Home Prevention Constipation in children: therapy with medications. Constipation in a baby

Constipation in children: therapy with medications. Constipation in a baby

Much depends on what mixture you use. Firstly, the composition of adapted milk formulas usually includes D. Daily allowance prophylactic dose usually contained in about 1 liter of mixture. Even if the baby does not eat as much formula yet, you still need to give less vitamin D supplements (you need to calculate how much vitamin D the baby receives per day. To prevent rickets, 400-500 IU is required. If you live in the Far North or if the baby is premature, they may advise take 1000 IU every day). The district police officer can help you calculate the dose - or, if necessary, me. In general, from about May to October (again, depending on where you live), they stop taking vitamin D for prevention - they just take more walks with the baby. Vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of sun rays. It is enough for the child’s hands and face to be open during a walk. in principle it could be side effect when taking vitamin D medications, especially in irrational doses (however, with obvious poisoning, diarrhea will most likely occur). Probably, in your situation, I would at least reduce the dose to 1 drop - and when warmer weather sets in, I would generally switch to walks with prevention using natural ultraviolet rays. By the end of summer the baby will be 7 months old; You can limit yourself to vitamin D from the mixture, egg yolk and/or. Secondly, after 2 weeks of age, babies quite often experience stool disorders. The reason for this is age-related functional insufficiency gastrointestinal tract . It usually lasts for up to 3 months. If the baby receives with partially broken down protein, a change in stool color is natural. When using hydrolyzate mixtures, the stool becomes dark green or swampy and smells unpleasant. Maybe you need to use fermented milk rather than the usual mixture. For constipation in a child, it is recommended to use fermented milk mixtures with probiotics - “NAN fermented milk”, “Nutrilon Omneo 1”, “Samper Bifidus”, “Lactofidus”, “Mamex plus”. Sometimes children tolerate Nutrilon Comfort well (it contains partially hydrolyzed protein). If your baby has a tendency to regurgitate, which also often happens at this age, you can “kill 2 birds with one stone” (regurgitation and constipation) by using anti-reflux mixtures with locust bean gum (guar gum) 1-2 times a day or at the beginning of feeding: They help keep the mixture in the stomach and relax. Check with your pediatrician to see if it makes sense for you to change the formula. If constipation has already developed, suppositories (from glycerin to), a gas outlet tube, and even a cleansing enema can provide a quick effect. (The main thing is not to use enemas too often, so that the baby does not lose the habit of “working” on his own). The drugs “Normaze” and “Duphalac” are usually used as laxatives in pediatrics. The dose is selected individually (from 1/2 to 1 spoon per day). For herbal remedies, you can use an infusion of chamomile flowers and.

To prevent constipation, I would also add a tummy massage, gymnastics (bicycle-type leg movements); I would begin to place the baby on his stomach more often and stimulate lifting of the upper body, and after 3 months - turning on his side, so that the abdominal muscles become stronger. Good luck!

Constipation is the retention of feces in the intestines for more than three days or abnormally hard feces that may cause pain during bowel movements. Constipation can be effectively treated with diet and herbs.

When diagnosing constipation, the volume of stool is not taken into account - it is different for each person, as well as the intervals between bowel movements. While some people need to have bowel movements three times a day or more, others don't even need to do so every day. However, it is important that bowel movements are effortless and occur with regular frequency. Although changes in this frequency are quite common for most people, they can sometimes indicate problems with the intestines.

Constipation symptoms

Among the most important symptoms of constipation, the following should be highlighted: poor or very dry stools, as well as with long delays, distended abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in it, flatulence.

There are many reasons that cause constipation, including:

Poor nutrition(consuming large amounts of meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products). When these products are abused, the beneficial intestinal flora, which contributes to proper digestion, changes; Harmful bacteria begin to predominate, causing putrefaction and flatulence. IN in this case constipation is the result of changes in intestinal flora.

Dietary deficiencies in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and wholemeal bread. These foods provide us with much-needed fiber for a healthy gut. Their deficiency may be one of the causes of constipation.

Diet low in fiber(often due to over-processed foods).

Insufficient fluid intake. When there is insufficient fluid supply, the rectum holds feces to extract water. Drinking the optimal amount of fluid helps to remove intestinal waste from the rectum in a timely manner.

Lack of exercise. Exercise helps maintain intestinal motility.

Lack of habit of regular bowel movements. To acquire this habit, you need to accustom yourself to visiting the toilet as soon as the need arises. Ignoring this need entails the development of the so-called lazy bowel, which is also facilitated by stress modern life. This type of constipation is typical for young children who, being carried away by play, may not go to the toilet on time.

Laxative abuse. People who tend to cleanse their colon with laxatives usually develop lazy bowel syndrome, so they have to turn to laxatives again and again.

