Home Prosthetics and implantation What are Cetrin tablets for: purpose, features of use and possible side effects. Cetrin during pregnancy: instructions for use contraindications Saw cetrin did not know that she was pregnant

What are Cetrin tablets for: purpose, features of use and possible side effects. Cetrin during pregnancy: instructions for use contraindications Saw cetrin did not know that she was pregnant

Cetrin has few side effects, however, it is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is especially undesirable to take this drug in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the organs and tissues of the fetus are being formed. But at later stages, the use of this drug is also contraindicated.

Allergies in pregnant women

If a woman suffers from any allergic disease, then it is sometimes impossible to predict in advance how the allergy will “behave” during pregnancy due to numerous, sometimes very individual changes in metabolism , which occur in her body during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, first of all, a woman’s hormonal background changes , and under its influence - blood flow speed and metabolism . Due to the heavy load (two organisms - mother and child), the cleansing abilities of the liver and kidneys are reduced. As a result, all organs and tissues of a woman undergo significant and varied changes, which in turn can change the effect on the body of habitual and previously easily tolerated medications beyond recognition.

All of these changes can significantly increase the risk drug allergies and cause an exacerbation of allergic diseases that began before pregnancy. In some women, during pregnancy, the allergic disease continues to occur as usual, in others, all manifestations disappear or decrease. But the worsening of allergic diseases during pregnancy is especially dangerous - it is very rare, but it does happen.

Allergies in pregnant women most often manifest themselves in the form of allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. Less common are skin rashes and bronchial asthma. In all these cases, obstetricians-gynecologists recommend preparing for pregnancy, visiting an allergist in advance and, if necessary, conducting a course of specific treatment.

What to do if allergies get worse during pregnancy

First of all, no amateur activity: all treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor. First, the doctor will try to cope with allergies using non-drug methods: a hypoallergenic diet , excluding possible household allergens (including dust, particles of animal hair, fish scales, and so on).

If it is not possible to help a woman in this way, then drug treatment, including the safest antihistamines used.

What is the danger antihistamines during pregnancy

Antihistamines are used during pregnancy, but only under strict indications. The fact is that drugs of this group block the action of histamine - biologically active substance, which is not completely superfluous in the body of a pregnant woman.

With the assistance of histamine, the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus and the embryo develops in it. In later stages of pregnancy, histamine easily passes through the placenta and regulates the metabolism between the mother and fetus. The process of tissue laying and development of fetal organs depends on its influence.

The use of antihistamines can disrupt all these processes. And since practically no clinical trials are conducted on pregnant women, no one can say for sure how this or that antihistamine will affect the condition of the woman and the fetus.

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, these drugs cannot be used categorically, but subsequently they are sometimes used with caution, taking into account all indications and contraindications, the condition of the woman and the fetus. But since there are no thoroughly tested and absolutely safe antihistamines, their use should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Cetrin ( Cetrine) - a modern antihistamine drug that has antiallergic, antiexudative, antipruritic effects. The medicine is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.

In the pharmacy chain, Cetrin is presented in the form of tablets containing 10 mg of Cetirizine, 20 tablets in blister packs and in the form of syrup containing 1 mg of Cetirizine in 1 ml.

How does Cetrin work for allergies?

The active substance of Cetrin is cetirizine (hydroxyzine metabolite), which is a blocker of H1-histamine receptors and a competitive histamine antagonist. Ceterizine effectively relieves allergy symptoms and also prevents its development. Having an antiexudative and antipruritic effect, Ceterizine helps limit the release of inflammatory mediators and prevents the release mast cells histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, reduces capillary permeability, prevents the migration of neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, relieves smooth muscle spasm. In the treatment of bronchial asthma mild degree severity Cetrin reduces histamine-induced bronchospasm.

When taking therapeutic doses of Cetrin, no sedative effect is observed. The therapeutic effect after taking 10 mg of the drug is observed after 30-60 minutes and lasts 1 day. At therapeutic dosages, addiction to the antihistamine effect does not develop. After stopping taking Cetrin, the effect lasts for 3 days.

Cetrin contains active components:

  • Tablets: the active substance is cetirizine dihydrochloride (10 milligrams); excipients: starch, povidone, lactose, magnesium stearate, macrogol 6000, hypromellose, talc, titanium dioxide, polysorbate.
  • Syrup: 1 ml contains 1 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride; excipients: sucrose, glycerol, disodium edetate, benzoic acid, sodium citrate, sorbitol solution 70%, purified water, flavoring.

Ceterizine is absorbed fairly quickly after oral administration, with maximum plasma concentrations observed after 60 minutes. It is recommended to take the drug before meals, since digestive processes slow down its absorption.

A small amount of Cetirizine is metabolized in the liver. The medicine does not have a cumulative effect (does not accumulate in organs and tissues), penetrates into breast milk, and is excreted from the body primarily by the kidneys.

If the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired, the half-life of the drug increases.

For what diseases is Cetrin prescribed?

Indications for the use of Cetrin are allergic diseases:

  • Seasonal and year-round rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • Drug and food allergies;
  • Dermatoses of allergic origin (in complex treatment);
  • Chronic recurrent urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Atopic dermatitis (in complex treatment).

Contraindications for use and side effects

When treated with Cetrin, side effects may occur: headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, hand tremors, depressive states. Also possible: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of Cetrin are:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • For children under 6 years of age, Cetrin is prescribed in the form of syrup.

Methods of using Cetrin

Cetrin tablets are taken orally before meals with a small amount of water.

Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet. (10 milligrams) once daily.

For children over 6 years of age, give half a tablet (5 milligrams) twice a day.

Cetrin syrup is prescribed for adults and children over six years of age from 1 to 2 teaspoons (5-10 milligrams) once a day. For children from two to five years old, give ½ teaspoon. spoon once a day.

For liver and kidney failure, adults are prescribed half a tablet (5 milligrams) once a day.

The course duration of treatment is 1-4 weeks. When treating chronic allergic diseases, the duration of therapy can increase to 6 months. Before taking Cetrin, read the instructions for use.

Can Cetrin be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The active substance Cetirizine penetrates the placental barrier and is found in breast milk, providing negative impact on the condition of the fetus and newborn, therefore the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing breast milk.

Interaction with other drugs

Cetrin is used with caution simultaneously with sedatives. When administered simultaneously with theophylline, accumulation of Cetirizine and overdose may occur.

An overdose of the drug is possible if the recommended dose is accidentally exceeded; it is accompanied by drowsiness, increased heart rate, hand tremors, itchy skin, and urinary retention. It is recommended to discontinue the drug, gastric lavage, and also take enterosorbents: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Enterosorb, Laktofiltrum, Activated carbon. There is no specific antidote.

Are there analogues of Cetrin?

Similar pharmacological properties have antihistamines: Zyrtec, Zodak, which include Cetirizine, as well as Loratadine, Clarotadine, Claritin, the main active ingredient of which is Loratadine, Erius (Desloratadine), Ketotifen. Medicines of the first group belong to the latest generation of antiallergic drugs; their price in pharmacies is slightly higher. The lowest cost among Cetrin analogues is for the drug Loratadine Verte. The effectiveness of antihistamines latest generation slightly higher.

