Home Orthopedics A junior schoolchild with mental retardation. "Junior schoolchildren with mental retardation"

A junior schoolchild with mental retardation. "Junior schoolchildren with mental retardation"

When talking about mental retardation, experts mean “unstable, reversible mental development and a slowdown in its pace, which is expressed in the insufficiency of the general stock of knowledge, limited ideas, immaturity of thinking, low intellectual focus, predominance of gaming interests, etc.” .

The study of the problem of ZPR began in the 1950s with the work of G.E. Sukhareva. The term itself was introduced by T.A. Vlasov and M.S. Pevzner in the 1960s - 1970s. In their works, this term meant a time delay mental development. Interestingly, there is no analogue term in the world, despite the presence of a group of children with a borderline zone mental retardation(IQ = 70-80), occupying an intermediate position between oligophrenia and the intellectual norm.

With all this, it has been determined that intellectual disability in mental retardation is characterized by persistence of manifestation and is caused to a greater extent by the immaturity of the regulation of mental processes, impairments of memory, attention, mental performance, emotional-volitional sphere.

In the etiology of mental retardation, the following play a role: constitutional factors, chronic somatic diseases, pregnancy pathology, abnormal childbirth, frequent illnesses in the first years of life, unfavorable upbringing conditions.

It is clear that children with lungs residual effects organic damage to the central nervous system, expressed in increased exhaustion and causing decreased performance, lack of voluntary attention, its volume and concentration, inertia of mental processes, poor switchability, excitability, motor disinhibition or, conversely, lethargy, passivity, lethargy, require special corrective work.

Mental retardation is a borderline form of intellectual disability, personal immaturity, a mild violation cognitive sphere, syndrome of temporary lag of the psyche as a whole or its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional, volitional). Is not clinical form, but a slow pace of development.

ZPR is one of the most common forms mental pathology childhood. More often it is detected when the child begins to study in the preparatory group of a kindergarten or at school (7 - 10 years old - a period of great diagnostic possibilities).

The term “delay” emphasizes the temporary (discrepancy between the level of mental development and the child’s passport age) and at the same time temporary nature of the lag itself, which is overcome with age, and the more successfully the earlier special conditions for the education and upbringing of the child are created.

Mental retardation manifests itself in the discrepancy between a child’s intellectual capabilities and his age. These children are not ready to start school i.e. their knowledge and skills do not correspond to the required level, and there is also personal immaturity and inconsistent behavior.

An examination by motor specialists of children with mental retardation revealed the following patterns in the lag in their physical development:

§ hyper- or hypodynamia;

§ muscle tension or decreased muscle tone;

§ violation of general motor skills, expressed in insufficient motor qualities, especially acyclic movements (jumping, throwing, etc.);

§ violation of manual motor skills;

§ general stiffness and slowness of movements;

§ incoordination of movements;

§ unformed equilibrium function;

§ insufficient development of a sense of rhythm;

§ violation of orientation in space;

§ slowness of the process of mastering new movements;

§ poor posture, flat feet.

Characteristic features of children with mental retardation:

§ decreased performance;

§ increased exhaustibility;

§ instability of attention;

§ lower level of development of perception;

§ insufficient productivity of voluntary memory;

§ lag in the development of all forms of thinking;

§ defects in sound pronunciation;

§ peculiar behavior;

§ poor vocabulary;

§ low self-control skill;

§ immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere;

§ limited supply of general information and ideas;

§ poor reading technique;

§ unsatisfactory calligraphy skills;

§ difficulties in counting by 10, solving problems.

1. T.A. Vlasov and M.S. Pevzner identified the two most numerous groups and characterized them as:

§ children with psychophysical infantilism. These are children with impaired rates of physical and mental development. ZPR caused by the slow rate of maturation of the frontal region of the cerebral cortex and its connections with other areas of the cortex and subcortex;

§ children with mental infantilism. These are students with functional disorders mental activity (cerebroasthenic conditions), as a consequence of brain injuries.

2. Forms of intellectual disability in children with mental retardation:

§ intellectual impairments due to unfavorable environmental and educational conditions or behavioral pathology;

§ intellectual impairments in long-term asthenic conditions caused by somatic diseases;

§ violations when various forms infantilism;

§ secondary intellectual disability due to damage to hearing, vision, speech defects, reading, writing;

§ functional-dynamic intellectual disorders in children in the residual stage and late period of infections and injuries of the central nervous system.

3. K.S. Lebedinskaya proposed a clinical taxonomy of children with mental retardation:

§ ZPR of constitutional origin.

§ ZPR of somatogenic origin.

§ ZPR psychogenic origin.

§ ZPR of cerebroorganic origin.

All options differ in their structure and correlation: the type of infantilism and the nature of neurodynamic disorders.

Reasons for mental retardation:

§ mild organic brain damage, congenital or occurring in the prenatal state, during birth or early periods of a child’s life;

§ genetically determined central nervous system failure;

§ intoxication, infections, injuries, metabolic and trophic disorders;

§ unfavorable social factors (upbringing conditions, attention deficit).

Children with mental retardation have a low (compared to normally developing peers) level of perception development. This is manifested in the need for a longer time to receive and process sensory information; in the insufficiency and fragmentation of these children’s knowledge about the world around them; in difficulties in recognizing objects in an unusual position, contour and schematic images. The similar qualities of these objects are usually perceived by them as the same. These children do not always recognize and often mix letters of similar design and their individual elements; combinations of letters are often mistakenly perceived, etc.

At the stage of beginning systematic learning in children with mental retardation, inferiority of subtle forms of visual and auditory perception, insufficiency of planning and execution of complex motor programs are revealed.

Children in this group also have insufficiently formed spatial concepts: orientation in spatial directions for a fairly long period is carried out at the level of practical actions; Difficulties often arise in spatial analysis and synthesis of the situation.

Researchers note that the most characteristic features of attention for children with mental retardation are its instability, absent-mindedness, low concentration, and difficulty switching.

