Home Removal How to remove a decayed tooth at the root of a child. Remaining root. What complications are associated with it? How is tooth root removal performed?

How to remove a decayed tooth at the root of a child. Remaining root. What complications are associated with it? How is tooth root removal performed?

In their practice, dentists daily encounter patients who, due to various circumstances, have partially or completely destroyed a tooth. This problem may occur due to physical impact(consequences of a fight or blow), and due to illness (advanced caries). Therefore, it is important to promptly pay due attention to the integrity of the enamel, so that in the future you do not have to remove the damaged tooth.

Delete or tolerate?

The operation to remove chipped pieces of the root occurs without causing acute pain or particular discomfort. Anesthesia, high-quality instruments and the professionalism of the dentist make it possible to turn this complex procedure into a standard manipulation.

Removing a decayed tooth is a special dental procedure that requires the surgeon to have appropriate knowledge, skills and experience. To understand how to remove a tooth that has been damaged, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

- special anatomical structure;

pathological changes neighboring tissues;

- dimensions of the damaged area.

What danger does such a tooth pose?

A decayed tooth is a place for rapid proliferation of infections and harmful bacteria. Unpleasant smell from the mouth is only a small problem that arises in such a situation. Porous rot absorbs food particles, hard-to-reach plaque, and tartar. Not only the roots, but also the gums can suffer from this.

In the absence of treatment or removal, a number of complications develop:

- bone loss;

- granuloma - a limited area of ​​acute inflammation;

To avoid such pathologies, there is no need to delay going to the dentist. How is a damaged tooth removed? To determine permissible manipulations, the surgeon analyzes the x-ray image. It clearly shows the structure of the root and its condition.

Interesting to know! If x-rays indicate absence infectious inflammation, then the canals are subject to treatment, filling, stump insert or pin installation. If the tooth is mobile, and the root is fractured and affected by periodontal disease (or determined by the formation of a cyst), removal cannot be avoided.

Preparation for the procedure

Tooth extraction - a set of established medical actions, which are aimed at completely extracting the tooth along with its root part. Only emergency and thoughtful manipulations can help the patient, since a decayed tooth is considered a source of severe infection.

Removal surgery cannot be avoided in a number of cases: when a cyst forms on the root, with increased tooth instability, and also:

- if you have periodontal disease;

- appearance of carious lesions;

— penetration of fragments into the gum;

- atypical location.

Before the operation, the doctor must prescribe short course preparation for the procedure. What actions does the complex include? Before the operation, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the damaged tooth. The patient must free himself from anything tight (remove his belt, unbutton his shirt). If there is an inflamed area, it must be neutralized before surgical intervention.

Variety of instruments

To remove damaged tooth roots, the surgeon requires special equipment. Raspator is a device for separating the cartilaginous layer, periosteum from the bone. Raspators are divided into:

- curved;

- costal;

— double-sided;

- straight.

The procedure also requires forceps. various types. Straight for removing incisors and canines, horizontal - for removing lower eights, S - shaped - for removing small chewing upper teeth or first molars on upper jaw.

What the operation hides: possible difficulties

The work of dentists can be complicated by several determining factors:

- increased arterial pressure in the patient;

- fragility of the enamel of the damaged tooth and adjacent molars;

- increased salivation;

- difficult access (the patient is not able to open the oral cavity widely).

How are chipped parts removed? Using a rasp, the doctor carefully exfoliates the gums, freeing the root from the circular connective tissue. Having gone one centimeter into the root, fixing the cheeks of the forceps, the surgeon carefully twists the root out of the sinus. When there is no tight clamp, you have to peel off the periosteum from the hole, loosening and removing the remains of the roots.

Reducing pain levels

Induction of anesthesia - first and important point during the operation. Pain relief is divided into local (used in most cases) and general (only in particularly severe and rare cases).

For reference! The anesthetic is selected taking into account the patient’s age, the presence or absence of diseases, allergic manifestations and characteristics of the body.

