Home Children's dentistry Colonoscopy hemorrhoids. Is it possible to do a colonoscopy procedure for hemorrhoids or is it dangerous? What is a virtual colonoscopy

Colonoscopy hemorrhoids. Is it possible to do a colonoscopy procedure for hemorrhoids or is it dangerous? What is a virtual colonoscopy

2014-02-19 18:15:06

Tanya asks:

Hello. I am 24 years old. I've been suffering from a sore throat for three years anus which often bleeds. There is internal and external hemorrhoids. I used to suffer from constipation. Two years ago I had an irrogoscopy and was diagnosed with chronic colitis and dolichosigma. Now there is no constipation, but the stool is often hard. For the last six months, bowel movements are almost always painful and small cracks form that bleed. Please tell me: 1).Do I need to do a colonoscopy (is it possible to do a colonoscopy with a fissure and acute hemorrhoids). 2). What could be the cause of dense stool? Thank you

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Tatiana. If there are indications for performing a colonoscopy, then this examination can be performed for chronic anal fissure and chronic hemorrhoids. However, in such a situation it is better to do this diagnostic examination under general anesthesia. Relatively dense. If you have stool, try drinking more liquids + stewed vegetables + steamed dried fruits. She can also take laxatives - for example, 1 tbsp of Vaseline oil. Spoon 3 times a day with meals + lactufiltrum 2k 3 times a day. It may also be helpful to take probiotics, for example try mutaflor.

2011-06-06 12:41:41

Tanya asks:

Hello. I have the following question: during a colonoscopy I was diagnosed with grade 1-2 hemorrhoids. We did stage 1 of vacuum ligation. In 1 month there will be the 2nd stage. The doctor said it was necessary to do this before pregnancy. Is it really?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Pregnancy and childbirth aggravate the pathological process associated with an increase in the size of the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus. Therefore, surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is recommended before pregnancy. At the same time, it is important to comply preventive measures that prevent the progression of hemorrhoids and take medications that increase the tone of small-caliber veins (for example, Dioflan). Under the influence of venotonics, slow venous blood flow improves, the overflow of blood in the veins decreases and they become smaller in size. venous dilatations. In addition, venotonics have moderate antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects, which reduces the risk of developing complications of hemorrhoids. Venotonic drugs are well tolerated and have no significant side effects side effects, which allows for long courses of therapy, including during pregnancy, and, if necessary, to repeat them.

2015-12-04 13:38:23

Tamara asks:

Good afternoon Fedot Gennadievich, during a total colonoscopy on October 30, 2015, a polyp was discovered in the area of ​​the splenic angle of a cylindrical shape 0.5 cm in diameter. A biopsy was taken, the conclusion was a glandular polyp. On November 26, the polyp was removed in the hospital, and at the same time treatment for combined hemorrhoids was carried out - infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoids (A16.19.013). After discharge from the hospital, blood is released on the 6th day after defecation. Is this normal and what to do?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Tamara. If the blood discharge is significant, then this is certainly not normal. Be sure to see your operating surgeon again soon.

2015-05-26 06:53:09

Andrey asks:

Hello! Please help, I'm already going crazy! (((I am a 22-year-old man, I have been doing powerlifting for 2 years, lifting heavy weights. I ate different sports nutrition, took a course a couple of times steroid drugs. I tried to eat a lot and ate up at night. During this time I gained more than 10 kg. Now I am suffering from this problem. Since half a year ago, during and after eating, my stomach began to swell very much, and a large amount of gas accumulated. At the same time, internal hemorrhoids appeared with bleeding. A last months 3 suffers from terrible rumbling and strange sounds in the intestines, similar to squeaks (almost at the very bottom), this happens mainly immediately after eating and in the morning before defecation. At the same time, gases accumulate and escape, often without any odor. This makes me sleep very poorly, I have severe anxiety and fear. The stool is different, sometimes hard, sometimes watery, mushy, it comes out in portions, at first it’s hard and then more fluid, it has some strange looseness and color, there are pieces of undigested food, after emptying the anus hurts (but as I understand it, this is due to hemorrhoids) . I gave blood (general, for sugar, liver), urine, feces for dysbacteriosis, caprogram, did a colonoscopy, ultrasound abdominal cavity. The indicators are not bad in principle; no obvious problems were found. Now one gastroenterologist, after new tests (caprograms and dysbacteriosis), diagnosed acute chronic colitis. and dysbacteriosis 1st degree. Here are the results - caprogram (present hidden blood, fat neutral, fatty acid, starch, grows. fiber digested, iodophilic flora, erythrocytes 1-2-3 per point of view) for dysbacteriosis (80% hemolyzing agent is present coli). Prescribed diet + "intetrix" 4 tablets. per day after this Latium course. I took Intetrix for 10 days, the flatulence decreased a little, I stopped waking up at night, but in the morning I have to go straight to the toilet, there are cutting pains in the lower abdomen, they go away after bowel movements, during bowel movements and afterward the intestines grumble a lot, this happens The rumbling can be felt right in the anus((, after eating, rumbling also appears.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Andrei. You really cannot exclude some kind of proctological pathology, inflammatory diseases colon. Contact a qualified proctologist for an in-person examination and I think it will be necessary to perform a fibrocolonoscopy.

