Home Prosthetics and implantation Laser removal of cervical erosion rehabilitation. Cauterization of cervical erosion with laser

Laser removal of cervical erosion rehabilitation. Cauterization of cervical erosion with laser

Cervical erosion is a common pathology that darkens the lives of more and more women. Doctors call this disease ectopia, but the most common designation is “erosion.”

Externally, erosion can be distinguished from healthy tissue by the rich red color of the external pharynx of the cervix.

Today they are used to treat pathology various drugs and techniques, one of the progressive ones is laser vaporization. The essence of the procedure is to cauterize erosive tissues with a laser beam, as a result of which the pathological tissues are destroyed without causing any harm to the healthy mucosa.

As a conclusion, we note:

  • vaporization – effective procedure with minimal pain, which allows you to get rid of cervical erosion without losing the opportunity to have children;
  • despite the wide popularity of the method, it has some contraindications, and is also quite expensive;
  • Recovery after laser exposure takes up to 2 months, while restrictions and deviations from the woman’s usual rhythm of life are minimal.

The essence of the procedure

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is called laser vaporization. This manipulation is recognized as the most accurate and allows for the most gentle influence on healthy tissue near the treated erosive area.

The essence of the manipulation is that the specialist affects erosive tissues with a high-precision laser without harming healthy ones. The technique allows you to recover from an illness while preserving the functions of the reproductive and reproductive systems.

Positive and negative aspects of laser technology

Among other approaches to the treatment of cervical erosion, laser exposure has a number of advantages. These include:

  • minor impact on healthy nearby tissues;
  • the doctor has the opportunity to monitor the process using a video colposcope;
  • after the intervention, the risk of narrowing of the cervix and scar formation is minimal;
  • the recovery period takes little time and is painless;
  • pain during the procedure is minimal.

Cauterizing erosion with a laser beam is not a difficult procedure to perform. Its main advantage is safety for nulliparous girls.

During laser cauterization, scars and scabs are not formed, which have a negative impact on the possibility of conceiving a child and his birth.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • inability to hook damaged tissue evenly to the same depth;
  • with a large area of ​​damage to the mucous membrane, the doctor has to work in several sessions;
  • During intervention with deep penetration of erosion, it is rarely possible to avoid bleeding.

No less important is the fact that when eliminating cervical erosion with a laser, a secondary infection may develop on the walls of the vagina and/or uterus, and endometriosis is also possible. But, with proper implementation of the procedure, these consequences can be avoided.

Indications and contraindications

Laser vaporization is prescribed to patients for the following indications:

  • progressive form of erosion;
  • large-scale erosive tissue damage;
  • erosion in patients without children;
  • pronounced symptoms of erosive changes in the cervix (pain, bleeding, etc.);
  • it is impossible to use other treatment tactics.

Although laser treatment erosion is well tolerated by most patients; there are a number of contraindications, namely:

  • pregnancy (regardless of term);
  • viral diseases and inflammations genitourinary system;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • insufficient blood clotting.

Despite this, having weighed the benefits and possible risks, the doctor prescribes the procedure on an individual basis.


Laser cauterization is performed in several stages. At first, the doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications by assessing the patient’s test results.

If there are any concomitant diseases, the “interference” is immediately eliminated, then only you can begin to treat the cervical erosion directly.


Before going for laser cauterization of cervical erosion, the patient needs to be examined. Colposcopy, bacteriology and cytology are mandatory, as well as gynecological examination.

It is equally important that the woman is tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Apart from the above procedures, no additional examinations are usually required.


Laser vaporization is performed under local anesthesia. This anesthesia allows you to avoid discomfort and minimize all possible risks associated with the introduction of general anesthesia.

As practice shows, local anesthesia is enough for a woman not to feel pain and to tolerate the intervention normally.


During the normal course of the intervention, laser cauterization of cervical erosion lasts about 15 minutes. In some cases, the procedure lasts up to half an hour.

In case of complications or a large area of ​​lesions, cauterization is divided into several approaches.

Intervention technique

During the procedure, the patient lies down on a gynecological chair, the anesthesiologist administers an anesthetic, and the doctor inserts a colcoscope.

At the next stage, a device is inserted into the vagina, which generates a laser beam.

The final part is the recovery process, which is an absolutely normal reaction of the body.

Postoperative period

After the doctor has treated the damaged area of ​​the mucous membrane with a laser, the rejection process begins. At this time, the cauterized area of ​​the cervix cleanses itself, and dead tissue is rejected quickly enough.

The films can finally come off within a few hours after the intervention.

