Home Removal Last lunar day. Lunar days - characteristics and impact on humans

Last lunar day. Lunar days - characteristics and impact on humans

The symbols are: mouth, cornucopia, mouth. On such a day, it is recommended to do gastric lavage and start a diet. And under no circumstances should you show your anger. It is necessary to develop generosity in yourself. During such a period, it would be good to start a set of physical exercises or knowledge of some kind of information cycle. As for medicine, on this lunar day you should pay close attention to the oral cavity, top part palate, teeth.

lunar days . At the same time, you should not dedicate others to your personal plans that you have planned, otherwise the 2nd half of the lunar day may negatively affect the implementation of everything you have planned. It is very good in the first half of the lunar day to make a request to your superiors and make new contacts.

3rd Lunar day.

Symbol of the lunar day: a leopard or a leopard that is preparing to jump. This lunar day is marked by pressure, aggression and active struggle. Passive people on the 3rd lunar day become very vulnerable, as various astral attacks occur on them. People of this kind on this lunar day become suspicious, suspicious, and insidious. You should direct all your astral energy to self-defense. This day is considered the most suitable for practicing martial arts. It is also good to sharpen knives, work with metal, and in ancient times things were cast from silver on this day. It is recommended to spend time in the sauna and take a steam bath. People, on this lunar day, should also pay Special attention on part of the back of the head and ears. If oil spills on this day, it means leaving your path. Most suitable for wearing this lunar day stones: ruby, jaspilite, pyrite.

The first half of this lunar day can bring trouble. The feeling of aggression and ambition intensifies, quarrels between parents and children, spouses, and partners are possible. The manifestation of negativity and anger can ruin your mood for quite a long time. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Efficiency will increase, favorable contacts are possible, practical and scientific activity. It is worth paying attention to any proposals, since at this time they will be able to have a positive effect.

4th lunar day

It is marked by making a choice between good and evil deeds. The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge. It would be best to be with yourself on this day. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among unfavorable ones. But at the same time, it is endowed with a dual characteristic; it is both a positive and a negative day. You should not take it at this time. quick solutions, it’s better to think about everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended; you cannot cut down trees or pick flowers. It is advised to take more walks in the forest on such a day, you can spin and unravel threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. Recommended stones for this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

The first half is favorable lunar day. You will find peace of mind, and the ability to make contacts will increase. This day will also have a positive impact on trading, and the chances of successfully carrying out risky activities will increase. But already the second half of the day may begin to slow down the positive trends, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the machinations and conflicts of your rivals.

5th lunar day

Symbol of the lunar day - Unicorn. It means loyalty to one's principles and duty. It is necessary to pay great attention to food on this lunar day. Because precisely this time is symbolized with the beginning of the development of food and its transformation. It is better to prefer dairy products and prohibit yourself from consuming animal foods. It’s good to go somewhere on a day like this and start collecting, drying and tincture herbs. You can't go hungry and fuss.

First half of a given lunar day not entirely favorable. Confusion and indecision increase, self-confidence decreases. Many people in the first half of the day will need the ability and ability to resist negative influences from the outside. Greater awareness will be required. In the first half of the lunar day, contacts with partners and superiors will be difficult. At the same time, the second half of the lunar day will be conducive to gaining the support of your superiors, new colleagues or friends. This lunar day means an increase in a person’s sexual potential, which means communication with the opposite sex will be successful.

6th lunar day

The symbol of these lunar days is the crane. This lunar day promotes the absorption cosmic energy, finding Grace, verbal and mental work. This day is associated with love and forgiveness. A good sign on this day there are melodious ringing and clouds in the sky, but quite clear sky or overcast means a lack of harmony throughout the world.

Such lunar day very favorable, it allows you to show all your abilities. The ability to materialize, luck increases, new plans and thoughts appear that can change your life for the better. Even during this period, the gift of foresight is strengthened, intuition is more manifested, and an intensification of scientific and social activity is observed. However, you need to be restrained in your contacts, since excessive pressure or complete tactlessness can reduce the effectiveness of your actions.

7th lunar day

First half lunar days will be favorable, it will provide an opportunity to implement your plans and ideas conceived the day before. The ability to complete things increases, new partners and patrons may appear, support from relatives will be felt, and trust from others will increase. The second half of the day will require the person to be more organized and responsible; there may be some inconsistencies and unnecessary fuss. Otherwise, the positive trends created will not be fully realized.

8th lunar day

The symbol of the day is Phoenix. This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution and alchemy. At this time it is also good to fast and cleanse the intestines, as well as make medications from all diseases. Under no circumstances should you be selfish and dissolute.

This period is difficult, because there are still unresolved problems, but old goals and plans will require you to spend much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners to your plans. At this time, relationships in the team may change, so you must be restrained and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by a transition to a new stage of development, which means that you will need to be able to change your tactics in behavior in a timely manner.

