Home Prosthetics and implantation What does it mean to look in a mirror in a dream? What does a dream mean for a man or woman?

What does it mean to look in a mirror in a dream? What does a dream mean for a man or woman?

Often dreams carry calls and warnings. Some animals come into their dreams for these purposes, while others have a dream where the dreamer sees his reflection in the mirror. So why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror?

A mirror used to be considered a luxury. Merchants got rich on mirrors, because they were more valuable than other items. For a modern person, buying this household item does not present any difficulties. Seeing in a vision is as common as in real life.

The door to another world is a mirror. What did fate want to tell us?

Remember the dream. All the little things present in it will give the correct interpretation. What could it be?

Interpretation of sleep

Miller's Dream Book

Have you looked in the mirror in a dream and seen a stranger next to you? Someone will start acting against you. If a mirror was broken in a dream, wait fatal disease loved one.

Looking into a broken mirror to an unpleasant acquaintance or an unsuccessful marriage . We saw ourselves? There will be a lot of rumors about you, and illnesses are also possible.

Freud's Dream Book

Looked at yourself in the mirror? Reconsider your attitude towards health. Perhaps a lot of attention has been paid to him. Sex seen in the mirror indicates that you expect to receive praise or some kind of approval at work or service.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

See yourself in the mirror to the coming changes. Perhaps you are worried or afraid of being disappointed in something. The image was beautiful? There is harmony within you, you will be able to control your emotions and feelings.

An old woman looked at you in the mirror? Your health is at risk. Hard days and illnesses will come soon. If you saw yourself gray-haired, expect sad news.

Were pregnant? Someone is trying to ruin your reputation. If you saw yourself naked, this is a calling to emancipation, there is no need to be ashamed of yourself and your actions.

Seeing yourself small in the mirror to meeting an unpleasant and two-faced person. Be ill in reflection to possible problems with health.

Children's dream book

Positive emotions from seeing the reflection symbolize inner harmony. If the look in the mirror scared you, then you are taken over bad thoughts, there are a lot of envious people around.

Women's dream book

If you looked in the mirror, then expect quarrels and misunderstandings from loved ones. If you saw someone in the mirror, then you will be judged and unfair decisions will be made towards you.

Broken mirror to losses and tears over death or separation. Broken mirror for young women portends an unsuccessful marriage.

Maly Velesov dream book

Look in the mirror to news or illness. We looked and didn’t see ourselves? The hidden disease will soon appear. Pimply face in the mirror to financial wealth.

Russian folk dream book

The dream says that you do not believe in the correctness of your actions, that you are trying to look at yourself from the outside.

Ancient Russian dream book

See yourself in the mirror to treason. Sick in the mirror to death, and healthy dreams of illness.

Aesop's Dream Book

Reflection in the mirror means wrong steps for which you will be ashamed. If you didn't see a reflection in the mirror, then your inner world will undergo changes.

Erotic dream book

Looked in the mirror? Your sex life will take an interesting turn. The last sexual contact will bear fruit. Don't rule out sexually transmitted diseases.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Your reflection means profit, addition to the family or news from afar . What was the reflection, such was the attitude. If there was a full-length reflection in the mirror, then expect illness or failure . Unfamiliar face to change.

Ukrainian dream book

Young girls reflection in the mirror portends changes in life. Pimples on the face to wealth. To a married woman who sees herself as a young woman, the dream promises illness.

Vanga's Dream Book

Reflection in the mirror a symbol of your interest in the opinions of others. Don't see the reflection to evil deeds with the thoughts of others.

Esoteric dream book

Look in the mirror and see nothing to fun. Seeing a lot of mirrors and reflections to loss and lies.

Dream interpretation mirror

Over time, human habits and customs change. The ancient population of the planet was wary of surfaces reflecting faces. For our ancestors there was a mirror magic item, since there was an opinion that through its surface one could get into the other world.

Medieval magicians and healers used the mirror surface to conduct ceremonies and rituals. For modern man the reflection that appears in dreams is identified with the inner world. How to choose the appropriate providence among the many meanings? Why do you dream about a mirror?

As the dream book says, a mirror is a sign of impending changes, and the appearance or action shown by the surface will indicate possible development events, will warn about the occurrence of obstacles.

There is also a belief that such dreams represent hopes and innermost desires.

A secretive person, immersed in her own world, who is up to something, for example, wants to fulfill a childhood dream or achieve unprecedented heights in the working path, may dream of a mirror.

General value

The symbolism of vision, due to the uniqueness of human perception of images, will certainly be special. Many years of experience of folk interpretations, together with the omens of dream seers, provide several of the most popular options for analyzing secret signs.

I dreamed of a large and bright piece of furniture

  • If the reflection in dreams showed a stranger, then in reality the dreamer will meet a new love.
  • Seeing kind eyes means boundless happiness, but a distorted face warns of impending troubles and an existing threat to health.
  • Why do you dream about a big mirror? A sign of this kind hints at inflated self-esteem that does not correspond to reality.
  • Seeing a mirrored floor means facing a difficult choice.
  • A broken mirror surface is a symbol of troubles, emotional unrest, suffering, and worries.

When in the story you had a chance to look at your own reflection, the action personifies the desire to know your inner world, achieve harmony with your inner “I”, and make sure that your actions and choices are correct.

Characteristics of dreams according to dream books

To see a mirror from the outside in dreams, according to the minor interpreter Velesov, means gaining freedom, getting rid of parental care. The one who observed the movements of the reflection will have to fight the disease. The vision also predicts unpleasant news that will make the sleeping person worry.

According to the female interpreter, a mirror is a unique sign that will hint at possible deception and betrayal of loved ones, dishonest intentions of others, and betrayal of a spouse.

Magnetti recommends listening to your desires, being guided not only by your mind, but also by your heart, after dreams of large reflective planes.

Cracked dreams of conflicts

Because of disagreements, a tense atmosphere will reign at home, oppressing all household members, this is how a family interpreter analyzes the image of mirrors. A broken dressing table symbolizes the sudden death of a loved one.

The French interpreter warns about the insincerity of a person who shows interest in your person if the day before you dreamed of a cracked mirror, and the esoteric interpreter classifies such dreams as joyful harbingers, promising an interesting pastime and relaxation.

Psychoanalytic analysis of visions by Miller

Some interesting interpretations provides Miller's dream book. Considering the features human perception, the psychoanalyst considers signs during sleep as the most exciting life situations for a person.

  • Did you have to watch the reflection? There are disagreements between the opinion of the sleeping person and her environment.
  • The fear of growing old, of being left alone and helpless, is personified by nightmares where the dreamer sees himself suddenly growing old.
  • Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a bad sign, predicting the loss of the most valuable. This may turn out to be trust in the other half, while others will lose authority.
  • It will be difficult to overcome obstacles, but hard work and perseverance will give a positive result - this is how Miller interprets the image of a clean surface without reflected objects.
  • A huge hall of mirrors and glass - these are the fears that fetter a person in reality, preventing her from revealing creative potential, demonstrate leadership qualities.

Financial difficulties await those who had to see the reflection of a dead person in their dreams.

Providence Vanga

The Bulgarian seer interprets such ambiguous signals of the subconscious, taking into account the accompanying full picture of the vision.