A decrease in the ability to distribute and concentrate attention is especially evident in conditions when the task is performed in the presence of simultaneous speech stimuli that have significant semantic and emotional content for children.

Disadvantages in organizing attention are caused by the weak development of children's intellectual activity, imperfect skills and abilities of self-control, and insufficient development of a sense of responsibility and interest in learning. Children with mental retardation have uneven and slow development of sustained attention, as well as a wide range of individual and age differences in this quality. There are deficiencies in the analysis when performing tasks in conditions increased speed perception of material, when differentiation of similar stimuli becomes difficult. The complication of working conditions leads to a significant slowdown in task completion, but the productivity of activity decreases slightly.

One more characteristic feature mental retardation is a deviation in the development of memory. There is a decrease in memorization productivity and its instability; greater preservation of involuntary memory compared to voluntary; a noticeable predominance of visual memory over verbal; low level of self-control in the process of memorization and reproduction, inability to organize one’s work; insufficient cognitive activity and focus when remembering and reproducing; poor ability to use rational memorization techniques; insufficient volume and accuracy of memorization; low level of indirect memorization; the predominance of mechanical memorization over verbal-logical. Among the disorders of short-term memory is increased inhibition of traces under the influence of interference and internal interference (the mutual influence of various mnemonic traces on each other); rapid forgetting of material and low speed memorization.

A pronounced lag and originality is also revealed in the development of the cognitive activity of these children, starting with the early forms of thinking - visual-effective and visual-figurative. Children can successfully classify objects according to such visual features as color and shape, but with great difficulty they identify the material and size of objects as general features, they have difficulty in abstracting one feature and consciously contrasting it with others, in switching from one principle of classification to another. When analyzing an object or phenomenon, children name only superficial, unimportant qualities with insufficient completeness and accuracy. As a result, children with mental retardation highlight almost twice as many fewer signs than their typically developing peers.

Another feature of the thinking of children with mental retardation is a decrease in cognitive activity. Some children practically do not ask questions about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. These are slow, passive children with slow speech. Other children ask questions related mainly to the external properties of surrounding objects. They are usually somewhat disinhibited and verbose. Particularly low cognitive activity manifests itself in relation to objects and phenomena located outside the circle determined by adults.

Children in this category also have a violation of the necessary step-by-step control over the activity being performed; they often do not notice the discrepancy between their work and the proposed model, and do not always find the mistakes made, even after asking an adult to check the work done. These children are very rarely able to adequately evaluate their work and correctly motivate their assessment, which is often overestimated.

Children with mental retardation also have a reduced need to communicate with both peers and adults. Most of them exhibit increased anxiety towards the adults on whom they depend. Children almost do not strive to receive from adults an assessment of their qualities in a detailed form; they are usually satisfied with assessments in the form of undifferentiated definitions ("good boy", "well done"), as well as direct emotional approval (smile, stroking, etc.).

It should be noted that although children extremely rarely seek approval on their own initiative, for the most part they are very sensitive to affection, sympathy, and friendly attitude. Among the personal contacts of children with mental retardation, the simplest ones predominate. Children in this category have a decreased need to communicate with peers, as well as low efficiency of their communication with each other in all types of activities.

Schoolchildren with mental retardation have weak emotional stability, impaired self-control in all types of activities, aggressive behavior and its provocative nature, difficulties adapting to the children's group during games and activities, fussiness, frequent mood swings, uncertainty, feelings of fear, mannerisms, familiarity with to an adult. There is a large number of reactions directed against the will of the parents, a frequent lack of correct understanding of one’s social role and position, insufficient differentiation of persons and things, and pronounced difficulties in distinguishing the most important features of interpersonal relationships. All this indicates underdevelopment of this category of social maturity in children.

Speech is of extreme importance and versatility in the development of a child’s psyche. First of all, it is a means of communication in all its diversity of forms.

At the same time, it plays a crucial role in cognitive activity, acting both as a means and as a material for cognition, and as a material basis for consolidating and preserving the information received. Thus, speech serves as a means of introducing the child to the experience accumulated by humanity.

No less important is the regulating function of speech, which is important both in controlling the child’s activities by the people around him and in the formation of self-regulation of behavior.

At the beginning of school age, children with mental retardation do not experience difficulties at the level of basic everyday communication with adults and peers. They know the everyday vocabulary and grammatical forms necessary for this. However, the expansion of the vocabulary of addressed speech beyond the framework of repeatedly repeated everyday topics leads to a misunderstanding of some questions and instructions asked to the child, containing words whose meaning is unknown or not clear enough to the child, or has not been learned by him grammatical forms. Difficulties in understanding may be associated with pronunciation deficiencies, which are quite often observed in children with mental retardation. These shortcomings are usually not significant, mainly boiling down to vagueness, “blurredness” of speech, but they lead to defects in the analysis of the perceived speech material, which in turn leads to a lag in the formation of linguistic generalizations.

Speech deficiencies affect not only communication, but also the cognitive activity of children, which, being impaired, is further weakened by speech deficiencies.

Difficulties associated with speech impairments in cognitive activity slow down the intellectual development of children in preschool age, and especially appear at the beginning of schooling: they manifest themselves both directly in a lack of understanding of educational material, and in difficulties in mastering reading and writing. There are also difficulties in mastering new forms of speech: narration and reasoning.

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What is ZPR? Mental retardation (MDD) is a syndrome of temporary lag in the development of the psyche as a whole or its individual functions, a slowdown in the rate of realization of the body’s potential capabilities.

