Home Hygiene Chronic atopic dermatitis symptoms. Atopic dermatitis - its manifestations and principles of treatment

Chronic atopic dermatitis symptoms. Atopic dermatitis - its manifestations and principles of treatment


Skin pathologies of an allergic nature cause internal discomfort and cosmetic defects to the patient. Treatment of dermatitis in adults is possible with official medicines and folk remedies against all skin manifestations of the disease. The approach to health problems is comprehensive. Initially, identify the main allergen and eliminate the pathogenic factor. Then you can use ointments as prescribed for atopic dermatitis in adults.

How to treat dermatitis in adults

The disease is of an allergic nature, so any treatment begins with a diet and complete exclusion of the potential allergen and additional use of antihistamines. The doctor carefully studies the external symptoms of dermatitis and recommends undergoing a clinical and laboratory examination to clarify the form of the disease and the characteristics of intensive care. With dermatitis, the patient's appearance leaves much to be desired, so it is recommended to act immediately.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults

Dermatitis is a consequence of intoxication of the body, so its treatment in adult patients and children must be comprehensive. Doctors suppress the effect of the allergen with antihistamines, but taking them orally is sometimes not enough to completely heal. Here's what medicines required to be included in the treatment of dermatitis in adults:

  1. Antihistamines for dermatitis: Claritin, Fenistil, Suprastin, L-Cet, Cetrin, Zirtec, Telfast, Loratadine.
  2. Non-hormonal ointments: Protopic, Eplan, Fenistil, Elidel, Losterin, Destin, Thymogen, Naftaderm, Videstim, Isis.
  3. Hormonal ointments For effective treatment complicated form of dermatitis in adults: Elokom, Akriderm, Celestoderm.
  4. Local antiseptics for relieving symptoms of inflammation in adults: Lincomycin and Erythromycin ointment, Celestoderm.
  5. Antibiotics for oral use for complications of dermatitis: Rovamycin, Doxycycline, Sumamed, Zitrolide, Erythromycin.
  6. Probiotics: Bifidobacterin, Linex, Lactobacterin, Acipol to restore intestinal microflora in adults with dermatitis.


The main irritant in such a clinical picture is Sun rays and increased sensitivity of the body to them. After infection, the skin will look heterogeneous, bumpy, and the patient experiences an acute sensation of itching, burning, and complains of increased swelling of the inflamed skin. The following medications are recommended as effective treatment:

  1. To eliminate the provoking factor, it is recommended to use products with methyluracil or zinc.
  2. For productive restoration of damaged dermis, Panthenol spray is prescribed externally to pathological lesions.
  3. To strengthen weakened immunity, vitamins of groups C, E, A, B and preparations with x content are appropriate.

Treatment of contact dermatitis

Photodermatitis is atypical form contact dermatitis, which is associated with direct interaction with a provoking factor from environment. The main task of the patient is to eliminate contact with the irritant, remove the external symptoms of the disease with medication, and eliminate their dependence in the future. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Corticosteroids: Advantan, Elokom, Lokoid creams.
  2. Antihistamines: Cetrin, Erius, Claritin, Zyrtec.
  3. Local antiseptics: Burov's liquid.

Seborrheic dermatitis

When oily scales appear on the head, which periodically itch and itch, seborrheic dermatitis is suspected. This is a consequence of increased activity in the body of a yeast fungus that feeds on sebum. Seborrheic dermatitis predominates in children in the first days of life, extremely rarely in adults. Foci of pathology in adults are observed on the eyelids, in all folds of the skin.

To quickly recover from seborrheic dermatitis, the characteristic scales should be treated daily olive oil so that they disappear quickly and painlessly. Additionally, it is recommended to review your diet and exclude fatty, spicy and smoked foods from your daily diet. You can use special medicated shampoos to moisturize dry skin that is prone to flaking.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis

If the skin is damaged, there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction of the body. This is one of the forms of dermatitis in adults, which, to eliminate pathological process requires a review of daily nutrition. Synthetic components in food, semi-finished products and preservatives should be completely removed from the daily menu, since more often they become the same irritants. Medical nutrition includes plant foods as a source of antioxidants and natural fiber.

Food dermatitis in adults

This form of dermatitis is chronic, and the patient goes into the category of eternal “allergy sufferers”. To maintain overall health, it is necessary to regularly perform therapeutic and preventive actions. The components of the dishes must be hypoallergenic, otherwise the characteristic rash in different parts of the dermis will bother the patient more and more often. Allergens are often red vegetables and fruits, processed foods and preservatives, citrus fruits and berries.

