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How to suppress hatred towards a person. Feelings of hatred - feelings, emotions - love - catalog of articles - rose of the world

Hatred as a personality quality is a tendency to intense, prolonged manifestation of rejection, disgust towards a person, group, inanimate object, phenomenon.

One old martial artist decided to never fight again. But one day he was nevertheless challenged to a fight by one impudent young warrior, who believed that he was much more skillful and stronger. However, the old master simply sat and did not react to the impudent man. Then the warrior began to insult him and his ancestors in order to provoke the master, but this did not help him either. In the end, the young warrior despaired and left. The master’s students were surprised by the actions of their teacher, many began to condemn him: “Isn’t your honor and the honor of your ancestors dear to you?” Then the old master said: “When you are given a gift and you do not accept it, then who does this gift belong to?” - “Of course, to the one who gives it!” “The same is true with envy, anger and hatred. If we do not accept them, they remain with the giver.”

There are many songs about love, but not a single one about hatred. Was there really not one kind words in defense of this strong and deep quality of personality? After all, as V. Vysotsky wrote: “Hatred—its cup is overflowing, Hatred requires a way out, it waits. But the noble hatred is ours. Lives next to love." When the whole country sang: “Let noble rage boil like a wave,” everyone understood how important implacable hatred of the enemy is for victory. Therefore, a number of questions arise: what is hatred, what are the reasons for its occurrence, is it a positive or destructive quality, how does hatred affect the individual, is it worth welcoming hatred or should we fight it.

Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language defines hatred as: “A feeling of intense enmity and disgust.” According to Ozhegov, to hate is to resist, act and relate to other people, things, situations, experiencing disgust, intolerance, hostility towards them. Hatred can manifest itself in three directions: towards humanity and people, towards things and situations, towards oneself.

If we talk in simple language, hatred is an irreconcilable contradiction between our idea of ​​​​something or vision of something and what exists in reality. In our dual world, the opposite of hatred is love. They have different poles. Hatred back side love. If we love peace, it means we hate war. If we hate disorder, it means we love order. In other words, we hate everything that is the opposite of love. When our requirements for life, beliefs and ideas about something are strikingly different from reality, an irreconcilable contradiction will arise. The contradiction can be resolved by relieving potential tension. The consequence of hatred can be struggle, militant actions, revenge, intrigue, etc.

For example, a person hates terrorism. He is convinced of the inadmissibility of killing innocent citizens. He can’t comprehend how the earth can bear such degenerates. A person's personality inner world show extreme hostility to terrorists. He does not want to see them on earth, that is, he hates them. If you break down the word “hate” itself into its components, you get – no – I see. Man has such qualities as mercy and compassion, and life in the face of terrorists exposes the reality expressed in the misanthropy and religious fanaticism of terrorists. A gaping gap forms between external realities (external potential) and human demands (internal potential). This abyss is hatred.

We looked at an example of hatred based on political material. Now let's look at the emergence of this negative feeling from the perspective of interpersonal relationships. For example, a wife was raised in the traditions of a strong, friendly family based on love, devotion and fidelity to each other. Her inner potential is love and care for each other. Accordingly, she does not accept, or better yet, hates, debauchery, betrayal and lies in the family. Her husband is a different breed. For some time he played the role of an exemplary family man, but he met another woman and left his family, leaving his wife with two children. It's a common story, I must say. If the wife were with life position not very different from men’s views on the family, the separation could have passed without powerful spiritual upheavals. The whole point is that she loved her husband, and his treachery shook her to the core. The external realities associated with her husband’s betrayal and flight correspond to her internal requirements, just as Gulliver corresponds in height to the Lilliputians. The global potential gap has caused burning hatred. It is rightly said that from love to hate there is only one step. Maybe over time the hatred will subside, or maybe it will lead to sad consequences.

Many people live with self-hatred and consider it normal occurrence. There are a lot of reasons to hate yourself: ugly appearance, inferiority complex, humiliation from others, etc. For example, a girl has developed certain ideas about her appearance. She may consider herself flawed and ugly, although this is far from the case. In other words, her internal requirements are clearly underestimated by her own subconscious. After looking at fashion magazines and listening to her talkative friends, she realized that life was passing her by and there was no place for her at the celebration of life. The external potential, which took the guise of countless fashion models, began to grimace sarcastically at her internal potential. In it she looks like a nondescript, downtrodden creature without a present or a future. Imposed images of thinness drive a girl to nervous breakdowns, depression and simply absurdities. For some reason she thinks that if she has a drop of “fat” then no one will love her and no one will need her. Well, how can you not hate yourself? After all, you can’t erase a gigantic potential difference with a rag?

