Home Pulpitis 3d zoom teeth whitening. Whitening Zoom

3d zoom teeth whitening. Whitening Zoom

A smiling person always attracts people. Sometimes the unsightly appearance of your teeth prevents you from smiling widely. In addition to their defects, a big drawback is the yellowness of the enamel, which you want to get rid of. Snow-white teeth are the dream of any person who takes care of themselves. This can be achieved in different ways.

Old home recipes using hydrogen peroxide are still used to whiten enamel, baking soda, white clay and even ash. Unfortunately, in addition to the whitening effect, they harm not only the enamel, but also the gums. Now there are many whitening pastes that partially help solve the problem, and also modern drugs for whitening enamel.

One of the popular enamel lightening technologies today is the ZOOM method. Designed in the USA, it quickly spread throughout all countries. Let's look at the features of this technology and its advantages over other lightening methods.

Description of ZOOM whitening technology

The technology is based on an acid-free effect on tooth enamel a special gel composition that does not damage its structure, which distinguishes it from other lightening methods. The composition of this gel is a mixture of the active base in the form hydrogen peroxide or urea, as well as amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), which serves to protect and strengthen the enamel structure. During the professional Zoom whitening procedure, they use illumination with a special lamp.

The process of affecting the enamel occurs as follows:

  • The active substance of the gel, upon contact with tooth enamel, begins to release oxygen as a result of the reaction;
  • Under the influence of the lamp's illumination, the process of releasing oxygen molecules is noticeably accelerated;
  • By acquiring significant kinetic energy, oxygen molecules penetrate into the deep layers of enamel, which helps to get rid of the most persistent pigment coloring of the surface;
  • AFC, filling all damage to the enamel surface, protects it in these places from the influence active substance, which significantly reduces sensitivity and serves as the prevention of caries.

The Zoom procedure, which is performed by a professional dentist using a lamp, takes 45-50 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • The doctor determines the initial color of the enamel and selects its shade after the whitening procedure;
  • Covers the inner mucous membranes of the lips, cheeks and root surface of the gums with a protective fluoride-containing cream;
  • Applies Zoom gel to the enamel surface;
  • Directs the switched-on lamp onto the surface with the applied gel to activate its action, holding it for 15 minutes. I repeat the process three times, each time removing the remnants of the old gel with a napkin and applying a fresh composition;
  • After the procedure is completed, the mouth is rinsed with warm water to remove any remaining gel, and the surface is lubricated with a fluoride-containing cream to prevent exacerbation of sensitivity.

Preparing for whitening

Before carrying out the tooth whitening process, it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity.

To do this you should:

  • Conduct examination and rehabilitation of all defective teeth;
  • Carry out professional root cleaning of tartar;
  • A week before whitening, teeth should be brushed with toothpaste that contains a significant percentage of fluoride to prevent increased sensitivity after the whitening procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Enamel lightening using Zoom technology is a popular method because it has advantages over other whitening methods:

  • It allows you to lighten the yellowest enamel;
  • Provides maximum lightening in the shortest possible time;
  • Whitening results last for a long time, maintaining the whiteness of the enamel for up to 5 years;
  • During the procedure, minimal damage to the enamel occurs.

Like any whitening method, Zoom technology has a number of disadvantages:

  • During the procedure, sometimes there is a slight burning sensation in the soft tissues to which the lamp rays are directed;
  • After the sessions, tooth sensitivity increases for a short time;
  • After completing the whitening course, it is necessary to exclude for some time certain products that affect the color of the enamel.


ZOOM procedures are contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • If you have caries or damaged enamel;
  • In case of allergy to the components of the gel;
  • With increased natural sensitivity of teeth;
  • If a person has increased photosensitivity;
  • When crowns and fillings are installed on non-front teeth;
  • For inflammation of the gums, including periodontal disease;
  • Children under 14 years of age.

To mitigate all the negative sensations after ZOOM lightening, and also not to spoil its effect, you need to follow some rules:

  • For at least one week you should try to avoid too hot and cold foods;
  • Do not eat sweet and sour foods, as well as foods containing dyes. These are berries, fruits, carrots, as well as sauces: ketchup, adjika and others;
  • Eliminate or reduce to a minimum the consumption of coffee, tea, red wine and any coloring juices or fruit drinks;
  • Avoid smoking.

