Home Dentistry Diagnosis and treatment of heart attack on the legs. Microinfarction in women suffered on the legs: what do you need to know? Heart attack suffered on legs

Diagnosis and treatment of heart attack on the legs. Microinfarction in women suffered on the legs: what do you need to know? Heart attack suffered on legs

In general statistics, such cases account for 20%. What symptoms should alert a person and how to save your own life.


If every person can recognize the classic signs of a heart attack, then atypical form illness, all symptoms are blurred, pain may be absent, there is a general malaise, which is associated with overwork and other reasons.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Indications for going to the hospital are the following pathologies:

  • increased cold sweat, palms and frontal lobe sweat more;
  • prolonged chest pain;
  • weakness, loss of consciousness;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • dull, stabbing, pressing pain in the region of the heart;
  • feeling of numbness on the left side of the body: arms, legs, neck, jaw.

The patient may feel pain in the abdomen, and attacks of nausea and vomiting often occur.

A characteristic sign of a hidden heart attack is the absence of pain in the heart area, but obvious attacks of suffocation, asthmatic cough against the background of decreased blood pressure. There are others subtle symptoms, which appear 2-3 weeks before the onset of a heart attack.

This is weakness and fatigue mixed with a feeling of fear and anxiety.

When a heart attack occurs, a person may experience a rapid heartbeat, alternating with moments of complete freezing

This state becomes permanent in evening time, prevents you from falling asleep peacefully, causes fear. Climbing stairs can make you feel short of breath, and strong smells can cause nausea.

Any of the listed symptoms are aggravated during physical labor, which accelerates the onset of necrosis and increases complications. When feeling unwell lasts several weeks, the patient may not notice the moment when the heart tissue ruptures.

This situation is typical for male body. If with indicated symptoms Do not consult a doctor, serious consequences with the risk of loss of life are possible.

Why is it possible to have a heart attack on your legs?

Is it possible to have a heart attack “on your feet” and not notice? Yes, this is a very real situation, since most speech cases are coming about microinfarctions, when a small area of ​​cardiac tissue is affected. In this case, there is no sharp and prolonged pain in the heart, because obvious signs feeling unwell, pressure surges, nausea.

This condition is regarded by a person as fatigue from overwork and increased physical activity. Change is blamed atmospheric pressure, unnecessary worries, stress suffered the day before.

In men, cases are diagnosed more often than in women due to the characteristics of the body and greater resistance to pain. After necrosis, the patient’s condition may stabilize for some time, or it may provoke complications.


The sooner a patient consults a doctor with suspicious symptoms, the higher the chance of saving life and health and minimizing the likelihood of threatening consequences.

To diagnose a microinfarction, the doctor will prescribe:

  • electrocardiography;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • daily ECG monitoring;
  • blood biochemistry.

The fastest and most reliable diagnostic method is an ECG, the results of which determine whether a microinfarction has occurred or its threat. Biochemical analysis blood test for enzymes, shows necrosis of cardiac muscle tissue.

The fact of early is extremely important for every patient, since a hidden heart attack may not give immediate complications, but after 3-4 weeks it manifests itself with serious consequences that disrupt the functioning of the heart and the entire vascular system.


Depending on the severity of the symptoms of a latent infarction, the following types are distinguished:

Combined necrosis Symptoms are mild. These include mild nausea, tingling in the chest, weakness and sweating.
Gastrological necrosis WITH dull ache in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to certain odors, tightness of the abdomen, pain on palpation.
Arrhythmic infarction Characterized by periods of rapid heartbeat and cardiac arrest.
Asthmatic heart attack It occurs without pain in the heart, but with attacks of suffocation, coughing, and shortness of breath. A person is unable to breathe deeply.
Brain necrosis It is characterized by impaired blood flow to the brain, which is accompanied by temporary loss of orientation, nausea, speech impairment, and weakening of the muscles of the legs and arms.
Shock infarction Occurs with a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Obvious symptoms include weakness, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes, and dizziness.

Combined necrosis is the most difficult type of infarction to diagnose. Symptoms in in this case may be absent, but the consequences become apparent after a few days or weeks.

Most dangerous form hidden infarction is considered cerebral. Impaired speech and understanding of what is happening do not allow the patient to explain his condition, call an ambulance and receive timely treatment.

It is difficult to predict an atypical heart attack on your own, but any alarming changes in your health should be a reason to consult a doctor.

A timely ECG and ultrasound will prevent dangerous consequences, and in case of a false alarm, they will eliminate unnecessary cause for concern


The degree of complexity and danger of consequences from an atypical heart attack increases over time. So, in the first hours, changes in the body’s functioning occur. cardiovascular system, provoking a decrease in blood pressure by at least 20 units. This contributes to a sharp deterioration of the condition with the appearance of headache, nausea, and vascular spasms.

The most characteristic consequences of a microinfarction is an increase in the symptoms of existing diseases of the cardiovascular system. These are heart failure, pericarditis, arrhythmia.

In women and men, the consequences of a heart attack suffered “on the legs” may differ in type and severity.

If a person does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the risk of a second heart attack increases several times; only isolated cases of combined necrosis do not produce consequences and are discovered by chance during a routine medical examination.