Use of certain medications. These can be antidepressants, antacids, antispasmodics and many others.

Diseases. Sometimes constipation can be a symptom of another disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, hyperthyroidism, etc.

Haemorrhoids. The pain caused by hemorrhoids may be the reason that a person becomes afraid to go to the toilet. Over time, this usually leads to constipation.

Preventing constipation

  • Set aside an urgent time to have a bowel movement.
  • Perform physical exercises according to your capabilities.
  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Break the habit of taking laxatives.
  • Change your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Diet for constipation


  • Glass of skim milk
  • Whole wheat toast with apple jelly
  • 4 figs or 3 dried plums

Late breakfast

  • Apple


  • Varied vegetable dishes
  • Piece of baked pumpkin
  • 100 g tofu
  • 100 g strawberries with three tablespoons of yoghurt and a tablespoon of brown sugar
  • Infusion of peach blossom or elderflower

Afternoon snack

  • Slice of wholemeal bread and apple compote


  • Salad of tomatoes, lettuce, onion and cucumber
  • Omelet with asparagus
  • Chicory infusion

You should drink about two liters of fluid per day

Treatment of constipation

Changes in diet and habits are usually enough to relieve constipation. Medical assistance is required in the following cases:

  • There are changes in stool frequency that last for quite a long time.
  • The stool becomes painful and accompanied by blood.
  • Constipation alternates with diarrhea.
  • Constipation continues for more than three days and the medications used do not help.

Stool softeners

Using vitamins, minerals and other supplements under medical supervision and in the absence of any underlying bowel disease can help relieve constipation. The following additives should be used:

Vitamin C and magnesium. Vitamin C has laxative properties. Taking 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily, divided into three doses, has been shown to relieve constipation. Magnesium enhances the effect of vitamin C. The dose of this mineral should be about 400 mg daily.

Plantain seeds. Due to their high fiber content and ability to swell in water, plantain seeds enhance peristalsis and facilitate bowel movements. At the same time, their mucus has a softening effect on the intestinal walls, which helps the passage of feces. Unlike other laxatives, psyllium seeds do not cause pain or cramping. The usual dose is 1-2 tablespoons per day, diluted with water or juice. In addition to psyllium seeds, bran also relieves constipation.

Brewer's yeast. Consumption of brewer's yeast is also effective in relieving constipation.

Less desirable drugs

There are laxatives that can be taken only if there are no other remedies at hand or they do not help. These laxatives include:

  • Cassia, or senna (Cassia spp.)
  • Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula)

Frequent use of these drugs can lead to the development of a “lazy rectum”, which gets used to working only with this type of laxative. These laxatives should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


In herbal medicine for constipation, plants with the following properties are used:

Laxative plants: plants with laxative properties improve stool by regulating the passage of digested food and feces.

Carrying plants: act more radically, causing complete bowel movement.

Basic laxative plants

Aloe(Aloe vera): dry extract.

Dandelion(Taraxacum officinale) and elderberry: infusion.

Mallow(Malva): 30 g of leaves and flowers boiled for 20 minutes in a liter of water, three cups per day.

Thorn or prickly plum(Prunus spinosa) infusion of flowers.

Althaea officinalis(Althaéa officinális): infusion of a teaspoon of dried leaves and flowers per cup of water, two cups per day.

Cascara(Rhamnus purshiana): has contraindications.

Violet(Taraxacum officinale): tincture of a tablespoon of dried flowers per cup of water, two cups per day).

Oats(Avena sativa): The fiber contained in oat bran enhances peristalsis and eases bowel movements, preventing constipation caused by the removal of bran from cereals and cereals.

Fucus(Fucus vesiculosus): Thanks to its high mucilage content, fucus promotes the elimination of feces and maintains a feeling of fullness.

Sesame, or sesame (Sesamum indicum): seeds mixed with food.

Plantain(Plantago spp.): seeds with water.

Rose hip(Rosa canina): decoction of dried leaves.

Olive Tree(Olea europaea): in case of constipation, take a couple of teaspoons olive oil on an empty stomach.

Nettle(Urtica dioica): infusion of dried leaves.

Chicory(Cichorium intybus): infusion of 20 g of dry root. Take a cup after meals. You can cook fresh leaves with other vegetables

Peach(Prunus persica): Tincture a teaspoon of dried flowers in a cup of water. Strain and take several cups per day.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are very useful for constipation. They can either be consumed with plenty of water (about one to three teaspoons a couple of times a day, while drinking about eight glasses of water a day) or taken as an infusion (a teaspoon per cup of water, a couple of cups per day). Unlike most laxatives, which tend to irritate the intestines, the protective effect of mucus makes this plant not aggressive to the intestines, although the effect is not as immediate as other laxatives.

