Home Tooth pain Panic attacks and how they manifest themselves. How to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack

Panic attacks and how they manifest themselves. How to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack

A panic attack is an unexpected and inexplicable attack of severe fear. Panic attacks very often occur in people suffering from VSD, phobias or alcoholism (in a hangover after a large amount of alcohol consumed, the risk of PA increases by 2-3 times).

Signs and symptoms of PA

A panic attack always comes suddenly. This is the main one distinguishing feature, by which an attack of PA can be distinguished from other disorders.

Why is it so difficult to identify a panic attack and promptly begin qualified treatment? The problem is that the symptoms of PA are disguised as various diseases (tachycardia, VSD, diabetes) or emotional disorders(depression, phobias).

A panic attack, as a rule, is not isolated. If, after a nightmare at night, a person is overtaken by an attack, then with a high degree of probability the panic attack will recur after the next nightmare. But it also happens that there is no visible reason for fear and panic. A person is sitting on the couch at home, doing his favorite thing or making planned purchases, when suddenly unbridled fear envelops his entire body.

Symptoms and signs of a panic attack:

  • Any fear: death, open or closed space, increasing every second and having no apparent reason.
  • Nausea, abdominal pain, strong desire to stool.
  • Pain in the heart area(after the attack ends, it goes away)
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, suffocation (difficulty arises when trying to take a breath).
  • Tachycardia, rapid heartbeat (heart jumps out of the chest, every heart attack this is heard in the ears).
  • Tremor of the limbs. Numbness and tingling may also be observed.
  • Dizziness , faintness and profuse sweating, the patient is thrown into heat and cold.
  • Consciousness is changed, a certain unreality of what is happening is felt.

Such symptoms cause concern for their health, because people certainly confuse panic attack syndrome with a heart attack. The symptoms are really similar, and can also increase with PA arterial pressure, tinnitus appears. Therefore, it is very important to exclude serious illnesses by contacting a specialist!

The attack itself rarely lasts more than an hour, the average duration is 20 minutes, depending on the individual indicators body.

There is also an atypical course of panic attacks , when the following symptoms occur during an attack:

  • Impairment in the functioning of the organs of hearing and (or) vision, rarely complete loss.
  • Headache, pain in the back or heart, and painful sensations strong and difficult to stop.
  • Unexplained feeling of weakness in the limbs, severe cramps are possible.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Impaired speech function, loss of voice, “lump” in the throat.
  • Gait disturbance.
  • Severe nausea, up to vomiting.

It should be noted that with the atypical course of PA, there is no feeling of fear. “Panic without panic” occurs. There may be irritation that gains momentum and grows to aggression.

If a panic attack happened once, then there is a high probability of it happening again in the future (especially if the person suffers from VSD).

The systematic repetition of panic attacks is called panic disorder, and the period between attacks also has its own symptoms.

You can be diagnosed with panic disorder if you have:

  • Obsessive thoughts about the occurrence of a new panic attack.
  • Every minute the horror of the experience arises in my memory.
  • A persistent fear appears, haunting day and night, that the attack will happen again and at the most inopportune moment.
  • A more scrupulous attitude to body signals. It turns into excessive pathological concern for health; heart drops or sedative pills are always at hand. Tranquilizers are often used.

These are the reasons for the emergence of “phobic avoidance”: a person avoids those situations in which a panic attack caught him the last time. Afterwards he doesn’t want to live without urgent need go outside, as panic attack syndrome can take you by surprise anywhere. Visits from friends become rare, holidays and joint reception alcohol becomes impossible. Against the background of a change in lifestyle, depression and a number of serious phobias may develop.

Internal causes of PA

Panic attacks occur at socially active ages. Moreover, PA occurs more often in women than in men. Approximately in a ratio of 1:2. IN mild form 10% of the adult population suffers from panic attacks. About a quarter of them suffer from PA when they are hungover.

An interesting and paradoxical point: an attack of fear occurs due to an attack of fear. The reasons for this lie in the following: during the active period of the attack itself, a person’s thoughts come down to the fear of dying (“what if it’s a heart attack”), fear of falling (“I’ll look stupid, I’m afraid of fainting”), fear of a closed space (“I’ll get sick”). bad, but people won't be able to call ambulance, I will die"). Such frightening and uncontrollable thoughts further fuel the symptoms of panic attacks and cause the next time you panic.

