Home Prosthetics and implantation Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart): indications, types, performance, interpretation. What does ECHO of the heart show: interpretation and norm of echocardiographic examination? What does echo kg mean?

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart): indications, types, performance, interpretation. What does ECHO of the heart show: interpretation and norm of echocardiographic examination? What does echo kg mean?

Echocardiography (otherwise known as ultrasound) of the heart is a non-invasive examination method that studies the functioning of the heart and nearby large vessels. The essence of the method is the use of ultrasonic waves, the frequency of which is beyond the control of the human ear.

Benefits of the procedure

Performing a cardiac echo gives the specialist the opportunity to check here and now:

  1. Activity of the heart muscle.
  2. Condition of valves and chambers.
  3. Pressure in the cardiac cavities and their sizes.
  4. The thickness of the walls of the organ.
  5. The speed at which blood moves (intracardiac blood flow).

Using echo or detects:

  • Blood clots.
  • Congenital or acquired defects.
  • Changes in valves.
  • Areas of asynergia (inability to perform a series of certain movements).

The procedure is no less effective for measuring pressure pulmonary artery. The use of echocardiography is acceptable both for assessing the functioning of a healthy organ and for any cardiac pathologies.

The key characteristics of cardiac ultrasound are considered to be:

  • Safety of the procedure.
  • Modernity.
  • Absence of any discomfort.
  • Quite a high level of information content.

The duration of the procedure depends on the purpose of its purpose and on average lasts no more than 40-50 minutes. Irradiation and any negative consequences after echocardiography is not observed.

This examination provides data on heart contraction. A competent specialist is able to identify a decrease in this indicator at the initial stage and recommend appropriate therapy. In the future, it is possible to repeat the procedure to assess the dynamics and effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Indications for cardiac ultrasound

There are a number of symptoms that require urgent consultation with a doctor and echocardiography. These include:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances, murmurs.
  • Pain in the heart and chest.
  • Factors that are a signal of heart failure (swelling legs, enlarged liver).
  • Chronic ischemia or myocardial infarction.
  • Blueness of the nasolabial triangle, ears, skin of the hands and feet.
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.
  • Fatigue, frequent whiteness of the skin.
  • Presence of chest injuries.
  • Previous surgery.

It should be noted that patients with frequent headaches that have become chronic also need a cardiac echo. The occurrence of the disease can be explained by the movement of some parts of blood clots from the right part of the organ to the left (microemboli). The reason for this movement is a defect in the septum.

Echocardiographic examination is indicated for athletes whose heart is subjected to heavy loads (dive swimming, long-distance running, parachute jumping, etc.). Babies who are poorly gaining weight and patients suffering from atherosclerosis, oncology, and hypertension also undergo an echo examination. It is important to understand: early diagnosis allows for appropriate therapy and prevention of serious complications.

Preparation for the procedure and its implementation

It is important to understand the difference between echocardiography and ECG. The latter records and presents in graphic form the activity of the heart, but not the structure of the organ and blood vessels.

Not all patients know how an echo is done. No special preparation is required for the study. During the procedure, the patient must bare top part torso and lie on your left side. The latter is done to obtain a better research result by bringing the apex of the organ and the left side of the chest closer together.

The next step in echocardiography is the attachment of sensors, which is possible thanks to a special gel that is applied to the chest. Their location allows you to clearly assess and record the size and other necessary indicators of heart function. No discomfort and pain the presence of sensors does not cause.

If cardiac pathologies are detected in chronic form examination should be carried out at least 1-2 times a year.

The main method of echocardiography is transthoracic. Its essence lies in the fact that the procedure is carried out through the surface of the body of the subject. During the examination, the specialist is located to the right or left of the patient and controls the equipment settings depending on the obtained indicators.

However, there are often situations when examining the heart using this method is not possible. Obstacles to ultrasound can include the lungs, ribs, subcutaneous fat layer, muscles, and prosthetic valves. In this case, the patient will undergo a transesophageal ultrasound of the heart, also called transesophageal ultrasound.