9th lunar day

The symbol is a bat. This day is considered satanic. It brings with it various illusions, bad signs and deception that need to be analyzed and comprehended. In that lunar day Poisoning can also occur and nightmares can plague you at night. It is also necessary to cleanse yourself of astral and physical toxins, engage in strength exercises and forgive offenders. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror; breaking a mirror on such a day would be a bad sign. Spilled milk is also a bad sign (if the mother’s milk disappears on this day, the child may be punished). A good sign during this period will be a cactus that has bloomed.

This is a period of disharmony. And this is connected with misconceptions, deceptions and various complications. You may have a desire to avoid problems and evade responsibility. You may also feel dissatisfied with your surroundings. At the same time, spiritual people will be able on this day to get rid of the old and begin a new period of spiritual renewal. There is still a danger of conflicts with children, relatives and old partners.

10th lunar day

The symbol of the lunar day is a fountain. This is the day of acquiring previously unknown sources of energy, turning on karmic memory, self-deepening, and rest. On such a lunar day, you can do meditation in order to determine your life line, strengthen your home, family, and reflect on your family tree. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse at this time. They recommend starting some kind of construction. Also on this lunar day You cannot be superficial and selfish.

A suitable period for changing the form of activity and for individual and collective creativity. Relationships on the love front, as well as spiritual quests and your professional success will be very effective. You can safely take on everything new, start construction, hold meetings, and generally begin to implement any new plans.

11th lunar day

The symbol is a fiery sword. In terms of energy, it is the most powerful of lunar days. You must be careful when performing any task. During these days, you can cleanse yourself, after appropriate preparation, and pray. Better to avoid various kinds physical activity and not engage in any serious matters, especially if you are not cleared and don’t know something. This day you can’t cut anything, kill insects, and in general you shouldn’t come into contact with them. A bad sign there will be a fall of knives or forks.

On the other hand, this lunar day brings the opportunity to materialize almost all the positive aspects that appeared at the very beginning of the monthly lunar cycle or at its good days. At the same time, everything is neutralized negative influence from previous periods, and therefore all your deliberate actions will have many chances of success. Personal charm, sexual potential, and vitality increase. In general, many things that begin on such a special day have the support of spiritual Hierarchies and success.

12th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a bowl. During this period, you need to give out alms, give gifts, respond and try to fulfill requests. At the same time, you should not cry, get angry, or eat rough food. If dishes break or liquid spills on this day, this will be a sign of suffering and loneliness.

This is unfavorable lunar day, since the truth of plans and intentions is revealed. On this lunar day, a person is tested for honesty, endurance and fortitude. During this period, emotionality and sensuality increases. But love affairs and relationships can turn into quarrels, resentments and unfulfilled desires.

13th lunar day

The symbol is a wheel with a swastika inside in a clockwise direction. The energy of magic prevails on this day, the day is good for working with karma, the past is corrected, information and contacts are accumulated. Contacts with other worlds can be made. This day is good for making round talismans, spinning threads, and baking bread. It is also recommended to practice cosmetic procedures and load the stomach.

First part lunar day will be very unfavorable. It will continue the negative trends of the previous day. But if a person can overcome the tests of pride, then he will have new opportunities that are associated with the strengthening of his aura. For this reason, in the second half of the lunar day, new prospects for creativity will open. The opportunity to achieve new goals increases.

14th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a trumpet. These lunar days are well suited for starting new, many important things, for using information and various calls for something. All liquid on this day is contaminated. Therefore, dry fasting and not very zealous prayers are recommended. Will be beneficial physical labor and studies with scriptures. Melancholy, sadness, and grief are also possible on this day. It is contraindicated to practice magic, strain your eyes too much, wear perfume, or look in the mirror.

This lunar day, or rather its first half, will be favorable for promoting your ideas to a completely new level. Your bosses may notice your undertakings and aspirations to improve your business; new partners and new connections may appear. On such a day, family relationships, connections between children and parents, and relationships with relatives will also be strengthened. The 2nd half of the day can drag you into unnecessary things and worries, and this will lead to loss of energy and time, and possibly to overeating. On this day you can also overspend a lot sexual energy.

15th lunar day

The symbol is a snake. This day is considered satanic, during which astral battles and temptations of the flesh take place. On this day it is necessary to protect justice and conquer your body. The dream you have the day before will be prophetic for a whole month. You cannot give in to temptations on this day, eat apples and quarrel. A good sign there will be a dog.

In the first half lunar day Difficulties may arise in professional and family relationships. The main problems will be created due to ambitions and the desire to shift all responsibility and part of one’s work to someone else. The second part of the day will allow you to realize everything you have planned, but through other people and using other methods. New ideas and thoughts may arise.

16th lunar day

The symbol is a butterfly. This is one of the few clean days. During this day there is harmony, justice, balance. These days you need to know moderation in everything and maintain inner comfort. You cannot show envy or anger; unceremonious behavior and shouting are prohibited. Sexual relations on this day are also contraindicated. It is not advisable to eat mushrooms and animal food. There is no need to kill birds. If you find dirt on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually unclean.

