Home Tooth pain Swelling of the cheek with toothache for how many days. What to do if your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt.

Swelling of the cheek with toothache for how many days. What to do if your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt.

Most people believe that if nothing bothers you and there is no pain, then there is no reason to see a doctor.

If your cheek is swollen, but there is no toothache, this does not mean that everything will go away on its own and without consequences. Its appearance is usually associated with diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.

But there are others, more serious reasons, the timely elimination of which will help to avoid severe consequences in future.

When to see a dentist for toothache

Toothache must be differentiated from other sources of facial pain. Sinusitis, ear or throat pain, or injury articular joint may be confused with toothache. It is always recommended to consult a dentist about the onset of tooth pain to rule out the most serious complications. In particular, when visiting a specialist should be considered.

Exams and tests for toothache

Fever can be a sign of dental infection and indicate the presence of an abscess. Abscess removal through soft fabrics or through a tooth during one can relieve toothache. Unless they are associated with more serious injuries in other areas of the body, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Absorption and loss permanent teeth are considered dental emergencies. The most commonly used tooth is the one that very often takes the wrong eruptive direction. In more severe cases, pain that spreads to the throat and floor of the mouth can make swallowing difficult. Any past history of injury, chest pain, heart disease, skin rashes may indicate that the cause of the pain may have an origin other than the mouth. In these cases, it is strongly recommended to contact a referral specialist or contact the department emergency care. Fever, chills: This may indicate a widespread infection that may require more than oral antibiotics. A medical history and purpose check usually indicate an appropriate diagnosis for toothache. X-rays are sometimes used to assess the extent of possible caries and the proximity to the dental pulp or to investigate the existence of a root fracture. Vitality test with thermal or electrical stimulation indicating the viability of the dental element. The dentist may place cotton balls between the teeth to help prevent crown fractures. The percussion test also evaluates the presence or absence of root infections. Careful observation of the soft tissues will reveal the presence of any fistulas from which purulent material is present. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to treat pain, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide. Avoid very cold or hot foods as they may make the pain worse. You can get relief by biting on a cotton ball soaked in clove oil. Clove oil is available in herbal medicine and contains eugenol, aromatic compound with analgesic and antiseptic properties.

  • Pain is not relieved by drugs.
  • After extraction there is severe pain.
  • This may happen on the second or third day after tooth extraction.
  • This is the result complex treatment postoperative wound.
  • The pain is associated with swelling of the gums or face near the tooth.
  • Simple dental caries does not usually cause fever.
  • This may require antibiotics and surgical opening of the antibiotic.
  • Broken or lost teeth due to injury.
  • The pain may spread to the jaw and ear.
  • Natural toothache remedies can be made with cloves.
Treatment of toothache.

Swelling of the cheek, and therefore the gums, not accompanied by toothache is a common phenomenon in dentistry. Its development could be triggered by many different factors.

Due to dental disease

The bulk of the reasons that led to the development of edema are associated with diseases of the oral cavity, teeth or their consequences.

Treatment for toothache depends on the cause that caused it. In the dentist's investigation, fillings, tooth extractions, or other procedures may be performed to deal with the source of the toothache. Extraction would be a very likely procedure for the tooth next to the barn. At permanent teeth, if the problem is due to endodontic infection at origin, it is usually performed with a crown position if the residual structure of the prosthesis is insufficient for simple reconstruction. An antibiotic will be prescribed in case of fever or swelling of the face.

Such procedures are usually performed in several stages, pain and infection are immediately eliminated, and recovery procedures are completed in more time. late stage. Below is a list of the main treatments for toothache. Reconstruction of dental collars in case of hypersensitivity due to loss of enamel or dentin in the area. Desensitizing treatment with special paints or gel in the presence of tooth extraction in case of severe enamel leakage Or dentin, or in the case. Dental restoration Therapy may be directed if caries has invaded the pulp. . Most people can avoid toothache and serious dental problems with regular dental care.