Local anesthesia is administered using the conduction method - the doctor places the drug along the nerves, this serves as an obstacle to the appearance of pain impulses. Anesthetic is selected individually, taking into account the complexity surgical intervention, painful and emotional condition patient, duration of the procedure.

Detailed facts: how is a damaged tooth removed?

There are 2 common methods removing broken parts.

  1. Hemisection is an operation that can save a tooth. During the procedure, part of the crown and root is removed. It is performed only on teeth with several roots, and also if the infection has not yet spread to the entire cavity.
  2. Amputation or complete removal. The surgeon removes the gum tissue, then removes the tooth using universal forceps.

Operation for complete removal involves rupture of periodontal ligaments and changes in the configuration of bone tissue. This allows you to get rid of the source of acute pain and infection.

All about the procedure: dental knowledge

In order for the removal to be successful, it is necessary to detach the circular ligament of the tooth (this is performed regardless of the chosen method of tooth removal). Also, the method of removal depends on the location where the operation needs to be performed.

During the procedure, the doctor performs the following actions.

  1. Separation of the neck from the gums. At this stage, the dentist, using a raspatory, carefully and carefully separates the neck and gums.
  2. Fixing the forceps on the tooth. The cheeks should be in contact with all sides and securely fix the diseased tooth.
  3. Direct removal. Rocking, turning, turning with a smooth increase in strength and amplitude gives the doctor the opportunity to pull out a tooth using the “lever” principle.
  4. Subsequent root removal. This stage is possible after the loss of connection between the root and the alveoli.

Removing teeth in the lower row is easier - this is explained by the shorter length of the roots and thicker walls of the sockets. Curved devices are suitable for this procedure. Fangs are more difficult to pull out: you cannot do without a tool with wide cheeks.

If the surrounding tissue is melted, the root is deep-seated, removal is performed with an elevator. The device is placed between the wall of the hole and the root. Under pressure, the dentist rotates the root, pushing all or part of it out.

An angular instrument is used to extract the divided root system; a bayonet device is used to extract wisdom teeth.

We consolidate the result: manipulations after removal and postoperative care

The open wound is treated with an antiseptic and Alvogel is placed ( special remedy against inflammation). Rinsing, washing, taking antibiotics and analgesics are recommended (to minimize possible complications). If everything went without complications, then on days 3-5 the wound heals and the pain goes away.

Important to remember! In the first hours after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to eat; over the next 24 hours you should avoid eating hot or solid foods.

Other compliance measures include avoiding going to the gym, baths and saunas. All actions that can increase blood pressure or lead to vasodilation are prohibited. The hole remaining after removal should not be touched with hands or tongue. If you have acute pain, immediately contact your doctor again.

In general, removing a decayed tooth is a painless and time-consuming procedure, and the rehabilitation period is not prolonged. Various methods will help to perform the operation, taking into account all individual characteristics. Do not delay your visit to the dentist, as otherwise serious complications may arise.

How a tooth is removed - video

Tooth root extraction (RTR) is the most unpleasant dental procedure. It depends on the location and presence of pathologies, so it can be carried out in different ways.

The operation of removing the tooth root (radix dentis) must be carried out professional dentist. A particular danger during the operation is the deep location of the roots and their deformed growth. If the root of a tooth is damaged as a result of injury, improper treatment dental disease and this causes unpleasant and painful sensations, then the UKZ is quite complex. Let's look at the main dental indications for extraction:

  • Destruction of the radix dentis of the tooth crown and the inability to replace the tooth root with prosthetics.
  • Increased tooth mobility and teething problems.
  • Pathologies and complications from dental procedures and treatment.
  • But in some situations, it is prohibited to remove tooth roots.

Let's look at the contraindications to tooth root removal surgery:

  • The rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack, hypertensive crisis.
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Diseases nervous system and psychological problems.

Removal of the tooth root in case of the contraindications described above is carried out at the discretion of the dentist. If the UKZ cannot be canceled, then the operation is performed in a hospital setting to allow prompt resuscitation support. When indicated for ultrasonography, the dentist works according to a pre-developed algorithm, let's look at it.