It will take several days for the cervical mucosa to completely clear, taking into account the advanced state of the process and the rate of tissue regeneration in a particular patient.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after laser vaporization varies between 5-7 days. This is exactly how long it takes for the wound surface to completely heal.

During recovery, the girl does not need to be in the hospital, but she should not miss visits to the doctor for examination and monitoring.

During rehabilitation, the patient may experience pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, but their intensity will not be excessive.

After 10 days, blood may be visible in the vaginal discharge, which is not a reason to panic. For final tissue restoration it takes up to 1.5 months.


Very often, a girl learns about the presence of cervical erosion during a routine examination when registering for pregnancy. This can be explained by the fact that this pathology can occur latently, without disturbing the characteristic and pronounced symptoms.

If erosion is accidentally discovered in a pregnant woman, do not panic. As a rule, the disease does not aggravate the course of pregnancy, just as pregnancy does not affect negative impact on the development of erosion.

In addition, the disease is also not an obstacle to childbirth. Therefore, erosion during pregnancy is simply concomitant disease, no more, urgent treatment is not required.

After the girl has given birth to a baby and has fully recovered, only then can treatment for cervical erosion be planned, regardless of the chosen method.

If the pathology is diagnosed in a girl who has not yet given birth and who is afraid of losing the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child, treatment is selected depending on when the patient plans to become pregnant.

If pregnancy is expected to occur within the next 12 months, treatment may be delayed until the postpartum period.

For patients who do not want to give birth so early, erosion is recommended to be treated. This is the only way to prevent its degeneration into malignant neoplasms.

Consequences and possible complications

Sometimes vaporization of cervical erosion ends in the formation of a scar. But this is often an exception, which is quite rare.

Another possible complication is the penetration of microorganisms onto the wound surface, the development of inflammation.

Various complications after the intervention can occur in cases where the patient does not follow the recommendations of doctors and does not monitor intimate hygiene.

To prevent complications, it is enough to avoid sexual intercourse in the first 1.5 months. Avoid lifting weights or engaging in excessive physical activity. In addition, you should avoid drinking strong drinks for a month.

After treating cervical erosion with a laser, you can think about pregnancy no earlier than 3 months later.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Eliminating cervical erosion with a laser is a fairly newfangled technique. Despite this, the technique has proven its efficiency and safety.

Considering that not everyone has heard about this treatment tactic, women often have a number of questions, which we will answer further.

Does it hurt?

The main advantage of laser treatment of the cervix is ​​minimal pain. In addition to the fact that the manipulation itself is not accompanied by bright flashes of pain, tissue restoration is also comfortable.

What tests do I need to take?

On the eve of laser vaporization, you must undergo colposcopy, cytological and bacteriological research. Consultation with a highly qualified gynecologist is equally important.

When is it indicated and how long does such cauterization of erosion last?

Laser cauterization of cervical erosion is required for patients in whom the disease progresses very quickly. In addition, such intervention cannot be avoided by girls whose disease has affected too large an area of ​​the organ.

It is also worth not delaying laser cauterization if erosion occurs in acute form with pronounced symptoms and interferes with a full life.

On average, the procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.

Is it possible to cauterize erosion with a laser during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Treatment of erosion is not prescribed for expectant mothers. Therapy is postponed for some time after the birth of the child, and only after complete recovery female body.

Vaporization of the cervix in nursing mothers is allowed, as it does not threaten the health of the baby. But at the same time, the woman should pay attention to the anesthesia that will be used during cauterization.

This is because some painkillers are not suitable for breastfeeding. In this case, the woman will either have to stop feeding the baby for a while and express milk, or find alternative means of pain relief with the anesthesiologist.

How to choose a clinic

Choosing a clinic for cauterization of erosion is an important process that must be approached very responsibly. It is necessary to evaluate not only the prestige of the institution, but also:

  • the office is equipped with the necessary equipment, tools, and its cleanliness;
  • qualifications and work experience of a doctor;

- These are deformation processes of soft tissues. Deformation can be of a different nature and have different properties - it could just be a small wound, damage, or it could be a pathological growth of tissue. Minor damage can be caused by infection, injury or hormonal imbalance, so surgery not necessarily - if the causes of erosion are excluded, it most often disappears.

At the same time, tissue proliferation in the area of ​​the cervical canal most often occurs due to serious damage, as a result of which the columnar (internal) epithelium, whose cells divide very quickly and frequently, comes to the surface and begins to grow pathologically.

This type of erosion, also called cervical dysplasia, must be monitored by a doctor. In most cases, dysplasia is subject to surgical intervention.