Hatred can be hidden. She is extremely dangerous and difficult to escape from. Hidden hatred is directed not at the people who actually caused it, but at any scapegoat. Turning into various kinds perversion, it can persist throughout life and pose a serious threat not only to the people around him, but also to the person himself who carries it within himself. For example, a person does not remember how his parents treated him when he was a child, how they left him to cry for many hours in his crib, how he did not even receive a loving look from them. “Nobody loves me. This world is bad,” thought the child. Every day he became more and more embittered towards the world. Having become an adult, he, of course, forgot about his dislike from the world. However, the subconscious remembered everything. Unknowingly, he billed the world. He invested all the lost love and care of the world, all the grievances and sorrows of childhood into his external potential. Between what he wanted to get as a child and what he actually got, a giant crack formed in his subconscious. This crack became the reason for hidden hatred towards people and the world as a whole. A person may suffer from hidden form hatred, directing it against all living things and not guessing about its true reasons. As O. Mandelstam wrote: “I hate humanity, I run away from it in a hurry, My only fatherland is My deserted soul...”

Hate is always there consequence our thoughts and actions in creating an irreconcilable contradiction between our vision and perception of something and what is in reality. Since we have an understanding of the roots of hatred, which consists in whipping up antagonism between our internal and external potential, let us ask ourselves the questions: “If hatred is a consequence, then what is its cause?”, “Who is to blame for the fact that a feeling of hatred has settled and registered in our soul? »

We have to be honest with ourselves and admit that the cause of hatred is ourselves. We must take responsibility and say: “I and only I am responsible for everything that happens in my life. If something appears in my life that I hate, it means that I myself attracted it into my life.” Indeed, if we attach excessive importance to something with our thoughts, if we pay increased attention to something, it will inevitably be attracted into our lives.

So, if you live in constant fear that your car will be stolen, if your thoughts are focused on this sad scenario of theft, the forces of the universe can only agree with you. On energy level it makes no difference to them whether you want it or not. The main thing is that you are thinking intently about stealing a car. You yourself attracted hijackers into your life. Why hate them? To God what is God's, to Caesar's what is Caesar's. No one makes excuses for the hijackers - they have their own destiny and their own responsibility. They treat you without hatred, but perhaps with gratitude for giving them the opportunity to earn money. It is you who hate them, because your inner potential does not fit into the outer potential of real life.

We ourselves generate hatred. Out of the corner of my ear I hear a crying girl on TV complaining: “I married an Arab. I loved him so much, and he treated me so badly. Hate him!". It turns out that she came to his homeland, and there were a dozen other wives there. Now she believes that he treated her badly. A bad deed is a geographical concept. If her fellow countryman did this, one would be surprised, but for an Arab such a marriage is quite a noble act. In his homeland there are many more women than men. Every woman wants to have a family and children. He takes upon himself to take care of her and their children together. What's wrong with that? That's how they do it. Why hate him? The reason for the girl’s hatred is the antagonism of her ideas about marriage with harem life. Who stopped her from asking about the laws and rules of marriage in his country? If you want to be the only one for your husband, marry a guy who only accepts monogamous marriage.

Often hatred arises due to a misunderstanding of the rules by which a particular organization operates. In big government structure an unusually talented person works. All his colleagues see this and think that he will become their boss. He thinks so too. However, a person with the most ordinary qualities is appointed to the position. The difference between a person’s internal potential and the external potential of the nominee is so striking that hatred flares up in him towards his successful colleague. The reason for hatred is talented person. He must understand that a large structure does not need outstanding individuals who do not know what they will do at one time or another, but obedient, loyal performers. Any large structure needs not the best, but the most correct members. To get a position, a person needs to be not the best, but the best among the right members of the structure. In a word, again the reason for hatred is not external circumstances (structure, successful colleague), but the person himself.

If we ourselves are the original source of hatred, its cause, what reason do we have to fight, take revenge and resist the object of so-called hatred? He has exactly the same rights to life as you. At the energetic level, hatred acts not as a simple wish for death, but as murder. The first letter from John the Theologian says: “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer...”. With our hatred we declare the primacy of our worldview over other people. At the same time, we do not want to understand that there are still seven billion worldviews on the planet. All of them do not coincide with your worldview. So, will you order everyone to be killed? In a word, on a subconscious level you destroy the object of hatred.

You may ask indignantly: “What about pedophiles, maniacs and child murderers? Should I kiss them? No, you don't need to kiss them. First of all, you need to think about why your destinies crossed. The laws of the world cannot be understood without taking into account all kinds of connections and analysis of cause-and-effect relationships. For example, you could, as an option, attract a murderer into your life with statements like: “It’s impossible to live like this!”, “Not life, but a nightmare.” You can bring trouble upon yourself with wishes: “May you die,” “May your blood burn,” etc. Like attracts like. Your children are a kind of piggy bank for the aggression of their parents. Moreover, their accumulated aggression far exceeds yours. If you are filled with hatred, your children bear increased responsibility, since they have an enhanced program to destroy the object of hatred. If you hate people, you can easily get a son who is a murderer.