Overall this lunar day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered favorable, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can bring many of their plans to life and actually high level demonstrate abilities and talents. And cosmic influences can push weak-willed and uninitiated people towards renewal.

17th lunar day

The symbol is a bell. These lunar days are a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and finding your ideal love. This day is very suitable for marriage, marital relationships, liberation and fun. This day transforms feminine energy. It is recommended to use heated Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and rowdy behavior are strictly prohibited.

First half lunar day allows you to use energy to its maximum potential. Marital connections will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, your own business, is activated. Many people experience increased intuition and a feeling of insight. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in implementing plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

18th lunar day

The symbol on this lunar day is a mirror. This is a completely passive day. A fall from grace may occur due to a reluctance to fight instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being selfish. Okay this time lunar day go to the bathhouse, fast for a while, cleanse the intestines, skin and get a massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, or eat meat. It would be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. A sign of a violation of cosmic laws can be skin diseases and the opening of old wounds.

The first half of the day will be characterized by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems may arise. Business connections, contacts will become difficult, partners, colleagues and superiors may turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help resolve emerging problems through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help solve many insoluble problems.

19th lunar day

The symbol is a spider. It is very dangerous and difficult lunar day. There is a danger of poisoning, black magic, and spiritual intoxication. New plans and ideas may turn out to be the Devil's trap. On this day there should be moral cleansing, getting rid of pride and lies, and illusions, as well as other people’s thoughts. It is on this lunar day that it will be useful to walk around the whole house with candles and sit by the fire. Reduce the negativity of this have a hard day possible with strong moral qualities, modesty and dedication.

In the first half lunar day, with patience and hard work, you can achieve the patronage of your superiors and pour money from richer partners into your business. On this day you also need to decide on a salary increase and try to improve your financial situation with the help of your partners. Charm, pressure, and sexual potential increase. But already in the second half of the day you don’t need to show so much pressure and excessive activity. Cunning and deceit negative energy may cause you illness or serious problems.

20th lunar day

The symbol is an eagle. This day is quite serious. It is associated with spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts and knowledge of cosmic law. This is the day of the moon that is considered most suitable for fasting, studying spiritual texts and insights. Better this one lunar day spend with your family at home. The eagle symbolizes religious feat. On this day you also need to overcome grumpiness, pride and arrogance. You should not engage in psychic treatment - you can quickly become exhausted from it.

A very good day to start absolutely any business. It’s good to start any business, because it will definitely have success and good luck.

21st lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is the horse. It is very creative and active lunar day. This day is characterized by voluntary sacrifice, courage, fearlessness and renunciation of property. Will be successful group classes, you can swear allegiance. You need to be fair and honest. On this lunar day, starting a journey and moving to a new job will be successful. Physical exercise and water procedures, as well as time spent outdoors.

At this time, you can safely overcome the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. New contacts and business will be successful. The trips will be successful. Interesting offers will appear that will allow you to expand your business and improve your financial situation. Contacts with superiors, political and public figures will be well reflected.

22nd lunar day

The symbol is an elephant. Day of wisdom, secret knowledge, world law and inviolability. During this lunar day goals are achieved. It is also good for learning crafts, various sciences and getting to know your roots. It is useful to meditate on this day; you can find out the future, show generosity, teach others, and pass on your experience. It is advised to eat a lot on this lunar day.

During this period you can also renew yourself creatively and spiritually. During this period, your colleagues and partners will show altruism and selflessness, and they will also be honest with you. Sexual capabilities increase, and the sense of justice intensifies. Relationships with partners will improve, intuition will increase. It’s also good to make an offer on these lunar days, try to achieve agreement or success for something.

23rd lunar day

Its symbol is the crocodile. This is one of the days of rampant vampires and all sorts of seductions. This lunar day characterized caution, abstinence, repentance and self-sacrifice. It also involves persecution, bullying, expulsion and facing an angry mob. It is necessary to protect your home on this lunar day. It is also necessary to carry out cleaning, purification, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with wild rosemary, and cleansing the thresholds of the house with fire. It is recommended to consume dairy products. You cannot show your anger, perform operations, cut your nails and hair, and also move little.

This period is quite controversial. The conclusion of any agreements and the assumption of obligations must be checked and rethought. On this day it is better to hold off on new projects and activities. It will be much more useful and productive to complete what you started earlier. Second half lunar day marked by the growth of one’s own ambitions, due to which any patronage may be problematic. Jealousy and envy may be present in relationships with partners. You need to be very careful when expressing your feelings and thoughts, revealing your plans and hopes.

24th lunar day

The symbol is a bear. This lunar day transformation and awakening. Perhaps a great power or revelation will descend upon the person. On this day you will be able to subjugate sexual energy, physical nature, treatment, and conception. You need to improve your health and improve your spirituality. You can start building a temple or a house. Sadists and rapists cannot avoid punishment on this day.