The risk group for the likelihood of a heart attack includes the following categories of men and women:

  • sick diabetes mellitus;
  • those suffering from hypertension;
  • are overweight;
  • age after 50;
  • have suffered serious psychological trauma.

To minimize the likelihood of a micro-infarction, it is necessary to adjust your lifestyle, refuse bad habits, reconsider the principles of nutrition. For the above group of people, measuring blood pressure and systematically taking appropriate medications should become a daily habit.

It is necessary to reduce the intensity of physical activity and replace it with light, short-term work, which alternates with rest. It is better to think through your daily routine in such a way that meals and physical activity were carried out at the same time.

It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of clean drinking water per day, consume more seafood, goat cheese, olive oil, take advantage of the principles of the Mediterranean diet. Avoid alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. The most important thing is to remain calm emotional state, avoid stress, take care of receiving positive emotions.


The doctor chooses recovery tactics after a latent heart attack depending on its extent and severity of the consequences. This process is long and is aimed at returning the person to their previous lifestyle as much as possible.

With a mild microinfarction full life a person can return in six months, but heavy physical activity will be contraindicated for him.

There are cases when people endure a mild attack of myocardial infarction “on their feet.” This often happens because the classic manifestations of the disease do not appear, for example, there is no pain. The so-called atypical form of myocardial infarction occurs.

That is why the patient does not pay attention to discomfort and malaise and leads a normal lifestyle. Later by chance during medical examination it is discovered that the person has previously suffered an attack. On total quantity heart attacks, such cases are 20%.

There are several forms of atypical myocardial infarction:

  • Abdominal

Characterized by intense abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and bloating. Pain in the stomach area on palpation.

  • Asthmatic

There is no pain in the heart area, but there are attacks of suffocation, coughing, and a drop in blood pressure.

  • Arrhythmic

The rhythm and heartbeat are disturbed, and the heart freezes.

  • Collaptoid

Characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, fainting, and attacks of dizziness.

  • Cerebral

Symptoms of deficiency cerebral circulation: vomiting, nausea, impaired consciousness, paresis, weakness in the arms or legs, impaired speech.

  • Erased

There are practically no symptoms. Sweating, weakness, and slight chest pain may occur.

You need to pay attention to all these symptoms and, at the slightest suspicion, seek help. medical care, since a heart attack suffered on the legs has a number of dangerous complications.

Heart attack on the legs: consequences

Early complications appear in the first minutes and hours of an attack. It could be:

  • sudden drop in blood pressure
  • pulmonary edema
  • heart break
  • thromboembolism
  • violation heart rate

Complications can also be late, appearing a month or more after a heart attack.

  • cardiosclerosis
  • chronic aneurysm and heart failure
  • rhythm disturbance
  • blood clots
  • drug embolism

The listed complications are much more dangerous than the heart attack itself. They are the ones that can lead to death, so if your health worsens, you should consult a doctor. Don’t be afraid to play it safe, because health is the most important thing!



Everyone can recognize the signs of a heart attack, but if it is an atypical form, then its symptoms may be slightly different.

For example, there may not be pain, general weakness of the body appears. They will think that it appeared due to physical or mental fatigue, or for other reasons.

If there are following signs, then you need to urgently go to the clinic:

  • Cold sweat, especially palms and forehead.
  • Prolonged pain in the chest.
  • Weakness and loss of consciousness.
  • Low pressure.
  • Shortness of breath or shortness of breath.
  • Pain of various types in the heart area.
  • Feeling of numbness in the left side of the body.

Nausea and even vomiting may also occur.

Heart attack on legs hidden form may occur without cardiac pain, but the patient will have a severe lack of air, coughing with anguish, and all this will be accompanied by low blood pressure.

However, there are other symptoms that occur twenty days before a heart attack. They are as follows: weakness in the body, constant fatigue, unreasonable anxiety and fear. Basically, such symptoms occur in the evenings, because of which a person cannot sleep. When the patient climbs the stairs, he begins to choke, and when strong odors appear, an attack of severe nausea occurs.

Any symptom may become worse during physical work. If a person feels unwell for several days, he may not notice when the heart tissue ruptures.

But mostly, this is diagnosed in men. If you do not seek help from a specialist when such signs appear, the outcome can be different, even fatal.

Why some suffer heart attacks on their legs

Some people think about the question: “Is it possible not to notice suffered a heart attack on your feet? Almost all experts will answer: “Yes.” This happens quite often, but in this case it will be a micro-infarction. With this type of disease, only a small area of ​​the heart tissue is affected. The patient does not experience pain; he may experience nausea, high or low blood pressure, and general malaise.

In this case, the person does not even suspect that he is having a heart attack and therefore blames everything on fatigue from mental or physical work. He can also attribute this condition to a polluted atmosphere, or it may be due to stress.

Microinfarction is more common in the male half of the population than in women, due to the characteristics of organisms and resistance to pain. In a person who has suffered a micro-infarction, the condition after the illness may improve, but various complications may arise.


It is always necessary to remember that if symptoms indicating a heart attack appear, you should not delay going to the clinic. The sooner the doctor can examine you and prescribe effective treatment, the more likely it is that this will protect you from complications. And in some cases, this can save the patient's life.

