Home Stomatitis Second molars in a child. Molars in children - what kind of teeth they are, when they erupt and what they look like

Second molars in a child. Molars in children - what kind of teeth they are, when they erupt and what they look like

They can characterize both the biological and passport age of the child. The process and timing of teething depend not only on inherited genetic parameters, that is, how they erupted in mom and dad, and even in ancestors in the seventh generation. But the timing of teething can be influenced by external and internal factors. For example: climatic conditions, nature of nutrition, quality of drinking water and more. In this regard, in different regions the timing of eruption permanent teeth hesitate. The hotter the climate. The earlier teeth usually erupt. Although this is also not an axiom.

Baby teeth usually begin to emerge at 6-8 months. A one-year-old baby, as a rule, celebrates his first birthday with four upper and lower incisors in his mouth. By two years, molars and canines. Second primary molars appear after another six months. Complete formation of the primary dentition is usually completed at three years of age. By the age of three, a child should have grown all 20 baby teeth.

What to do if by 9 months your child has not yet erupted a single tooth? First of all, don’t worry ahead of time. Dentists consider a delay in the eruption of primary teeth within 6 months to be completely natural. However, boys tend to erupt teeth later than girls.

Start by carefully examining your baby’s gums: it is very likely that they look swollen and reddened, or, on the contrary, the gums are thin and pale, and the edge of the tooth can be felt underneath and even visible. In order to speed up teething, buy special ring toys - teething stimulators. Useful and light massage gums with a clean finger or a cold teaspoon. Pressure on the gums facilitates and speeds up teething, and cold reduces discomfort.

Delays in teething can be caused by general growth retardation due to a number of child diseases, primarily rickets. Consult your pediatrician: your baby may need vitamins or calcium supplements to maintain normal mineral metabolism.

In rare cases, children have edentia - the absence of tooth buds. So if your baby is over a year old and his teeth have not yet begun to emerge, you should consult a dentist. You can check for the presence of tooth germs using x-ray. X-ray exposure may be unsafe for child's body Therefore, this test should be performed only when necessary and as directed by a doctor. Today it is possible to reduce the harmful effects of X-rays if you take a picture using a radiovisiograph. Such equipment is usually available in every modernly equipped dental clinic.

Symptoms of teething in a child.

How to determine that a child is already cutting his first tooth? Symptoms of a baby's first teeth erupting are reddened, sore gums, burning cheeks and, perhaps, an already swollen white ball from which a tooth is about to emerge. True, he can make himself wait. Before being exposed, the tooth must first pass through the bone tissue that surrounds it, and then through the mucous membrane of the gums. Do you need help somehow? You should not interfere with the natural course of events, because nature has provided that children’s teeth are born independently, without special external efforts or additional devices. There is no need to irritate your baby's gums by scratching them with a piece of sugar or the handle of a spoon, as was done before. This can damage delicate baby teeth and cause infection in the jaw bone. Be careful with bagels, bread crusts, bagels: their crumbs can get stuck in the respiratory tract.

During a person’s life, 20 teeth change once, and the remaining 8-12 teeth do not change; they erupt initially as permanent teeth (molars).

First (medial) lower incisors - 6-9 months.
First (medial) upper incisors - 7-10 months.
Second (lateral) upper incisors - 9-12 months.
Second (lateral) lower incisors - 9-12 months.
First upper molars - 12-18 months.
First lower molars - 13-19 months.
Upper canines - 16-20 months.
Lower canines - 17-22 months.
Second lower molars - 20-33 months.
Second upper molars - 24-36 months.

These tables are approximate. According to statistics, the first tooth in modern infants appears on average only at 8 and a half months. Thus, the timing of the eruption of other teeth is shifted. Dentists believe that the later the first tooth erupts, the later the baby teeth will begin to fall out and this is undoubtedly good. However, before the baby is one year old, at least one tooth must appear, otherwise the causes should be looked for in some diseases, for example, rickets. The first tooth can come in pairs, and the same is true with subsequent teeth. It happens that a baby has 4 teeth at once. Naturally, such “massive” growth of teeth affects the timing of teething. The situation is also uncertain with the order in which teeth appear; you simply cannot influence this, so “don’t worry in vain,” because everything goes as nature intended.

By the age of three, all baby teeth erupt in a child, which by the age of 5 begin to gradually be replaced by permanent teeth.

There are 20 primary teeth in total: on each jaw there are 4 incisors (4 central teeth), 2 canines (third from the center or “eye” teeth) and 4 molars (fourth and fifth from the center “chewing” teeth).
An adult normally has 28-32 permanent teeth: each jaw has 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 4-6 molars. The development of the third molar (“wisdom tooth”) may not occur at all, with congenital edentia of the third molars, which is also considered normal. Another situation is also possible: a wisdom tooth is embedded in the thickness of the jaw, but never erupts due to incorrect position or lack of space in the jaw. This situation occurs very often.

Afterwards, there are no gaps (cracks, gaps) between them, which is the norm. But as the jaw grows, before the baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones, gaps should appear between the baby teeth. This process is necessary because permanent teeth are larger in size than baby teeth and if spaces are not formed, then the permanent teeth do not fit in the jaws and the child receives “crooked” permanent teeth.
In parallel with the formation of spaces between temporary teeth, the roots of baby teeth are “reabsorbed”, after which the teeth alternately become loose and fall out. Nowadays there is even a fashion to buy a box made of gold or silver to store the first teeth.

There is no general agreement on the normal timing of teething, since Scientific research different authors were carried out in different regions and in different years last and our century.

If it hurts a lot...

Teething may be accompanied by increased excitability: the child becomes restless, capricious, often wakes up crying at night, and may refuse to eat. At the same time, the baby puts any object in his mouth, since chewing reduces the itching of irritated gums. The secretion of saliva is sharply increased, which, flowing from the mouth, can cause skin irritation. Often, a limited area of ​​redness or rash appears on the cheek on the side of the erupting tooth. The child's temperature may rise to subfebrile levels (within 37.8°). However, fever does not necessarily accompany teething.

During teething, one or another infection may develop. Therefore, if your baby develops symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, ear pain, diarrhea, cough, rash, persistent loss of appetite or high fever, you should consult a doctor.

What remedies relieve pain? The simplest thing is cold. Cold relieves pain and reduces swelling. If this doesn't help, you can use it to lubricate your gums. dental gel or ointment containing anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If necessary, you can give your child a pain reliever. Apply any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Here are common questions worried moms ask.

What to do if teeth erupt at the wrong time? Nothing to do. There is no clear concept of “late teething”, or rather “teething dates” are relative, generally accepted terms, and not strict data. These terms are determined by average values ​​and depend on neonatal (how the birth went) indicators, physical constitution, individual characteristics of the baby, etc. So, no matter what time teeth erupt, this period is normal for this child. By the way, the same applies to the eruption of permanent teeth and wisdom teeth. Only in rare cases of obvious pathologies can the timing of eruption really be abnormal.

