Home Orthopedics My stomach hurts around my navel, what should I do? Navel pain

My stomach hurts around my navel, what should I do? Navel pain

Painful symptoms in any corner of the body are a sign of one or another deviation in its work, from one-time failures to serious pathologies. Painful symptoms, abdominal pain near the navel, are a fairly common sign that can indicate many diseases, including those that are fatal to humans. Considering the variety of deviations indicated by such ailment, when severe pain appears in the abdomen to the left, to the right of the navel, below or at the top of the navel, it is impossible to establish the exact causes of abdominal pain and make an accurate diagnosis without the help of a qualified specialist. Even one examination of the patient by a doctor is often not enough, and additional diagnostic procedures are required to obtain an accurate result. At the same time, knowledge about various pathological symptoms helps to form a preliminary idea of ​​the severity of the disease.

Aching, nagging pain near the navel, sharp, stabbing pain near the navel, causes

Around the navel there are several organs belonging to different systems, deviations in the functioning of which cause pain. Abdominal pain can be true and radiating, that is, displaced from the source of the disease located in another part of the abdomen.

Every disease has its own specific abdominal pain. Their varieties will be discussed below.

1 Aching pain in the abdomen in the navel area. Occurs with intestinal obstruction, increased gas formation, chronic enteritis, formation of nodes and tumors. It also occurs in diseases of the genitourinary system and in pregnant women as a result of sprained muscles and ligaments of the abdomen.

2 Acute pain in the abdomen near the navel. Signals about ulcerative processes in the intestines or abnormalities in the functioning of the gallbladder, with an umbilical hernia. If the pain that appears here radiates towards the lower back with the urge to urinate, it means the movement of kidney stones.

3 Nagging pain in the abdomen near the navel. Often observed during pregnancy, intestinal obstruction and genitourinary ailments.

4 Stitching or cutting pain in the abdomen near the navel. Indicates acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In women, it signals problems with the reproductive system. Colic of this nature also appears in the case of diseases of the digestive tract.

With an umbilical hernia, it occurs when pressure is applied to the place of pinching, and is accompanied by severe nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. A preliminary external examination shows a protrusion of the navel; upon palpation, a compaction is felt; pressure increases the pain. Cutting colic with nausea also indicates an attack of acute appendicitis. They become more noticeable when you press bottom part abdomen on the right.

5 Severe pain in the abdomen near the navel. May signal volvulus acute appendicitis, umbilical hernia or cancer.

Less often, such severe abdominal pain occurs in children with exacerbation of hereditary abdominal migraine. With this diagnosis, pain accompanies the patient constantly and is repeated in attacks, supplemented by nausea, bloating and constipation. Over time, it intensifies and moves higher, closer to the stomach. Severe pain with loss of appetite, heaviness and belching occurs in a person suffering from gastritis. Acute symptoms occur with similar symptoms. infectious infections, irritable bowel syndrome and impaired blood flow in the mesenteric vessels. With an umbilical hernia, such pain makes itself felt after lifting heavy objects, and in women who have recently had childbirth - in case of stretching of the abdominal wall.

What other causes could there be of abdominal pain near the navel?

- acute obstruction of the small intestine, volvulus, adhesions, advancement gallstones and tumors;

- acute and chronic circulatory dysfunction in mesenteric vessels caused by pressure from tumors or thrombotic blockage;

- long-term inflammatory process in the small intestine (chronic jeunitis) due to metabolic failure, immunodeficiency, unbalanced nutrition, chronic hepatitis;

— enzyme deficiency and subsequent insufficient parietal digestion;

— oncological diseases;

- irritable bowel syndrome.

What diseases can there be if there is severe pain near the navel, how to determine the cause of abdominal pain?

1 If there is severe pain around the navel - with acute appendicitis or umbilical hernia.

2 If there is severe pain below the navel - Crohn's disease, enteritis, mesadenitis, endometriosis, diseases of the genitourinary system or large intestine.

3 Pain above the navel in adults and children - gastropathy, stomach ulcer or duodenum;

4 On the right side of the abdomen there is pain in the navel area - appendicitis, volvulus of the small intestine;

5 Pain appeared on the left side of the abdomen near the navel - accumulation of gases in the large intestine, pathology of the pancreas and spleen.

Periumbilical pain can be visceral, that is, provoked by spasms and sprains, or somatic, caused by irritation of the spinal nerves running through the abdominal cavity.

Distinctive features of pain near the navel of representatives of different ages and genders

Pain localized near the navel is most common among women. This is explained by the fact that representatives of the fairer sex more often suffer from disorders of the urinary and reproductive systems. Unpleasant sensations in most cases occur under the influence of cystitis, endometriosis and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, fibroids and uterine cancer. Pain near the navel in children is the result of the rapid development of organs and other elements of the digestive system or poor nutrition. In children, unlike adults, in such cases the limbs turn pale and become colder than the rest of the body. These symptoms are present with volvulus, which, if delayed with medical attention, can have the most severe consequences, including death.

Colic near the navel in infants occurs as a result of improper digestion and, as a rule, goes away on its own by the age of one and a half years. Similar pains in representatives of the stronger sex occur with megacolon disease and are supplemented by constipation and intoxication due to stagnation of feces. These disorders often lead to deterioration of respiratory function and heart function. Pain near the navel also accompanies diverticulosis, chronic prostatitis and urinary dysfunction. Pregnant women experience painful discomfort in the immediate vicinity of the navel due to weakening of the abdominal muscles and displacement of internal organs or slow intestinal motility.

Diagnostics, what to do if there is severe pain near the navel?

Any pain indicating pathological processes in the body is accompanied by additional symptoms, on the basis of which, before receiving test results, the doctor diagnoses preliminary diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to remember and then describe to doctors in as much detail as possible all the details associated with the deterioration of well-being. The main questions that need to be answered are the duration of the pain near the navel, its presence in only one place or movement/recoil (irradiation), the nature of its occurrence, the change in the localization of discomfort symptoms from the onset of the ailment to the examination. The first thing the doctor does is examine the patient and collect an anamnesis based on questioning the patient regarding the characteristics of pain. After this, the doctor decides on the need and types of other diagnostic measures: blood and stool tests, ultrasound, colon or irrigoscopy.

Which doctor should I contact if I have severe pain in the navel area?

If pain appears near the navel, there is no need to rush to take painkillers, since they can blur the symptomatic picture necessary for making a diagnosis and correctly determining the treatment method. In case of an “acute abdomen”, you should immediately call an ambulance. In other situations, you should immediately contact a therapist or a specialist: a surgeon or gastroenterologist.

Tablets and drugs for abdominal pain, which ones to choose?

To relieve the patient of painful symptoms, the following drugs are prescribed:

1 No-spa for abdominal pain. Used to prevent and eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, tenesmus, spastic constipation, and acute ulcerative formations. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, hypertension, cardiogenic shock, liver or renal failure.

2 Spasmalgon, if abdominal pain appears. Prescribed to suppress weak and medium pain syndrome during stomach or intestinal colic, other ailments accompanied by spastic contractions of smooth muscles.

The drug should not be taken if there is intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity, heart pathologies or blood vessels etc.

3 Papaverine for the treatment of severe abdominal pain. Antispasmodic, necessary to weaken the tone of smooth muscles of any organ of the digestive system. Used for renal colic, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, uterine tone during pregnancy.

4 Phosphalugel and treatment of abdominal pain. It has a oxygen-neutralizing effect, envelops mucous membranes, and acts as a strong sorbent. Necessary for the treatment of gastritis and ulcerative processes in the stomach and duodenum, erosive processes in the digestive tract, duodenitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, heartburn, poisoning, etc.

In addition to hypersensitivity, contraindications to its use are chronic renal failure, hypophosphatemia and Alzheimer's disease.

5 Smecta, when used to treat pain in the area around the navel. A strong adsorbent used for various disorders Gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates pain syndromes in the gastrointestinal tract due to poisoning, heartburn, bloating, acute and chronic diarrhea, and infectious infections.

Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, isomaltase-sucrase deficiency, individual intolerance.

6 Espumisan for the treatment of abdominal pain. Designed to relieve flatulence, dyspepsia, Roemheld syndrome. Widely used in diagnostic procedures when examining the abdominal cavity. It is strongly not recommended to use when high sensitivity to the active substance of the drug.

Traditional methods for treating umbilical abdominal pain at home

Alternative medicine recipes are as effective as some pharmaceutical drugs. Their use in the fight against pain symptoms near the navel, care must be taken so that the body receives benefit from the treatment and not harm. Before using traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor. Among the most common remedies: a decoction of rowan fruits; infusion of herbal collection: horsetail, chamomile, rose petals, wormwood, dill, rose hips, cudweed and calendula; infusion of fresh or dried gooseberries or blueberries; infusion of chamomile, yarrow and flaxseed. The appearance of pain near the navel requires a mandatory change in the patient’s diet and diet. Canned foods, smoked meats and marinades should be excluded from consumption. If after this the spasms do not stop, you need to seek help from a qualified specialist.

Prevention of pain near the navel, what to do to prevent abdominal pain from appearing again?

Preventative measures to prevent pain near the navel include:

— routine examinations of the digestive system at least once a year;

— timely detection and treatment of gastrointestinal tract organs;

— rational composition of nutrition;

- getting rid of bad habits;

- minimizing stress and nervous overload;

- active lifestyle.

Uncomfortable changes near the navel appear as a result of many pathological processes, including life-threatening ones. Vague symptoms, leading to the fact that even the patient is not able to clearly describe the nature and intensity of pain, becomes an obstacle for doctors in determining the diagnosis. The occurrence of any painful sensations near the navel should serve as an unconditional reason for contacting a medical facility. Timely response and attention to your body’s signals is the only correct actions on the part of the patient, who help the doctor indicate the direction of diagnostic measures, the appointment of examination and treatment.

In the lower right part near the navel there are the following internal organs: ureters and appendix, part of the intestine, female organs - fallopian tube, right ovary. The upper right square includes the intestines, pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

Pain in the navel area may be the cause of small intestinal volvulus. This disease is characterized by aching, pain in the abdomen near the navel, accompanied by constipation, flatulence and nausea. Its intensity increases over time, sometimes its localization shifts to the area located above the navel.

Intense pain around the navel, accompanied by nausea, may indicate hereditary abdominal migraine. Basically, this disease makes itself felt in childhood. Features of abdominal migraine:

  • pain around the navel is paroxysmal;
  • occurs against the background of diarrhea, nausea, increased gas formation;
  • accompanied by painful sensations in the head;
  • The duration of the attack is several hours, then the symptoms subside.

Parietal digestion occurs in the peri-umbilical region. During this process, absorption occurs nutrients from food to blood. When the intestines are damaged, their functions are impaired and food is not processed. As a result, a person suffers from loose, watery stools. This syndrome also leads to abdominal pain.

To determine the causes of pain in the peri-umbilical area of ​​the abdomen, you need to undergo a full examination and undergo the appropriate tests. You cannot self-medicate. Even if you eliminate the pain syndrome at home, you can leave the causative agent of discomfort in your body. Only on the basis of an examination will the attending physician be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

A part of the thin tissue is projected onto the periumbilical zone of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.