The essence of this method is the introduction of a special sensor through the esophagus, located in close proximity to the left atrium. This allows you to thoroughly examine the fine structure of the organ. Just like the usual breast examination, can be represented in three-dimensional form.

Transesophageal echocardiography is contraindicated in patients with any diseases of the esophagus. The main ones include:

  • Varicose veins of the organ.
  • Inflammatory processes in the esophagus.
  • Bleeding.

The transesophageal echocardiography procedure requires some preparatory activities. It is necessary to exclude the patient from eating for at least 4 hours. The sensor placed in the esophagus will remain there for about 12-15 minutes.

Stress echocardiography

The essence of the method is that the hard work of the heart is guaranteed through the use of medications or feeding required level loads in small doses. All changes that occur to the organ during such tests are necessarily recorded and subject to study.

Sufficient preparation for the examination are:

  • Wearing comfortable clothing that in no way restricts the patient’s movements.
  • Avoiding large meals and various types physical activity at least 3 hours before the procedure.
  • Have a light snack and drink of water 2 hours before the event.

Stress echocardiography of the heart involves identifying subtle pathologies of the organ, which often cannot be diagnosed in the normal state. The duration of the event is about 45-50 minutes, and the degree of stress on the heart varies. The latter is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his age and existing health problems.

Classification of studies

The cardiac echocardiography procedure differs not only in the method of its implementation. The types of studies also vary. Main classification:

  • One-dimensional in M-mode.
  • Two-dimensional analysis.
  • Doppler echocardiography.

In the first case, waves are supplied from the sensor along one given axis. During the examination, a projection of the heart (top view) is immediately displayed on the screen. To check the aorta, atria and ventricles, it is necessary to correct the direction of the ultrasound waves. The procedure is absolutely safe, therefore it is acceptable when examining the heart of both an adult patient and a newborn.

To obtain images in two planes, two-dimensional echocardiography will be required. Scan area in in this case perpendicular to the apical four-chamber position. The most accurate examination and analysis of the movement of structures is possible by changing the location of the sensor and the resulting image.

To determine the turbulence of the blood flow, as well as the speed of blood movement, echocardiography with Doppler analysis will be required. This method can diagnose defects and obtain data on the filling of the left ventricle. The basis of this method is the calculation of the ratio of the speed of movement of an object in relation to the variation in the frequency of the reflected signal.

When sound collides with moving red blood cells, a change in frequency occurs, the value of which is the Doppler shift. Often it is reproduced by echo equipment as an audible signal and is perceived by a person.

Decoding the received data

Upon completion of the procedure using an electrocardiograph, it is necessary to evaluate the information received and decipher the echo. You can only roughly understand the whole picture on your own. For a more complete analysis, you will need to consult a cardiologist. It is important to understand: the results of the studies may vary somewhat depending on the health and age of the patient, as well as the purposes of the cardiac echo.

The issued conclusion contains numerical coefficients characterizing the structure and functions of the organ and blood vessels: the state of the pericardium, valves, parameters of the atria, both ventricles and the septum between them. Using specialized literature, it is possible to identify established standards for these values.

Ventricular parameters

Information about the functioning of the ventricles and septum is the main indicator that determines the condition of the heart muscle.

  • The left ventricle (LV) and its parameters are characterized by 8 fundamental values. These include:
  • LV myocardial mass (LVMM). The norm for females varies between 95-141 g, for males – 135-182 g.
  • LVMM index. For women, the established value is 71-80 g/m2, for men – 71-94 g/m2. calm state(KDO). The indicator for males is 65-193 ml, for females – 59-136 ml.
  • Resting LV size (LV size). Varies from 4.6 to 5.7 cm.
  • LV size at the moment of contraction (SCR). Varies from 3.1 to 4.3 cm.
  • During work, the wall thickness outside of contractions is 1.1 cm. When a load on the heart occurs, this figure may increase, which is an obvious sign of hypertrophy. A significant degree of the disease is characterized by a ventricular wall thickness of 1.6 cm.
  • Ejection fraction (EF). This is a parameter indicating the volume of blood that the organ releases with each contraction. The established norm for this value is 55-60%. If the indicator is lower, we can talk about the presence of heart failure.
  • Stroke volume. Determines the amount of blood ejected per contraction. The volume norm for this parameter is 60-100 ml.