To identify a microinfarction, the doctor will prescribe an examination:

  • Electrocardiography.
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart.
  • An ECG must be performed throughout the day.
  • Laboratory blood test.

The most accurate examination that can indicate the presence of a heart attack is an ECG. It is with its help that a previous myocardial infarction can be detected. Or establish his threat. But a blood test will indicate damage to the heart tissue.

The main thing is that you can quickly make a diagnosis and begin treatment, because a heart attack, if it was hidden and suffered on the legs, can cause serious complications. In addition, they will not appear immediately, but will appear a month later and will affect the functioning of the heart.

Possible complications

The consequences of all complications appear only after some time. Immediately after a heart attack, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system occur, due to which blood pressure decreases. And against this background, vascular spasms, headaches, and attacks of nausea occur.

There are two consequences of a heart attack: early and late.

  1. Early. This includes: pulmonary edema, minor disruptions in the functioning of the heart, the formation of blood clots in the arteries, partial disruption of the integrity of the myocardial walls.
  2. Later. These consequences look like this: the heart’s ability to contract decreases, blood clots begin to form, blood flow is disrupted, the heart’s rhythm is disrupted, and it takes a long time to restore it medicines. In addition, the walls of the heart become thinner and begin to protrude, and valve deformation also appears.

However, the consequences of a heart attack look like an exacerbation of chronic heart disease.

Microinfarction in male and female populations may differ in its development and type.

If, when symptoms appear, the patient does not visit the clinic, but suffers the disease at home and still on his feet, then the risk of a recurrence of a heart attack is very high. If the heart attack was hidden and also combined, then its complications may be examined by chance during a routine examination.

Preventive measures

People who have the following abnormalities may be at risk for patients:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Obesity.
  • Old age.
  • Transferring severe psychological trauma in the past.

To avoid a heart attack, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drink alcohol, balance your daily menu. Also, people at risk need to control their blood pressure; to do this, it must be measured daily and, if necessary, take medications.

Physical activity should be reduced and replaced with something easier, in addition, work should be alternated with rest. Come up with a daily routine for yourself in which work, rest and eating will be carried out at the same time every day.

Try to drink at least two liters of water a day, add seafood, cheese from goat milk, replace animal fats vegetable oil. You can even take the Mediterranean diet as a basis.

It is necessary to completely get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction. If possible, avoid stressful situations so that your emotional state is at peace, and try to receive more positive emotions.

Rehabilitation after a heart attack

When many patients have suffered a heart attack, the doctor already understands, based on his experience, exactly how to rehabilitate the patient after the disease. Its tactics will be influenced by the type of disease, the area affected and the severity of complications.

All procedures are quite lengthy and will help the patient return to his normal life.

The patient’s recovery will take place using complex procedures, namely:

  • Prescribing a special diet.
  • Use of medications.
  • Traditional medicine recipes.

Special physical exercise, will help normalize the patient’s pulse and blood pressure, but this will manifest itself gradually. For example, a patient may be prescribed a visit to the pool, hiking on fresh air and cycling.

As already mentioned, you should stop drinking and smoking. Add seafood to the menu fresh vegetables and fruits, bran bread, various cereals and lean meats. Fatty, salty and fermented milk products must be excluded from the diet.

You should monitor your blood pressure and, if necessary, take medications in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If a patient is going to be treated with grandmothers’ recipes, he needs to consult with a specialist before starting.


About features and dire consequences myocardial infarction, up to fatal outcome, many have heard, and most of us have had relatives or friends suffer from this disease. Speaking about the attack itself, the mind immediately associates with its main symptoms: pain in the chest (stabbing, burning, aching, cutting character), which radiates to the shoulder or under the shoulder blade, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, profuse sweating, loss of consciousness.

But as it turns out, doctors repeatedly record cases where these characteristic symptoms do not appear and the person, without realizing it, suffers a heart attack on his legs.

This phenomenon is also called an atypical form of the disease. As a rule, it is revealed that the patient suffered a heart attack on his legs - randomly, for example, in a cardiogram during an annual physical examination.

  • arrhythmic;
  • asthmatic;
  • abdominal;
  • collaptoid;
  • erased;
  • cerebral.

Important to know Important! Every 5th of those who suffered a heart attack does not know about it, and in every 4th patient this disease is not recognized.

It is important to know the Fact! According to statistics, in 75 cases out of 100, in women who suffered from the disease before the age of 40, the cause of the disease was smoking.

  • thromboembolic disorders;

Important to know Important! According to statistics, about 4% of patients do not even have time to get to the hospital.

Important to know Interesting! Scientists have proven that laughter can protect the heart due to its ability to relax and dilate blood vessels.

Myocardial infarction suffered on the legs. What external signs can be used to identify a heart attack?

My husband worked a lot, and now...well, I just saw a person immediately after a heart attack. something very similar condition. But my husband says that nothing bothers him, although he doesn’t talk much... Is it possible to somehow determine whether he’s just tired?

The main criterion for a heart attack is severe pain in the sternum, which is not relieved by nitroglycerin for more than 15 minutes (do not take it yourself if there is no diagnosis of angina and it is not possible to measure the pressure), the pain can radiate to the arm, lower jaw, left shoulder blade. Also, a heart attack is usually very visible from changes in the ECG. in the hospital, and sometimes in the ambulance, they do a blood test for troponin, which also shows the presence of necrosis. There are rare, non-typical forms of heart attack, painless, when there is practically no pain (a very rare form), abdominal, when the stomach hurts, etc. If in doubt, the easiest way is to get examined at a clinic by doing an ECG.