How to properly store the medicine?

Cetrin is stored in a place protected from light. Storage temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the medicine is two years.

Price of medicine in a pharmacy chain

Cetrin can be purchased at most pharmacies. The average cost of the drug is:

  • Cetrin syrup, 60 ml (1 mg/ml) - 95 - 105 rubles;
  • Cetrin tablets (10 mg), No. 20 - 160 - 170 rubles.

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Cetrin and pregnancy: concepts are incompatible

Allergies in pregnant women most often manifest themselves in the form of allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. Less common are skin rashes and bronchial asthma. In all these cases, obstetricians-gynecologists recommend preparing for pregnancy, visiting an allergist in advance and, if necessary, conducting a course of specific treatment.

What to do if allergies get worse during pregnancy

First of all, no amateur activity: all treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor. First, the doctor will try to cope with the allergy using non-drug methods: hypoallergenic diet, excluding possible household allergens (including dust, particles of animal hair, fish scales, and so on).

If it is not possible to help a woman in this way, then drug treatment is prescribed, including the use of the safest antihistamines.

What are the dangers of antihistamines during pregnancy?

Antihistamines are used during pregnancy, but only under strict indications. The fact is that drugs in this group block the action of histamine, a biologically active substance that is not entirely superfluous in the body of a pregnant woman.

With the assistance of histamine, the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus and the embryo develops in it. In later stages of pregnancy, histamine easily passes through the placenta and regulates the metabolism between the mother and fetus. The process of tissue laying and development of fetal organs depends on its influence.

The use of antihistamines can disrupt all these processes. And since practically no clinical trials are conducted on pregnant women, no one can say for sure how this or that antihistamine will affect the condition of the woman and the fetus.

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, these drugs cannot be used categorically, but subsequently they are sometimes used with caution, taking into account all indications and contraindications, the condition of the woman and the fetus. But since there are no thoroughly tested and absolutely safe antihistamines, their use should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

How does tsetrin affect pregnancy?

Cetrin lacks many of the disadvantages of its predecessors, but, like them, cetrin suppresses the action of histamine, so it cannot be absolutely safe. Manufacturers of the drug (Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Redi`s Laboratories LTD) takes into account possible consequences application of this antihistamine on the pregnant woman and fetus and therefore does not recommend its use during pregnancy.

How dangerous is cetrin for a pregnant woman and fetus? No one can answer this question, since there are no adequate clinical trials This drug has not been tested in pregnant women. IN clinical practice Also, there is not yet sufficient experience with its use in pregnant women, since it is a relatively new drug.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should know is that she can take any pills only as prescribed by a doctor, but not on her own.

Questions and answers

  • How quickly does Cetrin ® begin to act?

Cetrin ® begins to act within 20 minutes after administration and quickly relieves various symptoms allergies.

  • How should I take Cetrin ® tablets?

    Unless the doctor recommends otherwise, Cetrin ® is taken 1 tablet 1 time per day. Swallow the tablet whole, without chewing, with a glass of water. You can take Cetrin ® regardless of meals (both on an empty stomach and during or after meals), which is very convenient.

  • How long should I take Cetrin ®?

    The duration of use of the drug Cetrin ® is determined in each specific case by the doctor, depending on the symptoms of the disease and its severity. Can be assigned:

  • a one-time dose of the drug or an as-needed dose - usually in the case of acute reaction when repeated exposure to the allergen is excluded, or for prophylactic purposes before expected contact with the allergen;
  • short course of treatment (1–3 weeks) - for exacerbation of chronic allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • long course of treatment (from several weeks to several months) - for chronic allergic diseases with a persistent course or with prolonged exposure to the allergen.
  • Does addiction develop to the drug Cetrin ®?

    Addiction to the drug Cetrin ® does not develop, so if necessary, it can be used for a long time. For such courses, a convenient package containing 30 tablets is enough for a month of regular use.

  • Can Cetrin ® be used in children?

    Yes. Cetrin ® tablets can be used in children from six years of age.

  • Can Cetrin ® be used by pregnant women?
  • Is it possible to take Cetrin ® with bronchial asthma?

    Antihistamines are not included in standard treatment regimens for bronchial asthma, but they are indicated in the presence of concomitant allergic rhinitis. In this case, Cetrin ® not only relieves the symptoms of rhinitis, but also improves bronchial patency in mild asthma*.
    * Fedoskova T.G. Cetirizine in the treatment of patients with year-round allergic rhinitis associated with atopic bronchial asthma // Russian Allergological Journal. 2007. No. 6.

  • Is it possible to combine Cetrin ® with antiallergic nasal sprays?

    Yes, you can. In addition, this combination is preferable for severe and moderate forms of allergic rhinitis*. Due to its effect on different mechanisms of allergic reaction, both external and system means you can get a more pronounced therapeutic effect.
    * Markova T.P. Bulkina O.Z. Prevention and treatment of allergic rhinitis // RMJ. 2011. No. 7.

  • Is it possible to combine taking Cetrin ® with antibiotics?

    There are no restrictions for the combined use of Cetrin ® and antibiotics. It is only important that this is the recommendation of your attending physician.


    1. Pharmacological action

    The active substance Cetrin has a blocking effect on histamine receptors, thereby reducing the severity and manifestation of allergic reactions. In addition, Cetrin reduces the secretion of secretions and the synthesis of chemicals that promote inflammation, eliminates spasm of smooth muscles, reduces capillary permeability and cell movement immune system throughout the body, eliminates the causes of itching.

    2. indications for use

    • Seasonal and year-round manifestation of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
    • Various skin allergic reactions (as part of a drug complex);
    • Quincke's edema and chronic urticaria.

    3. Method of application

    Children aged 6-12 years take Cetrin half a tablet 2 times a day. Children over 12 years of age and adults take the drug 1 tablet per day. In both cases, Cetrin is washed down with a small amount drinking water. The duration of treatment does not exceed 1 month on average, but if necessary it can last up to six months. Patients suffering functional disorders kidneys, take the drug at half the dose; For patients suffering from functional liver disorders, no dose adjustment is made. Persons whose work is related to active look activities, management complex mechanisms, including various vehicles, Cetrin should be taken with caution. When used in patients under 6 years of age, it is recommended to use the drug in syrup form. Drinking alcoholic beverages during treatment with Cetrin is prohibited!

    4. Side effects

    • Activity violations nervous system(drowsiness, increased fatigue, increased nervous excitability, tremors of limbs, mood changes, insomnia, changes in taste perception);
    • Problems may occur when taking Cetrin digestive system(swelling of the tongue, inflammation of the stomach, impaired liver function, stomatitis, dry mouth, stool disorders);
    • Violation of cardio-vascular system(persistent increase blood pressure, change heart rate);
    • Disturbances of other organs and systems (urinary retention, pain in muscles and blood vessels, inflammation of the pharynx);
    • Various allergic reactions.

    6. During pregnancy and lactation

    Cetrin is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers. If use is necessary, breastfeeding must be discontinued throughout treatment.

    7. Interaction with other drugs

    • When used simultaneously with Theophylline, accumulation of Cetrin is possible;
    • Concomitant use with sedatives should be under the supervision of a physician.

