Home Removal Food allergies in a child. Allergies in young children: the most typical causes Allergies in a child symptoms

Food allergies in a child. Allergies in young children: the most typical causes Allergies in a child symptoms

Doctors are increasingly saying that modern children are mostly allergic. A reaction can be caused by anything from food to air containing allergens. Sometimes parents cannot recognize allergy symptoms in children in time and distinguish them from manifestations of other diseases, which leads to complications. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on an examination of the child, his general condition, degree of exacerbation of the reaction, test results. But sometimes you need to act on your own to alleviate the condition, relieve inflammation, itching and swelling.


Common allergy symptoms

As a rule, allergies are manifested by a rash, redness, and peeling of the skin. Allergic reactions are often confused with prickly heat, diaper rash, and diaper rash.

In addition to skin manifestations, characteristic features allergies in children are allergic rhinitis (discharge of clear liquid mucus from the nose) and conjunctivitis (swelling of the eyelids, redness of the whites and mucous membranes of the eyes). A runny nose is often considered a sign of an incipient cold; allergic conjunctivitis is confused with viral conjunctivitis.

You can distinguish the manifestations of allergies from the symptoms of other diseases by the fact that children experience severe itching(not only the skin, but also the eyes and nose), which goes away when taking antihistamines, the swelling subsides, and the baby immediately feels better. If you miss the first signs, do not eliminate the allergen and do not start treatment, then the situation gets worse; skin rashes often develop when scratching. bacterial infection.

Manifestations of allergies depending on the type

In addition to general symptoms, there are certain signs by which you can recognize what your child is allergic to.

Food allergies

The most difficult to determine, since it can occur on absolutely any product or even one of its ingredients.

Food allergies are divided into 3 types according to their manifestations:

  1. With manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract. Restless behavior, in infants - colic. Abdominal pain, loose stools, stool with mucus and streaks of blood.
  2. Skin rashes. Redness of the skin mainly in the buttocks, back of the legs, and on the cheeks. Allergy differs from other types of rashes by itching and bright coloring. Common skin reaction to food allergens is urticaria (pink blisters that have clear boundaries and protrude above the surface of the skin). Possible swelling. Dangerous condition is Quincke's edema.
  3. Manifestations from the outside respiratory tract. Often this is rhinitis, breathing problems.

Treatment food allergies in children is to eliminate the allergen. It can sometimes be difficult to determine. In this case, children are transferred to a hypoallergenic diet, obvious allergens are excluded from the diet: milk, eggs, gluten-containing cereals, chicken meat, citrus fruits and Exotic fruits, strawberries, honey and more. The child adheres to this diet for 2-3 months, after which the diet is gradually made more varied.

When introducing complementary foods to an infant, it should be noted that even hypoallergenic foods (for example, rice, buckwheat or corn porridge, zucchini, cauliflower) some children have allergies. This could be a certain type of cereal, vegetable, or a reaction to the products of a specific manufacturer.

In case of food allergies, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at relieving the intensity of the reactions. For skin rashes, special ointments will relieve itching and speed up the restoration of the epidermis. The doctor will prescribe the specific drug and dosage based on the child’s medical history, test results and general well-being.

Allergies to medications

Develops as a secondary (on readmission) reaction to reception medicinal product in the form of local manifestations or general symptoms, which can be very diverse. The most common are urticaria, rash, blisters, asthma attacks, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. Allergies can occur not only to pills, but also to injections, ointments, inhalation medications, etc.

Allergy to atmospheric phenomena

This includes reactions to the sun, wind, and cold. The most common one is the so-called cold allergy in children.

When coming into contact with something cold or just on the street during the cold season, hives-like rashes appear on exposed areas of the body, turning pale when pressed. Itching and burning may occur. In some children, the rash goes away with warmth, in others it persists until taking an antihistamine. In severe cases, pathologies from the respiratory system: shortness of breath, cough, asthmatic symptoms.

Treatment is to prevent hypothermia, including oral cavity, stomach, for example, cold drinks, food, ice cream. Do not inhale cold air. Parents of children who have strong reactions to cold should consider moving to regions with a warm climate.

Video: Allergy in children to the sun

Allergy to animals

It often occurs due to fur, but there are also allergies to animal secretions: sweat, saliva. It manifests itself mainly as nasal congestion and lacrimation. The child sneezes, swelling of the eyelids is observed, and in some cases a rash appears.

If the animal has been in the house since the birth of the child, then most likely there will be no allergies to it. If it does appear, you can try to reduce its manifestations: ventilate the room more often, carry out wet cleaning several times a day, and do not leave the animal in the room where the baby is. Unfortunately, it happens that from pet I have to refuse, since the manifestations of allergies are quite strong. In this case, until the allergen is eliminated, the situation will not improve.

Allergy to dust

House dust consists of exfoliated human skin cells, pet hair, street dust, and plant pollen. An allergy occurs to one of these components. It is common to have a reaction to dust mites, which leave natural discharge, the most common cause of asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, dermatitis.

Treatment consists of maintaining cleanliness and daily wet cleaning. All carpets, napkins, capes and other items that retain dust will have to be removed from the room. Upholstered furniture, bedspreads, and bed linen should be thoroughly cleaned and washed at least once a week. Humidification and ventilation reduce the concentration of dust, hence the manifestations of allergies.