Exist following methods removal of cervical erosion:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • chemical cauterization;
  • surgery;
  • cryodestruction;
  • removal with a laser device;
  • radio wave surgery.

In modern gynecology, laser and radio wave surgery are considered the most effective.

​ Laser vaporization

Laser surgery is one of the most modern methods of combating pathological processes in gynecology. The principle of operation of laser radiation is the evaporation of moisture from the cells of the affected tissues with parallel coagulation of blood in adjacent vessels, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding during surgery.

The laser method, along with radioknife, is the most recommended for nulliparous patients, since after cauterization no scars are formed, which significantly complicates natural childbirth. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, takes a few minutes and does not cause pain.

Before laser cauterization, the patient must undergo a series of studies, including:

  • extended colposcopy;
  • smear microscopy,
  • bacteriological culture of discharge;
  • tests for STDs.

The procedure has several contraindications, including:

  1. Inflammatory disease of the genital organs. If it is detected, the erosion removal procedure is postponed until complete cure. The same goes for chronic diseases in the acute stage. This is due to the fact that in the presence of an inflammatory process, tissue healing after the procedure can become unpredictably complicated.
  2. Pregnancy. The operation can provoke premature birth or harm the fetus, so cauterization of erosion is prohibited during pregnancy.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Bleeding of an unknown nature, especially complicated by blood clotting disorders.

​Procedure for laser cauterization of erosion

After the patient takes a place in the gynecological chair, the doctor spreads the vaginal walls, inserts a speculum and a tip laser device. Cauterization of the erosion takes up to 10 minutes, after which the doctor treats the cervical area with antiseptic drugs and removes the instruments. After the procedure is completed, the patient is recommended to rest for 1-2 hours. The attending physician gives further recommendations and prescribes medication.

In the following days, scanty transparent or bloody mucous discharge may be observed, which is an absolutely normal consequence of the procedure. The duration of discharge varies from person to person and can take up to two weeks. If their abundance increases or appears unpleasant odor you should consult your doctor.

The recovery period takes different time in all patients, depending on the regenerative abilities of the body. Until the end rehabilitation period strictly contraindicated:

  • taking a bath, visiting the sauna and bathhouse (only showers are allowed);
  • intravaginal sex;
  • douching;
  • physical exercise;

If cervical erosion is accompanied by a hormonal imbalance, the attending physician prescribes a course hormonal drugs. Antiseptic suppositories and local drugs for speedy tissue healing.

Laser coagulation is a targeted effect on an organ with a high-energy beam. Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser allows you to perform the most accurate and complete removal of the affected area and prevent the development of serious complications.

Numerous positive reviews about this procedure clearly indicate that laser vaporization is considered one of the most effective methods treatment of erosion and other pathologies of the cervix in women of reproductive age.

How does laser cauterization of the cervix occur?

Laser ablation, coagulation, vaporization are names of the same technique. The technology for cauterizing erosion is quite simple, although it requires the gynecologist to have certain skills and extensive experience in treating changes in the cervix. The outcome of the disease, the duration of the rehabilitation period and reproductive health patients.

When a laser beam hits organic tissue, light energy is converted into heat. At this moment, the organ tissues are instantly heated to high temperatures, which leads to rapid evaporation of the liquid. The cells are destroyed and the pathological focus disappears. In this case, the thermal impact zone is minimal, since the laser beam is not able to penetrate to great depths and thereby damage the underlying tissue.

A small area of ​​influence on the cervix is ​​another distinctive feature laser vaporization. On the one hand, this does not allow laser cauterization for large and deeply located mucosal defects. On the other hand, it is the minimal impact area that makes laser ablation the method of choice for nulliparous women. The smaller the cauterization area, the faster the regeneration occurs, and the less often complications develop after the procedure. Modern laser systems are capable of generating extremely short pulses, which further reduces the area of ​​thermal impact on tissue.

Laser vaporization is carried out in two versions:

  • Ablation – targeted evaporation of tissue with a laser beam;
  • Conization or excision - excision of affected tissue with a laser.

During the process of laser ablation (or vaporization), cells are destroyed and liquid evaporates from them.

The use of a laser for conization is a technically not very convenient and economically unprofitable procedure. Currently, there are more comfortable methods for carrying out conization of an organ. Laser surgery is performed primarily in the form of ablation.

Indications for the use of laser therapy

Laser vaporization is indicated for the following conditions:

  • CIN I (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or cervical dysplasia);
  • CIN II (only as an excisional technique);
  • Leukoplakia of the cervix;
  • Eroded ectropion;
  • Polyps of the cervical canal;
  • Papillomas and condylomas;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Cyst and abscess of the Bartholin gland.

