inward. This causes a strong inflammatory process. Volvulus can be caused by the entry of a foreign body into the cat's eye, exposure to chemicals. Without timely assistance, the cat may develop conjunctivitis or keratitis. In advanced cases, an ulcer will appear on the cornea.

Symptoms of the disease include lacrimation and photophobia. The eyelid begins to swell, changing its appearance.

You can recognize the listed eye diseases in cats from photos.

Types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is considered the most common disease among cats. It has the following varieties:

  1. Purulent.
  2. Allergic.
  3. Acute catarrhal.
  4. Follicular.

With purulent conjunctivitis it worsens general state cats. The animal's body temperature rises, and copious pus begins to discharge from the eyes. Diarrhea and vomiting may occur.

Allergic conjunctivitis in a cat it causes contact with an allergen. At first, the discharge from the eyes appears clear. If left untreated, they become purulent.

Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis is always accompanied by redness of the eyes and severe swelling. Cats experience pain, tears flow, and serous-mucous discharge occurs. The main reason is injury and lack of vitamin A in the body.

Follicular conjunctivitis is characterized by inflammation of the lymphatic follicles. They are on inside. The disease is chronic and requires long-term treatment. Surgery is possible.

The photo clearly shows all types of conjunctivitis.

Types of keratitis

Keratitis is a disease of the cornea of ​​the eyes. The most common types are:

  1. Superficial purulent.
  2. Vascular superficial.
  3. Purulent deep.

At superficial keratitis the upper (epithelial) layer of the cornea becomes inflamed. The cat is in pain and afraid of light. Cornea accepts grey colour, swelling develops. This type of illness usually occurs due to injury.

With vascular keratitis, growth of capillaries is observed in upper layer cornea, clouding of the eyes occurs.

Purulent deep keratitis – very serious illness, caused by microbes that have penetrated the stroma of the cat's cornea. The cat begins to be afraid of light and scratches its eyes continuously. The cornea takes on a yellowish tint. Capillaries begin to grow into the cornea. The cause of the disease is considered to be injury and infection. The cat will be sick for a long time.

Corneal ulcer

To this disease. Causes infections that develop after deep wounds. This may also be a complication after suffering purulent keratitis. There are 2 types of ulcers: perforated and purulent. The main symptom is strong pain. Therefore, the animal is always restless.

When a perforated ulcer appears, purulent discharge from the eyes is noticeable. The cornea takes on a gray tint. Spasms of the eyelids and fear of bright light are often observed. After treatment of ulcers, scarring will be visible.


Glaucoma in cats can be acute or congenital. The main symptom is increased eye pressure. The cornea becomes cloudy, loses sensitivity and becomes colorless.

The eyeballs harden and increase in size. The cause of the disease may be hemorrhage, dislocation and swelling of the lens, a complication after suffering purulent keratitis.


Cataract is clouding of the lens. It can be congenital, toxic, traumatic, symptomatic.

On last stage The pet has difficulty seeing in the affected eye. The lens becomes white. The disease develops as a result of infection, injury or inflammation. Older cats often suffer from cataracts.

Treatment of eye diseases in cats

For the treatment of eye diseases in animals, there is great amount funds. Diseases can be easily cured with antibiotic ointments and drops. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate and furatsilin for washing.

For instillation eye drops you can use:

  1. chloramphenicol;
  2. gentaimcines;
  3. colbiocin;
  4. Ciprobid.

You can quickly heal wounds with Actovegin (Solcoseryl) gel. It should be placed behind the eyelid.

Treat cat's eyes You can use tetracycline, erythromycin and neomycin ointment.

At serious problems In addition to topical drugs, the antibiotic Cefazolin is used. It is administered intramuscularly, previously diluted in novocaine. Only the veterinarian determines the dosage.

You cannot treat eye diseases in an animal yourself. If you use the wrong drug and treatment regimen, this can lead to blindness of the animal.

Daily care for your pet's eyes

To save your pet from eye problems, you need to take care of them daily. For this there is special means. You can use drops and lotions to care for your eyes. The most popular means include:

  1. Ciprovet (drops).
  2. Diamond eyes (drops).
  3. Bars (lotion).

To wash the eyes, drops are instilled in the following order:

  1. You need to drop 1-2 drops of the medicine into each eye.
  2. Lightly massage the animal's eyelids.
  3. Use a cotton pad to remove any remaining drug.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2 times a day.

To wash the tear ducts, you need to use lotions. After wetting the disc, gently wipe the hair around the eyes. The procedure is performed daily for a week. The course can be repeated if necessary.

To keep your animal's eyes healthy, you need to listen to the advice of veterinarians:

  1. Do not use cotton wool, as its fibers cause tearing. Cotton pads are the best option.
  2. Do not wash your eyes with water. This will disrupt the microflora.
  3. You cannot treat your eyes with chamomile infusion. This remedy causes baldness of the eyelids.
  4. You cannot interrupt the treatment that has started.

It is impossible to competently treat an animal’s eye diseases without special diagnostics. Only a veterinarian can do this. If noticeable general signs eye disease (tears, purulent discharge, squinting), then you should immediately show your pet to a veterinarian. Only he will competently describe the treatment regimen.

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