Main carrier plants

Carrying (drastic) - fast-acting agents:

Aloe(Aloe vera): dry extract

Senna(Cassia angustifolia): infusion of dried leaves

Cascara(Rhamnus purshiana): Among the plants that contain anthraquinoids and are used to treat constipation, cascara is the least irritating to the intestines, so it is the most suitable herb. However, before starting treatment, you need to take into account its toxicity, contraindications and side effects.

field bindweed(Convulvulus arvensis): infusion of dried leaves and roots

Boxwood(Buxus semperviresns): bark decoction

Peach(Prunus persica): infusion of a teaspoon of dry leaves in a cup of water, take half a cup four times a day.

We all know that a lack of vitamins has a detrimental effect on our health and leads to serious illnesses. However, how do you know which vitamins your body is lacking? How do you know which vitamins you need to take? After all, as you know, not only a lack of vitamins is terrible, but also their excess, therefore, it is very important for us to achieve a natural balance and harmonious ratio.

Oh, little hints human body that will help you recognize which vitamins you really need - today's publication. Let's listen to the voice of our body together...

Vitamins for fatigue

You complain of a constant state of fatigue. It is noteworthy that in order to feel tired, you do not have to spend the whole day in physical activity or under severe mental stress. Fatigue haunts you in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes and have not even gotten out of your bed. And when this repeats constantly, you understand that it’s not just an uncomfortable mattress or pillow (although this is also possible), your fatigue signals you that something in your body is out of order. Just what?

Typically, fatigue indicates a deficiency of zinc, carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, iodine, vitamin C and vitamin D. Make sure to enrich your diet with foods that contain these vitamins - and... your fatigue will disappear on its own...

Vitamins and eyes

Have you started to notice that you can't see well? In order to read the text of a document, you have to strain your eyes, and by the end of the working day there is simply no talk of any TV series - after all, your eyes want peace?

Vitamin A and vitamin B2 are responsible for the condition of our eyes and for ensuring that our vision is sharp. Take a closer look at your diet - how often do you eat fish, egg yolks, liver, butter, dairy products and green leafy vegetables? Oh, you should eat more often if you want to restore your eyes to health...

Tinnitus, dizziness and vitamins

Do you know the feeling when your ears are ringing? And the point here is not the sound of the surf, the sounds of which you enjoy on seashore. The problem here is different - a lack of manganese and potassium. Pay attention to your diet - are you eating enough nuts, peas, beets, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, bananas...

If you have frequent attacks of dizziness, you lack manganese. Foods that contain it in excess will help your body replenish it...

Diarrhea and vitamins

Yes, yes, diarrhea does not always indicate gastrointestinal disorder. This unpleasant condition may be a cry for help from your body, that it lacks vitamin K, vitamin F, B2, niacin. To change the situation and get rid of diarrhea, your diet should include yogurt, soybean oil, fish, liver, vegetable oils and alfalfa...

Constipation and vitamins

The problem is exactly the opposite - constipation can not only be a signal from your body that your diet is unbalanced and unhealthy, but also tell you that you are not getting enough B vitamins. Make sure that your diet includes liver, beef, pork, kidneys, cheese - and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized by itself.

High cholesterol

It can also be affected by a deficiency of B vitamins and inositol. Pay attention to yeast, brewer's yeast, melon, and legumes and cholesterol levels will normalize.

Bruises and vitamins

Do bruises appear on your body if you carelessly touch it? Such increased sensitivity skin To mechanical injuries and damage indicates that you lack vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Eat more citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, green peppers and bruises that cause you pain and cause aesthetic and psychological discomfort will soon stop appearing.

Body odor and vitamins

Each person has his own special, specific body odor, and as a rule we do not feel it. But when your body lacks vitamin B12, your body begins to signal you about this with its unpleasant odor, which neither eau de toilette nor deodorant can overcome. You should eat more liver, beef, kidneys, eggs and yeast, then your body will not make you worry about the unpleasant odor.

Bad breath and vitamins

Bad breath may indicate that your body is lacking a substance called niacin. And, until you make up for its deficiency, all your attempts to get rid of such an unpleasant odor with the help of special liquids, lollipops, breath fresheners, chewing gum - all this will simply be a waste of time and money...

A lack of vitamins can lead to serious health problems. Leading specialist in balanced diet, American professor Earl Mindell advises to listen carefully to your body. The fact is that some painful symptoms and even eating habits can indicate what substances the body lacks. This is the relationship that an American nutritionist has established.

- If, even after mild bruises, hematomas occur and do not go away for a long time, it can be assumed that the body does not receive enough vitamins C and P. In this case, you need to eat more citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, and green peppers. You should make it a rule to eat at least one peel of orange, tangerine or lemon after eating. Additionally you can take vitamin preparations: morning and evening - 1 g of vitamin C and a rutin tablet.