In order to eradicate hatred, it is necessary, first of all, stop making excuses for her. Many people believe that there is a kind of law of conservation of hatred in nature, that if you stop hating someone who did you bad, you begin to hate yourself, that hatred is a manifestation of our vitality that if a person is deprived of hatred, it will be the amputation of his entire emotional life. They are trying to prove that hatred can be not only destructive, but also a creative feeling like love. All these are attempts to whitewash hatred, without bothering to analyze the true essence of this strong and deep feeling. A superficial vision within the framework of rejection - hatred - punishment does not reveal the essence of the problem.

All advocates of hate should know the consequences of this sentiment. When we experience a feeling of hatred, we release a powerful charge into space. negative energy. Uncontrolled energy consumption, first of all, “hits” the head and eyes. Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, head injuries and injuries in general, migraines, eye diseases, tumors, severe skin diseases may be the result of hatred. The nature of the problem or disease depends on the strength and direction of hatred. For example, if a man hates a woman, then his “manhood” suffers. Everything is very simple. After all, in every person there is a male and female principle of the Universe. And by directing his hatred at a woman, a man destroys himself. If a woman despises and hates a man, she receives a “blow” to her genitals.

Since we know that hatred is the antagonism of potentials, therefore, its life support depends on the intensity of the contradiction between potentials. How can we influence potentials? Our inner potential depends on the qualities of our personality. It depends entirely on the standards by which we measure the world, people and ourselves. Our internal potential is a basic value, a starting point. The more real life deviates from it, the stronger the contradiction. When it becomes antagonistic, hatred is born. In the “internal - external potentials” pair, we are interested in our reaction to the external potential. If we are able to eliminate the excessive importance and significance of this potential, then we do not give hatred a chance to be born.

Let's say that we observe the events of our lives in a detached manner, trying not to attach excessive importance to anything. We, like a spectator, observe the theater of life, but we ourselves never set foot on stage, no matter how much we are begged. From the standpoint of healthy indifference, we look at all situations in life. Even if something negative happens, we think not about what we lost, but what we will gain in the future. For example, a car was stolen, but: “Now I’ll walk - train my heart,” but “I’ll reset excess weight”, but “I won’t spend money on gasoline.” With this approach, you will not raise the significance of external potential. There will be no reason for hatred. If you used to hate your appearance, work with your outer potential. Try to convince yourself that your assessments are false and that self-hatred has never happened. Therefore, hatred can be prevented by potential control. Control consists of eliminating the importance of their parameters.

It is well known that one cannot live in society and be free from society. We all, wittingly or unwittingly, protect the interests of certain structures: the state, army, party, corporation, church, club, etc. The enemies of structure are our enemies. In most cases, we are only conductors of other people's hatred. We can have friends and acquaintances with different political views and preferences. But when the fatal moments come, we are ready to destroy each other in hatred. The hatred of structures seethes within us. A fan of some football club can kill the same guy from another club. If you ask him at the trial whether he hated that guy, the killer will be extremely surprised and, most likely, will say: “How can you hate a person when I didn’t even know him.”

Think about it and ask yourself questions: “How much is there in me? someone else's hatred?”, “Is it worth breaking spears and ruining your life because of her?” You will see for yourself how much superficial hatred you have. Think about what structure is interested in your hatred. It’s one thing when your hatred and the hatred of the structure coincide by mutual conviction. This was the case, for example, with the individual warrior and the state during the Great Patriotic War. It's a completely different matter when you are a slave to the structure, its distributor of hatred. By the way, in order to fight well, you don’t need hatred. She is only a hindrance for a warrior. A wise warrior achieves his goal without being guided by either love or hatred. Your task is not to get drawn into the fight for other people's interests.

Hatred chains us tightly to the hated object. We cannot live without the object we hate. Until we accept what we hate, it will haunt us. We hate scammers, they will follow us on our heels. We hate gypsies, they will find you everywhere. Hate alcoholics, they will fall on you on the street or, even worse, children will become alcoholics. We will become free from them when we accept them and thereby destroy our hatred.

The werewolf Khrushchev felt pathological hatred for Stalin. Dancing the hopak and at the same time fiercely hating everyone who sees it was the essence of this bastard. Nikolai Starikov writes: “Khrushchev’s hatred of everything Stalinist manifested itself even in small things. While vacationing at Stalin's dacha on Lake Ritsa, in Abkhazia, he refused to live in the rooms where Joseph Vissarionovich had previously lived. And he even ordered a completely separate room to be added to the house for himself, the size of the dacha itself.

During the war, a very unpleasant story happened to Khrushchev’s son. And since Stalin approached everyone, including his children, with the same standard, he did not make an exception for Khrushchev’s son. Here’s how Vyacheslav Molotov talks about it: – Khrushchev was an opponent of Stalin at heart. Stalin is everything and everyone, but in his soul it’s different. Personal anger pushes him to take any steps. Anger at Stalin because his son found himself in such a situation that he was actually shot. After such embitterment, he will do anything to dirty Stalin’s name. – Nikita abandoned his son, right? - Yes... - His son was like a traitor. This also speaks volumes about him. A good politician is one who even has a son...