Video: Why dust mites are dangerous. Allergy to dust

Allergy to insects

When stinging wasps, bees, and bumblebees, they release poison under the skin, which is located in special glands. Bites from mosquitoes, ticks, lice, and fleas also cause itching and tissue swelling in many people. But in some cases, the site of the bite or sting swells greatly, the itching spreads to neighboring tissues, and pathological reactions occur, including anaphylaxis. In this case, they talk about allergies.

The most common allergy among children is to the sting of hymenoptera, but it also occurs to the stings of other insects. Local allergic reactions are expressed by the spread of the tumor more than 5 cm from the site of the bite. Systemic reactions are said to occur when symptoms are observed far from the bite and reach the internal organs.

Video: Causes and types of allergies

Diseases caused by allergies

The resulting reactions can be of several types depending on the allergen. A complex of them is often observed: lacrimation, runny nose, dermatitis, swelling.


It is called a childhood disease because it occurs most often in children. Appears as allergic dermatitis(redness, diaper rash, yellow scales on the scalp or just flaking of the skin). If the cause of the allergy is not eliminated in a timely manner and treatment is delayed, it becomes more severe and a bacterial infection occurs. If the allergen is not eliminated, the cumulative effect can cause other diseases, including pulmonary edema. It usually appears at six months, when complementary foods are introduced, and lasts up to 2-3 years.

Prevention measures include the mother's adherence to a hypoallergenic diet if the child is on breastfeeding, reviewing the baby’s menu, limiting skin contact with aggressive substances (including non-baby shampoos, powders, synthetics). Children's skin should be kept clean and dry at all times.

Atopic dermatitis

It manifests itself in the form of itchy rashes on the skin, most often represented by ulcers with liquid contents. The most common places of damage are the face (cheeks, chin), natural folds of the skin, and groin area.

It usually happens in infants up to the age of three, then it either goes away or goes into chronic form with periodic exacerbations. Associated with reactions to food allergens and contact allergies.

Skin lesions in atopic dermatitis do not go away even with the elimination of the allergen and the use of antihistamines, and require anti-inflammatory treatment. Healing ointments, oak bark lotions, and hormonal medications are used locally (strictly as prescribed by a doctor). The child is prescribed vitamins and immunomodulating drugs.

Hay fever

Sometimes called hay fever. It occurs mainly in the spring, during the period of mass flowering of plants, but can occur in summer and autumn if the child is allergic to the pollen of a particular plant. Children are worried about rhinitis, bronchitis, dermatitis of various types and degrees of manifestation, and allergic conjunctivitis.

Hay fever can be diagnosed using allergy tests under the supervision of an allergist, since it is quite possible to develop anaphylactic shock during the procedure. To make the diagnosis accurate, stop taking antihistamines a week before the test.

Prevention is limited contact with the allergen, taking calcium gluconate during the period of mass flowering of plants (to reduce vascular permeability). You should close the windows and ventilate the room only after rain. Taking your child out for a walk in dry weather is not recommended.

Doctors advise using modern devices, invisible respirators, that trap pollen.

Allergic rhinitis

Reactions from the nasal mucosa, which are characterized by swelling, impaired nasal breathing, nasal discharge (usually clear mucous), and repeated sneezing. Occurs when inhaling an allergen: dust, pollen, cold air. Such allergies can be seasonal or year-round. The latter is chronic.

If a child suffers from an allergic rhinitis, he should be protected from inhaling allergens:

  • cover the windows with fine mesh, which will trap dust, install a window filter;
  • carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • humidify the air in the room;
  • use hypoallergenic laundry powders;
  • Avoid contact with any bulk substances.

During attacks, the nose must be rinsed to eliminate the allergen from the mucous membrane. To do this, the child is instilled with saline solution into each nostril and asked to blow his nose thoroughly.

Bronchial asthma

This disease is chronic, attacks occur in the form of sudden suffocation, whistling breathing, shortness of breath, coughing. In most cases, the child inhales allergens through the air. At the end of the attack, a small amount of sputum is released.

There may be no signs of illness between attacks. In children severe symptoms are absent during the daytime, while exacerbations occur in the late afternoon and at night.

Angioedema (Quincke's edema)

This is what they call a reaction to various factors which is allergic in nature. The manifestation of such an allergy in children is severe swelling in areas with developed subcutaneous tissue: limbs, genitals, face. There is no itching. When taking antihistamines and decongestants, the allergy goes away after 2-3 hours. It can occur on the mucous membranes (including the larynx), leading to difficulty breathing and hypoxia.

If you suspect Quincke's edema, you should immediately stop contact with the allergen, if it is known, call " ambulance" Unbutton your clothes to allow air flow. If it is an allergy to a food product, rinse the stomach and give several tablets of activated carbon to drink.

Anaphylactic shock (anaphylaxis)

An immediate type allergy develops as a reaction to repeated introduction of an allergen. Most common reasons anaphylaxis in children is caused by stinging insect poisons. Strong food allergens for a child that can cause anaphylactic shock are eggs, whole milk, honey, nuts and other foods.

A harbinger of anaphylaxis is a pronounced reaction in the place where there was contact with the allergen: itching, pain, swelling, redness, which almost instantly spread throughout the body. If it is a food allergen, then the first sign will be swelling of the mouth, larynx, abdominal pain, and vomiting. If the drug was injected into a muscle, in addition to swelling and itching in this place, there is pain and a feeling of compression, pressure behind the sternum.