Namely, the loops of the jejunum. Therefore, pain in the abdomen around the navel, as a rule, indicates a disease of this organ.

The jejunum is the middle section of the small intestine and is located between the duodenum, which is located higher in the epigastrium (below the stomach), and the ileum, which, in accordance with its name, is located in the right ileal region (below the navel on the right).

The intestinal contents, already processed in the upper parts of the digestive tract, mixed with bile and pancreatic secretions, enter the jejunum. Complex processes of parietal digestion take place here, it is from here that the bulk of nutrients enter the blood, and here the reabsorption of digestive juices occurs (normally, the digestive glands secrete up to 10 liters of liquid into the gastrointestinal tract per day).

When the jejunum is damaged, its function is disrupted, and liquid contents pass through this part of the digestive tract at an increased speed. As a result of impaired water absorption, so-called enteral diarrhea develops - liquid, watery or pasty stools that bother the patient three to five times a day.

Thus, abdominal pain around the navel is often accompanied by diarrhea. In such cases, you should pay attention to the nature of the stool (color, smell, presence of foam, pieces of undigested food, etc.).

The jejunum is far enough from the anus that the intestinal contents must still overcome part of the small intestine and all of the large intestine. Therefore, when bleeding from this part of the digestive tract, the stool takes on the appearance of a dark viscous mass (the so-called tarry stool); if such an alarming symptom appears, you should immediately seek medical help.

Since the final digestion of food and absorption of nutrients into the blood occurs in the small intestine, long-term disruption of the jejunum inevitably leads to exhaustion of the patient.

Therefore, even in the absence of any other alarming symptoms, occasional pain in the abdomen around the navel, combined with a tendency to diarrhea, should be considered as an indication to consult a doctor (general practitioner or gastroenterologist).

1. Acute obstruction of the jejunum;

2. Circulatory disorders in the vessels of the mesentery supplying the jejunum;

3. Inflammation of the jejunum (jejunitis);

4. Insufficient production of enzymes necessary for normal digestion in the jejunum;

5. Malignant tumors of the jejunum;

6. Functional disorders of jejunal motility (irritable bowel syndrome).

As you can see, pain in the abdomen around the navel can be caused by a variety of diseases. All of them have their own characteristics, taking into account which the diagnostic search can be significantly limited. Therefore, when this type of pain syndrome occurs, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the nature of the pain syndrome (stabbing, cutting, cramping pain, etc.);
  • what preceded the onset of pain (consumption of certain foods, physical activity, etc.);
  • the nature of the accompanying pathological symptoms (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sharp deterioration in general condition, etc.).

Providing to the attending physician complete information about the disease will help establish a diagnosis in as soon as possible and begin adequate treatment.

Abdominal pain around the navel can occur when the movement of intestinal contents through the jejunum is disrupted. The cause of the pathology may be a mechanical obstacle - blockage of the lumen of the jejunum by a ball

A gallstone, an overgrown malignant tumor (the so-called obstructive

) or compression of the jejunum from the outside (adhesions, volvulus).

In children and young people, acute obstruction of the jejunum can occur as a result of intussusception - pathological penetration of a section of intestine into the adjacent one, along with all the membranes and part of the mesentery, in which the vessels supplying the intestinal wall are located.

Whatever the reasons that caused the disruption of the movement of intestinal contents, the body’s response is to increase the strength and frequency of peristalsis of the overlying section of the jejunum, clinically this is manifested by the occurrence of cramping pain around the navel.

Attacks of such pain usually occur for no apparent reason, often at night, which is associated with the physiological rhythm of the intestines. In cases of intestinal volvulus or intussusception, patients often report increased physical activity on the eve of the attack. In addition, such patients are often found to have predisposing factors to the development of this type of intestinal obstruction ( a sharp decline weight, young age).

Pain around the navel with acute obstruction of the jejunum quickly reaches high intensity, the light intervals between contractions decrease and the pain becomes unbearable.

The pain is accompanied by painful repeated vomiting, which brings some relief to the patient, but does not relieve the pain. First, the vomit contains the food eaten the day before, then intestinal contents with a characteristic odor.

Another characteristic symptom of acute intestinal obstruction is stool and gas retention. This delay may be preceded by a single loose stool associated with the expulsion of contents from areas of the intestine located below the affected area.

Over time, the intensity of vomiting and pain begins to decrease, which is associated with depletion of the nervous tissue of the intestinal wall. In such cases, as the pain subsides, the patient’s condition begins to progressively worsen, and symptoms of incipient shock appear (blood pressure drops to 100 mmHg.

Acute intestinal obstruction is especially severe when the intestinal mesentery is involved in the process (volvulus or intussusception, adhesive disease). Because with this mechanism of development of acute intestinal obstruction, the supply of nutrients to the affected area of ​​the intestine stops and necrosis of the intestinal wall occurs with the development of peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane covering the abdominal organs).

Suspicion of intestinal obstruction is an indication for urgent hospitalization in surgery department hospital. It is for acute small intestinal obstruction that the aphorism “The longer the patient lives before surgery, the less after it” is typical. Of course, the prognosis largely depends on the cause of the violation of the movement of intestinal contents, but the matter of life and death is often decided by the missed hours of delay.

Acute pain in the abdomen around the navel also occurs with acute disturbance of blood circulation in the vessels of the small intestine (acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation). In such cases, foci of necrosis occur in the area of ​​the intestine that feeds the affected vessels (intestinal infarction) and peritonitis develops.

The most common cause of acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation is embolism of the mesenteric vessels - that is, blockage of blood vessels with pieces of blood clots brought from the heart and aorta. Most often, this complication occurs in diseases of cardio-vascular system, accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the chambers of the heart and in the aortic cavity, such as decompensated heart defects, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, aortic atherosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, etc.

Another common cause of acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation is blockage of the lumen of the mesenteric arteries by a thrombus (thrombosis of the mesenteric arteries) or atherosclerotic plaque. Parietal thrombi in the arteries supplying the small intestine most often occur with atherosclerosis, less often with other systemic vascular diseases (thromboangiitis, periarteritis nodosa, etc.).

Less commonly, the cause of the development of acute circulatory disorders in the mesenteric vessels is compression of the arteries from the outside by malignant tumors of the stomach and pancreas.

The clinical picture of acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation depends little on the causative factor and begins with an attack of painful cramping pain in the abdomen around the navel.

Warning signs

If the pain is short-term and associated with a change in diet or menstruation, a person can independently decide whether to go to the hospital. In other cases, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature. This means that an inflammatory process is developing in the abdominal cavity or neighboring organs.
  • Blood in the stool is a sign of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Surgery will most likely be required. In such cases, doctors have little time for a detailed examination.
  • Vomit. It speaks of the onset of intoxication. It is important to identify the source in time to remove it.
  • Diarrhea is one of the types of stool disorders, which often indicates problems in the functioning of the digestive organs. The consistency, color and smell can suggest what is happening in the human intestines. An alarming symptom is bloody diarrhea, as well as diarrhea with impurities of undigested food particles, which is a characteristic sign of acute pancreatitis.
  • Severe pain with bloating may indicate the onset of peritonitis, especially if prior surgery was performed in the abdominal cavity. Increasing symptoms of intoxication require urgent measures and repeated surgery.

Types of diseases that cause pain around the navel

If pain appears around the navel, you should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist. A woman may also need to consult a gynecologist. A general practitioner can refer you to him, just like to a surgeon. It all starts with an external examination of the patient. The doctor clarifies the woman’s complaints and notes specific signs that may indicate certain diseases.

To prescribe treatment and answer the question of why the navel hurts, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and identify the causes. For this purpose, all symptoms are studied, the abdomen is palpated, and laboratory tests are prescribed (blood, urine, stool). Studies are carried out for the presence of hepatitis, ultrasound of internal organs, colonoscopy (examination of the large intestine for neoplasms), and x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract.

Once the diagnosis is made, specific therapy is prescribed to eliminate the disease. As general therapy, diet, drinking plenty of fluids, vitamins, and treatment with traditional medicine are prescribed.

Some diseases require surgical intervention (inflammation of the cecum, peritonitis, strangulated hernia, etc.) If discomfort occurs in the navel area, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist.

When a person is admitted to the hospital, his appearance can determine how critical his condition is. Paleness and pointed facial features indicate severe intoxication.

The doctor conducts an examination and draws conclusions by palpating the painful area. The story of the patient and emergency doctors is of great importance. After conducting manual tests, it is more likely to assume the presence of a disease.

X-rays, MRIs and ultrasounds are used for confirmation. In severe cases, there is no time for a full examination. The doctor can perform a laparoscopic examination of the internal organs and begin preparing for surgery. Under normal conditions this takes about 3 hours. In the terminal stage of peritonitis, they are limited to dialysis, saline, and detoxification drugs so that the patient’s body survives the operation.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the intestine

To start medical diagnostics the patient must understand exactly in which area from the navel his pain is localized. In addition to palpation and visual examination of the abdominal cavity, the patient is prescribed some tests and studies.

An X-ray of the intestines and an ultrasound are performed if the inflammation is in a hard-to-reach place.

The pain is accompanied by increased heart rate, an increase in blood pressure by 30-40 mmHg, the appearance of cold sticky sweat, and a feeling of horror.

Other particularly characteristic signs of acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation are vomiting and loose stools. These symptoms appear immediately after the development of pain and are the intestinal reaction to ischemia.

At the very beginning, one or two times of vomiting of gastric contents and diarrhea are characteristic. 6-12 hours after the onset of the disease, when the abdominal pain subsides due to the death of the nerve receptors of the intestine (stage of intestinal infarction), blood appears in the vomit and feces, or a discharge like raspberry jelly from the anus.

Subsequently, the classic picture of peritonitis develops: abdominal pain becomes diffuse, stool and gas retention occurs, and the patient’s condition progressively worsens.

Patients diagnosed with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system should remember that the appearance of painful, cramping abdominal pain in combination with vomiting and diarrhea is an indication for emergency hospitalization in the surgical department of a hospital.

The prognosis for acute disturbance of mesentral circulation depends both on the cause that caused the pathology and on the speed of providing highly qualified medical care.

The most characteristic symptom of abdominal toad is specific pain attacks that have the following features:

  • pain is localized around the navel, often spreading to the epigastrium (under the stomach) and to the right iliac fossa (downwards and to the right of the navel);
  • an attack of pain occurs 20-40 minutes after eating;
  • the pain syndrome is of a pronounced cramping nature;
  • the pain subsides after taking nitroglycerin.

Chronic disturbance of mesenteric circulation is prone to a slowly progressive course due to the development of the underlying disease (atherosclerosis, nonspecific aortoarteritis).

Over time, patients lose a lot of weight, both due to starvation (patients are forced to limit themselves in food, since eating causes pain), and due to developing degenerative changes in the intestines, which impede the absorption of nutrients.

With a long course of the disease, intestinal dysfunction develops, manifested by rumbling in the stomach after eating, flatulence, and constipation. Over time, constipation may give way to diarrhea with the occurrence of chronic diarrhea.