  • Anamnesis collection - the dentist finds out about the presence allergic reactions on medications, chronic diseases and other pathologies.
  • Anesthesia - using anesthetics for ultrasound, the doctor numbs the area where the operation will be performed.
  • Preparation – the dentist peels the gum away from the tooth and bone tissue. This will make the operation easier. The doctor also applies forceps, which allow you to destroy the ligamentous apparatus that attaches the tooth to the bone.
  • Extraction of radix dentis, medicinal treatment of the hole and recommendations from the dentist to speed up recovery.

Wisdom tooth root removal

Removing the root of a wisdom tooth is not a complicated operation, which extremely rarely comes with complications and does not cause severe consequences. The entire procedure is performed under anesthesia, this allows you to numb the affected area at the time of the operation. If after the operation the patient feels pain, he is prescribed painkillers and antibiotics, which relieve pain. pain syndrome and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

The UKZ procedure can be carried out different ways, which depend on the location of the radix dentis, the presence of dental and chronic diseases. Before the operation, the dentist will learn about the presence of allergic reactions to certain drugs and antibiotics that will be used during the extraction, treatment and anesthesia process. Rehabilitation period after wisdom tooth root removal can last from one week to a month and depends entirely on individual characteristics the patient's body.

Removing the root of a baby tooth

Root removal baby tooth is performed extremely rarely, since there must be special indications for this procedure. Baby teeth, like permanent teeth, have nerves and root canals. As the child grows up and the baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones, the radix dentis of the first teeth gradually dissolve due to which the tooth begins to become loose and is easily extracted. Remove the roots of baby teeth before they begin to erupt permanent teeth Not recommended. But in some situations, removing the root of a baby tooth is absolutely necessary. Let's look at the cases in which extraction is carried out:

  • Inflammatory processes and spread of infection.
  • Presence of a cyst on the radix dentis.
  • Tooth destruction by caries.
  • Periodontitis, pulpitis and fistulas on the gums.

All the diseases and processes described above can lead to the rudiments permanent teeth will be destroyed. The root is extracted using special forceps. The tool is designed for fragile children's teeth, so it does not destroy them. Special attention is given to the normal growth of permanent teeth. Therefore, after the extraction procedure, the oral cavity must be rinsed with antiseptics, which will not allow the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Removal of the apex of the tooth root

Removal of the apex of the tooth root is prescribed when inflammation is detected in this area. As a rule, this occurs due to improper or inadequate oral care. Another common reason for extraction is curved radix dentis canals that are affected by bacteria. The extraction operation is performed by a dental surgeon. The doctor carefully trims the top of the root of the diseased tooth and removes the inflamed tissue. After this, the dentist fills the root canal through the resulting hole in the top of the tooth and restores the functionality of the jaw.

If, after removing the tip of the tooth root, it is not possible to fill the root canal, the dentist installs a barrier in the cut of the tooth. This prevents the occurrence of infections caused by bacteria and inflammatory processes. In some cases, the dentist fills the hole with a bone-restoring substance, this speeds up the healing process.

Removing overgrown tooth roots

Removing overgrown tooth roots is a serious dental operation that is performed under anesthesia. After the operation, the patient faces a long recovery course with IVs, antibiotics and injections. The operation is performed by a dental surgeon in the presence of an anesthesiologist who monitors the patient’s blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

This extraction is associated with an abnormal arrangement of teeth that disrupt the dentition, impact and damage adjacent teeth. In statology, special treatment programs have been developed that help prevent overgrowth of radix dentis. As a rule, after removing overgrown tooth roots, the patient will receive implantation or prosthetics to restore normal jaw function.

Removing a rotten tooth root

Removal of a rotten tooth root (UGKZ) is a fairly common dental operation. So, lack of oral care, bad habits, such as smoking and eating unhealthy foods, lead to destruction of not only teeth, but also their radix dentis. UGKZ is a serious and dangerous operation, the results of which determine the preservation of the integrity of the tooth body.

