Home Hygiene Psychosomatic child does not speak. Child psychosomatics: why do children get sick? Diseases of infants

Psychosomatic child does not speak. Child psychosomatics: why do children get sick? Diseases of infants

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The fact that physical and psychological condition people influence each other, doctors have known since the time of Hippocrates, and Sigmund Freud argued that unconscious thoughts and feelings can be turned into physical (somatic) symptoms.

Child psychosomatics - causes

The manifestation of childhood psychosomatics is associated with the suppression of emotions. Instead of openly expressing fear or anger, the child represses these feelings into the unconscious, which causes an “accumulation of negativity” inside the body and the appearance of symptoms of the disease. Nausea, diarrhea, headache may not only be the result of stress associated with upcoming tests. Sometimes, adults are too demanding or refuse to believe that the child is tired. Particularly susceptible to psychosomatics are those who do not like to publicize their experiences. Hence arise various symptoms different variations, for example, vomiting before performing in music school, the occurrence of otitis media before visiting kindergarten, angina pectoris after the parents’ divorce.

Child psychosomatics can be represented in the form of a diagram:

stress -> health (decreased immunity) -> disease

There are no psychological changes that would not cause a reaction in the body. What does it mean? When a child contracts the flu, he becomes apathetic and sad, that is, sick body affects mood. The same thing happens in the opposite direction - the psyche influences the physiology. If a baby’s favorite toy is taken away, he will begin to cry, get angry, stamp his feet, at this time his breathing will become faster and his adrenaline will increase. A specific emotion brings with it a series of changes in the body.

Psychosomatics in children often develops into the following diseases:

  • colds
  • bronchial asthma
  • heart disease
  • atopic dermatitis, allergy
  • increased muscle tone
  • stomach upset
  • gastritis
  • headache

Of course, not every disease is associated with childhood psychosomatics. A psychological reason should be sought when the doctor does not detect any abnormalities during the examination. If so, there may have been a significant change in the child's life - a quarrel with a friend, the birth of a younger brother, or the loss of a close relative.

How to help children with psychosomatic disorders

The severity of the impact of childhood psychosomatics on health depends on many factors - stability nervous system, character, number of tense situations and environment. You can help your child not only with the help of a calm environment, proper nutrition and vitamins. Talk to your child, find out about hidden fears, worries and causes of irritation. Show your child that his problems are as important to you as he is. If it's a teenager, find mutual language It will not be easy, since children over 12 years old do not like to talk about problems. Try to become closer - take an interest in hobbies, walk together more often, observe behavior.

When, in the process of close communication, you notice that it is not possible to break through the “armor of secrecy,” contact your teachers. Perhaps the cause of the ailments is school failure or problems communicating with peers. Words of support, positive emotions, and “random” memories from your personal life about relationships with people will help you correct the situation. You can distract a teenager from negativity with the help of an introduction additional classes to choose from - sports, creativity, foreign language or chess. Sometimes, teenagers feign illness in order to avoid some event, so adults need to learn to distinguish real signs of health problems from fictitious complaints. Can't find the reason? Contact a psychologist who will conduct a conversation and give recommendations based on the findings.

Psychosomatic diseases can be prevented with the help of adequate ambitions aimed at the child. Let your offspring run, jump and manage their personal time according to at will when all the work has already been done. Teach relaxation techniques (deep breathing, physical exercise) during difficult situations and make sure your child goes to bed on time. Give up bad habit Scold your child for showing emotions at home. In addition, strictly regulate the number of hours spent with the gadget; some situations on the Internet have a negative impact on fragile nerves, causing signs of childhood psychosomatics.

It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection remains to be established in the future...

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors- hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger..."

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” writes: “Illness is a language, the speech of the subject... To understand the disease, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he should change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of childhood illnesses.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.

The most common childhood illnesses are WHOOPING COUGH, MUMPS, MEASLES, RUBELLA and CHICKEN POX.

Emotional blocking:

It is interesting to note that most of the diseases that affect children primarily affect the eyes, nose, ears, throat and skin. Any childhood illness indicates that the child feels anger in connection with what is happening around him. It is difficult for him to express his feelings - either because he does not yet know how to do this, or because his parents forbid him to do this. These diseases occur when a child does not receive enough attention and love.

Mental block:

If your child is sick with some childhood disease, read this description to him. Be sure that he will understand everything, no matter how small he is. You must explain to him that illness is his reaction to the world and that difficulties in this world are inevitable.