For the right ventricle (RV), wall thickness (5 mm), size index (0.75-1.25 cm/m2), and EDR (0.75 - 1.1 cm) are normal.

Ultrasound standards

It is somewhat easier to explain the results after examining the valves of an organ. If there is any deviation from the established norms, stenosis or failure can be assumed.

In the first case, the diameter of the valve opening decreases, which makes pumping blood more difficult.

The second option is the complete opposite. The valve flaps, which prevent the reverse flow of blood, do not fulfill their purpose well. Because of this, the efficiency of the heart decreases as blood is returned and moves into an adjacent chamber.

A very common pathology of the pericardium is pericarditis. This is an inflammation characterized by the accumulation of a liquid segment or the formation of adhesions between the organ and the pericardial sac. The established norm for fluid volume is 10-30 ml; if it exceeds more than 500 ml, the normal functioning of the organ becomes difficult.

Timely detection of pathology of the heart (the central circulatory organ) and blood vessels is important and one of the most popular procedures in Russian medicine.

Almost every person has encountered pain, heaviness, or chest pain in their life. And if these symptoms recur systematically, there is a desire, and sometimes even a need, to consult a doctor.

At an appointment with a therapist or cardiologist, the patient, after an oral interview, should receive a referral for an electrocardiogram, which will provide graphical information about the work of the central circulatory organ.

Nerve impulses that coordinate the work of the heart muscle are captured and read by the device in the form of electronic signals, then reflected in the form of teeth of different sizes on a paper tape. The therapist will help you understand what the cardiogram shows.

After analyzing the results of the study, he will draw conclusions either about the presence of any abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, or he will reassure the patient by saying that he has normal indicators research, his heart is fine and there is no reason to worry.

If the doctor finds a deviation from the norm on the cardiogram, then additional diagnostics. In this case, an ECHO CS - an echocardiogram of the heart - is required.

This type of diagnosis has several other names (echo ecg, cardiac echography, echocardiogram, echocardioscopy), but the essence of the study is always the same.

Trying to understand cardiac ultrasound on your own and interpreting the results and making a diagnosis is not recommended.

What is an echo kg (echocardiogram) of the heart?

Echocardioscopy, cardiac echocardiography is an ultrasound method of examining the heart that allows you to diagnose pathological changes in the structure of the parts of the heart (both congenital and acquired), valves, vessels coming to and leaving the heart.

In addition, echography of the heart allows you to track indicators of the filling of the heart chambers—atria and ventricles with blood during a full cardiac cycle. Echo CS is a diagnostic that needs to be carried out regularly.

Diseases that can be diagnosed using ECHO-CG:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • narrowing of the lumen between the atria and ventricles of the heart, regulated by valves (in medical terminology - stenosis);
  • deviation from the norm of the structure and density of the muscle and integumentary tissue of the aortic wall and aortic arch (aneurysm, hematoma);
  • insufficiency of nutrition of the left or right ventricle or atrium;
  • defect of the septum between the left and right parts of the central circulatory organ;
  • the presence of blood clots in the heart and its vessels;
  • violation of the thickness of the heart muscle in different departments hearts;
  • (its increase, change in density, appearance of excess fluid in the pericardial cavity).

Echocardioscopy allows you to diagnose diseases at the initial stages of their development. Correct treatment prescribed by a cardiologist after an echogram of the heart, allows you to count on complete cure and patient recovery.

Indications for the procedure

On ECG procedure hearts in mandatory For example, athletes are sent.

An echocardiogram is a regular test that every person for whom sports is a profession must undergo.

Particular attention is paid to the following sports:

  • all types of weightlifting;
  • marathon running;
  • extreme sports.

Patients who have previously been diagnosed with:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;

An echocardiogram is also mandatory for pregnant women. A lag in weight gain is an indicator that may indicate congenital organic or functional heart defects in young children. Echocardioscopy can confirm or refute this diagnosis.