If you suspect a chronic disorder of mesenteric circulation, you should routinely contact your attending physician; you may need to consult a gastroenterologist and cardiac surgeon.

called chronic jeunitis. If the inflammatory process covers the entire small intestine, they speak of chronic

In such cases, pain around the navel is combined with pain in the epigastrium and in the right iliac region.

Pain around the navel with jejunitis can be of a different nature. The greatest concern is

Caused by spasms of the intestinal muscles. Such pains are of high intensity and cramping in nature.

Abdominal pain associated with flatulence is caused by stretching of the inflamed mucous membrane by gases accumulating in the intestinal lumen. Such pain is constant and subsides after the passage of gas or after defecation.

A chronic inflammatory process in the jejunum leads to the development of mesadenitis (reactive inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes). Mesadenitis manifests itself as pain along the mesentery of the small intestine (to the right and below the navel - navel area - left hypochondrium).

If the intestinal nervous system is involved in the inflammatory process and ganglionitis develops (inflammation of the nodes of the vegetative nervous system), then the pain acquires a specific burning character.

Abdominal pain associated with mesadenitis and inflammation of the nerve ganglia is permanent, does not subside after defecation and the passage of gas, and is not relieved by taking antispasmodics (No-spa, etc.).

Pain around the navel with jejunitis is usually combined with diarrhea. In severe cases, the frequency of stools can reach 20 times a day. This nature of diarrhea is associated with a multiplicity of mechanisms that cause loose stools:

  • increased secretion of intestinal glands;
  • inflammatory reactions that contribute to an increase in oncotic pressure in the intestinal lumen (substances that “attract” fluid to themselves enter the cavity of the jejunum);
  • accelerated small intestinal motility;
  • insufficient reabsorption of bile acids, which have a laxative effect.

Sometimes diarrhea occurs immediately after eating and is accompanied by general weakness, hand tremors, and a drop in blood pressure.

and increased heart rate.

Fecal masses, as a rule, do not contain blood or mucus. However, their number is increased, the stool is light yellow in color, liquid or mushy, and pieces of undigested food are noticeable in it.

Dysbacteriosis can make its own changes in the nature of feces. When fermentation processes predominate, the feces are foamy, and when putrefactive, they are foul-smelling.

Colonoscopy is a procedure for diagnosing pathology of the large and small intestine

Diagnosis and treatment

  • a general blood test designed to detect antibodies to bacteria, for example, Helicobacter pylori;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal organs, as well as the patient’s kidneys;
  • passage if necessary x-ray examination digestive tract organs;
  • colonoscopy;
  • biochemical blood test and hepatitis infection;
  • laboratory analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and only after that a therapeutic course is developed, taking into account the patient’s condition and the individual characteristics of his body.

When treating, you should not count on a quick result, since it depends not only on the type of disease, but also on whether the patient follows all the recommendations of the attending physician. When treated with some medications the patient may experience additional symptoms - this is the body’s reaction to the medications. In this case, the doctor should slightly adjust the course of therapy by replacing the drugs.

It is worth noting that there are diseases, the occurrence of which the patient needs urgent surgical intervention. Such diseases include strangulated hernia, peritonitis, acute appendicitis and others. The development of such pathologies can be guessed by acute pain in the abdominal area, which, as a rule, does not subside.

Many people, trying to somehow alleviate the symptoms, take painkillers before the doctor arrives. This is strictly not recommended, since substances contained in medications can affect the results laboratory tests. In such cases, you can use ice - it will relieve the symptoms a little.

Therapy is individual for each specific diagnosis and depends on the stage of the disease. Often you can manage with conservative methods, but for life-threatening pathologies, surgery is necessary.

Another characteristic symptom of chronic jeunitis is intolerance to sweet milk. Pain around the navel in combination with flatulence and diarrhea appears or intensifies after eating foods containing milk sugar - lactase.

Since chronic jejunitis disrupts the absorption of nutrients into the blood, signs of an imbalance in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals develop. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency increase. These disorders are called general enteric syndrome, characterized by such symptoms as:

  • general weakness, headache, dizziness, irritability, deterioration in memory and attention function;
  • progressive loss of body weight, disappearance of subcutaneous fat, muscle atrophy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin, gray color of the skin, cracks on the lips, dark spots on the face and neck, brittle nails, hair loss;
  • chronic iron deficiency anemia;
  • signs of polyhypovitaminosis ( bleeding gums, nosebleeds, “night blindness”, “jams” in the corners of the mouth, a feeling of goosebumps crawling on the skin, etc.)

Of course, all the symptoms described above develop gradually. However, as shows clinical experience, cases of advanced chronic enteritis are not uncommon today. Therefore, if you experience periodic pain in the abdomen around the navel, combined with loose stools and flatulence, you should not self-medicate and wait for the development of the whole complex of signs of metabolic disorders. The only guarantee of recovery

– this is a timely visit to the attending physician (generalist or gastroenterologist).

Clinically, enzyme-deficiency enteropathies are manifested by intolerance to certain foods. With absence adequate treatment, which consists primarily of following a diet, enzyme-deficiency enteropathies in children lead to retardation in physical and mental development, and in adults – to the occurrence of general enteric syndrome.

The most common is celiac enteropathy, which develops as a result of congenital or acquired deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down gluten.

As a rule, the first clinical symptoms of the disease appear in infancy after the inclusion of porridges made from grain products containing gluten (semolina, oatmeal, egg porridge, etc.) in the menu. Physiological features of the development of the digestive tract and immune system contribute to the fact that the symptoms of the disease intensify in early childhood and practically disappear in youth, only to reappear in mature age(30-40 years old).

It should be noted that in many patients the disease occurs in mild form, so its signs at an early age may go virtually unnoticed.

The diagnosis of celiac enteropathy is established by the clinical picture of the disease (intolerance to products containing wheat, rye, barley, oats) and is confirmed by an immunological study (determination of antibodies to gluten in the blood).

Disaccharidase deficiency enteropathy is somewhat less common. There are primary (congenital) and secondary (acquired) forms of the disease. Congenital disaccharidase deficiency enteropathy manifests itself in the first months of life, and acquired, as a rule, much later.

The clinical picture of congenital and acquired disaccharide-deficiency enteropathy is approximately the same: soon after ingesting disaccharide-containing products (milk, sugar), abdominal pain occurs around the navel, flatulence with the release of large amounts of odorless gases and watery diarrhea.

The stool is light yellow, foamy, and contains pieces of undigested food. The diagnosis is confirmed by special laboratory tests.

Rumbling in the stomach, unmotivated diarrhea.

Suspicion of a malignant process should arise in cases where tarry stools appear from time to time and progressive anemia develops.

Jejunal cancer is a fairly rare disease, affecting mostly men 30-40 years old. Treatment is exclusively surgical. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease, so if suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition, endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, pathological menopause) contribute to the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Women get sick 2-4 times more often than men.

Unlike other pathologies, abdominal pain around the navel with irritable bowel syndrome can be combined with both diarrhea and constipation.

Quite often, so-called “sheep feces” are observed, and constipation is often replaced by diarrhea. In this case, there is no blood or pus in the stool, but a large amount of mucus may be released.

A characteristic feature of irritable bowel syndrome is a peculiar daily rhythm in the appearance of signs of the disease. The maximum severity of symptoms is observed in the first half of the day.

Sometimes immediately after breakfast there is a paroxysmal pain in the abdomen around the navel and diarrhea, which brings relief. During the day, patients are bothered by flatulence, belching of air, heartburn and pain of varying intensity around the navel, which subsides after the passage of gas and defecation.

Since irritable bowel syndrome affects all parts of the small intestine, pain can also be felt in the left and right hypochondrium, and in the right iliac region. By evening, the severity of all signs of the disease gradually decreases, so that patients can rest peacefully at night.

If you suspect irritable bowel syndrome, you should contact your primary care physician. As a rule, further consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and neurologist will be necessary.

Treatment for pain in the navel begins only after the diagnosis has been made and confirmed. In case of infection of internal organs, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. After the course you need to take a break, then re-analyze pathogenic microflora. This applies to female and male cases of sexually transmitted infections, especially if the woman plans to have children in the future. Chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases can be transmitted in utero, so the child has a high chance of being born sick.

Viral diseases are more difficult to treat. Maintenance therapy is usually prescribed. Sometimes antibiotics are needed, as viruses trigger the process of bacterial reproduction, which increases the release of toxins several times. From the viral infection itself antibacterial drugs don't help. Traditional medicine restores the body well.

In case of internal injuries or ruptures, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatic necrosis, blockage of the bile ducts, peritonitis, the patient is prepared for surgery as soon as possible, then operated on. He spends several days in the intensive care unit. Rehabilitation takes about 3 months with constant monitoring by a doctor.

For all gastrointestinal problems, a diet is indicated, which depends on the person’s condition. IN postoperative period nutrition can be administered parenterally to allow the internal sutures to heal, then gradually switch to the usual method.

  • the period of postoperative rehabilitation if a woman has undergone surgery on the abdominal organs or in the retroperitoneal space;
  • falling from high altitude, impacts on hard objects, others mechanical injuries surface of the abdomen;
  • stretching of the muscle fibers located in the navel area (pain caused for this reason can occur after performing physical exercises or lifting weights);
  • displacement of internal organs;
  • adhesions that developed as a complication of a previous surgical operation;
  • inflammation of the transverse colon;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pathologies of tissues of internal organs that provoke spasm in the navel area.

The causes of pain around the navel in women should be determined through a diagnostic examination. Elimination of the pathological factor that provokes the pain syndrome ensures a rapid recovery without the risk of relapse of the disease.

  • Stage 1 – aching pain appears, which bothers the woman periodically throughout the day; at night, the spasm is completely absent;
  • Stage 2 - the pain syndrome is longer lasting, alternating with acute contractions that force you to take painkillers or take horizontal position;
  • Stage 3 – the pain is acute, stops only for a short period of time, insomnia and decline occur physical strength, loss of appetite, nausea;
  • Stage 4 - the woman feels acute spasms that are protracted, lead to loss of consciousness, or limit independent movement, and their removal is possible only by using injectable analgesics or antispasmodics.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • ECG of the heart muscle to exclude the presence accompanying pathologies cardiovascular system, coronary disease, which leads to impaired blood circulation in tissues;
  • blood from a finger for its clinical examination, as well as from a vein for analysis of the level of sex hormones;
  • gastroscopy of the stomach, the principle of which is that a probe with a video camera is inserted through the esophagus into the stomach cavity, which transmits a digital image to a computer monitor, displaying the real state of the tissues of the organ and its mucous membrane;
  • intestinal endoscopy, which is carried out by inserting an endoscope through the anus (this diagnostic method allows you to determine the condition of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • X-ray examination of the intestines, as well as other internal organs that have a hollow structure (stomach, bladder, kidneys);
  • examination by a gynecologist, taking a smear from the walls of the vaginal mucosa to determine the microflora of the female reproductive system;
  • coprogram of feces to exclude dysbacteriosis in a woman, as well as infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Abdominal pain around the belly button due to irritable bowel syndrome

  • aortic aneurysm;
  • poor circulation in the abdominal area;
  • autonomic nervous system disorder;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tumor development in the small intestine;
  • adhesive disease.