ZPR is expressed in: insufficiency of the general stock of knowledge, limited ideas about the surrounding world, immaturity of thinking, predominance of gaming interests, rapid fatigue in intellectual activity. This is emotional and volitional immaturity combined with a lag in the development of the cognitive sphere

Characteristics of children with mental retardation: the process of receiving and processing information is slowed down; spatial-temporal representations of attention are not sufficiently formed; concentration is reduced; volume is limited; distractibility and exhaustion are increased; switching and distribution are insufficient; productivity of voluntary memory is reduced; they are not able to use rational methods of memorizing information; mechanical methods predominate memorization

Characteristics of children with mental retardation: insufficient level of formation of basic mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, abstraction; difficulties in constructing a detailed speech utterance; teachers’ speech instructions are not always correctly understood without additional demonstration or explanation; reduced cognitive activity is not formed learning motivation voluntary regulation of behavior is impaired: excessive excitability or excessive inhibition

Personality characteristics of children with mental retardation Children with mental retardation may exhibit the following personality traits: brightness, superficiality, instability of emotions, instability of mood, impulsiveness easy suggestibility self-doubt, timidity, timidity, anxiety lack of a sense of duty, responsibility lack of independence, passivity, lack of initiative reluctance to work systematically , attitude towards receiving help, deceitfulness, resourcefulness

Schoolchildren with mental retardation can: accept and use help; assimilate the principle of solving a given intellectual operation; transfer it to similar tasks; study in secondary schools, subject to certain conditions


  1. Select material of the optimal degree of difficulty: it should not be too easy and too complex. The material should be complex to such an extent that the student could cope with it with effort and some help from an adult. Only in this case will a developmental effect be achieved.
  2. Do not require immediate inclusion in work. At each lesson, it is necessary to introduce an organizational point, because... Schoolchildren with mental retardation have difficulty switching from previous activities.
  3. Do not put the student in a situation of an unexpected question and a quick answer, be sure to give some time to think about it. It is not recommended to ask first.
  4. Create the most comfortable psychological atmosphere in the lesson: do not call to the board, do not force to answer if the child does not take the initiative. Conduct an oral interview in private.
  5. Avoid competitions and any type of work that involves speed.
  6. The pace of presentation of educational material should be calm, even, with repeated repetition of the main points.
  7. It is not recommended to give large and complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time; it is necessary to divide it into separate parts and give them gradually.
  8. Present a number of questions in the form of a review with an emphasis on the most significant conclusions (requirements for student knowledge in this case may be limited); part of the material is studied in an introductory manner (knowledge on such educational material is not included in test papers); some of the most complex issues should be excluded from consideration.
  9. Try to make it easier educational activities using visual supports in the lesson (pictures, diagrams, tables), but not in too many quantities, because the volume of perception is reduced.
  10. Activate the work of all analyzers (motor, visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Students must listen, watch, speak, etc.
  11. In work, try to activate not so much mechanical as semantic memory.
  12. When completing a task, the instructions should be short. Clear and precise wording of instructions is essential.
  13. What is important is not the speed and quantity of work done, but the thoroughness and correctness of performing the simplest tasks.
  14. While completing a task, it is unacceptable to distract students with any additions, clarifications, or instructions, because their process of switching attention is reduced.
  15. Gradually but systematically include the child in evaluating your work.
  16. To concentrate distracted attention, it is necessary to pause before tasks, change intonation and use other techniques to attract attention.
  17. Avoid overwork, give short-term opportunities for rest, and evenly include dynamic pauses in the lesson (every 10 minutes).
  18. When assessing the dynamics of a child’s progress, do not compare him with other children, but only with himself at the previous level of development.
  19. Constantly maintain students' confidence in their abilities, provide them with a subjective experience of success with certain efforts. Immediately encourage the child’s successes and achievements.
  20. To develop a sense of self-esteem in children, taking into account their real awareness of their difficulties and problems.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Methodological recommendations to help teachers and parents of children with mental retardation for the prevention of school maladjustment.

The article describes the psychophysiological features of the development of children of primary school age with mental retardation, affecting school maladjustment. The parameters of a successful...

Methodological recommendations and didactic games for the development of special properties of objects based on the development of touch, smell, taste, baric sensations in preschool children with mental retardation

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation13.00.03
  • Number of pages 195




1.1 Psychological - pedagogical foundations for the formation of cognitive activity.

1.2 Organization of special training for the development of cognitive activity in children of primary school age with mental retardation.

1.3 Features of the manifestation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.



2.1 The main directions of correctional and developmental work on the formation of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation.

2.3 Results of experimental training.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Contents, forms and methods of musical education of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation 2008, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tishina, Ekaterina Yurievna

  • Didactic foundations of teacher preparation for correctional and developmental education of junior schoolchildren 2000, candidate of pedagogical sciences Mishchenko, Zinaida Ivanovna

  • Activation of cognitive activity of primary school students with mental retardation 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kobzeva, Nadezhda Alekseevna

  • Formation of self-regulation in the process of educational activities in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities 2003, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Metieva, Lyudmila Anatolyevna

  • Psychological system for ensuring the readiness of junior schoolchildren with mental retardation to study in a primary school under conditions of integration into the general education environment 2005, Doctor of Psychology Knyazeva, Tatyana Nikolaevna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation as a condition for increasing the effectiveness of their learning”

The relevance of the problem of children's mental health has recently increased significantly. The increase in neuropsychiatric and somatic diseases, as well as various functional disorders, correlates with general decline academic performance, especially in the initial stages of education.

According to psychological and pedagogical research, the number of students who are not able to master general education programs of primary school is 20 - 30% of students, and approximately 70 - 80% of them need special forms and methods of teaching.

The need to improve school education poses with particular urgency the task of studying the causes of educational lag and behavioral deficiencies of individual students, and choosing the most effective ways to eliminate these phenomena. This is especially important for elementary school, where not only the basis for the formation of a child’s cognitive abilities is created, but also the foundation for all subsequent education is laid.

Special studies on the problem of school failure were carried out by psychologists (V.I. Zykova, Z.I. Kalmykova, I.A. Korobeinikov, N.A. Menchinskaya, N.I. Murachkovsky, A.M. Orlova, N.P. Slobodyanik ), teachers (Yu.K. Babansky, A.A. Budarny, B.P. Esipov, L.V. Zankov), defectologists and physiologists together with psychologists and clinicians (T.A. Vlasova, T.V. Egorova, K.S. Lebedinskaya, V.I. Lubovsky, N.A. Nikashina, S.G. Shevchenko). The latter identified a special category among underachieving schoolchildren - children with temporary mental retardation.