Major General M. S. Dokuchaev, Hero Soviet Union, former deputy head of the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (the famous “nine” responsible for ensuring the security of senior government leaders of the USSR), spoke about what happened. This story was cited in his book “Father’s Revenge” by N. A. Zenkovich. At the beginning of March 1943, Stalin received a call from the front from Lieutenant General Khrushchev, who was then a member of the Military Council of the Southwestern Front. Requested a personal meeting. Stalin agreed. What Khrushchev was going to talk about was clear in advance. His son Leonid shot the major in a drunken state. According to the laws of war, this crime was punishable by execution. At the same time, Khrushchev’s son had previously “dabbled” with weapons, and then Stalin agreed to Nikita Sergeevich’s request and the case against Leonid was dropped. Stalin said: “I was reported about what happened to your son. I had no doubt that we would have a meeting and talk about your son... I would really like to help you, but I am powerless to do this. One day I sacrificed my conscience, met you halfway and asked the court to pardon your son. But he did not reform and committed another, similar to the first, serious crime. My conscience and the grief of the people who became victims of your son’s criminal actions do not allow me to break the laws a second time. In the current situation I can’t help you in any way. Your son will be tried in accordance with Soviet laws."

Peter Kovalev

Hatred. Just one word, but how many emotions it implies: rage, anger, shame, anxiety, contempt, aggression, loneliness, anger... The whole range of feelings that make us feel our own greed and fear. You feel hopelessness and insignificance in a huge world. All this leads to a feeling of detachment and indifference, often even. Hatred is a disease that needs to be cured. There are several ways.

Hate is mental condition which is characterized by irritability and anger. Hatred is often accompanied by great physical strength, which arises as a result of destructive aggression. Hatred blocks, eliminates objectivity and adequacy of actions. It harms your health no worse than harmful or long-term illness. Hate speech manifests itself in uncontrollable actions and harsh language, which then creates chaos that becomes increasingly difficult to control.

Why does hatred arise?

Why does hatred arise? There are many reasons. Among them the predominant possible feeling guilt before oneself for constant self-criticism, unrealized, inability to solve. Negativity that has been accumulating inside for months, or even years, and threatens to spill out, and when such a moment comes, even the smallest thing can provoke an explosion. If you have a feeling of hatred, then most likely the first thing you should look for is yourself. A person who has inner harmony And positive thinking, will not allow hatred to take over your inner world.

There are, perhaps, many ways to overcome hatred, but the most correct one is in a simple word"forgiveness". People are not perfect, they often commit mistakes, often make wrong decisions, often irritate and cause pain. Forgive them and free yourself from the accumulation of negative energy. The ability to forgive is a great asset today. Take others as they are and do not hold anger against them, which will eat you up from the inside day after day. Hatred is blind. Sometimes it is difficult to see yourself and others from an objective perspective if you are drowned out by aggression. Objectively consider the reasons why you dislike a person, analyze how adequate they are and how they correspond to reality.

Forget about your hostility. Take a break from other important matters and spend more time on your family and work. There are so many beautiful things in life! - and you focused on the most useless and unnecessary activity - hatred. Think about how loved you are by your loved ones and friends, plan a weekend trip, go to the gym and cinema and try your favorite cafes and restaurants. Many people find their peace through meditation. If you feel that this will help you get rid of tension, take a few classes.

Cultivate tolerance and patience. These are generous character traits that are not common to everyone. Perceiving the world as it is and not having unnecessary illusions towards it will save you from unnecessary irritation and anger.



- RED color is anger.
- Bright red color - wildness, extreme jealousy.
- Scarlet color – irritability
Ancient Chinese medicine associated liver disease with anger, increased irritability. Modern medicine claims that it is in this organ that anger, irritation, anger, hatred, and primitive feelings are localized.
- Red-brown color - sensuality and greed.

Negative emotions those experienced towards another person create attachments along the chakras.
Muladhara (base chakra) – fear, aggression.
Svadhisthana (gender chakra) – lust, obsession.
Manipura (umbilical chakra) – submission or, conversely, the desire for power.
Anahata (heart chakra) – love and hate.
Vishuddha ( throat chakra) – the desire for self-realization.
Ajna (frontal chakra) - attachments to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
Sahasrara (crown chakra) – attachments to egregors.

"There is no fire greater than passion; there is no misfortune greater than hatred; there is no misfortune greater than the body; there is no happiness equal to peace of desire"

Disdain, contempt, bias, mockery, ridicule, causticism, irony - all these are manifestations of hatred. Hatred flares up again and again. She is insatiable, like lust and greed. She may retreat temporarily, but then returns with a vengeance. If a father does not like someone, his children also begin to hate this person, without any reason, because he did not cause them any harm. Such is the power of hatred. Sometimes one memory of an old offender who insulted a person forty years ago causes an outburst of hatred in the latter.