Help him understand that he came on this planet with a certain set of beliefs and must now adapt to the beliefs, opportunities, desires and fears of other people. He must realize that those around him have other responsibilities besides caring for him, so they cannot bother with him around the clock. He must also give himself the right to feel anger and express it, even if adults do not like it. He will understand that the people around him also have difficulties from time to time, but he should not be responsible for their failures. See also separate article on relevant childhood disease.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write:

In all childhood diseases manifested through the skin - such as chickenpox, measles, rubella and scarlet fever, it announces itself next step in child development. Something that is still unknown to the child and therefore cannot be processed freely, without difficulty, appears clearly on the surface of the skin. After one of these illnesses, the child usually becomes more mature, and everyone around him feels this. Tell your child that everything that happens to him is good, that this is how it should be, that life is a journey during which people encounter new things again and again, and that in every treasure that the child discovers in himself there is a piece of growing up. Give him this time more attention, show trust and give him Reiki as often as you can.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

Half of my patients are children. If the child is already an adult, then I work directly with him. And I am always pleased to see how the parents themselves change as the child recovers. It is easier and more interesting to work with children. Their thinking is still free - not clogged with small everyday worries and various prohibitions. They are very receptive and believe in miracles. If the child is still very small, then I work with the parents. The parents begin to change and the child gets better.

It has long been established that parents and children at the information-energetic, field level are a single whole.

Adults often ask me: “Doctor, how can a child know about our relationship if we hide it from him? We don’t swear or quarrel in front of him.”

A child does not need to see and hear his parents. He has in his subconscious full information about your parents, about their feelings and thoughts. He just knows everything about them. He just can’t express his feelings in words. That's why he gets sick or behaves strangely if his parents have some problems.

Many have heard this expression: “Children are responsible for the sins of their parents.” And so it is. All illnesses of children are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of their parents. This is very important to understand. Parents can help their child recover by changing their thoughts and beliefs, and their behavior. I immediately explain to my parentsthat it is not their fault that the child gets sick. I wrote about how illness should generally be treated as a signal. And to a child’s illness is like a signal for the whole family.

Children are the future of their parents and a reflection of their relationship. By the reaction of children we can judge whether we, adults, are doing everything right. If a child gets sick, this is a signal to parents. Something is wrong in their relationship. It's time to sort it out and achieve peace and harmony in the family through joint efforts. A child’s illness is a signal to the father and mother to change themselves! What do adults do when their child gets sick? Do they perceive a child’s illness as a signal for themselves? Not at all. Parents stuff their child with pills, suppressing this signal. Such a blind attitude to the child’s illness aggravates the situation, since the disease does not disappear anywhere, but continues to destroy the child’s subtle field structures.

Children choose their own parents. But parents also choose their children. The Universe matches a particular child with the appropriate parents who are best suited for him.

The child reflects the father and mother. The masculine and feminine principles of the Universe are present and developing in it. The child's subconscious contains the thoughts, emotions and feelings of the parents. Father personifies masculinity Universe, and mother is feminine. If these thoughts are aggressive and destructive, then the child cannot connect them together, and does not know how. So he declares himself either by strange behavior or illness. And therefore, the health and personal life of their child depends on how parents treat each other, themselves and the world around them.

Let me give you an example. At all small child epilepsy begins. Seizures occur very often. Medicine is simply powerless in such cases. Medicines only make the condition worse. Parents contact traditional healers, to the grandmothers. This gives a temporary effect.

The father came to the first session with the child.

“You are a very jealous person,” I explain to my father. - And jealousy carries a huge charge of subconscious aggression. When your relationship with a woman was under threat of collapse, you did not accept this situation as created by God and you, did not try to change anything in yourself, but experienced colossal aggression. As a result, your son from his first marriage became a drug addict, and this child from his second marriage suffers epileptic seizures. An illness in a child blocks the subconscious program of destroying women and oneself.

What to do? - asks the child's father.

There is only one thing that can cure a child - your deliverance from jealousy.

But how? - asks the man.

You can only do this if you learn to love. Love yourself, wife, children. Jealousy is not love. This is a sign of self-doubt. See your wife as your reflection, not as your property. Review your entire life, those situations when you were jealous and hated, when you were offended by women and when you questioned your masculinity. Ask God for forgiveness for your aggression in these situations and thank him for all the women who were in your life, no matter how they acted. And also - this is very important - ask God,so that he will teach you, your son and all your descendants who will be in the future, love.

Here's another example. They brought me to see a girl who suddenly, six months ago, began to feel depressed. Staying in a mental hospital only worsened the condition.

I had a long conversation with her father. We managed to find the cause of the disease in him too. In his subconscious there was a powerful program for the destruction of the world around him. This manifested itself in frequent resentment, anger and hatred towards life, towards one’s fate, towards people. He passed this program on to his child. While the girl was at school, she felt relatively well. But after graduation, this subconscious program began to work in full force and was realized by an unwillingness to live.

When there is noise in the house, parents or loved ones quarrel, the child often reacts to this with ear inflammation or bronchopulmonary diseases, thus expressing his feelings and giving his illness a signal to his parents: “Pay attention to me! Silence, peace, tranquility and harmony in the family are important to me.” But do adults always understand this?

Often negative programs are laid down in the subconscious of children already during pregnancy. I always ask parents about this period and even what happened in their relationship in the year before pregnancy.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, did you think about having an abortion, I tell the woman who came to the appointment with infant. The child recently developed diathesis.

Yes, that’s true,” the woman answers. “I thought that the pregnancy was untimely, but my husband and my husband’s parents convinced me that I needed to give birth to a child.

