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At what age is Down syndrome diagnosed? When to take a blood test for Down syndrome and other examinations

What is this connected with or is it just a coincidence?

During the onset of your period, your body is at its physical and physiological peak. The body is fully prepared for the hardest work - bearing and giving birth to a baby.

Pregnancy does not occur. Your body decides to “rest” from the stress of mini-childbirth. Taking a break from menstruation, the body stops fighting minor infections (no time for them!). So, instead of pregnancy, you get a slight underweight.

Yes, everything seems simple and clear.

After all, during and during the onset of menstruation, a woman’s body is very vulnerable to disease! This is because with the onset of this period the immune system is greatly weakened, since this kind of blood loss is very damaging to health.

In order to somehow take care of yourself, you should be attentive to your body during menstruation: not to get too cold is probably the main thing and eat vitamins.

Cold before menstruation

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Thank you! I really want to stop this series of illnesses (((my husband and I are planning a child, but instead of pregnancy, I have a cold every month and another stress:(

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runny nose before menstruation

In the section Other about health and beauty, to the question: Can a runny nose or sore throat appear before your period? and what to do with it? asked by the author Kristina Tolkunova the best answer is It’s just a cold, It will go away on its own. My period coincided with a cold.

ha ha ha. and a bunch of other different symptoms!

Maybe if you get a cold. True, a cold and menstruation are in no way connected, but one does not exclude the other. What to do - treat a cold, but nothing about menstruation - this is a normal condition.

yes, if you have a cold...

He can’t, what nonsense, walk around naked and drink cold water, here are the signs

How to deal with decreased immunity before menstruation

A decrease in immunity before menstruation is caused by changes in a woman’s hormonal background. Therefore, during this period many people suffer from colds and flu. However, you can still protect yourself from these diseases.

Causes of decreased immunity

Women's immunity decreases before menstruation. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the level of estrogen, which helps the immune system fight harmful microorganisms, falls. Therefore, the defenses become too weak to protect the body from various infections.

Decreased immunity during menstruation occurs for a number of other reasons:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Avitaminosis.
  3. Hypothermia.
  4. Stress.
  5. Reception oral contraceptives.

Sweet and spicy foods during menstruation create favorable conditions for the rapid proliferation and spread of bacteria in a woman’s body. Therefore, during this period you should refrain from eating such products and give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits. They will help maintain normal operation immune system at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman suffers from chronic fatigue, frequent dizziness, migraines and muscle pain, then these symptoms may indicate vitamin deficiency. Since such symptoms become more intense during menstruation, the patient should take special pharmacological medications. They will replenish the required amount of vitamins and minerals, which will increase immunity.

Ordinary hypothermia can also weaken the body’s defenses. Therefore, before and during menstruation, you must dress warmly. During this period, it is not recommended to expose the lower back and wear tight, low-rise trousers. This item of clothing can seriously harm the reproductive system, as it impairs blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

As you know, stress negatively affects the functioning of all systems. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the body experiences a number of hormonal changes. Naturally, this also affects emotional condition. Therefore, during menstruation, a woman suffers from frequent mood swings, irritability and insomnia, which affects her immunity.

Canadian scientists have proven that a decrease in the activity of the body's defenses can be triggered by taking oral contraceptives. They work by reducing the amount of estrogen, a hormone that helps the immune system fight infections. Since its level already drops at the beginning of the cycle, a woman gets colds more often.


Most doctors are of the opinion that a week before the onset of menstruation, you need to start taking immunostimulating and restorative medications.

They are able to support required level estrogen during this period. In addition, medications should be taken in courses - this is more effective way strengthening the immune system.

If a woman prefers traditional medicine, then she should regularly drink teas from dried berries and leaves of lingonberries, raspberries, blackberries, and currants. These plants boast high amounts of vitamin C, the main helper of the body's defenses. You can also make infusions from linden, wormwood, and rosehip flowers. The dosage must be checked with a doctor.

In order to increase the body's resistance to various harmful bacteria and viruses, you need to consume daily dairy products. But they must contain a large number of bifidobacteria. Thanks to these beneficial microorganisms, the quality of the immune system will significantly improve.

During menstruation, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene. Since the cervix opens slightly during this period, the risk of infection increases. Therefore, you need to wash yourself as often as possible, and the pad should be changed at least once every 3 hours, regardless of the amount of discharge.

At the beginning of the cycle, it is better to avoid visiting crowded places. This precaution will help prevent infection from entering the body. This is especially true for the cold season. After each time you come home from outside, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

If a woman has undergone antibiotic treatment before her period, she needs to take special medications (“Lactofiltrum”). They contain bifidobacteria, which will restore normal intestinal microflora. Nevertheless, such drugs and their dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Daily walks in the fresh air healthy eating and good sleep can also improve the functioning of the immune system. During menstruation, women are advised to remain calm, get plenty of rest and drink enough fluids. In this way, it will be possible to protect the body from various colds.

Conclusion on the topic

Does immunity decrease during menstruation - quite frequently asked question at the doctor. Since the amount of estrogen decreases significantly, the activity of the defense forces deteriorates. To avoid colds, you need to take immunostimulating drugs and vitamin complexes.

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Menstruation and colds

If there is no plans for pregnancy, menstruation is especially anticipated. And her absence on time makes you worry, doing tests and wondering what happened.

Few people think that menstruation and a cold, which seems like a trifle, can be connected. And it’s not just a matter of deterioration in health when natural process and the disease overtake a woman at the same time.

Does menstruation depend on the disease?

Menstruation with a cold: what to expect?

Cyclic changes occurring in the reproductive system are ensured by the work of sex hormones. A significant part of them is produced by the ovaries, but they do not function separately from other organs, but are subject to the activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. They also produce hormones.

Therefore, in order for the functional layer of the endometrium to be replaced in a timely manner, many chemical and biological reactions are necessary. Anything can interfere with them, especially a cold. After all, this is nothing more than an invasion of the body by a viral infection.

Can a cold affect your period? Sometimes it's very noticeable. The microorganisms that cause it multiply and leave the results of their vital activity, that is, toxins, in the tissues. These substances interfere with natural processes, including the production of hormones. It is impossible to predict what the overall impact of the virus will be on the functioning of the reproductive system. There are several options for the development of events.

Malaise and cycle

Considering everything that has been said before, someone will doubt whether menstruation can occur with a cold. Of course, hormonal imbalance in this case is inevitable. The hypothalamus is very susceptible to infection, hence most menstrual problems when sick. But this does not mean that the reproductive organs can rest during this cycle. Still, the influence of toxins and the stress they cause is not so great as to completely stop their work.

The next most important question is whether menstruation can be delayed due to a cold. It is precisely this type of failure that most often worries women who have had an infection. It is provoked by a deficiency of luteinizing hormone, caused by insufficient activity of the pituitary gland due to the fault of the hypothalamus. Ovulation is delayed until later.