In general, this day will be neutral. At the same time, it is better not to take risks and not start something new; it is better to continue your old business. Relationships between spouses and partners may be at risk. Self-love, conceit and ambition increase during this period. Conflicts with partners and superiors are possible.

25th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day are vessels with living and dead water. The Moon's day is quite passive, it allows you to focus on spiritual problems and gives you loneliness. It is necessary to cleanse yourself of toxins, engage in therapeutic fasting. A sign of slavish dependence on someone on this day is clairaudience.

First half lunar day will be unfavorable - there is an effect of negative trends of the past day. Chronic diseases manifest themselves, and lethargy may occur. Therefore, at this time it is better to pay attention to your health and do some individual activity. But the second half will allow you to achieve your goals. Intuition will become sharper and there is a possibility of support from superiors.

26th lunar day

The symbol is a toad. This is, one might say, the critical day of the moon. It is associated with fasting, abstinence, learning about life and tearing off masks. It is desirable that on this lunar day there will be access to traditions and the Teacher. But you need to refrain from vigorous activity, otherwise you can, especially in empty chatter, overspend a lot of your energy. You can this lunar day face theft, crude materialism, hypocrisy. If you meet a person with a full bucket or bag on this day, this is a sign that Life is going right. And, for example, lightning in a dream or in reality indicates that you have pride and vanity. And nothing should be done or started during this period. All undertakings will bring you only losses.

27th lunar day

The symbol is the rod. These lunar day contribute to the acquisition of intimate knowledge. This day is associated with meditation, healing, insight, prayers and verbal magic. You are allowed to travel and explore the world these days. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, look in the mirror and fall into illusions. This is a very lucky day for everything. Great for planting, sowing and for communicating with older people. A man who was born in such lunar day, can become happy and successful, or weak-willed and soft-bodied. The illnesses are short-lived and harmless.

28th lunar day

The symbol of this day is the lotus. This is very good lunar day. Spiritual knowledge is acquired, truths are comprehended. It is allowed to work with clairvoyance, chakras, astral bodies, with dreams. You need to be in high spirits on this day and also take control of your emotions. It is also allowed to do ordinary things: make repairs, plant various plants, buy a house. Under no circumstances should you pick, trim or give flowers, or cut down trees.

The Moon Day will be successful for all endeavors. It will also allow you to rethink the past and reduce fever and nervousness. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of your partners - this can help you prevent impending troubles.

29th lunar day

The symbol of this day is the octopus. Such lunar day very dangerous and satanic. It is symbolized by deception, illusions, astral fog and rampant demons. At this time, you need to be responsible, you need to resist Satanism, fast, abstain and repent. You can do only the most important things out of ordinary things. You need to drive away bad thoughts, cut off all false connections, fumigate the room, burn candles, and you are also allowed to cleanse the body. If possible, avoid darkness and muddy water. As for food, it is better to give preference to baked goods. The call of a trumpet, screams, and musical sounds will show you the wrong path on this day. If this month does not have the thirtieth, that is, the last, lunar day, then we can take stock.

This lunar day very unhappy for absolutely everyone and everything. You can’t start anything, otherwise nothing will work out, there will only be losses and constant “ headache" Dreams on these lunar days can come true.

30th lunar day

The symbol is a golden swan. Day of love, repentance and forgiveness. You need to give up everything unnecessary, analyze your path and try to get rid of all your sins. On this day it is necessary to bring joy to people, repay debts, and complete the work started. You can cleanse the house by bringing talismans into it, or work with stones. Eating rough food is not allowed. This day is suitable for summing up various results of the month and for sacrifices. Barking dogs or dogs on this day indicates a mistake has been made.

The first half will be unfavorable. In that lunar day you need to try to dot all the i’s and decide on all past relationships and business plans. This is not a good time for contacts with new partners, but it is very successful for communicating with relatives and old reliable partners. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Will rise creative potential, there will be an increase in intuition and foresight. Dreams on this day are prophetic and provide an opportunity to change fate.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 04/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, April 4, 2019

On the date 04.04.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 29 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Aries ♈. Illumination percentage Moon makes up 1%. Sunrise Moon at 06:13, and sunset at 17:57.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 28th lunar day from 05:58 04/03/2019 to 06:13 04/04/2019
  • 29th lunar day from 06:13 04/04/2019 until the next day

Moon influence April 4, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (−)

Moon in a sign Aries. Time is characterized by increased impulsiveness, haste, bordering on recklessness. It is better to postpone matters that require precision and thoughtfulness, since if you do not take into account any little detail, this will certainly result in negative consequences.

Important negotiations or contracts can be disrupted literally because of nonsense. There is a very high probability of various kinds of confrontation, which could end in an accident. Beware of fire and sharp objects.

29 lunar day (−)

April 4, 2019 at 12:00 - 29 lunar day. Quite an unfavorable day. Associated with a decrease in the overall vitality of the body, the manifestation chronic diseases. High likelihood of depression, trauma and deception. It is better to spend the day solving only the most necessary everyday issues, driving away bad thoughts.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The fourth lunar phase is the last phase of the lunar month. The period of the fourth quarter, which ends with the new moon. This period is characterized by slowness, softness, and a certain lethargy. This time is quite passive.