Conventionally dividing the navel into two parts will allow you to notice that the nature of the diseases may differ. But regardless of the cause of development, the disease must be treated promptly. Therefore, at the first signs you should immediately consult a doctor.

Impaired intestinal permeability is a very dangerous condition that requires special attention. Moreover, in the absence of proper treatment, even a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

The lumen of the small intestine may narrow as a result of the following factors:

  • mechanical - the presence of gallstones, malignant and benign tumors, helminthic infestations;
  • compressive - the formation of so-called intestinal adhesions or even intestinal volvulus.

In this case, the pain will have a cramping character in the navel area, which tends to gradually increase and also gradually disappear. Along with pain, severe nausea and bouts of vomiting appear, after which the condition does not improve. There is also a problem with bowel movements. But soon the symptoms disappear, but the patient’s well-being deteriorates even more.

The following symptoms may occur;

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of severe fatigue;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

In such cases, urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention are necessary.

Cramping pain may subside when changing body position.

Unlike many other pathologies, pain cannot be eliminated either with the help of antispasmodics or with the help of serious painkillers.

Cold and clammy sweat begins to appear. And in the absence of any treatment, the death of nerve endings in the area of ​​the small intestine is observed within 24 hours.

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Typically, chronic intestinal ischemia occurs due to cerebral atherosclerosis or aortoarteritis.

The pain is also cramping in nature, but spreads not only to the navel area, but also to the epigastric region, most often occurring 30-40 minutes after eating. In this case, to make the patient feel better, it will be enough to take a Nitroglycerin tablet once.

After this, you should consult a doctor, since in the absence of proper therapy, the disease can quickly progress, provoking the development of the following signs of impaired blood circulation:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • appearance constant bloating belly and excessive gas formation, a feeling of fullness appears, which is accompanied by stool disorders.

The pathology is easily treated with a number of pharmacological drugs. But this is the case initial stage. Therefore, even a slight pain syndrome is a reason to visit a doctor.

If the pain is constant, then this indicates a chronic form of the disease, which occurs with certain complications.

Among the main signs that may indicate the presence of malignant processes are the following symptoms:

  • rapid and constant fatigue;
  • disturbances in peristalsis and digestion;
  • sudden appearance of high body temperature.

Its main features:

  • severe cramping pain in the navel area;
  • constant nausea and belching;
  • heartburn, frequent rumbling in the stomach;
  • regular bowel movements, especially diarrhea.

The appearance of tarry stool is another characteristic symptom of cancer. This usually indicates the rapid development of iron deficiency anemia.

There is only one treatment method - surgery to remove malignant tumors; if necessary, it may even be necessary to remove part of the organ. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy will also be required in the future.

With IBS, there is impaired intestinal motility, digestive disorders, pain in the navel, which is similar in nature to contractions. Most often, the pathology occurs specifically in the fairer sex, the cause of which is neurological disorders and poor nutrition.

Can I have periods during pregnancy?

Along with discomfort and pain in the navel, a woman may experience constant constipation, diarrhea, and the appearance of fecal matter with a large amount of mucus.

Gradually, pain from the navel area begins to radiate to the right side and to the epigastric region. Typically, symptoms occur in the morning.

In addition to all the above reasons, pain in the navel area can also appear for other, more banal reasons. Even simply overeating or eating heavy foods can cause discomfort and pain.

  1. Obstruction or narrowing of the small intestine.
  2. Failure of blood circulation in the mesenteric vessels that supply it to the small intestine.
  3. Jejunitis is an inflammatory process in the intestines.
  4. Enzyme deficiency, which leads to failure of parietal digestion.
  5. Oncology of the small intestine.
  6. Irritable bowel syndrome is a syndrome that pathologically changes bowel motility.
  7. Enteritis.

Pain may also be concentrated in the lower abdomen. If abdominal pain occurs below the navel, the following pathological conditions should be excluded:

  • Hernia, as well as its strangulation;
  • If an attack is observed in a man, it may be an inflammatory process of the genital organs, the formation of a neoplasm;
  • Salpingitis is inflammation of the pelvic organs, intestinal obstruction lower section. Accompanied by elevated temperature. The nature of the pain is constant, episodic and acute;
  • Diseases related to the genitourinary system. In women, PMS and menstruation can manifest themselves in this way. Drawing pain indicates contraction of the uterus;
  • Violation of the integrity of the intestinal diverticulum. The pain is not concentrated in one point, it spreads throughout the lower part of the abdominal cavity.

Enzyme deficiency

Enzyme-deficiency enteropathies cause pain in the navel area in women and men. And this kind of pathology usually occurs due to a lack of digestive enzymes. Such diseases differ in congenital or acquired origin, and often provoke defective parietal digestion.

Signs appear as intolerance to certain foods.

The main danger is the lack of timely diagnosis, especially in childhood, which provokes mental and mental retardation. physical development.

Enteropathies are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • diarrhea, in which there is the release of feces with particles of undigested food;
  • frequent nausea, which leads to bouts of vomiting, after which the patient’s condition does not improve much.

You can eliminate cutting and any other pain in the navel area only by getting rid of the main cause.

In the case of enteropathies, an integrated approach to treatment is required, in which you should avoid products that provoke the development of pathological processes. Along with this, enzyme preparations are prescribed.

When to see a doctor

If you feel acute pain, continuous spasms in the navel area, a visit to the doctor should not be delayed for longer than 2 hours. This is due to the fact that a painful symptom may indicate severe inflammation or a necrotic process in the tissues of the uterus, intestines, appendages, which requires emergency surgery.

In cases of acute pain syndrome, severe condition of the patient, or severe accompanying symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

General practitioner Koikov A.I.

Possible diseases

Usually all our troubles are associated with diseases of the small intestine. It is he who makes himself felt with acute painful outbreaks. Sometimes the disease becomes chronic and then the pain will be aching, but regular. They will intensify during and after meals.

A woman experiencing attacks of spasms in the navel area should undergo a comprehensive examination and receive qualified treatment if the cause of the pain is associated with a disease of the internal organs.

Otherwise, the following complications cannot be ruled out:

The main danger of pain in this part of the body is associated with a large number of diseases that can cause manifestations. this symptom. That is why an examination of the abdominal organs should be performed as soon as possible.

People perceive pain as a signal from the body indicating various diseases. For doctors, this is a symptom that provides guidance in a variety of pathologies. If the patient is bothered by abdominal pain (including around the navel), even an experienced diagnostician will not immediately say what the reason is, since many internal organs are concentrated in the abdominal cavity. To determine which of them there are problems with, you need to interview the patient in detail, conduct laboratory and sometimes hardware diagnostics. Nevertheless, there is a list of the main provocateurs of pain in the umbilical area. Owning full spectrum information, you can independently figure out how to deal with pain, when you can cope on your own, and in which cases you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

What is pain

Pain is the result of multiple and complex biochemical processes in the body, which almost always indicates tissue damage due to injury or internal inflammation. Such signals are provided by nerve receptors, which are found in almost all tissues and organs. As a result of the production of neurotransmitters, they become irritated and send impulses to the nervous system, which the brain recognizes as a sensation of pain.

Discomfort in the abdominal cavity is most often associated with disturbances in the functioning of smooth muscles, which make up most of the abdominal organs concentrated in the abdomen. Pain may occur due to organic changes (inflammatory processes, tumor formation, damage to organ structure) or functional disorders(impaired peristalsis, enzyme production, etc.).

In the first case, there is always a threat of complications (damage to the walls of the abdominal organs, the formation of abscesses). Pain resulting from dysfunction is less severe and often short-lived. However, they can occur against the background of organic changes or without them, which is impossible to determine without special diagnostic methods. This is why periumbilical pain cannot be ignored.

Types of pain

Doctors distinguish more than 10 types of pain, and any of them can be localized in the abdomen. Experts classify discomfort by nature, intensity, and duration. The patient’s task is to pay attention to these characteristics and try to describe his own sensations as accurately as possible. So, pain in the navel area can be:

  • acute - a person experiences strong unpleasant sensations that interfere with his mobility and force him to take a forced posture;
  • dull - unpleasant sensations are mild, do not significantly interfere with the patient’s movements, but create psycho-emotional discomfort;
  • prolonged - the pain bothers the patient for 10 minutes or more;
  • short-term - the unpleasant sensations are fleeting or go away on their own within 10 minutes;
  • aching - the discomfort is mild, but quite intense to impair performance;
  • sharp - unpleasant sensations arise suddenly and increase over a short period of time;
  • cramping - short-term intense discomfort bothers the patient at certain time intervals;
  • twisting - aching sensations increase over some time, turning into intense discomfort that immobilizes a person (often leading to the urge to go to the toilet);
  • cutting - such discomfort often occurs suddenly or follows a prolonged aching pain, the sensations are equivalent to damage to the painful area with a cutting object;
  • piercing - unpleasant sensations resemble piercing the problem area with a sharp object, causing significant suffering to a person, periodically depriving him of the ability to move;
  • dagger - very strong unpleasant sensations, comparable to damage to the body by a dagger, accompanied by a burning sensation, often characterized as unbearable, forcing the patient to rush around in search of a position that brings relief, moan or scream.

You can roughly determine the severity of the situation by the nature of the pain. Daggering, stabbing, cutting pain requires urgent medical attention. Since a person is unlikely to be able to get to a medical facility on his own, you should help him call an ambulance or take him to the hospital in any other way.

Causes of discomfort near the navel

Often pain signals problems with the organ that is projected to the most painful area. However, in the case of the peri-umbilical zone, the situation changes. Due to the large number of nerve endings and the peculiarities of the position of internal organs, any of them can signal here. This makes it difficult to diagnose based on symptoms. In addition, the entire gastrointestinal tract is located in the abdominal cavity, the entire tract is connected. Problems with one organ lead to functional disturbances in the functioning of another, which is why clearly localized pain can move to the navel (and vice versa).

Non-dangerous causes of pain

The human gastrointestinal tract is naturally sensitive. Pain can occur with changes in the nature and diet, climate change, against the background of nervous experiences, and physical activity. Dull, aching, short-term pain does not always indicate a disease and can be a consequence of:

  • - increased gas formation accompanies the consumption of indigestible foods (fatty meat, mushrooms), saturated with dietary fiber (legumes, radishes, celery, cabbage), simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, confectionery), yeast and their metabolic products (baked goods, kvass, beer) . The symptom occurs when overeating, consuming foods unusual for a person, the dysfunction goes away within a day, but may be accompanied by spasms and cramping pain in the umbilical area.
  • Pregnancy - expectant mothers are often worried nagging pain in the navel area in the later stages of pregnancy. The symptom is provoked by increased stretching of the skin under the influence of an enlarging fetus. The pain can become aching, but disappears after proper rest. To prevent it, you should wear a bandage from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • Physical exercises - often the causes of pain are sports activities (ab exercises, stretching) loads that involve lifting weights and provoke strong abdominal tension; such discomfort goes away in 2-3 days.
  • Mechanical irritation - the habit of tightening your belt or wearing pants that are tight at the waist can cause circulatory problems and the appearance of spasms. The discomfort should also disappear when the pressure is relieved.
  • Nervous tension- stress, nervous experiences (even positive character), shocks, stress during work or travel can provoke an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system, which manifests itself in digestive disorders and can cause peri-umbilical discomfort.