The nature of menstruation during ARVI

When you have a cold, your period not only comes later than expected, but it can also change its usual signs. Symptoms that may cause concern include:

  • Spotting at the beginning critical days, as well as upon their completion. Hormonal disbalance influences the development of the endometrium. Some of its areas are ahead of others in this, which causes uneven tissue exfoliation;
  • Duration. Menstruation with ARVI can last more than 7 days. At the same time, the intensity of discharge varies, not everyone has it abundantly;
  • Small clots in menstrual mucus and its darkening. An increase in temperature leads to an increase in blood viscosity, and hence its coagulability. The biological fluid manages to do this even before exiting the genital tract, which gives the discharge a brown color;
  • Soreness. Intoxication affects the nerve endings, which increases sensations during uterine contractions.

What kind of menstruation you get during a cold also depends on how carefully the woman treats herself. If she suffers the disease on her legs, it is possible that the nature of her menstruation will change more due to even greater stress.

Menstruation and the accompanying cold can also prolong the presence of PMS manifestations. If normally they weaken with the onset of critical days, then the disease causes swelling and drowsiness to persist longer.

Intoxication causes the presence of unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands. Because of it, nausea may occur and intestinal upset may continue.

Why do illness and critical days coincide?

Sometimes the simultaneous occurrence of a viral infection and menstruation is purely to blame external reasons. But colds become more active during menstruation due to the fact that a characteristic property of this segment of the cycle is a decrease in immunity. Due to the hormonal changes that accompany menstruation, metabolic processes and the production of protective antibodies slow down when the virus enters the body.

Colds before menstruation have similar causes. The amount of hormones decreases, the body is focused on preparing for the renewal of the reproductive system.

After illness

A banal viral infection does not always go away without a trace; it not only poisons cells with toxins, but also causes psychological stress, as well as the need to take medications. The last two factors can also affect the usual change in hormonal composition.

Therefore, menstruation after an acute respiratory infection does not always go as well as in full health. Clots may be observed in them, and the discharge is often poorer due to insufficient growth of the endometrium. Heavy menstruation is also possible, since the nature of hormonal imbalance due to a viral infection is difficult to predict.

A common symptom is a delay in menstruation after acute respiratory viral infection. Ovulation occurs later due to illness, which delays the endometrium from becoming ready for replacement. But the wait should not be more than 7 days.

A long absence means a problem more serious than a viral infection that should be resolved with a gynecologist. Due to the delayed maturation of the egg, a delay in menstruation after a cold is also possible during pregnancy. So if they are not there on the 8th day, it’s worth doing a test.

Changes in menstruation after illness

Having received increased stress in the most vulnerable period of the cycle, the reproductive and urinary systems may not immediately recover. This appears:

  • The appearance of a strange type of discharge, different from healthy leucorrhoea in color and unpleasant odor;
  • Increased need to urinate;
  • Persistent abdominal pain.

All these are signs of a complication of a viral infection, resulting in damage to the uterine appendages and bladder. So, often a cold after menstruation forces you to go to the clinic for special monitoring of the functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems.

To avoid complications, you should not suffer from an illness on your legs that coincides with menstruation. The inevitable increase in stress on the body provokes the spread of the virus to the genitals and the addition of other infections to it. It is at this stage that an exacerbation of candidiasis or herpes is likely, as well as their first manifestation.

We recommend reading the article about the causes and treatment of long periods. You will learn about the normal duration of critical days, diseases that affect the length of menstruation, traditional and alternative medicine.

Menstruation and the cold that comes with it at the same time require more from a woman. careful attitude to yourself than always. Illness is a factor increased risk for gynecological health.

And if menstruation coincides with a viral infection for several cycles in a row, this is an absolute reason to visit a gynecologist. Perhaps this is how the body signals hidden problems of the immune and reproductive systems.

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This is why menstruation and immunity are so closely related. . Features of menstruation in a woman with a cold.

If she is not informed about this process, she does not know why periods appear and how to behave. Features of menstruation in a woman with a cold.

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obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Shirochina.

How are sore throat and menstruation related? . Menstruation after antibiotics. Features of menstruation in a woman with a cold.

Menstruation after Duphaston. Short menstruation: causes and treatment. Features of menstruation in a woman with a cold.

Therefore, such a nuisance as herpes can also change your periods. We are sure that herpes is just a “fever on the lips” caused by a cold.

Kidneys and menstruation are mutually dependent, so problems with these organs change the nature and timing of menstruation.

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Runny nose before menstruation

Girls, I recently realized that every month I get a cold associated with the onset of my period (about 8-9 days before day X). I googled it - and indeed, many people note this connection (but this is not described as a classic symptom of PMS in the literature).

Has anyone encountered this problem personally?

Could poor immunity be the cause? Or do you have excellent immunity, but still have a cold before PMS?

I don't know if it makes sense to go to the doctor with this. If someone went, was there any result?

My colds are not associated with my periods, but at some point in my life (at the age of 18-19), on the first day of my period, I always had an allergy - my eyes began to itch terribly, I was constantly sneezing, my nose was running, my throat was terrible. . This state lasted a couple of hours and passed. After some time this stopped. I don’t know what was connected with it.

Yes, a sharp drop in immunity is associated with PMS. It all started after 4 years of taking OK - and still does not stop. Apparently, the immune system has improved greatly (((The gynecologist says that this happens and, like, take care of prevention. So I do it with varying success. If you take Amiksin a week before your period, as a rule, you can do without sick leave.

It seems to me that menstruation generally somehow weakens the body or something like that. If I have a hole in my teeth, I always have my period = toothache Same.

the body is weakened during this period. hmmm, should google it

Yes, a drop in immunity.

I had this for ten years - it’s like PMS and my throat hurts. Now it has stopped (after I started maintaining the immune system - colds have almost disappeared, including during PMS), but if something tries to “start”, it is usually during this period.

How did you strengthen your immune system, if it’s not a secret? And then exactly the same problems :(

(Everything was chosen by the doctor and everything helped a lot, i.e. I couldn’t even imagine before that I would feel so much better and so much more energetic. But I won’t say the names, because on the one hand you need a doctor, and on the other side - many people consider dietary supplements and homeopathy to be quackery and I’m not ready to argue).

I have a lot of respect for homeopathy. But it should be selected individually, of course, you are right. Can you recommend a doctor if you are in Moscow?

I am in Moscow, and the doctor is in St. Petersburg (but sometimes comes to Moscow). If you are suddenly interested, write in a personal message.

I have crappy immunity, and every time before my period I have a half-cold. Well, 80% of the time. Sometimes I get sick, sometimes I don’t.

and they have already written correctly - the body weakens during the PMS period. so nothing surprising.

Yes, within 8-10 days my temperature rises to 37.1-2, I used to think - well, I’ve caught a cold, but now I just don’t pay attention. your health is also getting worse, but it’s not PMS, i.e. it is clearly observed 2-3 before day X.