Indications for laser coagulation of the cervix are determined by the doctor after full examination patients.

Diagnosis and examination before surgery

To detect cervical erosion, the following methods are used:

Gynecological examination

For the most part, erosion is asymptomatic and is detected accidentally during a medical examination by a gynecologist. Very rarely, the disease makes itself felt through contact bloody discharge from the genital tract. If an infection occurs, the discharge becomes yellow or green and acquires an unpleasant, pungent odor.

An annual gynecological examination helps to timely identify changes in the cervix and prevent the appearance of possible complications.

During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the cervix and identifies the transformation zone. It is at this moment that you can see it for the first time. It is possible to find out what this formation is only after colposcopy.

Smear for oncocytology

This analysis is mandatory for all women, regardless of the presence of complaints. A smear allows you to determine the cellular composition of the erosion and, based on the data obtained, develop further tactics.

Colposcopy is an examination of the cervix under a microscope. During the study, the doctor determines the type of erosion and evaluates the area of ​​possible cauterization. Depending on the indications, a biopsy is taken - tissue collection for histological examination.

Colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope) is required if atypical cells are detected in a cytological smear.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser or other method is not carried out without a previous examination. The diagnosis must be confirmed by these methods.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient should undergo the following tests:

  • Blood test (general, biochemical);
  • Coagulogram;
  • Survey smear on the flora;
  • Screening for STIs (including HPV);
  • Blood test for syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV;
  • General urine analysis.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • CIN III;
  • Cervical cancer;
  • Inflammatory process in the vagina or cervix;
  • Inability to visualize the transformation zone and lesion during colposcopy;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period.

Inflammation of the vagina or cervix is ​​a contraindication to laser cauterization.

In the case of inflammatory processes on the cervix, they are treated, and only after that the erosion is cauterized.

Laser vaporization technique for cervical erosion

Laser coagulation is carried out on days 5-7 menstrual cycle. In menopausal patients, the procedure can be performed on any day.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion with a laser? The procedure is considered fairly painless and usually does not require anesthesia. If it is necessary to cauterize large areas, as well as in the case of removal of papillomas and condylomas, local anesthesia with a lidocaine solution is performed.

Cauterization of erosion is carried out in outpatient setting. The patient takes a comfortable position on the gynecological chair. The doctor inserts speculums and fixes them into the vagina. Excess mucus is removed from the cervix, and the space for cauterization is cleared. The affected area is marked with Lugol's solution.

If any discomfort You should inform your doctor immediately.

After anesthesia (if necessary), the doctor installs the equipment and, under the control of a colposcope, directs a laser beam to the affected area. Vaporization is performed in a specific order, starting from the posterior lip of the cervix. The laser beam penetrates to a depth of 3 mm on the outer part of the cervix and up to 7 mm inside the cervical canal. During cauterization, the inflamed glands and their ducts are destroyed. The whole procedure takes 5-15 minutes.

The laser cauterization procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes. If necessary, local anesthesia is performed.

Rehabilitation after a laser therapy session

Recovery after the procedure takes about 4 weeks. Immediately after cauterization, a woman may feel moderate nagging pain lower abdomen and some discomfort in the perineum. This normal phenomenon. All unpleasant symptoms disappear within 2-3 days. If pain persists long time, you must inform your doctor about this.

Within 1-3 weeks after laser cauterization, minor erosions are observed. Gradually, the discharge will decrease, become clear and watery, and then disappear completely.

  • Sexual rest for a month;
  • Limitation physical activity during the same period;
  • It is prohibited to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna;
  • You cannot douche;
  • You should not put any suppositories or use other means local treatment without a doctor's prescription;
  • It is recommended to comply simple rules hygiene, use by special means for caring for delicate areas;
  • You should not use tampons until the erosion has completely healed. For bloody discharge, you can use sanitary pads.

To shorten the rehabilitation period and to avoid injury to the cervix or the addition of an inflammatory process, doctors recommend maintaining sexual rest for a month after the procedure.

After 2-6 months, a control colposcopy is performed, a smear is taken for oncocytology, and an HPV test is taken. It is not advisable to do this earlier than 8 weeks after cauterization. In the future, the woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every 6 months.

Complications after the procedure

After laser treatment, the following may occur:

  • Bleeding during the procedure or for 3 weeks after it (more often after laser conization);
  • Cervical canal stenosis (risk is high during menopause).

Cicatricial deformities after laser cauterization occur extremely rarely and are more often observed with extensive lesions.

