Home Gums Improve lordosis and deflection in the lumbar back. Spinal lordosis: symptoms and treatment

Improve lordosis and deflection in the lumbar back. Spinal lordosis: symptoms and treatment

Pathological lordosis lumbar region spine in modern realities is becoming more common, which is usually associated with the sedentary lifestyle of the majority of the population major cities. In the vast majority of cases, the pathology is registered in adults; in children, lumbar lordosis is very rare and is usually congenital.

In the early stages, lumbosacral lordosis can be treated conservatively, while in later stages surgical straightening of the affected area is often required spinal column.

1 What is lumbar lordosis?

Lumbosacral lordosis refers to the pathological curvature of the spine in this region. The bend resembles an arc, with its convex area facing forward. This deformity does not go away asymptomatically; it is usually accompanied by disturbances in locomotion (movement) and pain.

The spinal column should normally have four physiological curvatures: two lordosis and two kyphosis. It is thanks to this structure that a person can exist normally. Curves not only allow a person to move, but also perform a shock-absorbing function, distributing and dissipating part of the load.

Pathological lordosis means its excessive increase (strengthening), which ultimately leads to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

It is the lumbar region that is affected, but distant organs such as the knee and hip joints and lower limbs also suffer from this.

1.1 Reasons for development

There are many reasons for the development of lumbar lordosis. Often the disease is congenital and is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Trauma to the fetus during pregnancy.
  3. Genetic abnormalities leading to defects in the structure of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and musculoskeletal system.
  4. Child birth trauma.

To acquired reasons of this disease include:

  • dislocation or subluxation of the hip joint;
  • long-term flat feet;
  • rickets;
  • difficult pregnancy (the fetus compresses the spinal column);
  • vertebral hernias (including Schmorl's hernia);
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • autoimmune diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular rheumatoid arthritis;
  • injuries and their consequences (ligament ruptures, fractures, dislocations) of the spinal column;
  • infectious diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • excess body weight and excessive stress on the spinal column.

1.2 About lumbar lordosis (video)

1.3 Why is this dangerous, what are the possible consequences?

First of all, lumbar lordosis is dangerous negative impact to the entire musculoskeletal system. If it lasts for a long time, there is even a risk of developing partial or, much less frequently, complete paralysis of the lower extremities.

There is no need to talk about seizures; they can accompany every second patient with an advanced disease. Moreover, cramps in no way depend on the time of day: they appear not only at night, but also during the day, and against the background of complete well-being.

When internal organs are compressed by the vertebral curve, a whole range of complications may develop. If the bend penetrates deeply into the peritoneum, strangulation is possible Bladder and intestines, which is fraught with urination disorders (including incontinence) and the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients may experience significant deterioration in performance, in particular due to partial or complete immobilization of the spinal column. The curvature can be so pronounced that it can deform the entire spine, without the possibility of restoring it to physiological norms.

1.4 Forms of the disease

Pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine is divided into two types according to nature, two types (according to the reasons for its occurrence), two types according to the timing of occurrence and two forms according to the degree of curvature of the spinal column.

By nature, the pathology is divided into the following types:

  • physiological - normal vertebral curves, providing a supporting and shock-absorbing effect;
  • pathological - excessive curvature (deep), leading to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Based on the causes of occurrence, pathology is divided into the following types:

  1. Primary type - develops against the background of diseases of the spine.
  2. Secondary type - develops against the background common diseases organism (for example, tuberculosis).

According to the timing of occurrence, pathology is divided into the following types:

  • congenital (the terms “hereditary” and “genetically determined” are synonymous);
  • acquired (usually as a result of injuries or excessive stress on the spine).

The disease is also divided according to the degree of curvature and can occur as hyperlordosis or hypolordosis ( when it is either smoothed or straightened). But what is it? Hyperlordosis refers to excessive bending, and hypolordosis refers to flattening of normal (physiological) lordosis.

2 Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

There are about a dozen clinical signs lordosis of the lumbar spine. At least half of the symptoms may resemble other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so in any case it is impossible to do without a thorough visual diagnosis.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis in most cases are as follows:

  1. Noticeable deterioration in posture. The patient's head is always directed forward (like a pigeon's), shoulders are drooping, excessively extended knee joints, the lower limbs are constantly spread apart.
  2. The gait changes significantly. When walking, patients tilt their chest and shoulders back, while their stomach protrudes, and their legs, as mentioned earlier, are spread to the side. From the outside, such a gait looks ridiculous and catches the eye.
  3. Pain sensations of varying intensity in the buttocks, lower limbs and, naturally, in the lumbar region of the back.
  4. Paresthesia and general sensory disturbances in the lower extremities (especially in the fingers), numbness and tingling in the buttocks.
  5. Fatigue quickly even when walking slowly. Feeling of overstrain in the ankle and calf muscles.
  6. Urinary problems, frequent constipation, bloating, pain along the intestines (usually aching and bursting).