- Frequent dizziness and tinnitus may arise due to a lack vitamins B3 and E, as well as minerals such as manganese and potassium. You can replenish the supply of missing substances with the help of nuts, green leafy vegetables, beets, green peas, egg yolks, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds. Additionally, it is recommended to take 50-100 mg of vitamin B3 3 times a day and 400 IU of vitamin E 1-3 times a day.

- Frequent inflammations eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, night blindness, inability to adapt quickly in the dark, styes may be due to deficiency vitamins A and B2. Their sources are fish, liver, egg yolk, butter, green leafy or yellow vegetables, milk, cheese, yeast. In this case, additional vitamin supplementation is also prescribed: 10,000 IU of vitamin A 1-3 times a day, 100 mg of B-complex vitamins in the morning and evening and 500 mg of vitamin C

- The appearance of dandruff vitamins B12, B6, F and selenium. Sources of vitamin B12 are vegetable oil, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds; B6 - brewer's yeast, unrefined grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, sea fish; vitamin F - bran, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, sprouted cereals, tuna meat; selenium - liver, beef, pork, milk and dairy products.

- For early detection of deficiency vitamin B6 Earl Mindell advises next test: With your arms extended forward, palms up, you need to simultaneously bend the last two joints of your four fingers on both hands until your fingertips touch your palm (without bending your hand into a fist). If you can't touch your fingertips to your palm, your body is probably deficient in vitamin B6.

- Dull, brittle, quickly graying hair may be the result of a lack B complex vitamins, vitamin F and iodine. To replenish the supply of these substances, you need to eat more seafood, dairy products, and also use iodized salt, which is now sold in grocery stores.

- Hair loss may be caused by a deficiency in the body not only B vitamins, but also vitamins C, H(biotin), vitamin sun(folic acid), inositol(a vitamin-like substance belonging to the B vitamins). Vitamin H
found in nuts, beef liver, kidneys, unpolished rice and brewer's yeast. Folate stores can be replenished with green vegetables, fruits, dried nutritional yeast and liver. Liver, whole grains, citrus fruits, and brewer's yeast are rich in inositol.

- High susceptibility to infections may indicate a deficiency vitamins A and B5. Carrots, fish, liver, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, leafy greens, yellow-orange vegetables will help replenish vitamin A reserves, and regular brewer's yeast, legumes and melons will help replenish vitamin B5 reserves. In addition, during epidemics it is recommended to take additional vitamin A - up to 10,000 IU every other day and 2-5 g of vitamin C.

- Insomnia can occur not only from nervous overload, but also from insufficient intake into the body B complex vitamins, vitamin H, potassium, calcium. In this case, you need to increase your consumption of foods such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast, beans, raisins, dried and fresh melons, beef liver, kidneys, brown rice, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, cereal products.

- Muscle weakness, soreness in the legs, night cramps are often the result of a lack vitamins B1 and B6. Sources of these vitamins are brewer's yeast, unrefined grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, and sea fish.

- Frequent nosebleeds are also an alarming signal indicating a lack vitamins C, K and P. To replenish their reserves, you need to include in your diet citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers, currants (vitamin C), yoghurts, fish oil, fresh alfalfa leaves (vitamin K), peels of oranges, lemons and tangerines (vitamin P).

- Acne and red spots on the face- these seemingly cosmetic problems often become a manifestation of serious disorders in the body, in particular, they can indicate a deficiency B vitamins and vitamin A. Liver, butter, fish, cream, green and yellow vegetables, dried fruits, raisins and brewer's yeast will help compensate for the deficiency of these vitamins.

- Various dermatitis may develop against the background of a deficiency in itamins B2(there is a lot of it in milk, liver, kidneys, cheese, fish, eggs, yeast), B3 and B6(their sources are liver, meat, legumes, whole grains, fish, dried nutritional yeast) and vitamin H(brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, kidneys, unpolished rice are rich in it).

- Long lasting eczema can be cured by eating foods rich in vitamins group B and vitamin A. In addition, it is necessary to replenish iodine reserves in the body. This can be done with seafood and iodized salt.
- Long-lasting wounds and fractures require additional income vitamin C(its sources have already been mentioned above).

- Osteoporosis and tooth decay indicate a lack vitamin D. The supply of this vitamin can be replenished by fish oil, butter, egg yolk and liver, as well as through calcined foods: milk and dairy products, fish, cheeses, soybeans, leafy greens, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds.

- Bad breath may appear due to shortage vitamin B3(although it does not exclude the presence of diseased teeth). To replenish vitamin B3 reserves, it is necessary to include in the diet foods such as poultry, beef, liver, sea ​​fish, legumes, wheat germ.