Possible complications

Despite the fact that ZOOM technology is the most gentle way to whiten tooth enamel, it does not exclude some complications:

  1. Most often they are associated with increased sensitivity that occurs when the enamel layer thins. To minimize discomfort, the dentist usually prescribes medications in the form of fluoride-containing gels that have a local effect on problem areas. Usually such areas are root zones. To eliminate the adverse effects of the whitening gel, the doctor protects these areas as much as possible by covering them with a protective gel before performing the procedure.
  2. After whitening, a burning sensation in the gum area may occur for a short time. If you feel this way, your doctor may prescribe sedatives. local drugs(cooling gels).
  3. After such bleaching, aesthetic complications may arise, consisting in too intense unnatural enamel whitening. Patients' reactions may vary. Some people rejoice at this effect, while others take a long time to get used to such unnatural aesthetics of their teeth.
  4. Serious undesirable effect can happen if there are poor quality fillings that do not fit tightly to the tooth, or in the presence of caries. The gel can penetrate deep inside and damage nerve endings. To avoid such consequences, sanitation is a mandatory step. oral cavity.

Teeth whitening with ZOOM gel at home

Conducted in a dental office, it is effective and in a fast way, but this is an expensive procedure. An alternative is home enamel lightening. When performing Zoom whitening on your own, special trays are used that are applied to the surface of the teeth.

A gel composition is applied to the inner surface of the mouth guards, the components of which are:

  • Calcium phosphate in amorphous form;
  • Two-component whitening gel (one component whitens, and the other enhances its effect).

Influencing tooth surface long time, this composition has a whitening effect without additional illumination with a lamp. To avoid side effects, the first procedure is better carried out under the supervision of a dentist.

For home use comfortable to use and much cheaper than professional procedures dental office.

Having decided to carry out bleaching yourself, you need to know about the disadvantages of this procedure:

  • With home procedures, teeth can be whitened only up to 4 shades, unlike professional way, at which the degree of whiteness can be achieved up to 12 tones;
  • The gel does not fully exhibit its properties without additional activation with a lamp, so the procedure must be used longer than in the dentist’s office;
  • The need to wear a mouthguard not only during the night, but also during the day, creates the inconvenience of the method;
  • Result from home whitening lasts less than with professional lightening.

At home, you can use the Global White whitening system.

There are a few clever tricks you can use to make your teeth snow-white. Most of them are based on a game of contrast. For example, you can tan your face or put on bright lipstick to make your unattractive teeth as invisible as possible. But your teeth will still remain with a cosmetic defect, so if you want to truly change their appearance, then you should use a professional whitening procedure.

Behind last years quite a few appeared new effective ways allowing you to give your teeth the desired whiteness. One of them is the Zoom system, which has proven itself well. It only takes one procedure to see changes. The maximum whitening effect using this method appears within a day.

Actions before bleaching

Before the whitening procedure, teeth must be prepared, which consists of two stages:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • use of strengthening gel;

The main goal of oral sanitation is to improve dental health. This is achieved by professional cleaning, removing soft and hard plaque, in some cases it may be necessary to remove tartar with a scaler, as well as reduce inflammation of the gum tissue. As a result of these actions, you can eliminate all elements that could interfere effective whitening - plaque, stone, bleeding. One of the main principles of whitening is that it is done evenly, and then the result lasts for a long time.

Treatment of teeth with strengthening gel is recommended for patients with sensitive teeth. This will help them avoid discomfort during and after bleaching. This procedure is carried out 1-2 weeks before bleaching. First, the cavity is cleaned, and then a gel is applied to the teeth and left for 20 minutes. As a result of this effect, it is possible to improve dental health due to the presence of beneficial microelements in the gel, as well as restore damaged areas, for example, with cracks. The Zoom method not only helps strengthen teeth, but also helps prolong the whitening effect.

Thus, professional dentists When carrying out the whitening procedure, they not only give the teeth the necessary color, but also restore their health.

Teeth whitening zoom: before and after, description and stages of the procedure

During the whitening procedure using the Zoom system, it is imperative to carry out a number of steps:

The necessary effect as a result of the zoom whitening procedure is ensured due to the reaction of the disintegration of the gel at the moment of exposure to radiation: this leads to the release of oxygen, which activates component responsible for enamel whitening. Typically, one whitening procedure takes about 2 hours. To determine the number of sessions, various factors must be taken into account:

  • initial shade of enamel;
  • desired teeth color;
  • anatomical features.