  1. Inflammation, in which the pathological process has affected the tooth root, but the unit itself does not respond to pain. A similar option occurs after pulpitis and caries, during the treatment of which the dentist removed the nerve. The tooth stopped feeling pain, but inflammatory process it continues to develop intensively.
  2. Severe obstructed appearance of wisdom teeth, in which an extensive hematoma forms between it and the gum, leading to swelling of the gum and an increase in its size.
  3. Neoplasm(benign or malignant) in the cheek or gum area, caused by prolonged inflammation or trauma.
  4. Flux(purulent periostitis) - inflammation of the periosteum, in which, in addition to swelling, the following may appear: hyperemia, temperature, pain when opening the mouth. The tooth itself may not hurt.
  5. Abscess– a complicated inflammatory process accompanied by the formation of a localized purulent cavity. Its appearance leads to an increase in gum size.
  6. Untimely treatment of caries or pulpitis, in which microorganisms enter the root apex from a carious cavity and cause it purulent inflammation and swelling.
  7. Phlegmon- a process similar to an abscess, but unlike it, the purulent focus does not have an exact localization, spreads to nearby tissues and is asymptomatic. It is noted that such a complication usually develops in people with a weakened body, for example, after pneumonia, intestinal infection, with alcohol abuse.
  8. Gingivitis (initial stage periodontal disease), in which, in addition to slight swelling of the gums, bleeding is observed. Often develops against the background of immunodeficiency with poor quality installed prostheses, filled teeth, where a pocket has formed between the gum and the crown, in chronic inflammatory processes.
  9. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis(rare), in which the outflow of purulent mass from the pocket is disrupted and a periodontal purulent abscess is formed on the gum.

A dental abscess is one of the painful pathologies that can affect your mouth; This is the accumulation of pus in the gum tissue or in the jawbone or dental pulp; Caused by bacterial infection and can affect multiple areas of the mouth, from the base of the gums to the roots of the teeth. It can be periodontal, meaning it can be caused by an infection of the tooth abutment or affect the dental pulp.

This is manifested by swelling chewing gum, which can also spread to the face. Recalling that you always go to the dentist to solve the problem with antibiotics and special procedures, and to avoid unpleasant consequences, There is natural remedies to soothe abscess pain and reduce swelling.

Due to improper treatment

To a lesser extent, the formation of a tumor is influenced by poor-quality treatment or errors made during its implementation.

  1. Allergy to filling material may appear as early as the day after filling. It often develops due to arsenic or formaldehyde.

    These substances have slight toxicity, and when they get into the interdental space during treatment, they irritate the gums, causing it to swell. In such a situation, it is necessary to return to the dentist to install another filling made of hypoallergenic material.

    First of all, it should be noted that daily hygiene and prevention is truly a surefire weapon against irritating disorders such as dental abscess: it is therefore recommended to ensure that the mouth and daily dentures are cleaned along with routine dental checkups.

    Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess

    Among the simplest natural remedies, used in cases of dental abscess, we find solutions based on water and bicarbonate or, alternatively, with salt. These are procedures that will help relieve pain but do not solve the problem, requiring intervention by a dentist. They are known ingredients for antibacterial and disinfectant effectiveness. Rinses to limit bacterial proliferation in the mouth can also be done using essential oils, such as mint, citronella and mauve, which should be added to the water.

  2. Nerve removal. In some diseases, the doctor is forced to remove it. But it may happen that a small part of it still remains by chance. The unit itself does not bother you, but a tumor forms next to it.
  3. Complex extraction, after which swelling may be present not only on the gum, but spread to the cheek. This usually occurs when a third molar is removed, resulting in a large wound area. Its inflammation is a normal reaction to serious injury.

    If recovery proceeds without complications, then within a day the swelling will begin to subside. If for any reason the wound becomes infected, the swelling will only worsen.

    Pain and fever also appear, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. Important: to avoid complications after tooth extraction, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and recommendations.

    Thanks to the action of these oils, it can also be reduced and counteracted, often caused by a bacterial infection at the site of toothache. To achieve a non-disinfecting but also refreshing effect, aloe vera gel can be applied directly to inflammatory gum to relieve the burning sensation and reduce redness.

    Among the natural antibiotics that can fight the action of bacteria, he cannot miss propolis, which has a very intense aroma and can play an immediate analgesic effect as well as antibacterial; Even cloves diluted in water can affect gum sensitivity with anhydrous anesthetic effectiveness without exhibiting any obvious antibacterial effect.