How to treat toxicoderma

Proper treatment of dermatitis begins with the productive elimination of a dangerous allergen that entered the body with food or through Airways with further distribution through the systemic circulation. In addition, infection with a toxic substance can occur through injection. For productive treatment, a definitely hypoallergenic diet and vitamin intake are required. There is a permanent intensive care regimen for adults, which in practice includes the following areas:

  • home use of cleansing enemas for the productive removal of intoxication products;
  • internal intake of enterosorbents, diuretics, which are also removed from the blood and other biological fluids toxins;
  • administration of a solution of sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride intravenously in order to strengthen weakened immunity;
  • reception antihistamines orally: Cetirizine, Tavegil, Loratadine, Claritin, Chloropyramine;
  • use of glucocorticosteroids in the form of Prednisolone and its derivatives in severe clinical situations.

How to treat dermatitis on the body in an adult

If the disease is detected on early stage, the use of antihistamines internally and externally - this treatment is quite enough. In complicated clinical pictures with the appearance of purulent wounds and exudative rashes, oral antibiotics in the form of tablets and the use of external corticosteroids are necessary. If signs of dermatitis are preceded by increased activity fungal infection, treatment should include antifungal agents.

Drug treatment

The attending physician decides whether to take hormones or antibiotics, based on the characteristics clinical picture. If there are no complications, the adult patient is prescribed orally antihistamines. These are tablets Claritin, Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin, Fenistil, L-Cet, Tavegil and others. The course of intensive therapy varies between 7-14 days and is adjusted by the doctor on an individual basis. If one allergy medicine is not suitable, it must be replaced, taking into account the body's compatibility with the active components.

Additionally, pay attention to representatives of the following pharmacological groups:

  • sorbents: Enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte;
  • antibiotics: Rovamycin, Doxycycline, Sumamed, Zitrolide, Erythromycin;
  • antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Famvir, Valtrex, Alpizarin;
  • multivitamin complexes for dermatitis.

Local treatment

Dermatitis appears not only on the face; the presence of a characteristic rash is possible on the back, buttocks and other parts of the body. If taking tablets kills a pathogenic infection from the inside, then the external use of creams and ointments helps to effectively eliminate a cosmetic defect and reduce the intensity discomfort, completely eliminate discomfort from your Everyday life. Here are the medications doctors prescribe for the treatment of dermatitis in adults:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Elokom, Diprosalik or Akriderm;
  • local remedies for skin regeneration: Solcoseryl, D-panthenol, Bepanten;
  • corticosteroid drugs: Elokom, Afloderm, Lokoid, Advantan.
  • antifungal agents: Triderm, Pimafucort;
  • local antibiotics: erythromycin ointment;
  • antimicrobial compounds: Fukortsin;
  • local antiseptics.


Use of drugs plant origin appropriate as part of complex treatment, since they independent use for adults it gives rather mediocre results. For dermatitis, positive dynamics are provided by herbal remedies with chamomile, string, lemon balm and St. John's wort. Medicines such as calendula-based ointment, medicinal chamomile extract, evening primrose ether, and stinging nettle have proven themselves well.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To speed up the treatment of dermatitis in adults, it is necessary to undergo a course of special procedures in a hospital setting. Such sessions are prescribed by the attending physician, who also stipulates the number of procedures to achieve the desired effect. Here's what every potential allergy sufferer needs to know:

  1. Electrophoresis with intal, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride reduces the feeling of itching of the skin and relieves swelling.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin for relaxation nervous system and eliminating unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis.
  3. Applications with paraffin or ozokerite to prevent massive peeling of overdried dermis.
  4. Electrosleep with instability of the nervous system and pronounced signs of chronic insomnia in dermatitis in adults.

Treatment of dermatitis in adults with folk remedies

The disease can be eliminated alternative methods, but at an early stage of the pathological process. Treatment of dermatitis is successful if the foci of pathology are regularly treated with decoctions of chamomile, stinging nettle, and string. The composition is being prepared classical method– 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of water, but the amount finished medicine depends on the abundance of foci of pathology. An adult should perform home procedures daily, supplementing them with official methods.


The main goal is to eliminate allergens from the daily menu. For dermatitis in adults and not only food should be hypoallergenic. In order to promptly identify the irritant, during the next attack of dermatitis for successful treatment It is recommended to take a blood test for examination pathogenic flora. The daily menu should contain plant fiber, natural antioxidants, and natural vitamins.

  • do not smoke in the apartment;
  • try to get away from stress;
  • do not scratch or rub the skin;
  • do not use irritating synthetic detergents, washing powders, glue, paints, varnishes, solvents;
  • do not wear clothes made of synthetics or wool on your bare body, or wear cotton clothes inside;
  • It's better not to keep pets.