Hatred is strengthened by repeated manifestations of hatred. Hatred cannot be defeated by hatred, it is destroyed only by love. This illness requires long and persistent treatment, as it takes deep roots into the subconscious. It lurks in the most unexpected corners of the soul.

The Englishman hates the Irishman, and the Irishman hates the Englishman. A Catholic cannot stand a Protestant, and a Protestant cannot stand a Catholic. This is enmity between peoples and religions. Sometimes a person at first sight, without any reason, begins to hate another. This hatred can come from previous incarnations. In our world, ordinary people do not know what pure love is. Selfishness, envy, greed and lust are the companions of hatred. During the period of Kali Yuga, hatred intensifies.

We need to cultivate pure, selfless love. There is one Self in all living beings. Why be angry with others? How can you treat them with contempt? Why divide and look for differences? Realize the unity of life and consciousness! Feel the Spirit of Unity (Atman) everywhere. Rejoice, radiate peace and love.

In my first battle of power, I faced my enemies in the fog.
- But you have no enemies.
It's not in your nature to hate people.
- But it was in me.
My hatred of people was a way for me to indulge my weakness.
Now this is gone.
I conquered hatred in myself, but in that first battle of power it almost destroyed me...
Power is a very strange, magical thing.
In order to fully possess and command it, you must first acquire a certain amount of power, sufficient to begin with.
However, you can do it another way: gradually accumulate strength, not using it at all until you gain enough strength to withstand the battle of strength.
K. Castaneda. Travel to Ixtlan.

Hatred is the ultimate manifestation of rejection

Let's break down the word "hate" into its components - no – on – I see. It turns out that when we hate, we mentally get rid of the person: “I don’t see you anymore.” That is, you are no longer there. How often do we say: “My eyes wouldn’t see you” or “I don’t want to see you.” That is, not wanting to see a person is also hatred.

There is another manifestation of hatred - indifference and indifference. It is the same hatred, only suppressed. If you have a feeling of indifference towards someone, it means that you once hated this person, but did not forgive or thank him and did not realize why you attracted him into your life. And now this hatred in the form of indifference sits deep in the subconscious and poisons your life.

Hatred at the energetic level is not just a wish for death, but it is already murder. The first message from John the Theologian says: “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer...” And such a program of destruction necessarily unfolds against the author himself and turns into a program of self-destruction.

Hatred leads to very serious illnesses. First of all, it “hits” the head and eyes. Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, head injuries and injuries in general, migraines, eye diseases, tumors, severe skin diseases can be a consequence of hatred. In fact, people destroy each other on a subconscious level, and then wonder why there is so much violence in the world.

If a person has several gallstones, then he hates several people. How more to a person you have to keep a smile, hiding anger in your soul, the more you have to pretend, the more often kidney stones occur.

The nature of the problem or disease depends on the strength and direction of hatred. For example, if a man hates a woman, then his “manhood” suffers. Everything is very simple. After all, in every person there is a male and female principle of the Universe. And by directing his hatred at a woman, a man destroys himself. A man has been suffering from prostatitis for several years. Sexual weakness is already appearing. No medications or procedures help. And the cause of the illness is his hatred and contempt for his wife, his desire to take revenge on her for her betrayal. If a woman despises and hates a man, she receives a “blow” to her genitals. Wife for a long time she is offended and hates her husband for his immoral behavior and insults. After some time, she is diagnosed with a uterine tumor. Children who hate their parents suffer from an unsettled personal life and receive the same attitude from their children towards themselves. The daughter condemns and hates her alcoholic father. And the father is the embodiment of masculinity Universe. Since childhood, a program for the destruction of men has been operating in her subconscious. She grows up and gets married. First marriage - unsuccessful - divorce. A girl is born from the first marriage (boys will simply not be viable). The second marriage was also unsuccessful. And a girl is also born from the second husband. A woman is trying to build a family with another man, and even lives with him for some time. But then the relationship breaks down. And her daughters grow up and marry men who drink, insult and beat them. The program of hatred towards men, laid down by the mother, acting in the subconscious of the descendants, returns back with retaliatory aggression.

If a person hates a group of people, a society, a country, then not only himself, but also his children will suffer. Hatred is a powerful program for the destruction of those against whom it is directed. In children this program is intensified many times over. A man who hates scoundrels, scoundrels, got a son who is a drug addict. A woman who hated people got a killer son.

Hatred as a way of behavior also has a positive intention. If you hate a government for its actions, then with your hatred you want to destroy this government so that it can be replaced by another that would meet your demands. After all, you want to live in a fair, highly moral state, in which you would be respected. If you hate your neighbor for his meanness, then you want to destroy him so that justice can reign. If someone wants to take your money, then you start hating that person. You want to save your money. If someone “steals” your loved one from you, then you hate this person and are ready to destroy him. If you hate a loved one, it means that he humiliated, insulted or offended you so much that you are ready to kill him. And you kill him. Only mentally.

