Home Oral cavity Preparation for esophagogastroduodenoscopy includes: Egds: conduct and features of the procedure

Preparation for esophagogastroduodenoscopy includes: Egds: conduct and features of the procedure

Endoscopy of the stomach is a diagnostic method that can be used to examine the entire gastrointestinal tract. The second name of this examination is gastroscopy, it is carried out using a probe equipped with a miniature camera.

Today, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the most effective diagnostic method. It helps to detect the presence inflammatory process, tumor formation or erosion. Previously, in order to conduct such an examination, conventional probes were used, which caused a lot of inconvenience and pain to the patient. However, today the diameter of the inserted instrument has significantly decreased in size, making the procedure completely painless.

Indications for EGDS

Absolutely any doctor can refer a patient for gastroscopy, but the main specialists are: gastroenterologist, therapist, oncologist and surgeon. There are many reasons to perform an endoscopy, but since the procedure is extremely unpleasant, people are referred for it only in cases of urgent need.

The main indications for which a patient is recommended to undergo esophagogastroduodenoscopy are:

  • painful sensations in area chest during meals;
  • anemia and weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • constant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the stomach.

In addition, the patient is referred for EGD with such signs as:

  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • frequent or constant vomiting, nausea, heartburn, acid belching;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach not only after eating, but also in a state of absolute rest;
  • flatulence.

Oncologists refer the patient for gastroscopy if cancer of the esophagus or stomach is suspected, as well as to check for metastases. The gastroenterologist prescribes endoscopy if peptic ulcer stomach or twelve duodenum, for the purpose of prevention after treatment.

In order for the diagnosis to be more accurate, it is recommended to take a number of additional tests, namely blood, urine and feces, undergo a sound examination and do a test for the presence of Helicobacter bacteria Pillory.

Existing contraindications

As with any other examination, there are a number of reasons why gastroscopy cannot be performed. Contraindications for endoscopy include:

  • varicose veins on the walls of the esophagus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • acute heart failure or recent myocardial infarction;
  • increased arterial pressure;
  • swelling or narrowing of the esophagus;
  • presence of any infectious diseases, hemangiomas.

In addition, gastroscopy is prohibited for patients with mental disorders due to the fact that it is unknown how the patient may behave during the procedure.

Preparing for the examination

Proper preparation for endoscopy plays a very important role important role, because not only how successful and accurately the examination will be carried out depends on this, but also how the patient will feel during the procedure. To prepare for endoscopy, you must not eat foods that cause gas for 12 hours before the procedure, and also not consume fermented milk and dairy products. It is advisable to eat something light during dinner - broth, boiled fish or meat, weak tea or jelly.

Do not forget that meat and fish should be only lean varieties. It is advisable to avoid alcohol, spicy, salty and fried foods three days before the procedure. On the day of the procedure, you must completely avoid eating. You can drink some water, but no later than 4 hours before the procedure. The procedure is usually scheduled for the first half of the day, but if EGDS is performed in the afternoon, you can have breakfast 8–9 hours before it starts. At the same time, do not forget that you only need to eat light food.

Use medications, which can affect acidity, enzymes and muscle contraction of the intestines and stomach, are strictly prohibited. Preparation also includes giving up cigarettes until the examination. Before going to bed, you can take some mild sedative, but only with your doctor's permission. If you are allergic to medications, you must notify your specialist.

An hour or two before the procedure, you should not take any medications, except those on which the patient’s life depends. If the doctor allows, you can take a sedative. This concludes the preparation for EGDS.

Directly during the procedure, the patient should try to relax as much as possible and not worry. Before the procedure, the patient is given local anesthesia - lidocaine, this will help smooth out discomfort and reduce the gag reflex. It is advisable to breathe deeply during the procedure, but a little less frequently than usual.

Before the manipulation, the doctor must be informed of factors such as pregnancy, diabetes, gastric surgery. It is best to wear loose, non-marking clothes for the procedure and do not use belts. In order to bring yourself back to normal after the examination, you need to bring wet wipes or a towel.

Examination stages

Before starting the procedure, the patient should lie on his left side. In order to reduce the discomfort that occurs when the probe is inserted, the patient's pharynx is treated with lidocaine. Modern gastroscopes are very thin, so they can be inserted both through the mouth and through the nose, without fear of harming the patient’s health, and thanks to the miniature camera at the end of the gastroscope, everything that happens is immediately displayed on the monitor screen.