The skin with atopic dermatitis in adults and children is very dry, it easily loses moisture and allows allergens and microbes to pass through. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly restore the protective layer. This is achieved by hydration.

How to care for skin with atopic dermatitis?

How to properly care for your skin?

  1. Water treatments for fifteen minutes are required. The water should not be hot.
  2. Do not use hard washcloths to rub the skin.
  3. Use products with a neutral pH of 5.5. There are special products for diseased skin (Trickzera, Bodyzhel, Friederm pH balance).
  4. After washing, the skin is blotted, but not wiped dry.
  5. Apply a softening and moisturizing product to still moisturized skin.
  6. The moisturizer is also applied throughout the day to prevent dryness.

There are many products available in the pharmacy for the care of skin with atopic dermatitis (Aven, La Roche Posay, Vichy, Uriage).

What to do with atopic allergic dermatitis?

What to do with atopic allergic dermatitis caused by exposure to dust?

If you are hypersensitive to mold fungi.

  1. In the bathroom, wipe wet tiles and other surfaces with a cloth and treat them once a month with anti-fungal agents.
  2. Do not use kefir.
  3. Do not dry clothes in the room.

For pollen allergies:

  • during the flowering period, limit festivities and close windows;
  • do not contact with pollen-producing plants;
  • do not use medicinal herbs.

How to deal with exacerbation of atopic dermatitis?

What do people with atopic dermatitis need to know?

There are three phases of flow.

  1. The acute phase is accompanied by itching, redness, and blistering. the bubbles, if scratched, burst with the release of a yellowish liquid.
  2. During the acute phase - peeling, redness, scratching;
  3. Chronic phase - thickened plaques, dense itchy nodules.

How to cure atopic dermatitis?

During the period of exacerbation of dermatitis, in addition to mandatory skin moisturizing, anti-inflammatory treatment is needed. Typically, topical steroids are used. Modern drugs(Advantan, Elokom, Afloderm) are safe in terms of the development of side effects. However, long-term use reduces the effectiveness of medications, so they need to be changed and alternated.

In the acute stage of atopic dermatitis, there are no equal corticosteroids. In the acute and chronic phases, non-hormonal medications are used:

  • Elidel cream;
  • cream, shampoo, Skin-cap aerosol.

Of course, the choice of therapy should be made by a doctor.

Conclusion: atopic dermatitis is a common disease; you should try to identify the allergen and exclude it from your diet, constantly moisturize your skin and follow a diet. To identify an allergen, you need to try to eat a minimum amount of food per day to make it easier to determine what you are allergic to.

Best regards, Olga.

I suggest watching an educational video by the famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky, who will tell you everything about dermatitis in detail and very clearly.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

How to treat atopic dermatitis?

Treatment atopic dermatitis Regardless of the severity of the disease, it must be comprehensive. This means that it is not the disease itself that should be treated, but also the cause that led to it. For example, if atopic dermatitis is accompanied by dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to treat both of these diseases simultaneously.

The basic principles of treatment of atopic dermatitis are as follows:
  • in the acute period of the disease is carried out intensive therapy, including hormonal and other drugs;
  • during the period of subsidence of the disease, supportive treatment is recommended, which includes vitamins, physiotherapy, sorbents;
  • during the period of remission, immunotherapy is prescribed;
  • During all periods of the disease, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended.
Based on these principles, it is clear that for each period of the disease certain medications are needed. Thus, corticosteroids and antibiotics are prescribed during the acute period of the disease, and vitamins and immunomodulators - during the period of subsidence of the disease.

List of drugs prescribed in different periods illnesses

The main principle of treating atopic dermatitis is diet. Correct mode nutrition during all periods of illness is the key Get well soon. Refusal of allergenic foods is the most important and at the same time difficult rule of diet therapy. It is especially difficult to comply with this recommendation for those patients who have not taken samples to identify a specific foodborne pathogen. allergic reactions. Such people should follow a non-specific diet, which means giving up all traditional products-allergens. If allergy tests have been carried out, the patient is shown a specific diet, which involves avoiding a specific product.

Creams and emollients for atopic dermatitis

The use of creams, lotions and emollients in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is an integral part of therapy. External therapy (that is, the use of external medications) is often the only procedure during the period of subsidence of the disease. The following forms of external agents are distinguished: creams, lotions, aerosols, emollients (oily ointment base). The choice of one form or another depends on the stage of the atopic process. Thus, in the acute stage of the atopic process, lotions and creams are prescribed, in subacute and chronic stage(when dryness predominates) - emollients. Also, if the scalp is predominantly affected, lotions are used, if the skin is smooth, then creams are used. During the day it is better to use lotions and aerosols, in the evening hours - creams and emollients.