If you mean myocardial infarction, then this is a serious diagnosis that has its own criteria and requires immediate treatment. But if, after all, nothing bothers your husband, then there is no need to panic.

A heart attack suffered in the legs can only be seen on an echogram.

Substernal pain, burning under the shoulder blade, radiating pain to the left arm, pallor of the skin, decreased blood pressure, but with all this, differential diagnosis, ECG, is necessary similar symptoms observed with angina pectoris

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Rehabilitation after a heart attack

Heart attack and its consequences

Heart attack in any form, it knocks a person out of the usual rut of life and limits his capabilities. Unfortunately, he is getting younger every year, which we are witnessing. Recently, the husband of a good friend of mine was hospitalized with a heart attack, and he was barely over 30 years old! She herself says that it is hereditary in his family, but his parents are alive and still work, which means that not only hereditary factors influenced him.

The man worked a lot, he was engaged in business and trade, which does not happen without nerves, he literally did not give himself a break. After all, he actually supports his wife’s still minor sister, who is left without parents, and helps elderly relatives. His heart attack, thank God, was not extensive, otherwise there would have been less hope for recovery.

There is a suspicion that he suffered a mini-heart attack on his feet, and perhaps more than one. This is the first risk factor for getting a myocardial infarction. Due to being always busy, I ate irregularly and had snacks, which affected the blood vessels, vascular atherosclerosis developed, and then, after another load, a heart attack, i.e. death of part of the heart muscle due to acute failure blood circulation

The consequences depend on the degree of infarction and the extent of damage to the heart muscle. This is partial disability, shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations (all this begins even before a heart attack). But complete loss of ability to work can be avoided if the patient is helped in a timely and correct manner.

First aid for heart attack

The man in question was lucky, he had just come home from work, and his wife was nearby, who provided him with first aid. Unfortunately, ambulance not always even in big city Arrives quickly, I had to wait at least half an hour.

Firstly, she immediately gave him nitroglycerin (he didn’t even take it with him!), helped him lie down so that his head was on an elevation, unfastened everything that was pressing and opened the window wide. This happened just during the May heat. Then I took my blood pressure, it was high, gave me blood pressure medicine and quickly prepared a hot foot bath. Thanks to these simple actions, he held out until the ambulance arrived, and even managed to relieve the pain in his heart a little and lower his blood pressure. He still has a long recovery ahead.

How to recover after a heart attack

A heart attack does not mean that you are doomed to a senile lifestyle; on the contrary, it is imperative to restore, albeit gradually, without jerks, normal motor activity. Although in this case, it was high time to reduce activity and physical and nervous stress.

Physical activity should be regular, but within reasonable limits. As the doctor explained, you should not be afraid that you will have to give up something in your intimate life; on the contrary, it is advisable that intimate life was not interrupted, this is also important for recovery.

Very important proper diet after a heart attack, it will support the health of blood vessels, on which the work of the heart directly depends. He will have to give up fatty foods, especially animal fats, even butter. But this is not a problem, now there is a wide variety of heart-healthy vegetable oils on sale - olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, etc. It is especially difficult for him to give up fatty meat and fried meats - after all, he comes from the East, his favorite national dishes are made from fatty meat, and there is a lot of fried meat in the national cuisine. Spicy, smoked and fried foods will have to be excluded; buckwheat and oats should be used more often as a side dish. Hard cheeses replace with cottage cheese and soft white cheeses, limit salt. Replace white bread and pastries with black bread or wholemeal flour or bran. This type of food is not entirely familiar to him, as is the intake herbal infusions, which his wife is now preparing for him.

Of course, raw fruits and vegetables are simply irreplaceable during recovery.

From folk remedies Collections from adonis, mountain arnica, hawthorn, birch buds, calendula, and string will help you recover. It is also useful to drink a soothing mixture - from mint, lemon balm, hops, valerian, motherwort.

It is easier for people who have not used herbs before to take ready-made alcohol tinctures; I make some myself. These are tinctures of motherwort, valerian, lily of the valley, marsh whiteweed, hawthorn, belladonna. They must be taken strictly according to the prescription, because... some plants contain alkaloids.

Provided that all this is followed, and given his young age, he will be able to recover almost completely from a heart attack.


Types and symptoms of their manifestation

There are six types of atypical forms of the disease:

  • arrhythmic;
  • asthmatic;
  • abdominal;
  • collaptoid;
  • erased;
  • cerebral.

Each of these varieties manifests itself differently, and the symptoms of an attack often do not even resemble that serious illness, as a result of which a heart attack occurs in the legs.

In the event of an arrhythmic attack, a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat occurs, and cases of cardiac arrest are common.

The asthmatic form is manifested by a strong attack of coughing, reaching the point of suffocation, and no pain in the cardiac region (or radiating under the shoulder blade) is observed.

During an abdominal attack, the characteristic features are sharp pains in the abdomen, aggravated by slight pressure on the pancreas. Very often the attack is accompanied by bloating, as well as nausea and vomiting.