Strength and energy in given time are rapidly declining. As a result, in the fourth lunar phase it is recommended to finish things, as well as manage current ones. Fresh thoughts and ideas should be postponed to the beginning of the next lunar month. The optimal time for summing up.

In the fourth lunar phase, overall activity decreases. During this period, it is advisable to reduce physical and mental stress. It is recommended to avoid conflicts, both in business matters and in personal relationships. Typically, there is an increase in the likelihood of quarrels and separations.

People during this period are extremely sensitive, impressionable, and highly prone to offense. This condition is reflected in the business sphere. Therefore, in the business sphere, it is advisable to suspend significant meetings until the next phase of the lunar month.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Thursday, this day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition intensifies, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows fame, honor, and success in society. On Thursday, everything works out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter until later.

On this day, contacts with superiors are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

Features of the first lunar day:

  • activity and high energy charge of the day;
  • 1 is a lucky number;
  • in nature, the water element becomes the strongest;
  • various shades of red, as well as black, bring good luck on this day;
  • from precious stones It is better to give preference to diamonds and crystal;
  • brain cells, as well as all areas of the face, are involved in active work;
  • 1st lunar day is harmoniously combined with the beginning of the week;
  • the northern direction is activated;
  • Of all meditative practices, the method of visualization using a candle acquires special power;
  • the first lunar day is characterized by a lack of symmetry and clear boundaries;
  • symbols are a candle, a lamp and other sources of light, ajna, the altar of Hecate;
  • ideal time for planning, analysis and distribution of free time;
  • the first lunar day has a Guardian Angel, whose name is Wadal (this is Grand Duke Darkness, bringing good luck and victory, giving muscle strength and original thinking).

1st lunar day: main characteristics

The meaning that the first lunar day has can be defined as the beginning. The beginning of everything, as these are the first moments of a new month. The subsequent days of the month depend on how the 1st lunar day passes. This is the “foundation” that plays a major role in the planning and development of upcoming events.

You can compare this process with a chain reaction: how successful the 1st lunar day is, the more successful the end of the month will be. This includes fruitful mental work, physical labor, and building social relations. All areas of life are affected.

This is a very good time to daydream. There is no need to think about anything abstract and run away from details. More confidence and specifics will help you plan profitably for the next month. The image presented must be very reliable and detailed.

Although the first lunar day is favorable for planning and analysis, it is not advisable to start anything at this time. You should first think through all the details and forget about haste. Otherwise, failure is guaranteed.

Figuratively speaking, 1 lunar day is the spring period, when fields are sown. The grain falls into the ground and begins to get used to it. Without rushing things, the seed of the coming lunar month will grow stronger and bear very large fruits.

An important point is the mood on this day. Any nervous experiences and disorders should be avoided. Calmness and prudence will lead to favorable outcome events. At the same time, being in bad mood, you can bring everything into complete disarray. Everything that has been started will stand still, without development, as if it is stuck in a swamp.

If the first lunar day began with a quarrel or conflict with a specific person, then unpleasant situations will arise throughout the month. Most likely, they will not be resolved until the end of the lunar period. New sides will emerge controversial issue, new claims and discontent. All attempts to correct the situation will be unsuccessful.

All thoughts, all actions on 1 lunar day are a life program for a month. It will be almost impossible to make any changes.

If you still overcome the desire to start a new business, then nothing worthwhile will come of it. On the way you will encounter a huge number of obstacles that will arise suddenly and unexpectedly. Ordinary things will become difficult to do. If you suddenly manage to move forward, then soon there will be a huge leap back.

So, if you have a choice, it is better not to risk it. A little patience and natural forces will return best helpers in difficult life situations.

Advice for 1st lunar day: “Don’t rush to start anything new”

On the first lunar day, it is better to give preference to a cozy homely atmosphere. Surrounded by family and friends, the mood will be good, and thoughts will flow in a calm direction. It is the absence of any force majeure and strong emotions that will preserve tolerance and prudence. Any negative spark can ruin the entire upcoming period.

It is believed that on the 1st lunar day, those who ask are lucky. This includes all types of statements. On this day there is a maximum opportunity to receive a positive response.

A good exercise is to return to pleasant memories. These can be moments from childhood, youth, moments of student life, first love impressions. It’s easier to cope with the negativity inside when joyful moments come to mind.

With a slight smile on your face and freedom in your soul, start planning what you will do for the next month. You can include absolutely everything in this list: business matters, meeting with friends, going to the movies with your family. You just have to completely forget about envy and revenge. Under no circumstances should you make plans about how you will “dig a hole” for others. Cultivate courage and develop the ability to forgive. This will primarily be beneficial for your spiritual health and emotional maturity.

It is not recommended to exercise on the first lunar day social issues. You should not receive guests or visit friends. Such communication will require a lot of internal strength. And energy will be needed in the future to implement the plans.