I don’t have a cold, but a pain in my spine and neck. and the wisdom teeth, which cannot come out in any way, at this very moment decide to come in after all and the gums become wildly inflamed. It's incredibly annoying!

oh, sister with a neck! This gives me constant headaches :/

a few days before the KD and in the first 2-3 days of the cycle, immunity weakens. and then it becomes stronger again and is at its peak just during ovulation, which, as usual, occurs in the middle of the cycle. So, it’s not your immune system that is weakened, but this is a common female feature.

By the way (and these are no longer facts, but my personal observation of my own body), taking vitamin C these days increases the chances that there will be no colds.

There’s so much you won’t learn in GO! O.o

I have no connection between colds and PMS. Well, or I never paid attention to it. Although, how can you not notice this? No, I catch a cold quite rarely, certainly not once a month.

It used to be, but in the last year or two it has stopped. I can’t connect it with anything.

Last week these events coincided for the first time

picked up something terrible, without snot, but with bad cough and temperature, I'm sitting at home

It’s generally strange, but you’re not the first to point out

There is such a letter. I have two days before CD in 70% of cases. Thanks for the post - I was too lazy to ask.

I complained to the doctor, she was not surprised, she said that the body was weakened, so it could be susceptible to colds (chronic diseases could also worsen).

Menstruation and runny nose (always together)

List of messages in the topic “Menstruation and a runny nose (always together)” forum I want a child > I want a child

Then I decided why, when I drink boron uterus, my throat gets sore? What is the relationship?

I read that endometriosis can be everywhere: even in the eyes. More often - in the focus of chronic inflammation.

Could these symptoms be a sign of endometriosis in the mucous membrane of the nose and throat? Or is this complete nonsense? Moreover, it’s not only my throat that gets a sore throat from BM.

This is the same as when leukocytes are found in a vaginal smear - this is not necessarily a sign of inflammation there, perhaps there is simply a runny nose or a sore throat.

That's the relationship.

And a sore throat and BM are a different story, IMHO.

I know a few more similar examples:) you are not alone:)

And Zaya, apparently, is not familiar with medicine. I don't want to offend her under any circumstances. Just someone is a specialist in the field of medicine, someone is a technician, someone is a physicist, etc.

And if you are seriously worried about endometriosis, then why don’t you go to the doctor?

As soon as the infection was found, it was cured. Now runny noses are rare, only during M does the throat and nose begin to scratch. Then it goes to the next M.

In general, of course, I prefer the version about immunity, its weakening with M. In any case, Aflubin feels better with homeopathic drops.

thanks for the feedback.

And it is logical to assume that all patients with endometriosis should begin to have a runny nose, or at least half of them, in whom endometriosis cells have reached the nasopharynx.

I think since such serious experiences have arisen, only a doctor can help. Here (I repeat again) no one can give an exact answer.

There was a proposal to express my opinion about what was happening - I expressed it, without any claim to the truth, by the way. To which I was told that I am zero in this (I don’t mind, zero is zero). Like don't bother. Okay, I won’t, but next time, Yulia, write right away that you are interested in the opinion of people with higher medical education.

I just studied the relevant literature. Cases of endometriotic lesions being found in the nose, eyes, and ears are described. A rarity, of course. But it happens.

I don't worry too much about this. I just decided to listen to your opinion.

And the doctors only found and cured the infection for me. And so they say: “Doctors are no different from people” or “You are a woman of mystery, I can’t understand anything.” You have to figure it out on your own and help yourself.

Thank you for your feedback. Sorry if I inadvertently offended you. Did not want.

I know about endometriosis, I read about it. But I still think that this is not the case ;):)

They say vitamins help a lot 😉

Very often, during the O period, my throat hurts and I have such a runny nose that I’m afraid to let my husband come closer than 3 m.

I think we need to relax: all this is due to the fact that during M the hormonal background changes and small vessels (nasal capillaries) react to this, i.e. in our body it is - weakness. Where it is weak, it breaks. Let's hope everything is okay.

Of course, I don't bother with these thoughts. So I was just thinking out loud. But you, of course, reassured me. Now I am sure that only the weakening of the immune system associated with M leads to my runny nose and pharyngitis.

Thanks everybody!

Good luck! Do not lose hope! It will still work out! Attitude is very important!

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Why does my throat hurt when I start my period?

A woman’s menstrual cycle is the body’s preparation for fertilization and gestation. Most processes throw their forces into this preparation, thereby putting other body systems at risk. When the egg is not fertilized, menstruation arrives, signaling the beginning of a new cycle. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) worries most of the female population, and can manifest itself in the most various symptoms due to weakened immunity. Sore throat before menstruation can be attributed specifically to this syndrome. This problem is directly related to reduced immunity and may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations: headache, fever, chest pain, abdominal pain, etc.


The causes of various pains before menstruation can be due to many various factors. If you have a sore throat, the cause may be a developing cold due to a weak immune system.

Causes of pain before critical days:

  1. Hormonal changes. After approximately the 20th day of the cycle, a hormonal surge occurs - a decrease in progesterone production and an increase in estrogen. These changes in hormonal levels greatly affect the general condition of the body.
  2. Increased prostaglandin. The cause of many unpleasant manifestations, such as: headache, back and abdominal pain, irritability or apathy.
  3. Disturbed neuropeptide metabolism. Disturbances concern the central nervous system and are in contact with neuroendocrine processes. An increase in the level of prolactin and vasopressin against this background explains soreness and increased sensitivity of the breast, as well as disorders associated with the intestines.
  4. Water balance disorders. Occurs due to increased levels of melatonin and serotonin, which contribute to the accumulation of water and sodium in the body.

Pain during menstruation

Various pains and abnormalities in the menstrual cycle are a common and understandable phenomenon of PMS. A sharp change in hormonal levels causes stress and decreased immunity in the body. Unpleasant symptoms can be observed individually or in combination, depending on the individuality of the body. There are neuropsychic, edematous, cephalgic and crisis forms of premenstrual pain.

  1. Neuropsychiatric disorders accompanied by depression, irritability, apathy and others sudden changes moods.
  2. Edema form causes “fulling” and soreness of the chest, swelling of the extremities, intestinal flatulence and exacerbation of the olfactory and taste buds.
  3. Cephalgic form characterized by severe headache, pain in the heart, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating and other symptoms. Sore throat, sore throat and increased body temperature above 37 - this can also be attributed to this form of premenstrual pain.
  4. Crisis form characterized by the occurrence of sudden crisis attacks in the form of high blood pressure, rapid breathing and heartbeat. In this form, the body is very susceptible to stress of various types. nervous disorders. General fatigue and presence infectious diseases increase the impact of crisis attacks on the body.