Sometimes suppuration is associated with diseases immune system or one of internal organs. But in addition to possible complications, removing the root of a rotten tooth also causes aesthetic problems. Thus, a tooth with a rotting root has darkened enamel, and the patient suffers from sharp pain and quite unpleasant odor from mouth. Please note that radix dentis rotting is an irreversible process that is much easier to prevent than to treat. Regular dental checkups, oral hygiene and healthy image life is a guarantee of beautiful and healthy teeth.

Removal of a tooth root cyst

Removal of a tooth root cyst is carried out through surgery. Because this is the most effective method extraction, as opposed to therapeutic and medicinal “removal”. Surgical ultrasound for cysts can be performed using the following methods:

  • Cystectomy is the most reliable, but at the same time complex method. During the operation, the surgeon cuts out the cyst with the membrane and removes the damaged tip of the tooth root. After the operation, the doctor sutures the wound, prescribes the patient a course of antibiotics and antiseptic solutions for rinsing.
  • Hemisection is the simplest method. During surgery, the surgeon removes the radix dentis cyst along with the affected tooth.
  • Cystotomy – moderate in complexity surgical method. The only drawback this method– long lasting postoperative period. Since during the operation the doctor removes only the front wall of the cyst and its contents, the remaining part grows together and is treated with medication, since it does not pose a danger to the radix dentis.
  • Laser extraction is a modern, painless and highly effective procedure. During the operation, the cyst is completely removed, and the surrounding tooth tissue is disinfected, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Recovery from this extraction method is very fast. The only drawback of this method is the high cost and lack of necessary equipment in many dental clinics.

Complex tooth root removal

Complex tooth root removal is a dangerous procedure that should only be performed by a professional surgeon. Let's look at cases that are considered extremely difficult to extract.

  • Curved or overgrown radix dentis - the shape of the roots of the teeth does not make it possible to remove the tooth, damages and destroys neighboring teeth.
  • A decayed tooth (at the root or below the gum) - the difficulty is that the dental surgeon has nothing to cling to during extraction.
  • Brittle tooth - this refers to teeth that were treated with the resorcinol-formalin method and because of this they began to crumble even with light pressure. The rotten ones are fragile, that is, rotten teeth, teeth affected by caries and other dental diseases.
  • Incorrect (horizontal) position of the tooth or its incomplete eruption – this case concerns mainly wisdom teeth.

The difficulty of removal in all the above cases is that the dentist has to cut the gum for extraction, and this is extremely dangerous. Because it can cause damage or injury to nerves and even a jaw fracture.

Removing a tooth root through the gum

Removing a tooth root through the gum is the most difficult dental operation. This procedure called resection and can only be performed by professional surgeons and only in modern clinic. Usually, this operation carried out when removing the apex of a tooth root or cyst. Using instruments, the surgeon makes a hole in the gum that provides access to the radix dentis and root canals. The dentist removes the root and securely fills the root canal. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of infection.

The main indications for this operation are:

  • Presence of cysts and granulomas on the radix dentis
  • Damage to the apex of the tooth root
  • Curvature of root canals
  • Fixed dental prostheses
  • Inability to fill the root canal

But there are also contraindications for this operation: acute periodontitis. Most often, the operation is performed on the lateral and frontal incisors, the front teeth of the upper jaw and canines. Surgery is performed under anesthesia. For a speedy recovery, the dentist injects a restorative solution and special preparations into the wound that accelerate the healing process and tissue regeneration. After this, the gum is sutured, and the tooth, if necessary, is secured with a crown.

Why are we afraid to pull out the root of a tooth?

Arsenic and unbearable pain are what patients remember after tooth root removal. The procedure seemed endlessly long, with patients visiting the dentist more than twice. The pain they experienced at this time was not relieved by any anesthetic.

How was a tooth root removed before?

The operation took place in two stages. At the first stage, the dental surgeon expanded the root canal with a drill, inserted arsenic into the pulp, placed a temporary filling and sent the patient home for two days. During the adaptation period the patient experienced toothache due to the effects of arsenic on the nerve and the body as a whole.