You gave birth to a child, but in your subconscious there remains a trace of the program for its destruction. Reluctance to give birth is a direct threat to the life of the child. He reacted to this with illness.

What should I do now? Is there any way I can help him? Doctors say that there is no cure for thisillnessesNo, just diet.

There are medicines. I give you homeopathic remedies. First there will be an exacerbation, and then the child’s skin will clear up. But the most important thing is that you need to “cleanse yourself”. For forty days, pray and ask God for forgiveness for thinking about abortion, for not being able to create a space of love for your child. This will help you neutralize the program of its destruction. In addition, you will express love for yourself, your husband and your child every day. And also, remember that any complaints against your husband or grievances against him, any conflict with the family will immediately affect the child’s health. Create a space of love in your family. This will be good for everyone.

The state of thoughts and emotions of a pregnant woman is very important for the health of the unborn child. Thoughts about untimely pregnancy, fears of giving birth, jealousy, resentment towards the husband, conflict with parents - all this is transmitted to the child and turns into a self-destruction program in his subconscious. Such a child is born with a weakened immune system and begins to suffer from infectious diseases almost immediately, in the maternity hospital. And doctors have nothing to do with it. The reason lies in both the child and the parents. It is important to understand the reasons and cleanse yourself through repentance. Diathesis, allergies, enteritis, staphylococcal infections- all this is the result of negative thoughts of the father and mother during pregnancy or after.

When children have all kinds of fears, the reason must again be sought in the behavior of their parents.

One day I was called to a house with a request to cure children of their fears. Later it turned out that the mother herself suffers from fears - she is afraid to go far from home, and the father uses drugs. So who needs to be treated?

Or another example with fears. The woman brought a very little girl to me. The child has recently developed fears of being alone in his room and a fear of the dark. My mother and I began to find out the subconscious reasons. It turned out that there were very strained relationships in the family, and the woman was thinking about divorce. But what does divorce mean for a girl? This is the loss of a father. And the father personifies support, protection. The mother just had negative thoughts, and the child immediately reacted to this with his fears, demonstrating to his parents that he does not feel safe.

As soon as the woman gave up thoughts of divorce and began to act towards strengthening the family, the girl’s fears disappeared.

The dependence of children's behavior on the behavior of parents is clearly visible in the treatment of alcoholism. Parents often come to me and ask me to help their already adult alcoholic children. The children themselves do not want to be treated, so I start working with the parents. We identify those subconscious behavior programs of parents that reflect the child’s alcoholism, neutralize them, and amazing (but actually natural) things happen - the son or daughter stops drinking alcohol.

In this chapter and in previous chapters I have given many examples of childhood illnesses. You can do this ad infinitum. It is important that we, adults, understand one simple truth: if love, peace and harmony reign in the family, then the child will be completely healthy and calm. The slightest disharmony in the parents' feelings - both the child's behavior and his state of health immediately change.

For some reason, there is an opinion that children are stupider than adults and the latter should teach children. But, working with children, I discovered that they know much more than us adults. Children are open systems. And from birth we, adults, “close” them, imposing on them our perception and doing of the world.

IN Lately I often began to turn to my 8-year-old son for advice. And almost always his answers were correct, simple and at the same time unusually deep. One day I asked him:

Dima, please tell me what I need to do in order to be rich?

After thinking for a while, he simply replied:

We need to help people.

But, as a doctor, I already help people,” I said.

But you need, dad, to help not only those sick people who come to see you, but all people in general. And most importantly, you need to love people. Then you will be rich.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his lecture “The Effect of the Moon on Health” says:

If there is no atmosphere of peace and quiet in the family, it means that the children will be very sick, very sick at first. And these diseases will be of this nature. The child will feel intense heat in the body, he will feel constantly restless, he will cry, scream, run, rush, etc. This means that no... in the family no one wants peace for other people. The family seems to be aggressive inside; a mood of aggression towards others is cultivated. In such families, politics is usually discussed, because aggression needs to be thrown out somewhere. [inaudible] Cries - not always, but if there is no rest, i.e. such a child is immediately deprived of normal sleep. He has a restless sleep, first, second - he has a very restless mind, i.e. The slightest irritation causes him problems. In this case, these families are usually engaged in discussing the political situation, not giving salaries on time, and... well, in general, this type of aggression, an aggressive attitude towards others. In this case, children are deprived of peace, because people constantly cultivate such a mood. Here. Their state is like this: “I’m always missing something, in winter – summer, autumn – spring.

Faith in ideals social ideas and false laws. Children's behavior in the adults around them.

Harmonizing thoughts: This child has Divine protection, he is surrounded by love. We demand the integrity of his psyche.

Sore throat in girls under 1 year of age - Problems in relationships between parents.

Allergies in children (any manifestations) – Hatred and anger of parents towards everything; the child’s fear “they don’t love me.”

Allergy to fish products in children - Protest against the self-sacrifice of parents.

Allergies (manifestations on the skin in the form of scabs) in children - Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.

Appendicitis in children - Inability to get out of a deadlock situation.

Asthma in children - Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life.

Bronchitis in girls - Problems of communication and love feelings.