It should be noted that the precise causes of the panic outbreak are unclear. Many experts tend to believe that panic attacks, like VSD, are more likely hereditary disease caused by genetic predisposition. But why does it happen that causeless panic grips people who do not fit this criterion?

In such cases, the reasons may be the following:

Panic attack as a symptom of VSD

Panic attack is a symptom of vegeto vascular dystonia. With rare exceptions, these two concepts are not related.

The term “VSD” most often refers to any symptoms that can be attributed to a deviant psycho-emotional state. Such symptoms sometimes appear “quietly”: insomnia, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, profuse sweating, tinnitus, pain in the heart.

But in particularly severe cases of VSD, the symptoms cause terrible discomfort, and banal suspiciousness develops into a severe attack of panic attack, with all the ensuing circumstances.

We must remember that VSD and drinking alcohol are two diametrically opposed things. The fact is that even after taking a small amount of alcohol, the nervous system is under attack, and then such innocent VSD symptoms how dizziness, suspiciousness or sweating turn into a real attack. This can happen in the morning, during a hangover, or maybe at night, while actively drinking alcohol.

What causes PA?

It is very easy to provoke a panic attack in people who have already experienced this once. This is due to constant obsessive and depressive thoughts and fear.

A panic attack can be triggered by:

After the end of the panic attack, the body feels weak and drowsy. Sometimes people who have undergone PA report a state of rest.

When identifying signs of a panic attack, you should contact a neurologist and psychologist. It is very important to remember that problems arise unreasonable feeling fear in my head, and the rest somatic symptoms- this is just an indicator of a problem stuck in your thoughts.

Panic attack is an unexplained sudden attack feeling unwell, in which the patient is bothered by a feeling of anxiety, combined with various vegetative symptoms. To define this term, doctors often use a number of other terms: vegetative crisis , VSD with a crisis course , cardioneurosis etc. With panic attacks, clear symptoms appear. Treatment this state must be carried out by a specialist.

How does a panic attack manifest?

Probably every person has experienced an acute, sudden feeling of unreasonable anxiety at least once. Such panic disorders are usually accompanied by a sudden onset of palpitations, a feeling of lightheadedness and trembling in the knees. Such a reaction is normal if a person really reacts to a threat or danger. But if such a condition is observed regularly, then we are talking about a psychoneurological disorder called a panic attack. This pathological condition manifests itself without cause and covers a person in completely different life situations. This can happen in transport or in other places with a large number of people, as well as in confined spaces. Initially, it seems that there are no reasons for such a reaction. According to modern psychologists, panic attacks are observed in approximately 5% of people who live in big cities.


Experts assure that panic attacks manifest themselves in a person as attacks in response to stressful situations and reflect a kind of internal struggle of consciousness with aggression outside world. Another reason why a person is bothered by the symptoms of a panic attack is the presence of certain psychological conflicts that the person cannot recognize and resolve. Of course, people susceptible to such attacks are primarily concerned with questions about whether such disorders are dangerous and how to cope with the manifestations of VSD. There is more than one forum on the Internet where people susceptible to such attacks are looking for an answer on how to get rid of such manifestations.

Most often, panic attacks, which are sometimes defined by doctors as heart attacks, etc., occur in people who have poor protection against the effects of stress due to a lack of norepinephrine . It is these substances that effectively prevent the effects of emotional and physical discomfort on the body. Such people can maintain composure for some time, but when the stress is too strong and prolonged, they are overcome by a wave of panic attacks. Women are more susceptible to such manifestations. Panic attacks often appear during pregnancy, as well as in people who frequently drink alcohol.

Anything can serve as a trigger for a panic attack: stress , emotional fluctuations , lack of sleep . In this case, a panic attack overcomes the patient not at the moment when there is an objective danger, but at usual time. Accordingly, it is difficult for a person to explain to himself what the cause of such nervousness is.


The most pronounced, as a rule, passes the first attack of a panic attack. Nervousness in a person is accompanied by a sharp rise, a pronounced affect. The patient's heart beats rapidly, sometimes he may even lose consciousness. All subsequent manifestations of panic attacks are less pronounced in most cases.

After the first severe attack, a person should consult a doctor about how to deal with such manifestations. It is advisable to begin treatment of panic attacks immediately after the first cases of neuroses. A specialist will also tell you how to treat the disease and which methods are preferable in an individual case.