2015-05-24 00:50:15

Alexander asks:

Hello! After a digital examination by a doctor, an anal polyp up to 2 cm was found, chronic hemorrhoids grade 3, recommended elective surgery. I described everything that was on the sheet given to me by the doctor; I will add on my own that I have bleeding and mucous discharge. Colonoscopy was not prescribed. Please answer, what can be said from this conclusion and symptoms, and is it possible to judge the nature and quality of the polyp during a digital examination? Thank you in advance.

2015-04-25 22:49:44

Svetlana asks:

Hello. I am 35 years old, recently I saw a little blood during defecation, I immediately went to a proctologist, he did an anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy and diagnosed stage 1 hemorrhoids. Just in case, I did an MRI of the abdominal organs, everything is normal. At this point, I didn’t prescribe any more studies. Question: Should I have a colonoscopy? Thank you very much, Svetlana

2014-10-08 14:56:16

Lily asks:

Hello! During an anoscopy, I was diagnosed with grade 1 hemorrhoids and a small polyp up to 0.5 cm. During colonoscopy, no other polyps were found in the colon. Blood test for CEA is within normal limits (1 ng/ml). The doctor suggests removing both the hemorrhoids and the polyp. My husband and I are planning a pregnancy in the near future. I would not like to postpone pregnancy, and besides, I am afraid that after the operation complications will arise that will prevent pregnancy or pregnancy. Please tell me, is it possible to postpone the removal of the polyp for 1.5-2 years? And how can the presence of a small polyp and hemorrhoids affect the course of pregnancy?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Lily. Since no other polyps were found during fibrocolonoscopy, it is most likely a fibrous polyp of the anal canal or a hypertrophied anal papilla. If this is the case, then you really don’t need to delete it. As for stage I hemorrhoids, provided that hemorrhoids do not bother you, you can also not remove them or, as an option, perform latex ligation hemorrhoids. As for the forecasts for pregnancy, no one knows how hemorrhoids and polyps will “behave”. In any case, the decision must be made by you personally. To clarify the diagnosis and further prospects, visit another proctologist - get a “second opinion”.

2013-12-01 04:14:05

Yana asks:

Dear doctor, please help me, I can’t sleep peacefully, 3.5 years ago I had a colonoscopy, they found one polyp and they removed some non-atypical cells, I had a second colonoscopy a year and a half ago and they didn’t find anything... I’m worried about pain in the back and perineum, stabbing pain sometimes near the navel on the left, pain in the lower abdomen and vanilla opening, I have hemorrhoids... Could I have cancer?? I’m very afraid... I’m also being treated for prolonged depression and PA, I’m 23 years old... do I have to do a colonoscopy now? I still have this feeling that something is interfering with the act of diffusion... I’m 23 years old, what is the probability that it’s cancer?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Yana. You do not have colon cancer - this was confirmed by both a colonoscopy and the result of a histological examination of the polyp. But you should still do a fibrocolonoscopy once a year. Sincerely, Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

2013-07-14 10:48:49

Anna asks:

Hello! Six months ago, after the second birth, mucus and blood appeared in the stool, pain when pressing on the left in the intestines has long been bothering me, flatulence, constipation. Closing colonoscopy: ulcerative colitis (minimal activity)?, erosive proctosigmoiditis. Biopsy signs ulcerative colitis did not reveal. Res. X-ray: signs of sigmoiditis, typhlotransversoptosis., Calprotectin 43.50. Glucose 4.93, total bildirubin 15.3, conjugated bilirubin 3.44, ALT 10.30, AST 14, GGT 22.65, amylase 150, serum iron 18.9. FGDS: Focal superficial (erythematous) gastritis, duodenitis. Retoromanoscopy: erosive proctosigmoiditis, exacerbation, chronic hemorrhoids grade 2-3. Blood test: leukemia 5.5, erythr. 4.62, Hemoglobin 140, Platelets 215, Lymphocytes 27.2 Eosinophils 4.4 Monophytes 5.8, Basophils 0.5 ESR 3. I took salofalk 500 mg 3 times a day for more than 2 months, put salofalk suppositories once a day. Microclysters with hydrocortisone, suppositories and Ultraproct ointment. Forlax 1 pack at night for 1 month. Nolpazu 40 mg once a day for 1 month. Hofitol 2 caps 3 times a day 1 month. Rioflora immuno 1 caps. in the morning 1 month The blood disappeared half a month ago, but after suffering from an acute respiratory infection (I took parinimal Nurofen for high temperature) reappeared and bowel sounds appeared. Chair m.b. 3 times per day, and maybe just mucus. I started taking Salofalk 3g per day, but the blood did not disappear. Nobody makes a definitive diagnosis. Help, please. Thank you,

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

Colonoscopy today is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing colon pathology. This technique allows you to visually assess the condition of the mucous epithelium of the rectum, sigmoid and cecum, as well as their peristalsis. The method is more informative than rectomanoscopy, since it covers a larger part of the intestine.

Colonoscopy is used for hemorrhoids and is prescribed as a additional research rectum, in order to clarify the preliminary diagnosis, as well as for the purpose differential diagnosis.

What is a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is endoscopic method examination of the large intestine from the level of the anus to the ileocecal angle (the junction of the small and large intestines), which is performed with a fibrocolonoscope.

A fiber colonoscope is an elastic tube up to 1 cm thick, which is made of special optical fiber. During insertion of the instrument, the endoscopist pumps air into the intestines.

The intestine is examined through the eyepiece of the endoscope tube or on a computer display. Also, the entire process of examining the colon can be recorded on an information medium, which is very convenient. The resulting record can be viewed by a proctologist.

Another possibility of colonoscopy is the collection of material for histological or microbiological analysis.

The most important advantage of the method is the fact that the accuracy of determining a disease such as hemorrhoids during colonoscopy is almost 100%. Examination of the rectum with a fibercolonoscope allows you to examine even the most invisible hemorrhoids with other devices.

Why is a colonoscopy needed for hemorrhoids?

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is prescribed :

  • for confirmation preliminary diagnosis;
  • to determine the spread of the hemorrhoidal process;
  • for diagnostics;
  • to stop massive rectal bleeding;
  • as preoperative preparation, when you need to decide on tactics surgical treatment;
  • for the differential diagnosis of hemorrhoids and rectal tumors, if the patient has symptoms of intoxication, weight loss, changes in stool character, etc.;
  • for collecting material for histological or microbiological studies.

When is a colonoscopy contraindicated for hemorrhoids?

Colonoscopy is an invasive diagnostic method, and any such examination is considered stressful for the patient’s body. The method also involves passing a fiberconoscope through the anus and rectal canal, which can cause complications on their part.

Therefore, there is a specific list of conditions and diseases when colonoscopy is not allowed to be performed in order to avoid worsening the patient’s condition.

The following contraindications to colonoscopy for hemorrhoids are identified:

  • hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • exacerbation of nonspecific;
  • peritonitis and suspicion of it;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute colds of the upper respiratory tract;
  • spicy intestinal infections and poisoning;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • decompensated pulmonary failure;
  • bleeding disorders (hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.);
  • epilepsy;
  • mental illness;
  • heavy general state patient.

Patients who cannot undergo a regular colonoscopy may be offered a virtual colonoscopy.

What is a virtual colonoscopy?