Viral diseases in children:

The desire to leave home and die is a wordless struggle for one’s own survival.

Taste (loss in children):

Parents censure the child’s sense of beauty, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless.

Dropsy of the brain in children:

The mother’s accumulation of unshed tears, sadness over the fact that she is not loved, not understood, not regretted, that everything in life is not going the way she wants.

Headaches in children:

Failure to resolve disagreements between parents; destruction by parents children's world feelings and thoughts. Constant grievances.

Throat (diseases in children):

Quarrels between parents, accompanied by shouting.

Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction bone tissue in children:

Shame and anger against the husband’s infidelity, inability to forgive the betrayal.

Diphtheria in children:

Guilt for an act committed, which arose in response to the anger of the parents.

Daytime urinary incontinence in children:

A child's fear for his father.

Delay mental development in children:

Parental violence against the child's soul.

Children's hysteria:


Nosebleeds in a child:

Helplessness, anger and resentment.

Laryngospasm in children:

Guilt for an action committed when a child is strangled by anger.


The child's father experiences great unexpressed sadness due to the inferiority of his mind, which is overly rational.

Anemia in children:

Resentment and irritation of a mother who considers her husband a bad breadwinner for the family.


The child's father mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind.

Brain tumor in children:

Relationship between mother and mother-in-law.

Complications of viral diseases in boys:

The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and verbally.

mumps - chicken pox - measles

Maternal anger due to impotence. Maternal anger due to renunciation.

Touch (impairment in children):

The shame of a child when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands.

Deviations in child development:

A woman’s fear that they will no longer love her for her imperfections. Cultivating parental love as a desired goal.

Cancer in children:

Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.

Heart (congenital or acquired defect in children):

Fear “nobody loves me.”

Hearing (impaired in children):

Shame. Shaming a child by parents.

Slouching in children:

Excessive dominance of the mother in the family.

High temperature:

Tension in a quarrel with the mother, exhaustion. Strong, bitter anger. Anger when judging the guilty.

Overwhelmed by stress.

Tuberculosis in children:

Constant pressure.

Chronic runny nose:

A constant state of resentment.

Schizophrenia in children:

Obsessive ideas in parents; The wife has an obsession with re-educating her husband.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

This disease most often occurs in children and manifests itself in swelling of overgrown tissues of the nasopharynx, which makes nasal breathing difficult, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth.

Emotional blocking:

A child suffering from this disease is usually very sensitive; he can anticipate events long before they happen. Very often, he, consciously or unconsciously, predicts these events much better and earlier than the persons interested or associated with them. For example, he may feel that something is not going well between his parents much earlier than they themselves realize it. As a rule, he tries to block these premonitions so as not to suffer. He is very reluctant to talk about them with those with whom he should talk, and prefers to experience his fears alone. A blocked nasopharynx is a sign that the child is hiding his thoughts or emotions for fear of being misunderstood.

Mental block:

A child suffering from this disease feels superfluous and unloved. He may even believe that he himself is the cause of the problems that arise around him. He should check with close people whom he trusts the objectivity of his own ideas about himself. In addition, he must realize that if others do not understand him, this does not mean that they do not love him.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted.

Harmonizing thoughts: This child is needed, desired and adored.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “ Psychological reasons diseases" writes:

Adenoids in children - Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

In psychiatry, autism is understood as a condition in which a person is completely disconnected from reality and closed in on himself, in his own inner world. Characteristic symptoms Autism symptoms include silence, painful withdrawal, loss of appetite, lack of the pronoun “I” in speech, and the inability to look people directly in the eyes.

Emotional blocking:

Research into this disease shows that the causes of autism should be sought in infancy, before the age of 8 months. In my opinion, a child suffering from autism is too strongly connected karmically with his mother. He unconsciously chooses illness to escape reality. Perhaps in past life Something very difficult and unpleasant happened between this child and his mother, and now he takes revenge on her by rejecting the food and love that she offers him. His actions also indicate that he does not accept this incarnation.

If you are the mother of a child with autism, I encourage you to read this passage out loud specifically for him. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old he is, his soul will understand everything.

Mental block:

A child with autism must understand that if he decides to return to this planet, he needs to live this life and gain the necessary experience from it. He must believe that he has everything to live, and that only an active attitude towards life will give him the opportunity to develop spiritually. The child's parents should not blame themselves for his illness. They should realize that their child has chosen this condition and that autism is one of the things that he must experience in this life. Only he himself can one day decide to return to normal life. He can withdraw into himself for the rest of his life, or he can use this new incarnation to experience several other states.

Parents will play important role in the life of a child with autism, if they love him unconditionally and give him the right to independently make any choice, including the choice between isolation and normal communication. It is also very important that relatives of a sick child share with him their problems and experiences associated with his choice, but only in such a way that he does not feel guilty. Communication with a child with autism is a necessary lesson for his loved ones. In order to understand the meaning of this lesson, each of these people must identify what causes them the greatest difficulty. If your child is sick, read this text to him. He will understand everything, since children perceive not words, but vibrations.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

What is the metaphysical significance of congenital disease?