It must be borne in mind that no matter what whitening method the patient chooses, he will never achieve desired result, if the enamel already has a close-to-ideal white tint and is not exposed to the whitening gel. This is explained by the color of dentin: enamel with a more pronounced yellow tint and less thickness will be affected by the gel with less success, so the whitening effect will be weak. Therefore, it is important to learn about these and other nuances during the initial consultation. But sometimes such information can only be obtained after the first bleaching and analysis of the results.

It happens that a patient wants not only to whiten his teeth several shades, but also to achieve a snow-white result. In this case, he can undergo the procedure again, provided that his teeth are able to withstand another session. Usually, the doctor prescribes repeated bleaching only 4 weeks after the first treatment. This way you can minimize possible negative effects on tooth enamel.

Cost of the zoom system

To give teeth natural whiteness using Zoom 3 technology, the patient will have to pay 129 dollars. However, this price is completely justified. If the teeth whitening procedure is carried out by a professional specialist, then the patient can expect that he will not only receive beautiful snow-white teeth, but will also improve his oral health, because this technology requires professional cleaning before the whitening procedure.

At the same time, anyone can perform the procedure themselves at home using strengthening whitening gels. In this case, the cost of whitening can be reduced by 2 times, but to ensure the best result, the procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a dentist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although you can find many conflicting reviews about this system on the Internet, in reality, whitening using the zoom method does not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel and gum tissue. The only thing there is no doubt about is very specific procedure. It can only be done with teeth that are in perfect condition. Unfortunately, the Zoom system cannot change the color of crowns, so after whitening they may look different from the rest of your teeth. It is also necessary to take into account the contraindications of the Zoom whitening system: women during pregnancy, people with allergies, and smokers should avoid it.

About the harmfulness of the procedure

It is believed that bleaching seriously damages the enamel, causing its destruction, and also negatively affects the condition of the teeth. This point of view is held by dentists who are not ready to accept modern methods acquisitions beautiful smile, or people who are practically unfamiliar with the specifics of the procedure.

However, in recent years dentistry is actively developing, and the whitening procedure is today one of the most popular techniques that helps improve appearance smiles. It is in demand by many patients who want to correct various cosmetic dental defects, and often this is where work to improve their smile begins.

Clinics in Europe and Western countries have acquired significant experience in performing whitening procedures. Over the past 30 years, they have been able to adopt many various methods, instruments and preparations that are not only very effective, but also have minimal harm to the condition of the teeth. But we must not forget that this is an aesthetic procedure, and therefore specialists must follow certain rules. The physician must take into account the degree of impact, frequency, individual characteristics patient. All this helps to make such a service as safe as possible.


The whitening procedure is recommended primarily for those people who want to eliminate a certain cosmetic defect in their teeth. But, unfortunately, the patient’s desire to undergo this procedure is not enough for the doctor to agree to it. First of all, he must carry out oral examination, since some patients may have contraindications for teeth whitening.

Experts call the following main contraindications:

  • Signs of caries, which may require oral sanitation;
  • The presence of many large, visible old fillings that need to be replaced;
  • The presence of crowns and dentures on the smile line, which is why they can look very different from whitened teeth;
  • Periodontal diseases;
  • Thin and weak tooth enamel;
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • Allergy to the components of the whitening gel;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Chemotherapy treatment;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Active smoking.

The specialist will have to determine whether the patient has contraindications, yet during the initial consultation. In some cases, certain contraindications can be eliminated. Then the dentist must draw up a treatment plan, after which, if it is successfully implemented, you can proceed directly to the whitening procedure.

Prevention and result support

After successful completion of teeth whitening with the zoom system, The final stage- patient support. There are clinics that not only give recommendations to their patients after the whitening procedure, but can also tell you about the nuances of the whitening procedure at home.

This may be helpful if the patient wishes re-bleach. Although it is possible to save money on such procedures than if they were carried out in a clinic, they do not provide such a bright result. Whitening enamel at home only allows you to provide support for the previously achieved result, to “refresh” the whiteness that was obtained through professional bleaching.