People prone to panic attacks tend to have elevated blood pressure during the daytime, which is the period of highest social activity.

Both during the first panic attack and during subsequent attacks, a person experiences pronounced autonomic symptoms : sweating, palpitations, pressure in the throat, headache, And . Such an attack lasts about ten to fifteen minutes, but sometimes can last about an hour. After the symptoms subside, the patient feels very weak and depressed.

A panic attack is a separate disease in which a person may not exhibit other symptoms. phobias . Despite this, patients susceptible to such attacks often also experience various emotional and affective disorders. Thus, panic attacks can be combined with Agarophobia (fear of open space) claustrophobic (fear of closed spaces), fear of crowds .

Sometimes panic disorder can be mistaken by a person for other diseases. Such misconceptions are most often present among those who have only recently begun to experience panic attacks. Such attacks are easily confused with manifestations of somatic diseases, with neurological diseases, as well as with some mental disorders.

How to spot a panic attack

There are objective criteria to determine whether a person is truly susceptible to panic attacks. You should accurately assess your condition and determine whether the symptoms described above are occurring, and also make sure that the following points are present.

In people prone to panic attacks, attacks occur suddenly and unexpectedly, with about four attacks per month. During at least one of the attacks, the person feels the fear of another panic attack. During an attack, there is a feeling of unreality of what is happening, the person experiences fear of dying or getting sick. It can be assumed that a person is developing a panic attack if he has at least four of the following symptoms: strong pulse and heartbeat; tremors and chills; sweating; difficulty breathing; painful or difficulty breathing; discomfort in the chest on the left; nausea; and a state close to fainting; a feeling of fear of going crazy or committing an inappropriate act; numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, sudden flashes of cold or heat.


After a person complains of the symptoms described above, doctors initially carry out all necessary research to exclude pathologies internal organs– blood vessels, brain, etc.

Diagnosis is based on determining the clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as determining the degree of anxiety of a person. For this purpose, a special scale for assessing panic attacks and anxiety attacks is used.


The optimal way to overcome panic attacks today is considered to be a competent combination of medication and non-drug therapy. The doctor adequately assesses the patient’s condition and selects an appropriate antidepressant drug. It should be taken for long period. Sometimes this treatment lasts up to a year. In this way, you can regulate the content in the patient’s body. serotonin And norepinephrine . Modern antidepressants can positively affect the patient’s quality of life without causing unwanted side effects. A person’s frequency and intensity of attacks decreases, fear disappears, and their general psychological state and mood improve. In addition, patients are prescribed tranquilizers and antipsychotics if necessary. If a patient is diagnosed with a vestibular form of panic attacks, then he is also indicated to take sedative neurometabolic stimulants.

Non-drug therapy methods include psychotherapy sessions and lifestyle changes. It is important that as few stressful situations as possible occur in a person’s life and more positive emotions are observed.

In addition to these methods of treatment for panic attacks, it is sometimes advisable for the patient to undergo some physiotherapeutic procedures. MDM therapy (mesodiencephalic modulation of the cerebral cortex), electrosleep, color therapy, and aromatherapy are practiced. Reflexology, a relaxing massage course, are also sometimes prescribed. physiotherapy, aimed at relaxation, and later at increasing tone. However, exercises should be moderately intense and dosed, since heavy loads can worsen the patient’s condition.

Auxiliary herbal treatment is also practiced, in which patients are advised to take decoctions of certain herbs every day with a calming effect. You can prepare decoctions of veronica, oregano, nettle, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, hops, etc.

You should also pay attention to nutritional features. It is better to exclude spicy seasonings and foods, strong coffee and tea, and alcoholic drinks from the diet, as they have a stimulating effect on nervous system.

How to reduce the intensity of an attack?

A patient who periodically experiences panic attacks must learn to cope with the situation independently, reducing the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes following simple recommendations can completely prevent the development of a panic attack.

So, initially, a person should always be aware of the fact that a panic attack does not threaten his health. This simple thought, however, is very difficult to comprehend during an attack. But if you try to master this method, then over time you can learn to control your consciousness even during a panic attack.

To stop panic, you need to try to take control of the situation that supposedly threatens the person. A simple paper bag is suitable for this; breathing into it will help you control the functioning of your internal organs with your eyes.