The later teeth erupt, the healthier they are? Unfortunately, this is not the case - the timing of teething and their “quality” are in no way connected.

What sedatives can be used in children during teething? Do these drugs affect the teething process? No, these drugs do not affect the teething process in any way. They have all been clinically tested and naturally do not have side effects. The only limitation is allergic children, but there is also a sedative for them - Doctor Baby. Almost all such gels contain lidocaine and inert fillers (menthol for cooling, flavoring agents and astringents). I can recommend the following drugs:

Kalgel is sweet, you should not use it if you have diathesis.
Kamistad is very effective, but must be used in moderation.
“Solcoseryl” dental paste (available for external use, do not confuse it) - is especially effective if there are bleeding wounds or painful ulcers.
Dr. Baby - for allergies to lidocaine

How often can soothing gels be used? Soothing gels do not need to be used according to a specific regimen (such as antibiotics). It hurts - you apply it, it doesn’t hurt - don’t apply it. But don’t get too carried away, it’s better not to use it more than 3-4 times a day and more than 3 days in a row.

How to speed up teething? No medication. A method proven over the years is a gentle massage of the gums. Gently massage the gums with a clean finger and the child will feel better, and the tooth will erupt a little faster. Just don't press hard, don't injure yourself. Usually they give the child a cold spoon to suck on, but you can also keep the pacifier in the refrigerator for a little while and give it to the child. There are special teethers with coolant. Place in the refrigerator. Then you give it to the child to chew on. But don't overdo it.

Can bad breath occur during teething and what is the reason for this? During teething, the mucous membrane partially decomposes (lysis). Salivary enzymes play an active role in this process. As you know, the amount of saliva increases during teething. This is due specifically to the lysis process. This can actually change the viscosity, color and smell of saliva. In addition, saliva contains weak antibacterial substances that prevent infection of the wound formed during tooth eruption. Their active influence can also change the normal properties of saliva. A certain amount of blood also enters the oral cavity, and when it decomposes, a sour (metallic) odor may also arise.

What to do if the temperature rises sharply during teething? In principle, a slight increase in temperature during teething is normal. But she won't be 39-40. This does not happen when teething.
Caution: Teething should not cause high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, complete loss of appetite, cramps or choking. If you experience these symptoms, even if you think they are related to your teeth, consult your doctor. It is also not recommended to give a child an antipyretic and analgesic (syrup, suppositories) without consulting a doctor and at a body temperature below 38.5 C.

How can children distinguish between an increase in temperature during teething and an increase in temperature for some other reason? How long can a fever last during teething? Everything is individual, but generally hyperthermia and diarrhea are only secondary signs of teething. For absolutely small organism This is a severe physiological fracture. Now most pediatricians and physiologists admit that increased temperature during teething is most likely a reaction to inflammation of the oral mucosa. At the site where the teeth emerge, irritation forms, often a wound (from friction and due to lysis), and often the wound becomes infected. So hyperthermia is caused not by the mechanism of tooth formation itself, but by side effects. One of the arguments in favor of this opinion is that when permanent teeth erupt, despite the similarity of histological and physiological changes, such symptoms almost never occur.

The occurrence of cold and diarrhea symptoms is explained by a sharp change in diet and diet, constant foreign objects in the mouth and microflora disturbance, as well as a weakening of local immunity in the nasopharynx.
From this we can conclude that if the fever and loose stools continue for too long (more than 72 hours), then the reason most likely is not teething.

Possible features of teeth in children at the teething stage:

Expansion of spaces between teeth. It may reflect enhanced growth jaws and during the transition period from baby teeth to permanent teeth is regarded as a normal condition. A wide gap between the front incisors on the upper jaw is usually associated with a deep-lying maxillary frenulum. The tactics for monitoring and treating wide gaps between teeth are determined by an orthodontist.

A blackish edging on the neck of the tooth can be due to the use of soluble iron preparations or a chronic inflammatory process (precipitation of bacteria of the leptotrichium group);

Yellowish-brown staining of teeth is most often associated with the use of antibiotics by the mother in the second half of pregnancy or by the child during the period of teeth formation.

A yellowish-greenish color develops when severe violations bilirubin metabolism and hemolytic (destruction of red blood cells) conditions;

Reddish staining of tooth enamel is characteristic of a congenital disorder of pigment metabolism - porphyrin. This disease is called porphyria;

Malocclusions occur due to uneven growth of the jaws, due to prolonged sucking of the nipple;
Anomalies in the location of teeth occur for constitutional reasons (small jaw size), due to trauma, and congenital metabolic disorders connective tissue, with tumors of the alveolar process of the jaw.

The absence of teeth before 1 year of age is extremely rarely associated with edentia - the absence of their rudiments. You can check for the presence of tooth germs using special method radiovisiography as prescribed by a pediatric dentist.

Atypical situations.

Timely growth of teeth in a certain sequence indicates the normal development of the baby’s body. This is a physiological process and is in direct connection with general condition child's health. But let’s consider some atypical situations that may indirectly indicate the presence of pathology. However, only indirectly. Let us make a reservation once again that only careful research can confirm or refute these assumptions.

1) A delay in the timing of eruption (longer than 1-2 months from the norm) may be a consequence of rickets, infectious disease, long-term dysfunction of the intestines and changes in metabolism.
2) Earlier teething (before 1-2 months before normal) may indicate endocrine disorders.
3) Violation of the order, the absence of one or another tooth can also be the result of some anomalies in the child’s health (there are isolated cases when even the rudiments of teeth are missing) or be a consequence of diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy.
4) The eruption of a tooth outside the arch of the dentition can be caused by an incorrect position of the tooth axis (horizontal or oblique).
5) Incorrect formation of the tooth itself - size, shape, position, color, lack of enamel coating, etc. The causes of these phenomena should be analyzed by a specialist.
6) The appearance of teeth even before birth. Such situations are extremely rare. Such teeth prevent the baby from sucking at the mother's breast; they are usually removed.

Here are some things to remember when teething:

Regularly rub your baby's face with a special towel to remove saliva and prevent skin irritation; it is better not to rub, but to gently blot the saliva so as not to cause irritation around the mouth.
Place a clean, flat cloth under the baby's head to absorb any drool. When the napkin gets wet, you won't have to re-make the sheet.

Give your child something to chew on. Make sure the item is large enough that your child won't swallow it or chew it into small pieces. A damp washcloth placed in the freezer for 30 minutes can be a good solution, just remember to wash it after each use. Special teething rings, which are sold in pharmacies, are also effective. If you are using rings, do not freeze them until they turn to stone to avoid damaging your weak gums. Never tie a teething ring around your baby's neck to avoid getting caught in the band. Gently massage your baby's gums with a clean finger.

Never put aspirin or other tablets on your teeth, or rub alcohol-containing solutions into your gums.
If your child is not feeling well, paracetamol in pediatric dosage may help. BUT FIRST CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR!