In an adult, especially after sixty to seventy years, an echocardiogram of the heart can show serious age-related changes in the structure and functioning of the organ. Carrying out such a procedure once a year allows you to identify the problem and provide timely assistance.

Echocardiography shows that there are deviations from the norm in the structure of the central circulatory organ and that attention should be paid to them.

What diseases can ultrasound of the heart detect?

Diseases that are usually detected after an echo heart ecg:

  • (acceleration of the heart muscle);
  • bradycardia (slowing of the heart muscle);
  • pre-infarction condition;
  • transferred earlier);
  • inflammatory diseases muscles of the heart and pericardial sac;
  • at the initial stages of development;
  • congenital organic heart defects;
  • aneurysm of the aorta, aortic arch, and vessels of the pulmonary trunk.

It is not worthwhile to engage in self-treatment or diagnose yourself based on information from the Internet. Diagnostics should only be carried out experienced doctor– cardiologist.

Preparation for the procedure

For Echocardiography of the heart special training no need to carry out.

  • On the eve of the procedure, limit the consumption of coffee and black tea.
  • Avoid all types of alcoholic beverages several days before the test.
  • Don't overwork, don't exercise physical exercise immediately before ECHO ECG.


The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The patient needs to undress to the waist, freeing the chest;
  • Lie down on a medical couch;
  • A contact gel is applied to the chest for the procedure;
  • On chest special sensors are located.

Carrying out the procedure

Sensors connected to the echocardiograph transmit ultrasonic vibrations into the chest cavity, where the heart and the largest and most important vessels are located.

Sound vibrations reflected from the heart and blood vessels return to the echocardiograph screen to form an image of the heart, incoming and outgoing vessels. Unlike an electrocardiograph, an echocardiograph shows all the structural features of the heart, and not just a graphical representation of the organ’s activity parameters.

The procedure for taking an echocardiogram can be carried out in two ways. Highlight:

  • transthoracic echocardiogram of the heart;
  • transesophageal echocardiogram of the heart.

It is very simple to understand how transthoracic cardiac ultrasound is performed. This is a study of the structure of the heart through muscle wall chest cavity. The method is traditional and most commonly used.

If access to the heart is difficult for ultrasonic waves (the presence of fatty deposits in the patient, structural features of the chest and organs located in it), perform transesophageal echocardiography of the heart, or transesophageal.

The resulting image is of the same high quality and clear. A three-dimensional picture makes it possible to examine all anomalies in the structure, if any.

Contraindications to this type of study can only be diseases of the esophagus (inflammation, bleeding, muscle spasms).

As preparation, avoid eating for 7-8 hours before the procedure.

The duration of Echo - CS is about fifteen minutes.

There is another classification . It is based on the output heart image format. Highlight:

  • one-dimensional (M-mode);
  • Doppler;
  • two-dimensional.

One-dimensional echo ecg (M-mode) – top view of the heart. It makes it possible to characterize the work of the heart and the largest vessel in the human body - the aorta, as well as the structure of the ventricles and atria.

In two-dimensional diagnostics, ultrasonic waves from sensors transmit a two-plane image of the heart to the screen. During the diagnosis, the work of the organ, parameters, and functions of the cardiac structures are analyzed.

ECHO ecg with Doppler analysis determines the dynamics of blood movement in the heart and blood vessels. Doppler echocardioscopy is usually prescribed in conjunction with two-dimensional cardiac diagnostics. There are two types of Doppler analysis:

  • color;
  • continuous.

For a detailed diagnostic study, a contrast agent is used, which more clearly highlights all areas of the heart, their structure, and structure.

An analysis with a contrast agent can be prescribed during a repeat study to analyze changes in results and indicators after treatment or to clarify a previously made diagnosis if any doubts arise.

Interpretation of cardiac ultrasound may show different results, which will depend on the presence or absence of physical activity accompanying the study.

Stress echocardioscopy

This type of study allows you to obtain results of heart function both in the patient’s resting state and when one or another type of heart disease occurs. physical activity.

This method allows you to recognize ischemic disease heart in the first stages, at the very beginning of its development.