Doctors' opinion

Sore throat before menstruation is due to reduced immunity and the body’s inability to resist infections. Menstruation greatly affects the body's overall resistance and puts essential systems at risk. Various pains arise due to pathologies caused by hormonal imbalance. Factors influencing the general condition during the premenstrual period include:

  • lifestyle (sports or lack thereof, fresh air, nutrition);
  • taking contraceptives or other hormonal drugs;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • presence of diseases (infectious or viral);
  • stress;
  • pregnancy.

If a woman has a sore throat, runny nose, cough or fever, this means she has a cold or sore throat due to the body’s inability to fight pathogens respiratory infections. To prevent premenstrual complications, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with healthy and nutritious food, walks in the fresh air and taking vitamin deficiencies.


Every woman who knows the characteristics of her body can experience premenstrual syndrome in its different forms. symptomatic manifestations. To adjust hormone production and eliminate unpleasant symptoms PMS should be addressed to a doctor who is able to assess and eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

1 thought on “Why does my throat hurt when I start my period?”

Sometimes before my period my throat starts to hurt and my body feels weak. I have no temperature. Does this happen to you?

Colds as a sign of early pregnancy

First signs of pregnancy

Now rapid tests for determining pregnancy are sold in every pharmacy. They are effective from the first day of the expected menstruation, but it is often possible to obtain reliable results only after a few days of “delay”. At the same time, any woman anxiously awaiting pregnancy wants to get an answer to the question as early as possible: “yes” or “no”?

Becoming especially observant of your own body, future mom notices some “suspicious” signs before the pregnancy test shows the correct result.

So, what are the main signs of pregnancy that appear in the first weeks?

We surveyed 170 women on the Motherhood website, asking them to indicate the main signs of pregnancy they noticed. Survey data is given in parentheses.

1. Lack of regular menstruation (34%)

The most common sign of pregnancy. But sometimes it can be caused by hormonal changes in the body or various diseases. And if a woman has an unstable cycle, or it has not yet established itself after a previous birth, then she often does not pay attention to the “delay” until other signs appear, sometimes up to several weeks or even months.

2. Breast tenderness/pain (28%)

Many women experience similar sensations every time their period approaches. In this case, during pregnancy, breast tenderness may be unusually severe. This is by far one of the most common signs of pregnancy.

3. Hypersensitivity to odors (11%)

Many women note this sign as very significant. Your favorite perfume suddenly becomes unbearable, people on the subway seem terribly “smelly”, your husband turns out to be guilty of shameless abuse of cologne.

4. Breast augmentation (8%)

Relatively few women report this symptom in the first weeks of pregnancy. Usually the breasts increase significantly in later stages. But a slight increase, with a certain degree of observation, can be noticeable even earlier.

5. Morning sickness (5%)

For most women, morning sickness, or, as they more often say, early morning sickness, begins at about 7 weeks and continues until the 12th week of pregnancy. But sometimes nausea makes itself felt from a very early date.

6. Strange sensations in the lower abdomen (5%)

Some women call this intuition. Others notice a tugging or tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain is quite severe and long-lasting. And sometimes the expectant mother cannot even accurately determine her feelings, she simply feels that “there is something there.”

7. Changes in food preferences (5%)

In the first weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes notice a sharp increase in appetite. Others, on the contrary, complain of a decrease in appetite up to its complete absence. Often a woman radically changes her menu, showing a deep aversion to familiar products and a sudden craving for previously hated ones.

8. Mood swings, tearfulness (4%)

Some women note this sign of pregnancy as the very first. However, women prone to premenstrual syndrome experience mood swings before the start of each cycle.

9. Frequent urge to urinate

This item was not included in the survey, but many women indicate it in their responses as one of the first signs of pregnancy.

10. Weight change

As a rule, the expectant mother begins to gain weight at a later stage, from about 2-3 months of pregnancy. And in the first weeks of pregnancy, some women even notice weight loss.

11. Increased body temperature

In some women, in the first weeks of pregnancy, body temperature rises to 37-37.2 degrees, and is sometimes accompanied by a headache. If this is added to nasal congestion, which is also one of the possible signs pregnancy, this condition can easily be mistaken for a cold.

12. Increased basal temperature

Women planning pregnancy and monitoring basal temperature, note its increase instead of the usual decrease before menstruation.

13. Drowsiness, fatigue

This sign is also often indicated among the first signs of pregnancy. Although, of course, drowsiness can be caused by a variety of reasons, in combination with other signs it may suggest a possible pregnancy.

As you can see, there are quite a few signs of pregnancy, and they appear in a variety of combinations. Some women feel a good half of the above, others notice only a delay in menstruation, as the most “textbook” sign. And some do not suspect pregnancy until the baby’s first movements or significant changes in their figure. However, this is quite rare.

Signs of pregnancy

Sometimes the initial signs of pregnancy appear in women in the first week after conception. But often the same symptoms are felt by “future mothers” only a few weeks after pregnancy or not felt at all.

Today our women's magazine will help you get acquainted with common and not so common signs of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy need to be distinguished from other signs

Implantation bleeding. This is the most early symptom pregnancy. On days 6-12 after conception, the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. This phenomenon often goes unnoticed; sometimes the discharge continues for several hours and sometimes Pink colour. Many girls simply do not pay attention to the release of blood shortly before the start of menstruation, especially if they have no thoughts about pregnancy.

Other reasons. Bleeding may be caused by a miscarriage, side effect from reception birth control pills, infection or damage received during sexual contact. Also, dysfunctional uterine bleeding or disturbance of the menstrual cycle.

Signs of pregnancy - delayed menstruation and breast swelling

A missed period is the most common and well-known early pregnancy sign that most often prompts women to take a pregnancy test. Delayed menstruation can be caused by many reasons, however, if you are active sex life, and your period does not start on time, it is better to take a “pregnancy test”.

Other reasons. Hormonal imbalance, stress, tension, chronic fatigue, excessive weight loss or gain, discontinuation of oral contraceptives.

Increased sensitivity and breast swelling are common signs of pregnancy, which make themselves felt 1-2 weeks after conception. A woman may notice that her breasts react to every slight touch, becoming swollen or painful. However, there are pregnant women who, on the contrary, in the first weeks of their new condition are surprised by the loss of breast sensitivity.

In addition, darkening of the skin around the nipples may indicate pregnancy.

Other reasons. Premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalance, taking birth control pills.

Signs of pregnancy - malaise and fatigue

Many women mistake pregnancy for a cold. This is due to the fact that the first trimester is characterized by increased body temperature and fatigue. Therefore, pregnant women feel sick and overwhelmed.

Some people actually “get sick” due to decreased immunity. You can often find complaints of a runny nose and sore throat. In such a situation, the main thing is not to take medications that can negatively affect the health of the woman and child. It's better to resort to means traditional medicine.

Other reasons. Stress, depression, flu, cold or other illnesses.

Fatigue, drowsiness. Such conditions can appear as early as the first week of pregnancy. This is due to increased production of the hormone progesterone and general hormonal changes in the body. Progesterone has a depressing effect on the psyche, which is expressed in irritability, drowsiness and depression.