When teeth appear, you need to start caring for them. A child up to 1-1.5 years old can brush his teeth once a day with a special soft plastic brush (put on the mother’s finger). In this case, it is convenient to sit the baby on your lap, with his back to you. An older child can buy his first baby toothbrush convenient size, with durable bristles. At this age, children imitate adults with pleasure, and the ritual of morning and evening brushing of teeth is easily established. It is clear that the baby is still playing with brushing his teeth, and while the mother is brushing them - it is most convenient to stand behind the baby. From the age of two, you can teach your child to rinse his mouth with water (it would be good to do this every time after eating) and use a children's toothpaste. You may have to try several brands of toothpaste before your baby is satisfied with the new taste.

Among other measures for the prevention of caries (baby teeth are more fragile than permanent teeth and are affected more short time!) - control over the amount of sweets in the child’s diet and the absence of sweet drinks (juices, sweet water) at night and at night.

Your child should see the dentist for the first time when he or she is one year old. However, if something bothers you - a broken tooth, darkening of the tooth, presence of stains on it, bad breath - consult a doctor as soon as possible. The health of baby teeth is the key to the proper formation and health of permanent teeth.

How to prevent tooth decay

1. Do not lick the pacifier or use a baby spoon to taste your baby's food. This will protect your baby's mouth from bacteria found in an adult's saliva.
2. If possible, reduce the sugar content in your child's diet. Offer water or natural juice instead of sweetened drinks, and never give sugary drinks as a sleep aid at night.
3. Teach one year old baby After meals, drink a few sips of water, and after two years, rinse your mouth after eating.
4. Bring your child to the dentist regularly for examinations. The first time this can be done is two years old. If problems arise earlier, do not delay going to the doctor. Check your child's teeth at least once every six months.
5. Try to prevent dental injuries. If the enamel is damaged, they are destroyed faster.
Strengthen your baby's teeth with a healthy menu. Include in daily diet child 10 - 20 g of hard cheese, a few spoons of seaweed, 5 - 6 pieces of raisins, 1 - 2 dried apricots, green and black tea (rich in fluoride).
6. The child should brush his teeth after every meal or at least twice a day, including always before bed.

Have you cut your teeth? It's time to clean

Immediately after teething, the baby’s teeth are exposed to aggressive influences. external environment. Microbes settle on the teeth, forming a film of plaque. Acids are actively produced in dental plaque. Under their influence, the enamel of baby teeth is easily destroyed and a carious cavity is formed.

Acid production occurs especially actively in the presence of sugar. Therefore, the cause of the development of caries in the first years of life is often an early transition to artificial feeding, especially if the child sucks sweet milk formulas or juices from a bottle for a long time.

Proceed to regular care You need to take care of the oral cavity even before teething. Using a moistened sanitary napkin placed on a clean finger, carefully wipe the mucous membrane of the cheeks and gums. Newly erupted incisors are also first wiped with a napkin.

In the second year of life, it is time to start using a toothbrush. Today there are special toothbrushes on sale - they are small and have especially soft bristles. For example, I can recommend the “My First Colgate” brush. Funny bright toys decorating the handle of this brush will form a positive attitude towards brushing your teeth in your child.

Until two years of age, we recommend that parents clean their baby’s teeth simply with a damp toothbrush. From the age of two you can start using toothpaste. It is best if it is a paste containing fluoride. It should, however, be remembered that Small child tends to swallow toothpaste while brushing, so up to 6 years of age it is better to use children's toothpastes with reduced content fluorine For one-time brushing, it is enough to use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste - about the size of a pea.

The risk of early development of caries is increased with insufficient fluoride content in drinking water. This situation occurs, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Children from 2 to 14 years old need compensation daily norm fluoride intake into the body. Recommended daily dose Your child's pediatrician or pediatric dentist must determine whether sodium fluoride tablets or drops should be taken.

Teething, along with some other ailments of newborn children, is perhaps one of the most popular and widely discussed topics among mothers who share their experiences and worries on various forums dedicated to raising children. According to statistics, a child’s first teeth appear no earlier than six months.

There are many myths associated with the process of baby teeth emerging, for example, that girls cut their teeth faster than boys. First of all, this assertion is not supported medical research. And secondly, infant development, which includes the growth of teeth, is a purely individual process.

This means that one child will experience early tooth development, while the second may develop his first incisors within a year or even later. It is important that in both cases we are not talking about a lag or deviation, this is just a variant of the norm.

Since the process of the appearance of baby teeth is most often associated with many inconveniences and worries for both parents and children, it is best to find out in advance how to determine that a baby’s teeth are growing, and most importantly, how to make this process easier for the child . After all, as they say, being aware means being armed.

How can you tell if your child is teething? This question worries all parents without exception. It often happens that mothers, having noticed a deterioration in their children’s health, do not associate this with the appearance of the first teeth, but think that their child has caught a cold or caught a virus. This is due to the fact that the first signs of teething in a child are very similar to development at the initial stage or acute respiratory infections .

In order not to waste your nerves, time and money, and not to stuff your baby with unnecessary and, in addition, ineffective medications, parents simply must know what symptoms of teething in infants occur and how to help the baby in such a situation. Let's first talk about how a baby behaves when teething.

It is noteworthy that although teething is an absolutely normal and natural physiological process for human body, unfortunately, in most cases it brings a lot of inconvenience to the child, from which there is no escape.

When a child teethes, he changes before our eyes, becomes capricious and more irritable.

The baby really suffers and experiences discomfort, because this is the first time he has encountered such pain.

Therefore, during this difficult period, parents are simply obliged to support their child and do everything to alleviate his condition.

Children's doctors (for example, the famous Dr. Komarovsky) recommend showing as much care and affection as possible to the baby during this difficult period of time, hugging and kissing the child more often.

After all, the most best medicine– this is parental love and the warmth of mother’s hands. And even though you may not be able to completely eliminate pain, your baby will feel your support and compassion. As mentioned above, the first teeth usually appear at six months. However, this does not mean at all that a child cannot have his first tooth, for example, at 3 months.

By the way, this age is considered the earliest, according to doctors, when babies can start cutting their first teeth. Modern pediatricians are increasingly saying that each child is unique, and it is not entirely correct to apply the same norms and rules to all children. An individual approach to diagnosis and treatment is the future of medicine.

It is important to understand that the presence and severity of certain symptoms of teething in children under one year of age depends solely on the health status of the particular baby. There are cases, and there are many of them, when a child endures this process almost painlessly and does not experience even half of the ailments associated with the appearance of his first teeth.

When a child is teething, the symptoms can be so invisible to others that parents, upon discovering their baby’s first incisor, may not only be delighted, but truly surprised.