Initially, indicators are taken from the heart and blood vessels in normal mode. Having recorded them, the patient is transferred to a state close to stress.

This can be achieved using two options:

  • medicinal;
  • using dosed physical activity on the patient.

Since a situation dangerous to the patient’s health is artificially created, people must be present during the procedure. medical workers, capable of providing qualified assistance, if required.

Increased heart function can be caused by introducing special medications intramuscularly, intravenously or orally. This method is more dangerous due to the possibility of various side effects. To use it, an initial diagnosis of the patient for tolerability of these drugs must be carried out.

Another method is to apply dosed physical activity to the patient. The person being studied needs to perform a series of exercises before the study or perform certain exercises on a simulator with connected echocardiograph sensors.

Analysis of research results (transcript)

Interpretation of cardiac ultrasound should only be carried out by a professional (therapist, doctor general practice, cardiologist). Only a cardiologist can analyze what an echocardiogram shows, give further recommendations, and prescribe treatment.

What the echo kg in an adult shows when deciphering an ultrasound of the heart is normally reflected in the table:

Indicators Value (from – to)
Left atrium23 – 38 mm
LV dimensions during relaxation (LVD)37 – 56 mm
LV dimensions during contraction (DVR)23 – 36 mm
LV end-diastolic volume (LV end-diastolic volume)Men: 165 – 193 ml.

Women: 59 – 136 ml.

Posterior wall of the left ventricle8-11 mm
Interventricular septum8-10 mm
LV myocardial massMen: 88 – 224 g.

Women: 66 – 162

LV ejection fraction55 – 70 %
LV fiber shortening fraction25 – 45 %
Right atrium23 – 46 mm
Right ventricle (basal compartment size)20 – 30 mm
Right ventricular wall2 – 5 mm
Left atrium20 – 36 mm
Aortic root lumen20 – 38 mm
Valves opening amplitude aortic valve during systole15 – 26 mm
Transmitral blood flow velocity0.6 – 1.3 m/s
Transtricuspid blood flow velocity0.3 – 0.7 m/s
Transaortic blood flow velocity during systole1.7 m/s
Transpulmonary blood flow velocity0.6 – 0.9 m/s
Fluid in the pericardial cavity0 – 30 ml
Regurgitation, blood clots, infarct areasNone

For any type, the same basic indicators should appear. The interpretation of the norm should also be detailed.

The cardiologist should consider all the numbers obtained from the ultrasound of the heart and interpretation of the results.

The objectives of the study may be very different, and therefore the indicators may be different.


Echocardiography is a diagnostic that allows you to determine the presence of a very serious, life-threatening disease at the beginning of its formation.

Symptoms that cause people to go to the cardiologist thinking they have a heart problem central authority blood circulation, may be associated with disruption not of the heart and blood vessels, but nervous system(neuralgia, neurosis), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis), digestive system.

Decoding the results of the study allows not only to exclude the initial assumption of heart problems, but also to refer the patient for further examination to identify the cause of the symptoms that bother the patient.

Diagnosis is carried out in conventional public clinics, specialized cardiology centers or private medical institutions. The accuracy of diagnosis depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist conducting the study, but also on the condition and novelty of the equipment on which the study is carried out.

In public medical institutions this type diagnostics upon the direction of the attending physician should be carried out free of charge. In non-state clinics, a certain amount is charged for the study.

If the ultrasound of the heart and the patient’s interpretation of the results are in doubt, you can contact another cardiologist and repeat the procedure.

Videos on the topic


Everyone has heard about such a procedure as cardiac ECHO, but what it is and how it is done is known mainly by those patients who have had to deal with it personally. In fact, there is nothing complicated or scary in this examination. This is ordinary ultrasonography heart and blood vessels, which is considered one of the most informative today.

Heart examination ECHO KG

Echocardiography is one of the most important procedures that a patient must undergo during the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. In addition, ECHO is now increasingly prescribed for preventive purposes. Since the examination is safe, it can be done at any frequency.

ECHO KG of the heart shows what is going on inside it, with all its valves and chambers. The procedure determines the presence of fluid, examines the organ and its functional status, and also evaluates the structure of the tissues directly in the muscle and next to it. Of course, the demonstration takes place in real time.