2.1 Diagnostics

Diagnosis of lordosis of the lumbar spine begins with a banal examination of the patient by a doctor. The first step is to collect an anamnesis, determine the nature and frequency of pain, as well as the causes of pain.

Next, palpation is carried out in the lumbar region, using a ruler to determine the degree of lordosis (but this is only a superficial determination). After initial examination the patient is sent for a more detailed and accurate visual diagnosis, which is carried out using the following methods:

  • classical radiography - allows you to assess the depth of the curvature, but it is not possible to reveal large details;
  • computed tomography (CT) - assesses the depth of the curvature and can even determine the cause of its occurrence (usually based on indirect signs);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - almost similar computed tomography method, but in detailing the spinal column it is still inferior to computed tomography.

3 Treatment methods

Without treatment, the disease progresses and inevitably leads to severe complications. But how to cure it in this case? Is surgery required right away? Fortunately, even with advanced lumbar lordosis, conservative therapy can be effective.

Conservative therapy helps correct the situation in 80-90% of cases; in other cases, it is used to straighten lordosis. surgery. Unfortunately, it can also cause complications, so it is easier not to let the disease progress and treat it conservatively in a timely manner than to go under the knife later.

Conservative treatment of lordosis of the lumbar spine involves the use of the following techniques:

  1. Physiotherapeutic and massage treatments course of 2-3 months.
  2. Performance physical exercise from an individually selected course of physical therapy (physical therapy) by specialists.
  3. Independent daily gymnastics aimed exclusively at the muscles and osteochondral structures of the back.
  4. Wearing orthopedic corrective and supportive corsets and bandages.
  5. Use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs medications(If you want to).
  6. The use of muscle relaxants (usually oral Mydocalm type).

(posterior curvature of the spine), lordosis is characterized by curvature of the cervical and lumbar sections of the spinal column, the convex part facing forward. This feature can be both physiological and pathological.

Physiological lordosis - this is a natural bend that ensures the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Pathological lordosis is dangerous to health and its treatment is mandatory!

Development pathological lordosis in schoolchildren occurs due to failure to maintain normal posture while reading, doing homework and school work. In adults, pathological lordosis develops when spending a long time at the computer or watching TV.

Development primary cervical lordosis occurs due to complications - inflammation, tumors.

Secondary cervical lordosis formed against the background of birth injuries.

Read more about the types and causes of lordosis in.

Symptoms of hyperlordosis:

  • A low-set head that protrudes sharply forward.
  • Visually incorrect posture is a clear bend in the neck.
  • Pain in the affected area of ​​the neck.
  • The appearance of pain when turning the head.
  • Limitation of head movement to the left and right due to unpleasant discomfort.

With straightened lordosis, restrictions in movements are revealed. There is a disturbance in blood flow, which disrupts the nutrition of the brain. This syndrome is dangerous fainting states and ischemic stroke.

Symptoms of straightening cervical lordosis:
  • Pain in the neck is severe.
  • Frequent fatigue and depressed mood.
  • Constant headaches frequent dizziness.
  • Signs of skin numbness.
  • Feeling of darkening in the eyes.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Trophic disorders.

At an advanced stage of lordosis, disturbances are noted of cardio-vascular system, breathing, disturbances in heart rhythm.

Symptoms of lumbar hyperlordosis:
  • Lumbar pain. Aching, sharp.
  • Incorrect posture in the form of a curved lower back.
  • A protruded belly and excess weight aggravate the curvature.
  • Deviation of the entire body and pelvis backwards.
  • Knees spread apart.
  • Fatigue when walking and standing for long periods of time.

With smoothed lordosis, compression syndromes are observed. Soreness appears in various places around the spine, heart of the stomach, etc.

Symptoms of straightened lordosis in the lower back:

  • Pain and limitation of movement in the lumbar region.
  • Tiredness when walking and standing.
  • Feeling of numbness in the back and legs.
  • Change in gait.
  • Feeling of flat back when palpating.

If treatment is not prescribed on time, the disease is aggravated by disorders of the internal organs - gastrointestinal upset, heart pain, metabolic disorders.

Treatment methods

When treating lordosis in the cervical spine, several rules are followed:

  • Strengthening muscle corset back, in particular in the cervical region.
  • Correct position spine.
  • Improving blood flow in the spine.
  • Identifying the cause of the disease and eliminating symptoms.