At the second stage, the patient had the root removed. It happened that the nerve did not die during this time. Because of this, the procedure was painful.

How do they do it now?

Tooth root removal takes place in one stage. The patient is injected with a thin needle and a modern anesthetic. Ultracaine or imported analogues. Within 10 minutes, the anesthetic begins to act, and the patient does not feel touch to the oral cavity. This is where the surgeon begins his work. It separates the circular ligament from the neck.

If the gum is not inflamed, then it is separated from the edge of the alveoli. To remove the root of a tooth, the surgeon will need forceps or an elevator. He grabs the root with them and pulls it out.

This procedure will take two hours. And the only unpleasant sensation that the patient experiences is the sound of the devices.

In what cases will it be necessary to pull out the root of a tooth?

The main reason for tooth root removal is infection. Secondary reasons include excessive tooth mobility due to gum disease, the presence of a cyst, deep caries and chipping of the tooth wall.

Types of operations


Represents modern technology removal of the tooth root along with the crown. With this procedure, the tooth is preserved, as is its functionality.

With hemisection, there is a high probability that the tooth will not withstand the load. Therefore, dentists will not give you guarantees on its service life.

Average price for hemisection: 2500 rubles.


In this case, the root is completely removed while preserving the crown. This makes it possible to save the tooth.

During amputation, the dental surgeon makes an incision in the gum, and the root is cut off with a drill and pulled out with forceps. The empty cavity is filled with bone-restoring or bone-plastic material and the gum is sutured.

Amputation has a number of contraindications for which it cannot be performed. These include diabetes, various immune and cardiovascular diseases, elderly age.


This operation is prescribed when it is possible to remove a cyst on the root. In this case, the tooth is completely preserved. In essence, this is a simple procedure for an experienced surgeon, where the dentist’s main task is to remove the cyst and fill it with bone-forming material.

Average price for cystectomy: 3000 rubles.

How to behave after tooth root removal

After the operation, you should not eat, drink tea or coffee for three hours. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes until the gums are completely healed.

Pain in the postoperative period

Often, patients return to the doctor complaining of tooth pain. This is normal, such pain is a consequence of changes in the structure of the jaw. As a rule, it appears when eating hot or cold food and when closing the jaw. In such cases, it is recommended to take an anesthetic. The pain will go away in a few days.

If the pain doesn't go away long time, contact your dentist as it is possible that the root has not been completely removed.


The average cost of tooth root removal will be 3,500 rubles, in difficult cases the price will increase to 5,000 rubles. Please note: the price depends on many factors. To quickly find a clinic and find out the exact cost of treatment, use our search.

Don't put off visiting the dentist! Remember that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

The question of installing an implant or restoring a tooth is usually decided when the roots of the tooth are healthy - in such cases, the doctor fills the canals, restores the crown with a pin, or together with the patient evaluates the possibility of prosthetics.

If the crown of a tooth is completely destroyed by caries and its restoration is impossible, the roots most often have to be removed - otherwise they become a focus chronic infection, leading to infection of the surrounding tissues, and if the process is advanced, of neighboring teeth and the jaw area. In addition, a cyst can develop on the root - this is not only very painful, but also difficult to treat. The occurrence of a cyst is extremely dangerous unpleasant consequences- for example, rupture with the formation of phlegmon or osteomyelitis.

It often becomes necessary to remove even healthy roots if, as a result of an injury, the crown of the tooth is completely broken off - for example, if the chip partially extends under the gum or there is a high probability of infection in the canals.

The tooth roots remaining in the gums after extraction can cause significant discomfort to the patient, continuing to rot, hurt, and become infected. bone tissue. In rare cases, the roots do not cause any sensation at all and are detected only on an x-ray, but more often patients feel that the root has not been completely removed. Usually, after removing a tooth, a dental surgeon immediately checks whether there are any root fragments left in the gum, and, if necessary, performs an operation to remove them.

How are roots removed?