The tactics for using creams and other external agents depends on the extent of the skin process. The choice of one remedy or another depends on the form of atopic dermatitis. As a rule, creams containing corticosteroids are used, which are also called local (or external) glucocorticosteroids. Today, most doctors prefer two external glucocorticosteroids - methylprednisolone and mometasone. The first drug is known as advantan, the second - under the name elocom. These two products are highly effective, and most importantly, safe and minimal side effects. Both products are available in the form of creams and lotions.

If an infection is added to existing skin changes (as often happens especially in children), then combination drugs containing antibiotics. Such drugs include triderm, hyoxysone, sofradex.
In addition to the "traditional" hormonal drugs, used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, other, non-hormonal agents are also used. These are antihistamines and immunosuppressive external agents. The first includes fenistil, the second - elidel.

List of external agents used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis


Release form

How is it used?


  • cream;
  • ointment;
  • lotion.

Apply a thin layer to the affected skin once a day. The duration of use depends on the extent of the skin process, but, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days.


  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • emulsion.

Apply a thin layer and rub into the affected skin with light movements. The duration of treatment for adults is from 10 to 12 weeks, for children - up to 4 weeks.


  • ointment;
  • cream.

Rub gently into the affected skin and surrounding tissue twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.


  • gel;
  • emulsion;
  • drops.

The gel or emulsion is applied to the affected areas 2 – 3 times a day. If intense itching is present, then drops are prescribed in parallel.


  • cream.

Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected areas of the skin twice a day. After application, rub the cream into the skin with light movements.

Lipikar for atopic dermatitis

Lipikar creams and lotions are long-term topical products. This cosmetical tools from La Roche-Posay, which are adapted for use in patients with atopic dermatitis. The products in this cosmetic line intensively moisturize the skin. As you know, the skin of people suffering from atopic dermatitis is characterized by increased dryness and flaking. Shea butter, which is included in most products from this line, slows down the process of dehydration (moisture loss) of the skin. Lipikar creams and lotions also contain allantoin, thermal water and squalene. This composition restores the damaged lipid membrane of the skin, relieves swelling and irritation of the skin.

In addition to Lipikar, Bepanthen, Atoderm, and Atopalm creams are used. Bepanthen cream can be used during pregnancy and even in infants. It is effective in healing scratches and shallow wounds, and also stimulates skin regeneration. Available in the form of cream, ointment and lotion.

Vaccinations for atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is not a contraindication for routine vaccination. Therefore, DPT, BCG, polio, hepatitis B, and rubella vaccines are routinely administered. At the same time, it is known that the vaccine can stimulate an exacerbation of the process. Therefore, it is recommended to administer the vaccine during the period of remission of atopic dermatitis. Vaccination should be carried out according to the vaccination calendar and only in immunization rooms. Before it is carried out, it is recommended to prescribe antihistamines for prophylactic purposes. Drug therapy is carried out 4–5 days before vaccination and for 5 days after it. Drugs of choice in in this case is ketotifen and loratadine.

Diet for atopic dermatitis

Diet therapy for atopic dermatitis is one of the main methods of treatment, which allows you to prolong the period of remission and improve the patient’s condition. The main rule of the diet is to avoid foods that can act as allergy triggers. In addition, the body must provide nutrition necessary resources to fight this disease.

The main provisions of the diet for atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • exclusion of food allergens;
  • avoidance of foods that promote the release of histamine;
  • reducing the amount of gluten-containing foods;
  • inclusion of products for fast healing skin;
  • improving the functionality of the digestive tract.
These rules are identical for all categories of patients, except infants (children whose age does not exceed 1 year). There are separate nutritional recommendations for infants.

Elimination of food allergens

Products that can trigger the development of an allergic reaction are present in all groups of food products. It is necessary to exclude allergenic foods from the diet in pure form, as well as the dishes for which they were used. To avoid shortages useful substances, food allergens must be replaced with other products that are full of nutrients.

Food allergens and products that should replace them





  • duck;
  • goose;
  • game;
  • chicken.
  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • veal;
  • beef.


  • trout;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • mackerel.
  • zander;
  • cod;
  • pollock.


  • caviar;
  • oysters;
  • mussels;
  • squid.

You can eat cod caviar and liver in limited quantities.

Bee products

  • propolis;
  • beebread ( tightly compressed flower pollen).