It will also help to have a person next to the patient who is aware of his problems and can help at any time. Even those people who are used to coping with all problems on their own should seek help. A person suffering from panic attacks should at least mentally give himself permission to seek help from other people if necessary, and not consider this rude behavior. You also need to remember that it is always possible to quickly call a doctor.

For a patient who is susceptible to panic attacks, awareness greatly eases the situation: the more he knows about the disease, about ways to overcome it and reduce symptoms, the calmer he will be about its manifestations and behave adequately during attacks.

The doctors


Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College majoring in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


If it’s just the beginning, then it can be stopped by quickly taking a sedative with a quick effect. Valocordin maybe (but 30 drops at once). In general, such problems need to be resolved with a specialist, a panic attack is a serious matter, because in an attack you can harm yourself and others

Something unpleasant happened in the family. We invested money in a fashion franchise, but it did not bring any profit, only losses. The store had to be closed and the car sold for debts. After this, three weeks passed, my mother was worried all the time, my father closed in on himself, and against the backdrop of what was happening, I made money anxiety disorder. One evening, when we were already, as usual, gloomily digesting what had happened, each in our own room, I decided that we needed to do something to relieve this terrible state, otherwise we would also lose each other. So we got an appointment with a wonderful psychotherapist who helped us a lot both morally and with a prescription. We went to family psychotherapy sessions and the whole family took Grandaxin. It was this medicine that helped us come to our senses and understand what happened objectively, and not through the prism of our own guilt and anger, which each of us experienced within ourselves. It really became better mentally, we started having dinner together again in the evenings, watching entertaining videos on YouTube, and it also became easier to fall asleep. Good pills, help to put your thoughts in order, improve your sleep and generally reconsider your outlook on life with a fresh look. And the car...we'll earn more money, only now we'll do it wisely.

Very useful article. I’m drinking Ciprolex, everything is fine, but... I’m planning on pregnancy, how to stop drinking it, because pregnant women can’t, and if you don’t drink, everything goes back to normal (I tried it)

People learned about the existence of sudden anxiety attacks not so long ago. This means that it is not at all surprising that many do not know the reasons why it may arise and how to combat it.

And this despite the fact that 10% of the population, that is, every tenth person, is susceptible to such attacks!

Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the questions of what a psychic attack is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

What are mental (panic) attacks

So what is this until recently unknown disease?

A psychic attack is a sudden attack of intense fear. It occurs unexpectedly for a person, develops very quickly and reaches its peak within a few minutes. Moreover, such an attack can happen not only during the day, but also at night, even during sleep.

The strength of such a phenomenon does not depend on the circumstances surrounding a person.

Place in the modern world

Panic attacks can not only be one-time in nature, but can also be a sign of serious mental disorders.

Seizures psychic attacks have become a real problem for the United States. Today, about 60 million people there (which is 20% of the population) suffer from various panic disorders, and about 3 million more people (1.7% of the population) have experienced a mental disorder in a pronounced form at least once in their lives.

Most often, people aged 15-19 years suffer from attacks of mental attacks, but still no one is immune from them.

Causes of psychic attacks

Loss of psychological balance can also provoke mental attacks. The reasons why this happens may be the following:

  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • presence of mental and somatic diseases;
  • use of substances that stimulate the psyche;
  • problems and difficult life circumstances.

The first attack may appear in adolescence, during pregnancy, after the birth of a child or during menopause. This is due to significant changes in hormonal levels in the body.

In addition, there may be internal prerequisites for the manifestation of the disease. These include: neuropsychiatric or drug addiction, alcoholism.

It is necessary to remember that such a disease (mental attacks) does not occur without certain prerequisites in the form of health problems. Previously, the appearance of mental attacks was considered a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

An attack is not the only confirmation of a disorder such as a mental attack. Symptoms can vary. But there are certain criteria by which this pathology is diagnosed.

So, if a person is truly having a psychic attack, the symptoms could be:

  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • trembling, chills;
  • shortness of breath and feeling of lack of air;
  • suffocation;
  • abdominal pain, which may be accompanied by nausea;
  • discomfort or pain in the left side of the chest;
  • faintness, dizziness, unsteadiness;
  • numbness of the limbs and a feeling of “goosebumps” on the skin;
  • alternating alternation of heat and cold;
  • having a feeling that everything that is happening is unreal;
  • fear of dying;
  • fear of going crazy or doing something unexpected.

As you can see, there are many manifestations. A psychic attack combines at least four of the symptoms listed above. When fear and anxiety do not leave the patient within 10 minutes.