    8. Overdose

    Drowsiness, trembling limbs, itchy skin, urinary retention, increased heart rate, urticaria. There is no antidote to Cetrin. If overdose symptoms occur, the patient undergoes gastric lavage and is prescribed laxatives and drugs that can bind various chemical substances followed by their removal from the body. Monitoring of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems should also be carried out.

    9. Release form

    Cetrin tablets, 10 mg - 20 or 30 pcs. Syrup, 1 mg/1 ml - vial. 30 ml or 60 ml.

    10. Storage conditions

    The drug is stored at room temperature without access to light.

    11. Composition

    1 ml syrup:

    • cetirizine dihydrochloride - 1 mg;
    • Excipients: glycerol, sucrose, benzoic acid, disodium edetate, sorbitol solution, sodium citrate, fruit flavoring, purified water

    1 tablet of Cetrin:

    • cetirizine dihydrochloride - 10 mg;
    • Excipients: lactose, corn starch, povidone (K-30), magnesium stearate.

    12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    The drug is available without a prescription.

    Which is better: Suprastin or Cetrin

    Both drugs are antiallergic drugs, but which one is better? Let's make a small comparison. Instructions for use of the drug Cetrin indicate the main active substance- cetirizine dihydrochloride, and Suprastin - chloropyramine.

    Suprastin is an older drug that more often causes side effects and has a sedative effect. In this case, the drug has a stronger therapeutic effect.

    Cetrin, a more modern drug, does not cause drowsiness and is less likely to cause side effects.

    The choice of drug depends on the severity of the disease. At severe symptoms Suprastin is better suited for allergies and good tolerance. Cetrin, on the other hand, has a milder effect, while also coping well with allergies.

    Compatibility of Cetrin with alcohol

    The instructions indicate that you should refrain from drinking alcohol for the entire duration of treatment with Cetrin, and there are reasons for this:

    • When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it releases toxins, which in turn can cause allergies. In this regard, treatment of the underlying disease will come to naught;
    • If you have a disease such as bronchial asthma, a severe attack may begin while drinking alcohol;
    • Alcohol increases the load on the kidneys and liver, and can also cause side effects from taking the drug.

    It is unknown what exact consequences will result from the simultaneous use of Cetrin with alcohol, so it is better to avoid alcohol.

    How many days can you take Cetrin?

    The duration of use of the drug directly depends on the type and severity of the symptoms of the disease, as well as its severity.

    To eliminate acute allergies, the course of treatment is no more than 10-14 days. Usually, the drug is stopped as soon as allergy symptoms disappear. Continuous treatment with Citrine for acute allergic disease should not be more than 14 days.

    For chronic allergic disease, the duration of treatment when prescribed by a doctor can reach up to 6 months.

    For bronchial asthma in the composition complex treatment Taking the drug can last from 15-20 days. Then, after a week's break, treatment is continued.

    For prevention seasonal allergies Doctors may prescribe the drug for 1-1.5 months.

    Cetrin or Loratadine

    Both medicines They belong to the second generation drugs, have almost the same effectiveness and are prescribed for the treatment of adults and children.

    The instructions for Cetrin indicate that its main active ingredient is cetirizine, and Loratadine is loratadine. Despite the different active ingredients, both drugs have a similar effect, blocking H1 receptors, which contribute to the production of histamine.

    It is difficult to say which drug is better, because Cetrin and Loratadine cope with their task quite effectively. The choice of drug largely depends on individual characteristics organism, Cetrin is more suitable for some, and Loratadine for others.

    How long does it take for Cetrin to work?

    When using an antihistamine, it is especially important for a person to know when its therapeutic effect will occur.

    The time of onset mainly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and may occur earlier in some people and later in others. On average drug Cetrin begins its therapeutic effect after a single dose at a concentration of 10 mg after 20-30 minutes. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached 1 hour after administration.

    The effectiveness of Cetrin continues for more than 24 hours. After a course of treatment, its effectiveness remains for another 3 days.

    Take Cetrin before or after meals

    The instructions for the drug Cetrine indicate that the drug can be taken regardless of food intake. This is due to the fact that food does not affect the completeness of absorption.

    Therefore, Cetrin can be taken on an empty stomach, during or after meals.

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    The pharmacokinetic parameters of cetirizine change linearly when the drug is prescribed at a dose of 5-60 mg.


    After oral administration, cetirizine is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Food intake does not affect the completeness of absorption, although the rate of absorption decreases and the Cmax value decreases by 23%. In adults, after a single dose of the drug in a therapeutic dose, Cmax in the blood plasma is reached after 1±0.5 hours and is 300 ng/ml.


    Plasma protein binding is 93±0.3% and does not change at cetirizine concentrations in the range of 25-1000 ng/ml. Vd is 0.5 l/kg. When taking the drug at a dose of 10 mg for 10 days, no accumulation of cetirizine is observed. Cetirizine is excreted in breast milk.


    In small quantities, it is metabolized in the body by O-dealkylation (unlike other histamine H1 receptor antagonists, which are metabolized in the liver with the participation of the cytochrome P450 system), with the formation of a pharmacologically inactive metabolite.


    In adults, T1/2 is approximately 10 hours. About 2/3 of the dose taken is excreted unchanged in the urine, 10% in feces. Systemic clearance - 53 ml/min.

    Pharmacokinetics in special groups of patients

    In elderly patients and patients with chronic liver diseases, with a single dose of 10 mg, T1/2 increases by approximately 50%, and systemic clearance decreases by 40%.

    T 1/2 in children aged 6 to 12 years is 6 hours, from 2 to 6 years old - 5 hours, from 6 months to 2 years old - 3.1 hours.

    In patients with renal failure mild severity (creatinine clearance >40 ml/min) pharmacokinetic parameters are similar to those in patients with normal renal function. In patients with moderate renal failure and in patients on hemodialysis (HD<7 мл/мин), при приеме препарата внутрь в дозе 10 мг Т 1/2 удлиняется в 3 раза, а общий клиренс снижается на 70% (составляет 0.3 мл/мин/кг), относительно пациентов с нормальной функцией почек, что требует соответствующего изменения режима дозирования. Цетиризин практически не удаляется из организма при гемодиализе.

    In patients with chronic liver diseases (hepatocellular, cholestatic or biliary cirrhosis), there is an increase in T1/2 by 50% and a decrease in total clearance by 40% (adjustment of the dosage regimen is required only with a concomitant decrease in GFR).


    What is histamine and its role in the body of a pregnant woman

    In addition to the fact that histamine is a well-known mediator of allergic reactions, it is also an equally well-known regulator of physiological processes. In the pregnant body, histamine becomes a very important hormone, at the most early stages thanks to this component, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and in later stages, histamine promotes normal development fetus and becomes the main regulator of metabolism.

    The amount of histamine in the mother’s body determines how adequately the baby’s tissues and organs will be formed.

    Cetrin from a series of antihistamines

    Which drug should a pregnant woman suffering from allergies choose? The first thing that comes to mind is Cetrin. The medicine is effective, not very expensive, and advertising is placed in almost all media.
    But such availability of the drug should, at a minimum, make the expectant mother think and consult her doctor.