Mental retardation (MDD) is a violation of the normal pace of mental development in which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool and play interests. The concept of “delay” emphasizes the temporary (discrepancy between the level of development and age) and at the same time temporary nature of the lag, which is overcome with age the more successfully the earlier adequate conditions for the learning and development of children of this category are created. In the psychological-pedagogical, as well as in the medical literature, other approaches to the category of students under consideration are used: “children with learning disabilities” (U.V. Ulienkova), “lagging behind in learning” (N.A. Menchinskaya), “nervous children” ( A.I. Zakharov). However, the criteria on the basis of which these groups are distinguished do not contradict the understanding of the nature of mental retardation. In accordance with another socio-pedagogical approach, such children are called “children at risk” (G.F. Kumarin).

A diagnosis of mental retardation can be made for a child only by a medical-pedagogical commission (MPC) or a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation (GTMPC), after which he is sent to a boarding school (extended day school) or to a special class of correctional and developmental education in a general education school.

The purpose of organizing such classes is to create learning and education conditions for children with mental retardation that are adequate to their characteristics. According to statistics, by the beginning of 2000 in Russia, about 600,000 schoolchildren were studying in classes of correctional and developmental education.

The urgent need to develop issues of development of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation in comparison with children with other developmental disorders, as well as with normally developing schoolchildren, is due to the needs of practice. The school's transition to new, more complex programs has aggravated the plight of persistently underperforming students.

In terms of the nature of behavior, characteristics of cognitive activity and the emotional and volitional sphere, junior schoolchildren with mental retardation differ significantly from their normally developing peers and require special corrective influences to compensate for violations.

A significant lag and originality is found in the development of mental activity in children with mental retardation (K.S. Lebedinskaya, L.I. Peres Leni). This is expressed in the immaturity of such operations as analysis, synthesis, in the inability to identify essential features of objects and make generalizations, in a low level of development abstract thinking. Slight underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself in violations of sound pronunciation, difficulties in the sound analysis of words and the assimilation of logical and grammatical structures, especially characterizing spatial and temporal categories, poverty and insufficient differentiation of the dictionary (E.V. Maltseva, G.N. Rakhmakova, S.G. Shevchenko , L.V. Yassman). Features of cognitive activity in students with mental retardation are manifested in insufficient formation of attention (G.I. Zharenkova), memory deficiencies, and they relate to all types of memorization: involuntary and voluntary, short-term and long-term (T.V. Egorova, L.I. Peresleni, V.L. Podobed). Violations of the emotional-personal sphere and behavior of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation manifest themselves in emotional instability, weakness of volitional attitudes, impulsivity, affective excitability, motor disinhibition, or, conversely, in lethargy, apathy (S.G. Shevchenko). These features of cognitive activity, emotional and personal sphere and behavior of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation hinder their assimilation of school knowledge.

At the same time, children in this category have potential opportunities for further development, that is, they will be able to subsequently do independently what they need to do. this moment in conditions of special education can only be performed with the help of a teacher. This distinguishes children with mental retardation from the mentally retarded.

We understand the formation of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation as a process of correctional and developmental education, including correction of the behavior and emotional-personal sphere of children with mental retardation, as well as overcoming the shortcomings of educational activities in the study of various disciplines: the Russian language, reading, natural history. We consider this process as aimed at the formation of basic mental functions, and at the development of students in general, their motivation, personality, stock of knowledge and ideas about the environment.

A great contribution to the development of the problem of forming the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation was made by practical teachers (A N. Antipina, Yu. E. Valatina, Z. N. Kovrigina, etc.).

As an analysis of their experience shows, the formation of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation most often comes down to the affirmation of the need to use individual games, the selection of which is random, the content is not scientifically substantiated, and the effectiveness has not been proven, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work.

The significance of the study of this problem is determined by the leading role of the level of formation of cognitive activity on the success of education of children with mental retardation, as well as increasing their general development.

The purpose of our research is to scientifically substantiate the influence of the process of formation of cognitive activity on the effectiveness of teaching primary schoolchildren with mental retardation.

The object of the study is the process of teaching primary schoolchildren with mental retardation in the conditions of correctional and developmental education (CDT) classes.

The subject of the study is the formation of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation of primary school age in the process of correctional and developmental education.

Theoretical analysis of the problem of the formation of cognitive activity in the learning process made it possible to formulate a hypothesis.

The cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation is characterized by qualitative originality in the formation of attention, memory, thinking, and speech. These features of cognitive activity require a special structure of the educational process, the organization of which would allow students of the category under consideration to assimilate the content of education and would contribute to their development. This process will be effective if it uses content, forms and methods that correspond to the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation of primary school age.

In accordance with the purpose and subject of the study, the following tasks were identified:

1. to identify the features of cognitive activity (attention, memory, thinking, speech) of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation in the learning process and experimentally, as well as the influence of its level on the overall development of students;

2. determine the main directions for the formation of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation in the process of correctional and developmental education and the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of this process;

3. reveal the features of the organization of the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education and the principles on which it is based;

4. develop and experimentally test the content, forms and methods of correctional and developmental activities for the formation of the cognitive sphere, corresponding to the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation.

The methodological basis of the study was: the theoretical position of special psychology and pedagogy on the unity of the laws of normal and abnormal development(L.S. Vygotsky); the fundamental position that the leading role in the development of a child of primary school age belongs to educational activities (V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin), as well as the works of domestic teachers, psychologists, defectologists, revealing the problems of school failure (Yu.K. Babansky, G1.P.Blonsky, T.A.Vlasova, L.V.Zankov, Z.I.Kalmykova, I.A.Korobeinikov, V.I.Lubovsky, N.I.Murachkovsky, N.A.Nikashina, N.P. Slobodyanik, S.G. Shevchenko); studies revealing the etymology of mental retardation (T.A. Vlasova, K.S. Lebedinskaya, E.M. Mastyukova, M.S. Pevzner), features of the development of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation (T.V. Egorova, G.I. Zharenkova, V.I. Lubovsky, G.E. Sukhareva, L.I. Peresleni, V.L. Podobed); the doctrine of the relationship between learning and child development (L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget).