Benefits of laser treatment

Currently, cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is considered the optimal method for young nulliparous women, along with radio wave ablation. What are the benefits of laser therapy?

  1. Opportunity complete removal lesion without damaging healthy tissue (clear dosing and targeted effect of the laser beam on the pathological area);
  2. Monitoring the process using colposcopy reduces the risk of complications;
  3. After laser cauterization, scars almost never remain, and there is no deformation of the cervix;
  4. Rapid healing of the wound surface within 4 weeks without the formation of a scab;
  5. Low risk of bleeding and infection;
  6. Possibility of performing on an outpatient basis without anesthesia (the procedure is practically painless and well tolerated by patients of any age);
  7. Low percentage of erosion recurrence.

After successful laser vaporization, successful conception and pregnancy of a child is possible. Childbirth after cauterization is usually carried out through natural birth canal, if there are no other indications for caesarean section.

Successful laser vaporization does not affect the ability to conceive and bear a child.

The cost of laser coagulation depends on the region, the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. On average in Moscow, the price for cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser ranges from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. The cost will vary in regions. Accurate information can be obtained from a specific clinic.

Diseases of the internal genital organs develop in every second woman. One of the common pathologies is cervical erosion, which causes discomfort, causes pain symptoms, provokes unscheduled bleeding, and often prohibits sexual intercourse. The only and effective method of treatment today is cauterization of cervical erosion, which is carried out using various techniques. The most modern option is the use of a laser - this is what women prefer in most cases. Why? How is the procedure done? How dangerous is erosion in principle for the female body?

Cervical erosion is a small scarlet spot that can be easily identified at a gynecologist's appointment by inserting the necessary mirrors for examination. The disease is divided into two types: true and background. When a doctor talks about erosion, he often means background erosion, which is represented by a wound and goes away within 2 weeks. Such erosion does not cause serious inconvenience to a woman and does not make itself felt for a long time - it is often found during a routine examination.

If we talk about true erosion, then things are much worse here. This form of pathology is represented by altered epithelium of the uterine walls. As a result, a woman may notice bleeding after intercourse, as well as experience pain and discomfort.

The pathology remains undetected until complete disappearance and self-healing, but background and true erosion of the cervix is ​​subject to compulsory treatment, since violation of the integrity of the walls internal organs promotes infection and rapid penetration of infection, and this is fraught with inflammation, purulent infection - often surgical intervention is required to treat complications. Erosion is especially dangerous during pregnancy - an infection gets into the formed wound and infects the child, and this affects his future life. intrauterine development.

Reasons for the development of erosion

Gynecologists cannot agree on the reasons for the development of erosion. In an individual case, these may be the most unimaginable prerequisites. But among the main and possible reasons include:

  • hormonal disorders that have occurred;
  • decreased immunity - erosion often develops after a cold or viral disease;
  • early puberty and engaging in sexual intercourse;
  • early birth or pregnancy;
  • violations of the hygiene of the external genital organs, frequent changes of partners - a natural change in the microflora occurs;
  • mechanical injuries– during sexual intercourse, improper use of contraceptives, abortions and others medical procedures;
  • diseases of a viral and bacteriological nature;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • infectious and other lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • infection with sexually transmitted infections such as gonococci, Trichomonas and other species;
  • hereditary factor and many other problems and defeats.

Those women who have problems in the form of cervical erosion in their family should definitely visit a gynecologist every six months. We are talking not only about women who have given birth, but also about young girls who face similar problems - their further conception of a child will be postponed until complete recovery.

Symptoms of erosion

If we talk about the symptoms of cervical erosion, it is difficult to identify specific signs. Yes, a woman may experience unpleasant discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain and other changes in sensations. But this happens during menstruation, so everything is attributed to natural processes.

A woman is alarmed by pain during sexual intercourse, especially if the partner has not changed and everything was fine before. Light bleeding after sexual intercourse or playing sports should prompt women and young girls to visit a gynecologist. Such discharge is explained by mechanical damage to the cervix (when playing sports, the uterus can descend and be damaged), as a result of which the epithelium is damaged, which causes bleeding. Often, instead of bleeding, you can find ordinary leucorrhoea or with an admixture of scarlet liquid. This should force the patient to visit a gynecologist.

Seek immediate medical attention during severe pain in the groin area, as well as with strong pain syndrome during sexual intercourse. In the first case, there is a high probability of contracting an infection, in the second, an inflammatory process develops.

How to determine?