Stop all unpleasant and annoying contacts once and for all. It will be easiest to do this on the 1st lunar day.

Silence and tranquility are the best atmosphere for this period. So that the city noise does not distract from a relaxing pastime, you can devote the day to working in the country or in the garden. Exchange of energy with the earth will be beneficial.

Aspects of the 1st lunar day

Household aspect

Mystical aspect

What is conceived on the first lunar day has incredible, mystical durability. All plans and creative ideas do not lose their effect.

Social aspect

You should not make new acquaintances or make appointments. This applies to both friendly contacts and business negotiations.

Medical aspect

You should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Eliminate all spicy foods from your diet. If a person is overtaken by illness on this day, it will bother him for a long time, but as a result the body will win. Those suffering from claustrophobia note the appearance unfounded anxiety on this day. Those who were born on the 1st lunar day have an inner sense of their own specialness and uniqueness. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to accomplish anything truly worthwhile.

Physiological aspect

Conception and birth on the 1st lunar day

If conception occurs on the first day of the Moon, then the person born will have strong willpower and perseverance. Life path such people are very bright. It is noted that among them there are many long-livers.

Business and work

To ensure that the next month brings good profits, devote the first lunar day to developing goals. Planning paper work is the most suitable activity. But it is better to postpone meetings, signing agreements and contracts to a more favorable date. Business can suffer significantly if this important detail is missed.

A strategy thought out in advance and further development steps will lead office work to a successful result. As you know, only those who know what action will be next achieve what they want.

Trading operations must also be cancelled. If you sign the deed of purchase and sale on this day, then you can forget about the stability and strength of the company. Everything will go downhill, and the actions of employees will not bring any progress.

To ensure that your business continues to bear fruit, prepare all the papers, analyze upcoming meetings, and outline plans for cooperation with partners. Details and specifics will be most helpful in this case. As a result, the company will become a leader in the market and will get rid of all competing organizations for a long time.

Marriage and Marriage

As already mentioned, the first lunar day is ideal for making plans. That is why you should not set a wedding date for this date. Lovers get another opportunity to think through all the details of their upcoming life together. After all, more than one family was destroyed due to the harshness of everyday life. Everyday life is often the cause of disagreements and quarrels. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to once again understand how suitable you are for each other.

Planning details family life will strengthen relationships. Joint activities have a beneficial effect on the reliability and stability of marriage.

If you are already expecting a holiday, devote 1 lunar day to making important decisions that relate to the feast: place, time, number of guests, required amount of money.

Health and Wellness

On this day the body is very sensitive and open. Therefore, there is a high probability of getting sick or injured. Space does not provide protection to the physical body and psyche. This is due to the fact that the first lunar day is intended for a relaxing pastime. Quiet and peaceful activities are suitable: a walk in the park, fishing, seaside recreation.

Nature is designed in such a way that on the first lunar day, human energy is spent on the full process of preparing for the new month. All life processes and internal rhythms are adjusted and connected with external energy. Therefore, all loads can lead to undesirable consequences.

There is a very high probability of exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, as well as the genitourinary system.

Intimate relationships

Intimate relationships (sex) are always associated with interference with the human hormonal system. With each sexual contact, the entire hormonal background changes due to huge amount produced endorphins and adrenaline. Consequently, the body does not have the ability to self-correct and a problem arises in this process.

In order for the whole month to bring joy in all areas of life, a person must enter it smoothly - without violent outbursts of emotions.

Due to the insecurity of the genital organs, diseases may appear that will bother you for a long period of time. Therefore, avoiding sexual contacts on the first lunar day will be the most correct decision, which will improve the health of both partners.

It will be helpful to just talk about intimate relationships with a loved man. There may be some issues that need to be discussed. This period is suitable for establishing trusting relationships. Don't be afraid to express your deepest fantasies and desires. Such a conversation will become a strengthening link between partners.

Sometimes married couples live their entire lives and never dare to have frank conversations. Meanwhile, all world psychologists strongly recommend not to conceal questions of a sexual nature. Dissatisfaction in bed and intimate problems can cause not only constant quarrels and scandals, but also have a detrimental effect on general condition health.

If you don’t be shy and share your thoughts with your other half, you can forget about mental stress forever. It is relaxation and liberation that removes all energy blockages and allows the body to fully function. On the first lunar day, you should learn to love each other and talk about this wonderful feeling.

Dreams and dreams

The dreams that a person has during this period carry a certain meaning. After all, in every night image seen lies a sketch or sketch of future events that will certainly occur in the lunar month. Don't take every dream literally. night world full of riddles and puzzles. The correct interpretation is a complex issue. A number of future events will depend on the attitude towards the image seen.

On the first lunar day, a dream can be a parting word or a warning. Perhaps you will receive a hint or advice. The picture you see in a dream will help you make the right choice.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

The first lunar day is ideal for donations, for gratitude, for mercy, for charity.

This beautiful time to start the post. This is also the easiest time to make serious vows, such as abstinence from people or fasting.