We can talk about non-dangerous causes of pain if the discomfort does not significantly disrupt the life of an adult, does not bother him for long and does not recur for a long time. Prolonged and regular pain should always alert the patient.

Pathological causes of periumbilical pain

You may suspect some kind of disease of the internal organs if pain in the abdomen near the navel lasts for a long time, regularly bothers you after eating or active movements, intensifies, is accompanied by diarrhea or an increase in body temperature. Which organ is to blame can be determined by the accompanying symptoms. Below are the most common diseases that manifest as periumbilical pain.


This is a stomach disease of inflammatory nature. It is provoked by infections, stress, disordered eating and disorders of the immune system. Often, an adult is bothered by hunger pain in the upper abdomen, in the epigastric region. However, when acidity shifts, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and the duodenum in particular can be disrupted. In this case, pain occurs in the center of the abdomen, often near the navel, flatulence, and a feeling of heaviness after eating.


Intestinal ischemia

Like all organs, the intestines need a constant blood supply for complete trophism of its walls and normal gas exchange. If the patency of the vessels supplying the intestines is impaired, hypoxia of the walls of the organ and even their necrosis are possible. Similar phenomena are more often observed in old people, but are also possible at a young age (for example, against the background of atherosclerosis and other pathologies). Tissue ischemia is manifested by aching pain. Necrosis provokes dagger pains and leads to intestinal obstruction.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

This is the name for pathological expansion of the lumen of the main vessel of the abdominal cavity. It is often not accompanied by any symptoms until complications develop. However, some patients complain of pressing and pulsating discomfort in the navel area and even independently feel a fixed lump in their abdomen.

What to pay attention to

Having noticed recurring pain in the abdomen near the navel, a person should characterize the unpleasant sensations as accurately as possible and collect as much detailed information about them as possible. All complaints should be reported to a doctor or ambulance officer.

Nature of pain

The characteristics of pain should be recorded in memory or written down on paper immediately after its onset. Not only the type of initial discomfort is important, but also the dynamics of its changes. It is important for the doctor to know whether the nature of the pain has changed from the time of its onset to the visit to the medical facility, whether its intensity has increased or decreased, and whether the location has changed.

Connection with food intake

It should be noted exactly when the discomfort occurred near the navel: on an empty stomach, during or after a meal, or several hours after a meal. It is advisable to remember what exactly the person ate before the pain appeared. Could provocateurs of digestive disorders be present on the menu (fatty foods, legumes, sweets, fried foods rich in spices or salt). The consumption of perishable or exotic foods and delicacies deserves attention. It is possible that the pain is associated with a lack of digestive enzymes or an intestinal infection. If possible, you should record the exact time of the onset of discomfort in the abdomen.

Accompanying symptoms

Pain can distract the patient from other sensations and phenomena (especially if it is intense), however, all symptoms that arise in parallel with the discomfort should be noticed and described to the doctor. If you have abdominal pain, you should watch:

  • for appetite;
  • sensations after eating (usual satiety, satiety with small portions of food, feeling of heaviness, mild nausea, severe nausea);
  • bowel function (is the stomach rumbling, are there signs of flatulence, how often and intensely does the gases pass);
  • frequency, character, color and shape of stool (the presence of impurities in stool should also be reported to the doctor);
  • general well-being (is there weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue without significant exertion, pain in other parts of the body);
  • appearance of the patient (pallor, sweating, nervousness, anxiety, redness of the skin or yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes).

If there is pain near the navel, the patient should measure the temperature and record the readings on paper. Body temperature must be measured again if other symptoms occur or the location or nature of the pain changes.

Is it possible to get rid of stomach pain at home?

If discomfort in the navel area occurs for the first time and does not bother the patient much, there is no need to rush to the hospital. Moreover, if the person himself suspects that this is a consequence of overeating or eating certain foods. A leisurely walk in the fresh air followed by rest, drinking pure drinking water without gas and unloading the digestive organs by refusing food for several hours.

To help your intestines, you can drink unsweetened herbal tea with the addition of mint or lemon balm, brew chamomile or a gastrointestinal tea, which are freely available in pharmacies.

Can I take pills?

Many people prefer to treat themselves with tablets, because symptomatic remedies for abdominal pain, along with herbs, are available without a prescription. You can relieve pain in the navel using the following medications:

  • No-Shpa - 1-2 tablets per dose up to 3 times a day;
  • Buscopan - 1-2 tablets per dose 3 times a day;
  • Mebeverine or Duspatalin - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Meteospasmil - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

All of the drugs listed above belong to the group of antispasmodics. They eliminate the most common cause of abdominal pain - smooth muscle spasm. Such drugs act simultaneously on the stomach, intestines, gallbladder muscles and bile ducts. They refer to safe means, however, they can be used as self-medication for abdominal pain for no longer than 2-3 days. If after this time the problem is not solved, you need to consult a doctor.

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations with adsorbents. They help eliminate excess gases in the intestines, acid in the stomach, and eliminate harmful toxins if the pain is caused by bacteria. At home you can take:

  • activated carbon - 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight 3 times a day;
  • Sorbex - 1-2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • Enterosgel - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • Atoxil - 1 packet, dissolved in a glass of water, up to 3 times a day.

To eliminate excess gas formation, take simethicone preparations (Espuzin, Espumisan) 2 capsules 3 times a day. For children, such products are used in the form of drops.

If abdominal pain is caused by disturbances in intestinal motility, drugs from the group of prokinetics Motorix, Motilium, Domrid or Ganaton will help, take 1 tablet half an hour after a meal.

Antispasmodics, adsorbents and prokinetics are not advisable to take for symptoms of “acute abdomen” - sharp and intense pain, accompanied by stool disorders and vomiting. In this case, medications can “blur” the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, even in a medical facility.

When to call an ambulance

You should urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance in case of unbearable, cutting and stabbing pains near the navel, accompanied by severe vomiting, diarrhea with mucus or blood, increased body temperature, asymmetry of the abdomen, protrusion of its individual zones. Self-medication, taking medications and physical activity in such a situation are unacceptable. If your baby's stomach hurts, it is also better to consult a pediatrician. If the pain is intense, you should immediately call a doctor at home.

First aid for pain near the navel

In case of acute abdominal pain, the patient should be placed on his back, and any items of clothing or accessories that could compress the abdominal cavity should be removed. The patient needs to place a pillow under his head. It is advisable to raise your legs, bending them at the knee and hip joints. The position should be such that the abdominal muscles are as relaxed as possible. If necessary, provide fresh air into the room or cover the patient with a blanket.

It is acceptable to give the patient 1-2 tablets of No-Shpa for very severe pain. If the patient has taken any medications, their names and doses should be reported to the ambulance staff. It is strictly forbidden to place a cold or warm heating pad on your stomach, take a bath or shower, do enemas or use candles.


Pain in the abdomen, in the navel or any other area may indicate temporary disturbances in the functioning of the body or be a signal of serious pathologies (including cancer). If discomfort recurs day after day, intensifies, or bothers the patient for a long time, you should consult a doctor. A comprehensive examination will help determine the cause of the pain. Only in this case can you choose the right therapy and save the person from unpleasant sensations forever.

The pain may be caused by an umbilical hernia. The pathology is more common in children, but overweight people with special features are also predisposed to it. connective tissue etc. All about umbilical hernia and what it looks like and what to do with it.

Sudden or frequent pain in the navel area signals the most various diseases. The pain can be aching or cramping, but, unfortunately, we do not always rush to see a doctor for help. The traditional Russian expression “it will go away on its own” remains very popular today. But in vain, because pain does not just arise, it has certain reasons.

Almost every person has encountered such a nuisance as pain in the navel area. They can be explained simply (wearing tight clothes or overeating), or they can become a serious problem requiring hospital treatment or surgical intervention. The pain prevents you from moving, makes it impossible to work normally, causing general discomfort. But we continue to stubbornly refuse medical care until the pain becomes unbearable.

The nature of the pain can be different: aching and mild or sharp and unbearable. If the pain appears unexpectedly and is severe, then the cause is most likely related to diseases of the abdominal cavity. In medical terminology, this is a condition of “acute abdomen.” Diseases of this nature require surgical intervention.

The cause of aching or cramping pain is usually associated with. For example, poor digestion of food causes the formation of gases and bloating, and, as a result, tolerable pain that turns into contractions. There is part of the small and large intestine near the area around the navel, so this is where the pain occurs.

Important! You should listen carefully to yourself and find out how it hurts and where it hurts. You must show the doctor sore spot, explain its nature, strength and the reason why it is strengthened. This is the only way a doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

How to behave if your stomach suddenly hurts

What to do if the pain takes you by surprise? For severe colic, call an ambulance. Do not get rid of unpleasant sensations with painkillers or antispasmodics. Sooner or later it will be necessary to look for the cause of the disease. By periodically relieving attacks with painkillers, you deprive the doctor of the opportunity to make a preliminary diagnosis. But he is obliged to send you for examination.

For pain in the navel area, it is strictly prohibited

  • warm up the sore spot,
  • give enemas or take laxatives,
  • move or engage in vigorous activity.

Relatives and friends should help the patient take a horizontal position. Place it comfortably on your back to reduce or dull the discomfort. Place a high pillow under your head. Monitor his condition and exclude meals and liquids. It is possible to cure a patient at home if the causes of pain are known (for example, overeating or minor poisoning).

Possible diseases

The abdomen contains many important ones: the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, and uterus in women. Therefore, diseases associated with this area can be very different. Let's talk about the diseases that occur most often.

Usually all our troubles are related to. It is he who makes himself felt with acute painful outbreaks. Sometimes the disease becomes chronic and then the pain will be aching, but regular. They will intensify during and after meals.

Important! Often, peri-umbilical pain occurs in the form of colic or spasms, the manifestation of which is associated with poor nutrition, digestive problems, and dysbacteriosis. With improper eating behavior, such examples are quite common.

Chronic enteritis

Inflammation of the appendix of the cecum can be accompanied by strong heartbeat, dry mouth, and increased temperature. Timely diagnosis and surgery will save the patient's life. Therefore, it is important to immediately seek help from a clinic.

Important! Often, pain in the navel area, regardless of the disease, is accompanied by similar symptoms: nausea, vomiting and bloating. Therefore, it is difficult to make a diagnosis without examination, and even impossible on your own. You need qualified help from a specialist. Do not wait until the disease becomes chronic.


The hernia is accompanied not only by cutting pain, but also by protrusion in the umbilical area. The presence of a dense lump is felt, the shape of which is round or oblong. The occurrence of a hernia is a serious problem that cannot be dealt with on your own. This is the prolapse of the small intestine from the cavity it should occupy.

The symptoms that accompany a hernia are traditional and similar to other diseases. The patient feels nauseous and vomits, has problems with bowel movements, and is bloated due to the formation of gases. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, necrosis of a section of the intestine may occur.