So, if a child is teething, the symptoms may be:

  • gums and swelling at the site of eruption is perhaps the surest sign that the baby will soon have his first tooth. You can see this symptom with the naked eye, you just have to look into the child’s mouth or feel the “bump” on the gum with your finger. In some cases, a small cluster may form at the site where the tooth erupts, and then it will turn blue. This is considered a variant of the norm, provided the child is generally feeling normal. As a rule, the hematoma goes away on its own immediately after the tooth erupts. When hit infections on gum may be present abscess or , they also go away on their own over time. If this does not happen, and the baby’s condition worsens (usually rises temperature , this is how the body reacts to inflammatory processes ), then you should immediately consult a dentist;
  • increased salivation can also be considered a sure sign of teething. A lot of saliva is actually released, both when the first incisors appear and then when the molars and canines develop;
  • The baby's desire to chew everything is due to a strong itchy gums , another sure sign that the teething process is gaining momentum;
  • decrease, change in taste preferences or complete refusal of the child to eat;
  • changes in the behavior of newborn children (increased irritability, causeless capriciousness) are caused, first of all, by the fact that the child experiences painful sensations at the moment when the teeth actively “storm” the surface of the gums. In addition, due to increased salivation, irritation or rash appears on the skin which cause the baby a lot of anxiety;
    sleep disturbance.

Cough during teething in children

Quite often, mothers ask pediatricians the question of whether cough due to teething, or this symptom indicates the development of other ailments. The child's body begins to prepare in advance for the appearance of the first teeth. Within a few weeks, and sometimes months salivary glands begin to produce many times more secret .

However, the child has not yet learned to swallow saliva, as we adults do without thinking and reflexively.

As a result, saliva accumulates in the throat, especially when the child is in a lying position.

The baby begins to cough to release Airways from the secret accumulated there.

In addition, due to the large amount of saliva entering the nasopharynx, you can hear wheezing. When saliva enters the middle ear, the child develops runny nose .

Diarrhea (diarrhea) during teething

Not many parents know that diarrhea in a baby - this is not only a symptom poisoning . The reasons may be teeth, or rather, increased salivation. The thing is that an overly susceptible and not fully formed child’s stomach can react painfully to saliva entering with food.

A large number of secret liquefies chair , and the bacteria contained in it provoke indigestion . In addition, when baby teeth grow, the entire child’s body experiences enormous stress, which affects work. Gastrointestinal tract . As a result, the child suffers from diarrhea or, which can also be caused by an excess of saliva.

It is worth remembering that diarrhea lasting no more than 72 hours is considered normal when teething. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment:

  • change in the color of stool or the presence of foreign inclusions in it, namely the appearance of a black or greenish tint of stool and blood (blood streaks);
  • too frequent bowel movements (more than five times a day);
  • The duration of diarrhea is more than three days, and the number of bowel movements does not decrease, but rather increases.

Vomiting during teething

Could it be if teeth are being cut? In rare cases, children may experience vomiting during the teething period. However this is quite a rare event, due also heavy salivation, in which part of the secretion got into the child’s stomach with food. It is important to emphasize that if vomiting is associated with diarrhea and these ailments often recur; in addition, the child’s body temperature has increased, this indicates the development of a viral infection.

In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for advice. Because without timely treatment rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, caliciviruses, noroviruses , united under one name gastric or stomach flu, causing severe gastrointestinal disorders, can cause irreparable harm to the child’s health.

Elevated body temperature is a signal immune system human, indicating those processes occurring in the body that can be caused by the harmful effects of various microorganisms, for example, bacteria or viruses . However, even when the first teeth erupt, the child may experience high temperature .

True, as a rule, it will not exceed 38-38.5 C. This reaction of the body is due to the presence of inflammation mucous membranes oral cavity , because the teeth go through the gum tissue, i.e. actually damage their integrity. In addition, during this period of time the baby begins to grab and chew everything that comes to his hand and can introduce infection into the wounds.

It is important to understand that the reaction to teeth may be a slight increase in temperature. Moreover, this condition usually lasts for several days.

If a child has a fever for a long period of time, it is not related to the teeth.

In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not always when the child’s incisors, molars or fangs erupt, the body temperature rises.

This means that it would be incorrect to classify temperature as the main sign of teething. Rather it's possible symptom, which may or may not exist.

Timing of teething

Most parents wonder what time their children’s first teeth appear. After all, on the one hand, everyone is looking forward to this exciting moment when the first beautiful tooth “settles” in the baby’s mouth. On the other hand, mothers understand that this period of time can be difficult due to possible ailments.

How babies teeth erupt, photo

When do babies' first teeth start to grow? Several decades ago, in the medical literature and reference books, the question of when a child’s first teeth appear was given an unequivocal answer - from 6 months of life.

Modern pediatricians are no longer so categorical, since there are increasingly cases where a baby’s first teeth come out much earlier than this time.

Therefore, there is no definite answer to the question of when the first teeth appear in babies; in all children, this process begins only when their body is ready for it.

However, parents should worry if their beloved child does not teethe at 6, 8 or 10 months, since the delay in teething is directly related to the delay in growth and development of the entire organism as a whole, which can be caused by such pathologies as:

  • edentulous , i.e. absence of the rudiments of future teeth themselves. Not many people know that the basis of baby teeth is formed in children in the womb, at about 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, which is why it is so important for women to receive all the necessary nutrients for the correct and harmonious development of all vital systems of the fetus’s body. This disease can only be diagnosed with an x-ray;
  • , a disease that develops in infants due to a lack of playing in their body important role in assimilation calcium , necessary for the development and growth of teeth.

The time at which infants start teething is influenced by factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • nutrition;
  • climatic conditions;
  • water quality and its composition;
  • the presence of certain diseases, for example, ailments associated with the endocrine system;
  • baby care.

The order of teething in children

We talked about what time teeth come in, now we’ll figure out the order in which they erupt. So when they cut canines, molars (molars) and incisors ?

Let us consider the above table of dental growth in children in more detail. The table contains information not only about the timing, but also about the sequence of teething in children. It is important to emphasize that this information The information about the cutting procedure is for reference only.

This means that parents should not panic or worry if their baby's teething order does not match the information presented in the table. The appearance of teeth, like other moments in child development, for example, the basic parameters of height and weight are purely individual.

Therefore, there is no point in comparing the order in which your baby’s teeth or the neighbor’s toddler’s teeth grew. So, what is the order in which baby teeth erupt? And also which teeth erupt first and at what age? The diagram proposed above will help answer these questions and tell you how teeth grow in children.

However, first, let's understand the terminology. The table provides information about how baby teeth grow and which first appear. Milk teeth called the original “dentition” in humans and, interestingly, in other mammals too.

Yes, we are not mistaken, our pets cats and dogs and many other animals also lose their milk teeth, and in their place second, permanent ones grow. Based on the pattern of the appearance of the first teeth, it is clearly visible that the teeth on each half of the jaw, having the same name, for example, upper and lower incisors or canines, emerge simultaneously, i.e. in pairs.

As a rule, the first two to cut through central incisors lower jaw. We can consider these to be the first teeth that appear in babies at 3 months or later. Then, based on the schedule of teething in children proposed above and taking into account the principle of pairing, the central incisors in the upper part of the jaw emerge.