- Chronic constipation can also be a consequence of a lack of vitamins in the body Group B(remember that the sources of these vitamins are liver, beef, cheese, pork, kidneys, eggs, yeast).

A lack of vitamins and minerals can also be judged by eating habits (we are not talking about taste preferences, but about an unexpectedly strong need for some product). Here are some examples.

. Cravings for bananas may be caused by a deficiency in the body potassium(one medium banana contains 555 mg of potassium). It should be kept in mind that potassium deficiency can occur in people who regularly take diuretics, which flush out potassium stores from the body.

. Love for melon may also indicate a deficiency potassium and vitamin A(one quarter of a medium melon contains 3400 IU of vitamin A).

. Cheese Craving may indicate a deficiency calcium and phosphorus. They are found not only in cheese, but also in broccoli.

. Milk craze may indicate a lack calcium in organism. It is also possible that it is caused by the need for amino acids such as tryptophan, lycine and lysine.

. Salty food lovers are clearly missing sodium.

Often, doctors, if patients are deficient in certain vitamins, additionally prescribe vitamin preparations (most often multivitamins, where all the necessary proportions and doses are met). But it’s still better when the necessary vitamins and minerals enter the body not in the form of tablets, but with high-quality food.



Why is it necessary?

Consequences of shortage

Vitamin C - ascorbic acid

Collagen is produced, which ensures firmness and elasticity of the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles and stretch marks. It has a healing effect, strengthens blood vessels and ligaments. Increases immunity and, together with other vitamins, prevents aging. Destroyed by toxins, stress and nervous tension.

Leads to bleeding, decreased body resistance to the occurrence of a number of infectious diseases, joint pain and a number of other disorders in the chain of complex biochemical reactions in our body. Leads to stopping the growth of muscle mass.

Vitamin B1 - thiamine

For proper functioning nervous system, liver, heart, participates in carbohydrate metabolism and helps in treatment skin diseases. Plays an important role in carbohydrate-protein-fat metabolism.

General weakness, decreased blood pressure, loss of appetite, irritability, depression, insomnia, tendency to constipation, decreased immunity.

Vitamin B2 - riboflavin

Participates in protein synthesis - in the construction of body cells, red cells, is responsible for the growth and restoration of tissues, increases skin elasticity. Thanks to it, the skin is smooth, elastic, without cracks, ulcers and wrinkles, strong and healthy hair and nails.

cracks or “jams” in the corners of the mouth, dull hair hair loss, dandruff, photophobia and eye diseases. Above upper lip wrinkles appear. Wounds heal slowly and hemoglobin levels drop. Anemia develops and immunity decreases.

Vitamin B3 or PP or niacin

For the normal functioning of the digestive system, for protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels, promotes blood production, and increases blood flow. As a result, the skin has a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.

Drowsiness, depression, depression, irritability, insomnia, dental caries, bad breath, tendency to constipation.

Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid

Plays an important role in fat metabolism. It is necessary for education fatty acids and cholesterol

The emergence of skin diseases, white spots appear on the skin, early gray hair, and the iris of the eyes become discolored.

Vitamin B6 - iridoxine

Stimulates the activity of the nervous system and increases the body's resistance to various diseases. Its main role is to maintain healthy skin, especially the scalp area.

Trembling hands, memory loss, nervous tic, acne, obesity.

Vitamin B8 - inositol

Improves liver function and regulates cholesterol levels, prevents vascular atherosclerosis. Improves intestinal function and stimulates the development of beneficial microflora.

Leads to early graying of hair and premature hair loss

Vitamin B9 - Folic acid

Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids - for the formation of protein molecules. Participates in hematopoiesis. Most in folic acid pregnant women need.

Leads to delay intrauterine development fetus, especially with regard to damage to the nervous system. Weakness, irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression. Anemia, deterioration of stomach activity.

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobolamin

Necessary for the life of nerve cells and cells bone marrow. Participates in the formation of blood cells, reduces cholesterol.

Anemia, with damage to blood cells. Once established, this disease requires lifelong treatment with vitamin B12 injections.

Vitamin A - retinol

Its purpose is its antioxidant function, i.e. ability to neutralize some oxidative reactions that negatively affect our body, which often lead to tumor processes. Slows down the aging of the body and helps keep the skin smooth and elastic for a long time (use with vegetable and butter, sour cream, mayonnaise)

The skin cracks and peels, takes on an unhealthy grayish tint, hair splits and breaks, nails become brittle and grow slowly. And most importantly, the so-called “night blindness” leads to a decrease in the ability to see in the dark.

Vitamins of group D

Participate in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Participate in the formation of the skeleton, in the functioning of the thyroid and gonads, strengthens the gums, regulates the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

In children it leads to rickets, curvature of the leg bones, chest, skulls. In adults it leads to fragility and brittleness of bones.