During the procedure, the doctor carefully examines the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, all changes are immediately recorded on video or photo. If necessary, a piece of tissue is removed for biopsy. During tissue extraction for analysis, the patient may experience pain, but this procedure lasts a maximum of 2 minutes, and therefore does not require additional preparation.

If a foreign body is present, it is immediately removed by suction, but if the object is large, then it is pulled out with forceps. If polyps are found, they can be removed immediately. After the examination, the gastroscope should be removed as slowly as possible, while the patient should exhale deeply and hold his breath for a while. The entire EGD procedure can take from 20 to 45 minutes in total.

Discomfort from the EGDS procedure can be minimized provided that the preparation was carried out based on all the doctor’s requirements, and in addition, so that the patient does not feel any discomfort, it is recommended to contact highly qualified specialists.

How to behave after the examination

If the examination went according to plan, then there is no need to follow any special regime. If there was no biopsy, the patient can eat within 1-2 hours after the examination. The effect of lidocaine usually wears off within 1–2 hours, and along with it the feeling of a lump in the throat disappears.

If during the examination the patient felt unwell, began to feel nauseous, tachycardia began and blood pressure rose, the doctor will give the patient the necessary medication and suggest that he spend some time in a horizontal position.

Possible complications

The equipment used for esophagogastroduodenoscopy is equipped with new technologies, thereby minimizing the risk of any complications. The only consequence that can occur is perforation of the gastric tissue, which requires surgery. However, these types of complications occur extremely rarely, so there is no need to worry about this.

May occur in different situations. One of the doctor’s areas of activity may be esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The technology allows us to identify some diseases and assess the condition of departments after surgery.

What is EGDS?

This diagnostic method research carried out using an endoscope consisting of a flexible tube and camera. The device is inserted through the mouth and goes into the stomach.

Previously, conventional probes were used for such research, which made it difficult to obtain objective data. Today the size of the tubes has decreased, so after the examination there is no particular discomfort.

The main goal of the study is a detailed examination of the mucous membrane of the upper sections digestive system. The technique has disabilities, but makes it possible to detect the presence of tumors, and.

At the same time, the technique is several times more accurate than X-ray examination if there are inflammatory processes.


In the classic version, gastroscopy is performed with the insertion of a tube through the mouth.

Sometimes a transnasal test is prescribed. It does not cause nausea or vomiting, and allows the doctor to answer questions during the procedure.

One of the advantages is the ability to eat food immediately after the diagnosis. During the examination, only local anesthesia is used. Contraindications include only anatomical features patient that may interfere with the free movement of the endoscope through the nose.

Sometimes doctors prescribe EGDS. Under the influence of special drugs, the patient's consciousness is completely turned off. During such manipulations, a resuscitator must be present at the reception. He is obliged to clarify whether the person has contraindications to various means plunging into anesthesia.

Today the procedure is under general anesthesia It is rarely performed, since it makes it possible to avoid complications and allows you to monitor the patient’s condition.


Endoscopy allows for differential diagnosis of pathologies of the digestive system and monitoring the treatment process at all stages. Indications for the study are:

  • stomach ache,
  • heartburn and belching,
  • constant feeling of overcrowding.

The doctor prescribes a test for appetite disorders, sharp decline weight or problems with swallowing. All these signs are evidence serious problems with health.


The procedure should not be performed if the patient’s condition is serious, there are serious infectious or mental disorders. Problems may arise when significant or significant events are detected. You should wait or postpone the procedure if your asthma worsens.

Other contraindications include:

  • hemophilia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • mental disorders.

Preparing the patient for esophagogastroduodenoscopy

First, consultations are held with the patient, during which the doctor must explain the indications and the mechanism of the manipulation. This is also psychological preparation.

At the same time, a referral for delivery is issued necessary tests and elimination of associated contraindications.

Before the procedure, the patient must:

  1. Observe . A special diet is prescribed for 48 hours. At this time, you need to eat easily digestible foods and drink plenty of water. You cannot drink alcohol, eat fatty and fried foods.
  2. Clear your stomach. The day before, you cannot eat food after 7 pm; if there are still undigested particles left in it, special medications are prescribed that help remove them from the body. The stomach must be empty, since there is a high probability of developing a gag reflex.
  3. First remove the tongue piercing and dentures, if any.