A collaptoid attack is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness and often fainting.

The erased type is the most asymptomatic (the most common case of a heart attack on the legs). In this case, there is only mild weakness or sweating, and less often – discomfort in the chest (in the form of mild pain of an undetermined nature).

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The cerebral variety is distinguished by symptoms characteristic of cerebrovascular accident: speech becomes slurred, nausea and vomiting appear, some clouding of consciousness appears, and weakness in the limbs.

Considering the obvious insidiousness of the disease, it should be treated with great caution, avoiding the consequences that a heart attack on the legs may bring; any symptoms - characteristic or uncharacteristic (characteristic of the atypical form) - should be a signal to consult a doctor.

Important! Every 5th of those who suffered a heart attack does not know about it, and in every 4th patient this disease is not recognized.

Main reasons and who is at risk

The cause of of this disease is a blockage by a blood clot or atherosclerotic plaque coronary artery.

People who have metabolic disorders are especially at risk of getting sick. genetic predisposition, high blood cholesterol, those suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. Chronic diseases cardiovascular and nervous system also become causes of illness.

Smokers are particularly at risk because nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Important! According to statistics, in 75 cases out of 100, in women who suffered from the disease before the age of 40, the cause of the disease was smoking.

Possible consequences and their danger

Unfortunately, this disease does not go away without a trace, especially if there has been a heart attack on the legs, the consequences can be very different, and some appear soon after the attack (a few hours or days), while others appear months later. Among the early complications:

  • cardiogenic shock (manifests as sharp decline blood pressure, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, change in the color of the lips and limbs);
  • acute cardiovascular failure (most often represented by pulmonary edema);
  • disturbance of heart rhythm and conduction;
  • thromboembolic disorders;
  • rupture of the wall of the left ventricle.

TO late complications include a cardiac aneurysm (a scar appears at the site of necrosis, which cannot contract and over time turns into a “sac”, blood clots form in it), the danger is that it can burst at any moment.

In cases where there are no signs of a heart attack, most patients endure it on their feet, and worst of all, without reducing physical activity and without avoiding severe nervous strain, which often leads to repeated attacks, including death.

Important! According to statistics, about 4% of patients do not even have time to get to the hospital.

Get a treatment program

Those who have suffered a heart attack (with medical examination or on their feet) will first of all need to change their lifestyle: get rid of all bad habits, especially smoking, control weight, exclude daily diet highly fatty and spicy foods and replace them with vegetables.

Every year it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation program, i.e. examinations and preventive examinations (ECG, ultrasound), strengthening and health procedures in sanatoriums or cardio centers to prevent the consequences of a heart attack on the legs.

Stress prevention will also be important: you should avoid any emotional stress, make it a rule to take quiet walks in the park every evening, and engage in relaxation. Among the “people's helpers”, valerian and motherwort are the most reliable sedatives, you can choose a tincture of one of them, and at night, tea with mint will do.

And the main thing is not to fall into despair!

Interesting! Scientists have proven that laughter can protect the heart due to its ability to relax and dilate blood vessels.


Signs of microinfarction in men


There are people who perceive pain differently than others. Some of them may suffer a heart attack on their legs and not even know about it.

If we take into account the statistical data, then the percentage of such people is twenty percent.


Everyone can recognize the signs of a heart attack, but if it is an atypical form, then its symptoms may be slightly different.

For example, there may be no pain, but general weakness of the body appears. They will think that it appeared due to physical or mental fatigue, or for other reasons.

If the following signs appear, then you need to urgently go to the clinic:

  • Cold sweat, especially palms and forehead.
  • Prolonged pain in the chest.
  • Weakness and loss of consciousness.
  • Low pressure.
  • Shortness of breath or shortness of breath.
  • Pain of various types in the heart area.
  • Feeling of numbness in the left side of the body.

Nausea may occur, and even vomiting may occur.

A latent heart attack on the legs can occur without cardiac pain, but the patient will have a severe lack of air, a hacking cough, and all this will be accompanied by low blood pressure.

However, there are other symptoms that occur twenty days before a heart attack. They are as follows: weakness in the body, constant fatigue, unreasonable anxiety and fear. Symptoms occur in the evenings, making it difficult for a person to sleep. When the patient climbs the stairs, he begins to choke, and when strong odors appear, an attack of nausea occurs.

Any symptom may worsen during physical activity. If a person feels unwell for several days, he may not notice when the heart tissue ruptures.

This is diagnosed in men. If you do not seek help from a specialist when such signs appear, the outcome can be different, even fatal.

Why some suffer heart attacks on their legs

Some people think about the question: “Is it possible not to noticesuffered a heart attack on your legs?” Almost all experts will answer: “Yes.” This is common, it will be a micro-infarction. With this disease, a small area of ​​the heart tissue is affected. The patient does not experience pain; he will have nausea, high or low blood pressure, and malaise.

In this case, the person does not even suspect that he is having a heart attack and therefore blames everything on fatigue from mental or physical work. He can also attribute this condition to a polluted atmosphere, or it may be due to stress.

Microinfarction occurs in the male half of the population. Due to the characteristics of organisms and resistance to pain. In a person who has suffered a micro-infarction, the condition after the illness may improve, but various complications may arise.