    Only a specialist can dissuade women who are too keen on self-medication from the need for therapy with conventional drugs. During pregnancy, you need to switch to medications that are less aggressive and more appropriate to the woman’s current condition.

    Cetrin is excluded from their number, but if other anti-allergenic drugs do not help, doctors make an exception by prescribing Cetrin to pregnant women, subject to taking with great caution and constant monitoring on their part.

    Cetrin represents the second generation of antihistamines and differs from the first generation drugs in having a milder effect on receptors and less side effects.

    Composition, effects and pharmacokinetics of the drug

    Active ingredient: Cetrin - cetirizine.


    The active substance binds to receptors at the cellular level and blocks the flow of histamine and prevents the appearance of rash, itching, and hyperemia.

    Another feature of the drug’s effect is that it effectively counteracts the accumulation of eosinophils at the site of inflammation and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

    Cetrizine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and the food intake has virtually no effect on absorption, so there is little difference when to take the tablet: before, after or during meals.

    Metabolic processes are concentrated in the liver, the half-life is from 5 to 12 hours, depending on the age of the patient (the older he is, the longer the elimination).

    The drug is excreted in the urine.

    Indications for use

    Allergic reactions that are seasonal or chronic in nature:

    • allergic rhinitis;
    • allergic conjunctivitis;
    • itching of various origins;
    • hives;
    • Quincke's edema.

    Pregnancy as a contraindication

    In the instructions for the drug, pregnancy and the lactation period are indicated as contraindications to the use of Cetrin. And any doctor will confirm that taking medications that suppress the effect of histamine in pregnant women can cause such Negative consequences as a mental and physical development fetus

    As for the mother’s well-being, pregnant women taking Cetrin often complain about the negative effects of the drug on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

    Therefore, even if your allergies are too painful, do not take the drug yourself - an easy solution can later be very expensive.

    Cetrin by trimester

    1st trimester

    Up to and including the 12th week of pregnancy, Cetrin is strictly contraindicated. During this period, such important processes as the implantation of the egg and the development of the embryo take place in the body of a pregnant woman, so histamine levels cannot be reduced.

    2nd trimester

    The development of fetal organs and systems is very active, as well as metabolic processes, allowing the baby to fully receive all the essentials from the mother’s body. Histamine is involved in these processes, so blocking this component can lead to the baby not getting enough nutrients and slow development.

    The body of a pregnant woman reacts in a unique way to previously familiar foods and phenomena.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that expectant mothers are susceptible to allergic reactions much more often than others: their allergies manifest themselves in both mild and severe forms and depend on the use of certain medications, the consumption of certain foods, or on a certain period of time when plants bloom or fruits ripen.

    The natural desire to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and live full life pregnant women are trying to implement anti-allergenic drugs, but is it possible to use enough strong drugs, most of which have the ability to block histamine?

    What is histamine and its role in the body of a pregnant woman

    In addition to the fact that histamine is a well-known mediator of allergic reactions, it is also an equally well-known regulator of physiological processes.

    In the pregnant body, histamine becomes a very important hormone; in the very early stages, thanks to this component, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and in later stages, histamine contributes to the normal development of the fetus and becomes the main regulator of metabolism.

    The amount of histamine in the mother’s body determines how adequately the baby’s tissues and organs will be formed.

    Cetrin from a series of antihistamines

    Which drug should a pregnant woman suffering from allergies choose? The first thing that comes to mind is Cetrin.

    The medicine is effective, not very expensive, and advertising is placed in almost all media.

    But such availability of the drug should, at a minimum, make the expectant mother think and consult her doctor.

    Only a specialist can dissuade women who are too keen on self-medication from the need for therapy with conventional drugs. During pregnancy, you need to switch to medications that are less aggressive and more appropriate to the woman’s current condition.

    Cetrin is excluded from their number, but if other anti-allergenic drugs do not help, doctors make an exception by prescribing Cetrin to pregnant women, subject to taking with great caution and constant monitoring on their part.

    Cetrin represents the second generation of antihistamines and differs from the first generation drugs in having a milder effect on receptors and less side effects.

    Composition, effects and pharmacokinetics of the drug

    Active ingredient: Cetrin - cetirizine.


    • lactose;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • povidone;
    • corn starch.

    The active substance binds to receptors at the cellular level and blocks the flow of histamine and prevents the appearance of rash, itching, and hyperemia.

    Another feature of the drug’s effect is that it effectively counteracts the accumulation of eosinophils at the site of inflammation and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

    Cetrizine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and the food intake has virtually no effect on absorption, so there is little difference when to take the tablet: before, after or during meals.

    Metabolic processes are concentrated in the liver, the half-life is from 5 to 12 hours, depending on the age of the patient (the older he is, the longer the elimination).

    The drug is excreted in the urine.

    Indications for use

    Allergic reactions that are seasonal or chronic in nature:

    • allergic rhinitis;
    • allergic conjunctivitis;
    • itching of various origins;
    • hives;
    • Quincke's edema.

    Pregnancy as a contraindication

    In the instructions for the drug, pregnancy and the lactation period are indicated as contraindications to the use of Cetrin.

    And any doctor will confirm that taking medications that suppress the effect of histamine in pregnant women can cause such negative consequences as disruption of the mental and physical development of the fetus.

    As for the mother’s well-being, pregnant women taking Cetrin often complain about the negative effects of the drug on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

    Therefore, even if your allergies are too painful, do not take the drug yourself - an easy solution can later be very expensive.

    Cetrin by trimester

    1st trimester

    Up to and including the 12th week of pregnancy, Cetrin is strictly contraindicated. During this period, such important processes as the implantation of the egg and the development of the embryo take place in the body of a pregnant woman, so histamine levels cannot be reduced.

    2nd trimester

    The development of fetal organs and systems occurs very actively, as do metabolic processes that allow the baby to fully receive all the essentials from the mother’s body. Histamine is involved in these processes, so blocking this component can lead to the baby not receiving enough nutrients and slow development.

    3rd trimester

    The baby’s body is practically formed, but this is not a reason to take a drug that is undesirable for pregnant women. Cetrin is prescribed only in exceptional cases and therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Source: http://spuzom.com/cetrin-pri-beremennosti.html

    Cetrin: instructions for use – Yandex.Health

    Film-coated tablets white or almost white, round, biconvex, with a notch on one side.

    Excipients: lactose – 106.5 mg, corn starch – 65 mg, povidone K30 – 2 mg, magnesium stearate – 1.5 mg.

    Film shell composition: hypromellose – 3.3 mg, macrogol 6000 – 0.661 mg, titanium dioxide – 0.706 mg, talc – 1.183 mg, sorbic acid – 0.05 mg, polysorbate 80 – 0.05 mg, dimethicone – 0.05 mg.

    10 pieces. – blisters (2) – cardboard packs.
    10 pieces. – blisters (3) – cardboard packs.

    Histamine H1 receptor blocker. Cetirizine is a metabolite of hydroxyzine, a competitive histamine antagonist. Prevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions, has antipruritic and antiexudative effects.

    Affects the early histamine-dependent stage of allergic reactions, limits the release of inflammatory mediators at the late stage of the allergic reaction, reduces the migration of eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils, stabilizes mast cell membranes.