Other reasons. Lack of sleep, taking medications.

Swelling of the hands is also a consequence of the production of the hormone progesterone, which, among other things, promotes the retention of fluid and salts in the body.

Other reasons. Heart failure, kidney disease.

Signs of pregnancy - nausea and headaches

Nausea, vomiting. Toxemia is a classic sign of pregnancy and usually occurs 2-8 weeks after conception. Problems of nausea and vomiting affect about 50% of pregnant women; some unfortunate ones suffer from toxicosis throughout the entire nine months.

Other reasons. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, stress, food poisoning.

Lower back pain can indicate early pregnancy, but mild pain sometimes occurs throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Often on early stages pregnancy there are sharp “shooting” pains from the pelvic area to the legs.

Other reasons. Physical exercise, premenstrual syndrome, stress, back problems.

Headaches and migraines occur on early stages pregnancy, due to an increase in hormone levels in the body, and can serve as indirect signs of pregnancy. As a rule, headaches stop tormenting a woman at the end of the first trimester.

Other reasons. Premenstrual syndrome, dehydration, excessive eye strain, increased blood pressure and brain diseases.

Increased appetite. A nascent pregnancy is often accompanied by “zhor.” This is not necessarily a desire to eat strawberries or pickles, but pregnant women often have a craving for certain foods.

Other reasons. Stress, diabetes, bulimia.

Other signs of pregnancy

A constant urge to urinate is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Frequent urination associated with perestroika female body. At first, the level of female sex hormones increases, which promotes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Overflow blood vessels causes temporary changes in bladder, ureters and kidneys.

Other reasons. Cystitis, urethritis, genital tract infections, menopause.

Tingling in the uterus often bothers women at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

Other reasons. Polyp in the uterus and other gynecological diseases.

Bloating and intestinal upset. In the early stages of pregnancy, women experience an increase in abdominal circumference, which is a consequence of bloating. In the intestines of a pregnant woman, peristalsis slows down, accordingly, the intestinal contents move at a slower speed, and constipation and bloating may appear. This is due to hormonal changes characteristic of pregnancy.

Other reasons. Dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Breaking off extended nails. In the body of a pregnant woman, the content increases chemical substances, which react with acrylic. Therefore, if your nails with acrylic extensions break off from the base, this may be a kind of sign of pregnancy.

Other reasons. Poor quality nail extensions in Ufa, mechanical damage.

Calf cramps. This phenomenon often accompanies “future mothers” at night. Cramps are caused by a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman.

Other reasons. Tension of the leg muscles, lack of mineral salts, the initial stage of diabetes, disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Whatever signs of pregnancy you find in yourself, you shouldn’t guess on the coffee grounds. It is better to go to a qualified specialist who, with the help laboratory diagnostics and high-precision equipment will help you find out the causes of your condition.

Colds as a sign of pregnancy

A cold as a sign of pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Now a completely new load awaits her, and in just a few weeks the body must adapt to the upcoming tests. The hormonal storm raging in the body causes all these symptoms.

Why might the nose be stuffy?

Progesterone, which is produced yellow body during early pregnancy, it has the ability to retain fluid, and the nasal mucosa swells. You may even start snoring at night. This same hormone can cause a slight increase in body temperature, usually no higher than .5 degrees, and may make you feel sleepy during the day.

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Despite the fact that cold symptoms can be a sign of pregnancy, it is worth remembering that you could actually have a cold, and ARVI in the early stages is dangerous during pregnancy.

When to see a doctor: If you have obvious signs ARVI (fever with chills, headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough).

If you feel a clear deterioration in your condition.

It is not reasonable to regard a cold as a sign of pregnancy if it is obvious. The feeling of a cold that can be attributed to pregnancy can usually be described as “a little cold.” That is, this is a slight malaise and weakness, nasal congestion and a desire to sleep more, but nothing more.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a condition, so any health problems should be taken seriously, without neglecting them, otherwise you may miss something serious. Pregnancy never causes a cough, green runny nose, or sore throat, and pregnancy never causes an elevated body temperature that you could feel without a thermometer.

Many women planning a pregnancy try to determine the onset of conception even before the start of the menstrual cycle. They do this with the help of some signs that have already become generally accepted. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often feels weak, lethargic, and often has a fever and chills. It is when this situation arises that such a mild cold is often perceived as a sign of pregnancy. In addition to these symptoms, a woman may complain of drowsiness, nasal congestion, and even a runny nose.

Why does this symptom occur?

Indeed, as experts themselves say, a cold can be a sign of pregnancy. This process often develops, since during this period the woman’s body is especially weakened, so it is susceptible to various viruses and infections. Colds occur in pregnant women immediately after conception due to changes in the body's hormonal levels. Thus, the expectant mother adapts to the upcoming trials.

Causes of nasal congestion

With a delay in the menstrual cycle, women may experience nasal congestion. This process is caused by the fact that progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum at the beginning of pregnancy, is able to retain fluid in the body, as a result of which the nasopharyngeal mucosa swells. At this time, due to nasal congestion, a woman may begin to snore, even if she has never snored before. It is this hormone that can cause an increase in body temperature, which, as a rule, does not rise above 37.5. An increased temperature causes drowsiness in a pregnant woman, even after a long night's sleep. In addition, a woman may experience either fever or chills, which can be explained by the production of two hormones in the body - progesterone and estrogen, which cause such fluctuations in body temperature.

Despite the fact that a cold can often be a sign of pregnancy, it is still necessary to consult a specialist after the first symptoms appear, because ARVI or influenza are great danger for the child's life. If during pregnancy there are following symptoms, you definitely need to visit a specialist’s office:

  • obvious signs of ARVI;
  • deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

A cold can be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy only if the occurrence of this disease has been ruled out. It can especially be considered a manifestation of conception when symptoms appear at a time atypical for a cold.

How to behave correctly?

At the beginning of pregnancy, body temperature can rise to 38, thanks to the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Early pregnancy can manifest as a minor cold in up to 80% of women. Such a process, occurring in a weakened body, cannot cause any complications, so there is no serious reason for concern. However, it is important to take measures aimed at alleviating the condition of the expectant mother; for these purposes, you must entrust your health to a doctor, completely abandoning self-medication.

The most important thing that is required of a woman is to monitor her body temperature. It is allowed to increase it to 37.8; some experts claim that in their practice there are cases when pregnant women had a temperature of 38 for a long time.

A runny nose, which appears in the first weeks of pregnancy, can bother a woman until the birth itself, and often disappears only after the birth of the child. Such a runny nose should not be treated with special medicines or folk remedies, since the cause of its occurrence is pregnancy, you only need to wait for childbirth. You should also absolutely refuse to lower the temperature using special means, because such interference in the natural process can cause serious complications. The only thing that can be done for a runny nose is to carry out nasal rinsing procedures, which facilitate nasal breathing, which improves sleep and the general condition of the expectant mother.