It is always necessary to remember that if symptoms indicating a heart attack appear, you should not delay going to the clinic. The sooner a doctor can examine you and prescribe effective treatment, the more likely it is that this will protect you from complications. And in some cases, this can save the patient's life.

To identify a microinfarction, the doctor will prescribe an examination:

  • Electrocardiography.
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart.
  • An ECG must be performed throughout the day.
  • Laboratory blood test.

The most accurate examination that can indicate the presence of a heart attack is an ECG. It is with its help that you can identifyprevious myocardial infarction. Or establish his threat. But a blood test will indicate damage to the heart tissue.

The main thing is that you can quickly make a diagnosis and start treatment, becausea heart attack, if it was hidden and suffered on the legs, can cause serious complications. In addition, they will not appear immediately, but will appear a month later and will affect the functioning of the heart.

Possible complications

The consequences of all complications appear only after some time. Immediately after a heart attack, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system occur, due to which blood pressure decreases. And against this background, vascular spasms, headaches, and attacks of nausea occur.

There are two consequences of a heart attack: early and late.

  1. Early. This includes: pulmonary edema, minor disruptions in the functioning of the heart, the formation of blood clots in the arteries, partial disruption of the integrity of the myocardial walls.
  2. Later. These consequences look like this: the heart’s ability to contract decreases, blood clots begin to form, blood flow is disrupted, the heart’s rhythm is disrupted, and it takes a long time to restore it with medications. In addition, the walls of the heart become thinner and begin to protrude, and valve deformation also appears.

However, the consequences of a heart attack look like an exacerbation of chronic heart disease.

Microinfarction in male and female populations may differ in its development and type.

If, when symptoms appear, the patient does not visit the clinic, but suffers the disease at home and still on his feet, then the risk of a recurrence of a heart attack is very high. If the heart attack was hidden and also combined, then its complications may be examined by chance during a routine examination.

Preventive measures

People who have the following abnormalities may be at risk for patients:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Obesity.
  • Old age.
  • Having suffered severe psychological trauma in the past.

To avoid a heart attack, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, and balance your daily menu. Also, people at risk need to control their blood pressure; to do this, it must be measured daily and, if necessary, take medications.

Physical activity should be reduced and replaced with something easier, in addition, work should be alternated with rest. Come up with a daily routine for yourself in which work, rest and eating will be carried out at the same time every day.

Try to drink at least two liters of water a day, add seafood, goat's milk cheese to your diet, and replace animal fats with vegetable oil. You can even take the Mediterranean diet as a basis.

It is necessary to completely get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction. If possible, avoid stressful situations so that your emotional state is at peace, and try to receive more positive emotions.

Rehabilitation after a heart attack

When many patients have suffered a heart attack, the doctor already understands, based on his experience, exactly how to rehabilitate the patient after the disease. Its tactics will be influenced by the type of disease, the area affected and the severity of complications.

All procedures are quite lengthy and will help the patient return to his normal life.

The patient’s recovery will take place using complex procedures, namely:

  • Exercise therapy.
  • Prescribing a special diet.
  • Use of medications.
  • Traditional medicine recipes.

Special physical exercises will help normalize the patient’s pulse and blood pressure, but this will manifest itself gradually. For example, the patient may be prescribed a visit to the pool, walking in the fresh air and cycling.

As already mentioned, you should stop drinking and smoking. Add seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, bran bread, various cereals and lean meat to the menu. Fatty, salty and fermented milk products must be excluded from the diet.

You should monitor your blood pressure and take medications in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If a patient is going to be treated with grandmothers’ recipes, he should consult with a specialist before starting.

Under certain conditions in some people serious problems with the heart may have an atypical course without the development of severe clinical symptoms.

In particular, a heart attack suffered “on your feet” is a fairly common occurrence that can pose an immediate threat to a person’s life or cause serious complications and negative consequences for health.

What is a heart attack?

The term myocardial infarction defines a pathological process, the consequence of which is the death of a section of cardiac muscle tissue due to a sharp circulatory disorder against the background of the influence of several provoking factors:

  • Coronary heart disease, which is the result of cholesterol deposition in the coronary arteries supplying the myocardium.
  • Hypertension with a prolonged increase in systemic blood pressure.
  • Thrombophlebitis – inflammatory process V venous vessels, accompanied by the formation of blood clots, which can subsequently clog the coronary arteries.
  • Age and gender of the person – often pathology can occur in men over 50 years of age. In women, the pathological process usually develops with the appearance of severe pain.
  • Smoking and systematic drinking of alcohol, hobbies fatty foods, which contribute to faster deposition of cholesterol in the arteries.
  • Insufficient motor activity person.
  • Frequent and severe emotional or physical stress.
  • A change in the functional state of the blood, accompanied by increased coagulability and intravascular thrombus formation.

In order to avoid the development of a heart attack, it is important to exclude exposure to all provoking factors, which is possible through lifestyle modifications.

Is it possible to miss a heart attack?

Insufficient nutrition of the heart muscle and tissue death are usually accompanied by the development of severe pain, which initially has the character of compression, and then sharply intensifies.