After them comes the time for the second incisors, only the lateral ones. They can appear either from above or from below, this is individual. It is considered normal for children under one year of age to have a full set of incisors, i.e. Both the upper and lower teeth come out.

The order of eruption of molars in children

Logically for incisors must follow fangs or "eye" teeth. However, the process of teeth eruption in children begins only after the appearance of permanent teeth . In the meantime, so-called “tooth spaces” form in place of the fangs.

So, after all four incisors, molars appear - the first upper molars and the second lower molars. And only after all the molars take their places, the fangs emerge, which, by the way, are the strongest and most durable teeth.

How long does it take for upper and lower baby teeth to erupt?

It is considered normal that by the age of three a child will have a number canines and molars are compared, and their total number reaches 20 pieces. However, let us repeat once again, these are averaged data and in each specific case the process of eruption occurs at its own individual speed.

You shouldn’t even try to speed it up, since the body itself “controls” the situation, which means teeth will appear when needed.

Teething of upper teeth, photo

The central incisors (lower, upper) appear first in the interval from 3-6 months to 10-12 months. Lateral upper and lower incisors - from 7-9 months to 16-13 months.

The first upper molars are cut from 12-13 months to 18-19 months, the second lower and upper molars - from 20-25 months to 31-33 months. And the last lower and upper canines - from 16 months to 22-23 months.

Changing teeth, i.e. The loss of milk and the appearance of permanent ones in their place also occurs purely individually.

However, on average, the first teeth begin to fall out at the age of 6-7 years, and permanent teeth are fully formed by 10-12 years. The incisors are the first to change, and the canines and molars appear last.

How to help your baby teething? And what remedies for teething in babies will help effectively relieve pain and alleviate the child’s condition? We will try to answer these questions further. As mentioned above, it is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of the child’s body to the birth process.

However, even if your baby can withstand all the hardships of this period of time relatively easily, and his health remains good, it is still worth knowing how to help your child if any ailments associated with the eruption of baby teeth occur.

The main goal of parents is to make the process of teething as painless as possible for their child.

This can be achieved with the help of all kinds of medications that have an analgesic effect, and also prevent the development of infections and inflammatory processes.

So, what effective medications for pain relief exist:

  • gels, for example Baby Doctor "First Teeth" , Holisan, and others;
  • drops, for example, this drug is also available in the form of an anesthetic gel;
  • ointment for gums, for example.

In addition to the above remedies in eliminating painful symptoms teething can help homeopathy . True with medicinal herbs and plants, as well as with drugs made from them, you need to be extremely careful. Of course, natural plant components for the child’s body are best alternative synthetic drugs.

But if the child has, homeopathic remedies can significantly worsen the baby’s health. Therefore, before starting to use them, you should definitely seek medical advice from a pediatrician. Let's talk about the most popular and well-proven drugs.

Gels for teething gums

Currently in any pharmacy settlement You will be offered a variety of various means designed to alleviate the child’s condition when teething. Most often, these drugs are produced in the form of ointments, gels or creams. This dosage form is the easiest to use and much more effective. The drugs penetrate deeper into the affected tissue areas faster and, as a result, the effect of their use occurs sooner.

So, which teething gel is best for your baby? One of the first and, to some extent, main symptoms of the appearance of baby teeth is considered to be swelling of the gums in infants. When you look into your child's mouth, you will immediately notice swollen areas. mucous tissues .

It is in these places that teeth will soon appear. You may not even know in advance what your gums look like when teething. Believe me, you will be able to determine this by touch with your eyes closed, because a characteristic bump will appear on the gum, and the child will constantly try to somehow scratch this area.

Photo of gums when the first teeth erupt

The best gel for teething in infants will be one that can effectively cope with unpleasant sensations in the gum area, i.e. reduce their sensitivity with cooling and analgesic properties. How gels, ointments and creams work:

  • completely eliminate or help significantly reduce pain;
  • fight inflammation at the site where teeth appear;
  • reduce or completely eliminate itching;
  • have a healing effect;
  • reduce redness and disinfect the mucous membranes of the gums;
  • strengthen gums.
Drug name Kamistad Baby Baby Doctor "First Teeth" Holisal
Compound lidocaine hydrochloride, infusion of chamomile inflorescences marshmallow root extracts, calendula, chamomile, echinacea, plantain extracts, water, methylparaben and methylcellulose Choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride

The drug belongs to combination drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects.

Gel reduces appearance pain syndrome due to the presence of lidocaine in its chemical composition. Moreover, the analgesic effect of using the drug lasts quite a long time.

Pharmaceutical chamomile fights inflammatory processes and also promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the gums in areas of teething.

Homeopathic medicine.

Dental gel with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Choline salicylate has a local anesthetic effect, and cetalkonium chloride has antiseptic properties.

Indications for use
  • erythema of the lips;
  • cheilitis;
  • injured oral mucosa due to wearing braces or using dentures;
  • teething .
Elimination of pain syndrome, as well as relief of inflammatory processes during teething in children of the first year of life.
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • damage to mucous membranes when using prostheses;
  • eruption of first and permanent teeth in children;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes after surgery;
  • lichen planus of the mucous membrane;
Possible allergic reactions to ointment components in infants
  • allergic reactions;
  • tingling and burning in the area where the drug was applied.
Instructions for use The gel is applied in a layer no more than 5 mm thick to the inflamed areas of the gums three times a day.

The gel is applied locally, i.e. Apply with massaging movements directly to the inflamed areas of the mucous membranes of the gums.

You can smear the medicine on your gums every time there is a need.

The gel is applied to the inflamed areas with light massaging movements about fifteen minutes before meals or after hygiene procedures after meals.

The drug can be used no more than three times a day.

average price 150 rubles per package with a nominal volume of 10 g. 150 rubles per package, volume 15 ml. 220 rubles per tube of 10 g.
Drug name Dentinox Dantinorm Baby Kalgel
Compound chamomile extract, polidocanol, lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate extract of chamomile, rhubarb, Indian ivy cetylpyridinium chloride, lidocaine
Properties Local anesthetic with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A homeopathic medicine in the form of drops that has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Gel intended exclusively for local application, has antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic properties.
Indications for use The gel is used to eliminate pain, as well as inflammation and irritation of the gums during teething. Teething in children from three months. Painful teething in children aged five months and older.
Contraindications for use Presence of damage in the oral cavity, individual intolerance medicines. Individual drug intolerance .
  • bradycardia;
  • liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of intraventricular conduction.
Side effects not found not found
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • allergic reactions.
Instructions for use A small amount of gel is applied to the gums with light massaging movements no more than three times a day. Take drops one container (volume 1 ml) orally in between meals no more than three times a day.

Using gentle massaging movements, a small amount of the drug is applied to the inflamed areas of the gums no more than six times a day.