Abdominal migraine

It is observed in children and adolescents and is localized in the abdominal area. Its alternation with headache is a common condition. The disease is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. There may be numbness in the arms and legs, paleness of the skin surface, and sweating.

Painful spasms last for several hours, but can haunt the child for several days. It's exhausting and irritating. The disease manifests itself in the form of periodic attacks. The disease does not always require drug treatment.

Circulatory disorders

If blood circulation is impaired, painful sensations are observed in the abdominal area. When intestinal vessels are blocked by blood clots or their position is compressed, cramping attacks occur. They extend partially into kneeling and elbowing positions. The pain is almost impossible to relieve even with potent drugs. There is tachycardia, high blood pressure, the person becomes covered in sticky sweat and experiences a feeling of horror.

Gradually, the pain disappears as the nerve receptors die, and with vomiting and diarrhea, bloody discharge appears. Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) develops and at this stage surgical intervention is required.

Important! Pain may occur above the navel, where the stomach is located, which indicates the possible development of gastritis or ulcers. If the painful localization is below the navel, then most often it is associated with female gynecological diseases. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and abdominal aortic aneurysm (enlargement of a section of the artery) are also possible.

Enzyme deficiency

The pathology is associated with a lack of production of a number of enzymes that are involved in the digestion process. The disease can be congenital or acquired. With this syndrome, normal digestion of food in the intestines is impossible, which is the cause of pain.

The disease is accompanied by all the symptoms characteristic of gastrointestinal diseases. You should pay attention to foamy stools with particles of undigested food. As secondary symptoms observed

  • weight loss,
  • anemia,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • fermentation.

The therapy uses diet and enzyme treatment.


Even with normal pregnancy in women, peri-umbilical pain is quite possible. Usually they do not pose any danger, but may be associated with the following reasons:

  1. The skin in the abdominal area becomes tight, causing discomfort.
  2. A weak abdominal wall may cause pain due to the weight of the fetus.
  3. Enlargement of the uterus, which causes pain throughout the entire abdominal cavity.

But during pregnancy, pain of a different nature associated with pathology is also possible. For example, there is a high probability of developing an umbilical hernia. Inflammation of the appendages is also possible when acute attacks, fever and nausea. A spasm may occur in the navel area. And in the last stages, unpleasant sensations may be a consequence of infection entering the body. Therefore, it is very important to tell the gynecologist about any “problems” that arise in the body.

Pain in a child

Pain that occurs in a child should be considered especially carefully. After all, many diseases can be treated at an early age. Most of them, such as hernia, volvulus, appendicitis, are possible in children and adults. Pain in adolescence may be associated with uneven development of organs.

Many childhood diseases are associated to a large extent with psychological factor, rather than with the physical. For example, abdominal migraine or school phobia, when a child’s stomach begins to hurt from fear when going to the board. You should not ignore any problems of a child or teenager, because only a loved one can help him.

You need to monitor your well-being. No one calls for running to the hospital for any reason or without it. But if the pain does not go away and occurs periodically, then it is worth visiting a doctor. After all, your well-being, health and life depend only on you. And there is a lot of truth in the saying “help yourself.”

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Abdominal pain in the navel area signals a problem in the human body. The causes of the pathological process can be judged by the intensity and irradiation of discomfort. Gastroenterologists warn that you should not neglect a visit to the doctor even with mild pain. It often indicates the development of diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney problems, incubation period of dangerous intestinal infections. A timely visit to a hospital will allow you to begin treatment immediately and avoid serious complications. In some cases, this helps save a person's life.

The most likely causes of pain

The most likely cause of pain near the navel is a developing process in the small intestine. A decrease in the functional activity of its middle part provokes a violation of the absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances, which negatively affects human health. The cause of discomfort can be diseases of the organs located in the immediate vicinity of the navel:

  • ureters;
  • kidneys;
  • stomach;
  • small intestine.

Considering that all internal organs are characterized by numerous diseases, it is not possible to independently determine the pathology. But an experienced diagnostician, based on such a rather specific symptom, will suggest the most probable reasons pain syndrome. These include:

  • acute forms of narrowing of the lumen of the middle section of the small intestine;
  • circulatory disorders in the mesenteric vessels that supply blood to the jejunum, acute and chronic forms;
  • inflammatory processes in the middle section of the small intestine;
  • congenital or acquired umbilical hernia, characterized by pain as a result of stress or strangulation;
  • enzyme deficiency, causing digestive disorders in the small intestine;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the intestines;
  • enterocolitis, usually accompanied by painful spasms;
  • viral or bacterial intestinal infections;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which causes pathological changes motor activity intestines of functional etiology.

Each of the above diseases has its own characteristic clinical picture, which includes pain in the navel area. When contacting a doctor, you must tell about everything that happened in the Lately changes in the functioning of the body. This will speed up the diagnosis and allow you to quickly draw up a therapeutic regimen.

Characteristics of painful sensations

As a rule, at the initial stage of diagnosis, the gastroenterologist asks the patient to describe the pain that bothers him. The localization of discomfort is of great importance, but their nature is also very informative. And in combination with other symptoms, it helps the doctor prescribe certain laboratory and instrumental tests. What are the characteristic features of pain:

  • aching. They resemble pain that occurs with strong pressure and are signs of enteritis of bacterial or viral etiology;
  • cutting. Acute pain that intensifies even with light pressure - dangerous symptom inflammation of the cecum, or appendicitis;
  • pulling. Cramping pain is characteristic of intestinal volvulus;
  • strong. If, when pressing on the navel area, a compaction is felt, then this may be a formed umbilical hernia;
  • extensive. With pain spreading from the navel throughout the abdomen and accompanied by hyperthermia, suspicion falls on the formation of diverticula (bag-like protrusions) in the intestines.

During the examination, the gastroenterologist asks the patient about the frequency of discomfort. Their severity and dependence on food intake also matters.

Advice: “If pain occurs frequently, do not delay a visit to a gastroenterologist, since malabsorption and deficiency of useful compounds lead to a decrease in the functional activity of all human vital systems.”

Diseases of the small intestine

Intestinal obstruction is a dangerous condition that, in the absence of medical intervention, often becomes the cause fatal outcome. The lumen of the small intestine may narrow as a result of the following factors:

  • mechanical - gallstones, malignant and benign tumors, helminthic infestations;
  • compressive - formation of adhesions, intestinal volvulus.

The symptoms are dominated by cramping abdominal pain in the navel area, the intensity of which gradually increases and then gradually decreases. People suffer from bouts of vomiting with little relief and from the inability to have a bowel movement. After a short period of time negative symptoms disappear, and the person’s well-being sharply deteriorates:

  • blood pressure drops;
  • severe fatigue develops;
  • heart rhythm is upset.

The patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgery. Surgical intervention is often required when mesenteric vessels are blocked by blood clots from the systemic circulation or when they are compressed by neoplasms of various origins.

The narrowing of the arteries in the intestines is accompanied by excruciating and cramping pain in the navel, which decreases with changes in body position. A pain syndrome develops of such intensity that it cannot be stopped even with narcotic injections. A person develops sticky and cold sweat, attacks of vomiting and diarrhea. During the day, the death of the nerve receptors of the small intestine occurs.

Circulatory disorders in the intestines

Chronic intestinal ischemia results from nonspecific aortoarteritis or cerebral atherosclerosis. The pain syndrome is characterized by the spread of cramping discomfort from the navel to the epigastric region approximately half an hour after eating. To alleviate the patient's condition, a single dose of nitroglycerin is recommended. In the absence of drug therapy, the pathology rapidly progresses, and the following symptoms of circulatory disorders develop:

  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • excessive gas formation - bloating, a feeling of fullness, constipation, followed by frequent diarrhea.

The disease responds well to treatment with pharmacological drugs at the initial stage of its course. Therefore, even with mild pain in the navel area, you must immediately make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

Enzyme deficiency

Painful sensations occur in the umbilical region due to enzyme-deficiency enteropathies. These diseases develop as a result of insufficient production of digestive enzymes. The pathology is of congenital or acquired origin and causes defective parietal digestion. Symptoms of enzyme-deficiency enteropathies manifest themselves in intolerance to a certain food product.

The danger of these diseases lies in the lack of timely diagnosis in children who begin to lag behind in mental and physical development. The following symptoms are characteristic of enteropathies:

  • increased gas formation;
  • diarrhea, in which feces containing parts of undigested food are excreted;
  • nausea leading to bouts of vomiting.

Cutting pain in the navel area can only be eliminated along with its cause. Patients are recommended for complex treatment of enteropathy - exclusion from the diet of foods that provoke the development of pathologies, and taking enzymatic preparations.

Oncological diseases

If once pain arises it already becomes a habitual companion of a person, then this signals a severe chronic pathological process. The appearance of rapid fatigue, digestive and peristalsis disorders, sudden rises in temperature are signs malignant tumors various localizations. Oncological disease middle section of the small intestine is a rarely diagnosed pathology. Its main symptoms are:

  • severe cramping pain in the umbilical region;
  • nausea and belching;
  • heartburn, rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea.

Characteristic signs of formed cancerous tumors include the release of tarry feces and rapidly developing iron deficiency anemia. Treatment of the disease consists of immediate surgery followed by chemotherapy.

Irritable bowel syndrome

With the development of this functional disease, gastrointestinal motility is impaired, digestion is upset, and pain occurs near the navel, reminiscent of contractions. The disease is more common in females and occurs as a result neurological disorders and poor nutrition. Periumbilical discomfort is accompanied by chronic constipation or diarrhea with the release of mucous fecal matter. Pathology manifests itself cyclically:

  • in the first half of the day a person suffers from paroxysmal cutting pains;
  • in the afternoon there is heartburn, belching, seething and rumbling in the stomach.

From the navel area, painful sensations flow to the right side and epigastric area. As a rule, after dinner, pathological symptoms do not bother a person, and in the morning everything starts all over again. The disease significantly reduces a person’s quality of life, and therefore requires treatment with strict adherence to all medical recommendations.

Other bowel diseases

Rarely occurring pain in the navel area, the causes of which are banal overeating or eating heavy food, signals pathological processes occurring in the body. The human intestine performs many functions - absorbs nutrients and biologically active substances, digests foods, and forms a microbiological barrier. It is not surprising that under certain loads this most important organ of the digestive system fails.

The disease is characterized by multiple causes of development, leading to the formation of necrotic and ulcerative lesions on the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The main symptoms of the pathology include:

  • the appearance of abdominal pain;
  • detection of blood impurities in loose stools.

If the underlying disease (intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction) occurs with complications, then the severity of pain increases and hyperthermia appears. In the chronic course of the pathological process, body temperature does not rise above subfebrile values. The patient suffers from false urge to defecate and bloating. When examining a patient, differential diagnosis must be carried out using endoscopic and radiological methods.

Crohn's disease

This is the second name for granulomatous enteritis, which can affect various parts of the intestine, especially often the ileum. The pathology is expressed in the inflammatory process that occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to impaired response of the immune system to concomitant intestinal infections. Developed intoxication provokes the appearance of the following symptoms in a person:

  • hyperthermia;
  • bouts of vomiting, lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • seething and rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain in the navel area.