The first step in the treatment of lordosis is straightening the physiological curve. But we should not forget about the reason that became the impetus for the subsequent curvature of the spine.

Smoothed lordosis in the cervical spine is normalized with the help of:
  • Complex therapy- massage, manual therapy, application medicines and exercises. Physiotherapy aimed at strengthening the muscle corset. Connection of massage and manual therapy is removed pain syndrome And muscle tension.
  • A course of reflexology also helps.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by a doctor depending on the degree of pathological lordosis.
  • Unloading the spine, giving the correct position.

How to treat lumbar lordosis? Treatment of lordosis in the lumbar region takes a lot of time and effort. You need to realize that in addition to physical exercise, a person will have to undergo massage sessions, physiotherapy and other drug treatments.

To determine the straightening of the lumbar lordosis, you should take a simple test. It is enough to press your back against the wall and stick your hand into the gap between the wall and your lower back. If the hand does not fit into this connector, then we can talk about straightening the lordosis.

In addition to the main treatment, there is spinal traction. However, this procedure is not indicated for everyone. carried out only by a specialist. The neurologist also prescribes additional drug treatment.

Drug therapy includes taking vitamins and mineral supplements to help strengthen the skeleton, normalize blood flow, and improve immunity. At painful sensations The doctor prescribes painkillers.

Recommended Exercises

With lumbar lordosis, it is important to regularly do special exercises. Let's look at the basic complex:

  • Standing against the wall, lean forward and reach your feet with your hands.
  • Standing against the wall, touch the wall with protruding parts (heels, buttocks, shoulder blades), arch your spine and try to touch the wall with your lower back.
  • In a standing position, bend forward and grab your shins with your hands. Make springy movements back and forth.
  • Do squats. Squat - exhale, etc. - inhale.
  • In a lying position, try to touch part of your lower back to the floor.
  • In a lying position, arms spread to the sides with palms facing the floor, raise your legs 90 degrees. You can lean on the floor. Next, try to throw your legs as far behind your head as possible. Movement without jerking!
  • Move from a lying position to a sitting position.
  • Lying down, pull your knees to your chest and return to standing position.
  • Raising and lowering straight legs up to 15 times.

Treatment at home

Treatment of lordosis at home is carried out using 3 methods:

  • Gymnastics.
  • Massage.
  • Application of an orthopedic bandage.

A bandage is a special device in the form of a corset. It fixes the curved parts of the spine and prevents further deformation. The size of the bandage is selected by the doctor. He also advises the patient about the wearing time.

Massage. Sessions can be carried out both at home (if you invite a specialist) and in massage rooms.

Gymnastics. All exercises consist of stretching and strengthening the muscles of the spine.

How to treat spinal lordosis in a child

The first stage of treatment for lordosis will be to establish the root cause of the disease. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment. When lordosis is combined with osteochondrosis, treatment will be carried out to eliminate degenerative-dystrophic phenomena.


  • Exercise therapy is mandatory in strengthening the muscle corset.
  • The use of bandages for excess weight.
  • Drug treatment. Use of painkillers.
  • Spinal traction procedure.
  • Massage.

Pathological lordosis is a labor-intensive process. The fight against it is carried out thanks to the complex effects medical procedures.

See also video of exercises necessary for lordosis:

Lordosis is a congenital or acquired curvature of the spine. Usually observed slight forward bend in the cervical or lumbar region. This feature can be physiological or pathological.

The natural curvature of the spinal column is normal and is called physiological lordosis. This shape of the spine helps to withstand loads and provides the necessary plasticity.

But excessive curvature - pathological lordosis. It leads to increased pressure on the spine and causes significant discomfort. In this article we will look at whether and how spinal lordosis can be cured.

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According to the development of the disease and the causes of lordosis divided into the following groups:

  • Primary. Caused by pathologies of the spine and muscular frame.
  • Secondary. Manifests itself due to other diseases. This group includes paralytic lordosis.
  • Combined. Both groups are combined.

Lordosis is distinguished by location:

  • . Reduces stress during axial loads. There is also lordosis.
  • . To assess the severity of this type of lordosis, an x-ray is taken. When the bending angle is less than 145 degrees, then it is . If more than 170 degrees – .
  • Combined.

Based on detection and time of acquisition, the disease is divided:

  • Congenital.
  • Acquired.

Degree of spinal curvature divides the disease:

  • On hyperlordosis– physiological lordosis is increased more than normal.
  • On hypolordosis– the bend is much lower than normal.

Exists preserved lordosis. This variety is different in that the bend is almost normal and only slightly deviates from the classic shape.

Is it possible to avoid this disease?