Hatred, as a derivative of

This is the desire to put your feelings, your morality, justice and decency above all else. But the higher you rise, the harder it will be to fall. And in general, on what basis do you believe that your model of the world, your worldview, is true? Your worldview is just one point of view on Reality out of several billion. And every point of view deserves respect. And moreover, how can you make the world a better and cleaner place with the help of murder caused by hatred? This is absurd! There is nothing bad or dirty in this world. God created a pure and beautiful world. It is necessary to accept the idea that this world is very harmonious and fair. And indeed it is. After all, everyone is rewarded according to his thoughts and actions, according to his faith. Everyone creates their own world. This idea is difficult for some people to accept. It is very difficult for them to give up their old beliefs and principles.

Doctor, are you suggesting that I speak of “black” as if it were “white”? - the patient, an elderly man suffering from a serious illness, is indignant.
- How can I approve of the actions of a thief who stole the last money from a pensioner, or the actions of our government, which stole from millions of people?
“I’m not forcing you to approve of the actions of thieves, swindlers and murderers,” the doctor answers. “I propose to accept the idea that the Universe is very harmonious and fair, and begin to see this in your life.”
If a thief stole money from a pensioner, it means that she herself attracted him into her life with her thoughts. Maybe she felt sorry for her neighbor, a poor pensioner. Or maybe she despised or hated the rich man. It was these thoughts and feelings that attracted the thief.
So who is to blame? No one. Everyone just got their own thoughts. High power, The Universe taught the pensioner through the thief the correct attitude towards money.
You may disapprove of the thief's actions, but you shouldn't condemn him either. Wish each of them good luck on their life path: for a pensioner to handle money correctly, and for a thief to take care of her material well-being in other, positive ways.

- What about murder, and even innocent children?
- A child attracts a murderer into his life because even before incarnation his soul decided to work off some part of karma in this way; this can also be a lesson for people who will be associated with this murder.
- Doctor! With all due respect to you, everything you say does not fit in my head. And to be more frank, this is all nonsense. You give me medicine that will cure me, and that’s all. And I don't want to change anything. Even in the face of death, I will not change my principles.
- Well, then I can hardly help you. But in any case, I wish you good luck.

How strongly and deeply certain dogmas and principles have been implanted in us, which bring pain and suffering into our lives. And we unconditionally accepted them on faith, without even trying to doubt their justice.

If you want to be healthy and have healthy offspring, free yourself from hatred. To do this, take responsibility for your world! Start with yourself. Change your thoughts and your behavior - and the world will change. New thoughts will create new situations. Learn to accept! Accept yourself, other people, your life and destiny. Respect yourself and others! By showing respect to others, you respect yourself first. Learn to approve and praise! Strive to notice only the good, positive, and useful in people. Remember that every person has any qualities. And if your thoughts are pure, then people will show you their best sides.

If you want to change the world and people around you, you can use violence. There is such a way. This is very good way. Good for making your life and the life of your children miserable. And if you take responsibility for using this particular method, then remember the consequences that will follow. According to one of the laws of the Universe - like attracts like - your hatred will attract retaliatory violence into your life.

The outside world is my world, and I create it myself, then by changing my worldview, I change my world, and therefore the world around me.
If you want to change those around you, change yourself. Then there will be no complaints against anyone - after all, everything depends on you.

Hatred is an extremely unpleasant feeling that poisons a person’s soul. People sometimes don’t notice how they literally destroy each other on an energetic level. This feeling is often hidden only because it is not customary in society to demonstrate and acknowledge it. At its core, hatred is extremely destructive. It does not make it possible to feel happy: a person feels imprisoned in his own thoughts, which over time become an obstacle to any constructive action. A person poisoned by hatred cannot do good to others or be truly useful to them. Of course, you need to start working with this condition as early as possible. And not just to restore peace of mind. It is extremely important to regain trust in life, in people, in yourself. And then there will be a desire to live, guided by completely different principles and rules. How to get rid of hatred? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Acknowledging the feeling

Hatred is one of the negative feelings that negatively affects interactions with people. Being overwhelmed by rage and anger can lead to irreparable consequences. The first thing to do is to recognize thathatredexists in your soul. People often try with all their might to escape from negative emotions, realizing that they are not at all welcomed by society. This is the wrong approach, which sooner or later will definitely lead to failure. And then it will only get worse, because the ability to control the spoken words will disappear. Detecting a negative feeling helps the owner begin to talk about the existing problem and, in the future, free himself from it. Of course, such a step will require certain moral strength from the individual, but the action itself is worth it. If you abandon the initial action, but all subsequent steps will not make any sense. So, don't try to drown out your hatred. It is better to give her the opportunity to come out in a timely manner. This is the only way to experience moral liberation.