A heart attack can go unnoticed and is painless pathological process develops in several situations:

  • Individual characteristics of the human body, which include a high pain sensitivity threshold, as well as certain anatomical changes in the innervation of the heart muscle.
  • Long course coronary disease heart, in which there is a gradual “adaptation” of sensitive receptors, as well as the central structures of the nervous system to pain sensations.
  • Taking certain medicines that have the ability to reduce the severity of pain - non-steroidal or hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives.
  • Exhaustion of a person, in which the activity of the nervous system, including the afferent part responsible for sensitivity, decreases.
  • A small focus of a pathological process called a microinfarction. The disease can often be transmitted on the legs; it is detected after long time by identifying formed connective tissue scars in the area of ​​tissue death.

Knowledge of provoking factors will allow you to suspect possible development diseases, especially in the case of general, nonspecific symptoms.


Asymptomatic or hidden infarction is characterized by the absence of the main manifestation - compressive or severe pain in the area chest behind the sternum. Signs of changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular system may often appear, which include:

  • Pronounced sweating or the appearance of “cold sweat”.
  • Nausea, often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Marked feeling of weakness.
  • Drowsiness, which can reach significant severity, even to the point of fainting.
  • The appearance of sensations of numbness, which predominantly radiate to the left side.
  • Decrease in systemic blood pressure (arterial hypotension).

Appearance common symptoms a person may associate it with overwork and insufficient sleep. Several signs may indicate that a heart attack is occurring without heart pain. characteristic features, which you should pay attention to:

  • The appearance of unmotivated weakness several weeks before a heart attack.
  • General signs of changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems are characterized by constancy, more often appear in the evening, and they lead to the development of insomnia.
  • There is an increase in the clinical symptoms of “silent” heart attack after physical or emotional stress.
  • As signs of a heart attack develop, shortness of breath appears varying degrees expressiveness.
  • With a long course of the pathological process, especially against the background of damage to a significant volume of tissue, the development of consequences is not uncommon.

If a person has suffered a heart attack without severe symptoms and in the absence of complications, then he may not know about it for a long time. Usually pathological condition is detected retrospectively on an ECG in the form of formed connective tissue scars.

Important! Enough a common symptom"silent" heart attack is the sudden appearance acute reaction person to different smells.

Is a “silent” heart attack dangerous?

If a person managed to suffer a small volume of tissue infarction, then acute complications often do not develop. In the area of ​​dead cells, a connective tissue scar is gradually formed.

If a significant amount of tissue is damaged, a heart attack can lead to the development of several dangerous complications:

  • Decline contractility myocardium with the development of acute or chronic heart failure.
  • The development of arrhythmia, which is characterized by a change in the rhythm and speed of heart contractions.
  • Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots inside the cavities of the heart in the area of ​​dead (necrotic tissue).
  • Formation of connective tissue scar large sizes(cardiosclerosis), which causes deformation of the valves and insufficiency of their functional state.
  • Partial rupture of the heart wall in the area of ​​tissue death, which is very dangerous condition, since blood exits into the pericardium. This causes compression (tamponade) of the heart with subsequent cardiac arrest.
  • The development of pulmonary edema caused by acute disruption of the contractile function of the heart.

One of the criteria for a heart attack “on the legs” is that it brings exacerbation of other diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular hypertension, pericarditis.

Important! The danger of a rupture of the heart wall is that it can develop a long time after a heart attack at the stage of formation of a connective tissue scar.

How to identify?

Reliable detection of a previous heart attack with minimal clinical manifestations possible using objective diagnostic techniques, which include:

  • ECG - cardiogram is a functional research method that makes it possible to determine the nature and location of ischemia (insufficient tissue nutrition) or myocardial infarction.
  • "Holter" monitoring - recording a cardiogram using a portable device for long period time (usually about a day) during which the patient leads a normal lifestyle.
  • Echocardioscopy – ultrasound examination heart, making it possible to visualize the affected tissue. It will show the severity of the pathological process, as well as its localization.
  • Biochemical blood test - determination of the activity of certain enzymes in the plasma, which increases with the death of a large number of myocardial cells (myocardiocytes).
  • Clinical blood test - determination of a number of indicators that make it possible to evaluate functional state many organs and systems, as well as identify the inflammatory process that often develops against the background of a heart attack.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes other research methods that help establish or exclude the presence of complications, as well as other concomitant pathologies.

Acute heart attack is a heart disease that cannot go unnoticed. This pathology has specific symptoms and in a third of cases it ends in the death of the patient. But is such a development possible when such a serious disease proceeds unnoticed and the patient suffers a heart attack “on his feet”? Definitely yes.

Even in the case of a practically asymptomatic pathology, it provokes the development of complications and serious consequences. Failure to provide timely assistance to the patient makes these consequences life-threatening. What do you need to know in order not to miss such an “insidious enemy”?

Symptoms of an atypical heart attack

Acute or extensive heart attack is diagnosed almost accurately. Its symptoms are so pronounced and specific in nature that even the patient himself or those around him can accurately tell about the pathology that has arisen.

But a microinfarction, in which a small part of the myocardium is affected, may have rather vague signs. They are often attributed to completely different reasons.

By medical statistics about 20% of cases of heart attack are of the atypical form. It affects people with a high threshold of pain sensitivity, for whom uncomfortable symptoms and painful sensations are not critical. After all, the main sign of a heart attack is severe pain in the chest.