Such a disease suggests that the soul, which incarnated in a newborn, brought with it to this planet some unresolved conflict from its past incarnation. The soul incarnates many times, and its earthly lives can be compared with our days. If a person injured himself and could not recover on the same day, then the next morning he will wake up with the same injury and will have to treat it.

Very often, a person suffering from a congenital disease treats it much more calmly than those around him. He must determine what this disease prevents him from doing, and then he will have no difficulty in figuring out its metaphysical meaning. In addition, he must ask himself questions similar topics which are given at the end of this book. As for the parents of this person, they should not feel guilty for his illness, since he chose it even before he was born.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

At first glance, a hereditary disease suggests that a person has inherited the way of thinking and life of the parent who is a carrier of the disease. In reality, he did not inherit anything; he simply chose this parent because they both need to learn the same lesson in this life. Failure to acknowledge this usually results in the parent blaming himself for the child's illness, and the child blaming the parent for his illness. Very often, the child not only blames the parent, but also does everything possible to avoid becoming like him. This creates even greater confusion in the souls of both. Thus, a person suffering from hereditary disease, must accept this choice because the world has given him a wonderful opportunity to take a huge leap in his spiritual development. He must accept his illness with love, otherwise it will continue to be passed on from generation to generation.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Stuttering is a speech defect that appears primarily in childhood and often persists throughout life.

Emotional blockage

A stutterer in his youth was very afraid to express his needs and desires. He also feared those who represented power to him; It was especially scary in those moments when he needed to show or express something.

Mental block

It's time for you to realize that you have the right to express your desires, even if your head tells you that it is unreasonable, or if you are afraid that someone will consider your desires not entirely legitimate. You don't have to make excuses to anyone. You can afford whatever you want, since in any case you will have to take responsibility for the consequences of your choice. This is what all people do.

You consider other people to be bossy, but there is a bossiness within you that is trying to come out. Once you realize that this power is not associated with evil and can even help you assert yourself, it will reconcile you with those whom you consider to be powerful.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Unreliability. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Crying is forbidden.

Harmonizing thoughts: I can freely stand up for myself. Now I feel comfortable expressing whatever I want. I communicate only with a feeling of love.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Whooping cough is acute infection. Its causative agent is a bacterium. The main symptom is coughing. Whooping cough primarily affects children under five years of age. See the article CHILDHOOD DISEASES, with the addition that the child feels like a favorite and coughing is a way for him to attract attention.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Rickets is a disease that affects a child’s body during growth and inhibits its development. IN traditional medicine It is believed that rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Emotional blocking:

Rickets most often occurs in children who suffer from lack of love and attention. This does not mean that parents do not take care of them, but such children simply have too strong a need for care. Children themselves subconsciously slow down their development, hoping to continue to remain in the center of everyone's attention, to feel the love and care of others.

Mental block:

If your child has rickets, know this; that you should not only feed him the vitamin D his body needs, but also talk to him. There is no need to babysit, you can talk to him like an adult, since children perfectly understand the meaning of our words, perceiving their vibration. Tell him that sooner or later he will have to rely only on his own strength, and if he continues to believe that he needs to depend on others, he will be bitterly disappointed. Always remain a child - not The best way win the love and attention of others. He must understand that his parents or people who replace his parents love him and take care of him as much as their abilities and capabilities allow them.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am safe. I feed on the love of the Universe itself.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Mumps, or MUMPS, is an acute viral disease of an epidemic nature. Infection occurs through the air with droplets of saliva. Symptoms of mumps include pain in the parotid glands and swelling of the face, which takes on a moon-like shape. Mumps can also make chewing difficult.

Emotional blocking:

Since this disease is associated with saliva and mainly affects children, it indicates that the child feels spat upon. Perhaps some other child literally spat on him, but usually the problem is psychological in nature, that is, someone prevents this child from getting what he wants, reproaches him for something, or completely ignores him. He has a desire to spit at this person in response, but he restrains himself, remains deaf to the insults, anger accumulates, and a tumor appears.

Mental block:

If you are an adult, this disease means that you find yourself in a situation that reminds you of some psychological trauma experienced in childhood or adolescence and still causing pain in your soul. You continue to act like the child you once were. This situation gives you the opportunity to realize that if you feel spat on, it means that you allowed yourself to be spat on. So, you should use this situation to assert yourself and get rid of your inferiority complex. Understand that other people are just as flawed and just as afraid as you. Feel the fear of the one who spat on you, feel compassion for this person and tell him what is going on in your soul. Perhaps he will help you understand that you have spat on yourself.