If you engage in meditative practices, you can make a detailed plan for each day of the lunar month.

Magic rituals: 1 lunar day

Magic technique of the first lunar day

For a long time, great gurus have used this method with the sole purpose of creating a cell in which a certain event will develop. Its form and image may differ slightly from what is desired, but the inner essence will exactly coincide with what was intended. The magical technique uses mental visualization of the desired images.

By touching the astral component of the Universe, the human mind sends a signal for the correct interpretation of an upcoming event. Interesting fact– a similar method is found in the cultures of many peoples of the world. This indicates its success and efficiency.

The essence of the technique:

  • Closing your eyes, draw a picture associated with desires and dreams. Detailed images will bring the event closer to execution. For example, you dream of a new car. Mentally visualize yourself entering a car dealership. A sales consultant approaches you. His shirt is snow white. When you open the car, you smell the new leather interior, creaking pleasantly when you touch it. It is precisely such nuances that are very important.
  • The important point is to realize that the event has already happened. Don't think of it as an opportunity. This has already happened. This is your reality.

Thus, you create a kind of box with your desire. It can choose its own path, but it will not be able to leave the box. This is like a built frame for the upcoming lunar month. The universal matrix will circulate around the constructed image. It will not be possible to collapse or go beyond the boundaries of the created mental space. What you want will come into your life.

This magical practice shows and proves that a person has the right to independently manage his fateful paths. No one can stop him from building his life along the desired line.

Surrendering to random circumstances is a wrong decision. You need to pick up a hammer and nails and gradually - plank by plank - build the temple of your own destiny.

What is important is that the first lunar days are specially created for the establishment of astral plans. The planet's satellite will accompany and help you at every stage. And the dream will be closer and closer thanks to the powerful energy of the newborn Moon.

Meditation on a candle

  • The location of the lesson should be calm and almost silent.
  • Prepare a new candle in advance. Light its wick and place it directly next to you. You quietly relax and close your eyes. Thoughts flow only in a positive direction. No malicious intent is allowed.
  • Imagine in detail all the upcoming events of the next month.
  • Draw images as moments that have already come true and experienced. For example, you are about to take a diploma. Feel like the grade is already in your grade book. Or your dream is to get a new position. In nuances, feel how you sit on a new chair and lay out important papers in the drawers of a new table.
  • When the visualization process is completed, release the picture into space. Do it easily and freely, without losing love in your heart.

1 lunar day (video)

In this short video (07:51 min), practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric nuances of the first lunar day.

First lunar day: a brief overview

If you maintain a harmonious connection with external energy, with natural forces and the Universe, your inner strength will only work for your benefit. If events develop differently, you can forever forget about a quiet life, because every day will turn into struggle, resistance and disobedience.

It is important to feel balance within you. To do this, you need to devote a little time to analyzing your own feelings. Feel what emotions arise in you during certain periods of the lunar movement.

On the 1st lunar day, you should draw up a detailed plan for the desired development of events for the next month. This is the period when all creative resources are included in the work.

Don't let bad thoughts towards oneself or towards other people. The seed of negativity will grow stronger. And within a month you will be filled only with bad energy, which will turn against you.

It is very helpful to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve this month. The first lunar day is ideal for such an activity.

Alena Golovina

The remaining days of the lunar cycle:

Each lunar day has its own meaning and characteristics. What can be done on some days is strictly prohibited on others, and vice versa.

Knowing the characteristics of the lunar day, you will be able to plan important things in advance, being confident that your health in the absence emergency situations will not let you down. Just remember that such days can be of different lengths.

The meaning and features of lunar days in the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is more ancient than the solar one. People started using it much earlier. Even in ancient Rome, after each new moon, the priests publicly announced the beginning of a new month and named the dates of the onset lunar phases. Since ancient times, people have lived precisely in accordance with lunar calendar, and knowing the meaning of the lunar day, they understood that the influence of the Moon on the Earth is no weaker, and maybe even stronger than the solar one. The nature of the lunar day affects our behavior, mood, and well-being. The lunar month begins with the new moon, from which the lunar days are counted, the characteristics and meaning of which you will learn on this page.

A lunar day is the time that the Moon passes from its rising to its rising. Unlike a solar day (the Sun makes a full revolution around the Earth in 24 hours), the peculiarity of a lunar day is that they can be of different durations. When planning your activities on lunar days, consider the following factors.

The first lunar day begins at the moment of the new moon and does not coincide with the moment of sunrise. The first lunar day ends at the moment of the closest moonrise after the new moon. Therefore, the first lunar day can be very short.

There are 29 or 30 lunar days in a lunar month. The thirties can also be very short; they end not with the next moonrise, but at the moment of the new moon. But this makes the meaning of the 30th lunar day no less important for a person than the rest.

Lunar days are calculated taking into account the longitude and latitude of the area where you are located. It is not enough to add or subtract zone longitude. It is necessary to calculate the lunar day. The lunar day will begin at different time even for cities in the same region. The difference is small, but it is there. In the calendar presented on another page of this site, the time is calculated for Moscow.