Analysis of the situation

As you know, hatred never arises from empty space. It is formed under the influence of several provoking factors. A well-mannered person, as a rule, still tries to suppress negative emotions in himself, because he does not want to show people his anger. We have been taught since childhood that negative feelings are bad. For this reason, most people have learned to skillfully hide them, even from themselves. That is why there is so much aggression, resentment and all kinds of misunderstandings in the world! This is because people did not free themselves from negative emotions in time and did not build a positive perspective for themselves. It is imperative to try to gain a deep understanding of the essence of the problem. To understand where it came from, sometimes you have to work with a psychologist, immerse yourself in the various aspects of your inner essence. You can take this step yourself if you have developed reflection and do not want to tell anyone about your problem. You need to honestly answer the questions that arise to yourself, trying not to hide anything. Hate too serious problem to try to ignore it.

Getting rid of addiction

As strange as it may seem, things like anger and addiction are closely related to each other. Most people do not realize this, but with the help of hatred they often try to solve their intrapersonal difficulties. Every addiction is debilitating nervous system, instills doubt and fear in the human soul. Any addiction, be it chemical dependence or a manifestation of weakness psychological properties, leaves a serious imprint on a person, preventing her from being herself. In any case, an unconscious attempt is made to avoid a frank conversation with our soul, to which our subconscious often reacts by forming hatred. Getting rid of addiction helps to sort out life priorities , restore a state of internal satisfaction and contentment with the events taking place. A person no longer needs to fight his internal enemy. And victory over oneself is really worth a lot.

New vision of life

On the path to positive changes, we must not forget that from time to time it is necessary to reconsider our attitude towards current events. It is not at all necessary to try to analyze every day you live, but it is extremely important to develop a new vision of life. What does it mean? You need to stop controlling everything, give up the idea of ​​constantly seething with destructive hatred. When a person allows hatred into his life, he is a loser in advance. He simply refuses to take responsibility for the changes that are taking place. A different vision of life helps open up important life perspectives. Sometimes we don’t even know how much useful resources hiding within us! But they can be used for your own benefit, directed towards individual personal development.

Self confidence

This is an extremely important component that has a visible impact on all areas of life. Hatred often appears in a person who feels some kind of inconsistency between his feelings and actions. In other words, he feels somewhat lost in life and therefore is afraid to take decisive steps. Hatred really blinds, it allows you to temporarily isolate yourself from the oppressive hopelessness and depression. You must try to increase your self-confidence and act in accordance with your inner convictions. The main thing is that they are positive and bring some benefit to personal development. A person should never forget about his power and hinder himself in good endeavors. Carrying out effective work over yourself, you can overcome any crisis conditions, including freeing oneself from painful embitterment. You just need to have the courage to go to the end.

Nurturing self-sufficiency

Every person living on this planet is unique in some way. The problem is that not everyone has the inner strength to reach their true potential. Fostering self-sufficiency must begin with the conscious intention to become a better person, to get rid of hatred and resentment. Sometimes it seems to a person that he is unable to control such mental processes, but this is actually not the case at all. Each of us can become a self-sufficient person, if you start devoting time to your own condition. It is necessary to understand that strong negative emotions (when they are suppressed by the mind) place a heavy burden on the heart. As a result, the person becomes completely confused: he does not know how to live further and where to look for the necessary sources of inspiration. Only regular work on yourself can help correct the situation.

Life satisfaction

Often hatred appears in a person’s soul when he ceases to control the events that occur. It is sometimes difficult for him to even imagine that circumstances may not turn out as he expects. Satisfaction with life is formed when we live in accordance with the laws of the universe and in accordance with our inner beliefs. It should be noted that this natural state, which comes completely unnoticed. However, a person consumed by hatred is unable to see any positive changes in his life. Such a person does not notice joy and does not want to share it with people around him. By letting go of all negative feelings, you can truly gain integrity, and with it, life satisfaction will gradually come. It is extremely important for each of us to feel significant and self-sufficient.

Thus, to free myself fromhatred, several steps need to be taken. These actions cannot be called simple, since they require sufficient spiritual maturity and the ability to accept responsibility for one’s life. A person himself must realize the need for significant changes, and then hatred will cease to haunt him. Having realized how important it is to live in harmony with yourself, you will no longer want to return to destructive methods of behavior and destructive feelings.

We are all affected by emotions and feelings in our lives. It is normal for people to feel angry, sad, happy, surprised, and so on. But there are feelings that fill our personality and develop it, and there is the destructive influence of emotions and feelings, for example, hatred of people.

What is this feeling - hatred

Many people, feeling internal discomfort, do not always understand its cause. Hatred towards people is one of the most destructive feelings a person has. This is a strong dislike for some object. It can appear suddenly, or it can accumulate over many years and appear at one point. Hatred opens up a wide range of actions for a person, along with a huge amount energy. He most often spends this energy on something destructive, negative, but not on creation. Otherwise, this hostility would develop into a constructive feeling.

What is hatred for people called? From the definition of “misanthropy,” that is, hatred of people, we can see that there are subjects who, in principle, hate all their own kind, there is even morbid fear such a state. There are reasons for this, most often mental disorders, but very often we can encounter hatred directed at a specific person: a boss, a former spouse, a sister, a brother, a neighbor, and so on. Everyone may have their own reasons for this feeling; there is even a saying: “From love to hate there is one step.” We can long years communicate with a person, grow together, and then, when he becomes better than us in something, we begin to hate him.