If you have obsessive visions where the sleeper constantly examines your face in the mirror, then in reality the person depends on the opinions of others, the person is driven by the fear of not living up to the hopes of others, be it parents, spouse, bosses or children.

They become interested in magical rituals, attract evil spirits, and try to contact otherworldly forces people who have a dream: “fortune telling in front of the mirror.” Visions of this kind warn of unpleasant consequences after the deeds done, and help will come only after atonement for sins.

Seeing fortune telling in a dream

Evil thoughts give no rest either day or night, when one dreams of an old mirror without a reflection.

What awaits the dreamer according to Freud

Sigmund Freud identifies the reflection in the mirror with the innermost desires of a sleeping person, which the brain does not allow to think or fantasize about in reality.

  • According to the dream book, problems with sex life touch a person who was trying to clean dust from a dirty surface.
  • Dreams will remain only at the level of fantasy; they are not destined to come true if the mirror cracks or breaks according to the scenario.
  • The dream book will tell you why you dream of a small but neat mirror. Seeing this way speaks of satisfaction with life, satiety, and self-confidence.

Try to remember the words spoken by the reflection in dreams, especially if it was an otherworldly guest, since the dream will reveal the secrets of the future for you.

Interpreter Hasse

The medium Miss Hasse is sure that the person standing in front of the dressing table in dreams is ready for the upcoming changes.

A clear face speaks of the sincerity of others and good intentions towards the sleeping person’s family.

Seeing your reflection while dancing

Material well-being and all kinds of other benefits await the one who danced pirouettes in front of mirrors. The meaning will change when black outfits come along. Such dreams are bad omens, promising adversity and poverty.

If you happened to stand in front of a mirror in your dreams, then the time has come to take stock, look at yourself from the outside, admit your shortcomings and begin a new stage of life purified.

Plot features

When interpreting, not only the person of the sleeping person is important, but also all the accompanying events. From seemingly insignificant details, the meaning changes dramatically.

When you dreamed of a mirror given by a friend, then in reality you will receive a lucrative offer, a wonderful business idea will come to your mind, and your career will take off.

Dream books interpret an object given by an enemy in a dream in a completely different way. Hostility and quarrels will reign between spouses, relationships will cool due to misunderstanding.

Those who dressed up in front of the mirror will have to experience a love adventure, and bare areas of the body symbolize places vulnerable to disease.

What was the reflection like?

Did you see your face in the mirror in a dream? Think about it: perhaps in reality you offended a loved one, and now your dreams hint at the feeling of guilt you feel.

Seeing beautiful hair in the reflection

  • The desire to change a boring string of events, to experience unforgettable sensations, haunts the sleeper if he carefully examines his face in the mirror.
  • Beautiful and well-groomed hair in reflection is an extremely favorable symbol, hinting at long-awaited changes.
  • It's time to engage in self-knowledge if there was no reflection in the plot.
  • The more terrible the face appears, the more serious the violations between the inner world and the environment.
  • The person who sees a tired look in the mirror surface will have to worry about parents or children.

Do not worry when you dream of wrinkles or gray hair, because this sign symbolizes acquired experience and wisdom.

Meaning for women

The fair half of humanity is endowed with a more emotional perception of events, both in dreams and in reality, for this reason the interpreter provides unique interpretations for the ladies.

  • If you had to paint your lips, expect a date, after which the dreamer will plunge into the abyss of passion and lose her head from the surging feelings.
  • Establish yourself as a reliable worker and true friend it will turn out to be a person who in her dreams tried on chic outfits in front of a dressing table.
  • Seeing a mirror in a dream for married ladies - good sign, foreshadowing the resurrection of feelings for a spouse.

The meaning of sleep for men

Committing frivolous acts is typical for young girls when they dream of combing their curls in front of their reflection in the mirror.

Interpretation for men

For the stronger sex, visions of looking at one’s face and hairstyle are a subconscious fear of baldness and loss of attractiveness for women.

By paying attention to business, a man will achieve recognition in the eyes of his colleagues, his opinion will become authoritative when, in the story, he happened to observe gray hair appearing on his head.

As the dream book says, mirrors and a lot of glass shards are a symbol of self-doubt. The fear of not satisfying the ladies' requests makes the guy constrained and detached.

The one who, in the story, broke the mirror and accidentally dropped it, will have to sort things out with his wife, and the acquisition of a new dressing table in dreams is a symbol of victories that accompany the success of the undertaking.

The surface reflects another person

How to interpret dreams if you had to see another person in the mirror? A modern interpreter will help to understand such strange visions.

According to a modern interpreter, a child’s look in the mirror is a person’s desire to once again feel a sense of carelessness, calmness, and the desire to free himself from the shackles of work.

Actions of a sleeping person

The dreamer will have to struggle alone with the hassle after dreams of washing a mirror surface. What other actions will help a sleeping person look into the future?

  • As the dream book says, buying a new mirror means starting a new stage in life.
  • I had to get rid of the old dressing table or mirror cabinet? You will be able to get away with it, you will be able to cope with troubles without consequences.
  • Covering mirrors with a cloth in dreams means hiding insidious plans from loved ones.
  • As the dream book assures, washing a mirror means trying to justify your own actions.

The sleeping person who bought a dressing table in a dream will have to recognize the falsity in the words of a loved one and be disappointed in the other half.

A mirror is a mysterious object that has always inspired a certain fear in people. There are many books, fairy tales and stories in which people find themselves through the looking glass, a parallel world and see their shortcomings or, on the contrary, reveal their true face. Each dream book interprets in its own way the dream in which you saw a mirror. The dream about the mirror and Vanga's dream book are discussed in detail. Nostradamus also paid a lot of attention to this mysterious dream. And Miller’s dream book “Looking in the mirror” deciphers it as being in constant disagreement. The Imperial Dream Book gives a very complete and interesting interpretation of the dream “Mirror”. We want to start with it, because it is a truly instructive interpretation of dreams, advisory dreams, warning dreams and warning dreams, and such dreams should not be ignored.

Imperial dream book

A dream about a mirror - you cannot ignore such a dream, it was given to you by the Cosmos. It is a complex image that combines different dimensions. A mirror is a world turned inside out from the real world into a world of imaginary shapes and volumes. Your inner world is hidden from prying eyes and therefore only you know it. It is up to you to decide what is right for you and what is not. All the relationships you start, everything you do, your behavior is all from your understanding of what is bad and what is good. You choose how you want to live. You can try to bring your image to perfection, but this does not mean at all that others will accept it that way. The public is ungrateful, so live as your inner world tells you. Public attention is static, and static is unfavorable, especially the static of the soul.

  • Seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream is how you perceive yourself, undisguised, undistorted and real, exactly as you really are.
  • in the mirror - Why do you dream about your face in the mirror - this is exactly what it was like until you started putting on different masks for yourself while playing various roles, adapting to the situation. This dream says that you should reconsider your actions, maybe you apply spiritual (acting) makeup too often, losing your own face for the sake of others.
  • Seeing yourself in an old mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: an old face in the mirror - dream advice - you know that it is you, but you have never seen yourself like that, because this is the future. This is how you perceive yourself without embellishment. If you liked your image in old age, then you should not change your behavior in reality, but if not, think about it, changes are necessary. This is why you dream of seeing yourself in the mirror as an old woman. Please note: advice from Space should not be neglected.
  • Not recognizing yourself in a mirror in a dream is a warning dream - a contradiction between the image you have chosen and who you really are. The dream warns: it threatens breakdown, exhaustion of moral strength, since the constant strain to maintain this image is slowly killing you.
  • To see yourself beautiful in a mirror in a dream - you are pleased with your current image, you act in harmony with your inner self, you like the events that are happening.
  • Seeing your face in a mirror in a dream, which caused disgust - a warning dream - the chosen goal does not correspond to your strengths and capabilities. Everything you achieve only brings disappointment and, as a result, a decline in mood and strength.
  • I dreamed of a cracked mirror - Dream Interpretation: a cracked mirror is a warning dream - you could not see your face because of the cracks, which means the pattern of behavior that you have chosen completely contradicts yours spiritual world, even to the point of erasing the real face to please the public. It is possible that you are completely subordinate to someone else's will and this forces you to play such a role that is beyond your strength. Urgently set your priorities, change your values ​​and see a doctor. You will drive yourself to complete exhaustion.
  • Dream of someone else's face in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: mirror of someone else's reflection - you fell under someone else's will, perhaps even in childhood.
  • Seeing a deceased person in a mirror in a dream is a help dream - if he was dear to you and you have positive memories, then the dream tells you who you need to take an example from in this particular situation, which now exists in reality.
  • Seeing someone else's reflection in a mirror in a dream is a help dream - if this is a person you knew, then he is the one you need to look up to in the near future. It also explains the dream of looking in the mirror at yourself and your mother, or seeing a friend in a dream looking in the mirror. What character traits are inherent in these people, these are exactly the ones you need to complete the work you started.
  • Dream Interpretation: I see another dream in the mirror - any other objects (for example, etc.) - which means the Cosmos could not convey this information to you in any other way; they need to be considered as an independent separate dream.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation Mirror

  • I dreamed “I look in the mirror and see myself” - Dream Interpretation: seeing your reflection in the mirror - you are overly interested in the opinions of strangers, you constantly listen to what others say about you. Constantly analyze your actions, imagining how they look from the outside. You shouldn’t do this, everyone won’t like it anyway.
  • I dreamed that I was looking in the mirror, but there was no reflection - Dream Interpretation: if you dream that I was looking in the mirror, but there was no reflection, an evil spirit took control over you. By your hands they commit evil, ungodly acts. Ask God for protection, otherwise your fate will be bitter.
  • Seeing a broken mirror in a dream means great grief will come knocking on the house, tears.
  • The dream of “a fortune teller in front of the mirror” says that in real life you are overly keen on fortune telling, visiting fortune tellers and clairvoyants to find out your future. Don't forget that you can't trust people who have dedicated their lives to fortune telling one hundred percent. Such visits force the evil spirits to pay attention to you and your destiny. This will not lead to any good. (see dream and)
  • “Dead man in the mirror” dream – Dream Interpretation: seeing a dead man in the mirror means they will commit an unfair act towards you. A massive epidemic is possible.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • What does it mean to see a mirror in a dream - freedom.
  • Why does a girl dream about a mirror - a quick wedding, a groom.
  • Why do you dream of a mirror with a reflection?for a woman - changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: if you dream that I look in the mirror - for a man - betrayal, deceit, shame.
  • The meaning of the dream is “looking in the mirror” – you will receive news from afar if in this moment If you are sick, there will be no recovery.
  • If in a dream you dreamed that a mirror broke, it means betrayal.
  • The meaning of the dream of seeing yourself in the mirror is a disease that will quickly recover.
  • I dreamed of a mirror without a reflection - a serious, long-term illness.
  • In a dream, seeing yourself in a full-length mirror - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in a full-length mirror - the disease will be easily curable.
  • a broken mirror is a betrayal.
  • Mirrors are given as a gift in a dream - Dream Interpretation: a mirror is given as a gift - wedding, good changes in life.
  • Looking for a mirror in a dream to give it to him means reconciliation.
  • Losing a mirror in a dream is sadness.
  • Giving a mirror to a dead person in a dream book means you will avoid a serious illness or some serious misfortune, since you gave to the dead person, and did not take something from him.
  • Why do you dream deceased mother in the coffin through the mirror - the mother has found peace in heaven and now everything will be fine with you.
  • Seeing yourself in a beautiful dress in front of a mirror in a dream means the successful completion of all things started at that moment in time.
  • Seeing in the mirror is a profitable business.
  • Combing your hair in front of a mirror in a dream means simply combing your hair is a positive dream, but seeing you do it in front of a mirror is a misfortune; your husband will beat you.
  • Combing long hair in a dream in front of a mirror is a long journey. This is what dreams of combing long hair in front of a mirror means.
  • Cutting your hair in a dream in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: cutting your hair in front of a mirror means bad news, poverty and illness.
  • Seeing yourself in a mirror with a different hairstyle in a dream means waiting for a guest who may become your love.
  • Why do you dream about the image of a ghost girl in the mirror behind your back - a bad sign - everything is bad.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti Mirror

Seeing a large mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a large mirror - such a dream gives you the opportunity to look at yourself as if from the outside and analyze the existing relationships with the people around you, consider your attitude to life and your mentality. In-se specifically uses this image, as if demonstrating the falsity of your beliefs. You do not follow the call of your heart, you do not listen to your intuition, but blindly trust strangers and put their opinions above your own. This is what dreams of a huge mirror mean.

Family dream book

  • I dreamed that I was looking at myself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: looking at myself in the mirror means disagreements, some worries about someone’s illness.
  • Why dream of someone else's reflection in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: seeing another face in the mirror - you are afraid that you will be treated unfairly.
  • What does it mean if you dreamed of a broken mirror - Dream Interpretation: seeing a broken mirror - sudden death close relative.
  • A young girl seeing a broken mirror in a dream is not a happy marriage.
  • Why does a woman dream of looking in the mirror in a dream - a major quarrel with her spouse will lead to divorce.
  • Seeing your loved one exhausted in the mirror in a dream means an engagement to him will not take place.
  • In a dream, seeing yourself and your loved one in the mirror means a disagreement, misunderstanding, conflicts, they will happen, but then harmony will be restored.
  • What does a mirror in a dream mean - Dream Interpretation: a mirror in a dream - seeing it, but not looking at it or even approaching it - a quick deception, obstacles in achieving the goal.
  • Why dream of looking in the mirror in a wedding dress (also: Seeing yourself in a dream in a veil in the mirror) - a pleasant pastime, meetings are possible that will end in strong friendship.

French dream book

What does it mean to look in a mirror in a dream - such a dream warns you that the one you trust with you is insincere and commits deceitful and bad things towards you. Also looking into a mirror in a dream means the birth of a child. And trying on a dress in a dream in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: trying on a dress in front of a mirror is an interesting trip.