If a child has mumps, read to him everything written above and explain to him that since this disease is caused by his wrong beliefs, he can get rid of it on his own by changing these beliefs. See also the article CHILDREN'S DISEASES.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Somnambulism is observed mainly in children and adolescents. The patient gets up and walks in a state deep sleep, making familiar movements and uttering meaningful phrases. Then he returns to bed on his own and continues to sleep as if nothing had happened. The next morning he remembers nothing of what happened during the night. In my opinion, somnambulism is a problem not for the patient, but for his loved ones, since they are afraid for him. Somnambulism occurs when a child sees something vivid dream, which causes him strong feelings. In this state, he ceases to distinguish between the physical world and the world of dreams. As a rule, such a deviation is observed in children who have a very rich imagination. They cannot realize their desires while awake, so they do it while sleeping.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Enuresis, or urinary incontinence, is an involuntary and unconscious urination that occurs constantly and most often at night in children over three years old, that is, at an age when they should already be able to control themselves. If a child wets the bed once, after a nightmare or strong emotions, this cannot be called enuresis.

Emotional blocking:

Enuresis means that the child restrains himself so much during the day that he is no longer able to do this at night. He is very afraid of the one who represents power for him - the father or the person performing the functions of the father. But this is not necessarily physical fear. A child may be afraid of not pleasing his father, of not living up to his expectations. He feels no less ashamed of disappointing his father than of peeing in the bed.

Mental block:

If your child has bedwetting, read this article to him and understand that all he needs is support. He is already too demanding of himself. His parents should praise him as often as possible and tell him that they will always love him, no matter what mistakes he makes. Sooner or later, the child will begin to believe this and stop experiencing stress during the day. Help him check whether his ideas about what his parents (especially his father) expect from him are really justified.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Fear of parents, usually father.

Harmonizing thoughts: They look at this child with love, everyone pities him and understands him. Everything is fine.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:

Enuresis (in children):

The child’s fear for the father, associated with the mother’s fears and anger directed at the child’s father.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of childhood diseases continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


1. Louise Hay. “Heal yourself.”

2. Lazarev S. N. “Diagnostics of karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future.”

3. Valery Sinelnikov. “Love your illness.”

4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”

5. Torsunov O. G. lecture “The influence of the Moon on health.”

6. L. Viilma “Psychological causes of diseases.” published

Some time ago, official medicine was quite skeptical about the attempt of non-traditionally oriented specialists to explain a number of diseases by problems of a psychological nature. Thanks to numerous tests and statistical data, the impact of a child’s emotional state on the physical state has been proven. In view of this, that's all today larger number doctors are forced to admit the existence of psychosomatics, and parents turn to psychologists for help.

Photo: Help from a psychologist

Characteristics of psychosomatics

Psychosomatic disorders are bodily illnesses caused by mental disharmony. Simply put, through the body the child’s soul tries to express its concerns, talk about its experiences and feelings.

Kids take issues that concern them no less seriously than adults. It should be understood that it is much more difficult for a child to speak out. Especially difficult situation becomes under pressure from adults trying to prove to the child that “boys shouldn’t cry” and “decent girls are never capricious.” The categorical nature of the parents is the reason why the child begins to feel guilty for trying to express feelings and emotions. As a result, at the next stressful situation, he is left alone with everything that is going on inside. Heats up over time nervous tension, supported by hopelessness, gradually seeps out, expressed in bodily troubles. In this way, the soul is purified and liberated.

Photo: Children's psychosomatics

Consider psychosomatics as the cause of problems in children's body appropriate in case of regular development of new diseases and return of old ones.

Psychosomatic disorders can manifest themselves even in infants. Moreover, there are assumptions that psychological factors adversely affect even the fetus in the womb!

What can cause psychosomatic disorders?

Some children are born strong and active. They speak of such people only as “hero” and “strong man.” The opposite also happens: the child is born clearly lethargic, lacking strength and health. Adepts alternative medicine argue that the last category of children includes those who, from their very inception within a woman, were unwanted. In other words, the health of the baby is primarily affected by the condition of the mother at the moment when she becomes aware of her situation.

Photo: The condition of the mother affects the health of the unborn baby

The main cause of psychosomatic disorders in children after birth is a weakened emotional condition mothers. The baby, who looks completely defenseless, is very sensitive to the mother’s condition and is inclined to feel any changes in her behavior and mood. Jealousy, anxiety, nervousness, etc. have an extremely negative impact on a woman and her child.

The following situations give impetus to the development of psychosomatic disorders in older children:

  • lack of parental attention and their excessive demands on the child;
  • regular quarrels between parents;
  • difficulties during period and school;
  • inability to establish friendships with peers, and others.

Photo: Inability to establish friendships with peers is the cause of psychosomatic disorder

In fact, children of all ages may have an incredible number of problems that are intractable from their point of view, which adults are not aware of or are simply in no hurry to do so.

Psychosomatic diseases in children

Experts have identified common childhood diseases that are associated with psychosomatics. Among them:

  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • allergy;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • anemia;
  • oncology.

According to experts involved in the study of psychosomatics, the illness that attacks a child can be used to understand the nature of the problem tormenting his soul. So, if a child is susceptible frequent colds , he is overtaken by a cough and runny nose, it is quite obvious that there is a problem interfering with free breathing. Possibly, breathing problems are associated with excessive parental care, frequent criticism from them, and high demands.

Children with noticeable regularity and other throat diseases simply cannot speak out. Sometimes a child may be tormented by feelings of shame or guilt. It has been proven that frequent sore throats overtake children during quarrels with peers, especially if the child feels his own guilt for what happened. Another reason is separation from mom. For example, during adaptation to kindergarten when the baby really misses his mother, but is silent about his experiences and just cries.