Severe internal swelling leads to difficulty breathing, followed by rapid development of hypoxia, which is expressed in children's blanching of the mucous membranes, lips and nasolabial triangle, coldness of the extremities, and a sharp fall blood pressure. The child loses consciousness.

Prevention of anaphylaxis involves eliminating allergens. If a child has had a case of anaphylactic shock, he should be protected from potential allergens of any type. Drugs, including vaccines, are prescribed with extreme caution, only after an allergy test for a specific substance.


Treatment of allergies in children will not bring results without eliminating the cause. Antihistamines divided into drugs of general and local action.

General drugs

First generation antihistamines quickly relieve allergy symptoms, but have a pronounced sedative effect, so they should be given to children with extreme caution (suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol).

New generation drugs (cetirizine, Telfast, Zodak) have a mild effect, with virtually no sedative effect. To relieve allergy symptoms that develop gradually (conjunctivitis, runny nose, rash), they are preferable, but in emergency situations (with Quincke's edema or anaphylaxis), it is better to use first-generation drugs.

Available in the form of tablets, drops and syrups. If it is necessary for the drug to act quickly in case of allergies, it is administered to children as an injection intramuscularly or intravenously.

Important: The doctor should prescribe which drug and in what dosage to use. If you need to take urgent measures, it is advisable to dial an ambulance and describe the symptoms, on the basis of which all recommendations will be given before the team arrives.

Local preparations

The most commonly used ointments for children with allergies include ointments with zinc (desitin, glutamol, cindol, sudocrem), as well as with dexpanthenol (d-panthenol, bepanten, dexpanthenol), which has excellent wound-healing properties. For severe and persistent skin lesions, the doctor prescribes hormonal ointments, which should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions of a pediatric dermatologist.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

In addition to the oral use of drugs, antiallergic drops (histimet, allergodil, opatanol) are used. They are dripped frequently, up to 4-6 times a day, since the effect is short-lived.

Tear substitutes are used for dry eyes to avoid injury to the mucous membrane (hemodez, lacrisin, lacrisify, oftagel). Drops with dexpanthenol will help restore the cornea. Vasoconstrictors are used for severe swelling. They are prescribed by a doctor because they have many side effects.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Antigastamines relieve swelling and nasal congestion due to allergies, reduce the amount of secretions, and help improve nasal breathing (sanorin analergin, allergodil, histimet, tizin allergy). Vasoconstrictor drugs (nazol, naphthyzin, tizin) are also used, which do not affect the treatment of allergic rhinitis, but only relieve symptoms and serve to temporarily ease breathing.

Treatment of anaphylaxis and angioedema

The first thing parents can do on site themselves is to slow down the spread of the allergen by applying pressure bandage above skin contact or ice if a bandage cannot be applied (for example, the neck or buttock area) to prevent the reaction from spreading quickly throughout the body. After this, call an ambulance.

Emergency treatment for anaphylaxis is the administration of adrenaline. It reduces vascular permeability, dilates the bronchi, and has an antihistamine effect. For children, the dose is 0.01 mg/kg body weight. Injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously, mainly into the outer side of the thigh. To relieve swelling, it is administered intramuscularly (if possible, intravenously). antihistamine, which does not have the effect of reducing blood pressure(0.5-1 ml of diphenhydramine, suprastin or tavegil). To facilitate breathing, aminophylline 2.4% (10 ml) is slowly administered intravenously.

Important: Of course, it is better if all these measures are carried out by a doctor, but sometimes this is not possible, so it is better for parents of children with allergies to have these medications in their first aid kit in order to be able to provide first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Video: First aid for anaphylactic shock

Allergies in children are one of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatric doctor. Parents who encounter such disorders quite often are interested in how to recognize the symptoms of allergies in their baby, what to do in this case, and how to prevent an unpleasant illness.

General overview

An allergy is a child’s body’s response to certain external irritants. The result is a defensive reaction, which is manifested by cough, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Experts have concluded that this disease can be inherited. If one of the parents is allergic, there is a high risk that the baby’s immune system will have to fight the same irritant.

Allergies can be immediate (as soon as the irritating factor is eliminated, the reaction goes away) and long-term. In this case, to get rid of the pathology, special therapy, diet and creation are required. necessary conditions residence.


The causes of allergies can be very different. Some of them are able to accompany a person throughout his life.

In areas that are environmentally unfavorable, with intestinal dysbiosis, in premature babies, as well as in those who face constant somatic diseases, the risk of developing allergies increases significantly.

Reaction immune system can be triggered by the following irritants:

  • food;
  • plant pollen;
  • household dust;
  • medications;
  • substances included in cosmetics for children;
  • proteins contained in animal saliva;
  • chemical compounds.

The causes of allergies in children can be very diverse. It is very important to promptly identify the source of such a reaction and eliminate it.


To the question: “What does an allergy look like?” It is very difficult to give a definite answer, because everything depends on the allergen. An allergic reaction can affect only one part of the body, or it can affect the entire body. It is very difficult to give an exact list of symptoms, but it is quite possible to try to generalize them.