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean when you dream of a mirror - if it’s a girl, then the betrothed, the betrothed; if a young woman - changes in family life; if for a man and a woman, an old woman and an old woman - changes in life. Why dream of seeing your face in the mirror with acne - Dream Interpretation: face in the mirror with acne - to wealth and prosperity. Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams Looking in the mirror and seeing yourself young - you will pass serious illness. Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams Seeing yourself beautiful in the mirror in a dream means you will fall in love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Mirror

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book interprets “mirror, seeing yourself” as a disagreement between you and the people around you.
  • Why dream of looking in a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing in a dream looking in a mirror means the death of a person close to you, because of which you will suffer greatly.
  • Seeing yourself gray-haired in a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself gray-haired in the mirror is a fear of impending old age.
  • A mirror breaking in a dream signifies the loss of a relative.
  • Dream “there is another person in the mirror” - Dream Interpretation: looking in the mirror and seeing another person - if you in reality know this person, then it will be from him that injustice will be done in your direction. This is what a stranger in a mirror dreams about.
  • The dream of “seeing someone else's face in the mirror” means that you will be treated unfairly.
  • What does it mean when you dream of a mirror with images of animals - a streak of losses and disappointments.
  • What does a broken mirror mean in a dream for a girl - an unsuccessful marriage, this is what a broken mirror means in a dream.
  • If you dreamed of standing with your husband in front of a mirror and he was pale, it means either he will die or you will separate.
  • If you dreamed of standing with your husband and looking in the mirror, you will have disagreements that will only intensify every day, but they will soon pass and harmony will be restored.
  • Seeing yourself in a wedding dress and veil in a mirror in a dream means you will take on someone else’s work, perhaps public work, but in the end this will not bring you any moral satisfaction.
  • I dreamed of a dead man in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: a dead man in the mirror is a dream warning about impending misfortune, material losses.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Standing in front of a mirror in a dream- in reality, friends will turn out to be deceitful and hypocritical people.
  • The dream of “dancing in a beautiful dress in front of a mirror” means you will be content and comfortable.
  • The dream of “seeing yourself in black and dancing in front of a mirror” means misfortune, poverty. (cm. )

Loff's Dream Book

The meaning of a mirror in a dream can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, objects with changes are displayed in the mirror. On the other hand, a mirror is a door to another parallel dimension. The mirror can create anxiety because it shows things as they really are. It also shows the future and only you can decide whether you want such a future or not, whether you liked what you saw or not.

Let's consider the first meaning of a mirror - displaying objects with changes. It doesn’t matter at all that you saw yourself or a stranger, animals or individual objects in the mirror. A mirror can remove or add individual details and reflect objects in a way that you do not perceive them in reality. This suggests that your view of the actions of others is incorrect, which is why you do not want to take them seriously. Try to remember the image in the mirror down to the smallest detail, which details were removed from the display, and which, on the contrary, were added.

The second meaning of a mirror is a door to something. The subconscious plays here, everything you saw in the mirror is a metaphor. The interpretation here comes from your perception of the entire dream in general. The main thing in such a dream is the emotions that you experienced while looking in the mirror. Good dream or bad will depend on whether you were scared or liked by the display.

Why do you dream of a ghost in a mirror - ghosts and ghosts - people who are gone, but not forgotten, or something is holding them on this earth. If the ghost was a relative, solve the issues related to him and let him calmly go to another world. If a ghost stranger- then remember how you treated him. In such a dream there is an answer to the question that worries you.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror - you saw yourself as you really are. What emotions you experienced at the same time determines what you should do in the future.
  • I dreamed that a mirror broke - Dream Interpretation: a mirror broke - parting with a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a cracked mirror - Dream Interpretation: a mirror cracked - quarrels and conflicts with your soulmate.
  • If you dreamed of “hitting the mirror with a broom” - you are embarrassed by these circumstances, you are trying to somehow improve the situation, but to no avail.
  • I dreamed of a dirty mirror - Dream Interpretation: a dirty mirror - they will slander you and everyone will believe it, you will become an intriguer in the eyes of many.
  • I dreamed that I saw myself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: to see yourself in the mirror - be reasonable, do not be led by desires and emotions.
  • I dreamed of a deceased person in a mirror - Dream Interpretation: a deceased person in a mirror - a dream warns of the theft of money or other material loss.
  • If you dreamed that a mirror fell and cracked - be careful when talking, do not say harsh phrases, otherwise it will all end in a long quarrel.
  • To see a mirror breaking in a dream - Dream Interpretation: a mirror falls on you and breaks - the conflict will happen through your fault, you are too harsh in your statements.
  • Putting makeup on in front of a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: putting on makeup in front of a mirror means you want to appear better than you really are.
  • Wash a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: wash a mirror - you are being courted, you will give in to him and accept courtship.
  • Why mirrors - an unwanted gift from enemies, or from a very greedy person.
  • Seeing yourself wearing a down scarf in a mirror in a dream means that because of small and insignificant things you are missing out on something important. Don’t be distracted by trifles, be attentive and picky.
  • Combing your hair in a dream in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: combing your hair in front of a mirror - you need to put your thoughts in order.

Freud's Dream Book Mirror

Any reflection in the mirror that you saw in a dream is your fantasies and desires. You see what you want and what you really want. Perhaps you are embarrassed by your sexual fantasies or actions that you would perform, but because of modesty you are afraid to do it. Dream about a dirty mirror - Dream Interpretation: to see a dirty mirror in a dream - you are not satisfied with your sex life, but do not tell your partner about it. This is what a dirty mirror means in a dream. A dream of wiping a mirror - you are constantly thinking about full sexual intercourse, one that would completely satisfy you. This is why you dream of wiping a mirror. But looking into a broken mirror in a dream means that your dreams will not come true. A mirror facing the wall is sexual fear.

Seeing yourself in a mirror in a white dress in a dream in a wedding dress means that you can satisfy yourself and are not at all embarrassed about it.

If a dead person talks through a mirror in his sleep, Freud believes that these are guests from the other world. And guests from the afterlife are messengers in a dream important events. It is necessary to listen carefully to what the deceased is saying and draw conclusions. A dream about a deceased child indicates problems with childbearing for the one who had such a dream. A dreamed corpse promises a person health and longevity.

Esoteric dream book Mirror

  • The dream “mirror without reflection” symbolizes fun and celebration.
  • Breaking a mirror in a dream means trouble, separation from a loved one, mental tragedy.
  • Buying a mirror in a dream – Dream Interpretation: buying a mirror is a gift not made from the heart.
  • Finding a mirror in a dream – Dream Interpretation: finding a mirror is a catch.
  • In a dream, giving a mirror means giving away happiness with your own hands, giving it up.
  • Dream: there are many mirrors - Dream Interpretation: there are many mirrors - you won’t be able to determine who is a friend and who is an enemy, who you can trust and who you shouldn’t, you will get confused. This is why seeing many mirrors in a dream.
  • Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in front of a mirror is a dream - social activity, new acquaintances.
  • In a dream, trying on dresses in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: trying on a dress in front of a mirror means taking on other people's troubles, or you will soon have some kind of extraordinary event, presentation, or even a possible ball. Exactly the same interpretation of dreams: Dream Interpretation: trying on a fur coat in front of a mirror, Dream Interpretation: trying on a sheepskin coat in front of a mirror and Dream Interpretation: trying on a hat in front of a mirror. This is what you dream about trying on clothes in front of a mirror
  • Seeing yourself naked in a mirror in a dream - if you like yourself in the reflection, then in reality you will attract the attention of many men, but you will not be able to keep them for long.
  • Why dream of seeing yourself naked in the mirror and being horrified by what you see - beware of scandals, don’t get involved in other people’s quarrels.
  • Why in a dream see yourself naked in the mirror and at the same time washing yourself - you are striving for dubious pleasures, although you are ashamed of it.
  • Why is there a child in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: ghosts in the mirror - if he scared you - be prepared for stressful situation. If a ghost talked to you, remember what he said, perhaps this is the answer to a question that worries you. If you are not frightened by the ghost of a child, then do not take to heart what will soon happen to you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A dream about a broken mirror can be interpreted as follows: betrayal of a person will bring you a terrible loss, you will part with someone very dear to you. The interpretation of the dream of looking in the mirror depends on what exactly you saw there. Seeing your reflection in a mirror as blurry and unclear in a dream means illness. What does it mean to see yourself in a mirror in a dream - you will receive news from far away, profit or the birth of children is possible. Seeing another person's reflection in a mirror in a dream means that serious changes are coming. If you dream of seeing the deceased in the mirror instead of yourself, it means the dream wants to warn and big problems with your children.