That is why it is so important to know what causes such changes in the body - a cold or pregnancy, after which you can carry out treatment or take measures aimed at alleviating the woman’s condition. Having discovered signs of a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the following actions:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • drink warm tea;
  • stop using medications.

If a pregnant woman feels unwell without a cold, it is useful to drink a cup of tea with honey and lie down in bed. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should sleep 2-3 hours more per day than before, and if necessary, increase the duration of rest. For the health of a woman and the full development of the child’s fetus, we must not forget about daytime sleep, you should go to bed immediately after feeling tired.

Some women are interested in how to distinguish pregnancy and a cold from each other without the help of a specialist. However, it is impossible to do this on your own, since one state of the body does not exclude the occurrence of a second. Only specialists - a gynecologist and a therapist - can make a correct diagnosis.

If you have questions for your doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

A cold as a sign of pregnancy - and what to do about it?

There is a certain algorithm of actions that usually helps a woman make sure that she is pregnant. Of course, the first thing to do if you suspect that happiness has arrived is to do special test, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The appearance of the coveted second stripe gives every reason for next step, that is, contacting a gynecologist.

The fact is that sometimes, oddly enough, tests make mistakes, producing a false positive or false negative result. And here is the doctor in antenatal clinic after carrying out all the required manipulations and tests, she will be able to not only say with confidence whether there is a pregnancy, but also indicate the period - as a rule, it is 3-4 weeks.

But what motivates a woman to go to the pharmacy for a test? Most often, this is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, in other words, a delay of several days. By this time, the pregnancy, if it really exists, has already lasted about two weeks. And all the hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother are in full swing.

Therefore, you can guess about potential motherhood even before your period is missed, according to some indirect signs. Oddly enough, it often turns out that a common cold is a sign of pregnancy, which no one has diagnosed yet!

What snoring and runny nose tell you

Immediately after conception, a kind of “hormonal storm” begins in a woman’s body - in order to bear a child, all normal functions must be “reconfigured.” In about half of expectant mothers, this happens relatively unnoticed, manifesting itself perhaps as toxicosis, and even then not always or only towards the end of the term.

The other half begins to experience some strange sensations literally from the first hours of pregnancy. At night, snoring may suddenly appear, sometimes even very strong. Usually relatives pay attention to such a symptom. And the woman herself notes that her throat began to feel sore, sneezing appeared, and her nose began to get stuffy. This is attributed to the most different reasons– an allergic reaction, dust, too dry air in the room, but most often – a cold.

In fact increased secretion the body's production of certain hormones can cause excessive drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. This is the reason for these unpleasant symptoms, which are so similar to the beginning of an acute respiratory infection!

Unfortunately, some women in such cases, unaware of their true condition, begin to actively self-medicate, including with the help of habitual antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. But they are the ones who can seriously harm the baby, especially in the very early stages of pregnancy!

Therefore, at least in cases where pregnancy was planned and expected, it is not worth treating the first cold symptoms with the help of “heavy artillery” - until the doctors’ verdict is received. Or at least before the test.

Special signs to look out for

With such high sensitivity Some additional signs may indicate pregnancy. For example, an increase in the venous “pattern” on the chest - numerous vessels seem to emerge from under the skin. Along the way, the areolas around the nipples may become darker or pigmentation spots may simply appear on the face and body.

The nose may suddenly bleed, saliva will begin to flow profusely - some women, laughing, say that drooling is running “like mad dog" There are likely problems with peristalsis that were not there before - constipation, diarrhea, increased gas formation. Some women experience cramps in calf muscles, especially at night.

In fact, there is no need to be afraid of such symptoms. Moreover, if they appeared simultaneously with a runny nose and low temperature, you can quite seriously consider a developing cold as a sign of pregnancy - and run to the pharmacy, but not for medicine, but for a test! In principle, the same idea should be prompted by some distorted perception of tastes or smells: if a certain aroma suddenly began to cause nausea, and a bad taste metal, one can assume the onset of an “interesting state”.

Pregnancy is not a disease, so why does it make you sneeze?

If a woman does not sneeze or cough, but feels hot and cold, this is often mistaken for the onset of an illness. But the expression “something is chilling me!” You can just as easily hear it from the lips of a pregnant woman who is not yet aware of her condition. And there is a simple explanation for this.

Literally in the first days of the new condition, the body actively produces two hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Because of this, body temperature can quite objectively change. Moreover, both decrease and increase to 37-37.5 degrees - this temperature is also called subfebrile. Yes, it is very typical for a beginning acute respiratory infection, but remember that even in case of illness it is not recommended to knock it down!

It is enough to drink warm tea with honey and go to bed. The same “recipe” will also be productive during pregnancy - any painful condition during this period requires, if possible, bed rest.

It should be noted that a pregnant woman’s need for rest is generally much higher. Even the time allocated for sleep should be increased - from 1 to 3 hours to the usual norm. It is advisable to simply lie down and relax a little at any moment when a feeling of fatigue and some malaise appears - this occurs in many mothers from the first days of a new condition and continues until childbirth.

So a feeling of weakness, lethargy and weakness, as well as aching bones, which are usually attributed to a cold, is another first sign of a possible pregnancy. The body has not yet understood what is going on, but it has to rebuild, adapt to a new mode of operation, it bears additional loads, so energy is consumed much faster. It is no coincidence that many women experience increased appetite at a very early stage, before hormonal changes are completed.

As for the “hormonal” runny nose, for some mothers it lasts for 9 months and only goes away after the birth of the child, when the levels of progesterone and estrogen return to normal. If no other painful symptoms accompany this condition, it does not require special treatment. As a last resort, you can treat and moisturize the mucous membranes with special water-salt solutions. They will help the nose to breathe, and will also play a preventive role, protecting the woman from real illness.

Pregnancy and illness – two in one

Unfortunately, the appearance of cold symptoms may indicate exactly what was expected - an acute respiratory viral infection! But this diagnosis does not at all deny the onset of an “interesting condition”; on the contrary, it indirectly confirms it. The fact is that a real cold as a sign of pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. A main reason in the woman’s immunity, which plays this cruel joke on her.

The fact is that the pregnant woman’s body confuses fertilization and the subsequent development of the embryo with a disease that must be fought! This is the paradox - on the one hand, from the first days all efforts are devoted to creating the most favorable conditions for development for the baby, and on the other, the immune system screams that it is necessary to destroy the “alien”. If this “voice” is not drowned out, even termination of pregnancy is possible.

The body, which perfectly “understands” what is going on, solves the issue radically - it “turns off” the immune system so that it does not provoke a miscarriage from excessive zeal in trying to protect the woman from her new condition. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the expectant mother becomes completely defenseless for 9 months against the attacks of a variety of viruses and bacteria, often much more dangerous than a common acute respiratory infection.