Photo: Emotions and diseases

Intestinal disorders According to statistics, withdrawn children suffer more often. Feeling of fear of the outside world and strangers increases the manifestations of the problem, that is, constipation/diarrhea and abdominal pain occur.

Skin troubles arise on nervous soil. When tension inside the child caused by strong negative emotions, reaches its climax and spills out through the skin, hives, rashes or dermatitis.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics insist on belonging to this area and anemia.

A persistent lack of iron indicates a lack of bright moments and positive emotions in a child’s life. Another possible reason is the child’s lack of confidence in his own abilities.

One of the common troubles in childhood, enuresis, can also be explained from a psychosomatic point of view. A urological disorder indicates a child’s fear of growing up and unwillingness to accept responsibility for his actions.

Photo: Enuresis is a psychosomatic disease

Is it possible to help a child?

The main difficulty in the fight against psychosomatic disorders lies in their diagnosis. Very often, parents, observing the deteriorating health of their child, do not attach importance to participation in the process for months and even years. psychological aspect. In view of this, psychosomatic specialists often have to deal with very advanced cases.

The fight against psychosomatic disorders requires the well-coordinated work of the child himself, his parents, a pediatrician and a psychologist. The pediatrician must select conservative treatment of this or that disease, and the psychologist begins to work with the child’s soul, paying Special attention a rebellious organ or system. Parents should listen to the recommendations of both sides, support their child and create a warm atmosphere in the family. Adults definitely need to build a truly trusting relationship with their child!

Photo: Trusting relationship with a child


In the case of psychosomatic disorders, prevention plays a leading role. It is much easier to prevent one or another bodily ailment caused by mental anguish than to eliminate it. The following rules will help prevent the development of diseases:

  • Do not encourage illness (do not make the life of a sick child too easy by allowing him everything that is unacceptable in a healthy state)
  • Balance the load placed on the baby and the demands placed on him
  • Give your child personal space
  • Create a calm atmosphere in the home

Child-rearing mistakes made in childhood sometimes lead to nervousness in the child, which can hinder his further normal development.

Chinese toys, transgenic fats, a crisis in politics - how many dangers await a little man who has just come into this world. However, do we think that the most dangerous enemies of a child can be his loved ones? Enemies strong, terrible and all-conquering.

Psychosomatics of education

Today, more and more children are becoming regulars at doctors' offices: diagnoses are not established, treatment does not help, and money is drying up.

Allergies, gastritis, colds, scoliosis and other childhood illnesses are no longer perceived as illnesses: kindergartens are crowded with sniffling and coughing children, and stomach pains and crooked backs of schoolchildren have long become the norm educational process. Significantly younger nervous tics, panic attacks, stuttering, obsessive movements.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 47% of patients suffer from psychosomatic disorders and simply drug treatment won't help them.

Despite the fact that the International Classification of Diseases 10 provides a clear description of psychosomatic disorders and psychogenic factors of the disease, our doctors are still reluctant to “dig” into these causes.

How does a psychosomatic disorder occur in a child?

From a scientific point of view psychosomatic disorder has:

  • predisposition;

  • “favorable” environment for manifestation and development;

  • trigger mechanism.

Education runs a red line through all three components.

Why is parenting the main cause of a child's health or illness?

Let's start with birth.

A child is designed in such a way that his ability to comprehend, the ability to compare facts and draw conclusions, appears around the age of 7-10.

How does the child perceive the world and environment until this time?

Psychophysiologist Paul Maclean back in the 70s, based on decades of research, came up with the theory that the human brain in its historical development went through certain stages. It began with a primitive formation, further developing and becoming more complex.

The human brain undergoes the same process, but at an accelerated pace, from birth to adulthood.

When a child is born, he has well-developed reflexes (instincts), for which he is responsible ancient department– reticular formation.

Paul McLean, based on his research, found a striking similarity of this structure with the brain of reptiles, and so the name “reptile brain” stuck.

Neuropsychologist Hugh Gerhard later established the child’s amazing ability to adapt to his mother. Literally “catching” her vital signs: heartbeat, dilation and contraction of pupils, pressure, timbre of voice - the child reproduces this in himself!

What motivates a baby? Survival instinct.

Food, drink, protection, warmth, sleep, treatment - everything is in the hands of an adult.

The child is 100% dependent on the mother for its survival.

Therefore, nature has a unique mechanism for their attunement: the mother, through hormonal processes, has increased level sensitivity to the child.

The child, through instinctive abilities, “reads” the mother and adapts to her as much as possible.

Actually this is a survival mechanism.

However great value has something that the child adapts to: a mother's attitude with love and her attitude of irritation trigger absolutely different processes child brain development.

If love grows powerful defense mechanisms future resistance to stress in a child, then irritation and hatred destroy them.

Unfortunately, with age, this unconscious adjustment does not go away in the child. Yes, the child is growing and it seems that his “I” is being formed, but while he is defenseless in front of the world, he uses this adjustment in order to be “pleasing, necessary, accepted,” and therefore fed, clothed and protected.