    Reduces capillary permeability, prevents the development of tissue edema, relieves spasm of smooth muscles. Eliminates skin reaction to histamine injection, specific allergens, as well as cooling (for cold urticaria).

    Reduces histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in mild bronchial asthma.

    Cetirizine does not have anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects. In therapeutic doses it does not have a sedative effect.

    The effect after taking drops in a single dose of 10 mg develops after 20 minutes in 50% of patients and after 60 minutes in 95% of patients, lasting more than 24 hours.

    After taking the tablet, the effect occurs within 20 minutes. During a course of treatment, tolerance to the antihistamine effect of cetirizine does not develop.

    After stopping treatment, the effect lasts up to 3 days.

    The pharmacokinetic parameters of cetirizine change linearly when the drug is prescribed at a dose of 5-60 mg.


    After oral administration, cetirizine is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

    Food intake does not affect the completeness of absorption, although the rate of absorption decreases and the Cmax value decreases by 23%.

    In adults, after a single dose of the drug in a therapeutic dose, Cmax in the blood plasma is reached after 1±0.5 hours and is 300 ng/ml.


    Plasma protein binding is 93±0.3% and does not change at cetirizine concentrations in the range of 25-1000 ng/ml. Vd is 0.5 l/kg. When taking the drug at a dose of 10 mg for 10 days, no accumulation of cetirizine is observed. Cetirizine is excreted in breast milk.


    In small quantities, it is metabolized in the body by O-dealkylation (unlike other histamine H1 receptor antagonists, which are metabolized in the liver with the participation of the cytochrome P450 system), with the formation of a pharmacologically inactive metabolite.


    In adults, T1/2 is approximately 10 hours. About 2/3 of the dose taken is excreted unchanged in the urine, 10% in feces. Systemic clearance – 53 ml/min.

    Pharmacokinetics in special groups of patients

    In elderly patients and patients with chronic liver diseases, with a single dose of 10 mg, T1/2 increases by approximately 50%, and systemic clearance decreases by 40%.

    T1/2 for children aged 6 to 12 years is 6 hours, for children aged 2 to 6 years – 5 hours, for children aged from 6 months to 2 years – 3.1 hours.

    In patients with mild renal failure (creatinine clearance >40 ml/min), pharmacokinetic parameters are similar to those in patients with normal renal function.

    In patients with moderate renal failure and in patients on hemodialysis (creatinine clearance 80 ml/min (normal) or 50-79 ml/min ( mild degree renal failure) the drug is prescribed in the usual dosage regimen - 10 mg (1 tablet or 20 drops)/day.

    At CC from 30 to 49 ml/min (moderate degree of renal failure) the drug is prescribed 5 mg (1/2 tablet or 10 drops) of the drug 1 time/day. At CC from 10 to 29 ml/min (severe stage of renal failure) 5 mg (1/2 tablet or 10 drops) every other day.

    At CC less than 10 ml/min (end-stage renal failure) the use of the drug is contraindicated.

    CC (ml/min) = × body weight (kg)/ 72 × serum CC (mg/dL).

    At combination of renal and liver failure the drug is also prescribed in the above regimen.

    At normal function kidneys, no dosage regimen adjustment is required.

    Elderly patients with normal renal function no dose adjustment is required.

    Possible side effects are listed below by body system and frequency of occurrence: very common (>1/10); often (1/10-1/100); uncommon (1/100-1/1000); rare (1/1000-1/10,000); very rarely (10 ml/min requires adjustment of the dosage regimen); patients with predisposing factors to urinary retention; for epilepsy and patients with increased convulsive readiness; elderly patients (with an age-related decrease in glomerular filtration); V childhood up to 1 year (for drops).

    Experimental studies Animal studies did not reveal any direct or indirect adverse effects of cetirizine on the developing fetus (including

    in the postnatal period), the course of pregnancy and childbirth also did not change.

    Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies on the safety of the drug during pregnancy have not been conducted, therefore cetirizine should not be used during pregnancy.

    Cetirizine is excreted in breast milk, so the issue of discontinuation should be considered. breastfeeding for the period of use of the drug.

    Patients with impaired liver function with normal renal function, no adjustment of the dosage regimen is required. Cetirizine is excreted primarily by the kidneys, when the drug is prescribed patients with renal failure the dose should be adjusted depending on the CC value.

    The use of the drug in the form of drops is contraindicated in children under 6 months of age, due to limited data on the effectiveness and safety of the drug; in tablet form – in children under 6 years of age.

    Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug in the form of drops to children under 1 year of age.

    WITH caution The drug should be prescribed to elderly patients (with an age-related decrease in glomerular filtration).

    In patients with damage spinal cord, hyperplasia prostate gland, as well as in the presence of other predisposing factors to urinary retention, caution is required, because Cetirizine may increase the risk of urinary retention.

    Methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, which are part of the drug in the form of drops, can cause allergic reactions, incl. slow type.

    Before prescribing allergy tests, a three-day “washing out” period is recommended due to the fact that histamine H1 receptor inhibitors (including cetirizine) inhibit the development of skin allergic reactions.

    If the dose is exceeded 10 mg/day, the speed of psychomotor reactions may slow down.

    Use in pediatrics

    Due to the potential depressant effect on the central nervous system, caution should be exercised when prescribing cetirizine drops to children under 1 year of age if the following factors risk of sudden infant death syndrome (but not limited to this list):

    apnea syndrome in sleep or sudden infant death syndrome infancy from a brother or sister;

    – maternal drug or tobacco abuse during pregnancy;

    – young age of mother (19 years and younger);

    – tobacco abuse by a nanny caring for a child (1 pack of cigarettes per day or more);

    – children who regularly fall asleep face down and are not placed on their back;

    – premature (less than 37 weeks of gestation) or low birth weight (below the 10th percentile of gestational age);

    joint use drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

    An objective assessment of the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery did not reliably reveal any adverse events when taking the drug at the recommended dose, but during the treatment period it is advisable to refrain from driving vehicles and other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions. .

    Symptoms: with a single dose of cetirizine 50 mg, confusion, diarrhea, dizziness, increased fatigue were noted, headache, malaise, mydriasis, itching, anxiety, weakness, sedation, drowsiness, stupor, tachycardia, tremor, urinary retention.

    Treatment: immediately after taking the drug - gastric lavage or inducing vomiting. Recommended admission activated carbon, carrying out symptomatic and supportive therapy. There is no specific antidote. Hemodialysis is ineffective.

    When studying the pharmacokinetic interaction of cetirizine with pseudoephedrine, cimetidine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, azithromycin, glipizide, diazepam and antipyrine, no clinically significant adverse interactions were identified.

    When used simultaneously with theophylline (400 mg/day), the total clearance of cetirizine is reduced by 16% (the kinetics of theophylline does not change).

    When used concomitantly with ritonavir, the AUC of cetirizine increased by 40%, while that of ritonavir changed slightly (-11%).

    Simultaneous use with macrolide antibiotics (azithromycin, erythromycin) and ketoconazole does not lead to changes in the ECG of patients.