Cervical erosion is diagnosed by comprehensive examination immediately at an appointment with a gynecologist, after the descriptions unpleasant symptoms and other patient complaints. Comprehensive diagnostics include the following examinations:

  1. Physical examination - a gynecological examination in a chair, carried out immediately on the day of the appointment. The gynecologist examines the uterus and discovers a characteristic lesion of the cervical epithelium. For precise definition The doctor inserts a metal probe into the vagina - a Krobak test is performed. Based on how easily the probe penetrates the affected area, the stage of the pathology is determined.
  2. Laboratory research– the gynecologist takes the mucous membrane from the cervical canal of the cervix and from the surface of the erosion. The smears are examined in the laboratory and determined possible infection infection or any dangerous bacteria.
  3. Instrumental examination - colposcopy is performed - instrumental examination erosion and the cervix in general, allowing to determine possible deviations from normal and suspicious neoplasms. When they are detected, the gynecologist immediately takes the biomaterial for a biopsy.
  4. Consultations with various specialists - assigned based on the identified type of erosion. Highly qualified specialists include a gynecological oncologist, a phthisiatrician, and a dermatovenerologist.

Based on the results obtained, possible treatment is determined, where in most cases they stop at conventional cauterization - used in the absence cancer and other complications.

Types of cauterization

As mentioned above, cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is most relevant today. This will be discussed in more detail later in the article. But it is important to present the entire list of possible cauterization of erosion, so that women are information savvy and can do right choice.

Types of cauterization include:

  1. Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of the lesion occurs with an electric current. It is used in municipal antenatal clinics, but the method is painful, so the demand for it is falling - women prefer visiting paid private clinic rather than endure pain for free.
  2. Cryodestruction - cauterization looks like frostbite with liquid nitrogen. The method is not popular due to the large number of possible complications.
  3. Chemical coagulation - erosion is cauterized chemicals, which eat away the affected cells. This method is recommended for young and nulliparous girls, since after its impact there are no scars left on the treated area.
  4. Electroexcision - used in “extreme cases”, since the method is based on complete cutting out of the affected area.
  5. Radio wave treatment - the method is based on the removal of “evaporation” of fluid from the affected cells, as a result of which scars do not form on the cervix, and the risk of burns is minimal (there is practically none).

Each of the above methods has its own disadvantages, which is why women are given laser cauterization. What are its advantages?

Laser cauterization

Cauterization of erosion is the evaporation of liquid in affected and modified cells epithelial tissue, which are subsequently destroyed and replaced by new ones. Any method of cauterization is based precisely on this principle of treatment, where current is used, chemicals, liquid nitrogen and other components. To the most modern method include laser cauterization, where a laser beam is used for evaporation. Its popularity is based on the advantages of the method.

Advantages of laser cauterization of erosion

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser has the following advantages:

  • absence bleeding, both during the procedure and after it;
  • complete absence pain;
  • the recovery period does not exceed 1-1.5 months - this means full recovery epithelium;
  • the method does not leave scars because the beam does not penetrate deep into the tissue and acts gently;
  • high precision of the treated area - the microscopic beam allows you to avoid affecting healthy tissue, which contributes to the absence of scars;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure on any day of the cycle - with the exception of menstruation;
  • the ability to cure even large-area lesions of the cervix;
  • minimal risk of possible complications.

Laser cauterization is recommended by gynecologists for girls who are yet to become pregnant - the method guarantees complete preservation of the cervix in its original healthy state. Cauterization will not affect future pregnancy or gestation in any way.

Disadvantages of laser cauterization

The disadvantages of laser cauterization include only the high cost - although they do not save on health and this fact can be excluded for ethical reasons, as well as the possible need to repeat the procedure. This need is explained as a consequence of a mild effect - if during the procedure the gynecologist seems to have completely evaporated the affected epithelial tissues, then in the future the presence of a small amount of liquid that should be removed may be revealed. In addition, large affected areas of the cervix cannot be eliminated in one go. Here the gynecologist immediately stipulates the need for several procedures.

Negative aspects include the uneven impact on the affected epithelium - it is important to ensure a uniform depth of exposure to the beam in order to treat the entire area. Only a doctor with extensive experience can solve the problem - find a qualified gynecologist with positive characteristic pretty hard. Sometimes there is simply no time for this, because erosion often requires a quick fix to the problem.