Virtual colonoscopy is the latest non-invasive technique for studying the intestine, allowing you to assess the condition of its internal surface, wall thickness, peristalsis, relief, and also identify pathological processes.

A virtual colonoscopy is performed on a computed tomograph, which transforms the information received into a three-dimensional image.

The method is much more accurate existing surveys intestines. Its only drawback is the high cost of the study - about 8-14 thousand rubles.

How to prepare for fibrocolonoscopy?

Two days before the colonoscopy, the patient preparation stage begins, which necessarily includes diet and bowel cleansing.

The result of an examination with a fibrocolonoscope depends on the correctness and thoroughness of the patient’s preparation.

The daily diet of a patient scheduled for fibrocolonoscopy should consist of easily digestible foods. It is recommended to consume lean varieties of poultry, fish and meat, dairy products, crackers, crackers, jelly, non-carbonated drinks, green and black tea. Dishes should be prepared using gentle heat treatment methods: boiling, stewing, baking or steaming.

From the menu you should exclude foods that contribute to gas formation and constipation, as well as those that take a long time to digest, namely: grapes, apples, bananas, white cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, sorrel, wheat, oat and rice cereals, black bread , any nuts, legumes, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, milk, alcoholic drinks.

The day before the examination, it is better to eat liquid food: soups, broths.

How is fibrocolonoscopy performed?

Colonoscopy can be performed with or without anesthesia.

The drugs of choice for anesthesia may be dicaine ointment, lidocaine spray, Xylocaine gel. Anal anesthesia is used in patients with severe destructive processes in the intestines, adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity and severe hemorrhoidal pain, as well as in children under 10 years of age.

To feel comfortable during the examination procedure, you need to listen and strictly follow all the doctor’s commands.

Colonoscopy is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The patient undresses from the waist down (pants or skirt, stockings, underwear, etc.).
  2. The patient lies on his left side on the couch and pulls his legs towards his chest.
  3. The endoscopist inserts slowly through the anus into the intestines. rotational movements fibercolonoscope.
  4. As the fibrocolonoscope advances, air is pumped into the intestine.
  5. The doctor may ask the patient to turn onto his back.
  6. If necessary, a biopsy of the rectal mucosa is performed.
  7. After examining the intestines, the pressurized air is sucked out.

During fibrocolonoscopy, you may experience a feeling of distension of the intestine due to the forced air, as well as pain when the fibrocolonoscope passes through the bends of the intestine. The doctor performing the procedure warns about this in advance.

How to behave after fibrocolonoscopy?

After fibrocolonoscopy, the patient can lead a normal life. If you still feel air in the intestines, you can take white or Activated carbon, and also lie on your stomach for several hours.

Can there be complications after a colonoscopy?

If the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified endoscopist, complications during or after a colonoscopy are rare.

The following complications may occur during a colonoscopy:

  • rupture of the intestinal wall;
  • infection in the intestinal tissue;
  • bleeding.

To avoid complications, before going for a colonoscopy, ask how experienced the endoscopist is.

Despite the fact that the method is included in the list of mandatory additional examinations for hemorrhoids, whether a colonoscopy can be done is decided by the attending proctologist or coloproctologist.

Health. Colonoscopy. What is this procedure and who should undergo it? (01/29/2017)

Colonoscopy. Proper preparation to colonoscopy and how important it is.

In government medical institutions fibrocolonoscopy is performed free of charge under compulsory insurance policies health insurance. In private medical diagnostic centers You will have to pay from 3,500 to 10 thousand rubles for the procedure.

Colonoscopy is an examination of the intestines through the anus using an endoscope. This is a fairly common test, but many people wonder, is it possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids? The decision to perform or delay the procedure will be made by the doctor based on the patient's condition.

Most people have no idea what hemorrhoids are. And many have encountered it personally. This varicose veins veins of the rectum and anus, characterized by the formation of nodes. The nodes may become inflamed and bleed.

Hemorrhoids are divided into two types: internal and external. At internal hemorrhoids varicose nodes are hidden in the rectum, and when the disease appears externally, the nodes are located directly near the anus and are visible to the naked eye.

Hemorrhoids are dangerous because they can become complicated life-threatening consequences:

  • thrombosis of the veins of the hemorrhoid;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • necrosis of strangulated hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the hemorrhoidal cone;
  • fecal incontinence.