How is the procedure performed?

First, the person's throat is treated using local anesthesia. This allows you to reduce pain. If you need to relax a person even more, sedatives are used.

After this, the patient is placed on his left side, and a plastic mouthpiece with a hole in the middle is inserted into the mouth. A tube passes through it and is directed into the stomach through the esophagus.

As the device is inserted into the organ, air is pumped, expanding the walls. This makes it possible to examine the terrain in detail. In some cases, it is carried out immediately. Organ tissue samples are taken to check for the presence of cancer cells And . If there are no complications, the procedure lasts about 15 minutes.

Afterwards, the patient continues to feel a lump in the throat and bloating in the abdomen for some time. These phenomena are temporary. If pain relief has been administered, the person cannot go home until the effect wears off.

Decoding the results

Based on the results of the procedure, all data is entered into the protocol. The endoscopist who conducts the examination cannot make a diagnosis. Most often, based on the results, diagnoses such as gastritis and increased vascular patterns are made.


At normal indicators The esophagus is freely passable, and the mucous membrane has a pale pink tint. Next, cardia is diagnosed. This is the junction between the esophagus and the stomach. It should close normally. If this does not happen, you will need to use additional methods diagnostics

In the stomach, the folds of the mucous membrane are easily straightened under the influence of air flow, the mucous membrane is pink without ulcers or tumor-like formations. The stomach contents are normally clear, but a small amount of mucus may be present.


In patients with gastritis, the gastric mucosa is red, swollen with thickened folds. Hemorrhages may be visible in the submucosal layer. Another sign of this disease is a small amount of mucus.

If there is a peptic ulcer, then the method allows you to identify a cone-shaped ulcer crater. It is surrounded by a cushion along the very edge on all sides. The bottom and edges of the formation are bright. They can be red, in rare cases bluish. If hemorrhage occurs in the area of ​​the ulcer, the bottom becomes brown.

If present, there is a large accumulation of dark or red liquid. When identifying duodenogastric reflux the contents are dark green bile.

Endoscopy can also detect oncology. When diffuse, the shell smooths out and acquires a grayish-white tint. If there is, a clearly formed tumor with a wide base is detected.

Possible complications

One of the main disadvantages of the method is the possibility of appearance and damage to the walls of organs. In such a situation, emergency assistance may be required surgery. Bleeding may occur, but with timely detection, the risks of this complication can be reduced to a minimum.

In rare cases, there is development allergic reactions immediate type. These include,. In this case, it is carried out urgent Care according to standards and using anti-shock devices.


The cost of the procedure depends on the number of manipulations required. If, at the same time as the examination, a biopsy or local treatment peptic ulcer, the cost will increase. This indicator is determined by the type of clinic, the qualifications of the specialist, and the choice of sedation method.

Sometimes a doctor's supervision is required over the next 24 hours. You will have to pay extra for this service. average price EGDS is 3160 rubles.

The need for examination of the stomach arises in different situations. One of the first-priority studies is esophagogastroduodenoscopy, abbreviated as EGDS. What is esophagogastroduodenoscopy and how to properly prepare for the procedure in order to get an effective result the first time?

The purpose of an endoscopy is a detailed examination of the mucous membrane of the upper digestive system, which is done through endoscopic examination. We are talking about the esophagus, stomach and adjacent segment of the duodenum. To do this, a flexible endoscope with a small diameter is used, which is inserted through the mouth and passes through the esophagus.

Preparation for an EGD study may be required in the following situations:

1. There are abdominal pains of unknown cause, heartburn, belching, vomiting and nausea.

2. There is often a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the stomach and abdomen.

3. There is a loss of appetite and significant weight loss.

4. A swallowing disorder or difficulty passing food has been diagnosed.

5. Causes of concern include pain in the area behind the sternum or in the upper abdomen.

6. Discomfort is caused by the appearance of a bitter or sour taste in the mouth, unpleasant smell from mouth.

7. Diarrhea often bothers me.

8. There is a chronic cough.

Thanks to sufficiently gentle endoscopic EGDS examination today effectively and to the maximum short time(which is extremely important for effective therapy) it is possible to diagnose duodenal or gastric ulcers, identify polyps in the large intestine, and identify developing cancer at an early stage.