Lordosis progresses slowly but constantly. Feeling worse, deteriorating appearance, internal organs suffer. It also affects sexual function. That's why treatment cannot be postponed. There are a lot of methods to combat lordosis. The disease is very serious, but curable.

Much simpler and much cheaper prevent the development of this pathology. Main, constantly monitor the condition of the spine. Yoga and swimming have a beneficial effect on the spinal column.

If lordosis is already in the development stage, then you will have to apply for medical care. Doctors will fix the problem quickly and successfully. On early stage Conservative treatment will allow you to forget about the disease, and will not allow the use of a surgeon’s scalpel. If the problem is not left to chance, the figure will become slim again. Next, we will consider whether and how to correct the curvature of the spine.


The course of treatment for each patient is selected individually. Only this approach can give maximum results. A combination of several techniques will achieve the greatest effect. Conservative treatment acceptable for all stages of disease development. Therapy consists of the following activities.

Corset and bandage

If the curvature is excessive or smooth, wearing a corset is recommended. He reduces the load on the vertebrae and internal organs suffering from distorted posture. A bandage is usually prescribed if the curve is severe or there is excess weight.

Important! Long-term wearing of a corset and bandage is not recommended. The muscle corset relaxes, which aggravates the patient's situation.


The procedure is simply necessary in initial stage development of pathology. Relaxes muscles and corrects posture. Massage sessions improve metabolic processes and increase blood flow in the muscles.

Massage can be divided into types:

  • Classical. Aimed at achieving a healing effect.
  • A massage that provides lymph drainage.
  • Spot.

Manual manipulation is used only after pain has been eliminated.

Drug treatment

Medications stop inflammatory processes and relieve pain. They also compensate for the shortage important microelements. Usually prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • muscle relaxants which reduce tension and reduce muscle tone;
  • analgesics;
  • vitamins belonging to group B.

The use is not excluded ointments, compresses, injections and tablets. This therapy reduces inflammation during an exacerbation and improves the patient’s condition, relieving pain.


The methods relax the back muscles, align the spine, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

You cannot do without these procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • mud applications;
  • underwater traction;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • heating or paraffin treatment.

Physiotherapy has a minimum of contraindications and allows you to relieve discomfort. The method can be combined with other treatment methods and used as a preventive measure.

Exercise therapy

The technique is approved by most specialists. Performing well-chosen exercises will relieve the back muscles and spine. that have been distorted. .

Execution rules:

  • It is advisable to enjoy the exercises;
  • Exhaustion should not be allowed, only pleasant fatigue;
  • Be sure to monitor your breathing, no delays.

Training must be regular, otherwise there will be no success.

Surgical intervention

Applies if traditional treatment had no positive effect, and the patient's suffering continues. The task of doctors is an operation to correct the spinal column with its further fixation in its normal position.

Sometimes the best decision is replacing a damaged vertebra with an implant. This restores the mobility of the entire department. After the operation very a long period recovery, sometimes about a year and a half. Rehabilitation period must be under medical supervision.

Self help

Treatment of lordosis should not be limited to procedures in medical institution. It is imperative to fight the disease at home. This is done in three ways:

  • Physiotherapy. The exercises are aimed at strengthening and stretching the spinal column. Light physical exercise eliminates muscle tension and corrects the spine.
  • Using an orthopedic bandage. This is a corset-shaped device. Used to fix curved areas of the spine. It prevents the development of deformation. The attending physician selects sizes and advises on the duration of wearing.
  • Massage. Sessions must be conducted by a qualified specialist.

This will be a useful addition to drug treatment.

Possible consequences

If left untreated, the curvature begins to progress and discomfort increases as the hyaline cartilage is already destroyed. Restricted mobility of the spinal column and joints leads to disability over time.

If rib cage is deformed, then disturbances in the functioning of many organs will occur. When lordosis is advanced, the diaphragm begins to work incorrectly, and this reduces the capacity of the lungs. As a result, intra-abdominal pressure changes. Over time, this will lead to a malfunction of the stomach, liver and other organs.


To prevent acquired lordosis, certain rules must be followed:

  • Always ensure correct posture.
  • Control body weight.
  • Do not ignore treatment of the spine and joints.
  • Adjust your diet.
  • Strengthen the muscle corset.
  • Limit intense stress on the spine.

Swimming is very beneficial, in which a uniform load is applied to the spine with a positive effect.

Most people with lordosis do not usually experience serious problems with general health. But the spine affects our flexibility and it is very important to monitor its condition. If lordosis is not treated, the risk of problems with hip joints, development of osteochondrosis and disruption of internal organs. Treatment of lordosis is a complex and lengthy process. Therefore, you need to be patient and also follow the recommendations of doctors.