Hemorrhoids are diagnosed by visual examination and colonoscopy. Since the area where the hemorrhoids are located is quite painful, can a patient have a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids?

A detailed answer to this question is given later in the article.

Description of the colonoscopy procedure

Colonoscopy is necessary to examine the large intestine to determine pathological changes in this body. The procedure is prescribed quite often, the procedure has been worked out for years.

When performing an examination, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the patient’s anus and, gradually going deeper, examines the intestines. To make the examination more informative, air is pumped into the intestines using a special device. The probe itself does not exceed 10 mm in diameter; at the end of it there is a small lighting device and a video camera that transmits the image to the monitor.

The procedure feels quite unpleasant, some patients note painful sensations. The pain is caused not by the advancement of the probe through the intestines, but by the air that swells the intestines. To facilitate the procedure, the patient is allowed to change body position during the examination.

During a colonoscopy, the doctor can also perform manipulations aimed at curing certain pathologies: removing a polyp, cauterizing an ulcer.

Modern colonoscopy, at the request of the patient, can be performed under anesthesia or using sedatives.

Colonoscopy can detect the following pathological changes in the intestines:

  • the appearance of neoplasms of various types;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal polyps;
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • changes in the intestinal mucosa.

If your doctor has prescribed a colonoscopy, you should not avoid this procedure. Changes in the intestines are best treated with initial stages and don't run it.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

Let’s say right away that you can do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids. Moreover, this study for hemorrhoids is prescribed specifically to find out the following aspects of the disease:

  • confirmation of the diagnosis of hemorrhoids;
  • differential diagnosis of hemorrhoids and rectal cancer;
  • determination of the area affected by hemorrhoids and the number of hemorrhoids;
  • stopping heavy bleeding;
  • diagnosis of complications;
  • collection of material for histological and cytological studies;
  • examination of the rectum to determine treatment tactics for hemorrhoids.

Using a fiber colonoscope, the doctor can eliminate bleeding from internal hemorrhoids and take tissue for analysis. But another question arises: is it possible to do a colonoscopy for bleeding hemorrhoids of external hemorrhoids. Or is it better to wait until the bleeding stops?

If the examination is not urgent, then it is necessary to wait until the bleeding stops. The fact is that performing a colonoscopy for external hemorrhoids can worsen the disease.

In any case, if the doctor decides to perform a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids, then it is necessary to administer anesthesia, since the area of ​​​​the intestine affected by hemorrhoids is very painful.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

In order to conduct high-quality research, you need to properly prepare for it. Preparation consists of thoroughly cleansing the intestines of food debris and feces. Preparation takes place in several stages:

  • A few days before the procedure, the patient should switch to an easily digestible diet. Foods that promote gas formation in the intestines (apples, cabbage, black bread, grapes) should be excluded from the diet.
  • The second stage of preparation can be divided into two ways: cleansing the intestines using the drug Fortrans or using cleansing enemas. If cleansing is carried out using the drug, then you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 1 sachet per 20 kg of patient weight. Usually 3-4 sachets are enough. Each sachet is diluted with one liter of water. You need to gradually drink the diluted drug. It must be remembered that the last dose of medication should be taken 4 hours before the procedure. Taking Fortrans is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and is contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction.

If bowel cleansing is carried out using enemas, then they begin to be done in the evening 3 times every 2 hours. The intestines are considered clean if after an enema only pure water. I have to do an enema in the morning last time before the procedure.

If the intestines are not cleansed sufficiently, the procedure will not work.

Before the procedure, the doctor explains to the patient how the procedure will take place. Particularly sensitive people can be given anesthesia.


Colonoscopy has a fairly large number of contraindications. Some are absolute and the procedure cannot be performed in the presence of such factors. Other contraindications are relative, and if the benefits of the procedure significantly outweigh the risks when performing a colonoscopy, the doctor decides to perform the study.

The list of the most common contraindications is presented below:

  • infectious intestinal diseases manifested by fever;
  • anal fissures;
  • hemophilia or other diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • inflammation of the inner layer of the intestine;
  • heart or pulmonary failure;
  • mental illness;
  • suspicion of peritonitis.