The gel can only be reapplied after twenty minutes have passed after the previous use.

average price 200 rubles per package with a nominal volume of 10 g. 300 rubles for drops of 10 ml. 230 rubles for 10 g of gel.

Before using any type of gel, ointment or drops, you should always consult your doctor. Besides medicine You can alleviate your baby’s condition during teething by:

  • teethers - this special device can come in different shapes and sizes. Teethers are made from materials such as rubber and plastic, which are safe in their composition. They can be filled with water or special gel so that it can be cooled in a regular household refrigerator. As you know, cold can dull pain for some time. This device can be safely chewed by the baby and thus scratch the gums;
  • gum massage, for which special devices are also used, for example, a finger brush or gauze swabs. A finger brush and gauze swabs are not only excellent massagers, but also hygiene products intended for oral care in children. They carefully cleanse the mucous membranes and teeth of dirt.

Many parents are concerned about whether it is possible to do vaccinations during the period of teething. Before vaccination in accordance with the vaccination calendar, the child undergoes a series of procedures, which include tests (urine, blood) , as well as examination by a pediatrician.

The process of the appearance of the first teeth in itself is not a pathology that prohibits vaccination.

However, as a general rule, in order to avoid unwanted side reactions and complications, vaccinations are given only when the child feels well and his tests are normal.

As we determined earlier, when teething, the baby’s well-being may worsen. Of course, in such a state there can be no talk of any vaccinations. Remember, the recommended vaccination dates are mandatory and not strict. Therefore, you can skip the next vaccination without feeling guilty and wait until your child gets better.

The time when a child is cutting his adult teeth is one of the most serious and difficult periods of his development. To help the baby survive it without problems, parents need to know what symptoms indicate the eruption of molars, and how to help the child in this situation.

Molar milk teeth

  1. Deciduous incisors, like permanent incisors, have a root.
  2. The rudiments of such dental units are formed in the prenatal period.
  3. When a temporary tooth is replaced by an adult one, the old root eventually resolves on its own.
  4. On the first teeth the enamel is softer.
  5. Baby teeth are smooth and have wide roots to provide room for the development of permanent tooth buds.
  6. Temporary teeth are canines and lateral incisors, central and first molars, premolars. The second molars in four-year-old children are already adults.

When the rudiments of an adult tooth appear, the root of its predecessor weakens and the tooth becomes loose. If it is not pulled out, an adult tooth may be visible underneath it. When milk interferes with it, it can grow with deviations from the norm.

The dentition is symmetrical in nature, and teeth erupt in pairs: on both parts of the dentition they appear almost simultaneously.

Video: Eruption of molars in children - important nuances

Timing of adult teeth eruption

The rudiments of the first teeth (on average, about 20 units) in infants are formed during the first two years of life. When the time comes to replace them with permanent teeth, the milk teeth become loose and fall out. There are no specific dates for the eruption of molars; many factors can affect the speed: environmental conditions, climate, water quality and diet. Genetic characteristics also play a certain role, some of which make themselves felt even during the formation of the fetus. The influence can be both positive and negative. If parents have healthy teeth from birth, then you don’t have to worry about the child’s teeth. If the first incisors, canines and premolars grow in 3 years, then the permanent ones take a long time to erupt. The first symptoms of dentition change can be seen at the age of 5, and it continues until the age of 21, when the third molars appear.

Video: Timing of eruption of permanent teeth

Signs of formation of permanent teeth

Most characteristic symptom formation of adult teeth in childhood– growth in jaw size. The gaps between the first teeth are small; if the jaw grows, this means that it creates conditions for new dental units. Adult teeth are larger than temporary teeth, so they require a lot of space. The distance between baby teeth increases. They lose stability and fall out. With any deviations, the teeth will break through with pain, bend, and ruin the bite. In order for a child’s teeth to grow correctly, parents need to control this process.

Permanent teeth can erupt at 6-7 years of age without any symptoms, but most often the child behaves restlessly, is capricious, gets irritated over trifles, and eats poorly. Often the formation of permanent teeth has the same signs as during the eruption of milk teeth. If other diseases occur during teething, they can distort the symptoms.

Increased secretion of saliva is a very common symptom, although it is no longer as abundant as in infancy, but the difference can be noticed. At the age of 6, children can already be taught to wipe their mouth with a napkin, otherwise irritation will appear on the face, since saliva contains many microbes that aggressively affect delicate skin.

During the period of growth of permanent teeth, the gums and mucous membranes become inflamed again. If you notice redness in the mouth, it is better to show the child to a dentist, who can accurately distinguish the beginning of teething from a banal viral infection.

Over time, swelling is observed on the gums - this is an adult tooth making its way to replace the temporary one. The germination process is painful; parents can alleviate the child’s condition with anesthetics.

For changing pain the itch comes. The child pulls any things to his mouth to soothe his gums.

A natural symptom will be deterioration in sleep quality. If he is bothered by toothache, the baby will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up at night, cries, and tosses and turns.

Some children develop a fever, cough, and upset stool.

The listed signs may appear periodically and do not necessarily have to be present in all children.

The order of appearance of adult teeth

Almost all milk teeth that erupted in the first two and a half years, 10 on each half, are replaced by permanent teeth. Compared to their predecessors, adult teeth form in a different order.

Table. The order of formation of permanent teeth

Tooth nameDevelopment timeframePeculiarities
Lower and then upper molarsThis usually occurs in the seventh year of lifeThey make their way behind the second primary molars
Molar lateralThis can take three years – from 6 to 9 years oldThey sprout when the central incisors are already formed
Permanent fangsNormally, this occurs between the ages of 9 and 11 years.Cutting the gum with inside, they seem to displace dairy predecessors
First and second adult premolarsAppears at 10-13 years of ageThey grow in place of central incisors, which become loose and fall out.
Third molars, better known as wisdom teethThey may erupt at 18 years old, or at 25, or not at all.Such cases are not considered a deviation from the norm.

If a baby's individual teeth grow in a different order, this is not dangerous. Individual characteristics, deficiency of vitamins and minerals slow down the speed and sequence of formation of permanent teeth. It is important for parents to know that an adult tooth should not become loose; if there are similar symptoms, this should be a reason to visit the dentist.

Associated symptoms

These symptoms do not appear very often, but they cannot be ignored. If the baby has a fever, an incomprehensible cough, or diarrhea, this can be either a sign of infection or a reaction of a weakened body to pathogenic microflora.

When teeth are forming, the temperature usually lasts for 3-4 days at 38.5°C. This symptom is irregular, so fever in children should be periodic. If it persists for a long time, you need to show the child to the pediatrician. Some doctors believe that cold symptoms have nothing to do with teething and prescribe appropriate treatment for cough and fever.

Adults also don’t understand what cough and runny nose have to do with new teeth. The gums are directly connected to the blood supply to the nose and respiratory tract. As teeth form, blood flow increases in the mouth. The nasal mucosa is close, so its glands also begin to produce more mucus, which children try to get rid of. Remaining mucus settles into the throat, irritating the airways and causing a cough.