Skin allergies in children can appear in places or spread over the entire body. You can recognize it by the appearance of a rash, redness of certain areas of the skin, itching, and the formation of blisters and blisters.

What should parents pay attention to?

  • Runny nose that does not go away for a long time.
  • Itching in the nose, frequent sneezing.
  • Redness of the eyes, increased lacrimation.
  • Difficulty breathing due to swelling.
  • Some allergens can cause an increase in body temperature.

Especially dangerous form allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, which can develop to its full potential in a matter of minutes.

Symptoms of this manifestation are as follows:

  • The child may lose consciousness.
  • The baby turns red or pale.
  • Possible development of dehydration or, conversely, profuse sweating.
  • Labored breathing.

If anaphylactic shock develops, you should immediately call an ambulance. Allergists have a wide range of methods at their disposal that can help identify the true cause of reactions in children.

Main types

Allergic manifestations depend on the type of irritant and the duration of exposure.

The main types of allergies in children:

  1. Food allergies are considered the most common and most difficult to recognize. Any food product or additive to it can act as an irritant. Reactions to cow's milk and other protein foods (fish, eggs, nuts) are the most common.
  2. Dust allergy occurs as a result of the body's reaction to dust mites and their waste products. Much less often, the reaction is associated with components found in dust - mold spores, hair particles, etc.
  3. Drug allergy is a reaction caused by taking pills, inhalations, injections.
  4. Respiratory allergies are triggered by odors, pollen, microorganisms, and animals.
  5. Cold allergy is the body's defense against extreme cold.
  6. Hay fever is a reaction that occurs when certain plants bloom.
  7. Hives are a skin reaction to any irritant.
  8. Sun allergy is a manifestation that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the unprotected skin of children.
  9. Quincke's edema is a response to a strong food or drug irritant, insect bites.

Allergies occur frequently in young children. In babies under one year of age, the most common allergies are associated with food products, the components of which enter the child's body with mother's milk. If a reaction to any product occurs in such early age it is necessary to exclude the irritant from the diet.

Possible in infants allergic manifestations during the transition to breast milk substitutes. The sooner you wean your child off the breast, the higher the risk of developing an allergy.

Food allergies

Food allergies are common in children. The wide distribution of this type of allergy is explained by the fact that the range of allergens in these cases is very wide, and due to the variety of manifestations, it can be difficult to identify them. You can be allergic to any product.

Signs of allergies in children associated with products usually appear in the form of rashes, blisters, redness on the skin, profuse heat rash, all accompanied by itching. In everyday life, parents call such a reaction diathesis.

Defeat is possible digestive system, which may manifest as vomiting, colic, constipation, or loose stool. The manifestation of food allergies can be expressed by respiratory disorders - runny nose, bronchospasms.

Skin reactions

Even completely healthy children can experience allergic reactions. If the reaction of the immune system manifests itself on the skin, it is usually expressed in the form of eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Diathesis – skin allergy caused by certain foods. You can recognize it by the rash, redness and itching on the baby’s cheeks and buttocks. Such signs warn that the allergic reaction is still at the first stage.

The next stage is characterized by childhood eczema, in which blisters and excessive redness form on the skin. Instead of bubbles, crusts appear, which are very itchy and cause a lot of discomfort to the baby.

Atopic dermatitis is the final stage, in which itching intensifies, especially in the evening and at night.

Dermatitis often affects the elbows and knees. In adolescents, signs of such a pathology may appear on the face and neck.

Atopic dermatitis that occurs in infants can accompany the child until puberty, and it is possible that they can remain for life.

Skin allergies in a child can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Lack of balanced nutrition.
  • Due to violations of the regime moments.
  • Improper lifestyle during pregnancy.
  • Hereditary factors.

In such cases it is prescribed complex therapy. But remember, only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Substances that cause skin irritation should be completely excluded from the child’s diet.

Allergy to animals

Allergic reactions to various animals often occur in children. Cats are especially different in this regard. A question that many parents often ask is: “Can this pathology occur if you get a Sphynx that has no hair?”

Alas, there is no clear answer. The fact is that an allergy can occur not to animal fur, but to proteins contained in the saliva, urine and epidermis of a pet.

Among the symptoms of this type of allergy it is worth noting allergic runny nose, breathing problems, wheezing and shortness of breath after contact with the animal. A rash, redness, and itching appears on the skin. If the cat scratches, then this mark begins to turn red and swell.

Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways: for some, the reaction occurs a few minutes after contact with the animal, and for others, after a few hours. Repeated contact with a pet leads to an exacerbation of symptoms.

Allergy to dust

Allergy to dust is a very common phenomenon. You can recognize it by sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose, and pain in the eyes. The occurrence of eczema and conjunctivitis is possible. If the baby is taken away from the apartment for a while, it can be noted that his health will noticeably improve.

It is very important to know what to do in such cases, because ignoring this phenomenon can lead to the development of asthma.

Since the described symptoms are inherent in a number of other diseases, confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary, which can only be done by a doctor. He must prescribe appropriate treatment.