Once again, it should be noted that hemorrhoids are not included in the list of contraindications. In some cases, colonoscopy is the only method for identifying hidden hemorrhoids. If the proctologist thinks necessary carrying out colonoscopy, which means there is a need for this and the examination should not be avoided. IN Lately modern methods Endoscopies are evolving, and examinations are becoming less painful.

The article was verified by practicing family doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya.

Today, one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing pathological processes in the colon is colonoscopy. This type of examination is much more informative than rectomanoscopy, since it allows you to visually assess the condition of the epithelial layer and peristalsis of most of the intestine - the straight, sigmoid and blind sections.

Carrying out this procedure helps practitioners detect possible anomalies of intestinal development, tumor formations, fistulas, cicatricial narrowings, diverticula and make a competent diagnosis. As an additional study, colonoscopy is prescribed for hemorrhoids - to clarify the preliminary diagnosis and for the purpose of clinical differentiation of rectal pathologies.

Many patients suffer from discomfort and pain due to varicose veins protruding from the anus. Having received a referral for diagnostics, they are worried: will the fiber colonoscope tube damage the inflamed tissue? In our article we want to tell you why it is necessary to carry out endoscopic examination the final part of the digestive tract, when diagnosis is contraindicated, how to prepare for it and whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids.

How is the examination carried out?

A complete inspection of the intestine from the level of the anus to the junction of the small and large intestine (ileocecal angle) is carried out using a special medical device - a fibrocolonoscope. When inserting an instrument made from a special optical fiber, the doctor forces air into the intestines.

Before the examination, the patient is warned about possible emergence feeling of fullness due to the forced air and pain when passing the endoscopic tube along the bends of the intestine. View the intestines through the eyepiece of an endoscope or on a computer monitor, the whole process diagnostic procedure can be recorded on removable media and provided to a proctologist at the end of the examination.

In most cases, during a colonoscopy, the patient does not experience pain, but only discomfort. However, with exacerbation inflammatory process or the presence of adhesions, examination of the intestine may cause pain, this case requires local anesthesia. The duration of the diagnostic procedure does not exceed one hour, during which time the patient can change the position of the body - this facilitates the passage of the endoscopic tube.

During manipulation, it is possible to remove existing foreign objects, cauterize bleeding ulcerations, remove benign neoplasms and take away biological material for histology analysis (for studying cells and tissues).

What is the purpose of a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids?

Indications for intestinal examination are:

  • confirmation of diagnosis;
  • clinical distinction between hemorrhoids and rectal cancer - if the patient has a sudden weight loss, symptoms of intoxication, changes in stool character;
  • determination of the prevalence of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal process;
  • preparation for surgical intervention– this is necessary for choosing surgical treatment tactics;
  • stopping rectal bleeding;
  • diagnosing complications.

The main advantage of the technique is the accuracy of determining the pathological process; a fiber colonoscope allows you to study the condition of the rectum and detect the most inconspicuous hemorrhoids

Rules for preparing for the examination

When planning a colonoscopy, the patient should adhere to an easily digestible diet. Recommended to use:

  • dairy products;
  • jelly;
  • green tea;
  • lean meat and fish.

Dishes should be steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. It is necessary to exclude from the diet food products, which contribute to stool disturbances and increased gas formation - apples, cabbage, grapes, radishes, black bread, nuts, mushrooms, legumes, milk, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. The day before the study, it is recommended to take food in the form of broths and soups.

Also, performing a colonoscopy requires preliminary preparation measures aimed at cleansing the intestines - there are two ways:

  • Application of special medicine– Fortransa. Depending on the patient’s body weight, a solution is prepared from white powder, divided into sachets, at the rate of 1 sachet per 20 kg of weight. One sachet is dissolved in 1 liter of purified water. On average, 3–4 liters of solution are prepared, which is drunk the evening before the examination. If the colonoscopy is scheduled for noon, the dose of the cleansing substance can be divided - take it in the evening and in the morning. It is important to remember that the solution must be drunk a second time 4 hours before the procedure. However, the use of Fortrans is not recommended for children under 15 years of age and for patients with heart failure or intestinal obstruction.
  • Use of cleansing enemas. Preparatory stage begins 1 day before the diagnosis. During the day they take 50 grams of castor oil, in the evening they do two enemas with a volume of one and a half liters every 2 hours. In the morning, bowel cleansing with enemas is repeated. Preparation for the study is considered to be of high quality if clean water comes out of the intestines.