Natural honey can be replaced with an analogue of artificial origin.


Low blood pressure, reduced heart rate.

Drugs to strengthen the immune system

Increased excitability of the nervous system, heart rhythm disturbances.


Increased arterial pressure, tendency to depression, anxiety.

Rose hip

Ulcer, gastritis, tendency to thrombosis.


Varicose veins, impaired blood clotting.


There are no contraindications for herbal medicines for external use other than individual intolerance to the main component.


Antiseptic external agents

Prevention of atopic dermatitis

Prevention of atopic dermatitis is the most important link in the complex therapeutic measures with this disease. The chronic, recurrent (wavy) course of atopic dermatitis and knowledge of pathogenesis made it possible to formulate the basic principles of prevention. Depending on the time of implementation and the goals pursued, the prevention of atopic dermatitis can be primary or secondary.

Primary prevention

The goal of primary prevention is to prevent disease in individuals who are part of the group increased risk. Considering that atopic dermatitis is one of the most common childhood diseases, the issue of prevention among children is especially relevant. Among the factors predisposing to the development of atopic dermatitis, one of the main ones is heredity. That's why primary prevention It has great importance for children whose parents (one or both) have a history of this disease. Preventive measures it is necessary to begin taking measures in the antenatal (intrauterine) period and continue after the birth of the child.

Prevention in the antenatal period
Measures for antenatal prevention of atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • Hypoallergenic diet. A pregnant woman should exclude from her diet all traditional food allergens, which include eggs, milk, bee products, and nuts.
  • Balanced diet. Despite the restrictions on the menu, the diet of a woman carrying a child should be varied and contain sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As experts note, a diet in which carbohydrate foods predominate especially increases the likelihood of developing atopic dermatitis in a child.
  • Adequate treatment of gestosis(complications of pregnancy, which are manifested by edema and other problems). The deterioration of a pregnant woman's condition increases the permeability of the placenta, resulting in the fetus being exposed to allergens. This increases the chance that the child will have atopic dermatitis.
  • Many medications contribute to allergization of the fetus and, as a result, the development of atopic dermatitis. Antibiotics are the most common cause of allergies. penicillin group(nafcillin, oxacillin, ampicillin).
  • Control of household chemicals used. Laundry detergents and other household products contain aggressive allergens that penetrate female body through the respiratory system and can cause fetal sensitization. Therefore, during pregnancy it is recommended to use hypoallergenic household chemicals.
Prevention after birth
After the birth of a child, his food should be hypoallergenic for a year, since the unformed the immune system and intestinal microflora cannot give a “worthy response” to food allergens. If breast milk is available, breastfeeding is recommended to continue for at least six months, and during this period the nursing woman should follow a diet that excludes allergenic foods. If breast milk is absent, the child should be fed with special infant formula.
The first foods for complementary feeding should be hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits (apples, zucchini), meat (turkey, rabbit).

Gradually, allergenic foods should be introduced into the children's diet, recording the child's body's reaction to such food in a special diary. You should start with cow's milk, chicken meat. They should be administered after the child reaches one year of age, during the period of remission of atopic dermatitis. By the second year of life, you can include eggs in the children's menu, by the third - honey and fish.

Secondary prevention of atopic dermatitis

Secondary prevention measures are relevant for those patients who have already encountered atopic dermatitis. The goal of such prevention is to prolong the period of remission of the disease, and in case of exacerbation of the disease, to reduce symptoms.

Secondary prevention measures for this disease are:

  • organization of hypoallergenic living conditions;
  • adequate skin care;
  • control of consumption of food allergens;
  • preventive (preliminary) drug therapy.
Organization of hypoallergenic living conditions
The exacerbation of atopic dermatitis is facilitated by such a common factor in everyday life as dust. Household dust includes mites (saprophytes), skin particles from people and pets. Each of these components negatively affects the well-being of a patient with this disease. Therefore, prevention of this disorder involves organizing activities aimed at combating dust.
The main sources of dust in everyday life are bed dress, textiles, upholstered furniture, bookcases and carpeting. For preventive purposes, you should choose hypoallergenic items,, if possible, refuse to use some items and provide appropriate care for all household items.