You can whiten your teeth at home using a special gel and trays. First you need to prepare a mouth guard, which I fill with gel, and then attach it to your teeth - it is advisable to do this before bed, and in the morning you need to remove them and brush your teeth thoroughly. In each case, the frequency of such whitening should be determined by a specialist, taking into account various nuances. At the same time, the patient himself should not carry out bleaching too often, otherwise there may be a negative effect on the enamel.


Zoom teeth whitening technology is one of the most advanced. It is successfully used in Western countries, and today it has become available to residents of Russia. Contrary to current opinion, this technique can really help you get a snow-white smile. But in order to understand whether the patient will be able to realize his long-standing dream of beautiful teeth, he needs to be examined by a dentist. Based on its results, it will be accepted final decision. It is also necessary to take into account that this procedure may not be suitable for all people. This must also be taken into account, otherwise serious harm to health may occur.

Teeth whitening with the Zoom system is considered the most popular and effective way to change the color of enamel. But not everyone still knows what it is. User reviews are positive, but so is the price this procedure considerable.

Is it worth spending money and risking your oral health to get a beautiful smile? Let's consider these questions.


Elimination of discolorations using the Zoom system is a modern clinical method of teeth whitening. The method is based on the photoactivation reaction of a gel containing carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide.

Features of changing the shade of teeth using the Zoom complex:

  • initiation of peroxidation occurs using a special ultraviolet lamp;
  • The light beam leads to an increase in the temperature of the active substances, due to which they split into atomic particles. Hydrogen ions penetrate deep into the enamel and destroy pigment molecules that lead to discoloration;
  • At the end of the procedure, the teeth become naturally white.

The Zoom system for teeth whitening appeared thanks to the development of American scientists. Today, there are several generations that differ in the composition of the activator gel and the frequency of the wave spectrum of UV rays. Using this in-office whitening technique, you can lighten hard tissues tooth by 8-10 shades.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zoom whitening

The effect of the Zoom system on enamel has certain advantages in comparison with other methods for eliminating discoloration:

  • speed – after just one session, noticeable teeth whitening is observed, which cannot be achieved using home techniques;
  • guarantee of results - whitening occurs regardless of the reasons that led to the darkening;
  • painlessness - to perform the procedure, anesthesia is not needed, because the patient does not experience discomfort during the photobleaching process;
  • long-term results – the effect lasts up to five years;
  • safety – the Zoom system does not have a destructive effect on the enamel, as happens with the classical method, and does not irritate the mucous membranes;
  • a short recovery period is a period when, to consolidate the effect, you should quit smoking and stick to a “white” diet.

Despite the impressive list positive aspects, the procedure also has negative aspects.

  1. Hypersensitivity for several days after bleaching.
  2. Minor irritation may occur if the active agent accidentally comes into contact with the gums.
  3. During the procedure, the temperature of the hard tissues of the teeth increases, which can cause discomfort.
  4. High-intensity whitening can cause severe lightening, causing the enamel to appear chalky white and unnatural.


Like each method of eliminating discoloration, whitening using the Zoom photo system has a list of limitations when the use of the technique is unacceptable.

  • age under 18 years due to insufficient maturity of the enamel structure;
  • history of allergy to one of the components present in the active gel;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • carious cavities and areas of demineralized enamel. Before teeth whitening, they must be filled;
  • structural damage such as cracks or chips;
  • increased gag reflex, which greatly complicates whitening, since it is necessary to stay with the patient for a long time open mouth;
  • presence of oncopathology;
  • rehabilitation period after photochemical irradiation;
  • psycho-neurological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases that are accompanied by increased photosensitivity;
  • taking medications that enhance the response to ultraviolet rays.

Photos before and after

How is the Zoom whitening procedure performed?

Before performing an in-office change in the color of your teeth, you need to visit a dentist so that he can conduct a full examination of the oral cavity for the presence of caries and pathological elements on the mucous membrane. The condition of the enamel must be assessed; if it is fragile and insufficiently mineralized, then the procedure will have to be postponed or even abandoned so as not to harm the teeth.

All cavities need to be restored with fillings, since the active substance of the gel can penetrate into the affected areas of the tooth and cause damage. On the eve of whitening, perform professional hygiene, this will enhance its effectiveness.