Modern dream book Mirror

  • I dreamed of my reflection in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: looking in the mirror and seeing yourself - strange, stunning events will happen, and the cause of all troubles will be illness.
  • Dream of a broken mirror - Dream Interpretation: why dream of a broken mirror in an apartment - something terrible will happen to your loved one or loved one, he will die a violent death.
  • I dreamed of a man in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: to see another person in the mirror - perhaps it is this person who will treat you ugly for his own benefit.
  • Seeing different animals reflected in a mirror in a dream means disappointment, failure.
  • Why break a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: break the mirror yourself - if the dream was of an unmarried woman, then it means insincere friendship and an unsuccessful marriage.
  • If you dream of a closed mirror - Dream Interpretation: curtained mirrors - you are hiding from responsibility, in vain, you will still have to shoulder the necessary burden. This is what dreams of a curtained mirror mean.
  • The dream “given a mirror” (also: Gives mirrors in a dream) - make peace with your old enemy.
  • In a dream, looking in the mirror with a guy - Dream Interpretation: looking in the mirror with a guy means a short quarrel.
  • Why does the guy in the mirror dream - misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a guy sick in the mirror means breaking up.
  • Dream of trying on a wedding dress in front of a mirror - additional income will bring serious income.
  • Dancing in front of a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: dancing in front of a mirror - everything you do will not bring any results, it is wasted work and a waste of time.
  • Why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror as a pregnant woman – pregnancy in reality. (see dream)
  • Why dream of looking in the mirror and seeing long hair - good luck awaits you.
  • Doing your hair in a dream in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: doing your hair in front of a mirror - if you curled someone's hair - you will be jealous of your loved one. If you did your hair, you have a faithful loved one or you will soon meet one. If a young girl had such a dream, a wedding is imminent.
  • Why dream of combing your hair in front of a mirror - you are too frivolous and will not be able to achieve positive result, because you deny obvious things.
  • Seeing yourself gray in a mirror in a dream - near death or serious illness of a close relative.
  • In a dream, seeing yourself in a mirror with long red hair is a symbol of impermanence. Perhaps you have already committed treason or are just about to change. If you saw your loved one with red hair in a dream, it means infidelity on his/her part.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream in the mirror with a different hair color- you will be faced with a choice, if you make it correctly, your fate will change for the better; if you take a rash step, there will be continuous disappointments in life. This is what dreams of seeing yourself in the mirror with a different hair color mean.

Dream interpretation of bitches

The bitch's dream book interprets seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a mirror as joyful, pleasant meetings, new acquaintances.

Why dream of dancing in front of a mirror - hard work will not bring any monetary reward, there will only be honor.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • Why dream of a mirror on the wall - in reality you will encounter deception, reality will be deceptive, what is on the right will appear on the left, what is important will appear small, and the insignificant will become the main thing. Because of this, your priorities will change and any obstacles will become insurmountable difficulties.
  • Why do you dream of a mirror with a crack - an unfavorable dream, it warns of quarrels and disagreement with your spouse, divorce and complete loneliness.
  • Why dream of looking at yourself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: looking at your face in the mirror - your closest relative will get sick; possible disagreements with business partners or just colleagues; the desire to work more efficiently will not find support. This is what dreams of looking in the mirror and seeing your reflection mean.
  • Why dream of another person’s reflection in the mirror - it is this person who will do a dirty trick on you. You will work tirelessly alone, and when the time comes for results, he will take all the fruits for himself, and tactfully move you to the side. If many people were reflected in the mirror, then not a single person would do it all, but colleagues or family members.
  • Reflection of animals in a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: reflection of animals in a mirror - disappointment will be strong due to the fact that someone you respect will pay too much indecent attention to your spouse.
  • Why dream of not being reflected in the mirror - the disease will be complex, severe and can be fatal.
  • Why dream of taking a mirror as a gift - receive a proposal for friendship from a person who has long liked you.
  • The dream of covering a mirror symbolizes the restoration of justice towards you. You will be appreciated, you will rise in the eyes of others and will again be a respected person.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a mirror in a dream to give it as a gift - an enemy will want to get closer to you, do not reject him, you have seen him in both trouble and joy and therefore you know his true face. Friendship with him will bring you a lot of benefit and satisfaction.
  • Seeing a cracked mirror in a dream (also: Dream of a cracked mirror) means the death of a close or distant relative.
  • Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is very bad sign- your love, which you considered happy, will begin to fall apart. If you are married, then divorce is possible and your heart will be broken.
  • Seeing your beloved man in a mirror in a dream (also: Beloved man in the mirror dream book) - if your beloved was sick, pale or sad - you will not marry him and sooner or later you will separate from him. If he is cheerful, joyful and handsome, there will be alienation, constant petty quarrels and misunderstandings, but this will soon pass and harmony and agreement will come in your relationship, love will flare up between you with renewed vigor.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “mirror” dreams is as follows: entertainment, a pleasant pastime. Or deceiving a friend.
  • The dream “a mirror for a man in love” means an imminent wedding. For a girl - meeting the groom. For a woman - changes in family life.
  • The interpretation of dreams “broken mirror” is a nuisance.
  • Dream Interpretation: A clean, bright mirror means happiness.
  • See yourself in the mirror in a dream- profit.
  • Why dream of looking in the mirror and seeing yourself beautiful - well-being.
  • Looking at yourself in the mirror in a dream wearing a red scarf is a surprise.
  • Why seeing yourself in a dream in a mirror with a torn face is a nuisance.
  • I dreamed about my face covered in pimples in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: seeing your face in the mirror covered in pimples means your life will change for the better.
  • I dreamed that they gave me a mirror - Dream Interpretation: they gave me a mirror - a profitable and interesting offer.
  • Dream Interpretation: mirror, closed - get away from the responsibility that they want to assign to you. Don't resist, it will happen anyway.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream in a mirror in a beautiful dress - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in a mirror in a dress is a harbinger of happiness in love and mutual understanding. This is what it means to dream of seeing yourself in the mirror in a beautiful dress.
  • Why dream of trying on a white wedding dress in front of a mirror - success in business and in all endeavors.
  • Seeing yourself in a mirror in a black dress in a dream - if it is mourning, then this means a new good, faithful and reliable friend. This is what it means to see yourself in a black mirror in a dream.
  • Why dream of trying on a dress in front of a mirror - you can, through ignorance and inexperience, become dependent on a very bad, even scary person.
  • Why do you dream of combing your hair in front of a mirror (also: Combing your hair in front of a mirror, dream interpretation) – health and success at the highest level.
  • Why dream of dyeing your hair and looking in the mirror - vanity, you want to appear better than you actually are.