How does this feeling manifest itself?

Hatred towards people manifests itself in different ways, it all depends on the person who experiences it, the reason for which it arises, and the subject towards whom hostility is felt. Most often, we ourselves are to blame for our discomfort. Sometimes we cannot fully understand the reason for a negative attitude towards a person. That is, in hidden form hatred towards people manifests itself. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Contrasting ourselves with a person in comparison with whom we are clearly inferior. Here we are talking about any external characteristics, that is, physical data, financial condition and, as a result, the best appearance of the opponent.
  • Character traits of another person that we would really like to have, but due to certain circumstances we do not have. The first two points can be replaced with one word - envy. It is this that is a powerful motivator of hatred.
  • Resentment. People begin to hate others if they have greatly offended them with their behavior.
  • Lack of information about the person. We all analyze the behavior of others towards us or towards our loved ones. Most often, we do not know the internal motives of this or that behavior, but we draw our own conclusions, and thereby doom ourselves to hatred of others.

Why do we get sick when we hate people?

Scientists have long proven that negative emotions affect human health. In fact, we don’t even think about how many diseases we have not because of poor nutrition or heredity, but precisely because of the constant oppression of negative emotions.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted on the reaction of a living organism (in in this case flowers) to an evil attitude and swear words. Scientists took 3 indoor flower, with the same care, watering and lighting, they talked to one and stroked the leaves, showed absolute indifference to the other, and the third was subjected to curses, and was sure to be approached evil person. The results were stunning: after just a few days the last one dried out, the second one lasted a little over a month and rotted. The first flower grew and developed. This experiment shows the effect of negative emotions on all living organisms.

There are so-called psychosomatic illnesses. This is, at first glance, a common pathology that can occur under certain circumstances in every person. But in fact, the cause of such pathologies is a broken emotional sphere or sudden stress. If you experience hatred towards people for a long time (the reasons don’t even matter), a person may develop diseases such as constipation, hypertension, oncological diseases. Diseases of cardio-vascular system- most common result. In this case, the question of how to overcome hatred towards a person becomes very acute, because following it may appear serious illnesses not only physiological, but also mental.

The destructive influence of hatred towards others

As noted above, feelings of hatred can lead to serious illnesses different systems human body. In addition to the fact that organs can be affected, the human psyche also comes under attack. Hatred towards people is therefore a destructive, destructive feeling, since it “eats” a person from the inside. It is impossible to predict exactly when and how accumulated anger towards a person will manifest itself. It can come out through some kind of affective reactions, when a person does not control his behavior, and aggression can even lead to crime. Also, anger can be aimed at destroying one’s own psyche; these are pathologies such as paranoia, misanthropy, neurosis, psychosis, and in extreme cases, schizophrenia.

What does a person who hates people look like?

A healthy person looks happy, which cannot be said about a person with this feeling. Appearance evil and aggressive person not too loving and joyful. Most often, such people love to criticize everyone and everything, which affects their negative attitude to others, so they always look dissatisfied and devoid of joy. In the extreme manifestation of hatred, a person does not know how to smile at all, he suspects everyone of malicious intent against him, he is constantly worried and disappointed. In fact, the appearance of such people is pitiful and wretched. They deprive themselves of the joy of communicating with people, a sense of peace and community, since they rarely have loyal and good friends.

Possible consequences of feelings of hatred

The consequences of having this feeling can range from minor health problems to life in prison or hospital bed in psychiatry. Perhaps the last option is a little exaggerated, but a destructive feeling in its development cannot pass without a trace.

For people, the consequences of hatred can result in the end of communication. It is very sad if this happens to relatives and close people. Therefore, in order not to lose close family or friendly ties, you need to know how to overcome hatred of a person.

The Importance of Forgiveness

If you don’t want to feel hatred anymore, if this feeling oppresses you and eats you up from the inside, it’s important to remember forgiveness. This process is similar to cleansing the mind, freeing the psyche and consciousness from destructive mechanisms. Forgiveness is very difficult, especially when it is caused great harm personality. But only by forgiving will you learn to love the world, those around you, enjoy every moment and not pay attention to people who are trying to somehow touch your heartstrings. How to overcome hatred towards a person? If you are not able to forgive on your own, you can seek help from a priest, a church, or a psychologist who will set you on the right path of forgiveness.

Steps to Overcome Hatred

If you are interested in the question of how to overcome hatred towards a person, then all is not lost, and you can still build a positive interaction with him.

The first step can rightfully be called a “round table”, when you, together with the object of negative emotions, sit down and discuss all the pressing issues.

Playing sports will help you overcome hatred and anger; it is better to give preference to team sports.

There are art therapy and other therapies that help overcome feelings of hatred. The basis in training groups is the message to be angry, not hiding anger, but finding a constructive way out for it.

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