After these symptoms, a mental attack can move into the next stage, which manifests itself in the form of agoraphobic syndrome - fear of going out, driving public transport. The longer the duration of this condition, the greater the possibility of depression, during which a person’s social activity decreases, fatigue increases, appetite worsens, sleep disorders and problems with sexual life appear.

How to relieve a psychic attack without outside help

It is necessary to remember one important detail: attacks of fear and anxiety can be learned to be controlled independently. Therefore, it is important not to get confused during the next attack, but to know exactly what to do during mental attacks.

There are many methods and methods of control, but one of the most effective in practice remains the method of breathing control. Its principle is very simple - you need to slow down your breathing to 4-5 breaths per minute. Take a deep breath (as far as possible), then take a couple of seconds and exhale deeply. It is best to do this with your eyes closed to feel the movement of the muscles and lungs.

After several such inhalations and exhalations, the panic attack begins to recede and soon goes away completely.

Diagnosis of psychic attacks

If there are at least four signs of a mental attack (we discussed them above), you must immediately contact a therapist for a more detailed diagnosis.

The doctor will prescribe a change for the patient necessary tests and will send you for an electrocardiogram.

If necessary, you may need additional examinations from a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist.

After all examinations have been carried out and test results have been received, the necessary treatment for mental attacks is selected individually. It can be carried out in the form of taking a course of medications, psychotherapy or hypnosis.

Drug treatment for panic attacks

In most cases, treatment of mental attacks is carried out with the help of medications, since this is the most effective method getting rid of this type of disorder.

Most effective treatment carried out using such groups of drugs as:

  • Tranquilizers.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Neuroleptics.

The required group of drugs or any one drug (for example, one of the antidepressants) is selected separately in each case, depending on the nature of the course and accompanying symptoms of a mental attack.

In this case, the drug treatment itself includes two stages:

  1. Elimination of psychic attack.
  2. Prevention of a recurrent attack and its secondary symptoms (depression, etc.) in the future.

A mental attack is eliminated with the help of tranquilizers (Lorazepam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, Relanium, Alprazolam, Lorafen, etc.), which are administered intravenously or taken orally. The attack completely goes away 15-20 minutes after administration of the drug.

This method of treatment has a significant disadvantage: tranquilizers are, to some extent, drugs, and can also cause the body to become addicted to them active substances. As a result, after some time, taking drugs in standard dosages ceases to bring any effect or even causes severe dependence. Unregulated use of tranquilizers can cause new mental attacks.

In addition, it is important to know that tranquilizers cannot cure the disease, but only temporarily eliminate symptoms, therefore they are used only as an auxiliary, but not the main drug for the treatment of mental disorders.

The main treatment for panic attacks is carried out through the use of antidepressants, which not only help get rid of depression, but also eliminate excessive anxiety and unreasonable fears, and treat mental attacks. The main drugs that are most often prescribed for treatment: Anafranil, Zoloft, Cipralex and others.

Neuroleptics, as well as tranquilizers, act as auxiliary drugs during the treatment of mental attacks. They have a mild effect on the body, but at the same time they perfectly relieve autonomic symptoms psychic attacks. These may be drugs such as Propazine, Etaperazine, Sonapax.

The second stage of treatment is to consolidate the results obtained. At this stage, stabilizing therapy is used, which includes taking (TAD), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and selective serotonergic drugs (SSRIs).

The TAD group has an anti-panic effect, but it begins to act only 2-3 weeks after the first dose, which is a significant disadvantage. In addition, antidepressants of the TAD group can cause side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, etc.

Selective serotonergic drugs (SSRIs) have fewer side effects compared to the previous option. Basic side effects such drugs: irritability, nervousness and worsening sleep in the first 2 weeks after starting treatment. The advantage is that SSRI antidepressants can only be taken once a day.

In parallel with the treatment of a mental attack, its secondary syndromes, such as hypochondria, depression, agoraphobia, are eliminated.

How to treat a psychic attack and in what doses is determined by the doctor individually. As a rule, the minimum dose is prescribed, after which it is monitored whether the disease subsides or continues to develop. All this is carried out under the supervision of a therapist or another doctor responsible for the treatment. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with tranquilizers and antidepressants!

With the right approach to treatment and following all recommendations, stable remission to panic attacks is observed in 90% of cases.