Dream book combined

Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)

The Islamic dream book interprets the mirror as follows. A mirror in a dream is a wife. If married man looks in the mirror, and his wife is pregnant in reality - she will give birth to a boy very similar to him. If a man is unmarried, someone else will be hired to take his position instead. Islamic Dream Book: if a pregnant woman looks in the mirror, she will give birth to a girl exactly like herself. If a non-pregnant woman looks in the mirror in a dream, her husband will leave her and marry another wife. If it looks like a little boy, mom will have a brother, if it’s a girl, mom will have a girl. Why do you dream of a girl in the mirror - a beautiful daughter will be born. In general, a mirror in a dream is a deception of hypocritical people who pretend to be well-wishers.

The Muslim dream book of seeing yourself bald in the mirror says that a time of discord and conflict is coming. Seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream with long hair - for girls and married women - wealth and long years happy life. For the military - honor and advancement through the ranks. For others, it’s mental anxiety. This is what dreams of seeing yourself in the mirror with long hair mean. Why dream of seeing yourself gray in the mirror - a beloved child will be born. For married woman- the husband will provide a lot of trouble. Seeing yourself in a dream with your hair cut in the mirror means you will receive a divorce from your husband or separation from your fiancée.

Personal dream book

  • Interpretation of dreams “broken mirror” is a bad sign - a relative will die a violent death.
  • Looking in the mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: looking at yourself in the mirror - amazing events will happen, but the disease will upset all your plans.
  • Why dream of admiring yourself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: admiring yourself in the mirror in a dream - everything will be fine, because you are confident in yourself.
  • Why dream of a broken mirror on the floor - Dream Interpretation: a broken mirror on the floor - your relative will not die a natural death, but a violent one.
  • I dreamed of “shards of a mirror, but didn’t look into them” - Dream Interpretation: fragments of a mirror - misfortunes do not touch you much, as if in passing. This is what dreams of a fragment of a mirror mean.
  • Why do you dream about an old mirror?in a dream - Dream Interpretation: old mirrors - nostalgia for bygone happy times, perhaps for one’s native place or parental home.
  • Looking in the mirror in a wedding dress in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in a wedding dress in the mirror - you will do the work for others, and experience pleasure from it. But in the end, no one will even say “thank you.”
  • I dreamed that my loved one stood in front of the mirror - if he was good-looking, then the quarrel would not be long-lived. If it’s bad, separation is forever.
  • Why dream of seeing yourself fat in the mirror - don’t spend so much time on your appearance. You are ready to sacrifice everything just to be considered the standard of beauty.

Psychoanalytic dream book Mirror

  • What does it mean to see yourself in a mirror in a dream - you are very worried about your appearance and constantly think about what strangers think and, moreover, say about you. You are in constant control of your movements and actions. You analyze every detail in order to appear in the best possible light to others. You are very concerned about the aging of your body.
  • Looking in the mirror in a dream means that you are analyzing your past actions and deeds, and thinking about how they will affect the future. You get very upset about possible past mistakes and that they will negatively affect the future.
  • What does it mean to “look in the mirror in a dream”into the muddy" - you have a hard time accepting yourself and some of you do things for the sake of strangers that contradict your essence.
  • Why dream of talking to your reflection in the mirror - listen carefully to your intuition, to your inner voice, learn to respect your inner self. In general, a dream in which you see a mirror tells you, even shouts - know yourself, respect yourself as you really are, without a mask. Try to understand yourself on a deeper level and talk to yourself. You will be very surprised to find out the real you.
  • Why do you dream of a mirror and long hair? positive sign– spiritual and cosmic power will increase. The longer the hair, the stronger the connection between the Ego and the superego. more beautiful hair in a dream, the better the structure of the superego.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream with a short haircut in the mirror is possible impotence for men, and causeless fear for women.
  • Why dream of combing your hair in front of a mirror - Dream Interpretation: combing your hair in front of a mirror - putting your thoughts in order.

Russian dream book

What does a mirror mean in a dream - a reflection of our desires; the ability to introspect and revise one's beliefs. A mirror in a dream is a sign of lies, falsehood, and the illusory nature of your beliefs. See in dead person's sleep and a living person in the mirror - portends a serious change in the weather.

Gypsy dream book Mirror

  • Why do you dream of a mirror - either there will be sincere friendship, or, on the contrary, betrayal. A symbol of friendly relations, because friends are our mirror image. Seeing a mirror in a dream is a betrayal, betrayal of an old and beloved friend.
  • Why dream of a broken mirror in a dream - If you dream of broken mirrors - in reality you yourself will become a traitor and thereby destroy long-term friendships.
  • Seeing yourself in a new dress in a mirror in a dream portends joy, profit and success in business.
  • Dream "naked in the mirror" - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself naked in the mirror - you will receive a surprise, which can be both good and bad. If you are the only naked person in the mirror, this is a warning that a quarrel may arise. To see a person naked in the mirror in a dream - if you know him, then a conflict will occur with him. If many people are naked, it is a sign of warmth, joy and friendship.
  • Why do you dream of a ghost in a mirror - if in white - comfort and joy, if in black - deception and an attack on your independence.

Jewish dream book

  • Mirror in a dream:

A simple mirror - a friend will deceive;

Oval - portends troubles;

Round - good luck;

Rectangular - entertainment.

  • Seeing a mirror cracked in a dream means illness. Why do you dream of a broken mirror - to painful experiences, failures and losses.
  • Why do you dream about breaking a mirror?

On Monday night - you will fall under the influence of a person who will not do anything good for you;

On the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you will part with a loved one for a short time;

On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to drastic changes in life.

Star dream book

Why dream of seeing your reflection in the mirror - deception, lies and betrayal. Your hopes will not come true, possible complete loneliness. Mirror fragments in a dream are a great misfortune. This is what a broken mirror means in dreams. A cracked mirror in a dream (also: Cracked mirror dream book meaning) – an emergency illness can be long-lasting. To see a broken mirror in a dream, but not look into it - they will serious problems and difficulties that will soon be successfully resolved.

Home dream book

What is the mirror for - image; connection with the subconscious. Why do you dream of a crooked mirror - Dream Interpretation: crooked mirrors - if there was a changed face - understanding and acceptance of your character traits that you did not recognize before.

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does it mean to see your reflection in the mirror beautiful in a dream - to profit, ugly - to illness. Seeing yourself thin in a mirror in a dream – Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself thin in a mirror – nervous disease or illness intestinal tract. Why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror with a wrinkled chin - Dream Interpretation: looking in the mirror at yourself and seeing wrinkles is a fear of impending old age. This is why you dream of your face reflected in the mirror. Imagine in reality that you look in the mirror and see yourself beautiful, blooming, cheerful and everything will work out in your soul. Why dream of a broken mirror in your hands - broken mirror dream book - if you break a mirror, imagine that the fragments turn into water and evaporate and everything will be fine.