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The spine is an important part of our body, its core. This organ has a complex structure and its own unique diseases. We often complain about pain in the lower back and hear the diagnosis “curvature of the spine - increased lordosis.”

Let's figure it out, lordosis of the lumbar spine - what is it?

Lordosis (from the Greek lordos - curved) - one of the types of curvature of the spine, characterized by its bending-convexity forward. When the bulge is directed backwards, they speak of kyphosis, and to the side, they speak of scoliosis. A newborn's spine is almost straight. Changes in the lower back and the formation of the muscle corset are in full swing when the child learns to sit, stand and walk.

We can talk about the final formation of lumbar lordosis by the age of 18, when bone growth ends. By the same age, cervical lordosis and kyphosis - sacral and thoracic - are formed. At this stage, cervical lordosis is preserved, like kyphosis, throughout life.

If scoliosis is always a pathology, then lordosis and kyphosis can be physiological norms. The amount of deflection is important here. Doctors talk about flattened and hyperlordosis. Smoothed lumbar lordosis, what is it? If the lordosis curve is less than normal, it is called flattened; if it is more than normal, it is lumbar hyperlordosis. And these are conditions that require correct, timely diagnosis and treatment.

Physiological lordosis

With physiological, normal lordosis, the angle is 150-170°. In this case, when the body moves, the loads on the vertebrae are distributed evenly.

People often ask, “Lumbar lordosis is preserved, what does this mean?” Doctors believe that if the angle is within these limits (150-170), then this is the norm.

Pathological lordosis

If the doctor has doubts, an MRI, CT or X-ray is prescribed. When the angle deviates from physiological norm A diagnosis of pathological lordosis is made. If lumbar lordosis is increased, this means that the structure of the spinal column is disturbed.

In this case, it is possible that the vertebrae may be displaced during sudden movements, pain may occur due to pinched nerves, or a disruption of the blood supply to the brain. Posture disorders are often noted. This pathology occurs in people of different ages, even in children.

Physiological lordosis is smoothed if its angle is less than 150°.


The main causes of this disease may be:

  • developmental defects, rickets, cerebral palsy;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of various nature;
  • muscle torsion spasms,
  • spinal injuries;
  • systemic diseases;
  • infectious lesions of the spine (tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis);
  • oncological diseases in the immediate vicinity of the lumbar region;
  • endocrine disorders.

Heredity, lifestyle, character play a role physical activity, profession. Women who constantly wear high-heeled shoes and athletes often suffer. People whose work involves excessive physical activity. Or, conversely, with a long stay in one position (programmers, office workers)

People who are overweight, especially those with fat deposits in the abdominal area, are at risk; children during rapid growth; pregnant women. During pregnancy, pathological lordosis does not always occur, and not earlier than the 16th week.

If we are talking about such temporary conditions, then if these factors are quickly eliminated, lordosis can significantly decrease and even completely return to normal.

Signs and symptoms

In most cases, the disease is characterized by rarefaction of the vertebral structure, enlargement of the intervertebral discs, and converging and compacting of the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae. In children's and adolescence deformation of the whole often develops thoracic with disturbances in the functioning of the organs located there.

Patients report increased fatigue and increased pain after physical work, prolonged uncomfortable body positions. And these symptoms are constantly present.

Externally, patients are distinguished by special shape posture - “kypholordotic”.

Possible consequences

With significant deviations from the norm in the curvature of the spine, a whole range of diseases can arise as a result of overstrain of individual muscles, disorders in the vertebrae, discs, nerve endings and blood vessels.

As a result, the following are possible:

  • protrusion and prolapse of discs;
  • impaired disc stability (pseudospondylolisthesis);
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the iliopsoas muscles (Psoitis);
  • deforming arthrosis in the joints of the spine;
  • spondyloarthrosis and spondylosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in the pelvic and abdominal areas;
  • degeneration in soft tissues;
  • chronic fatigue.


First, evaluate your full-length reflection in the mirror. You should think about hyperlordosis if the head is pulled forward, the stomach protrudes strongly, and the pelvis is tilted back. Legs spread at the knees. You can only bend over using your hip joints.

When lying on your back, there is a large distance between the lower back and the floor surface.

Girls especially take care of their figure and posture. To see lordosis, photos of girls need to be taken from the side. The pathological bend will be immediately visible.

Monitor your condition carefully. The pathology is characterized by aching, sometimes severe pain when standing for a long time, and pain when straightening the back.

It is often difficult to fall asleep at night, especially on your stomach, due to nagging pain in the lumbar region.

Hypolodosis (smoothed form) is characterized by frequent lower back pain, a flat back, fatigue when lying or standing for a long time, and numbness in the lower back.