Vitamin E

Ensure normal oxygen absorption and prevent oxidation processes in the body. Vitamin E is necessary for the body to properly absorb vitamins of all other groups. It is important for the flow metabolic processes especially in muscle tissue, to maintain energy balance, prevents premature aging and death of body cells. Based on the results of epidemiological and clinical trials we can say that vitamin E can reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases, including coronary disease heart disease, cataracts and some forms of cancer. It is extremely necessary for the normal development of pregnancy and the proper course of labor; in particular, vitamin E protects against miscarriages.

Deterioration in the ability to conceive and give birth to a child, muscular dystrophy, pain and cramps in the legs, destruction of red blood cells.

Vitamin K

Helps maintain normal blood clotting

Frequent nosebleeds.

Vitamin H - biotin

Stimulates the formation of fatty acids and promotes their processing along with carbohydrates, to prevent splitting of nails and improve their growth. Necessary for normalizing the function of the skin and mucous membranes, preventing the appearance of acne and comedones

Depression, weakness, muscle pain, nausea, aversion to food.


Responsible for removing fluid from the body. A microelement that ensures proper functioning of the heart muscle, as well as regulating water and electrolyte balance, is recommended for those who suffer from various diseases heart, especially interruptions in heart function, hypertension

A lack of Potassium leads to an excess of Sodium. It appears in swelling, and cardiovascular diseases. Excess fluid in tissues appears as fat and excess weight.


It is the main component of bones and teeth. In addition, it regulates the functioning of the nervous system, participates in thrombus formation, the main mechanism of blood clotting that protects against excessive blood loss, and promotes the proper formation muscular system, strengthens blood vessels.

Frequent “spontaneous” bone fractures (osteoporosis), abrasion and destruction of teeth, caries occurs. With a deficiency of Calcium in the body, Strontium is replaced - this manifests itself in brittle bones and the formation of lumps and growths on the bones.


Its primary role belongs to regulation blood pressure and maintaining acid-base balance. Supports optimal functioning of nerve and muscle tissue.

Sodium deficiency manifests itself in dehydration, low blood pressure and disruption of the central nervous system. Excess salt causes high arterial pressure, strokes and heart attacks, kidney dysfunction.


In combination with protein molecules, this is hemoglobin. Main function which is the transfer of oxygen. Contrary to current opinion While apples that darken in air contain a lot of iron, it should be noted that plant products do contain iron, but in a chemical form that is practically not absorbed by the body and is negligible to maintain normal daily iron levels. In addition, excessive consumption of plant foods, such as beans, brown rice, corn, spinach, interferes with the absorption of iron.

leads to the development of a serious disease - anemia; women are susceptible to this disease (due to monthly blood loss) and pregnant women (due to an increase in the total volume of circulating blood), as well as people who prefer a vegetarian diet (due to the consumption of plant foods that contain poorly absorbed iron). The main symptoms of anemia are separation and brittleness of nails, hair loss, perversion of appetite, observed in the need to eat inedible substances, often chalk and soap, drowsiness, weakness, and fatigue.


Vital for hormone production thyroid gland. Iodine increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, which has a very negative impact on the general condition of a person and the functioning of all organs and systems.


It is of no small importance for body growth in length and for normal functioning. immune system, takes part in the stimulation and regulation of puberty. Prevents aging. Enhances the effect of collagen protein, resulting in healthy, smooth and elastic skin.

Obesity, rough skin, acne, acne, poor wound healing


Together with Calcium, it takes part in the formation bone tissue. Most important for strengthening tooth enamel and dentin.

However, excess fluoride causes dark spots on tooth enamel and skeletal deformities.


Participates in the production of proteins and cell structure, promotes cell restoration, and takes part in the regulation of the nervous system.

Teeth decay, caries, enamel abrasion.


Activates intracellular reactions and also plays a supporting role in the absorption of other mineral salts. Protects against malignant tumors. Calcium and Magnesium are antagonisms. An excess of one of them interferes with the absorption of the other.

Eyelid twitching, cramps, numbness, tingling in the legs, spots before the eyes, imbalance, fatigue, inattention, headaches, increased response to weather changes, heaviness of the body, pain and stomach cramps, feelings of melancholy, insomnia, mosquitoes, auditory hallucinations.

Excess can lead to cancer.

Which adult has not suffered from constipation at least once in their life? Therefore, many mothers, knowing what it is in practice, apply their life experience in a situation where constipation develops in a baby. It is not right. The body of a newborn is so different from that of an adult that it is sometimes difficult to understand what is normal and when to start worrying.

From this article you will learn:

The medical definition of constipation for any age is as follows: This is a painful condition characterized by slow and difficult bowel movements.