TO dangerous complications Crohn's diseases include intestinal perforation, toxic megacolon, fistulas in the bladder. The pathology is difficult to treat and requires constant use of pharmacological drugs.


Pain around the navel can occur after viral or bacterial infectious agents enter the human body. This causes the development of an inflammatory process in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Pathology manifests itself under the negative influence of such microorganisms:

  • tuberculous mycobacteria;
  • shigella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • salmonella;
  • staphylococci;
  • enteroviruses;
  • adenoviruses.

The disease is characterized by severe paroxysmal pain near the navel, accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are used to relieve inflammation and destroy infectious pathogens. wide range actions.

Recommendation: “Pain in the navel area is especially dangerous in young children. Their immunity has not yet been fully formed, and the permeability of blood vessels is quite high. All this contributes to the rapid progression of pathologies. If a child complains of pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.”

Abdominal pain below the navel

The reasons why the stomach hurts below the navel are quite numerous. Soreness under the belly button is a fairly common symptom that indicates existing health problems. The cause of abdominal pain below the navel in most cases is inflammation of the small intestine.

Poor functioning of the jejunum is accompanied by a state of malabsorption and this has a very negative impact on overall well-being. That is why prolonged pain below the umbilical area and around is a symptom that requires urgent medical advice.

The most common causes of this pathological condition are the following diseases:

  • lack of jejunal patency;
  • circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels;
  • jeunitis - an inflammatory process in the jejunum;
  • umbilical hernia – pain develops as a result of its strangulation;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Diseases with pain syndrome

Each pathology, in addition to pain in the umbilical area, is characterized by certain symptoms.

Jejunal obstruction

Lack of jejunal patency is one of the most severe conditions. If medical care is not provided, it can cause death. A blockage of the intestinal lumen can be caused by a stone, a tumor, a lump of worms, or squeezing it from the outside, for example, by adhesions.

In a child, pathology can be provoked by intussusception - penetration of an intestinal loop into the neighboring intestine. A symptom of the pathology is increasing cramping pain in the middle of the abdomen. Uncontrollable vomiting, which also includes intestinal contents, brings relief only for a short period of time. There is also stool retention and passing of gas.

Then the pain goes away, but the patient’s general well-being rapidly deteriorates. There is a drop in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances - tachycardia develops. Lack of medical care leads to death.

Exacerbation of chronic jeunitis

Chronic jejunitis is a long-term inflammation of the jejunum. The pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • development of spastic pains affecting the middle of the abdomen (caused by spasms of the intestinal wall);
  • flatulence;
  • inflammatory process in the lymph nodes of the mesentery - pain in this case is determined below/to the right of the navel and in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

The disease is characterized by severe diarrhea that occurs after eating. If the condition worsens, the risk of developing gangliolitis is high. With such an outcome, the nature of the pain changes: it transforms from spastic to burning.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in the middle. The pathology refers to functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is quite common, being diagnosed in men and women. Moreover, among female representatives it occurs 2 times more often.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include:

  • impaired intestinal motility - diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • cramping pain above/below the navel.

Pathological symptoms particularly bother the patient in the first half of the day. Cutting pains, localized just below the navel, form immediately after breakfast and end with diarrhea. The person feels relieved. During the day, heartburn and belching appear. The pain persists, but in the evening and throughout the night all the heavy sensations recede.

Violation of the blood vessels of the mesentery

The cause of the condition is blockage of the mesenteric vessels by blood clots. Most often it forms in people with diagnosed heart and vascular diseases. The pathology is characterized by severe cramping pain localized in the navel area. Some reduction in pain occurs when a person takes a knee-elbow position.

The pain is practically uncontrollable even with the administration of morphine derivatives. During an attack, the patient experiences cold, sticky sweat, increased blood pressure and severe tachycardia. Later, vomiting and diarrhea join the symptoms.

After six to twelve hours, the pain subsides, which is explained by the death of the nerve receptors of the intestine. Blood appears in vomit and feces. If left untreated, the patient develops peritonitis, and in the worst case, death.

Enzyme deficiency

Enzyme deficiency (enzyme deficiency enteropathy) develops as a result of insufficient production of certain types of enzymes. The condition can be either congenital or acquired, leading to disruption of the processes of parietal digestion.

Clinically, the pathology is accompanied by intolerance to certain types of foods. The most common diagnosis is gluten intolerance. Signs of the condition include: pain near the navel, gas formation, diarrhea with light-colored feces containing pieces of undigested food.

To prevent the development of pathological symptoms, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet all foods to which a person is intolerant. The patient is required to take enzyme preparations.

Abdominal pain below the navel in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, localized below the umbilical zone, indicates the presence of certain problems. It is not always possible to establish the exact cause, since due to the vagueness of the symptoms, the woman is unable to identify the location of the pain with maximum accuracy.

Among the main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Strangulation of the umbilical hernia. The pathology is accompanied by sharp cramping pain. Upon external examination, an oblong seal is detected.
  • Intestinal obstruction. In this case, cutting pain occurs in the abdomen, provoked by muscle spasms.
  • Diverticulosis sigmoid colon. The disease is diagnosed by the characteristic protrusion of the navel. Diverticula can form in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The formations are always accompanied by pain, which is often felt on the left. In addition to these signs, the patient's body temperature may increase significantly.
  • Appendicitis. When sudden pain appears below the navel - when it is the lower abdomen that hurts - shifting to right side, one may suspect the development of appendicitis. Typically, as the condition worsens, the pain intensifies. When you press on the area where the appendix is ​​located, severe pain is felt. An increase in body temperature may occur.
  • Cancerous tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The pathology is accompanied by a characteristic pain syndrome: the pain occurs in short-term contractions.

Other gastrointestinal pathologies can also cause pain in the abdomen below the navel. These are: gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice, Crohn's disease, volvulus, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Abdominal pain in the navel area may be a sign of the development of enzyme deficiency. Incompletely digested food causes fermentation processes, which leads to severe irritation of the small intestinal mucosa. An additional sign of pathology may be the development of flatulence after eating a large amount of sweets or legumes.

A sharp pain in the center of the abdomen in the navel area is most often intestinal colic. Its development can be caused by eating foods high in fiber, as well as strong coffee and chocolate. In some cases, it is accompanied by general weakness and chills.

Soreness near the umbilical space on the left is a sign of helminthic infestation. Sometimes the condition is accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • deterioration in general health.

Causes of abdominal pain below the navel in men

Any cramping pain that develops in the lower abdomen in men almost always indicates a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common causes are: Crohn's disease, the presence of adhesions, ulcerative colitis, tumors of malignant origin. It is worth noting that all of the listed gastrointestinal pathologies can be diagnosed in women.

Crohn's disease

The disease occurs in a chronic format. Any part of the gastrointestinal tract can be involved in the pathological process, but most often the large intestine and the final section of the small intestine are affected. The exact reasons why Crohn's disease develops. It is generally accepted that viruses and bacteria become provoking factors. Transmission of the disease gene by inheritance cannot be ruled out.

Crohn's disease can be diagnosed in patients of all ages: teenage girls, girls and boys, and adults. But the pathology is especially common in men aged 40 years. Symptoms of Crohn's disease include: sharp pain in the abdomen below the navel, weight loss due to diarrhea, and fever.

Treatment of pathology comes down to the elimination and alleviation of pathological symptoms. The patient is prescribed corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Without treatment, a man may experience:

  • internal bleeding;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall.

In this case, the patient is prescribed urgent surgery.

Adhesive disease

Abdominal pain below the navel in men can develop due to adhesions formed in the abdominal cavity. The functioning of the intestines is disrupted, which can result in unpleasant sensations, even painful ones. It is customary to distinguish two types of adhesive pathology: with severe pain in the lower abdomen, with the periodic development of intestinal obstruction.

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of adhesions:

  • soreness below the navel;
  • problems with passing gases;
  • bloating;
  • nausea, periodically ending with vomiting.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

If a man has pain in the lower abdomen, the cause may be ulcerative colitis. The disease is diagnosed in men 2 times more often than in women.

Typical signs of development ulcerative colitis become:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • anal bleeding;
  • dull pain felt below the umbilical area;
  • discharge of pus from the anus during bowel movements.

Possible causes of pain in a child

Abdominal pain near the navel or below is not uncommon for a child. There are quite a few causes of the pathological condition, ranging from ordinary constipation to severe gastrointestinal lesions.

Possible causes of abdominal pain below the umbilical zone in a child may be:

  • Foodborne toxic infections or poisoning. The disease begins with the development of soreness around the umbilical region. Then the pain spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen. Additional symptoms also develop - nausea, ending with vomiting, diarrhea, increase in general body temperature (sometimes to significant levels).
  • Intestinal infection. The development of pathology is caused by dirty hands, insufficiently washed vegetables and fruits, consumption of unboiled and untreated water, as well as by airborne droplets. At the very beginning, an intestinal infection resembles in its course food poisoning– the child complains of pain in the umbilical area. But unlike poisoning, it rises very heat body, there is indomitable vomiting and severe diarrhea. Abdominal pain occurs constantly, which practically does not subside. Pathological symptoms can be stored for up to 10 days.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of the cecum in childhood begins with vomiting and difficulty defecating. A little later, the child begins to complain of abdominal pain appearing below the navel.
  • Worm infestation. With the development of pain in the navel area, the presence of helminthic infection. The child may be infected with roundworms, lamblia, etc.
  • Gastritis. The cause of pain may be exacerbation of gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa has an acute onset, but is not accompanied by severe pain. Accompanying signs of gastritis include pain in the stomach, nausea, belching and heartburn.
  • Cholecystitis. Acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can also cause abdominal pain. Symptoms of the disease include increased gas production, bloating, increased body temperature and a darker color of urine.
  • Incarcerated umbilical hernia and intestinal colic. In both cases, the child experiences severe pain.

What can you do if you develop abdominal pain below the navel? As a rule, doctors recommend calling the duty team. Taking any pain-relieving medications is prohibited, as this may blur the current symptoms and complicate the diagnosis.

Abdominal pain in the navel area

Diagnosing abdominal pain is always difficult for a doctor. The fact is that the abdominal cavity contains a fairly large number of organs and all of them can cause pain of varying nature and intensity.

The organs of the abdominal cavity include: liver with gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, various parts of the intestines. It is quite difficult to identify an unhealthy structure in this mass, therefore, if you have pain in the navel area, without experienced doctor not enough.

Why does my stomach hurt in the navel area?

There are many causes of pain in the central abdomen. Among them:

  • stenosis of the small intestine in acute form (if located in its middle part - just in the navel area);
  • enteritis and enterocolitis of various origins (with acute spasms);
  • impaired blood supply to the intestines as a result of pathology of the mesenteric vessels;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • umbilical hernias;
  • malignant neoplasms in the small intestine, adjacent organs and structures (ureters, kidneys, stomach, omentum);
  • viral and bacterial infections.

On a note! If a woman has a slight abdominal pain in the navel area during pregnancy, this is most likely a natural reaction to the expansion of the uterus. It puts pressure on adjacent organs with its walls, which causes mild pain.