Preparatory activities are best carried out in inpatient conditions, under control medical personnel– this is important for obtaining the most reliable and informative final research data.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy under anesthesia: today medical clinics propose to carry out a diagnostic procedure in a state of medicated sleep

Contraindications for the study

Examination of the intestines using a fibrocolonoscope is invasive diagnostic technique. The passage of the endoscopic tube is carried out through the anus and rectal canal; in case of hemorrhoids, such manipulation can cause the development of complications on their part. There is a specific list pathological conditions, in the presence of which the patient is prohibited from performing a colonoscopy in order to avoid deterioration of health.

The diagnostic procedure is contraindicated:

  • in infectious and inflammatory processes accompanied by fever;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • abdominal hernias;
  • decompensated heart or pulmonary failure;
  • hemophilia and coagulation (blood clotting) disorders;
  • inflammation of the diverticulum of the inner layer of the large intestine;
  • suspected peritonitis;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative colitis;
  • acute thrombosis hemorrhoids:
  • complicated paraproctitis;
  • presence of anal fissures;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy.

Virtual colonoscopy is a non-invasive method of studying the condition of the intestine, which allows you to assess the thickness and relief of its internal walls, peristalsis and detect pathological processes.

If the patient has the pathologies described above, he may be recommended to undergo a virtual colonoscopy - the newest type computed tomography.

Diagnostic features

Compared to other methods of examining the intestines, colonoscopy differs the following advantages:

  • Credibility. Making mistakes is almost impossible - the fiber colonoscope is equipped with a lighting and optical instruments, allowing for a high-quality visual examination of the intestinal mucosa and assess its condition.
  • Less traumatic. Despite discomfort when air is supplied, which straightens the intestine and facilitates the advancement of the instrument, there is no injury to the mucous membrane.
  • Multifunctionality. During the procedure, minor manipulations are performed for therapeutic purposes to avoid proctological surgery.

Colonoscopy is also performed in in case of emergency– if you suspect internal bleeding, intestinal obstruction or the presence of a foreign object in the intestinal lumen

Colonoscopy is recommended for early detection hemorrhoidal process. The endoscopist may take a biopsy sample - a piece of the intestinal mucosa, which is sent to laboratory test to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Rules of conduct at the end of the study

In order to avoid puncture of the intestinal walls, when studying their condition with a fibercolonoscope, the patient must follow all the doctor’s instructions. If the procedure is carried out in outpatient setting, after its completion the patient remains under observation medical specialists in two hours.

After this, you can return to your normal rhythm of life. If you feel discomfort after pumping air, you can take white coal and lie on your stomach. Diagnosis is carried out by an experienced, qualified specialist and complications during and after the procedure are extremely rare.

However, rupture of the hemorrhoidal cone, bleeding, and penetration of the infectious pathogen into the intestinal tissue may occur. Colonoscopy is considered mandatory additional method examination of the intestines for hemorrhoids. However, the decision to carry out a diagnostic procedure is made by the proctologist monitoring the patient’s condition.

As you know, colonoscopy is the most informative diagnostic tool for examining the small and large intestine. And if you were assigned this procedure, do not rush to refuse. We will find out what a colonoscopy is, how and why it is performed, how painful the process can be, and how to properly prepare for it so that you don’t have to repeat it.

What is a colonoscopy?

Patients who are only familiar with the procedure in absentia have little understanding of what it is and what happens at the moment when the patient is under anesthesia (and in most cases this is how this event is carried out).

Colonoscopy is the most informative diagnostic tool for examining the small and large intestine

The key to a good colonoscopy is a clean intestine, so you will be told at the preparatory stage what a colonoscopy is and how it is done.

Adequate preparation usually consists of a strict diet two to three days before the examination, as well as cleansing enemas.

Colonoscopy options

During the procedure into the rectum through anal passage a device is inserted that passes through the entire large intestine, and in some cases it is possible to examine the small intestine. If the patient has prepared for the procedure, then on the monitor the doctor is able to see the condition of the intestines, mucous membranes, the elasticity of the walls and their structure. For better visibility, the intestines are expanded from the inside with air. During the examination, the doctor may take a biopsy and perform chromoscopy (staining with special dyes).