If you suspect that your baby has an allergy, you should consult a pediatrician. After an examination and conversation with the parents, the doctor prescribes a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. First of all, you should take a blood test to determine the level of eosinophils. Their increased number indicates that there is an allergy. However, this component can also appear in the case of helminth infestations, so you will have to simultaneously take a stool test for helminth eggs.
  2. To determine the type of allergy, you will need to conduct a series of skin tests. They should be carried out during the period of remission. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to identify food, biological and plant allergens.
  3. It is allowed to conduct a provocative test, which involves introducing the allergen in its pure form into the body in a hospital setting. In this case, the body may immediately react in the form of shock.

After confirming the diagnosis and establishing what caused the disease, treatment can begin.


If an allergic reaction is detected, a number of measures must be taken to get rid of the problem.

  1. In order to eliminate allergy symptoms in children, it is necessary to eliminate exposure to the provoking allergen. A special hypoallergenic diet. It is advisable to keep a special food diary and record the introduction of each new product into the child’s diet, and then describe the reaction child's body on him.
  2. It is necessary to completely exclude nuts, sweets, milk, fish, honey, citrus fruits from the menu - all these products are strong allergens.
  3. A severe allergy in a child in the acute phase is treated inpatiently. The goal of therapy is to promptly remove toxins from the body, relieve swelling and irritation of the skin, and prevent the development of anaphylactic shock. If we are talking about severe cases, the child may be prescribed a drip to cleanse the blood.

Having an idea of ​​how allergies manifest themselves in children, parents will be able to respond in a timely manner, determine what to do, and how to help their baby. Timely treatment reduces the risk of lifelong allergic reactions.

Hello, dear visitors of our site! Today we will talk about a problem that, unfortunately, becomes more and more relevant every year - childhood allergies.

We will try to answer questions that interest many parents: how to recognize allergies in infancy, what to do if a child is allergic, how to cure a child’s allergies at home using folk methods.

How to cure allergies in a child

Allergies in a child are one of the most common problems that parents have faced in recent years.

In most cases, it causes shock and panic among parents. How to overcome allergies at home?

Allergies in babies

They can appear from the first days of a baby’s life. There are food, household and contact allergies of newborns.

Household allergies in infants are recognized by the following signs:

  • prolonged runny nose, sneezing, clear, clear nasal discharge;
  • dry lingering cough without sputum production;
  • profuse tearing, the baby constantly rubs his eyes.

To prevent and treat household allergies in an infant, the following rules must be followed:

  • Carry out wet cleaning of the premises daily.
  • Use air purifiers and humidifiers.
  • Remove all “dust collectors” from the room where the child is: carpets, winter clothes, models, figurines, dried bouquets, etc.
  • Try to get rid of soft toys or wash them every two to three days.
  • Buy for a child bed dress made of anti-allergenic materials with appropriate fillers.

Symptoms of contact allergies in an infant:

  • bright redness of the skin;
  • dryness, tightness, flaking of the skin;
  • Sores and cracks may appear on the skin.

To prevent and treat contact allergies in an infant, the following rules must be followed:

  • When cleaning the premises, avoid chemical detergents and cleaners, including bleach (chlorine).
  • To wash dishes and child’s toys, use dry mustard, lemon juice, baking soda, but not chemicals.
  • Wash your child’s clothes with special hypoallergenic powders, laundry soap or baby soap. Air conditioners must not be used!
  • Bath the baby in clean water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile and thyme.
  • Be very careful when using ointments, powders, oils. Even the most established brands may use chemical additives.

Symptoms of food allergies in an infant:

  • skin rashes in the form small pimples Pink colour without liquid filling;
  • itching in the mouth or throat (the child convulsively pulls into the mouth and sucks fingers, pacifiers, toys, etc. with particular zeal);
  • disruption of the digestive system - prolonged constipation, diarrhea, intestinal colic(the baby is capricious, kicks his legs, etc.).

To prevent and treat food allergies in an infant, the following rules must be followed:

  • Breastfeed your child for at least six months (of course, if the child is not allergic to lactose - this is determined by the doctor). By the way, WHO experts preach the idea of ​​feeding a child breast milk up to two years.
  • A nursing mother should strictly exclude from her diet all foods that cause characteristic symptoms in the baby.
  • If breastfeeding is not possible, only special formulas should be used. Strictly exclude grandmother’s advice to feed your baby semolina porridge, goat milk and so on. (they say that everyone ate and was healthy before).
  • Introduce complementary foods no earlier than 4 months of age with minimal doses (a few drops of juice, a quarter teaspoon of decoction or puree), gradually increasing the dose if there are no signs of allergy.
  • For at least one year (and possibly up to two or three years), do not introduce into the child’s diet foods that are considered potentially allergenic - citrus fruits, nightshades, chocolate, strawberries, etc.

Food allergies in a child can manifest themselves not only in infancy. Symptoms of food allergies in preschool and preschool children school age approximately the same, just more pronounced (if only because the child can describe them).

The success of treatment primarily depends on the knowledge of parents and strict adherence to the diet.

It must be remembered that the following are considered particularly allergenic products:

  • citrus,
  • red berries, fruits and vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • mushrooms.

However, any product can give an impetus to the disease. Therefore, a new product must be introduced into a child’s diet very carefully.

If you have a food allergy, diet violations are unacceptable! The reasoning of compassionate relatives “just one berry!”, “well, he wants it so bad!”, “how can a child live without milk” and the like are criminal!

Due to a violation of the diet and a frivolous attitude towards the problem, a child may develop such serious illnesses, such as Quincke's edema, eczema, bronchial asthma, vasculitis.