If in relation to an adult body everything is extremely clear: the diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms that will be colorfully described by any patient who has had the opportunity to spend sufficient time in the restroom, then these criteria do not work for a newborn.

The baby is not able to complain, so in order to understand what condition can be considered constipation in a baby, you need to understand in detail how the digestive system works healthy child V different periods his life.

From intrauterine life to independence

From the desquamated cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the dry residue of amniotic fluid in the fetal intestine, the first feces are formed, which are called meconium. Immediately after birth, it begins to pass, gradually being replaced by normal stool formed during the digestion of milk. Meconium has a black-brown color, elastic consistency, comes out like toothpaste from a tube, has almost no smell, and is difficult to wash off diapers.

The frequency of bowel movements in a child in the first 2 days of life usually does not exceed 3 times.

Firstly, this is due to insufficient intestinal motility, which is just learning to move food.

Secondly, with a small amount of colostrum, which serves as food for the baby these days. During this time, the original stool has time to come out completely. Subsequently, the nature and frequency of bowel movements depends on what kind of feeding the baby will be on.

Growing up together in the intestines

As colostrum is replaced by mature milk, the amount of which increases significantly, a newborn who is fully breastfeeding, begins to empty the intestines 2-6 times a day. It is considered normal, even if this happens after each breastfeeding.

The consistency of the stool should be liquid, it resembles mustard, it smells sour milk, easily washes out of diapers. A small presence of foam, greens and undigested lumps is acceptable, which is not due to illness, but to the immaturity of digestive enzymes.

Some babies digest mother's milk so well that they may not poop for 2-3 days. This is considered normal at the age of 2 to 6 months, if the child feels well, sucks with appetite and sleeps peacefully. In this case, feces should be separated without tension, in large quantities and not have an unpleasant odor.

Infants receiving formula milk must have a bowel movement at least once a day. Unlike breastfed babies, they do not soil their diapers after each use of formula. The characteristics of their stool are also different; they resemble adult stool more than infant: more dense, Brown, with a characteristic odor.

With a gradual transition to adult food, the frequency of bowel movements decreases, settling at 1–2 times a day. This is typical for babies from 6 to 12 months.

Thus, mothers and fathers must clearly understand the basic rule of how the infant’s digestive system works from birth to one year:

  • If the baby is breastfed, then what is important is not the number of bowel movements per day or the absence of stool, but general state child (mood, appetite, sleep, anxiety during feeding) and monthly weight gain .
  • For babies on artificial and mixed feeding, the rules of an adult apply - there must be a bowel movement every day.

Doctor Komarovsky. Constipation in infants during breastfeeding (video)

The line between normal and disease

Based on the above conclusions, you can accurately determine whether the baby actually has constipation or whether everything is within normal limits.

Constipation can only be suspected if stool retention in a newborn is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bad mood, moodiness, tearfulness, breast or bottle refusal;
  • severe straining and screaming while trying to “go big”;
  • crying, pressing the legs towards the stomach, sudden cessation of sucking during feeding;
  • gases with an unpleasant odor, hard stools passed in small quantities;
  • weight loss or underweight based on the results of monthly weighing of the child.

Understanding the cause is half the cure

The reasons that can lead to the development of constipation in a baby can be divided into 2 categories:

  • General, which are typical for both breastfed and artificially fed babies;
  • Particulars that differ in these two groups of newborns.

Common reasons include:

  • congenital anomalies of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • immaturity of intestinal motor function;
  • accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen.

Congenital anomalies of the digestive system

They occur during the formation of the digestive tract in the prenatal period. May result negative impact for the benefit of ecology and bad habits. The colon is most often affected with the development of Hirschsprung's disease, sigmoid colon with the formation of its additional loops and the rectum, when an overgrown anus is observed.

Disease of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals

Common causes of constipation in infants are organ diseases endocrine system. For example, this is observed with insufficiency of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. In children with damage to the central nervous system, including cerebral palsy, there may be a violation of intestinal motor function with the development of constipation. Vitamin D deficiency and related diseases rickets are also accompanied by impaired bowel movement.

Immaturity of intestinal motor function

The movements of the intestinal wall, which push its contents towards the rectum, are ensured by a complex nervous regulation. In babies under 2 months of age, especially premature babies, there may be insufficient development of nerve endings in the wall of the digestive tract. As a result, the intestine does not respond to the filling of its lumen with food gruel and does not move it forward. This physiological phenomenon, which goes away as the child grows up and does not require special treatment.

Accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen

Gas bubbles can interfere with the movement of food gruel through the intestines. This may occur if:

  • a nursing mother eats foods that cause intestinal fermentation (carbonated drinks, cucumbers, chocolate, raw onions, cabbage, legumes, grapes, bananas);
  • there is intestinal dysbiosis;

Particular reasons for babies who are fully breastfed include the mother's diet and the medications she takes.