Despite the highly effective and safe procedure, it also has contraindications, which include: the following factors:

  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system - first you need to relieve inflammation and only after additional examination resort to the procedure;
  • Availability chronic infections– uses a different method for treating cervical erosion;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - cauterization by any means is prohibited in principle;
  • Availability cancerous tumor– we are talking not only about the genitals, even breast cancer or lymphatic system may “oppose” cauterization of cervical erosion;
  • various somatic diseases - cardiovascular lesions, genetic manifestations and other body lesions;
  • diseases nervous system– even ordinary stress and insomnia can act as a prohibiting factor for the procedure;
  • various diseases metabolism – under the close supervision of specialists, a woman will undergo examination for obesity and the presence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of polyps localized in cervical canal cervix;
  • diagnosed cervical cancer - treatment is carried out in a different way, up to removal of the affected area;
  • severe dysplasia - the presence of a precancerous condition of the cervix, modified cells;
  • pregnancy, previous delivery and breastfeeding - everything here is determined by the presence of the problem and its degree; laser cauterization can be resolved with additional treatment or if urgently necessary.

Neglecting contraindications is strictly prohibited - this can lead to complications of existing contraindicated diseases.

Preparation and execution

Preparation for laser cauterization of cervical erosion only includes testing and consultation with a gynecologist, who will prescribe a similar method of treating the affected part of the uterus. Before the procedure itself, a woman should take a shower and wash herself with warm water without using cosmetics or other fragrances.

The cauterization itself is carried out on a gynecological chair. The gynecologist carries out the appropriate preparatory work– opening of the vagina to “expose” the cervix, and begins treatment with a laser apparatus. The beam is adjusted according to the volumes present and the degree of pathology.

Gynecologists advise resorting to laser cauterization of erosion in the first phase of the menstrual cycle - at this time cell regeneration is at its peak. high level, which will allow you to quickly restore the entire treated surface. The procedure itself lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

Following actions

Laser cauterization does not require a hospital stay, but after the procedure you will have to follow certain rules during the period of complete healing.

  1. The first visit to the gynecologist after cauterization is carried out 10 days after the procedure; if necessary, the doctor may prescribe re-treatment.
  2. In two weeks you will have to go to the doctor again - it is important to assess the progress of healing in order to give appropriate recommendations.
  3. After another month, they visit the gynecologist again - as a rule, this is the last examination, which determines the complete restoration of the cervical epithelium.
  4. During the recovery period, they refuse to have sexual intercourse - for about a month and a half after the procedure. The countdown starts again if it was necessary to re-process.
  5. During the period of epithelial restoration, stop physical activity– strength training, shaping, dancing and other sports.
  6. Until complete recovery, avoid swimming in a pond or pool - this entails a risk of infectious infection. Women refuse to take baths; they cannot steam their feet.

After laser cauterization, it is prohibited!

After cauterization of erosion, it is strictly prohibited:

  • use tampons during menstruation - only pads are allowed, since tampons can injure unhealed epithelium;

  • accept medications(especially hormonal) without consulting a doctor.

Complications after laser cauterization

Laser cauterization of cervical erosion has minimal risks of complications, but they still exist. These include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, which can be short-term or long-lasting and aching - this often occurs if the procedure is successful due to high sensitivity in a woman, as well as with prolonged exposure to the affected area;
  • swelling of the genital organs - this can already be classified as a complication, since such consequences are characterized by laser damage to the vagina and around the treated areas;
  • vaginal discharge - bloody or clear, which should not occur as a result of a successful procedure, but if there is individual characteristics still there are.

If you have pronounced symptoms, you should consult a doctor and eliminate the risk of complications or begin their timely elimination.

Cost of laser vaporization

As already described above, laser treatment is expensive, but effective and safe, so the demand for it is growing in direct proportion to the cost of the procedure.

Average cost of one procedure in the clinic major cities 6-8 thousand rubles. Depending on the center, prices can be increased to 12-15 thousand rubles. If several procedures are planned, doctors advise paying for a package of laser cauterization services, which reduces the cost.

If we consider cities with a small population, the cost of one laser cauterization procedure does not exceed 5 thousand rubles. Exist medical centers, offering services for 2-3 thousand rubles, but you should not agree to a low cost - when choosing a clinic, it is important to check the license and experience of the gynecologist who will do the cauterization.

Laser cauterization of cervical erosion is not as scary as it sounds - this is what the patients themselves say. Sometimes the area of ​​the affected area is so small that cauterization does not take more than a minute. Treatment should not be delayed - erosion will increase in size and lead to complications and the presence of an inflammatory process.

This removal procedure is not too painful, so it is usually performed without anesthesia.

Important! But if the form is advanced, the attending physician may prescribe local anesthesia or general anesthesia. This is especially true for women with a high pain threshold.

Who can't?

Laser coagulation has some contraindications, namely:

Despite the large number of restrictions, most of them are temporary. Therefore, laser cauterization is one of the most preferred methods for treating cervical erosion.