To get rid of the disease more successfully, a set of measures is used.

Treating panic attacks with psychotherapy

Together with drug treatment At the same time, a course of psychotherapy is carried out, which continues for some time even after the drugs are discontinued, which makes it easier to survive this process.

Psychotherapist sessions can be divided into two types: symptomatic and deep therapy.

In the first case, the psychic attack is seen as a symptom. A specialist helps you understand how a panic attack develops and how you can deal with it yourself. As a rule, symptomatic therapy lasts no more than three months.

The deep one involves identifying the reasons that result in an attack. This occurs as a result of long-term work that can last for years. The psychotherapist learns inner world a person, his attitude towards himself, unmet needs and unexpressed feelings. But in the end, the specialist manages to eliminate not only the symptoms of the problem, but also its original cause.

Psychologists teach patients not to look for shortcomings in themselves, but to concentrate on their positive qualities. Only an optimistic outlook on life and positive thinking can drive away the disease and ensure that it will not return.

Separate work is carried out to raise the patient’s self-esteem, as it plays an important role in the development of the individual and the perception of the surrounding world as a whole.

Combining medication and psychotherapeutic methods helps speed up the recovery process, as well as teach the correct course of action during a possible future panic attack.

Treating panic attacks with hypnosis

Treatment of mental attacks using hypnosis is practiced by psychiatrists. This way of dealing with the disorder Lately is gaining more and more popularity due to its effectiveness. The essence of the treatment is simple: during hypnotic sleep, the patient is given appropriate instructions, the main goal of which is to get rid of mental attacks. After a hypnosis session, patients feel peace, a sense of lightness, a surge of vigor and energy.

The disadvantage of hypnotic treatment is its short-term effect, and also the fact that this method is not suitable for all patients.

Preventing panic attacks

People who often suffer from mental disorders live in a state of constant tension and stress, as a result of which the body's stability is reduced to critical levels. In such situations, any unforeseen circumstance (for example, a conflict at work) can become the “last straw” and cause a panic attack. However, there are some simple ways, which help improve psychological well-being, reduce the level of emotional stress and reduce the likelihood of a mental attack.

  1. Cold and hot shower. A very simple and at the same time effective way. Jets of cold water that briefly touch the skin can stimulate the production of hormones that improve mood. The method can be used both for prevention, general strengthening psychological state, and during an attack increased anxiety and panic. How to take it correctly cold and hot shower? Everything is very simple, but there are some nuances. It is important to douse yourself with water, only then will you get the desired effect. The procedure should begin with warm water. After a few seconds it needs to be switched to cold, and after a few seconds again to warm. Wherein cold water should not be cool, but really cold, even icy. Do not be afraid of catching a cold - during such a procedure this is impossible, since the body’s defense reactions are activated.
  2. Muscle relaxation. By learning to relax your muscles, you can simultaneously relieve the level of psychological stress. There are many ways of psychological relaxation. Having familiarized yourself with them in more detail, you can easily choose the one that is ideal for you.
  3. Full sleep. Lack of sleep does not have the best effect on the human nervous system. In the event that it develops into chronic form, the situation worsens significantly, and in parallel with this, the possibility of a psychic attack increases.
  4. Active physical life. It is important to choose the right intensity of exercise for yourself. While regular exercise is enough for some, others go to fitness, to the pool or gym. The main thing is that the activities bring you pleasure, because only in this case will they benefit your psychological health.
  5. Regular meals. Everything is simple here: a hungry person’s blood sugar level decreases, and this increases the likelihood of a panic attack.
  6. No stimulants. These include: coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes and alcohol. Moreover, the case with alcohol is unique in this regard: one or two glasses help reduce a panic attack. But a morning hangover only makes the situation worse. In addition, if you take alcohol during each attack, there is a high risk of developing another disease - alcoholism.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude that mental disorders, no matter whether it is a panic attack or something else, can be completely avoided. To do this, you just need to learn to control your emotions and monitor your psychological health.

A panic attack can happen suddenly and often feels like a heart attack or loss of control. In most cases, adults have one or two panic attacks in their lifetime, but regular attacks indicate a mental illness called panic disorder. A symptom of a panic attack is intense fear experienced without visible reasons and accompanied by increased heart rate, increased sweating and rapid breathing. This article describes methods for immediate relief from a panic attack and steps to prevent future attacks.