Measures for organizing hypoallergenic living conditions are as follows:

  • Sleeping area. People with atopic dermatitis are recommended to use pillows and blankets with synthetic filling. You should also avoid woolen rugs and blankets, as they provide a favorable environment for ticks. Bed linen should be changed for new ones twice a week, and boiled when washing. It is recommended that blankets, mattresses and pillows be taken to special disinfection chambers or treated anti-tick drugs. An effective measure for atopic dermatitis is special plastic cases for mattresses and pillows.
  • Carpeting. It is recommended not to use carpets in the room where the patient lives. If it is not possible to refuse carpeting, preference should be given to products made from synthetic fibers with short pile. The best option are carpets made of nylon, acrylic, polyester. Carpets should be replaced with new ones every 5-6 years. They should be cleaned every 2 weeks using anti-tick products (Doctor Al, easy air, ADS spray).
  • Cushioned furniture. The upholstery of upholstered furniture and the materials used as fillers are places where large amounts of dust accumulate. For atopic dermatitis, it is recommended to replace sofas with beds, and soft chairs with ordinary chairs or benches.
  • Bookcases and shelves. Books not only accumulate a large amount of dust, but also develop mold, which contributes to the exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, you should avoid the presence of bookcases and shelves in the room where a person with this disease lives. If this is not possible, books should be kept in furniture with closing doors.
  • Textile products. Instead of curtains and other textiles for windows, it is recommended to use blinds made of polymer materials. In spring, summer and autumn, protective nets should be installed on windows to prevent dust, pollen, poplar fluff. Tablecloths, decorative napkins and other textiles should be used in minimal quantities.
In the room where a person suffering from atopic dermatitis lives, wet cleaning should be carried out daily using hypoallergenic household products. In the evening and in rainy weather, you need to ventilate the room, and in the hot season, keep the windows and doors closed. To maintain optimal humidity conditions, it is recommended to use humidifiers.
Mold is one of the common factors that can worsen the condition of a person with atopic dermatitis. Therefore, in areas with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen), hoods should be installed and cleaning should be carried out monthly using products that prevent the growth of mold microorganisms.

Adequate skin care
The skin with atopic dermatitis is characterized by increased vulnerability, which contributes to irritation and inflammation even during the period of remission. Therefore, people with this disease need to provide proper skin care. Competent care increases barrier functions skin, which helps reduce the symptoms of the disease during periods of exacerbation.

Skin care measures for atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • Cleansing. To implement personal hygiene procedures for this disease, it is recommended to use special products that do not contain aggressive components (alcohol, fragrances, alkali, preservatives). The best option is hypoallergenic preparations specially designed for skin care with atopic dermatitis. The most common brands of specialized products are bioderma, ducray, avene.
  • Hydration. During the day, it is recommended to moisturize the skin using special aerosols based on thermal water. Such products are present in the line of many manufacturers of pharmaceutical cosmetics (products intended for the care of problem skin). Among the most famous brands include uriage, vichy, noreva. Before going to bed, the skin should be treated with a moisturizer or compresses made from natural aloe and potato juices.
  • Nutrition. Skin nourishing products are used after water procedures before bedtime. In the cold season, the systematic use of such products should be increased to 2–3 times a day. Creams with a fatty texture containing natural oils can be used to nourish the skin. You can increase the effectiveness of such a cream if you add to it fat soluble vitamins A and E (sold in pharmacies). Can also nourish the skin natural oils(coconut, olive, almond).
During skin care procedures, you should refrain from using too hot and/or chlorinated water and harsh washcloths. Any duration water procedure should not exceed 15 - 20 minutes, after which the moisture should be blotted with a soft towel.

Controlling food allergen intake
Patients who have undergone allergy tests, during which a specific allergy trigger has been identified, should follow a specific diet. This diet involves avoiding food allergens and dishes that contain them. For people whose allergen has not been determined, a nonspecific hypoallergenic diet is indicated, which implies the exclusion of all obligate (traditional) foods that provoke allergies.

One of the effective measures to control the body’s reaction to food is a food diary. Before you start keeping a diary, you should follow a strict hypoallergenic diet for several days. Then you gradually need to introduce allergenic foods into the diet, recording the body’s reaction.

Preventive (preliminary) drug therapy

Taking special medications before a predicted exacerbation of the disease inhibits the development of allergic reactions. For prevention, pharmacological drugs with antihistamine action are used, the type and pattern of consumption of which is determined by the doctor. Also, in order to increase the body's resistance to allergens, folk remedies can be used.

A prerequisite for the prevention of atopic dermatitis is strengthening the immune system. For this, various vitamin-mineral complexes and herbal immunomodulators can be used.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The concept of “atopy” as a predisposition of newborns to allergic diseases, transmitted hereditarily, was proposed in 1923 by American scientists A. Coca and R. Cooke.

This common allergic skin lesion, characterized by an inflammatory process, is atopic dermatitis . Over 12% of the population suffers from this non-contagious disease.