You can also do a fairly simple test. You will need an assistant. Lean against the wall, pressing your buttocks, heels and shoulder blades against it. Your partner should try to put their palm (placed horizontally) between the wall and your lower back.

If the arm has gone through a free-excessive deflection (hyperlordosis). The palm cannot be inserted - insufficient (smoothed). Normally, the hand should enter with little effort.

If you find yourself with most of these signs, for an accurate diagnosis you need to contact a specialist.

Medical diagnostics

In case of this disease, you need to contact a traumatologist or surgeon.

During an external examination of the patient, the doctor assesses the patient’s posture and characteristic body position. Conducts the necessary tests that allow us to understand what form of lordosis the patient has, whether neurological disorders, pathologies of the thoracic cavity organs.

To confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor prescribes an MRI, CT scan or radiography. For photographs, two projections are usually used - lateral and frontal.

For diagnostics x-ray Fergusson's method is usually used. Normally, a perpendicular drawn from the middle of the L3 vertebral plate should pass through the upper anterior corner of the sacrum. The displacement of this line back indicates a smoothed shape; with hyperlordosis, it is deviated forward.

In addition, the curvature of the spine is measured. Normally, this angle should be from 145 to 170°.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

How to treat lordosis and is treatment possible at home? Only a doctor can answer these questions after making a diagnosis. And first of all, he prescribes the following set of conservative measures.

Exercises and gymnastics

Regular, daily performance of special exercises with a gentle load on the cervical and lumbar spine, working out the necessary areas strengthens the back muscles and helps normalize the blood supply to the spine. With this disease, this is a necessary part of treatment, which also contributes to the overall health of the body.

Gymnastics is the answer to the question “How to correct lumbar lordosis in children.” The point is that in childhood exercises are especially effective.


Massage is indicated in most cases, unless there are contraindications. For example, in case of oncology, or detection of hemangiomas in the vertebral body measuring more than one centimeter, massage is contraindicated. There are other restrictions. Therefore, this procedure should be done only as prescribed by a doctor.

Massage treatments give wonderful effect in normalizing blood circulation, improving lymph drainage, restoring the outflow of venous blood, and helping to relax muscle spasms.

It is important to carry it out in systematic courses.

Drug therapy

Drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the stage of the disease, concomitant diagnoses and the presence of contraindications.

It can be:

  1. Drugs to relieve inflammation and pain (“Movalis”, “”, “Celecoxib”). For severe pain, intramuscular injections are prescribed. You can use gels “Fastum-Gel”, “Voltaren”, “Nice Gel”, “”.
  2. Vitamins, especially group B.
  3. Drugs that relieve muscle spasms (“”).
  4. IN special cases appoint hormone therapy(“Prednisolone”, “”).
  5. Sometimes external compresses are prescribed medicinal drugs, for example, with .

Correct sleeping place

You need to pay attention to organizing your sleeping area Special attention. Taking into account your weight, you need to choose a high-quality orthopedic mattress with independent spring blocks.

If severe pain is present, you can purchase a latex mattress that retains its shape. This will relieve muscle tension during sleep.

Manual therapy

If the vertebrae are stable, without deformation, and tumor formations are excluded, manual therapy sessions are prescribed.

During such procedures, a soft cushion or pillow should be placed under the patient's abdomen to elevate the deflection area of ​​the spine.

The techniques are aimed at stretching the spinal column and increasing flexibility.

Not used during exacerbation of the disease.

Wearing a bandage

The bandage helps relieve stress from the lower back. A corset for lumbar lordosis is especially effective for weakened back muscles, in pregnant women (from 16 weeks) and in overweight patients.

The product must be correctly selected, only in this case will the therapeutic effect be achieved.

Surgical treatment

If conservative methods did not give results, the patient’s condition worsens, they resort to surgery.

The procedure is very serious and is performed under general anesthesia.

It is carried out using two methods:

  1. The vertebrae in the area of ​​lordosis are fastened with metal rods or plates
  2. Modern endoscopic techniques allow you to remove affected disks. Instead, implants are installed to preserve the mobility of the spine. At the same time, the pathological curve in the lumbar region is corrected.

The recovery period is quite long. In some cases, up to one and a half years.


Measures to prevent spinal pathologies should begin in childhood, before the final formation of the bone skeleton.

IN mature age, especially if there are prerequisites for the disease, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Compliance with work and rest schedules. When working sedentarily, it is important to take regular breaks with small exercises, or periodically change your position.
  2. A good night's sleep on an orthopedic mattress.
  3. Body weight control, proper balanced nutrition.
  4. Correct posture (straight back).
  5. Strengthening the back and abdominal muscles with swimming, Pilates, yoga, and special gymnastics. Skiing and cycling are useful. Regular morning workout.