Benefits of the procedure

Along with other methods of exposure, laser coagulation has many positive aspects, namely:

  1. the procedure is easy to perform from a technical standpoint and does not take much time;
  2. exposure to a laser beam allows you to cauterize only damaged areas of the cervix without affecting the healthy mucous membrane;
  3. coagulation allows you to avoid bleeding during the procedure;
  4. intestinal microflora is normalized, which increases protective functions vagina;
  5. the rehabilitation period ends quickly and does not take much time;
  6. For full recovery One procedure is sufficient, provided it is carried out by a qualified specialist;
  7. After recovery, the woman does not have scars on the cervix.

Laser coagulation is one of the few methods of hardware treatment of erosion, in which a woman can give birth in the future. Since the laser does not leave scars, childbirth after this procedure occurs without complications. It also does not affect conception and pregnancy.


This method of treatment should be carried out on the seventh day after menstruation.

Immediately after bleeding the next day, the cervix is ​​treated with a special medicinal solution. You can cauterize directly after 1 week.

How does the process work?

The essence of this operation is the direct insertion of a special laser tip into the vagina.

This beam is directed exclusively to damaged areas with altered epithelial tissue.

Thanks to this effect, pathogenic cells are removed. At the same time, small vessels are sealed, which prevents the occurrence of bleeding, as well as the development of pathogenic microorganisms during the procedure.

Laser irradiation promotes the regeneration of healthy cells, that is, the cervical tissue is completely restored.


Professional performance of this procedure by a qualified specialist usually does not cause any consequences or complications. But in rare cases, scarring of the tissues that were exposed to the laser beam may occur.


After this procedure, a woman can plan to conceive. But it is better to do this only 1 month after exposure. Pregnancy proceeds normally, without deviations. Complications may occur at the time of birth.

This applies to those women who have developed scars after laser therapy. In such cases, ruptures at the time of natural childbirth lead to the re-development of erosion.

In order to avoid such consequences, you should adhere to the following rules during the rehabilitation period:

  • strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid swimming in public places and open waters;
  • do not have sexual relations for 1 month after the procedure;
  • do not overheat or overcool the body.

Also during the rehabilitation process it is required to be observed by a gynecologist. It will help determine complete recovery.

Menstruation after laser vaporization

Typically, a woman’s period begins at the appointed time. But in some cases this natural process may fail. There is nothing wrong with this, even the nature of the discharge may change for a while.

The first menstruation usually begins a month after the procedure. Before this, a woman may observe uncharacteristic, slightly bloody issues with a foul odor. This occurs as a result of tissue healing after cauterization of damaged areas.

Also, menstruation directly depends on the size of the erosion. Too much damage can cause it to take longer to heal, which is stressful for the body. As a result, there is a delay in menstruation.

Duration critical days directly depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. But in most cases, the number of days of menstruation increases.

A delay in critical days after exposure to laser erosion can occur for several reasons. These are:

  1. reaction of uterine receptors to hardware effects;
  2. stress associated with laser therapy;
  3. response of the mucous membrane to laser exposure.

A delay in menstruation usually does not exceed 10 days. This may last up to 3-4 cycles. Also, a woman may be bothered by heavy discharge during her period with clots.

This process can be observed for several reasons, namely:

  • damage to the scab as a result of carrying heavy objects or excessive physical exertion;
  • negligence of a gynecologist preventive examination, resulting in damage to the neck by instruments.

If heavy and prolonged bleeding accompanies a woman for several cycles in a row, you need to seek help from a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Sometimes after laser cauterization, a woman experiences scantier periods. This is a complication after the procedure.

Scanty discharge during the critical days after laser coagulation is caused by a narrowing of the cervix as a result of prolonged exposure to the beam, including on healthy areas of the mucous membrane. This complication also accompanied by strong painful sensations in the lower part abdominal cavity during menstruation.

The most dangerous complication is the complete absence of menstruation. over a long period of time. This may indicate an accumulation of blood discharge in the uterine cavity.

The pathological process leads to inflammatory processes, in which it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

In order for the recovery period after this procedure to pass without complications, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

Resume sexual relations and other restrictions associated with laser therapy are possible only after the permission of the gynecologist. Since in some situations rehabilitation takes longer a long period time than 1 month.

Although after cauterization, cervical erosions with a laser may occur unpleasant consequences , this pathology should be treated as quickly as possible. Since prolonged neglect of the disease can lead to the transformation of erosion into a malignant tumor.

And this process, as everyone knows, is fraught with the development of cervical cancer. Laser cauterization is one of the fastest and effective ways treatment of this disease.

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