Traditional methods of treating allergies

Medicinal herbs are used very successfully in the treatment of allergies. Baths and compresses are recommended for infants; after a year, decoctions can be added.

  1. Infusion baths medicinal herbs. Good effect Chamomile and string give, yarrow, calendula, celandine are suitable. Bring one tablespoon of herbs to a boil, leave for 30 minutes, strain and squeeze. Add to bath.
  2. Herbal compresses relieve pain, itching, and redness. Soak a soft cotton cloth in the broth from the previous recipe and apply to the affected areas for half an hour.
  3. Decoctions of medicinal herbs cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the body's sensitivity to foreign substances. The most popular is nettle decoction: boil three tablespoons of dry herb with one liter of water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain, give the child 50 g of decoction 2 times a day before meals. You can also use decoctions of chamomile, rose hips, celandine, and calendula. But it is necessary to remember: decoctions of medicinal herbs must be given to the child at the same time, constantly, for at least two to three months.
  4. - one of the most popular and effective folk remedies for treating allergies. Dissolve 1 g. in liter boiled water. Remember: if the product is of high quality, the solution will be uniformly dark and opaque. Children under three years old should take 50 grams, before seven years old – 70 grams, after seven years – 100 grams. every day for three weeks.
  5. Dried film welded chicken egg chop and add a pinch to food daily. You can also eat crushed egg shells, especially quail eggs. Use until symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.
  6. Caps are honeycomb caps that bees use to cover honey. This bee product has helped many. But don't forget that honey counts allergenic product, therefore, you need to use zabrus for treatment very carefully, starting with small doses and monitoring the body’s reaction. The product can be added to tea or simply chewed like gum for 10 - 15 minutes. The effect is observed after a month of use, and in 7–8 months you can completely get rid of the disease.
  7. Half an hour before meals, give the child a piece of refined sugar, onto which drop a few drops of bay oil or fennel oil.
  8. Green juices (parsley, dill, green onions), celery root, cauliflower. To make them easy for your child to drink, you can mix them with green apple juice. A mixture of juices from carrots, beets, parsley and cucumber gives a remarkable effect. Of course, these products are also useful to eat in their natural form.
  9. When treating allergic rhinitis, you can use aloe juice, lemon juice, and sea salt solution.

Important to remember:

Most importantly, parents of a child with allergies must understand: the disease is curable, but it requires systematic long-term work in various areas.

  • The atmosphere in the house. Daily wet cleaning without the use of strong chemicals chemicals. Maintaining air cleanliness and humidity. Lack of dust collectors. The room temperature is 18-20 degrees.
  • Kids' things. Bed and bedding made of hypoallergenic materials, minimum or complete exclusion of soft toys. Washing children's clothes by special means, caring for dishes and things without chemicals.
  • An allergic child and a pet are poorly compatible concepts, even if there is no allergy to wool. Be as responsible as possible when deciding to purchase.
  • . Follow a strict diet, eat enough healthy foods. Maintaining water regime.
  • Careful monitoring of all changes in the child’s condition.

All this requires patience. We believe you will have enough. Health to you and your baby!

Reading time: 18 min

Allergies in children to external and internal irritants are the most common problem with which parents turn to the pediatrician.

A special reaction of the immune system is to blame for the occurrence of this disease, which responds to a foreign protein entering the body with a specific set of symptoms.

An allergic reaction can be immediate, quickly passing when the influence of the irritant is eliminated, or long-term, which will require specific therapy, the creation of certain living conditions and adherence to a diet.

Allergies in children in most registered cases have genetic predisposition, that is, one of the parents or both have diseases such as asthma, allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis.

Moreover, the likelihood of developing pathologies increases if both parents have diseases at once.

The risk of developing allergies in a child increases in environmentally unfavorable areas, with persistent somatic diseases, intestinal dysbiosis, in premature infants and in babies with low weight.

The following irritants can provoke the development of a specific reaction of the immune system:

  1. Food;
  2. Components of household dust;
  3. Plant pollen;
  4. Substances included in children's cosmetics;
  5. Medicines;
  6. Proteins contained in animal saliva;
  7. Chemical compounds.

Skin manifestations

Characteristic for food and drug allergies, they may appear in a baby under the influence of biological stimuli.

Digestive problems

Develops in children with food allergies. The baby experiences dyspeptic disorders, vomiting, bloating, colic, and belching. All this leads to poor appetite and weight loss.

Symptoms of the disease can appear immediately or when the allergen re-enters the body.

Lightning-fast reactions to a stimulus are usually accompanied by severe symptoms and development.

Anaphylaxis is manifested by hoarse breathing, swelling of the face and throat, pale skin, and decreased blood pressure. This condition requires immediate assistance.

Allergies in children may not be expressed typical signs– joint damage, tendency to nosebleeds, headaches, irritability, anemia.

Localization of skin rashes depending on the type of allergen

An allergy on the legs of children, which appeared in one place, suggests that the cause was an external irritant - a plant, household chemicals, paints, that is, everything that the baby could come into contact with in everyday life.

The rash from such allergens can be pinpoint, merging into one spot. Poisonous plants cause changes skin in the form of a blister.

The addition of rashes to other parts of the body is a sign of food or.