The main advantage that EGD of the stomach gives in comparison with traditional x-ray examination, is the accuracy of detecting inflammatory changes in the mucosa, developing or scarring ulcers, which has increased several times. If preparation for esophagogastroduodenoscopy is associated with suspected oncology, in addition to a visual examination of the mucous membranes, a biopsy is required to clarify or refute the diagnosis. Tissue for biopsy is taken using a special instrument, without any unpleasant sensations.

Also during endoscopy there is the possibility of removing polyps, removing accidentally swallowed foreign bodies, stopping minor bleeding, which makes it possible to exclude open abdominal operations. Sometimes the purpose of the procedure is to expand a narrowed area of ​​the esophagus or stomach, or to take material that is used to test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for endoscopy include:

1. Differential diagnosis pathologies of the digestive system. We are talking about peptic ulcers, gastritis, diverticulitis, pyloric stenosis and other disorders.

2. Monitoring the process of treating gastrointestinal diseases.

3. The need for dynamic monitoring of patients suffering from chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract.

4. Symptoms suggestive of internal bleeding.

5. Postoperative period treatment of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. High-quality preparation for the examination and a carefully performed procedure make it possible to diagnose complications as early as possible and identify pathological changes mucous membrane

Endoscopy of the stomach is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • The patient is in serious condition.
  • Atherosclerosis is clearly expressed.
  • Was recently suffered a heart attack myocardium or diagnosed with heart failure.
  • Surgical pathologies were identified in acute form or infectious diseases.
  • There are tumors in the mediastinum or the esophagus is significantly narrowed.
  • With the development of hemangiomas or hemophilia.
  • If there are varicose veins in the area of ​​the esophageal veins.
  • For severe hypertension.
  • If you have mental illness.

Preparatory activities

Preparing the patient for gastroscopy includes the following activities.

1. The day before endoscopy.

If the examination is scheduled for the next day, dinner the night before should take place no later than 8 pm. At the same time, the menu is allowed to include only light foods that will not complicate digestion. After dinner, you should not consume dairy products.

2. In the morning on the day of the examination.

Further preparation is to exclude breakfast in any form, and you should also not smoke. It is allowed to drink only plain still water in small quantities, unless the doctor has given any instructions regarding fluid intake. The procedure can be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, so it is prescribed mainly in the first half of the day. If gastroscopy is scheduled for the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed provided that the examination takes place at least 8-9 hours later.

3. After endoscopy.

After endoscopy of the stomach, eating and drinking is allowed no earlier than 10 minutes later (as soon as the feeling of a lump in the throat disappears). If the study was accompanied by a biopsy, only warm food is allowed on this day, and cold and hot foods are prohibited.

For outpatient gastroscopy, the doctor recommends staying in the office for 5 minutes or even half an hour until the anesthetic substance stops working. During the procedure, the intestines are filled with air that provides improved vision, so slight bloating may occur. The insertion of the endoscope may cause an unpleasant sensation in the throat that will last no more than a day.

As for the results, they are communicated to the patient immediately after the procedure, with the exception of the biopsy, which takes 6 to 10 days to obtain data.

If the preparation before the EGDS study was carried out according to the recommendations, you can count on the maximum reliability and information content of this method. If an inflammatory process is detected in the stomach or foreign formations on the mucous membrane, additional tests and surveys so that the overall picture is crystal clear. With the results of gastroscopy, you must contact your attending gastroenterologist, who will determine further tactics diagnostics and therapy.

Carrying out endoscopy for the stomach is very useful, since today it is one of the most effective methods examination of this digestive organ for the purpose of its further treatment.

With this examination, the doctor can thoroughly examine the condition of the gastric mucosa, identify inflammatory or erosive processes in the walls, and the presence of tumors.

This method is much more informative and more accurate than conventional x-ray examination.

If you properly prepare for endoscopy and follow all the doctor’s instructions, then the examination will take place quickly and practically painlessly.

Endoscopy, indications and preparation

EGDS stands for esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This examination method is also called gastroscopy.

Examination of the stomach is carried out using an endoscope, which consists of a flexible tube, a camera at its end and a lens. The device is inserted into the patient through the mouth and then through the esophagus into the stomach.

Previously, conventional probes were used for such a procedure, and inspection internal organs was extremely painful.