And regular monitoring good specialist, even in the presence of a disease, will allow you to avoid complex consequences and maintain quality of life.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, RUDN University, 2008.

The natural curve of the spine or lordosis is formed in the first year of life. It has two convexities - in the cervical and lumbar region. Physiological lordosis of the lumbar region helps maintain a comfortable body position and also cushions movements. If the bend exceeds normal indicators, we are talking about pathological lordosis.

This condition causes severe pain and is characterized by concomitant postural disorders. Pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine requires medical treatment and can appear at any age.

How to treat lumbar lordosis, and with what unpleasant consequences you may encounter, our article will tell you.

Lumbar lordosis is measured in degrees of curvature, exceeding which means pathology. There are two types of pathological lordosis, depending on the causes of its appearance. We can also separately highlight “temporary” lordosis, which usually appears in women during pregnancy. Due to the increased load on the lumbar region, the curvature of the spine increases.

Usually such conditions do not require medical intervention, everything returns to normal after the birth of the baby. If the condition has not stabilized, special exercises and massage are required so that the spinal column takes the correct position.

There are also two types of pathological lordosis:

  1. Primary lordosis manifests itself when tumors and hernias of the lumbar region are localized. Also the reason may be congenital anomalies development and inflammatory processes in the spinal column;
  2. Secondary lordosis is formed as a result of injuries and permanent negative factors, for example, working conditions or overweight bodies.

In medicine there is also such a thing as hyperlordosis. In this case, the angle of curvature of the spine will significantly exceed normal values. If physiological lordosis is within 20-40 degrees (in the lumbar region), then with hyperlordosis the angle of inclination is over 45 degrees.

If a situation is diagnosed where the lumbar lordosis is smoothed, this means that the angle of bending is less pronounced normal values, which is also a sign of pathology. This phenomenon is called hypolordosis and also affects overall well-being and comfort when moving.

All these conditions require the mandatory help of a specialist, and to determine possible pathology characteristic will allow clinical picture diseases.

Common signs of spinal problems

The symptoms of lumbar lordosis have many similarities with other pathologies of the spinal column. In addition, the exact difference and type of disease can only be determined by a qualified specialist. To do this, you will have to order several examinations, as well as conduct a full interview and examination of the patient.

Symptoms of lordosis have several characteristic features:

  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Protruding belly;
  • Excessive lumbar deflection;
  • Prolapse of internal organs.

Define pathological abnormalities You can do lordosis yourself. To do this, you need to stand close to a flat surface, pressing your back and buttocks tightly. If you can freely put your palm between your lower back, problems with the spine are quite real. Normally, the palm may pass with certain difficulties. If the hand does not move into space, we are talking about the so-called straightened lordosis (hypolordosis), which is also regarded as a pathology.

Causes of pathological lordosis

Physiological lordosis develops in a child in the first year of life. The process takes a lot of time and in order for natural curves to be within normal limits, several conditions must be met. First of all, these are the correct timing for planting the baby (it is forbidden to plant the child before 5-6 months), in addition, great importance It has good nutrition, relaxation and walks with the baby.

As the child grows up, he masters new movements, learning to walk, bend over and crawl. All this is necessary for the correct adaptation of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the formation of physiological curves of the vertebrae.

The normal structure of the spine involves four curves. External (angle of inclination from the spinal column) are represented by thoracic and sacral kyphosis. The internal curve (in the area of ​​the neck and lower back) is the lordosis of the spine.

An increase in the angle of inclination of the lumbar region leads to protrusion of the abdomen, changes in posture and gait, and is also characterized by the symptoms described above.

Causes of pathological lordosis:

  • Congenital pathologies of the structure of the spinal column;
  • Birth trauma, intrauterine infection;
  • Spinal injuries and tumors;
  • Degenerative tissue processes that weaken the structure of the vertebrae;
  • Atrophy and weakness of the back muscles;
  • Bone tuberculosis;
  • Consequences of polio;
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the spine;
  • Dislocation and congenital immobility of the hip joint;
  • Insufficient or excessive physical activity;
  • Endocrine disorders in the body;
  • Consequences of flat feet;
  • Inadequate nutrition, lack of minerals in the diet;
  • Bad habits as a provoking factor.

Timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent the development of complications and slow down the progression of the disease. Like most similar problems, the speed at which the pathology develops can vary.

In childhood, physiological lordosis of the lumbar region forms from 9 to 18 months after birth, during the period when the baby begins to master walking and crawling. It is at this age that the first problems may appear.