    At therapeutic doses, cetirizine did not demonstrate clinically significant interaction with ethanol (at a blood ethanol concentration of 0.5 g/l). However, you should avoid drinking alcohol.

    Myelotoxic drugs increase the manifestations of hematotoxicity of the drug.

    The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The shelf life of tablets is 2 years, drops are 3 years.

    The drug is available without a prescription.

    Source: https://health.yandex.ru/pills/cetrin-951


    Cetrin is a drug for relieving allergy symptoms.

    Release form and composition of Cetrin

    Cetrin is available in bottles in the form of a transparent, colorless syrup with a fruity odor and in the form of white, film-coated tablets.

    The main active ingredient of Cetrin is cetirizine dihydrochloride.

    Excipients of Cetrin tablets are corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, povidone. The film shell contains macrogol 6000, talc, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polysorbate 80, sorbic acid, dimethicone.

    The excipients of the syrup are sucrose, glycerol, benzoic acid, disodium edetate, sorbitol solution, sodium citrate, purified water, fruit flavoring.

    Pharmacological action of Cetrin

    Cetrin is a histamine antagonist, H1-histamine receptor blocker, and hydroxyzine metabolite. Facilitates the course of allergy symptoms and prevents their occurrence, has an antiexudative and antipruritic effect.

    Reduces the permeability of small blood vessels, prevents swelling, eliminates smooth muscle spasms.

    Affects initial stage allergy symptoms, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators, the migration of basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils.

    In bronchial asthma, it reduces mild histamine-induced bronchoconstriction. Relieves skin reactions to the introduction of specific allergens, histamine, and cold.

    It has almost no anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects.

    When taking Cetrin in therapeutic doses, there is no sedative effect.

    The drug begins to act 20 minutes after taking it. Valid for more than 24 hours.

    There is no addiction to cetirizine during a course of treatment.

    The effect of Cetrin after the end of its use lasts about 72 hours.

    Indications for use of Cetrin

    According to the instructions, Cetrin is prescribed for:

    Contraindications to the use of Cetrin

    According to the instructions, Cetrin is not used for:

    • hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • and also up to 2 years of age.

    Cetrin is prescribed with caution for moderate and severe chronic renal failure and in old age.

    Directions for use and dosage of Cetrin

    According to indications, Cetrin is taken orally with a few sips of water.

    It is preferable to take the drug at night.

    Drug dosage:

    • adults and children over 6 years old - once a day, 10 mg (or 10 ml of syrup), or twice a day, 5 mg (or 5 ml of syrup).
    • children 2-6 years old - once a day 5 mg or 5 ml of syrup, or twice a day 2.5 mg or 2.5 ml of syrup.
    • patients with impaired renal function - once a day 5 mg (5 ml);
    • patients with severe chronic renal failure - 5 mg (5 ml) every other day.

    In elderly people with unimpaired renal function, no dose adjustment is required.

    Side effects of Cetrin

    According to reviews, Cetrin is generally well tolerated by patients.

    Sometimes the drug may cause side effects in the form of dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, migraine, dizziness, discomfort in gastrointestinal tract(flatulence, abdominal pain, dyspepsia), allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria, angioedema).


    According to reviews of Cetrin, an overdose of the drug is manifested by drowsiness. In case of severe overdose (exceeding the recommended dosage by 30-40 times), anxiety, drowsiness, rash, itching, fatigue, urinary retention, tachycardia, and tremor occur.

    To treat an overdose, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are used if necessary.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Cetrin is not prescribed.

    Interaction with other drugs

    No interactions with erythromycin, pseudoephedrine, ketoconazole, azithromycin, diazepam, cimetidine, or glipizide were detected.

    Prescribing Cetrin together with theophylline reduces the overall clearance of cetirizine. However, the kinetics of theophylline remains unchanged.

    Cetrin should be used with caution when indicated together with sedatives.

    The hematotoxicity of the drug is enhanced by myelotoxic drugs.

    special instructions

    When using Cetrin according to indications, it is necessary to keep in mind that:

    • if you take more than 10 mg of the drug per day, the speed of reactions may decrease;
    • the effect of ethanol is not enhanced by this drug, but drinking alcohol during treatment is not recommended;
    • Care should be taken when performing work that requires quick reactions and high concentration.

    Cetrin's analogs

    Analogues of Cetrin include such drugs as Zintset, Allertek, Zodak, Zirtek, Cetirizine dihydrochloride, Cetirizine, Cetirizine DS, Cetirizine Hexal, Cetirizine TEVA, Cetirinax.

    Storage conditions for Cetrin

    Cetrin should be stored in a dark place, protected from children, at a temperature of no more than 25ºС.

    Source: http://zdorovi.net/preparaty/cetrin.html

    Cetrin: instructions for use

    The drug Cetrin is an antiallergic drug from the group of histamine H1 receptor blockers.

    Release form and composition of the drug

    The drug Cetrin is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

    White tablets, coated with an enteric protective coating, convex on both sides, round, packed in blisters of 10 pieces (1-3) per cardboard box, the drug is accompanied by a detailed annotation describing the drug.

    Each tablet contains 10 mg of the active ingredient - Cetirizine dihydrochloride, as well as a number of additional excipients, including lactose monohydrate.

    Indications for use

    The drug Cetrin is prescribed to patients to quickly relieve allergy attacks and prevent allergic reactions caused by the following conditions:

    • allergic rhinitis, which often occurs during the flowering period of herbs and ragweed;
    • allergic conjunctivitis;
    • urticaria, including the idiopathic form;
    • hay fever;
    • lacrimation and severe rhinorrhea;
    • itching of the skin due to dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
    • angioedema;
    • allergic reaction to UV radiation;
    • allergic reaction to the bites of bees, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies.

    Cetrin tablets are often prescribed to patients prone to allergies as a preventive measure when taking certain medications or eating allergenic foods.


    Cetrin tablets have some restrictions for use, so before starting therapy it is recommended to carefully read the accompanying instructions. The drug is contraindicated in patients with the following conditions:

    • kidney or liver diseases in a severe stage, accompanied by impaired organ function;
    • age up to 6 years (for this dosage form);
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome;
    • acute liver failure.

    The drug also has a number of relative contraindications, when treatment is possible under the supervision of a physician and in the minimally effective dosage. These restrictions are:

    • heart rhythm disturbances, in particular bradycardia;
    • epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system;
    • The patient's age is over 65 years.

    Directions for use and dosage

    Since the drug Cetrin has a prolonged (long-lasting) effect, the tablets are taken only once a day in a dosage of 10 mg, preferably at night. The tablet is swallowed immediately, without crushing, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

    For children over 6 years of age, the dose is calculated individually, depending on body weight. Therapy begins with 5 mg (1/2 tablet) 1 time per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor for each individual patient.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    Research and clinical trials of the drug Cetrin and its effect on pregnancy and intrauterine development fetuses were not carried out. Given the lack of information about the safety of tablets for mother and fetus, Cetrin is not prescribed to pregnant women.

    The active ingredient of the tablets is excreted in breast milk and can enter the baby’s body, so Cetirizine is not recommended for nursing mothers. If therapy is necessary for a nursing mother, it is recommended to resolve the issue of ending lactation.