  4. If the existing inflammation in the gums turns purulent: cutting is done to remove the purulent mass from it. The existing tumor may even increase at first, but over time it will gradually subside.
  5. Poorly performed root canal filling, in which purulent inflammation in the form of a granuloma or cyst forms at the apex of the tooth root.

Other diseases

This group of causes includes pathologies not related to the oral cavity, but gum swelling is a secondary symptom.

  1. Neurological diseases, in which a sore throat, stuffy ears and an increase in the size of the gums appear. For staging accurate diagnosis a person is recommended to undergo examination by a neurologist and a dentist.
  2. Pathologies internal organs , causing disruption of the outflow of fluid from them. It accumulates in soft tissues, leading to their swelling (the facial area is no exception). This alarming symptom talking about serious problems some organs, such as the kidneys.
  3. Infections(viral or bacterial). Tumor formation is often provoked by mumps (mumps). Additionally, the temperature rises, the parotid glands become inflamed and enlarged.
  4. Cyst, formed on sebaceous glands. Its appearance leads to rapid growth tumors. The only method to cope with this condition is surgery.
  5. Mechanical injury in the facial area(from a fall, a strong blow). This tumor appears very quickly, does not increase in size and goes away within a few days. Tip: a cold compress applied to the bruised area will help reduce it.
  6. A bite of an insect, as a result of which the swollen cheek turns red and a small lump forms on it.
  7. Burn mucous membrane, caused high temperature or chemical liquids ingested (in such a situation, the tumor covers the entire oral cavity).

Even your grandmother's old remedy of rinsing with alcohol, grappa or whiskey, is effective in reducing pain temporarily because alcohol has some kind of analgesic and antibacterial effect. Remember that you do not swallow, but keep it in your mouth for 30 seconds and drink it. You brush your teeth with warm water rather than cold or hot to make the pain worse.

Judgment teeth or third molars are the last teeth to appear in our mouth, usually maturing at the age of 18. For this reason, they are nicknamed wisdom teeth, because a person reaches this age, the “so-called” age of judgment. Probably, for reasons related to the phylogenetic development of mankind, in our time there are very few people who have enough space to accommodate wisdom teeth. About 9 out of 10 people have at least one wisdom tooth covered partially or entirely from chewing gum.

Enlarged gums cause mass discomfort and discomfort. The appearance of such a condition in medicine is associated with the body’s reaction to an inflammatory process developing in one of the organs or in the oral cavity.

In this situation, you should immediately find out the reason pathological process and start his treatment.

When a wisdom tooth becomes blocked in its path of growth in the mouth, it is defined as involving the tooth. problems that stem from “total or partial inclusion ranging from toothache, swelling and damage to adjacent teeth to the formation of cysts and even tumors that originate from” the follicular part where the impact of the tooth is contained. Often the symptoms associated with these problems are minimal and damage only appears when the situation is very serious. It is also important to know that the roots of the judgment teeth develop at the end of the period when jawbone becomes more dense.

What to do first

The following methods will help improve your condition temporarily before visiting a doctor: relieve pain and reduce swelling.

  1. Do not apply a heating pad or heat the affected area.. Heat promotes the growth of bacteria and accelerates the spread of infection.
  2. Hot drinks and food can worsen the condition. therefore, before visiting the doctor and during the entire treatment, you must drink cool drinks and eat cold foods.
  3. It is not recommended to lie on the swollen side, press or massage it.
  4. When, If the gums are painful to the touch, you can take a painkiller. But this cannot be done before visiting a doctor, since the anesthetic will hide some of the symptoms and it will be difficult for a specialist to identify the exact cause.

Many people mistakenly believe that antibiotics will help correct the situation. You cannot take them without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of these drugs will not only not improve the condition, but will harm the entire body.

In the case of lower wisdom teeth, the position may be in close proximity to the mandibular nerve, creating a further risk of nerve damage during surgery. For this reason, wisdom tooth extraction is more complex and more technical than other teeth, which in many cases may require an oral or maxillofacial surgery. This is why pediatric extraction is suggested when the tooth is not yet complete in its maturation.

When should judgment teeth be extracted? The key to proper treatment is to carefully examine the X-rays of the mouth. The surgeon can understand if the tooth may cause problems in further development and therefore removal is recommended before the teeth reach their final maturity. Extraction in younger patients is much easier because the roots of the tooth are not yet developed and because the bone surrounding the tooth is less dense.