Removal of tooth roots is performed under local anesthesia (if indicated, general anesthesia is possible). This is a less painful operation than is commonly believed, although quite complex.

Typically, tooth roots are removed using special forceps, the shape of which depends on the location of the affected tooth and its structure. Also important role plays a role in the condition of both the actual roots to be removed and the tissues surrounding them.

If the remainder of the root cannot be pulled out with forceps, it can be removed with an elevator - a special tool that is inserted between the wall of the hole and the root. Roots connected to each other sometimes have to be separated using a drill and removed one by one.

Possible complications after removal of tooth roots - inflammation of the socket (alveolitis), bleeding, swelling. To avoid them, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs after removal.

Patients are often frightened by the upcoming procedure, but experienced dental surgeons can handle this operation without difficulty. Difficulties most often arise when removing the roots of “wisdom teeth” due to the peculiarities of their location, but for a qualified specialist this is not a problem.

Dental problems are familiar to almost everyone, but some people ignore visiting the dentist, succumbing to fears about the procedures.

As a result, the need arises for tooth root removal, which could have been prevented if the patient had consulted a doctor in a timely manner.

Inflammation of the root can also occur in a healthy-looking tooth if a person does not follow the rules of hygiene (or does it incorrectly). Jaw injuries and infection in the carious hole may also be to blame.

Infectious type inflammation

If you constantly postpone treatment of a diseased tooth, you can quickly lose it - it will gradually begin to decay, leaving behind a rotting root system. All this is accompanied unpleasant sensations, which can manifest themselves in acute and chronic forms.

Acute form

At acute form the patient experiences pain, which occurs not only during eating, but also from the slightest touch to the area of ​​inflammation.

Take off pain symptom impossible with any analgesics.

All this is accompanied by an increase in temperature, poor appetite and insomnia. Weakness and fatigue appear.

As a result, a person is unable to work fully. Over time, the problem can be seen visually - the cheek swells at the site of inflammation. This indicates that cysts have formed at the root.

If you do not see a doctor immediately, then inflammatory process will take over soft fabrics, and they will begin to fester.

Chronic form

Continuing to ignore visiting the dentist, the patient brings the situation to a chronic form.

At this stage sharp pain dulls, and the person calms down in the hope that everything has passed by itself.

However, the inflammation continues to develop and pus accumulates in the lesion, the smell and taste of which can be felt in the mouth.

Pain and discomfort occur periodically when chewing. This condition is temporary, like “the calm before the storm.” The process of cyst formation is underway, and...

As a result, the root rots and the tooth loses its stability. inevitably, and along with the patient, you can lose the neighboring ones, the roots of which have already entered the stage of inflammation.

Complications in the presence of root residue

Sometimes the dentist deliberately leaves the tooth root in the mouth during prosthetics. This situation is allowed if it is healthy and not damaged.

If a root remains after the removal of a carious or injured tooth, this is already a problem that may not bother you at first, gradually becoming overgrown with soft tissues.

If the root remains when a tooth is removed, troubles will begin in the future, for example:

  • if there was a jaw injury and a tooth broke, then the root system could also be damaged, collapsing into tiny fragments. It is they who can then cause soft tissue injury, which will lead to an inflammatory process;
  • dental remains affected by caries continue to rot, developing fistulas and cysts. Even if the hole becomes overgrown, pyogenic microbes will continue their destructive effect. It is difficult to immediately notice visually, but infected particles can enter the bloodstream, through which they are transported to other organs.

After tooth extraction, the root remains - what to do? To avoid a threat to life, the remains of the root system must be removed before it overgrows. The doctor determines the degree of neglect of the problem using x-rays, because not a single piece of the root can be missed during the operation.


Surgery to remove remnants of the root is a painful procedure, so pain relief will be required.

To remove tooth roots without (relatively) pain, use local anesthesia by making blocking injections in the area of ​​inflammation.

Painkillers are selected individually for each patient, based on his sensitivity and pain threshold. In some cases they resort to general anesthesia by injecting the drug into a vein.