    Side effects

    In most cases, Cetrin is well tolerated by patients, but if the dose is exceeded, hypersensitivity to the components of the tablet, or intolerance to the components of the tablet, side effects may develop:

    • from the digestive canal - dry mouth, severe thirst, heaviness in the stomach, burning along the esophagus, lack of appetite, sometimes nausea, constipation, liver dysfunction, increased activity of liver transminases;
    • from the nervous system - dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue, headache, irritability, apathy;
    • allergic reactions - skin rash, itchy skin, hives, red spots on the cheeks, cough and sore throat of an allergic nature;
    • from the cardiovascular system - changes in blood pressure, palpitations, chest pain, bradycardia, heart rhythm disturbances.

    If one or more side effects occur, treatment with the drug should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.


    In the case of regularly exceeding the prescribed dose or prolonged uncontrolled use of tablets in large quantities, the patient develops signs of overdose, which are clinically manifested by an increase in the described side effects, depression of consciousness, increased blood pressure and intraocular pressure, development of renal and liver failure.

    Treatment of overdose consists of immediate discontinuation of drug therapy, gastric lavage, administration of entrosorbents and symptomatic therapy if necessary. Until the condition stabilizes, the patient should be under the supervision of a physician.

    Interaction of the drug with other drugs

    When Cetrin tablets are prescribed simultaneously with Theophylline, the clearance of Cetirizine decreases, which should be taken into account and this drug interaction should be avoided.

    Under the influence of the drug Cetrin, the therapeutic effect is enhanced sedatives, antidepressants and psycholeptics, so the patient may experience drowsiness, lethargy, and lethargy with this drug interaction.

    special instructions

    Cetrin tablets should be prescribed with caution to elderly patients, as they have reduced glomerular filtration in the kidneys, which increases the risk of developing kidney side effects.

    During treatment with Cetrin tablets, you should not drink alcohol, as this increases the risk of developing side effects from the central nervous system and increases the likelihood toxic damage liver.

    The drug in this dosage form not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, since there is no experience with the use of tablets in this age category, and the safety of the drug has not been established. If it is necessary to prescribe an antihistamine for children under 6 years of age, the doctor selects medicinal product in the form of oral drops.

    During drug therapy, you should refrain from driving a car or operating equipment that requires increased concentration. This is due to the likelihood of sudden dizziness and drowsiness under the influence of the tablets.

    Analogues of Cetrin tablets

    Analogues of the drug Cetrin are:

    • Zyrtec drops and tablets;
    • Cetirizine tablets and drops for oral administration;
    • Zodak drops;
    • Zodak Express tablets;
    • Claritin tablets, syrup;
    • Loratadine.

    Before replacing a prescribed drug with its analogue, you should read the attached instructions for contraindications and age restrictions.

    Conditions of release and storage

    Cetrin tablets are sold from pharmacies without a prescription. It is recommended to store the drug out of the reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The shelf life of the tablets from the date of manufacture is 2 years; do not take orally after the expiration date.

    Cetrin price

    The cost of the drug Cetrin in Moscow pharmacies averages 175 rubles.

    Cetrin is an antihistamine third generation, The manufacturer of which is the Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. Its main action is aimed at preventing the manifestation of allergic reactions and alleviating their symptoms.

    If allergy treatment is started on time, when the first signs appear, then the drug is able to completely block unpleasant reactions; in advanced forms - reduce inflammation, swelling, spasms. The therapeutic effect of Cetrin is manifested in the provision of antipruritic, antiexudative and antiallergic effects.

    The drug also causes inhibition of the synthesis of irritants, a decrease in leukocyte lineage cells, and increases the capacity of capillaries, thereby stopping the manifestation of symptoms of allergic reactions.

    Release form

    Cetrin is presented on the pharmacological market in the form of soluble-coated tablets, drops for internal use and syrup.


    The main active ingredient of Cetrin is cetirizine. This substance prevents itching, rashes and other allergic reactions by binding to receptors at the cellular level and blocking the flow of histamine.

    The effect of cetirizine appears 20–60 minutes after taking the drug, the duration of its effect lasts for a day or three after stopping use.

    Cetirizine does not have a cardiotoxic sedative effect, so taking the drug does not cause drowsiness.

    The following are used as auxiliary components:

    • In tablet form- lactose (milk sugar), corn starch, magnesium stearate.
    • In drops- glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium hydrogen phosphate.
    • In syrup- sucrose, benzoic acid, 70% sorbitol solution, flavoring.

    Indications for use

    Cetrin is prescribed for chronic or seasonal allergic reactions:

    • Allergic rhinitis.
    • Conjunctivitis of allergic origin.
    • Drug and food allergies.
    • Dermatoses of allergic origin.
    • Hives.
    • Quincke's edema.

    Can pregnant women drink?

    Cetrin did not pass clinical trials on pregnant women, therefore there is no official data on its effect on the formation and development of the embryo.

    In the instructions for the medicine, pregnancy and lactation are indicated in the list of contraindications for taking the drug. This is explained simply: cetirizine, the main active ingredient, is able to penetrate the placenta and even enter breast milk.

    The consequences of taking the drug have not been fully studied, but can be very negative, even affecting the mental and physical development of the unborn child.

    Taking Cetrin is possible only in the most extreme cases, when allergies cannot be managed with the help of other drugs and methods, and only after consultation with a doctor, under his constant supervision.

    In the early stages

    The hormone histamine plays an important role in the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester: it is involved in the process of attaching the egg to the wall of the uterus. It is impossible to reduce the concentration of histamine in the blood, therefore Taking Cetrin before week 12 is strictly prohibited.

    Violation of the prohibition can affect the normal course of pregnancy, because during the first three months the fertilized egg is consolidated and all organs of the embryo are formed.

    In the 2nd trimester

    The toxic effect of Cetrin on the fetus is minimized in the 2nd trimester. The already more or less strengthened embryo continues to actively develop, receiving all the necessary useful material from the mother's body. Histamine is also involved in this process; its suppression can provoke slow development of the baby.

    Taking an antihistamine is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all indications and contraindications, subject to constant monitoring of the condition of the woman and the unborn child.

    In the 3rd trimester

    The unborn child is practically formed by the third trimester, within last months he is gaining weight rapidly. But histamine continues to play important role in a woman’s body, regulating the metabolic process and influencing the development of organs and tissues of the fetus. Therefore, Cetrin can be taken in cases of emergency and under medical supervision.

    How to use?

    More often Pregnant women are prescribed the drug in tablet form: 2 times a day, half a tablet (5 mg cetirizine), while daily dose for an adult – a whole tablet (10 mg of cetirizine) once a day.

    For pregnant women with kidney or liver problems, the recommended dose is ½ tablet once every 2 days. But perhaps the doctor will prescribe a different treatment regimen.

    The drug can be taken before, during, after meals, since the active substance is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, and diet has virtually no effect on this process.


    1. The drug is excreted from the body in the urine, so those who have a history of kidney problems should avoid taking it.
    2. Also, women with various diseases liver.
    3. If pregnancy itself is not considered a contraindication to taking Cetrin, then the first trimester must definitely proceed without this medicine. A still weak placenta is not able to protect the fetus from the toxic effects of the drug, and this is fraught with serious pathological disorders: fetal hypoxia, spontaneous abortion.