Research methods: theoretical analysis of works in the field of general and special psychology, general and correctional pedagogy, method of observing the peculiarities of the manifestation of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation during educational and non-educational activities, method of conversation with parents, questioning using a questionnaire specially developed by us, experimental study of cognitive activities using psychodiagnostic techniques, methods of mathematical and statistical processing of factual material, experimental research, including ascertaining, formative and control experiments.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of secondary schools No. 8, 11, 19, 36 in Orel. 140 children were examined (80 children with mental retardation, 60 normally developing schoolchildren), 215 observation records were obtained from students in KRO classes, 1260 children's responses, 132 protocols of interviews with parents. We conducted a dynamic study of junior schoolchildren, which included three sections (grades 1-3) for normally developing children and four (grades 1-4) for students with mental retardation. The results of experimental training were assessed using quantitative indicators, which made it possible to evaluate dynamic changes from the perspective of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The study was carried out in several stages.

The first stage (1998 - 1999) - study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, special literature, experience of teachers working with children of the category under consideration; determination of the purpose, object, subject, hypothesis and objectives of the study; development of diagnostic tasks to study the cognitive activity and general development of children with mental retardation of primary school age; carrying out the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

The second stage (1999 - 2000) - conducting a pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which was to test in practice a specially developed methodology aimed at developing the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation in the learning process.

The third stage (2000 - 2001) - systematization and generalization of experimental work, clarification of theoretical principles, preparation of the dissertation.

Scientific novelty of the research.

Some new features of cognitive activity (attention, memory, thinking, speech) have been identified in primary schoolchildren with mental retardation during the learning process and in experimental research. Three groups of children with mental retardation with different levels of development of cognitive activity have been identified, and the dynamics in the development of cognitive processes in schoolchildren has been shown different groups. The leading directions in the teacher’s activities in the process of correctional and developmental education have been identified and experimentally substantiated.

Theoretical significance of the study.

The work further developed scientific ideas about cognitive activity as the most important basis for the overall development of children with mental retardation, and the influence of its development on the success of educational activities. The experimental data obtained confirm the leading position of Russian defectology about the unity of the lines of normal and abnormal development and the qualitative uniqueness of the formation of the psyche of children with developmental disorders (L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Lubovsky).

Practical significance of the study.

Psychological, pedagogical and guidelines for teachers primary classes on the formation of cognitive activity, allowing to increase the effectiveness of teaching children with mental retardation.

The dissertation materials can be used for reading training courses“Special Psychology”, “Correctional Pedagogy”, for the development of special courses in higher education educational institutions and colleges, as well as in the development of teaching aids for primary school teachers.

Reliability of research results.

The scientific principles and conclusions presented in the dissertation are based on theoretical and practical material obtained as a result of experimental work; the reliability of the results and conclusions is confirmed by the presence of patterns in the changes in indicators obtained during statistical processing of experimental materials.

Provisions submitted for defense.

1. The development of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation is subordinated general patterns development of children of this age, but is characterized by a qualitative originality of the structure of cognitive activity (attention, memory, thinking, speech), which complicates their learning.

2. Features of the organization of the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education make it possible to ensure the continuity of the formation of cognitive activity in the learning process and extracurricular activities through the use of a special system of tasks for children with mental retardation.

3. The purposeful formation of cognitive activity of students with mental retardation in the process of learning and extracurricular activities has a positive impact on their educational activities, the level of general development of children in the category under consideration increases, and has a positive effect on the behavior and emotional and personal sphere of schoolchildren.

Approbation of work.

The results of the study were used in the practice of primary school teachers of correctional and developmental education at schools No. 8.36 in Oryol.

Theoretical developments and the results of the experimental research are presented in reports and communications: at methodological unification teachers of primary secondary school No. 8 in Oryol, at scientific and practical conferences, meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education of Oryol State University (1999 - 2001)

Work structure.

The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

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  • Didactic features of the development of cognitive processes of junior schoolchildren in correctional and developmental education 1998, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Lyaskalo, Valentina Ivanovna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)”, Shamarina, Elena Vladimirovna

The results of the study of the volume of short-term memory made it possible to formulate a common dependence for the two groups of schoolchildren - a steady age-related increase in memory capacity indicators both during direct memorization and during certain manipulations with the source material. At the same time, there are also peculiar features in the development of memory among schoolchildren of the two groups. Younger schoolchildren studying in public schools, by 8 - summer age show high levels of short-term memory. In addition, they exhibit high age-related rates of development of this form of memory.

For students with mental retardation, the rate of growth is somewhat lower, however, as they learn by the age of 10, noticeable changes occur, especially in immediate memorization, which allows a positive assessment of the potential opportunities in the development of their short-term memory. At the same time, the presence of an anomaly in a child seriously affects the characteristics of the volume of this type of memory.


Our research fully confirms the hypothesis put forward about the need to organize the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education, based on the level of development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation, proves the activating influence of Russian language lessons, reading, natural history, as well as extracurricular activities for its formation, asserts the positive impact of the formation of cognitive activity on the overall development of students in the category under consideration.

The organization of education for students with mental retardation is carried out in the system of correctional and developmental education, which is a form of differentiation of education that allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with persistent learning difficulties. This form of differentiation is possible with the usual traditional form of organizing the educational process, but it is more effective when creating special classes for younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.

The system of correctional and developmental education is built on the principles of developmental education, unity of diagnosis and correction, and individualization of education. The principles of developmental education are presented in the classification of V.P. Zinchenko, on the basis of which special methods of teaching children with mental retardation are developed. This is the principle of leading activity (V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin), determination of the zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky), the principle of amplification (expansion) child development, the principle of the unity of affect and intellect (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets).

The starting principle for determining the goals and objectives of correction, as well as methods for solving them, is the principle of unity of diagnostics and developmental correction. The tasks of correctional work can be correctly set based on complex diagnostics and assessment of the potential reserves of students with mental retardation.