Thus, the flu, which in the normal state is tolerated by most people without any problems if they follow all medical recommendations, can lead to the most serious illness in a pregnant woman. severe consequences. For example, pneumonia, which definitely cannot be cured with warm tea and extra rest. And too high a temperature in the early stages can harm both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

What to do with a cold during pregnancy?

A woman who suspects she may be pregnant and suddenly begins to experience symptoms that suggest she may be pregnant viral disease, must be extremely careful. Remembering that the body reduces immunity specifically to protect the child, you should absolutely not take immunomodulators - this can cause a miscarriage!

Considering that a cold as a sign of pregnancy occurs in at least every second mother, you must first accurately understand your condition, and then get doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

Some mild conditions do not require special treatment drug therapy, they disappear without a trace after a few days. Traditional medicine can help and alleviate the condition, however, they must be treated very carefully, remembering possible allergies, which is dangerous not so much for the mother as for the child.

For example, tea with honey or jam - currant, raspberry or lingonberry - saves many people from a cold. The increased content of vitamin C makes them excellent helpers for the body in the fight against acute respiratory infections. But in cases where a woman had some allergic reactions on vitamin preparations or bee products, they will have to be discarded.

Do not forget that an overabundance of vitamins can be just as harmful during pregnancy as vitamin deficiency, so even that mother who has never food allergies I didn’t suffer, I shouldn’t abuse vitamin drinks and supplements - everything is good in moderation!

Therefore, first of all, when planning a pregnancy, you should pay attention to the prevention of colds - walk in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment well, eat a nutritious and balanced diet, avoid both hypothermia and overheating. And try to avoid places with large crowds of people - at least during an epidemic danger.

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  • Is a cold dangerous in early pregnancy?
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I'm pregnant - all about pregnancy, childbirth and children (0.0015 sec.)

The concept of the menstrual cycle refers to the painstaking work of the body, which prepares for the conception of a child: the uterus is lined with a special layer of tissue, a comfortable place is prepared for the baby during pregnancy, and the egg matures. If conception does not take place, then the body gets rid of the achieved results in order to start all over again.

Before the start of a new cycle, a woman experiences unpleasant moments or signs before menstruation, called PMS. They are accompanied by lingering pain in the lower abdomen, increased irritability, fatigue. However, pregnancy and menstruation, the symptoms of which are very similar, may have similar symptoms. It is important for every woman to learn to distinguish them from each other.

Menstruation or pregnancy

Once fertilization has occurred in a woman's body, the menstrual cycle stops until the baby is born.

However, in some cases, women continue to experience bleeding for several months. These discharges can hardly be called full menstruation. They are sparse, brownish or reddish in color. Essentially, the fertilized egg implants itself into the walls of the uterus, which may result in minor tears. bloody discharge. They may appear once, or they may occur periodically; the fruit will not reach a certain size. Such discharge cannot be called menstruation, and its appearance is a reason to visit a doctor.

Main signs before menstruation

Unpleasant sensations associated with the onset of menstruation can be very individual. However, the most common period symptoms are:

  • pain in the lower back, abdomen, chest;
  • depressive mood combined with sleep disturbances;
  • headache.

If you compare the symptoms of menstruation with the first signs of pregnancy, you can come to the conclusion that they are very similar. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may be drowsy, irritable, and have sudden mood swings. To understand the manifestations of the body, you need to learn to listen to yourself and feel changes.

Watch yourself for a few months. If the symptoms before your period are headache and back pain, then it is likely that these symptoms will not bother you once you become pregnant. If, on the contrary, the signs of the onset of menstruation are unknown to you, then you can say with reasonable confidence that pregnancy has occurred if you suffer from migraines, excessive irritability, and mood swings.

Temperature changes may also indicate a change in condition. A woman’s temperature rises by several degrees during ovulation. If it has returned to a constant level, then you should prepare for the onset of menstruation. If the temperature column freezes at an elevated level, then we can talk about the onset of pregnancy. However, this method also has an error individual characteristics. In order to speak with confidence about normal or elevated temperature, it needs to be measured daily for several months in a row in order to have a picture of changes in body temperature over a certain period.

Pregnancy symptoms

In addition to delayed menstruation, pregnancy can manifest itself with a number of other symptoms:

  • Constant fatigue can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, which are among the first signs of conception.
  • The breast reaction may become aggravated. All touches to it become painful, and sometimes there is an increase in volume.
  • Spasms, pain in the lower abdomen what happens before menstruation can be one of signs of pregnancy before delay.
  • Small vaginal discharge, which is a sign of attachment of the egg to the uterus.
  • Nausea may appear along with a delay in menstruation and go away fairly quickly or accompany the woman throughout pregnancy.
  • The constant urge to urinate is associated with a gradual increase in blood in the body, as well as other fluids that ensure the vital functions of the mother and the unborn baby. The longer you are pregnant, the more often you will have to visit the toilet. However, this symptom should not be confused with a possible manifestation of inflammatory diseases, for example, cystitis.
  • Glitches in the schedule. If previously menstruation appeared on a clearly designated day, but now even after PMS there are no periods, then fertilization may have occurred.
  • Sensitivity to odors refers to early signs of pregnancy and is caused by a sharp increase in estrogen levels in the blood.
  • Increasing the temperature a few notches can tell you a lot, but you'll have to keep a temperature log to do that.
  • Positive test response. Pharmacy tests can rarely determine pregnancy earlier than the delay of menstruation. If you notice other signs of pregnancy and the test shows a negative result, it is worth repeating the test in a few days.

What a woman should always pay attention to

Pain in the mammary glands, increase in volume and swelling may indicate both menstruation and pregnancy. The appearance of colostrum released from the nipples will tilt the diagnosis in favor of the latter. However, breast pain in a specific area, combined with discharge from the nipples, against the background of excluding pregnancy, is a reason for an urgent visit to a mammologist, since such symptoms may indicate oncology.

All of the above has one big amendment: each organism has its own individuality. If you cannot determine exactly what signs are bothering you, buy a pharmacy test. If your schedule is delayed and you suspect you are pregnant, you can contact a gynecologist who will examine you and prescribe the appropriate tests. However, in most cases, a woman intuitively determines the presence of pregnancy better than any tests or analyses.

There is a certain algorithm of actions that usually helps a woman make sure that she is pregnant. Of course, the first thing you do if you suspect that happiness has arrived is to do a special test, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The appearance of the coveted second stripe gives every reason for the next step, that is, contacting a gynecologist.

The fact is that sometimes, oddly enough, tests are wrong, producing a false positive or false negative result. But the doctor in the antenatal clinic, after carrying out all the required manipulations and tests, will be able to not only say with confidence whether there is a pregnancy, but also indicate the period - as a rule, it is 3-4 weeks.

But what motivates a woman to go to the pharmacy for a test? Most often, this is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, in other words, a delay of several days.