In the international classification, atopic dermatitis is defined as a skin disease of a chronic nature. He was assigned a code according to ICD-10 - L 20. The development of pathology is due to the special sensitivity of the body in response to certain irritating factors.

Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) in adults (photo)


The disease is mainly caused by heredity.

Problems that activate the process of exacerbation of the disease

The course of the disease is recurrent, alternating with stages of remission. The following factors especially aggravate it:

  • environmental and climatic anomalies;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • expansion of the range of allergic reagents;
  • nervous overload;
  • immune disorders;
  • early feeding of infants.

Dermatitis worsens as a result of a reaction to allergens and irritants.


The main signs appear on the surface of the skin.

  • irritation;
  • severe itching;
  • dryness.

When scratching, a secondary infection (viral or bacterial) develops.

Most common symptoms:

Secondary symptoms are physical, psychological, domestic, cosmetic, emotional discomfort and complexes.

Periods of the disease

Dermatitis occurs especially often in older infants (from 2-4 months to 1 year). Before the age of 5 years, dermatitis occurs, but less frequently.

Atopic dermatitis in children

The early development of the disease is explained by the predisposition of infants to allergic diseases.

Atopic dermatitis in children: photo

Prerequisites for early dermatitis:

  • poor nutrition and lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy;
  • the child’s immature immune system.

The disease often resolves by age 4, but occurs in adolescents and adults. Before the age of 5 years, 90% of the manifestations of the disease are recorded.

Atopic dermatitis in adults

Symptoms tend to subside with age. However, the disease may manifest itself and even occur for the first time in adolescents and adults. By the age of 15-17 years, the disease recedes on its own in 70% of cases. In adult form only 30% flows over.

Clinical indicators in different phases:

Characteristics Phase
Infant and children Adult
The main manifestation is itching+ +
Formation colorHot pinkPale pink
Places of formationsFace, buttocks, arms, legsArea of ​​the popliteal, elbow bends, face, neck
Forms of formationsBubbles, wetting, crusts, scalesPapules, skin pattern, dry skin, peeling, cracks.

The disease progresses differently, depending on the phase, cause, and other diseases.

Seasonal exacerbations occur in spring and autumn. Stages according to the nature of the course: acute, chronic.

Acute stage

Spots, papules, skin peeling, crusts and erosions. As the infection develops, pustular formations are observed.

Chronic stage

Thickening skin with a bright pattern, scratches, cracks, changes in eyelid pigmentation.

Diffuse neurodermatitis– one of the forms of dermatitis. It is also manifested by itching and rashes of an allergic nature. A secondary factor is disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, aggravated by stressful situations.


Activities to recognize the disease are carried out by specialists: dermatologist, allergist:

  • monitoring the clinical picture;
  • allergy tests;
  • urine and stool tests.

Diagnostic studies use family history analysis. If necessary, the knowledge of other specialists is used: neuropsychiatrist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist.


Since symptoms differ between children and adults, treatment also differs. The process is quite complicated. The basis is diet, drug therapy, specific hyposensitization (reducing general sensitivity to the allergen).

Main objectives of treatment

  • elimination of the allergic factor;
  • relieving inflammation and itching;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • prevention of complications and relapses.

Treatment takes into account age, presence accompanying pathologies, clinical severity.

Treatment methods

Treatment methods are selected by the attending physician in combination. Most common:

  • drug therapy;
  • use of laser;
  • photochemotherapy (PUVA);
  • blood purification (plasmapheresis);
  • measures to reduce susceptibility to the allergen (hyposensitization);
  • exposure to needles (acupuncture);
  • diet.

Diet therapy

It is designed to regulate nutrition, which helps improve the condition and helps prevent exacerbation. Firstly, food allergens are completely excluded. Milk and eggs are not recommended, even if tolerated.

At hypoallergenic diet completely excluded:

  • fried meat and fish;
  • vegetables, mushrooms;
  • honey, chocolate;
  • melon, citrus fruits;
  • strawberries, black currants;
  • canned food, spices, smoked meats.

Particularly important diet for atopic dermatitis in children . The menu should include the following dishes:

Drug therapy

Includes different groups of drugs:

AntihistaminesRelieves itching, swellingChange weekly to avoid addictionLoratadine, Clemastine, Hifenadine
CorticosteroidsRelieves attacks and unbearable itchingAppointed at the initial stage for a short period of timeTriamcinolone, Methyprednisolone
AntibioticsAnti-inflammatoryFor purulent complicationsMetacycline, Doxycycline, Erythromycin
AntiviralFighting virusesFor viral complicationsAcyclovir
ImmunomodulatorsStrengthening the immune systemIf necessaryEchinacea, Ginseng
SedativesRelieving itching and general condition when affecting the nervous systemPrescribed when the disease is associated with stressful situations to relieve fear, depression, insomniaMotherwort, Nozepam, Bellataminal

Local treatment

It takes into account the nature and prevalence of the pathology, age characteristics, complications, other factors.