The meaning and characteristics of the lunar day for each day in the table

The table below presents characteristics of the lunar day and advice on what can and cannot be done in accordance with the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Table “One day and its meaning for every day”:

Lunar day Characteristics of the lunar day
3 "Leopard". Concentration on self-defense. A day for exercise. Avoid fuss and waste of energy
4 "Tree of knowledge". Day of active contacts, but do not make hasty decisions
5 "Unicorn". Internal work on yourself. Awareness of your capabilities and responsibilities
6 "Crane". Passive day, mediumistic, promoting the manifestation of abilities
7 "Rose of Wind". Be careful and responsible with your words. Words materialize. Mantras. Self-tuning
8 "Phoenix". Energy Transformation Day. Spiritual cleansing. Making changes. External activity is undesirable
9 "Bat". Day of self-delusion, temptation. Do not show dissatisfaction with life and people. Energy cleansing
10 "Fountain". Day of creativity, spiritual search, in-depth mental work
11 "Fire sword". Day of powerful energy. Caution and prudence are needed in everything
12 "Bowl". Day of prayer, charity, turning to God. Prayers come true
13 "Wheel". A day of understanding your mistakes, studying, accumulating information. Cleaning the biofield
14 "Pipe". Reaching a new level, a call to something. Cleansing the body. Dry fasting
15 "Snake." A day of temptation, the danger of losing touch with your higher self. Self-restraint and concentration on the main thing are desirable
16 "Pigeon". Day of harmony, balance, justice. Cleanliness. Harmonizing exercises
17 "Bunch of grapes". Finding inner freedom. Sublimation of sexual energy
18 "Mirror". A passive, contemplative day that requires prudence. The danger of imitation. Look at yourself as if from the outside
19 "Spider". Tempting, heavy, unfavorable energy of the day. Engage in moral cleansing. Testing the strength of life values
20 "Eagle". A day for spiritual practices, choice, overcoming doubts
21 "Herd of horses." Proactive, creative to bring change. Don't sit still
22 "Elephant Ganesha" Making plans for the future. Training, transfer of experience
23 "Crocodile". Awakening instincts. Cleaning the home at all levels. Getting rid of unnecessary things
24 "Shiva the Bear" Awakening and using sexual energy. Gaining control over the body
25 "Turtle". Passive, for solitude, meditation, cleansing the body. It is advisable to fast on melt water
26 "Swamp". Cutting off unnecessary contacts, tearing off masks. Refraining from activity and talkativeness
27 "Trident". Day of obtaining secret knowledge. A New Look to old problems. Meditation. Working with intuition
28 "Lotus". The day of energetic rebirth, internal alchemy. Don't be discouraged or pessimistic
29 "Hydra". The day is unfavorable. Cutting off false connections. Cleaning the home at all levels. Drive away bad thoughts
30 "Golden Swan". Dot the i's in business and relationships. Finding inner harmony

There will be difficulties with the distribution of forces. Direct them towards current affairs and pre-set goals. Undertakings, especially financial ones, will end in failure. Put communication on the backburner: it will be difficult for you to contain your aggression. Reschedule your trips to another date.

Influence of the Moon March 23, 2019

17th lunar day

On the 17th lunar day, it is undesirable to start new large-scale undertakings. At this time, small current tasks, planning of future projects and business negotiations are successful. It’s better not to communicate with your superiors. You can change jobs. This is an unfavorable time for household chores. A suitable day for financial transactions. The energies of the 17th lunar day give the joy of communication, love and intimacy. This is the ideal period for travel. If possible, it is recommended to go on a one-day vacation.

Waning Moon (3rd phase)

The third phase of the Moon is a favorable time to make decisions important issues, changes in type of activity. In its last days, it is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done and making plans for the near future. It is advisable to complete important tasks before the beginning of the fourth phase of the Moon.

The third phase is a suitable period for transfer love relationship to a new level, renewing broken connections, serious conversations. These days, it is advisable to limit communication with unfamiliar, suspicious people. This is a good time to fulfill previously made promises and pay off debts. The most effective household chores at this time are washing and wet cleaning.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio is not the best time for new beginnings. Current tasks during this period are solved relatively easily. This is an unfavorable time for conversations with superiors and changing jobs. Suitable days for washing, general cleaning and minor repairs. It is not advisable to carry out large monetary transactions during this period. Is not best time for dates and any communication. Unfavorable days for travel.


Saturday is an unfavorable period for new beginnings. I am good at monotonous routine work. The day is suitable for independent activity. This is not the best time to communicate with your superiors or change jobs. A suitable day of the week for household chores, shopping, and self-development.

The lunar calendar for today helps you find out what lunar day, phase of the Moon, and what zodiac sign the Moon is in. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its illumination.

He contains general characteristics day. Lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to zodiac constellations, day of the week. He will tell you what activities are best to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with your boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting to clean or renovate the house, or going on a trip.

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