By this time, the pregnancy, if it really exists, has already lasted about two weeks. And all the hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother are in full swing.

Therefore, you can guess about potential motherhood even before your period is missed, based on some indirect signs. Oddly enough, it often turns out that a common cold is a sign of pregnancy, which no one has diagnosed yet!

Immediately after conception, a kind of “hormonal storm” begins in a woman’s body - in order to bear a child, all normal functions must be “reconfigured.”

In about half of expectant mothers, this happens relatively unnoticed, manifesting itself perhaps as toxicosis, and even then not always or only towards the end of the term.

The second half begins to experience some strange sensations literally from the first hours of pregnancy. At night, snoring may suddenly appear, sometimes even very strong.

Usually relatives pay attention to such a symptom. And the woman herself notes that her throat began to feel sore, she began to sneeze, and her nose began to get stuffy. This is attributed to a variety of reasons - an allergic reaction, dust, too dry air in the room, but most often - a cold.

In fact, increased secretion of certain hormones by the body can cause excessive drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. This is the reason for these unpleasant symptoms, which are so similar to the beginning of an acute respiratory infection!

Unfortunately, some women in such cases, unaware of their true condition, begin to actively self-medicate, including with the help of conventional antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. But they are the ones who can seriously harm the baby, especially in the very early stages of pregnancy!

Therefore, at least in cases where pregnancy was planned and expected, it is not worth treating the first cold symptoms with the help of “heavy artillery” - until the doctors’ verdict is received. Or at least before the test.

Special signs to look out for

With such a high sensitivity of the body, some additional signs may indicate pregnancy. For example, an increase in the venous “pattern” on the chest - numerous vessels seem to emerge from under the skin. Along the way, the areolas around the nipples may become darker or pigmentation spots may simply appear on the face and body.

The nose may suddenly bleed and salivate profusely - some women, laughing, say that the drool is running “like a mad dog.” There are likely problems with peristalsis that were not there before - constipation, diarrhea, increased gas formation. Some women experience cramps in their calf muscles, especially at night.

In fact, there is no need to be afraid of such symptoms. Moreover, if they appear simultaneously with a runny nose and a slight fever, you can quite seriously consider a developing cold as a sign of pregnancy - and run to the pharmacy, but not for medicine, but for a test! In principle, the same idea should be prompted by some distorted perception of tastes or smells: if a certain aroma suddenly began to cause nausea, and an unpleasant taste of metal appeared in the mouth, one can assume the onset of an “interesting state.”

Pregnancy is not a disease, so why does it make you sneeze?

If a woman does not sneeze or cough, but feels hot and cold, this is often mistaken for the onset of an illness. But the expression “something is chilling me!” You can just as easily hear it from the lips of a pregnant woman who is not yet aware of her condition. And there is a simple explanation for this.

Literally in the first days of the new condition, the body actively produces two hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Because of this, body temperature can quite objectively change. Moreover, both decrease and increase to 37-37.5 degrees - this temperature is also called subfebrile. Yes, it is very typical for a beginning acute respiratory infection, but remember that even in case of illness it is not recommended to knock it down!

It is enough to drink warm tea with honey and go to bed. The same “recipe” will also be productive during pregnancy - any painful condition during this period requires, if possible, bed rest.

It should be noted that a pregnant woman’s need for rest is generally much higher. Even the time allocated for sleep should be increased - from 1 to 3 hours to the usual norm. It is advisable to simply lie down and relax a little at any moment when a feeling of fatigue and some malaise appears - this occurs in many mothers from the first days of a new condition and continues until childbirth.

So a feeling of weakness, lethargy and weakness, as well as aching bones, which are usually attributed to a cold, is another first sign of a possible pregnancy. The body has not yet understood what is going on, but it has to rebuild, adapt to a new mode of operation, it bears additional loads, so energy is consumed much faster.

It is no coincidence that many women experience increased appetite at a very early stage, before hormonal changes are completed.

As for the “hormonal” runny nose, for some mothers it lasts for 9 months and only goes away after the birth of the child, when the levels of progesterone and estrogen return to normal.

If no other painful symptoms accompany this condition, it does not require special treatment. As a last resort, you can treat and moisturize the mucous membranes with special water-salt solutions. They will help the nose to breathe, and will also play a preventive role, protecting the woman from real illness.

Pregnancy and illness – two in one

Unfortunately, the appearance of cold symptoms may indicate exactly what was expected - an acute respiratory viral infection! But this diagnosis does not at all deny the onset of an “interesting condition”; on the contrary, it indirectly confirms it. The fact is that a real cold as a sign of pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. And the main reason is the woman’s immunity, which plays this cruel joke on her.

The fact is that the pregnant woman’s body confuses fertilization and the subsequent development of the embryo with a disease that must be fought! This is the paradox - on the one hand, from the first days all efforts are devoted to creating the most favorable conditions for development for the baby, and on the other, the immune system screams that it is necessary to destroy the “alien”. If this “voice” is not drowned out, even termination of pregnancy is possible.

The body, which perfectly “understands” what is going on, solves the issue radically - it “turns off” the immune system so that it does not provoke a miscarriage from excessive zeal in trying to protect the woman from her new condition. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the expectant mother becomes completely defenseless for 9 months against the attacks of a variety of viruses and bacteria, often much more dangerous than a common acute respiratory infection.

Thus, the flu, which in normal conditions is tolerated by most people without any problems if they follow all medical recommendations, can lead to the most severe consequences in a pregnant woman. For example, pneumonia, which definitely cannot be cured with warm tea and extra rest. And too high a temperature in the early stages can harm both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

What to do with a cold during pregnancy?

A woman who suspects she may be pregnant and suddenly begins to experience symptoms that suggest the onset of a viral illness should be extremely careful. Remembering that the body reduces immunity specifically to protect the child, you should absolutely not take immunomodulators - this can cause a miscarriage!

Considering that a cold as a sign of pregnancy occurs in at least every second mother, you must first accurately understand your condition, and then get doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

Some mild conditions do not require special drug therapy; they disappear without a trace after a few days. Traditional medicine can help and alleviate the condition, however, they must be treated very carefully, remembering a possible allergy, which is dangerous not so much for the mother as for the child.

For example, tea with honey or jam - currant, raspberry or lingonberry - saves many people from a cold. The increased content of vitamin C makes them excellent helpers for the body in the fight against acute respiratory infections. But in cases where a woman had any allergic reactions to vitamin preparations or bee products before pregnancy, they will have to be abandoned.

Do not forget that an excess of vitamins can be just as harmful during pregnancy as vitamin deficiency, so even a mother who has never suffered from food allergies before should not abuse vitamin drinks and supplements - everything is good in moderation!

Therefore, first of all, when planning a pregnancy, you should pay attention to the prevention of colds - walk in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment well, eat a nutritious and balanced diet, avoid both hypothermia and overheating. And try to avoid places with large crowds of people - at least during an epidemic danger.


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