But even if the tooth does not bother or hurt, the appearance of a tumor is a reason to immediately contact a specialist. It is important to understand that every day the inflammation spreads further and further, and it will be much more difficult to cope with it.

How to treat

If it is not possible to immediately apply for medical care, but the tumor still causes discomfort and worries, folk remedies will help improve the condition:

What happens after a judgment tooth is extracted? Typically the patient will experience some pain and swelling in the area being operated on. Postoperative care What the surgeon establishes together with dietary recommendations can significantly reduce the discomfort that follows the intervention.

Risk of caries and infections. The consequence of this and often carious destruction of the last or second adjacent molars. In the area of ​​dental eruption, you can also produce chronic inflammation gums or painful purulent abscesses. Reasons for judgment are not only rare, but also common. For cysts means rounded cavities that expand into the bone unnoticed, destroying it. In very rare cases, a cyst may arise from a tumor.

Important: all of the recipes listed will help reduce swelling and relieve pain, but they are not able to eliminate the cause itself. All these remedies can only be used as adjuvant therapy.

Only a qualified specialist can identify the exact cause of gum changes and prescribe appropriate treatment. If there are no serious diseases associated with the functioning of internal organs and their systems, then first of all, drugs that relieve tumors are prescribed.

If swelling is accompanied by active inflammation, it is recommended to take an anti-inflammatory drug, for example, Nimesil. For cupping painful sensation One of the anesthetics may be prescribed: Ibuprofen, Ketorol, Ketanov.

If the pathology was caused by an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are used in treatment: Suprastin, Erius, Tavegil, Diazolin. To treat the mouth, antiseptics are prescribed in the form of Miramistin and Chlorhexidine solutions.

IN difficult cases Antibiotics are prescribed (usually penicillin group), which are for short term stabilize the condition, will relieve pain and return the face to its previous appearance: “Amoxiclav”, “Biseptol”, “Lincomycin”.

Cheek swelling is often associated with oral diseases and in many cases this is exactly the case. However, there are other reasons that can cause swelling and lead to complications. Therefore, you need to know when to worry and what to do if your cheek is swollen.

From tooth

Cheeks may become swollen due to diseased teeth and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. There are a lot of such diseases, some of them are the following:


If a person has a toothache and a swollen cheek, then this is one of the symptoms of gumboil (periostitis), that is, inflammation of the periosteum. TO additional features diseases include a sharp increase pain when pressing on a damaged tooth, as well as visible swelling facial area from the side of the disease.

With gumboil, the gums become very swollen and hyperemic, in some cases a fistula appears - a white tubercle with purulent discharge. The patient also experiences deterioration in health, fever, weakness, severe headaches, etc.

If the flux is not complicated by a purulent infection, treatment can be carried out at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. Dentist selects antibacterial drugs, prescribes painkillers, and also recommends local therapy methods, such as rinses or cold compresses. Treatment of periostitis can last up to 3 weeks. If the flux is complicated by a purulent infection, then the patient requires surgical intervention and further observation in the hospital.

Inflammatory infiltrate

The disease occurs in the perimaxillary tissues and often develops against the background of periodontitis or pulpitis. This dangerous disease, which without treatment can lead to the development of abscesses and phlegmon, the development of sepsis.

The main signs of an inflammatory infiltrate, in addition to a very swollen cheek, is the painful condition of the teeth a few days before the onset of swelling. The disease first spreads to the soft tissues, then it may affect the area under the eye, and then the brain or the area under the jaw. Inflammatory infiltrate requires urgent attention to a specialist.

Periodontal disease

Quite often, cheek swelling appears in people who have lost most of their teeth due to periodontal disease. In this case, patients do not feel painful discomfort, but simple rinsing does not eliminate swelling.

A tumor of the cheek due to periodontal disease can only be treated surgical intervention– you need to remove all affected teeth and install removable dentures.

Incorrect growth of wisdom teeth

A swollen cheek can appear without wisdom tooth pain - this indicates its improper development. This phenomenon occurs due to inflammation of the hood (the area of ​​mucous membrane hanging over the crown of the tooth). Food debris stuck in the hood leads to inflammation, and as a result, swelling of the cheek or gums.