Teeth whitening with the Zoom system is performed in several stages:

  • identifying the initial shade of enamel according to the Vita scale, as well as determining the tone that the patient wants to achieve;
  • treatment of soft tissues of the oral cavity with a protective cream against ultraviolet exposure;
  • fixing the lip retractor and protecting the eyes with special orange glasses;
  • A liquid rubber dam is applied to the free edge of the gum, which, when hardened, forms a dense, impenetrable barrier for the active substance and protects against chemical burns;
  • applying a special whitening composition to the vestibular surface of the teeth included in the smile line;
  • installing the Zoom lamp as close as possible to the enamel so that its rays are focused in the area requiring a change in shade;
  • after 20 minutes have passed, the dentist removes the active solution from the surface of the teeth and applies a fresh portion of the substance;
  • the whole procedure is repeated three times;
  • At the end of whitening, the remaining gel and protective layer are removed from the gums and a fluoride-containing preparation is applied to restore the enamel.

How to whiten teeth using the system at home?

Changing the shade of enamel in the dental office gives good visible results, but also costs a lot of money. Philips has developed a version of the Zoom system that can be used at home, eliminating the need to visit a clinic.

Day White and Night White complexes are designed specifically for whitening teeth at home. Before you start using one of the systems, you still need to visit the dentist to treat existing carious lesions and make sure that changing the shade of the enamel is not contraindicated for you. In addition, the dentist will make an individual mouthguard and recommend whether it is better to use a day or night complex in a particular case.

The price of the systems is more affordable compared to photobleaching, and to achieve results it is necessary to carry out a series of procedures. And yet, Day White and Night White have significant disadvantages:

  • less pronounced result compared to office whitening - teeth become whiter by no more than 3-4 points on the Vita scale;
  • frequency of manipulations - due to the fact that there is no photoactivation of the gel, a longer period of time is required to obtain visible lightening;
  • it is necessary to use a mouthguard - the activator substance is placed in an individual form, which serves as protection for the gums from irritation and chemical burns;
  • short-term effect - the procedure is more suitable as a maintenance procedure after professional whitening, but if home whitening is carried out without medical care, then the result lasts no more than 10-12 months.

How long does the effect last?

The duration of maintaining the effect depends on how you take care of your teeth after the enamel whitening procedure.

  1. Daily oral care using a brush, paste and floss.
  2. Refusal bad habits(smoking).
  3. Reduce or eliminate foods containing bright colors, such as lemonades, beets, blueberries, red wine, black coffee, tea and others.

Also, the duration of preservation of the result is influenced by the execution method. With in-office photo whitening, teeth remain white for 4-5 years if they are properly cared for and maintenance procedures are performed. When enamel lightening was carried out at home using Day White or Night White, the effect lasted no more than a year.

Care tips after bleaching

To reduce the time required for recovery structural components bleached enamel, you should follow these tips:

  • adhere to - exclude all products that have pigments and can change the tone of the teeth;
  • avoid irritants - do not expose enamel negative impact chemical substances, and also not create temperature differences in the food consumed.

Hard tissues after bleaching are vulnerable, because their crystalline structures are open and not protected from the penetration of dyes, so colored products should not be eaten, so as not to get the opposite result to what was expected: instead of beautiful snow-white smile see yellow or gray teeth in the mirror.

Regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations and performing in-office removal of soft and hard plaque, daily hygiene care taking care of your teeth and gums will allow you to preserve the results for as long as possible.

There are many reasons why teeth darken and become yellow throughout life. This external factors– food coloring matter, smoking, also more complex reasons – age-related changes, antibiotic treatment, genetic predisposition person. Professional whitening Zoom 3 allows you to change the color of your teeth in the most difficult cases when other methods are practically powerless.

How the Zoom 3 system works

The whitening procedure using the zoom system involves a chemical reaction with the formation of active oxygen under the influence of UV radiation. This is a professional method based on the use of ultraviolet light in combination with special gels. The essence of the zoom 3 technology is the application of a whitening gel, which is activated by ultraviolet light and breaks down into particles that have a whitening effect. The entire procedure takes about an hour and a half, during which time it is possible to achieve the maximum degree of enamel lightening once.

Whitening kit zoom 3.

Whitening technology allows you to change the color by 10, maximum 12 tones on the VITA scale out of a possible 16, depending on the original color. This method allows you to adjust the impact on each unit of the dentition, thereby achieving a uniform enamel color. The ultraviolet installation guarantees precise control of the time and intensity of exposure, so it is possible to achieve uniform lightening of all teeth with the zoom system.