Effect of drugs : anti-inflammatory, decongestant, drying, antipruritic, disinfectant.

Forms : lotion, ointment, paste, cream.

Representatives : Losterin, Prednisolone, Flumethasone.

The use of emollients for atopic dermatitis in children

These are substances that soften and moisturize the skin, protecting it from irritants. Particularly effective in early childhood after swimming.

They are produced on the basis of hypoallergenic ingredients without the presence of harmful chemical compounds.

List of funds:

  • A-Derma;
  • Bioderma Atoderm;
  • Topicrem;
  • Oillan;
  • Physiogel intensive;
  • Dardia.

The use of emollients helps fight dryness, inflammation, and skin damage during manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis on the face of a child (photo)

Conducted extensive research on the question of how to treat atopic dermatitis in children. Dr. Komarovsky . Among important reasons it highlights the child's overeating, his intake of food in greater quantities than he is able to digest.

For pathologies in children, Komarovsky suggests treating in three directions:

  1. Hit minimization harmful substances from the intestines into the blood. Fighting constipation, dysbacteriosis, increasing meal times, reducing the concentration of infant formula, using activated charcoal, dosing sweets. The main thing is not to overeat.
  2. Avoiding skin contact with irritating factors. Boiling water before bathing, using children's washing powders, natural fabrics, bathing with soap no more than 2 times a week, taking care of the quality of toys.
  3. Creating conditions to reduce children's sweating. Compliance temperature regime and humidity, do not wrap yourself up excessively, and drink enough fluids.

Treatment with folk remedies

People practice decoctions for oral administration, means for local treatment, baths with by special means, compresses.

Some folk recipes:

Ingredients Cooking method Application
Bay leaves – 4 pieces, boiling water – 200 ml Combine, leave covered until cool, then strain Take 40 ml orally before bedtime for children, and 100 ml for adults; course – 10 days
Viburnum berries – 5 spoons, boiling water – 1000 mg Combine, leave covered for up to 10 hours, strain Drink 200 ml throughout the day for children, 400 for adults; course – up to 2-3 weeks
Oatmeal – 3 spoons, hot cow’s milk – 1 liter Mix until smooth Apply the substance to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse and lubricate with nourishing cream
Veronica (medicinal herb) – 1 spoon, boiling water – 1 glass Infuse, covered and wrapped, for 2 hours, then strain Wash the affected areas with lotion up to 6 times a day; the course is not limited

Also popular among people baths: coniferous, with chamomile and string, calendula, mint and others medicinal plants. It is practiced to add soda or starch to combat dryness.It is recommended to wash the skin on the face and other parts of the body daily in the morning with a 1:10 solution of vinegar and water.

Many folk remedies reduce symptoms and treatment becomes more effective.


They arise due to injury to the skin by scratching. Because of this, its protective properties are reduced, resulting in infections.

Types of complications

By frequency of occurrenceType of skin infectionPathogenManifestationWhere does it occur?
1 Bacterial(pyoderma)Different types of bacteria (cocci)Pustules, crusts on the skin, malaise, feverHead, any parts of the body, limbs
2 Viral Herpes virusClear bubbles with liquidMucous membranes and skin of the face, surface of the throat, genitals
3 Fungal Yeast-like fungiRound rash lesions, thrush in childrenFolds on the skin, nails, head, feet, hands

Helps avoid complications preventive measures.

Starts before the baby is born.

Primary – prevention of dermatitis

Natural feeding, limiting medications, and following a diet are necessary.

Secondary – prevention of relapses, exacerbations

  • exclusion of causes and provoking factors;
  • compliance with the prescribed diet;
  • taking preventive medications;
  • skin hygiene.

Hygiene features

  • do not wash with a washcloth every day;
  • use hypoallergenic soap;
  • prefer a warm shower to a hot one;
  • blot with a towel rather than rub;
  • moisturize the skin with special products;
  • use clothes made from natural materials.

Complete recovery is considered to be the absence of symptoms for 3 to 7 years. The interval between the stages of exacerbations lasts from a month to several years.

If left untreated, there is a risk of developing bronchial asthma. It is necessary to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Competent prevention and lifestyle protect against relapses. It is important to be attentive to your own body, follow a diet, and take care of the condition of your skin.


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