Individualization of learning means that it is focused on the individual typological characteristics of students and is built taking them into account.

In the system of correctional and developmental education, the humanistic principles presented in the works of Sh.A. Amonashvili (cooperate with children, believe in the abilities of each child, rejoice with children) become particularly relevant.

The ascertaining stage of the experiment made it possible to identify the features of the manifestation of cognitive activity (attention, memory, thinking, speech) in normally developing schoolchildren and children with mental retardation during the learning process and extracurricular activities. This stage of the experiment was carried out through observations, conversations with students’ parents, questionnaires, as well as special psychodiagnostic techniques.

As a result of the experiment, it was found that students with mental retardation have a significantly lower level of development of cognitive activity than their peers in mainstream schools. The study made it possible to state the fact that there is a positive relationship between general development and cognitive activity: with an increase in the indicator of cognitive activity, the indicator of general development increases, which in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation increases 3 times slower compared to normally developing schoolchildren.

In addition, the study made it possible to identify a complex relationship between the level of development of cognitive activity and the characteristics of behavior and the emotional and personal sphere of children with mental retardation in primary school.

The formative stage of the experiment made it possible to trace the dynamics of the development of cognitive activity and general development in primary schoolchildren with mental retardation through specially organized training in the following areas: the first direction - correction of the behavior and emotional-personal sphere of students with mental retardation through the means of art and theatrical activities; the second direction is expanding students’ knowledge about the surrounding reality, developing their cognitive interest; The third direction is related to the conduct of lessons in the Russian language and reading, based on a specially developed system of tasks that contribute to the formation of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation of primary school age.

The leading goal of the formation of cognitive activity is to increase the overall development of students in the category under consideration, manifested in children’s meaningful memorization of educational material, the ability to apply knowledge acquired on excursions, extracurricular activities in the learning process, reducing anxiety and fear when performing tasks.

The formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation should be carried out in specially organized conditions, which are: identification and recording of developmental disorders of cognitive activity and emotional and personal development; organization of correctional and developmental work in the learning process and extracurricular activities through material related to different areas of knowledge: reading, Russian language, natural history; inclusion of children with mental retardation in the learning process by creating situations of active interaction, cooperation and communication with the teacher; organization of a protective regime, use of dosed training loads; the need for school cooperation with medical institutions to carry out constant monitoring of the health of students; organization of targeted work with the family, since the nature of the relationship in the family creates positive or negative preconditions for correctional and developmental education.

The content of the training was based on the individually identified psychological characteristics of the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation, program material on the Russian language, reading, and natural history for elementary school. The material we used was studied at different levels of complexity. The formation of students' cognitive activity was carried out continuously in the process of learning and extracurricular work through specially designed tasks that were completed by children with mental retardation in various forms: individual, group.

Correction of behavior and emotional-personal sphere was carried out through fairy tale therapy, staging situations described in fairy tales, requiring children to constantly communicate with each other and with the teacher. Such forms of work became a means of forming interpersonal communication, establishing friendly relations with comrades, forming cooperative relationships with the teacher, that is, they became a means of socializing the child, preparing for the transition to new stage development. The use of psycho-gymnastic exercises harmonized the mental activity of the brain of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation: the mental and motor activity of children was streamlined, their mood improved, and the inertia of their well-being was relieved.

During experimental training, we included younger schoolchildren with mental retardation in those types creative activity in which they have a chance of success. These types of activities were: pointillism - finger painting, blotography, plasticine painting. We used music as an aid in correctional and developmental classes.

Due to the fact that all primary schoolchildren with mental retardation were lagging behind in general development, we carried out special work aimed at broadening their horizons and enriching knowledge about the surrounding reality of children in this category throughout the entire experimental training.

Specially organized work aimed at developing the cognitive activity of students with mental retardation was carried out in Russian language and reading lessons.

The above work in Russian language lessons began with students understanding what instructions in an educational task and educational material are, and determining the sequence of completing the tasks specified in the instructions. During the lessons, work was carried out aimed at understanding the purpose of such structural components educational tasks, as a sample, “words for reference”. The training was built in a certain sequence. First, junior schoolchildren were offered tasks that included two components - instructions and educational material. After students had mastered the individual components of the task (instructions, educational material, sample), special exercises were introduced to consolidate the ability to find the above-mentioned components in the task.

The use of tasks in the process of experimental learning, the instructions of which included three or four requirements, allowed students with mental retardation to more clearly trace the noted dependence of the performance of the subsequent action on the previous one. This type of work contributed to the development of the ability of younger schoolchildren to consistently complete tasks. Using the examples of tasks given in the study, it is possible to practically familiarize schoolchildren with ZPR with the simplest cases of a problem situation, since children are faced with questions: “what is it?”, “how should it be done?”

Correctional and developmental work aimed at developing the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation was carried out in the classroom literary reading. The section “Oral Folk Art” is a beneficial material for organizing such work, since works of this genre form in children with mental retardation the correct attitude towards the world, work, and people around them; enrich students’ vocabulary, since their statements are monosyllabic and erroneous; contribute to the development of thinking, memory, and attention of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.

Corrective and developmental work on the topic “Oral Folk Art” should begin with the study of small folk genres, because they contain a light play on words, a quick change from one picture to another from line to line. These features contributed to the development of interest in works of oral folk art, increased the cognitive activity of children with mental retardation, prevented fatigue in the classroom, and relieved fatigue.

Of particular importance for the formation of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren are riddles, which develop ingenuity and intelligence in children. In order to show students with mental retardation how the world around them is reflected in riddles in a special way, we looked at different types riddles: riddles personifying natural phenomena and inanimate objects; riddles - metaphors; riddles based on comparison. Local history material, included in correctional and developmental work, contributed to broadening the horizons of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation and enriching their knowledge about the nature of their native land.