English dream book

  • Why dream of seeing yourself in a full-length mirror - Dream Interpretation: looking in a full-length mirror - sanity is not one of your virtues. You don’t use it in your business, and if you fail to organize it properly, you will fail.
  • What does it mean to look in a mirror in a dream - you are surrounded by treacherous people whom you will quickly lead to “ clean water" In an attempt to daringly cause harm, they will reveal their true colors. Forget about being overly gullible and don’t buy into flattering speeches. You are not prone to suspicion, but you are obliged to exercise caution and insight.
  • Why do you dream of two mirrors - the dream warns a man/woman in love - you need to be wary of your rival/rival, he/she is determined to take the heart of your beloved/beloved.

Magic dream book

Looking at your reflection in the mirror in a dream means interest in what people think about you. Why do you dream of damage to the mirror - intervention evil spirits. A broken mirror is a bad prophecy. A mirror in a dream and someone else’s reflection - for women, seeing the face of another woman in the mirror is a sign of betrayal. If the mirror is held by another person, lead from afar. Fortune telling in front of a mirror - you are interested in your future in reality. Try on in front of the mirror wedding dress– for an unmarried girl - a quick successful marriage. Dream of seeing yourself young in the mirror - for adult woman- there will be a sexual partner younger than her.

Combined dream book Mirror

  • If you dreamed of “seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream,” you need to become a little more reasonable than you are now and take control of your thoughts and emotions.
  • Dream "large mirror" - Dream Interpretation: a large mirror - if it was clean and shiny - a streak of luck and success begins in life. If it’s dirty and muddy, it’s the opposite.
  • Combing your hair in front of a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: combing your hair in front of a mirror - you need to put your thoughts in order, set priorities and separate the small from the global.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream with long hair is a material injection into the budget, a cash bonus.
  • A dream of seeing a person in the mirror of a stranger - without noticing it, you are completely submitting to the will of a person who is insincere with you and wishes you harm.
  • A man in a mirror is a dream (also: Seeing a man in a mirror, dream book) - if you know him, then he will become your friend. If he was ugly and pale, you will part with him without having built anything worthwhile.
  • Seeing yourself fat in the mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself fat in the mirror (also: I dreamed that I was fat in the mirror) - you pay too much attention to the opinions of others. You are afraid to look ugly and make every effort to be beautiful, without thinking about your inner world. You infringe on yourself in everything, trying to be on top so that those around you don’t judge you.
  • In a dream, trying on new clothes in front of a mirror means putting other people’s problems and worries on your shoulders.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself pregnant in the mirror in a dream is a possible real pregnancy. (see dream)
  • I dreamed that I was throwing away the fragments broken mirror– a positive sign – you are trying to cope with your shortcomings.
  • I dreamed that I was rehanging the mirror - a reshuffling of priorities, a revision of my values.
  • I dreamed of a room with mirrors - you are confused about who to believe and who not, who you can trust and who you shouldn’t. This is why I dream about mirrors a lot.
  • Seeing a closed mirror in a dream means you are trying to evade responsibility.
  • Why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror as a man - you are tired of constant problems and even in a dream you want to shift this heavy burden onto the shoulders of a stronger person.


In conclusion, I would like to note that a mirror in a dream is in most cases a negative dream, warning that you have lost your true face to please others. The opinions of people around you at work, at home, or just your neighbors mean more to you than your own. Love yourself, accept yourself as you are, learn to listen to your intuition. When you love yourself, only then will others respect and appreciate you.

If you dreamed of looking in the mirror, this reflects the desire to understand your own essence and understand how it predetermines the development of events. Related to this great amount characters, events that the dreamer happens to witness. Dream Interpretations give detailed analysis details of the night fantasies of the subconscious.

In front of the mirror

Why dream of looking in the mirror? According to the interpretation of the dream by Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, the moment has come when you need maximum concentration and a correct understanding of events.

A mirror in itself in a dream is a harbinger of deception and difficulties. Looking into a narrow place is a sign indicating too one-sided judgments, looking at yourself in a dressing table means that there is a lack of concentration, looking into a broken one is unlucky. For a girl to look at something broken - to disappointment and an unsuccessful marriage.

Interpretation of a dream according to Freud: seeing something that is foggy or dirty exposes a secret addiction to those sexual pleasures that a person cannot afford, and if it is turned upside down against the wall, it is a symbol of sexual fears. Peering into what is broken means loss of hope.

According to Freud's dream book, when a person looks at a mirror in a dream, it reflects sexual fantasies, so it is important to know what exactly you dreamed about. The sorceress Medea believes that the looking glass can show future changes.

See yourself

Vanga's dream book says: looking in the mirror means that in reality you are too great importance attach to what others think of you. Aesop's dream book warns against wrong actions. Why do you dream of seeing yourself in it? If you are satisfied with the way you look, you smile, no obstacles are scary, you can safely start new projects. Freud in this case exposes the dreamer as narcissist.

According to the dream book From A to Z, looking at the reflection of your face predicts that there will be reasons for dissatisfaction with your achievements, and you will also have to figure out whether you have fake, insincere friends.

Why did you dream about any details? If you notice freckles on your nose - the affair will end in separation, a bruise - don’t be afraid to indulge in the most extreme entertainment, they are destined for you.

If you dreamed of yourself as a shaggy ugly woman, that’s great, it’s a sign of wealth.

Someone else's face

In a dream, looking in the mirror and suddenly seeing someone else instead of yourself - this causes anxiety and a desire to understand why such a strange image is being dreamed about. Other people are their unexpected and unfair actions against you. In addition, looking into it and seeing a loved one, tired and exhausted, the dream foreshadows his illness; if he was cheerful and smiling - a temporary cooling of the relationship.

Strange reflection

The interpretation of dreams in which a mirror shows something unusual to a person is alarming. This is a sign of uncertainty, a signal that the situation is out of control and it is difficult to know where the current will take you.

We must not forget that the subconscious in a dream can reveal the essence of the dreamer. According to Medea’s dream book, seeing a witch is your character; according to Nostradamus’ dream book, you dreamed of looking in the mirror and facing a monster - this is how your insincerity and inner emptiness appeared.

If you dreamed that you didn’t see the reflection, you were under the power of dark forces.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been perceived by humanity as a symbol of the prism of time, a certain threshold that passes into parallel space. Therefore, there are many associated with it magical rituals. The mirror shows us what is in reality, but we can only see what we want. This is the main thing magical property reflections.

What does it mean when a person begins to see himself in the mirror in a dream? There are many interpretations of this vision, just like the reflection itself. It is especially important what exactly a person sees in the mirror: himself, his face, foreign objects, or even emptiness. It also matters how the sleeper feels at the moment of contemplation.

Basic interpretation

In general, in a dream, seeing yourself in a mirror means interacting with your own “I” on a subconscious level. This is a kind of communication through a symbolic prism. This is exactly what the psychoanalytic dream book says. However, there are many interpretations, and they are all correct in their own way. The fact is that each dream book is based on certain aspects of human perception. The above interpreter is based on the definitions of psychiatry and in-depth personality analysis. There are dream books that interpret dreams according to folk signs and symbols. Many of them are based on many years of observations.