It is necessary to conduct research if you have symptoms such as:

  • dyspnea;
  • lethargy;
  • too much fast fatiguability;
  • the presence of a so-called cardiac hump (the protrusion can be detected by palpation);
  • cyanosis skin;
  • trembling over the area of ​​the heart muscle;
  • frequent blanching of the skin;
  • cold extremities;
  • dizziness;
  • promotion blood pressure accompanied by nausea;
  • regular headaches;
  • pain in the upper peritoneum;
  • heart sinking;
  • sudden increase body temperature.

Since this informative survey, Cardiac ECHO is regularly performed on women suffering from birth defects muscles and those who have prosthetic valves. In addition, it is recommended to undergo the procedure if signs of heart failure are identified.

How is ECHO KG of the heart done?

As a rule, specialists prescribe cardiac ultrasound to determine:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • conditions after a heart attack;
  • pericarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • ailments of the brain, renal peripheral arteries, peritoneal organs, legs.

Before talking about how ECHO CG of the heart is done, it is important to focus on the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless. And it also takes about thirty minutes.

  1. The patient, who has previously undressed to the waist, is placed on his back (in very rare cases, on his side).
  2. Apply to the chest of the subject special gel.
  3. The sensor is installed in several different positions, and the image from it is transmitted to the screen.

At no stage does a person feel discomfort. Except that the gel applied to the body may seem a little cold. Although you get used to it very quickly.

After completion of the procedure, a sheet with a cardiogram is issued. On more powerful and modern devices, all data is stored in the device’s memory or on portable storage media.

It will, of course, be quite difficult to independently understand what you see and decipher the results of the study. As a rule, the patient receives any explanation either directly during the procedure from a cardiologist or from the attending physician.

How to prepare for ECHO CG of the heart?

This is another advantage of the procedure - you don’t have to do anything supernatural before it. A few days before the ultrasound, it is advisable to give up alcohol. The latter may distort heartbeat, and the results will be inaccurate.

Before prescribing treatment for any disease, the doctor must diagnose and identify the disease. This also applies to heart disease and of cardio-vascular system. Some of these diseases may be asymptomatic, so their presence cannot be detected. But even in case obvious signs necessary diagnostic procedures, since for effective treatment you need to know the cause of the problem.

To identify diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, two methods are most often used: echocardiography and ECG.

Both of these methods are accurate, but if cardiac pathologies are suspected, ECHO is usually used.

Echocardiography in a simpler sense is an ultrasound of the heart. The following features can be determined through ECHO:

Methods for performing ECHO:

  • Transthoracic (echocardiography is carried out through the surface of the patient’s body).
  • Transesophageal.
  • Stress ECHO (the procedure is carried out under stress on the heart muscle, which makes it possible to identify pathologies that are hidden).

Since such a study accurately characterizes cardiac activity, it is used very often. It can be performed even on newborns.

The reason for conducting an ECHO is:

ECHO should be performed only in medical institution, and it must be carried out by a person who has the knowledge necessary to decipher the data.

Such research has several advantages. This is the safety of ECHO (the same as when performing an ECG), the absence discomfort for the patient and side effects, accuracy of results. There are no contraindications for cardiac echocardiography; only stress echocardiography is performed with minor restrictions.

What diseases are diagnosed using this method?

An ECHO can determine the condition of the heart valves. Also, such a study allows us to study the structural features of the organ. Thus, among the diseases that can be detected using this method are the following:

  • Heart failure.
  • Stenosis.
  • Prolapse.
  • Heart attack.
  • Aneurysms.
  • Heart disease.

Vasospasm (angina)

Thanks to additional diagnostic methods, you can find out how the valve apparatus functions.

It is impossible to identify the causes of chest pain using cardiac ECHO. Also, this method does not indicate the state of the vessels, does not detect arrhythmia and blockade.

Despite its safety and the absence of contraindications for its implementation, it cannot be assumed that echocardiography alone is enough to be sure of the absence of cardiac problems. Diagnostic methods should be chosen by a doctor, and only he should evaluate the research results.