Currently thanks to modern technologies the diameter of the inserted tube decreased significantly, as a result of which, after examining the stomach, qualified doctor the patient experiences a maximum of mild discomfort in the throat, which is reduced by rinsing.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is usually prescribed if the patient has pain, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, belching, feelings of fullness or heaviness in the abdomen, which may be symptoms serious illnesses stomach.

All these conditions may be signs of the development of any diseases in the body, and endoscopy will help to detect them.

Before performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the patient must prepare properly, otherwise the doctor will most likely refuse to examine the stomach and prescribe it again the next day.

Preparing for endoscopy first of all involves performing it on an empty stomach, so the examination is usually scheduled in the morning.

In the evening of the previous day, you can eat until 8 pm; dinner should be light, contain easily digestible foods, and in no case should it contain dairy products or alcohol.

The best options for dinner are broth, fish, boiled meat, tea or jelly. Foods must have time to be completely digested before the stomach examination begins.

Sometimes endoscopy is performed in the afternoon, in which case breakfast is allowed light products, but no later than 8-9 hours before the examination of the stomach.

Smoking is prohibited before the examination because tobacco smoke promotes the production of mucus by the stomach walls, which makes examination difficult.

You can drink a little mineral water without gas, maximum 3 hours before endoscopy. It is also prohibited to take medications, especially those that need to be swallowed and washed down.

The only exceptions are for medications taken by injection or if taking the medication is vital.

Before endoscopy, you must consult a doctor and inform him about all existing diseases and health conditions, since this examination of the stomach has contraindications.

This primarily applies to those who are prone to panic attacks, have heart problems, have recently had a heart attack, have infectious diseases, atherosclerosis or hypertension.

Also, EGDS is prohibited for patients in serious condition or with a narrowed esophagus.

It is imperative to warn the doctor if you are allergic to lidocaine, since in most hospitals this is the drug used for local anesthesia.

At the beginning of the stomach examination, the person’s throat is treated local anesthesia to reduce pain.

Sometimes certain sedatives are administered intravenously to make the patient more relaxed.

After this, the person is placed on his left side and a plastic mouthpiece with a hole in the middle is inserted into the mouth, through which the endoscope tube enters the stomach.

The device passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach, after which air begins to be pumped into the organ to expand the walls, which allows you to examine their relief in more detail and detect deviations from the norm.

At this moment, the patient usually begins to experience unpleasant sensations, and panic attacks are possible.

Thanks to the camera at the end of the endoscope medical staff can watch the image on a nearby monitor.

Sometimes during endoscopy, a gastric biopsy is performed in parallel (samples of organ tissue are taken to check for the presence of cancer cells), polyps are removed, and various accidentally swallowed foreign bodies are removed from the stomach.

In case of minor internal bleeding in the stomach, EGD allows you to stop it without performing surgery.

It is also possible to take material for analysis for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

The procedure itself, in the absence of complications, usually lasts no more than 15 minutes.

After examination, the patient usually has a sensation of a lump in the throat and bloating in the abdomen due to the pumped air, but this quickly passes.

Due to the insertion of the endoscope through oral cavity You usually feel discomfort and a sore throat, which goes away after about a day.

The patient remains in the doctor's office for about half an hour until the anesthesia wears off.

During this time, the results of the endoscopy will be ready, the endoscopist will give them to the patient for a further visit to the gastroenterologist, who will advise on the condition of the stomach and further treatment of the detected diseases.

EGDS today is the best way stomach examinations.

The procedure allows you to identify most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, study the condition of the walls of the organ, and simultaneously perform other operations, helping the doctor make a decision about eliminating the detected problems.

If the preparation for the examination was carried out correctly and no complications were observed during the examination, then the result of the endoscopy will be as informative and accurate as possible.

The need for various diagnostic studies occurs in every second person, while a stomach examination is necessary for every third of us.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a procedure that allows you to examine not only the stomach, but also the esophagus, as well as the duodenum. Today we will talk about the main advantages of endoscopy, indications and contraindications for this study, as well as diseases that can be identified using this procedure.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows for a thorough examination of the mucous membrane, assessing the degree of inflammation, the formation of ulcers or tumors. This procedure is the most informative when compared with ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity. A flexible endoscope, which is inserted into the patient through the mouth, allows not only to conduct an examination, but also, if necessary, to take material for a biopsy or carry out immediate therapeutic actions.