In both cases, the amount of pain medication will depend on the complexity and duration of the operation. It can take a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Surgeon's instruments

It is better to remove root remains from an experienced surgeon who has perfect professional skills and uses a variety of instruments in his work.

For example, forceps and elevators are selected for each specific tooth. These hand tools work on the principle of leverage, but require some experience.

Types of forceps

Forceps are the main tool for removing tooth roots. The forceps used by surgeons have 2 types: some for removing teeth, others for removing remnants of roots. In this case, one forceps is used for the lower jaws, and another for the upper jaws.

Forceps with medium jaws for removing dental roots of the upper jaw

When selecting an instrument, the dentist takes into account the location of the tooth on the jaw, as well as the patient’s ability to open his mouth wider. The presence of a crown and the condition of the dentition also matter, so each type of forceps has its own design features.

So, for example, to remove the root system from lower jaw, the doctor will take beak-shaped forceps. On the top, he will remove the small molars with an S-shaped instrument, and the central ones with straight forceps.

Types of elevators

Where pliers are powerless, elevators are used, which are somewhat reminiscent of plumbing tools. They are divided into 3 types: straight, bayonet-shaped and angular.

The doctor decides which elevator to use based on the specific situation and complexity of the operation:

  • a direct elevator is used for extraction in the upper jaw, and it does not matter whether the tooth is multi-rooted or not. Sometimes they also remove separated roots on the lower jaw (in the molars);
  • Angular ones work exclusively on the lower dentition. Here there are 2 types of elevators with an angular arrangement of the working part to the right or left;
  • a bayonet-shaped elevator with a peak-shaped working part is used only for removing a large lower molar, the third one.

Each of these tools has rounded ends, which reduces the risk of injury to a minimum.

Basic principles of the operation

Each operation to remove dental roots has its own characteristics. They depend on the degree of neglect of the situation (i.e., there is inflammation or not), on the integrity of the bone and soft parts, the presence of pathologies in the dentition, and the location of the problem.

So, if the inflammatory process has not yet begun, the doctor carefully separates the gum from the alveoli and the ligament from the neck of the tooth. To do this, he uses special tools - a smoothing iron and a rasp. Only then are forceps applied to the root.

Removing a tooth root using forceps

When inflamed, soft tissues become more pliable and there is no need for additional instruments. Removing a rotten tooth root can be done using just forceps.

If it was not possible to remove root debris with forceps, then elevators are used, which are inserted between the walls of the hole and the root or between the roots. The instrument operates on the principle of a lever, pushing bone remains out.

Complex tooth extraction with root separation is carried out using a drill. With its help, the root system is first divided into parts, and then forceps or elevators are used.

The more advanced the problem, the more labor-intensive the root extraction process will be.

Wisdom tooth root removal

Particular difficulty arises when removing the root of a wisdom tooth. In itself, it differs from other teeth, since its root grows perpendicular to the others. The surgeon must take this factor into account when removing remnants.

Removing the number eight root

Typically, such teeth are removed immediately as they grow, so that they do not cause problems in the future. However, if a person rarely visits the dentist, then the “wise” tooth has time to fully form.

Before deleting it, you will need to do X-ray, which will clearly show the directional location of the root system.

The procedure for removing the root of a wisdom tooth is not much different from the main one, except that you will have to select special tools.

Tooth root removal: cost

For tooth root removal, the price is not much different from the usual extraction procedure - from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

Sometimes the price also includes anesthesia, radiography, delivery additional tests and consultation with an anesthesiologist.

Then the amount for the procedure can increase to 5,000 rubles.

Reviews about tooth root removal agree on one thing - the procedure is very painful. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t skimp on anesthesia.

Video on the topic

How to remove a tooth root - video in front of you:

Visiting the dentist is not a pleasant event, but it is extremely necessary to keep your teeth healthy and intact. Once the situation starts, surgical intervention is no longer necessary. This procedure is more complex than preventive sanitation, but with modern development medicine is not as painful as it seems at first glance.

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