If we talk about the diagnostic and practical benefits of colonoscopy, this procedure can:

  • help in removing a foreign object;
  • identify oncological formations;
  • detect intestinal tuberculosis;
  • identify polyps;
  • see ulcerative colitis;
  • help with the diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

Colonoscopy helps identify polyps

Contraindications to colonoscopy

As with any procedure, there are certain contraindications when performing a colonoscopy. They can be absolute and relative. For example, intolerance to certain drugs or an allergy to anesthesia is a relative contraindication, since the doctor can replace the medications.

A few days before the procedure, you will be given a referral to an anesthesiologist, with whom these points can be discussed in more detail:

  • The first and most common contraindication is neglect of preparation. If the patient has not completed a number of mandatory measures to cleanse the intestines of feces the day before, then the further procedure will be useless. Therefore, always remain a conscientious patient and value your time, as well as the time of your doctors.
  • If there is minor bleeding in the intestines, the procedure can still be performed. But if the amount of blood loss is large, doctors are required to interrupt the colonoscopy. If a patient has poor blood clotting, then any bleeding can be disastrous.
  • If the patient is in serious condition, the procedure is contraindicated.

At heavy bleeding this procedure is contraindicated

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

This question often arises among patients, since the words colonoscopy and hemorrhoids are very often heard in the same sentence. Sometimes the procedure is prescribed without knowing that hemorrhoidal “bumps” are brewing, since in the first stages they cannot be detected without palpation. The disease is often accompanied by itching and discomfort. To determine the cause of these symptoms, doctors often order a colonoscopy.

But a counter question arises: “Is it possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids?” Concerns are associated with the fact that with this disease, the rectum matures and enlarges. They appear from small veins when the blood stops circulating and begins to stagnate.

"Bumps" are big problem during defecation, as the patient experiences itching, he begins to push harder. Blood rushes into the veins of the rectum, thereby enlarging the nodes. On later stages nodes tend to fall out, sometimes without the possibility of further repositioning back.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

Colonoscopy for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

If the colonoscopy procedure falls during this difficult period, then, of course, it is up to the doctor to decide. If the diagnosis is not urgent, then it can be delayed until the patient has treated hemorrhoids, since the nodes may obscure the view of the colonoscope. But if an examination is necessary immediately, for example, if cancer is suspected, people with an anal fissure or hemorrhoids should take special measures. Enemas can only harm the body, so it is recommended to pay attention to drugs such as Fortrans, Endofalk or Lavacol.

How to prepare for a colonoscopy?

Each doctor will have his own opinion on this matter. An enema, for example, is considered a long-outdated method, since it can only cleanse the rectum, although cleansing the entire intestine is required.

Preparation can be divided into several stages:

  • Two to three days before the procedure, the patient needs to go on a special light diet. Foods that take a long time to digest are excluded from the diet: potatoes, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, legumes. Instead, attention should be paid to liquid light products, such as broth, boiled meat (lean), cheese, kefir, fish, eggs, semolina porridge.

The patient needs to go on a special light diet
  • The day before the procedure you must take Castor oil and give an enema (at about 8 pm and then another two hours later). If fecal impurities remain in the water, then you need to repeat the cleansing until the water becomes clear.
  • On the day of the examination, no food, only water, broth or tea.
  • If you are concerned about intestinal obstruction, then the diet should be started 3-5 days before the colonoscopy. Take laxatives and do enemas periodically.

As mentioned above, an enema is a long-outdated method, and extremely ineffective. Reach desired result various will help modern drugs, for example, "Fortrans". For hemorrhoids or anal fissures This remedy is often recommended. Fortrans allows you to reduce preparation time and avoid dieting, enemas and laxatives. Many patients often worry about the appearance of hemorrhoids after a colonoscopy - this is nothing more than a myth, since the appearance of nodes is caused by other factors.

Colonoscopy – painful or not?

Everyone asks this question, and it's not surprising. In most cases, colonoscopy is performed under intravenous anesthesia, since it is undesirable to completely immerse the patient in anesthesia. For better visibility, the patient should follow the doctor's instructions and change positions. If you neglect this, the intestines can easily be punctured or damaged.

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