The presence of a camera on the endoscope allows you to display the image on the computer screen and at the same time take pictures of the areas of the mucous membrane that were affected. There are several reasons and symptoms that may be a reason to prepare for esophagogastroduodenoscopy:

  1. Abdominal pain that occurs both after eating and independently of it.
  2. Associated belching and heartburn, which has bad taste or smell.
  3. Loss of appetite, after which a person experiences uncontrollable weight loss.
  4. Diarrhea, flatulence, frequent constipation.
  5. Chronic cough that is not associated with colds.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows you to detect the presence of an ulcerative process, which can affect both the stomach and duodenum. The peculiarity of such diagnostics is that it allows both to confirm and refute the presence of cancer.

Important! Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the most informative; in percentage terms it reaches 95%. This is many times more than from the well-known ultrasound examination, where significant errors are possible.

Conducting e zophagogastroduodenoscopy

During an endoscopy, material is almost always taken for a biopsy - the procedure is painless and does not bring additional discomfort to the person. An endoscope can also be used to remove polyps – if this does not require surgical intervention, and it also allows you to remove swallowed foreign bodies. Despite the fact that esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the most improved option for diagnosing pathologies, it also has contraindications:

  • The patient's serious condition and exacerbation of the pathology do not allow endoscopic examinations.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In case of significant narrowing and damage to the esophagus, when it is not possible to guide the endoscope without damage.
  • Hypertension.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows you to detect such pathologies in a person as:

  1. Intestinal and gastric obstructions.
  2. Esophagitis.
  3. Hernias.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane.
  5. Diverticula.
  6. Polyposis and the presence of tumor formations.
  7. Gastroduodenitis and bulbitis.
  8. Heart failure and previous heart attack.
  9. Hemophilia.

Important! It should be noted that the detection of most diseases on early stages development allows you to begin treatment as quickly as possible. This in turn increases the chances of fast recovery, without manifestation side symptoms and related diseases.

Preparatory process

Preparation for endoscopy is mandatory. With proper preparation, there are no factors that would impede a proper inspection. If you are prescribed esophagogastroduodenoscopy, then you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The stomach and intestines must be empty at the time of the examination, so the procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. In addition, bowel cleansing occurs with the help of enemas.
  • Typically, the EGD procedure is performed in the first half of the day - the last meal should be the night before. It is important that it is a light dinner, without containing a lot of fibrous foods. In the morning a person does not have breakfast or drink. If the event is planned for the second part of the day, then you are allowed to drink water or lightly brewed tea in the morning.

After esophagogastroduodenoscopy, it is better for a person not to drink or eat for 10-20 minutes, and if a biopsy was also performed during the examination of the mucous membrane, then one should avoid eating too hot or cold foods for the next 24 hours.

Features of esophagogastroduodenoscopy

Before starting EGD, the pharynx is anesthetized using local anesthetics– if required, then medications are administered intravenously. This allows you to relax the person and relieve pain during the process of esophagogastroduodenoscopy. You don’t have to worry about having difficulty breathing during esophagogastroduodenoscopy – the endoscope does not make breathing difficult at all. In addition, EGD lasts only a couple of minutes, so the discomfort is not so difficult to endure.

A well-conducted study does not cause any complications in humans. The only trouble will be a short sore throat, which gargling will help to cope with. At in case of emergency introduction of an endoscope when something threatens a person’s life, contraindications are not taken into account. These include foreign objects entering the esophagus and stomach and internal bleeding.

Important! You can find out how esophagogastroduodenoscopy is performed and what it is on videos that many clinics provide.

At this moment, the most important thing for the doctor is salvation human life. The results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy become known immediately after the procedure; in the future, with these results, you should visit your gastroenterologist, who will prescribe necessary treatment and will prescribe a diet if you are diagnosed with a digestive tract disease.

If during endoscopy a specialist reveals inflammation of the mucous membrane, then in the future it may be necessary additional research and analyzes thanks to which clinical picture will become more clear. Despite all its safety, esophagogastroduodenoscopy can result in complications. Approximately 1% of people experience complications that are associated with perforations or internal bleeding, so at the first signs of discomfort after endoscopy, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you are at home, it would be advisable to call an ambulance.

It is best to come to the EGD procedure with an accompanying person - let it be your relative or friend. Warn him about all the intricacies of future research.

Important! The diet before the examination should be three days and slag-free. It is important that the foods you choose are less fibrous - this will save you from a large amount of feces.

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