Allergy to the hands

Allergies on the hands of children are caused by contact with chemicals or creams. Often bubbles and redness appear on a child’s palms when using low-quality toys made of rubber and plastic.

The appearance of spots in the elbow bends, their redness, swelling and itching are characteristic of food allergies, especially to sweets.

These areas of the body can develop atopic dermatitis with rough and pigmented skin.

Manifestation of allergies on the cheeks

Signs of allergies on the cheeks of children appear due to food intolerance and are manifested by rash, redness, itching, dryness, and peeling. Diathesis in a baby develops based on what its mother eats.

Irritation on the buttocks

Irritation on the buttocks occurs due to diapers, or more precisely due to the products used in washing them. Rashes such as erythema, papule, and pinpoint rash are recorded.

With prolonged exposure, a secondary infection may occur, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of intoxication, skin swelling, irritation and itching; naturally, all this does not have the best effect on the baby’s well-being.

Skin rashes on the back

Skin rashes on the back of children appear due to allergies to fluff, medications, food products. The spots are pink, their sizes are different, several can merge into one large spot. They pose a particular danger.

Allergies in children are often confused by inexperienced mothers with prickly heat, which develops in hot weather, when the baby overheats and when there is high humidity in the apartment.

With prickly heat, the rash is small, usually located on the neck, buttocks, back, shoulders, and quickly disappears after eliminating the unfavorable factor and subject to temperature control.

Features of allergies in children:

  1. Before the age of three, a baby may develop. Pediatricians associate such allergic reactions with a violation of the intestinal microflora, immaturity of the body's defenses, and infection with helminths;
  2. In children, an allergic reaction can occur as a generalized process with the simultaneous appearance of symptoms of the disease on the skin, disruption of the digestive tract and respiratory organs;
  3. IN childhood Most allergies can go away quickly with adequate therapy. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should always undergo full diagnostics and treatment. This will help prevent the occurrence of bronchial asthma, dermatoses, and anaphylactic shock;
  4. When signs of anaphylaxis appear, an increase in disturbances in the cardiovascular and respiratory sphere occurs in just a few minutes.

Diagnosis of the disease

When skin rash in a child, digestive disorders, respiratory problems - the first thing parents should do is come to an appointment with their pediatrician.

The doctor will examine the baby, identify allergy history, predisposition, introduction of new foods to the diet and contact with household allergens.

If an allergy is suspected, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Blood test - increased levels of eosinophils may indicate an allergic reaction. This blood component also appears when helminthic infestations, therefore, prescribing tests for helminths is also necessary;
  2. The type of allergy in children is reliably determined using skin tests or blood tests. Skin tests are carried out only in the stage of remission; their implementation makes it possible to identify food, plant, and biological allergens;
  3. Open, that is, the introduction of pure allergen into the body, is carried out in a hospital setting. With such an examination, an immediate response from the body in the form of shock may occur. Others are also prescribed.

Treatment of allergic reactions in children

In order to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease, the most important thing that needs to be done is to eliminate the influence of the provoking allergen on the body.

Elimination of allergy-causing foods

When food allergies are detected in children, they are administered with the exclusion of foods that cause disease.

If it is not possible to reliably identify the triggering food, then it is necessary to keep a food diary and record in it the introduction of each new food component with a description of the baby’s well-being.

It is necessary to temporarily exclude foods with high risk development of an allergic reaction - nuts, sweets, milk, potatoes, seafood, fish, honey, red and orange fruits and vegetables.

It is maintained for several months, each new product is introduced to children gradually in small portions over several days. It is necessary to introduce only one product per week and be sure to record the body's reaction to it.

Drug therapy

Allergies in children in the acute phase must be treated drug therapy. Its purpose allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body, relieve swelling and irritation on the skin, and prevent the development of anaphylactic shock.

Among the main pharmaceutical groups used in the treatment of allergies in children are the following.


These are drugs that reduce permeability vascular wall, antibody production. Due to this mechanism of action, swelling, inflammation and severe itching are eliminated.

Antihistamine therapy for children is prescribed for several days; for seasonal hay fever, its use is justified several weeks before the expected onset of the disease.

New generation products have a prolonged effect, do not cause drowsiness and can be used for a long time.

Third generation drugs - Terfena,

Allergy is specific reaction body to any irritating factor external environment. Irritating factor or an allergen can be anything: from various products and to the temperature conditions in which the child is located.

Depending on the allergen that causes it, allergies can be divided into:

  • food,
  • contact,
  • inhalation,
  • medicinal,
  • household,
  • seasonal.

And also, depending on the complexity of the symptoms,

  • light,
  • average,
  • heavy.

Causes of its occurrence in children

An allergy is a kind of protective reaction of the child’s immune system to a foreign protein coming from outside.

The most common causes of allergic reactions are:

  • various food products,
  • plant pollen,
  • house dust,
  • fur of cats, dogs and other domestic animals,
  • medications,
  • children's cosmetics,
  • household chemicals (powders, liquids for cleaning the house),
  • various metals,
  • as well as temperature phenomena - the influence of cold or heat.

In young children, food allergies are most often detected when the allergen is a food product.

In which babies does it occur most often?

Allergies can occur in children at different ages, and be characterized varying degrees severity of the lesion. Most often, it affects weakened and premature children, as well as those who have problems with the digestive system (for example, intestinal dysbiosis).