Part 1

Immediate help

    Physical symptoms panic attack. The body of a person experiencing a panic attack mobilizes to fight or flee, similar to a situation when a person is actually in danger (but in the event of a panic attack, the person is safe). Symptoms of a panic attack are:

    • pain or discomfort in the chest area;
    • dizziness or loss of consciousness;
    • fear of dying;
    • feelings of doom or loss of control;
    • suffocation;
    • detachment;
    • a feeling of unreality of what is happening around;
    • nausea or upset stomach;
    • numbness or tingling in the arms, legs, face;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • sweating or chills;
    • trembling or swaying.
  1. Control your breathing. During a panic attack, breathing becomes faster and shallower, which leads to prolonged symptoms. By controlling your breathing, you normalize heartbeat, reduce blood pressure, slow down your sweating and come to your senses.

    Take the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Most effective way to overcome a panic attack - take a sedative medication (usually from the benzodiazepine class).

    Go about your daily activities. Continue with your life as normal to reduce your chances of having another panic attack.

    Don't run away. If a panic attack finds you indoors, for example, in a supermarket, then you will have a strong desire to get out (run away) from this room as quickly as possible.

    Focus on something else. A psychologist will help you learn to concentrate on other things and thereby control panic thoughts.

    • For example, you can drink something cold or hot, take a walk, hum your favorite tune, talk with friends, watch TV.
    • Or you can do some stretching exercises, solve a puzzle, lower or raise the room temperature, roll down the car window, go outside, read something interesting.
  2. Learn to differentiate stress from a panic attack. Although the symptoms of stress and a panic attack are very similar (high blood pressure, excessive sweating and rapid heart rate), they are two completely different reactions of the body.

    • Anyone can get into stressful situation. In this case, the body mobilizes to resist or flee (as in a panic attack), but unlike a panic attack, this reaction is a response to some stimulus, event or experience.
    • Panic attacks are not associated with any stimulus or event; they are unpredictable, and therefore much more difficult and scary.
  3. Learn to relax. With some techniques you can quickly relax, allowing you to control your panicky thoughts.

    • If you experience regular panic attacks, consult a psychologist who practices cognitive behavioral therapy. He will teach you to relax and control the attack during its onset.
  4. Use your senses to control your panic attack. If you're having a panic attack or find yourself in a stressful situation, focusing on your feelings (even for a moment) can help reduce the symptoms of a panic attack or stress.

    Take your prescribed medications. Typically, the recommended drugs are those from the benzodiazepine class (both fast-acting and slow-acting).

    • Benzodiazepines are addictive, so take your medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Remember that increased doses of the drug can lead to serious negative consequences and even death.
  5. Take fast-acting medications in exceptional cases. Such medicines reduce the symptoms of a panic attack, so they should be taken when you think you are having a panic attack. Doctors recommend having fast-acting medications available and taking them at the very beginning of a panic attack.

    • Take fast-acting medications as a last resort so that your body does not “get used” to the prescribed dosage.
    • At the very beginning of a panic attack, it is recommended to take lorazepam, alprazolam or diazepam.
  6. Take slow-release medications regularly or as directed by your doctor. These drugs do not take effect as quickly, but they are effective in the long term.

    Take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Such drugs are prescribed for panic attacks and panic disorder.

    See a psychologist who uses cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of therapy is key to preparing your brain and body to cope with panic attacks and become completely free of panic attacks.

  7. Determine if you are actually having a panic attack. A panic attack occurs when at least four of the above symptoms are observed.

    • By starting treatment for panic attacks as early as possible, you will achieve better results and avoid possible complications caused by repeated panic attacks.
  • Symptoms associated with heart disease or problems with thyroid gland, similar to the symptoms of panic attacks.
  • See your doctor to identify the underlying medical condition that is causing your panic attacks.
  • Start treating panic attacks as early as possible.
  • Tell a relative or close friend about your illness to get their support, which is especially necessary during periods of panic attacks.
  • Take care of your body and mind. Eat healthy, get plenty of rest, avoid drinking highly caffeinated drinks, exercise, and regularly devote time to your hobbies.
  • Explore new method quick relaxation, such as yoga or meditation.
  • It is important to concentrate on breathing, not unpleasant sensations associated with panic. This can be difficult at times, especially when you feel like you're about to pass out, but breathing deeply and slowly will help you relax.
  • Think about something relaxing or watch TV to distract yourself.

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