Another symptom is loose stools with a frequency of no more than 3 times a day. While scratching his gums, the baby constantly puts dirty fingers and the first objects he comes across into his mouth. In addition to infection, diarrhea is facilitated by increased salivation, which constantly flushes the intestines. If the stool is short-lived and does not contain blood, there is no need to worry about the child’s health. It is necessary to monitor his condition, since with a weakened immune system there is always a risk of developing an infection, which aggravates all the symptoms.

Children's adult dental problems

Permanent teeth that are barely emerging may already have developmental deviations, and parents should be prepared for this.

  1. Lack of permanent teeth. If all the normal deadlines have passed, but they still haven’t appeared, the dentist examines an x-ray, on which you can see the jaw with new teeth. The reasons may be heredity (this is noticeable in the picture) or adentia - the absence of the formation of rudiments in the womb. Sometimes newborn teeth die due to inflammation. In such cases, children are given prosthetics.

  2. Molar tooth pain. The new tooth does not yet have a normal layer of minerals. Due to weak mineralization, it is easy for a child to catch caries, and with deep destruction, pulpitis with periodontitis. Toothache in such cases it will be accompanied by fever and weakness. Postponing a visit to the dentist risks losing an adult tooth. At weak enamel And milk caries sometimes it is recommended to seal fissures - closing cavities on permanent teeth with a composite material.

  3. Uneven growth of permanent teeth. If the growth of an adult tooth outpaces the loss of a temporary one, the bite is disturbed. Orthodontic therapy is required, in which the temporary tooth is removed. There is no need to loosen it or remove it at home.

  4. Loss of adult teeth. It happens both with inflammation of the gums, pulpitis, caries, and with common diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic pathologies of connective tissues). Loss of anterior teeth – serious problem: to maxillofacial apparatus formed normally, the baby needs temporary prosthetics. When the jaw is fully formed, temporary dentures are replaced with permanent ones.

  5. Injury to molars. Most modern children are hyperactive, so there is always a risk of mechanical damage to the teeth, especially since they fully mature only a few years after their appearance. For minor fractures and cracks, the volume is increased with composite material.

Caring for teething teeth

When changing teeth, caring for them must be especially thorough, because a lost tooth tears the tissue, and when infected, it quickly becomes inflamed. To prevent such problems it is necessary:

  • teach children to regularly brush their teeth, use a scraper and floss, and rinse their mouths;

  • to support the enamel, buy your baby a paste with added calcium and fluoride;

  • will help strengthen new teeth and protect them from caries proper nutrition limiting sweets and carbohydrates in favor of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products;

  • consult a doctor on the choice of vitamins (especially vitamin D) and gels to improve the mineralization of new teeth;

  • In case of inflammation, before meeting the dentist, you should actively rinse the child’s mouth with antiseptics and herbal decoctions.

You can buy mouthwashes for children or prepare herbal teas for this purpose.

Bad habits interfere with the normal growth of adult teeth: sucking fingers or tongue, pacifiers and any objects. Despite the lost teeth, do not limit your baby to solid food. A piece of apple or carrot massages and strengthens the gums, freeing teeth from plaque.

When is there a reason to visit the dentist?

The formation of the dentition requires constant monitoring and competent assistance from the parents to the child, so that in case of developmental deviations, pathology is noticed in time.

It is good if, when the first permanent teeth appear, the child visits the pediatric dentist for preventive purposes.

Such an examination will help identify a number of problems:

  • malocclusion;
  • gum disease;
  • inadequate mineralization of enamel;
  • curvature of the dentition;
  • milk caries.

Insufficient attention to teeth in childhood means not only excruciating pain, tears and insomnia for the whole family, but also painful treatment and a lifelong fear of the dentist. Therefore, it is important to constantly maintain contact with your doctor and devote enough time to the health of your children.

Losing the first teeth is a natural process for all children. And you only need to worry when problems arise with the formation of adult teeth. They can be prevented if the eruption of the first tooth is controlled. you will find the answer in the link.

You shouldn’t relax when your child’s front baby teeth erupt. Native followers will appear quite soon. During the period from 1 to 3 years, eight of them erupt in children's gums. Any parent who has already encountered this will say that the most big problem It is the molars and premolars that become.

These eight teeth cause more pain and anxiety than the small incisors. And this clearly affects your child. As a rule, children during this period become restless and irritable. During this time, it is necessary to monitor what babies put in their mouths. Some babies cope with teething more easily, while others cry day and night.

When do children get molars?

Between 12 and 18 months, a child's first two primary molars appear. These teeth are causing the baby severe pain. The third and fourth erupt at the age of 20-30 months. The most painful ones are the sharpened fangs that poke through the gums. Square-shaped teeth erupt between 16 and 20 months.

Teething schedule


Appearance time

Drop time

Central incisors

6-10 months

Lateral incisors

8-12 months


16-20 months

1st indigenous

11-18 months

2nd radical

(Two-year molars)

20-30 months


Appearance time

Drop time

Central incisors

5-8 months

Lateral incisors

7-10 months


16-20 months

1st indigenous

11-18 months

2nd radical

(Two-year molars)

20-30 months

Why do 2 year old molars cause so much pain as they grow?

The eruption of these teeth will be different from previous ones. This process will not cause symptoms of illness (fever, etc.) as it did before. Now the child will become more irritable. The molars erupt very slowly. Your baby will have difficulty sleeping and breastfeeding or bottle feeding will be painful. Therefore, it is better to drink it from a mug in order to maintain daily fluid intake.

How can you relieve this pain?

There's not much you can do about it. But the tips below will help ease this process for both you and your child.

1. Give your baby something cold to bite on.

This does not include children's teething rings with gel. Since the child now has teeth, he/she may bite through them. The best option- These are pre-chilled healthy raw vegetables or fruits. It could be carrots or banana.

You can also use refrigerated bagels, bread and sugar-free crackers. But watch your child so that he doesn’t accidentally choke.

2. Rub your gums with teething gel

You can rub a special gel on your child's gums that causes a slight numbness. But this is a temporary solution and will not work if the baby licks the gel.

3. Consult your doctor

Ask your doctor if your child can take baby paracetamol to relieve pain. This remedy should only be used in emergency situations and should not be overused. Use it if all other options have failed and your baby is still in pain.

Does a baby get sick when the molars erupt?

No. This does not happen in the case of indigenous dairy products. At the age of two, when molars emerge, your baby may be exposed to other infections that are common during this period. So pay attention to what exactly is causing the pain. It could be growing teeth, or it could be something else. At this stage of life, children are exposed to ear infections, cough, cold or urinary tract disease.

If there are symptoms, but sucking or chewing does not cause him any discomfort, then it is better to take him to the doctor.

In what cases is it necessary to visit a doctor?

To understand this, you need to know symptoms that are not characteristic of teething. Symptoms may vary among children. However, below are some signs to look out for.