Diet of the mother of a newborn

Known products and medicines active substances which, passing into milk, cause the development of constipation in infants. Among them:

  • whole dairy products, cheeses;
  • fat meat;
  • rich meat broths;
  • baking;
  • medications (antispasmodics - noshpa, diuretics, drugs for the treatment of anemia, aluminum-based heartburn medications - almagel).

Common causes of constipation in formula-fed and mixed-fed babies are:

  • unsuitable formula;
  • sudden change of mixture;
  • under-soldering.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of formula, under-supply still raises many questions among parents.

According to WHO recommendations, exclusively breastfed newborns should not receive additional water until 6 months of age. With the exception of special occasions: fever, increased body temperature, vomiting, diarrhea.

Supplementation of infants receiving formula milk is mandatory. This is due to the fact that no matter how adapted the mixture is, it cannot compare in quality with breast milk, and the baby’s body needs additional liquid to digest it. With a lack of water, severe constipation develops.

How to help your baby

It is understandable that parents want to alleviate the condition of their baby when he develops constipation, but the first and best thing they can do for him is to seek advice from a pediatrician. Among the conditions that cause disruption of intestinal motor function, there are those that threaten not only the health, but also the life of the newborn.

Trying to start treatment without knowing the true cause of constipation is big mistake. Only a doctor based on examination and additional methods examinations that he will prescribe if necessary, will be able to accurately establish a diagnosis and recommend effective and safe treatment.

But what to do if the test results and examination did not reveal any violations, and the baby continues to suffer from the inability to empty the intestines. In this case, constipation is most likely associated with immaturity of the peristalsis, the mother’s dietary habits, or the quality of the formula. There are several ways to help gently and safely help a baby in this situation:

  • Massage and special exercises for newborns, including fitball exercises;
  • Changing the diet of a nursing mother or more carefully selecting formula;
  • Laxative drugs approved for use in infants;
  • Mechanical methods of intestinal stimulation (enema, gas outlet pipe, glycerin suppositories).

Massage and special exercises

They are the safest and most accessible method of stimulating intestinal motility if constipation is caused by underdevelopment of the motor function of the digestive tract and enzymes. The massage is performed an hour after feeding, while the baby is awake and in a good mood. It is unacceptable to perform massages and exercises with crying baby, during illness, in a dream.

Changing the diet of a nursing mother and selecting formula milk

A nursing mother should carefully approach the preparation of the daily menu. It is necessary to exclude from it foods that contribute to the development of constipation in infants and cause increased gas formation. In addition, it is recommended to consume foods that have a natural laxative effect:

  • dried apricots;
  • boiled beets, pumpkin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • porridge;
  • unsweetened fermented milk products;
  • prunes;
  • vegetable soups;
  • chicken breast.

If constipation occurs in a baby who is on artificial feeding, the reason most often lies in an incorrectly selected mixture. It must be strictly age appropriate and adapted. Attention should be paid to the daily volume of the mixture. For an artificial baby, feeding on demand is unacceptable; the bottle must be given strictly on an hourly basis. The recommended norms cannot be exceeded.

All babies receiving formula must be fed boiled water at the rate of 10 ml (2 tsp) per 1 month of life per day.

Laxative drugs approved for newborns

In some cases, after consultation with a doctor, it is possible to use medications that help intestinal motility. These include:

  • Duphalac - acts as a laxative and as a medium for the growth of beneficial microflora;
  • espumisan (subsimplex, bobotik) is a carminative that destroys accumulations of gas bubbles in the intestines;
  • Plantex is a herbal carminative.

When using any medicine it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended doses even if the effect of treatment is not visible. If the medicine does not help, you need to contact your pediatrician to select a replacement, and not listen to the advice of friends and “forums for young mothers.”

Mechanical methods

Unfortunately, they are still the most popular methods among inexperienced mothers. They are simple and give quick results. BUT, underneath the apparent harmlessness lies their destructive effect on the fragile digestive system of a newborn:

  • Injuries to the intestinal mucosa;
  • Washing out beneficial bacteria, microelements and vitamins;
  • Overextension of the walls;
  • loss of ability to empty yourself.

For all their speed, they should remain the last resort of choice for constipation in infants when other methods do not help.

Mechanical methods include:

  • enema with water-oil solution;
  • microenemas microlax;
  • gas outlet pipe;
  • glycerin suppositories.

Important point!

For an enema in newborns, syringe No. 1 with a soft tip is used. The syringe and gas outlet tube must be boiled and cooled before use. The temperature of the enema water should be at least 30 C⁰.

Constipation in a baby is a serious condition that should not be ignored by the mother’s parents. Timely treatment will allow the baby to develop healthy and cheerful.

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