Reflection in a dream

Let's take a closer look at what the dream means. Seeing yourself in the mirror means perceiving your own “I”. Life indicates that the time has come to reconsider your views, see yourself from the other side, and perhaps identify your shortcomings. Sometimes such a dream indicates that the subconscious is trying to find an answer to a question that has arisen deep inside. As a rule, such visions come to people who are looking for their purpose in life or cannot decide in which direction to move next. This gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside.

Those emotions and thoughts that will accompany a person when he sees his reflection in the mirror in a dream will serve as the answer to the question. The second interpretation suggests that a person does not have his own opinion, but decisive factor for him is the voice of the public. This also indicates an unwillingness to take responsibility for what is happening in one's life. Looking at yourself in the mirror is like contemplating your inner self through the prism of public perception.

Direction of gaze

Where exactly the gaze is directed is also of great importance. So, you can look at the entire silhouette in full growth or only at top part body, as well as on arms or legs separately.

For example, seeing your face in a mirror in a dream promises quick life changes that will have a tangible impact on your future path. Another interpretation is a manifestation of duplicity. If a person sees both himself and his reflection at the same time, then this indicates his unwillingness to be sincere with himself and the people around him.

If in a dream a face seems unrealistically beautiful, then you should be careful, since life can throw up temptation, which is more likely to become a cause of change for the worse than a source of pleasure. An overly pomaded and overly made-up reflection is a sign of hypocrisy. Perhaps the person is playing a dishonest game or trying to show off. If in a dream you see your own silhouette and the reflection of such a face, then most likely they want to mislead you. You should be careful at work, especially when concluding important contracts and transactions. The situation may hide the true state of affairs behind a beautiful screen.

Interpretations for girls

For a woman to see herself in a mirror in a dream is, as a rule, a harbinger of disagreements and quarrels in the family, as well as future grief. The cause of anxiety may be the illness of someone close to you. Seeing yourself cheerful and joyful is a sign of change for the better; if you are sad, an event has occurred in your life that is currently a source of sadness, or is still destined to happen.

It matters how exactly a person sees himself in a dream. If in full height, then the dream speaks of an approaching illness. This interpretation is most often found in all dream books, including those compiled by the famous soothsayer Vanga.

If you dream of many mirrors in which there is only one reflection, then this means that a person is too worried about what others think about him, and his own opinion is not a priority for him. Another interpretation may mean that the person, on the contrary, is the center of increased attention. If there is no reflection, or the body is seen without a head, then the person is probably influenced by a dark force. In this case, you should definitely go to church.

See yourself beautiful

Seeing yourself beautiful in a mirror in a dream means that soon a woman will find herself in a situation where she can show her best qualities. If you like your own reflection, then this portends happiness and prosperity.

In general, the attitude towards oneself in a dream often manifests itself on a subconscious level. If a person in real life is quite picky about himself, but his self-esteem is objectively high, then in a dream, most likely, his own reflection will cause him positive emotions. And, conversely, a person who does not consider himself worthy will, on a subconscious level, express his true attitude towards himself in night vision.

Seeing yourself old

According to modern interpretations, seeing yourself in an old mirror in a dream means that the woman will soon receive a promotion, an improvement in her financial situation and status. Also, such a vision foreshadows the expansion of influence in the family, strengthening one’s own importance at work. If in a dream a young man sees himself as old, then this promises good health and long life.

See yourself gray

If you happen to see yourself gray-haired in a mirror in a dream, then this is a harbinger of bad events. For example, you may meet an unpleasant person, or a situation may occur that will bring you grief and disappointment. According to old dream books, gray hair portends loneliness and boredom.

The place where it appeared is important. If there is a head of hair, then you should listen to your loved ones. Perhaps your picky attitude towards friends, children or parents will cause loneliness. If gray hair has silvered the temples, then the person wants to produce good impression and expose yourself to better light. If the hair is sparse and weak, then in reality this foreshadows deterioration of health and problems. A lush gray head of hair means that you have no reason to worry. Everything will work out in life, and the vision is just another proof of this. In a dream, seeing yourself in the mirror with long gray hair braided or tied into a ponytail can portend a long journey all alone. This will cause mental anguish.

Other dreams related to gray hair

Seeing children with gray hair unusual for their age - good sign. It promises long years of life to all family members who were in the dream with them. This also indicates good health and inexhaustible strength. In other words, a dream is in some sense prophetic. It means that a person is fully healthy enough to see his children gray-haired.

A dream in which a woman caught her gray hair on some object is ambiguous. In this case important has their length. The main symbol of this dream is the woman’s personal life. Graying hair is a sign of shame in front of society, in particular for one’s relationship with a man. A hook means an intimate connection. Perhaps in reality the woman is dating a lover who is younger than her and is experiencing psychological discomfort associated with this situation. Perhaps her close circle is putting pressure on her. If the gray hair is tangled and unkempt, then this indicates shame. Losing hair means loss and damage.

If in a dream you see your child graying at a young age, then this is a warning about a possible serious illness with a serious outcome. Visions are not a given, and interpretations are not a law. Therefore, you should not be afraid of dreams that portend Negative consequences. IN in this case it is necessary to pay close attention to the child’s health status, thus preventing possible illness or its severe outcome. Maternal intuition is always on guard, so you should listen to your premonitions. Dreams can be a great clue or sign that you should pay attention to.

Scary ending to a dream with a mirror

What else can you see in a dream? Looking in the mirror and seeing the terrible appearance of a monster there means that you are experiencing psychological and emotional overload. IN modern dream book the interpretation says that this is how a person faces dark side of your personality.

It is quite possible that the sleeping person was under the evil eye or damage. If no negative impacts is not observed, then the dream should be perceived as an ordinary nightmare and everything should be attributed to fatigue after have a hard day. If you noticed some troubles before the night vision, then the dream may be a warning. It is best to go to church immediately after the incident, and for complete peace of mind you can attend the service, take communion and confess. Then have dark force there will be no chance left.

A different image

Sometimes it happens to see your reflection in the mirror in a dream in the image of another person. Most likely, this indicates some comparison of oneself with him. Perhaps in reality you are trying to borrow some features of this person or involuntarily compare yourself with him.

If in a dream the reflection in the mirror shows a deceased relative or friend, then this means that subconsciously you are trying to maintain some kind of connection with this person. This can be a kind of sign, so it is very important to remember everything that the deceased said. The nature of the relationship you were in before his death is also of great importance. It is best to remember the next day the one who came to you in a dream. It is advisable to order a service or light a candle for the repose of his soul. Such a dream should not be scary; on the contrary, take it as an opportunity to see those who have left our world.

Broken mirror

What other troubles can happen in a dream? Seeing yourself in a mirror that you have broken portends grief and failure. It may also mean that there is hidden anger at oneself. In the morning you should read a prayer, calm down and set yourself in a positive mood.


It doesn’t matter what it means to see yourself in a mirror in a dream. Never take negative interpretations seriously. Instead, think about what the vision is pointing to you. Do not forget that a dream is an interpretation of what you have seen and lived. In this way, the subconscious mind indicates to a person his emotional and psychological levels. Therefore, plunge into the world of dreams calm and peaceful, and then your dreams will bring only positive emotions.

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