Execution Features

Patients who are prescribed ECHO are interested in how this procedure is done. It is simple and does not require preparation. To obtain the most accurate information, the patient is placed on his left side.

It is with this positioning of the person that the heart is closest to the chest, and the picture becomes more accurate.

The data is recorded using a sensor. Ultrasound beams from this sensor are capable of studying the chambers of the heart. When examining, it is important that the beam be correct form and was directed into the space between the ribs. The ribs become an obstacle to the procedure and make it insufficiently effective.

The examination begins by examining the aorta and studying its condition to identify pathologies. After this, the ventricles and atria are studied, and then the contractile properties of the heart muscle are assessed.

To carry out this study, special knowledge and experience are required, so only doctors perform echocardiography. They decipher the received data and, based on this analysis, make a diagnosis. Next, treatment is prescribed.

The patient does not need to take any action before this procedure, as well as before the ECG. There is no need to follow a diet, nor do you need to stop taking medications.

What influences the results?

Distortion of results when this study hearts may arise due to anatomical features patient. For a group of people, diagnosing in this way is very difficult.

These include people suffering from obesity, patients with abnormal placement of organs inside the body or the structure of the chest.

For them, echocardiography is performed using the transesophageal method or another method is chosen: ECG or MRI.

Another factor that affects the accuracy of the work is the competence of the doctor who conducted the research. If he does not have enough experience or knowledge to perform the procedure correctly, the results may be incorrect. Therefore, it is so important that the diagnosis is carried out by a specialist.

The equipment used to perform echocardiography also has an impact. The same can be said about any other diagnostic method: ECG or MRI. The serviceability of devices, the quality of their manufacture, modernity - all this matters for accurate results.

Clinics where this service is provided.

Modern medicine offers a wide range diagnostic techniques for any structures and organs, but do not forget that diagnosing the brain is a very serious procedure, and it must be approached with all responsibility, choosing the most reliable methods. One of these is echoencephalography. However, not every patient knows what is hidden behind the complex name, how such an important study is carried out and whether it is really necessary. So what is it? Why is this method better than others? And what do you need to know about it?

The essence of the examination

This method is fundamentally not much different from the traditional ultrasound, known to every patient.

Echoencephalography is based on the ability of ultrasonic waves to be reflected from tissues human body. The wave reflected from the middle and surface structures is transformed into an electrical signal using sensors installed on the head, recorded by technology and recorded, depending on the equipment used, either in the form of a diagram or in the form of a two-dimensional image. Thus, it is possible to accurately study the structures of the brain.

Due to their density, various structures have different types reflected wave, so the specialist is able to assess the condition of the tissues and detect possible pathologies. Any deviations from the norm in the graph or any changes in shape in the image, of course, indicate pathological processes.


Echoencephalography is an exceptional diagnostic method that has enough advantages to choose it among many others.

This is absolutely safe for the health and life of the patient, since, firstly, the method is non-invasive (no penetration into the head), and secondly, the specificity of the equipment is such that it is impossible to cause harm. There is no radiation, no contrast agent is used, and allergic reactions are excluded.

This diagnostic method is completely painless and requires absolutely no additional training, so this procedure can be done at any time if necessary. Also doesn't exist special contraindications(the only exceptions are open wounds).

This examination accurately and reliably detects a significant number of anomalies, which makes it an advantage in examining the brain. It is also worth noting that ECHO EG may well replace MRI and CT (unless, of course, we are talking about diagnosing extremely rare pathologies).

ECHO EG examination of the brain

Also, echoencephalography is a fairly affordable examination method, both from a financial point of view, and in terms of the ability to do it in almost any clinic. The diagnostic equipment is quite compact, so in extreme cases it is even possible to call a specialist to your home, also in emergency situation you can call " ambulance”, because specialists will definitely have the device.

Due to the listed advantages, this method is suitable for examining the head in adults and children; there are no differences in the research methodology, results, or anything else.

Why do it?

Echoencephalography provides very broad diagnostic capabilities, so it is difficult to underestimate its importance.