A microinfarction can “warn of its arrival” 2-3 weeks in advance. But, alas, almost none of the patients notice these signals. And if so, he attributes them to overwork or nervous tension, weather anomalies and other banal reasons.

Meanwhile, attention should be paid to the following fact:

  • general weakness and causeless fatigue, supported by a feeling of anxiety;
  • further, such a manifestation becomes more and more obvious, progresses in the evening, becoming the cause of sleep disturbance;
  • cold sweat appears on the forehead and palms;
  • there is constant shortness of breath, there is a feeling of being unable to “take a deep breath”;
  • blood pressure decreases by about 20 units;
  • a hacking cough develops;
  • There may be a feeling of stiffness or numbness in the left arm or the entire left side of the body.

What is most atypical for a heart attack is the absence of pain in the heart. There may be slight discomfort and a feeling of tightness in the chest or chest area.

Despite such “mild” manifestations, a heart attack suffered “on the legs” has quite serious consequences. In some cases, a microinfarction is detected during the next medical examination. And only 5% of patients may not even be aware of this fact in their lives, since the disease has not left irreversible changes.

Reasons for the development of pathology

A heart attack “on the legs” has its reasons. It cannot be said that they are radically different from the reasons acute heart attack. This is a complete closure of the lumen of the coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus) or atherosclerotic plaque.

The risk group includes people who have the following chronic pathologies:

  • genetic predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system. This factor cannot be called pathology, but it is given a certain place in determining the cause of the disease;
  • violation metabolic processes caused by various factors;

  • high levels of cholesterol in the blood. This reason is decisive in the development of atherosclerosis, which contributes to the development of cholesterol plaques, disruption of the vascular system and changes in the structure of the vessels themselves;
  • endocrine pathologies, in particular diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension, especially complicated by frequent hypertensive crises;
  • obesity of varying degrees.

Age also plays a role, although lately heart attacks have become significantly younger. But there is an objective explanation for this too. These are frequent stressful situations together with nervous and physical stress, physical inactivity associated with professional activity. And also some other factors - “gifts” of modern civilization.

Microinfarction refers to pathologies that can leave “imprints” on the condition of the entire organism. In men and women, due to physiological specifics, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently. And there are several types of atypical heart attacks themselves.

Classification of microinfarction by symptoms

The microinfarction has a rather blurred clinical picture, which “masquerades” as completely different diseases.

According to this principle, the disease is divided into forms:

  • Gastroenterological, or abdominal, form. Characteristic symptoms are: stupid, It's a dull pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with pressure on the abdominal area (under the stomach); nausea in some cases is accompanied by vomiting; sharp reaction for smells.
  • Arrhythmic, which is characterized by a change in heart rhythm - from tachycardia to bradycardia. Periods of “freezing” (arrhythmia) are observed. An unpleasant tingling sensation is felt in the area of ​​the heart.
  • Asthmatic, or pulmonary, - attacks of hacking cough occur, which can lead to suffocation;
  • Cerebral or cerebral. A person loses orientation in space for some time, speech and perception of reality are disrupted. There is weakness in the arms and legs.
  • Collaptoid, or shock. This microinfarction is characterized by a sharp drop in pressure, which is accompanied by dizziness with nausea, noise or ringing in the ears. Possible loss of consciousness.
  • Erased or combined. It is characterized by general weakness, drowsiness during the day and sleep disturbance at night. Sweating increases, pressure or tingling is felt in the projection of the heart.

The most difficult to diagnose is the erased form of the pathology, since a person cannot determine the source of the problem and attributes it to banal fatigue or nervous tension. And it is considered the most dangerous cerebral form, since the patient cannot adequately assess his condition and talk about the symptoms.

Consequences of a microinfarction

Myocardial infarction has quite unpredictable consequences. They are gradated by time frame and can be early or late.

Consequences early course develop in the first days after an attack and sometimes have even more acute symptoms than the pathology itself. The development of tissue necrosis affects.

Early consequences include:

  • drop in blood pressure from moderate to cardiogenic shock(sharp drop in pressure, blue lips and fingers, possible loss of consciousness);
  • swelling of the left lung (in most cases the left one), which is associated with cardiovascular failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance (tachycardia, or bradycardia, or arrhythmia), threadlike pulse;
  • possible detachment of a blood clot, which may well provoke pulmonary thromboembolism;
  • a heart that has suffered a microinfarction without treatment may rupture.

Despite the fact that the area of ​​damage during a microinfarction is quite small, even early consequences can lead to death.

More distant or late consequences of pathology include:

  1. Worsening of symptoms of heart failure and atherosclerosis.
  2. It is possible to develop an aneurysm at the site of a post-infarction scar. Necrotic tissues are deprived of blood supply, cease to perform their functions and turn into a pathological vessel, which becomes an aneurysm and can rupture at any moment.
  3. Persistent arrhythmia develops.

In a person who has suffered a micro-infarction, the functions of the heart tissue can (in very rare cases) be restored completely. But often a heart attack that was suffered “on your feet” is fertile ground for relapses. And next time they will no longer be asymptomatic, but will develop into acute manifestation diseases.

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