    Adverse reactions

    In case of an overdose of Cetrin or sensitivity to its individual components, the following side effects are possible:

    • Headache.
    • Tremor of the upper extremities.
    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Tachycardia.
    • Dizziness.
    • Dry mouth.
    • Signs of intoxication.
    • Increased fatigue.
    • State of depression, confusion.

    If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you should immediately stop taking the drug and immediately visit the doctor who prescribed this medicine.


    All of the drugs listed below have general characteristic: They block histamine in a woman’s body. Therefore, they should be used only after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision. Also, all medications are not recommended to be taken in the first trimester.

    • Suprastin– a fast-acting drug that can cope with the manifestations of allergic reactions. It is considered one of the most gentle medicines for a pregnant woman.
    • Diazolin- one of the most famous antihistamines that copes with allergies even in chronic form. One of the disadvantages is the short duration of the effect: the medicine must be taken three times a day.
    • Loratadine (Claritin)– drugs in which the main active ingredient, loratadine, provides a rapid effect on the woman’s body, as a result of which relief occurs within 15 to 20 minutes after administration.
    • Zodak (Zyrtec)main component The drugs are the same as in Cetrin - cyterezine, so the prescription is possible if the issue of normalizing the mother’s well-being is more important than the possible risks of fetal development.
    • Fenistil- one of the safest drugs, which is prescribed even to infants. Available in the form of drops and gel.

    Folk remedies and methods of prevention

    In the treatment of any disease during pregnancy, it is more advisable for the expectant mother to resort to help traditional medicine. Alternative Methods treatments are not inferior in their effect pharmacological drugs, but in terms of the naturalness of the components used, they are significantly superior to them.

    Pregnant women can use one of the following recipes, but it would be better if this also happens after consulting a doctor:

    1. Nasal congestion and allergic rhinitis can be relieved or cured with inhalations based on essential oils(eucalyptus tea tree, pine, fir, creeping thyme, lemongrass). You can also pour into the nebulizer mineral water without gases and breathe its vapors for a while.
    2. Drops made from aloe juice or Kalanchoe drops can reduce the amount of nasal discharge. These same drops will help cope with nasal congestion without having a vasoconstrictor effect, which can provoke fetal hypoxia.
    3. Decoctions will help cope with bronchospasm, prepared on the basis of plantain, chamomile, wormwood, sage, St. John's wort, nettle, yarrow. To prepare them you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. The resulting decoctions can be rinsed oral cavity, but it can be taken orally only in the early stages.
    4. Skin itching can be reduced by compresses based on oak bark decoction.(100 g of the substance is boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour). Rosehip oil will also help: take it orally (1 tsp 3 times a day) or rub it on problem areas of the skin.
    5. Fresh cabbage leaf is the best option for solving the problem of skin dermatitis at all times. It is tied to the problem area for several hours, periodically replacing it with a fresh one.

    An allergy attack can “break out” at the most inopportune moment. Unfortunately, waiting for a child is no exception. For the expectant mother At this time, it is necessary to think first of all about the baby and his normal development, so taking any medications is possible only after consulting a doctor.

    Cetrin – Possible Solution problems, but only in the second trimester. Do not self-medicate: it can cost you a lot!

    The body of a pregnant woman reacts in a unique way to previously familiar foods and phenomena. Therefore, it is not surprising that expectant mothers are susceptible to allergic reactions much more often than others: their allergies manifest themselves in both mild and severe forms and depend on the use of certain medications, the consumption of certain foods, or on a certain period of time when plants bloom or fruits ripen.

    Pregnant women try to realize their natural desire to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and live a full life through anti-allergenic drugs, but is it possible to use sufficiently strong drugs, most of which have the ability to block histamine?

    What is histamine and its role in the body of a pregnant woman

    In addition to the fact that histamine is a well-known mediator of allergic reactions, it is also an equally well-known regulator of physiological processes. In the pregnant body, histamine becomes a very important hormone; in the very early stages, thanks to this component, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and in later stages, histamine contributes to the normal development of the fetus and becomes the main regulator of metabolism.

    The amount of histamine in the mother’s body determines how adequately the baby’s tissues and organs will be formed.

    Cetrin from a series of antihistamines

    Which drug should a pregnant woman suffering from allergies choose? The first thing that comes to mind is Cetrin. The medicine is effective, not very expensive, and advertising is placed in almost all media.
    But such availability of the drug should, at a minimum, make the expectant mother think and consult her doctor.

    Only a specialist can dissuade women who are too keen on self-medication from the need for therapy with conventional drugs. During pregnancy, you need to switch to medications that are less aggressive and more appropriate to the woman’s current condition.

    Cetrin is excluded from their number, but if other anti-allergenic drugs do not help, doctors make an exception by prescribing Cetrin to pregnant women, subject to taking with great caution and constant monitoring on their part.

    Cetrin represents the second generation of antihistamines and differs from the first generation drugs in having a milder effect on receptors and less side effects.

    Composition, effects and pharmacokinetics of the drug

    Active ingredient: Cetrin - cetirizine.


    • lactose;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • povidone;
    • corn starch.

    The active substance binds to receptors at the cellular level and blocks the flow of histamine and prevents the appearance of rash, itching, and hyperemia.

    Another feature of the drug’s effect is that it effectively counteracts the accumulation of eosinophils at the site of inflammation and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

    Cetrizine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and the food intake has virtually no effect on absorption, so there is little difference when to take the tablet: before, after or during meals.

    Metabolic processes are concentrated in the liver, the half-life is from 5 to 12 hours, depending on the age of the patient (the older he is, the longer the elimination).

    The drug is excreted in the urine.

    Indications for use

    Allergic reactions that are seasonal or chronic in nature:

    • allergic rhinitis;
    • allergic conjunctivitis;
    • itching of various origins;
    • hives;
    • Quincke's edema.

    Pregnancy as a contraindication

    In the instructions for the drug, pregnancy and the lactation period are indicated as contraindications to the use of Cetrin. And any doctor will confirm that taking medications that suppress the effect of histamine in pregnant women can cause such negative consequences as disruption of the mental and physical development of the fetus.

    As for the mother’s well-being, pregnant women taking Cetrin often complain about the negative effects of the drug on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

    Therefore, even if your allergies are too painful, do not take the drug yourself - an easy solution can later be very expensive.

    Cetrin by trimester

    1st trimester

    Up to and including the 12th week of pregnancy, Cetrin is strictly contraindicated. During this period, such important processes as the implantation of the egg and the development of the embryo take place in the body of a pregnant woman, so histamine levels cannot be reduced.

    2nd trimester

    The development of fetal organs and systems occurs very actively, as do metabolic processes that allow the baby to fully receive all the essentials from the mother’s body. Histamine is involved in these processes, so blocking this component can lead to the baby not receiving enough nutrients and slow development.

    3rd trimester

    The baby’s body is practically formed, but this is not a reason to take a drug that is undesirable for pregnant women. Cetrin is prescribed only in exceptional cases and therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

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