Another dangerous period in this regard is puberty teenagers Unstable hormonal levels and often accelerated growth bone tissue provides a “favorable” field for such pathologies. Acquired forms of pathological lordosis also occur in adulthood, mainly under the influence of external unfavorable factors or diseases of the spine (hernia, tumor, destruction of bone tissue).

It is very important to combat such processes, and timely diagnosis will help identify and eliminate ailments in the early stages.

Lumbar lordosis straightened: what is it?

Along with hyperlordosis, in which there is an excessive deflection of the lower back, the phenomenon of hypolordosis is also common. In this case, the lumbar lordosis is straightened, and the information provided will tell you what this means.

The cause of straightened lordosis is mainly a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the back muscles are subject to minimal stress, and long time are in a straight position.

These factors lead to spasms and overstrain of the muscles, as well as maintaining an aligned position.

Symptoms of straightened lordosis:

  1. Flat or rounded back shape;
  2. Pain and discomfort in the lumbar region, radiating to the buttocks;
  3. Changes in gait, difficulties in movement;
  4. Fast fatiguability.

Smoothed lumbar lordosis may appear during long-term rehabilitation after injuries, as well as with complications of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Straightening the lordosis of the lumbosacral spine usually occurs before the age of 30.

Women are more prone to developing the disease than men. The physiological angle of curvature of the spine, if the lumbar lordosis is smoothed, is about 170 degrees.

Lumbar lordosis is enhanced: what does it mean?

The opposite situation occurs if the natural curvature of the spinal column exceeds normal values. In this case, we are talking about hyperlordosis, which can have a congenital or acquired form. The angle of inclination of the spine in this state is from 130 to 140 degrees.

Symptoms of increased lumbar lordosis:

  • Protruding belly and buttocks;
  • The back has strong deflection in the lumbar region;
  • Pain and discomfort in the lower back;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Functional problems genitourinary system;
  • Regular loss of sensation in the legs.

Even in the supine position, patients exhibit a large curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Often, lumbar lordosis is increased in patients who have undergone spinal surgery, when hernia and tumors are localized between the vertebrae.

Among the predisposing factors: endocrine diseases, problems with excess weight, excessive or insufficient physical activity.

Diagnosis of pathologies

Determine a reliable diagnosis and possible stage Only a specialist can treat diseases. If you suspect spinal diseases, you should contact a surgeon or traumatologist. You will also need to undergo special examinations.

Methods for determining pathological lordosis:

  • Radiography, which is carried out in several projections and positions;
  • MRI and CT are used when available concomitant diseases and pathologies, for example, neuralgia;
  • Electroneuromyography will help to create a complete picture of the pathology, as well as determine possible damage to surrounding tissues and nerve fibers.

You may also need to undergo laboratory tests. They will show the possible inflammatory process in the body, and will also help determine dysfunction internal systems, which may be the cause and consequence of spinal pathology.

Correction of lumbar lordosis

In the case of a pathological form of lumbar lordosis, treatment must be prescribed. Complex therapeutic measures includes several stages and takes a long time. Treatment is usually conservative, using drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and special exercises.

Treatment of pathological lordosis:

  1. Elimination of a possible source of inflammation if lordosis is caused by infectious or chronic diseases spine;
  2. Weight stabilization, in case pathological changes under the influence of this factor;
  3. Massage courses and manual therapy, developed taking into account possible pathologies;
  4. Strengthening the back muscles, which will provide additional support to the vertebrae;
  5. Special exercises for lumbar lordosis will also help maintain the normal curve of the back. It is forbidden to use forceful loads, it is advisable to give preference to stretching exercises;
  6. A good method to correct lumbar lordosis is to wear a special corset that supports the physiological position of the spine. Such bandages must be worn only for a certain period of time to prevent atrophy of the back muscles;
  7. Straightening lumbar lordosis is also possible using exercise machines, but only under the supervision of a trainer. A set of such exercises, after sufficient preparation, can be performed at home;
  8. Treatment of associated problems of the digestive and genitourinary systems. With pathological lordosis, prolapse and displacement of internal organs, pinched nerve endings and deformation of the vertebrae are common. All of these conditions also require medical intervention.

If the above methods are ineffective, the greatest benefit will come from surgery. The decision on the advisability of a particular treatment method must be made after consultation and examination by a specialist.

Lordosis of the lumbar spine is a natural bending point that allows you to distribute the load during movement.

At the same time, this indicator also has normal and pathological indicators, on the basis of which a diagnosis of “Hyperlordosis” or “hypolordosis” can be established.

If any of these pathologies are detected, you should contact an orthopedic specialist for approval. suitable treatment. Features of the manifestations of such conditions, as well as possible methods Treatments for lumbar lordosis are discussed in our information.

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