Children with mental retardation are especially active in extracurricular activities. They like to dramatize the heroes of fairy tales; they are happy to depict their favorite heroes on the sheet of paper. Among them are Ivan Tsarevich, Alyonushka and others. In this regard, we carried out special work in the Russian language lesson, aimed at developing coherent speech and observation skills in junior schoolchildren of the 3rd and 4th correction classes, on the reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov and other artists.

We assessed the result of the formation of cognitive activity by the ability to meaningfully memorize educational material, navigate educational tasks (distinguish instructions from educational material, understand the purpose of auxiliary elements of tasks), use knowledge gained during excursions and extracurricular activities in the learning process.

An analysis of experimental training showed that the average level of development of cognitive activity among first-graders with mental retardation increased by 1.6 times, accounting for 25% of children.

The average level of development of cognitive activity among second grade students increased approximately 2 times, amounting to 30%.

The average level of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation in the third grade increased 1.7 times, accounting for 35% of schoolchildren. Average The cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren in the fourth grade increased 2.3 times, accounting for 35% of students and 5% (one child) reaching a high level.

In children with mental retardation in grades 3-4, the level of meaningful memorization of educational material increased significantly.

A comparative analysis of the data obtained at the beginning and at the end of the experimental training proved the effectiveness and efficiency of the conditions we developed for conducting correctional and developmental training aimed at developing the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation in order to increase the overall development of students in the category under consideration.

In general, the results of the study provide grounds for the conclusion that the developed and experimental grounded model The formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation in the classroom and in the process of extracurricular activities contributes to its effective formation, as well as increasing the level of general development of students in the category under consideration.

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Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions received from the surrounding world. The game clearly reveals the child’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and developing need for communication.

An interesting game increases the child’s mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of games. Play is only one of the methods, and it gives good results only in combination with others: observations, conversations, reading and others.

For children with mental retardation at primary school age, play is the main method of learning.

While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice and use them in different conditions. Play is an independent activity in which children interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, and common experiences. Play experiences leave a deep imprint on the child’s mind and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and collective life skills.

The game occupies a large place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education. The child needs active activity that helps increase his vitality and satisfies his interests and social needs.

The game is of great educational importance; it is closely related to classroom learning and observation. Everyday life. Children learn to solve game problems on their own, find the best way to implement their plans, use their knowledge, and express it in words. Often a game serves as an occasion for imparting new knowledge and broadening one’s horizons.

All this makes play an important means of creating a child’s orientation, which begins to develop in preschool childhood.

Relevance of the work:

Current stage of development psychological science characterized by increased attention to studying various features and child development options. The contradictory socio-economic realities of modern society give rise to an increase in the number of children with developmental problems. These problems manifest themselves with particular force during schooling, when developmental delays become obvious. Meanwhile, the most important feature of children with borderline forms of neuropsychic disorders and developmental disorders is that most of them need not so much treatment as the creation of special conditions for education and upbringing. In other words, the complex of neuropsychic disorders characteristic of these children requires not so much medical as psychological and pedagogical correction, based on clinical, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Thus, the play activity of children with mental retardation of primary school age is an urgent problem in the learning process.

Target course work: consider features play activity younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.

The object of the study is the play activity of children with mental retardation of primary school age.

The subject of the study is the influence of a defect (DPR) on the gaming activity of primary schoolchildren.

The research hypothesis is that the characteristics of the gaming activity of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation manifest themselves in low gaming activity, a relatively low level of self-confidence and limited gaming roles.

Job objectives:

1) review the literature on the research problem;

2) conduct an empirical study of the characteristics of children’s play activities. 3) draw conclusions.

Research methods:

Theoretical – analysis and synthesis theoretical research on work issues.

Experimental – determination of the study sample, methods, diagnostics, statistical processing and interpretation of results.

Organization of the study. The study involved correctional class students aged 7 to 8 years (6 people) with a diagnosis of mental retardation at MDOU No. 14, Klintsy.

1. Features of development of children of primary school age with mental retardation

Mental retardation (MDD) is a borderline form of intellectual disability, personal immaturity, a mild impairment of the cognitive sphere, a syndrome of temporary lag of the psyche as a whole or of its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional, volitional). This is not a clinical form, but a slow pace of development. Mental retardation manifests itself in the discrepancy between a child’s intellectual capabilities and his age. These children are not ready to start school due to their knowledge and skills, personal immaturity, and behavior. Mental retardation can be corrected by teaching and raising a child in a special correctional class. Characteristic features of children with mental retardation: – Decreased performance; – Increased exhaustion; – Unstable attention; – Insufficient voluntary memory; – Lag in the development of thinking; – Defects in sound pronunciation; – Peculiar behavior; – Poor vocabulary of words; – Low self-control skill; – Immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere; – Limited supply of general information and ideas; – Poor reading technique; – Difficulties in counting and solving problems in mathematics. The term “mental retardation” refers to a lag in mental development, which, on the one hand, requires a special correctional approach to teaching the child, on the other hand, it gives (as a rule, with this special approach) the opportunity to teach the child according to general program their mastery of the state standard of school knowledge. Manifestations of mental retardation include delayed emotional-volitional maturation in the form of one or another variant of infantilism, and insufficiency, delayed development of cognitive activity, while the manifestations of this condition can be varied.

A child with mental retardation seems to correspond in his mental development to a younger age, but this correspondence is only external. A thorough mental study shows the specific features of his mental activity, which are most often based on a mild organic insufficiency of those brain systems, which are responsible for the child’s learning ability, for the possibility of his adaptation to the conditions of the school.

Its deficiency manifests itself, first of all, in the child’s low cognitive activity, which is usually found in all spheres of his mental activity. Such a child is less inquisitive, but does not seem to “hear” or “see” much in the world around him, does not strive to understand or comprehend the phenomena and events occurring around him. This is due to the peculiarities of his perception, attention, thinking, memory, emotional-volitional sphere. The main reason for the delay is mild organic damage to the brain, congenital or occurring in utero, during birth or in the early period of a child’s life, and in some cases genetically determined insufficiency of the central nervous system. nervous system and its main part - the brain; intoxication, infections, metabolic and trophic disorders, injuries, etc., which lead to minor disturbances in the rate of development of brain mechanisms or cause mild cerebral organic damage. Unfavorable social factors, including unfavorable upbringing conditions, lack of information, etc., aggravate developmental delays, but do not represent the only or even the main cause.