If the parent does not understand and does not control this process, there is a high probability that the child will learn to falsify his feelings just to please the parent. In the future, this is the path to internal conflicts and possible psychosomatics.

“But what about the children who scream non-stop, driving their parents into hysterics with their behavior?” - you ask.

If you look at it, they also respond to the subconscious fears or expectations of their parents. Often such a parent is sure: a child is a difficult test, there are many problems, it is scary and dangerous.

Have you noticed how many foreigners travel with newborns? Neither parents nor children even suspect that this is “hard, dangerous and stupid.” They're just happy.

So: in the list of the main causes of psychosomatic disorders, the first place is occupied by “distortion of bodily-mental reactivity (due to a violation of symbiosis with the mother in the first year of life).”

What can cause a mother to be cold, irritable or hateful? From hormonal imbalance- to unconscious concepts and attitudes, and the faster the mother figures this out, the greater the chances for the child’s well-being.

What traps await a parent here?

Trap one: misunderstanding of the child’s “structure.”

Most adults believe that a child is a smaller copy of an adult with all the functions and abilities of an adult, just not 100% developed.

This is a global misconception. The child is fundamentally different. And expecting from him what an adult can do, but with a discount for his age, is wrong.

In each period of development of a child’s brain, there are functions that are “disabled” for the time being, and there are those that the child uses now, but they will completely “disappear” at an older age.

They need to be known, they need to be guided when setting tasks and requirements for the child.

This is a guarantee that parents will not injure the child and will not miss any delays in his development.

If this is neglected, neurosis is guaranteed for both parent and child.

Trap two: expecting the child to be similar.

Genetic predisposition is a complex and ambiguous mechanism. Most parents are sure that the child simply must be like them.

Think the same way, act the same way, and why waste time on trifles - live your life the same way.

However, this is practically impossible. The mechanism of protection against degradation is built by nature precisely so that the child is NOT LIKE his parent. Was different. External similarity is more likely nice bonus in this process.

To accept or not to accept this dissimilarity means laying the foundation for the child’s harmony or mental disharmony.

More difficult is the third pitfall of parenting: an attempt by a parent to take revenge for his failed life by living his life for the child.

Tastes, friends, goals, path in life and much more are chosen for the child by the parent.

What does such a child get as a result?

The fourth pitfall of education: I teach what I don’t do myself.

A child under 5-7 years old absorbs the behavior of adults, trying on their abilities, without analyzing. This is the same process of survival: if you want to live, live accordingly.

Many parents believe that when the child grows up, we’ll start raising it: “We’ll instill this, we’ll discourage this.”

And from birth, the child has already absorbed everything from the example of his parents and important adults. Automatically, deeply and irrevocably.

  • Whether a child will be the life of the party and a public figure at school depends on how open the parents are to communication and participation in public life.
  • Whether he will be a parasite or a supporter of the family depends on what he saw in his parents’ family.
  • Whether he will be happy in a relationship with the opposite sex depends on how the mother and father lived, and what impression this made on the child.

And so it is in everything.

To be one and teach a child to be another is a psychophysiologically untenable scheme.

Trap five: emotional and cognitive capital

“Life is difficult, parents work hard for the well-being of the child, there’s no time for it!”

The most insidious trap.

Stress-limiting mechanisms, one of which is emotional and cognitive capital, will protect a child from stress and help him get out of it both in childhood and in adulthood.

What is more important for a child is the feeling of security from the fact that the father listened and gave useful advice, sorted out the situation; rather than ignored, but expensively feeds and clothes.

It is parental attention and help that will remain forever and serve as an example for the next overcoming difficulties.

Positive emotions every day: the joy of a delicious pie, the happiness of being able to run through puddles, hugs for no reason from your mother, an incredible day off with your father - all these are not just pretty pictures.

These are the emotional building blocks of mental fortitude and physical health.

Trap six: love or demands?

To love and be loved, or to demand and exact? Some prefer a free upbringing with maximum love and a minimum of requirements, others prefer strictness and accustoming them to real life from the cradle.

However, if the balance is not maintained, the first can lead to neurotic depression in the future, and the second can lead to compulsive disorders.

The issue of balancing love and demands is a matter of the child’s psychosomatic health.

Trap seven: parenting models - where do they come from?

Most parents practically do not ask the question: “what education system am I guided by?”

There is a logical explanation for this: parents happy with themselves and their lives raised the way they were raised by their parents.

Dissatisfied They are brought up according to the principle: “I will never be like my mom and dad.”

Both the first and second options do not guarantee the absence of errors, because no one evaluates the parental education system by the result: a healthy and happy person.

Trap eight: I have no time for happiness, but I will do everything for the happiness of my child!

Unfortunately this is not possible. Whichever the right system The parent did not choose the upbringing, but if, as an individual, he feels like a failure, unhappy, the child will “pull over” an inferiority complex, and loss, and an inability to relate, and much more that torments the parent. published .

Oksana Fortunatova

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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