Also, swelling may indicate the development of a purulent inflammatory process. If the wisdom tooth has already erupted, then sometimes while eating food a person bites his cheek, which leads to swelling.

In this situation, the best solution is to visit dental clinic. In most cases, the only option to correct the problem is to remove the wisdom tooth. After the procedure, swelling of the cheek may remain, so in the first days you should try not to brush your teeth near the area where the figure eight was removed. It is recommended to rinse your mouth saline solution, and to avoid complications, you should not disturb the hole that remains after the extracted tooth.

After treatment

Quite often, cheek swelling appears after dental treatment for the following reasons:

  • After nerve removal. If during dental treatment the nerve was not completely removed, the result is an aggravation in the form of swelling of the cheek. In this situation, you should immediately contact your dentist to save the tooth.
  • An allergic reaction to the filling material, which often does not appear until the next day. The situation can be corrected by a dentist who will remove the filling and install a new one made of hypoallergenic material.
  • After tooth extraction. Swelling occurs in case of complex surgery. To avoid this, you must abstain from solid food, alcohol and hot drinks for 24 hours after treatment. If swelling does appear, you need to apply ice to the sore spot and hold it for at least 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • After an incision on the gum. If the inflammatory process has led to the formation of pus, then to eliminate it, the dentist makes an incision, after which the swelling of the cheek first increases and then begins to decrease.

From the blow

Trauma is the second most common reason why the soft tissues of the face can swell. Swelling of the cheek and bleeding can occur after a strong blow to the face or due to self-injury.

If bone tissue are not damaged, treatment is carried out with cold or hot compresses. It is also recommended to use potato slices or special ointments as compresses. If swelling and pain increase, consult a doctor immediately.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The disease is accompanied severe pain one half of the face, distortion of expression, swelling of the cheek, muscle twitching in the area of ​​the affected nerve, etc. Treatment of inflammation trigeminal nerve should begin without delay under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic therapy includes prescribing various groups drugs: antiviral, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, antispasmodics, vitamins. The doctor may also recommend physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF, paraffin-ozokerite.

After anesthesia

Swelling of the cheek may appear after dental treatment in the place where anesthesia was performed. It occurs due to an allergy to the injected drug and is located exclusively at the puncture site. In this case, the color of the skin changes, itching appears, and in severe situations, necrosis of the membrane occurs. To prevent this from happening, before starting treatment, the doctor should ask the patient about the presence or absence allergic reactions for some drugs. First aid for such swelling - reception antihistamines, then you need to consult a doctor.

Other reasons

  • Infections brought from outside. It is impossible to independently determine which infection (viral or bacterial) caused the swelling and what to do to treat it, so an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary.
  • Cyst sebaceous gland. In this case, the edema looks like a rounded swollen area. A cyst is formed when the follicles that secrete sebum are blocked. Treatment of swelling requires the mandatory intervention of a dental surgeon; surgery may be necessary.
  • Oncological diseases. In this situation, it is necessary to contact an oncologist who will remove the tumor and prescribe subsequent restorative treatment.

The child has

  • The first cause of swollen cheeks or gums is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and face. This happens as a result of infection in the child’s mouth or body, as well as colds.
  • Mumps (mumps) is an infectious viral disease, which most often affects children. The disease is accompanied by high body temperature, swelling of the cheeks, deterioration general condition(diarrhea, vomiting, nausea). After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antiviral and antipyretic drugs, bed rest and a gentle diet.
  • Caries. Bad teeth can also cause a swollen cheek. For example, periodontitis (a complication of caries) causes swelling not only of the gums, but also of the cheeks and lips. In this case, all diseased teeth should be treated.
  • After tooth extraction. Children often have a swollen cheek after surgery, this especially manifests itself on the 3rd day and is sometimes accompanied by bruises. Light bleeding in the first 2 hours and pink saliva for several days after the procedure is also normal.

In case of physiological swelling after tooth extraction, a child, like adults, needs to apply ice to the cheek and give medicine prescribed by the doctor for pain relief. However, if the child’s bleeding continues for more than 12 hours, and the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, the jaw becomes numb and the swelling increases, then nothing can be done on your own; you should urgently consult a doctor.

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