Mental retardation is one of the most common forms of mental pathology in childhood. More often it is detected when the child begins studying in the preparatory group of a kindergarten or at school, especially at the age of 7–10 years, since this age period provides great diagnostic capabilities.

2. Psychological foundations of play in children of primary school age with mental retardation

Childhood is inseparable from play. The more childhood there is in a culture, the more important play is to society. Long before the game became a thing scientific research, it was widely used as one of the essential means raising children. The time when education became a special social function goes back centuries, and the use of games as a means of education goes back to the same depths of centuries. In various pedagogical systems, the game was given a different role, but there is not a single system in which a place in the game is not assigned to one degree or another. The game is attributed to a wide variety of functions, both purely educational and educational, so there is a need to more accurately determine the influence of the game on the development of a child with developmental delays and find its place in the general system of educational work in institutions for children.

The concept of “game,” like any complex phenomenon of human existence, cannot be clearly defined or expressed through other concepts. Although there are several related activities to play—for example, “leisure” or “entertainment”—play is unlikely to be defined in terms of their combination, any more than by its obvious opposite, “work.” Emerging at the border between early childhood and preschool age, play develops intensively and reaches its highest level in preschool age. Studying the development of role-playing games is interesting in two ways: firstly, with such research the essence of the game is revealed more deeply; secondly, revealing the relationship between individual structural components of the game in their development can help in pedagogical guidance, in the formation of this most important activity of the child.

As a result of many years of observations, special pedagogical research and studying the experience of management, data have been accumulated on the characteristics of the games of children of different age groups. These features, highlighted by teacher-researchers, are complex in nature and can serve as starting points in the study of the development of role-playing games. We will not present in detail the data obtained in pedagogical observations and analyze them. Here are just a few examples of generalization of these data.

Delayed mental development in younger schoolchildren.

The concept of mental retardation (MDD) is used in relation to children with minimal organic damage or functional insufficiency of the central nervous system. It can also be applied to children who have been in conditions of social isolation from society or communication with a limited circle of people for a long time.
Children with mental retardation are characterized by immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere and underdevelopment of cognitive activity. The above features are compensated under the influence of temporary therapeutic and pedagogical factors.
Scientists Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. In their book “On Children with Developmental Disabilities,” they first described the diagnosis of mental retardation and introduced the term “psychological infantilism.”
There are two groups of children with mental retardation. The first group included children with impaired rates of physical and mental development. The delay is associated with a slower rate of maturation of the frontal region of the cerebral cortex and its connection with other areas of the cortex and subcortex. Such children are noticeably inferior to their peers both physically and mental development, are distinguished by infantilism in cognitive activity and in the volitional sphere. Difficulty getting involved in learning activities; they differ in lessons fatigue and low performance. The second group includes children with functional disorders of mental activity (cerebral-sthenic conditions), which most often arise due to brain injuries. These children are characterized by weakness of nervous processes, but at the same time deep violations They have no cognitive activity. During periods of stability, they achieve good academic results.
Scientists call congenital causes (toxicosis during pregnancy, birth injuries, prematurity, infectious diseases in young years, genetic predisposition and others) and acquired (long-term disability, mental trauma, unfavorable family conditions, pedagogical neglect).
In this regard, four variants of the ZPR are distinguished.
1. ZPR of constitutional origin, or harmonious infantilism. The child has an immature physique and at the same time mentality. Such children quickly get used to school, but do not understand the rules of behavior (they are late for classes, play in class, draw in notebooks). Doesn't respond to ratings. For him, the main thing is to have grades in the notebook. As a rule, due to immaturity, such children begin to lag behind in their studies from the very beginning. For such children, classes should be structured in a playful way.
2. ZPR of somatogenic origin occurs in connection with chronic diseases that have an impact on brain functions. The special regime does not allow them to socialize with their peers. At school, children with this type of mental retardation experience serious difficulties in adaptation, are bored, and often cry. They are passive in class. Such children have no interest in the proposed tasks and have an inability and unwillingness to overcome difficulties. They do not show initiative and need constant pedagogical guidance, otherwise they will be disorganized and helpless. When children are very tired, headaches increase and there is no appetite, which is a reason for refusing to work. Children with somatogenic mental retardation need systematic medical and pedagogical assistance. It is best to place them in schools sanatorium type or create a medicinal-pedagogical regime in ordinary classes.
3. Mental retardation of psychogenic origin is typical for children with pedagogical and family neglect - lack of maternal warmth, emotional distance reduces the child’s motivation, leads to superficial emotions, lack of independence in behavior. This form of mental retardation is typical for children from dysfunctional families, where there is no proper supervision over the child, where there is emotional rejection, but at the same time permissiveness. Parents influence the child through suppression and punishment. This state of the child becomes fertile ground for antisocial behavior. The child becomes passive, downtrodden, and feels increased anxiety. The teacher must show interest in such a child both in the presence of an individual approach and in the presence of intensive additional classes knowledge gaps are quickly filled. Consultation with social services is required.
4. ZPR of cerebro-organic origin manifests itself in children with organic damage to the central nervous system. The causes of the deviations are deviations in brain development due to pathology of pregnancy, fetal asphyxia, infections, birth injuries, alcoholism (drug addiction) of the mother, serious illnesses in the first year of life. Children with such mental retardation quickly get tired, they have reduced performance, poor concentration and memory. They absorb the material in fragments, and they quickly forget. Therefore by the end school year don't understand the program. Education of children with mental retardation of cerebro-organic origin according to the usual program is not possible. They need corrective pedagogical support.
The issue of mental retardation is not very simple. It is important for a teacher not only to have a theoretical understanding of the problem, but also to seek help from specialists from the medical-pedagogical commission.

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