Medicines don't work

The remedies do not help the baby in any way. These include children's paracetamol and gel, which temporarily numb the gums.


The child has a fever that does not decrease even under the influence of medications. Temperature above 38.3 °C.

Strong pain

Severe pain that is not associated with chewing or sucking.


The baby is sleepy and lethargic. The reason for this may not only be molars.

Loose stool

Watery stools, diarrhea.

Diarrhea with blood

This is a signal to immediately consult a doctor.


The child is vomiting. Is not normal phenomenon during teething.

Symptoms do not go away

Symptoms last more than three days.


  • Two-year-old molars can be difficult to deal with, especially when you've endured the eruption of your predecessors. Now your baby must go through a severe test, which causes him stress.
  • Basically, the hardest period is the first 3-5 days, and then it gets easier. Therefore, be patient and monitor the symptoms.

The eruption of molars in children usually raises many questions among their parents. Indeed, due to their size, they erupt for a long time and painfully. In addition, many are interested in what teeth are currently appearing in their child’s mouth, milk or permanent? This information is really necessary to know, which will help to avoid many problems with the baby’s oral cavity in the future.

Dairy or permanent?

Molars can be either one or the other. The whole point is at what age the process began and which particular pair of molars erupts. The first molars, the central ones, usually emerge before the age of one and a half years and are called the first pair of premolars. Further, their number reaches 4 up to 2.5 years, after which 4 molars erupt. But the 6th, 7th, and 8th molars will remain permanent and will be much stronger than their dairy counterparts.

The replacement of molars usually occurs between 7 and 12 years of age, at which time permanent molars grow. The last pair of molars may not appear until the age of 18-25, or may not erupt at all, and they will have to be helped surgically.

Do not be mistaken that baby teeth do not need to be examined by a doctor. If they become a reservoir for caries, the child will experience pain as severe as from the damage. permanent tooth. The root, nerves, sensitivity of the enamel - all this is present in baby molars.

What determines the timing of teeth appearance?

Each child actually has his own schedule, and every deviation in this plan is considered the norm. It depends on various circumstances.

  • Genetic factor. Usually, if the parents started the process early, the children will follow in their footsteps, and vice versa.
  • The course of pregnancy.
  • Nutrition of mother and baby, including the prenatal period.
  • Climate and ecology of the area.
  • Baby's health in the first months after birth.

In addition, the schedule for the appearance of permanent teeth may be shifted in relation to milk teeth, which depends on the child’s living conditions already in preschool age.

How to understand that premolars and molars are cutting?

The first pair of molars can begin to erupt as early as six months of age, when the child is tiny, still an infant. Naturally, he will not be able to explain his condition.

Is it possible to independently understand what happened to a whining baby, what symptoms can clarify the situation?

  1. It all starts with children's whims, which intensify and turn into frequent crying. Indeed, the teeth are large, they need to cut through both the bone tissue and the gums, which at this time become very swollen and red. Stay in good mood The child will not have the opportunity.
  2. Actually, swollen gums, and just before eruption there are also whitish bulges in which the growing new tooth is hidden.
  3. The child refuses to eat: when teeth come in, every movement of the gums causes pain.
  4. Increased salivation. It flows down at any time of the day in babies and makes older babies constantly swallow. But at night, the pillow will still give away all its secrets - it will be completely wet.
  5. Temperature. When teeth are cut, blood flow in the gums accelerates significantly. The body believes that it is sick and begins to react accordingly. However, doctors of the old school claim that the reason elevated temperature bodies become real diseases that usually accompany difficult period. Immunity is reduced, and this is indeed possible.
  6. Diarrhea. It can result from poor chewing of food, fever and decreased function. gastrointestinal tract due to disruption of the natural functioning of the body.
  7. In older children, when replacing baby teeth with permanent ones, gaps first appear. This means that the jaw is actively growing

How can you help your child?

Of course, when the baby cries, parents are ready for absolutely anything. At all unpleasant symptoms You won’t be able to calm them down, but their sharpness can be smoothed out.

  1. The first thing you need to do is deal with your gums. Teeth cutting? Help them. If you lightly massage the gums, pain and itching can be relieved, and even speed up the process a little. This is easy to do - with a very clean finger (the nail should be neatly trimmed) lightly rub the sore spot.
  2. When teeth are being cut, severe pain can be relieved with medication, but you should not get too carried away with painkillers. Balance is important, you should not use more than 3-4 times a day, and if there is a need for more, it is wise to consult a doctor. Among the ointments used may be “Baby Doctor”, “Kalgel”, “Kamistad”, “Cholisal”, but they can only be used after reading the instructions and checking for allergic reaction your child's.
  3. When teething, the temperature usually does not last longer than 3-5 days, but if the duration is longer, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. Most likely, it's not just about the teeth. Antipyretics usually contain pain relief, so ointments on the gums will most likely not be needed during this period.
  4. Surprisingly, excessive saliva production can create problems. Constantly rolling down the chin, and at night along the neck, it can cause serious irritation. If you don’t wipe it, it will remove the moisture and acid contained in it. If you wipe, avoid contact with cloth or napkins. It is better to use a very soft, dry cloth, gently blot the surface of the baby’s delicate skin, and then lubricate it with rich baby cream. After this, moisture will not reach the pores, and its harmful effects will be significantly reduced.

And do not forget that self-medication is not always effective. Under the auspices of teething, you can miss the body’s reaction to any disease that is indicated by the same symptoms.

First steps in dental care

Grandparents will tell you with a serious look that you shouldn’t brush your teeth until you’re 3 years old, and in general, your baby teeth will soon fall out, even if they’re spoiled. Unfortunately, caries does not fall out along with the baby tooth; it often remains in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is worth following a number of rules.

  1. Up to one and a half years they suggest drinking a couple of sips clean water after meal.
  2. From the age of 2, you can try rinsing your teeth with water. Kids really like this procedure.
  3. Until the age of 2.5 years, the mother brushes the child’s teeth with a silicone brush placed on her finger.
  4. Up to 3 years of age, a child brushes his teeth without toothpaste, only with a brush dipped in clean water.
  5. After 3 years, under adult supervision, you can brush with toothpaste.

In addition, you should not do the following:

  • give sweets to drink at night;
  • allow a lot of sweets in general;
  • allow unbalanced nutrition;
  • taste infants' food and then dip the spoon into the food or otherwise allow it to come into contact with an adult's saliva. This way you can give your children all possible infections, including caries.


  • there is a lot of fiber - it can cleanse the baby’s mouth no worse than pastes;
  • introduce raisins, seaweed, dried apricots, hard cheese and dairy products, green tea of ​​the second brew (to increase the amount of fluoride);
  • starting from 1 year old, regularly take your baby to the dentist; if there are complaints or doubts, more often.

And for those who cannot sleep for several days and suffer while listening to the plaintive squeak of a child, it is worth remembering that troubles have only one positive quality- they end. The main thing is to do everything to make this happen as soon as possible, and doctors - better assistants for you.

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