5 differences between Zoom 3 and its predecessors

Zoom whitening technology is initially based on photobleaching using preparations containing a certain percentage of hydrogen compounds. Previous methods are not entirely safe for tooth enamel, since the interaction of acid with minerals can lead to its inevitable destruction. When creating the perfect Zoom 3 technology, all the disadvantages of previous methods were taken into account, which made the method safer and more comfortable:

  1. When whitening, amorphous forms of calcium phosphate are used before and after the procedure to reduce the sensitivity threshold and restore the enamel structure.
  2. The system features a gentle whitening mode.
  3. In accordance with the technology, drugs and devices from the same manufacturer are used for guaranteed compatibility - the components of the drug are activated in the spectrum of a special lamp.
  4. The device has a finite service life, which can be extended by replacing the lamp, which guarantees complete safety of manipulation.
  5. The separate storage system involves mixing the ingredients only at the time of application to the enamel; before that, the active components are in separate syringes to avoid their destruction.

Advantages of the technique

The main indicator of the effectiveness of Zoom 3 tooth lightening is the aesthetic result, which is noted by all patients. The advantages of the technology include:

  • maintaining the result for five years with strict adherence to oral hygiene;
  • the ability to periodically repeat whitening using zoom - no more than once every six months;
  • the permissibility of bleaching in the presence of certain diseases;
  • complete removal of stubborn deposits of external coloring pigments;
  • adjustment of impact in all parameters;
  • uniform change in shade;
  • The price for Zoom 3 whitening is affordable for everyone.

Zoom 3 teeth whitening results.

The few disadvantages of the method, according to patient reviews, include the inconvenience of staying under a lamp for a long time with your mouth open. Some clients with particularly sensitive teeth report painful sensations during and after the procedure, which disappear without a trace after its completion.

Contraindications for whitening

In order for the procedure to live up to expectations and not cause disappointment, and for the resulting effect to last for a long time, you should not get carried away with home whitening. It is advisable to immediately contact a dental clinic and follow simple recommendations:

  1. Before whitening using the Zoom 3 system, you should examine the oral cavity, remove possible inflammation, cure .
  2. The doctor is obliged to check the degree of sensitivity of the teeth.
  3. If there are any contraindications, you should refrain from the procedure.

Restrictions for using Zoom 3 include:

  • caries, wedge-shaped defects;
  • prosthetic teeth and a large number of fillings;
  • diseases and defects;
  • increased sensitivity, thinned enamel;
  • allergy to whitening preparations;
  • taking medications that increase the sensitivity of tissues to light.

Performing the procedure - procedure in the clinic and price

It is important to undergo whitening using the zoom method under the guidance of a doctor, who must take into account the condition and color of the patient’s teeth. Only a dentist knows the intricacies of the process algorithm, taking into account the anatomy and histology of the tooth, and can carry out correct Zoom 3 whitening, the price of which depends on the features and characteristics of a person’s teeth. It is recommended to start whitening with removal ultrasonic cleaning, pigment - system.

Stages and results of Zoom 3 whitening.

IN dental clinic"Meliora Dent" is carried out before the Zoom 3 teeth whitening procedure special training patient, the dentist assesses the condition of the oral cavity, the presence of diseases and complicating factors. If there are no problems, it executes . The procedure itself requires precision and accuracy from the staff:

  • The doctor evaluates the color of the teeth using a special scale and selects the appropriate shade of enamel for lightening.
  • A protective cream against UV radiation is applied to the skin around the mouth.
  • The lips are fixed with a retractor.
  • Soft fabrics, the gum mucosa is protected from the aggressive effects of the gel composition with special preparations.
  • Active components gels are applied to the smile area, irradiated with UV rays, thanks to which the chemical reaction whitening - active oxygen is formed within 20 - 25 minutes, immediately affecting dental tissues. This destroys dark pigments, resulting in noticeable lightening of the enamel.
  • The remaining product is removed and the procedure is repeated twice.
  • Finally, the enamel is treated with a special calcium solution for its rehabilitation.
  • The result is that the mirror reflects your dazzling smile.

Today, whitening with the Zoom system is becoming popular, many people are beginning to think comprehensively about the health and aesthetics of their teeth. This is not at all high price future well-being and comfort, because white teeth and a smile attract people and open a short path to success.

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