With its help, you can examine various brain structures, periosteal space, median pulsations (which is very important when measuring intracranial pressure). This method research speaks quite accurately about how brain structures function, whether there are dangerous pathologies, neoplasms (which is very dangerous), whether intracranial pressure is increased.


Due to its significant advantages, such an examination is used independently, since it is indeed very informative and reliable, but in case of severe pathologies, ECHO EG is also used as a preliminary research method before performing computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Also this method diagnostics is often used as additional control over ongoing treatment already prescribed by a specialist based on the results of previous studies.


The diagnosis itself is quite simple, without causing any discomfort or difficulty for patients.

The patient needs to lie on the couch on his back, relax, but remain motionless. The specialist applies a special gel that improves conductivity to the scalp where the sensors are installed, and then attaches the sensors themselves accordingly. During the examination, if circumstances require it, the diagnostician can move the sensors to the desired position.

The procedure does not cause any discomfort and takes on average about 15 minutes.

During the study, an echogram is obtained, which the specialist then deciphers, interprets the results and puts preliminary diagnosis.

At the end, the patient always receives a transcript with a diagnosis made based on the results and an echogram.


In fact, there is a fairly wide list of indications for such an examination. This is due to the fact that any suspicion of pathology of the brain and alarming symptoms must definitely be checked with equipment, since the consequences can be extremely serious.

Typically indications include the following:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Nausea (often attacks and does not depend on meals).
  3. Shake.
  4. Frequent headaches.
  5. Impaired coordination of movements.
  6. Head injuries and bruises of any severity.
  7. Noises in the ears.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Nervous tics.
  10. Visual impairment.
  11. Restless sleep (or even insomnia).
  12. Sharp memory deterioration.
  13. Cramps.
  14. Loss of consciousness.
  15. Inability to concentrate.
  16. Monitoring the effectiveness of already prescribed treatment.


When assessing the condition of the head structures, a diagnostic specialist always relies on certain indicators and their standards. These include the following:

  1. M-echo (must occupy a position clearly in the middle, not be expanded or split, ripple should not exceed 30%, the same number of symmetrical signals is required between the initial complex and the final signal).
  2. Medial wall index (normally no more than 5).
  3. Index III ventricle(within 22-25).


ECHO EG of the brain is a fairly informative diagnostic method and makes it possible to detect a fairly wide range of anomalies, which is extremely important for further treatment and more accurate diagnosis.

Most often, specialists diagnose the following pathologies:

  1. Intracranial hematomas (occurs due to ruptures blood vessels, are expressed in hemorrhage, compress tissue; differ in different localization).
  2. Brain abscess (a collection of purulent masses, most often caused by infections).
  3. Brain tissue damage varying degrees and localization.
  4. Benign neoplasms.
  5. VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).
  6. Malignant tumors (the equipment shows significant deviations in the M-echo).
  7. Hydrocephalus (an abnormality caused by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cerebral ventricles, more commonly called “dropsy”).
  8. Cysts (hollow growths filled with fluid).
  9. Circulatory disorders
  10. Oxygen starvation.
  11. Concussion.
  12. Increased intracranial pressure.
  13. Atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls, obstruction of blood circulation, possible creation of peculiar blood clots).
  14. Stroke (acute pathology cerebral circulation, can be expressed by both cerebral infarction and hemorrhage).

What's next?

For some reason, some patients tend to believe that the conclusion of an ES is already a sufficient reason for prescribing self-treatment, but this is definitely a big mistake.

A specialist diagnostician, of course, deciphers the echogram quite accurately, but the conclusion made on the basis of the examination results still includes only a preliminary diagnosis. A more accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician who has a medical history and the results of other studies. You also need to take into account the fact that you may need additional methods diagnostics, tests.

Thus, we must not forget in any case that after ES, you need to contact your doctor with its results, but definitely not draw up a treatment regimen for yourself.

As follows from the above, echoencephalography is a fairly reliable, informative, safe and certainly accessible method of studying the brain. There are no obstacles to its implementation and therefore, if there are specific indications, it is worth giving preference to this particular diagnostic method.

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