Stomach pain in the navel area and nausea

If nausea is added to the painful sensations, this indicates the manifestation of very specific diseases.

Acute infectious enteritis is initially devoid of specific symptoms: general weakness appears, body temperature rises, headache is possible. Characteristic symptoms in the form of acute spasms in the navel, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear later, when the disease enters the main phase of its development. Additional symptoms depend on the type of infectious agent:

  • salmonella (foamy stool with green mucous clots, low blood pressure, tachycardia, elevated temperature);
  • rotavirus infection, or intestinal flu (repeated vomiting, watery unformed feces sour odor, fever);
  • Giardia (flatulence, stool without mucus);

Attention! Lack of timely treatment coupled with weak immunity can provoke serious complications: typhoid and septic forms of salmonellosis with damage to internal organs, anemia and weight loss with giardiasis, severe dehydration with rotavirus.

Crohn's disease - autoimmune disease of unclear etiology, which focally affects various parts of the intestine. However, if the disease decides to stop in the middle section of the small intestine, painful symptoms will be observed precisely in the navel area. In addition to pain in the umbilical area, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, fever, fatigue and weight loss are observed.

On a note! The main manifestation of Crohn's disease is a specific focal lesion of the intestinal walls, so colonoscopy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

A strangulated umbilical hernia cuts off the blood supply to the organs caught in the pinched area and gradually leads to tissue necrosis. Severe pain, nausea and defecation disorders are the main symptoms of the disease. A hernia is easily identified by the presence of a bulging formation in the central part of the abdomen.

On a note! An umbilical hernia develops as a result of a sharp physical activity amid weakening muscle corset abdominal wall. It is the prolapse of abdominal organs through the umbilical ring. An unstrangulated hernia does not cause problems and can remain untreated for quite a long time. However, there is always a risk of pinching.

Acute appendicitis on early stage in some cases it causes pain in the umbilical area, which makes it much more difficult to diagnose, since other signs (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and high fever) are completely non-specific.

Important! The intensity of pain can reach such limits that it cannot be controlled even with the help of narcotic drugs.

Acute intestinal ischemia develops with thromboembolism (blockage by a blood clot) of large mesenteric vessels. A prolonged lack of blood supply leads to degeneration and tissue death, which results in sharp pain with severe attacks of nausea, continuous vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea mixed with blood in the stool. Pain concentrated slightly above the navel is the very first symptom dangerous pathology. It appears suddenly and requires an immediate response.

Oncological diseases of the intestine at an early stage manifest themselves with minor pain. Over time they become regular and spasmodic. Nausea and heartburn appear; the stool becomes liquefied and tar-colored (due to blood). The disease may be accompanied by anemia.

Nausea combined with abdominal pain is not a harmless symptom. The only possibility of a successful outcome is a timely visit to a doctor. Otherwise, the problem can lead to serious complications, even death.

Stomach hurts after eating in the navel area

If food intake becomes the main catalyst for pain, the range of possible problems is also significantly reduced. These diseases do not pose an immediate risk to the patient's life, but require serious treatment.

Chronic ischemia in the intestinal area develops when smaller feeding vessels are blocked by cholesterol plaques. Unlike acute ischemia, it is not characterized by sharp moderate pain in the visceral region, which appears mainly after eating or during physical activity.

Enzyme enteropathies develop with a lack of any digestive enzyme and lead to failure of parietal digestion. The body begins to reject certain foods, so eating can provoke another attack with sharp pain, flatulence and very liquefied, foamy stools.

Irritable bowel syndrome after each meal provokes painful cramps, accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea. Is functional impairment and directly depends on the level of nervous load.

Stomach hurts when pressing in the navel area

Umbilical pain is not always obvious. Sometimes it manifests itself only during palpation. This is typical for:

  • chronic intestinal diseases,
  • the initial stage of the inflammatory process (appendicitis, enteritis),
  • increased gas formation;
  • abdominal migraine (typical mainly for adolescents and associated with emotional overload);
  • early stage of the oncological process;
  • umbilical hernia (not pinched);
  • pregnancy period.

Methods for diagnosing the cause of pain

When figuring out why the stomach hurts in the navel area, doctors pay great attention to the patient’s sensations. Despite the severity of the situation, it is very important to obtain detailed information about the characteristics of pain symptoms:

  • time of onset of the pain syndrome, features of its development (suddenly or progressively);
  • nature of the pain (sharp, nagging, spasmodic);
  • how long does an individual spasm last and with what frequency;
  • what actions are associated with the phenomenon (load, food intake, nervous stress);
  • in what direction is it localized (degree of displacement from the navel, presence of radiating pain);
  • reaction to painkillers.

So, if your stomach hurts directly in the navel area and below, Crohn's disease, enteritis, colitis, and diseases of the genitourinary system are suspected; above the navel – diseases of the epigastrium and the stomach itself are added. If the pain moves to the right - appendicitis.

On a note! There is a possibility of so-called somatic pain, when the peritoneal organs are not damaged, and sensitivity is associated with irritation of the spinal nerves.

After collecting anamnesis, additional studies are carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods:

  • blood and stool test (general, biochemical);
  • genetic research;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • irrigography (intestinal x-ray with contrast);
  • colonoscopy.

What to do if your belly button hurts

The best decision is to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance (in case of intense pain). It is recommended to take painkillers only for unbearable pain, as they smooth out the symptoms and make it difficult to diagnose the problem.

Which specialist should I contact?

You will need a good diagnostician who can quickly make a diagnosis and determine the cause of the pathology. The best option is to consult a therapist. He will do an examination and analyze the results, on the basis of which he will prescribe treatment or additional examination or refer you to a gastroenterologist, oncologist or surgeon.

Remember: self-medication is unacceptable for abdominal pain.

Pain in the abdomen, in the navel area: causes in women and men

Most people who experience abdominal pain in the belly button area do not realize how dangerous it can be to their health. Some people blame themselves for overeating, others blame it on a busy day, stress or colds. What complicates the situation is that cramps and pain can cover the entire area of ​​the abdomen and create false urges to pain.

Many of us have experienced such pain at least once in our lives and know how unbearable it is - it occurs with any movement, so all we can do is lie down and not move. And if a person who, for example, has a severe toothache, is able to get to the dentist on his own, a person with abdominal pain in the navel area is forced to suffer while lying on the bed, being literally “twisted” by it.

In this case, the only thing left is to call a doctor. And this will most likely be followed by hospitalization.

Causes of pain in the navel area

In women and men, pain in the navel area can be sudden and burning or chronic, sometimes reminiscent of colic. Before you start worrying, you need to analyze when discomfort appears.

After all, the cause of pain in the navel area can be very prosaic - too tight clothes put pressure on the stomach, which causes pain. A belt with a metal buckle can cause painful swelling and rashes, and this is not only possible for people with allergies.

However, pain in the navel area in women and men can also be caused by dangerous disease, some of them require emergency intervention.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that pain around the navel or to the side of it can indicate a variety of diseases, some of which are life-threatening.

Whatever the cause of pain in the umbilical area, it must be diagnosed. After all, any pain that appears in the abdomen in the navel area is a kind of signal from the body about the progress of the disease. You should not self-medicate and take all kinds of painkillers; a comprehensive medical examination is necessary.

Abdominal pain in the navel area and fever

If you experience pain in the navel area, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, this may indicate a number of intestinal diseases - appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peritonitis, stomach ulcers or intestinal obstruction. In women, such symptoms may indicate problems with the ovaries.

To set a more accurate symptom, you need to tell the doctor exactly where you are experiencing pain, above or below the navel.

What to do if you have pain in the navel area?

It is important to recognize a critical situation and call a doctor in time. This should be done immediately if you notice the following signs:

  • sharp constant pain, vomiting, loose stools;
  • pain with right side abdomen near the appendix;
  • blood in vomit and stool.

So, if you have severe abdominal pain, call an ambulance and lie down in bed on your back, bending your knees and hip joints, and place a high pillow under your head. The position should be such that the abdominal muscles are as relaxed as possible.

Well, put either a warm, but not hot, heating pad, or your own palm, on your stomach itself. And remember, amateur action in such cases is not appropriate; a doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If your stomach hurts in the navel area

Pain around the navel is a fairly common manifestation of a number of diseases. At the same time, it can indicate both minor problems in the body and very serious pathologies.

It should be noted that pain in the navel area is a nonspecific sign and it is impossible to judge the presence of a specific disease by it. Moreover, such a symptom is a reason for an in-depth examination, since it may be a manifestation of diseases that require immediate therapeutic intervention. To determine in more detail the cause of pain near the navel will be possible by specifying this manifestation by type of pain and by a more precise location.

Pain in the navel area: causes of different types of pain

In medicine, there are about ten types of pain, each of which can be observed in the navel area. Let's look at the main ones in table form:

When analyzing abdominal pain in the navel area based on its nature, one must not forget that this indicator cannot be the main criterion for making a diagnosis. Therefore, even if you suspect a serious pathology, you should not get upset prematurely. After all, almost any pain in the navel area can, among other things, be a consequence of just a banal disorder of the digestive system.

Pain in the navel area: causes

In addition to the nature of pain, pain around the navel is distinguished by a more precise location of its manifestation. There are five localizations in this classification pain manifestations which we will look at in more detail:

  • intestinal obstruction,
  • volvulus of the sigmoid colon,
  • intestinal oncology, which affects segments of this organ on its left side,
  • problems with the abdominal aorta,
  • Crohn's disease.

In addition, the manifestation of pain to the left of the navel is characteristic of a number of purely female pathologies:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • ovarian rupture,
  • endometriosis,
  • cyst.
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • ovarian rupture,
  • hepatitis,
  • gallstones,
  • appendicitis.
  • gastritis,
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa,
  • stomach ulcers,
  • duodenal ulcers,
  • problems with the pancreas,
  • stomach cancer.
  • premenstrual syndrome,
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs,
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system,
  • salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).

In addition to diseases of this group, pain below the navel is manifested by:

  • obstruction of the lower intestine,
  • various types of umbilical hernia,
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels supplying blood to the intestines,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Possible causes of pain in the center of the abdomen near the navel in combination with other symptoms

When considering the issue of pain around the navel, one cannot help but identify options in which such a symptom is combined with other manifestations. In most cases, combinations make it possible to specify the probable causes, reducing them to two or three options. There are several most notable pairs of symptoms:

  • volvulus of the small intestine,
  • abdominal migraine.

If the first disease is quite familiar, then abdominal migraine requires explanation. This is a type of migraine, the characteristic manifestation of which is pain in the abdominal cavity. Most often, children and adolescents suffer from this pathology (read more about abdominal migraine on Wikipedia).

To summarize the probable causes of pain in the navel area, the following should be noted:

  • this manifestation is a nonspecific factor. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based solely on its presence;
  • It is very important to characterize pain in the navel area according to its location, as well as its nature. This will significantly narrow the range of possible problems in the body;
  • There can be no question of any self-diagnosis, much less self-medication, for pain in the navel area. Such a sign may well be evidence of banal digestive problems, but it can also be a manifestation of very serious pathologies.

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