The baby can also inherit an allergy from one of the parents.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Allergy symptoms in childhood are usually the following:

  • skin rashes of various types from simple redness to weeping sores;
  • itching and burning on inflamed areas of the skin;
  • runny nose, difficulty breathing;
  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, often children even develop conjunctivitis;
  • eating disorders, intestinal problems (inflammation, bloating and others);
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The above symptoms may be accompanied by additional symptoms as:

  • headache,
  • loss of appetite,
  • manifestations of capriciousness and irritability in the child.

How does an allergic reaction manifest?

In order to consult a doctor in time, you need to understand what an allergy looks like.

Skin rashes and bowel movements

Quite often, allergies in children can look like some kind of skin disease, for example, urticaria, scabies or rubella. Because most often, allergies, especially food allergies, begin with various rashes on the skin.

However, if the rash is skin diseases differ in a specific localization, then manifestations of allergies on the skin can be chaotic or appear in single spots. In children, rashes are often accompanied by itching and peeling of the skin.

Redness of the skin may be accompanied by the appearance of watery blisters, as well as weeping sores.

A food allergy in a child may be accompanied by complaints of abdominal pain and nausea. Stool with allergies is usually liquefied.

Tearing, coughing, sneezing and choking

It often happens that an allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, tearing, and swelling of the mucous membranes. Such symptoms in children most often indicate an inhalation allergy. Later, these symptoms are supplemented by a sore throat, cough, and sometimes attacks of suffocation.

Sometimes an allergic reaction can develop rapidly - the baby becomes ill very quickly, the mucous membranes swell, it becomes difficult for him to breathe or his blood pressure rapidly drops, the child becomes dizzy, he may faint. In this case, they talk about Quincke's edema or that the child has experienced anaphylactic shock.

In this case, you should immediately seek medical help, since severe conditions such as anaphylactic shock develop very quickly and can be fatal.

What to do if your child has allergy symptoms?

Remember, any, including mild, signs of allergies in children, such as a rash or runny nose, are a reason to consult a doctor. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the allergic reaction and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

At the same time, parents should try to find out what kind of allergen caused the reaction as soon as it appeared and try to remove it from the baby’s environment as soon as possible.

Do not forget that repeated exposure of the allergen to the skin or body of a child can lead to the development of severe forms of allergic reactions. That is why it is very important to protect the baby from repeated contact with the allergen.

How are allergies diagnosed in children?

To determine the allergen itself, it is usually proposed to take special analysis, which determines the blood reaction to the presence of various types of immunoglobulins responsible for the occurrence of an allergic reaction, as well as the skin reaction to any group of allergens.

To diagnose food allergies, a food diary is often used, where the child’s entire daily diet is recorded, and the allergic reaction is monitored throughout the day.

Also, in order to diagnose food allergies, a method can be used when the suspected allergen is removed from the baby’s diet for ten days, after which it is reintroduced to check the reaction to it. This method should be carried out strictly under the supervision of doctors to avoid complications.

Treatment of allergies in childhood

Treatment of allergies in children should be comprehensive and can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Pharmacy drugs

IN general view treatment consists of the use of the following drugs:

  1. Sorbents are prescribed to quickly cleanse the body of allergen residues. Usually prescribed in a course of ten days to completely cleanse the body.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed to relieve symptoms and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. Prescribed in episodic courses at the first signs of allergy.
  3. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed for nasal congestion.
  4. Creams and lotions to relieve burning and itching in areas of skin rashes in children.
  5. Enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed for digestive problems caused by an allergic reaction.
  6. Immunomodulators - are prescribed to increase the child’s overall immunity.

Currently, a method is also practiced when a child is systematically injected with a small dose of an allergen so that the body gets used to and begins to react correctly to a foreign protein of this type. This type treatment is controversial and its effectiveness has not been proven.

Folk remedies

To relieve the symptoms accompanying an allergic reaction in a child, they are also effectively used. folk remedies. However, their use is possible only after consultation with a doctor, since some components can cause a so-called “cross” allergy, when, in addition to existing manifestations, new ones appear, but to a different allergen.

Here are a few traditional methods, which can be used to relieve allergy symptoms in childhood:

  1. Adding decoctions of string, chamomile, calendula when bathing the baby - relieves skin itching and reduces the amount of inflammation on the skin.
  2. Cabbage leaves, pre-boiled until soft, are applied to the affected areas of the body for two to three minutes. It is recommended to do this compress several times a day. It is recommended to bathe very young children with the addition of a decoction of cabbage leaves.
  3. Nettle infusion is applied orally two to three times a day and provides a blood purifying effect.
  4. Celery juice can be used to relieve skin inflammation.
  5. A solution of dill juice with water is a good remedy for itchy skin.
  6. Decoctions of St. John's wort and tansy are used to gargle to relieve coughing attacks due to allergies.
  7. Horsetail tincture can relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  8. Shilajit solution is also used to cleanse the intestines and remove allergens from the body.
  9. Dandelion juice is actively used to relieve inflammation of the skin and combat itching at the sites of an allergic reaction.

However, it is worth noting that the most effective means When dealing with allergies in childhood, it is necessary to stop contact with the allergen.

To prevent the recurrence of allergies in children, you should carefully monitor their diet, and also wet clean the house at least twice a week.

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